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Chair of Governors: Mrs S Young

Headteacher: Mrs J D Pickerill B Ed (Hons)
Mrs H Conroy Community
Mrs C Evans Community
Mrs S McNeil Community
The Snaith School is an 11-16 mixed comprehensive school of 845 pupils
Mrs D M Buck Community
and 99 members of staff. This booklet contains information for pupils which
Mr D Reddall Community
is additional to that in the prospectus.
Mr D Cooke LA
Pupils are in mixed ability tutor groups, under the guidance of Form Tutors who
Mrs J Lewis LA
are led and managed by a Head of Year. Heads of Year and Form Tutors stay
Mrs S Young LA
with their Year Group throughout the phase and play a very important part in the
Mr N Roberts LA
academic and social progress of the children.
Mr M Burton Parent
We believe in developing genuine partnerships between pupils, parents and staff.
Mr S Froom Parent
Parents, carers or guardians are welcome to contact school if they have concerns
Mrs C Hargreaves Parent
or if they wish to discuss their child’s progress. However, we respectfully ask
Mrs G Hope Parent
them to telephone, or call at Reception to make a mutually convenient
Mr C Jessop Parent
appointment as all staff have teaching and other commitments.
Mr P Ramsdale Parent
Mr A Stone Parent
Please note the School Profile can be found on the following website:
Mrs C Slater Staff
Miss S Bentley Staff
The school website which contains a wealth of additional information about the
Mrs A Hall Staff
School can be found at
Mrs J D Pickerill Voting Head

Mrs L Bellamy Associate

J D Pickerill
Headteacher NB: Terms of office will end 2009 for some Governors

Admissions, Attendance and Punctuality

The school’s annual admission number is 179

pupils. Good attendance and punctuality are essential to pupils’ educational success and the
school awards certificates for high levels of attendance. It is a legal requirement that
The school is oversubscribed. pupils should be at school unless they are ill. The Headteacher’s permission is
needed for all other absences. If a pupil is absent, it is essential that the school is
Admissions procedures are the responsibility contacted as soon as possible on the first day of their absence. On return a note of
of the Local Education Authority. If the school explanation should be sent with them. In the case of a long illness the school needs
is oversubscribed, parents can use the appeals to be regularly informed of the pupil’s progress and appropriate work will be
procedure. provided to complete at home. The Snaith School rigorously monitors attendance
and punctuality.

The Education Welfare Officers working with the school liaise closely with primary
school colleagues and families to investigate all unexplained or frequent absences.

In 2008/2009 Attendance Rates were as follows:

Number of Pupils on roll for at least one session 830

Percentage of sessions of authorised absence 5.4%

Percentage of sessions of unauthorised absence 0.1%

Pupils with learning difficulties and disabilities (LDD) receive high quality learning support delivered by a team of specialist teacher
and support staff under the management of the SENCO. The school provides a combination of appropriately modified curricula, in-
class support, small group work and 1:1 support. Depending on individual needs this ensures that all pupils receive the help they need
to achieve success.

Each department is responsible for monitoring the progress of all pupils, with or without LDD. Underpinning provision for pupils with
special educational needs is the development and maintenance of close relationships with parents and support agencies. The school’s
comprehensive LDD Policy is available on request.

There are many opportunities for pupils to take part in extra curricular Sports Clubs
activities. These vary each year depending on staff and pupil interest and demand. Art Club
In addition many subject areas offer opportunities to take part in educational
experiences and visits, for example to the theatre or major sporting events. The
Music Clubs
school has an Educational Visits Coordinator.

The school actively encourages positive press coverage and from time to time invites the Press into school to take photographs of
events. In addition, we use photographs on the school website. An “opt-out” policy operates for any parents who DO NOT wish their
child to appear in such coverage or photographs which appear in articles, on the web site, the school prospectus or other printed
publications that we produce as well as on project display boards at our school. Photographs or film footage of a visiting dignitary or
high profile event may be covered by the Press and images may appear in local or national newspapers, or on televised news
If you DO NOT wish your child to take part in such marketing activities please write to the Headteacher stating clearly that you do not
wish your child to be featured in this way.


The Snaith School Association is one of the school’s direct Partnership between home and school is one of the most
links with parents. A committee of interested parents and important factors in ensuring that each pupil achieves
teachers meets regularly to plan events, and to decide how success. To ensure that communication between home and
SSA funds should be spent. Meetings are informal and new school occurs regularly, parents are invited into school to
members are always welcome. Events organised are intended discuss their children’s progress. Other sessions are organised
for fundraising purposes. in order for parents of pupils in Years 7, 9 and 11 to come
into school to discuss the next stage of their children’s
All funds raised by the SSA are used for the benefit of pupils. education. Parents are also encouraged to communicate with
teachers via the school planner.

Parents are encouraged to discuss their child’s progress with

individual teachers and receive written reports (both interim
and full) on their children’s achievement. From Year 7 pupils
Bingo begin working on their Progress File, which reflects their
time at The Snaith School by giving a detailed account of all
Lower School Discos that they have achieved. Parents can also communicate with
Lower School Discos the school via e-mail
Prize Draw/Raffles
Prize Draw/Raffles

100 Club
100 Club


The wearing of a school uniform helps to establish a PE Kit Comprises:

sense of identity and should be worn both in school
as well as to and from school.
Jewellery should not be worn, although one pair of silver Royal Blue games shirt (reversible with Gold bands)
or gold studs are acceptable. The wearing of a watch is Navy Blue shorts
encouraged. Navy Blue PE skirt (optional)
Royal Blue socks with Gold tops
Body piercings are not acceptable as they can be a health White PE blouse (short sleeves)
and safety hazard and heavy make up is unnecessary. Plain White ankle socks
Trainers/Hockey boots
Extreme hairstyles and dress are unacceptable and do not form Towel
part of our ethos or culture.

Mobile Phones, iPods and other electronic equipment are not

allowed in school. BOYS:
Royal Blue games shirt (reversible with Gold bands)
Failure to comply with the school uniform code could result in White shorts
disciplinary action being taken. Royal Blue socks with Gold tops
Trainers/Football boots
Pupils are expected to take personal responsibility for their Royal Blue indoor gym/athletics vest
belongings, especially if they choose to wear expensive items Towel
of clothing to and from school.


BOYS School Uniform Comprises: GIRLS School Uniform Comprises:

Tie To be worn in good condition, with top button of shirt Tie To be worn in good condition, with top button of
fastened, with at least 9 stripes showing - can be bought shirt/blouse fastened, with at least 9 stripes showing –
from school at all times can be bought from school at all times

Trousers Plain dark grey/black, flannel type, not cotton/ jean/ cord Skirt Plain navy blue, medium weight material, smart,
type uniform type of a practical/appropriate/decent length for
moving around school/school type activities. (Not too
Shirt Plain white, no trim, motifs or coloured buttons, must have short, too long or with splits)
normal shirt type collar. Must be worn tucked in, must be
long enough to tuck in. If a tee-shirt is worn underneath for Trousers Smart, plain navy blue, uniform type (Not
warmth, it must be plain white with no writing/logos on it cotton/jean/cord type)

Socks Plain navy blue, black, grey or white - no decorations Shirt/Blouse Plain white, no darts, not fitted, no trim, motifs or
coloured buttons, must have normal shirt type collar.
Shoes Black or brown flat heeled shoes, with laces tied, not Must be worn tucked in, must be long enough to tuck
trainers or boots (footwear that covers the ankle and above) in. If a tee-shirt is worn underneath for warmth, it must
be plain white with no writing/logos on it
V-necked Jumper
Plain navy blue - no trim/motifs, no zips Socks Plain navy blue, black, grey or white – no decoration.

Tights Plain navy blue, black, beige or grey

Shoes Black or brown flat heeled shoes (no kitten heels), with
laces tied, not trainers or boots (footwear that covers the
ankle and above)

V-necked Cardigan or Jumper

Plain navy blue, waist length, no trim or motifs, no zips


We believe that homework helps to develop good study habits and self-reliance, which become increasingly important as pupils progress
through school. Homework is regularly set in all subjects. It is intended for pupils to extend their knowledge and understanding and to
develop their organisational skills. Pupils are expected to record homework in planners, whilst parents are asked to sign the planner each

Parents play an important part in supporting the school by helping to monitor the amount of work their children complete for homework.
This may vary from as little as one hour each night in Year 7 to three hours each night at GCSE level in Years 10 and 11.

Please contact the pupil’s Form Tutor or Head of Year if you have any
concerns about homework.
Required Items
30cm ruler
Pupils will need the required items and a suitable bag in which to carry them Pens
and their books. They should always have the correct equipment with them Coloured pencils
for their lessons. Rubber
Pencil sharpener
Calculator (ideally a
It is important that all items of clothing and personal property are clearly Scientific Calculator)
marked with their owner’s name. Compass
Planner (provided by the
Valuable items are the personal responsibility of the pupil and the school
Some items are for sale in
accepts no responsibility for any loss or damage which may occur. the school at reduced

If a large sum of money has to be brought in it should be given immediately

to a teacher for safe-keeping. Pupils should look after their personal property
and money. Lockers are available for hire.

The School Year The School Day

Monday From To
AUTUMN TERM 2009 Period 1 8.55 9.45
Tuesday 8 September – Thursday 22 October Period 2 9.45 10.35
Monday 2 November – Friday 18 December Break 10.35 10.50
Period 3 10.50 11.40
SPRING TERM Period 4 11.40 12.30
Tuesday 5 January – Friday 12 February Lunch 12.30 1.30
Monday 22 February – Friday 26 March Registration 1.30 1.35
Period 5 1.35 2.35
SUMMER TERM Period 6 2.35 3.35
Tuesday 13 April – Friday 28 May
Monday 7 June – Friday 23 July

May Day – Monday 3 May 2010 Tuesday - Friday From To

Registration 8.55 9.15
Period 1 9.15 10.15
Period 2 10.15 11.15
(pupils not in school) Period 3 11.30 12.30
Lunch 12.30 1.30
Monday 7 September Registration 1.30 1.35
Friday 23 October Period 4 1.35 2.35
Monday 4 January Period 5 2.35 3.35
Monday 12 April


The school employs a full time comprehensively trained first-aider in addition to several other trained first-aiders to attend to pupils
and staff. A school nurse visits the school regularly to give advice and support to pupils.


School meals are cooked and served on the premises and are nutritious, healthy and provide good value for money. A team of
lunchtime supervisors, supervise during lunch break. Unless pupils go home for lunch they are expected to remain on the school
premises. Lunchtime passes for pupils who go home are issued at the start of the school year. Pupils who go off site at lunchtime
without permission will be sanctioned appropriately.

CHILD PROTECTION Section 23 of the 1988 Education Act gives parents the
right to register any complaints they may have regarding
Because of day-to-day contact with children, schools are particularly the school’s compliance within the requirements of the
well placed to observe outward signs of abuse, changes in behaviour or National Curriculum. Parents wishing to make a complaint
failure to develop. Parents/carers should be aware therefore, as a school with regard to the school curriculum or related matters
should refer their concern to the Headteacher. If attempts to
that places high priority on the safety of every child, that if it appears to settle issues informally are unsuccessful, the complainant
a member of school staff that a child may have been abused, the school is should refer the matter, in writing, to the Chair of
required, as part of the local Child Protection Procedures, to report their Governors.
concern immediately to the Social Services Department. The school
Governor who monitors child protection is Mrs C Evans. The school’s
Child Protection Co-Ordinator is Miss G Hill (Deputy Headteacher).

Race Equality Policy

Pupil assessment, attainment and progress

The Snaith School is committed to making our school a happy and safe Promoting good race relations
place where everyone feels welcome and able to contribute to the life
Personal Development and Pastoral Care
of the school. We value cultural diversity and recognise that we are all
enriched by the differences that each individual brings to the The Curriculum
community. The school’s values

Staffing and professional development

We do not tolerate racist behaviour of any kind and expect that all Teaching and Learning
members of our school community actively follow our code of
Pupil behaviour, discipline and exclusions
practice. We have clear procedures to follow to ensure that we uphold
the Race Relations (Amendment) Act. A full copy of the policy is Membership of the Governing Body
available on request. Racial harassment and bullying

Involving parents/carers and the local

community in the school

The Race Relations (Amendment) Act 2000 places a positive duty on all schools, irrespective of whether they have pupils from
minority ethnic groups on roll, to promote race equality. There is a general duty to:

• Eliminate unlawful racial discrimination

• Promote equality of opportunity
• Promote good relations between people of different racial groups

The aim of the general duty is to help the school to:

• Meet the needs of all pupils and raise standards generally

• Remove inequalities between racial groups in terms of attainment, progress, disciplinary measures and admission
• Create a positive atmosphere which values diversity and respects difference
• Prevent racism and promote positive relations between different racial groups
• Prepare pupils to be good citizens living in a multi-ethnic society
• Create a workforce representing different ethnic backgrounds
• Make full use of skills and different perspectives in the community

A full copy of the policy is available on request.



All pupils follow a course of Personal, Social, Health, Citizenship and Enterprise Education. The course is designed to meet the needs
of the pupils in a particular year group. Topics covered each year include Careers Education, Progress File, Study Skills, Business and
Economic Understanding (including Work Experience) and Citizenship.

Health and Sex Education forms part of the PSHCEE programme and RELIGIOUS STUDIES
some aspects are taught in Science classes. Specific topics are also
delivered in other departments particularly those which have a health Religious Studies is incorporated into the
theme. The overall aim of Health Education in the school is to promote Curriculum in each year group. The taught
programme is in accordance with the PSHCEE
the development of a healthy lifestyle, thus protecting the pupil
Agreed Syllabus for Religious Education. In
from illness and risks. Factual information is presented to pupils addition, the cultural, spiritual, moral values and
but equal emphasis is placed on decision making. citizenship form an essential part of the Personal
and Social Education course taught throughout the
The PSHCEE programme includes information and discussion about school. Each day begins with a collective act of
alcohol and solvent abuse, smoking and illegal drugs. Sex education worship and each year group has one assembly a
plays an important part in the Health Education programme and covers week. Parents may exercise their right to withdraw
topics such as puberty, pregnancy and birth, contraception and sexually their child from Religious Education or Collective
transmitted diseases including AIDS. Worship (under Section 389 of the 1996 Education
Act). If they wish to do so they should contact Mrs
The emphasis throughout the sex education programme is to H Yates or Miss S Bentley, the Assistant
encourage pupils to adopt a moral lifestyle and to be responsible
for their own decisions. Parents may wish to exercise their right to
withdraw their child from some or all of the sex education lessons
in the Health Education programme. Before doing so they might wish to see the School Sex Education Policy and view the materials
used. If they wish to do so they should contact Miss Bentley (KS3) Assistant Headteacher or Mrs Yates (KS4) Assistant Headteacher.

Policy on Shinpads

Shinpads MUST be worn for competitive

football and hockey matches (as per the Rules

Physical Education is a strength of the school. Some pupils

are particularly talented in their chosen sport. A range of In lessons the wearing of shinpads is currently
sports or examples of successes include pupils who optional but advisable.
represented their county or country in various sports. A
huge range of sporting activities is on offer for all to enjoy.
Sport and Physical Education are given a high priority in
the school as part of the pupil’s total education which is
reflected in the successes of the sports teams and Among the sports offered in
individuals. The school was awarded the prestigious school are:
Sportsmark Award by Sport England for the quality of its
Physical Education and sports programme. The coveted Hockey Athletics
Sportsmark awards are made annually to English schools Gymnastics Basketball
that show a commitment to developing sport to a high level Badminton Fitness Training
in partnership with their local community. The school has a Football Cricket
Community Sports Co-ordinator. Rugby Netball

and many many more!


High quality Careers Education and

Guidance is available through the school.
Leavers’ destinations for Year 11 pupils in 2008 were as follows: The school works closely with
Connexions specialist careers advisers to
Further Education/Sixth Form College 79.6% ensure pupils have access to high-quality
Training 17.9% information. A wide range of computer
Employment 0.6% software, the Internet and more
Not known 1.8% traditional forms of information are
available as well we advice on which to
The latter figure represents pupils who have not responded to base their decisions for life after school,
correspondence from the Connexions Service but the remainder either in further education, training or
of the figures show typical numbers staying in full time education, work. All pupils in Year 11 experience
whilst the number of pupils entering training and employment is .two weeks’ work experience in their
also very similar to last year. penultimate year of education.

STAFF LIST 2009-2010


Headteacher Mrs J Pickerill

Deputy Headteacher Mr R Woollen
Deputy Headteacher Miss G Hill
Assistant Headteacher Miss S Bentley
Assistant Headteacher Mrs H Yates
Business & Admin Manager Mrs C Slater


Mrs S Cloherty Mrs L Arthur

Mrs V Ratcliffe Mrs S Bayliss
Mrs A Rimmington Mrs A Hall Lead Learner Maths
Miss R Thomas Lead Learner Teaching & Learning Miss C Johnson D of E Coordinator
Mr I Williams Head of English Mr J Mackay Mathematics/Science
Mr M Smith Head of Maths
Mr S Smith


Mr D Brogan Web Site Development Coordinator Mr P Calpin Head of Technology

Mr J Mackay Science/Mathematics Miss S Gawtry Textiles, Lead Learner Teaching &
Dr D Madill Learning
Miss T McCloy Mr D Goodsell Head of Year 8
Mrs J Pickerill Headteacher Mrs G Marshall Health and Social Care/Food
Mrs S Robertson (PT) Miss K MacInnes
Mrs L Robinson Head of Science Mrs E Oldridge (PT)
Mrs G Smith (PT) Mrs C Taylor (PT) Cover Supervisor
Mrs B Van Dijk

STAFF LIST 2009-2010


Mr S Banks Head of Languages
Mr S Neesam Lead Learner ICT Miss G Ramsay Head of Year 10
Mrs K Rome Head of ICT Mr N Schmitt


Mrs R Baddon Head of Drama, Head of Mrs S Barr (PT) Citizenship Coordinator
Year 7 Miss P Burrows
Mr G Gardner Head of RE & Citizenship
Mrs H Yates Assistant Headteacher


Miss S Bentley Assistant Headteacher Mr S Elliott Head of Music

Miss L Kirk Head of Year 9 Mrs S Frost (PT)
Mr A Richardson-Medd Head of Art & Design

STAFF LIST 2009-2010


Miss E Bacchus Head of History Mrs K O’Rourke Head of Geography

Mr S Elsley Mr D Whitaker
Mr R Woollen Deputy Headteacher


Mrs N Crook Sports Coordinator Ms K Bramley SENCO

Mr C Lamplugh Gifted & Talented Coordinator
Miss C Montague Health Coordinator BUSINESS STUDIES
Mr G Simm Head of PE
Mr R Wilson Head of Year 11 Miss G Hill Deputy Headteacher
Mr P Warren Head of Business Studies


Miss S Barraclough Mrs L Johnson Mr M Harvey ICT Technician

Mrs B Belton Mrs M Benson Mr B Kendall ICT Network Manager
Mrs L Brinded Mrs S King Mr M Parkin Technology Technician
Mrs S East Mrs M O’Sullivan Mr J Smithson ICT Trainee Technician
Mrs L Hall Mrs P Price Mr P Westerman Senior Science Technician
Mrs J Hinchcliffe Mr D Rose Mrs D Wong Science Technician
Mrs C Howse Mrs A Westaby
Mrs N Huddlestone

STAFF LIST 2009-2010


Mrs L Bonner Kitchen Assistant Mrs M McBride Senior Lunchtime Supervisor

Mrs N Davies Kitchen Assistant
Miss K Howarth Kitchen Assistant Mrs W Barrie Mrs N Huddlestone
Mrs S Kelly Kitchen Assistant Mrs M Benson Mrs S Stocks
Mrs C O’Rourke Kitchen Assistant Mrs S Casey Mrs J Wright
Mrs S Robinson Cook in Charge Mrs S Howard
Mrs S Teale Kitchen Assistant
Mrs S Wilson Cook in Charge


Mrs M Bainbridge Classroom Assistant - Tech Mrs G Abbott Clerical Assistant

Mrs K Bradley Librarian Mr N Allcock Exams/Timetabling Officer
Mrs J Free Classroom Assistant – Art Ms S Backhouse Medical Room/Teaching
Mrs N Grant Pastoral Officer Assistant
Ms S Mallinson Extended School Coordinator Mrs D Haywood Receptionist
Mrs J Palmer Cover Supervisor Mrs B McHugh Receptionist
Mrs C Taylor Cover Supervisor Mrs C O’Connor Administrative & Buildings
Mrs K Thompson Cover Supervisor Officer
Mrs J Robinson Data Assistant
Mrs M Senior Administrative Officer
SITE/CARETAKING STAFF Mrs C Slater Business & Administrative
Mr K Aldridge Site Coordinator Mrs F Watson Clerical Assistant
Mr M Fell Caretaker

The Snaith School will on request, provide this document in

If English is not your first language and you would like a translation
of this document please contact the school.


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