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Chapter 9 Life Span Development Developmental Psychology: the study of how people change throughout their life span

Ways to study developmental psychology o Cross-sectional study:

o Cohort effects

o Longitudinal studies

o Biographical study Prenatal development: development from conception to birth Fertilized egg embryo fetus

Critical period: when the fetus can be affected by harmful substances Fetal alcohol syndrome

New born babies (neonates) Newborns have many reflexes such as: Rooting reflex

Sucking reflex

Swallowing reflex

Grasping reflex

Stepping reflex:

Temperament Easy


Slow to warm up


Perceptual abilities of infants Vision

Depth Perception

Other Senses

Infancy and Childhood Physical Development

Motor Development

Occurs in a proximodistal fashion

Cognitive Development Piagets Stages of Cognitive Development Sensory motor stage (birth to about 2)

Development of object permanence

Mental representations

Preoperational stage (about 2 to about 7)


Concrete operational stage (about 7 to about 11) Principle of conservation

Formal operational stage

Criticisms of Piagets theory

Moral Development: Kohlberg Preconventional


Post conventional

Criticisms of Kohlberg

Language Development

Theories of Language Development Skinners reinforcement view

Chromskys language acquisition device

Social Development Parent-child relationships in infancy: Development of attachment

Humans dont imprint , they form attachments

Erik Erikson

Trust vs mistrust



Parent child relationships in childhood Authoritarian



Relationships with other children Different play styles o Solitary play

Parallel play

o Cooperative play

Sex-role Development Gender identity

Gender Constancy

Gender role awareness

Gender stereotypes

Sex-typed behavior

Television and children

Adolescence Physical changes Sexual development Puberty


Early and Late Developers

o Adolescent sexual activity

Cognitive changes o Imaginary audience

o Personal fable

Personality and social development o How stormy and stressful is adolescence?

o Forming an identity Identity formation

Identity crisis


Identity diffusion

o Relationships with peers Cliques

o Relationships with parents

Some problems of adolescence

o Depression and suicide

o Youth Violence Warning signs of potential violence Lack of connection Masking emotions Withdrawal Silence Rage Increased lying Trouble with friends Hypervigilance Cruelty to other children and animals Other causes for concern regarding acting out violently If they come from a family with a history of criminal violence Child has been abused Belongs to a gang Abuses drugs or alcohol Problems at school Young and Middle Adulthood o Forming partnerships

o Parenthood

o Divorce

The World of Work o Dual-career families

Cognitive changes

Personality changes o Midlife crisis

o Midlife transition

The change of life

Late Adulthood Social Changes: gradually occur in 3 stages o Shrinkage of life space

o Increased individuality

o Acceptance

Cognitive Changes

Facing the end of life o Stages of dying o Denial o Anger o Bargaining o Depression o Acceptance

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