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About internal assessment in language B

This component is based on the options: cultural diversity, customs and traditions, health, leisure, science and technology. The individual oral is divided into two parts. Supervised preparation time 15 minutes Part 1 Presentation 34 minutes Part 2: Discussion 56 minutes The student is shown two previously unseen photographs (SL) and chooses one, with a title or caption, selected by the teacher. The title or caption should help the student give a focus to the presentation. Each photograph is related to a different option studied in class. The student chooses one of the photographs and prepares a presentation. The student describes the photograph and relates it to the option and the target culture(s). A discussion with the teacher based on the presentation follows. Discussion based on a topic from the other option studied may be introduced if that contributes to the interaction.

The teacher selects from different sources photographs of scenes or situations linked to the two (or more) options studied during the course, and gives a title to each photograph that should help the student focus on the option. The student is shown one photograph per option studied and chooses the one that will be used in the presentation. The student must not see the photograph prior to the examination, and has 15 minutes in which to prepare the presentation based on the photograph, relating it to one of the two options covered in class. The photograph should enable the student to reflect on the culture(s) studied and should stimulate discussion following the presentation. Any text in the picture should be in the target language. It is recommended that the photographs be in color and contain plenty of graphic text. The same photograph may be used with up to five students but the title or caption should be different for each student. During the 15 minutes preparation time students may write working notes (approximately 10 short points). These notes should be used for reference only and must not be read aloud as a prepared speech. An effective photograph should:

be relevant to at least one of the options studied in class be culturally relevant to the target language or represent a global topic or issue viewed in the culture(s) of study allow the student to briefly describe the scene or situation allow the student to offer a personal interpretation enable the teacher to lead the student into a wider conversation be relevant and of interest to the students age group.

This is a very brief list of possible photo topics: Cultural diversity o Intercultural assimilation and population diversity (indigenous/European/human rights, etc.) o Concepts of human beauty Customs and Traditions o Celebrations/Social and religious events Religious, Non-religious, pre-Colombian o Historical events Los desaparecidos Human rights Health o Diet and nutrition/physical exercise Eating disorders Concept of human beauty Media impact o Traditional and alternative medicine Homeopathic medicine Acupuncture Smile therapy o Mental health Eating disorders Science and Technology o Impact of informational technology on society Internet Social networking Cell phones Addictions o Uses of informational technology Education Finding your perfect mate Impact on economy

Suggested components to include during the Individual Oral Activity: Describe the scene: o people, relationships o actions, what is going on o feelings, attitudes o scene, background, setting o tell a story: what has happened up to this point? Connect with obvious option (see the list above): o relate the photo to the theme, issue, situation o relate to ideas from class o connect with target-language culture o give pros and cons o give and support your opinion o give solutions to any problem noted o connect with personal experience o connect with own culture

Estructura del Oral Individual PRIMERA PARTE (FOTO):

Dar una descripcin general de la imagen: Cundo, Cmo, Dnde, Qu, etc..? Describir los elementos de la foto: colores, formas, tamaos, primer plano (delante), en el medio, detrs. Relacionar y explicar las conexiones de la foto con uno de los temas estudiados: Costumbres y tradiciones Salud Diversidad cultural Ciencia y tecnologa Ocio

Frases que puedes utiliar:

La foto muestra/describe En el foto se puede observar.., En el medio Creo que.. Me parece que Esta foto representa Otras frases tiles: Me gusta esta foto porque Me siento identificada con esa situacin Cuando haga eso,.. Me imagino No creo que + subjuntivo

A primera vista me parece que

Para comenzar, lo que ms me ha llamado la atencin es que

Criterion A: Productive Skills How successfully does the student use the language in speech? How fluent and clear is the students speech? How accurate and varied is the language used? How much does the students intonation aid communication? Marks Level descriptor
0 1-2 The work does not reach a standard described by the descriptors below. Command of spoken language is very limited. The production of language is very hesitant and hardly comprehensible. Language is often incorrect and/or very limited. Intonation interferes seriously with communication. Command of spoken language is limited. The production of language is hesitant and not always comprehensible. Language is often incorrect and/or limited. Intonation sometimes interferes with communication. Command of spoken language is fairly good. The production of language is comprehensible and fluent at times. Language is sometimes correct, with some idiomatic expressions. Intonation does not interfere with communication. Command of spoken language is good. The production of language is mostly fluent. Language is generally correct, varied and articulate. Intonation contributes to communication. Command of spoken language is very good. The production of language is fluent. Language is correct, varied and articulate; errors do not interfere with message. Intonation enhances communication.

Criterion B: Interactive and receptive skills

To what extent does the student understand and demonstrate an ability to interact in a conversation? How well can the student express simple and complex ideas? How well can the student maintain a conversation?

0 1-2

Level descriptor
The work does not reach a standard described by the descriptors below. Simple ideas are understood with great difficulty and interaction is very limited. Simple ideas and opinions are presented incoherently. The conversation is disjointed. Simple ideas are understood with difficulty and interaction is limited. Simple ideas and opinions are presented with difficulty, sometimes incoherently. The conversation does not flow coherently. Simple ideas are understood fairly well and interaction is acceptable. Simple ideas and opinions are generally presented clearly. The conversation flows coherently at times but with some lapses. Simple ideas are understood well and interaction is good. Simple ideas and opinions are presented clearly and coherently; there is some difficulty with complex ideas. The conversation generally flows coherently. Complex ideas are understood well and interaction is good. Both simple and complex ideas and opinions are generally presented clearly, coherently and effectively. The conversation flows coherently.









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