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Instituto de Telecomunicaes

Annual Report


March 2003

Instituto de Telecomunicaes

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Annual Report 2002

Table of Contents

INTRODUCTION.................................................................................1 1.1 1.2 1.3 History .......................................................................................... 1 Management.................................................................................. 1 Highlights of 2002 .......................................................................... 2

KEY it INDICATORS ...........................................................................5 2.1 2.2 2.3 Human Resources........................................................................... 5 Projects......................................................................................... 5 Publications ................................................................................... 6

3 4

FINANCIAL OUTLINE .........................................................................7 RESEARCH AREAS ..............................................................................9 4.1 Wireless Communications ................................................................ 9
Area Coordinators .............................................................................. 9 Human Resources .............................................................................. 9 Summary of Research Achievements.................................................. 12 Running Projects.............................................................................. 18 Running and Concluded Theses ......................................................... 26 Publications in 2002 ......................................................................... 31 Other Achievements in 2002 ............................................................. 37 Other Contributions in 2002 .............................................................. 38 Area Coordinators ............................................................................ 40 Human Resources ............................................................................ 40 Summary of Research Achievements.................................................. 42 Running Projects.............................................................................. 44 Running and Concluded Theses ......................................................... 46 Publications in 2002 ......................................................................... 48 Other Achievements in 2002 ............................................................. 53 Other Contributions in 2002 .............................................................. 54 Area Coordinators ............................................................................ 55 Human Resources ............................................................................ 55 Summary of Research Achievements.................................................. 58 Running Projects.............................................................................. 62 Running and Concluded Theses ......................................................... 66 Publications in 2002 ......................................................................... 69 Other Achievements in 2002 ............................................................. 76 Other Contributions in 2002 .............................................................. 76 Area Coordinators ............................................................................ 79 Human Resources ............................................................................ 79 4.1.1 4.1.2 4.1.3 4.1.4 4.1.5 4.1.6 4.1.7 4.1.8


Optical Communications ................................................................ 40

4.2.1 4.2.2 4.2.3 4.2.4 4.2.5 4.2.6 4.2.7 4.2.8


Networks and Multimedia .............................................................. 55

4.3.1 4.3.2 4.3.3 4.3.4 4.3.5 4.3.6 4.3.7 4.3.8


Basic Sciences and Enabling Technologies ....................................... 79

4.4.1 4.4.2

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Instituto de Telecomunicaes 4.4.3 4.4.4 4.4.5 4.4.6 4.4.7 4.4.8 Summary of Research Achievements.................................................. 81 Running Projects.............................................................................. 84 Running and Concluded Theses ......................................................... 86 Publications in 2002 ......................................................................... 90 Other Achievements in 2002 ............................................................. 95 Other Contributions in 2002 .............................................................. 95

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Annual Report 2002

List of Tables

Table 1 Backtrack of number of active projects in it, according to type of funding. .............................................................................................. 3 Table 2 - Foreseen and achieved scientific output in 2002................................ 4 Table 3 Current it human resources. .......................................................... 5 Table 4 Number of active projects in 2002, according to funding source. ........ 6 Table 5 Number of published works in 2002. ............................................... 6 Table 6 Total operational income in 2002.................................................... 7 Table 7 List of major income sources during 2002........................................ 7 Table 8 List of Major Costs in 2002. .......................................................... 7 Table 9 - Main asset changes in 2002............................................................ 8 Table 10 Overview of human resources in the Wireless Communications Area. 9 Table 11 Permanent collaborators working in the Wireless Communications Area. ................................................................................................ 11 Table 12 Non-permanent collaborators working in the Wireless Communications Area. ................................................................................................ 12 Table 13 Number of active projects in the Wireless Communications Area in 2002................................................................................................. 18 Table 14 List of Final Year Projects running in the Wireless Communications Area during 2002. .............................................................................. 28 Table 15 - List of MSc Theses running in the Wireless Communications Area during 2002. ...................................................................................... 30 Table 16 - List of PhD Theses running in the Wireless Communications Area during 2002. ...................................................................................... 31 Table 17 - Overview of human resources in the Optical Communications Area.. 40 Table 18 Permanent Collaborators working in the Optical Communications Area ........................................................................................................ 41 Table 19 Non-Permanent Collaborators working in the Optical Communications Area ................................................................................................. 41 Table 20 Number of active projects in the Optical Communications Area during 2002................................................................................................. 44 Table 21 List of Final Year Projects running in the Optical Communications Area during 2002. ...................................................................................... 47 Table 22 - List of MSc Theses running in the Optical Communications Area during 2002................................................................................................. 47 Table 23 List of PhD Theses running in the Optical Communications Area during 2002................................................................................................. 48


Instituto de Telecomunicaes

Table 24 Overview of Human Resources in the Networks and Multimedia Area ........................................................................................................ 55 Table 25 Permanent Collaborators working in the Networks and Multimedia Area in 2002 ...................................................................................... 57 Table 26 Non-Permanent Collaborators working in the Networks and Multimedia Area in 2002...................................................................... 58 Table 27 Number of active projects in the Networks and Multimedia Area in 2002................................................................................................. 62 Table 28 List of Final Year Projects running in the Networks and Multimedia Area during 2002 ............................................................................... 67 Table 29 - List of MSc Theses running in the Networks and Multimedia Area during 2002 ....................................................................................... 69 Table 30 - List of PhD Theses running in the Networks and Multimedia Area during 2002 ....................................................................................... 69 Table 31 - Overview of the Human Resources in the Basic Sciences and Enabling Technologies Area .............................................................................. 79 Table 32 Permanent Collaborators working in the Basic Sciences and Enabling Technologies Area .............................................................................. 81 Table 33 Non-Permanent Collaborators working in the Basic Sciences and Enabling Technologies Area ................................................................. 81 Table 34 Number of active projects running in the Basic Sciences and Enabling Technologies Area .............................................................................. 84 Table 35 List of Final Year Projects running in the Basic Sciences and Enabling Technologies Area during 2002 ............................................................ 88 Table 36 - List of MSc Theses running in the Basic Sciences and Enabling Technologies Area during 2002 ............................................................ 89 Table 37 - List of PhD Theses running in the Basic Sciences and Enabling Technologies Area during 2002 ............................................................ 90

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Annual Report 2002 - Introduction

1.1 History
Instituto de Telecomunicaes (it) is a private, not-for-profit organisation, an association of four institutions with experience and traditions in research and development in the field of Telecommunications: Instituto Superior Tcnico (IST); Universidade de Aveiro (UA); Faculdade de Cincias e Tecnologia da Universidade de Coimbra (FCTUC); "Portugal Telecom Inovao", (PTIn), ex. "Centro de Estudos de Telecomunicaes" (CET), the research unit of the incumbent telecommunications operator Portugal Telecom (PT). it is organised around three sites: one in Aveiro, in the University Campus, another in Coimbra, in Pole II of the University of Coimbra and the third one in Lisbon, in Intituto Superior Tcnico. An external laboratory is functioning in Covilh, in the University of Beira Interior Setting up of it was the result of a 1.5 billion escudos (about 7.5 million Euros) grant from Programme CINCIA, through three contracts signed in 1991. This investment enabled new infrastructures to be built and research laboratories to be equipped at each site. Installation was concluded in Aveiro in 1993 and in Lisbon and Coimbra in 1994. Since 1995 it activities proceed regularly. Key developments in 2002 are sketched below leaving the details for the report of the scientific areas.

1.2 Management
it is managed by an Executive Board, and by site management boards, which include the site members of the Executive Board. Site management boards enjoy ample freedom to deal with current affairs. The Executive Board and site management boards meet at least once a month. it scientific activities are overseen by the Scientific Board, which meets twice a year to comment on the Work Plan and Budget, on the Annual Report and on any other subject put forward by the Executive Board. The Work Plan with the Budget and the Annual Report and Accounts (after legal certification) are subsequently submitted to the General Assembly for approval. it Work Plan and the Annual Report are discussed with the Advisory Committee. During 2001 the following management meetings were held: Two meetings of the General Assembly one on the 2nd of April, in Coimbra, to approve the 2001 Annual Report, the it regulation on Industrial Property Rights and the opening of an it delegation at the University of Beira Interior (in Covilh), and another on the 20th of December, in Lisbon, to approve the Plan and Budget for 2003 and to discuss a proposal for the new it statutes; Twelve monthly meetings of the Executive Board and site management boards; One meeting with the Advisory Committee, formed by three independent experts in the field of Telecommunications (Dr. Roland Hber, Prof. John OReilly and Prof.


Instituto de Telecomunicaes Martin Tomlinson) acting in a personal capacity who, from the 23rd to the 25th of October, visited the Aveiro and Lisbon sites, carried out a detailed survey of it activities during 2001 (and in the first semester of 2002) and proposals for 2003, and issued recommendations for future activities; Two meetings of the Scientific Board, one on the 15th of March, in Aveiro, to discuss the 2001 Annual Report, and another on the 19th of November, in Coimbra (S. Marcos), to discuss the Plan and Budget for 2003, to be submitted to the General Assembly; Two meetings with the coordinators of the scientific areas, the first on the 15th of February, in Vila Franca de Xira, to prepare a joint it response to the Call for Proposals issued by FCT for laboratory equipment and to decide on the terms of a public call for technicians and post-doctoral fellowships, following the Associate Laboratory contract, and the second on the 27th of September, also in Vila Franca de Xira to prepare the medium term plan and the visit of the Advisory Committee; One meeting with the coordinators of the scientific areas, on the 15th of November, at Foz do Arelho, to evaluate the proposals for post-doctoral fellowships. The internal reorganization, decided in 2001, was fully implemented during 2002, and its consequences, namely at the Advisory Board meeting, were already being felt and positively commented on.

1.3 Highlights of 2002

In the R&D scene 2002 may best be described as a year of contrasts: in the first quarter (too) high expectations, in the second quarter concerns and finally uncertainty and delusions. The high hope period started, in November 2001, when it was awarded the statute of Associate Laboratory. It was followed with a major call for proposals for equipment, seen as a (unique) opportunity to replace equipment acquired in 1992 and 1993, under the CINCIA programme, which is approaching or has already reached the end of its useful life. High hopes were further raised by a call for proposals for a New Research Network which should provide a much required bandwidth increase, nowadays an essential tool not only for R&D in itself but also for achieving the full potential provided by the integration of competences and skills of a multi site research institute such as it. Concern begun with the government need to reduce the budget deficit that lead to uncertainty in previously announced initiatives (and investment plans) and subsequent delays in contract payments. This last point should be underlined since it explains the apparent unbalance in the 2002 accounts. By the year end FCT was in arrears with 560 k, of which 211 k correspond to concluded PRAXIS projects, 140 k to the basic funding for the second semester of 2002 and 209 k to the Associate Laboratory additional funding for the second semester of 2002. Such delays in payment, which have not been solved by the time the report is being written (March 2003), had a negative influence on it expectations and plans for 2003. Since only two technicians (instead of three) and two post-doctoral fellows (instead of four) were admitted in 2002. Further concerns relate to the outcome of the call for proposals for equipment and for the New Research Network which may well be doomed, seriously jeopardizing it laboratory capabilities. it opened an external Laboratory in Covilh, in the premises of the University of Beira Interior. With this delegation, managed by the Coimbra site, it extended its operations to


Annual Report 2002 - Introduction one of the less favoured regions in Portugal and increased its human resources, in the area of Networks and Multimedia. it submitted 10 proposals to a call issue closed on the 27th of May 2002. However the fate of these proposals is still unknown. During 2002, 49 nationally funded and 15 internationally projects were active, including: 28 projects funded by FCT; 8 projects funded by Portugal Telecom Inovao; 2 projects funded by the Portuguese Navy; 3 projects funded by ICP/ANACOM; 7 projects funded by the Commission of the European Union; 1 project funded by ESA; 1 project funded by VODAFONE; 4 COST actions.

1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002

Nationally funded
39 39 47 37 60 53 49

Internationally funded
18 18 20 14 17 12 15

Table 1 Backtrack of number of active projects in it, according to type of funding.

As in previous years, involvement of it researchers in European Commission funded projects were carried out, almost without exception, through it associates due to the current rules for participation. it, together with IEEE, hosted the 13th IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC 2002) which was held in Pavilho Atlntico, in Lisbon, and which attracted more than 700 participants and during which more than 500 papers were accepted. In 2002 it was awarded patent number 102 871. To reflect it 2002 activity some tangible objectives were defined in the Work Programme and Budget for 2001.


Instituto de Telecomunicaes

Graduate and post-graduate activities:

Final Year Projects Reports MSc Thesis PhD Thesis

50 20 12

24 17 6

Books and Book Chapters Papers in Journals Papers in Conference Proceedings

10 60 280

23 63 163

Table 2 - Foreseen and achieved scientific output in 2002.

The decrease in the number of papers submitted to conferences is somewhat disappointing but, in this regard, it should be noted that in 2002 there was no Conftele, which usually accounts for a fair share of the number of papers in conferences. To partly compensate for the low numbers of papers in conferences we note that the number of books and book chapters, most published abroad, has increased sharply. Although the number of concluded theses is below the expected value, we note that at the time of writing, a significant number of theses has already been concluded or submitted.


Annual Report 2002 Key it indicators

2.1 Human Resources
Position Full Professor Associate Professor Assistant Professor Post. Doc. Coordinator Professor Assistant Lecturer PhD Student MSc Student Licenciado TOTAL Aveiro 5 6 12 2 0 3 22 24 17 91 Coimbra 3 6 10 0 2 19 8 9 3 60 Lisbon 6 19 29 2 2 2 33 26 7 126 Total 14 31 51 4 4 24 63 59 27 277

Table 3 Current it human resources.

2.2 Projects
Funding Agency

2 1 1 1 3 7 1 7 20 1 1 1 3


Instituto de Telecomunicaes

Not funded Portuguese Navy PT Inovao UK Radiocommunications Agency VODAFONE

3 2 8 1 1

Table 4 Number of active projects in 2002, according to funding source.

2.3 Publications



MSc Theses

PhD Theses


"Books" - Fully authored books, Edited books, and book chapter contributions. "Journals" - Papers in International refereed journals. "Conferences" - Communications in International and National refereed conferences. "MSc and PhD Thesis" - Concluded dissertations. "TFC" - Concluded student Final Year Projects.

Table 5 Number of published works in 2002.


Annual Report 2002 Financial Outline

Operational income during 2002 totalled 1,215 k, distributed as indicated in Table 6, and detailed in Table 7. Costs in 2002 totalled 1,594 k, as indicated in Table 8. Main asset changes in 2002 are listed in Table 9.

Sources of Income
Services to third parties Subsidies Other TOTAL

Amount [k]
438.0 598.0 179.0 1,215.0

Table 6 Total operational income in 2002.

Major clients of services

PT Inovao Portuguese Navy

Amount [k]
219.0 119.0

Main sources of subsidies

Fundao para a Cincia e a Tecnologia Comission of the European Communities European Space Agency

Amount [k]
415.0 70.0 63.0

Table 7 List of major income sources during 2002.

Staff Management costs Scholarships Missions Books and journals Consumables Structural costs

Amount [k]
269.0 13.0 303.0 298.0 41.0 108.0 285.0

Table 8 List of Major Costs in 2002.


Instituto de Telecomunicaes

Increase in tangible assets Depreciation Technical and Scientific Equipment

Amount [k]
198.0 184.0 172.0

Table 9 - Main asset changes in 2002.


Annual Report 2002 Wireless Communications

4.1 Wireless Communications
4.1.1 Area Coordinators
Carlos Cardoso Fernandes Jos Carlos Pedro

4.1.2 Human Resources OVERVIEW

Full Professor Associate Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Lecturer PhD Student MSc Student Licenciado TOTAL

1 3 4 2 9 6 6 31


6 8

14 1

19 9 5


Table 10 Overview of human resources in the Wireless Communications Area. PERMANENT COLLABORATORS

Afonso Barbosa Augusto Albuquerque Carlos Salema Jos Epifnio Franca Jos Leito Jos Neves Mrio Lana Carlos Cardoso Fernandes

Agregao Agregao Agregao Agregao Agregao Agregao Agregao Agregao

Full Professor Full Professor Full Professor Full Professor Full Professor Full Professor Full Professor Associate Professor



Instituto de Telecomunicaes

Joo Costa Freire Jos Carlos Pedro Lus M. Correia Amrico Correia Antnio Alves Moreira Antnio Navarro Antnio Rodrigues Antnio Topa Armando Rocha Carlos Leme Carlos Paiva Carlos S da Costa Custdio Peixeiro Fernando Fortes Fernando J. Velez Fernando Nunes Francisco Cercas Joo Nuno Matos Joo Vaz Joo Vital Jorge Pereira Jorge Rodrigues da Costa Jos Bioucas Dias Jos Joaquim Fernandes Jos Rocha Pereira Maria Joo Rosrio Nuno Carvalho Pedro Santos Rafael Caldeirinha Ado Silva Filipe Cardoso Francisco Monteiro Joo Gil Paulo Marques Victor Santos

Agregao Agregao Agregao PhD PhD PhD PhD PhD PhD PhD PhD PhD PhD PhD PhD PhD PhD PhD PhD PhD PhD PhD PhD PhD PhD PhD PhD PhD PhD MSc MSc MSc MSc MSc MSc

Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Associate Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor PhD Student PhD Student PhD Student PhD Student PhD Student PhD Student


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Annual Report 2002 Wireless Communications

Antnio Serrador Brbara Coelho Gabriel Jorge Sebastio Silva Jos Garcia Jos Lino Teixeira Mrio Rui dos Santos Mrio Silveirinha Valdemar Monteiro Alexandre Passos de Almeida Fernando de Sousa Fernando Tim Tim Janeiro Francisco Sena da Silva Jorge Paulo Torres Jos Sanguino Lus Carlos Gonalves Manuel Barros Manuel Dinis

Licenc. Licenc. Licenc. Licenc. Licenc. Licenc. Licenc. Licenc. Licenc. Licenc. Licenc. Licenc. Licenc. Licenc. Licenc. Licenc. Licenc.

MSc Student MSc Student Licenciado Assistant Lecturer Assistant Lecturer Licenciado PhD Student Licenciado PhD Student PhD Student PHd Student PhD Student PhD Student PhD Student PhD Student PhD Student PhD Student


Table 11 Permanent collaborators working in the Wireless Communications Area. OTHER COLLABORATORS

Fernando Santos Azevedo Henrique Jos da Silva Henrique Quaresma Joo Carlos Silva Joo Eira Joo Tavares Jos Nascimento Mrio Marques Silva Nuno Souto Pedro Amaro Sebastio Pedro Cabral Pedro Miguel Lavrador

MSc MSc Licenc. Licenc. Licenc. Licenc. MSc Licenc. Licenc. Licenc. Licenc. Licenc.

PhD Student PhD Student PhD Student PhD Student PhD Student PhD Student PhD Student PhD Student PhD Student PhD Student PhD Student PhD Student


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Instituto de Telecomunicaes

Pedro Pinho Susana Mota Ana Filipa Freitas Conceio Dias Cristina Reis Fred Niemela Gonalo Carvalho Henrique Cunha Joo Paulo Madaleno Joo Paulo Martins Joaquim Oliveira Jorge Aguiar Kristian Starhed Mehdi Rostami Nuno Cota Pedro Cristiano Brs Pedro Vieira Carla Oliveira Gonalo Carpinteiro Joo Angeja Jorge Venes Lcio Ferreira Lus Carvalho Ricardo Matos Abreu Rui Rodrigues

MSc Licenc. Licenc. Licenc. Licenc. Licenc. Licenc. Licenc Licenc. Licenc. Licenc. Licenc. Licenc. Licenc. Licenc. Licenc. Licenc. Licenc. Licenc. Licenc. Licenc. Licenc. Licenc. Licenc. Licenc.

PhD Student PhD Student MSc Student MSc Student MSc Student MSc Student MSc Student MSc Student MSc Student MSc Student MSc Student MSc Student MSc Student MSc Student MSc Student MSc Student MSc Student Licenciado Licenciado Licenciado Licenciado Licenciado Licenciado Licenciado Licenciado


Table 12 Non-permanent collaborators working in the Wireless Communications Area.

4.1.3 Summary of Research Achievements

Research work in the Wireless Communications Scientific Area of it covers the main aspects related to the air interface in wireless communications and supporting hardware/software. Activities fall within the following five general topics: Antenna Analysis and Design; Physical Modelling and Wave Propagation Characterisation; Wireless Circuits and Devices; Transmission and Reception Systems; System Planning and Resource Management.

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Annual Report 2002 Wireless Communications ANTENNA ANALYSIS AND DESIGN Work on antennas may antennas for frequencies mobile communications European funded FLOWS ILENA project. be grouped under two main topics: personal small-terminal below 6 GHz, and millimetre wave antennas for 4th generation and for space applications. The first topic falls within the project, and the second topic falls within the FCT/POSI funded

New antennas were developed for integration into future personal multi-mode multiantenna communications terminals. New configurations were proposed both for tripleband operation and for ultra-wideband operation, giving consideration to physical constrains posed by terminal integration requirements. Printed antenna technology was used for both type of antenna specifications: single patch single feed elements with slots, and integrated three patches with three feeds have been considered for the triple-band design; single-arm spiral antennas with reduced ground plane that do not require a BALUN circuit was used for the 3:1 bandwidth antenna design. Antenna prototypes were fabricated and successfully tested in anechoic chamber environment, proving its simultaneous compatibility with GSM, UMTS, Bluetooth/IEEE 802.11b and HiperLAN2 services. The antenna development work was complemented with a systematic study of antenna array configurations for different mobile terminal types such as handsets, palmtops, PDAs and PC notebooks, having in mind possible operation of these terminals according to MIMO concept. Activity on millimetre wave dielectric antennas was focused on the integration of lenses with printed feed elements, covering aspects related to the numerical characterisation of embedded feeds, and aspects related to antenna fabrication. The printed antennas were designed with the help of commercial electromagnetic CAD simulation tools, and using specific software based on FDTD method that was developed within it. As for lens fabrication, a moulding technique was tested with promising results. The fabrication of previously developed double lens configurations was evaluated in view of this moulding fabrication technique. Furthermore, important developments were obtained on artificial dielectric lenses. This concept was explored to obtain planar integrated lenses, and some examples of these lenses were designed and evaluated numerically. In parallel with these activities, the millimetre wave anechoic chamber is being upgraded in the framework of the FCT/POCTI funded Project COMPACT to integrate new hardware, and to develop new control software that integrates upgraded measurement capabilities. PHYSICAL MODELLING AND WAVE PROPAGATION CHARACTERIZATION Work in this sub-area addresses both guided-wave and non-guided wave phenomena characterization which includes radiowave propagation modeling. Electromagnetics of Complex Media One very strong work topic is related to electromagnetics of complex media: artificial materials obtained by random or periodic inclusion of metallic or dielectric particles into a host dielectric media to obtain unconventional electromagnetic properties not commonly found in natural materials. Performed work includes both characterization of the media itself (including the relation between inclusion shape and periodicity, with material macroscopic electromagnetic behavior), and wave propagation in guided wave structures using these type of materials. Artificial dielectrics with periodic lattice were characterized both in the low frequency limit (where homogenization techniques were used to obtain its macroscopic electromagnetic properties), and for arbitrary frequency to characterize its band-gap filtering

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Instituto de Telecomunicaes characteristics. New techniques were developed in both cases for very efficient computation of these materials characteristics, one of which was awarded a 3rd place prize in the Student Paper Contest of IEEE AP-S/URSI Symposium, USA. The lowfrequency limit characterization of artificial dielectrics is of interest for the planar lens topic described in section Also with the lens topic motivation, some work was carried also on the radiation of elementary sources in unbounded media with periodic inclusions. Complex media is also of interest in the design of new waveguide components for microwave and millimeter-wave devices. Work pursued on characterisation of dispersion, guidance and leakage properties in open 3-dimensional planar chiral and pseudochiral (omega) waveguides, and in chiral optical fibres. The work in this topic has shown that, even when the core is achiral, semi-leaky modes can also propagate in dielectric planar chirowaveguides as well as in optical fibres as long as the cladding is a chiral medium. Some attention was also devoted to the analysis of propagation features of planar structures involving metamaterial slabs (artificial materials characterized by negative permittivity and negative permeability). Propagation in Optical Fibers Work was done on soliton dynamics in dispersion-varying compensating fibers. The objective was the analysis of new transmission schemes where the normal dispersion compensating fiber (DCF) is replaced by dispersion-varying compensating fibre (DVCF) with decreasing or increasing dispersion profiles. In the framework of project TRANSPARENT, it was shown that the dynamic behavior of soliton pulses in such systems may produce a performance improvement for specific profiles. Analytical and simulation studies will follow, in order to identify the best dispersion profiles for DVCFs and a generalization of the procedure to be applied in different dispersion maps. Radiowave Propagation Modelling Activities span over two main sub-topics: Propagation in complex environments (propagation through walls, microwave and millimetre wave propagation in indoor and urban mobile communications scenarios, and propagation through vegetation); Microwave radio links (land and satellite).

A new technique was developed and new results were obtained for the quantified relation between building wall penetration loss and aperture (window) dimensions in land mobile communication scenarios (GSM and UMTS). Results from the theoretical model were validated against experimental results obtained from a scaled model at millimetre waves. A window-gain parameter was introduced, and a user-friendly tool was developed for instant estimation of window effects through this parameter. Also statistical models were developed for signal attenuation from building penetration for GSM 900 and 1800 as well as UMTS, based on the results of an extensive measurement campaign. In the framework of mobile directional channel characterization a few field measurements were made using a channel sounder. The measured data was explored by the SAGE algorithm to retrieve ray parameters. Some studies were developed to gain a better understanding of the method limitations and to get best results for ray parameters retrieval in real scenarios. Relationships were established between adaptive antennas beamformimg and wideband directional channel models for several scenarios in micro- and macro-cells; With respect to millimetre wave mobile communications, work was focused on experimental Channel Impulse Response (CIR) characterisation of indoor scenarios at 40 GHz. Measurements were carried out in a wide indoor sports pavilion, and in a office

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Annual Report 2002 Wireless Communications meeting room. CIR was calculated from spectral analysis of measured frequency domain results obtained with the millimetre-wave front-end and other equipment developed for the ACTS-SAMBA project Trial Platform. These CIRs and power delay profiles were compared against those obtained from a raytracing-based prediction tool. Models were developed for fading characterization in broadband systems, enabling an accurate estimation of fading margins for several environments; Propagation through vegetation was also a strong area of research. Work continued on the characterisation of absorption, scatter and depolarisation of the incident microwave and millimetre wave signals by vegetation media. Members of it participated in a UK Consortium, together with Rutherford Appleton Laboratories (RAL), Universities of Glamorgan and Portsmouth, and QinetiQ, to perform an extensive programme of measurements aimed at the establishment of a narrow band prediction model for propagation through vegetation. Work also pursued on the development of a wideband (1-60 GHz) propagation model more suited for the characterization of high data rate wireless services influenced by vegetation as in sub-urban or rural areas. Research is continuing also on the development of a Discrete Radiative Energy Transfer generic model for non-homogeneous random vegetation media, drawing on the relations between its parameters and vegetation species. On Earth-Satellite propagation studies, the main effort was devoted to the design, development and testing of a microwave dual channel beacon receiver. The work comprised an antenna feed for circular polarization and all the microwave circuitry. The implementation of beacon amplitude and relative phase detector was based in digital signal processing techniques. The target studies will be: - Attenuation and Scintillation Depolarization by ICE Software for the propagation data pre-processing was also developed. Also of importance was the start of the ITEM project sponsored by Vodafone, aiming at contributing for public awareness of basic concepts related to electromagnetic radiation and population exposure in mobile communications. This is done through a dedicated website that contains basic information on EM radiation, and also contains the results from systematic monitoring of radiation levels in selected public locations over the country. WIRELESS CIRCUITS AND DEVICES Research work performed in this sub-area can be grouped under two general topics, one related to microwave cricuit design, and the other to device modelling. In both cases, the underlying applications fall within the wireless area. RF and Microwave Circuit Design One main topic of research is related to active and passive filters, using different technologies. Active and passive bandpass filters were designed for 30GHz (Galactic project) with PM-HEMT 0.25um GaAs technology for comparison with the same type of filters that were designed for the low cost LTCC (low temperature cofired ceramics). These LTCC filters will be part of a low cost transceiver for 30GHz (Galactic project). The design includes analysis and optimisation of the yield for fabrication, in order to prove the possibility of using such substrates in 30GHz for high volume and low cost production. Work has also progressed around BiCMOS and CMOS technology. Monolithic integrated LC voltage controlled oscillators (VCO) were fabricated on BiCMOS 0.8um technology for 2.4GHz and uses monolithic spiral inductors. Also single ended and differential low noise amplifiers (LNA) were fabricated on CMOS. These LNA were integrated on 0.35um CMOS technology and were designed for the 2GHz band.

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Instituto de Telecomunicaes A grounded and a floating active inductor for 2GHz was also fabricated with CMOS 0.35 um process (ACTFIL project). Based on the obtained results, new active inductors are beeing designed for fabrication in 2003 (AME project). Aspects concerning high frequency on-wafer measurements up to 6GHz with silicon substrates were also addressed. The measurements included s-parameters, noise figure, output power and distortion, phase noise. Developments were also made on circuit design techniques for LDMOS RF power amplifiers. RF and Microwave Active Device Modelling Electric models were obtained up to 6GHz for spiral inductors, poly capacitors and resistors on BiCMOS and CMOS technology. Low voltage MMICs using Si CMOS were designed and tested. Developed MMICs include low noise amplifiers, upconverters and phase shift oscillators. Due to the inefficient models supplied by the MMICs foundries, semiconductor and passive devices models for CAD programs were developed in it. Due to the low resistivity of Si substrates, techniques for experimental characterisation of MMICs components and sub-circuits were studied to support the modelling activity. With respect to non-linear modeling, main research achievements have included the development of computer aided design tools for nonlinear electronic circuits design, telecommunication systems identification, active device modelling and the analysis and design of various nonlinear microwave and optoelectronics circuits, in particular, the design of highly linear multi-carrier power amplifiers and mixers. Research in the framework of PhD thesis includes wireless system identification and simulation, with the main objective to model the impact of correlated nonlinear distortion in modulated signals. Another topic is related to nonlinear distortion and efficiency in small-signal and power amplifiers based on homojunction bipolar transistors (BJT), heterojunction (HBT) and GaN HEMT microwave devices. Work includes nonlinear model extraction of BJT and HBT bipolar transistors. The main origins of nonlinear distortion in bipolar devices are being studied in order to propose a justification for their highly linear characteristics. Model validation was performed in small-signal bipolar based amplifiers. Nonlinear model extraction of RF Si MOS and LDMOS devices. Study of the main largesignal MOSFET models and their nonlinear distortion prediction capabilities. Work was also carried on the design of highly linear MESFET resistive mixers. TRANSMISSION AND RECEPTION SYSTEMS Research work performed within this sub-area in 2002 includes the following topics: UMTS capacity enhancement techniques, channel estimation techniques in satellite and land mobile communications, video bit stream video protection in wireless transmission, and signal processing in synthetic aperture radar. Wireless techniques such as space-time coding, beamforming (adaptive antennas) and minimization of multiple-access interference for the downlink of WCDMA were explored at it in the framework of IST-SEACORN project for enhancing the capacity of the UMTS system. The WCDMA UMTS system was studied at the Link Layer level to extend its capabilities, and the work included the development of a complete system simulator. Spectrally efficient modulation techniques like continuous phase modulation or QAM modulations were also studied to pursue performance enhancement in the future UMTS system.

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Annual Report 2002 Wireless Communications Another topic of research was related to channel estimation techniques in satellite mobile communications. Solutions were proposed within the stochastic nonlinear filtering framework to address the problem of detection of multi-level signalling schemes, namely the 16-DAPSK modulation, in the following environments: channels affected by Doppler effect, and channels disturbed by fading. An algorithm for Doppler frequency and Frequency-rate was proposed for non-geostationary satellite communications. Some work was dedicated to the problem of channel estimation in multi-carrier systems. Attention was also devoted to the application of nonlinear filtering techniques in CDMA systems. In particular, the problem of fast acquisition of code and frequency in GPS receivers was considered. Also related to the satellite channel, efficient simulation techniques were developed to obtain the performance of channel codes, namely TCH codes, for satellite channels described by its probability density function (Rayleigh, Rice, Nakagami, etc.); In respect to video bit stream protection in wireless transmission, the research work spanned through the following topics: joint source-channel coding and modulation; network adaptation of video streams; statistical multiplexing of TV and data signals; MPEG-4/AVC video transportation over TV packet based transmission. In Synthetic Aperture Radar, the activity in 2002 was focused on the ''blind angle ambiguity problem'', on absolute phase estimation in interferometric SAR images, and on speckle noise filtering. Besides these research topics, the problem of linear unmixing in hyperspectral data was also addressed. SYSTEM PLANNING AND RADIO RESOURCE MANAGEMENT Research work in this sub-area covered traffic-based UMTS system capacity studies, and services and applications characterization. Different types of circuit switched traffic and possible future scenarios of multi-service traffic were used for evaluation of UMTS FDD system capacity. A software tool was developed with this objective. In the absence of UMTS traffic data, GSM/GPRS data was used instead to analyze combined data and voice traffic, as well as to analyze the effect of the double layer structure of 900/1800 MHz GSM on network management. With the same objective, the problem of dynamic channel allocation was also addressed, based on measurements performed on a real GSM network. Another software tool was developed to simulate the air interface of UMTS-FDD, enabling the analysis of traffic aspects as well as load and handover ones. Models were established for traffic generation for UMTS, including a large variety of services and applications, enabling a better estimation of traffic, as well as an improved evaluaiton of load; Research on Enhanced UMTS services and applications characterisation, classification, and deployment scenarios has been performed within the IST-SEACORN project. Contributions have been given on multi-service traffic engineering in Enhanced UMTS. Work on Cost/revenue performance of Mobile Broadband Systems (MBSs) was concluded and published, and multi-service tele-traffic modelling for MBS was addressed as well.

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Instituto de Telecomunicaes

4.1.4 Running Projects OVERVIEW

Funding Agency
AdI CRUP EID EU EU, IST Programme FCT /POSI FCT/POCTI FEDER, PRAI-Centro ICCTI / GRICES ICEP ICP/ANACOM Portuguese Navy PT Inovao UK Radiocommunications Agency VODAFONE 2 1 1 2 5 9 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1


Table 13 Number of active projects in the Wireless Communications Area in 2002. ACTIVITY IN PROJECTS

Title Descript.

CHIRAL / POSI/CPS/39589/2001
2D and 3D Chiral and Omega Structures: Guidance, Leakage and Radiation Behaviour Three main objectives can be identified: (i) Electromagnetic characterization of 3D rectangular open chiral and omega uniform waveguides:guidance and leakage characteristics, new features due to chirality; (ii) Analysis of 3D open chiral and omega non-uniform structures: characteristics (reflection /transmission) of tapers and branches; (iii) Radiation characteristics of printed sources on planar layered chiral and omega structures: dependence of radiation characteristics (surface wave power, radiated power, impedance, bandwidth) on chiral and omega parameters.

Title Descript.

A Complete analog front-end for 3G MultiMEdia Terminals Definition and realization of a complete Analog Front-End for 3Gmultimedia terminal, integrating in a single-chip solution all the analog baseband functions with a RF Front-End. The work to be done will focus on innovative RF and baseband topologies for component count and cost reduction.

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Annual Report 2002 Wireless Communications

Title Descript.

Radio through vegetation / AY3880/510005719

A Generic Model of 1-60 GHz Radio Propagation through Vegetation- Final Report The main aim of the research project was to study the effects of millimetre wavelength radiowaves propagating through vegetation and to develop a generic model of signal attenuation for narrowband systems.

Title Descript.

Advanced Microelectronics Engineering Training on design of CMOS monolithic integrated circuits recently graded engineers.

Title Descript.

CETMC / POSI/CPS/34829/2000
Channel Estimation Techniques in Mobile Communications In all-digital receiver implementations, an oscillator with good frequency stability but not synchronized with the carrier, heterodynes the incoming signal to baseband (direct conversion) where its quadrature components are sampled. In this type of receivers carrier synchnronization is replaced by channel estimation, which consists of the following tasks: (i) estimation of the phase drift due to Doppler effect and/or frequency poor alignment between oscillators; (ii) estimation of the channel time-varying gain provoked by fading and/or shadowing. The problem of channel estimation presents new challenges with the emergence of mobile personal communications based on, for example, non-geostationary satellites, which are affected by significant Doppler frequency shifts. In these cases, the channel is strongly non-stationary (even with very short time intervals), leading to the need to update phase and gain estimates within the symbol interval. Channel estimation in mobile digital communications is a relevant research subject not only from the applications point of view but also by its theoretical and conceptual aspects. This project proposes to resume previous work in this area by focusing namely on the following aspects: a) synthesis of new algorithms for the simultaneous joint channel and clock estimation, and symbol detection based on stochastic nonlinear filtering; b) development of new open-loop frequency and frequency-rate estimators; c) application of the above-mentioned algorithms in scenarios of practical interest, such as the mobile digital communications with nongeostationary satellites; d) application to spread spectrum and multicarrier systems where significant improvements are foreseen.

Title Descript.

COST 284 /
COST 284 ''Innovative Antennas for Emerging Terrestrial and Space-Based Applications'' To progress and innovate in the theoretical modelling and in the multidisciplinary design and development of new architectures, components, circuits and test techniques for antennas. The focus will be on antenna arrays, active and adaptive antennas and their beam forming, in support of broadband applications up to millimetre waves.

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Title Descript.

ESPREX / POSI/36555/CHS/2000
Earth Satellite Propagation Experiment at Ka Band Characterization of the Earth-Satellite Propagation Channel mainly: - Scintillation - Attenuation - Ice depolarization The development of the measuring station and data analysis software is included in the project.

Title Descript.

FS / POSI/33379/CPS/2000
Fiber Solitons: Propagation, Amplification and Switching To study fiber solitons in the following aspects: (i) the in-line control in WDM soliton communication systems; (ii) amplification of solitonlike pulses in erbium-doped fiber amplifiers; (iii) soliton switching in nonlinear fiber couplers; (iv) chiral solitons, i.e., solitons in chiral optical fibers.

Title Descript. FindIt

FindIt /
Project in consortium with other Portuguese partners, namely IDITE-Minho and AMI, which objective is to develop a RTLS (Real Time Location System) for the Braga city bus yard. This system should be capable of providing positioning of the buses on the yard, but also be a communications system enabling transmission of the buses important data, namely ticketing data and km readings that permit an efficient management of the fleet.

Title Descript.

FLOWS / IST-2001-32125
Flexible Convergence of Wireless Standards and Services The objective is to show how multiple wireless standards (GSM, UMTS, HIPERLAN/2) and the services that they support can converge in a flexible manner within a consumers terminal. FLOWS will study and demonstrate the convergence of wireless standards allowing the user to be simultaneously connected to several of them and enabling transparent access to various services. The activity will be focused in the following areas: (i) Development of channel models for converging systems (GSM, UMTS, HIPERLAN, DVB and DAB), characterisation of services for the various systems, and analysis of traffic performance (Luis M. Correia, Joo Gil, Filipe Cardoso, Jorge Aguiar, Gabriela Galvano); (ii) Design of tripleband (GSM1800, UMTS, HiperLAN2) printed antennas, and small antennas to be integrated into a handset terminal. Analysis and simulation of possible MIMO multi-antenna configurations (Custdio Peixeiro); (iii) Design of multiband antennas using the fractal concept (Antnio A. Moreira). (iv) Design and test of ultra-wideband antennas, including the evaluation of antenna performance when integrated into a real user terminal (Carlos A. Fernandes)

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Annual Report 2002 Wireless Communications

Title Descript. GMF for ITV

The overall objective of this proposal is to enhance the technological perspectives of the Multimedia Home Platform (MHP) standard by providing a GMFfor iTV. It accelerates the uptake of DVB-MHP and provides an end-to-end platform for interactive services on heterogeneous multimedia devices (STB and PC). The platform will enable the content and service provider to create, manage and, distribute linearily composed, prerecorded video streams in conjunction with non-linear data and allow interactivity at the end device on object or key-frame level of the content.

Title Descript.

HeadSAR /
Head SAR Measurement System Specification To analyse the European and International Standards for head Specific Absortion Rate (SAR) measurement, with respect to mobile phone radiation. To contrast these standards with commercially available measurement systems, and specify an adequate measurement solution for ANACOM.

Title Descript. In@Bus

In@Bus /
In@Bus is a project for PT Inovao, which objective is to develop a computer and telecommunications platform for buses and trucks. The buses system is supposed to provide communications via a mobile communications network (GSM or TETRA), bus radio access network to the passengers via a wireless portal (IEEE 802.11 and/or Bluetooth), integration with the ticketing and passenger counting systems, information displaying through LED information panel, video contents displaying through LCD monitors and passenger filming (for security purposes). The truck system should also provide GPS aided navigation and a computing full operational office including code bar reader integration for packages registration. The In@Bus project also includes the development of a RF identification system for bus stops, that shall help the GPS system to provide correct positioning in the city. The integration of passenger counting systems and bus billing system with the bus communications platform is also a goal of this project

Title Descript.

Informao Tcnica sobre Exposio Radiao Electromagntica em Comunicaes Mveis To provide ''public awareness'' information about exposure to radiofrequency electromagnetic wave radiation. To perform a systematic monitoring of electromagnetic radiation level near mobile communications base station sites all over the country, and to share these results through a dedicated website.

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Instituto de Telecomunicaes

Title Descript.

GALACTIC / IST-2000-30109
Innovative GaAs MMICs and Avanced LTCC packaging technologies for multicomponents Ka Band subsystems The objective of the GALACTIC project is to lay the foundations to the lowcost Ka subsystems. The key innovative technologies are highly integrated Gallium Arsenide (GaAs) monolithic microwave integrated circuits (MMICs) and low temperature co-fired ceramics (LTCC), integration and packaging. Those technologies are required for the design, fabrication and validation of a low cost, multi-component high power subsystem adequate for mass production. The integration will be validated on a Ka-band up-converter transmitter, which is the key building block of various future products for next generation broadband communication networks.

Title Descript.

ICNS / TIT/1583/95 phase II

Integrated Communication and Navigation Systems The project deals with the following communication/navigation problems: 1-Receiver performance evaluation by applying importance sampling techniques. This problem was dealt with in Phase I assuming additive white Gaussian channels and phase drift modeled as Browniam motion. The purpose in Phase II is to to extend the study to fading channels and higher order phase drift dynamics. 2-In Phase I we modeled the relative emitter/receiver dynamics as a third order Gauss-Markov process, and designed the receiver accordingly. To perform optimally, the assumed model has to fit the actual dynamics; otherwise, robustness criteria and adaptive algorithms have to be applied.

Title Descript.

ILENA / POSI/34860/CPS/2000
Integration of Lenses and Planar Antennas To study the integration of lens antennas with printed feed elements. To extend homogeneous lens concepts to non-uniform printed material lenses.

Title Descript.

ISSMIA / TIT/1580/95 phase II

Integration of Stochastic and Structural Models in Image and Pattern Analysis de Padres e Imagens - Fase II The project considers the following remote sensing problems: 1-Acquisition and processing in interferometric synthetic aperture radar (InSAR) imaging. Algorithms developed and evaluated by simulation in the first part of the project are now tested with real data. Executable versions of these algorithms will be made available in the Internet for comparison purposes. 2-Inverse synthetic aperture (ISAR) problem. The accurate target tracking demands the estimation of the absolute value of a carrier phase. Previous work on this area, developed by the team members, will be applied in various ISAR scenarios.

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Annual Report 2002 Wireless Communications

Title Descript.

LDMOSCA / POCTI/ESE/1999/34074
Low Distortion RF MOS Circuits Advances Development of design methods for linear and non-linear radio frequency and microwave MOS amplifiers. Proposal of improved or newly developed local/global non-linear MOS models. It involves the study of non-linear active device behaviour from measurement, in order to extract qualitative and quantitative data required to propose global non-linear semi-empirical models. They should be able to describe the detailed mode of operation of the device, which involves not only charge/voltage or current/voltage characteristics, but also their higher order derivatives. Development of new design procedures for better small signal amplifiers with high dynamic range and highly efficient power amplifiers with low intermodulation using MOS active devices.

Title Descript.

McPIC / POCTI/34424/ESE/2000
Mask Configurable Intelligent Power Integrated Circuits Applications The main objective is the development of pre-processed Smart Power IC, configurable by the top metal layer(s), using low-cost standard CMOS technologies. This goal is to be attained through the development of a power switching cells library in a matrix arrangement based in a single NMOS cell. This arrangement should be capable of implementing power conversion, amplification and regulation functions, permitting high reliability and efficient compact solutions, in order to improve the quality of portable equipment. Personal communication systems and medical equipments, robotics and automotive applications are some of the types of applications envisaged as target for these Smart Power ICs. This methodology enables low cost semi custom designs and new ICs configuration strategies of easy industrial implementation towards Smart Power using standard CMOS technologies.

Title Descript.

MOMENTUM / IST-2000-28088
Models and Simulations for Network Planning and Control of UMTS MOMENTUM aims at a long lasting impact on the development of UMTS planning tools. Major players of system manufacturers, network operators, service providers, and operations research facilities have joined to meet the challenge of analysing UMTS system-behaviour and of developing powerful new planning methods for UMTS. MOMENTUM will: characterise new services UMTS is going to deliver; build usage profiles and planning scenarios to model the future demands; build the most advanced UMTS real-time system-level simulator; use the scenarios and the simulator to better understand the dynamics of UMTS networks and their sensitivity to system parameter settings; develop flexible models, algorithms, and new planning methods for the deployment of the future wireless telecommunication infrastructure; build and publish a library of UMTS scenarios and test cases to be used as a benchmark in the development of planning tools.

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Instituto de Telecomunicaes

Title Descript.

Multimedia Services and Applications in Hospital, University and Urban Environments Besides the Wireless LAN deployment in University (Virtual University Campus) and Hospital (tele-medicine) scenarios, one will contribute with service classification and characterisation, source traffic validation via real data and inclusion of human and ergonomic aspects in mobile and wireless systems planning process.

Title Descript. Navy Video

Navio /
The main objective of this project consists of studying and developing error resilient video coding algorithms and transmission techniques appropriate for high frequency (HF) carriers allowing attaining high quality videoconference services in long distance communications. The short wave channel imposes several hostile propagation conditions that will affect video signal communications. Furthermore, the very low throughput bit rate (12800bps) provides a strong limitation on video communications. This project will attempt to overcome those appointed drawbacks.

Title Descript.

OPAMS / POCTI/ESE/37531/2001
Optimum Power Amplifiers for Modulated Signals Recent wireless communication systems demand very high signal to noise ratios (SNR). However, the continuous improvement of power amplifier (PA) efficiencies has led to an increased nonlinearity behavior, severely degrading system's fidelity. One former way to minimize this effect consisted on using constant envelope modulation systems, trading higher spectrum bandwidths for lower distortion. Unfortunately, spectrum bandwidth became a scarce precious good imposing non-constant envelope modulation schemes. Therefore, the PA nonlinearity is nowadays of primordial importance to the maximization of the SNR in this type of telecommunication systems. The main objective of this project is to propose new design PA procedures intended to improve linearity in presence of complex communication signals of non-constant envelope. To fulfill this goal, the time and frequency domain properties of the complex modulation techniques will first be studied. Special attention will be given to the peak to average ratio of the excitation's time description, and to its complex spectral representation, mainly to the correlation between its different spectral lines. The information gathered with this analysis, associated to the previous background of the authors, will inspire improvements to the existing nonlinear RF circuits' simulation tools, or even to the proposal of novel nonlinear analysis methods, specially tailored for the type of modulated signals under study. With the aid of the proposed simulation techniques, and the knowledge of the driving signal statistics, the nonlinear behavior of PA will be studied when in the presence of complex communication signals. The correct understanding of this behavior will end up in the suggestion of a new procedure for the design PAs optimized for linearity. Finally, a PA prototype specially designed for handling multi-tone complex modulated signals will be implemented and tested. That will serve as the practical validation of the proposed theoretical analysis methods and circuit design tools.

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Annual Report 2002 Wireless Communications

Title Descript. Programa IST

Programa IST /
To provide logistic support to the national delegates to the Management Committee of the IST programme

Title Descript.


Propagation and Radiation in Complex Media Using Planar Technology Analysis of propagation and radiation of electromagnetic waves in multilayered planar structures using complex media including bianisotropic,biisotropic(quiral/omega),gyrotropic(ferrites/magnetized plasmas) and left-handed media.Two specific topics are addressed: radiation of elementary sources embedded in multilayer structures; characterization of artificial media in planar technology.

Title Descript.

RESOURCE / CPS/36336/1999
Radio resource optimization in third generation mobile systems Study and develop general planning tools for third generation UMTS/IMT 2000 systems.

Title Descript.

Signal and Image Processing in Synthetic Aperture Radar This project addresses the following research topics topics in synthetic aperture radar (SAR): (1) Moving target detection and estimation; (2) Interferometry; (3) Image restoration. (1) Moving target detection, estimation, and imaging is important for wide area surveillance systems with limited revisit times. (2) The problem of interferometry is essentially the estimation of absolute phase from a pair (or more) SA images. Topographic maps are then obtained with basis on the estimated absolute phase images. (3) The pixel amplitude of SA images are, under mild conditions, a sample of a Rayleigh random variable. Therefore, the image amplitudes corresponding to an homogeneous region exhibit random fluctuations, termed ''speckled noise''. The following goals have been pursued, concerning each of the three referred topics: (1) Developing solutions to the so-called ''blind angle ambiguity'' problem. It means that using just an antenna it is impossible to infer the direction of the velocity vector. One way to remove the blind angle ambiguity is to make simultaneous bistatic SA measurements with two different antennas. Aiming at the resolution of the blind angle ambiguity problem with only one antenna, it is proposed the exploitation of recent results, derived by the proponents, on the relations between the received signal and the moving target velocity. (2) Developing Bayesian approaches to the absolute phase estimation in the presence of discontinuities. The inclusion of discontinuities is relevant to obtain meaningful estimates. On the other hand, most methods proposed in the open literature do not take discontinuities into account. (3) Developing Bayesian approaches to the amplitude restoration that, as in item (2), take the amplitude discontinuity into account.

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Instituto de Telecomunicaes

Title Descript.

SEACORN / IST-2001-34900
Simulation of Enhanced UMTS Access and Core Networks SEACORN provides a fundamental contribution to the evaluation and development of Enhanced UMTS networks. It covers several aspects starting from the definition and characterisation of services and user profiles, including the modelling of the user's behaviour with respect to mobility and multimedia activity, and finally considering the optimisation of the networks from both points of views: the operator's and manufacturer's view of limiting the infrastructure and maintenance costs and the user's view of being provided with high quality services

Title Descript.

COST 273 /
Towards Mobile Broadband Multimedia Communications The main objective is to increase the knowledge on the radio aspects of mobile broadband multimedia networks, by exploring and developing new methods, models, techniques, strategies and tools towards the implementation of 4th generation mobile communication systems. It considers frequencies ranging from the upper UHF up to millimetre waves, and data rates higher than 2 Mb/s (probably up to 155 Mb/s). As a secondary objective, it is intended that it continues to play a supporting role similar to the one played by the previous Actions in the mobile communications area. That is, besides giving inputs to the development of 4th generation systems, it is also expected that it will contribute to the deployment of systems that are very close to completion of their standardisation phase, like UMTS and HIPERLAN 2.

4.1.5 Running and Concluded Theses

Final Year Projects

Antnio Alves Moreira Antnio Rodrigues Antnio Rodrigues Antnio Rodrigues Antnio Rodrigues

Jerzy Guterman Diogo Rosa Rita Ghilhoto Lus Manilha Pedro Cruz Lus Natrio Ricardo Carrapio Pedro Matos Daniel Figueiredo

Title of Final Year Project

Study of fractal type printed antennas for mobile terminals Software de apoio ao projecto de feixes hertzianos Desempenho de algoritmos na descodificao de turbo cdigos em canais rdio UMTS/FDD Gesto de espectro rdio com recurso a um sistema de informao geogrfica Anlise, impacto e estratgia de utilizao de frequncias em redes WCDMA/FDD

End Date
9 / 2003 9 / 2003

10 / 2002

9 / 2003

9 / 2003

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Annual Report 2002 Wireless Communications

Antnio Rodrigues Antnio Rodrigues Antnio Topa Armando Rocha Armando Rocha Carlos Cardoso Fernandes Carlos Cardoso Fernandes Carlos Cardoso Fernandes Carlos Cardoso Fernandes Carlos Cardoso Fernandes Custdio Peixeiro

Rui Gaspar Vitor Lemos Teresa Ramiro Carlos Pereira Bruno Malha Rui Gomes Fernando Guerra Bruno Teixeira

Dimensionamento rdio de uma rede UMTS Radio resource management in WCDMA mobile networks Propagao de Ondas Electromagnticas em Meios Quirais Development of a Channel Sounder at 2GHz Development of a Channel Sounder at 2GHz Antenas de Banda Larga para Terminais Multi-Servio

9 / 2003 7 / 2003 7 / 2003 6 / 2003 7 / 2003 11 / 2002 12 / 2003 12 / 2003 11 / 2002

Eduardo Lima, Joo Constant Flux Antennas for UMTS Henriques Gonalo Perdigo, Hugo Carmo Jorge Silva, Rui Alegre Tiago Courela Ultra-wideband Antennas for Millimetre wave Space Applications Estudos de Penetrao do Sinal de GSM e UMTS em Edifcios e Veculos Antenas Dielctricas para Comunicaes Mveis de Banda Larga Microstrip Patch Antennas for 4G Mobile Communication Systems Triple-Band Microstrip Patch Antennas for Mobile Communication Systems Microstrip Patch Antenna Arrays for Smart Antennas Microstrip Patch Antenna Arrays for Smart Antennas Optimisation of Microstrip Patch Antennas with Genetic Algorithms Dual Band Dual Polarisation Microstrip Patch Antennas Microstrip Patch Antennas for 4G Mobile Communication Systems Traffic Modelling for UMTS Fixed Voice and Multi-rate Applications Multimedia Services and Applications in hospital, University and Urban Environments

11 / 2002

Filipe Raposo

2 / 2003

Custdio Peixeiro

Jorge Brissos

2 / 2003

Custdio Peixeiro Custdio Peixeiro Custdio Peixeiro Custdio Peixeiro Custdio Peixeiro Fernando J. Velez Fernando J. Velez

Nuno Crispim Rui Peneda Simone Spallina Tiago Gandara Tiago Veiga Eva Maria Reguera Joo Salgueiro Nuno Barroso

2 / 2003 2 / 2003 2 / 2003 2 / 2003 2 / 2003 3 / 2002

7 / 2003

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Instituto de Telecomunicaes

Fernando J. Velez

Rui Paulo

Deployment Scenarios and Teletraffic Engineering in Mobile Communications Systems Beyond 3G Sincronizao de frequncia e estimao de canal em OFDM Desenvolvimento de Modelos de Canal Rdio e outras Ferramentas de Optimizao da Ligao e da Rede em Ambientes WLAN e Bluetooth Medidor de Campo Electromagntico para Comunicaes Mveis Local radio positioning and identification system for indoor environments

7 / 2003

Fernando Nunes

Catarina Brites Eva Rosa

9 / 2003

Joo Nuno Matos

Ricardo Pannuzzo Homero Leal

9 / 2003

Joo Nuno Matos Jos Rocha Pereira

Carlos Borda Rogrio Dias Davide Azevedo Jorge Amaral

9 / 2003

7 / 2003

Lus M. Correia

Impact of base station location on Carla Oliveira, human exposure to electromagnetic Gonalo Carpinteiro radiation (in Portuguese) David Xavier, Jorge Wave penetration into buildings in Vernes GSM and UMTS (in Portuguese) Patrcia Carvalho Allen Vasconcelos Traffic models for base stations in UMTS (in Portuguese) Comparison of Channel Characteristics for Converging Mobile/Wireless Communication Systems

9 / 2002

Lus M. Correia Lus M. Correia

9 / 2002 9 / 2002

Lus M. Correia

Silvia Taccori

6 / 2002

Mrio Rui dos Santos Mrio Rui dos Santos Nuno Carvalho Nuno Carvalho

Simo Pedro Torres Integrao de um sistema de comunicaes, de localizao e de Romeu Duarte segurana de veculo Antnio Paiva Tiago Duarte Portal WLAN/Bluetooth para PDAs/Notebooks

7 / 2003

7 / 2003 9 / 2002 9 / 2003

Carlos Bandarrinha Estudo e implementao do protocolo IEEE 802.11b Pedro Vargas Carlos Borda, Rogrio Dias Joo Rebelo Nuno Matos Medidor de Campo Electromagntico para Comunicaes Mveis Estudo do Impacto da Distoro No Linear em Sistemas de Comunicao Digital

Nuno Carvalho

9 / 2003

Table 14 List of Final Year Projects running in the Wireless Communications Area during 2002.

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Annual Report 2002 Wireless Communications MSc Theses

Antnio Rodrigues Antnio Rodrigues

Francisco Antnio Taveira Branco Nunes Monteiro Ana Filipa Freitas

Title of MSc Thesis

CPM Receivers Complexity Reduction in Wireless Communication Systems QoS evaluation of geographical information in location based services Radio resource management for fixed and wireless communications using a geographical information system Simulation of packet services in UMTS/FDD networks MIMO systems for 3G mobile capacity enhancement

End Date
1 / 2003

12 / 2003

Antnio Rodrigues Antnio Rodrigues Antnio Rodrigues Carlos Salema Fernando J. Velez

Henrique Cunha

6 / 2004

Nuno Cota Pedro Vieira

12 / 2003 12 / 2003 1 / 2003

Pedro Manuel Geada Anlise de margens de segurana no projecto de feixes hertzianos Borda d'gua Marco Antnio Clemente Deployment scenarios, traffic characterisation and capacity estimation for Enhanced UMTS Spread Spectrum with Amplitude Coding and Orthogonal Phase Modulation for Mobile Communication Systems with CDMA

9 / 2003

Henrique Jos A. Silva

Joo da Silva Pereira

11 / 2002

Henrique Jos A. Silva Joo Costa Freire

Mrio Miguel High-Speed Downlink Shared Carvalho Alves dos Channel evaluation in WCDMA Reis Guilherme Mascarenhas Nuno Ferreira Active Inductors on Si Utilizao Algoritmos de Separao Cega de Fontes (BSS) na deteco de cdigos CDMA Oscilador monoltico controlado por tenso para 2.4GHz LNA monoltico CMOS para UMTS Simulao de Dados em Sistemas Acsticos de Abertura Sinttica Algoritmos de Focagem em SAR Estimao de Fase Absoluta em Interferometria SAR

12 / 2003

12 / 2003

Joo Nuno Matos

9 / 2003

Joo Vaz Joo Vaz Jos Bioucas Dias Jos Bioucas Dias Jos Bioucas Dias

Joaquim Oliveira Pedro Brs Carlos Sousa Hlio Fernandes Tiago Silva

6 / 2003 9 / 2005 5 / 2004 5 / 2005 6 / 2003

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Lus M. Correia Maria Joo Rosrio

Antnio Serrador Fernando dos Santos Azevedo

Optimisation of cell radius in UMTSFDD networks Misturador Monoltico de BandaLarga com Rejeio de imagem para DECT

12 / 2002

4 / 2002

Nuno Carvalho

Antnio Jos Duarte Figueiredo Train Localization using RF systems Guilherme dos Santos Desenvolvimento de um simulador de traado de raios para radiocomunicaes em frequncias de microondas e ondas milimtricas - Projecto SimRay

8 / 2003

Rafael Caldeirinha

Pedro Mota

7 / 2003

Table 15 - List of MSc Theses running in the Wireless Communications Area during 2002.

PhD Theses

Amrico Correia Antnio Navarro Antnio Rodrigues Armando Rocha Atlio Gameiro Atlio Gameiro Atlio Gameiro Atlio Gameiro Carlos Cardoso Fernandes Carlos Cardoso Fernandes Joo Costa Freire Joo Vaz Jos Bioucas


Title of PhD Thesis

End Date
12 / 2004 4 / 2004 12 / 2004 3 / 2005 12 / 2005 12 / 2003 9 / 2003 12 / 2005 12 / 2005 1 / 2003 12 / 2003 7 / 2005 12 / 2003

Mrio Marques da Future Mobile Systems Silva Joo Tavares Joo Eira Optimal source-channel coding and modulation for digital terrestrial Wideband mobile receivers

Susana de Jesus Propagation Modelling for MIMO Mota Channels Paulo Marques Lus Gonalves Antnio Morgado Ado Silva Joo P. Costa Channel estimation for broadband mobile channels Frequency domain MUD for UMTSTDD Space-time pre-equalization for WCDMA systems Space-time coding and preequalization for MIMO MC-CDMA systems Advanced Radiating Elements for Adaptive Antennas

Electromagnetic Waves in Artificial Mrio Silveirinha Media with Application to Lens Antennas Jorge Torres Joaquim Bernardino Paulo Marques Multifunctions MMICs Filtros activos para alta frequncia em tecnologia integrada monoltica para 30GHz Moving Target Detection and

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Annual Report 2002 Wireless Communications Dias Jos Bioucas Dias Jos Carlos Pedro Jos Carlos Pedro Jos Leito Jos Leito Jos Leito Jos Neves Jos Neves Jos Rocha Pereira Lus M. Correia Lus M. Correia Maria Joo Rosrio Maria Joo Rosrio Rafael Caldeirinha Rafael Caldeirinha Jos Nascimento Estimation in Synthetic Apertura Radar Spectral Unmixing in Hyperspectral Data 12 / 2005 7 / 2007 7 / 2006 12 / 2003 4 / 2003 6 / 2004 7 / 2003 12 / 2003 12 / 2005 9 / 2003 9 / 2003 11 / 2005 12 / 2006 10 / 2006

Pedro Miguel Silva Nonlinear Modeling of Microwave and Cabral RF Power Devices Pedro Miguel On the Study of Impairments Caused Ribeiro Lavrador by Nonlinearities on Wireless Systems Jos Eduardo C. Sanguino Alberto Sena da Silva Fernando Sousa Manuel Dinis Victor Santos Ambiguity Resolution in GPS Positioning Importance Sampling Evaluation of Digital Phase Detectors with Carrier Phase Tracking Open loop structures in digital receivers. Software Radio Approach Broadband Mobile Communications Resource Management on Mobile Satellite Systems

Modelling and optimisation of Pedro Tavares de antennas for mobile terminals using Pinho FDTD method and optimisation tools Joo Gil Filipe Cardoso Adaptive antennas and channel models for mobile communications Channel characterisation for broadband mobile communications

Henrique Jos da Antenas Activas Silva Fernando dos Santos Azevedo Telmo R. Fernandes Conversores Monolticos em CMOS para Comunicaes Mveis A discrete RET Model for MillimetreWave Propagation Through Vegetation in Sub-Urban Macro Cells

Radiative Energy Transfer Modelling of Vegetation Effects on Design and Harlem St. Michael Performance of Fixed and Mobile Wireless Links

12 / 2003

Table 16 - List of PhD Theses running in the Wireless Communications Area during 2002.

4.1.6 Publications in 2002 ANTENNA ANALYSIS AND DESIGN Book Chapters - Fernandes, C. A.; " Shaped-Beam Antennas " - Chapter in Handbook of Antennas in Wireless Commuications , Lal Godara , CRC Press , New York , 2002 .

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Instituto de Telecomunicaes Papers in Journals - Gil, J.G.; L. M. Correia; " Impact of Wideband Directional Propagation Channel Characteristics on Adaptive Beamforming ", IEICE Trans. on Communications , Vol. E85-B , No. 12 , pp. 2640 - 2647 , December , 2002 . - Herscovici, N.; M. F. Osorio ; C. Peixeiro; " Miniaturization of Rectangular Microstrip Patches Using Genetic Algorithms ", IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters , Vol. 1 , No. 1 , pp. 94 - 97 , January , 2002 . Papers in Conference Proceedings - Gil, J.G.; L. M. Correia; " Dependence of Adaptive Beamforming Performance on Directional Channel Modelled Micro-Cell Scenarios ", Proc IEEE International Symp. on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Commun - PIMRC , Lisbon , Portugal , Vol. 4 , pp. 1794 - 1798 , September , 2002 . - Peixeiro, C.; " Increasing the Bandwidth of a Microstrip Patch Antenna with a Superstrate ", Proc IEEE AP-S/URSI International Symp. , San Antonio, Texas , United States , Vol. 5 , pp. 22 - 22 , June , 2002 . - Silveirinha, M.S.; C. A. Fernandes; " Design of a Non-Homogeneous Wire Media Lens using Genetic Algorithms ", Proc IEEE AP-S/URSI International Symp. , San Antonio, Tx , United States , Vol. 1 , pp. 1 - 1 , June , 2002 . - Silveirinha, M.S.; C. A. Fernandes; " Design of Printed Disk Artificial Materials ", Proc IEEE AP-S/URSI International Symp. , San Antonio, Tx , United States , Vol. , pp. - , June , 2002 . - Silveirinha, M.S.; C. A. Fernandes; " Radiation from a Line Source in a 3D Wire Media Photonic Crystal ", Proc IEEE AP-S/URSI International Symp. , San Antonio, Tx , United States , Vol. , pp. - , June , 2002 . Project Reports - Moreira, A. A.; " Antenna Requirements and Array Solutions for Mobile Terminals ", Instituto Superior Tcnico , FLOWS , November , 2002 . - Peixeiro, C.; J. Brissos; A. A. Moreira; C. A. Fernandes; " Antenna Feasibility Study ", Instituto Superior Tcnico , , November , 2002 . PHYSICAL MODELLING AND WAVE PROPAGATION CHARACTERIZATION Book Chapters - Topa, A.; C. R. Paiva; A. Barbosa; " Surface and Leaky Modes of Multilayered Omega Structures " - Chapter in Advances in Electromagnetics of Complex Media and Metamaterials , Sad Zouhdi, Ari Sihvola, and Mohamed Arsalane , Kluwer Academic , Dordrecht, Netherlands , 2002 . Papers in Journals - Mota, S.M.; A.S. Silva; M. D. Dinis; J. Fernandes; " Radio Transmission and Experimental Channel Characterisation Using an MBS Platform Operating in the 40 GHz Band ", Wireless Personal Communications Journal , Vol. 21 , No. 3 , pp. 245 - 267 , June , 2002 . Papers in Conference Proceedings

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Annual Report 2002 Wireless Communications - Caldeirinha, R.F.S.; A. Seville; D. Ndzi; J. Richter; N. Neil Rogers; N. Savage; " A eneric Model for Propagation through Vegetation ", Proc URSI General Assembly , --- , Netherlands , Vol. - , pp. - - - , August , 2002 ., - Caldeirinha, R.F.S.; M. AL-Nuaimi; J. Richter; " Phase Function Measurement for Modelling Radiowave Attenuation and Scatter in Vegetation based on The theory of Radiative energy Transfer ", Proc IEEE International Symp. on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Commun - PIMRC , Lisbon , Portugal , Vol. - , pp. - - - , September , 2002 - Caldeirinha, R.F.S.; M. AL-Nuaimi; " Propagation Modelling of Bistatics Scattering of Isolated Trees for Micro- and Millimeter Wave Urban Microcells ", Proc IEEE International Symp. on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Commun - PIMRC , Lisbon , Portugal , Vol. - , pp. - - - , September , 2002 . - Caldeirinha, R.F.S.; M. AL-Nuaimi; " Wideband Characterisation of the Dispersive Effects on Isolated Mature Trees for 2-GHz Band Urban Microcells ", Proc URSI General Assembly , Maastricht , Netherlands , Vol. - , pp. - - - , August , 2002 ., Cardoso, F.; L. M. Correia; " A Time-domain Technique for Fading Depth Characterisation in Wideband Mobile Communication Systems ", Proc URSI General Assembly , Maastricht , Netherlands , Vol. - , pp. - - - , August , 2002 .,

- Cardoso, F.; L. M. Correia; " Fading Depth Evaluation in Mobile Communications - from GSM to Future Mobile Broadband Systems ", Proc IEEE International Symp. on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Commun - PIMRC , Lisbon , Portugal , Vol. - , pp. 125 - 129 , September , 2002 . - Janeiro, F. M.; A. Topa; C. R. Paiva; " Leakage characteristics of open chirowaveguides Dielectric slabs and optical fibers ", Proc International Conf. on Electromagnetics of Complex Media - BIANISOTROPICS , Marrakech , Morocco , Vol. 1 , pp. 69 - 69 , May , 2002 ., - Monteiro, V.; M. D. Dinis; J. Garcia; " Millimetre-Wave Channel Impulse Response Experimental Evaluation and Relation Between Delay Spread and Channel Coherence Bandwidth ", Proc IEEE International Symp. on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Commun - PIMRC , Lisbon , Portugal , Vol. 13 , pp. 2292 - 2296 , September , 2002 . - Monteiro, V.; M. D. Dinis; J. Garcia; " Millimetre-Wave Channel Impulse Response Measurements and Comparison with Ray Tracing Simulation Results ", Proc IEEE International Symp. on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Commun - PIMRC , Lisbon , Portugal , Vol. 13 , pp. 463 - 467 , August , 2002 . - Mota, S.M.; A. Rocha; " A ''Poor Man'' System for Directional Channel Measurements Using a Synthetic Array ", Proc IASTED International Conf. on Communication Systems and Networks - CSN , Mlaga , Spain , Vol. Proc. of the IASTED International Conf. on Communications and Computer Networks, 2002 , pp. 547 - 551 , September , 2002 . - Mota, S.M.; A. Rocha; " Parameter Estimation of Synthetic and Real Radio Channels Using the SAGE Algorithm ", Proc IEEE International Symp. on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Commun - PIMRC , Lisbon , Portugal , Vol. 2 , pp. 634 - 638 , September , 2002 . - Ramos, H. M.; F. M. Janeiro; A. Topa; C. R. Paiva; " Material and waveguide dispersion in a symmetric planar chirowaveguide ", Proc International Conf. on Electromagnetics of Complex Media - BIANISOTROPICS , Marrakech , Morocco , Vol. 1 , pp. 75 - 75 , May , 2002 ., - Silveirinha, M.S.; C. A. Fernandes; " Full-Wave Computation of the Effective Permittivity of Wire Media ", Proc International Conf. on Electromagnetics of Complex Media BIANISOTROPICS , Marraquesh , Morocco , Vol. , pp. - , April , 2002 ., - Silveirinha, M.S.; C. A. Fernandes; " An Hybrid Method for the Calculation of the Band Structure of 2D Photonic Crystals ", Proc IEEE AP-S/URSI International Symp. , San Antonio, Tx , United States , Vol. , pp. - , June , 2002 .

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Instituto de Telecomunicaes - Topa, A.; C. R. Paiva; A. Barbosa; " Complex Spectrum of 3D Open Chiral Waveguides ", Proc USNC/URSI National Radio Science Meeting , San Antonio , United States , Vol. 1 , pp. 111 - 111 , June , 2002 ., - Topa, A.; " Contra-Directional Coupling in NRD Directional Coupler with a Metamaterial Slab ", Proc URSI General Assembly , Maastricht , Netherlands , Vol. 1 , pp. 1878 1878 , August , 2002 ., - Topa, A.; C. R. Paiva; A. Barbosa; " Surface and Leaky Modes of Multilayered Omega Structures ", Proc International Conf. on Electromagnetics of Complex Media BIANISOTROPICS , Marrakech , Morocco , Vol. 1 , pp. 46 - 46 , May , 2002 ., Project Reports - Rocha, A.; M. Fernandes; " Exprex Progress Report ", Institute of Telecommunications , , September , 2002 . CIRCUITS AND DEVICES Papers in Journals - Aguiar, R. L.; L. Alves; D. Santos; " Bandwidth Aspects in Second Generation Current Conveyors ", International Journal of Analogue Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing , Vol. 33 , No. 22 , pp. 127 - 136 , November , 2002 . - Carvalho, NBC; J. C. Pedro; " A Comprehensive Explanation of Distortion Side Band Asymmetries ", IEEE Trans. on Microwave Theory and Tech. , Vol. 50 , No. 9 , pp. 2090 - 2101 , September , 2002 . - Fager, C.; P. Linnr; J. C. Pedro; " Optimal Parameter Extraction and Uncertainty Estimation in Intrinsic FET Small-Signal Models ", IEEE Trans. on Microwave Theory and Tech. , Vol. 50 , No. 12 , pp. 2797 - 2803 , December , 2002 . - Gouveia, L.; L. Alves; D. Santos; " Bandwidth Aspects in Second Generation Current Conveyors ", International Journal of Analogue Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing , Vol. 33 , No. 0 , pp. 127 - 136 , November , 2002 . - Pedro, J. C.; " Prediction of IMD in LDMOS Transistor Amplifiers Using a New LargeSignal Model ", IEEE Trans. on Microwave Theory and Tech. , Vol. 50 , No. 12 , pp. 2834 - 2842 , December , 2002 . - Santos, P.M.; A. P. Casimiro; M. I. Simas; M. Lana; " High Voltage Solutions in CMOS Technology ", Microelectronics Journal , Vol. 33 , No. 8 , pp. 609 - 617 , August , 2002 . - Torres, J.; J. Costa Freire; " Monolithic Transistors SPST Switch for L-Band ", IEEE Trans. on Microwave Theory and Tech. , Vol. 50 , No. 1 , pp. 51 - 56 , January , 2002 . Papers in Conference Proceedings - Aguiar, R. L.; M. Madureira; P. Monteiro; M. Violas; M. Gloanec; E. Leclerc; B. Lefebvre; Broadband Optical Receiver for Multigigabit-per-second (40Gb/s) Optical Communications Systems ", Proc IEEE International Symp. on Electron Devices for Microwave and Optoelectronics Applications , Manchester , United Kingdom , Vol. 1 , pp. 271 - 275 , November , 2002 ., - Carvalho, NBC; J. C. Pedro; " Intermodulation Distortion in LDMOS Transistor Amplifiers ", Proc IEEE International Symp. on Microwave Theory and Tech. , Seattle , United States , Vol. 1 , pp. 1 - 1 , June , 2002 .,

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Annual Report 2002 Wireless Communications - Pedro, J. C.; NBC Carvalho; "Simulation of RF Circuits Driven by Modulated Signals Without Bandwidth Constraints ", Proc IEEE International Symp. on Microwave Theory and Tech. , Seattle , United States , Vol. 3 , pp. 2173 - 2176 , June , 2002 ., - Pedro, J. C.; "Uncertainty Estimation and Optimal Extraction of Extrinsic FET Small Signal Model Parameters ", Proc IEEE International Symp. on Microwave Theory and Tech. , Seattle , United States , Vol. 2 , pp. 729 - 732 , June , 2002 ., Project Reports - Costa Freire, J.; Ka Band LTCC ", Instituto Superior Tcnico, IST-2000-30109, December, 2002. TRANSMISSION AND RECEPTION SYSTEMS Books - Salema, C.; Feixes Hertzianos, 2nd edition, , IST Press , Lisboa , 2002 . Book Chapters - Cercas, F.C.; " Air interface aspects " - Chapter in Satellite personal communications for future generation systems , E. Re and L. Pierucci , Springer Verlag , , 2002 . Papers in Journals Correia, A.; " Optimised Complex Constellations for Transmitter Diversity ", International Journal on Wireless Personal Comm. , Vol. 20 , No. 3 , pp. 267 - 284 , March , 2002 .

- Dias, J.; J. Leito; " Fast computation of tr{AB-1} for Toeplitz matrices ", IEEE Signal Processing Letters , Vol. 9 , No. 2 , pp. 44 - 46 , May , 2002 . - Dias, J.; J. Leito; " The ZpiM Algorithm for Interferometric Image Reconstruction in SAR/SAS ", IEEE Trans. on Image Processing , Vol. 11 , No. 4 , pp. 408 - 422 , April , 2002 .

Papers in Conference Proceedings - Dinis, M. D.; " Experimental Millimetre-wave Channel Impulse Response Measurements and Analysis ", Proc IEEE International Symp. on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Commun - PIMRC , Lisbon , Portugal , Vol. 1 , pp. 1 - 1 , September , 2002 . - Gonalves, L.G.; A. Gameiro; " Frequency Shift based Multiple Access Interference Canceller for Multirate UMTS-TDD Systems ", Proc IEEE International Symp. on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Commun - PIMRC , Lisboa , Portugal , Vol. 1 , pp. 1 5 , September , 2002 . - Hrault, L.; M. Reed; N. Voyer; L. Brunel; A. Gameiro; L. M. Correia; J. Pamp ; " Combination of Smart Antennas and Multi-user Detection for UMTS FDD and TDD: Some conclusions of ASILUM ", Proc IST Mobile Communications Summit , Thessaloniki , Greece , Vol. 1 , pp. 1 - 4 , September , 2002 ., - Leito, J.; " Adaptive carrier tracking in mobile communication. An innovations based approach ", Proc IEEE Vehicular Technology Conf. , Vancouver , Canada , Vol. , pp. 00 03 , September , 2002 .,

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Instituto de Telecomunicaes - Marques, P.; J. Dias; " Estimao de Velocidade de Alvos Mveis em Radar de Abertura Sinttica usando Dados Sub-Amostrados ", Proc Conf. Cientfica e Tecnolgica em Engenharia - CCTE , Lisbon , Portugal , pp. 0 - 0 , May , 2002 ., - Marques, P.; J. Dias; " Moving Targets Velocity Estimation Using Aliased SAR Raw-Data from a Single Sensor ", Proc European Conf. on Synthetic Aperture Radar , Cologne , Germany , Vol. 1 , pp. 389 - 392 , June , 2002 ., - Nunes, F.; J. Leito; " 16-DAPSK Innovations-based Sequence Detection for Satellite Communications with Imperfect Carrier Synchronization ", Proc IEEE Vehicular Technology Conf. , Vancouver , Canada , Vol. 1 , pp. 1 - 5 , September , 2002 ., - Nunes, F.; J. Leito; " 16-DAPSK Sequence Detection in Fading Channels with Carrier Frequency Offset Estimation ", Proc IEEE International Symp. on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Commun - PIMRC , Lisbon , Portugal , Vol. 5 , pp. 2072 - 2076 , September , 2002 . - Nunes, F.; J. Leito; " Joint Doppler Frequency and Frequency-Rate Estimation in LEO Satellite Communications ", Proc IEEE Global Telecommunications Conf. - GLOBECOM , Taipei , Taiwan , Vol. 1 , pp. 1 - 5 , November , 2002 ., - Pereira, J.; H. J. A. Silva; " Soft Orthogonal Phase shift Keying (SOPK) Modulation with OVSF-MAC for UMTS ", Proc IEEE International Symp. on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Commun - PIMRC , Lisboa , Portugal , Vol. 4/5 , pp. 1572 - 1576 , September , 2002 - Ribeiro, C.; V. Silva; " Impulse response shortening for xDSL discrete multitone modems with linear phase filters ", Proc Telecommunication, Electronics and Control TELEC , Santiago de Cuba , Cuba , Vol. 1 , pp. 201 - 205 , July , 2002 . - Ribeiro, C.; V. Silva; " Linear phase impulse response shortening for xDSL DMT modems ", Proc IEEE International Telecommunications Symposium , Natal , Brazil , Vol. 1 , pp. 368 - 371 , September , 2002 ., - Sebastio, P.; F.C. Cercas; A. Cartaxo; " Performance of TCH codes in a land mobile satellite channel ", Proc IEEE International Symp. on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Commun - PIMRC , Lisbon , Portugal , Vol. 4 , pp. 1675 - 1679 , September , 2002 . SYSTEM PLANNING AND RADIO RESOURCE MANAGEMENT Papers in Conference Proceedings - Santos, V.; M. D. Dinis; J. Neves; " Maximum Packing Technique Performance in Highway and Planar Cellular Type Systems ", Proc IEEE International Symp. on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Commun - PIMRC , Lisbon , Portugal , Vol. 1 , pp. 440 - 445 , September , 2002 . - Velez, F. J.; L. M. Correia; " Cost/Revenue Optimisation in Multi-service Mobile Broadband Systems ", Proc IEEE International Symp. on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Commun - PIMRC , Lisbon , Portugal , Vol. 1 , pp. 177 - 181 , September , 2002 . - Velez, F. J.; L. M. Correia; " Optimizao de Custos/Proveitos em Sistemas de Comunicaes Mveis de Banda Larga em Ambiente Urbano ", Proc Conf. Cientfica e Tecnolgica em Engenharia - CCTE , Lisbon , Portugal , Vol. CD , pp. - - - , May , 2002 Project Reports - Velez, F. J.; J. Ferreira; E. M. Reguera; " Characterisation Parameters for Enhanced UMTS Services and Applications ", PTIN , IST-SEACORN , October , 2002 .

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Annual Report 2002 Wireless Communications - Velez, F. J.; J. Ferreira; E. M. Reguera; " Classification of Mobile Multimedia Services ", PTIN , IST-SEACORN , July , 2002 . - Velez, F. J.; J. Ferreira; E. M. Reguera; M. D. Dinis; A. Gomes; " Enhanced UMTS deployment and mobility scenarios ", PTIN , IST-SEACORN , November , 2002 .

4.1.7 Other Achievements in 2002 PATENTS - Nogueira, R.N. ; A.T. Teixeira; R. F. Rocha; J. L. Pinto; " Conversor de comprimento de onda auto-bombeado ", 102 871 , November, 2002 . AWARDS - Monteiro, F.; "3rd place in Innovation Young Engineer Prize ", Project Title: ''Complexity Reduction of CPM Receivers on Wireless Communications Systems'', 3rd place on "Innovation Young Engineer Prize" from Ordem dos Engenheiros (Portuguese Engineers Association). Award sponcers: FLAD - Luso American Fundation for Development ; FCT - (Science and technology Fundation) and MCES (Portuguese Science Ministry). 2002 . - Pedro, J. C.; P. Linnr; C. Fager; " 2002 IEEE MTT-S Student Paper Contest - 1st Prize ", Christian Fager, Pos-Graduate Student of Chalmers University, and working for a period at it-Aveiro received the 1st Prize of the 2002 IEEE MTT-S Student Paper Contest with the paper C. Fager, P. Linnr and J. C. Pedro, Uncertainty Estimation and Optimal Extraction of Extrinsic FET Small Signal Model Parameters, 2002 IEEE Intern. Microwave Theory and Tech. Symposium Digest, pp.729-732, Seattle, Jun. 2002, granted by IEEE Microwave Theory and Tech. Society. , 2002. - Silveirinha, M.; C. A. Fernandes; " An Hybrid Method for the Calculation of the Band Structure of 2D Photonic Crystals ", 3rd place in the Student Paper Contest held in the APS/URSI Symposium, San Antonio, Texas , USA June 2002 , 17-07-2002 MISCELLANEOUS Seminars - Caldeirinha, R.F.S.; " Seminars ", Radiowave Propagation Through Vegetation, Seminar ", Instituto de Telecomunicaes, Plo de Coimbra, , 11-02-2002 . - Carvalho, NBC; " Seminars ", Como Funcionam os Telemveis ", Semana Aberta na UA , Nov-2002 . - Velez, F. J.; " Seminars ", Planeamento Celular em Sistemas de Comunicaes Mveis 3G, 3.5G e 4G ", Seminrio de Engenharia Electrotcnica, Departamento de Engenharia Electromecnica da UBI , Mai-2002 . National Delegates - Salema, C.; " National Delegate ", Chairman of the College of Electrical Engineers of Ordem dos Engenheiros ", 2002 . - Salema, C.; " National Delegate ", National delegate to the IST Management Committee ", 2002 . - Costa Freire, J.; " National Delegate ", IEEE Portugal Section ", 2002 .

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Instituto de Telecomunicaes

Other Committees - Salema, C.; " Member of Technical Committee ", Member of the FUP evaluation board for University Degrees in Informatics ", 2002 .

4.1.8 Other Contributions in 2002 CONFERENCE COMMITTEES - 4th European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar (EUSAR 2002) , Technical Programme Chairman, Paulo Marques, 04-06-2002 - Conferncia Cientfica e Tecnolgica em Engenharia, CCTE, ISEL, Lisboa , Scientific Committee, Fernando J. Velez, 06-05-2002 - Conferncia Cientfica e Tecnolgica em Engenharia/Jornadas de Engenharia de Telecomunicaes e Computadores (JETC2002) , Organizing Committee, Paulo Marques, 06-05-2002 - European Conference on Wireless Technology , Technical Programme Committee, Lus M. Correia, 10-09-2002 - ICT2002 - International Conference on Telecommunications , Technical Programme Committee, Lus M. Correia, 12-06-2002 - IEEE International Symp. on Microwave Theory and Tech. , Technical Programme Committee, Jos Carlos Pedro, 13-01-2002 - IEEE International Symp. on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Comm. - PIMRC , Organizing Committee, Antnio Rodrigues, 15-09-2002 - IEEE International Symp. on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications PIMRC , Organizing Committee, Carlos Fernandes, 15-09-2002 - IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor, and Mobile Radio Communications , Technical Programme Chairman, Lus M. Correia, 15-09-2002 - IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radion Communications, PIMRC 2002, Lisbon, Portugal , Scientific Committee, Rafael Caldeirinha, 15-09-2002 - International Symposium on Wireless Multimedia Communications - WPMC, Technical Programme Committee, Antnio Rodrigues, 20-10-2002 - XIImes Journes Nationales Microondes , Scientific Committee, Joo Costa Freire, 1605-2002 - XVII Conference on Design of Circuits and Integrated Systems, Technical Programme Committee, Joo Vaz, 19-11-2002 EDITORIAL COMMITTEES - Wireless Personal Communications, Kluwer Publishers, Antnio Rodrigues, Guest Coeditor of a Special Issue on Wireless Personal Multimedia Communications, 9-2001 to 10-2002

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Annual Report 2002 Wireless Communications REFEREEING - 32nd European Microwave Conference, Lus M. Correia, , 09-2002 - AE - International Journal of Electronics and Communications, Antnio Topa, , 042002 - Conferncia Cientfica e Tecnolgica em Engenharia, CCTE, ISEL, Lisboa., Fernando J. Velez, , 05-2002 - European Microwave Conference, Afonso Barbosa, , 09-2002 - EW' 2002 - European Wireless 2002, Florence, Italy. , Fernando J. Velez, , 02-2002 - ICC2002 IEEE International Conference on Communications, Lus M. Correia, , 042002 - IEEE International Telecommunications Symposium (ITS 2002), Antnio Rodrigues, 92002 - IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters, Nuno Carvalho, , 01-2002 - IEEE Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence , Jos Bioucas Dias, , 02-2002 - IEEE Trans. Antennas and Propagation, Carlos Cardoso Fernandes, , 07-2002 - IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, Jos Bioucas Dias, , 10-2002 - IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, Afonso Barbosa, , 11-2002 - IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Tech., Jos Carlos Pedro, , 12-2002 - IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, Nuno Carvalho, , 01-2002 - IEEE Transcations on Geoscience and Remote Sensing , Jos Bioucas Dias, , 11-2002 - IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference, VTC02 Spring, Antnio Rodrigues, 5-2002 - Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, Jos Bioucas Dias, , 03-2002 - Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, Jos Bioucas Dias, , 04-2002 - Measurement Science and Technology - IOP, Nuno Carvalho, , 06-2002 - PIMRC 2002-13th IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications, Lisbon, Portugal., Fernando J. Velez, , 09-2002 - Transaction on Signal Processing, Nuno Carvalho, , 10-2002

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Instituto de Telecomunicaes

4.2 Optical Communications

4.2.1 Area Coordinators
Jos Ferreira da Rocha Adolfo Cartaxo

4.2.2 Human Resources OVERVIEW

Full Professor Associate Professor Assistant Professor Post. Doc. Assistant Lecturer PhD Student MSc Student Licenciado TOTAL

2 1 5 1 1 6 2 2 20


3 2

3 4 1 1 6 10 1

Table 17 - Overview of human resources in the Optical Communications Area PERMANENT COLLABORATORS

Joo Lemos Pinto Jos Ferreira da Rocha Artur Ribeiro Adolfo Cartaxo Atlio Gameiro Henrique Jos A. Silva Jorge Torres Pereira Antnio Teixeira Armando Pinto

Agregao Agregao Agregao PhD PhD PhD PhD PhD PhD

Full Professor Full Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor

OCom - Av OCom - Av EOC Lx OCom - Lx OCom - Av OCom - Co EOC Lx OCom - Av EOC Av

- 40 -

Annual Report 2002 Optical Communications

Carlos Ferreira Fernandes Joo Pires Manuel Violas Paulo Monteiro Rui Sousa Ribeiro Paulo Andr Joo da Silva Pereira Lus Mendes Antnio Tavares Telmo Fernandes Lus Cancela Mrio Lima Paulo Jorge Marques Jos Miguel Santos Ricardo Gonalves Oliveira Teresa Almeida

PhD PhD PhD PhD PhD PhD MSc MSc Licenc. Licenc. MSc Licenc. Licenc. Licenc. Licenc. Licenc.

Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Post. Doc. Assistant Lecturer Assistant Lecturer Assistant Lecturer Assistant Lecturer PhD Student PhD Student PhD Student Licenciado Licenciado Licenciado

EOC Lx OCom - Lx OCom - Av OCom - Av OCom - Av EOC Av OCom - Co OCom - Co OCom - Av OCom - Co OCom - Lx OCom - Av OCom Av OCom - Av OCom - Co EOC Av

Table 18 Permanent Collaborators working in the Optical Communications Area OTHER COLLABORATORS

Jos Morgado Antnio Jorge Morgado Joo Lopes Rebola Miguel ngelo Madureira Natasa Pavlovic Rogrio Nunes Nogueira Rui Pedro Alves Mrio Reis Mrio Rui Leiria Tiago Maia Filipe Alves

MSc Licenc. Licenc. Licenc. Licenc. Licenc. Licenc. Licenc. Licenc. Licenc. Licenc.

PhD Student PhD Student PhD Student PhD Student PhD Student PhD Student PhD Student MSc Student MSc Student MSc Student MSc Student

OCom - Lx OCom - Av OCom - Lx OCom - Av OCom - Lx OCom - Av OCom - Av OCom - Co OCom - Lx OCom - Av OCom - Av

Table 19 Non-Permanent Collaborators working in the Optical Communications Area

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4.2.3 Summary of Research Achievements

In the following, the achievements in the Optical Communications area are grouped, under three sub-areas: Optical Components and Subsystems, Optical Communication Systems Optical Networking. OPTICAL COMPONENTS AND SUBSYSTEMS The work carried out in this sub-area concentrated on the modelling, performance evaluation and optimisation of key components and subsystems for all-optical Networks. In the sub-area characterization communications now available in with it. of optical components, a great effort has been directed towards the and manufacture of fibre Bragg gratings (FBG) for optical applications. The first FBGs have been implemented with the structure the Department of Physics (University of Aveiro), in close collaboration

In the area of fibre Bragg grating (FBG) filters, the performance of Gaussian apodized FBG filters was optimised for WDM systems. Other types of apodization and mean value of the perturbed refraction index were also considered, in order to achieve a high spectral efficiency and simultaneous fibre dispersion compensation. This optimisation was extended to optical filters capable of filtering several channels simultaneously (sub-band filters). We have also studied the optical filter tuning, and the effects of their unwanted misalignment, together with the inherent changes in the transfer function (spectrum and phase), considering cascades of different optical filters. In this context, we have developed statistical models, to predict the acceptable tolerances of such variations. The work on optical components included also modelling and performance evaluation of a multi-mode interference device acting as a combiner/splitter and as a duplexer. An optical link to simulate an access network using commercial components was assembled. Directly modulated lasers, for use in systems based on dispersion-supported transmission and in metropolitan area networks, were optimised. Analysis was also carried out of conventional and modified distributed feedback (DFB) laser structures, namely multiplephase shifted (MPS) and distributed coupling coefficient (DCC) lasers. The impact of structural parameters on laser performance, either in threshold and above-threshold conditions, was carried on using the transfer matrix method. Special attention was given to laser gain selectivity calculations, taking into account hole-burning corrections, in order to achieve the single-longitudinal mode operation. During the year 2002 the analysis and simulation of PIN and APD devices continued. Using the numerical simulation tools developed in the previous year, we obtained further insight into the effects of the width of the absorption and the multiplication region on the frequency response of SAM-APD devices. The results show ways of improving the design of these devices regarding the relationship bandwidth-avalanche gain. The effect of temperature on bandwidth, for several values of the avalanche gain, was also investigated. It was possible to identify the material's parameters responsible for the changes of bandwidth with temperature. Wavelength converters are important for achieving transparency in optical networks. Techniques based on semiconductor optical amplifiers operating in the nonlinear regime were studied. New techniques, like Broadband Orthogonal pumps with Semiconductor

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Annual Report 2002 Optical Communications Optical Amplifiers and Dispersion Shifted Fibres were used to overcome the bandwidth limitations of Four Wave Mixing process. Another important aspect for the implementation of future optical networks is wide band optical amplification. Here, work has concentrated on the expansion of amplification band of EDFAs into the L band. An L band EDFA with very high gain and flatness in saturated regime has been developed and characterized. In the subsystems area we have extended the work on FBG filters when used for the implementation of optical add/drop multiplexers (OADM). Various OADM structures were analysed and their performance optimised, when included in WDM optical networks. Work on OADMs was extended to AWG-based devices. Optical crossconnects (OXC) incorporating wavelength conversion were also studied during 2002. OPTICAL COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS In the field of optical communication systems, analytical and simulation work has been carried out to assess the influence of laser noise on direct detection transmission system, the impact of transmitter chirp on optimised pre-and post-dispersion compensation schemes for 10 Gbits/s NRZ links, the impact of cross-phase modulation on the performance of DWDM systems and the performance of optically pre-amplified systems with arbitrary optical filtering. Optimisation work concentrated on the duty-cycle of RZ signals in optically preamplified receivers with arbitrary optical filtering. Also, Raman amplification has been studied has a method of providing distributed amplification in order to mitigate signal distortions, in very high speed systems operating at 40 and 80 Gbit/s, due to fibre non-linear effects. Various line codes, with significant spectral efficiency, were investigated for use in DWDM systems with optical dispersion compensation. In the field of soliton dynamics in dispersion-varying compensating fibres, new transmission schemes are being studied: In these schemes, the normal dispersion compensating fibre (DCF) is replaced by dispersion-varying compensating fibre (DVCF) with decreasing or increasing dispersion profiles. As a result of this activity, it was shown that the dynamic behaviour of soliton pulses in DVCFs may produce a performance improvement for specific profiles. Further analytical and simulation studies are however required, in order to identify the best dispersion profiles for DVCFs and a generalization of the procedure to be applied in different dispersion maps. Communication systems using optical single side band transmission technique (OSSB) were investigated. This transmission technique has advantages for upgrading the capacity of the existing fibre networks. Theoretical studies lead to the implementation of a novel Microwave Monolithic Integrated Circuits (MMIC) to generate OSSB signals and also electrical equalizers to compensate the fibre dispersion at 10 and 40 Gbit/s. Work on infrared wireless communications has concentrated on coding techniques specially adapted to this type of systems. OPTICAL NETWORKING The designing of survivable WDM networks is an aspect of great practical importance. Different algorithms were analysed with the objective of optimising the physical layer using a multi-ring approach. The problem of routing and wavelength assignment was also considered. A method that is computational efficient and provides good quality solutions was proposed for solving this problem. The method uses graph colouring techniques to deal with the wavelength assignment issue, and was applied in the context of different protection schemes and traffic patterns.

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Instituto de Telecomunicaes Performance monitoring is an important issue for the control of optical networks. In this field new transparent techniques are being developed for asynchronous performance monitoring. Some promising practical results have been obtained which show the validity of a simple technique. The field of optical CDMA (OCDMA) has been growing in importance as a means to achieve simple network management and multiple access. Preliminary studies have been carried out with the aim of implementing an OCDMA demonstrator for high data rates and moderate distances. Also related with this area is the work on space-time preequalization and coding for broadband MC-CDMA systems and spread spectrum with amplitude coding and orthogonal phase modulation for mobile communication systems with CDMA. Although not specific to OCDMA, the results of this activity may have an impact on WDM-OCDMA networks. Another aspect researched during 2002 refers to the non-linear effects in IP-over-WDM networks. The objective of this work is twofold: (1) to establish a theoretical framework to estimate the interference noise induced by FWM and other fibre non-linear effects, in WDM networks, and (2) to develop a methodology for evaluation of the influence of fibre nonlinear effects on the performance of IP-over-WDM networks, through the estimation of the packet error probability caused by nonlinear effects, as a function of IP traffic characteristics (load and burstiness, mainly) and network critical parameters, such as fibre input power and channel spacing. The first objective was accomplished during 2002.

4.2.4 Running Projects OVERVIEW

Funding Agency
EU,IST Programme FCT/POSI 2 5


Table 20 Number of active projects in the Optical Communications Area during 2002 ACTIVITY IN PROJECTS

Ttulo Descript.

ATLAS / IST-1999-10626
All-optical Terabit per second Lambda-Shifted transmission In the ATLAS project fibre-optic WDM transmission over 500-1,000 km with an aggregate capacity around 1 Tbit/s is investigated by adopting return-to-zero signal formats and dispersion management techniques, without resorting to intermediate regeneration. Different network architectures using All Optical Wavelength Converters (AOWC) are currently under investigation. This project aims to assess the problems encountered when high capacity fibre transmission is associated with an intermediate AOWC, namely the allowed maximum signal distortion at the AOWC input and output, given that the signal will be further propagated down the rest of the link.


WIDECOM / POSI/35574/CPS/2000
Amplificador de banda larga para DWDM

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Annual Report 2002 Optical Communications Descript. The main activities to be carried out at IT, will include (i) the study of optical amplifiers for the L band and (ii) the implementation of an EDFA - L band prototype

Ttulo Descript.

DWDM/ODC / POSI/CPS/35576/1999
Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexing Systems with Optical Dispersion Compensation 1) development of analytical formulation for performance evaluation of arbitrary optical filters; 2) performance evaluation of various coding formats for DWDM systems which allows to assess the advantages / drawbacks of using those coding formats in DWDM systems; 3) performance evaluation of several ODC strategies in directly modulated systems; 4) generalisation of analytical formulation for the assessment of cross-phase modulation influence on the DWDM/ODC system performance; 5) assessment of limitations imposed by fibre transmission and nodes on the size and design of DWDM/ODC networks.

Ttulo Descript.

DOPTNET / POSI/CPS/42073/2001
Highly Dispersive Pulses in Dense WDM Optical Network Project is aimed to answering some practical questions concerning very high capacity optical networks, namely what is the maximum capacitylength product attainable in a connection, what are the requirements for the switching/cross-connecting nodes and the degradations effects induced by the optical wavelength converters presence.

Ttulo Descript.

MATRICE / IST-2001-32620
MC-CDMA Transmission Techniques for Integrated Broadband Cellular Systems The main objective of the project is to define and validate access and transmission concepts based on MC-CDMA technology for provision of the broadband component of future mobile cellular systems.

Ttulo Descript.

TOBLU / POSI/CPS/36567/2000
Single Side Band Optical Transmission Communication systems using optical single side band transmission techniques (OSSB) are investigated and studied the viability for the forthcoming generation networks. It will be developed novel Microwave Monolithic Integrated Circuits (MMICs) to generate SSB signals, in the optical domain, at multigigabit regimes and also for electrical equalisation of the system dispersion.

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Instituto de Telecomunicaes

Ttulo Descript.

WoNet / POSI/2001/CPS/40009
Wavelength Division Multiplexing and OCDMA for broadcast and Select Networks This project aims to demonstrate a network based on Optical Code Division Multiple Access (OCDMA) where the multiple access to the media is free and based on an Broadcast/Select (B/S) Architecture. This type of transmission methodology is not new, however, the approach that is aimed within this project tries to innovate either in the network architecture or in the code utilization and limitations. With the proposed architecture, we will try to achieve further distances by concentrating the spectrally sliced spectrum in a controlled block and using more pure spectral sources, lasers with narrow spectral linewidth. Only one of these nodes will be present in the network, simplifying controlling processes, increasing network stability and decreasing nodes cost. In the user node, will try to have as much simplicity as it is possible, by having the simple and cheaper, and totally optical in order to reduce the complexity of the optics and electronics. By mixing the concepts of Wavelength Division Multiplexing (WDM) and OCDMA, we aim an optimized code that will result in an optimum number of users per band and the band optimum parameters, always having in mind the optimization of the network cost and complexity (number of lasers and complexity of the coder/decoder parts). Besides the already presented objectives, we will try to develop an totally optical router for this type of networks that will migrate codes in between bands and codes available in the network or neighboring networks. Also, based on the main components limitations will try to suggest the best utilization and limitations of this type of network when compared to other equivalent configurations. In summary, this project will try to improve the concept aiming to achieve a more efficient and less expensive approximation, making this type of network more appealing for practical and wide implementation. Doing this we will also achieve better domain in the design and implementation of fiber bragg gratings in order to have the best results for this type of application

4.2.5 Running and Concluded Theses

Final Year Projects

Adolfo Cartaxo Adolfo Cartaxo Adolfo Cartaxo

Massimo Battestini Nuno Brazo Cludia Lus Pedro Charrua Tiago Valente Ricardo Viveiros Nuno Veloso Fernando Jesus Carlos Alheiro

Design of dispersion managed optical fibre links Sistemas DWDM utilizando modulao de amplitude com banda lateral nica Estudo de realizabilidade de um sistema DWDM com banda lateral vestigial Cdigos de linha para sistemas HDWDM (multiplexagem por diviso no comprimento de onda de elevada densidade) Aplicaes para amplificadores opticos nas redes integralmente opticas

End Date
9 / 2003 7 / 2003 7 / 2003

Adolfo Cartaxo

2 / 2003

Antnio Teixeira

7 / 2003

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Annual Report 2002 Optical Communications

Antnio Teixeira

Sancho Mendes Francisco Couto

Laboratrio integrado com acesso remoto

7 / 2003

Antnio Topa Antnio Topa Jorge Torres Pereira Paulo Monteiro

Comutao Fotnica da Informao Daniel das Neves em Sistemas de Comunicao ptica Vieira Lima com Solites Ricardo Jorge Bandas de Energia em Lasers Rodrigues Andr Semicondutores Francisco Balanca Filipe Amarelo Fotodetectores para Comunicao ptica: Estudo e Caracterizao Sistema de Monitorizao e Optimizao de um Canal de Tranmisso ptico

7 / 2003 7 / 2003 2 / 2002 7 / 2002

Table 21 List of Final Year Projects running in the Optical Communications Area during 2002.

MSc Theses

Adolfo Cartaxo

Daniel Diogo Fonseca Mrio Rui Guerreiro Leiria

Desempenho de sistemas de transmisso por fibra ptica com gesto de disperso e usando cdigos de linha espectralmente eficientes Optimizao de multiplexadores de insero e extraco baseados em grelhas difractoras de guias de onda

End Date
10 / 2003

Adolfo Cartaxo

7 / 2003

Adolfo Cartaxo

Modelo reduzido para Descript. das limitaes da modulao cruzada de Ruben Soares Lus fase em sistemas de transmisso por fibra ptica com gesto de disperso Rogerio Dionisio Rogrio Dionsio Pedro Miguel Cunha de Serra Camilo Lus Miguel Moreira Mendes Redes de Bragg para codificadores e descodificadores opticos Redes de Bragg para Codificadores e Descodificadores pticos Photonic Switching in WDM Soliton Communication Systems Study and Implementation of Optical Communication Systems with SCM

10 / 2003

Antnio Teixeira Antnio Teixeira Carlos Paiva Henrique Jos A. Silva

7 / 2003 9 / 2003 3 / 2003 7 / 2002 12 / 2004 12 / 2004

Henrique Jos A. Ricardo Gonalves Nonlinear Effects in IP-over-WDM Silva Oliveira Networks Joo Pires Joo Galhordas Design and analyses of metropolitan optical networks in the presence of physical layer impairments Routing and wavelength assignment in WDM networks with optical protection

Joo Pires

Joo Pedro

12 / 2003

Table 22 - List of MSc Theses running in the Optical Communications Area during 2002

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Instituto de Telecomunicaes PhD Theses

Afonso Barbosa Carlos Paiva Antnio Topa Carlos Paiva

Jorge Costa

Soliton Amplification in Erbium-Doped Fiber Amplifiers

End Date
7 / 2002

Influncia da Quiralidade e da NoLinearidade em Fibras pticas: Fernando Manuel Aspectos da Estrutura Modal e da Tim Tim Janeiro Aplicao aos Sistemas Multicanal com Solites Lus Cancela Rogrio Nogueira Natasa Bratislav Pavlovic Rui Alves Multichannel optical networks based on hierarchical ring topologies Bragg Gratings for Optical Communications Coding formats for dense wavelength division multiplexing systems Coding techniques for IR systems

2 / 2003

Joo Pires Jos Ferreira da Rocha Adolfo Cartaxo Atlio Gameiro Paulo Monteiro Jos Ferreira da Rocha Adolfo Cartaxo Adolfo Cartaxo

12 / 2006 10 / 2004 2 / 2007 12 / 2003 12 / 2005 4 / 2003 7 / 2004 7 / 2004

Miguel ngelo Design of wide-band integrated Martins Madureira optical front-ends Mrio Lima Jos Passos Morgado Optimization of WDM Communication Systems Sistemas de comunicao ptica com modulao directa

Sistemas e redes de comunicao Joo Lopes Rebola ptica com multiplexagem por diviso no comprimento de onda

Table 23 List of PhD Theses running in the Optical Communications Area during 2002

4.2.6 Publications in 2002 OPTICAL COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS

Papers in Journals - Aguiar, R. L.; R. S. R. Almeida; J. L. Santo; A. Tavares; " Sistema de TransmissoRecepo sem Fios por Raios Infravermelhos ", Rev. do Dep. de Electrnica e Telecomunices da Univ. Aveiro , Vol. 3 , No. 5 , pp. 438 - 448 , January , 2002 . - Andr, P.S; A.T. Teixeira; T. Almeida; M. Pousa; R. F. Rocha; J. L. Pinto; " Optical signal quality monitor for transparent DWDM networks based on asynchronous sampled histograms ", Journal of Optical Networking , Vol. 1 , No. 3 , pp. 118 - 128 , March , 2002 . - Andr, P.S; A. N. Pinto; J. L. Pinto; T. Almeida; M. Pousa; " Selective and Wavelength Transparent Optical Add - Drop Multiplexer Based on Fiber Bragg Gratings ", Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics , Vol. 47 , No. 12 , pp. 891 - 897 , December , 2002 .

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Annual Report 2002 Optical Communications - Andr, P.S; J. L. Pinto; A.T. Teixeira; A. N. Pinto; T. Almeida; F. Morgado; M. Pousa; " Strictly Non-Blocking All-Optical-Cross-Connect Platform Demonstrator for WDM Wavelength Path Networks ", Photonic Network Communications , Vol. 4 , No. 1 , pp. 63 - 72 , April , 2002 . - Janeiro, F. M.; C. R. Paiva; A. Topa; " Guidance and leakage properties of chiral optical fibers ", Journal of the Optical Society of America B , Vol. 19 , No. 11 , pp. 2558 - 2566 , November , 2002 . - Lima, M. J. N.; " Improving the spectral efficiency of DWDM-DST systems throuh line coding and optimized FBGs ", Journal of Optical Comm. , Vol. 23 , No. 2 , pp. 63 - 66 , April , 2002 . - Melo, A. M. ; M. C. Gouveia; H. Silva; " Soliton dynamics in Dispersion-Varying Compensating Fibers (DVCF) ", Advances in Communications and Software Technologies - WSEAS Press , Vol. 1 , No. 960-8052-71-8 , pp. 127 - 130 , December , 2002 . - Monteiro, P.; A. Borjak; F. da Rocha; J. J. OReilly; I. Darwazeh; " Adjustable postdetection filters for optically amplified soliton systems ", IEICE Trans. on Electronics , Vol. E85C , No. 3 , pp. 511 - 518 , March , 2002 . - Moura, L; P. Monteiro; " Design method for FIR-based Hilbert transform filters suitable for broadband AM-SSB ", Electronic Letters , Vol. 38 , No. 12 , pp. 605 - 606 , June , 2002. - Monteiro, P.; et. al. " Experiments on 40 Gb/s transmission with wavelength conversion: results from the IST ATLAS project ", Fiber and Integrated Optics , Vol. 21 , No. 5 , pp. 371 - 389 , September , 2002 . - Pizzinat, A.; A. Schiffini; F. Alberti; F. Matera; A. N. Pinto; P. Almeida ; " 40 Gb/s Systems on G.652 Fibers: Comparison Between Periodic and All-at-the-End Dispersion Compensation ", IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Tech. , Vol. 20 , No. 9 , pp. 1673 1679 , September , 2002 . - Rebola, J. L. ; A. Cartaxo; " Performance optimization of Gaussian apodized fiber Bragg grating filters in WDM systems ", IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Tech. , Vol. 20 , No. 8 , pp. 1537 - 1544 , August , 2002 . - Rebola, J. L. ; A. Cartaxo; " Power penalty assessment in optically preamplified receivers with arbitrary optical filtering and signal-dependent noise dominance ", IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Tech. , Vol. 20 , No. 3 , pp. 401 - 408 , March , 2002 . - Teixeira, A.T.; M. J. N. Lima; R. F. Rocha; " Influence of laser detuning on an optical WDM network performance ", Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics , Vol. 47 , No. 7 , pp. 806 - 810 , June , 2002 . Papers in Conference Proceedings - Andr, P.S; J. L. Pinto; A.T. Teixeira; M. J. N. Lima; R. F. Rocha; " Bit error rate assessment in DWDM transparent networks using optical performance monitor based in asynchronous sampling ", Proc OSA Optical Fiber Conference - OFC , Los Angeles , United States , Vol. - , pp. 749 - 750 , March , 2002 . - Leiria, M.; A. Cartaxo; " Performance optimisation of AWG-based optical add-drop multiplexers for transparent optical networks ", Proc International Conf. on Optical Communications and Networks - ICOCN , Singapore , Singapore , Vol. 1 , pp. 138 - 141 , November , 2002 . - Leiria, M.; A. Cartaxo; " Simple expression to evaluate the margin of transparent optical networks with signal-dependent noise dominance ", Proc European Conf. on

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Instituto de Telecomunicaes Networks and Optical Communications - NOC , Darmstadt , Germany , Vol. 1 , pp. 425 - 432 , June , 2002 . - Lima, M. J. N.; P.S Andr; " Crosstalk characteristics of optical add/drop multiplexers based on Mach-Zehnder interferometers with FBGs ", Proc International Conf. on Transparent Optical Networks , Varsaw , Poland , Vol. 1 , pp. 42 - 45 , April , 2002 . - Luis, M.; Paulo Monteiro, FIR based Hilbert filters for broad-band AM-SSB, ICT 2002 The International Conference on Telecommunications proccedings, Beijing, China, June 2002. - Melo, A. M. ; M. C. Gouveia; H. Silva; " Soliton Dynamics in Dispersion Varying Compensating Fibers (DVCF) ", Proc WSEAS International Multiconf. on Circuits, Systems, Communications and Computers - CSCC , Skiathos , Greece , Vol. Advances in Communications and Software Technologies, WSEAS Press, 2002, ISBN: 960-805271-8 , pp. 127 - 130 , September , 2002 . - Melo, M.; A.T. Teixeira; O. Frazo; L. Gomes; M. J. N. Lima; C. Santos; D. Pereira; R. F. Rocha; H. Salgado; " Widely Tunable L-Band Erbium Doped Fiber Ring Laser By Means Of Induced Cavity Loss Control ", Proc IEEE Lasers and Electro Optics Society Annual Meeting - LEOS , Glasgow , United Kingdom , Vol. 1 , pp. 625 - 626 , November , 2002 . - Monteiro, P; Manuel Violas, Rui Ribeiro,Jos F. da Rocha, Active Distributed Transversal Filters for Multigigabit Optical Communication Systems, International Workshop on Microwave Filters at CNES Toulouse, June, 2002. - Nogueira, R.N. ; A.T. Teixeira; O. Abe; R. F. Rocha; J. L. Pinto; " Self-Pumped Wide Range Wavelength Converter ", Proc IEEE Lasers and Electro Optics Society Annual Meeting - LEOS , Glasgow , United Kingdom , Vol. V1 , pp. 631 - 632 , November , 2002 . - Pavlovic, N.P.; A. Cartaxo; " Impact of transmitter chirp on optimised pre- and postdispersion compensation schemes for 10 Gbits/s NRZ links ", Proc IEEE Lasers and Electro Optics Society Annual Meeting - LEOS , Glasgow , United Kingdom , Vol. 1 , pp. 187 - 188 , November , 2002 . - Rebola, J. L. ; A. Cartaxo; " Impact of the spontaneous-spontaneous beat noise on the sensitivity of optically preamplified receivers with arbitrary optical filtering ", Proc European Conf. on Networks and Optical Communications - NOC , Darmstadt , Germany , Vol. 1 , pp. 257 - 264 , June , 2002 . - Rebola, J. L. ; A. Cartaxo; " Optimisation of the duty-cycle of RZ signals in optically preamplified receivers with arbitrary optical filtering ", Proc IEEE Lasers and ElectroOptics Society , Glasgow , United Kingdom , Vol. 2 , pp. 780 - 781 , November , 2002 - Rebola, J. L. ; A. Cartaxo; " Performance optimisation of fibre Bragg gratings for 40 Gbit/s WDM systems with channel spacing of 100 GHz and 200 GHz ", Proc European Conf. on Networks and Optical Communications - NOC , Darmstadt , Germany , Vol. 1 , pp. 192 - 199 , June , 2002 . - Teixeira, A.T.; P.S Andr; M. J. N. Lima; R. F. Rocha; J. L. Pinto; " Asynchronous Optical Performance Monitor Techniques for DWDM Optical Networks ", Proc International Conf. on Transparent Networks ICTON , Warsow , Poland , Vol. x , pp. 1 - 5 , June , 2002 . - Teixeira, A.T.; P.S Andr; M. J. N. Lima; R. F. Rocha; J. L. Pinto; " Characterization of High Bit Rate Optical Signals by Low Rate Asynchronous Sampling ", Proc IEEE Lasers and Electro-Optics Society , Edimburgo , United Kingdom , Vol. - , pp. 625 - 626 , November , 2002 . - Teixeira, A.T.; M. Melo; C. Santos; D. Pereira; M. J. N. Lima; P.S Andr; O. Frazo; L. Gomes; H. Salgado; R. F. Rocha; " Effects of C-band pumping on the performance of L-

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Annual Report 2002 Optical Communications band Erbium doped fibre amplifiers ", Proc International Conf. on Telecommunications, Electronics and Control , Santigo de Cuba , Cuba , Vol. 1 , pp. 1 - 1 , July , 2002 . - Teixeira, A.T.; R.N. Nogueira; M. J. N. Lima; P.S Andr; J. L. Pinto; R. F. Rocha; " Multi-wavelength Conversion Based on a Semiconductor Optical Amplifier Self Pumped converter ", Proc International Conf. on Telecommunications , Papeete , French Polynesia , Vol. 1 , pp. 1 - 1 , February , 2002 . Project Reports - Monteiro, P.; R. Boula-Picard, Ferreira da Rocha, Manuel Violas Arianna Poeletti, A. Schiffini, J-P Brandeau; Francesco Matera; 40 Gb/s receiver module with a 80 Gb/s photodiode using the MMIC circuits from UMS including the electronically controllable equaliser from AVE; Deliverable Number D422 of ATLAS (All-optical Terabit per second Lambda-Shifted) project (IST-1999-10626), September 2002. - Maia; Tiago; Rui Ribeiro; Ferreira da Rocha; Rui Ribeiro; Manuel Violas; Paulo Monteiro, Concepo do emissor de sinais pticos de banda lateral nica a 10 Gb/s a implementar laboratorialmente, Deliverable Number 2 of project TOBLU / POSI/CPS/36567/2000 - Pavlovic, N.P.; A. Cartaxo; " Impact of transmitter chirp on optimum pre- and postdispersion compensation schemes for 10-Gbits/s NRZ links ", Instituto de Telecomunicaes , POSI/CPS/35576/1999-DWDM/ODC , July , 2002 . - Pavlovic, N.P.; A. Cartaxo; " Influence of electrical filtering on the performance assesment of non return to zero and return to zero signalling, in back to back configuration for optical communication systems ", Instituto de Telecomunicaes , POSI/CPS/35576/1999-DWDM/ODC , March , 2002 . OPTICAL COMPONENTS AND SUB-SYSTEMS Papers in Journals - Andr, P.S; J. L. Pinto; " Birrefringncia e Disperso Devido aos Modos de Polarizao em Fibras pticas ", Rev. do Dep. de Electrnica e Telecomunices da Univ. Aveiro , Vol. 3 , No. 5 , pp. 375 - 380 , June , 2002 . - Andr, P.S; J. L. Pinto; " Optimising the Operation Characteristics of a LiNbO3 based Mach - Zehnder Modulator for 10 Gb/s Lightwave Systems ", Journal of Optical Comm. , Vol. 23 , No. 12 , pp. 234 - 238 , December , 2002 . - Andr, P.S; M. Pousa; A. N. Pinto; T. Almeida; J. L. Pinto; " Selective and Wavelength Transparent Optical Add - Drop Multiplexer Based on Fiber Bragg Gratings ", Radioteknika & Eletronika , Vol. 47 , No. 12 , pp. 891 - 897 , December , 2002 . - Andr, P.S; J. L. Pinto; " Simultaneously Measurement of the Nonlinear Refractive Index and Chromatic Dispersion of Optical Fibers by Four-Wave Mixing ", Microwave and Optical Tech. Letters , Vol. 34 , No. 4 , pp. 305 - 307 , April , 2002 . - Lima, M. J. N.; P.S Andr; " Thermally tunable Bragg grating filters for wavelengthmultiplexed systems ", Rev. do Dep. de Electrnica e Telecomunices da Univ. Aveiro , Vol. 3 , No. 7 , pp. 625 - 627 , September , 2002 . - Pereira, D.; C. Santos; A.T. Teixeira; R. F. Rocha; M. J. N. Lima; P.S Andr; " Aplicaes de Amplificadores de Fibra Dopada de rbio na banda L ", Rev. do Dep. de Electrnica e Telecomunices da Univ. Aveiro , Vol. 3 , No. 7 , pp. 628 - 633 , September , 2002 .

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Instituto de Telecomunicaes - Pereira, J. T.; " Large-signal modulation of MQW long-wavelength lasers ", COMPEL , Vol. 21 , No. 1 , pp. 138 - 146 , January , 2002 . Papers in Conference Proceedings - Abe, O.; R.N. Nogueira; J. L. Pinto; O. Frazo; J. Santos; H. Kalinowski; " Anlise espectral de FBGs escritas em fibras HiBi ", Proc Brazilian Microwave and Optolectonic Symposium , - , Brazil , Vol. - , pp. - - - , September , 2002 ., - Abe, O.; R.N. Nogueira; O. Frazo; J. L. Pinto; H. Kalinowski; " Anlises de Deformao Transversal e Temperatura com Redes de Bragg em Fibras pticas de Alta Birrefringncia ", Proc Conf. Nacional de Fsica , Evora , Portugal , Vol. - , pp. - - - , September , 2002 ., - Abe, O.; R.N. Nogueira; P.S Andr; J. L. Pinto; H. Kalinowski; " Analysis of Bragg grating written in high birefringence fibre optics ", Proc Photonics , Prague , Czech Republic , Vol. - , pp. 37 - 37 , May , 2002 ., - Andr, P.S; M. J. N. Lima; A.T. Teixeira; R.N. Nogueira; J. L. Pinto; R. F. Rocha; " Caracterizao e Optimizao de Conversores pticos de Comprimento de Onda Baseados na Modulao Cruzada do Ganho em Amplificadores pticos Semicondutores Reflectivos ", Proc Conf. Nacional de Fsica , Evora , Portugal , Vol. 1 , pp. 527 - 528 , September , 2002 ., - Andr, P.S; L. Borghesi; J. L. Pinto; H. Kalinowski; " Measurement of Raman Gain Coefficient in Standard Single Mode Optical Fibres for DWDM Photonic Simulation Purposes ", Proc Photonics , Prague , Czech Republic , Vol. - , pp. 29 - 29 , May , 2002 . - Fernandes, C. F.; "Hole-burning effects in conventional and modified distributed feedback laser structures ", Proc SPIE's Symp. on Integrated Optoelectronics , San Jose , United States , Vol. 4646 , pp. 19 - 26 , January , 2002 ., - Frazo, O.; M. J. N. Lima; A.T. Teixeira; P.S Andr; R. F. Rocha; " Estabilidade termica de redes de Bragg em fibras pticas do tipo I e do tipo IIA ", Proc Conf. Nacional de Fsica , vora , Portugal , Vol. - , pp. 508 - 509 , September , 2002 ., - Fugihara, M.; H. Kalinowski; P.S Andr; " Estudos para Equalizao de Ganho em um AFDE com uma nica Rede de Bragg ", Proc IEEE International Telecommunications Symposium , Recife , Brazil , Vol. - , pp. 79 - 82 , August , 2002 ., - Kalinowski, H.; O. Abe; R.N. Nogueira; J. L. Pinto; O. Frazo; J. L. Santo; " Characterisation of Bragg Gratings written in High Birefringence Fibre Optic for Sensor Applications ", Proc Photonics , Mumbai , India , Vol. , pp. - , December , 2002 ., - Kalinowski, H.; P.S Andr; " Simulation and evaluation of frequency coupling coeficients in the non linear dispersive regime of single mode fibres ", Proc Photonics , Prague , Czech Republic , Vol. - , pp. 29 - 29 , May , 2002 ., - Melo, M.; A.T. Teixeira; L. Gomes; C. Santos; D. Pereira; O. Frazo; M. J. N. Lima; P.S Andr; R. F. Rocha; H. Salgado; " L-Band Erbium Doped Fibre Amplifier Design Limitations due to C-Band Signal Power Injection ", Proc Conf. Nacional de Fsica , vora , Portugal , Vol. - , pp. 556 - 557 , September , 2002 ., - Nogueira, R.N. ; O. Abe; R. F. Rocha; J. L. Pinto; O. Frazo; J. L. Santo; H. Kalinowski; " Characterization of FBGs written in HiBi IEC fibre for multiparameter sensors ", Proc IEEE Lasers and Electro Optics Society Annual Meeting - LEOS , Glasgow , United Kingdom , Vol. V1 , pp. 173 - 174 , November , 2002 .,

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Annual Report 2002 Optical Communications - Nogueira, R.N. ; P. Almeida ; " Multiplication of the Baseband Frequency of an Optical Modulated Signal Using a Mach-Zehnder Modulator ", Proc Photonics , Prague , Czech Republic , Vol. - , pp. - - - , May , 2002 ., - Nogueira, R.N. ; O. Abe; H. Kalinowski; R. F. Rocha; J. L. Pinto; " Precise Characterization of Fiber Bragg Gratings for Photonic Communications Systems ", Proc Photonics , Prague , Czech Republic , Vol. V , pp. P - P , May , 2002 ., - Nogueira, R.N. ; O. Abe; H. Kalinowski; J. L. Pinto; R. F. Rocha; " Sistema Interferomtrico Automatizado para Gravao de Redes de Bragg em Fibra ptica ", Proc Conf. Nacional de Fsica , vora , Portugal , Vol. - , pp. - - - , September , 2002 ., - Pereira, J. T.; " Frequency response of multilayer avalanche photodiodes: structural effects ", Proc SPIE's Symp. on Integrated Optoelectronics , San Jose , United States , Vol. 4650 , pp. 44 - 54 , January , 2002 ., - Teixeira, A.T.; P.S Andr; O. Frazo; H. Salgado; R. F. Rocha; M. J. N. Lima; D. Pereira; C. Santos; M. Melo; " Effects of C Band optical pumping on the performance of L band Erbium Doped Fiber Amplifiers ", Proc Telecommunication, Electronics and Control - TELEC , Santiago , Cuba , Vol. - , pp. - - - , July , 2002 . - Teixeira, A.T.; F. Jesus; R. F. Rocha; M. J. N. Lima; F. Oliveira; P.S Andr; " Multiwavelength Conversion Based on Reflective Semiconductor Optical Amplifiers ", Proc Photonics , Prague , Czech Republic , Vol. - , pp. 44 - 44 , May , 2002 ., - Teixeira, A.T.; P.S Andr; M. J. N. Lima; R. F. Rocha; J. L. Pinto; " Using Asynchronous Histograms for Characterizing and Evaluating Optical Systems ", Proc IEEE International Telecommunications Symposium , Natal , Brazil , Vol. - , pp. - - - , September , 2002 ., OPTICAL NETWORKING Papers in Journals - Lima, M. J. N.; P.S Andr; " Bandwidth tolerances of cascaded filters in WDM optical networks ", Advances in Communications and Software Technologies - WSEAS Press , Vol. x , No. x , pp. 131 - 133 , October , 2002 . Project Reports

- Silva, H. J. A.; M. C. Gouveia; M.M. Freire Freire; A. M. Melo; " TRANSPARENT

TRANSPort, Access and distRibution in optically multiplExed NeTworks ", Instituto de Telecomunicaes - Plo de Coimbra , POSI/34559/CPS/2000 , June , 2002 .

4.2.7 Other Achievements in 2002 PROTOTYPES - Tavares, A.; " Sistema de Transmisso com Adaptao das velocidades de Transmisso ", PRAXIS 2/2.1/TIT/1578/95(IRWLAN); Sistema S7.1A , September , 2002 .

- Tavares, A.; " Sistema de transmisso com utilizao do receptor ptico sectorizado ",
PRAXIS 2/2.1/TIT/1578/95(IRWLAN); Sistema S6.1A , September , 2002 .

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Instituto de Telecomunicaes

4.2.8 Other Contributions in 2002 CONFERENCE COMMITTEES M2USIC , Scientific Committee, Antnio Teixeira, 01-07-2002 REFEREEING Electronics Letters, Paulo Monteiro, , 25-05-2002 Electronics Letters, Paulo Monteiro, , 23-08-2002 Electronics Letters, Paulo Monteiro, , 31-10-2002 IEE Proceedings Part J - Optoelectronics, Adolfo Cartaxo, , 20-10-2002 IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, Adolfo Cartaxo, , 20-06-2002 IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Technology, Adolfo Cartaxo, , 20-02-2002 Journal of the Optical Society of America B, Carlos Paiva, , 18-02-2002 Optics Communications , Adolfo Cartaxo, 05-2002 Optics Letters, Armando Pinto, 02-2002 Optics Letters, Carlos Paiva, 02-2002 Photonics Technology Letters, Pedro Ramos, 02-2002 Physics Letters A, Pedro Ramos, 07-2002 SPIE Optical Engineering, Adolfo Cartaxo, 01-2002

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Annual Report 2002 Networks and Multimedia

4.3 Networks and Multimedia

4.3.1 Area Coordinators
Mrio Figueiredo Rui Valadas

4.3.2 Human Resources OVERVIEW

Full Professor Associate Professor Assistant Professor Post. Doc. Coordinator Professor Assistant Lecturer PhD Student MSc Student Licenciado TOTAL

1 2 1 1

1 1 9

4 5

1 11 7 13 8 33 4 5 2 34 23 1 5 8

Table 24 Overview of Human Resources in the Networks and Multimedia Area PERMANENT COLLABORATORS

Lus S Manuel de O. Duarte Carlos Belo Fernando Pereira Jos Brzio Jos Lus Oliveira Rui Manuel Rocha Rui Valadas Srgio Faria

Agregao Agregao PhD PhD PhD PhD PhD PhD PhD

Full Professor Full Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor

SIP - Co NMMC - Av NMMC - Lx Image NMMC - Lx NMMC - Av NMMC - Lx NMMC - Av SIP - Co

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Instituto de Telecomunicaes

Abel Joo Gomes Amaro Sousa Ana Fred Fernando Lopes Fernando Perdigo Joo Sobrinho Lus Alexandre Lus Cruz Maria Paula de Sousa Maria Paula Queluz Mrio Figueiredo Mrio Freire Paul Andrew Crocker Paulo Correia Vitor Silva Francisco Fontes Pedro Amado Assuno Carla Calado Lopes Paulo Nunes Carlos Miguel Ribeiro Frutuoso da Silva Joo Carlos Silvestre Joo Paulo Cordeiro Jos Monteiro Morgado Paulo Paiva Monteiro Romeu da Silva Rui Cardoso Rui Fernandes Rui Manuel Coelho Rui Pereira Antnio Carlos Almeida Antnio Nogueira David Coutinho Anto Eduardo Marta Emanuel Martins

PhD PhD PhD PhD PhD PhD PhD PhD PhD PhD PhD PhD PhD PhD PhD PhD. PhD MSc MSc Licenc. Licenc. Licenc. Licenc. Licenc. Licenc. Licenc. Licenc. Licenc. Licenc. Licenc. Licenc. Licenc. Licenc. Licenc. Licenc.

Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Post. Doc. Coordinator Professor Assistant Lecturer Assistant Lecturer Assistant Lecturer Assistant Lecturer Assistant Lecturer Assistant Lecturer Assistant Lecturer Assistant Lecturer Assistant Lecturer Assistant Lecturer Assistant Lecturer Assistant Lecturer Assistant Lecturer PhD Student PhD Student PhD Student PhD Student PhD Student

NMMC - Co NMMC - Av SIP SIP - Co SIP - Co NMMC - Lx NMMC - Co SIP - Co NMMC - Co Image SIP NMMC - Co NMMC - Co Image SIP - Co NMMC - Av SIP - Co SIP - Co Image SIP - Co NMMC - Co SIP - Co NMMC Co NMMC - Co SIP - Co NMMC - Co NMMC - Co NMMC - Co NMMC - Co NMMC - Co NMMC - Lx NMMC - Av SIP SIP - Co SIP - Co

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Annual Report 2002 Networks and Multimedia

Hugo Gamboa Joel Rodrigues Jos Pedro Fernandes Lus Cardoso Lus Ducla Soares Nuno Rodrigues Susana Sargento Vitor Marques Jorge Gonalves Jos Maio Jorge Patro Nuno Silva Pedro Daniel Correia Ricardo Cadime Fernando Bastos Henrique Teixeira de Sousa Hugo Proena Joo Paulo Firmeza Lus Miguel Silva Pedro Carvalho Telma Mota Vasco Lagarto

Licenc. Licenc. Licenc. Licenc. Licenc. Licenc. Licenc. Licenc. Licenc. Licenc. Licecn. Licecn. Licecn. Licecn. Licenc. Licenc. Licenc. Licenc. Licenc. Licecn. Licecn. Licecn.

PhD Student PhD Student PhD Student PhD Student PhD Student PhD Student PhD Student PhD Student MSc Student MSc Student MSc Student MSc Student MSc Student MSc Student Licenciado Licenciado Licenciado Licenciado Licenciado Licenciado Licenciado Licenciado

SIP NMMC - Co NMMC - Av NMMC - Av Image SIP - Co NMMC - Av NMMC - Av NMMC - Av NMMC - Av NMMC - Av NMMC - Av SIP - Co NMMC - Av NMMC - Av NMMC - Av NMMC - Co NMMC - Av NMMC - Av NMMC - Av NMMC - Av NMMC - Av

Table 25 Permanent Collaborators working in the Networks and Multimedia Area in 2002 OTHER COLLABORATORS

Carlos Borges Lopes Daniel Zaragoza Paulo Salvador Ferreira Andr Loureno Antnio Amaral Arlindo Veiga Artur Ferreira MSc Licenc. Licenc. Licenc. Licenc. Licenc. Licenc.

PhD Student PhD Student PhD Student MSc Student MSc Student MSc Student MSc Student


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Instituto de Telecomunicaes

Cu Beiro Cristiano Pereira Duarte Palma Helder Vidal Joo Ascenso Joo Santos Lina de Brito Lus Oliveira Luisa Caeiro Marco Gomes Miguel Figueiredo Pedro Alexandre Gonalves Pedro Gonalves Rui Marcelino Rui Pires Fernandes Sandra V. B. Jardim Henrique Sousa Joo Carlos Paliteiro

Licenc. Licenc. Licenc. Licenc. Licenc. Licenc. Licenc. Licenc. Licenc. Licenc. Licenc. Licenc. Licenc. Licenc. Licenc. Licenc. Licenc. Licenc.

MSc Student MSc Student MSc Student MSc Student MSc Student MSc Student MSc Student MSc Student MSc Student MSc Student MSc Student MSc Student MSc Student MSc Student MSc Student MSc Student Licenciado Licenciado


Table 26 Non-Permanent Collaborators working in the Networks and Multimedia Area in 2002

4.3.3 Summary of Research Achievements

The work in the area of Networks and Multimedia is organized in several topics: Architectures and protocols; Traffic engineering; Network operations, Management, and planning; Processing, analysis and coding of audio and visual information; Pattern recognition and automatic learning; Speech analysis and recognition.

In the following, we briefly summarize the main achievements in each of these topics. ARCHITECTURES AND PROTOCOLS In terms of routing protocols, research centred on path vector protocols. Modern algebraic concepts have been applied to investigate the convergence properties of path vector protocols. It has been found both a necessary and sufficient condition for robust convergence and a necessary and sufficient condition for robust convergence into optimal paths. The broad algebraic framework has been instanced to the problem of policy-based routing in the Internet with BGP.

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Annual Report 2002 Networks and Multimedia Network solutions for the provision of multicast and mobile IP on IPv4-IPv6 transition scenarios were investigated experimentally and the practical limitations of existing protocols was determined. This work is being extended to multiple autonomous system scenarios. TRAFFIC ENGINEERING Work under this topic addressed the following issues: traffic modeling, congestion control, network design, transport protocols over low bandwidth channels and flow aggregation. It is also worth to mention the fact that it is coordinating the COST 279 project. A traffic model and parameter fitting procedure, based on Markov modulated Poisson processes, which is able to capture self-similarity over a range of time scales, was proposed The fitting procedure matches the complete distribution at each time scale, and not only some of its moments as it is the case in related proposals. We introduced several traffic models based on so-called stochastic L-Systems and developed the associated fitting procedures, which consider both the packet arrival and packet size processes. L-Systems are string rewriting techniques which were introduced by biologist A. Lindenmayer in 1968 as a method to model plant growth. Traffic models based on stochastic L-Systems were seen to be very flexible in incorporating various types of traffic behavior (non-stationarity, LRD, self-similarity and multifractality). All developed models were seen to achieve excellent fitting performance in terms of first and second order statistics and of queuing behavior (as assessed by the packet loss ratio). The characterization of general (non-exponential) ON-OFF sources and their adequacy to model real Internet traffic data in terms of queuing behavior, was also addressed. Work has continued on the proposal and analysis of new algorithms for feedback congestion control. The main achievements during this year were: (i) the derivation of stability conditions for the proposed algorithms and, (ii) the proposal and study of mechanisms for source rate differentiation, supported on the algorithms proposed before, without increasing complexity in core routers. Both MPLS and MPLS over WDM network design problems were researched: (i) heuristic algorithms were studied for large-scale MPLS network design under two routing approaches, destination based routing and source-based routing and (ii) an MPLS over WDM network design problem was addressed which is a combined WDM lightpath routing, core LSR placement and LSP routing aiming to determine the least cost network solution. Work addressed the development of a transport architecture for reliable end-to-end transfer in satellite networks, as an alternative for overcoming the poor utilization of satellite links that TCP affords in such environments. During this year was finished the specification of the protocol architecture and the design of a transport protocol for the satellite link. A simplified prototype was also developed. The performance of TCP/IP communications over an HF point-to-point transmission system was investigated based on the development of an HF simulator following the military standards STANAG 4539 and 5066. In addition, the required service modules were set-up (in both terminal and server) in order to provide email and web browsing services over HF transmission systems. Aggregation is a mechanism used to reduce the number of signalling messages in IntServ architecture. In this technique the admission control is only performed on an aggregated set of flows and therefore core routers need only to maintain the reservation state of each aggregate. A new version of the RSVP protocol is used in which a single RSVP reservation aggregates other RSVP reservations across a transit routing region. We have studied the tradeoffs between the signaling load and the resource utilization in network domains involving multiple aggregation regions.

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Instituto de Telecomunicaes it continued to provide the coordination of COST Action 279, via a contract established for that purpose with the European Union. A normal level of activity was developed within the Action. The Action implemented, as far as is known for the first time in COST Actions, a Summer School on Stochastic Modelling. NETWORK OPERATIONS, MANAGEMENT AND PLANNING The definition, implementation, and validation of a QoS management architecture able to support Service Level Agreements on a Differentiated Services IP network was addressed. The work in 2002 consisted of the study by simulation of different service policies for the provision of Differentiated Services in IP networks. The integrated management of IP Networks (Diff Serv, MPLS, IP over WDM) has been addressed. The standards for open architectures and platform implementation (NGOSS, Parlay, Jain) were also studied. Several issues related with the security of TCP/IP were investigated, namely: (i) Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS), (ii) security in routing protocols, (iii) security in wireless LANs (IEEE 802.11), (iv) firewalls and traffic analysis systems, (v) IPSec and VPNs, (vi) public key criptography, digital certification and PKIs, (vi) tools for auditing, vulnerability analysis, and log analysing, (vii) authentication and confidentiality at the application level, and (viii) anti-virus systems. PROCESSING, ANALYSIS INFORMATION; AND CODING OF AUDIO AND VISUAL

Research was performed on the issue of object-based rate control, by addressing the development of solutions for video scenes such as those adopted by the MPEG-4 standard; the purpose was to maximize quality by allocating bit-rate among different data types and objects. The problem of maximizing the video quality when transmitting object-based video data through error prone channels was addressed with an objectbased approach, for which adaptive refreshment, and concealment algorithms were developed. We have addressed the development of a fine granularity scalable solution in the context of the emerging H.264/AVC coding standard, which did not include scalability until now. The scalability capabilities added to the highly efficient H.264/AVC standard allows providing adaptive video coding solutions for many environments such as the Internet and mobile networks. Following the recent request for personal authentication technologies, we have devoted research efforts to developing an application incorporating the most advanced face detection and recognition technologies. The major novelty was related to the inclusion of the MPEG-7 face recognition descriptors still under development but already showing a very promising performance. Multimedia information is getting more abundant and the means to produce it are becoming a commodity, but finding/managing content is getting harder. In this context, we have developed an MPEG-7 based description application allowing for audiovisual content using low-level and high-level features. Using the created descriptions, a MPEG-7 based summarization application has also been developed where content Sum aries according to different criteria (e.g. time, color, motion, keywords) may be created. We have also developed an UMA application targeting Internet and mobile terminals, implementing advanced adaptation solutions based on MPEG-7 content descriptions and a solution developed for the user environment description. This solution has been proposed to MPEG, which decided to start an activity on the topic of content adaptation. The adaptations consider not only high-level MPEG-7 descriptors (such as spatial resolution) but also low-level features (such as color temperature of the image/video).

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Annual Report 2002 Networks and Multimedia Transcoding for wireless networks was another research front, with activity concentrated on the specific topic of video. This is included in a more general research area of multimedia adaptation for heterogeneous environments. Research work was devoted to the study and application of concepts and techniques from communication theory, namely multilevel modulation, channel coding and signal combining, to develop advanced new image and video watermarking algorithms, for ownership and copyright protection purposes. On the video segmentation front, work has been carried out towards the definition of scenarios, since a limited number of segmentation solutions, corresponding to these scenarios, can be developed and applied with minor adjustments to a wide range of applications. Algorithmic developments, in the context of an integrated video analysis framework, where different analysis solutions share common tools, included both automatic segmentation tools and user-interactive tools. Video segmentation quality evaluation methods were implemented based on objective metrics which have been proposed for individual objects and for overall scenes, both for standalone evaluation and for relative evaluation. Also, metrics for object relevance have been developed. The video description work carried out targets both video coding and description applications. A survey of the area has been prepared, and algorithms have been developed in the context of the integrated video analysis framework mentioned above (shot transition detection, global motion estimation, sprite creation). Lossy still image compression algorithms adapted to specific image classes (such as fingerpring images or face images) were developed, showing that it is possible to use representation bases learnt from training images, namely using independent components analysis (ICA). The developed methods are competitive with the state-of-the-art in compression of specific image classes, such as the special purpose wavelet-based algorithm created by the FBI for fingerprint images. We have developed computationally efficient algorithms for wavelet-based image denoising and restoration that yield state-of-the-art performance. These algorithms are the first know that perform deconvolution involving a cost of the same order as simple denoising. The new algorithm combine the quality of wavelet based image models with the computational convenience of the Fourier-based formulations of deconvolution and inverse filtering. Finally, a new algorithm was created for the automatic analysis of ultrasound medical images, namely obstetric fetal images, with the main goal of automatically measuring anatomic structures. The new method is able to automatically estimate the boundary of the femur and the cranial cross-section; measuring these two structures plays a central role in the assessment of the fetal development. PATTERN RECOGNITION AND AUTOMATIC LEARNING; The main topics of research were on pattern recognition, both structural and statistical approaches, with application to data mining, learning systems and biometrics. Unsupervised learning techniques, by means of new clustering algorithms and partition combination techniques were given special attention, leading to original theoretical and algorithmic contributions. Also in unsupervised learning, we have addressed the issue of feature selection, and have proposed two new approaches for this relatively unstudied problem. Theoretical and methodological contributions in the area of the combination of clusterings were also obtained in 2002. The areas of tutoring systems, under a Bayesian learning approach, and personal identification were also addressed. In collaboration with Prof. Anil K. Jain, from Michigan State University, a special issue of the Pattern Recognition Journal was edited under the subject Pattern Recognition in Information Systems.

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Instituto de Telecomunicaes SPEECH ANALYSIS AND RECOGNITION. Research was performed on the analysis and evaluation of vocal tract length normalization (VTLN) algorithms based on speaker's pitch to enhance speakerindependent speech recognition. The enhancement of a Portuguese digit recognizer with an enlarged speech database collected over several office environments was an important result obtained. Confidence measures applied to the output of a speech recognizer were studied in order to accept or reject the recognized string.

4.3.4 Running Projects OVERVIEW

Funding Agency
ESA EU FCT/POSI None Portuguese Navy PT Inovao 1 1 4 2 1 6


Table 27 Number of active projects in the Networks and Multimedia Area in 2002 ACTIVITY IN PROJECTS

Ttulo Descript.

Advanced IP Services: QoS and Mobility To study, implement and validade mobility and QoS provision on IP networks. To assess their implementation over IPv4-IPv6 transition scenarios. To explore the IETF DiffServ architecture and the concepts of Policy Server and Bandwidth Broker on the provision of IP QoS over wireless access networks.

Ttulo Descript.

IPv6 Avanado /
Advanced Services on IPv4-IPv6 Networks To implement and validate a set of laboratory demonstrations of advanced services over IPv4-IPv6 networks. The services under investigation are DNS, Mobility, Multicast and NFS. Identify weakenesses of current protocol solutions on their usage in transition scenarios from IPv4 networks to IPv6 networks.

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Annual Report 2002 Networks and Multimedia

Ttulo Descript.

COST 279 /
Analysis and Design of Advanced Multiservice Networks supporting Mobility, Multimedia and Internetworking The main objective of the Action is to develop techniques for the analysis, design and control of advanced multiservice networks supporting mobility, multimedia and interworking, by means of the development and application of new and better analytical techniques for the mathematical understanding and optimisation of the behaviour of communications equipment, protocols, and network topologies and architectures, and of economic aspects such as pricing principles and network cost estimation.

Ttulo Descript. COST 211 quad

COST 211 /
Development of video analysis algorithms for segmentation and indexing.

Ttulo Descript.

MULTIDIM / POSI/CPS/41459/2001
Dimensioning Multi-Service and Multi-Layer Networks: Optimization Models Study optimization algorithms for multi-service and multi-layer network design and dimensioning. Particular attention is devoted to the network design of ATM, MPLS and MPLS over WDM networks. Depending on the particular problems under study, different optimization techniques are pursuit: (i) model reformulations for efficient use of branch-and-bound and branch-and-cut algorithms and (ii) utilization of heuristic based algorithms like Lagrangean Relaxation with Sub-Gradient Optimization.

Ttulo Descript. Gesto de Redes IP

To study Integrated management of IP Networks (Diff Serv, MPLS, IP over WDM). To study standards for open architectures and platform implementation (NGOSS, Parlay, Jain). To test available platforms prototypes.

Ttulo Descript. ISO MPEG standardization

Specification of audiovisual representation standards (MPEG-4, MPEG-7 and MPEG-21).

Ttulo Descript. Redes de Nova Gerao

Characterization of next generation networks: architecture and protocols.

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Instituto de Telecomunicaes

Ttulo Descript. Moby Dick

Moby Dick / IST-2000-25394

The project will define, implement, and evaluate an IPv6-based mobilityenabled end-to-end QoS architecture starting from the current IETF's QoS models, Mobile-IPv6, and AAA framework. A representative set of interactive and distributed multimedia applications will serve to derive system requirements for the verification, validation, and demonstration of the Moby Dick architecture in a testbed comprising UMTS, 802.11 Wireless LANs and Ethernet. In the event of these existing applications or the underlying architectures not providing what is required, the necessary modification will be undertaken. The implementations will be tested in a Trans-European trial between Madrid/Spain and Stuttgart/Germany with exchange students from the SOKRATES-ERASMUS exchange program.

Ttulo Descript. Security in TCP/IP Networks

Suret /
Investigation of several issues related with the security of TCP/IP, namely: (i) Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS) and Honey Pots, (ii) security in routing protocols, (iii) security in wireless LANs (IEEE 802.11), (iv) firewalls and traffic analysis systems, (v) IPSec and VPNs, (vi) public key criptography, digital certification and PKIs, (vi) tools for auditing, vulnerability analysis, and log analysing, (vii) authentication and confidentiality at the application level, (viii) anti-virus systems.

Ttulo Descript.

SSL-AMDMR / POSI/33143/SRI/2000
Statistical and Structural Learning: Applications in Multimedia Data Mining and Retrieval The focus are statistical and structural learning techniques. Exploratory analysis (mining) and content-based retrieval of multimedia data serve both as a practically relevant application domain, and as a source of challenging problems. The Goals to be pursued: - new unsupervised learning criteria (i.e., simultaneous feature and model selection); unsupervised learning methods under a model-based framework and/or new clustering criteria; - new dissimilarity measures, adequate for various types of representation (strings, quantitative, and hybrid), typically found in multimedia; - combination of different types of representation in a coherent framework for similarity computation; comparison and blending of different clustering techniques / criteria into a workable methodology; efficiency and scalability of learning algorithms.

Ttulo Descript.

SuperNet / POSI/35560/CPS/99
Support of Service Level Agreements in IP Networks The main objective of the project is to define, implement, and validate a QoS management architecture able to support Service Level Agreements on a Differentiated Services IP network.

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Annual Report 2002 Networks and Multimedia

Ttulo Descript.

TCP/IP Services over HF Transmission Systems This project aims to study the TCP/IP performance over HF transmission channels. A simulator is developed taking into account the military standards STANAG 4539 and STANAG 5066 for data transmission over HF channels. The aim of this project is to assess (i) the impact on TCP/IP performance of the different HF parameter settings (defined on the STANAGs) and (ii) the impact of the utilization of HF channels on Web browsing and email services.

Ttulo Descript.

Traffic Engineering for DiffServ/MPLS Networks Investigation of traffic engineering issues that are specific of DiffServ/MPLS networks: (i) characterization of IP traffic and definition of traffic models for both individual flows and flow aggregates; (ii) development of methods for classification in service classes and resource allocation in each class; (iii) development of algorithms for dimensioning DiffServ/MPLS networks; (iv) study of scalable admission control algorithms; (v) development of tools for traffic modeling and network dimensioning.

Ttulo Descript.

SCALE II / POSI/42069/CPS/2001
Trafic Modelling and Performance Evaluation of Multiservice Networks This project aims at proposing the adoption of traffic models based on real traffic traces to support the design and management of the future Internet. The project will initially extend the work initiated in the SCALE project to develop fitting procedures for MMPPs, through the proposal and implementation of procedures to fit Batch Markovian Arrival Processes and Markov Modulated Compound Poisson Processes. These processes are able to reproduce accurately the first-order statistics and the autocovariance structure for the time scales of interest, so as to describe appropriately the long-range dependence characteristics that are common in observed traffic. Other processes exhibiting these properties will also be explored, e.g., the autoregressive process with Markov regime. Overall, the model fitting activities will be constrained by the need to match the traffic characteristics that have more impact in network performance, within the time scales of interest. The impact of splitting the traffic in classes according to its statistical properties is also investigated by extracting models for each individual class from the aggragate traffic data and studying their interdependencies.

Ttulo Descript. Transport Networks Protocol and

TPSAT / P199
Resource Management for Mobile Satellite

In this project is developed a transport architecture for reliable end-to-end transfer in satellite networks, as an alternative for overcoming the poor utilisation of satellite links that TCP affords in such environments. The approach followed exploits the ideas of supporting the end-to-end concatenation of arbitrary transport protocols, and of providing and

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Instituto de Telecomunicaes exploiting mechanisms for applications exchange information with a satellite resource manager about their resource requirements. The scope of the project comprises the development and validation of a transport and resource management architecture and of a transport protocol adapted to the satellite link environment, and the implementation and test of a prototype

4.3.5 Running and Concluded Theses

Final Year Projects

Antnio Nogueira Carlos S da Costa Carlos S da Costa Carlos S da Costa Fernando J. Velez Fernando Perdigo Fernando Perdigo Fernando Pereira Fernando Pereira

Luis Domingues; Rui Almeida

Aplicao Distribuida para Engenharia de Trfego

End Date
9 / 2003 9 / 2003 6 / 2003 7 / 2003 7 / 2003 9 / 2003 9 / 2003 9 / 2003 9 / 2003

Gerador e analisador de Ethernet Ana M. Lopes para optimizao de simulaes e Vernica Gonalves testes Joana da Costa Lopes Lana Andr Marquet Nuno Martins Carlos Martins Flvio Abreu Monitorizao de elementos atravs da plataforma HP OpenView Rede Piloto de Distribuio de Audio/Vdeo MPEG-4 sobre a Internet Parallel Processing using a Linux Cluster

Ricardo Henriques, Command-based Speech Recognizer Bruno Santos based on a DSP Rui Almeida, Deniz Martins, Jos Carvalho Filipe Lopes Joo Fonseca Pedro Fonseca Tiago Carvalho Nuno Rapaz Carlos Ramos Luis Natrio Ricardo Carrapio Diogo Romo Joo Barata Andr Martins M.Dagot Speech Recognition System conforming Windows SAPI Segurana baseada no reconhecimento de faces Sumarizao automtica de vdeo Concepo e desenvolvimento de uma ferramenta para o planeamento integrado da rede de telecomunicaes de um CLEC Gesto de espectro rdio com recurso a um sistema de informao geogrfica Sistema para assinatura de imagens fixas Orientao Automtica na Baixa Pombalina Ferramenta para Simulador e Modelador de Redes e Algoritmos de Routing

Joo Pires

11 / 2002

Maria Paula Queluz Maria Paula Queluz Mrio Figueiredo Paul Andrew Crocker

7 / 2003 7 / 2003 7 / 2002 2 / 2002

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Annual Report 2002 Networks and Multimedia Pedro Amado Assuno Rui L. Aguiar Rui L. Aguiar Rui L. Aguiar Rui L. Aguiar Rui Manuel Rocha Rui Manuel Rocha Rui Manuel Rocha Rui Manuel Rocha Rui Manuel Rocha Srgio Faria Sistema de compresso JPEG e transmisso em RF Controlo de elementos de rede para suporte de Servios Diferenciados Demonstrador de mobilidade heterognea Interface rede IP-rdio 4G Redes Mveis Autnomas Bluetooth and IEEE802.11: internetworking scenarios (in portuguese) Configuration and Performance Management of 802.11b WLANs (in portuguese)

Carlos Franco Lus de Sousa, Nelson Santiago Nuno Snica Nuno Duarte Diogo Gomes Pedro Claro Andr de Oliveira Joo Giro, Joo Barraca Lus Silva Miguel Melo Jorge Sousa Rui Engana

9 / 2002 7 / 2003 9 / 2003 9 / 2003 9 / 2003 9 / 2003

9 / 2003 9 / 2003 9 / 2003 9 / 2002 10 / 2002

Tomaz Crespo IST - WLAN: Site Survey and Project Francisco Contreiras (in portuguese) Emanuel Guerreiro Simulation Models for UMTS Lus Gueifo Networks (in portuguese) Miguel Magalhes Nuno Martins Traffic Models for UMTS (in portuguese)

Lus P. M. T. Louro Estimao e Compensao de Paulo J. F. Santos Movimento em DSP

Table 28 List of Final Year Projects running in the Networks and Multimedia Area during 2002 MSc Theses

Ana Fred Carlos Belo Fernando Perdigo Fernando Pereira Fernando Pereira Fernando Pereira

Andr Loureno Kindoki Kimanima Arlindo Oliveira Veiga Duarte Manuel da Conceio Palma Joo Miguel da Costa Magalhes

Unsupervised Learning Methods and Combination Strategies Estudo de um Multiplesador Inverso por Simulao Confidence Measures for Speech Recognition and OOV Detection Extraco automtica de texto a partir de vdeo Universal access to multimedia content based on the MPEG-7 standard

End Date
10 / 2004 12 / 2002 7 / 2003 12 / 2003 6 / 2002 6 / 2003 10 / 2003

Joo Miguel Duarte Codificao escalvel de vdeo com Ascenso elevada granularidade

Pedro Miguel Segmentao temporal automtica Fernando Pereira Ferreira dos Santos de vdeo da Fonseca Maria Paula Queluz Ana Filipa Freitas Avaliao da qualidade de servio da informao geogrfica nos servios de localizao

12 / 2003

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Instituto de Telecomunicaes Maria Paula Queluz Maria Paula Queluz Mrio Figueiredo Mrio Figueiredo Pedro Amado Assuno Rui L. Aguiar Rui L. Aguiar Rui L. Aguiar Rui L. Aguiar Rui L. Aguiar Rui Manuel Rocha Rui Manuel Rocha Rui Valadas Rui Valadas Rui Valadas Rui Valadas Rui Valadas Rui Valadas Rui Valadas Rui Valadas Srgio Faria Srgio Faria Vitor Silva Integrao de dados estatsticos na classificao de imagens de satlites Assinatura Digital de Imagens Baseada em Espalhamento de Espectro Independent Component Analysis in Lossy Image Compression Automatic Analysis of Fetal Echographic Images

Jorge Rocha Toms Brando Artur Ferreira Sandra Jardim

6 / 2003 6 / 2002 2 / 2003 5 / 2002 3 / 2003 10 / 2003 3 / 2004 10 / 2003 7 / 2002 12 / 2003

Pedro Daniel Frazo Transcodificao de vdeo para Correia redes de baixo dbito Carla Maria Pinto de Qualidade de servio em redes IP Paiva com Multicast Joo Plcido Santos Qualidade de Servio sobre Redes Mveis Heterogneas

Lina Maria Pestana Qualidade de servio (IP) em redes Leo de Brito mveis Lus Miguel Barreto Anlise de implementaes de Cachim qualidade de servio em redes IP Pedro Alexandre Sousa Gonalves Implementao de um Sistema de Gesto de QoS para redes IP

Multi-access wireless networks: roaming between mobility-aware IP Helder Antnio Vidal and cellular networks (in portuguese) Maria Lusa Caeiro Carla Ribeiro Carlos Santiago Cristiano Pereira Filipe Simes Hugo Marques Jorge Patro Jos Lino Teixeira Luis Cardoso QoS support for 802.11b wireless LANs (in portuguese) QoS in IP Access Networks Scheduling Algorithms for QoS Support in IP Networks Secure Communications in TCP/IP Networks All-IP UMTS Networks Experimental Study of Security Technologies in IP Networks Resource Management of MPLS Networks Systems Analysis of Reference Interfaces for Open Management of UMTS Access Networks Dimensioning of ATM and MPLS Networks

6 / 2004

10 / 2003 12 / 2003 11 / 2002 12 / 2003 12 / 2003 10 / 2002 12 / 2003 5 / 2002 2 / 2002 12 / 2003 12 / 2003 1 / 2003

Rui Fernando da Luz Feature Extraction in Compressed Marcelino Video Domain Rui V. P. Fernandes Carlos Miguel Nogueira Gaspar Ribeiro Error Concealment for Video Applications Channel Equalization in VDSL

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Annual Report 2002 Networks and Multimedia Marco Alexandre Cravo Gomes Low density parity check codes: Applications

Vitor Silva

11 / 2003

Table 29 - List of MSc Theses running in the Networks and Multimedia Area during 2002

PhD Theses

Ana Fred Carlos Belo Carlos Belo Fernando Pereira Fernando Pereira Fernando Pereira Mrio Freire Mrio Freire

Hugo Gamboa Antnio Carlos de Almeida Daniel Zaragoza Lus Ducla Soares Paulo Jorge Loureno Nunes Paulo Lus Serras Lobato Correia Joel Jos Puga Coelho Rodrigues

Models in Learning Systems: a Bayesian Approach Congestion Control in Packet Switching Networks ON-OFF Traffic in Packet Networks Error resilience for advanced video coding systems Controlo de dbito em arquitecturas de representao de vdeo baseadas em objectos Video analysis for object-based coding and description Multicasting Protocols in IP-over-WDM Networks with Optical Burst Switching

End Date
12 / 2006 9 / 2002 10 / 2005 10 / 2003 12 / 2003 12 / 2002 7 / 2006 7 / 2006

Information Extraction in Distributed Rui Costa Cardoso Environments Using Agents Technology Analysis of Optical Network Rui Manuel Ferreira Architectures with Support for Coelho Internet Protocol, Involving Extraction of Topologies from Databases Victor Manuel Letra Servios Multimdia para Redes Marques Heterogneas Antnio Nogueira Paulo Salvador Susana Sargento Statistical Characterization of ATM Traffic Traffic Engineering for Multiservice Broadband Networks Resource Management in Networks with Quality-of-Service Support

Mrio Freire

12 / 2004

Rui L. Aguiar Rui Valadas Rui Valadas Rui Valadas

12 / 2004 12 / 2003 12 / 2003 2 / 2003

Table 30 - List of PhD Theses running in the Networks and Multimedia Area during 2002

4.3.6 Publications in 2002 ARCHITECTURES AND PROTOCOLS Papers in Journals Sobrinho, J. L. S.; " Algebra and algorithms for QoS path computation and hopby-hop routing in the Internet ", IEEE/ACM Trans. on Networking , Vol. 10 , No. 4 , pp. 541 - 550 , August , 2002 .

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Instituto de Telecomunicaes Papers in Conference Proceedings - Aguiar, R. L.; L. Brito; " Qualidade de Servio em redes mveis: presente e futuro ", Proc Conf. Cientfica e Tecnolgica em Engenharia - CCTE , Lisboa , Portugal , Vol. 1 , pp. 1 - 1 , May , 2002 . NETWORK APPLICATIONS AND SERVICES Papers in Journals - Velez, F. J.; L. M. Correia; " Mobile Broadband Services: Classification, Characterisation and Deployment Scenarios ", IEEE Comm. Magazine , Vol. 40 , No. 4 , pp. 142 - 150 , April , 2002 . Papers in Conference Proceedings - Aguiar, R. L.; V. Marques; P. Pacyna; J. Gozdecki; C. Beaujean; N. Chaher; C. Garca; J. Moreno; H. Einsiedler; " An Architecture Supporting End-to-End QoS with User Mobility for Beyond 3rd Generation Systems ", Proc IST Mobile Communications Summit , Thessalonica , Greece , Vol. 1 , pp. 1 - 1 , June , 2002 . NETWORK OPERATIONS, MANAGEMENT AND PLANNING Book Chapters - Aguiar, R. L.; J. L. Oliveira; " QoS negotiation based on management delegates " Chapter in Enterprise Information Systems III , J.Filipe, Sharp, B. and Miranda, P. , Kluwer Academic , , 2002 . - Coelho, R.M.C.; M.M. Freire; " Optical Backbones with Low Connectivity for IP-overWDM Networks " - Chapter in Information Networking: Wired Communications and Management , Ilyoung Chong, LNCS 2343 , Springer Verlag , Berlin Heidelberg , 2002 .,, - Santos, V.; M. D. Dinis; J. Neves; et. al.; " Network Aspects of Dynamic Sattelite Multimedia Systems " - Chapter in Satellite Personal Communications for Future Generation Systems (Final Report: COST 252 Action) , Enrico del Re , Springer Verlag , London , 2002 . Papers in Journals - Aguiar, R. L.; R. Cruz; S. Martins; J. Rocha; P. Pgo; E. A. Castro; A. M. O. Duarte; " Oferta de servios de banda larga com ADSL, VDSL e LMDS em zonas perifricas: Anlise Tecno-Econmica ", Rev. do Dep. de Electrnica e Telecomunices da Univ. Aveiro , Vol. 3 , No. 7 , pp. 640 - 646 , September , 2002 . - Almeida, A. C. M.; C. Belo; " Source Rate Encoding Mechanisms for Binary Congestion Control ", Performance Evaluation , Vol. 48 , No. 1-4 , pp. 25 - 46 , May , 2002 . , Papers in Conference Proceedings

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Annual Report 2002 Networks and Multimedia - Coelho, R.M.C.; M.M. Freire; " Optical Backbones with Low Connectivity for IP-OverWDM Networks ", Proc International Conf. on Information Networking - ICOIN , Jeju Island , Korea, South , Vol. II , pp. 7D-2.1 - 7D-2.10 , January , 2002 . - Salgado, R.; R. Valadas; S. Sargento; R. Cadime; J. Gonalves; " A Demonstrator of an IP-based Access Network for Broadband Multimedia Services ", Proc International Conf. on Telecommunication Systems, Modeling and Analysis - ICTSM , Monterey , United States , Vol. 1 , pp. 475 - 485 , October , 2002 . PATTERN RECOGNITION AND AUTOMATIC LEARNING Book Chapters - Figueiredo, M. A. T.; " Adaptive sparseness using Jeffreys prior " - Chapter in Neural Information Processing Systems 14 , T. Dietterich, S. Becker, and Z. Ghahramani , MIT Press , Cambridge, Massachusetts , 2002 ., - Figueiredo, M. A. T.; " Unsupervised sparse regression " - Chapter in Nonlinear Estimation and Classification , D. Denison, M. Hansen, C. Holmes, B. Mallick, and B. Yu , Springer Verlag , New York , 2002 . - Fred, A. L. N.; " Clustering based on Dissimilarity First Derivatives " - Chapter in Proc. of the 2nd Intl. Workshop on Pattern Recognition in Information Systems , J. Iesta and L. Mic , ICEIS Press , Alicante , 2002 . - Fred, A. L. N.; A. K. Jain; " Evidence Accumulation Clustering based on the K-Means Algorithm " - Chapter in Statistical, Syntactical and Structural Pattern Recognition , T. Caelli et al. , Springer Verlag , , 2002 . - Fred, A. L. N.; " Similarity Measures and Clustering of String Patterns " - Chapter in Pattern Recognition and String Matching , Dechang Chen and Xiuzhen Cheng , Kluwer Academic , , 2002 . - Gamboa, H.; A. L. N. Fred; " Designing Intelligent Tutoring Systems: a Bayesian Approach " - Chapter in Enterprise Information System III , Joaquim Filipe, Bernardete Sharp and Paula Miranda , Kluwer Academic , , 2002 . Papers in Journals - Figueiredo, M. A. T.; A. K. Jain; " Unsupervised learning of finite mixture models ", IEEE Trans. on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence , Vol. 24 , No. 3 , pp. 381 - 396 , March , 2002 . Papers in Conference Proceedings - Fred, A. L. N.; " Context-Dependent Clustering based on Dissimilarity Increments ", Proc Portuguese Conf. on Pattern Recognition - RecPad , Aveiro , Portugal , Vol. , pp. - , June , 2002 .,, - Fred, A. L. N.; A. K. Jain; " Data Clustering Using Evidence Accumulation ", Proc International Conf. on Pattern Recognition - ICPR , Quebec , Canada , Vol. , pp. 276 280 , August , 2002 .,, - Nascimento, J. M. P.; J. Dias; " Classificao No-Supervisionada de Dados Hiperespectrais Usando Anlise em Componentes Independentes ", Proc Conf. Cientfica e Tecnolgica em Engenharia - CCTE , Lisbon , Portugal , Vol. 0 , pp. 0 - 0 , May , 2002 .,,

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Instituto de Telecomunicaes - Rodrigues, J.; M.M. Freire; M. J. Barrulas ; " Gesto do Conhecimento nas Organizaes: Um Estudo de Caso ", Proc Conferncia da Associao Portuguesa de Sistemas de Informao , Coimbra , Portugal , Vol. CD-ROM , pp. 1 - 16 , November , 2002 .,, - Rodrigues, J.; M.M. Freire; M. J. Barrulas ; " Information and Knowledge Sharing in Higher Education Institutions Using Internet Technologies ", Proc IASTED International Conf. on Information and Knowledge Sharing - IKS , St. Thomas, US Virgin Islands , United States , Vol. Marc Boumedine (Ed.), ACTA Press , pp. 77 - 82 , November , 2002 PROCESSING, ANALYSIS, INFORMATION Books







- The MPEG-4 Book , Fernando Pereira, Touradj Ebrahimi , Prentice Hall , New York , 2002 . Book Chapters - Pereira, F.; " Context, goals, and procedures " - Chapter in Introduction to MPEG-7: Multimedia Content Description Language , B.S.Manjunath, P.Salembier e T.Sikora , John Wiley & Sons , , 2002 . - Pereira, F.; " Context, objectives and process " - Chapter in The MPEG-4 Book , Fernando Pereira, Touradj Ebrahimi , Prentice Hall , , 2002 ., - Pereira, F.; " Levels for audio profiles " - Chapter in The MPEG-4 Book , Fernando Pereira, Touradj Ebrahimi , Prentice Hall , , 2002 .,, - Pereira, F.; " Levels for graphics profiles " - Chapter in The MPEG-4 Book , Fernando Pereira, Touradj Ebrahimi , Prentice Hall , , 2002 .,, - Pereira, F.; " Levels for scene graph profiles " - Chapter in The MPEG-4 Book , Fernando Pereira, Touradj Ebrahimi , Prentice Hall , , 2002 .,, - Pereira, F.; P. Nunes; " Levels for visual profiles " - Chapter in The MPEG-4 Book , Fernando Pereira, Touradj Ebrahimi , Prentice Hall , , 2002 .,, - Pereira, F.; " MPEG-4 overview " - Chapter in The MPEG-4 Book , Fernando Pereira, Touradj Ebrahimi , Prentice Hall , , 2002 .,, - Pereira, F.; " Profiling and conformance: approach and overview " - Chapter in The MPEG-4 Book , Fernando Pereira, Touradj Ebrahimi , Prentice Hall , , 2002 .,, - Pereira, F.; " Video testing for validation " - Chapter in The MPEG-4 Book , Fernando Pereira, Touradj Ebrahimi , Prentice Hall , , 2002 .,, Papers in Journals - Brando, T.; M.P. Queluz; A. J. Rodrigues; " Diversity Enhancement of Coded SpreadSpectrum Video Watermarking ", Wireless Personal Communications Journal , Vol. 23 , No. 1 , pp. 93 - 104 , October , 2002 . - Correia, P.L.; F. Pereira; " Standalone Objective Segmentation Quality Evaluation ", Journal on Appl. Signal Processing , Vol. 2002 , No. 4 , pp. 389 - 400 , April , 2002 . - Jose Martinez, J.; R. Koenen; F. Pereira; " MPEG-7: the generic multimedia content description standard ", IEEE Multimedia , Vol. 9 , No. 2 , pp. 78 - 87 , April , 2002 .

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Annual Report 2002 Networks and Multimedia - Queluz, M.P.; " Spatial Watermark for Image Content Authentication ", Journal of Electronic Imaging , Vol. 11 , No. 2 , pp. 275 - 285 , April , 2002 . - Silva, V.; F. Perdigo; " Generalising the simultaneous computation of the DFTs of two real sequences using a single N-point DFT ", Signal Processing , Vol. 82 , No. 3 , pp. 503 - 505 , March , 2002 . - Valentim, J.; P. Nunes; F. Pereira; " Evaluating MPEG-4 video decoding complexity for an alternative video verifier complexity model ", IEEE Trans. on Circuits and Systems for Video Tech. , Vol. 12 , No. 11 , pp. 1034 - 1044 , November , 2002 . Papers in Conference Proceedings - Correia, P.F.; V. Silva; P.A. Assuno; " Rate Prediction Model for Video Transcoding Applications ", Proc IEEE International Telecommunications Symposium , Natal , Brazil , Vol. 1 , pp. 641 - 644 , September , 2002 .,, - Faria, S.F.; P.A. Assuno; C. Franco; S. Pessoa; " SKYJPEG: Sistema de aquisio e transmisso de imagens digitais para aplicaes sem fios ", Proc Conf. on Telecommunications - ConfTele , Lisbon , Portugal , Vol. , pp. - , May , 2002 .,, - Figueiredo, M. A. T.; R. Nowak; " Image restoration under wavelet-domain priors: An expectation-maximization approach ", Proc IEEE International Conf. on Image Processing - ICIP , Rochester , United States , Vol. 1 , pp. 337 - 340 , September , 2002 .,, - Figueiredo, M. A. T.; R. Nowak; " Wavelet-based adaptive image deconvolution ", Proc IEEE International Conf. on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing - ICASSP , Orlando , United States , Vol. 2 , pp. 1685 - 1688 , May , 2002 . - Jalobeanu, A.; R. Nowak; J. Zerubia; M. A. T. Figueiredo; " Satellite and aerial image deconvolution using an EM method with complex wavelets ", Proc IEEE International Conf. on Image Processing - ICIP , Rochester , United States , Vol. 1 , pp. 333 - 336 , September , 2002 .,, - Jardim, S. V. B.; M. A. T. Figueiredo; " Automatic analysis of fetal echographic images ", Proc Portuguese Conf. on Pattern Recognition - RecPad , Aveiro , Portugal , Vol. , pp. - , May , 2002 .,, - Magalhes, J.; F. Pereira; " A system for universal access to multimedia content based on the MPEG-7 standard ", Proc Conf. on Telecommunications - ConfTele , Aveiro , Portugal , Vol. - , pp. - - - , June , 2002 .,, - Morgado, J.; A. Gomes; " A new 2D implicit curve-tracking algorithm ", Proc International Conf. on Computer Vision and Graphics , Zakopane , Poland , Vol. 2 , pp. 562 - 567 , September , 2002 .,, - - Morgado, J.; " Ambiente Interactivo para o Ensino da Geometria Descritiva ", Proc Ibero-American Symp. in Informatics Education , Vigo , Spain , Vol. , pp. - , November , 2002 .,, - Morgado, J.; A. Gomes; " Fast representation of implicit curves through space subdivision ", Proc Ibero-American Symp. in Computer Graphics , Guimares , Portugal , Vol. Short , pp. 27 - 30 , July , 2002 .,, - Navarro, A.; J. Tavares; " Adaptive Joint H.263-Channel Coding for Memoryless Binary Channels ", Proc IEEE International Symp. on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Commun - PIMRC , Lisbon , Portugal , Vol. 5 , pp. 2456 - 2460 , September , 2002 ., - Navarro, A.; " Technical Aspects of European Digital Terrestrial Television ", Proc IEEE Mediterranean Electr. Conf. - MELECON , Cairo , Egypt , Vol. 1 , pp. 2 - 6 , May , 2002 - Pereira, F.; " MPEG-21 framework: more than just multimedia technologies ", Proc European Symposium on Intelligent Technologies, Hybrid Systems and their

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Instituto de Telecomunicaes implementation on Smart Adaptive Systems , Albufeira , Portugal , Vol. - , pp. - - - , September , 2002 ., - Pereira, F.; " MPEG-4 and MPEG-7: audiovisual standards for the XXIst century ? ", Proc The International Festival for Digital Images - IMAGINA , Monte Carlo , Monaco , Vol. - , pp. - - - , February , 2002 .,, - Queluz, M.P.; T. Brando; A. J. Rodrigues; " Signal Combining Techniques for Video Watermarking Extraction ", Proc IEEE Workshop on MultiMedia Signal Processing MMSP , St. Thomas , United States , Vol. -- , pp. -- - -- , December , 2002 .,, - Rostami, M.; A. Navarro; " Robust Cable Remote Control for Set-Top Boxes ", Proc IEEE Mediterranean Electr. Conf. - MELECON , Cairo , Egypt , Vol. 1 , pp. 66 - 69 , May , 2002 .,, - Soares, L. D.; F. Pereira; " Adaptive Shape-Texture Intra Coding Refreshment for Error Resilient Object-Based Video ", Proc IEEE Workshop on MultiMedia Signal Processing MMSP , St. Thomas , Virgin Islands , Vol. - , pp. - - - , December , 2002 .,, - Soares, L. D.; F. Pereira; " Shape Refreshment Need Metric for Object-Based Resilient Video Coding ", Proc IEEE International Conf. on Image Processing - ICIP , Rochester , United States , Vol. 1 , pp. 173 - 176 , September , 2002 .,, - Soares, L. D.; F. Pereira; " Texture Refreshment Need Metric for Resilient Object-based Video Coding ", Proc IEEE International Conf. on Multimedia and Expo - ICME , Lausanne , Switzerland , Vol. - , pp. - - - , August , 2002 .,, - Tavares, J.; A. Navarro; " Forward Error Protection of H.263-DG Bit Streams ", Proc IEEE Mediterranean Electr. Conf. - MELECON , Cairo , Egypt , Vol. 1 , pp. 390 - 394 , May , 2002 .,, - Tavares, J.; A. Navarro; " Noise Power in PCM Image Transmission ", Proc Portuguese Conf. on Pattern Recognition - RecPad , Aveiro , Portugal , Vol. , pp. - , June , 2002 .,, SPEECH ANALYSIS AND RECOGNITION Papers in Conference Proceedings - Lopes, C.; F. Perdigo; " Modeling Intra and Inter Speaker Variability ", Proc Portuguese Conf. on Pattern Recognition - RecPad , Aveiro , Portugal , Vol. - , pp. - - - , June , 2002 ., - Lopes, C.; F. Perdigo; " On the Use of Pitch to Perform Speaker Normalization ", Proc International Conf. on Telecommunications, Electronics and Control , Santiago de Cuba , Cuba , Vol. - , pp. - - - , July , 2002 . - Lopes, C.; F. Perdigo; " VTLN through Frequency Warping Based on Pitch ", Proc IEEE International Telecommunications Symposium , Natal , Brazil , Vol. - , pp. - - - , September , 2002 .,

TRAFFIC ENGINEERING Papers in Conference Proceedings - Coelho, R.M.C.; J. Rodrigues; M.M. Freire; " Assessment of Traffic Performance in Wide-Area WDM Optical Networks with Small Diameter ", Proc IASTED International Conf. on Communication Systems and Networks - CSN , Mlaga , Spain , Vol. C. E. Palau Salvador (Ed.), ACTA Press , pp. 163 - 168 , September , 2002 .

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Annual Report 2002 Networks and Multimedia - Coelho, R.M.C.; J. Rodrigues; M.M. Freire; " Performance Assessment of Wavelength Routed Optical Networks with Shortest Path Routing over Degree Three Topologies ", Proc IEEE International Conf. on Networks , Singapore , Singapore , Vol. , pp. 3 - 8 , August , 2002 . - Coelho, R.M.C.; J. Rodrigues; M.M. Freire; " Performance Assessment of Wavelength Routing Optical Networks with Irregular Degree-Three Topologies ", Proc IEEE International Conf. on High-Speed Networks and Multimedia Communications - HSNMC , Jeju Island , Korea, South , Vol. , pp. 392 - 396 , July , 2002 . - Coelho, R.M.C.; J. Rodrigues; M.M. Freire; " Performance Assessment of Wavelength Routing Optical Networks with Regular Degree-Three Topologies of Minimum Diameter ", Proc WSEAS International Multiconf. on Circuits, Systems, Communications and Computers - CSCC , Rethymno , Greece , Vol. in Recent Advances in Computers, Computing and Communications, N. Mastorakis and V. Mladenov (Eds.), Electrical and Computer Engineering Series, WSEAS Press , pp. 152 - 157 , July , 2002 . - Coelho, R.M.C.; J. Rodrigues; M.M. Freire; WDM Optical Networks with Shortest Path European Conf. on Networks and Optical Germany , Vol. , pp. 417 - 424 , June , 2002 " Performance Assessment of Wide-Area Routing Over Sparse Topologies ", Proc Communications - NOC , Darmstadt , .

- Ferreira, P. S.; A.N. Nogueira; R. Valadas; " Modeling Multifractal IP Traffic: Characterization of Packet Arrivals and Packet Sizes using Stochastic L-Systems ", Proc International Conf. on Telecommunication Systems, Modeling and Analysis - ICTSM , Monterey , United States , Vol. 2 , pp. 577 - 587 , October , 2002 . - Ferreira, P. S.; A.N. Nogueira; R. Valadas; " Modeling Multifractal Traffic with Stochastic L-Systems ", Proc IEEE Global Telecommunications Conf. - GLOBECOM , Taipei , Taiwan , Vol. Cdrom , pp. Cdrom - Cdrom , November , 2002 . - Ferreira, P. S.; R. Valadas; A. Pacheco; " Multiscale Fitting Procedure for Markov Modulated Poisson Processes ", Proc International Conf. on Telecommunication Systems, Modeling and Analysis - ICTSM , Monterey , United States , Vol. 1 , pp. 304 318 , October , 2002 . - Freire, M.M.; R.M.C. Coelho; J. Rodrigues; " Performance Analysis of Wavelength Routed Networks with Shortest Path Routing Over Degree Four Topologies ", Proc IEEE International Conf. on Software, Telecommunications and Computer Networks SoftCOM , Ancona, Venice (Italy), Split, Dubrovnik (Croatia) , Croatia , Vol. , pp. 766 770 , October , 2002 .,, - Freire, M.M.; J. Rodrigues; R.M.C. Coelho; " Performance Assessment of WDM DegreeFour Chordal Ring Networks ", Proc IASTED International Conf. on Communications, Internet and Information Technology - CIIT , St. Thomas, US Virgin Islands , United States , Vol. M. H. Hamza (Ed.), ACTA Press , pp. 263 - 267 , November , 2002 . - Nogueira, A.N.; " A simulation study on the relevant time scales of the input traffic for a tandem network ", Proc IEEE International Conference on Communications - ICC , New York , United States , Vol. CD-ROM , pp. CD-ROM - CD-ROM , May , 2002 . - Sargento, S.; R. Salgado; M. Carmo; V. Marques; R. Valadas; " An Experimental Study of Probing-Based Admission Control for DiffServ Architectures ", Proc IFIP TC6 Networking Conference , Pisa , Italy , Vol. 1 , pp. 1 - 1 , May , 2002 . - Sargento, S.; R. Valadas; " Performance of Hierarchical Aggregation in Differentiated Services Networks ", Proc International Conf. on Telecommunication Systems, Modeling and Analysis - ICTSM , Monterey , United States , Vol. 1 , pp. 1 - 1 , October , 2002 .

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Instituto de Telecomunicaes - Sargento, S.; R. Valadas; " Tradeoffs between Signaling and Resource Utilization in DiffServ Networks with Hierarchical Aggregation ", Proc Joint International Workshops on Interactive Distributed Multimedia Systems and Protocols for Multimedia Systems IDMS/PROMS. , Coimbra , Portugal , Vol. 1 , pp. 1 - 1 , November , 2002 .

4.3.7 Other Achievements in 2002 AWARDS - Lopes, C.; F. Perdigo; " VTLN through Frequency Warping Based on Pitch ", prize for best paper in IEEE International Telecommunications Symposium-ITS2002, Natal, Brazil , 12-09-2002 . MISCELLANEOUS - Crocker, P.; " Invited Talks ", Topologias sem escala ", , 18-12-2002 . , - Aguiar, R. L.; " Technical Audit ", IST- 8th Call, Action Line IV.2.3 ", , 14-03-2002 . - Pereira, F.; " Training Course ", Media representation standards for the new millenium ", , 01-11-2002 . , - Queluz, M.P.; " Technical Audit ", IST European Programme Audit ", , 08-02-2002,

4.3.8 Other Contributions in 2002 CONFERENCE COMMITTEES - 12th International Packet Video Workshop Fernando Pereira, 01-04-2002, , Technical Programme Committee,

- 13th IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC2002) , Organizing Committee, Fernando Pereira, 01-09-2002 - 2nd Workshop and Exhibition on MPEG-4 , Organizing Committee, Fernando Pereira, 01-06-2002, - 4th Symposium on Advanced Concepts for Intelligent Vision Systems , Technical Programme Committee, Fernando Pereira, 01-09-2002, - Conferncia de Redes de Computadores (CRC2002) , Scientific Committee, Rui Manuel Rocha, 20-09-2002, - Conferncia de Redes de Computadores (CRC2002) , Technical Programme Committee, Fernando Pereira, 01-09-2002, - IASTED International Conference on Communications and Computer Networks (CCN02) , Technical Programme Committee, Mrio Freire, 04-11-2002, - ICEIS 2002 (4th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems) , Technical Programme Committee, Ana Fred, 03-04-2002, - International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP2002) , Technical Programme Committee, Fernando Pereira, 01-09-2002, - International Conference on Visual Information Systems (VIS2002) , Technical Programme Committee, Fernando Pereira, 01-03-2002, - International Project Summit Wireless Going IP , Organizing Committee, Rui L. Aguiar, 14-11-2002,

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Annual Report 2002 Networks and Multimedia - Joint International Workshop on Interactive Distributed Multimedia Systems / Protocols for Multimedia Systems (IDMS/PROMS'2002) , Technical Programme Committee, Fernando Pereira, 01-11-2002, - PRIS 2002 (Second International Workshop on Pattern Recognition in Information Systems ) , Technical Programme Committee, Ana Fred, 02-04-2002, - S+SSPR 2002 (Joint IAPR International Workshops on Structural, Syntactic and Statistical Pattern Recognition) , Technical Programme Committee, Ana Fred, 06-092002. - IEEE International Symp. on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications PIMRC, Organizing Committee, Maria Paula Queluz, 15-09-2002 EDITORIAL COMMITTEES - IEEE Transacations on Image Processing, IEEE, Mrio Figueiredo, Associate Editor, 0101-2002 to 31-12-2004 - IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, IEEE, Fernando Pereira, Associate Editor, 0101-2002 to - IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, IEEE, Mrio Figueiredo, Associate Editor, 0101-2002 to - IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, IEEE, Fernando Pereira, Associate Editor, 01-04-2002 to - IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, IEEE, Mrio Figueiredo, Guest Co-editor of a Special Issue on Energy Minimization Methods in Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 01-01-2002 to 31-12-2003 - Pattern Recognition Letters, Elsevier Science, Mrio Figueiredo, Associate Editor, 01-012002. REFEREEING - 10th IEEE International Conference on Network Protocols (ICNP02), Mrio Freire, , 1211-2002, - 14th IASTED International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing and Systems (PDCS02), Mrio Freire, , 04-11-2002, - 5th IASTED International Conference on Computer Graphics and Imaging (CGIM02), Mrio Freire, , 12-08-2002, - 6th IASTED International Conference on Internet and Multimedia Systems and Applications (IMSA02), Mrio Freire, , 12-08-2002, - ACM Computing Reviews, Mrio Freire, , 15-10-2002, - ACM CrossRoads Magazine, special issue on Networking, Mrio Freire, , 15-11-2002 - IASTED International Conference on Applied Modelling and Simulation (AMS2002), Mrio Freire, , 04-11-2002, - IASTED International Conference on Applied Simulation and Modelling (ASM02), Mrio Freire, , 25-06-2002, - IASTED International Conference on Communication Systems and Networks (CSN02), Mrio Freire, , 09-09-2002, - IASTED International Conference on (CCN02), Mrio Freire, , 04-11-2002, Communications and Computer Networks

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Instituto de Telecomunicaes - IASTED International Conference on Wireless and Optical Communications (WOC02), Mrio Freire, , 17-07-2002, - IDMS/PROM 2002 - Joint International Workshop on Interactive Distributed Multimedia Systems / Protocols for Multimedia Systems, Rui L. Aguiar, , 21-11-2002, - IEEE Communications Magazine, Rui L. Aguiar, , 21-02-2002, - IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC02), Mrio Freire, , 02-052002, - IEEE Personal Communications Magazine, Rui L. Aguiar, , 21-12-2002, - IEEE Trans. on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, Maria Paula Queluz, 022002, - IEEE Trans. on Image Processing, Maria Paula Queluz, , 10-09-2002, - IEEE Transaction on Image Processing, Srgio Faria, , 15-09-2002, - IEEE Transaction on Image Processing, Srgio Faria, , 10-09-2002, - IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, Paulo Nunes, , 27-022002, - IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, Paulo Nunes, , 28-052002, - IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, Paulo Nunes, , 14-112002, - IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, Paulo Nunes, , 11-092002, - IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, Paulo Nunes, , 16-092002, - IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, Paulo Nunes, , 26-04-2002, - IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, Paulo Correia, , 12-05-2002, - IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, Paulo Nunes, , 27-12-2002, - IEEE Transcations on Image Processing, Lus Ducla Soares, , 08-04-2002, - IEEE Transcations on Image Processing, Lus Ducla Soares, , 08-04-2002, - IEEE Transcations on Image Processing, Lus Ducla Soares, , 15-12-2002, - INFOCOM 2003, Joo Sobrinho, , 29-08-2002, - Optical Engineering, Maria Paula Queluz, , 10-06-2002, - Optical Engineering, Maria Paula Queluz, , 10-12-2002, - Optical Engineering, Maria Paula Queluz, , 10-10-2002, - Proceedings of IEE, Maria Paula Queluz, , 10-12-2002, - Signal Processing: Image Communication, Paulo Nunes, , 27-06-2002, - SPIE Optical Engineering, Paulo Correia, , 24-10-2002,

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Annual Report 2002 Basic Sciences

4.4 Basic Sciences and Enabling Technologies

4.4.1 Area Coordinators
Dinis Magalhes Santos Lus Alccer

4.4.2 Human Resources OVERVIEW

Full Professor Associate Professor Assistant Professor Post. Doc. Coordinator Professor Assistant Lecturer PhD Student MSc Student Licenciado TOTAL

1 2

2 4

4 7 2

1 5 1 3 7 3 3 18

2 6 12 2 58

Table 31 - Overview of the Human Resources in the Basic Sciences and Enabling Technologies Area PERMANENT COLLABORATORS

Lus Alccer Dinis Magalhes Santos Eduardo de Sousa Saraiva Joaquim Jdice Antnio Cruz Serra Pedro Giro Jos Dias Pereira Lus Merca Fernandes Manuel Matos

Agregao Agregao Agregao Agregao Agregao Agregao PhD PhD PhD

Full Professor Full Professor Full Professor Full Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Coordinator Professor Coordinator Professor Coordinator Professor


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Instituto de Telecomunicaes

Antnio Cardoso Jorge Morgado Jos Carlos Teixeira Maria Celeste Gouveia Maria Madalena Martins Rui Teives Henriques Antnio Victor Anunciada Beatriz Borges Francisco Alegria Helena Ramos Jos Cura Manuel Fonseca da Silva Nuno Horta Pedro Ramos Rui L. Aguiar Ana Charas Octavian Postolache Cristina Requejo Agra Joo Lus Soares Manuel Antnio Esteves Maria Leonor Alves Maria Teresa Outeiro Andr Mendes Luis Nero Alves Ral Domingos Monteiro Maria Conceio Monteiro Ral Martins Srgio Cruz Lus M. Oliveira Joo Manuel Patrcio Accio Manuel Amaral Ana Carla Vicente Vieira Carlos Ferreira Francisc Nunes Mnica Figueiredo

PhD PhD PhD PhD PhD PhD PhD PhD PhD PhD PhD PhD PhD PhD PhD PhD PhD Licenc. Licenc. Licenc. Licenc. Licenc. Licenc. Licenc. Licenc. MSc MSc MSc MSc Licenc. Licenc. Licenc. Licenc. Licenc. Licenc.

Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Post. Doc. Post. Doc. Assistant Lecturer Assistant Lecturer Assistant Lecturer Assistant Lecturer Assistant Lecturer PhD Student PhD Student PhD Student PhD Student PhD Student PhD Student

PSys TM AMath AMath AMath TM PE PE IM IM ICS - Av IM ICS - Lx IM NMC - Av TM IM AMath AMath PSys AMath PSys PSys ICS - Av PE IM IM PSys PSys

PhD Student MSc Student MSc Student MSc Student MSc Student MSc Student

AMath PSys PE PE PE ICS - Av

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Annual Report 2002 Basic Sciences Licenc. Licenc.

Natlia Gameiro Vitor Viegas

MSc Student MSc Student


Table 32 Permanent Collaborators working in the Basic Sciences and Enabling Technologies Area OTHER COLLABORATORS

Nunzio Barbagalho Ricardo Queirs Stanimir Valtchev Amrico C. Mendes David Simes Francisco Assuno Gonalo Neves Hugo Ribeiro Joo Redol Jos Iria Lus Gurriana Marina Perdigo Mrio Jorge Alves Miguel Osrio Antnio Pedro Silva Hugo Marques

Licenc. Licenc. Licenc. Licenc. Licenc. Licenc. Licenc. Licenc. Licenc. Licenc. Licenc. Licenc. Licenc. Licenc. Licenc. Licenc.

PhD Student PhD Student PhD Student MSc Student MSc Student MSc Student MSc Student MSc Student MSc Student MSc Student MSc Student MSc Student MSc Student MSc Student Licenciado Licenciado


Table 33 Non-Permanent Collaborators working in the Basic Sciences and Enabling Technologies Area

4.4.3 Summary of Research Achievements

Work in basic sciences and enabling technologies has progressed along the following main subfields: Technology and Materials Integrated Circuits and Systems Instrumentation and Measurements Power Electronics Applied Mathematics

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Instituto de Telecomunicaes TECHNOLOGY AND MATERIALS Work in this sub-area had the common factor of emerging materials and nanotechnologies, namely polymers and thin films, for displays, circuits and sensors. Specifically, activity during 2002 was focused on: Polymer light emitting diodes, (LEDs): Development of more efficient luminescent polymers and LED structures, including: i) the synthesis of novel luminescent polymers and their use in the fabrication of polymeric LEDs, and ii) control of charge injection in LEDs. Within the first topic we have looked for novel polyfluorene derivatives aiming at reducing charge injection barriers from usual LED electrodes. Quite interesting results were obtained with polymer blends, which lead us to initiate a project aiming at controlling the three dimensional organisation (phase separation) of the blend components. In the second topic we have used self-assembly methods to modify: 1) the surface of LEDs electrodes to improve charge injection through the formation of dipolar monolayers on the surface of the transparent indium-tin oxide electrode, and 2) the surface of the luminescent polymers incorporated into LED structures, by self-assembling polyelectrolytes, prior to the cathode deposition. An improvement of efficiency (= 1%) and luminance (=1000 cd/m2) in LEDs was achieved with the newly prepared polymers by using blends rather than single polymers. Picosecond timeresolved photoluminescence studies of these blends have been carried out. Materials for organic electronics (thin film organic field effect transistors): Investigation of promising organic materials such as perylene and pentacene using both high purity single crystals and high quality thin films, in FET structures. An Ion Beam Assisted Deposition Machine was assembled, tested and put into operation for the deposition of high quality thin films. Further work is associated with ongoing projects, namely Towards Plastic Electronics, Field effect transistor array for monitoring electrical activity from single cells in culture and Multisulfur based molecular conductors. INTEGRATED CIRCUITS AND SYSTEMS Work in this area has evolved into two directions, namely i) IC design automation and ii) high-speed, design of high-performance integrated systems for Telecommunications, mainly optical communications. Within the scope of the former, both the development of design automation tools for System-on-Chip applications and development of E-Design/E-Learning environments to support collaborative design activities have been addressed, including i) circuit and system optimization techniques, particularly, the use of modified genetic algorithms applied to a broad range of circuits and systems; ii) automatic circuit and systems topology search based on evolutionary computation methodologies; and, iii) symbolic analysis and synthesis for analog and mixed signal systems. The IC design work for high-speed, high-performance communications systems covered: i) timing issues, mainly clock synchronization and clock distribution. The work has been mainly focused during 2002 in PLD implementations and their performance. Generic clock recovery devices, for low-cost PLD architectures have been developed; ii) high performance systems, mainly front-ends for optical communications. This activity has been tackling both wireless and wired optical systems. In the first case, current techniques for front-end applications are being investigated, and some preliminary results have been already achieved. In the second case, high-speed (>10Gb/s) front-ends are being investigated in low-cost InP and GaAs technologies; iii) infrared wireless optical communications, mainly

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Annual Report 2002 Basic Sciences for LANs. In this case, the work performed was mainly the conclusion of a 1Mbps demonstrator, incorporating Viterbi decoding. INSTRUMENTATION AND MEASUREMENT New automated test systems to obtain the dynamic transfer function of Analog to Digital Converters (ADCs) were developed. Three variants of the histogram method stimulated by sinusoidal waves, Gaussian noise and small amplitude waves were investigated. The transfer function was used to derive merit figures like INL, DNL, SNDR, THD and the effective number of bits of the converters. The small amplitude waves test method was included in the text of a new IEC Standard and is being considered to be included in the revision of the IEEE standard on ADC testing. A new measurement instrument to obtain the probability density function (pdf) of the stimulus signals used to test ADCs was designed and fabricated. A phase plane domain model of the ADC behaviour was explored and presented. This model includes frequency dependent phenomena as dynamic hysteresis. A procedure aiming at characterizing the ADC behaviour on the phase plane domain was developed. The characterization method resort to dual tone input signal and Fourier Transform based analyses of the output. An impedance measurement system based on self-adjusted measurement bridges was finish. Sine-fitting algorithms to recover very noisy signals were improved. POWER ELECTRONICS Work in this area has evolved along the following main lines: High-frequency soft switching converters: study, development, theoretical analysis and simulation of zero voltage switching DC-DC converters. Simulation of alternative energy storage topologies. Study of alternative converter topologies. Additional studies on applications on those topology developments, namely application in switching audio amplifiers and power active filters. Active power filters: optimization of standard topologies and control processes for power active filters Power audio amplifiers: development of new circuit topologies and control processes for switch mode audio power amplifiers. Contactless energy transmission: theoretical analysis, simulation and design optimisation of resonant converters working as interfaces for inductive coupling in order to be used as a contactless power interface. The main objective of this work is to show the performance of the power stages when operating with a nonideal transformer, identifying the most important changes in converter characteristics due to the nonidealities. APPLIED MATHEMATICS As in recent years research in this area has been centered in the following three important fields of Mathematics: Optimization, Numerical Linear Algebra and Partial Differential Equations. Apart from some more theoretical oriented studies, research has mainly been focused in the design, convergence analyses, implementation and testing of algorithms for the solution of many important problems in these areas. The most relevant topics of work during 2002 were:

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Instituto de Telecomunicaes Numerical Linear Algebra: Preconditioning and convergence of iterative methods for the solution of linear systems of equations. Complementarity Problems: design, implementation , convergence analyses and testing of interior-point algorithms, active-set methods, sequential quadratic algorithms and enumerative methods. Global Optimization: complementarity algorithms, positive semi-definite and reformulation-linearization techniques for bilevel programming, quadratic and bilinear programming and mathematical programs with complementarity constraints. Discrete Optimization: global optimization algorithms for linear, nonlinear and complementarity problems with integer variables. Solution of Structured Optimization Models, namely finance portfolio selection models, network models, eigencomplementarity problems and other engineering models. Solution of Partial Differential Equations associated with contact problems and other variational models in engineering. Design and solution of models for filtering and other areas in telecommunications.

It must be pointed out that much of the work referred to above is interdisciplinary ansd has strong implications in other fields, such as telecommunications and finance, necessarily involving cooperation with other groups.

4.4.4 Running Projects OVERVIEW

Funding Agency

1 1 4 2 1 1

Table 34 Number of active projects running in the Basic Sciences and Enabling Technologies Area ACTIVITY IN PROJECTS

Ttulo Descript.

Fault Diagnosis / POSI/EEI/14151/98/2001

DSP-Based Winding Fault Diagnosis in Operating Three-Phase Power Transformers The major aim of the project basically comprises the development of a prototype, able to provide a complete and reliable diagnosis of the operating condition of three-phase power transformers, particularly regarding the occurrence of winding faults.

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Annual Report 2002 Basic Sciences

Ttulo Descript.

EUropean Project for ADC-based devices Standardization European Network including 10 Universities and Research centres and 5 Industrial partners. Description: The aim of this project is to contribute to the improvement of the European rules concerning the test methods for analog-to-digital converters and sample-and-hold circuits, with emphasis on their dynamic behavior. During 2003, new test methods to circumvent the limits of the measurement instrumentation, to measure particular parameters required for specific applications and to diagnose problems in new converter designs will be investigated and proposed.

Ttulo Descript.

Field Effect Transistor Array for Monitoring Electrical Activity From Single Cells in Culture The core of this project is to bring together the necessary skills to perform assays on single cells in vivo. Key issues to be adressed are: (i) electrical coupling between the cell and the FET-probe (ii) the FET noise level, (iii) micromanipulators to get the cells into the correct position on the substrate (iii) how drugs or other chemical agents modify the general pattern of signalling.

Ttulo Descript.

Gels / POCTI/CTM/33653/99
Gels with innovative optical, magnetic and electrochemical properties The main goal of the project is the study of relevant physical properties of new hybrid xerogels (doped with lanthanide or ferromagnetic ions). Those sol-gel derived materials, based on oxyethylene units grafted onto silica networks by urea and urethane cross-links, are efficient white light emitters due to the convolution of a long-lived emission originated in the NH groups of the urea or urethane bridges with shorter-lived electron-hole recombinations occurring in the nanometer-sized siliceous clusters. This feature will be exploited to obtain efficient white-light hybrids.

Ttulo Descript.

AQA / PNAT / C/EEI/15052/99

Global Monitoring Based on Smart Sensors for Environment Quality The main objective and original contribution of this project is the study, design and implementation of intelligent automated measurement systems for the continuous monitoring of parameters considered important for the environment quality. These systems include smart cells (i.e. smart sensors or smart actuators) for some physical quantities with digital processing structures with prediction capabilities. As new intelligent techniques that will be developed within the project it should be underlined: The sensor fusion and integration that combine the information in a way that removes inconsistencies and presents clearly the best interpretation of readings input from many individual sources. Neural and neuro-fuzzy information processing that includes linearisation, prediction and the correction of sensor characteristics. Another direction of work will be the establishment of a client-server architecture linked through a computer network for distributed measurement systems. The client performs the continuous

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Instituto de Telecomunicaes monitoring of the electrical signals related to the quantities to be measured and their transmission to the server database. For the water quantities the transmission is via the Global Standard for Mobile telecommunication (GSM) and a Global Position Sensor (GPS) is used for sensors position detection.

Ttulo Descript.

OFETs / POCTI/CTM/41117/2001
Materials For Organic Electronics This project foccus on the investigation of promising organic materials, in particular, perylene, its derivatives, and phthalocyanines, using both high purity single crystals and high quality thin films, in field effect transistor structures.

Ttulo Descript.

Monitorizao e Controlo do Espectro. Integrao de Infraestruturas The purpose of this project is to automate the measuring procedures used in the different Monitoring Centers of ANACOM (Portuguese Telecommunications Regulator) to monitor and control the radiofrequency spectrum in Portuguese territory. The automation must allow remote operation, that is to say, to perform tests for instance in Azores from another Center, namely the main one sited in Barcarena.

Ttulo Descript.

Multisulfur based molecular conductors This project aims at establishing detailed structure-properties relationships in new charge- transfer salts based on multisulfured units.

Ttulo Descript.

New measurements methods in Analog to Digital Converters testing Phase plane domain model of the ADC behavior will be explored and presented. This model will include frequency dependent phenomena as dynamic hysteresis. A procedure aiming at characterizing the ADC behavior on the phase plane domain will also be developed. The characterization method will resort to dual tone input signal and Fourier Transform based analyses of the output.

4.4.5 Running and Concluded Theses

Final Year Projects

Antnio Tavares Antnio Tavares Rui L. Aguiar

Antnio Rodrigues Dcio Brito Ildio Lopes

Rede de Infravermelhos a Alta Velocidade Placa de Acesso para uma rede de comunicaes sem fios por raios infravermelhos compatvel com a

End Date
7 / 2003 7 / 2003

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Annual Report 2002 Basic Sciences camada MAC da norma 802.11b Antnio Tavares Antnio Tavares Joo Dias Nelson Arqueiro Pedro Palmela Paulo Castro Carlos Selidnio Pedro Carola Nuno Eusbio Rui Menezes Srgio Galvo Carlos Azileiro Manuel Dias Slvio Carvalho Joo Paulo Torres Rui Cabeo Alberto Carvalho, Jos Coelho David Simes Sistema de Transmisso sem Fios por Raios Infravermelhos Rede de Infravermelhos a Alta Velocidade Optimizao do Conversor Ressonante Srie para Aplicao em Sistemas de Alimentao de Energia sem Contacto Conversor CC-CC isolado de 2kW com comutao suave Desenvolvimento e Validao de Modelos de Transformadores Monofsicos e Trifsicos com Saturao Impacto das Imperfeies da Rede de Alimentao de Energia Caracterizao de Jitter em conversores analgico/digitais Caracterizao de Jitter em conversores analgico/digitais Sistema de Aula Virtual numa Plataforma de E-Learning Sistema para Gesto Inteligente de Contedos numa Plataforma de ELearning E-Design/ E-Trainig - Ambiente para Suporte a Servios de Apoio ao Projecto na WWW Sistema para Gesto Cursos, Alunos e Tutores numa Plataforma de ELearning Anlise e Sntese Simblica de Circuitos e Sistemas Electrnicos Semantic Service Discovery on Smart Home Environments Gesto e Apresentao de Banners na WWW Baseado em Tcnicas de Data Mining Colocao Circular de Polioninos usando Algoritmo Geneticos Control Software for Anechoic Chamber Antenna Measurements Test software for the driver display of the ''Metropolitano de Lisboa'' subway and its subsystems Control Software for Anechoic Chamber Antenna Measurements Automatic measurement system based on data acquisition board for 9 / 2002 7 / 2003

Beatriz Borges

7 / 2003

Beatriz Borges Eduardo de Sousa Saraiva Eduardo de Sousa Saraiva Francisco Alegria Francisco Alegria Nuno Horta Nuno Horta

7 / 2003

9 / 2002

9 / 2002 7 / 2003 7 / 2003 7 / 2003 7 / 2003

Nuno Horta

Gonalo Neves Hugo Pscoa Paulo Grave Joo Lima Nelson Silva Jos Iria Pedro Cardoso Rui Lus P.Margarido E.Faria Andrea Fernandes Francisco Freitas Joo Cunha Jos Cohen Abolnik

7 / 2003

Nuno Horta Nuno Horta Nuno Horta Nuno Horta Paul Andrew Crocker Pedro Ramos Pedro Ramos Pedro Ramos Pedro Ramos

7 / 2003 7 / 2003 7 / 2002 7 / 2002 2 / 2003 7 / 2003 7 / 2003 7 / 2003 7 / 2003

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Instituto de Telecomunicaes PC Pedro Ramos Rui L. Aguiar Srgio Carreira Hugo Marques Rui Teixeira Test software for the driver display of the ''Metropolitano de Lisboa'' subway and its subsystems Rede de Infravermelhos a Alta Velocidade 7 / 2003 9 / 2003

Table 35 List of Final Year Projects running in the Basic Sciences and Enabling Technologies Area during 2002

MSc Theses

Beatriz Borges Eduardo de Sousa Saraiva Helena Ramos Helena Ramos Helena Ramos Helena Ramos Pedro Ramos Helena Ramos

Joo Pedro Ruivo Beirante Marina Perdigo Jos Mariano Mrio Jorge Alves Vtor Viegas

Tcnicas de Optimizao em Conversores CC-CC em ponte com Comutao no Zero da Tenso e Modulao de Fase Balastro Electrnico ADC Modelling An Open Platform for smart sensors Implementation of a smart sensors system based on IEEE 1451

End Date
5 / 2002

12 / 2003 12 / 2003 12 / 2003 12 / 2002 12 / 2003

Measuring system with temperature control for characterization of Francisco Assuno electrochemical senssors Metrological characterization of an Luis Migule Gurriana integrated sensors system for estuarine water assessement S. Rosa Analysis and Numerical Solution of some Structural Optimization Problems Solution of three global optimization problems arising in finance, hydraulics and telecommunications Mathematics in social sciences E-Design/ E-Trainig - Ambiente para Suporte a Servios de Apoio ao Projecto na WWW Plataforma Inteligente de ELearning para Suporte de Actividades de Ensino Distncia Semantic Service Discovery on Smart Home Environments Sistema para Gesto Inteligente de Contedos numa Plataforma de ELearning Sistema para Gesto Inteligente de Informao numa Plataforma de E-

12 / 2003

Joaquim Jdice

2 / 2002

Joaquim Jdice Maria Celeste Gouveia Nuno Horta

C. Baptista Marisa Lapa Toste Gonalo Neves

12 / 2003 9 / 2004 12 / 2004

Nuno Horta Nuno Horta Nuno Horta Nuno Horta

Joo Redol Jos Iria David Simes Rui Lus

12 / 2004 7 / 2003 12 / 2004 12 / 2004

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Annual Report 2002 Basic Sciences Learning com Recurso a Tcnicas de Data Mining Rui L. Aguiar Rui L. Aguiar Rui L. Aguiar Miguel Osrio Amrico Carvalho Mendes Mnica Figueiredo Implementao de IP sobre novas camadas fsicas Implementaes dedicadas do algoritmo de Viterbi Recuperao de Relgio em Sistemas de Lgica Reconfigurvel 12 / 2003 12 / 2003 4 / 2003

Table 36 - List of MSc Theses running in the Basic Sciences and Enabling Technologies Area during 2002

PhD Theses

Antnio Cruz Serra Antnio Cruz Serra Antnio Cruz Serra Antnio Cruz Serra Antnio Cruz Serra Antnio Cruz Serra Beatriz Borges Joaquim Jdice Joaquim Jdice Joaquim Jdice

Francisco Andr Corra Alegria Henrique Jorge Oliveira Fontes Quaresma

Caracterizao Esttica e Dinmica de Conversores Analgico/digitais pelo Mtodo do Histograma Modelling and measurement electromagnetic interference in electronic devices

End Date
6 / 2002

12 / 2006 1 / 2003 12 / 2003

Manuel Jos Freire Sistema automtico de medida de Fonseca da Silva impedncias Maria da Conceio Development of new frequency and Monteiro da Costa time domain ADC testing techniques Macedo to measure hysteresis Caracterizao de conversores Raul Daniel Lavado analgico-digitais utilizando rudo Carneiro Martins gaussiano como sinal de estmulo Ricardo Filipe de Queirs Ultrasounds high resolution measurements

12 / 2003 12 / 2006 12 / 2005 12 / 2003 12 / 2004 7 / 2002

Study of the Energy Balance in Stanimir Stoyanov Resonant Converters Applied to Valtchev Contactless Energy Transfer I. Ribeiro J. M. Patrcio L. M. Fernandes Global optimization and applications to structural engineering models Interior-point algorithms and applications to structured complementarity problems Analysis of Complementarity Algorithms and Equilibrium Models Mathematical programming problems with equilibrium constraints and applications to combinatorial optimization Optimization models for filtering in telecommunications Localization models in civil engineering

Joaquim Jdice

M. C. Brs

12 / 2004

Joaquim Jdice Joaquim Jdice Lus Alccer

P. Monteiro P. Tavares

12 / 2003 12 / 2003 6 / 2002

Ana Maria de Matos Copolymers derived from Poly[2,7-

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Instituto de Telecomunicaes Charas (9,9-bis(2-ethyl-hexyl)fluorene)]. Synthesis, Properties and Applications in Light Emitting Diodes Polymer LED active matrices Sntese e Optimizao Automtica de Circuitos e Sistemas Baseada em Tcnicas de Programao Evolutiva 12 / 2003 12 / 2005

Lus Alccer Nuno Horta

Nunzio Barbagallo Manuel Barros

Rui L. Aguiar Rui L. Aguiar

Circuitos Analgicos em Modo de Lus Filipe Mesquita Corrente com Grande Largura de Nero Moreira Alves Banda Miguel ngelo Martins Madureira Projecto de Receptores Integrados de Banda Larga

12 / 2005 12 / 2005

Table 37 - List of PhD Theses running in the Basic Sciences and Enabling Technologies Area during 2002

4.4.6 Publications in 2002 APPLIED MATHEMATICS Papers in Journals - Fernandes, L. M.; I. Figueiredo; J. J. Jdice; " On the solution of a finite element approximation of a linear obstacle plate problem ", International Journal of AMath and Computer Science , Vol. 12 , No. 1 , pp. 27 - 40 , January , 2002 . , - Jdice, J. J.; A. Faustino; I. Ribeiro; " On the solution of NP-hard linear complementarity problems ", TOP - Sociedad de Estadstica y Investigacin Operativa , Vol. 10 , No. 1 , pp. 125 - 145 , January , 2002 . , - Martins, M.; W. S Yousif; D. J. Evans; " Explicit Group AOR Method for solving Elliptic Partial Differential Equations ", Journal Neural, Parallel and Scientific Computations , Vol. 10 , No. 4 , pp. 411 - 422 , December , 2002 . Papers in Conference Proceedings - Gouveia, M. C.; " On the Sylvester, lyapunov and Stein equations over rings ", Proc WSEAS International Conf. on AMath and Computer Science , Rio de Janeiro , Brazil , Vol. , pp. 1 - 4 , October , 2002 . - Jdice, J. J.; A. Afonso; F. Jegundo; " Economic design of water distribution systems in buildings ", Proc IAHS World Congress in Housing , Lisbon , Portugal , Vol. 1 , pp. 0 - 1 , January , 2002 ., - Jdice, J. J.; I. Figueiredo; S. Rosa; " Solution methods for structural optimization in contact rod problems ", Proc International Symp. on Contact Mechanics , Lisbon , Portugal , Vol. 1 , pp. 325 - 332 , June , 2002 ., INSTRUMENTATION AND MEASUREMENTS Papers in Journals

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Annual Report 2002 Basic Sciences - Alegria, ; A.C. Serra; " An ADC Histogram Test Based on Small-Amplitude Waves ", IEEE Trans. on Instrum. and Measurement , Vol. 31 , No. 4 , pp. 271 - 279 , June , 2002 . - Alegria, ; P Arpaia; A.C. Serra; P. Daponte; " Performance Analysis of an ADC Histogram Test Using Small Triangular Waves ", IEEE Trans. on Instrum. and Measurement , Vol. 51 , No. 4 , pp. 723 - 729 , August , 2002 . - Dias Pereira, J. M.; O. Postolache; P.M. Giro; " Hart Protocol Analyser Based on LabVIEW ", Buletinul Institutului Politehnic din Iasi , Vol. 5 , No. 1 , pp. 380 - 386 , November , 2002 . - Martins, RCM; A.C. Serra; " Nonlinearity representation and PDF measurement of ADC testing signals ", Measurement , Vol. 32 , No. 4 , pp. 281 - 288 , December , 2002 . - Monteiro, M.C.; P Arpaia; A.C. Serra; " A Comprehensive Phase-Spectrum Approach to Metrological Characterization of Hysteretic ADCs ", IEEE Trans. on Instrum. and Measurement , Vol. 51 , No. 4 , pp. 756 - 763 , August , 2002 . - Pedro, J. C.; NBC Carvalho; " Characterizing Nonlinear RF Circuits for Their In-Band Signal Distortion ", IEEE Trans. on Instrum. and Measurement , Vol. 51 , No. 9 , pp. 420 - 426 , June , 2002 . - Postolache, O.; J. M. Dias Pereira; P.M. Giro; " A Distributed Hybrid Neural Network Based System for Water Quality Monitoring ", Buletinul Institutului Politehnic din Iasi , Vol. XLVIII(LII) , No. 5 , pp. 370 - 376 , November , 2002 . Papers in Conference Proceedings - Dias Pereira, J. M.; O. Postolache; P.M. Giro; " A Temperature Compensated Power Measurement System Based on a Hall Effect Sensor ", Proc IEEE Canadian Conference on Electrical & Computer , Wininipeg , Canada , Vol. 1 , pp. 502 - 507 , May , 2002 . - Dias Pereira, J. M.; O. Postolache; P.M. Giro; H. G. Ramos; " Colored Light-to-Voltage Converters Based Absorbance Meter ", Proc IEEE Sensors for Industry Conf. , Houston , United States , Vol. 1 , pp. 2 - 7 , November , 2002 . - Dias Pereira, J. M.; O. Postolache; P.M. Giro; H. G. Ramos; " Minimising Errors due to Non-Simultaneous Sampling of Voltage and Current in Digital Power Measurement Systems ", Proc Imeko TC4 Symp. , Zagreb , Croatia , Vol. 1 , pp. 307 - 310 , September , 2002 . - Giro, P.M.; O. Postolache; J. M. Dias Pereira; H. G. Ramos; " Accuracy Increase of Multi-Sensor Measuring Systems Using Sensors Data Fusion ", Proc Imeko TC4 Symp. , Zagreb , Croatia , Vol. Part 2 , pp. 442 - 447 , September , 2002 . - Martins, RCM; A.C. Serra; " Representation and Measurement of Nonlinearities in Stimulus Signals ", Proc IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conf. , Anchorage , United States , Vol. 1 , pp. 437 - 442 , May , 2002 . - Postolache, O.; C. Temneanu ; P.M. Giro; J. M. Dias Pereira; " Fuzzy Modeling of Measurement Data in Water Quality ", Proc Imeko TC4 Symp. , Zagreb , Croatia , Vol. 2 , pp. 396 - 400 , September , 2002 . - Postolache, O.; J. M. Dias Pereira; P.M. Giro; " An Intelligent Turbidity and Temperature Sensing Unit for Water Quality Assesment ", Proc IEEE Canadian Conference on Electrical & Computer , Winnipeg , Canada , Vol. 1 , pp. 494 - 499 , May , 2002 . - Postolache, O.; P.M. Giro; J. M. Dias Pereira; H. G. Ramos; " An Internet and Microcontroller Based Remote Operation Multisensor System for Water Quality Monitoring ", Proc IEEE Sensors , Orlando , United States , Vol. 1 , pp. 254 - 259 , June , 2002 .

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Instituto de Telecomunicaes - Postolache, O.; P.M. Giro; J. M. Dias Pereira; H. G. Ramos; " An IR Turbidity Sensor:Design and Application ", Proc IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conf. , Anchorage , United States , Vol. Vol 1 , pp. 535 - 539 , May , 2002 . - Postolache, O.; P.M. Giro; J. M. Dias Pereira; H. G. Ramos; " Increasing Ion Selective Electrodes Performances Using Neural Networks ", Proc IEEE Sensors for Industry Conf. , Houston , United States , Vol. 1 , pp. 127 - 132 , November , 2002 . - Schmidt, T.; O. Postolache; P.M. Giro; J. M. Dias Pereira; " Fuzzy Modeling of Measurement Data in Water Quality ", Proc Imeko TC4 Symp. , Zagreb , Croatia , Vol. Part 2 , pp. 396 - 400 , September , 2002 . - Serra, A.C.; " New trends in analog to digital converters testing ", Proc Euro Workshop on ADC Modelling and Testing , Prague , Czech Republic , Vol. 1 , pp. 7 - 13 , June , 2002 . - Silva, M. F.; A.C. Serra; " A new robust four parameter sine fitting procedure ", Proc Imeko TC4 Symp. , Prague , Czech Republic , Vol. 1 , pp. 111 - 114 , June , 2002 . - Silva, M. F.; P.M. Ramos; A.C. Serra; " Impedance measurement using sine fitting algorithms ", Proc Imeko TC4 Symp. , Zagreb , Croatia , Vol. 1 , pp. 199 - 204 , September , 2002 . Project Reports - Giro, P.M.; O. Postolache; " Monitorizao e Controlo do Espectro. Integrao de Infraestruturas. Etapa I - Aores ", Instituto de Telecomunicaes , , December , 2002 . - Ramos, H. G.; " Global Monitoring Based on Smart Sensors for Environment Quality ", FCT , , March , 2002 . INTEGRATED CIRCUITS AND SYSTEMS Papers in Journals - Alves, L.; R. L. Aguiar; D. Santos; " Bandwidth Aspects in Second Generation Current Conveyors ", International Journal of Analogue Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing , Vol. 33 , No. 2 , pp. 127 - 136 , November , 2002 . - Horta, N; Analogue and Mixed-Signal Systems Topologies Exploration using Symbolic Methods, Kluwer Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing, Vol. 31, No. 2, 2002. Papers in Conference Proceedings - Alves, L.; R. L. Aguiar; " Frequency behavior of classical current mirrors ", Proc IEEE Conf. on Electronics, Circuits and System , Dubrovnik , Croatia , Vol. 1 , pp. 189 - 192 , September , 2002 . - Alves, L.; R. L. Aguiar; " Noise Performance of Classical Current Mirrors ", Proc IEEE Conf. on Electronics, Circuits and System , Dubrovnik , Croatia , Vol. 1 , pp. 277 - 280 , September , 2002 . - Azevedo, F.; M. J. Rosrio; J. Costa Freire; " Effects of Mismatch on CMOS Monolithic Mixers Image Rejection ", Proc IEEE International Symp. on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Commun - PIMRC , Lisbon , Portugal , Vol. 5 , pp. 2372 - 2376 , September , 2002 .

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Annual Report 2002 Basic Sciences - Azevedo, fsa; M. J. Rosrio; J. Costa Freire; " Understanding and Enhancing CMOS Monolithic Image-Rejection Mixers ", Proc Asia Pacific Microwave Conference - APMC , Kyoto , Japan , Vol. 2 , pp. 2372 - 2376 , November , 2002 ., - Bento, H.; P. Lisboa, J. Silva, N. Horta, E-Design Front-End for an IC optimizer based on a Genetic Algorithm Kernel, 4th European Workshop on Microelectronics Education, Vigo, Spain, May 23-24, 2002. - Finco, S.; A. P. Casimiro; M. I. Simas; " A novel NMOS Active Rectifier Diode ", Proc International Workshop IberCHIP , Guadalajara , Mexico , Vol. cdrom , pp. - , April , 2002 ., - Finco, S.; M. I. Simas; " Characterization of Switching cell arrays aimed at smart power ", Proc International Workshop IberCHIP , Guadalajara , Mexico , Vol. cdrom , pp. - , April , 2002 ., - Finco, S.; M. I. Simas; " Power integrated circuits drives based on HV NMOS ", Proc IEEE Power Electronics Specialists Conf. , Cairns , Australia , Vol. 4 , pp. 1737 - 1740 , June , 2002 ., - Finco, S.; M. I. Simas; " Smart Power Device Targeted to educational purposes ", Proc IEEE Power Electronics Specialists Conf. , Cairns , Australia , Vol. 2 , pp. 473 - 477 , June , 2002 ., - Luis, R.; P. Cardoso, R. Neves, N. Horta, Banner - Intelligent Management of Banner Advertisements on the WWW, Proc. DATA MINING 2002, Italy, Sep. 2002. - Madureira, M.; P. Montero; R. L. Aguiar; " Broad-Band Optical Receiver for Multigigabitper-Second (40Gbps) Optical Communication Systems ", Proc IEEE International Symp. on Electron Devices for Microwave and Optoelectronics Applications , Manchester , United Kingdom , Vol. - , pp. - - - , November , 2002 ., - Silva, J.; N. Horta; GENOM: Circuit-Level Optimizer Based on a Modified Genetic Algorithm Kernel, Proc. IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, Arizona, USA, May 26-29, 2002. - Aguiar, R. L.; M. Figueiredo; " Clock Recovery Methods with Rrogrammable Logic Devices (PLDs) ", Proc Conf. Cientfica e Tecnolgica em Engenharia - CCTE , Lisboa , Portugal , Vol. 1 , pp. 1 - 1 , May , 2002 ., - Aguiar, R. L.; M. Figueiredo; " Resource Constrained 155 Mbps Clock and Data Recovery with 4x Oversampling and Jitter Reduction ", Proc Conf. on Design of Circuits and Integrated Systems , Malaga , Spain , Vol. 1 , pp. 1 - 1 , November , 2002 ., - Aguiar, R. L.; M. Figueiredo; " Resource Constrained Clock Recovery on Programmable Logic Devices ", Proc IEEE International Conf. on Electronics, Circuits and Systems , Dubrovnik , Croatia , Vol. 1 , pp. 1 - 1 , September , 2002 . POWER ELECTRONICS AND POWER SYSTEMS Papers in Conference Proceedings - Borges, B.; S. Valtchev; B. Kllaassens; " Contactless Energy Transmission with Optimal Efficiency ", Proc IEEE Industrial Electronics Conf. - IECON , Seville , Spain , Vol. 1 , pp. 455 - 461 , November , 2002 ., - Cardoso, A. J. M.; A. J. M. Cardoso; " Remedial Operating Strategies for Standard 3Phase Induction Motor Drives ", Proc IEE International Conf. on Power Electronics,

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Instituto de Telecomunicaes Machines and Drives - PEMD , Bath , United Kingdom , Vol. 487 , pp. 116 - 121 , April , 2002 . - Cruz, S. M. A. ; A. J. M. Cardoso; " Modelling and Simulation of Stator Winding Faults in Three-Phase Induction Motors, Including Rotor Skin Effect ", Proc International Conf. on Electrical Machines , Brugge , Belgium , Vol. CD-ROM , pp. 1 - 6 , August , 2002 . - Gameiro, Natlia S.; A. J. M. Cardoso; " Modelao e Simulao do Motor de Relutncia Varivel Comutado ", Proc Conf. Cientfica e Tecnolgica em Engenharia - CCTE , Lisboa , Portugal , Vol. CD-ROM , pp. 1 - 8 , May , 2002 ., - Oliveira, L. M. R.; A. J. M. Cardoso; S. M. A. Cruz; " Transformers on-load exciting current Park's Vector Approach as a tool for winding faults diagnostics ", Proc International Conf. on Electrical Machines , Brugge , Belgium , Vol. CD-ROM , pp. 1 - 6 , August , 2002 ., Project Reports Borges, B.; " Conversores Comutados a Alta Frequncia Utilizando Tcnicas Ressonantes", Instituto de Telecomunicaes , PRAXIS / P/ EEI / 12026/1998 , July , 2002 .

TECHNOLOGY AND MATERIALS Papers in Journals - Andr, P.S; J. L. Pinto; " Anlise, Caracterizao e Simulao do Processo de Disperso Inelstica Estimulada de Brillouin numa Fibra ptica Monomodo ", Rev. do Dep. de Electrnica e Telecomunices da Univ. Aveiro , Vol. 3 , No. 5 , pp. 381 - 385 , June , 2002 . - Charas, A.; J. Morgado; J. Martinho; A. Fedorov; L. Alccer; F. Cacialli; " Excitation Energy transfer and Spatial Exciton Confinement in Polyfluorenes Blends for applications in Light Emitting Diodes ", Journal of Materials Chemistry , Vol. 12 , No. , pp. 3523 - 3539 , June , 2002 . , - Charas, A.; J. Morgado; L. Alccer; " Tuning the Optoelectronic Properties of Polyfluorenes by Copolymerisation with Thiophene Moieties ", , Vol. 127 , No. , pp. 251 - 254 , June , 2002 . , - Morgado, J.; A. Charas; N. Barbagalho; " Reduction of the light-onset voltage of lightemitting diodes based on a soluble poly(p-phenylene vinylene) by grafting polar molecules onto indium-tin oxide ", Appl. Phys. Letters , Vol. 81 , No. 5 , pp. 933 - 935 , July , 2002 . , - Morgado, J.; R. H. Friend; F. Cacialli; " Improved efficiency of light-emitting diodes based on polyfluorene blends upon insertion of a poly(p-phenylene vinylene) electronconfinement layer ", , Vol. 80 , No. 14 , pp. 2436 - 2438 , April , 2002 . , - Ribas, X.; J. Dias; J. Morgado; K. Wurst; M. Almeida; J. Veciana; C. Rovira; " Novel Cu(III) bis-1,2-diselenolene complex with a highly extended 3D framework through Na+ coordination ", Crystal Engineering Communications , Vol. 4 , No. 93 , pp. 564 567 , October , 2002 . Papers in Conference Proceedings - Alves, H.; D. Simo; I. C. Santos; E. B. Lopes; D. Belo; V. Gama; R. T. Henriques; H. Novais; M. Almeida; " Molecular Conductors Based on M(dcbdt)2 Complexes (Abstract) ", Proc International Conf. on Science and Technology of Syntethic Metals - ICSM , Shanghai , China , Vol. 1 , pp. 131 - 131 , July , 2002 .,

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Annual Report 2002 Basic Sciences - Andr, P.S; J. L. Pinto; R. F. Rocha; M. J. N. Lima; A.T. Teixeira; " Nonlinear Refractive Index and Chromatic Dispersion Simultaneous Measurement in Non Zero Dispersion Shift Optical Fibres, ", Proc International Conf. on Transparent Networks ICTON , Warsow , Poland , Vol. 1 , pp. 111 - 114 , April , 2002 . - Charas, A.; J. Morgado; L. Alccer; J. Martinho; F. Cacialli; " Luminescence Properties of Polyfluorene Blends (Abstract) ", Proc International Conf. on Science and Technology of Syntethic Metals - ICSM , Shanghai , China , Vol. , pp. 141 - 141 , June , 2002 ., - Charas, A.; J. Morgado; L. Alccer; J. Martinho; F. Cacialli; " Steady State and TimeResolved Photoluminescence Properties of Alternating Polyfluorene Copolymers (Abstract) ", Proc International Conf. on Science and Technology of Syntethic Metals ICSM , Shaghai , China , Vol. , pp. 176 - 176 , June , 2002 ., - Mas, M.; A. Perez-Benitez; S. Le Mopustarder; X. Ribas; R. T. Henriques; M. Almeida; H. Alves; J. Dias; K. Wurst; J. Veciana; " Spin Ladders from TTF derivatives (Abstract) ", Proc International Conf. on Science and Technology of Syntethic Metals - ICSM , Shanghai , China , Vol. 1 , pp. 236 - 236 , July , 2002 ., Ribeiro, A. L.; " Introducing the Ferromagnetic Phenomena with Computer Micromagnetic Models ", Proc Telecommunication, Electronics and Control - TELEC , Santiago de Cuba , Cuba , Vol. CD-ROM , pp. CD-ROM - CD-ROM , July , 2002 .

- Riehn, R.; A. Charas; J. Morgado; F. Cacialli; " Near-Field UV Lithography of a Conjugated Polymer (Abstract) ", Proc International Conf. on Science and Technology of Syntethic Metals - ICSM , Shanghai , China , Vol. , pp. 89 - 89 , June , 2002 .,

4.4.7 Other Achievements in 2002 MISCELLANEOUS - Aguiar, R. L.; " Technical Audit ", IST - 8th Call, Action Line IV.5.2 ", , 16-03-2002 . - Postolache, O.; " Invited Talks ", Sistemas Distribuidos de Instrumentaao e Processamento Inteligente com Aplicaao na Mediao da Qualidade do Ambiente ", Terceiras Jornadas de Engenharia de Automaao, Controlo e Instrumentaao, Setubal , 17-05-2002 . - Postolache, O.; P.M. Giro; J. L. Pereira; H. G. Ramos; " Invited Talks ", Monitorizaao Global para Avaliaao da Qualidade de Ambiente com Sensores Inteligentes ", JEACI 2002, Setubal , 16-05-2002 .

4.4.8 Other Contributions in 2002 CONFERENCE COMMITTEES - 4th IEE International Conference on Advanced A/D and D/A Conversion Techniques and their Applications & 7th Euro Workshop on ADC Modelling and Testing, ADDA&EWADC 2002 , Technical Programme Committee, Antnio Cruz Serra, 26-06-2002 - 7th International Workshop on Symbolic Methods and Applications to Circuit Design, SMACD 2002 , Scientific Committee, Nuno Horta, 10-10-2002 - Conferncia Cientfica e Tecnolgica em Engenharia , Scientific Committee, Antnio Cruz Serra, 06-05-2002 - Conferncia Cientfica Tecnologia de Engenharia, CCTE 2002 , Scientific Committee, Pedro Giro, 06-05-2002 - Design Automation and Test in Europe, DATE 2002 , Scientific Committee, Nuno Horta, 30-03-2002

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Instituto de Telecomunicaes - I JORNADAS DE ENGENHARIA ELECTROTCNICA-NOVOS DESAFIOS , Organizing Committee, Ana Carla Vicente Vieira, 08-04-2002 IMEKO TC-4, 12th International Symposium on Electrical Measurement Instrumentation , Scientific Committee, Antnio Cruz Serra, 20-09-2002 and

- The First IEEE International Conference on Sensors, IEEE Sensors 2002 , Conference Chairman, Pedro Giro, 11-06-2002 - The First IEEE International Conference on Sensors, IEEE Sensors 2002 , Technical Programme Committee, Pedro Giro, 11-06-2002 REFEREEING - 6th World Multi-Conference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics, SCI 2002, Nuno Horta, , 31-07-2002 - 9th IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Circuits and Systems, ICECS 2002, Nuno Horta, , 01-09-2002 - Building Accurate Thermocouple Models with Multilayer Perceptrons, Paper 1375, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, Octavian Postolache, , 17-06-2002 - Conferncia Cientfica Tecnologia de Engenharia, CCTE 2002, Pedro Giro, , 06-052002 - Design Automation and Test in Europe, DATE 2002, Nuno Horta, , 30-03-2002 - Design of Circuits and Integrated Systems Conference, Rui L. Aguiar, , 01-09-2002 - ICECS2002 The 9th IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Circuits and Systems , Rui L. Aguiar, , 01-09-2002 - IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, Pedro Giro, , 01-12-2002 - Linear Algebra and its Applications, Maria Celeste Gouveia, , 18-02-2002 - Linear Algebra and its Applications, Maria Celeste Gouveia, , 27-07-2002 - The First IEEE International Conference on Sensors, IEEE Sensors 2002, Pedro Giro, , 11-06-2002 - Wiley Encyclopedia of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Pedro Giro, , 01-12-2002 - Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing, Rui Aguiar MISCELLANEOUS - Special Issue on ADC modeling and testing, Measurement, Elsevier Science , vol. 32, n. 4, 01-12-2002

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