Assad Resume

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PE S!NA" #N$! MA%#!N

Name in full Date of Birth Nationality Religion Visa Status !i"il Status #eight Languages &*mail !onta)t Details Mohammed Assad Mansoor 07th August 1993 Sri Lankan Muslim Stu ent Single $%7 &nglish' Sinhalese' #in i' Ara(i) assa mansoor7+gmail,)om -971$0.1$171$ / -971$07.$.7.0

To find a challenging position to meet my competencies, capabilities, skills, education and experience. To explore a professional career in a team environment, to sharpen my professional & financial skills and to contribute to the success of my employers in specific and the society as a whole.

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1oo inter2ersonal )ommuni)ation skills, 3utstan ing in )ustomer )are, 1oo team attitu e a))om2anie (y great lea ershi2 an multitasking skills, 4ui)k learner 5ith a keen interest in a general kno5le ge(ase, 6nternet rea y 5ith e7tensi"e kno5le ge of the 8orl 8i e 8e(,

High School - 9he 8estminster S)hool' Du(ai' !am(ri ge 61!S&' 1997 * :010 !om2lete the !am(ri ge 61!S& &nglish 6,9 &)onomi)s Business B B ! & Math ;&7ten e < =ren)h A))ounts ! D &

Re)ei"e my General Education Diploma !urrently oing Higher National Diploma at Centre of Executive Education 6nstitute,


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A "an)e >o5er >oint skills in)lu ing the follo5ing 2o5er 2lugs tool =luent in Visual Basi)' Mi)rosoft 8or ' &7)el' A))ess' use of internet an e* mail, A o(e >hotosho2 >S$' 16M> :,0,0

1! : E;PE #ENCE

Gitex Shoppers ,-./0 1orld %rade Center 23th !cto4er - .,th !cto4er5 8orke as a Sales >romoter for A)er &le)troni)s, Nu6oto7s ,-., 8orke as a Sales >romoter for ne5 laun)he 62a 3 games from August :01: ? De)em(er :01: Gitex Shoppers ,-.,0 1orld %rade Center 2,8th Septem4er - 9th !cto4er5 8orke as a Sales >romoter for &2son, Du4ai Shopping $estival Promotion 2 .st-,-th of 'anuar7 ,-.,5 8orke for @Virgin MegastoreA as a sales re2resentati"e for #>, Genesis #nstitute ;Sheikh Baye Roa < #an le a))ounts an the 2etty )ash for the )om2any $ifa ,-.. 2Novem4er ,-..5 Volunteere for 2romoting =ifa :011 in Du(ai Mall Em4ass7 Shipping and $reight ""C 2,-..5 8orke as an &m2loyee Su2er"isor an Data &ntry 32erator No"imit Elevator $ixing ""C 2,-.,5 8orke as a >ayroll A))ountant

Best sales for A)er La2to2s C Deskto2s at 1ite7 :013 Best sales for &2son 2roDe)tors C 2rinters at 1ite7 :01: 8on se)on 2la)e in 1ra e . elo)ution )ontest !a2tain of Volley(all team of 9he 8estminster S)hool !ertifi)ate of Stu ent 8elfare (y Stu ent !oun)il of 9he 8estminster S)hool

C EA%#(E #N% ES%S

1ra2hi) Designing' >hotogra2hy' S2orts' Athleti)s' Musi)

References can be provided upon request

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