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Management System Fahad Ibne Rahman Ashland University

M A !"1 #rgani$ati%n &esign' &evel%(ment and )hange Management Mi*hael + )%lburn' ,h-&&ate: 1".1"./"10


The management system is mainly *%m(%sed %1 res(%nse t% *hange' leadershi( and human *a(ital- Su**ess %1 business de(ends %n a l%t %1 1a*ts2 am%ng them res(%nse t% *hange' leadershi( and human *a(ital are the 3ey 1a*t%rs- These determine the 1l%4 %1 business t%4ards the r%ad %1 su**ess- It is vital 1%r %rgani$ati%n leaders and e5e*utive management t% identi1y (%sitive and negative *hanges and a**%rdingly ta3e ne*essary a*ti%ns- Similarly' M*)lean 6/""!7 believed that the leadershi( *hallenges are inv%lved t% bring *hanges in 8mar3eting %rientati%n9 6(- 07 and 8%rgani$ati%nal *ultural *hange9 6(- 07- :uman *a(ital *an be des*ribed as a sum %1 *%m(eten*e' 3n%4ledge and (ers%nality *hara*teristi*' 4hi*h are ne*essary t% (er1%rming lab%rs- Esu 6/"1/7 re(%rted that the ;uality %1 servi*e *harges a l%t %n the ;uality %1
human *a(ital- :%4ever' high<;uality envir%nment is essential 1%r devel%(ment and gr%4th %1

human *a(italResponse to Change eerel 6/""=7 *%n1irmed that there *an be di11erent ty(es %1 res(%nse t% *hange in an %rgani$ati%n su*h as 8ada(tive' *reative and inn%vative res(%nse t% *hange9 6(- 1>7#rgani$ati%nal leaders and e5e*utive management sh%uld rea*t (r%(erly 4ith th%se *hanges:en*e they *an ma3e a business su**ess1ul by a**%m(lishing business g%al- Res(%nse t% *hange de(ends %n the situati%n and the g%al %1 the %rgani$ati%n as 4ell as it 4ill ta3e time surelyA**%rding t% eerel 6/""=7' 8G%%d *hange is re*%gni$ed as an %ng%ing (r%*ess9 6(- 1?7Adaptive Response to Change eerel 6/""=7 de1ined ada(tive %riginati%ns as essentially th%se %rgani$ati%ns that learn *%ntinually- Alth%ugh many %rgani$ati%ns *laim that they are ada(tive %rgani$ati%ns' in 1a*t it inv%lves sear*hing and e5(l%ring ne4 %((%rtunities and im(lementing s%mething 1%r the 1irst time- )%nse;uently' ada(tive rea*ti%n t% *hange sh%uld be learned thr%ugh a *%m(lete (r%*ess-


#rgani$ati%nal leaders *an guide t% general em(l%yees in this sub@e*t- A**%rding t% Ahiteny and Y%un3er 6/""!7' 8)ust%mer 4ill ad@ust their e5(e*tati%n %1 a business based %n their e5(erien*e 4ith all business they deal 4ith9 6(- 1B7- Thus' t% meet m%ving *ust%mer e5(e*tati%n' business sh%uld 1ind h%4 t% ada(t 4ith *hangeCreative and Innovative Response to Change Cearning (r%*ess *hanges the 4ay (e%(le mean and des*ribe things- Cearning (r%*ess d%es n%t @ust add in1%rmati%n- Thr%ugh *%ntinues learning' business needs t% 1ind %ut the 4ay 4hi*h best 1its t% a ne4 (r%blem- Thereby business *an 4in *%m(etitive advantages %ver *%m(etit%rs- S%me *reative s%luti%ns *an turned a (r%blem int% an %((%rtunity- #rgani$ati%ns learn this (r%*ess thr%ugh a 1av%rable envir%nment- A**%rding t% Ashley and #liver 6/"1"7' 8)reativity is the s(ar3 that hel(s th%se 4h% *reate advertising bridge the *%mmuni*ati%n ga( bet4een mar3eters and *%nsumers9 6(- 11!7Systematic Leadership The systemati* leadershi( is *%n*erned ab%ut the *hange (r%*ess in envir%nment and business- Systemati* leadershi(: 1irst identi1ies the need %1 *hange' then sets the im(%rtan*e %1 *hange' 1inally im(lements and e5e*utes the *hange- A**%rding t% adara**% 6/""/7' leaders try t% see the realisti* (i*ture %1 li1e- This means leaders try t% understand 4hat may %r may n%t ha((en in the near 1utureLeaders will understand the purpose )hange is g%%d but sl%4- M%st im(%rtant as(e*t %1 a *hange is 4hy 4e need the *hangeT% understand a need %1 *hange is a better 4ay that hel(s t% identi1y a ne4 s%luti%n- A**%rding t% eerel 6/""=7' 8Systemi* leaders 1%*us %n 3ee(ing the %rgani$ati%n 1ine<tuned t% ne4 realities9 6(- /!7-


Right Implementation a Solution Ahen a *hange *%mes t% an %riginati%n' m%st (e%(le 4ill n%t *%(e 4ith it until it *%mes thr%ugh their leader- Ahy 4ill (e%(le *%(e 4ith *hangesE It is be*ause leadershi( is ab%ut all%tment the %rgani$ati%nFs ris3s and res(%nsibilities- A**%rding t% Fulmer 61=="7' 8 In re*ent years there have been a gr%4ing a4areness that human res%ur*e management is a G1a*t%rF that *an %r at least sh%uld' (lay an im(%rtant r%le in devel%(ment and im(lementati%n %1 e11e*tive (lans9 6(- 17Human Capital A**%rding t% May% 6/""17' 4e sh%uld l%%3 a1ter t% human *a(ital m%re *are1ully as it is the m%st valuable asset indeed- S% i1 4e *an drive human *a(ital in a right 4ay' it 4ill hel( us 1a*e *hanges in %dd business situati%n su*h as e*%n%mi* res*issi%n and *%m(etit%r atta*3Motivation and Commitment Em(l%yees %1 an %rgani$ati%n heavily in1luen*e its envir%nment- S% levels %1 m%tivati%n and *%mmitment de(end %n 4hat ty(es %1 em(l%yees a *%m(any is g%ing hire- In the 4%rd %1 May% 6/""17' 8This a11e*t %1 level %1 m%tivati%n' *%mmitment' l%yalty' and en*%urages %r restrains the 1ull use %1 their ability9 6(- 107- Furtherm%re' ,%l%ns3y 6/""=7 n%ted that m%tivati%n may sh%4 the 4ay %1 a*ti%nContribution to Added Value usiness %rgani$ati%n needs t% identi1y the *%ntributi%n %1 human *a(ital and then measure the ;uantity %1 adding 1uture and *urrent value- As May% 6/""17 has n%ted that the t%tal 1inan*ial 4ealth %1 a *%mmer*ial %rgani$ati%n are usually (r%du*ed by its entire (e%(le- In the 4%rds %1 Eri*3s%n 6/""D7' 8Ae are n%t the result %1 s%lely %ne %r the %therH%r even %ne (lus the


%therHbut an inter(lay %1 the t4%9 6(- //7- S% *%m(anies sh%uld devel%( their em(l%yees a**%rding t% their desired needsConclusion In %rder t% rea*h the desired %b@e*tive' res(%nse t% *hange sh%uld be 1ast and a**urateSimilarly' strategi* leadershi( sh%uld be aliened 4ith *%m(anyFs missi%n' visi%n' and g%al- #n the %ther hand' valuing human *a(ital needs t% be r%%ted in the *ulture %1 *%m(any- T% sum u(' it *an be said that i1 4e *an give m%re im(%rtan*e t% res(%nse t% *hange' leadershi(' and human *a(ital' 4e have better *han*e t% su**ess in management-


? Re1eren*es

Ashley' )-' I #liver' +- &- 6/"1"7- )reative leaders: Thirty years %1 big ideas- Journal of Advertising' 39617' 11!<1/B- d%i: 1"-/B!0.+#A""=1<00?B0="1"> eerel' A- 6/""=7- Leadership and change management- Th%usand #a3s' )A: SAGEadara**%' +- C- 6/""/7- Leading quietly: An unorthodox guide to doing the right thing- %st%n: MA: :arvard usiness S*h%%lEri*3s%n' - 6/""D7- Nature times nurture: :%4 %rgani$ati%ns *an %(timi$e their (e%(leJs *%ntributi%ns- Journal of Organizational Excellence' !617' /1<0"- d%i: 1"-1""/.n(r-/""0D Fulmer' A- E- 61=="7- :uman res%ur*e management: The right hand %1 strategy im(lementati%n- "uman #esource $lanning' %3617' 1<11Esu' - - 6/"1/7- Cin3ing human *a(ital management 4ith t%urism devel%(ment and management 1%r e*%n%mi* survival: The Nigeria e5(erien*e- &nternational Journal of 'usiness and (ocial (cience' 3) *%%+) /B?</>BMay%' A- 6/""17- ,he human value of the enterprise: -aluing people as asset.monitoring) measuring) managing/ C%nd%n' England: Ni*h%las realeyM*)lean' R- K- 6/""!7- Fr%m m%n%(%ly t% *%m(etiti%n: )hallenges 1%r leaders in deregulated invest%r<%4ned utility industry- In R- R- Sims I S- A- Luatr% 6Eds-7' Leadership: (ucceeding in the private) pu0lic) and not.for.profit sector 6((- 0</D7- Arm%n3' NY: ME- Shar(e,%l%ns3y' M- 6/""=7- Envir%nmental mar3eting- In R- Staib 6Ed-7' 'usiness management and environmental ste1ardship 6((- 11><10B7- Ne4 Y%r3' NY: ,algrave Ma*millanAhitney' C- K-' I Y%n3er' M- &- 6/""!7- Re1%rming Aall Street: )hallenges 1%r 1inan*ial


readers in (ubli*ly traded 1irms- In R- R- Sims I S- A- Luatr% 6Eds-7' Leadership: (ucceeding in the private) pu0lic) and not.for.profit sectors *pp/ 2.!2+/ Arm%n3' NY: ME- Shar(e-

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