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Novelis Status Update March 24, 2014

Dear Novelis-Oswego Employees, As you are all aware, over the last several months there has been an ongoing USW organizing campaign among Novelis-Oswego employees. At the heart of this campaign is your legal right to determine if you want to be represented by the USW free from Management threats and coercion. After reviewing all of the evidence, the USW firmly believes that you have been denied this right due to unlawful threats, statements and actions taken by Novelis-Oswego Management. The USW has taken legal action against Novelis-Oswego to protect your rights. We want to thank all of the employees who had the courage to come to us and provide evidence of Managements conduct during the campaign leading up to the election. With this evidence in hand, we have filed five separate Unfair Labor Practice Charges (ULPs) against Novelis with the Federal Government. These ULPs include 18 separate allegations of unlawful conduct ranging from illegal interrogation to illegal threats of loss of pay and loss of jobs. The USW has also filed Objections to Managements conduct leading up to the election. These ULPs and Objections do not include any allegation that you were given back Sunday premium pay and overtime benefits. The USWs first and foremost goal is to represent employees and help improve their working conditions. We are thrilled that the organizing campaign has already led management to give you back some of the benefits that they had previously taken away. We want this to continue. One of the allegations in the ULPs, however, was that Management intentionally and illegally altered and manipulated official Federal Government documents in an effort to threaten and scare employees to vote against union representation. The USW simply will not allow any employer to get away with such a blatant disregard for the law and for employees rights. Because we believe Novelis Management aggressively violated the law, the USW is requesting that the Federal Government issue a Bargaining Order. When an employer has taken action so egregious that having a fair and uncoerced election is impossible, the Federal Government agency known as the National Labor Relations Board or NLRB can issue a Bargaining Order against an employer requiring them to recognize a union based upon the cards people had signed supporting the union and not based upon an election.

Because the NLRB only issues Bargaining Orders in the most extreme cases, the USW, through the Objections it filed, is also seeking that the previous election results be set aside as tainted due to Managements illegal conduct and that a new election be ordered. These legal actions do take time for the Federal Government to investigate, and we fully expect Novelis Management to take whatever actions they can to delay things as much as possible so we cannot promise a quick turnaround. We can, however, promise that we are not going to let Novelis Management get away with violating the law and altering Federal Government documents. We will continue to stand by Novelis-Oswego employees and see this fight through.

In Solidarity,

Brad Manzolillo USW Organizing Counsel

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