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Press Release

National Unity and Social Coexistence Conference

Doha, 2-3 April 2014

The Ministry of Endowment and Islamic Affairs State of Qatar is delighted to announce its forthcoming conference; National Unity and Social Coexistence, to be held on Wednesday and Thursday, nd and !rd of A"ril #$% at The &it'()arlton, *oha+ A number of distinguished scholars, academics, "oliticians and members of the international media are amongst the e,"ected attendees+ The conference will address the challenges as well as re-iew the significant changes "lace in the Arab world+ Whilst "ro-iding recommendations aimed at strengthening national unity, the conference also aims to encourage an o"en, scholarly dialogue on religious and ethnic "luralism and enhanced coe,istence; building bridges amongst all grou"s and communities in the Arab world+ National Unity and Social Coexistence will re(e-aluate traditional inter"retations and /uris"rudence, articulating an urgent need to re/ect ill(informed unenlightened inter"retations and e,"loitati-e "olicies which often s"ill(o-er to communal -iolence and conflict+ 0earned scholars will "resent and discuss, shedding new light and "ers"ecti-es, "ointing to the fortifying nature of coe,istence and "luralism in the de-elo"ment and growth of Arab societies+ The Arabs ha-e traditionally ado"ted and de-elo"ed a -ariety of means to manage their differences, creating tolerant en-ironments of "luralistic coe,istence+ This was reflected in their well(de-elo"ed "olitical, economic and legal systems during that time, securing "eace, "ros"erity, national unity and cohesion, and fostering "eaceful coe,istence and interactions with neighbouring states+ In this s"irit, the National Unity and Social Coexistence Conference aims to re-isit that history, to hel" re(ignite the same .ind of tolerance and "luralism in today1s Arab societies+

The )onference see.s to reaffirm the -alues of coe,istence and national unity in the history of the societies of the Arab world, "utting forth religious, cultural and historical "arallels and to re-iew a""roaches to counter religious militancy and e,tremism+ The ultimate goal will be to confront hatred, bigotry and all manifestations of sectarian tension, which tend to be based on flawed readings of doctrinal heritage and tradition, often moti-ated by "olitical e,"ediency+

We antici"ate a rich dialogue and e,tensi-e discussions scrutinising these critical issues by a team of highly s"ecialised international "artici"ants+

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