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1. Excel Planning for internal order 2.

User-Defined Planning Layouts

Using the planning layout you specify what contents appear in the header, rows, and columns (elements) of your planning screens depending on the specific management requirements made by cost center planning. The SAP system contains standard SAP planning layouts that satisfy most planning requirements. do you require your own layouts. nly if this is not the case

3. Create Planning Layouts for Cost Ele ent Planning

To be able to plan for cost elements, you first need to define the planning layout . !n the planning layout, you specify the format of the planning screens.

3.1. Purpose
!n the standard SAP System, planning layouts are found only in client """. To use them as models for user#defined planning layouts, they must be ta$en from client """ and imported to your production client. Use the !%& General Controlling under the section Prepare Production Startup -> Transport System Settings -> Transport Planning Settings -> ! port Standard Planning Layouts. "eco endation

After installing a new release or update, you should repeat the import of standard planning layouts from client """ in order to access the latest layouts.

3.2. Acti#ity
'. (reate planning layouts for cost element planning based on your requirements. ). (hange an e*isting planning layout.

3.3. $enu Pat%

SP+ (ontrolling !nternal orders Planning %anual Planning User , -efined Planning .ayouts (reate Planning .ayouts for (ost /lement Planning

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3. $aintain User-Defined Planner Profiles

3.1. Purpose
3ou use planner profiles to control the way planning is carried out. !n a planner profile, you specify per planning area which planning layout is to be used with which default 0alues. Per planning area, you can create as many planning layouts as you require. The profile item determines the order of the planning layouts within a planning area and can be used to assign the same planning layout to a planner profile in multiple areas, but with a different default setting each time. Planner profiles are hierarchically structured as follows4 Planner Profile &eneral (ontrolling .ayouts (ontrolling -efault Parameters

3.2. $enu

SPRO Internal orders Planning Manual Planning Maintain User Defined Planner Profiles

Initial screen

Double click on

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3.3. Planner Profile 3ou can assign an aut%ori2ation group to e0ery standard profile and e0ery planner profile that you create in the Pro'ile planning o$er$ie). The combination of authori5ation groups and loc$ed default settings (see ,e'ault layout) results in highly detailed authori5ation assignments for entering planning data. All the planner profiles in the system are defaulted. This is regardless of the component in which you wish to call up planner profile processing. This enables you to define allowed entries of planner profiles from other components, for each component chosen.

Click on new Entries

Sr.6o. '. ).

7ield name Profile -escription

!nput -ata 8'"'! !nternal rder for /*cel Planning

(lic$ on sa0e button. 3./. -eneral Controlling 7or each planner profile, the system recommends different planning areas, depending on the application component. 3ou can create additional planning areas. The system uses these default 0alues for combinations that ha0e not yet been planned, e0en if you ha0e not selected a distribution $ey in the definition of the planning layout.

-ouble clic$ on (lic$ on new /ntries

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Select (U-: and ;T-: select ) , -istribution as before

(lic$ on sa0e button

3.0. Layout Controlling !n each planning area, you determine which planning layouts appear in which sequence. 7or each planning area, you must define at least one profile item and assign a planning layout. The ,e'lt indicator shows whether settings already e*ist (see4 ,e'ault settings layout). !f you deacti0ate the O$er% (<-efault settings not protected) indicator, the user must use the entries gi0en in planning and may use only the defaulted 0ariables. !f the indicator is acti0e, the entries are default 0alues which can be o0erwritten when entering planning.

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The -+cel integration indicator gi0es you the option of entering planning data in an /*cel wor$sheet. !f the indicator is acti0e, you can use /*cel to ma$e your entries. The file description influences the layout of the wor$sheet. !f you mo0e the planning data (that you entered in the system) within the wor$sheet, the file description creates the lin$ between the old data and the new location. 3ou can also find further information on preparation for planning with /*cel in the S!P .i(rary under /inancials -> CO Controlling -> Cost Center !ccounting -> Cost Center Planning -> 0anual Planning -> Tec#ni1ues 'or Supporting 0anual Planning -> Integrated -+cel in Planning. Select the Planning area

-ouble clic$ on

(lic$ on new /ntries

Sr.6o. ' ) = 9

7ield name !tem .ayout 0erall All !nternation

!nput data "' , line item no 8'"'! # .ayout create as abo0e Put the tic$ mar$ on the chec$ bo* Put the tic$ mar$ on the chec$ bo*

(lic$ on sa0e button.

3.1. Default para eters 3ou can enter default parameters for the selection of planning data of each item in the assigned planning layout. All 0ariables defined in a layout are referenced during planning as parameters, which you can set with 0alues per profile item. &pti al Solutions !ntegration .sof'So(. OSI, 201 , !ll "ig#ts "eser$ed%
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Select the .ayout +ow and double clic$ on

Sr.6o. '. ). =. 9. @. A.

7ield name >ersion 7iscal year rder (ost /lement 7rom (ost /lement To 7orm based

!nput -ata " , ?y -efault )"'= '"""'""" 9""="@ 9""='" Select the radio button

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Try to change any thing in e*cel sheet it will now allowed because e*cel sheet is protected you ha0e to Unprotect the sheet

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7ile description (hanges to "'B'P9B8'"'! B""'8'"'! (lic$ on Sa0e

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/. Cost Ele ent and Acti#ity !nput Planning 'Detail Planning(

Purpose 3ou can use cost planning with cost elements (detail planning) if you ha0e e*act information. This is mostly only possible in ad0anced proCects or orders. ,rigger -etail planning ta$es place on an annual basis and includes the planning by cost element of4 Primary costs Acti0ity input $enu Pat% SAP /asy Access Accounting (ontrolling !nternal orders Plnning (ost and acti0ity !nputs :P7A# (hanges

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(ome to below screen and chec$ abo0e data updated !n the order with respect to the cost element

-ata Successfully uploaded

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