DC Water 1st Street Tunnel Forum Meeting Minutes 2014 02 20

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FST Tunnel Forum Meeting Minutes

Date: To: From: Sub e!t: February 21, 2014 Thomas March Sharon Robinson Notes: First Street Tunnel Forum Meeting 2.20.14

Date: Time: Lo!ation: Atten"ees:

Thursday February 20, 2014 :!0 "m # $:00 "m St. %eorge&s '"isco"al (hurch

Communit# Members )etsy Mc*aniel Shelly +ar,er -oe .e/es0ue Neil 1erman Trina Ratch2ord 3melia .o2ton Re/. 4ent Marcou5 -ohn Salatti Scott Roberts Theodore )ush Sherry 1o6ard 3ngela Ray Tomas 'ncaracion (hristian Ferro 7Three (ommunity Members chose not sign8 in9 DC Clean Ri$ers Pro e!t )ill .e/y -ohn 4ennedy Ron *a/is Tom .indberg -ustin (arl Mary 1erdoi=a S%ans%a&Ja# Dee JV 'S(JD) Thomas March, S4-* +ro:ect 'ngineer Sharon Robinson, S4-* +ublic ;utreach .ead Terry .ee .isa <illiams

*el!ome an" Intro"u!tions Tom .indberg 6elcomed e/eryone to the meeting, "ro/ided a brie2 o/er/ie6 o2 the creation o2 the FST Tunnel Forum at the re0uest o2 the residents and as,ed each member o2 the grou" to introduce themsel/es. )ill .e/y "ro/ided a general o/er/ie6 o2 the "ur"ose o2 *( <ater>*((R tunnel construction "ro:ect, the re0uirements o2 the Mayor&s Tas, Force and the intended mitigation bene2its o2 the construction o2 the First Street Tunnel to neighborhood residents. FST Constru!tion +,"ate Thomas March "ro/ided an u"date on e5isting utility and "re"aration construction o"erations including: o Tree remo/al and boring status o 3lley6ay closures and alley6ay construction timetable o S"eed hum" installation location and status o ?nstallation and location o2 @.ocal Tra22ic ;nlyA street and alley6ay signs Publi! Con!erns 3ttendees raised 0uestions regarding construction and "re8construction acti/ities including: a. (oordination bet6een *( <ater, +e"co and <ashington %as regarding 6or, in the neighborhood 8 T. e5"lained ho6 the outreach coordinators 2or each utility are in contactB held a :oint meeting regarding 6or, in the areaB but each ha/e their o6n "rocess 2or residential outreach. b. Residential noti2ication regarding "re8construction acti/ities such as tree remo/al and meeting noti2ication # T. discussed *((R&s e22orts in conducting 2our "ublic meetings to re/ie6>ad/ise residents o2 all acti/ities during the FST "re8construction and construction "hases. 1e also re/ie6ed outreach to in2orm residents about the meetings including door hangers and mailings sent to all residents. 1e e5"lained the "rocess o2 creating the FST Tunnel Forum 2rom among residents 6ho e5"ressed interest in "artici"ating. c. (onstruction in alley6ays, side6al,s, near rear garages by utility com"anies # -( re/ie6ed "re8construction mitigation ta,ing "lace as a result o2 re0uests 2rom "artici"ants at the "ublic meetings including s"eed hum"s in the alleys, alley mirror, etc. 1e noted that other utilities are currently 6or,ing in the area. d. Reduction o2 on8street "ar,ing s"aces 6ith no alternati/e "ar,ing areas being "ro/ided. T. e5"lained that the 3lternati/e +ar,ing 3reas are being "re"ared and the "lan 6ill be the main to"ic o2 the FST Tunnel Forum Meeting in March. Cntil then 6e can 6or, 6ith the contractor to remo/e /ehicles as "ossible to "ro/ide "ar,ing. e. (onstruction im"acts such as loud noise in the early morning, smell o2 gas. #T. e5"lained that other utilities are currently 6or,ing in the area. 2. Neighbors discussed **;T issuing dual residency "ar,ing "ermits. #T. e5"lained that *( <ater is 6or,ing 6ith **;T to set u" a meeting to address signage and "ar,ing. Alternate Par%ing Areas D S4-*, -ustin (arl, and Tom .indberg ga/e a brie2 o/er/ie6 o2 3lternati/e +ar,ing 3reas 73+39 +lan and "ro"osed timetable 2or im"lementation and noted that the "lan 2or 3+3s 6ill be "resented at the ne5t meeting. D 3ttendees as,ed 0uestions regarding the ty"e o2 security that 6ill be "ro/ided. D %rou" 6as assured that locations 6ould ha/e 24>E security and monitoring. Forum Sele!tion an" Organi-ation Tom .indberg "ro/ided an o/er/ie6 and bac,ground o2 "ur"ose o2 Forum and reminded attendees that a creation o2 a Forum 6as re0uested by the community.

3ttendees 6ere as,ed to select 6hich "re8designated Forum (ommittee categories they 6ould li,e to re"resent. 'ach "artici"ant too, his>her designated "ost and all recon/ened around a C8sha"ed table 2or "resentation o2 the FST 1otline.

.otline/Sur$e# Sharon Robinson and Tom March introduced the FST 1otline, its "ur"ose and ho6 it 6ill o"erate. %rou" 6as instructed on "ro"er use o2 1otline including instruction to dial $11 and *( <ater 2481our (ommand (enter 2or medical and 6ater emergency calls res"ecti/ely FST 1otline 6ill concentrate on: o Shuttle ser/ice "ic,u">dro"8o22 bet6een residents and 3+3s o 3+3 locations>a/ailability o (onstruction and Tra22ic issues o Managing community issues %rou" 6as /ery rece"ti/e to the FST 1otline. There 6ere t6o re0uests 2or "ossible additions to 2unctionality: o (an a /oice acti/ated 2unction be addedF o (reate a direct number 7in addition to G448FST8?NF;9 2or Shuttle +ic,u" and dro" o22 Sharon Robinson indicated that the 1otline 6ill be tested 6ith the Tunnel Forum be2ore going li/e. Final area o2 discussion 6as a brie2 summary by Sharon Robinson regarding the S"ecial Needs Sur/ey # the "ur"ose, goals, and e5ecution. %rou" 6as in2ormed that the Sur/ey 6ill be distributed 2or their re/ie6 by email and that it 6ill be e5ecuted in March. Con!lusion: Ne5t Meeting !>2E>2014 at St. %eorge&s '"isco"al (hurch and 6ill co/er +re8construction Sur/eys, FST +ro:ect C"date and 3lternati/e +ar,ing 3reas.

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