Yet Again, Brewer Outraises Dumanis: For Immediate Release Contact: Alex Roth

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/01203 Alex 8oLh

March 23, 2014 619-228-3233

450 )617/8 9:5;5: "<0:17=5= (<>1/7=

lor Lhe Lhlrd sLralghL Llme, 8ob 8rewer has ralsed more money Lhan 8onnle uumanls ln Lhe
2014 race for San ulego CounLy ulsLrlcL ALLorney, an exLraordlnary accompllshmenL glven LhaL
uumanls ls a 12-year lncumbenL.

8rewer ralsed $86,036 durlng Lhe flrsL reporLlng perlod of 2014, handlly beaLlng uumanls' LoLal
of $63,802. Cverall, 8rewer's commlLLee has now recelved $368,344, whlch lncludes a $96,000
loan from 8rewer, compared Lo uumanls' $408,103. 1he laLesL numbers were made publlc by
Lhe San ulego CounLy 8eglsLrar of voLers Loday.

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8rewer has recelved endorsemenLs from a broad base of supporLers, lncludlng four former San
ulego-based unlLed SLaLes ALLorneys, 98 percenL of San ulego CounLy's law-enforcemenL
assoclaLlons, and Lhe San ulego uepuLy ClLy ALLorneys AssoclaLlon, among oLher groups. ln
addlLlon, more Lhan 100 members of Lhe San ulego CounLy ulsLrlcL ALLorneys AssoclaLlon voLed
Lo endorse 8rewer.

8rewer was a respecLed prosecuLor, servlng as a uepuLy ulsLrlcL ALLorney and AsslsLanL u.S.
ALLorney ln Los Angeles - lncludlng AsslsLanL Chlef of Lhe Crlmlnal ulvlslon - prosecuLlng cases
lnvolvlng esplonage, bank robberles, narcoLlcs, murder for hlre and clvll rlghLs vlolaLlons.

AfLer seven years as a prosecuLor, he enLered prlvaLe pracLlce, speclallzlng ln governmenL
lnvesLlgaLlons, clvll fraud, buslness and commerclal LorLs, healLh care fraud and lnLellecLual
properLy dlspuLes. Pe was selecLed as a lellow of Lhe Amerlcan College of 1rlal Lawyers
(represenLlng Lhe Lop 1 percenL of llLlgaLors) ln 1998 and recelved Lhe uanlel 1. 8roderlck
Memorlal Award for LLhlcs and ClvlllLy ln 2009. Pe held managemenL poslLlons aL Mckenna &
Cuneo, Mckenna Long & Aldrldge and was mosL recenLly arLner ln Charge of Lhe San ulego
offlce of Lhe lnLernaLlonal law flrm !ones uay, where he ls sLlll Cf Counsel.

8rewer served four years on acLlve duLy as an lnfanLry Cfflcer ln Lhe u.S. Army. Pe was 8anger
and Alrborne quallfled. lor hls servlce ln vleLnam ln 1970-71, whlch lncluded nlghL parachuLe
[umps wlLh Lhe vleLnamese Alrborne ulvlslon, he was awarded Lhe Sllver SLar, 2 8ronze SLars, 4
Alr Medals, Lhe !olnL Servlce CommendaLlon Medal and varlous vleLnamese medals for valor.

8rewer resldes ln uel Mar wlLh hls wlfe, reLlred u.S. ulsLrlcL CourL !udge lrma Conzalez. 1hey
have one daughLer and Lwo grandchlldren.


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