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CLVR777 + CROK777 INSIGNATE MILITARY ENGINEERING SERVICE by Mahaveer Janapala Did you find anytime a serviceman whose cleverness

is greater than +777? But very unfortunate to say that its smartness is just damn shit of those who are crooked -777. If thou are fooled then obviously I am wise. Laths have been killed but fortunately it has been beheaded to be reborn to psychos. What disgust that in one life you have to fight with Sunnis in next born in midst of Aryans who tussle with it? Oh! Who will liberate from this double impact? What will penetrate their heart? For in this course of time we will see many those whose Dhram is Vysa but Math Vrsa who climb the steps of prosperity but society ridiculous it for it is nothing but a Stuart horse. Is that it Kshtriya? For when sword kshtriya when missiles cowards. As kshtriyas belong to Krishnan family any religious word like Christian, Muslim, Hindu, and Aryan ... should not be used for political purpose. 1 + Hindu = Krishnan; 1 + Krishnan = Buddhism; 1 + Buddhism = Pavitratamen; 1 + Pavitratamen = Pretatamen; By the by: 1 + Pasture = ?; 1 + Mass = ?; 1 + Catholic = ?; 1 + Protestant = ?; 1 + = ?; 1 + = ?: 1 + 1 = 1 0; Mad for gals 1 + 7 = 1 0 0 0; Sad of lecture 1 + 9 = 1 0 1 0. There is need to maintain coherence between cleverness and crookedness. There is no need to toil in blood to eradicate terrorism for they seem to be just riddles which have to be solved. Baba Baba Black Sheep Have You Any Wool? Yes, Sir! Yes, Sir! Three, Bags Full Need to ask! How can black sheep have favorable wool? 1 + Sunni =? Will obviously trance them but 1 + =? ( 1 + =?) Will vanish them may to their core planet none to our concern? Because at Limit of Proportionality (LoP) material will develop minimum extra energy before it breaks. Is it compressive stress under bending compression, cbc = 0.67 fy (1 /)? For Beam: = L/25; cbc = 0.67 fy [1 (/2)2(/180)]; For Column: = H/250; cbc = 0.67 fy [1 52 (/180)]. Because right Dhram Hindu Math Krishnan! Finance vital than employee; Money more than labor; Talent footpath material; its religion not prosubstitution; its harlotry not prostitution these principles have to be followed to live in a corporate world will eradicates all sorts of riots; tumult and chaos in this utilize and discard society to enter a new indifferent globe. Is there any need to venture into synthetic yarn (+7.7); linen (+5.0) and opium (+1.97) obviously being very handy? Free Skynet can be provided in Hyderabad with three dishes one at Fateh Maidan; one at North-West Parade Ground; Ayyappa Temple Lakadavala, Bolaram which have provision for cloud destroyer with frequency, f < 1 Hz converts heavy granules into water vapor obviously Income Tax Department (ITD) Permanent Account Number (PAN) will become mobile number. Professionals should develop further free online courses Test in Ten Commandments; Tenth Pass; Degree in Engineering (<1.05) because for Masters in Technology (M.Tech: 1.85) society cannot pay. LKG to IX Class some software course. Forget not Test in Theology. Family Church Society 1 + =? 1 + PASTURE =? 1 + GUN =? 1 + OTY =? 1 + KALISHIA =? 1 + SUNNI =? 1 + =? 1 + 1 =? 1 + 1 = 2 - 0 DEC2BIN (39591) = 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 1; DEC2BIN (14001) = 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 1
Better to consider medicine as food supplements rather than mere tablets!

Add-on: Military Strategy It is a set of ideas implemented by military organizations to pursue desired strategic goals. Derived from the Greek strategos, strategy when it appeared in use during the 18th century was seen in its narrow sense as the "art of the general", 'the art of arrangement' of troops. Military strategy deals with the planning and conduct of campaigns, the movement and disposition of forces, and the deception of the enemy. Military strategy is the planning and execution of the contest between groups of armed adversaries. Strategy, which is a sub discipline of warfare and of foreign policy, is a principal tool to secure national interests. It is larger in perspective than military tactics, which involves the disposition and maneuver of units on a particular sea or battlefield, but less broad than grand strategy otherwise called national strategy, which is the overarching strategy of the largest of organizations such as the nation state, confederation, or international alliance and involves using diplomatic, informational, military and economic resources. Military strategy involves using military resources such as people, equipment, and information against the opponent's resources to gain supremacy or reduce the opponent's will to fight, developed through the precepts of military science. Many military strategists have attempted to encapsulate a successful strategy in a set of principles: 1. Objective (Direct every military operation towards a clearly defined, decisive, and attainable objective) 2. Offensive (Seize, retain, and exploit the initiative) 3. Mass (Concentrate combat power at the decisive place and time) 4. Economy of Force (Allocate minimum essential combat power to secondary efforts) 5. Maneuver (Place the enemy in a disadvantageous position through the flexible application of combat power) 6. Unity of Command (For every objective, ensure unity of effort under one responsible commander) 7. Security (Never permit the enemy to acquire an unexpected advantage) 8. Surprise (Strike the enemy at a time, at a place, or in a manner for which he is unprepared) 9. Simplicity (Prepare clear, uncomplicated plans and clear, concise orders to ensure thorough understanding) Netwar is a form of low intensity conflict, crime, and activism waged by actors using social networking services. Typical netwar actors might include transnational terrorists, criminal organizations, activist groups, and social movements that employ decentralized, flexible network structures. The high flexibility and reconfigurability inherent in the network structure creates a challenge in maintaining its effectiveness. Arquilla and Ronfeldt identify four areas that affect the strength of a network: Organization what type of network is employed, and to what extent are the actors networked?

Doctrine what motivates the use of the network form, what keeps it from falling apart, and how does the organization operate without central leadership? Technology what communication technology is being used, and how? Social ties how much interpersonal trust exists within the network?

With this rubric, the strength of a netwar actor corresponds to how highly networked it is, whether its doctrine sustains the network and guides its members, how effectively technology is used to maintain the network, and how much interpersonal trust there is between nodes in the network. Networks with many leaders, or no leader, may maintain coordination through a combination of powerful doctrine, ideology, shared beliefs, and/or common interests. This allows all the members of the network to maintain a common objective despite great personal or group autonomy. In other words, this provides an ideational, strategic, and operational centrality that allows for tactical decentralization.

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