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Course Outline (Undergraduate):

Course Title Sport and Event Marketing Course Code MKG221 Faculty of Business Semester 2, 2007

DISABILITY AND LEARNING SUPPORT SERVICES The University offers a range of services and supports for students with a disability and it is important that these are negotiated early in the semester. Students who require alternative arrangements such as Special Exam Arrangements and assessment or study support should discuss their needs with the Disability Services Officer and/or the Course Coordinator as soon as possible. The university offers a range of academic skills services to assist students with the development of writing and study skills. Workshops on topics such as critical thinking, clearer writing and essay writing are held most weeks throughout the semester. Learning fact sheets are also readily available on the intranet ( Students can also make an appointment with an academic skills adviser at Student Services for one-on-one assistance with study and academic writing skills.

Course Outline (Undergraduate): MKG221 Sport and Event Marketing

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WORK EXPERIENCE IN INDUSTRY Indicate whether this course involves work experience in industry by ticking () one of the following boxes:
This course involves work experience in industry. This course does not involve work experience in industry.

If the course involves work experience in industry, indicate the basis on which this occurs by ticking () one of the following boxes:
Learning and performance is directed by USC or persons engaged by USC. Learning and performance is supported by USC or persons engaged by USC. No support is provided for learning and performance by USC or persons engaged by USC.

Bachelor of Business


Marketing Major Tourism Major Elective


Bachelor of Business (Marketing)

Lecture: 1 Hour Tutorial: 2 Hours

BUS105 Marketing Theory & Practice

MODE Internal: Students who undertake all courses in which they are enrolled through attendance on campus, either in Australia or at an offshore location. UNITS
12 credit points


Date of original approval: Date of discontinuation: Current form version: 19/4/2007

Date of most recent change:

Course Outline (Undergraduate): MKG221 Sport and Event Marketing

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Ms Gayle Mayes Office: Telephone: Email: Consultation Times: K2.05A 5430 2894 Tuesdays 4pm till 6pm

Associate Professor Meredith Lawley Office: Telephone: Email: Consultation Times: K1.26A 5430 4459 By appointment


This course provides students with theory, knowledge, and applied marketing skills for, the sport and event marketing industry and profession. Students are shown how services marketing concepts and practices can be applied and adapted to the sport and event environment. Topics covered in the course include the distinctive nature of sport and event products and services, consumer behaviour, sustainability, pricing, place, promotions, sponsorship, licensing, PR, innovation and technology, research and evaluation. Critical analysis of examples and case studies help students understand and apply theoretical foundations and models of the strategic sport and event marketing planning process.

USC Graduate Attributes Learning Objectives On completion of this course students should be able to: Learning/Assessment Tasks (eg. essay; project)

Major Case Study Proposal

Tutorial Case Study

Major Case Study Project

Final Exam

To understand To have relevant, disciplinebased knowledge, skills and values To be able to apply and evaluate knowledge To learn To be self-aware, independent learners To be able to collect, organise, analyse, evaluate and use information in a range of contexts To interact To be able to interrelate and collaborate To value and respect difference and diversity To initiate To be constructive and creative To be enterprising

1. Explain frameworks, models, and theory relevant to sport and event marketing 2. Describe the unique nature of sport and event products and services 3. Demonstrate information gathering and observation research skills in sport and event marketing

4. Demonstrate effective and ethical collaborative behaviour

5. Use specific sport and event marketing theory to suggest innovations, recommendations, and enhancements for the sport event, or the event organiser 6. Use theory to develop strategies for marketing the unique features of the sport and event product

Date of original approval: Date of discontinuation: Current form version: 19/4/2007

Date of most recent change:

Course Outline (Undergraduate): MKG221 Sport and Event Marketing

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Learning/Assessment Tasks Submission via Hard Copy Safe Assignment Due Date Word Length Assessment Weighting

1. Major case study proposal - individual or pairs 2. Tutorial case study - pairs 3. Major case study report individual or pairs 4. Examination

At the tutorials in week 5 Weeks 3 to 13 By 5pm on Friday 26th October TBA

Approx. 700 words Approx 500 words Approx. 3,000 words TBA


10% 40%


Safe Assignment is used by universities for preventing plagiarism and ensuring that all students are fairly assessed on their own learning achievements. Learning/Assessment Tasks ticked above in the Safe Assignment column are to be submitted electronically to Safe Assignment via Blackboard.

Learning/Assessment Task 1: Major Case Study PROPOSAL (10%) (700 words) Description: Instructions: Students to work individually or in pairs. Refer to the requirements for the Major Research Project as background for this proposal. For this Project Proposal students are required to submit the following details: 1. BACKGROUND & HISTORY: Identify the sporting event, festival or special event selected for the project. Give a description of the background and history of the festival or event. Include a justification for describing it as a festival or event (approx 200 words). 2. ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS: Describe the internal and external environments in which the sport/event operates highlighting the key external environmental factors and issues that impact on the event (approx 200 words). Consider putting this in table format. 3. METHODS: For each of the other areas required in the final report, outline briefly How, where, and when students intend to approach each topic, What evaluation tools and/or instruments students intend using, and why Consider putting this in table format (approx 300 words). PAIRS TASK SHEET: A task sheet with table format must be included showing the following: Names of the students Details of what tasks were undertaken to produce the proposal by each student Who participated in which tasks How much time each student took to complete their tasks The columns should be signed off by each student to indicate that they have sighted the document and agree with its contents (this TASK SHEET is not included in the word count) Assessment Criteria: Marking Criteria for Assessment Item 1 - Major Case Study Proposal (10%) (50 marks)
Referencing, communication, presentation Background & history Environmental analysis - internal and external Methods intended approach for the major assignment, tools/instruments Task sheet /10 /10 /10 /20 Yes/No

Date of original approval: Date of discontinuation: Current form version: 19/4/2007

Date of most recent change:

Course Outline (Undergraduate): MKG221 Sport and Event Marketing

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Learning/Assessment Task 2: Tutorial Case Study (10%) (500 words) Description: Students work individually or in pairs and choose a tutorial case study from the given list Students distribute the presentation time and workload equally between two presenters. At the end of the tutorial, the students hand in all materials used in their case study analysis, along with any discussion points, supporting research, literature reviews, etc. to assist the tutor in assessing the written component. A single mark will be allocated to the pair unless the students request an alternative marking method prior to the presentation. Re-contracting of marks will be negotiated by the students, the tutor, and coordinator of the course. Each tutorial session is designed to reinforce, support, expand upon, and apply the sport and event marketing theory covered in the lecture each week. After the specific case study analysis, further discussion of the lecture and theory will be covered in the remaining time in the tutorial. Assessment Criteria: Marking Criteria for Assessment Item 2 Tutorial Case Study (10%) (40 marks)
ITEMS FOR ASSESSMENT Brief overview of the case study and highlighting of the main issues Critical exploration of alternative viewpoints, solutions, application of theory, other example/s Quality, innovation, professionalism of presentation, involvement of students Effective concluding approaches, summary and recommendations Ability to discuss issues and answer questions from the audience/tutors Adhering to the time allocated not over or under the 20 minutes The written paper, analysis, other documents including answers to questions, discussion of strategies, linking of theory to practice, application of theory (hand in at the end of tutorial) TOTAL MARK /5 /5 /5 /5 /5 /5 /10 /40

Learning/Assessment Task 3: Major Case Study REPORT (40%) (3,000 words) Description: Objectives: By undertaking this major case study report, students should be able to: develop skills in producing and presenting a project based on observation research further develop skills already acquired in previous marketing and business studies demonstrate an understanding of sport and event marketing theory, and apply those existing marketing skills and sport and event theory in a practical manner understand how to apply underlying theory to individual/once-off situations gain further teamwork and team building experience through successfully working in a cooperative situation. Procedure: Students are expected to ATTEND an event or festival in their home or local South-east Queensland regions. Using the strategic sports marketing framework and theory, evaluate the event through observation and secondary data. Many opportunities exist for developing skills and knowledge as event volunteers in a variety of positions, and students are advised to consider these opportunities which are available through the course coordinator. PLEASE NOTE: INTERVIEWING EVENT MANAGERS AND/OR PERSONNEL IS DEFINITELY NOT REQUIRED FOR THIS ASSESSMENT TASK. EXPERIENCING THE EVENT, OBSERVATION, and SECONDARY DATA WILL ADEQUATELY FULFIL THE ASSESSMENT REQUIREMENTS. STUDENTS CAN GAIN AN INDEPTH PERSPECTIVE, GREATER APPRECIATION, AWARENESS AND INCREASED KNOWLEDGE OF ASPECTS OF THE EVENT BY VOLUNTEERING. The Major Case Study REPORT should be set out in REPORT style, using the same headings and same order as set out below and the marking criteria for this assessment task. Use tables and bullet point format where appropriate (SEE THE USC GUIDE TO REPORT WRITING) 1. IMPACTS AND SUSTAINABLILITY: Present the possible/potential negative and positive impacts of your event under the following headings: economic, environmental, and socio-cultural,
Date of original approval: Date of discontinuation: Current form version: 19/4/2007 Date of most recent change:

Course Outline (Undergraduate): MKG221 Sport and Event Marketing

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5. 6. 7. 8.

and suggest strategies for minimising the negative impacts in order to create a more sustainable event. CONSUMER BEHAVIOUR: Observe and analyse consumer behaviour in relation to your event. What are their key characteristics e.g. their demographics, psychographics? What may be their key decision making criteria for attending your event? Using secondary data estimate the potential size of your target market PRIMARY AND SECONDARY RESEARCH: Outline the consumer behaviour and/or other research you would RECOMMEND for development of a strategic marketing plan for your event. What information/data would you need? Discuss the data collection methods (how, where, when, and why) Discuss the sources/resources (where) you would obtain that information from Include the approximate costs for any/all aspects of this research MARKETING MIX: describe and evaluate the seven Ps of marketing in relation to your event. Based on this description, evaluate the event marketing mix - Is it integrated? Does it meet the needs of the target market? Discuss your answer Discuss the key strengths and weaknesses of the marketing mix What changes would you recommend to the marketing mix, and why? SPONSORSHIP: Describe and evaluate the recognition, relationship and role of the event sponsors. Who are the sponsors? Are they appropriate? Why/Why not? Do you think the event sponsors would be satisfied? Why/Why not? TECHNOLOGY: Describe the types, extent of input, and role that technology had in the event EVENT EVALUATION/SUCCESS: Set out the methods and evaluation instruments you would recommend to undertake basic, moderate, and high quality evaluation of the event including indicators of the events overall success. Present this in table format. RECOMMENDATIONS and INNOVATIONS: What other innovations could you recommend to improve any other aspects of the event on its next offering? Why? Justify your recommendations using an integration of observations, research, and theory.

Task sheet for pairs/groups Include a single table signed by each person, showing: all activities undertaken by the members who was responsible for which tasks how long those tasks took to complete please note: marks will not be allocated to groups unless this task sheet is submitted Assessment Criteria: Your report will be assessed as follows with all group members receiving the same mark. The coordinator may adjust individual marks according to the task sheet information, or re-negotiated otherwise with the course co-ordinator.
Presentation, Referencing, Communication Executive Summary, Introduction & Conclusion Possible/Potential Impacts and Sustainability Recommendations Consumer Behaviour Proposed Consumer Behaviour/Other Research Marketing Mix, Description, Evaluation, Recommendations/Innovations Sponsors, Appropriateness, Satisfaction (perceived) Technology role and input Evaluation, Instruments and Measurement of Success Recommendations/Innovations TOTAL /5 /10 /10 /10 /10 /20 /10 /5 /10 /10 /100

Learning/Assessment Task 4: Final Examination (40%) 50 marks Description: This section will consist of 10 questions requiring answers of approximately 125 words in length. No choices will be given. These questions will be drawn from the theoretical aspects of the course.

Date of original approval: Date of discontinuation: Current form version: 19/4/2007

Date of most recent change:

Course Outline (Undergraduate): MKG221 Sport and Event Marketing

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Conditions for Passing Course To achieve a pass in this course, students must: 1. Perform satisfactorily in all items of assessment; 2. Achieve at least a Pass level in the exam.

Week Comm Teaching Week Content Focus of Week Learning/Teaching Activities

16 July 23 July

1 2

Introduction to Sport and Event Marketing Strategic Sport and Event Marketing Planning and Environment Consumer Behaviour and Research Evaluation and Reporting The Sport and Event Product Impacts of Sports and Events and Sustainable Practices Pricing Strategies Sport and Event Sport and Event Promotion Sport and Event Distribution and Place Sponsorship and Public Relations Event Management Evaluation and Reporting Licensing and Branding Technology and Television

No Tutorial This Week Organisation and planning for the semester Case study + Discussion and revision of Major Project Proposals Case study + tutorial Case study + tutorial Major Project Proposals Due Case study + tutorial Case study + tutorial Case study + tutorial Case study + tutorial Case study + tutorial Case study + tutorial Case study + tutorial Case study + tutorial Major Case Study Projects Due

30 July 6 Aug 13 Aug 20 Aug 27 Aug 3 Sep 10 Sep 1 Oct 8 Oct 15 Oct 22 Oct

3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

Mid Semester Break 17 30 September

29-31st Oct 1 Nov 18 Nov 19 Nov

Study Break Exams Inter Semester Break commences


Shilbury, D., Quick, S., & Westerbeek, H. 2003, Strategic Sport Marketing, 2nd Edition, Allen & Unwin, Australia.


Johnson Morgan, M. & Summers, J. 2005, Sports Marketing, First Edition. Thompson Social Sciences Press, Southbank Victoria 3006. Major Reference Works Brooks, C. M. 1994, Sport Marketing, Prentice Hall, Australia. Foster, g., Greyser, S.A., Walsh, B. 2005, The Business of Sports, Thomson South Western, USA. Thomson Learning Australia, Southbank Victoria 3006. Geldard, E., & Sinclair, L., 2002, The Sponsorship Manual Sponsorship Made Easy, The Sponsorship Unit Pty. Ltd., Upper Ferntree Gulley, Victoria. Goldblatt, J. J., 1997, Special Events: Best Practices in Modern Event Management, Von Norstrand, NY. McDonnell, I., Allen, J., & OToole, W., 2002, Festival and Special Event Management, John Wiley, Australia. Pope, N., Turco, D., 2001, Sport and Event Marketing, Irwin/McGraw-Hill Australia Shank, Matthew D. 2005, Sports Marketing A Strategic Perspective, 3rd edn, Prentice Hall, New Jersey. Shreiber, A. L., & Lenson, B., 1994, Lifestyle and Event Marketing, McGraw Hill NY Stier, W. F. Jr., 1994, Successful Sport Fund-Raising, WCB Brown & Benchmark, Iowa, USA.
Date of original approval: Date of discontinuation: Current form version: 19/4/2007 Date of most recent change:

Course Outline (Undergraduate): MKG221 Sport and Event Marketing

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Stotlar, D. K.,1993, Successful Sport Marketing, WCB Brown & Benchmark, Iowa, USA. Journals Journal of Sport Management Sports Business Journal The Sport Marketing Quarterly Journal of Sports Economics Journal of Sport Tourism Sport Management Review

ASSESSMENT CONDITIONS (Faculty of Business Undergraduate Standard)

Faculty of Business guidelines and information relating to the administration of courses are located on the Student Intranet as follows: Student Assessment Items - Guidelines sment_Items_Guidelines.doc Faculty of Business Assessment Item Cover Sheet em_Cover_Sheet.doc . Do not make up your own assessment item cover sheet. Variations to Assessment - Guidelines Assessment_Guidelines.doc Plagiarism Where specified in the Learning/Assessment Details, submit assessment items through Safe Assignment via Blackboard:"" Brief step-by-step instructions at: /usc/Business/aa_SAFE_ASSIGNMENT/Safe_Assignment_Instructions_for_BB.pdf Hard copies of the above guidelines and information are also available from the Faculty of Business Reception and Administration Office. Grade Levels Grades shall be awarded on the following basis: HIGH DISTINCTION where a student achieves an exceptionally high level of performance and / or competence plus the production of original work and demonstrated awareness of all significant elements of the course. where a student achieves a high level of performance and / or competence plus the production of original work and demonstrated awareness of all significant elements of the course. where a student achieves a level of performance and / or competence substantially above the minimum requirements of the course. where a student achieves a level of performance and / or competence which satisfies the minimum requirements of the course. where a student has not satisfied the minimum requirements of the course.



Date of original approval: Date of discontinuation: Current form version: 19/4/2007

Date of most recent change:

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