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Issue 13: March 26, 2014

Restoring A Vision Evangelizing N ations

Issue 13: March 26, 2014

Restoring A Vision Evangelizing N ations

My Name Is

Pride lands you flat on

your face; humility
prepares you for
Proverbs 29:23 MSG

"God if Your presence
does not go...neither will
I! Where You go, I'll go.
Where You stay, I'll stay.
Where You move, I'll


Books, Music, Quotes,

and Jokes of the

Breaking Free Part 2


God is looking for people through whom

He can do the impossible. What a pity
we plan to do only the things that we
can do by ourselves! ~ A.W. Tozer

Breaking Free From Anxiety and

Cast all your anxiety on him because He cares
for you. 1 Peter 5:7 NIV
Continued on Page 3

Issue 13: March 26, 2014

Restoring A Vision Evangelizing N ations

My Name Is Pride
Pride lands you flat on your face;
humility prepares you for honors.
Proverbs 29:23 MSG

Pride first, then the crash, but
humility is precursor to honor.
Proverbs 18:12 MSG

The stuck-up fall flat on their faces,
but down-to-earth people stand

My name is Pride. I am a cheater. I

cheat you of your God-given
destiny because you demand your
own way. I cheat you of
contentment because you deserve
better than this. I cheat you of
wisdom because you already know
it all. I cheat you of healing because
you are too full of you to forgive. I
cheat you of humility because you
refuse to admit when you are
wrong. I cheat you of vision
because youd rather look in the
mirror than out a window. I cheat
you of genuine friendship because
nobodys going to know the real
you. I cheat you of love because real
romance depends on sacrifice. I
cheat you of greatness because you
refuse to wash anothers feet on
earth. I cheat you of Gods glory
because I convinced you to seek
your own. My name is Pride. I am a
cheater. You like me because you
think Im always looking out for
you. Untrue. Im looking to make a
fool of you. God has so much for
you, I admit, but dont worry..if
you stick with me youll never

Proverbs 11:2 MSG


Issue 13: March 26, 2014

Restoring A Vision Evangelizing N ations

The Breaking
Free Part 2
Cast all your anxiety on
him because he cares for
you. 1 Peter 5:7 NIV
Dont worry about
anything; instead, pray
about everything. Tell
God what you need, and
thank him for all he has
Philippians 4:6 NLT

Breaking Free From

Anxiety and Worry
Anxiety and worry: 2 things that can keep us up all night,
stress us out, leave us unhappy, sap our energy, and make
us ineffective. Friend, heres some truth about worry and

When were worrying, were saying, God cant.

When were walking in anxiety, were not walking in

Worry implies that we dont quite trust that God is big
enough, powerful enough, or loving enough to take care of
whats happening in our lives.

Worry and anxiety never changes a single thing except
the person that is worrying and being anxious.

Today, were going to break free from anxiety and worry by
conquering the God cant disease, the What if disease,
and the If Only disease. Friend, do you truly believe that
God can or do you just say, quote, or post that He can? Ill be
honest, there are times when Im screaming, God can do
the impossible! And then there are times when my actions
are quietly saying that I believe the exact opposite. Ive
been guilty of worrying and being overly anxious. Ive been
guilty of trying to plan away the day, so to speak, just in

I will remember the

deeds of the Lord; yes, I
will remember your
miracles of long ago. I
will consider all your
worksand meditate on
all your mighty deeds.
Your ways, God, are
holy. What god is as
great as our God? You
are the God who
performs miracles; you
display your power
among the peoples.
Psalm 77:11-14 NIV

To read Breaking Free Part 1:

Breaking Free From People click

Issue 13: March 26, 2014

case something doesnt work out! But one day I

realized that I created for myself a prison with
bars made up of worry and anxiety. I had the
what if and the if only disease. I also
suffered from the subtle, but destructive God
cant disease.

Why is it subtle, but destructive? Because we
can be saved, go to church, have our quiet time,
minister the Gospel and STILL not truly believe
that God can do it! How? By being too focused
on the problem and not the Problem Solver, by
forgetting how big the God that we serve is
when were overwhelmed, and also by allowing
our circumstances to dictate our attitude, our
joy, how we choose to live life, and if we choose
to believe God or not. One of my favorite
scriptures is 1 Thessalonians 5:24, which says,
The one who calls you is faithful, and he will
do it. Friend, in order to be healed of the God
cant disease you must know and believe the
Healer. You must know and believe His
character. You must know and believe that He
is faithful, sovereign, loving, caring, and that
must also know and believe that, "The Lord
himself will fight for you (Exodus 14:14 NLT).
The rest of that verse says to, Just stay calm!
Ha! I love that. Hes telling us in a nutshell,
dont worry, dont stress out, do be
anxious..JUST STAY CALM! Friend, we can
stay calm when we know that the God who
fights for us stands bigger than any
circumstance. We can stay calm when we know
that the God who fights for us covers and
carries us. We can stay calm when we know
that the God who fights for us..ALWAYS

Restoring A Vision Evangelizing N ations

wins. It may not look like it or feel like

it.but it is so! Sometimes friend, when
you dont know what to say all you need
to say is, I dont know how Im coming
out, but I KNOW IM COMING OUT! How
do I know Im coming out? Because If
God could get Joseph out of prison and
into the palace, cause David to triumph
over Goliath with just a sling shot and a
stone, cause Shadrach, Meschach, and
Abednego to come out of a fire that was 7
times hotter than usual with no sign of
ever being in one, part the Red Sea for
Moses, close the mouths of lions for
Daniel, put a baby boy in the arms of
Sarah, feed 5000 with just five loaves of
bread and two fish, open a prison door
for Peter, make the sun stand still for
Joshua, and raise Lazarus from the dead
then He can certainly take care of
whatever it is that you think He cant.
Always remember that nothing you are
facing is too hard for Him to handle! And
friend, one thing that always encourages
me when I feel as though things arent
quite working out is that God does not
change. He will never wake up one day
and be over us, not love us, leave us, or
not want to be around us anymore.
Neither do we have to worry which
version of Jesus well get on any given
day. The same God that did great and
mighty things for the men and women in
the Word is the same God that lives on
the inside of you and me and does
miracles today. He is ALWAYS good. He is
ALWAYS faithful. He is ALWAYS
constant! That alone reminds me that
Now on to the other two diseases.
These two are fraternal twins. They are
alike, but not alike; the what if and if
only disease both lack eyes of faith
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Issue 13: March 26, 2014

"Then Moses said to him, If your

Presence does not go with us, do not
send us up from here. How will
anyone know that you are pleased
with me and with your people unless
you go with us? What else will
distinguish me and your people from
all the other people on the face of the
Exodus 33:15-16

Restoring A Vision Evangelizing N ations

My prayer for the last couple of weeks has been

to experience God's presence on a greater level.
God then led me to Exodus 33:15 which
says,"And Moses said to the Lord, If Your
presence does not go with me, do not carry us up
from here!" What a bold, strong, and confident
declaration! I tell you, this adamant statement to
God from Moses has stayed in my spirit for
weeks. Lately, God has been heavy on my heart
to pray that His will be done in my life and to
trust and find rest in Who He is. "The will of
God...nothing more, nothing less, NOTHING
ELSE," is what God wants my motto to be. A few
days ago while I was praying about the different
opportunities that have been presented to me
post-graduation, God asked me, "If my presence
is not there, will you still go?" Sometimes we get
so excited about the many doors opening that
we not only forget to consult with God, but we
forget to desire His presence more than
anything in this world! I don't know about you,
but I don't want "it" (a man, a friend, an
opportunity etc.) if God did not give it and I don't
want to go "there" if God's presence is absent. I
admire Moses for this bold declaration because
it teaches me so much. The example that Moses
set in Exodus 33:15 and Elisah set in 2 Kings 2:9
where he only desired a "double portion of His
spirit to be upon him," shows me that more than
we desire anything in this world...we must
desire Christ and His presence more! One thing
is for sure walking with God and experiencing
His presence in the day-in/day-out course of life
will swell your assurance that God is faithful and
enjoyable; request met or unmet. Matter of fact,
the moment you get into the presence of God,
you will be satisfied. He is more than enough for
you. He will take care of every facet of your life.
Your satisfaction is not based on what you have
or don't have, but on your fellowship with
God! So you may be asking...."What is the big
deal? Why do I need God's presence in my life?"

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Issue 13: March 26, 2014

Restoring A Vision Evangelizing N ations


"As iron sharpens iron, so a friend sharpens

a friend" (Proverbs 27:17 NLT).

Iron sharpens iron. This is the way it should

be in our friendships. Friends sharpen one
another for the greater things of God. We
don't want to have friendships that dull our
lives, but friendships that sharpen us and
build us up through encouragement! "Faithful
are the wounds of a friend, but the kisses of an
enemy are lavish and deceitful" (Proverbs
27:6 AMP). Faithful are the wounds of a true
friend because they are said out of love in
order to help us grow. Likewise, we have to be
sure to discern a kiss. Not all kisses are from
friends. Judas betrayed Jesus with a kiss. It
was a kiss, but it was deceitful. Know this:
Those who are full of flattery are not always

Always remember that true friends encourage
one another in the things of God. They
continue to support one another as they strive
to live a life that is in line with the Word.
Today, be prayerful when selecting friends.
And be wise when choosing whom to share
your life with, because the company you keep

Issue 13: March 26, 2014

Book of the Month:

Living Beyond Yourself:
Exploring the Fruit of the

By Beth Moore

Song of the
By Hillsong
Young and Free

Restoring A Vision Evangelizing N ations

CD of the Month:

Majestic Live

By Kari Jobe
My Favorites: "I Am Not
Alone," "Only Your Love,"
"Always Enough" and of
course "Holy Spirit."

Song of the Month:

Lovin' Me

By Jonathan McReynolds

Verse 1

Verse 2

Isaiah 50:7 NIV

2 Corinthians
10:5 NIV

Issue 13: March 26, 2014

Restoring A Vision Evangelizing N ations

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