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Bengkulu, March 17, 2014 Attention to: Human Resources Departement P !

uprima Mitra A"ihusa"a Dearest, # ha$e alrea"% kno&n a'out %our compan% an" # am sure that %our compan% is one o( the lea"ing companies in #n"onesia) *n this goo" opportunit%, # &oul" like to appl% as a Occupational Doctor in %our compan%. # o'taine" m% Degree in Ma% 2012 (rom +acult% o( Me"icine o( ,ni$ersit% o( -ampung) # ha$e ac.uainte" m%sel( &ith a range o( me"ical skills) # 'elie$e that # ha$e passionate an" enterprising spirit to gro& %our compan% in (orming (uture) # &ill 'e $er% appreciate" i( %ou coul" gi$e in opportunit% to &ork in %our compan%) Here&ith # enclose m% curriculum $itae, &hich &ill gi$e "etails o( m% .uali(ication # sincerel% hope that m% .uali(ication are o( interest to %ou an" look (or&ar" to %our repl% !incerel% %ours,

Dr) Han"ihka Rama"han Phone: 0/12 /0 1121 10


3un 4 3an 2014 Pus es!as Tela"a # $ep. Riau Pro%ince PTT Doctor Working as family doctor for more than 400 peoples

of Telaga Island. The challenge is changing mindset about health because they live in isolated island around South China Sea.

!ept 4 Ma% 2015 General Practitioner

&ua' (ati (ospital ) Pa!ulan"

Working as emergency doctor of hospital which pregnant woman and baby are spesific based with complete facilities. There were such wide variety of clinical cases in here because of various lifestyle patients.

Ma% 4 Aug 2012 Melia Medi a Clinic # Tan"eran" Medical Doctor Clinic with !4 hour"services. #oing routine clinical
work managerial work health education for the patients.

Ma% 4 Aug 2012 Medical Doctor Ra!*anan Clinic # Tan"eran"

Clinic with !4 hour"services. #oing routine clinical work managerial work health education for the patients.


+e' 2014 Occupational (ealt' trainin" + Industrial (,"iene -(IPER$ES + $./0 1a arta Ma% 2012 Ad%anced Cardiac Li2e Support -ACLS/0 1a arta Ma% 2012 ECG Course0 1a arta Apr 2012 Ad%anced Neurolo", Li2e Support -ANLS/0 1a arta


Ma% 2012 Facult, o2 Medicine 3ni%ersit, o2 La!pun"0 Medical Doctor &andar La!pun" ( A Acreditation from BAN. PT ) 3an 2010 &ac'elor o2 Facult, o2 Medicine 3ni%ersit, o2 La!pun"0 Medicine &andar La!pun" ( A Acreditation from BAN.
PT )

2000 (i"' Sc'ool SMA N 40 Tan"eran"


+e' 2015 C'ild Neurode%elop!ent0 Solo +e' 2015 T'e 6t' Scienti2ic Meetin" on (,pertention0 1a arta *ct 2012 Molecular Medicine0 Tan"eran" *ct 2012 Psc'oso!atic Medicine0 Tan"eran" !ep 2012 Across t'e &oundar, o2 Cardio%as ular Disease0 Tan"eran" 6o$ 2007 Titi $ritis dan Serti2i asi (alal Produ Pan"an0 La!pun" 3an 2007 $etan""apdaruratan !edis dan $epencintaala!an0 La!pun" 6o$ 2002 Diet &erdasar an Golon"an Dara'0 La!pun" !ep 2002 &e Prepared For T'e Glo*al Disaster0 La!pun"


E7pected Salar, $round %&.000.000 idr ' month 3un 4 3an 2014 Pus es!as Tela"a # $ep. Riau Pro%ince PTT Doctor $round %!.000.000 idr ' month !ept 4 Ma% 2015 &ua' (ati (ospital ) Pa!ulan" General $round (.000.000 idr ' month Practitioner Melia Medi a Clinic # Tan"eran" Ma% 4 Aug 2012 $round &.000.000 idr ' month Medical Doctor Pra!*anan Clinic # Tan"eran" Ma% 4 Aug 2012 $round &.000.000 idr ' month Medical Doctor

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