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EE2811_Neural Networks and Fuzzy Logic_RVSCET

Artificial neural networks Exam

Question 1
The four terms below are used for artificial neural networks. For each one of them, state what is closest in terms of biologicl neurons (choose the best of the suggested alternatives . 1. Weights (a (b The length of the axon The effectiveness of the s!na"se

(c The thickness of the cell membrane 2. The squashing function (a (b That real neurons are excitator! or inhibitor! The branching of the dendrites

(c The neurons abilit! to generate s"ikes#s"ike fre$uenc! 3. Learning (a The membrane "otential of the neuron

(b %!na"tic "lasticit! (c &on channels "ermeable to sodium '. The sum of weighted in"uts (a The membrane "otential of the neuron

(b %!na"tic "lasticit! (c &on channels "ermeable to sodium

Question (
)hich of the following statements are true* +orrect the ones that are wrong.

Question ,
1. The Perceptron learning rule sto"s learning "rematurel! (too soon . (. LVQ is a su"ervised learning algorithm The temperature in a -olt.mann machine controls how $uickl! the weights are change

Question ,

dThe stee"ness of the squashing function (the transfer function has no effect on the network/s function (as long as it is continious with continious derivatives , the value can be arbitraril! choosen 0. Temporal-Difference learning gives a higher storage ca"acit! in 1o"field networks than the 1ebbian learning rule

Question 0
((" 1ow man! "arameters are ad2usted during learning in a thresholded single la!er network with three in"uts and three out"uts* 3otivate !our answer, for exam"le with a figure.

Question '

)hat is re$uired for a data set to be called linearl! se"arable* %how two exam"le sets5 one which is linearl! se"arable and one which is not.

Question 6
(0" Assume that !ou have a single la!er "erce"tron with these weights5 w 7 89.0,:1.(,9.;< b 7 9.1(bias =iven that !ou are training the network with the "erce"tron learning rule, and with a ste" length (learning rate of 9.1, what values will the weights have after this "ositive (t 71 training "attern has been shown5 > 7 81.9,1.9,1.9< %how how !ou have calculated the new weights.

Question ;

Question ,

)hat is re$uired for the "erce"tron learning rule to converge given a finite training set* 1. The data "oints must be linearl! se"arable

(. The ste" si.e must be smaller than 1.9

0. The ste" si.e must a""roach .ero, as!m"toticall!

'. The connections must be s!mmetric

6. The tem"erature must be decreased ver! slowl!

;. All training "atterns must be shown a sufficient number of times ?ote that an!thing from none to all six alternatives ma! be correct. =ive a short motivation for each suggestion wh! it is right or wrong.


Question ,

(0" )hat is meant b! overfitting (not overlearning i relation to learning from data* @nder what circumstances is the risk largest to get these "roblems* )hat can !ou do to identif!#discover the "roblem*

Question A
((" )hat is meant b! the term attractor in a 1o"field network* )hat is s"ecial about a spurious attractor.

Question B
('" =iven a 1o"field network with bi"olar units (x = C:1,1D and the following connection matrix5

E Fne fi point is 81 G1 1 G1 1<. =ive one more fix"oint and show that this is a fix "oint. E +alculate the energ! when the network is in this state5 811111<

Question 19
((" )e often sa! that the %F3:algorithm is ca"able of creating a topolog! preserving map. )hat does this mean* Ex"lain how one can use the trained network (after training is over to ma" "oints in a 19:dimensional s"ace onto a two:dimensional "lane.

Question ,

Question 11
(0" Local minima "la! a central role in these situations5

E F"timi.ation using a -olt.mann machine

E Training of a two:la!ered network with back"ro"agation

E %toring memories in a 1o"field network

For each one of the above situations, answer the following5

1. Exactl! "hat has a minimum

(. Are local minima something good

Question ,
&f not, what can be done to avoid them((" Dea# units if a "henomenon ha""ening during com"etitive learning. )hat is ha""ening and what can be done about it*

Question 10
(0" &n relation to reinforcement learning the notion of a value function is used. )hat is this function intended to re"resent* Ex"lain what is the data going in to the function and what is the data coming out from the function. Ex"lain also how these data going in and coming out are related to the "roblem one tries to solve.

Question 1'
('" )hen using back"ro"agation, it is im"ortant to choose a good range of random values for the weights. )hat "roblems arise if the weights are too small* )hat ha""ens if the! are too large* &n both cases !ou must, to get full "oints, give a detailed motivation using either a formula or a sim"le figure.

Question 16
('" %u""ose that !ou have 09 sensors measuring tem"erature, water flow, etc. in a small s!stem of interconnected lakes. Hou reali.e that man! of the variables are strongl! correlated and want to com"ute two variables which more com"actl! describe what is ha""ening. Hou therefore decide to com"ute the "rinci"al com"onents using a neural network. Iescribe how !ou go about to do this. )hat is !our in"ut and out"ut* 1ow is the network connected (figureJ * 1ow are the weights calculated (formulaJ * Io !ou need to "re"rocess the data in some wa!*

Question , Question 1;
(0" Hou work in a com"an! that "roduces securit! s!stems. Fne of the "roducts includes a monitor where content of several video cameras is shown. A human guard sits and observes this monitor to find signs of forced entr!. 1owever, one "roblem is that the guard becomes slee"! during late hours and even if not full! aslee" can miss an im"ortant event. Hour com"an! has e$ui""ed the chair of the guard with , sensors for "reassure (indicating bod! "osture . From each sensor time is segmented into 6 second segments. The average signal is com"uted for each segment. ?ext a set of ( differences are calculated, the difference between the "resent average value and "revious average, as well as the difference between this difference and "revious difference. The idea is to use this information as in"ut to an A??. The s!stem should "redict if the guard is slee"!#slee"ing. (The out"ut of the A?? should be a binar! signal indicating awake or slee"!. )hen the s!stem sends the out"ut indicating slee"!, a high "itch tone will sound. Hou

Question ,

will collect this data from a real installation over 1 month time. &n addition to this data !ou also have a video film of the face of the guard and !ou will !ourself for each time segment decide if the guard is slee"! or not. )hat kind of "roblem t!"e is this* )hat kind of network do !ou use* Futline the network to"olog! (number of nodes in each la!er, number of la!ers, etc . 1ow do !ou train the s!stem*

=ood KuckJ Erik and Fr2an

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