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BIG M METHOD In Linear programming we solve for MAXIMISATION problem OR MINIMISATION problem under certain constraints.

That is objective function may be of sort: Maximise Z = 80x + 100y; Under certain constraints OR Minimise Z = 70x + 50y; Under certain constraints

These constraints may be of greater than type, less than type or equal type. Equal type constraints: 20x+50y = 100 Less than type: Greater than type: 20x+50y 100 20x+50y 100

For doing simplex we make these inequalities constraints into equalities by applying surplus or slack variable. In case of equalities these slack or surplus variable are not required. Now in case of Less than type: 20x+50y 100. We make it as identity with the help of slack variable as follows: 20x+50y +S = 100, where S is the slack variable. In the initial table of simplex we assign a value to S by assigning zero to x & y. By putting x & y equal to 0, we get S = 100 But in case of greater than type: 20x+50y 100. We make it as identity with the help of surplus variable as follows: 20x+50y - S = 100, where S is the surplus variable. In the initial table of simplex we assign a value to S by assigning zero to x & y. But by putting x & y equal to 0, we get S = (-) 100, a negative value which violates the main constraints of linear programming x, y, s all will be 0, i.e. the non zero constraint.

To avoid this we employ Big M method. In this method we add artificial variables into the model to obtain an initial solution as follows: Let Constraint is i) 20x+50y 100 We make it identity as 20x+50y S +A = 100 than type) ii) 20x+50y 100 We make it identity as 20x+50y +S = 100 than type) iii) 20x+50y = 100 We make it identity as 20x+50y +A = 100 (No surplus or slack because equal type) Please note in case (i) and (iii) above i.e. in case of greater type or equal type constraints only we require A an artificial variable to get initial solution and to start the simplex iteration. In case of less than type A is not required. A may be required irrespective of whether the objective function is of maximization type or of minimization type. This requirement is only dependent only on the type of constraints- greater than, less than or equal type. Now with A the objective function will be written as Minimise Z = 40x + 24y + 0S1 + 0S2 + MA1 +MA2 or Maximise Z = 2x + 4y + 0S1 + 0S2 - MA1 -MA2 When the problem is of the minimization nature, we assign in the objective function a coefficient of +M to each of the artificial variable. When the problem is of the maximization nature, we assign in the objective function a coefficient of (-) M to each of the artificial variable. (S is the slack or deficit variable, since less (S is the surplus variable, since greater

In the first table of simplex only As or Ss will appear as variables with M / (-M) or 0 as solution for As & Ss respectively. M represents a number higher than any finite number. For this reason the method of solving the problems where artificial variables are involved is termed as the Big M method. Other things remain same as in normal simplex procedures. Do the following two problems: i) Minimise z = 40x1 +24x2 Subject to 20X1 + 50X2 4800 80X1 +50X2 7200 X1, X2 0 (Non Zero Constraint) (Hints: with s and artificial variable the objective function will be: Minimise Z = 40x1 + 24x2 + 0S1 + 0S2 + MA1 +MA2 ) ii) Maximise z = 2x1 +4x2 Subject to 2X1 + X2 18 3X1 +2X2 30 X1 +2X2 = 26 X1, X2 0 (Non Zero Constraint) (Hints: with s and artificial variable the objective function will be: Maximise Z = 2x1 + 4X2 + 0S1 + 0S2 - MA1 -MA2 )

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