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digital FALCON


- The versatile basic microwave detector -

User manual *)

Revision: 31 July 2006


subject to technical change



31 July 2006 page

1 2 3 4 5

PROPERTIES OVERVIEW .........................................................................................................................1 GETTING STARTED....................................................................................................................................2 DETECTOR INITIALIZATION, RELAY AND LED STATUS REPORT..............................................2 POWER SUPPLY, -FAIL AND DISCHARGE PROTECTION ...............................................................2 SERIAL DATA INTERFACE ......................................................................................................................3

5.1 CABLE CONNECTION TO A TERMINAL OR A PC ..............................................................................................3 5.2 DATA TRANSMISSION AND SOFTWARE ...........................................................................................................3 5.2.1 Data transmission with the "HyperTerminal" ......................................................................................3 5.3 START MESSAGE............................................................................................................................................4 6 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 6.6 7 8 9 10 11 12 12.1 12.2 12.3 13 14 14.1 15 15.1 15.2 16 16.1 16.2 17 SETTING THE PARAMETERS ..................................................................................................................5 PARAMETER STATUS AND DEFAULT VALUES .................................................................................................5 RELAY SPEED THRESHOLD.............................................................................................................................6 SENSITIVITY ..................................................................................................................................................6 RELAY HOLDTIME .........................................................................................................................................6 DETECTED DIRECTION ...................................................................................................................................7 AMPLIFIER LOW SPEED LIMIT .........................................................................................................................8 MEASUREMENT PRINCIPLE ...................................................................................................................9 RADAR DISTANCE RANGE.......................................................................................................................9 ANTENNA DIAGRAM ...............................................................................................................................10 MEASUREMENT SPEED RANGE AND ACCURACY......................................................................10 MEASUREMENT ANGLE.....................................................................................................................11 TECHNICAL DATA OVERVIEW ........................................................................................................12 12 VOLT DC POWER SUPPLY ELECTRICAL RATINGS.................................................................................12 RELAY ELECTRICAL RATINGS ..................................................................................................................13 TERMINAL CONNECTION SCHEME ............................................................................................................13 CIRCUIT BOARD, FUSE AND SWITCHES .......................................................................................13 FALCON BASIC WITH OPTIONAL 230 VOLT MAINS POWER SUPPLY..................................14 RATINGS FALCON BASIC 230VOLT VERSION...........................................................................................15 HOUSING .................................................................................................................................................16 HOUSING MEASURES AND FIXATION ........................................................................................................16 HOUSING MATERIAL, PROTECTION AND CABLE........................................................................................16 CE-CONFORMITY DECLARATION AND NATIONAL NOTIFICATION ...................................17 CE DECLARATION OF CONFORMITY .........................................................................................................17 NOTIFICATION .........................................................................................................................................17 ELECTROSTATIC DISCHARGE PRECAUTIONS FOR OPEN DETECTORS ............................18

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31 July 2006

1 Properties overview
The digital Falcon Basic is a radar sensor for the detection of object movement, movement direction and speed. The measurement result is indicated through a relay signal output. The digital Falcon Basic with 12 x 17 patch antenna and planar high frequency module was developed to replace the older Falcon Basic with 11 x 11 patch antenna and a high frequency wave guide gun diode transceiver. In the past damages and failure of microwave detectors occurred due to electrostatic discharges while working at the open detector, particularly during the cable installation or the mounting of the detector. Usual microwave detectors have high frequency transceivers (HF gun diode transmitter and low barrier schottky diode receiver), which have open mixer diodes and the ability to burn through at electrostatic discharges. In contrary the Falcon Basic 12 x 17 includes an encapsulated transceiver module with integrated amplifier which is not vulnerable to electrostatic discharge. The module works with a PHEMT-transistor oscillator for HF transmission, which has a 4 till 5 time higher efficiency than wave guide gun diode oscillators, resulting in the low power consumption of the Falcon Basic. This also results in lower heat production, with the effect of lower thermal stress of all detector semiconductors and finally a much longer lifetime and failure rate in compare to detectors with gun transceivers. The narrow antenna beam width of 12 x 17 allows lane selective measurements in overhead applications, e. g. for lane selective vehicle counting or the announcement of vehicles on turn left/right lanes at traffic light cross section controllers. For the use in 6, 12 or 24 Volt accumulator backed systems an accumulator deep discharge protection (low voltage load disconnection) with power on/off Hysterese was implemented. In addition to the functionality of the old digital Falcon Basic detectors, new functions were added. Beside the signalisation of vehicles speed above an adjustable speed threshold by a relay, the detected movement direction can be set now to either oncoming, leaving or both directions. For the detection of slow movements a selectable extension of the low speed bandwidth limit of the analogue signal amplifier was added. All detector parameters can be set over a serial interface with a standard PC terminal program. Still a simple field adjustment of the parameter over the kept manual PCB switches is possible. The relay works in "fail safe" mode, what means that it is always switched to object detected state at power off or power fail. Applications for the digital FALCON Basic are for example overspeed warning signs, sensor for traffic light controllers (pedestrian, vehicle, rail announcement, vehicle green phase elongation, etc.) or simple counting applications, where the number of relay switching represent the counted vehicles. In particular applications where either a high distance range is obligatory or where lane selective measurements on short distances are necessary.

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31 July 2006

2 Getting started
Because the detector electronic consists of semiconductors (e.g. CMOS chips) please read chapter 17 Electrostatic discharge precautions for open detectors first. Take the detector out of the housing. Pull the prepared connection cable through the cable gland and connect it to the terminal (scheme see chapter 12.3) according your needed configuration. If necessary adjust the accumulator deep discharge protection on the circuit board according the used accumulator voltage (see also chapter 4 and 13). Modify the standard parameters (see chapter 6 following), manually or over the serial interface (see chapter 5). Reassemble the detector carefully in his housing and check the seal before you close the cover. Mount the detector at the measurement spot, direct it (see chapters 9 and 11) and test the proper operation.

3 Detector initialization, relay and LED status report

After power on the detector executes first an initialisation sequence. During the 2.5 second long initialisation sequence the relay is switched twice in the object detected state, shown as logical high condition in the illustration below. Object detected state means that terminal pin 7 to 6 connection is open and terminal pin 7 to 8 is connected (closed) by the relay, see also chapter 12.3.

Before power on the relay is always in the object detected state, hereby the fail safe function of the relay is realised. After the initialisation the detector starts measuring. The green status LED is always lit, when the relay is switched in the object detected state. The LED is visible through the light wave guide head at the sidewall of the detector.

4 Power supply, -fail and discharge protection

For the detector operation with accumulators a discharge protection with voltage Hysterese is foreseen. The power supply of the digital FALCON Basic controls the level of the input voltage. Should the input voltage drop below the power off voltage level the microprocessor stops in a reset state and the relay is switched in the object detected state, see also table below. Nominal accumulator voltage 6 Volt 12 Volt 24 Volt Power on voltage level Von 5,65 Volt 11,3 Volt 22,6 Volt Power off voltage level Voff 5,45 Volt 10,9 Volt 21,8 Volt

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31 July 2006

The digital Falcon Basic is reinitialised as soon the input voltage reaches the power on voltage level again. The voltage level and Hysterese adjustment is done with a jumper on the circuit board, see chapter 13, before you install the detector.

5 Serial data interface

5.1 Cable connection to a terminal or a PC PC 9-pole DSUB connector Falcon Basic terminal Signal RxD TxD GND Pin 2 3 5 Signal TxD RxD GND Pin 4 5 1 The table aside shows how to connect the digital Falcon Basic to a PC or a terminal. This is a so-called null modem connection with crossed RxD and TxD wires.

For the connection just a shielded 3-wire cable is needed. Further data transmission control wires need not be connected, because the digital Falcon Basic does not support a hardware handshake. The critical maximum cable length for a RS232/V24 data transmission can be estimated according following formula: cable length = 106 / Baud rate = 106 / 9600 100 meter 5.2 Data transmission and software The data transmission is a pure text transmission with printable ASCII - characters. For the reception, to display and insert characters on your PC or laptop you may use a so-called terminal software. A specific data transmission program is not needed. You may use the "HyperTerminal" program from Microsoft Windows, which is part of all Windows operating systems from Windows 95/NT till Windows XP. Under Windows 3.1 or Windows 3.11 for workgroups exists the program "Terminal". For DOS countless terminal programs like "Norton Terminal", "Telix", "XCOM" and so on, are available. 5.2.1 Data transmission with the "HyperTerminal" To find the "HyperTerminal" in the task bar, click on the start button in the task bar and then Programs - Accessories - (Communication) - HyperTerminal. Start the program with a mouse click. If you use the program the very first time a message prompt appears with the question if you want to define a modem connection. Quit with the "No" button. Insert in the dialogue "Connection description" a name for the session and chose an icon, see also Illustration 1. Confirm with the "OK" button.

Illustration 1 * via traffic controlling gmbh - Maybachstr. 39 - D-51381 Leverkusen - ( +49-(0)2171-504930 - Fax: -504950 Internet:




31 July 2006

In the next window you have to define the interface to which the connection shall be done. Select a defined port designation in the selection field "Connect using", e.g. COM1 or COM2. The other input fields are shaded grey in consequence, because they are not needed for direct port connection, this fields are only used with modems, see Illustration 2. Finally you have to insert or chose the data transmission parameters, use the values shown in Illustration 3.

Illustration 2

After this is done and the "COM properties" dialogue is ended with the "OK" button the empty terminal screen appears. Connect the Falcon Basic with the prepared cable to the serial COM port of your PC and supply the Falcon Basic with power. 5.3 Start message The start message of the Falcon Basic appears in the terminal window: !digital Falcon Basic Version 1.03 !via traffic controlling GmbH !
Illustration 3

After the 2.5 second long initialisation appears the second variable part of the start message: !Parameters set by eeprom only !<ESC> starts user input !Ready The digital Falcon Basic is now ready for user inputs. During the detector initialisation sequence the detector checks if the parameter setting was made manually by the PCB switches or if the EEPROM based parameter set is valid. More concerning the variable Parameter set by ... message see in the following chapter. An exclamation mark leads all send lines with text of the digital Falcon Basic.

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31 July 2006

6 Setting the parameters

All parameters can be set over the serial interface connection. A selection of the most important parameters and values can also be set manually by a hex-switch and a dip-switch on the Falcon Basic circuit board (see chapter 13), if no input terminal is available. The manual settings get valid if the hex-switch is turned out of position "0". In this case the second part of the start message looks as follows: !Parameters set by board switches The switches are read by the digital Falcon Basic only during the start-up initialisation and they are stored in the EEPROM (electrical erasable permanent read only memory) afterwards. So the digital Falcon Basic must be restarted to make a manual parameter change valid. If parameters are set over the serial interface they are also stored in the EEPROM permanently and they get valid immediately. All terminal inserted parameter values are checked if they are legal. If they are outside the legal range the parameter prompt will be repeated. After the insertion of <ESC> (0x1B hex) the digital Falcon Basic sends the following parameter menu: !Press !<1> set relays speed threshold !<2> set sensitivity !<3> set relay holdtime !<4> set detected direction !<5> set amplifier low speed limit !<?> get parameter status Other inserted characters as the shown above lead to the error message: !Error illegal option After 6 seconds without an insertion in the parameter menu or at a parameter input prompt the Falcon Basic returns to the measurement mode. The attempt to overwrite manually set characters over the serial interface is refused with the message: !Parameters set by board switches Before you can change the parameters over the serial interface the hex-switch must be returned in position "0" and the detector must be restarted (power off and on) again. 6.1 Parameter status and default values If you insert "?" in the parameter menu the current state of the parameters will be send: !Parameters: !Relay speed threshold = 5 km/h !Radar sensitivity = 100 % !Relay holdtime = 1.000 s !Detected direction = oncoming !Amplifier low speed limit = 7.5 km/h The setting above is the default parameter set ex factory.
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31 July 2006

6.2 Relay speed threshold The digital FALCON Basic has a relay to report an object passing the radar beam, depending on the set speed threshold and the set detected direction, see also chapter 6.5. The relay is switched if an object passing the radar beam moves faster than the set relay speed threshold. Over the serial interface the relay speed threshold can be changed in 1 km/h steps with the choice "1" in the parameter menu: !Relay speed threshold (0-255 km/h) = _ Manually you can choose between 15 ex factory programmed speed thresholds, see table below. The choice is made by a hexadecimal turn switch on the digital Falcon Basic circuit board, see chapter 13. Position v 1 0 2 5 3 10 4 15 5 20 6 25 7 30 8 40 9 50 A 60 B 70 C 80 D 90 E 100 F 120 km/h

If you turn the hex-switch out of position 0, you switch from valid EEPROM parameters to manual settings. 6.3 Sensitivity The distance range of the digital Falcon Basic can be reduced manually or over the serial data interface. If you chose "2" in the parameter menu following input prompt is send: !Radar sensitivity (100% / n, n=1,2,4,8 or 16), n = _ The value for n is the divisor of the distance range, so n = 2 means the half distance range. With the dip-switch on the circuit board (see chapter 13) you may change the distance range manually according the table aside, if the hexswitch is turned out of position 0 . Range Switch 5 Switch 6 A general discussion of the Falcon Basic distance OFF OFF 100 % range you can find in chapter 8. ON OFF 25 % Due to the fact that the settings change the analogue signal amplifier gain the parameter was called sensitivity. 6.4 Relay holdtime After an object is detected, because its speed exceed the set speed threshold and its movement direction is the set detected direction, the relay is switched to the object detectedstate for the defined relay holdtime. Because the detector measures continuously the time of the object detected state will last as long as the object exceeds the speed threshold while it passes the beam plus the holdtime. The holdtime can be set over the serial interface by inserting 3 in the parameter menu: !Relay holdtime ( n x 25 ms, 4 < n < 255) n = _ The relay holdtime can be adjusted in a multiple of 25 ms, the range is therefore between 100 ms minimum and 6.375 seconds maximum holdtime.
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12,5 % 6%


Setting 1.000 s


31 July 2006

Dip-switch no. 4 OFF

If the hex-switch is turned out of position 0 , the holdtime is determined by the setting of dip-switch number 4 on the PCB (see chapter 13).

The holdtime 1 second is typical for high distance speed tracking applications with the radar beam quite parallel to ON 0.125 s road. A short holdtime of 0.125 seconds would be used e. g. in vehicle counting applications, with 45 and higher measurement angles, where a good vehicle discrimination is necessary and the number of relay switching represents the number of passed vehicles. 6.5 Detected direction The digital Falcon Basic can detect vehicles from one direction (unidirectional), either oncoming or leaving, or from both directions (bidirectional). The detected direction can be set over the serial interface and manually. Insert "4" in the parameter menu and the digital Falcon Basic sends: !Detected direction: !<1> oncoming !<2> leaving !<3> bidirectional !Select: _ If you mount the detector lateral and you intend to measure both directions of a road with two lanes, you have to be aware that vehicles may disappear due to radar shadow effects, see Illustration 4. The detector only measures what he sees optically from its viewpoint. If the detector is mounted overhead and you measure leaving (or bidirectional) traffic you have to expect that the detector recognises all leaving objects. Maybe also falling rain if the signal reflected by the sum of rain drop surfaces is strong enough to trigger a detection. Although a radar detector working according the Doppler principle (see chapter 7) measures only speed vectors parallel to its beam axis (more precise to its radar field vectors) it will also recognise the parallel speed vector share of a movement across the beam axis.

Illustration 4:Passenger car in the radar shadow of a truck with trailer

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31 July 2006

Illustration 5 shows a vertical falling raindrop with speed vector A, whose vector share B parallel to the radar field vectors will be measured by the digital Falcon Basic if the detection of leaving (bidirectional) traffic is set.

Illustration 5: Speed vector of a falling raindrop

In overhead installations the detector should in general detect oncoming traffic in order to avoid "ghost detections" caused by rain, hail or snow. The measurement angle should be also kept as small as possible (vertical directed) to avoid a blinding of the detector by a strong rain signal reflection. Switch 1 OFF ON OFF ON Switch 2 OFF OFF ON ON Meaning oncoming vehicles bi-directional detection bi-directional detection leaving vehicles The manual setting is made by the dipswitch on the digital Falcon Basic circuit board, see also chapter 13. The table aside lists the meaning of the dipswitch settings.

6.6 Amplifier low speed limit The low speed limit of the amplifier can be set to 7.5 km/h or 1.5 km/h (3 dB points). The setting of the amplifier low speed limit does not determine the lowest detected speed, it just determines the attenuation of the object signal at the speeds above. Further 3 dB points mean that the signal level at these limits is reduced by the factor 2. For the detection of slow movements below 10 km/h the limit 1.5 km/h should be chosen. For the detection of speeds above 30 km/h on high distance range the high sensitivity of the amplifier for slow movements can be disturbing. Especially if movements of trees, branches or poles in the next environment dominate and disturb the measurement. Also if there is near diagonal traffic which shall not be detected. Dip-switch 3 OFF ON Setting 7.5 km/h 1.5 km/h After the insertion 5 in the parameter menu a selection submenu is presented. If the manual parameters are active (hex-switch out of position 0 ), the amplifier low speed can be set with dip-switch no. 3, see table aside.

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31 July 2006

7 Measurement principle
The measurement of the digital FALCON Basic is based on the physical principle of the Doppler effect. A movement in the radar wave field produced by the detector, towards or away from the detector, changes the frequency of the signal reflected by the moving object. The result of superposition (mixing) of the send and the received signal is a low frequency signal, whose frequency is proportional the objects movement speed. Therefore the digital Falcon Basic is a pure movement detector. Radial movements without a change in the distance to the radar detector (orthogonal to the radar wave field vectors) do not cause a frequency change of the reflected signal and therefore produce no low frequency "Doppler signal". For movements diagonal to the radar field vectors only the share parallel to the field vector is measured, see also Illustration 5. The Falcon Basic transceiver (high frequency transmitter and receiver) has two receivers, whose positions differ for a wavelength. From the phase shift between the two received signals the direction of an object movement, oncoming or leaving can be resolved. A received signal without phase shift can be identified as interfering distorting signal which will not be evaluated. The Falcon Basic measures continuously. If an object enters the beam over each 20 cm movement distance a speed value is calculated and compared to the set relay speed threshold and the set detected direction. The time to complete a measurement of a valid object signal depends on its speed and varies for the speed range of 0,7 km/h till 255 km/h between approximately 1 second and 5 milliseconds.

8 Radar distance range

The distance at which the digital Falcon Basic measures an object the first time depends on the size of an object, or more precise on the size of the area, which reflects radar waves back to the detector. If the digital Falcon Basic is set to full sensitivity (100%, see chapter 6.3) it will reach a distance range of more than 250 m for passenger cars in the free field. The distance range for trucks is due to the big truck front surfaces 50 .... 100 % higher in compare to passenger cars, for motor bikes it will be 50 % and lower. Large objects (container, parking vehicles, buildings, etc.) may cause a multipath propagation of the radar beam1, vehicles moving against the wished detected direction in the beam and slow distorting movements of trees, branches, pedestrians and so on, as well radio wave emitting equipment in the near surrounding, may reduce the distance range of the radar. An installation of the detector behind housing covers, radomes or shields may also reduce the distance range due to fading losses. Plastics materials like polyamide-, polycarbonate and polyacryl covers have the lowest losses. As thinner as better. Sometimes it helps to vary the distance between detector and the cover to get better results. Lacquers consisting of carbon and titan dioxide are famous for good radar signal absorption.

The radar beam propagates to/from the object not only in a direct line, but also indirectly, reflected by large surfaces in the detection area. The resulting (intermodulated) signal is a superposition of the signals received over several paths. The resulting signal looses its proper sinus form and might even have a double frequency. * via traffic controlling gmbh - Maybachstr. 39 - D-51381 Leverkusen - ( +49-(0)2171-504930 - Fax: -504950 Internet:



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9 Antenna diagram
The 12 x 17 patch antenna emits the microwave beam orthogonal through the housing cover. The antenna beam width differs vertically and horizontally. For the detection angle of the long housing side, see Illustration 6 and the width housing side, see Illustration 7.

Illustration 6: Detection angle long housing side

Illustration 7: Detection angle width housing side

Illustration 8 shows the angular diagram for the 12 x 17 patch antenna with the measured angular loss of field intensity related to the field intensity in the 0 angle in decibel (dB). The nominal antenna beam width ( 12 and 17, 6 and 8,5 to each side ) is the angle where the field loss reaches -3 dB what means half field power. It is therefore a measure for the focusation of the antenna beam, but it does not express the angle under which an object is detected. By measurements the detections angle along the width housing side was found to be Illustration 8: Antenna diagram 12 x 17 approximately the double antenna beam width, see also Illustration 7. Due to the antenna side lobes is the detection angle at the long housing side not constant, see also Illustration 8. A good antenna focusation is either necessary for a good vehicle discrimination in counting applications and to have minimum distance range losses in high distance range speed tracking applications, due to detector blinding traffic in the unwanted direction, see also chapter 8.

10 Measurement speed range and accuracy

The measured speed range is between 0,7 km/h and 255 km/h. Speed v < 100 km/h v > 100 km/h Maximum Error 3 km/h 3% The stated error limits are only valid at measurement angles below 12 respectively 17, see also chapter 9.

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11 Measurement angle
Speed measurements physically based on the Doppler principle measure the vector share of the speed vector parallel to the radar field vectors. Therefore are measured speed values of objects moving diagonal to the radar field vectors and herewith include an measurement angle between their movement direction and the radar field vector direction lower than the objects real speed, see also Illustration 9. The practical consequence is that in an installation with a measurement angle exceeding the half detection angle of the detector a too low speed is measured. As Illustration 9 shows changes the measurement angle included between vehicle speed vector

Illustration 9: Speed parallelograms of a vehicle moving in the radar field with constant speed

C and the radar field vectors continuously while the vehicle passes the beam. In the above example moves the vehicle from the right to the left and the measured share A of the vehicle speed vector gets always shorter, what means the measured speed lower. To measure the correct real speed of the vehicle either direct the digital Falcon Basic beam axis as parallel as possible to the vehicle movement axis for long distance range applications and keep the measurement angle below 12 respectively 17, see also chapter 9. Else recognise a speed correction factor when your measurement angle is larger than 12 (17), when you set the relay speed threshold. When an oncoming/leaving vehicle enters/leaves the beam following formula is valid: veff = vTab / cos (

D /2)


veff - effective speed threshold vTab - set speed threshold


- measurement angle - half detection angle 12 (or 17)

D /2


Measurement angle

= 45; set speed threshold vTab = 50 km/h

veff = 50 km/h / cos (45- 12 ) = 59.6 km/h A vehicle need to pass with 60 km/h the radar beam under 45 measurement angle to switch the relay, if the relay speed threshold is set to 50 km/h.

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12 Technical data overview

digital FALCON Basic Antenna: Beam width (-3dB points): Measurement principle: Emission frequency: Emission power: Detection mode: Data interface: Data transmission speed: Data transmission parameters: Data format: Speed measurement range: Signal output: Detection range (free field) MTBF @ 70 C Operation temperature range: standard / typical microstrip patch antenna 12 x 17 Doppler-Radar 24.165 GHz, K-Band < 5 mW Movement Serial RS232 9600 bps 8 Data-, 1 stop bit, no parity ASCII 0.7 - 255 km/h 1 bistable relay 250 meter MTBF > 120.000 h - 40 ... + 70 C for passenger cars optional / remarks 20 dBm, 100 mW EIRP uni- or bidirectional -

12.1 12 Volt DC power supply electrical ratings digital FALCON Basic Supply voltage: Mean current: nominal 6, 12 or 24 V DC1 70 mA @ 6 Volt 40 mA @ 12 Volt 25 mA @ 24 Volt limits 5,4 ... 30 V DC 45 mA @ 12 V 1000 mV @ f < 100 Hz 100 mV @ f > 100 Hz MOS-FET transistor protection circuit Suppressor diode 33 V and coil filter Wire fuse 1A inert on circuit board

Supply ripple voltage: Reverse connection protection: EMC protection: Overload protection:

The digital Falcon Basic operates with 6, 12 or 24 Volt accumulators or with 5,4 ... 30 V DC supplies. The

internal power supply operates at 6 Volt with highest efficiency.

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12.2 Relay electrical ratings Relay maximum ratings Switched voltage: Permanent current: Switching power: 50V AC / 70 V DC 1A 60VA/ 30 W1

For the direct control or connection of small power loads the Falcon Basic has a bistable small load relay (Siemens V 23026 ) with one change-over contact.

If you use the relay for load currents above 100 mA the hard gold coating of the contacts will burn off. Afterwards the relay cannot be used to switch loads of some mA properly again. 12.3 Terminal connection scheme The table below shows the connection scheme for the Falcon Basic. Name Pin 1 Pin 2 Pin 3 Pin 4 Pin 5 Pin 6 Pin 7 Pin 8 Ground + UB unused TxD RxD Relay open contact Relay common contact Relay close contact Transmit data Receive data Open if v > S2 Common contact Closed if v > S Supply Voltage Function The spring force cages of the connector terminal can be used with rigid or flexible wires of diameters between 0,14 - 0,5 mm2. The wire isolation shall be removed for 11 mm. A pair of tweezers or small pliers is helpful to feed the wires in the connector. For production reasons a second connector terminal with 6 pins might be added on the circuit board. All of its pins are unused.

13 Circuit board, fuse and switches

no capacitive and inductive loads Abbreviations: v-vehicle velocity, S - set speed threshold * via traffic controlling gmbh - Maybachstr. 39 - D-51381 Leverkusen - ( +49-(0)2171-504930 - Fax: -504950 Internet:



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14 Falcon Basic with optional 230 Volt mains power supply

If the Falcon Basic is ordered with 230 Volt AC mains power supply a second power supply circuit board is mounted below the detector circuit board shown in chapter 13. On the power supply circuit board the 230 Volt AC voltage is transformed and rectified to a 12 Volt DC voltage, with which the detector circuit board is supplied.

Danger: Before opening the housing disconnect the 230 Volt mains supply voltage and take care against reconnection through third persons. Repairs shall only be done by trained electricians.
The 230 Volt mains power cable must be connected to the clamp terminal labelled 230V AC Input. Additionally to the strain relief of the cable gland another strain relief clamp is located on the power supply pcb to which the power supply cable can be fixed with a cable tie. The second strain relief clamp on the power supply pcb can be used for the signal cable. The 12 Volt DC supply wires of the detector circuit board are connected to the clamp terminal 0V/12V respectively 0V/12V. If the green LED is lit, the 12 Volt DC output voltage is present between clamps 0V and 12V.
Illustration 10: 230 Volt mains supply circuit board Located on the power supply is a load relay for AC loads till 6 Ampere and 250 Volt. The load relay is switched by the small load relay on the detector circuit board, whose contacts are pre wired to the load relay input clamps. This load relay has only one closing contact labelled load relay output, switching synchronous to the closing contact of the relay on the detector circuit board, see also chapter 3, 6.2, 6.4 and 12.3.

The 230 Volt primary transformator circuit has a 100 mA T (inert) fuse on the pcb bottom side. The secondary low voltage circuit is protected by a 0.2 A polyfuse switch against overload. To reset the polyfuse remove the overload condition and power the detector off and on. Additionally a thermofuse against overheating of the transformator protects the power supply.

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14.1 Ratings Falcon Basic 230Volt Version Input voltage and limits Maximal power consumption Type of the heavy load relay Maximal permanent/peak switching current Nominal/maximal switching voltage Maximal switching power relay Relay contact material Max. wire diameter clamp terminals Over voltage /secondary) protection 230 Volt AC +10%/-13% 4.5 Watt @ 230 Volt RE 300 from Siemens or Schrack 6 A / 15 A (4s pulse) 230 VAC/ 440 VAC 1500 VA AC AgCdO, AgNi, 15 m gold plated1 2.5/1.5 mm solid/stranded wire

(primary- Varistor (275V)/suppressor diode(15V) wire fuse 1 A inert, thermo wire fuse 102 C poly fuse 0.2A

fuses (primary-/secondary side circuit)

See chapter 12.2 concerning gold plated contacts and heavy loads * via traffic controlling gmbh - Maybachstr. 39 - D-51381 Leverkusen - ( +49-(0)2171-504930 - Fax: -504950 Internet:



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15 Housing
15.1 Housing measures and fixation Length Width Height Weight 125 mm 80 mm 57 mm 400 g At the housing bottom side are two fixation holes in a distance 113 mm x 52 mm with a M6 thread visible. For a customer specific fixation this thread holes might be used at first. The M6 threads end in a screw channel, which appears if you take the cover from the housing. So you may also pull through screws with 5 mm shaft diameter from the other side.

A fixation fork made of stainless steel for detector wall or pole mounting and an universal ball-joint fixture for the same purpose can be delivered. The fixation fork must be ordered with the detector due to necessary housing preparation. 15.2 Housing material, protection and cable Housing and cover are made of glass powder strengthened polyamide, colour silver grey, similar to RAL 7001. The seal between cover and housing consists of foamed chloroprenelatex (CR). The housing protection class is IP66, what means the housing is protected against dust and low pressure water streams from all directions. The 2 fixation holes (113 mm x 52 mm) are outside the sealing area. The standard cable put-through is a polycarbonate cable gland with M12 thread, appropriate for cable diameters from 3 mm till 7 mm. The housing is only sealed with put-through cable and locked cable gland!

* via traffic controlling gmbh - Maybachstr. 39 - D-51381 Leverkusen - ( +49-(0)2171-504930 - Fax: -504950 Internet:



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31 July 2006

16 CE-Conformity declaration and national notification

16.1 CE declaration of conformity
Declaration of Conformity
in accordance with the Directive 1999/5/EC (R&TTE Directive) The manufacturer: Declares that the product: Intended purpose: Type: Via traffic controlling GmbH digital Falcon Solar and Basic with 12 x 17 antenna Short range device vehicle motion detector Radio equipment Equipment class: 1

Complies with the essential requirements of article 3 of the R&TTE directive, when used for its intended purpose: - Health and safety requirements pursuant to article 3.1a, according low voltage directive 73/23/EEC - Protection requirements concerning electromagnetic compatibility article 3.1b, according electromagnetic compatibility directive 89/336/EEC - Air interface of the radio systems pursuant to article 3.2 Harmonised standards applied: EN 60950-1: 2001 EN 55022: 1998 + A1:2000 EN 61000-6-2: 2001 EN 300440-1(V1.3.1)/-2(V1.1.1) EN 301489-1/-3(V1.4.1) Address: Via traffic controlling Maybachstrae 39 D-51381 Leverkusen Place, date: Name and signature: Leverkusen, 18 April 2005 Dipl.-Ing. (FH) J. Geler Technical director Other means of providing conformity with the essential requirements (standards, specifications): Reg TP 321 ZV003 (06/1999) VDE 0848 part 1 and 2

16.2 Notification The digital Falcon Basic was tested by the accredited test laboratory Cetecom ICT Services (no. 0682) according the standards ETSI EN 300440 and ETSI EN 301489 and can be operated within the European Community including Switzerland. Additional national licences concerning EMC or radio emission matters are not necessary within the European Community, restrictions concerning the operation of the Falcon Solar are not known. The notification according EC directive 1999/5/EG (R&TTE) Article 6.4 need not be done, because the Falcon Basic operates in the harmonized frequency band 24.15 till 24.175 GHz and therefore belongs to equipment class 1. A single notification 4 or 6 weeks before placing the equipment on the market at each national regulation authority is not necessary for equipment class 1 systems. Although Switzerland does not belong to the EC countries it adopted the R&TTE regulations. Since 1.01.2004 equipment class 1 systems need not be notified there anymore.

* via traffic controlling gmbh - Maybachstr. 39 - D-51381 Leverkusen - ( +49-(0)2171-504930 - Fax: -504950 Internet:



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31 July 2006

17 Electrostatic discharge precautions for open detectors

The digital Falcon Basic detector assembled inside the housing is completely protected against electrostatic discharge. Attention: When the detector is opened for cable assembly or adjustments the detector semiconductor components are in danger of destruction due to electrostatic discharge.

Precautions: Inform your personal about precautions against electrostatic discharge destruction. Let the detector be handled only by taught persons. Take care that the personal of your installation contractor is informed as well. In the factory, work at electrostatic discharge protected work places, with grounded conductive bracelets, mats, tables, floors, shoes, dresses and transport containments as far as possible. Transport the detector only in the closed housing. Under field conditions take care for electrostatic charge compensation before touching or laying down the open detector. Never hand out the open detector to another person before touching the person. Handle the detector always at the housing cover, avoid touching the circuit board!

* via traffic controlling gmbh - Maybachstr. 39 - D-51381 Leverkusen - ( +49-(0)2171-504930 - Fax: -504950 Internet:

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