How To Fix A Bricked Linksys Router

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How to fix a Bricked Linksys Router

The following simple solution explains how to fix a bricked Linksys router. Tested on a Linksys WRT54G router. Typically a router can become bricked if a firmware update was unsuccessful. any people think that their Linksys router is no longer any good because they cannot access the Linksys admin panel after a failed firmware update. !owe"er# in most cases# a bricked Linksys router is completely repairable and simply re$uires a new means of flashing to get it back up and running again. Fixing a Bricked Linksys Router: Note: %f you ha"e attempted a flash update and it failed# this tutorial is for you. &efore proceeding# disable any wireless connections. We will be working "ia a wired port to communicate and repair the broken Linksys router. % ha"e personally tested this tutorial on Linksys WRT54G and Linksys WRT'(() routers. *. +ownload known working firmware for your Linksys router. Rename the bin file to works.bin and mo"e it to your desktop ,. -onnect your .- to the broken Linksys router "ia an /thernet cable 0. )a"igate to Start->Contro !ane ->Network Connections and double click the Loca "rea Connection icon. -lick the !ro#erties button and double click $nternet !rotoco %&C!'$!( from the list 4. -lick the option to )se t*e fo owing $! address: and set it up as follows and then click +k1 o %. address1 ,-..,/0.,.,1 o 2ubnet mask1 .22..22..22.1 o +efault gateway1 ,-..,/0.,., 5. )ext# na"igate to Start->Run and type c3d and click +k '. Repeat step 4. 3ou should now ha"e two command windows open 4. 5rom the first command window type cd 4eskto# and press enter. )ext# type !$N5 -t ,-..,/0.,., but +6 )6T .R/22 enter yet 7. 5rom the 2econd command windows type cd 4eskto# and press enter. )ext# type tft# -i ,-..,/0.,., !)& works.bin but +6 )6T .R/22 enter yet 8. 5rom the first command window press enter. %mmediately following# press enter from the second command window *(. 9fter the firmware has been uploaded# you should be able to reset your Linksys router and log into the Linksys admin panel

"dditiona notes: The upload needs to occur within a fi"e second window# so you may not be successful the first time: 2ometimes it takes multiple tries before you get the router to accept the upload.


How to )nbrick " Linksys Router

http1;;";,((7;**;,*;how<to<unbrick<a<linksys<router; %=m sure many of you ha"e network routers at home for your +2L or -able internet connections. 2ome of you may ha"e e"en went ahead and did a firmware update to get the latest dri"ers for it. %t=s a smart mo"e to upgrade the firmware# especially when the update will gi"e you new updates or impro"e security. There is always the rare case of a router not working after an upgrade. %t=s happened to me once. % ha"e a linksys router# and during the firmware update# something went wrong. The update failed and it become what is known as a >brick?. The term means that it=s as useful as a brick# it won=t do a thing. % had the unfortunate experience of ha"ing the router become unresponsi"e# with a blinking power light# that could not be pinged. % did some searching online for solutions. ost of the solutions didn=t work# or recommended doing things that would "oid the warranty@ to me this was not an option. 9fter a few hours# % stumbled upon by accident a trick to get the router into what is known as >5irmware anagement Reco"ery ode?. %="e ha"e not heard of this before# and e"erything % read made no mention of this feature. When the router is in >5irmware anagement Reco"ery ode?# it is responsi"e and you can access a specialiAed control panel. %t won=t function as a router# but it is accessible to make what changes you need to make to correct the problem and get it back to functional status. % ha"e done this on two seperate linksys routers# and they both worked. The admin password was still intact on one of them. !ere are the steps % did1

!old down the reset button for at least 0( seconds. While still holding down the reset button# unplug the de"ice. While still holding down the reset button# lea"e the unit unplugged for at least 5 seconds. While still holding down the reset button# plug the power cord back into the router. 9fter 5 seconds# you can stop holding down the reset button. Go to the webpage of the router. %t=s usually http1;;*8,.*'7.*.*; or http1;;*8,.*'7.,.*; 3ou should see the 2pecial aintenance ode. Bpload the firmware you were trying to load up# or try resetting it. 5ollow the remainder of the instructions on the admin screens and that=s it.

This should get your router back to working mode# and you didn=t ha"e to call anyone or spend money to fix it. < !appy 2a"ing.

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