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Division of City Schools General Santos South District FRANCISCO ORINGO SR. ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Oringo Subd.

, Barangay City Heights, General Santos City


I. Read each question carefully. Choose the letter of the correct answer.
1. Growing children like you, need rest to become strong and healthy. How many hours of sleep needed by a growing child like you? a. 8 hours b. 4 hours c. 5 hours d. 3 hours 2. What is soil? a. It is dirt on the surface of the ground. b. It is a mixture of stones and dust. c. It is a mixture of loose rock, fragments and decaying plants and animals d. It is a mixture of pebbles, sand and air. 3. Your eyes become tired after reading. Which of the following will you do? a. wash the eyes with soap and water. C. look at some green plants b. rub your eyes gently d. use colored eyeglasses 4. Which is NOT correct? a. protect your ears from pointed objects. C. blow your nose hard b. avoid too much sunlight d. do not eat too much sweet and chocolates 5. Which shows metal ability? a. One can read and understand better a new book. C. one can subtract and add numbers better b. one can write new songs and poems d. all of these 6. _______ can be weighed and it can be squeezed. a. solid b. liquid c. gas d. all of these 7. Which chemical has a good effect on our body? a. vitamins b. fertilizer c. pesticide d. iron 8. What property of materials that cannot be scratched or broken easily? a. hardness b. brittleness c. strength d. malleability 9. Choose the letter of the correct order how messages heard and sent to the brain. a. eardrum 3 small bones cochlea pinna b. cochlea 3 small bones pinna eardrum c. pinna eardrum 3 small bones - cochlea d. 3 small bones - eardrum cochlea pinna 10. What part of the tongue sweet foods is tasted? a. at the center of the tongue c. at the side of the tongue b. at the tip of the tongue d. at the back of the tongue 11. What will happen on the height of a child when he/she grows? a. height of the child will remain the same as he/she grows c. height of the child increases b. height of the child will not change d. height of the child decreases 12. Which of the following animals can crawl? a. dolphins, fish, sharks c. birds, butterfly, bats b. horses, goats, birds, ants d. earthworms, snakes, snails 13. What part of the coconut tree is used for roofing? a. roots b. coconut shell c. leaves d. coconut husk 14. How do factories pollute water? a. Factories use much water. C. Factories treat waste water. b. Factories used harmful chemicals. D. factories drain water into bodies of water. 15. Two men are pushing a heavy box in opposite direction. To what direction will the box move? a. to any direction c. to the direction of the greater force b. to the direction of the lesser force d. cannot determined 16. What should be done to a person who swallowed poison? a. Let the person vomit. c. let the person sleep. b. Let the person sit. D. all of the above 17. When the place is very dark, you cannot see the thing sin it. Why? a. You need light in order to see. C. you need glasses to see in the dark. b. Your eyes do not like to be in the dark. D. Your eyes close in the dark. 18. What is an opaque object? a. An opaque object is thick. b. An opaque object does not let the light pass through it.

c. An opaque object shines brightly. d. An opaque object makes you see objects clearly through it. 19. Which of the following is transparent object? a. rock b. clear plastic c. piece of cloth d. piece of cardboard 20. The sun gives off heat and light energy. Which of the following energy that comes from the sun? a. elastic energy b. solar energy c. energy foods d. none 21. Moving air is called _______. a. oxygen b. wind c. air d. carbon dioxide 22. When the wind moves fast the temperature is _______. a. cooler b. warm c. hot d. none of these 23. What do clouds tell you? a. They tell about the rain that will fall. C. They tell about the sun. b. They tell about the condition of the sky. D. They tell about the air. 24. Which cloud is a sign of rain that will fall? a. nimbus clouds b. stratus clouds c. cirrus clouds d. cumulus clouds 25. What ailment is common during hot days? a. colds b. cough c. influenza d. measles 26. Which pair of animals can live both land and in water? a. Frog and Turtle b. Dog and cat c. crab and oyster d. dove and duck 27. Which of the objects described below is at rest? a. a swaying leaf b. a book on the chair c. a rolling marble d. a bouncing ball 28. An animal has two big hind legs. What movement can it do? a. hopping b. flying c. running d. walking 29. Rubber bands can be stretched. They can go back to their original shape. What property do the rubber bands have? A. hardness b. softness c. brittleness d. elasticity 30. Why must we use gloves and mask when using chemicals? a. to protect our hands and face c. both a and b b. to make us good looking d. none of the two 31. What is liquid? a. rice grains b. milk in a glass c. bread d. air in a balloon 32. The ______ enlarge when the environment is hot and it contracts when it is cold. a. melanin b. capillaries c. sweat gland d. dermis 33. the ____ blocks dust and dirt in getting inside the nose. a. nasal cavity b. cilia c. olfactory nerves d. nostrils 34. Why is polluted water harmful? a. It can make people sick. C. It has bad taste. b. It has bad odor. D. It flows into rivers and lakes. 35. Some materials do not allow light to pass through them. These materials absorb light. They are called? a. translucent b. transparent c. luminous d. opaque 36. Which of animals are found in a pond habitat? a. horse, goat, cow b. snake and crocodile c. dog and cat d. cow and dog 37. Which pair of animals carries diseases? a. fly and mosquito b. snake and crocodile c. dog and cat d. cow and dog 38. Where are most of the wild animals found? a. pond b. sea c. forest d. farm 39. Which activity is done during sunny weather? a. drying fish b. wearing jacket c. eating hot soup d. buying boots to wear 40. Fruits and vegetables are examples of _________. a. go foods b. grow foods c. glow foods d. junkfoods

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