Dead Faith-What Is It - Zane Hodges

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A Study on James 2:14-16 by Zane C. Hodges hodges/ ------------------------------------------Copy!"ght 1#$% by &eden'"(n )"*a ------------------------------------------C+,-&./H0/&1,&+23C0.+4 5.6.0A0.+4S: 0h"s data 7"8e "s the so8e p!ope!ty o7 &eden'"(n )"*a. .t may not be a8te!ed o! ed"ted "n any way. .t may be !ep!odu'ed on8y "n "ts ent"!ety 7o! '"!'u8at"on as 97!eewa!e:9 w"thout 'ha!ge. A88 !ep!odu't"on o7 th"s data 7"8e must 'onta"n the 'opy!"ght not"'e ;".e.: 9Copy!"ght 1#$% by &eden'"(n )"*a9<. 0h"s data 7"8e may not be used w"thout the pe!m"ss"on o7 &eden'"(n )"*a 7o! !esa8e o! the enhan'ement o7 any othe! p!odu't so8d. 0h"s "n'8udes a88 o7 "ts 'ontent w"th the e='ept"on o7 a 7ew b!"e7 >uotat"ons not to e='eed mo!e than ?@@ wo!ds. .7 you des"!e to !ep!odu'e 8ess than ?@@ wo!ds o7 th"s data 7"8e 7o! !esa8e o! the enhan'ement o7 any othe! p!odu't 7o! !esa8e: p8ease g"*e the 7o88ow"ng sou!'e '!ed"t: Copy!"ght 1#$% by &eden'"(n )"*a: ,.+. Ao= 14116%: 2a88as: 0B %?214 ------------------------------------------A88 A"b8"'a8 >uotat"ons a!e 7!om the 4ew C"ng James )e!s"on 'opy!"ght "n 1#%#: 1#$@: 1#$2: 1#$? and used by pe!m"ss"on o7 0homas 4e8son .n'.: ,ub8"she!s: 4ash*"88e: 04.

------------------------------------------.40&+23C0.+4 6any Ch!"st"ans a!e su!e they Dnow what 9dead 7a"th9 "s. 92ead 7a"th:9 they wou8d say: 9"s the D"nd o7 7a"th that doesnEt sa*e anybody 7!om he88.9 And they m"ght add: 9.t "s the D"nd o7 7a"th that doesnEt p!odu'e the good wo!Ds wh"'h p!o*e that a pe!son "s a t!ue Ch!"st"an.9 +7 'ou!se: these op"n"ons a!e usua88y thought to be based on the tea'h"ng o7 James 2:1426. A7te! a88: that "s the 4ew 0estament passage F and the on8y 4ew 0estament passage: by the way F wh"'h speaDs o7 a dead 7a"th. Go! many Ch!"st"an peop8e: the *"ews e=p!essed abo*e a!e the on8y "deas about James 2:14-26 wh"'h they ha*e e*e! se!"ous8y ente!ta"ned. .t "s a maHo! thes"s o7 th"s booD8et that those *"ews 'annot be susta"ned 7!om the *e!y passage wh"'h they a!e supposed to !e78e't. Aut the!e "s mo!e. +u! e=am"nat"on o7 James 2:14-26 w"88 a8so attempt to show that: not on8y do these we88-Dnown op"n"ons m"ss the po"nt James "s maD"ng: but they a8so maDe h"s a'tua8 tea'h"ng hope8ess8y obs'u!e to the a*e!age !eade!. 0h"s "s a way o7 say"ng that these popu8a! *"ews donEt Hust na!!ow8y m"s'onst!ue JamesEs mean"ng. 0hey m"ss "t by a thousand m"8esI .n othe! wo!ds: to !ead James 2:14-26 'o!!e't8y !e>u"!es mo!e than 7"ne-tun"ng ou! p!e*"ous 'on'ept"ons about the te=t. .t means d"s'a!d"ng those 'on'ept"ons 'omp8ete8y and sta!t"ng a88 o*e! aga"n 7!om an ent"!e8y new *antage po"nt. .t means !ep8a'"ng ou! o8d pa"! o7 spe'ta'8es w"th a b!and new pa"! "n wh"'h the 8enses a!e 9g!ound9 to the opt"'a8 p!es'!"pt"on that 'o!!e't8y pe!'e"*es th"s "nsp"!ed passage o7 /odEs Jo!d. 0H1+5+/.CA5 0&A2.0.+4

Some !eade!s may be put on gua!d by the asse!t"ons we ha*e Hust made. 0hey may be "n'8"ned to 7ee8 that to suggest a new unde!stand"ng o7 a we88-Dnown te=t "s to 'a88 "nto >uest"on the h"sto!"' 'on*"'t"ons o7 Ch!"st"an peop8e down th!ough the 'entu!"es. Su!e8y: a7te! many 'entu!"es o7 Ch!"st"an tea'h"ng: the 'hu!'h w"88 not Hust now d"s'o*e! the t!ue mean"ng o7 an "mpo!tant A"b8"'a8 passage: w"88 "tK .!on"'a88y: su'h sent"ments a!e 8"De8y to be e=p!essed these days by many who 'a88 themse8*es ,!otestants. .t "s p!obab8y 7o!tunate that these mode!n Ch!"st"ans we!e not a!ound "n the days o7 6a!t"n 5uthe! o! John Ca8*"nI 0hey m"ght we88 ha*e d"s'ou!aged those theo8og"'a8 p"onee!s 7!om e=p!ess"ng *"ews wh"'h '8ashed w"th the 'hu!'h 'onsensus o7 the"! own t"me. .ndeed: "t was the 1mpe!o! Cha!8es ) who was supposed to ha*e sa"d o7 5uthe! at the 2"et o7 Jo!ms: 9A s"ng8e 7!"a! who goes 'ounte! to a88 Ch!"st"an"ty 7o! 1:@@@ yea!s must be w!ongI9 -et today many who 7ee8 they 'ou8d ha*e stood shou8de! to shou8de! w"th 5uthe! at Jo!ms do not a''ept 5uthe!Es p!"n'"p8e o7 autho!"ty. 0hey a!e !e8u'tant to adopt any pos"t"on wh"'h does not ha*e a st!ong theo8og"'a8 t!ad"t"on beh"nd "t. And "n 7ee8"ng th"s way: they ha*e a'tua88y su!!ende!ed one o7 the g!eatest 'on*"'t"ons o7 the &e7o!mat"on: name8y: the sup!ema'y o7 an appea8 to S'!"ptu!e o*e! aga"nst the t!ad"t"on o7 the 'hu!'h. 9Aut:9 someone w"88 obHe't: 9wou8d /od a88ow H"s t!uths to be 8ost to the 'hu!'h at 8a!ge o*e! so 8ong a span o7 t"meK9 .n !ep8y: one may asD a 'ounte! >uest"on: 9Jhy was the!e need 7o! the &e7o!mat"on "n the 7"!st p8a'eK Jou8d not the opponents o7 the &e7o!me!s ha*e had Hust as mu'h !"ght to a88ege th"s p!"n'"p8e aga"nst the new tea'h"ngsK9 .n 7a't: as we Dnow: the autho!"t"es o7 the p!e-&e7o!mat"on 'hu!'h d"d e=a't8y that. A''o!d"ng8y: the!e 'an be no *a8"d appea8 to theo8og"'a8 t!ad"t"on F e*en post&e7o!mat"on theo8og"'a8 t!ad"t"on F aga"nst a!guments that a!e bas"'a88y about what the A"b8"'a8 te=t a'tua88y says. A88 post-&e7o!mat"on Ch!"st"ans shou8d d"sa88ow su'h appea8s. Je the!e7o!e "n*"te the !eade! to th"nD about one 7undamenta8 >uest"on on8y: Jhat do the S'!"ptu!es sayK JA61S 2FA S0+&6 C1401& Aut ha*"ng sa"d a88 th"s: one must a8so add that the!e "s no su'h th"ng as a t!u8y t!ad"t"ona8 "nte!p!etat"on o7 James 2:14-26. .nstead: "t "s unm"staDab8e that the!e "s a'tua88y no 'onsensus about the mean"ng o7 th"s passage F e*en among ,!otestantsI1 4atu!a88y: the!e a!e those who 'onst!ue James to be say"ng that sa8*at"on 7!om he88 ;Hust"7"'at"on< "s 'ond"t"oned on wo!Ds as we88 as on 7a"th.2 +the!s ma"nta"n that

Go! a su!*ey o7 *"ews unde! a spe'"a8 set o7 'atego!"es: see J. 4"'o8: 9Ga"th and Jo!Ds "n the 5ette! o7 James:9 "n 1ssays on the /ene!a8 1p"st8es o7 the 4ew 0estament: 4eotestament"'a # ;,!eto!"a: 0he 4ew 0estament So'"ety o7 South A7!"'a: '1#%?<: pp.11-1#. See a8so pp. 1#-2L. Go! the *"ews o7 the &e7o!me!s themse8*es: see the "nte!est"ng su!*ey by 0"mothy /eo!ge: 9EA &"ght St!awy 1p"st8eE: &e7o!mat"on ,e!spe't"*es on James:9 &e*"ew and 1=pos"to! $L ;1#$6<: L6#-L$2. 2 Go! e=amp8e: mo!e than 1@@ yea!s ago Aa!nes w!ote: 9. . . and as the Ho8y Sp"!"t saw that the!e wou8d be dange! that "n 8ate! t"mes the g!eat and g8o!"ous do't!"ne o7 Hust"7"'at"on by 7a"th wou8d be . . . abused: "t was "mpo!tant that the e!!o! shou8d be !ebuDed: and the do't!"ne shou8d be d"st"n't8y 8a"d down that good wo!Ds a!e M"ta8"'s h"sN ne'essa!y to sa8*at"on.9 A8be!t Aa!nes: 4otes on the 4ew 0estament: James: ,ete!: John and Jude ;/!and &ap"ds: AaDe! AooD House: !ep!"nt ed. 1#?1 Mo!"g. ed. n.d.N<: p. 42. 1*en though th"s *"ew "s w!ong: "ts 'ando! "s !e7!esh"ng. .ndeed: the p!"ma 7a'"e "mp!ess"on the te=t maDes on any !eade! who 7ee8s that ete!na8 sa8*at"on "s unde! d"s'uss"on "s p!e'"se8y the *"ew Aa!nes has e=p!essed. 1>ua88y 7!anD a!e the 2

Hust"7"'at"on "s based on 7a"th a8one: and 'annot be 8ost. Howe*e!: they a8so say: "7 good wo!Ds do not 7o88ow oneEs p!o7essed 'on*e!s"on: th"s 8a'D o7 wo!Ds demonst!ates that su'h 7a"th was a 9dead 7a"th9 and hen'e that pe!son was ne*e! Hust"7"ed at a88.L 6ost o7 the w"de8y he8d *"ews o7 James 2 a!e *a!"at"ons on these two popu8a! "deas. +b*"ous8y: a88 the *"ews 'annot be !"ght. .n 7a't: "t "s ent"!e8y poss"b8e that none o7 them a!eI .t "s the thes"s o7 th"s booD8et that the 8atte! "s "n 7a't the 'ase. 4ot on8y "s the!e no 'ommon8y a''epted "nte!p!etat"on o7 James 2:14-26 "n post-&e7o!mat"on ,!otestant"sm: but "ndeed a88 o7 the maHo! ways o7 !ead"ng th"s te=t a!e w!ong. And not s"mp8y w!ong: but se!"ous8y so. So "n'o!!e't a!e these *"ews: that "7 James h"mse87 had hea!d them: he wou8d ha*e been both aston"shed and appa88edI 0h"s "s a se!"ous 'ha!ge. Je w"88 suppo!t th"s 'ha!ge "n what 7o88ows. Aut 7o! now "t "s su77"'"ent to obse!*e that James 2:14-26 !ema"ns a sto!m 'ente! "n Ch!"st"an thought. 4one o7 the 'ommon *"ews 'an sa7e8y be a77"!med to ha*e any ne'essa!y p!"o! '8a"m on ou! 'ons"de!at"on. +n8y a *"ew that unm"staDab8y g!ows out o7 the A"b8"'a8 te=t "tse87 'an ha*e 7"na8 autho!"ty 7o! the d"s'!"m"nat"ng Ch!"st"an !eade!. A S0A&0.4/ ,+.40 4ot su!p!"s"ng8y: a88 o7 the 'ommon *"ews '8a"m to ha*e the suppo!t o7 the A"b8"'a8 te=t. C8ea!8y: howe*e!: James 'ou8d not be tea'h"ng a88 o7 them. .n 7a't: as we ha*e suggested: he may we88 ha*e been tea'h"ng none o7 themI 0he!e7o!e the >uest"on we must asD "s: 9Jhat does the te=t o7 James a'tua88y sayK9 Je p!opose that the answe! 'an on8y be 7ound "n bypass"ng the t!ad"t"ona8 method o7 study o7 th"s passage. Je must taDe as ou! sta!t"ng po"nt the 'on'8us"on that James !ea'hes at the end o7 h"s d"s'uss"on F what we may 'a88 h"s 9bottom 8"ne9I .n othe! wo!ds: we want to beg"n w"th the 8ast *e!se o7 the passage: that "s: w"th James 2:26. .t "s su!p!"s"ng to d"s'o*e! how sma88 a !o8e th"s pa!t"'u8a! *e!se p8ays "n a88 o7 the w!"t"ngs on James 2. -et "ts o''u!!en'e at the '8"ma= o7 JamesEs !ema!Ds ought to be g"*en "ts !"ght7u8 we"ght. 0he!e "s a sense "n wh"'h: w"th th"s *e!se: James "nte!p!ets a88 that he has sa"d be7o!e: 7o! he w!"tes: Go! as the body w"thout the sp"!"t "s dead: so 7a"th w"thout wo!Ds "s dead a8so ;James 2:26<.
statements o7 4"'o8: 95og"'a88y: then: good wo!Ds must be a 'ond"t"on o7 Hust"7"'at"on . . .9 and: 9G!om th"s "t "s '8ea! that ,au8 m"ght say: you must do good wo!Ds: othe!w"se "n the end /od w"88 not Hust"7y you.9 See 4"'o8: p.22. 0hus does 4"'o8 b"d 7a!ewe88 to the &e7o!mat"onI L 0h"s *"ew "s ne*e! mo!e su''"n't8y put than by /8asgow: 9Je a!e not sa*ed by ou! good wo!Ds: but "7 we a!e sa*ed: we w"88 do good wo!Ds. /ood wo!Ds a!e not the g!ound o7 ou! sa8*at"on: but they a!e the outg!owth o7 "t.9 See Samue8 6',heete!s /8asgow: 0he /ene!a8 1p"st8es: Stud"es "n the 5ette!s o7 James: ,ete!: John: and Jude ;4ew -o!D: G8em"ng H. &e*e88: 1#2$<: p.2#. Aut /8asgowEs statement "88 'on'ea8s the ha!sh 7a't that on th"s *"ew good wo!Ds a!e a7te! a88 a 'ond"t"on o7 7"na8 sa8*at"on: e*en though they may not be 'a88ed a 9g!ound9 "n the sense o7 9'ause.9 Go! when an end 'annot be a'h"e*ed apa!t 7!om 'e!ta"n th"ngs be"ng done: those 9th"ngs9 8og"'a88y be'ome 'ond"t"ons 7o! the end "n *"ew. 0o deny th"s "s to engage "n a semant"' game. +u! po"nt "n 7a't "s e=p8"'"t8y adm"tted by Samue8 0. 5ogan: J!.: "n 90he 2o't!"ne o7 Just"7"'at"on "n Jonathan 1dwa!ds:9 Jestm"nste! 0heo8og"'a8 Jou!na8 46 ;1#$4<: 26-?2. 4ote pa!t"'u8a!8y pp. 42-4$. L

+ne "mmed"ate8y not"'es he!e that James d!aws an ana8ogy between dead 7a"th and a dead body. Aut th"s t!anspa!ent 7a't has not been p!ope!8y t!eated by e=pos"to!s. +b*"ous8y: "7 one en'ounte!s a dead body one assumes that "t has d"ed. 0o put "t anothe! way: th"s "s a body that was on'e a8"*e. 0h"s st!ong8y "mp8"es that James 'an 'on'e"*e o7 a 9dead 7a"th9 as ha*"ng on'e been a8"*e. .n othe! wo!ds: a pe!sonEs 7a"th F 8"De h"s body F 'an d"e. .7 the obHe't"on "s !a"sed that we 'a!!y the ana8ogy too 7a!: the !ep8y shou8d be: 9JhyK9 .s the!e anyth"ng "n the !est o7 the passage that shows that dead 7a"th "s not 8"De a dead body "n ha*"ng on'e been a8"*eK 0he answe! "s that the!e "s abso8ute8y noth"ng "n th"s 'onte=t that shows that the ana8ogy does not ho8d at th"s bas"' 8e*e8. .t 7o88ows that the *"ew that a dead 7a"th has ne*e! been a8"*e "s not de!"*ed 7!om the te=t "tse87. Su'h a *"ew: "n 7a't: "s !ea88y a begg"ng o7 the >uest"on. 0hose whose theo8ogy does not pe!m"t the thought that a 8"*"ng 7a"th may d"e a!e 'omm"tt"ng the 'ommon e!!o! o7 !ead"ng the"! own assumpt"ons ba'D "nto the te=t. Aut noth"ng shows that James he8d th"s *"ew: and the ana8ogy o7 a dead body st!ong8y "mp8"es that he d"d not be8"e*e that 9dead 7a"th9 had ne*e! been a8"*e. +the!w"se: the ana8ogy wou8d be weaD and "napp!op!"ate to the subHe't matte!. 1>ua88y su!p!"s"ng "s the 7a't that James "s 'ompa!"ng 7a"th to the body: wh"8e 'ompa!"ng wo!Ds to the sp"!"t. Jho wou8d not be tempted to !e*e!se th"s 'ompa!"sonK4 A7te! a88: we 7ee8 "n'8"ned to asD: "s not 7a"th the an"mat"ng p!"n'"p8e: o! sp"!"t: wh"'h 8eads to the outwa!d man"7estat"on o7 good wo!DsK? 0he answe! "s: 94o9I At 8east "t "s 94o9 w"th"n the 7!amewo!D o7 th"s passage. 0he po"nt James "s maD"ng "s that wo!Ds a!e a'tua88y the Dey to the *"ta8"ty o7 7a"th.6 H"s po"nt "s not that a *"ta8 7a"th "s the Dey to wo!DsI -et th"s 8atte! *"ew "s he8d by many !eade!s o7 the passage. 0hey ha*e 'on'8uded F w"thout he8p 7!om the passage "tse87 F that James must be ta8D"ng about the ne'ess"ty o7 ha*"ng a 8"*"ng 7a"th "7 we a!e go"ng to p!odu'e good wo!DsI Aut on the 'ont!a!y: as JamesEs ana8ogy shows: he "s w!"t"ng about the ne'ess"ty o7 ha*"ng wo!Ds "7 ou! 7a"th "s to stay a8"*eI .n othe! wo!ds: a body d"es when "t 8oses the sp"!"t wh"'h Deeps "t a8"*e. .n the same way: a pe!sonEs 7a"th d"es when "t 8oses the an"mat"ng 7a'to! o7 good wo!DsI

Go! e=amp8e: Ho!t w!ote: 90he pa!ado= must be "ntent"ona8. 0he oppos"te "s what most wou8d be tempted to say: but "t wou8d be on8y supe!7"'"a88y t!ue.9 Genton John Anthony Ho!t: 1=pos"to!y and 1=eget"'a8 Stud"es: Compend"um o7 Jo!Ds Go!me!8y ,ub8"shed Sepa!ate8y: 0he 1p"st8e o7 James ;!ep!"nt ed.: 6"nneapo8"s: C8o'D and C8o'D: 1#$@<: p.66. See the !ema!Ds o7 James Ha!dy &opes: A C!"t"'a8 and 1=eget"'a8 Commenta!y on the 1p"st8e o7 St. James: .nte!nat"ona8 C!"t"'a8 Commenta!y ;1d"nbu!gh: 0.O0. C8a!D: 1#16<: p. 22?. ? Ama "ng8y: th"s "n*e!s"on o7 the "dea "s a'tua88y made by one 'ommentato!: who w!"tes: 90he sp"!"t an"mates the body. .n 8"De manne! 7a"th must an"mate the wo!Ds o7 8"7e9I See +. ,. 1a'hes: Heb!ews: James: and . and .. ,ete!: C8a!DEs ,eop8es Commenta!y ;,h"8ade8ph"a: Ame!"'an Aapt"st ,ub8"'at"on So'"ety: 1#@6<: p. 2L%. 6 Go! a st!a"ned attempt to hand8e the 'ompa!"son o7 7a"th to a dead body w"thout 'on'ed"ng that wo!Ds a!e the an"mat"ng: *"ta8" "ng 7a'to!: see &. A. 6a!t"n: James: Augsbu!g Commenta!y on the 4ew 0estament ;6"nneapo8"s: Augsbu!g ,ub8"sh"ng House: 1#$2<: pp. L?-L6. 6a!t"n !eads "nto the passage the an'"ent way o7 de'"d"ng whethe! a body was dead o! not: as though James had sa"d: 9Je 'an Dnow a body "s dead when "t has no b!eath ;sp"!"t<9I 4

Go88ow"ng these obse!*at"ons "t shou8d be '8ea! that someth"ng "s !ad"'a88y w!ong w"th most o7 the popu8a! !ead"ngs o7 the passage. James says that wo!Ds a!e the se'!et o7 a *"ta8 7a"th: and not the othe! way a!ound. 0o maDe the passage say someth"ng e8se "s to !ende! the '8os"ng and '8"ma't"' ana8ogy o7 James 2:26 sta!t8"ng8y "nept and 'on7us"ng. 0hat JamesEs 'on'8us"on "s ne"the! "nept no! 'on7us"ng "s '8ea! 7o! a88 who ho8d to the *e!ba8: p8ena!y "nsp"!at"on o7 S'!"ptu!e. G+& CH&.S0.A4 C+4S36,0.+4K 0he !ea8" at"on that JamesEs '8os"ng ana8ogy "mp8"es that a 8"*"ng 7a"th 'an d"e 8eads d"!e't8y to anothe! "mpo!tant >uest"on: A!e the wa!n"ngs o7 th"s passage a"med at Ch!"st"ansK He!e: o7 'ou!se: some o7 the 'ommon unde!stand"ngs o7 the te=t wou8d !espond a77"!mat"*e8y. A88 o7 those who ho8d that a Ch!"st"an may 7o!7e"t h"s ete!na8 sa8*at"on a!e 'om7o!tab8e w"th the *"ew that the passage "s a wa!n"ng to be8"e*e!s to ma"nta"n themse8*es "n a state o7 g!a'e. A8so: those who do not a88ow that a 8"*"ng 7a"th 'an e*e! d"e 7ee8 'ompe88ed to app8y the wa!n"ngs to 7a8se8y p!o7essed Ch!"st"ans !athe! than to t!ue be8"e*e!s. Aut th"s 8atte! *"ew aga"n begs the >uest"on. 0he!e "s noth"ng "n JamesEs te=t to suggest that he d"!e'ts h"s wa!n"ngs about a dead 7a"th at those who we!e ne*e! !ea88y sa*ed at a88. +n the 'ont!a!y: James add!esses h"mse87 to peop8e he 'a88s 9my b!eth!en9 ;2:14<. 1a!8"e! "n the 'hapte! he speaDs o7 them as possess"ng 7a"th "n Ch!"st ;2:1< and wa!ns them not to m"= "t w"th pa!t"a8"ty towa!d men. St"88 ea!8"e! he des'!"bes h"s !eade!s as bo!n 7!om abo*e ;1:16-1$<. 0he suggest"on that James th"nDs o7 some o7 h"s !eade!s as poss"b8y un'on*e!ted "s tota88y un7ounded "n th"s ep"st8e.% Conse>uent8y: the passage 'an be taDen as a p"e'e o7 Ch!"st"an tea'h"ng add!essed to peop8e James !ega!ds as h"s Ch!"st"an b!othe!s. +n'e th"s "s !ea8" ed: the po"nt o7 the ana8ogy between dead 7a"th and a dead body be'omes p8a"n. Ch!"st"an peop8e need to ma"nta"n good wo!Ds "n o!de! to Deep the"! Ch!"st"an 7a"th a8"*e and *"ta8. +!: to put "t anothe! way: un8ess we a't on ou! 7a"th and 8"*e "t out: ou! '!eed !ap"d8y de'ays "nto me!e dead o!thodo=y. /ood wo!Ds a!e the 9sp"!"t9 wh"'h an"mates the ent"!e 9body9 o7 ou! Ch!"st"an 'on*"'t"ons. J"thout su'h wo!Ds ou! 7a"th d"es.$ Aut does th"s 8ead to 8oss o7 ete!na8 sa8*at"onK GA.0H CA4E0 SA)1 H.6: CA4 .0K

2"be8"us a77"!ms: 9Aut "n a88 o7 the "nstan'es M"n JamesN wh"'h ha*e been e=am"ned thus7a! what "s "n*o8*ed "s the 7a"th wh"'h the Ch!"st"an has: ne*e! the 7a"th o7 the s"nne! wh"'h 7"!st b!"ngs h"m to /od.... 0he 7a"th wh"'h "s ment"oned "n th"s se't"on 'an be p!esupposed "n e*e!y Ch!"st"an.... MJamesEsN "ntent"on "s not dogmat"'a88y o!"ented: but p!a't"'a88y o!"ented: he w"shes to admon"sh the Ch!"st"ans to p!a't"'e the"! 7a"th: ".e.: the"! Ch!"st"an"ty: by wo!Ds9 M"ta8"'s h"sN. As 7a! as "t goes a bette! statement 'annot be 7ound "n the 8"te!atu!e on James 2. 6a!t"n 2"be8"us: James: !e*. He"n!"'h /!ee*en: t!ans. 6"'hae8 A. J"88"ams: ed. He8mut Coeste!: He!mene"a ;,h"8ade8ph"a: Go!t!ess ,!ess: 1ng. ed. 1#%6<: p. 1%$. $ App!op!"ate a!e the wo!ds o7 /aebe8e"n: 9And the!e "s a sense "n wh"'h 7a"th "s a body: as "n a system o7 do't!"ne o! EbodyE o7 t!uth. Jhen so !egu8a!" ed and systemat" ed "t 'omes a8"*e: James !em"nds us: on8y by be"ng put "nto p!a't"'e: a'ted upon: done.9 G!anD 1. /aebe8e"n: Ga"th 0hat 5"*es ;Ch"'ago: 6oody ,!ess: 1#??<: p. %2. ?

.t "s 'e!ta"n8y t!ue that many !eade!s ha*e been 'on*"n'ed that the passage bea!s on ou! ete!na8 dest"ny be'ause o7 JamesEs wo!ds "n *e!se 14. 0he!e he w!"tes: Jhat does "t p!o7"t: my b!eth!en: "7 someone says he has 7a"th but does not ha*e wo!DsK Can 7a"th sa*e h"mK ;James 2:14<. 0he !ea88y '!u'"a8 statement he!e "s the >uest"on: 9Can 7a"th sa*e h"mK9 0he /!eeD o7 th"s >uest"on: howe*e!: "s best !ende!ed: 9Ga"th 'anEt sa*e h"m: 'an "tK9 .n othe! wo!ds: James e=pe'ts h"s !eade!s to !ep8y: 94o: 7a"th 'anEt sa*e h"m.9# G!om th"s >uest"on "t be'omes appa!ent that James "s not d"s'uss"ng a do't!"ne o7 sa8*at"on wh"'h "s based on8y on 7a"th. Go! th"s !eason many "nte!p!ete!s ha*e seen James as stand"ng "n oppos"t"on to the ,au8"ne do't!"ne o7 Hust"7"'at"on by 7a"th a8one. C8ea!8y: howe*e!: the D"nd o7 sa8*at"on James des'!"bes does not 'ome by 7a"th a8one. .7 we must assume that ,au8 and James a!e d"s'uss"ng the same bas"' "ssue: then we a!e 'ompe88ed to see them "n 'on78"'t w"th one anothe!.1@ +7 'ou!se: many e=pos"to!s wou8d not 'on'ede th"s po"nt. 0hey wou8d ma"nta"n that ,au8 and James 'an: "n 7a't: be ha!mon" ed.11 Aut "n the 8"ght o7 the >uest"on James has a!t"'u8ated "n 2:14: w"th "ts '8ea!8y e=pe'ted negat"*e !esponse: a88 ha!mon" at"ons w"th a do't!"ne o7 so8a 7"de ;7a"th a8one< a!e awDwa!d and 7o!'ed. 6o!eo*e!: the !ema"nde! o7 the passage: w"th "ts emphas"s on wo!Ds: '!eates t!anspa!ent obsta'8es to the ha!mon" at"on p!o'ess.12 0he absen'e o7 a un"*e!sa88y o! 'ommon8y a''epted *"ew o7 James 2 "s "n no sma88 deg!ee due to the 7a"8u!e o7 "nte!p!ete!s to !ea88y get !"d o7 the appa!ent '8ash between ,au8 and James. 4ot su!p!"s"ng8y: a D"nd o7 despe!ate e77o!t has been made to a*o"d the "mpa't o7 the >uest"on "n James 2:14 by t!ans8at"ng "t: 90hat ;that D"nd o7< 7a"th 'anEt sa*e h"m: 'an "tK9 Aut th"s "s an unHust"7"ed e=agge!at"on o7 the so-'a88ed 9a!t"'8e o7 p!e*"ous !e7e!en'e9 "n /!eeD and has noth"ng whate*e! to 'ommend "t he!e e='ept the theo8og"'a8 p!e'on'ept"ons that '!eated th"s t!ans8at"on to beg"n w"th. J"th abst!a't nouns 8"De 7a"th and 8o*e: the a!t"'8e "s pe!7e't8y no!ma8 when the noun "s used as a subHe't.1L ,!e'"se8y the

See 5o!en en: 90he o!"g"na8 /!eeD maDes "t '8ea! ... that the !heto!"'a8 >uest"on 'a88s 7o! a negat"*e answe!: 4oI Ga"th w"thout wo!Ds 'annot sa*eI Jo!Ds a!e ne'essa!y 7o! sa8*at"on.9 0ho!wa8d 5o!en en: 9Ga"th w"thout Jo!Ds does not 'ount be7o!e /odI James 2:14-16:9 1=pos"to!y 0"mes $# ;1#%$<: 2L1. 1@ 5o!en en: 7o! one: su!!ende!s the p!o'ess o7 ha!mon" "ng ,au8 and James. 5o!en en: p. 2L4. 11 Among many "n !e'ent yea!s who suppo!t the *"ew that James and ,au8 'an be ha!mon" ed a!e: /. &. Aeas8ey-6u!!ay: 0he /ene!a8 1p"st8es: James: . ,ete!: Jude: .. ,ete! ;4ew -o!D and 4ash*"88e: Ab"ngdon: 1#6?<: pp. 2%-L1P 5es8"e 6"tton: 0he 1p"st8e o7 James ;/!and &ap"ds: 1e!dmans:1#66<: pp. 1@L-1@$P 2. 1dmond H"ebe!t: 0he 1p"st8es o7 James: 0ests o7 5"*"ng Ga"th ;Ch"'ago: 6oody ,!ess: 1#%#<: pp. 1%4-1%?P and &. A. 6a!t"n: James ;6"nneapo8"s: Augsbu!g ,ub8"sh"ng House: 1#$2<: pp. 2$-2#: LL-L6. 12 Some "ndeed ha*e sought a !e'on'"8"at"on between James and ,au8 "n te!ms o7 d"77e!"ng 'on'epts o7 wo!Ds. Some t"me ago 5ensD" e=p!essed a d"st"n't"on that has o7ten been asse!ted "n one 7o!m o! anothe! s"n'e then. He states: 9,au8 and James dea8 w"th d"77e!ent D"nds o7 wo!Ds. ,au8 dea8s w"th 8aw-wo!Ds: wh"'h ha*e noth"ng to do w"th t!ue /ospe8-7a"th.... James dea8s w"th /ospe8-wo!Ds: wh"'h e*e! e*"den'e the p!esen'e o7 /ospe8-7a"th....9 &. C. H. 5ensD": 0he .nte!p!etat"on o7 the 1p"st8e to the Heb!ews and o7 the 1p"st8e o7 James ;Co8umbus: +h.: 5uthe!an AooD Con'e!n: 1#L$<: p.?$%. Aut th"s d"st"n't"on 'annot be substant"ated and sma'Ds o7 spe'"a8 p8ead"ng. 6o!eo*e! the d"st"n't"on has !e'ent8y been t!en'hant8y '!"t"'" ed and !eHe'ted by 6oo. See 2oug8as J. 6oo: 9E5aw:EEJo!Ds o7 the 5awE and 5ega8"sm "n ,au8:9 Jestm"nste! 0heo8og"'a8 Jou!na8 4? ;1#$L<: %L-1@@. 1L Go! a !e8at"*e8y de7t hand8"ng o7 the matte! o7 the a!t"'8e: see J. ,. 5ange: 0he 1p"st8e /ene!a8 o7 James "n h"s A Commenta!y on the Ho8y S'!"ptu!es: C!"t"'a8: 2o't!"na8 and Hom"8et"'a8: w"th Spe'"a8 &e7e!en'e to 6

D"nd o7 'onst!u't"on we ha*e "n 2:14 "s 7ound w"th the wo!d pat"en'e "n James 1:L:4. Aut no one wants to !ende! 1:4 as: 9Aut 8et that pat"en'e ha*e "ts pe!7e't wo!D.9 0hus a8so: "n G"!st Co!"nth"ans 1L:4: whe!e a!t"'8es o''u! w"th 98o*e:9 no one p!oposes to t!ans8ate: 90hat 8o*e su77e!s 8ong and "s D"ndP that 8o*e does not en*yP that 8o*e does not pa!ade "tse87 ....9 0he attempt to so7ten the b8ow o7 JamesEs >uest"on "n 2:14 by "nt!odu'"ng a 9that9 be7o!e 7a"th: "s a 7o!m o7 spe'"a8 p8ead"ng wh"'h 'an summa!"8y be !eHe'ted.14 4o: the mean"ng o7 JamesEs >uest"on "s ob*"ous. Ga"th does not sa*e "n the pa!t"'u8a! sense "n wh"'h James means sa8*at"on. Aut what e=a't8y "s that senseK SA5)A0.+4 .4 JA61S +ne o7 the 8east e=am"ned p!e'on'ept"ons wh"'h has a77e'ted the "nte!p!etat"on o7 James 2 "s the assumpt"on that h"s use o7 the wo!d 9sa*e9 must !e7e! to oneEs ete!na8 dest"ny "n hea*en o! he88. Aut th"s "s a !"sDy assumpt"on as a88 obse!*ant !eade!s o7 the /!eeD 4ew 0estament w"88 Dnow. 0he /!eeD *e!b used "n James 2:14 ;< has a w"de !ange o7 poss"b8e mean"ngs wh"'h !un the gamut 7!om phys"'a8 hea8"ng and !es'ue 7!om dange!: to sp"!"tua8 de8"*e!an'es o7 *a!"ous D"nds: to p!ese!*at"on 7!om 7"na8 Hudgment and he88. .t "s the "nte!p!ete!Es duty to e=am"ne ea'h te=t whe!e th"s *e!b o''u!s to as'e!ta"n "ts e=a't sense. .n some p8a'es "ts sense "s ob*"ous: and "n some "t "s not. He!e "t "s not. 0he !est o7 the ep"st8e: howe*e!: "s *e!y he8p7u8 "n dete!m"n"ng JamesEs mean"ng. .n the 'on'8ud"ng *e!ses o7 h"s 8ette! James w!"tes: A!eth!en: "7 anyone among you wande!s 7!om the t!uth: and someone tu!ns h"m ba'D: 8et h"m Dnow that he who tu!ns a s"nne! 7!om the e!!o! o7 h"s way w"88 sa*e a sou8 7!om death and 'o*e! a mu8t"tude o7 s"ns ;James ?:1#:2@<. He!e the mean"ng o7 the *e!b 9sa*e9 "s p8a"n. .t !e7e!s to p!ese!*at"on o7 the phys"'a8 8"7e 7!om death.1? .ndeed: the /!eeD e=p!ess"on ;9to sa*e the sou89< "s a standa!d and no!ma8 way o7 say"ng 9to sa*e the 8"7e.9 Gu!the!mo!e the!e "s no te=t "n the
6"n"ste!s and Students ;4ew -o!D: Cha!8es S'!"bne!: 1$6#<: p.$2. He !edu'es the nuan'e to 9Ethus M"ta8"'s h"sN 7a"th su!e8y 'annot sa*e h"m.9E He adds 7u!the!: 90he !e7e!en'e the!e7o!e "s s"mp8y to the 7a"th "n >uest"on: and the e=p8anat"ons o7 0he"8e ;7a8se 7a"th<: ,ott ;7a"th on8y< and s"m"8a! ones a!e epe=eget"'a8.9 0h"s p!e'"s"on "s 8ost by many mode!n w!"te!s: a8though "t may now be a!gued that e*en th"s D"nd o7 97"netun"ng9 o*e!8oads the semant"'s o7 the te=t. Jhen James uses the wo!d 9endu!an'e9 "n 1:L w"thout an a!t"'8e ;as an obHe't< and 7o88ows "t "mmed"ate8y "n 1:4 w"th an a!t"'u8a! 7o!m ;used as a subHe't<: no one 7ee8s the need to 'omment on th"s. 4o! shou8d they 7ee8 th"s need "n 2:14 w"th 7a"th. +*e!!e7"nement "n matte!s g!ammat"'a8: howe*e!: "s an a'adem"' *"'e that d"es ha!dI 14 A. 0. &obe!tson: Stud"es "n the 1p"st8e o7 James ;4ash*"88e: A!oadman: n.d.<: p.#4 n. 2: ass"gns to the a!t"'8e 9a8most the o!"g"na8 demonst!at"*e 7o!'e.9 Aut th"s "s te!!"b8y un8"De8y he!e when "t "s not e*en t!ue 8ate! "n the passage whe!e the a!t"'8e appea!s w"th 7a"th at 2:1%:2@:22 ;tw"'e< and 26. Any student o7 the o!"g"na8 8anguage 'an e=am"ne JamesEs te=t and see 7o! h"mse87 that the a!t"'8e o''u!s w"th 7a"th on8y when 7a"th "s a subHe't o! has a possess"*e wo!d >ua8"7y"ng "t ;as "n *e!se 1$<. +the!w"se the!e "s no a!t"'8e. 0he!e "s no !e'ond"te s"gn"7"'an'e to the use o7 the a!t"'8e "n 2:14I Qu"te !"ght8y 2"be8"us: p. 1?2: !eHe'ts the spe'"a8 st!ess on the a!t"'8e: 9He!e Jas uses the a!t"'8e be7o!e E7a"thE . . .: but th"s "s not to be !ead 9th"s 7a"th:9 as many "nte!p!ete!s 7!om Aede to 6ayo! ha*e a!gued. Jas "s not speaD"ng o7 any pa!t"'u8a! b!and o7 7a"th .... 0he on8y att!"but"*e wh"'h "s e=p!essed ... "s th"s: 7a"th wh"'h EhasE no wo!Ds. Aut th"s "s st"88 the Ch!"st"an 7a"th and not an Ea88eged: 7a8se 7a"th.E9 So mu'h 7o! bu"8d"ng theo8ogy on an undete'tab8e g!ammat"'a8 nuan'eI 1? &opes w!"tes o7 ?:2@: 94ote how he!e: as "n 1:1?: death "s the !esu8t o7 s"n.9 &opes: p.L1?. %

/!eeD A"b8e whe!e "t 'an be shown to ha*e the mean"ng 9to sa*e the sou89 7!om he88. G"!st 'entu!y !eade!s: the!e7o!e: a!e not 8"De8y to ha*e !ead the ph!ase "n that sense.16 0h"s shou8d be Dept "n m"nd "n James 1:21: whe!e "t wou8d ha*e been bette! to t!ans8ate: 9. . . !e'e"*e w"th meeDness the "mp8anted wo!d: wh"'h "s ab8e to sa*e you! 8"*es.9 .n the 8a!ge! 'onte=t James has been ta8D"ng about the death-dea8"ng 'onse>uen'es o7 s"n ;1:1L1?<. He!e he suggests that the ant"dote to that D"nd o7 'onse>uen'e "s the 8"7e-sa*"ng 'apa'"ty o7 /odEs Jo!d ;1:21<. .n speaD"ng th"s way: James "s 7"!m8y "n the t!ad"t"on o7 the Jew"sh w"sdom 8"te!atu!e: notab8y the booD o7 ,!o*e!bs. 6any o7 the p!o*e!bs a77"!m the death-dea8"ng e77e't o7 w"'Dedness and the 8"7e-sa*"ng e77e't o7 !"ghteousness. Go! e=amp8e: 0he 7ea! o7 the 5o!d p!o8ongs days: Aut the yea!s o7 the w"'Ded w"88 be sho!tened ;,!o*e!bs 1@:2%<. As !"ghteousness 8eads to 8"7e: So he who pu!sues e*"8 pu!sues "t to h"s own death ;,!o*e!bs 11:1#<. .n the way o7 !"ghteousness "s 8"7e: And "n "ts pathway the!e "s no death ;,!o*e!bs 12:2$<. 0he 8aw o7 the w"se "s a 7ounta"n o7 8"7e: 0o tu!n one away 7!om the sna!es o7 death ;,!o*e!bs 1L:14<. He who Deeps the 'ommandment Deeps h"s sou8 ;8"7e<: Aut he who "s 'a!e8ess o7 h"s ways w"88 d"e ;,!o*e!bs 1#:16<. Aga"nst th"s ba'Dg!ound: "t "s ob*"ous what James means "n 1:21 when he says that /odEs Jo!d 9"s ab8e to sa*e you! sou8s ;8"*es<.9 Aut e>ua88y ob*"ous "s the po"nt he goes on to maDe "n the 7o88ow"ng *e!ses when he w!"tes: Aut be doe!s o7 the Jo!d: and not hea!e!s on8y: de'e"*"ng you!se8*es. Go! "7 anyone "s a hea!e! o7 the Jo!d and not a doe!: he "s 8"De a man obse!*"ng h"s natu!a8 7a'e "n a m"!!o!P 7o! he obse!*es h"mse87: goes away: and "mmed"ate8y 7o!gets what D"nd o7 man he was. Aut he who 8ooDs "nto the pe!7e't 8aw o7 8"be!ty and 'ont"nues "n "t: and "s not a 7o!get7u8 hea!e! but a doe! o7 the wo!D: th"s one w"88 be b8essed "n what he does ;James 1:22-2?<. 0he !esemb8an'e o7 a88 th"s to James 2:14-26 "s st!"D"ng. .n 1:21-2? the "nsp"!ed w!"te! "s say"ng that the !eade!s w"88 be 9sa*ed9 ;that "s: the"! 8"*es w"88 be sa*ed< "7 they a!e doe!s !athe! than Hust hea!e!s o7 /odEs Jo!d. And "n 2:14-26: as one 'an now see: he "s say"ng that they w"88 be 9sa*ed9 ;"n the same sense<: not by what they be8"e*e ;7a"th< but by what they do about what they be8"e*e ;wo!Ds<.


1*en ou! 5o!dEs metapho! about sa*"ng/8os"ng the 8"7e ;6t. 16:24-26P 6D. $:L4-L%P 5D. #:2L-2?< "s best unde!stood as 7ounded on the 8"te!a8 mean"ng o7 the /!eeD ph!ase: wh"'h "s >u"te p8a"n "n a te=t 8"De 6a!D L:4 ;9to sa*e 8"7e o! to D"889<. Go! 8u'"d +8d 0estament e=amp8es o7 the sense 9to p!ese!*e the 8"7e:9 see the 7o88ow"ng te=ts whe!e the /!eeD *e!s"on o7 the +8d 0estament ;the Septuag"nt< used the /!eeD ph!ase we a!e d"s'uss"ng: /en. 1#:1% and L2:L@P 1 Sam. 1#:11P ,sa8m 1@#:L1P Je!. 4$:6. Go! the p!esent w!"te!Es t!eatment o7 the 5o!dEs metapho! about sa*"ng/8os"ng the 8"7e: see /!a'e "n 1'8"pse ;2a88as: &eden'"(n )"*a: 1#$?<: pp.2%-LL. $

0hus the wo!d 9sa*ed9 "n 2:14 "s most natu!a88y 'onst!ued "n the same bas"' sense as that 7ound "n 1:21 and ?:1#:2@.1% .t has noth"ng to do w"th the "ssue o7 ete!na8 dest"ny at a88: but dea8s "nstead w"th the 8"7e-p!ese!*"ng bene7"ts that obed"en'e b!"ngs to the Ch!"st"an and wh"'h 'annot be e=pe!"en'ed by me!e hea!"ng o! by 7a"th a8one.1$ A 41J ,1&S,1C0.)1 +n'e th"s po"nt "s pe!'e"*ed: a who8e new pe!spe't"*e "s opened up on James 2:14-26. 0o unde!stand th"s 7amous passage one must 7o!get the "ssue o7 ete!na8 sa8*at"on. .t s"mp8y "s not the po"nt unde! d"s'uss"on. James "s w!"t"ng about the tempo!a8 8"7e and the p!ese!*"ng o7 "t. A88 o7 the 'ommon 'ontempo!a!y !ead"ngs o7 th"s passage 'ome to g!"e7 on th"s s"mp8e m"staDe F theyE*e got the w!ong subHe'tI Aut: as students o7 the a!t o7 "nte!p!et"ng 8"te!atu!e w"88 !ea8" e: th"s "s one o7 the most de*astat"ng o7 a88 "nte!p!et"*e e!!o!s. +b*"ous8y: no te=t 'an be !ead 'o!!e't8y when the w!"te!Es !ea8 subHe't "s not pe!'e"*edI .t 7o88ows that a88 e77o!ts to app8y the passage as a who8e to the "ssue o7 oneEs ete!na8 dest"ny 8ead on8y to m"sunde!stand"ng o7 the autho!Es message. 0h"s e!!oneous pe!spe't"*e has p!odu'ed many awDwa!d attempts at ha!mon" at"on w"th ,au8"ne do't!"ne and: e*en wo!se: "t has '!eated bad theo8ogy. .!on"'a88y: the supposed tea'h"ng o7 James 2:14-26 has been used to de*e8op a 7a"th/wo!Ds synthes"s wh"'h ne"the! ,au8 no! James e*e! be8"e*ed o! taught. .t "s not too mu'h to say that the m"s!ead"ng o7 James 2:14-26 "s one o7 the most t!ag"' "nte!p!et"*e b8unde!s "n the h"sto!y o7 the 'hu!'h. .t "s a m"s!ead"ng wh"'h has p8ayed a maHo! !o8e "n obs'u!"ng the s"mp8e message o7 the A"b8"'a8 gospe8. And whe!eas the S'!"ptu!es "n*"te us to t!ust Ch!"st and to 7"nd assu!an'e o7 ete!na8 sa8*at"on "n the p!om"ses that /od maDes to the be8"e*e!: th"s 7a8se 'on'ept"on o7 James 2 has been used to en'ou!age peop8e to 7"nd assu!an'e "n the"! good wo!Ds. 6o!eo*e!: wh"8e the S'!"ptu!es enHo"n 7a"th "n Ch!"st: th"s 7a8se *"ew en'ou!ages peop8e to t!y to ha*e 7a"th "n the"! 7a"thI 9How do . Dnow . ha*e !ea88y be8"e*ed "n Ch!"stK9 many ha*e 7ound themse8*es asD"ng. 0he answe! o7ten g"*en on the bas"s o7 James 2 "s: 9.7 you ha*e good wo!Ds: you 'an Dnow that you ha*e t!ue o! 8"*"ng 7a"th.9 Aut th"s app!oa'h "s 'atast!oph"' "n "ts e77e'ts. 0he A"b8e ne*e! "n*"tes peop8e to be8"e*e that they be8"e*e. .t "n*"tes them to be8"e*eI 0hus one !esu8t o7 m"s!ead"ng James 2:14-26 has o7ten been to !ende! the 'on'ept o7 sa*"ng 7a"th so abst!use and myst"7y"ng that one 'annot 'e!ta"n8y Dnow whethe! he "n 7a't !ea88y be8"e*es. Aut th"s "s abso8ute nonsenseI 0he A"b8e does not g"*e the s8"ghtest en'ou!agement to su'h 'on7us"on. .7 . ha*e t!usted Ch!"st as my Sa*"o!: . 'an Dnow that .

.n 'onne't"on w"th James 4:12: 5aws po"nts out that James e'hoes the +8d 0estament des'!"pt"on o7 /od as +ne who 9D"88s and maDes a8"*e.9 She '"tes 2eut. L2:L#P 1 Sam. 2:6-%P and 2 C"ngs ?:%. Soph"e 5aws: A Commenta!y on the 1p"st8e o7 James: Ha!pe!Es 4ew 0estament Commenta!"es ;4ew -o!D: Ha!pe! O &ow: 1#$@<: p.1$$. 0h"s "s 'ong!uent w"th the obse!*at"ons made abo*e about the wo!d 9to sa*e9 "n othe! passages o7 James. 1$ James 2:14-26 "s a8so t!eated as un!e8ated to the >uest"on o7 ete!na8 dest"ny by &. 0. Cenda88: +n'e Sa*ed: A8ways Sa*ed ;Ch"'ago 6oody ,!ess: 1#$?<: pp.1%@-1%2:2@%-21%. A8though Cenda88 !e8ates 2:14 to the sa*"ng o7 the dest"tute poo! pe!son des'!"bed "n *e!ses 1?:16: h"s pe!spe't"*e on the passage "s as '8ose as anyoneEs to the p!esent w!"te!Es. #

ha*e t!usted H"m Hust as su!e8y as . 'an Dnow whethe! o! not . be8"e*e the!e "s a Ch"na o! that the ea!th o!b"ts the sun.1# 0o "n*ent a new and un">ue psy'ho8ogy 7o! sa*"ng 7a"th "s not on8y absu!d on "ts 7a'e: but "t "s abso8ute8y 'ont!a!y to the S'!"ptu!es themse8*es.2@ Jhen Jesus asDed the 7o!me! b8"nd man: 92o you be8"e*e "n the Son o7 /odK9 and then "dent"7"ed H"mse87 as th"s *e!y ,e!son: the !esponse was a s"mp8e: 95o!d: . be8"e*eI9 ;John #:L?-L$<. 0he man d"d not say: 9. th"nD . be8"e*e:9 o! 9. hope . ha*e be8"e*ed:9 but s"mp8y: 9. be8"e*e9I .n othe! wo!ds: th"s one-t"me b8"nd begga! be8"e*ed and Dnew he be8"e*ed at the same moment. And so does e*e!yone who puts h"s t!ust "n Ch!"stI 0o say othe!w"se "s an a77!ont both to S'!"ptu!e and to 'ommon sense. And a88 too o7ten the supposed Hust"7"'at"on 7o! th"s absu!d"ty "s a !ead"ng o7 James 2:14-26 wh"'h has noth"ng whate*e! to do w"th what the "nsp"!ed autho! "s a'tua88y say"ng.21 0AC.4/ A G&1SH 5++C .7 we 'an 7!ee ou!se8*es 7!om the ty!ann"'a8 g!"p o7 a hea*en/he88 menta8"ty when we !ead James 2: then 7o! the 7"!st t"me we 'an !ea88y hea! the te=t speaD: and we 'an p!o7"t 7!om "ts h"gh8y p!a't"'a8 message. 0o the e=tent: howe*e!: that we do not b!eaD out o7 the o8d mo8d ent"!e8y: to that e=tent we may hea! the 7a8se e'hoes and !esonan'es o7 ou! p!e*"ous po"nt o7 *"ew. 0he !eade! "s the!e7o!e u!ged to 8ea*e a88 p!e'on'ept"ons beh"nd and to 8"sten to the te=t "n a 7!esh way a8togethe!. As an a"d to th"s method: we sha88 beg"n w"th a s8"ght8y e=panded pa!aph!ase o7 James 2:14-1%: wh"'h we e=p!ess as 7o88ows: 9Jhat good does "t do: my Ch!"st"an b!othe!s: "7 someone among you says he has 7a"th and yet does not a't on that 7a"thK Ga"th 'e!ta"n8y 'annot p!ese!*e h"s 8"7e: now 'an "tK .t wou8d be the same th"ng as "7 one o7 you spoDe to some Ch!"st"an b!othe! o! s"ste! who

0he!e "s noth"ng bette! "n p!"nt on the !e8at"onsh"p between e*e!yday 7a"th and sa*"ng 7a"th then /o!don H. C8a!D: Ga"th and Sa*"ng Ga"th ;Je77e!son: 6d.: 0he 0!"n"ty Goundat"on: 1#$L.< .t shou8d be !ead 7!om 'o*e! to 'o*e!I 2@ 0he 7!e>uent asse!t"on that James "s 'ont!ast"ng two D"nds o7 7a"th was 7a! 7!om ob*"ous to ea!8"e! Ca8*"n"st e=pos"to!s. So 6anton w!ote that 9'e!ta"n8y9 James 9meaneth a p!eten'e o7 7a"th othe!w"se the!e wou8d be a d"!e't 'ont!ad"'t"on Mw"th ,au8N....9 See 0homas 6anton: An 1=pos"t"on on the 1p"st8e o7 James ;5ondon: Aanne! o7 0!uth 0!ust: !ep!"nt ed. 1#6$ Mo!"g. ed.: 16#LN<: p.2L2. 0h"s "s a8so the *"ew o7 Ca8*"n h"mse87: who w!"tes that James means: 93n8ess you show 7!u"ts 7o! you! 7a"th. . sha88 say that you ha*e none.9 Ca8*"nEs Commenta!"es: A Ha!mony o7 the /ospe8s 6atthew: 6a!D and 5uDe: )o8ume ...P and 0he 1p"st8es o7 James and Jude: t!ans. A. J. 6o!!"son: eds. 2a*"d J. 0o!!an'e and 0homas G. 0o!!an'e ;/!and &ap"ds: 1e!dmans: 1#%2<: p. 2$4. See a8so p. 2$L: 9Just !emembe!: MJamesNR "s d"sput"ng w"th those who p!etend "ns"n'e!e8y to 7a"th: but a!e ent"!e8y w"thout "t.9 0oday the Ca8*"n"st e=eget"'a8 t!ad"t"on on James 2:14-26 "s t!apped "n >uas"-psy'ho8og" "ng about 7a"th: but th"s >uagm"!e "s not to be b8amed on w!"te!s 8"De those Hust >uoted. 21 1*en though he ho8ds that 7"na8 sa8*at"on "s "n *"ew: 4"'o8 "s abso8ute8y 'o!!e't when he w!"tes: 9JamesE po"nt "s not that 7a"th w"thout wo!Ds "s not 7a"thP as 7a"th he does not '!"t"'" e "t: but me!e8y st!esses that 7a"th does not 7u87"88 "ts pu!pose when "t "s not a''ompan"ed by wo!Ds.9 See 4"'o8: p. 16. See h"s who8e d"s'uss"on he!e: espe'"a88y the statement: 9+u! 'on'8us"on "s that "n th"s pe!"'ope James "s not d"s'uss"ng d"77e!ent D"nds o7 7a"th -- as the &e7o!med s'ho8a!s we ha*e '"ted asse!tP he emphas" es that those who be8"e*e must a8so do good wo!Ds9 ;pp. 16:1%<. ,8umme! w!"tes: 9Aut St. James nowhe!e th!ows doubt on the t!uth o7 the unp!o7"tab8e be8"e*e!Es p!o7ess"ons o! on the poss"b"8"ty o7 be8"e*"ng mu'h and do"ng noth"ng.9 A87!ed ,8umme!: 0he /ene!a8 1p"st8es o7 St. James and St. Jude ;4ew -o!D: A. C. A!mst!ong and Son: 1#@?<: p.1L%. 1@

was dest"tute o7 the ne'ess"t"es o7 8"7e and you sa"d: E/o home pea'e7u88y and get wa!med and 7"88ed.E Aut "7 you d"d not g"*e them the *e!y th"ngs they needed 7o! bod"8y 8"7e: what good wou8d "t doK Jou8d the"! 8"*es be sa*ed by you! 'on7"dent wo!dsK .n the same way when 7a"th stands a88 by "tse87: be'ause you 7a"8 to a't on "t: you! "na't"*e 7a"th "s as dead as you! use8ess wo!ds to you! dest"tute Ch!"st"an b!othe!. .t has no 8"7e-p!ese!*"ng powe! at a88I9 A po"nt o7ten o*e!8ooDed "n these *e!ses: but wh"'h the pa!aph!ase seeDs to b!"ng out "s the '8ose 8"nD between 9sa*"ng9 ;"n the sense o7 sa*"ng the 8"7e< and the "88ust!at"on o7 the dest"tute b!othe! o! s"ste!. 0he 7a't that 8"7e-p!ese!*at"on 8"es at the 'o!e o7 the "88ust!at"on "s appa!ent: and th"s shows how mean"ng7u8 th"s se't"on "s when !ead outs"de the hea*en/ he88 m"s'on'ept"on. +neEs dest"ny "n hea*en o! he88 "s not the "ssue anywhe!e "n these *e!ses: o! "n the passage as a who8e. 5"Dew"se: on'e the t!ue subHe't matte! "s pe!'e"*ed: the app!op!"ateness o7 app8y"ng the wo!d 9dead9 to "na't"*e 7a"th "s t!anspa!ent. A 7a"th wh"'h 'annot p!ese!*e the 8"7e 7!om death "s "tse87 7un't"ona88y deadI22 0H1 +AJ1C0+& Go88ow"ng th"s "nt!odu'to!y se't"on ;2:14-1%< a se'ond un"t "nt!odu'es the wo!ds o7 an "mag"na!y obHe'to! to JamesEs "deas. Commentato!s ha*e 8ong 7ound these wo!ds d"77"'u8t to "nteg!ate "nto the a!gument o7 the passage. +n the one hand: the"! 7u88 e=tent has been subHe't to >uest"on: and on the othe! hand the"! po"nt has o7ten seemed obs'u!e and !emote 7!om the a!gument o7 the te=t.2L .t may be suggested: howe*e!: that the wo!ds o7 th"s new speaDe! ;*e!se 1$< ought '8ea!8y to go down th!ough *e!se 1#: s"n'e *e!se 2@ e*"dent8y beg"ns JamesEs !ep8y.24 .t may be suggested 7u!the! that the th!ust o7 these wo!ds "s '8ea!e! when ;as "n a 8a!ge maHo!"ty o7 the /!eeD manus'!"pts o7 th"s ep"st8e< we !ead 9by9 "n *e!se 1$ "n p8a'e o7 the wo!d 9w"thout.92?
22 2L

See the >uotat"on 7!om 4"'o8 "n note 21. Sangu"ne "ndeed "s the op"n"on o7 Cant"nat that: though *e!ses 1$-1# a!e *e!y d"77"'u8t F pe!haps the most d"77"'u8t "n the 4ew 0estament F these d"77"'u8t"es do not g!eat8y a77e't ou! 'omp!ehens"on o7 the te=tI 0he e=a't oppos"te "s the 'ase: these d"77"'u8t"es: "7 8e7t un!eso8*ed: s"gn"7"'ant8y b8o'D ou! unde!stand"ng. Jean Cant"nat: 5es Sp"t!es de Sa"nt Ja'>ues et de Sa"nt Jude ;,a!"s: J. /aba8da: 1#%L<: p.1@. 24 0he e*"dent un"ty o7 *e!ses 1$-1# as 'onst"tut"ng the wo!ds o7 a s"ng8e speaDe! "s hea*"8y attested "n the 8"te!atu!e. 6any o7 those who ha*e a''epted th"s un"ty: howe*e!: ha*e !ega!ded the speaDe! not as an obHe'to! but as a p"ous a88y who taDes JamesEs po"nt o7 *"ew. Aut th"s e=p8anat"on "s !"ght8y d"sm"ssed by 2a*"ds be'ause 9no one has yet been ab8e to 7"nd a 'ase whe!e th"s 'ommon sty8"st"' "nt!odu't"on d"d not "nt!odu'e an oppos"ng o! d"sag!ee"ng *o"'e.9 ,ete! H. 2a*"ds: 0he 1p"st8e o7 James: A Commenta!y on the /!eeD 0e=t: 4ew .nte!nat"ona8 /!eeD 0estament Commenta!y ;/!and &ap"ds: 1e!dmans: 1#$2<: p. 124. Among those t!eat"ng the two *e!ses as a un"ty a!e: &obe!t Johnstone: 5e'tu!es 1=eget"'a8 and ,!a't"'a8 on the 1p"st8e o7 James: 2nd ed. ;1d"nbu!gh: +8"phant: Ande!son and Ge!!"e!: '1$$$<: pp. 1$$-1#@P &. J. 2a8e: 0he 1p"st8e o7 James and +the! 2"s'ou!ses ;5ondon: Hodde! and Stoughton: 1$#?<: pp. %@:%1P so appa!ent8y &. J. Cnow8"ng: 0he 1p"st8e o7 St. James: Jestm"nste! Commenta!"es ;5ondon: 6etheun: 1#@4<: pp. ?6-?#P Joseph A. 6ayo!: 0he 1p"st8e o7 James: L!d ed. ;5ondon: 6a'6"88an: 1#1@P !ep!"nt ed.: 6"nneapo8"s: C8o'D and C8o'D: 1#%%<: p. 1@1P and mo!e !e'ent8y: Ch!"st"aan 1. 2onDe!: 92e! )e!7asse! des JaD und se"n /egne!: Zum ,!ob8em des 1"nwandes "n JaD 2 1$-1#:9 Ze"ts'h!"7t 7T! d"e 4eutestament8"'he J"ssens'ha7t %2 ;1#$1<: 22%-24@P and G!an'o"s )ouga: 5ESp"t!e de Sa"nt Ja'>ues ;/ene*e: 5abo! et G"des: 1#$4<: p. $%. 11

J"th these p!o*"sos: "7 the obHe'to!Es wo!ds a!e !ead as h"gh "!ony: the"! th!ust w"88 be '8ea!. A pa!aph!ase o7 the obHe'to!Es !ema!Ds "n *e!ses 1$-1# may be o77e!ed as 7o88ows: 9Aut someone "s go"ng to say: EA88 !"ght thenI 5etEs say that you ha*e 'o!!e't be8"e7s and . ha*e 'o!!e't a't"ons. /o !"ght aheadI 0aDe some be8"e7 o7 you!s and maDe "t *"s"b8e by means o7 you! a't"ons. And "7 you 'an do that ;but: o7 'ou!se: you 'anEtI<: then . w"88 taDe my a't"ons and w"88 maDe my be8"e7 *"s"b8e th!ough them ;utte!8y "mposs"b8eI<. +h: . DnowI -ouE88 '8a"m that you! 7a"th "n the un"ty o7 /od "s demonst!ated by you! good 'ondu't.26 . d"sa88ow that '8a"m. 0he demons a8so be8"e*e the same th"ng you be8"e*e and they donEt do goodI 0hey on8y t!emb8eIE 9 4o doubt James had hea!d a s"m"8a! p"e'e o7 a!gumentat"on at somet"me "n a !ea8-8"7e s"tuat"on. Aut the "!on"'a8 tone "n wh"'h he 'asts the "mag"ned obHe'to!Es thoughts was 7am"8"a! "n the d"at!"be sty8e o7 the 8"te!atu!e o7 h"s day.2% 0h"s supposed se'ond speaDe! "n the d"a8ogue heaps s'o!n on the "dea that 7a"th and wo!Ds ha*e a dynam"' !e8at"onsh"p "n Ch!"st"an e=pe!"en'e: as James has suggested "n the p!e'ed"ng *e!ses that they ha*e. 9How 'an 7a"th be dead w"thout wo!DsK9 the obHe'to! "s say"ng: "n e77e't. Ga"th and wo!Ds a!e two d"st"n't ent"t"es: he 'ont"nues: and the 7o!me! does not ha*e a demonst!ab8e 'onne't"on w"th the 8atte!. 1*en "7 a /od-7ea!"ng Jew '8a"med that h"s mo!a8"ty was !ooted "n h"s 'on*"'t"on that 9/od "s one9 ;'7. 2t. 6:4<: that '8a"m was eas"8y !e7uted. 2emons he8d the same '!eed: and "ts on8y !esu8t was that they t!emb8ed. +b*"ous8y: then: a88 e77o!ts to 'o!!e8ate 'ondu't w"th '!eed we!e 7ut"8e. So: at 8east: th"s obHe'to! w"shes to a77"!m. .t "s >u"te e*"dent that th"s !ead"ng o7 James 2:1$-1# "s a 7a! '!y 7!om the out8ooD o7 those who see a hea*en-o!-he88 "ssue "n th"s passage. 0he demons: we a!e o7ten to8d: ha*e a dead 7a"th and "88ust!ate how su'h 7a"th "s "mpotent to sa*e 7!om he88. Aut on ou! !ead"ng: the statement about the 7a"th o7 demons "s made by an obHe'to! to JamesEs tea'h"ng. .n that 'ase: "t 'an ha!d8y be ut"8" ed as a *a8"d sp"!"tua8 "ns"ghtI Aes"des: nobody has e*e! been sa*ed 7!om damnat"on by be8"e*"ng "n the un"ty o7 /od. 1*en p"ous but un'on*e!ted Jews be8"e*ed thatI 0he p!ob8em he!e "s !ea88y >u"te s"mp8e. 0he 7o!mat o7 *e!ses 1$-2@ shows '8ea!8y that the obHe'to!Es !ema!Ds a!e not 'on'8uded unt"8 the end o7 *e!se 1#. )e!se 2@ "s a mo!e o!

0he 'ase 7o! ou! unde!stand"ng o7 these *e!ses "s mo!e 7u88y a!gued by the p!esent autho! "n 95"ght on James 0wo 7!om 0e=tua8 C!"t"'"sm:9 A"b8"othe'a Sa'!a 12@ ;1#6L<: L41-L?@. As 'an be seen 7!om the p!e*"ous note: the de'"s"on to t!eat *e!ses 1$:1# as 7!om a s"ng8e speaDe! "s not based on whethe! 9by9 o! 9w"thout9 "s to be !ead "n *e!se 1$. 26 0he /!eeD ph!ase ;Da8os po"e"s< "s he!e taDen "n the sense o7 9do good:9 9do !"ght:9 wh"'h seems the most app!op!"ate sense "n 6t. ?:44P12:12P 5D. 6:2%. .t "s a8so *"ab8e "n A'ts 1@:LL ;9you d"d the !"ght th"ng to 'ome9< and e*en "n James 2:$ ;9.7 you Deep the !oya8 8aw . . . you a!e do"ng whatEs !"ght9<. Attent"on shou8d be g"*en a8so to the se'u8a! e=amp8es '"ted by 6ayo!: p. 1@1. .n He88en"st"' /!eeD one wou8d be unw"se to "ns"st pedant"'a88y on the good/we88 d"77e!ent"at"on so dea! to st!"'t 1ng8"sh g!amma!"ansI 2% 0he use o7 the 'ha88enge to 9show me9 "n an "!on"'a8 sense "s we88 do'umented by 2"be8"us: pp. 1?4-1?? n. 2#. 1spe'"a88y pa!a88e8 to James "s a passage 7!om Ad Auto8y'us 1.2: "n wh"'h the Ch!"st"an apo8og"st 0heoph"8us w!"tes: 9Aut e*en "7 you shou8d say: EShow me you! /od:E . too m"ght say to you: EShow me you! 6an and . a8so w"88 show you my /od.E9 Aut th"s same "!on"' and un7u87"88ab8e demand "s 7!e>uent "n 1p"'tetus: 7o! e=amp8e "n the b"t"ng s'o!n o7 2"s'ou!ses L.22.##: 9Jho "n the wo!8d a!e youK 0he bu88 o7 the he!d o! the >ueen o7 the beeh"*eK Show me the symbo8s o7 you! !u8e!sh"pI9 Go! add"t"ona8 e=amp8es: see 2"be8"us. 12

8ess sty8" ed way o7 beg"nn"ng a !ep8y.2$ 0he !ep8y "tse87 e=tends th!ough *e!se 22 whe!e the /!eeD *e!b 7o! 9do you see9 "s s"ngu8a!: and the !ep8y 'on'8udes w"th *e!se 2L. +n8y w"th *e!se 24 ;9you see then9< does the autho! !etu!n to a p8u!a8 to add!ess h"s ent"!e aud"en'e. Aut none o7 th"s has anyth"ng to do w"th ete!na8 damnat"on. 0hat subHe't "s not e*en the obHe'to!Es po"ntI 0he "ssue "s someth"ng a8togethe! d"77e!ent: A!e 7a"th and wo!Ds "n the Ch!"st"anEs da"8y e=pe!"en'e dynam"'a88y !e8atedK 2oes 7a"th !ea88y d"e w"thout the susta"n"ng ene!gy o7 wo!DsK Su'h thoughts: the obHe'to! "s say"ng: a!e 'ont!a!y to !ea8"ty. He ma"nta"ns that the!e "s no *"s"b8e: *e!"7"ab8e 'onne't"on between 7a"th and wo!Ds: and a88 e77o!ts to demonst!ate that 'onne't"on a!e "n *a"n. 0H1 &1,5- +G JA61S 0he 7a't that *e!se 2@ "s "ndeed the 'ommen'ement o7 JamesEs !e7utat"on "s s"gna8ed: as we ha*e sa"d: by the sty8" ed open"ng 7o!mu8a: 9Aut do you want to Dnow: + 7oo8"sh man: that 7a"th w"thout wo!Ds "s deadK9 ;*e!se 2@<. And w"th th"s open"ng !ema!D: the "nsp"!ed w!"te! 'ont"nues the thought he had e=p!essed "n *e!se 1% and to wh"'h the se'ond speaDe! had obHe'ted "n *e!ses 1$-1#. 0he obHe't"on "s 7oo8"sh: says James: and 7a"th w"thout wo!Ds !ea88y does d"e. 2oes the obHe'to! !ea88y want to Dnow th"sK James wonde!s. ;0he autho! had no doubt met some t!u8y '8osed m"nds on th"s subHe'tI< Je88: the p!oo7 o7 JamesEs po"nt was !ead"8y a*a"8ab8e "n a '8ass"' +8d 0estament te=t "n wh"'h "t wou8d be shee! b8"ndness not to a'Dnow8edge the ob*"ous !e8at"on o7 7a"th to wo!Ds. 0he "n'"dent: o7 'ou!se: was the h"gh po"nt o7 Ab!ahamEs obed"en'e to the 5o!d F the o77e!"ng o7 .saa': h"s son: as a sa'!"7"'e to /od. 0h"s 'ase study "n the 'oope!at"on o7 7a"th and wo!Ds was "dea8 7o! JamesEs pu!poses. Aoth he and any Ch!"st"an who m"ght ho8d the obHe'to!Es *"ews wou8d ag!ee on one th"ng. Ab!aham was most 'e!ta"n8y Hust"7"ed by 7a"th. Aut 'ou8d not anyone who sees th"s mu'h see as we88 that Ab!aham was a8so Hust"7"ed by wo!DsK .ndeed: was not the 7a"th by wh"'h he was "n"t"a88y Hust"7"ed t!anspa!ent8y en!"'hed by h"s g!eat a't o7 obed"en'eK 0hese thoughts a!e e=p!essed by James "n *e!ses 2@-2L. A pa!aph!ase o7 h"s wo!ds m"ght be as 7o88ows: 9+ sense8ess manI 2o you !ea88y want to Dnow that 7a"th "s genu"ne8y dead w"thout wo!DsK 0aDe ou! 7athe! Ab!aham as an e=amp8e. .snEt "t ob*"ous that he was *"nd"'ated by h"s wo!Ds when he o77e!ed h"s son .saa' on the a8ta!K CanEt you see 7o! you!se87 that h"s 7a"th was 'oope!at"ng w"th h"s wo!Ds and h"s 7a"th was a'tua88y matu!ed by those wo!DsK 9And was not a88 th"s an app!op!"ate 7u87"88ment o7 the d"*"ne de'8a!at"on by wh"'h he was o!"g"na88y *"nd"'ated "n /odEs s"ghtP 7o! the S'!"ptu!e says that EAb!aham be8"e*ed /od:

4ote th"s same 7o!mat "n ,au8: 1 Co!. 1?:L?:L6 -- ;+bHe'to!< 9Aut someone w"88 say: EHow...KE9 ;&esponse< 9Goo8"sh one: what you sow....9P and &om. #:1#:2@ -- ;+bHe'to!< 9-ou w"88 say to me then: EJhy does...KE9 ;&esponse< 9Aut "ndeed: + man: who a!e you to !ep8y aga"nst /odK J"88 the th"ng 7o!med...K9 0he use o7 su'h st!u'tu!a8 ma!De!s as 9but someone w"88 say9 and sha!p-toned ep"thets d"!e'ted at a sense8ess o! ungod8y "nte!8o'uto! a!e we88-Dnown 7eatu!es o7 the d"at!"be sty8e so p!e*a8ent "n JamesEs and ,au8Es day. Go! !e7e!en'es see 6ayo!: pp. ## and 1@2P &opes: pp. 2@$ and 216P 2a*"ds: pp. 12L and 126. 1L

and "t was a''ounted to h"m 7o! !"ghteousnessEK Aut now: "n o77e!"ng up h"s own son: th"s o!"g"na8 d"*"ne a''eptan'e o7 Ab!aham was substant"ated and *e!"7"ed "n the eyes o7 men who app!op!"ate8y 'a88ed h"m Ethe 7!"end o7 /od.E 9 0h"s "s a maste!7u8 !esponse to an obHe't"on that JamesEs !eade!s must ha*e hea!d: o! e8se James wou8d not ha*e !a"sed the "ssue "n the 7"!st p8a'e. .7 one 'ou8d not see the dynam"' "nte!a't"on between 7a"th and wo!Ds "n Ab!ahamEs 7amous a't o7 obed"en'e: he 'ou8d not see "t anywhe!e. Ga"th t!u8y 7ound: "n Ab!ahamEs 'ase: an "nd"spensab8e a88y "n wo!Ds. And Ab!ahamEs Hust"7y"ng 7a"th: wh"'h "n'8uded an "mp8"'"t be8"e7 "n the !esu!!e't"ng powe! o7 /od ;&omans 4:1%-1#<: was st!engthened by an a't wh"'h st!et'hed that 7a"th to "ts utte!most 8"m"ts. Go! now Ab!aham was ab8e to be8"e*e e=p8"'"t8y that /od 'ou8d e*en !a"se up th"s son whom he was Hust about to D"88 ;Heb. 11:1%-1#<. 4o matte! how one m"ght med"tate on th"s sup!eme '!"s"s "n the 8"7e o7 the pat!"a!'h: the 'on'8us"on was "nes'apab8e. 0he who8e "n'"dent was a symphony "n wh"'h the tw"n themes o7 7a"th and wo!Ds we!e man"7est8y "nte!wo*en "nto a s"ng8e ha!mon"ous !e7!a"n. And as '8ea!8y as 7a"th had gene!ated obed"ent a't"*"ty: so too had obed"ent a't"*"ty gene!ated a !"'he! 7a"th.2# Aut "7 Ab!aham had not a'ted: the dange! to the 'ont"nu"ng *"ta8"ty o7 h"s 7a"th was easy to see. Aut th"s "s a88 James w"shes to say. 0he!e "s no d"s'uss"on he!e at a88 about the >uest"on o7 how a man 'an be de'8a!ed !"ghteous be7o!e /od. .n 7a't: the t!uth that Ab!aham was Hust"7"ed by 7a"th "s taDen 7o! g!anted and t!eated as 'ommon g!ound between James and h"s "mag"ned obHe'to! ;who no doubt !ep!esented *"ews he8d by at 8east some Ch!"st"ans<. Jhat "s at "ssue: !athe!: "s post-Hust"7"'at"on 7a"th. 0h"s po"nt "s so ob*"ous "t ought not to need to be made. -et "t "s 'ommon8y o*e!8ooDed. ,au8Es g!eat te=t on Ab!ahamEs Hust"7"'at"on ;/en. 1?:6< "s >uoted as a 9g"*en9 "n the Ab!aham"' sto!y. Aut the "n'"dent w"th .saa' o''u!!ed 8ong a7te!wa!d as e*e!y one o7 JamesEs !eade!s wou8d Dnow. Aut James a!t7u88y 7"nds "n th"s 8ate! 7a"th a 97"88"ng 7u889 o7 the ea!8"e! 7a"th. Ab!ahamEs o!"g"na8 Hust"7y"ng 7a"th 9was made pe!7e't9 ;9was b!ought to matu!"ty9< by th"s 8ate! a't o7 obed"en'e wh"'h 8eaned so hea*"8y on Ab!ahamEs o!"g"na8 'on*"'t"on about the p!om"se o7 /od.L@ 0he po"nt 7o! the !eade!s o7 James "s p8a"n: 5"De Ab!aham they too ha*e been a''ounted !"ghteous be7o!e /od by 7a"th. -et that o!"g"na8 'on7"den'e "n /od 'an be e=panded and de*e8oped by a 8"7e o7 a't"*e obed"en'e. Ab!ahamEs subm"ss"on to /od "n h"s g!eatest t!"a8 was amp8e p!oo7 o7 that. Aut the 'on*e!se "s a8so ob*"ous. 4ot to pe!m"t ou! 7a"th to de*e8op and g!ow th!ough an obed"ent 8"7e "s to 'ou!t sp"!"tua8 ha!den"ng. 5"De a body

About the statement "n *e!se 22 ;9by wo!Ds 7a"th was made pe!7e't9<: Adamson apt8y obse!*es: 90he 7o!'e o7 the statement seems to be that 7a"th "s 7u87"88ed: st!engthened: and matu!ed by e=e!'"se.9 James A. Adamson: 0he 1p"st8e o7 James: 4ew .nte!nat"ona8 Commenta!y on the 4ew 0estament ;/!and &ap"ds: 1e!dmans: 1#%6<: p. 1L@. L@ Ho!t: p. 64: e=p8a"ns 9the S'!"ptu!e was 7u87"88ed9 ;*e!se 2L< as 7o88ows: 90he 2"*"ne wo!d spoDen "s 'on'e"*ed o7 as !e'e"*"ng a 'omp8et"on so to speaD "n a'ts o! e*ents wh"'h a!e done o! 'ome to pass "n a''o!dan'e w"th "t. 0he "dea o7 7"88"ng: o! g"*"ng 7u8ness to: "s a8ways 'onta"ned "n the b"b8"'a8 use o7 7u87"88"ng: though not a8ways "n the same sense.9 See a8so the st"mu8at"ng d"s'uss"on o7 Adamson: pp. 1L@1L2. 14

wh"'h has 8ost "ts an"mat"ng sp"!"t: a wo!D8ess 7a"th "n a Ch!"st"anEs e=pe!"en'e "s a te88ta8e s"gn that h"s 7a"th has 8ost a88 "ts *"ta8"ty. Aut about the who8e "dea that 7a8se p!o7ess"ons o7 Ch!"st"an"ty a!e dete'ted by the absen'e o7 good wo!Ds: James says abso8ute8y noth"ng at a88I J3S0.G.CA0.+4 A- J+&CS James "s now !eady to 'ont"nue add!ess"ng a88 o7 h"s !eade!s. +7 'ou!se: "n !ea8"ty: he has been w!"t"ng to them a88 a8ong. 0he obHe'to! "s a me!e 7o"8 "nto whose mouth James 'ou8d put the sp"!"tua88y '!ass "deas that he w"shes to !e7ute: and thus he 'an a*o"d 'ha!g"ng any o7 h"s !eade!s w"th ho8d"ng them. ,!esumab8y: howe*e!: "7 any o7 JamesEs !eade!s had been tempted to ag!ee w"th the obHe'to!: those pe!sons wou8d now th"nD bette! o7 espous"ng su'h *"ews. And w"th th"s !e7utat"on out o7 the way: James "s !eady to !ound o77 the who8e d"s'uss"on w"th h"s 'on'8ud"ng !ema!Ds. 0hese !ema!Ds ;*e!ses 2L-26< may be pa!aph!ased "n th"s way: 9.n 'on'8us"on: then: as you a88 'an see: a man 'an be *"nd"'ated by wo!Ds as we88 as be"ng *"nd"'ated by 7a"th. 0o "88ust!ate: Jas not &ahab the p!ost"tute ob*"ous8y *"nd"'ated by he! wo!Ds when she a't"*e8y a"ded the sp"es to es'apeK .snEt that how she he!se87 su!*"*ed when e*e!ybody e8se "n he! '"ty d"edK 0he po"nt "s p8a"n: Jhen Ch!"st"an 7a"th "s d"s'onne'ted 7!om ou! wo!Ds: "t has no mo!e *"ta8"ty and 8"7e-p!ese!*"ng powe! than does a 'o!pse wh"'h has been d"s'onne'ted 7!om "ts dynam"': 8"7e-g"*"ng sp"!"t.9 0wo po"nts must espe'"a88y be noted "n th"s s"gn"7"'ant 'on'8us"on. G"!st: ne"the! "n these *e!ses no! "n those abo*e does James e*e! speaD o7 Hust"7"'at"on by 7a"th p8us wo!Ds. .nstead he speaDs a8ways o7 Hust"7"'at"on by wo!Ds ;*e!ses 21 and 24a< o! o7 Hust"7"'at"on by 7a"th ;*e!se 24b<. )e!se 24 s"mp8y means that Hust"7"'at"on by 7a"th "s not the on8y D"nd o7 Hust"7"'at"on the!e "s. James and h"s !eade!s "ndeed ag!eed that Hust"7"'at"on be7o!e /od "s by 7a"th a8one. Aut some o7 h"s Ch!"st"an !eade!s m"ght not ha*e !ea8" ed that one 'ou8d a8so be Hust"7"ed by wo!Ds: as had both Ab!aham and &ahab.L1 .nte!est"ng8y enough: the Apost8e ,au8 wou8d not ha*e d"sag!eed w"th th"s. .ndeed: "n &omans 4:2 he w!"tes: Go! "7 Ab!aham was Hust"7"ed by wo!Ds: he has someth"ng o7 wh"'h to boast: but not be7o!e /od ;&omans 4:2<. 4o doubt ,au8 had en'ounte!ed the thought that the!e was a sense "n wh"'h Ab!aham t!u8y was Hust"7"ed by wo!Ds: and he does not d"spute th"s "dea. Aut he "ns"sts that su'h a Hust"7"'at"on wou8d not be 9be7o!e /od9I


0he wo!d 9a8one:9 o! 9on8y:9 "n /!eeD "s ad*e!b"a8 "n 7o!m and ought not to be 'onst!ued as a mod"7"e! o7 97a"th9 "n the sense o7 9by 7a"th a8one.9 0h"s po"nt "s o7ten "gno!ed by w!"te!s. Howe*e!: 5ange g!ants that the /!eeD wo!d 7o! 9a8one9 m"ght be 'onne'ted w"th the wo!d 9Hust"7"ed9 "n the sense: 9Enot on8y by 7a"th but by wo!Ds a man "s Hust"7"ed:E9 but he a!gues that "n 7a't "t ought to be Ho"ned 9adHe't"*e8y9 w"th the wo!d 7a"th. See 5ange: p. $%. Aut "n the 4ew 0estament: when the wo!d monos ;9a8one9< mod"7"es a noun "t no!ma88y has 7o!ma8 'on'o!d w"th the noun. 0he ad*e!b"a8 use "s the on8y natu!a8 one he!e: ".e.: 9-ou see then that a man "s Hust"7"ed by wo!Ds: and not on8y ;Hust"7"ed< by 7a"th.9 1?

J"th th"s: o7 'ou!se: JamesEs tea'h"ng "s pe!7e't8y ha!mon"ous. Ab!aham was "ndeed Hust"7"ed by 7a"th 8ong be7o!e the "n'"dent w"th .saa'. Aut that "n'"dent: "n "tEs own good t"me: demonst!ated to men that Ab!aham was on good te!ms w"th /od: and so they 'a88ed h"m 9/odEs 7!"end.9 +n the 8e*e8 o7 p!a't"'a8 pe!7o!man'e: men saw h"m as a !"ghteous pe!son. And so "t 'an be w"th us as we88. .n 7a't: Jesus H"mse87 taught: -ou a!e 6y 7!"ends "7 you do whate*e! . 'ommand you ;John 1?:14<. He!e one 'annot he8p but note that 7!"endsh"p w"th ou! 5o!d "s based on obed"en'e to H"m Hust as Ab!ahamEs 7!"endsh"p w"th /od was based on obed"en'e. Aut th"s "s an "ssue >u"te sepa!ate 7!om that o7 sa8*at"on 7!om he88. C8ea!8y "t "s !e8ated to the Ch!"st"anEs e=pe!"en'e o7 "nt"ma'y w"th /od ;see John 14:21-2L<. Just"7"'at"on by 7a"th: ,au8 tea'hes us: g"*es us a !"ghteous stand"ng be7o!e /od. Just"7"'at"on by wo!Ds d"sp8ays ou! p!a't"'a8 !"ghteousness "n su'h a way that we a!e *"nd"'ated be7o!e peop8e. 0hey 'an see by ou! wo!Ds that we a!e "n *"ta8 tou'h w"th ou! 6aDe! and that we a!e on "nt"mate te!ms w"th H"m. +!: to put "t anothe! way: they 'an see ou! 7a"th "n /od th!ough ou! obed"en'e to H"m.L2 Aut James does not say that Hust"7"'at"on by 7a"th 'annot e="st apa!t 7!om Hust"7"'at"on by wo!Ds. 4o! does he "mp8y th"s. 0o !ead su'h an "dea out o7 JamesEs wo!ds "s poss"b8e on8y "7 we ha*e 7"!st !ead ou! own "dea "nto the passage. .7 any !eade! th"nDs he dete'ts su'h an "mp8"'at"on he!e: 8et h"m 8ooD aga"n. 0h"s "dea "s not to be 7ound anywhe!e "n th"s te=t: and "ndeed not to be 7ound anywhe!e e8se "n the A"b8e. Aut the se'ond st!"D"ng 7eatu!e o7 JamesEs 'on'8us"on "s that: w"th the sto!y o7 &ahab: James !etu!ns to h"s 7undamenta8 theme o7 sa*"ng the 8"7e ;2:1%<. C8ea!8y: th"s /ent"8e woman was "n many ways a st!"D"ng 'ont!ast to Ab!aham. Aut she was a8so 8"De Ab!aham "n that she a'ted on what she be8"e*ed. 6o!eo*e!: she was *"nd"'ated 7o! a88 t"me and ete!n"ty as a woman w"th a *"ta8: a't"*e 7a"th "n /od.LL

He!e we 7"nd ou!se8*es 'om7o!tab8y "n 'on'e!t w"th John Ca8*"n: 9James d"d not mean to tea'h us whe!e the 'on7"den'e o7 ou! sa8*at"on shou8d !est F wh"'h "s the *e!y po"nt on wh"'h ,au8 does "ns"st. So 8et us a*o"d the 7a8se !eason"ng wh"'h has t!apped the soph"sts: by taD"ng note o7 the doub8e mean"ng: to ,au8: the wo!d MHust"7"'at"onN denotes ou! 7!ee "mputat"on o7 !"ghteousness be7o!e the Hudgment seat o7 /od: to James: the demonst!at"on o7 !"ghteousness 7!om "ts e77e'ts: "n the s"ght o7 menP wh"'h we may dedu'e 7!om the p!e'ed"ng wo!ds: Shew me thy 7a"th. et'. .n th"s 8atte! sense: we may adm"t w"thout 'ont!o*e!sy that man "s Hust"7"ed by wo!Ds: Hust as you m"ght say a man "s en!"'hed by the pu!'hase o7 a 8a!ge and 'ost8y estate: s"n'e h"s wea8th: wh"'h be7o!ehand he Dept out o7 s"ght "n a st!ong-bo=: has be'ome we88 Dnown.9 0h"s "s supe!b8y put and "mmense8y supe!"o! to most mode!n t!eatments o7 th"s "ssue. Ca8*"nEs Commenta!"es: pp. 2$?-2$6. 5"Dew"se *e!y ed"7y"ng a!e the 'omments o7 J. 4. 2a!by: 9James: !ema!D: ne*e! says that wo!Ds Hust"7y us be7o!e /od M"ta8"'s h"sNP 7o! /od 'an see the 7a"th w"thout "ts wo!Ds. He Dnows that 8"7e "s the!e. .t "s "n e=e!'"se w"th !ega!d to H"m: towa!ds H"m: by t!ust "n H"s wo!d: "n H"mse87: by !e'e"*"ng H"s test"mony "n sp"te o7 e*e!yth"ng w"th"n and w"thout. 0h"s /od sees and Dnows. Aut when ou! 7e88ow '!eatu!es a!e "n >uest"on: when "t must be sa"d Eshew me:E then 7a"th: 8"7e: shows "tse87 "n wo!Ds.9 J. 4. 2a!by: Synops"s o7 the AooDs o7 the A"b8e: Co8oss"ans-&e*e8at"on: new ed. !e*. ;4ew -o!D: 5o" eau= A!othe!s: !ep!"nt ed.: 1#42<: p. L61. LL An "nd"!e't test"mony to the depth o7 he! *"nd"'at"on be7o!e men "s to be 7ound "n the s"gn"7"'ant !o8e &ahab p8ayed "n p"ous Jew"sh 8egend. Go! spe'"7"'s: see 5aws: p. 1L%. 0hanDs to James: he! name 8"*es on today "n Ch!"st"an"ty as a 'ha88eng"ng !o8e-mode8 7o! e*e!y bo!n-aga"n be8"e*e! who: though a8!eady Hust"7"ed by 7a"th: a8so asp"!es to be Hust"7"ed by wo!Ds. 16

Aut &ahab a8so 7u!n"shes st"88 anothe! "88ust!at"*e e8ement wh"'h "s not 7ound "n the Ab!aham"' "n'"dent. &ahab 8"te!a88y sa*ed he! own 8"7e ;and he! 7am"8yEs< by a't"ng upon he! t!ue 'on*"'t"ons and ass"st"ng the .s!ae8"te sp"es. Had these men not es'aped the"! pu!sue!s: &ahab wou8d ha*e d"ed w"th the !est o7 Je!"'hoEs "nhab"tants. Aut by a't"ng on he! 7a"th F "n the *e!y p!o'ess o7 be"ng Hust"7"ed by he! wo!Ds F she a'tua88y sa*ed he! own 8"7eI JamesEs !eade!s 'ou8d do the same th"ng "7 they we!e 'omm"tted doe!s o7 the Jo!d and not me!e8y hea!e!s ;and be8"e*e!sI< o7 that Jo!d ;see 1:21-2?<. Jhen "t 'ame to a*o"d"ng the death-dea8"ng 'onse>uen'es o7 s"n ;1:1L-1?<: "t was 'e!ta"n8y "mpo!tant to be8"e*e what one hea!d 7!om the S'!"ptu!es. Su!e8y no one was 8"De8y to a't on someth"ng he d"d not be8"e*e. Aut "t was not enough Hust to be8"e*e. +ne had to obey as we88. .7 "t was a 'ase o7 es'ap"ng phys"'a8 death wh"'h s"n 'ou8d so g!eat8y hasten: 7a"th a8one 'ou8d not sa*e anyone. Aut 7a"th that wo!Ded 'ou8d. And th"s "s the p!a't"'a8 and '!u'"a8 t!uth o7 wh"'h &ahabEs a't"on "s the '8"ma't"' "88ust!at"on. C+4C53S.+4 .t "s doubt8ess a t!"bute to the tena'"ty o7 "nhe!"ted "deas that the !ea8 message o7 James 2:14-26 goes 8a!ge8y unhea!d "n the 'hu!'h e*en today. Aut th"s sad 7a't "s a8so an a8a!m"ng !em"nde! that the natu!a8 "nst"n'ts o7 man g!a*"tate a8most w"thout p!odd"ng to those *"ews o7 ete!na8 sa8*at"on wh"'h a!e "nsepa!ab8y "nte!wo*en w"th an "ns"sten'e on good wo!Ds. 0he shee!: unadu8te!ated sa*"ng g!a'e o7 /od has a8ways been su'h a da 8"ng: b8"nd"ng 8"ght to men that e*en a7te! they ha*e be8"e*ed "t they o7ten ha!bo! the se'!et op"n"on that the!e has to be a 9'at'h9 somewhe!e. .ndeed: the /a8at"ans suspe'ted that the!e was su'h a 'at'h not 8ong a7te! ,au8 had 8e7t them ;/a8at"ans 1:6-#<. Aut James 2:14-26 "s not that 'at'hI Cont!a!y to the op"n"ons that ha*e been !e8ent8ess8y !epeated down th!ough the yea!s: James does not "n any way "ns"st on the p!esen'e o7 good wo!Ds as a ne'essa!y ;o! "ne*"tab8e< pa!t o7 /odEs g!a'"ous de8"*e!an'e o7 men 7!om ete!na8 damnat"on. .ndeed: no w!"te! has stated the t!uth that new b"!th "s a d"*"ne g"7t mo!e e8o>uent8y that James ;1:1%:1$<: and he "s >u"te 'om7o!tab8e w"th the thought that Ab!aham was Hust"7"ed by 7a"th unm"=ed w"th wo!Ds. Aut James does po"nted8y "ns"st that: a7te! /odEs g!atu"tous Hust"7"'at"on has been !e'e"*ed: the 7a"th o7 a Hust"7"ed man needs to be Dept *"ta8 and dynam"' by good wo!Ds. 0h"s "s not to say that the 7a"8u!e to pe!7o!m good wo!Ds w"88 !esu8t "n the 8oss o7 o!"g"na8 Hust"7"'at"on. James ne*e! suggests any su'h "dea as that. James does say: howe*e!: that e*en Hust"7"ed be8"e*e!s 'an be 8ed ast!ay on a pathway that ends "n death ;see ?:1#:2@<. 0o a*o"d that out'ome: 7a"th must be Dept a8"*e and *"ta8 by 7a"th7u88y a't"ng "n obed"en'e to /odEs Jo!d. 0h"s "s p!a't"'a8 ad*"'e: to say the 8east. Aut "t "s ad*"'e 7o! Ch!"st"an peop8e 7o! whom the "ssue o7 hea*en o! he88 has a8!eady been sett8ed. 0o use James 2:14-26 to unsett8e that "ssue 7o! the mode!n Ch!"st"an !eade! "s a most se!"ous e!!o!. Adm"tted8y: th"s e!!o! "s w"desp!ead and w"88 no doubt ha*e an aud"en'e "n the 'hu!'h unt"8 the 5o!d !etu!ns. Aut "t "s 'om7o!t"ng to Dnow that the tea'h"ng w"88 be tota88y and "!!e*o'ab8y 7o!gotten as soon as the !edeemed meet the"! &edeeme! 7a'e to 7a'e. And 7a! out8ast"ng the 7eeb8e and

"nade>uate "deas that a!e d!awn 7!om m"s!ead"ng the message o7 James 2 w"88 be the song o7 the ete!na88y sa*ed: 0o H"m who 8o*ed us and washed us 7!om ou! s"ns "n H"s own b8oodR ;&e*e8at"on 1:?<. 5et "t be sa"d p8a"n8y: Jhe!e the message o7 the '!oss "s '8ea!8y unde!stood: the b8ood o7 Ch!"st "s mo!e than su77"'"ent to g"*e pea'e to the be8"e*e!. 0hose who must 8ooD at the"! wo!Ds to be su!e that the"! 7a"th "s !ea8: ha*e not yet '8ea!8y unde!stood the /ospe8 o7 ou! 5o!d and Sa*"o! Jesus Ch!"st. .t "s not 7a"th "n ou! 7a"th that assu!es us that we a!e ete!na88y sa*ed. .t "s 7a"th "n H"m who 8o*ed us. -------------------------------------------


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