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1. Combine the egg whites, sugar, and salt in a bowl (I used the bowl of my stand mixer). 2.

Place the bowl over a pan of simmering water. The bowl should not touch the water, nor should the water be at a rolling boil. It's the steam that's going to heat the egg whites, since we don't want scrambled eggs. 3. Heat the egg white mixture until it reaches 145-150 degrees fahrenheit, whisking frequently so as not to get scrambled eggs. 4. Remove the bowl from the heat, and whip the egg whites on medium high using the whisk attachment of your stand mixer. 5. Whip the egg whites until they become fluffy and double in volume. The bowl should be cool to the touch (this will usually take several minutes). 6. Turn the mixer down to medium low, and add the butter in one chunk at a time, until it has all been incorporated. 7. If the mixture looks curdled at this point, this is normal. Just keep whipping for a few more minutes until it comes together. If the mixture looks soupy, you can add a few cubes of chilled butter, or stick the whole bowl in the refrigerator for about 15 minutes and then continue beating. 8. Once the buttercream has become smooth, and the Nutella and beat until incorporated. 9. Transfer the buttercream into an 18 inch piping bag and pipe onto the cooled cupcakes.

ingrediente: - 100 gr biscuiti digestivi farmitati - 50 gr unt topit - 1 lingura zahar - 450 gr crema de branza - 130 gr zahar - 2 oua - praf de sare - 1 lingurita esenta de vanilie (naturala, facuta de mine din pastai de vanilie ) - coaja rasa de lamaie - 120 ml smantana metoda: - se amesteca biscuitii cu untul si lingura de zahar; se imparte compozitia in 12 hartiute pentru briose care se aseaza in tava speciala; se pune in frigider; - pentru stratul cu crema de branza toate ingredientele trebuie sa fie la temepratura camerei: se bate crema de branza cu mixerul la viteza mica pana devine spumoasa, apoi se adauga zaharul; se inglobeaza si ouale in compozitie, unul cate unul; pentru a avea o compozitie uniforma se curata de cateva ori peretii vasului cu o spatula; se adauga praful de sare, esenta de vanilie si coaja de lamaie, iar la final smantana; - se imparte compozitia in cele 12 forme deasupra crustelor de biscuiti; - se coc prajiturelele timp de 15-20 de minute la 150 grade; se scot din

cuptor cand mariginile sunt bine inchegate dar mijlocul are inca o consistenta gelatinoasa; se lasa la racit la temperatura camerei , apoi in frigider cateva ore - cel mai bine peste noapte. Se decoreaza cu bucati de fructe, sosuri de frute sau ciocolata. De data aceasta am facut un sos din merisoare+strugurei+afine puse de noi la congelat - fierte cu putin zahar vanilat si pasate cu un blender.

150g ................................ Carrot, peeled and finely grated 1 ....................................... Egg 2tbsp .............................. Crme Frache 60g ................................. Sugar 120ml ............................ Corn oil 1tsp ................................ Vanilla bean paste 30g ................................. Golden raisin 30g ................................. Walnut, chopped 110g ............................... All purpose flour tsp ............................. Baking soda tsp ............................. Baking powder tsp ............................. Salt tsp ............................. Cinnamon powder Cream cheese Frosting 80g ................................. Butter, soft 140g ............................... Cream cheese 160g ............................... Icing sugar tsp ............................. Vanilla extract
Preheat the oven to 170C Line 8 muffin pans with paper case Sift flour, baking soda, baking powder, salt and cinnamon powder together, set aside.

Mix Crme Frache, corn oil, and egg together. Add the carrot, sugar and vanilla bean paste beat to combine.

Pour half of the flour mixture fold to combine, follow by the golden raisin and walnut and finished with the rest of the flour.

Put the batter into the pan and bake for 25-28 minutes or until the cake spring bake when press it lightly. Take out of the oven, let the cakes cool in the pan for 5 minutes, then take the cakes out off the pan and cool in on the wire rack.

Make the cream cheese frosting by beating butter and cream cheese together until soft, sift the icing sugar into the bowl, beat until the frosting is light and fluffy.

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