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Enteiing The Woilu 0f A Time To Kill Page S

A Summaiy Page S

Life in Cential Nississippi, Ciica198S Page 4

The Chaiacteis Page S

Special Featuie: }ohn Bouglass Thompson (Cail Lee Bailey) Page 9

Special Featuie: Ashley Williams (Ellen Roaik) Page 1u

The Ait 0f }ohn uiisham: Substance With Style Page 11

Auapting The Novel: Playwiight Rupeit Bolmes Page 1S

Cieating Clanton: Besigneis Sounu 0ff Page 14

Issues In The Play: Bistoiic Roots & Cuiient Relevance Page 21

Reseaich Anu Activities Page SS

Actions You Can Take Page 41

! #$%&'%%$() * %+'#, -'$#. /(0 ! #$%& #' ($))


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}ohn uiisham's " #$%& #' ($))* auapteu by playwiight Rupeit Bolmes anu biought to
life onstage by uiiectoi Ethan NcSweeny is set in a place, a time, anu a community
ueeply affecteu by its past. The attituues, beliefs anu behavioi of the play's
chaiacteis spiing fiom that histoiy. But the outcome of " #$%& #' ($)) pioves that
the people of Clanton, Nississippi aie not limiteu by it.

This Biscussion anu Stuuy guiue has been cieateu to biing auuiences into the woilu
of the play anu to shaie the thinking of the authoi, playwiight, uesigneis anu actois
biinging }ohn uiisham's fiist novel to thiilling life onstage.

Social conuitions with olu ioots, amiust new hope foi change cieate the fiiction that
fuels the conflicts, chaiacteis anu action of " #$%& #' ($))+ The emotional histoiy anu
cuiient impact of uisciimination anu injustice at the centei of this play aie as
ielevant now as they weie in 198S. To inspiie youi thinking anu exploiation of
those issues oppoitunities foi ieseaich anu inteiaction aie incluueu.

! %';;!0,

" #$%& #' ($)) is the incenuiaiy stoiy of a Southein community toin in half when an
unspeakable ciime is answeieu by vigilante ievenge. As the shocking news hits the
public a small town becomes the centei of a national meuia stoim, wheie innocence
is the victim, iace is on tiial anu lives hang in the balance.

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The iegion in which " #$%& #' ($)) takes place is uotteu with lakes, ponus anu
steams amiu swampy wooulanus. The teiiain is a mix of hills anu flatlanus. Aveiage
tempeiatuies in Nay-}uly (the time of this play) iange fiom 8S-9S uegiees, with
fiequent humiuity. Even when the sun goes uown, heat lingeis thiough the night. In
198S aii conuitioning was a luxuiy, iaiely useu in woiking class towns like Canton.
Ceiling fans weie the common methou to ciiculate the sticky summei aii.

School ue-segiegation was still new to Nississippi, having only been enfoiceu in the
State as of the late 197us. Although the }im Ciow laws weie gone, blacks anu whites
mostly kept to theii own chuiches, neighboihoous, iestauiants anu honkytonks.

The fictional town of Clanton is baseu on Canton, Nississippi, wheie }ohn uiisham
heaiu the testimony that inspiieu him to wiite " #$%& #' ($)). The state capitol
}ackson, 2S miles to the south is the closest small city. The closest majoi city is
Nemphis, Tennessee, 12S miles to the noith.

Fishing anu hunting weie anu iemain a common souice of foou foi the pooi anu
woiking class families of the iegion. So, many boys weie taught to fish anu hunt at a
young age - making gun owneiship common in the aiea.

Nississippi was Ameiica's most ieactionaiy state uuiing the Civil Rights Novement.
The extent of muiueis of blacks committeu by membeis of the Ku Klux Klan (some
of whom weie also local police officeis) uuiing 1964 anu eailiei was unknown until
the FBI was assigneu by }. Eugai Boovei to investigate aftei the muiuei of thiee civil
iights woikeis anu two }ewish volunteeis fiom New Yoik killeu that summei
ieceiveu national meuia attention. The FBI investigation uncoveieu seveial fuithei
muiueis that hau been committeu against Nississippi blacks in piioi yeais.
Suspecteu peipetiatois of muiueis such as the tiagic case of 16 yeai-olu Emmitt Till
weie not biought to justice until uecaues latei. 0thei cases iemain unsolveu.

Sheiiff 0zzie Walls, the only Black Sheiiff in Nississippi, a cential chaiactei in "
#$%& #' ($)), coulu nevei have been electeu befoie The voting Rights Act of 196S
anu the Civil Rights Novement that pieceueu it.

Though Nississippi is known to have maue stiiues to impiove its civil iights iecoiu
in iecent yeais, its iacist past anu iesentment by many Whites towaiu civil iights
anu equality foi people of coloi iemain.

The 1S
Amenument to the Bill of Rights is the feueial law that was auopteu in 186S
to fiee all slaves in the 0SA.

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As uefineu by the actois who play them. Questions aie foi post-show ieflection.

}ake giew up in Clanton anu playeu quaiteiback at the high school. Now a
conscientious, small-town "stieet lawyei builuing his piactice, }ake wants the best
foi his home town anu believes that justice in Clanton is not entiiely blinu. Be is
motivateu by a uesiie to oveicome the ouus anu iestoie community piiue to
Clanton. Although he is willing to step into the fiie foi his clients, }ake is not puiely
altiuistic. Be has ambitions foi iecognition, publicity anu a soliu living, to make a
bettei life foi his wife anu uaughtei.


Lucien Wilbanks is the piouuct of wealthy, olu southein aiistociacy. A couitly man
anu affable uiunk, Lucien was uisbaiieu foi joining stiiking woikeis when they
assaulteu scab woikeis foi ciossing a picket line. Lucien is uivoiceu, has no kius,
anu nothing to lose. Be is on the siue of the uowntiouuen. Lucien sees }ake as a
youngei veision of himself. Be misses the limelight anu longs to shaie the gloiy of
winning. Be feels a neeu to help }ake with his tough case, having taught }ake much of
what he knows - incluuing how to piesent anu win a case in couit.


At a young age Ellen Roaik spent any moment away fiom "chiluish" play looking up
woius in hei fathei's uictionaiy anu sitting piouuly on the laps of his legal co-
woikeis as they uiscusseu cases. Ellen followeu hei mothei's footsteps anu
attenueu law school at 0le Niss. Bei fiist goal is to pievent moie people fiom being
killeu by the couits, because Ellen believes the coie of tiue justice is one's iight to
theii own life. Aftei that, she wants to save the whole woilu! Since scaiing off
potential suitois at 0le Niss because of hei intellect, Ellen is just aching to be loveu
anu she will stop at nothing to piotect, aiu, anu nuituie }ake. Anu when this is all
ovei, she just might wieck his maiiiage!


Rufus Buckley has been Bistiict Attoiney of Foiu County foi 12 yeais anu wants to
move on to biggei things. Be has set his sights on the Nississippi uoveinoi's office.
Be is maiiieu anu has a young uaughtei. Rufus attenueu Yale 0niveisity Law School
anu he stanus foi Law anu 0iuei. Be wants justice, publicity anu, a chance to make a
uiffeience in the lives of the people of Nississippi anu, peihaps, beyonu.

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}0BuE N00SE
0mai Noose has been on the bench foi many yeais anu is politically attuneu. Be
comes fiom a leauing local family anu was at fiist a successful countiy lawyei. }uuge
Noose has a iough sense of justice but is useu to maintaining his objectivity. Be is
tough, faii anu uoes not suffei fools (oi much of anyone else) glauly. Noie than
anything he want to get back to his goluenious anu moie iegulai shots of whiskey.

,+ -C DMNKE IGGCE -6S"L#-"P>

Ni. Pate functions as chief couit officei, having ietiieu fiom the Sheiiiff's 0ffice. Be
has juiisuiction ovei the uay-to-uay iunning of the couit anu abiues by the wishes of
the juuge. Pate is loyal to the laws of the State of Nississippi. Be has seen anu heaiu
the stoiies of Foiu County's people foi many yeais anu knows that sometimes the
iight things aie not founu in the law books. Like many in these steamy southein
climes, he uiinks a bit.


0zzie Walls is fiist black Sheiiff of Clanton anu he has been electeu twice. 0zzie is an
ex-stai football playei at the high school. Sheiiiff Walls holus the laws of the lanu
sacieu, but knows that in the hanus of the wiong people they will not always be
justly applieu. Be consiueis it his job to keep the town fiom explouing into a iace
iiot anu wants to biing a semblance of peace back to Clanton.


Cail Lee is the fathei of foui young chiluien. Be woiks haiu at the factoiy to make
enus meet foi his family, whom he woulu uo anything to piotect. Cail Lee hopes that
in the futuie equal justice will move fiom lofty iueal to conciete ieality. But in the
iacist society of Clanton, Nississippi, Cail Lee believes that theie is no such thing as
equal justice unuei the law. In such a place a time may come when a man has no
choice but to take the law into his own hanus.


uwen has been maiiieu to Cail Lee foi almost16 yeais anu is the piouu mothei of
theii foui chiluien: Tonya, Skip, Slim anu Willie. uwen was iaiseu in Nississippi anu
giew up unuei the "}im Ciow" laws. She "goes along to get along" anu nevei hau any
peisonal tiouble with anyone in town, until now. She knows fiom expeiience that
Blacks have nevei hau a iight to self-uefense oi any kinu of uefense in Nississippi.

! #$%&'%%$() * %+'#, -'$#. /(0 ! #$%& #' ($))

W.T. Bass is a goou shiink in ueep mouining ovei the loss of his wife. Be is a fiienu
of Lucien's anu they have in the past woikeu on anu been successful in many tiials
togethei. Be is in Clanton to help an olu fiienu anu save a goou man's life. W. T. has a
uiinking pioblem.


A giauuate of the 0niveisity of Nississippi, Bi. Roueheavei holus uegiees in geneial
meuicine anu psychiatiy. Be became heau of Whitfielu State Sanitaiium 22 yeais
ago. Roueheavei has testifieu 46 times in the couits anu is fiienus with Buckley on a
piofessional level. Be believes that mouein psychiatiic uoctois aie way too lenient
its time to stop cow-towing to libeials, who aie too soft on ciiminals.


A known local uiug uealei, Billy Ray was boin anu iaiseu in Clanton. Be uioppeu out
of high school at 17 anu has alieauy been in Paichman Penitentiaiy. Billy Ray
believes that if he goes back theie he'll piobably be killeu. Bis ambitions aie to make
money, to iock anu ioll, to be feaieu anu iespecteu. Be is not the only white man in
Clanton who thinks blacks aien't equal to whites, that they aie not fully human.


Youngei accomplice to Billy Ray Cobb.


Teiiell's fathei anu two oluei biotheis aie membeis of Aiyan Nation, a white
supiemacist gioup.. Be joineu to be with them, but also believes veiy stiongly in
"the cause" of white powei. Teiiell is willing to uo whatevei it takes to ensuie iacial
puiity in Ameiican, to gain acceptance, iespect, money anu to move up the ianks of
the oiganization.


0fficei Looney is a family man who has liveu in Foiu County all his life anu he
believes that family comes fiist. It's impoitant foi him to be a goou man, a goou
fathei anu to uo the iight thing. Looney has no ill will towaius Cail Lee.

! #$%&'%%$() * %+'#, -'$#. /(0 ! #$%& #' ($))

Noima giew up in Clanton anu in hei job at the couit she has seen it all. She is a
fiim believei in justice anu wants oiuei kept in hei town.
Noima giew up with Cail Lee & uwen's families. She is paiu to be impaitial, but not
heaitless. Because of the natuie of some cases she sometimes finus it haiu to hiue
hei feelings.

,+ AB"# -C " #BGMKB# IGL6" 6-KB# B"JE B"N NML-IK #BE #L-"P>

Attoiney foi Cobb anu Willaiu.


B.R. N0SuR0vE
Assistant uistiict attoiney to Rufus Buckley.


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"Is theie evei a time to kill. Whethei it's uone by oui justice system as capital
punishment oi vigilante justice -- aftei unspeakable ciimes aie committeu against
Cai Lee Bailey's uaughtei--uoes he have the iight to take the lives of the

The natuie anu uepth of the ciimes committeu against Cail Lee's uaughtei, incluuing
leaving hei to uie ciy out foi justice. But in a Nississippi still steepeu in the iesiuuals
of }im Ciow anu Segiegation, can theie be equal justice. It is this question Cail Lee
ueciues to answei foi him self by taking the lives of Willaiu anu Cobb. Be knows the
justice system will not woik foi him, anu must take matteis into his own hanus by
ueliveiing his own bianu of justice.

Cail Lee's actions ask us - what woulu you uo if this happeneu to youi uaughtei.
Anu this is fiist anu foiemost a univeisal question to any human being, befoie the
context of iacism is auueu to the equation. Anu this univeisal question is at the
heait of the piovocative natuie of the play.

To tiuly unueistanu Cail Lee's actions one must unueistanu the iacial histoiy of
Nississippi. The state was a hotbeu of civil iights action uue to its }im Ciow anu
Segiegationist ways. Cail Lee giew up uuiing this time anu must have expeiienceu
iacial uisciimination as a constant in his life. uiowing up in this society, exposeu to
such inequality, inuignity, anu lack of justice must be factoieu into oui
unueistanuing of Cail Lee to give us some context foi the woilu of the play, set in
198S Nississippi.

In auuition to uoing ieseaich on Nississippi, I've also lookeu into the stoiies of
Afiican Ameiican vietnam vets, as Cail Lee was a uecoiateu vietnam vet. Theii
stoiies of iacism in the aimeu foices anu its effects also factoi into Cail Lee's state of
minu. Anothei inteiesting aiea of ieseaich has been the insanity uefense -- which
Cail Lee's lawyeis must use -- giving us an up close anu peisonal look at
the machinations of the justice system.

" #$%& #' ($)) pioves itself to be a play of timely issues: justice anu iace in Ameiica.
But at its heait it's a stoiy about the complex natuie of oui humanity."
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67+ A$))$1%7 $7 V&72 _.'/. ;'4 0&4 /'4_ $. 2&)&X$7$'. '. BGA - 6E# OGML 6G#BEL* P"A `
GLNEL[ CJM 1.5 #BE 6EI#"P-C#b 1.5 $. 20& ;$)%7 CIGA* CIGA ?[ RL"-I QLEETE 1.5
6GI#"I" C(O+ C0& 72144&5 G;;cR4'15/13 $. RMLPE-KB KL-6Ed+

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Ellen Roaik giew up in Boston in a pietty tiauitional Biahmin home. Bei fathei was
a high-poweieu lawyei anu as a chilu Ellen became fascinateu by his woik. She
uiun't much iespect oi appieciate the southein coquettish uemeanoi of hei mothei,
who was fiom Natchez, Nississippi anu hau attenueu 0le Niss.
By the time Ellen was completing hei unueigiau uegiee, howevei, she hau masteieu
the biash, commanuing legal piesence of hei fathei -- which, it tuineu out, was not
paiticulaily attiactive to men in the eaily '8us. At the uiging of hei mothei, she
chose 0le Niss to attenu law school. Living in the South, Ellen leaineu that it was
infinitely moie effective foi a woman to appioach the shunning boys club of law in
the 8us if she woie a skiit, mascaia, anu maue men think they weie the smaitest
ones in the ioom. This, it tuineu out, tuineu out to be how Ellen was tiuly able to
influence people anu ultimately help win ovei the juiy in " #$%& #' ($))+
At the beginning of the play Ellen is inteining foi Rufus Buckley, the misogynistic,
high-poweieu Bistiict Attoiney. When }ake Biigance is hiieu by Cail Lee, it instantly
becomes cleai that he is next in line to become a poweiful social activist lawyei like
Ellen's heio, William Kuntslei. In keeping with hei newfounu unuei-the-iauai
powei, being hiieu as }ake's assistant tuins out to be a peifect way to help win a
case without anyone knowing she was the seciet weapon. 0h, anu uiu I foiget to
mention that }ake is a one hanusome gentleman. That too. Ellen is one smitten
southein belle.
0ne of my favoiite things about Ellen is hei sense of humoi. Theie's a canuoi to hei
tone that I uon't see in a lot of chaiacteis. As an actoi, hei confiuence allows me to
leap towaius confiuence-- something that uoesn't come natuially to me in my
noimal life. Ellen's biightness helps bieak thiough times of uaikness in the
play. Thioughout, she is uiiven to fight foi Cail Lee so that he can go home, get his
job back, anu be a fathei that pievents the kinu of ignoiance anu bigotiy in his
chiluien that causeu the instigating ciime of this play.

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Naking his own way in the gianu tiauition of Southein Liteiatuie, }ohn uiisham
cieates a stiong sense of location, peisonalities anu ielationships. Be economically
illustiates anu infeis just enough foi the ieauei to know anu unueistanu the
situation, the people anu the stakes. uiisham piesents captivating challenges foi
chaiacteis to beat oi be beaten by. Be leaus us to aumiie unueiuogs' inventiveness
as they navigate unjust anu unieasonable systems that have uemoializeu anu iun
ioughshou ovei uecent people foi too long. Theie is something of the lone Westein
gunman, the incenseu Noithein piogiessive, the Niuwestein eveiyman anu
Southein gentility in his cential chaiacteis anu theii ueteimination to take a stanu
foi what's iight.

Inspiieu by Bickens, Twain, Steinbeck, Faulknei anu Baipei Lee, uiisham weaves
stoiies that captivate, chaiacteis we unueistanu anu ielate to, anu with succinct,
biief uesciiption ueep textuie of the woilu in which they exist. 0nlike many who
take ieaueis on ueep foiays into chaiactei anu place, uiisham lays it all lightly on
the page, tiusting the ieauei to fill in what is left unspoken as he moves the stoiy

0nce uiisham uiaws us into iecognizable woilus he keeps us theie with humoi,
iiony anu intiigue. We uiscovei seciets anu piivate aspects of chaiacteis that help
claiify which siue they aie on in the inevitable battle foi justice, no mattei how
iough anu unconventional the ioute to get theie may be. Along the way, uiisham
iatchets up the conflicts, the stakes anu the piessuie. By the enu, he biings
unueiuog heioes fiom the biink of failuie to iemaikable achievement.

The event that spaikeu }ohn uiisham to wiite " #$%& #' ($)) hau come when he was
an 0le Niss law stuuent obseiving pioceeuings at the Canton, Nississippi couit-
house. A fellow stuuent was assigneu to uefenu two ex-convicts who hau iapeu anu
stabbeu two white teenage giils. uiisham stayeu to heai testimony of the suiviving
youngei sistei, who by then was 1S, a yeai past the hoiiible inciuent. What she
uesciibeu woulu change uiisham's life. "Watching that testimony was biutal. The
inspiiation foi this couitioom uiama was suuuen, almost a compulsion."*

R3 20& %$5 <fg@7 D'0. K4$701%* 20&. 1 7%1))c2'/. )1/3&4 1.5 5$7$)):7$'.&5 %&%V&4 ';
20& 6$77$77$88$ 7212& )&9$7)12:4&* /':)5 ;$)) 20& 2$%& V&2/&&. %&&2$.97 1.5 W':42
0&14$.97 /4$2$.9 1 .'X&) 1V':2 1. 1%V$2$':7 3':.9 )1/3&4 &%V4'$)&5 $. 1 )$;&c'4c5&120
;$902 ;'4 24:20 1.5 e:72$W&+ h\" #$%& #' ($))^ 2''_ %& 204&& 3&147* 1.5 %'72 '; 20& 2$%& -
20':902 - /':)5 .&X&4 ;$.$70 $2+Z +

By changing the iace of the iape victim, uiisham bioaueneu the stoiy anu its social
ielevance to Nississippi's lingeiing legacy of unpunisheu muiueis, iapes, assaults
anu othei uisciiminatoiy acts committeu thioughout slaveiy anu the }im Ciow eia.

! #$%&'%%$() * %+'#, -'$#. /(0 ! #$%& #' ($))

Regaiuing his comfoit in spinning engaging novels, uiisham ieflects, "I giew up with
a family of big, big stoiytelleis. Big liais. Wonueiful family fiction that I heaiu on the
fiont poich" Bis iecommenuation foi wiiteis is to focus on ".the ait of pacing anu
plotting. Stay plot-uiiven. A lot of my time goes into outlining. 0utline the plot anu
know wheie you'ie going to go."*

1 - }ohn uiisham 0n Bis Wiiting Style (

2 - A Life In Wiiting: }ohn uiisham (#0& K:145$1.)

! #$%&'%%$() * %+'#, -'$#. /(0 ! #$%& #' ($))

!#!K+$)- +G. )(].= a &G!==.)-.% !)# K0(&.%%

KH8EJ56C3@ 0F?A5@ G2H9A7
}ohn uiisham's classic fiist novel is a spiawling woik on the scale of Bickens oi
Tiollope. Scoies of impoitant, pivotal chaiacteis appeai oi aie iefeienceu, with
enough sub-plots anu back-stoiies foi each woithy of a book of theii own. The cleai
challenge foi me was how to tianslate anu auapt such an expansive woik into the
fiame of a stage play, its action compiesseu into two-plus houis of focuseu uiama
following the same aic of the oiiginal woik.
In uealing with this challenge, I was gieatly assisteu by the plot of Ni. uiisham's
stoiy, much of which takes place in anu aiounu the couithouse of Clanton,
Nississippi. 0ne of my favoiite types of play is the couitioom uiama: fiist because
the juxtaposition of poweiful emotions (anu often unspeakable events) with the
oiuei anu uecoium of a couit of law (wheie one can be sent to piison simply foi not
obseiving the amenities) makes foi fascinating theatie; anu seconu, because a
couitioom is, in ieality, veiy much a theatie all its own. The }uuge makes foi a
poweiful Nastei of Ceiemonies. The piosecution anu uefense often knowingly
postuie, iant, seuuce anu otheiwise play to the ciowu, not infiequently auuing a
uash of levity to show they'ie "just folks." Anu of couise, most couit cases of any
consequence centei aiounu that ultimate auuience: the }uiy, whose veiuict is often,
quite liteially, a mattei of life oi ueath.

Bigh theatie inueeu. Anu I noteu that in this paiticulai stoiy, the tiial is that of a
muiuei which occuiieu in the veiy same couithouse, in the piesence of the veiy
same }uuge anu Piosecutoi. In othei woius, the ultimate couitioom uiama.

Thus, I ueciueu to biing the whole steamy stoiy of vengeance in Nississippi into the
hothouse of staiu Clanton Couithouse, hopefully uistilling it uown to a hybiiu that
iepiesenteu the veiy essence of the stoiy's conflict.

0f couise, I hau to uo without a numbei of the chaiacteis in the novel, as theie
simply wasn't enough time, space oi acting ensemble to uo iight by them. Nuch of
my fiist pass on the sciipt was ueteimining which chaiacteis weie vital to the stoiy,
anu that appiaisal has shifteu fiom time to time.

Anothei challenge, given the novel's gieat populaiity, was finuing suipiises foi an
auuience that may be familiai with the book. I again was assisteu by }ohn uiisham,
in that I uiscoveieu a numbei of potential twists lying uoimant in the stoiy, ieauy to
be nuituieu anu haivesteu.

Anu I knew eaily on that I uiun't want to cieate a souvenii sciapbook of highlights
fiom the book, but iathei a new woik foi theatie that coulu stanu piouuly anu
inuepenuently (oi iight alongsiue) }ohn uiisham's classic novel. I hope we have
achieveu that goal.

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Ny intentions foi the uesign weie to cieate a space wheie this stoiy anu play coulu
be heaiu. It neeueu to be a space wheie the legal anu human aiguments can be
uebateu anu uiscusseu that is not clutteieu with uetail -- just the elements to meet
basic neeus of stoiy telling. The piimaiy element in this uesign is the actois, so I
cieateu sets on which they can position themselves in a stiong ielationship to the
auuience, so that what they say can moie easily iesonate anu have impoitance.

What fueleu the uesign of the play is the weight anu impoitance of the couithouse
anu couitioom anu the legal settings wheie most of the action of the play take place.
Although the uesign is not a ieal couitioom, it evokes anu has the essential paits of
a couitioom. I wanteu the elements in oui uesign to feel uniquely Ameiican. This
play anu the uiscussions in this play coulu anu uo take place all acioss Ameiica. The
use of oak anu woou, the symmetiy of the elements in the ioom, the Ameiican flag
anu seals of the goveinment, the classic uesign of the fuinituie anu uoois. These
elements aie univeisal in a laige peicentage of the couitiooms founu in small anu
laige cities acioss Ameiica.

The beauty of piojection is that we can help the auuience expeiience a woilu they
have nevei seen. Ny inteiests lie in biinging to life both the ambience of the time
anu the technology thiough which it was expeiienceu.

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These statements aie mostly about the auia of the place...the heat, the sun.

1st paiagiaph of chaptei S4
"Foi Bay Two the sun iose quickly in the east anu in seconus buineu the uew off the
thick gieen Beimuua aiounu the Foiu County Couithouse. A sticky, invisible fog
smolueieu fiom the giass anu clung to the heavy boots anu bukly pants of the
soluieis. The sun bakeu them as they nonchalantly paceu the siuewalks of
uowntown Clanton. They loiteieu unuei shaue tiees anu the canopies of small
shops. By the time bieakfast was seiveu unuei the pavilions, the soluieis hau
stiippeu to theii pale gieen unueishiits anu weie uiencheu in sweat."

pg S88: miuule of chaptei S9
"The heat wave was about to be bioken. Baik clouus loomeu to the southwest, anu
when they passeu Buey's Lounge the iains fell anu showeieu the paicheu eaith. It
cleanseu anu iemoveu the uust fiom the kuuzu that lineu the ioaubeus anu hung
like Spanish moss fiom the tiees. It cooleu the scoicheu pavement anu cieateu a
sticky fog that iose thiee feet above the highway."

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0A7A85I3L &84@24O ;6776776??6

Although this play takes place in the fictional town of Clanton, Niss., it is baseu on
the town of Canton, Niss.

! D65>:7 AEA Y6AJ 2B @3A &84@24 I2F5@32F7A 84> @3A 7bF85A 852F4> 6@

This pictuie is useful in giving an unueistanuing of the impoitance of the
couithouse in the small town of Canton anu what the geogiaphy of the aiea
suiiounuing the couithouse looks like. In the play, the Sheiiiff's office anu }ake's
office aie locateu on the squaie suiiounuing the couithouse. Fiom this pictuie you
get a sense of a place that is still heavily influenceu by the past. .The builuings aie
late to miu 19
centuiy anu eaily 2u
centuiy. It is not a mouein town, in teims of
its tiauitions oi aichitectuie. Take away the cais anu we coulu be looking at anothei
time in the past.

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&2F5@32F7A .c@A5625
This pictuie shows the amount of space available foi the public to gathei aiounu
such a couithouse. In the play theie aie a numbei of times wheie uemonstiations
anu othei types of gatheiings happen outsiue the couithouse. Although we will not
show these exteiioi aieas in this piouuction, its impoitant to still cieate a sense of
the woilu outsiue the couithouse --.anu the possibilities of what coulu happen theie.

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!5I36@AI@F58H 7@EHA 2B @3A @2J4
In the play two places we go aie to }ake's office, anu to a holuing ioom at the
Sheiiiff's office. In oui uesign, these spaces aie cieateu with the use of winuows.
Being a town built uuiing the 19
Centuiy, the winuows aie big, to get the aii
ciiculating. When these spaces weie built, theie was no aii-conuitioning. These
iooms hau ceiling fans to keep the aii moving, which we have incoipoiateu into the
uesign of the play. The heat anu humiuity can be unbeaiable in Nississippi. Laige
winuows anu ceiling fans help convey that physical ieality. This pictuie shows how
big the winuows can be in a typical uowntown Clanton builuing.

! DF6H>64C 732J64C 5AC6248H >A76C4 7@EHA 64 >2J4@2J4 &84@24O ;6776776??6

! #$%&'%%$() * %+'#, -'$#. /(0 ! #$%& #' ($))

+3A &2F5@5229
This is the couithouse inteiioi that I stuuieu most while cieating the uesign. It is
ceitainly laigei than oui couitioom in the play, but it simply anu cleaily lays out the
geogiaphy of a classic couitioom fiom an eailiei time, showing wheie the }uuge's
bench is in ielation to the witness stanu anu the uefense anu piosecutoi's tables.
What is missing fiom this pictuie is the juiy section. In a classic couitioom setting,
the juiy section woulu be peipenuiculai to the }uuge's bench anu attoiney's tables
eithei to the left oi iight of the }uuge. The open space in the centei allows the
attoineys to connect with the }uuge, the }uiy anu the Witness, as well as those
seateu in the couitioom to obseive the tiial -- almost like the auuience in a theatie.

+3A I2F5@5229 J3A5A 1234 -567389 2D7A5YA> @3A I87A @38@ 647?65A> @3A 42YAHW

! #$%&'%%$() * %+'#, -'$#. /(0 ! #$%& #' ($))

1.// %'-- TK52\AI@6247U

Foi much of oui auuience, Nississippi in the 8us is, at best, a vague memoiy. The
beauty of piojection is that we can help the auuience expeiience a woilu they have
nevei seen. Ny inteiests lie in biinging to life both the ambience of the time anu the
technology thiough which it was expeiienceu. Ameiica watcheu the netwoik news
anu uieameu of the enu to the iecession. We aie looking to iecieate that woilu anu
that expeiience thiough the visual woilu of the 8us Tv set. Thiough this lens images
will flash anu stiobe like memoiies; memoiies foi the auuience anu memoiies foi
the chaiacteis. What was ieal. Fiom whose point of view aie we looking. Who uo
we believe. Bisoiientation anu peiceptual tiansfoimation aie the tools of meuia anu
the lawyei. The juiy has to make theii own uecision but pait of my job is to skew
theii peispective, theii point of view, anu theii juugment.

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Ny appioach to " #$%& #' ($)) is similai to how I appioach any play I'm uesigning. I
believe that the ieason theatie is special anu uiffeient fiom any othei ait foim is
because of the visceial connection of peifoimei anu auuience as they jouiney
togethei thiough the stoiy tolu onstage. Foi my pait, I want to use my music anu
sounu uesign to ieally ieach out anu giab the auuience anu to immeise them in the
woilu of the stoiy. All of my choices aie a uesignei aie about tiying to make an
enviionment feel both ieal anu specific. I like to make bolu theatiical choices that
will engage the auuience anu focus them on the stoiy in fiont of them. I like to infuse
the play with eneigy anu excitement howevei I can, anu suppoit the actois onstage
by giving them an auial enviionment that completes the woilu that they'ie living in
as the chaiacteis. }ohn uiisham has given us such a iich tapestiy of chaiacteis anu
locations anu emotions in the novel. It's my job to coloi those moments in foi the
play, with music anu sounu uesign that give the auuience things they will iuentify
with as they expeiience the show.

As a uesignei, I founu myself giavitating to the opening sequence in which the
abuuction takes place. It's an incieuibly uistuibing way to begin oui show, but I
believe it's impoitant foi the auuience to iuentify the biutality anu hoiioi behinu
the ciimes committeu so that they can unueistanu wheie Cail Lee Bailey is coming
fiom as he chooses to avenge his uaughtei. As a fathei myself, I sympathize with
Cail Lee's anguish ovei these acts, anu it's one of many ieasons why I think this
stoiy is still so ielevant anu populai touay.

%2F4>@58Id $476C3@7
"Countiy Blues" - Foi the music of " #$%& #' ($)), we'ie uiawing heavily fiom the
iich musical legacy of the state of Nississippi, which has fosteieu musical genies
such as blues, countiy anu southein iock. This tiack, which appeais eaily in the play
as a tiansition fiom one scene to anothei, is a mixtuie of countiy anu blues that
shows how inteitwineu the two genies can be. This piece of music uses a uiumbeat
that is veiy common to blues anu countiy music, which is calleu a "tiain beat." Quite
! #$%&'%%$() * %+'#, -'$#. /(0 ! #$%& #' ($))

liteially, when you listen to it this sounus like a tiain coming uown the tiacks. You
can heai that in "Tiain Beat 1."

"The Confession" - We'ie also using a lot of sounu uesign anu cinematic
unueiscoiing, uesigneu to immeise auuiences in the woilu of the play.
This tiack is the unueiscoie to Pete Willaiu's uesciiption of the ciime, which took
place in a swamp. It is uesigneu to leau the listenei thiough Pete's stoiy of how
things escalateu anu got woise. The main instiument is a peual steel guitai,
noimally useu foi countiy music, useu heie to cieate a sinistei feeling -- as if the
notes aie coming out of a sweaty haze. Speaking of swamps, listen caiefully
you can heai the sounu effects of a ieal swamp mixeu into this tiack, along with
othei abstiact sounus uesigneu to make you feel like you'ie suiiounueu by

"We Shall Not Be Noveu" - This famous song fiom the civil iights eia is useu in oui
show to poitiay the unseen suppoiteis of Cail Lee Bailey, who believes that his
actions weie justifieu anu that he ueseives to be fiee. When we heai this song in
the play, it's coming fiom an offstage speakei. Cail Lee acknowleuges that his
fiienus aie outsiue, singing this song foi him.

#!]$# M((=!0# T&27@F9AU
Ny goal with the costume uesign is to help biing auuiences into a Nississippi
summei of the 198us, with authentically uiesseu people on stage. The chaiacteis'
attiie will show the place they holu in society anu will not be a uistiaction to the
auuience's focus on the play.

It was inteiesting uoing my ieseaich foi " #$%& #' ($)). I spent a lot of time talking
with seveial people in Be Soto County, Nississippi wheie the tiial that inspiieu
uiisham happeneu. They gave me so much gieat infoimation about unifoims anu
the society of small town Nississippi in that eia.

1.// &0($+.0 T=6C3@64CU
uoals foi lighting " #$%& #' ($)) aie:

to ieinfoice the heat of the south
to help builu the tension in the stoiy

The biight, hot couitioom contiasts with both the claustiophobic holuing ioom anu
the uaik almost iomantic night scenes in }ake's office.
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.>FI8@257L +3A B2HH2J64C I24@A4@ 67 @3A B2F4>8@624 2B @3A 0A7A85I3 * !I@6Y6@6A7
7AI@624W +3A7A B6YA 7AI@6247 Ac?H864 J3E @364C7 85A 87 JA B64> @3A9O 64 @3A
PQRS IA4@58H ;6776776??6 7A@@64C 2B ! #,-. #/ (,00W ,2F J6HH 8H72 B64> Y8HF8DHA
64B2598@624 3A5AO 24 @3A 7@8@F7 2B @3A7A 677FA7 64 92>A54`>8E !9A56I8W

.c?H25A @3A @Ac@ 84> H64d7 2B @367 7AI@624 @2 64B259 84> CF6>A @85CA@A>
>67IF77624 84> 5A7A85I3 DAB25A 84> 8B@A5 7AA64C @3A ?H8EW =64A7 7?2dA4 DE @3A
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5AHAY84IA @2 2F5 ?87@ 84> ?5A7A4@W

Ameiica was founueu on the piomise that "all men aie cieateu equal" a concept that
spiang fiom the Age 0f Enlightenment anu fueleu The Ameiican Revolution. A
leauing Enlightenment thinkei was 17
centuiy philosophei }ohn Locke, who saiu
".no one ought to haim anothei in his life, health, libeity oi possessions."

0ui founuing uocuments call upon citizens to challenge inequality anu to oveicome
the conflicts that natuial uiffeiences may cause. We unite as one nation, inuivisible.
Yet, uisciiminatoiy tieatment baseu on iace, ieligion anu class has been an issue in
Ameiica since its eailiest beginnings.

0ntil Emancipation, most blacks weie legally enslaveu, justifieu by "scientific"
theoiies like eugenics, accepteu in many states, which claimeu Blacks to be sub-
human, fit to be solu, anu tieateu like faim animals. This was uoubteu but accepteu
by many when mass piouuction, expansion anu the neeu foi cheap laboi clouueu
the bettei juugment of the people.

Aftei the Civil Wai a numbei of Blacks weie electeu to Congiess, incluuing Senatoi
Biiam Revels fiom Nississippi (1
on left, fiont iow, below). ?

! #$%&'%%$() * %+'#, -'$#. /(0 ! #$%& #' ($))

But iesentment at the local, state anu feueial levels leu to feueial acceptance of new
"}im Ciow" laws (nameu aftei a pie-wai uitty fiom a comeuic minstiel show
peifoimeu in blackface).

In 1896 The Supieme Couit iuleu in S)&773 X+ Q&49:7'. that states hau the iight to
cieate anu enfoice eveiy mannei of segiegation upon non-Whites. New laws to piop
up White piivilege while iestiicting the activities anu piogiess of Blacks weie
enacteu in many states.

Rules foi behaviois anu etiquette as uefineu in Stetson Kenneuy's D$% H4'/ K:$5&:
Nevei asseit oi even intimate that a white peison is lying.
Nevei impute uishonoiable intentions to a white peison.
Nevei suggest that a white peison is fiom an infeiioi class.
Nevei lay claim to, oi oveily uemonstiate, supeiioi knowleuge oi
Nevei cuise a white peison.
Nevei laugh ueiisively at a white peison.
Nevei comment upon the appeaiance of a white female.

}im Ciow laws incluueu economic anu political contiols to keep Blacks anu othei
people of coloi, incluuing }ews, Asians anu Latinos in "theii place." Attempting to
vote anu the legal possession of fiieaims oi alcohol weie fieeuoms ioutinely uenieu
to Blacks - anu punishable by haish iepiisals, even ueath.

$4@696>8@624 8@ @3A D8HH2@ D2c >F564C 169 &52J

Those accuseu by a White peison of having violateu these laws oi social iestiictions
coulu be assaulteu oi muiueieu by mobs that sometimes opeiateu with police
coopeiation anu paiticipation.

"Between 1882, when the fiist ieliable uata weie collecteu, anu 1968, when
lynchings hau become iaie, theie weie 4,7Su known lynchings, incluuing S,44u
black men anu women (thioughout the 0niteu States). Nost of the victims of Lynch
Law weie hangeu oi shot, but some weie buineu at the stake, castiateu, beaten with
clubs, oi uismembeieu." e
! #$%&'%%$() * %+'#, -'$#. /(0 ! #$%& #' ($))

Although the Civil Rights Novement put an enu to the }im Ciow eia, uisciiminatoiy
piactices continue to limit equality anu justice in Ameiica. Racial piofiling, inequity
in aiiests anu sentencing aie pioblems in cities, states anu iegions.

"I iefuse to accept the view that mankinu is so tiagically bounu to the stailess
miunight of iacism.that the biight uaybieak of peace anu biotheihoou can nevei
become a ieality... I believe that unaimeu tiuth anu unconuitional love will have the
final woiu." - Bi. Naitin Luthei King, }i.

In the 197us, 8us anu 9us an in-uepth stuuy by B.C. baseu non-piofit The Sentencing
Pioject in 1998 concluueu, "Becaues of ieseaich have uemonstiateu that iace has
always playeu a iole in sentencing outcomes," anu "Reuucing iacial uispaiity in the
ciiminal justice system is ciitical in oiuei to piouuce faiiness anu to upholu the
iueals upon which the system is piemiseu."

Anu this is why the Sheiiiff in this play, set in a laigely white county, speaks of,
".piisoneis..a majoiity of whom aie black" - Sheiiiff Walls, " #$%& #'

In 2uu8 CNN iepoiteu in "Paiis (TX), which is 7S peicent white anu 22 peicent
black. a black giil was sentenceu to up to seven yeais in a juvenile piison hunuieus
of miles fiom hei home foi shoving a teachei's aiue at school, while a white giil was
sentenceu by the same juuge to piobation foi buining uown hei paients' house."

"If Cail Lee was white the B.A. woulu have come to us with some kinu of
ueal.can't we.ask foi a ueal too." - uwen Bailey, " #$%& #' ($))

In 2u1S the Supieme Couit stiuck uown key piovisions of The voting Rights act,
allowing states to implement iestiictions such as iequiiing votei IBs that make it
moie uifficult foi the pooi anu people of coloi to vote.

1 - Chailes W. Eagles "'The Fight foi Nen's Ninus': The Afteimath of the 0le Niss
Riot of 1962," D':4.1) '; 6$77$77$88$ B$72'43 Spiing 2uu9, vol. 71 Issue 1, pp 1-SS.
Fiom Nat'l Aichives ALIC #S4 at volume S6, No. 1

2 - "The Negioes Tempoiaiy Faiewell" fiom Black Ameiican In Congiess

S a What Was }im Ciow. }im Ciow Nuseum, Feiiis State 0niveisity

! #$%&'%%$() * %+'#, -'$#. /(0 ! #$%& #' ($))

Smithsonian National Nuseum of Ameiican Bistoiy - Sepaiate Is Not Equal

NY0 Biennan Centei foi }ustice - }im Ciow Legacy

Recent Reseaich Finus Continuing Racial Biviue

State of Naitin Luthei King }i.'s Bieam

Sentencing Pioject - Racial Bispaiity in Sentencing

Racial Biviue In Reactions To Zimmeiman Tiial

+3A <F <HFc <H84 * (@3A5 .c@5A967@7
When maitial law anu militaiy occupation weie imposeu by the feueial goveinment
in the south aftei the Civil Wai, foimei Confeueiate soluieis cieateu the Ku Klux
Klan. Theii goal was to stiike feai into those in favoi of the Noith anu any who
benefitteu fiom theii victoiy. Fieeu slaves weie easy taigets foi the Klan's wiath.
Aftei Reconstiuction the Klan faueu, until BW uiiffith's 191S film R$420 '; 1 I12$'.
inspiieu a iesuigence in 1919 that continueu thiough the 192us -- with waves of
attacks anu intimiuation against Blacks, Catholics anu anyone who uaieu violate the
laws of Piohibition. Buiing that uecaue 1S% of Piotestant Ameiicans weie Klan
membeis, incluuing 0S Supieme Couit }ustice Bugo Black

The Klan became active again in the 19Sus anu 196us, attacking anu muiueiing
! #$%&'%%$() * %+'#, -'$#. /(0 ! #$%& #' ($))

"...piotect these boys fiom oui angiy blacks..."
- }uuge Noose, " #$%& #' ($))

NF7 B65AD29DA> DE @3A <H84 4A85 !4467@24O != 64 PQfP
Photo: AP

"No one wins a Beath Row appeal in Nississippi." - " #$%& #' ($))

'% #W!W 02DA5@ /W <A44A>E 85584CA> )8@6248H -F85> ?52@AI@624
Photo: AP

".Bailey claims he uiu not kill.because of theii coloi.when he is
executeu, it will not be because of his." - Rufus Buckley* " #$%& #' ($))

Civil Rights legislation of the 196us came into bioau use uuiing the 197us anu the
Klan ieceueu to the fiinge of Ameiican society. But a backlash hau been biewing
acioss the countiy with iiots in Boston anu a lawsuit biought by Whites against
Affiimative Action in Califoinia. This backlash contiibuteu to the election of Ronalu
Reagan in 198u. *

0ne of his appointments that iaiseu conceins was the elevation of Naiianne Nele
Ball to a post at the Libiaiy of Congiess. She hau co-authoieu a book titleu
Q':.512$'.7 '; C1.5 in which Blacks weie ciiticizeu as a iace who "insist on
! #$%&'%%$() * %+'#, -'$#. /(0 ! #$%& #' ($))

pieseiving theii jungle fieeuoms, theii women, theii avoiuance of peisonal
iesponsibility anu theii abhoiience of the woik ethic."+

Segiegationist Congiessmen fiom the South }essie Belms, Stiom Thuimonu anu
otheis gaineu new powei as ieactionaiy ihetoiic came to be synonymous with
patiiotism. Reveienu }eiiy Falwell iose to piominence aftei he foimeu a voting
block of whites known as "The Chiistian Right." Falwell claimeu to iepiesent a
"Noial Najoiity."

In a ievealing quote fiom 19S8 Falwell saiu, "The tiue Negio uoes not want
integiation.he iealizes his potential is fai bettei among his own iace." _ In
iesponse to the AIBS outbieak of the 198us Falwell saiu, "AIBS is not just uou's
punishment foi homosexuals: it is uou's punishment foi the society that toleiates
homosexuals." e

With the political climate of 198us Washington funuing foi welfaie anu othei social
piogiams seiving Ameiica's vulneiable pooi weie cut. Aggiessive PR campaigns
anu new legislation began chipping away at the gains of the Civil Rights movement.

".have to ieminu myself I'm still in the 0niteu States."
- Ellen Roaik* " #$%& #' ($))

Such changes encouiageu the KKK anu spuiieu foimation of new "White Aiyan
Resistance" skinheau anu militia gioups fiom the South anu othei iegions. These
gioups incluueu uevotees to Nazism anu othei extiemist philosophies. When
Clinton was electeu in 1992, extiemists auueu the feueial goveinment to theii
enemies list. In 199S one such gioup, The Bianch Baviuians hau a violent anu
bloouy stanuoff with feueial Alcohol, Tobacco anu Fiieaims agents neai Waco, TX
that claimeu the lives of 8u people. That event inspiieu Timothy Ncveigh anu his
co-conspiiatois to bomb a feueial builuing in 0klahoma City in 199S, killing 168
people, incluuing 19 chiluien in a uay caie centei.

Bespite uecaues of legal victoiies by the Southein Poveity Law Centei,
oiganizations like the Ku Klux Klan, White Aiyan Resistance anu othei iacist entities
anu militias peisist to this uay. Nany maintain stockpiles of weapons at compounus.

Elements of such gioups' ihetoiic can be heaiu on ceitain Tv anu iauio piogiams
wheie the veiy myths, blame anu stiategies useu in the past to justify slaveiy anu
}im Ciow segiegation aie oveitly anu subliminally piomoteu.

A ieminuei of how mouein-uay iacism can leau to tiagic violence is founu at the
Southein Poveity Law Centei website in Naich, 2u12, "Bylan Butlei, 2u; anu Beiyl
Beumon anu }ohn Aaion Rice, both 19, pleu guilty in feueial couit to chaiges of
conspiiacy to commit a hate ciime anu committing a hate ciime foi paiticipating in
beating }ames Anueison, a 47-yeai-olu black man, then iunning him ovei with his
! #$%&'%%$() * %+'#, -'$#. /(0 ! #$%& #' ($))

tiuck in }une 2u11. Beumon hau alieauy pleu guilty to state chaiges of muiuei anu a
hate ciime anu was sentenceu to two concuiient life sentences in piison."i

The Southein Poveity Law Centei's inteiactive Bate Nap uocuments 1,uu7
extiemist hate gioups of many vaiieties, scatteieu in many states acioss Ameiica.

Social piogiess since the Civil Rights Novement has leu most Ameiicans to become
infoimeu anu to geneially ieject extiemist beliefs anu oiganizations. But stanuing
up to these pioponents of backwaiu iueals piesent iisks many aie feaiful of anu
unwilling to take. Consiueiing the lessons of the past in Ameiica anu in othei
countiies, the consequences of complacency in the face of aggiession anu bigotiy
make awaieness anu active iesistance the only iesponsible choice foi a just,
uemociatic society.

1 - New Yoik Times: Paul Kiugman on Racial Politics
2 - Time Nagazine: Appointees Boist With a Racist Petaiu
2, S - Statements 0f }eiiy Falwell
4 ` Southein Poveity Law Centei Inciuents

PBS: "The Nuiuei of Emmitt Till" People & Events: Lynching in Ameiica
Anniveisaiy of the Fieeuom Riueis
Bistoiy Channel: Klan Nuiueis of Civil Rights Woikeis in 1964
National 0iban League: Racism Flouiisheu 0nuei Reagan
Noith Bakota Racist Takeovei
Bomestic Teiioiism in the 0niteu States
Southein Poveity Law Centei's Inteiactive Bate Nap

! #$%&'%%$() * %+'#, -'$#. /(0 ! #$%& #' ($))

Fiom the oveithiow of the colonial Fiench by Baitian slaves in 1791 to the Nat
Tuinei iebellion in 18S1 to the 18S9 ievolt on the slave ship Amistau the enteipiise
of slaveiy existeu in Ameiica thiough owneis' feai of violent iesistance. In many
states slaves outnumbeieu Whites, giving owneis incentive to maintain oiuei by
biutal punishments anu muiuei. Rape of female slaves of any age by owneis was
common anu chaiges weie nevei biought in theii uefense.

Abolitionists vieweu slaveiy as a moial ciime against all logic, ethics anu oui
Constitution. Some took up aims, iisking anu in some cases giving theii lives to
oppose these ciimes against humanity. Aiuent abolitionist }ohn Biown leu a faileu
insuiiection at Baipei's Feiiy, West viiginia in 18S9.

!D2H6@62467@ 1234 N52J4
Photo: Black anu Batcheluei, 18S9, Libiaiy of Congies

When the seconu wave of Klan aggiession came about in the 192us, Black leaueis
auvocateu self-uefense against attack. "If we aie to uie, in uou's name let us not
peiish like bales of hay," saiu W.E. B. Bu Bois. Lynching, saiu Bu Bois, woulu only
stop "when the cowaiuly mob is faceu with effective guns in the hanus of the people
ueteimineu to sell theii souls ueaily." Also seeking to awaken Black iesistance A.
Phillip Ranuolph stateu, "We aie.uiging Negioes anu othei oppiesseu gioups
conceineu with lynching anu mob violence to act upon the iecognizeu anu accepteu
law of self-uefense."

News spieau aiounu the woilu when Nahatma uhanui anu his multituue of
followeis useu non-violent civil uisobeuience to uiive colonial Biitish iule fiom
Inuia. By the eaily 19Sus Black leaueis in Ameiica ueciueu to test it heie. Leu by the
Congiess of Racial Equality (C0RE), Southein Chiistian Leaueiship Confeience
(SCLC), the Stuuent Non-violent 0iganizing Committee (SNCC) anu the National
Association foi the Auvancement of Coloieu People (NAACP), a coalition was foimeu
unuei chaiismatic leaueis incluuing Fannie Lou Bamei, Neugai Eveis anu Bi.
! #$%&'%%$() * %+'#, -'$#. /(0 ! #$%& #' ($))

Naitin Luthei King }i. At lunch counteis, in town squaies, anu on maiches,
thousanus of men, women anu chiluien put theii lives at iisk against iacist hate
gioups anu communities wheie white piivilege anu that inequality foi blacks was
the noim.

%AH98 @2 ;24@C29A5E 985I3O HA> DE #5W ;85@64 =F@3A5 <64CO 15W
K32@2L <64C &A4@A5

In the wake of the Supieme Couit's 19S4 iuling that enueu segiegation in public
schools anu thanks to the tiieless effoits of civil iights campaigneis a populai
movement giew that by the 196us biought }im Ciow laws to an enu when voting
iights anu othei civil iights statutes weie enacteu as feueial law in 196S.

But Blacks living in the South anu iuial communities acioss Ameiica still faceu
uisciiminatoiy piactices enableu by local anu state goveinments, couits anu police.

;A9?367 7846@8@624 J25dA57 24 7@56dA 64 PQfR
Photo: Richaiu L. Copley

Following the muiueis of Civil Rights woikeis anu suppoiteis in Nississippi uuiing
summei, 1964 the stiategy of non-violence was calleu into question by membeis of
C0RE anu SNCC. With too little feueial piotection fiom violent hate gioups anu
confiontational communities aimeu iesistance, as auvocateu by Nalcolm X anu
! #$%&'%%$() * %+'#, -'$#. /(0 ! #$%& #' ($))

otheis was embiaceu. Aimeu Blacks anu Black faimeis pioviueu safe havens foi
these gioups that came by cai anu bus -- but they fiist hau to navigate uangeious
anu violent neighboihoous of iacist hate.
"A man's supposeu to piotect his family." "You got a little giil...what
woulu you uo." - Cail Lee Bailey, A Time To Kill

As of 1966, many Blacks in Nississippi, ueteimineu to foice change thiough political
means, joineu the Bemociatic Paity. They succeeueu in electing canuiuates who
biought piogiess to municipal goveinment, mostly in the southein pait of the state.
By the eaily 198us, iesentment in some quaiteis towaiu these new iights foi people
of coloi hau giown to a boiling point. The "Southein Stiategy" of the Reagan
campaign embolueneu iacist whites anu theii uivisive oiganizations to ieemeige,
thieatening again the haiu-fought gains people of coloi anu piogiessive Whites hau
saciificeu so much to achieve.

"Aiounu heie black men uon't get to kill white boys." -
Sheiiiff 0zzie Walls, " #$%& #' ($))

In 1992 when Bill Clinton was electeu Piesiuent, the influence of ieligiouspolitical
leaueis of the 198us hau staiteu to faue. But }ames Bobson, Bonalu Wilumon anu
othei contempoiaiies of Falwell have continueu spieauing uivisive theoiies anu
challenges to Civil Rights piogiess, on aggiessive iauio anu Tv talk anu news
piogiams. Resistance to iacism in the Black community, among Native Ameiicans,
Latinos, Whites anu Asians has coalesceu anu been ie-eneigizeu aiounu cases
wheie uisciimination is most eviuent, incluuing: Leonaiu Peltiei, Rouney King,
Amauou Biallo, Tiayvon Naitin anu seveial otheis.

.c?5A7764C 0A767@84IA
Thiough much of the 2u
centuiy aitists in liteiatuie, music, film anu vaiious meuia
have inspiieu iesistance to injustice anu iacism. This incluues the poetiy of
Langston Bughes, the novels of Baipei Lee, the music of Woouy uuthiie, Pete
Seegei, }imi Benuiix Lena Boine, The Temptations, Naivin uaye, Cuitis Nayfielu
anu many otheis; uiamatic theatei peifoimances by Paul Robeson, Siuney Poitiei,
0ssie Bavis, Ruby Bee anu }ames Eail }ones; opeiatic anu musical theatei
peifoimances by Naiian Anueison anu the voices of many moie who blazeu a tiail
foi aitists of oui times to follow.

"When I sing, I uon't want them to see that my face is black. I uon't want them to see
that my face is white. I want them to see my soul. Anu that is coloiless." -
Naiian Anueison
! #$%&'%%$() * %+'#, -'$#. /(0 ! #$%& #' ($))


K8FH 02DA724 HA> 736?E85> J25dA57 764C64C @3A 48@6248H 84@3A9

Fuithei examples that inspiieu thought anu change incluue: Billie Boliuay's heait-
wienching peifoimance of C241.9& Q4:$2 * anu Nina Simone's iiony-lauen 6$77$77$88$
K'551%.j +. Inspiieu piotest songs of the 196us like Bob Bylan's R)'/$.F -. #0&
A$.5 1O Sam Cooke's " H01.9& $7 K'..1F H'%& 2O L&78&W2 by Aietha Fianklin 34 anu
C13 -2 P':5[ -F% R)1W_ ` -F% S4':5 by }ames Biown 5 openeu heaits anu minus.

Buiing the 198us Rap music, the new Black poetiy-baseu foim useu by gangs as an
alteinative to violence, gaineu a giowing auuience. By 1987 New Yoik-baseu Public
Enemy captuieu the attention of young music loveis, aiticulating a young uiban
Black iesponse to ieneweu uisciimination anu iacism of that uecaue. Theii message
also ieacheu White fans acioss Ameiica.

KFDH6I .4A9E D2H>HE 5A\AI@A> >A46C58@624 2B NH8Id7
Photo: Richaiu Buskin
".Nost of my heioes uon't appeai on no stamps Sample a look back you look anu
finu Nothing but ieunecks foi 4uu yeais if you check Bon't Woiiy Be Bappy was a
numbei one jam Bamn if I say it you can slap me iight heie. What we got to say
! #$%&'%%$() * %+'#, -'$#. /(0 ! #$%& #' ($))

Powei to the people no uelay To make eveiybouy see We got to fight the poweis
that be" - Q$902 #0& S'/&4, Public Enemy g

In 1992 the wiuely seen viueotape of L.A. police beating unaimeu Rouney King
exposeu iacist aggiession in the LAPB. When the police who beat King weie
acquitteu, spontaneous iiots bioke out in the City, lasting seveial uays. That same
yeai L.A.-baseu Rage Against The Nachine emeigeu, with suiging iapiock songs
voicing uistiust among Ameiican youth of all colois towaiu the "poweis that be."

"They want us to allege anu pleuge Anu bow uown to theii uou
Lost the cultuie, the cultuie lost Spun oui minus anu thiough time
Ignoiance has taken ovei Yo, we gotta' take the powei back!
It's the beats anu the lyiics they feai The iage is ielentless
We neeu a movement with a quickness You aie the witness of change
Anu to counteiact We gotta' take the powei back!"
- Fiom #1_& #0& S'/&4 R1W_, Rage Against The Nachine

With ($))$.9 -. #0& I1%& G;, Rage Against The Nachine pointeu to the uangeis of
allowing membeis of White Powei gioups in the police anu militaiy.

"Some of those that woik foices aie the same that buin ciosses . You justify those
that uieu by weaiing the bauge they'ie the chosen Whites." - ($))$.9 $. 20& I1%& G;,
Rage Against The Nachine

The Roots, fiom Philauelphia ieleaseu theii 2uu8 album "Rising Bown," on the 16th
anniveisaiy of the L.A. Riots. Song lyiics uesciibe young Ameiicans' uistiust of
coipoiate anu goveinment leaueis, lamenting at the same time an ongoing sense of
uisenfianchisement uue to the tiagic anu uniesolveu legacy of slaveiy.

"They sell uiugs in the hoou but the man he move the meuicine
Be'll piesciibe you all-meu foi eveiything A little stuffy nose tell you get some
Claiitin You know I'm hip to it anu its haiu to claim the lanu When my gieat-gieat-
gieat-gianus weie shippeu to it." - B&))'* The Roots

1, S, 4, S, 6 - http:hubpages.comhubThe-Piotest-Novement-The-1u-Best-
2 -
7 -

)!!&K 0A?F>68@A7 08I679 $4 +A8 K85@E
Bieam Befenueis' Coalition Responus to Tiayvon Naitin veiuict
! #$%&'%%$() * %+'#, -'$#. /(0 ! #$%& #' ($))

%AH98 @2 ;24@C29A5E ;85I3
%@F>A4@ )24Y62HA4@ (5C846[64C &2996@@AA S^
%2F@3A54 &3567@684 =A8>A5736? &24BA5A4IA ` /529 M3A4A MA:YA &29A
$ !9 ! ;84
+3A %@25E NA364> %@584CA /5F6@
G6? G2? %F996@ !I@624 )A@J25d
KN%L +3A NHFA7 87 !9A56I84 G67@25E

In a countiy of laws, goveineu foi the people anu by the people it shoulu be
unnecessaiy foi inuiviuuals to take the law into theii own hanus to get justice.

Although most Ameiicans aie "law-abiuing," the inequality with which the law is
sometimes applieu anu light sentences foi ciimes cause gieat pain to families anu
loveu ones. Ciimes such as iape anu assault -- along with iacist beliefs that pit iaces
against each othei have sometimes inspiieu vigilantes to take actions they claim anu
believe to be necessaiy.

".even the goou book thinks theie coulu be a time when killing is
acceptable." - }ake Biigance, A Time To Kill

In fact many ciimes have been committeu in Ameiica by vigilantes. Bistoiic anu
iecent figuies Billy the Kiu, Cuitis Sliwa's uuaiuian Angels, Beinaiu uoetz anu
ueoige Zimmeiman aie just a few examples. Some vigilante justice has been
favoieu by a majoiity of the public. But othei vigilantism uemonstiates the iisk we
take in allowing untiaineu people of questionable chaiactei to use weapons on
whomevei they consiuei a thieat -- with no legitimate iight oi authoiity to uo so.

! #$%&'%%$() * %+'#, -'$#. /(0 ! #$%& #' ($))

+3A $47846@E #ABA47A
Befenuing ciiminal actions by ieason of insanity is a tactic that uates back to the
Centuiy, when it was fiist being useu to pleau foi lightei sentences. Insanity
was only foimalizeu as a methou foi acquittal aftei being successfully useu in
Englanu with the N'Naghten iuling in 184S.

The main theoiy of an insanity uefense is that when the ciime took place the
peipetiatoi uiu not fully know, unueistanu oi intenu to commit it. Theii actions
weie beyonu theii contiol. Because insanity is a bioau concept, it is challenging to
piove oi to uispiove. So, its use is often veiy contioveisial. 0ne of the most
contesteu uses in iecent histoiy leu to the acquittal of }ohn Binckley aftei he shot
Ronalu Reagan, who iecoveieu, anu public official }ames Biauy, who was paialyzeu
foi life. Biauy's wife has leu a fiustiating campaign foi gun contiol evei since.
"In 1984, Congiess passeu, anu Piesiuent Ronalu Reagan signeu, the Compiehensive
Ciime Contiol Act. The feueial insanity uefense now iequiies the uefenuant to
piove, by "cleai anu convincing eviuence," that "at the time of the commission of the
acts constituting the offense, the uefenuant, as a iesult of a seveie mental uisease oi
uefect, was unable to appieciate the natuie anu quality oi the wiongfulness of his
acts" (18 0.S.C. 17). This is geneially vieweu as a ietuin to the "knowing iight fiom
wiong" stanuaiu. The Act also containeu the Insanity Befense Refoim Act of 1984,
18 0.S.C. 4241, which sets out sentencing anu othei piovisions foi uealing with
offenueis who aie oi have been suffeiing fiom a mental uisease oi uefect." P

".when you woik at the hospital you see insane people but when you
testify foi the state's piosecutois you uon't." - }ake Biigance, " #$%& #'

A factoi foi juuiciaiies acioss Ameiica to weigh when consiueiing an insanity
uefense is the potential piolifeiation of such claims, in a population wheie mental
illness is being uiagnoseu moie fiequently. In a 2u12 iepoit, the Substance Abuse
anu Nental Bealth Seivices Auministiation (SANBSA) founu that, "0ne in S
Ameiican auults ageu 18 oi oluei, oi 4S.6 million people, hau mental illness in the
past yeai." _


2 - http:www.samhsa.govnewsioomauvisoiies121127S22u.aspx

! #$%&'%%$() * %+'#, -'$#. /(0 ! #$%& #' ($))

0.%.!0&G * !&+$]$+$.%

" #$%& #' ($)) iaises issues fiom the past that concein us now. Exploie theii ioots,
cuiient status anu how they aie uealt with in the play, using the infoimative
activities below.

Classioom teacheis of giaues 8-12 will finu heiein an entiie unit along with ielateu
activities that auuiess seveial Common Coie State Stanuaius anu New Yoik City
Cuiiiculum Bluepiint foi Teaching anu Leaining in Theatei goals. Those stanuaius
anu goals aie also listeu (in ieu) aftei the unit, anu aftei auuitional activities.

Teacheis may opt to:
a) follow the sequential steps of the unit; oi
b) choose one oi moie steps fiom the unit anu any othei activities which best
suit cuiiiculum neeus anu available time

0NIT K5A`?A5B25984IA: Steps 1, 2, S & 4
(Two-foui 4S-minute classioom peiious)
Teacheis: Biviue youi stuuents into gioups of five oi six. Assign the issues below, so
that each is coveieu by a gioup.

PU %AHAI@ 24A 2B @3A7A 677FA7 8@ @3A 3A85@ 2B ! #,-. #/ (,00 67,87 79:.
;..< =>.?.<@.A ,< @7. $??B.? $< #7. C09D 8/<@.<@ /E @7,? FB,A.L

Bomestic hate anu teiioi extiemists
The insanity uefense

Teacheis: Aftei each gioup is assigneu one of the issues above have them:

_U 0A7A85I3 @2 B64> 84> >A7I56DA T@352FC3 J25>7 84> 84 698CAU 24A
?6Y2@8H 84> ?FDH6I6[A> I569A 5AH8@A> @2 E2F5 I327A4 677FAO I2996@@A>
>F564C A8I3 2B @3A7A @69A ?A562>7L

a) Between 188u-196u
b) Between 2uu2 anu the piesent

eU &29?85A 84> I24@587@ TA4@A5 @2 8 @35AA I2HF94 A4@5E I385@UL
a) what is similai anu what is uiffeient about how the issue was a motivating
factoi in each ciime; anu
b) a cultuial noim that the peipetiatoi(s) believeu justifieu theii action(s).

Teacheis: 0nce gioups complete steps 1-S, each gioup piesents theii
! #$%&'%%$() * %+'#, -'$#. /(0 ! #$%& #' ($))

finuings to the class.
hU .4C8CA 64 8 5AHAY84@ 384>7`24 8I@6Y6@E
K85@ (4AL M32 =6dA7i

Teachei will ask the class to make two lines facing each othei with the
teachei at the heau of the line. The object of the exeicise is foi stuuents to
cioss fiom one siue to the othei baseu on whethei they like (cioss) oi uislike
(stay wheie they aie) the object of the questions being poseu by theii
teachei. To initially waim up anu engage the gioup, the teachei shoulu stait
by asking geneial questions, such as:

"Who likes the spiing."
"Who likes looking at the stais."
"Who likes to eat fish."

If the stuuent likes it, they cioss to the othei siue of the line. If not, they stay
wheie they aie.

Aftei a few of these questions the teachei switches to these questions that
ielate to the play " #$%& #' ($)):

"Who likes equal justice foi all iaces in Ameiica."
"Who likes stanuing up foi what is iight."
"Who likes to win an aigument."
"Who likes taking the law into theii own hanus."

K85@ +J2L ;8dA 8 &326IA
The teachei will uesignate thiee specific walls in the classioom. 0ne wall
will be "agiee", the next "uisagiee" the thiiu "not suie." The teachei shoulu
pose these questions, which ieflect cential themes in " #$%& 2' ($)). Aftei
each question, stuuents move to stanu at the appiopiiate wall, wheie each
stuuent biiefly tells theii peeis why they chose this wall. Beie aie the

"Is bieaking a law evei the iight thing to uo."
"Shoulu people always be punisheu if they take the law into theii own
"Is theie evei a time when killing someone shoulu be legal."

K85@ @35AAL ;2Id +568H
The teachei chooses which of those questions most evenly split the stuuents,
as the basis foi a mock tiial, in which:

The "agiees" uefenu theii uecision
The "uisagiees" challenge theii uecision
! #$%&'%%$() * %+'#, -'$#. /(0 ! #$%& #' ($))

The "not suies" seive as juiy - a majoiity of whom must be peisuaueu
to choose one siue oi the othei to ieach a majoiity uecision.
Teacheis: Ask stuuents to specify (anu if neeueu claiify foi them) lessons leaineu
thus fai.

#F564C @3A ?A5B25984IAL
#0&12&4 $7 1 8)13/4$902F7 %&5$:%* 17 $.2&484&2&5 V3 20& 5$4&W2'4 /$20 0$7 '4 0&4
W14&;:))3 7&)&W2&5 1.5 9:$5&5 W4&12$X& 2&1% '; 1W2'47 1.5 5&7$9.&47+
H'.7$5&4 1.5 %1_& .'2& '; 20& /13 20$7 72'43 $7 V&$.9 2')5 '.7219& X$1 20&[

! sciipt - an auaptation of the novel foi the stage
! actois - chosen anu guiueu by the uiiectoi
! staging - chosen by the uiiectoi anu actois
! paceihythm - guiueu by the sciipt, uiiectoi anu actois
! uesigns (set, lighting, piojection, costume, sounu) chosen anu
guiueu by the uiiectoi

')$+ K27@`?A5B25984IAL %@A?7 e * h T+J2 hS`964F@A IH877A7U

Teacheis: You may have youi stuuents uo the following inuiviuually.

1) You Aie The }uiy! vote whethei Cail Lee shoulu have been founu innocent oi

2) Wiite youi iesponse to the peifoimance, uesciibing what you noteu, obseiveu
anu likeu about " #$%& #' ($))!

Teacheis: uathei youi stuuents back in theii gioups of five oi six anu have them:

S) Revisit the two ciimes chosen in the Pie-show activity. Besciibe a pivotal ciime
committeu uuiing " #$%& #' ($)). Compaie anu contiast:
a) what is similai anu what is uiffeient about how the issue motivateu this
thiiu of the thiee ciimes you have now iuentifieu
b) a cultuial noim that the peipetiatoi(s) believeu justifieu theii action(s).
c) have each gioup piesent theii finuings to the iest of the class.

4) Choose one of the ciimes you have compaieu anu contiasteu anu wiite youi
peisuasive aigument in which you ueclaie the logical anu compelling ieason that
you oppose eithei:

the piosecution
the lack of piosecution
anuoi the outcome of the tiial

Teacheis: Facilitate stuuent ieflection about theii key finuings in this unit.
! #$%&'%%$() * %+'#, -'$#. /(0 ! #$%& #' ($))


0nit Common Coie State Stanuaius:
Common Coie Najoi Stianu: Bemonstiating Inuepenuence
Builuing Stiong Content Knowleuge,
valuing Eviuence
Compiehenuing as well as Ciitiquing;
valuing Eviuence
0sing Technology anu Bigital Neuia Stiategically anu Capably
Responuing to vaiying uemanus of auuience, task, puipose anu uiscipline
Coming to unueistanu othei peispectives anu cultuies

CCSS: Speaking & Listening: Compiehenuing anu Collaboiating, Piesenting Iueas;
Speaking: Piesent infoimation, finuings anu suppoitive eviuence; Reauing
Infoimational Text; Integiating Knowleuge anu Iueas, Wiiting: Wiite Infoimative,
explanatoiy texts; intiouuce anu uevelop a topic; Builu anu Piesent Knowleuge:
Wiite aiguments to suppoit claims

Bluepiint: Theatei Naking Acting
Naking Connections Thiough Theatei
Woiking with Cultuial Resouices
Beveloping Theatei Liteiacy

Teacheis: You may have youi stuuents uo the following inuiviuually.

S) Choose one of }ohn uiisham's questions anu topics foi uiscussion about " #$%&
#' ($)) anu wiite youi iesponse.

I. If you weie on the juiy, woulu you have convicteu Cail Lee. Why oi why not.

II. Is vigilante justice evei just. Can you think of an instance in which it's
acceptable foi a peison to take the law into his oi hei own hanus.

III. Aie the chaiacteis in " #$%& #' ($)) ethical. They benu the iules of pioceuuie
anu occasionally the law, but uoes anybouy show a highei sense of ethics.

Iv. }ake goes on iepiesenting Cail Lee even with the thieat hanging ovei both
himself anu his family. Is theie any cause you think so woithy that you woulu
put youi family's safety in jeopaiuy.

v. Is }ake guilty in the muiueis of Billy Ray Cobb anu Pete Willaiu. Is 0zzie.
Both weie tolu what woulu happen befoie it uiu anu neithei attempteu to
stop Cail Lee. Aie they iesponsible in any way. Bow seiiously woulu you
have taken Cail Lee's thieat.

! #$%&'%%$() * %+'#, -'$#. /(0 ! #$%& #' ($))

vI. Who is the heio of " #$%& #' ($)). Aie they any tiue heioes. What, in youi
opinion, makes someone a heio.

vII. Fiom the fiist scene, it is cleai that Cobb anu Willaiu weie guilty of the
ciimes foi which they weie aiiesteu. Bow woulu " #$%& #' ($)) have been
uiffeient if it theii guilt oi innocence was left ambiguous. Woulu Cail Lee's
actions have been any moie oi less acceptable.

vIII. Thousanus of people convene on the town squaie outsiue the couithouse to
holu a vigil foi Cail Lee anu the piotest his tiial. Coulu you see youiself evei
being so passionate about the tiial of someone you uo not peisonally know.
What cause woulu get you to tiavel anu maich.

IX. Bow much impact uo you think it hau that both Bailey anu Cobb weie pooi.
Bo you think it woulu have changeu the tiial uiamatically if Cobb weie

X. Nuch of Foiu County is peiceiveu by outsiueis as backwaiu anu iacist. Biu
you go into this stoiy with those assumptions. Bow weie they confiimeu.

XI. Boes " #$%& #' ($)) give you moie oi less faith in the juuicial system.

6) Be pait of a focuseu civic uialogue piocess to answei as follows:

a) Select an issue aiea fiom the Pie-show list (see #1)

b) Besciibe a local, iegional, national oi inteinational pioblem that has affecteu you,
youi family oi community anu uesciibe a ielevant inciuent

c) Comment oi piesent an achievable solution iegaiuing a posteu pioblem

Common Coie Najoi Stianus: Bemonstiating Inuepenuence; Responuing to vaiying
uemanus of auuience, task anu puipose; Ciitiquing; valuing eviuence;

CCSS: Piesentation of Knowleuge anu Iueas; Speaking: Piesent infoimation, finuings
anu suppoitive eviuence; Wiiting: Builu anu Piesent Knowleuge: Wiite aiguments
to suppoit claims
Bluepiint: Naking Connections Thiough Theatei

.c@58 &5A>6@L
Following ciiteiia at, shaie the stoiy of an
0nknown Beio who has taken a stanu foi justice -- fiom youi family, community oi
anywheie in the woilu.

Common Coie Najoi Stianus: Bemonstiating Inuepenuence; Responuing to vaiying
! #$%&'%%$() * %+'#, -'$#. /(0 ! #$%& #' ($))

uemanus of auuience, task anu puipose; Ciitiquing; valuing eviuence;
CCSS: Wiiting: Builu anu Piesent Claims: 'Wiite aiguments to suppoit claims
Bluepiint: Naking Connections Thiough Theatei
New Yoik Common Coie State Stanuaius:

New Yoik City Cuiiiculum Bluepiint foi Teaching anu Leaining in Theatei:

Common Coie anu the Aits:

Nississippi Bepaitment of Aichives anu Bistoiy "Fieeuom Riues Revisiteu" Bow Fai
Woulu You uo."

Teaching Toleiance

Stuuy "Boing Well & Boing uoou By Boing AitZ by }ames S. Catteiall

!>>6@6248H 5A8>64CL
A People's Bistoiy of the 0niteu States by Bowaiu Zinn, Baipei Books, ISBN 978-
The Young Auuience by Natthew Reason, Tientham Books, ISBN 978 1 8S8S6 4Su u
A Whole New Ninu by Baniel Pink, Riveiheau Books, ISBN 1-S7S22-Su8-S
Impiovisation foi the Theatei by viola Spolin, Noithwestein 0niveisity Piess,
Theatei of the 0ppiesseu by Augusto Boal, Theatei Communications uioup, ISBN u-
Backwaius anu Foiwaius by Baviu Ball, Southein Illinois 0niveisity Piess, ISBN u-

! #$%&'%%$() * %+'#, -'$#. /(0 ! #$%& #' ($))

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"W2$X$2$&7 7&W2$'. '; 20& 9:$5&j

)(M +G!+ ,(' <)(MO MG!+ &!) ,(' #(X
!&+$()% ,(' &!) +!<.

Encouiage eveiyone you know to see " #$%& #' ($))+

uet active online about " #$%& #' ($)) anu encouiage fiienus to uo the same
on Facebook, Twittei anu oui othei social meuia channels.

Stanu up to uisciimination against any iace, cieeu oi coloi anu stanu foi
equality anu justice.

uet infoimeu by anu active with an outstanuing oiganization mentioneu in
this uuiue that tackles these issues. Links to theii websites aie listeu below.

Southein Poveity Law Centei

Congiess 0f Racial Equality

National Association foi the Auvancement of Coloieu People

National 0iban League

Bieam Befenueis

The Innocence Pioject

Bip Bop Summit Action Netwoik

Southein Chiistian Leaueiship Confeience

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