Test Tore NGL

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Participa t e in the later al asp e c t of the nas al cavity, exce p t: Front al Palatin e Lacrimal Maxilla Ethmoid Are relat

e d later ally to the sph e n oid sinus, exce p t: Nerve III Nerve IV Intern al carotid arter y Maxillary nerv e aver n o u s sinus !pen into the middle me a t u s , exce p t: Maxillar sinus Posterior eth m oi d al air cells Front al sinus Middle eth m oid al air cells Anterior eth m oid al air cells Participa t e in the nerv e supply of nas al floor, exce p t : Nasop al a tin e nerv e Anterior palatin e nerv e Inferior nas al nerv e Posterior palatin e nerv e Middle palatin e nerv e Participa t e in limitin" laryn" e al additu s, exce p t: Ariteno e pi "lot tic folds Epi"lottis Aritenoid cartila" e s Aritenoid muscle ricoid plat e Are intrinsic li"a m e n t s of larynx, exce p t : #hyrohyoid li"a m e n t #hyroe pi"lot tic li"a m e n t ricothyr oid mus cle Ariteno e pi "lot tic li"a m e n t Vesti$ular li"a m e n t Are supplied $y the inferior laryn " e a l nerv e, exce p t: Aritenoid muscle Later al cricoarit e n oid mus cle

Posterior cricoarit e n oid mus cle ricothyr oid mus cle Vocal mus cle Attach to the ant er o% later al surfac e of arite n oid cartila" e , exce p t: Vesti$ular li"a m e n t Vocal mus cle Vocal li"a m e n t #hyroarit e n oi d muscle Ariteno e pi "lot tic li"a m e n t #ens e s the vocal fold: Later al cricoarit e n oid mus cle Aritenoid muscle ricothyr oid mus cle Ariteno e pi "lot tic mus cle Posterior cricoarit e n oid mus cle &ituat e d on the later al 'all of nas o p h a r yn x , exce p t: #u$op al a tin e fold Pharyn " e a l rece s s #u$oph a r yn " e a l fold !penin" of the auditory tu$ e #u$ar tonsil Participa t e s in limitin" oroph a r yn " e a l isth m u s , exce p t: Palato "los s al arch (as e of ton" u e Inferior $ord er of soft palat e )vula Palato p h a r yn " e a l arch *epre s e n t att a c h m e n t s of the later al $ord e r of pharyn " e a l apon e u r o sis, exce p t: &tyloid proce s s Ptery" oid proc e s s +yoid $on e #hyroid cartila" e Ptery" o m a n d i $ ul a r li"a m e n t Middle constrictor of pharyn x ori"ina t e s on: &tylohyoid li"a m e n t #hyroid cartila" e +yoid $on e ricoid cartila" e #hyrohyoid li"a m e n t

Are relat e d later ally 'ith the ceph alic pharyn x, exce p t: Intern al carotid arter y Va"us nerv e s Intern al ,u"ular vein -eep cervical fascia Accesory nerv e Inferior limit of pharyn x is at the level of:
. / 0 1 2

#he cervical part of trach e a is relat e d ant e riorly 'ith: Lo$es of the thyroid "land omm o n carotid art er u e s *ecurr e n t laryn " e a l nerv e s Inferior thyroid veins !esop h a " u s #he thora cic part of trach e a is relat e d ant e riorly 'ith: !esop h a " u s &uperior ven a cava *i"ht va"u s nerv e Aortic arch Left $rahioc e p h a lic vein #he ri"ht main 3princip al4 $ronc h u s is cross e d a$ov e $y: Aortic arch *i"ht su$clavia n arter y A5y"os vein *i"ht pulmo n a r y arter y &uperior ven a cava #he left main 3principal4 $ronch u s is cross e d a$ov e $y: !esop h a " u s #horacic duct Aortic arch Left $rahioc e p h a lic vein Left su$clavia n art er y #he sup erior lin"ular se" m e n t is situ a t e d in the: *i"ht sup e rior lo$e Left sup erior lo$e

*i"ht middle lo$e *i"ht inferior lo$e Left inferior lo$e #he left lun" has: +ori5ont al fissur e Middle lo$e ardiac notch Impres sio n of the a5y"o s vein 6uadr a n " ul a r hilum Pulmon a r y pleur a has the follo'in" featur e , exce p t: Is adh e r e n t to the lun" surfac e Enters the fissur e s Is relat e d 'ith the endo t h o r a cic fascia Is a$s e n t in the hilum ontinu e s 'ith the pariet al pleur a formin" rece s s e s

Participa t e in the nas al roof: Front al $on e Ethmoid al $on e &phe n oid al $on e Lacrimal $on e Participa t e in the nas al sept u m : Ptery" oid proc e s s Vomer Palatin e $on e Ethmoid al $on e Are limits of choa n a : Palatin e $on e &phe n oid al $ody Ptery" oid proc e s s Vomer !pen in the sup erior me a t u s : &phe n oid al sinus Front al sinus Posterior eth m oi d al air cells Anterior eth m oid al air cells

&upply the later al 'all of nas al cavity: &uperior nas al nerv e Middle nas al na erv e Inferior nas al nerv e Nasop al a tin e nerv e Participa t e in the vesti$ular fold: #hyroarit e n oi d muscle Vesti$ular li"a m e n t Vocal li"a m e n t Ariteno e pi "lot tic li"a m e n t Extrinsic muscle s of larynx are: Inferior pharyn " e a l cons trictor #hyrohyoid &tyloph a r yn " e a l &tern o t h yr oid Attach to the mus c ul ar proce s s of the arite n oid cartila" e : Vocal mus cle Later al cricoarit e n oid mus cle #hyroarit e n oi d muscle Posterior cricoarit e n oid mus cle Attach to the ant erior surfac e of epi"lottis 7losso e pi "lot tic li"a m e n t s Pharyn " o e pi "lot tic li"a m e n t s +yoepi"lottic li"a m e n t Ariteno e pi "lot tic li"a m e n t s Participa t e in the pharyn " e a l supply: ervical symp a t h e t ic trun8 7lossop h a r yn " e a l nerv e Va"us nerv e s Accesory nerv e &uperior constrictor of pharyn x ori"ina t e s on: Ptery" oid proc e s s Mandi$le Ptery" o m a n d i $ ul a r li"a m e n t +yoid $on e Is situa t e d on the nas o p h a r yn " e a l roof:

Pharyn " e a l rece s s &alpin"o p al a tin e fold Pharyn " e a l tonsil *oss e n m 9 ll er foss a Palato p h a r yn " e a l mus cle ori"ina t e s on: Pharyn " e a l apon e u r o sis Palatin e apon e u r o sis +ard palat e Auditory tu$ e Are relat e d later ally to the cervical pharyn x: omm o n carotid art ery ervical symp a t h e t ic trun8 Intern al ,u"ular vein Parotid "land #rach e a ext e n d s $et' e e n :

arinal cartila" e #0 Inferior $ord er of cricoid cartila" e #horacic trach e e a ext e n d s $et' e e n : :u"ular notch #; #0 !ri"in of ri"ht sup erior lo$ar $ronc h u s ervical trach e e a is relat e d later ally to: Lo$es of the thyroid "land omm o n carotid art ery Va"us nerv e s Inferior thyroid art ery #horacic trach e e a is relat e d on the ri"ht side to: Aortic arch &uperior ven a cava #hymu s *ecurr e n t nerv e *i"ht inferior lo$e has the follo'in" se" m e n t s : &uperior and inferior Later al and me di al Lin"ular sup erior and inferior

Anterior and post e rior &usp e n sio n of lun" is insur e d $y: #rach e e a Pulmon a r y li"a m e n t +eart Verte $r al column Medias tin al asp e c t of the left lun" is relat e d a$ov e the hilum to: (rachioc e p h a lic arter y Aortic arch &uperior ven a cava #hymu s #he ap ex of lun": Is Is Is Is <% 0 cm a$ov e the first cost al cartila" e in the root of the nec8 ;,1 cm a$ov e the me di al =>< of clavicle cover e d $y pleur al dom e

Apex of the lun" is relat e d ant e riorly 'ith: &calen u s ant erior Ventr al ram u s of #= &u$clavia n art er y &uperior ven a cava Apex of the lun" is relat e d post e riorly 'ith: &tellat e "an"lia &uperior interco s t al art er y Verte $r al art er y (rachioc e p h a lic arter y (as e of the left lun" is relat e d 'ith: Left lo$e of the liver &plee n &tom a c h -iaphr a " m

&uperior constrictor of pharyn x &tyloph a r yn " e a l mus cle Middle constrictor of pharyn x Palato p h a r yn " e a l mus cle

&tyloid proce s s +yoid $on e Mandi$le Auditory tu$ e

Inferior cons trictor of pharyn x Later al nas o p h a r yn " e a l 'all Later al oroph a r yn " e a l 'all &uperior nas o p h a r yn " e a l 'all Laryn" e al sinus (as e of ton" u e Later al cricoarit e n oid mus cle Vocal mus cle Ariteno e pi "lot tic mus cle Inferior cons trictor of pharyn x Posterior cricoarit e n oid mus cle Vocal mus cle Vesti$ular li"a m e n t Vocal li"a m e n t Posterior cricoarit e n oid mus cle ricothyr oid mus cle In front of chonc a e &uperior me a t u s Middle me a t u s Inferior chonc a Inferior me a t u s Posterior 'all of front al sinus Inferior 'all of sph e n oid al sinus &uperior 'all of sph e n oid al sinus (as e of front al sinus Inferior 'all of maxillary sinus In front of ri"ht hilum (ehind the hilum A$ove the ri"ht hilum In front of left hilum (elo' hilum *ecurr e n t loop Intern al thor acic ves s els #horacic duct Aortic arch #horacic symp a t h e t ic trun8

#hyroid cartila" e Pharyn " e a l tonsil #u$ar tonsil Lin"ual tonsil Palatin e tonsil Laryn" e al tonsil #ens e s the vocal fold onstrictor of "lottis onstrictor of laryn" e al additu s -ilata t or of "lottis Elevat or of larynx ricoid plat e Vocal proc e s s Fove e a o$lon" a #rian"ular fove e a ricoid tu$ ercle Ethmoid al $ulla &phe n oid al sinus Nasolacrim al duct Atrium Lacrimal proce s s !r$it Alveolar proc e s s of maxilla Front al lo$e Pituitary "land Nas al roof ardiac impr e s sio n 3notch4 A5y"os arch &uperior ven a cava Pulmon a r y li"a m e n t #horacic aort a Posterior $ord er of lun" #horacic trach e e a Left pulmo n a r y apex *i"ht pulmo n a r y ap ex Anterior $ord e r of lun"

Elevat e s the pharyn x Auditory tu$ e Palato "los s al arch Pharyn " e a l plexus Vocal li"a m e n t Ariteno e pi "lot tic li"a m e n t Ariteno e pi "lot tic mus cle Limits laryn" e al sinus Later al nas al 'all Medial nas al 'all &uperior nas al 'all Inferior nas al 'all A5y"os arch

Palato p h a r yn " e a l &tyloph a r yn " e a l Vocal fold Vesti$ular fold Maxillary nerv e !pht al mic nerv e *i"ht $ronch u s

Va"us nerv e Aortic arch Verte $r al column &tom a c h Liver &plee n -iaphr a " m

Left $ronc h u s *i"ht pilmon a r y $as e Left pulmo n a r y $as e

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