Managerial Economics1

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Managerial Economics - 2 List Of Attempted Questions And Answers Select The Blank Question The sum of all individual

demands constitutes________ Correct Answer market demand Your Answer market demand True/ alse Question !nder perfect competition" price is determined #$ the interaction of total demand and total suppl$ in the market% Correct Answer alse Your Answer True &ultiple Choice Sin'le Answer Question (rice of a product under perfect competition is determined #$ the interaction of total suppl$ and Correct Answer total demand Your Answer total demand Select The Blank Question The cost which enter the accounts #ook of the firm are referred as ________% Correct Answer Accountin' cost Your Answer Accountin' cost &ultiple Choice &ultiple Answer Question )e$nes*s theor$ of emplo$ment e+plains Correct Answer ,ffective demand " A''re'ate suppl$ " A''re'ate demand Your Answer ,ffective demand " A''re'ate suppl$ " A''re'ate demand &ultiple Choice Sin'le Answer Question The t$pe economic pro#lem is Correct Answer universal Your Answer universal &ultiple Choice Sin'le Answer Question An individual consumer or particular market for a 'iven commodit$ are the su#-ect matter of Correct Answer &icro ,conomics Your Answer &icro ,conomics &ultiple Choice &ultiple Answer Question eatures of the firm are Correct Answer .t is a #usiness unit or'ani/ed under one ownership " .t is a sole proprietorship " .t is a partnership or -oint stock compan$ Your Answer .t is a #usiness unit or'ani/ed under one ownership " .t is a sole proprietorship " .t is a partnership or -oint stock compan$ &ultiple Choice Sin'le Answer Question 0hether the econom$1s capacit$ to produce 'oods and services is 'rowin' from $ear to $ear or remainin' static is studied under the Correct Answer Theor$ of economic 'rowth Your Answer Theor$ of economic 'rowth &ultiple Choice &ultiple Answer Question Co2operative or'ani/ations is

Correct Answer voluntar$ or'ani/ation " mana'ed #$ democratic principle " or'ani/ation" which performs its #usiness within the mem#ers Your Answer voluntar$ or'ani/ation " mana'ed #$ democratic principle " non profit motive or'ani/ation &ultiple Choice &ultiple Answer Question Assumptions underl$in' the law of Suppl$ are Correct Answer The cost of production is unchan'ed " 3o chan'e in techni4ue of production " 5overnment policies are unchan'ed Your Answer The cost of production is unchan'ed " 3o chan'e in techni4ue of production " 5overnment policies are unchan'ed True/ alse Question &acro2economies is a polic$ oriented science% Correct Answer True Your Answer True &ultiple Choice Sin'le Answer Question ,+pansion of suppl$ is shown #$ the movement in the suppl$ curve which is Correct Answer upward Your Answer upward &ultiple Choice Sin'le Answer Question Lia#ilit$ of a sole trader is Correct Answer unlimited Your Answer unlimited Select The Blank Question .f the output rises in the 'reater proportion than that of the increase in factor inputs" it is referred to as ________% Correct Answer increasin' returns to scale% Your Answer increasin' returns to scale% Select The Blank Question An upward slopin' demand curve is called ________ Correct Answer e+ceptional demand curve Your Answer e+ceptional demand curve &ultiple Choice Sin'le Answer Question ,ver$ nation*s resources which are used to produce the 4uantities of 'oods and services that would #e re4uired to satisf$ all its citi/en*s wants are Correct Answer insufficient Your Answer insufficient &ultiple Choice Sin'le Answer Question The act of makin' 'oods and services is called Correct Answer production Your Answer production &ultiple Choice Sin'le Answer Question Question related to the efficient production and allocation #elon' to the #ranch of economic theor$ called Correct Answer 0elfare ,conomics Your Answer 0elfare ,conomics &ultiple Choice Sin'le Answer Question The act of usin' 'oods and services to satisf$ wants is called

Correct Answer consumption Your Answer consumption &ultiple Choice &ultiple Answer Question ,+plicit costs are Correct Answer Out of pocket costs " These are firms accountin' e+penses " ,+penditure costs Your Answer Out of pocket costs " These are firms accountin' e+penses " ,+penditure costs Select The Blank Question .n the 6rd sta'e of operation of the law of varia#le proportions" the mar'inal product #ecomes ________% Correct Answer ne'ative Your Answer ne'ative True/ alse Question The )e$nesian theor$ emphasi/es effective suppl$ as a crucial factor in determinin' the level of income and emplo$ment% Correct Answer alse Your Answer alse &ultiple Choice Sin'le Answer Question The thin's that are produced #$ factors of production are called Correct Answer commodities Your Answer commodities Select The Blank Question B$ 1 profits1" the accountant means total revenue minus________% Correct Answer ,+plicit costs Your Answer ,+plicit costs &ultiple Choice Sin'le Answer Question All the #u$ers and sellers operatin' under perfect competition have knowled'e which is Correct Answer perfect Your Answer perfect &atch The ollowin' Question Correct Answer Your Answer 7esource allocation decisions in free market econom$ Theor$ of price Theor$ of price ,conomic pro#lem !niversal !niversal &ana'erial ,conomics Applied #ranch of knowled'e Applied #ranch of knowled'e .nflation 7eduction in purchasin' power Theor$ of price 0aste of resources .nvoluntar$ unemplo$ment .nvoluntar$ unemplo$ment &ultiple Choice &ultiple Answer Question 89% The phase of recover$ denotes Correct Answer &ore emplo$ment opportunities " .ncrease in profita#ilit$ " 0a'e rate increase Your Answer &ore emplo$ment opportunities " .ncrease in profita#ilit$ " 0a'e rate increase Select The Blank Question Suppl$ is predominantl$ determined #$ ________%

Correct Answer stock Your Answer demand Select The Blank Question The form of or'ani/ation which is #est for self emplo$ment is ________% Correct Answer Sole trader Your Answer Sole trader &ultiple Choice Sin'le Answer Question The su''estion of ma+imi/ation of #alanced 'rowth rate as another alternative o#-ective of a firm1s profit is su''ested #$ Correct Answer (rof% &orris Your Answer Baumol True/ alse Question !nder perfect competition"firms are free to enter and e+it in the market% Correct Answer True Your Answer True &ultiple Choice Sin'le Answer Question :%&% )e$nes" on the #asis of a fundamental ps$cholo'ical law of consumption" o#served that as income increases" consumption also increases" #ut proportionatel$ Correct Answer less Your Answer less &ultiple Choice Sin'le Answer Question The 7isk theor$ of profit was developed #$ Correct Answer ;awle$ Your Answer ;awle$ True/ alse Question The con'ress 'overnment led #$ 3arsimha 7ao announced the 3ew .ndustrial (olic$ in :ul$ 8<<8% Correct Answer True Your Answer True Select The Blank Question (erfectl$ elastic demand curve is ________ Correct Answer hori/ontal Your Answer hori/ontal True/ alse Question The distinction #etween fi+ed costs and varia#le costs is relevant in the short period onl$% Correct Answer True Your Answer True &ultiple Choice &ultiple Answer Question The term e+ternalities ma$ also #e referred as= Correct Answer Spill2over effects " 3ei'h#orhood effects " Third part$ effects Your Answer Spill2over effects " 3ei'h#orhood effects " Third part$ effects &ultiple Choice &ultiple Answer Question &ethods of forecastin' demand for new products are Correct Answer (roduct life c$cle anal$sis " Test marketin' " ,volutionar$ approach Your Answer ,volutionar$ approach

&ultiple Choice Sin'le Answer Question Often monopolies purposel$ keep certain factors of production idle creatin' artificial scarcities of their products as a result the prices Correct Answer rise Your Answer rise &ultiple Choice &ultiple Answer Question The methods of calculatin' depreciation is Correct Answer >iminishin' Balance &ethod " Annuit$ &ethod " Service !nit &ethod Your Answer >iminishin' Balance &ethod " Annuit$ &ethod " Service !nit &ethod &atch The ollowin' Question Correct Answer Your Answer ;uman wants unlimited unlimited 5eneral Theor$ of ,mplo$ment" .nterest and &one$ :% &% )e$nes :% &% )e$nes &ana'erial economics >ecision makin' and forward plannin' >ecision makin' and forward plannin' 7esources scarce scarce Commodities 'oods and services 'oods and services Select The Blank Question .n the conte+t of formulatin' an investment pro-ect" ________ feasi#ilit$ means the availa#ilit$ of supervisors for implementin' and runnin' the pro-ect smoothl$ and professionall$% Correct Answer mana'ement Your Answer mana'ement True/ alse Question The sum of total fi+ed costs and total varia#le costs is the total cost% Correct Answer True Your Answer True &ultiple Choice &ultiple Answer Question eatures of &arket are Correct Answer (lace where #u$ers and sellers meet each other " A #uildin' where a num#er of shops dealin' in a particular commodit$ e+ist " A place where transaction of 'oods and services is undertaken Your Answer (lace where #u$ers and sellers meet each other " A #uildin' where a num#er of shops dealin' in a particular commodit$ e+ist " A place where transaction of 'oods and services is undertaken &ultiple Choice Sin'le Answer Question &ana'erial economics is also understood to refer to Correct Answer applied economics Your Answer applied economics True/ alse Question (rivate profit motive is an essential feature of Capitalism% Correct Answer True Your Answer True at ?=@A A& A comments Links to this post La#els= &ana'erial ,conomics

Monday, February 4, 2008 Managerial Economics - 1 L.ST O ATT,&(T,> Q!,ST.O3S A3> A3S0,7S

True/ alse Question .n case of a proprietar$ firm the lia#ilit$ of the proprietor is limited% Correct Answer alse Your Answer alse &ultiple Choice &ultiple Answer Question Accountin' profit includes =2 Correct Answer 0a'es " 7ent " .nterest Your Answer .nterest " Total revenue True/ alse Question .n e+perimental price approach the firms takes some co'ni/ance of the demand for the product and proceeds to fi+ a price #$ a trial and error method% Correct Answer True Your Answer True &ultiple Choice &ultiple Answer Question >efects of market s$stem=2 Correct Answer .ne4ualities of income and wealth " ,mer'ence of monopolies " ailure to provide full emplo$ment Your Answer ,mer'ence of monopolies " ailure to provide full emplo$ment " (revailin' of #arter s$stem &ultiple Choice Sin'le Answer Question .n case of perfectl$ elastic suppl$" the suppl$ curve is =2 Correct Answer ;ori/ontal Your Answer Bertical &ultiple Choice Sin'le Answer Question ,ver$ nation*s resources which are used to produce the 4uantities of 'oods and services that would #e re4uired to satisf$ all its citi/en*s wants are Correct Answer insufficient

Your Answer insufficient &ultiple Choice Sin'le Answer Question &ana'erial economics is also understood to refer to Correct Answer applied economics Your Answer applied economics &ultiple Choice Sin'le Answer Question ,conomists have pointed out that the real world is full of =2 Correct Answer .mperfect competition Your Answer (ure competition &ultiple Choice &ultiple Answer Question Characteristics of (ure (u#lic 'oods are=2 Correct Answer The$ are completel$ indivisi#le " Their mar'inal cost would #e /ero or close to /ero " Their #enefits cannot #e priced Your Answer The$ are completel$ indivisi#le " Their #enefits cannot #e priced &ultiple Choice &ultiple Answer Question &ain aims of the 3ew .ndustrial (olic$ C8<<8D are =2 Correct Answer To unshackle the .ndian industrial econom$ from the co#we#s of unnecessar$ #ureaucratic control " To introduce li#erali/ation with a view to inte'rate the .ndian econom$ with the world econom$ " To remove restrictions on direct forei'n investment as also to free the domestic entrepreneur from the restriction of &7T( act Your Answer To unshackle the .ndian industrial econom$ from the co#we#s of unnecessar$ #ureaucratic control " To introduce li#erali/ation with a view to inte'rate the .ndian econom$ with the world econom$ " To remove restrictions on direct forei'n investment as also to free the domestic entrepreneur from the restriction of &7T( act &ultiple Choice Sin'le Answer Question !nder perfect competition" 'enerall$ demand and suppl$ act and react upon each other and determine the price Correct Answer e4uili#rium Your Answer e4uili#rium &ultiple Choice &ultiple Answer Question actors leadin' to differences in the economic E the traditional concepts of valuation are =2 Correct Answer .nventor$ Baluation " >epreciation " !naccounted value chan'es in the assets E lia#ilities

Your Answer .nventor$ Baluation " >epreciation " !naccounted value chan'es in the assets E lia#ilities Select The Blank Question Super2normal profit is also called ________% Correct Answer ,+cess profit Your Answer ,+cess profit &ultiple Choice &ultiple Answer Question !nder cost plus pricin' =2 Correct Answer Actual costs" standard costs are included " Certain percenta'e of profit also included " The price is set to cover material" la#our cost Your Answer The price is set to cover material" la#our cost " Actual costs" standard costs are included &atch The ollowin' Question Correct Answer Your Answer ;uman wants unlimited unlimited 5eneral Theor$ of ,mplo$ment" .nterest and &one$ :% &% )e$nes :% &% )e$nes &ana'erial economics >ecision makin' and forward plannin' >ecision makin' and forward plannin' 7esources scarce scarce Commodities 'oods and services 'oods and services True/ alse Question Consumer*s protection involves protection to the consumers from unfair trade practices% Correct Answer True Your Answer True Select The Blank Question 0hen 5overnment repa$s old loans" the purchasin' power at the disposal of the people ________% Correct Answer .ncreases Your Answer Becomes ne'ative

True/ alse Question The law of suppl$ is not h$pothetical% Correct Answer alse Your Answer True &ultiple Choice Sin'le Answer Question A firm 'ets an opportunit$ to produce multiple products #ecause chan'es in #usiness activit$ in a firms is =2 Correct Answer C$clical Your Answer C$clical True/ alse Question 0hen a chan'e in income has no effect upon the 4uantit$ demanded of a product" the income elasticit$ of demand is /ero% Correct Answer True Your Answer True &ultiple Choice Sin'le Answer Question &ana'erial economics 'enerall$ refers to the inte'ration of economic theor$ with #usiness Correct Answer (ractice Your Answer (ractice Select The Blank Question (ropensit$ to consume is defined as the relationship #etween consumption and ________% Correct Answer .ncome Your Answer .ncome True/ alse Question (u#lic enterprises have shown a ver$ hi'h rate of return of the capital invested% Correct Answer alse Your Answer alse Select The Blank Question ________ effects are those e+ternalities which flow from the production or use of the 'ood to other parties or economic units% Correct Answer

Third part$ Your Answer ,+ternal True/ alse Question .n the traditional concept of e4uili#rium" a firm attains the e4uili#rium when the firm*s Total 7evenue CT%7%D FTotal Cost CT%C%D% Correct Answer alse Your Answer True &ultiple Choice Sin'le Answer Question The method of inventor$ valuation in which" the cost of production is calculated on the assumption that the material which was last to enter the inventor$ of the compan$ was used first is =2 Correct Answer L. O Your Answer L. O True/ alse Question Suppl$ mana'ement is related to the volume of suppl$ E its distri#ution s$stem% Correct Answer True Your Answer True &ultiple Choice &ultiple Answer Question >emand is determined #$ =2 Correct Answer (rice of the product " 7elative prices of other 'oods " Tastes and ha#its Your Answer (rice of the product " 7elative prices of other 'oods " Tastes and ha#its &ultiple Choice &ultiple Answer Question >ifferent t$pes of ,lasticit$ of >emand are =2 Correct Answer Cross elasticit$ of demand " (rice elasticit$ of demand " .ncome elasticit$ of demand Your Answer (rice elasticit$ of demand " .ncome elasticit$ of demand " Cross elasticit$ of demand &ultiple Choice Sin'le Answer Question .n case of a :oint2Stock Compan$" the lia#ilit$ of share holders is =2 Correct Answer Limited Your Answer Limited &ultiple Choice Sin'le Answer Question

,+pansion of suppl$ is shown #$ the movement in the suppl$ curve which is =2 Correct Answer !pward Your Answer !pward &ultiple Choice Sin'le Answer Question Savin' is a =2 Correct Answer (rivate virtue Your Answer (rivate virtue &ultiple Choice Sin'le Answer Question Accordin' to the 5overnment" the #uildin' up of inflationar$ pressure durin' the 3ineties was attri#uted to =2 Correct Answer ;i'her iscal deficit Your Answer ;i'her iscal deficit &ultiple Choice &ultiple Answer Question A competitive industr$ has three #asic characteristics =2 Correct Answer Lar'e 3um#er of irms " ;omo'eneous (roduct " ree entr$ and e+it Your Answer Lar'e 3um#er of irms " ;omo'eneous (roduct " ree entr$ and e+it &ultiple Choice Sin'le Answer Question The income which a #usinessman mi'ht e+pect from the second #est alternative use of his resources is called as =2 Correct Answer Opportunit$ cost Your Answer Opportunit$ cost Select The Blank Question Advertisin' forms an inte'ral part of decision2makin' and________% Correct Answer orward 2 plannin' Your Answer orward 2 plannin' &ultiple Choice &ultiple Answer Question ,+ceptions to the Law of >emand are =2 Correct Answer 5riffin 'oods " Articles of sno# appeal " Speculation Your Answer 5riffin 'oods " Articles of sno# appeal " Speculation Select The Blank

Question True inflation starts onl$ after reachin' ________% Correct Answer Level of full emplo$ment Your Answer Level of full emplo$ment Select The Blank Question The financin' of ________ 'oods is done throu'h (u#lic e+penditure% Correct Answer (u#lic Your Answer (u#lic &ultiple Choice &ultiple Answer Question Assumptions of the Law of >emand are =2 Correct Answer 3o chan'e in consumer*s income " 3o chan'e in consumer*s preferences " 3o chan'e in fashion Your Answer 3o chan'e in consumer*s income " 3o chan'e in consumer*s preferences " 3o chan'e in fashion &ultiple Choice &ultiple Answer Question T$pes of Share capital of :oint2Stock Compan$ are =2 Correct Answer 7e'istered or authori/ed capital " .ssued capital " (aid2up capital Your Answer 7e'istered or authori/ed capital " .ssued capital " (aid2up capital True/ alse Question The sum of total fi+ed costs and total varia#le costs is the total cost% Correct Answer True Your Answer True True/ alse Question >urin' the period of depression" a lar'e part of a countr$*s resources lie involuntaril$ idle% Correct Answer True Your Answer True True/ alse Question !nder the 3ew .ndustrial (olic$" in order to invite forei'n investment in hi'h priorit$ industries" it was decided to provide approval for direct forei'n investment upto ?8G e4uit$ in such industries% Correct Answer True

Your Answer True at ?=86 A& A comments Links to this post La#els= &ana'erial ,conomics Thursday, January 24, 2008 Managerial Economics - 1 L.ST O ATT,&(T,> Q!,ST.O3S A3> A3S0,7S

&ultiple Choice Sin'le Answer Question The concept of (erfect competition includes all the features of =2 Correct Answer (ure competition Your Answer (ure competition &ultiple Choice Sin'le Answer Question An entrepreneur ma$ earn hi'h profits -ust #$ luck" sa$ #ecause of out#reak of war% This is known as =2 Correct Answer Chance (rofits Your Answer &onopol$ (rofits &ultiple Choice Sin'le Answer Question &ana'erial economics is also understood to refer to Correct Answer applied economics Your Answer applied economics &ultiple Choice &ultiple Answer Question eatures of >umpin' are =2 Correct Answer .t is possi#le in the case of monopol$ market " Sellin' same 'ood at hi'her price in home market and at lower price in international market " .t is encoura'ed with a view to promote the e+ports Your Answer .t is possi#le in the case of monopol$ market " .t is encoura'ed with a view to promote the e+ports &ultiple Choice Sin'le Answer Question The t$pe economic pro#lem is Correct Answer universal

Your Answer universal True/ alse Question .n macro H economic anal$sis the #ehavior of economic a'ents such as firms" households and 'overnment is seen in total" disre'ardin' details at particular level% Correct Answer True Your Answer True True/ alse Question Chan'es in the value of mone$ #ecause of inflation" make inventor$ valuation of finished products difficult% Correct Answer True Your Answer True &ultiple Choice Sin'le Answer Question The method of inventor$ valuation in which" the cost of production is calculated on the assumption that the material which was last to enter the inventor$ of the compan$ was used first is =2 Correct Answer L. O Your Answer L. O &ultiple Choice Sin'le Answer Question The act of makin' 'oods and services is called Correct Answer production Your Answer production Select The Blank Question The partnership #etween private sector E 'overnment is called ________% Correct Answer :oint sector enterprise Your Answer :oint sector enterprise &ultiple Choice &ultiple Answer Question Accordin' to )e$nes there are three motives for holdin' cash for li4uidit$ preference =2 Correct Answer The speculative motive " The transactions motive " The precautionar$ motive Your Answer The transactions motive " The precautionar$ motive " The speculative motive &ultiple Choice Sin'le Answer Question

.f the su#stitutes are relativel$ costl$ then the demand for the commodit$ in 4uestion will #e =2 Correct Answer &ore Your Answer &ore &ultiple Choice &ultiple Answer Question The Laws of 7eturns to scale are =2 Correct Answer Law of .ncreasin' 7eturns to Scale " Law of Constant 7eturns to Scale " Law of >ecreasin' 7eturns to scale Your Answer Law of >ecreasin' 7eturns to scale &ultiple Choice &ultiple Answer Question .ncreasin' 7eturns e+plains =2 Correct Answer Total product increases at an increasin' rate " &ar'inal product increasin' and it is ma+imum " Avera'e product is increasin' #ut it is #elow &( Your Answer Total product increases at an increasin' rate " &ar'inal product increasin' and it is ma+imum " Avera'e product is increasin' #ut it is #elow &( &ultiple Choice Sin'le Answer Question An individual consumer or particular market for a 'iven commodit$ are the su#-ect matter of =2 Correct Answer &icro ,conomics Your Answer &icro ,conomics True/ alse Question The prosperit$ phase is characteri/ed #$ rise in the level of emplo$ment% Correct Answer True Your Answer True Select The Blank Question Baumol has su''ested as an alternative o#-ective for profit ma+imi/ation" the ma+imi/ation of ________% Correct Answer Sales Your Answer Sales &ultiple Choice Sin'le Answer Question The profit which is surplus of revenue over and a#ove all paid out cost is =2 Correct Answer Accountin' (rofit

Your Answer 5ross (rofit Select The Blank Question .n perfect competition various factors of production are assumed to #e ________% Correct Answer (erfectl$ mo#ile Your Answer (erfectl$ mo#ile Select The Blank Question )e$nes" on the #asis of a fundamental ps$cholo'ical law" o#served that as income ________" consumption .ncreases% Correct Answer .ncreases Your Answer .ncreases True/ alse Question >urin' the period of depression" a lar'e part of a countr$*s resources lie involuntaril$ idle% Correct Answer True Your Answer True True/ alse Question (ure private 'oods are completel$ divisi#le and to them the principle of e+clusion applies in full measure% Correct Answer True Your Answer alse Select The Blank Question The ta+ation E pu#lic e+penditure policies are called as ________ %% Correct Answer Bud'etar$ (olic$ Your Answer Bud'etar$ (olic$ &ultiple Choice &ultiple Answer Question The disinvestments of industries is needed for =2 Correct Answer (hased privati/ation " 7educin' deficit " Capital support to plans Your Answer (hased privati/ation " 7educin' deficit " Capital support to plans &ultiple Choice Sin'le Answer Question The act of usin' 'oods and services to satisf$ wants is called

Correct Answer consumption Your Answer consumption &ultiple Choice Sin'le Answer Question The thin's that are produced #$ factors of production are called Correct Answer commodities Your Answer commodities Select The Blank Question .n the conte+t of e+ternalities" drivin' the smoke2emittin' #uses and trucks in the cities is an e+ample of ________ cost% Correct Answer Social Your Answer Social &ultiple Choice Sin'le Answer Question The concept of -ust distri#ution of national product is a Correct Answer normative Your Answer normative True/ alse Question The 'overnment also fi+es minimum procurement prices for ma-or crops on the recommendation of the A'ricultural (rices Commission CA(CD% Correct Answer True Your Answer True &ultiple Choice &ultiple Answer Question Accordin' to Lionel 7o##ins definition of economics" I,conomics is a science which =2 Correct Answer Studies human #ehaviour " 7elationship #etween ends and scares resources " Scarce means have alternate uses Your Answer Studies human #ehaviour " 7elationship #etween ends and scares resources " Scarce means have alternate uses Select The Blank Question !nder perfect competition" price is determined #$ the interaction of total demand and ________% Correct Answer Total suppl$ Your Answer Total sellin' cost

&ultiple Choice &ultiple Answer Question eatures of monopolistic Competition are =2 Correct Answer airl$ lar'e num#er of firms " (roduct differentiation " Sellin' costs are e+isted Your Answer airl$ lar'e num#er of firms " (roduct differentiation " Sellin' costs are e+isted &ultiple Choice &ultiple Answer Question Steps in cost #enefit anal$sis are =2 Correct Answer .dentification of a pro-ect " ormulation of the pro-ect " Appraisal and selection of the pro-ect Your Answer .dentification of a pro-ect " ormulation of the pro-ect " Appraisal and selection of the pro-ect True/ alse Question There is no separation of ownership and mana'ement in case of a :oint Stock Compan$% Correct Answer alse Your Answer alse &ultiple Choice Sin'le Answer Question >urin' a period of risin' prices CinflationD" the 'oods and services are =2 Correct Answer Scarce Your Answer Scarce &ultiple Choice Sin'le Answer Question The cost recorded in the #ooks of accounts are considered as =2 Correct Answer ,+plicit costs Your Answer ,+plicit costs &ultiple Choice Sin'le Answer Question Baria#le cost are those costs which var$ with the level of =2 Correct Answer Output Your Answer Output Select The Blank Question Open market operations measures are ________% Correct Answer Quantitative credit control Your Answer

Quantitative credit control Select The Blank Question &ana'erial ________ lies on the #orderline of mana'ement and ,conomics% Correct Answer ,conomics Your Answer ,conomics True/ alse Question The demand for life savin' dru's is elastic% Correct Answer alse Your Answer alse &ultiple Choice Sin'le Answer Question &ana'erial economics 'enerall$ refers to the inte'ration of economic theor$ with #usiness Correct Answer (ractice Your Answer (ractice &atch The ollowin' Question Correct Answer Your Answer 7esource allocation decisions in free market econom$ Theor$ of price Theor$ of price ,conomic pro#lem !niversal !niversal &ana'erial ,conomics Applied #ranch of knowled'e Applied #ranch of knowled'e .nflation 7eduction in purchasin' power 7eduction in purchasin' power 0aste of resources .nvoluntar$ unemplo$ment .nvoluntar$ unemplo$ment &ultiple Choice Sin'le Answer Question Accordin' :%B%Clark" profit is the reward paid for =2 Correct Answer >$namism Your Answer 7isk #earin' &ultiple Choice &ultiple Answer Question

The characteristics of a sole proprietorship firm is =2 Correct Answer !nlimited Capital " Ownership #$ a sin'le person " ,as$ to form Your Answer Ownership #$ a sin'le person " ,as$ to form Select The Blank Question The rate of interest" accordin' to )e$nes depends upon two factors= the li4uidit$ preference function and ________% Correct Answer The 4uantit$ of mone$% Your Answer The 4uantit$ of mone$% &atch The ollowin' Question Correct Answer Your Answer ;uman wants unlimited unlimited 5eneral Theor$ of ,mplo$ment" .nterest and &one$ :% &% )e$nes :% &% )e$nes &ana'erial economics >ecision makin' and forward plannin' >ecision makin' and forward plannin' 7esources scarce scarce Commodities 'oods and services 'oods and services &ultiple Choice Sin'le Answer Question ,ver$ nation*s resources which are used to produce the 4uantities of 'oods and services that would #e re4uired to satisf$ all its citi/en*s wants are Correct Answer insufficient Your Answer insufficient

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