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Bear Lloyd Lesson Plan Subject: Introduction to Marketing Date: 2/17/14-2/19/14 Lesson Aim: How to Write a Marketing Plan

Lesson Objective/Outcome: After this lesson, students will be able to identify and define the six main components of a marketing plan. In addition, students will be able to work in partners to create a six point marketing plan for a retail store of their choosing. Related Competencies: 7. Demonstrate creativity and resourcefulness. 8. Demonstrate effective speaking and listening skills. 35. Identify the components of a marketing process cycle. 37. Explain marketing as a service to an organization. Content to be Covered / Questions: This lesson covers the second half of section 2.1 which addresses the components, design, and implementation of an organizations marketing plan. These components include the executive summary, situation analysis, objectives, marketing strategies, implementation, and evaluation and control. We will utilize reading of pages 37-41 of the textbook and slides 27-39 of the 2.1 ppt. in addition to personal stories and examples. 1. What are the six main components of an effective marketing plan and the definition of each? 2. Why is it important that organizations develop and utilize marketing plans? 3. How often should an organization evaluate and update their marketing plan? Why? 4. How would a marketing plan for a retail organization be designed? Strategies for Active Learning / Procedures: Day 1Bellringer: We will continue students coverage of their marketing vocabulary sheets. (5 minutes) Introduction / Opening Activity: Have students read pages 37-41 of their textbooks for content in order to gain familiarity with the design, components, and implementation of a marketing plan. (10 minutes)

Lecture / Discussion: We will review slides 37-41 of the 2.1 ppt. which cover the components, design, and implementation of an organizations marketing plan. These components include the executive summary, situation analysis, objectives, marketing strategies, implementation, and evaluation and control. Personal stories and examples will be used as well. Students will be expected to take notes on the material as part of their notebook grades. (30 minutes) Learning Activity: Students will work with partners in order to develop a marketing plan for a retail company of their own design. This will be a detailed marketing plan and should be modeled off of the outline provided for students on p. 38. Each marketing plan should contain (1) a 10 sentence executive summary, (2) a detailed situation analysis that contains a 20 point SWOT analysis and an environmental scan, (3) objectives including their companys mission outlined in 2-3 sentences, 3 marketing objectives, and 3 financial objectives, (4) the marketing strategy including 2-3 sentences describing the positioning and differentiation of their products and 4 points for each of the 4 Ps of the marketing mix, (5) a 10 sentence paragraph designing the implementation of the marketing plan describing the organization, activities, and responsibilities, and an implementation timetable, and finally (6) a 10 sentence paragraph describing how they will evaluate and control implementation of the marketing plan. Students should be prepared to present their marketing plans to the rest of the class. (Remainder of day 1) Day 2 Bellringer: We will continue students coverage of their marketing vocabulary sheets. (5 minutes) Review the main components of a marketing plan and check student progress (20 minutes) Learning Activity: Students should complete their marketing plan outlined in the learning activity above and be prepared to present them tomorrow. (60 minutes) Review: Continue to check progress and recap on how students should present their marketing plans the following day. (5 minutes). Day 3 Bellringer: We will continue students coverage of their marketing vocabulary sheets. (5 minutes) Presentations: Students will present their marketing plans to the rest of the class. Students should be prepared to cover in detail each of the six components of their marketing plans and will not be allowed to simply read their papers. Other students should be prepared to ask questions about

one anothers marketing plans. This should take approximately 5-7 minutes per group. (60 minutes) Review Activity / Recap: Students will complete the section 2.1 Marketing Plan Worksheet in their workbooks. Students may use their books to answer the questions. We will then review these worksheets. (25 minutes) Materials Needed: Computer, Projector, Textbooks, 2.1 ppt., 2.1 Workbook Worksheet, Vocabulary sheet, Notebook paper, pens Assessment: Students learning will be informally assessed through their involvement in the class discussion and lecture of the material. Informal assessment will also be taken through students completion of their notes. These will be factored into their weekly notebook grades. Formal assessment will be taken through two means. First, students learning will be formally assessed through their completion of the marketing plan with their partners. A project grade will be taken for this assignment. Grading will be based upon how well students included each of the 6 components of a marketing plan as described above in their project and their effort on the presentation of the material. Finally, formal assessment will also be taken on students completion of the 2.1 worksheet in their workbooks. This will be a daily grade for accuracy. Reflections: This lesson went incredibly well, and I am proud of the marketing plans students developed. Students were very creative and put forth a lot of effort for this assignment. In addition, their presentation skills are continuing to improve. Not only will this help them in marketing, the ability to stand in front of a group of people and present themselves will greatly help them in other areas of life as well. Job interviews, presentations, and a host of other activities require one to be able to present themselves. In addition, students are beginning to greatly understand the basics of marketing. Writing a marketing plan is a big accomplishment, and students now have a good foundation to build upon when studying marketing. Scheduling for next years classes caused us to lose some class time, so we did not have time to complete the worksheet. However, students still established a strong understanding of the material.

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