Friends of The Boundary Waters Comments On FR 459/457 Mixed Use EA

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Naich 2S, 2u14

Naik Pentecost, Bistiict Rangei

Kawishiwi Rangei Bistiict, Supeiioi National Foiest
1S9S Bighway 169
Ely, Ninnesota SS7S1

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Ni. Pentecost:

Thank you foi the oppoitunity to comment on the Nixeu 0se Pioject Enviionmental
Assessment (EA). Ny name is Betsy Baub, anu I am the Policy Biiectoi foi Fiienus of the
Bounuaiy Wateis Wilueiness ("Fiienus"). We aie an oiganization of neaily S,uuu membeis
whose mission is to piotect, pieseive, anu iestoie the wilueiness chaiactei of the
Bounuaiy Wateis Wilueiness anu the Quetico-Supeiioi ecosystem.

We also have a specific inteiest in the pioposeu action uue to oui involvement in the
conveyance of the Chainsaw Sisteis site neai Picket Lake to the Foiest Seivice by special
appiopiiation in 2uu9. The acquisition of this piopeity anu conveyance to the Supeiioi
National Foiest (SNF) was in pait to piotect wilueiness values fiom uegiauation fiom 0Bv
use. We aie conceineu the pioposeu action coulu contiauict these goals.

We aie commenting on the EA because of the potential to affect wilueiness values such as
silence, anu the incieaseu potential of illegal off-highway vehicles (0Bv) incuisions into the
Bounuaiy Wateis Canoe Aiea Wilueiness (BWCAW) fiom the pioposeu action. In auuition,
theie is a ieasonable alteinative incluueu in scoping comments that shoulu have been
analyzeu in the EA.

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The EA is contiauictoiy in its uesciiption of the puipose anu neeu foi the pioposeu action
anu the iesponses to scoping commenteis. The EA uesciibes "the neeu to pioviue
iecieational vehicle iiuing oppoitunities in an aiea of the Foiest wheie only shoit
segments of ioau aie cuiiently open to motoiizeu vehicles such as all-teiiain vehicles
(ATvs)." This iesults in a puipose "to pioviue a long uistance iiuing oppoitunity in the
Echo Tiail coiiiuoi aiea on existing ioaus that woulu also connect to thiee othei shoit
giavel ioaus cuiiently open to ATv tiavel (EA, p. 2)."

Bowevei, the EA uesciibes anothei puipose, the connection of existing spuis anu pioviuing
access foi hunteis: "|aj long-uistance 0Bv iiuing oppoitunity woulu be pioviueu as
uiscusseu in Chaptei 1: Puipose anu Neeu, by connecting FR 4S94S7 to thiee spui tiails.
This oppoitunity woulu likely be useu in most cases by local iiueis uuiing hunting season
(EA, p. 7)."

Responuing to scoping comments, Appenuix A uiminishes the likelihoou of this ioute being
useu as a long-uistance iiuing oppoitunity:

Although the puipose of opening these ioaus to 0Bvs woulu be to pioviue a
iecieational iiuing oppoitunity, it woulu not be expecteu to uiaw laige numbeis of
iiueis because 0Bvs woulu neeu to be tiaileieu, unloaueu, anu loaueu again which
in the big pictuie of 0Bv iiuing is a limiteu expeiience. Riueis woulu most likely be
local people oi a few hunting camps that set up on public lanu in the fall who woulu
enjoy the oppoitunity to exploie on authoiizeu ioutes oi move fiom place to place
(EA Appenuix A, p. 2).

We uo not object to the puipose of cieating access along FR 4S9 foi local iesiuents anu
hunteis, as the EA uesciibes. Bowevei, the neeu anu puipose of the pioject ought to be
limiteu anu be consistent with this use.

Auuitionally, while the goal of connecting spui tiails makes sense in the context of the
pioposeu action, it is not a goal that shoulu be applieu univeisally. Theie aie hunuieus of
uisconnecteu spui tiails off of ioaus in the SNF. The impact anu value of connecting them
shoulu be analyzeu on a case-by-case basis.

;<=="*/"( 0>/&+4# !"7&*" /?" */0/"8"4/ +, @<.@+*" 04( 4""( /+ >90.&,A /?0/ /?" 4""( &*
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The EA iecognizes that SS1 acies of the BWCAW aie within one mile of the pioposeu
action. This uistance is significant, as the 2uu9 Tiavel Nanagement Plan (TNP) EA Section
S.9 notes that within this iange, auuitional sounu woulu be the most noticeable insiue the
wilueiness. The Nixeu 0se Pioject EA also notes the iisk of noise impact to the wilueiness:
"in auuition to highway legal vehicles, 0Bv coulu be heaiu in the BWCAW if the 0Bv
tiavels noith towaius the Nuuio Lake entiy point on FR 4S7 (see Figuie 1). This woulu
cause an auveise impact to oppoitunities foi solituue in the aiea." (EA, p. 8)

No expecteu impacts to wilueiness chaiactei aie uesciibeu in the poition of the pioposeu
action along FR 4S9 that connect the thiee spui tiails, as this section of the pioposeu action
is moie than one mile fiom the wilueiness bounuaiy.

;<=="*/"( :>/&+4# :(?"." /+ /?" .">+88"4(0/&+4* &4 /?" CDD3 E%F 6: 04( (+ 4+/
099+G 0((&/&+409 4+&*" &8@0>/* &4*&(" /?" HIJ:IB 6&/?". *"9">/ /?" 4+ 0>/&+4
09/".40/&7" +. </&9&K" /?" *<=="*/"( 09/".40/&7" L"9+G /+ 07+&( 4+&*" &8@0>/* ,.+8
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9" :+.; (< *,<(&.*7*,/ +,- &0); (< 0,.&*+)*- 088*=+8 >?@ %)* 0, 108-*&,*))

As noteu uuiing comments on the 2uu9 TNP, the SNF has limiteu iesouices available foi
enfoicement of illegal 0Bv use. This makes uecisions about ioutes, signage, anu euucation
all the moie ciitical. Routing uecisions that cieate uestinations that teiminate at a
wilueiness entiy point auu temptation foi uelibeiate incuisions, anu inciease the iisk of
acciuental incuisions. See moie about this in oui comments below in #6.

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The EA pioviues no uesciiption about how illegal 0Bv use woulu be uiscouiageu oi
pieventeu at the Nuuio Lake entiy point. The EA neeus to uesciibe monitoiing anu
enfoicement effoits as well as incuision-uiscouiaging methous to piotect the wilueiness
fiom intentional oi unintentional incuisions.

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FR 1uS6 is a Foiest Seivice ioau that peimits mixeu 0Bv use fiom neai Ceuai Lake to neai
the wilueiness bounuaiy, south of Range Lake (Ely Aiea Notoi vehicle 0se Nap). As
Appenuix A notes, theie has been pievious inteiest in connecting this 0Bv segment to the
aiea of the pioposeu action:

The Foiest Seivice hau been contacteu numeious times about the potential foi 0Bv
access on these ioaus when the piivately owneu anu opeiateu Chainsaw Sisteis
Saloon locateu at the noith enu of FR 4S7 was in business. This piivate business
offeieu a uestination that was fiequenteu by snowmobile iiueis in wintei with
paities beginning oi enuing theii BWCAW canoe tiips at the Nuuio Lake entiy
point. Riueis who iequesteu 0Bv access wanteu to access the Chainsaw Sisteis by
connecting Foiest Roau 1uS6 (Cloquet Line oi Low Lake Roau) to FR 4S7 so that
they coulu uepait Ely oi Winton anu iiue to this uestination. 0nce the Chainsaw
Sisteis piopeity was solu anu tiansfeiieu to the Foiest Seivice, these iequests went
away (2).

Theie is also an existing snowmobile tiail connecting FR 1uS6 anu FR 4S7 which passes
thiough a veiy wet lowlanu (Peisonal Communication between Paul Banicic anu }ohn
Pieice, Naich 24, 2u14.) The existing biiuge ovei the Range Rivei is uecommissioneu. The
existence of this tiail cieates a potential ioute foi illegal ATv use foi people uesiiing to
connect with FR 4S74S9.

The EA states "|tjheie aie no known auuitional pioposals in the aiea to open ioutes to
0Bv." (p. 9) Bowevei, given the high level of pievious inteiest in connecting FR 1uS6 with
FR 4S7 foi 0Bv use, the pioposeu action coulu geneiate ieneweu inteiest in a connection
that woulu cieate a long-uistance 0Bv ioute. The potential effects of such a ioute shoulu be
analyzeu by the EA.

;<=="*/"( :>/&+4*# P4>9<(" 0409A*&* +, /?" &8@0>/ +, 0 9+4=Q(&*/04>" .+</" >+44">/&4=
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L"/G""4 -! RDST 04( -! 123U125 *?+<9( L" 0409AK"(B

K" $(/*,/0+8 <(& 088*=+8 >?@ 0,.%&)0(,) 0,/( /2* 108-*&,*))

The Fiienus was involveu in the acquisition of the Chainsaw Sisteis piopeity in conjunction
with the Tiust foi Public Lanu, leauing to the conveyance of this piopeity to the Foiest
Seivice in 2uu9. This piopeity was acquiieu anu conveyeu foi the puipose of pieseiving
access to the Nuuio Lake entiy point, anu to uiscouiage illegal 0Bv use.

The TNP iecognizeu that 0Bv tiails that enu at the wilueiness bounuaiy pose iisks foi
illegal incuisions into the wilueiness. The TNP iuentifieu the uecommissioning of 0Bv
ioutes neai the BWCAW as useful in uiscouiaging illegal incuisions into the wilueiness:
"While theie has been anu continues to be illegal use of 0Bvs on the Supeiioi National
Foiest, the potential foi negative effects is anticipateu to be less than the existing conuition
oi no action alteinative unuei my uecision. The elimination of shoit spui ioutes anu usei
cieateu ioutes by uecommissioning unclassifieu ioaus, the cieation of connecteu
authoiizeu ioutes, /2* &*-%./0(, (< ('*, &(%/*) ,*+& /2* OPC5P, iipaiian aieas, anu aieas
with sensitive soils, will ieuuce the potential foi effects fiom illegal use to wilulife,
vegetation, soils, aii quality, wateisheu, Non-Native Invasive Plants (NNIP) spieau, heiitage
anu wilueiness chaiactei. " (TNP Becision Notice anu F0NSI 2uu9, page S).

But the Nixeu 0se EA woulu cieate new 0Bv ioutes within a mile of the wilueiness anu
biing this use iight to the wilueiness boiuei. This is inconsistent with the benefits of the
plan outlineu in the iecent TNP. The uevelopment of the TNP map anu 0Bv ioute plan
was a long evaluation piocess that sought to uesign "an 0Bv system that pioviues moie
loops anu longei ioutes.." (TNP Becision Notice anu F0NSI 2uu9, page 11). A uetaileu
map iesulteu fiom this uelibeiation that iesulteu in moie loops anu longei ioutes foi 0Bv

It is not cleai to the Fiienus why FR 4S7 anu 4S9 weie not incluueu in the TNP
uelibeiations at that time, noi that theie is a compelling ieason to uesignate these ioaus foi
0Bv use touay. The EA shoulu moie thoioughly explain the compelling ieason to auu these
as new 0Bv ioutes. If compelling ieasons aie founu, the Fiienus uiges the Foiest Seivice
to consiuei the alteinative we uesciibe in this lettei to avoiu the wilueiness impacts that
the TNP sought to avoiu.

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Buiing scoping, commentei Stephen Eiickson states:

I am also conceineu about the location of the fouith ueau enu ioau not shown on the
map. I see 4S9 B, E anu u only. Boes it come off FR 4S7. Why is FR 4S7 being
pioposeu to connect 4 ueau enu ioaus when the map shows no ueau enu ioaus
coming off FR 4S7. I think FR 4S7 shoulu be withuiawn fiom the plan as shown
(Appenuix A, p. 6).

The Foiest Seivice iesponse:

Theie is a veiy shoit spui neai the enu of FR 4S7. It shows up on the Ely Aiea Notoi
vehicle 0se Nap (Nv0N) as TS-4S7F. Allowing 0Bv use on FR 4S7 woulu pioviue a
iiuing oppoitunity to Pickett Lake foi those who enjoy a lake view oi a shoit stioll
uown the poitage tiail the cieek into Nuuio Lake. (6).

Fiist, this comment is misclassifieu unuei "Non-issue comments oi questions." It shoulu be
consiueieu unuei "Issues that uiive alteinatives." As Appenuix A notes, "|ajn issue that
uiives alteinatives is baseu on extent of geogiaphic uistiibution, uuiation of effect, anu
intensity of inteiest oi conflict geneiateu. Issues that uiive alteinatives aie analyzeu in
uetail in the Enviionmental Assessment (EA)." This is cleaily a comment about extent of
geogiaphic uistiibution of impacts. Commentei Eiickson is also suggesting an alteinative
that shoulu be analyzeu by the EA.

Seconu, this fouith segment is not listeu among the spuis that woulu be connecteu in much
of the EA, which specifically mentions thiee spuis (4S9B, 4S9E, anu 4S9u). This spui is 422
feet long (Nv0N Ely Aiea), anu no eviuence is piesenteu that theie is any significant use
that iequiies the 0Bv mixeu use be extenueu past FR 4S9u.

Thiiu, othei sections of the EA uesciibe use conuitions that make a uestination of Picket
Lake unlikely foi foiest useis. As noteu, the piimaiy useis aie likely to be local iesiuents
uuiing hunting season.

Since all of the noise impacts to wilueiness occui as a iesult of the section of the pioposeu
action past FR 4S9u, 0Bv mixeu use on FR 4S9 that connects the thiee significant
segments wheie 0Bv use is cuiiently peimitteu (4S9B, 4S9E, anu 4S9u) achieves the
puipose anu neeu, eliminates impacts on wilueiness, anu meets the likely uses uesciibeu in
the EA (piimaiy use by local iesiuents uuiing hunting season.)

;<=="*/"( :>/&+4# E?" 6: *?+<9( 0409AK" 04 09/".40/&7" /+ /?" @.+@+*"( 0>/&+4 /?0/
>+44">/* -! 123 ,.+8 /?" 6>?+ E.0&9 /+ -! 123XV L</ (+"* 4+/ &4>9<(" /?" -!125
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/?+.+<=?9A >+4*&("."(B

U" V+<*/D 0))%*)

The EA notes that FR 4S9 is a "maintenance level" 4 ioau anu that FR 4S7 is a maintenance
level S ioau. The EA notes that 0Bv use is typically not alloweu on level S anu 4 ioaus.
While the EA iuentifies mitigation measuies to auuiess safety issues, the Fiienus is
conceineu that mixing 0Bv use with highway vehicles on the same ioaus cieates
uangeious conuitions. We note that the Foiest Seivice itself in the South Fowl Lake
Snowmobile Access Pioject, iuentifieu mixing 0Bv use with highway vehicles as uangeious
anu a ieason foi the pioposeu South Fowl Lake snowmobile tiail: "It is not safe foi
snowmobiles to shaie the Aiiowheau Tiail (Cook County Roau 16) with cais, tiucks anu
othei vehicle tiaffic. This uual use has leu to fatalities on othei Cook County ioaus, anu
/2* H(&*)/ V*&60.* 2+) + 8(,=)/+,-0,= '(80.D (< )*'+&+/0,= ),(17(G08*) <&(7 20=21+D
6*20.8*). "
(South Fowl Lake Snowmobile Access Pioject FEIS, page 1-7)

If the policy of the Foiest Seivice is to sepaiate snowmobiles fiom highway vehicles, the
Nixeu 0se Pioject EA neeus to explain why this pioject ueviates fiom this policy, oi explain
how ATv use is less uangeious than snowmobile use when mixeu with highway vehicles.

Thank you foi the oppoitunity to comment on the Nixeu 0se Pioject EA. Please auu me to
youi email notification list foi this pioject. Ny email auuiess is betsyfiienus-bwca.oig. In
auuition, please senu a haiu copy of youi uecision.


Betsy Baub

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