2012 05 Spring QT Newsletter

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QT e-News

Volume 3, Issue 2 Spring 2012

Quanta Technologys Online Newsletter

Headquartered in Raleigh, NC - offices in Boston MA, Chicago IL, Oakland CA, Toronto Ontario, and European office in Rotterdam NL

Real-Time Digital Simulation Testing

by Ed Khan
The need for real-time simulations has been felt by power system engineers since the 1930s. This eventually led to the development of DC Calculating Boards. In the 1920s the first Transient Network Analyzer (TNA) was developed. In a TNA, the real system components, such as generators, loads, transformers, etc., were represented by miniature electrical components with values scaled down proportionally. The TNA, which was essentially a real-time analog simulator, had accuracies around 2%, was costly, and the quantity of data was limited. With tremendous progress in the area of digital technology, computerized digital simulation programs such as EMTP/ATP, etc., were developed and began to compete with real-time analog simulators. These computerized digital simulation programs have tremendous modeling capability. There is, however a shortcoming in programs, such as EMTP, with regard to real-time simulations. Because they are limited in speed to that of the host computer, they are not considered realtime simulators, since the host computer cannot solve these cases in real time. Hence, this requires the simulation to be based on a predicted response, adjusted, and the test rerun accordingly. The first real-time digital simulator (RTDS) became commercial in 1994. It was extremely popular with research organizations, universities, utilities, equipment manufacturers, and the like. Continued on page 3


Real-Time Digital Simulation Testing ..................................................... Page 1 Adoption of Electric Vehicles in the U.S. Macroeconomic Impacts.......... Page 1 Dynamic Line Ratings: A Smart Technology for Increased Transmission Capacity ................................................... Page 6 Testing of Utility-Grade Energy Storage Systems ....................................... Page 9 International Updates ............................. Page 13 Journey in Modernizing the Grid for the 21st Century.................................... Page 16

Adoption of Electric Vehicles in the U.S. Macroeconomic Impacts

by Srijib Mukherjee
Quanta Technology is working on a study to determine the impact that electric vehicles (EVs) will have on the U.S. economy, with respect to federal, state, and local efforts to encourage consumers to consider electric vehicle usage. Parameters include the impact on employment, investments, trade balance, and greenhouse gas emissions. The modeling and analysis that is being conducted by our team of engineers focuses on oil prices, operating costs, and the effects of battery switching stations. Continued on page 5

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Letter from the President

Dear Colleagues, As Our International Work Expands, So Does Our Global Perspective and Expertise As our business continues to expand, an area that is gaining rapid momentum for us is our international activity. In the last few months, alone, weve begun 10 projects in India, Colombia, Belgium, Ecuador, Taiwan, the Netherlands and the Pacific Rim. Growing our international business is a priority for us because we believe it is better for everyone involved, including our customers in North America. While our international work covers a wide variety of topics, there are some common themes not far removed from the key priorities of North American companies. A good deal of our international work involves Smart Grid, including assessment of potential benefits and development of roadmaps and design of Smart Grid pilot systems for utilities. Another important area internationally is aging infrastructure. Its a problem for utilities outside the U.S., too, and were helping European and Pacific Rim utilities develop long -term plans to optimize sustainable business cases for the management of old and the installation of new equipment from a lifetime management perspective. Finally, a key technical area that is increasingly important in the U.S. and Canada, too, is systemic protection of regional power systems, using combinations of Smart Grid and advanced equipment to build systems that anticipate problems and take action to avoid unacceptable situations, quite literally before they develop. Our projects in Europe, in Columbia and Ecuador, and in the Pacific Rim, provide a prime example of why we think it is so important to work around the globe. Our international projects involve IEC-61850, Phasor Measurement Units, WAMPAC, and Smart Grid four technologies emerging as best practices on a global scale, and technologies weve dealt with a lot here at home. By working with them internationally we see them in a new light and apply them in new situations. That stretches our understanding of them, teaches us new concepts and techniques, and makes us better engineers and project managers everywhere we go. And that is another type of growth that is very dear to us. Corny as it may sound, personal professional growth is a core priority at Quanta Technology something we measure, track, and actively manage. The diversity of work and the challenges we embrace in our international work are part and parcel of how we are growing Quanta Technology, not just in business revenue, but in the professional skills and practical expertise all of us, young and old, accumulate. So expect to see us continue to grow in both a business and professional sense as Quanta Technology expands its global footprint even more throughout the rest of 2012. Sincerely, Want to Receive Our Newsletter? The QT e-News newsletter is published four times per year, in both electronic and print form, and in special editions for important industry events. If you would like to receive your copy, please contact: John Wasilak at (919-334-3058) or


The Quanta Technologys e-NEWS Newsletter is published quarterly at the offices of Quanta Technology, 4020 Westchase Blvd, Suite 300, Raleigh, NC. Any reproduction or use of content, without attribution, is forbidden.

4020 Westchase Blvd., Suite 300 Raleigh, North Carolina 27607 Phone: 919-334-3000

John Wasilak Director of Marketing, Managing Editor jwasilak@quanta-technology.com 2012 Quanta Technology, LLC Reproduction of the material in this newsletter is prohibited without attribution.

Damir Novosel and the Quanta Technology Team

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RTDS Testing Cont. from page 1

RTDS is a registered trademark of RTDS Technologies, Inc.

Figure 1.

With the given complexity of present day electrical networks, utilities are being challenged to keep their system secure and reliable. NERC-mandated requirements are adding tremendous pressure on utilities to make sure their networks are dependable and secured. In this environment, RTDS plays a significant role by offering utilities an exceptional means to test their systems. It offers substantial advantages over other non real-time simulations. The most notable advantage of RTDS is that it is capable of solving power system equations fast enough such that the output from RTDS realistically represents conditions in real time. With a real-time solution, the simulator can be connected directly to power system controls and protective relay equipment. Figure 1 highlights details of real-time simulation. The details of the power system are modeled within the software and present themselves as a virtual power system. Appropriate signals (voltage and current) that result from the simulation are fed into actual hardware (protective relays, phasor measurement units, or controls of PVs, wind generators, load tap changers, etc.). The response of the hardware is fed back to the simulator via digital I/Os. The simulation makes necessary changes in the simulation and the entire process continues in a loop all in real time. This is called the hardware-in-the-loop (HIL) type simulation.

Software-in-the-loop is slightly different than the hardware-in-the-loop simulation. In software-in-theloop simulation, actual hardware is replaced by software models of relay, phasor measurement units, and IEDs with sampled value and GOOSE messaging capabilities. The simulations can be elevated further by performing power hardware-in-the-loop (PHIL). This type of simulation is required for testing controllers that require much higher power than conventional controllers of low power requirement. In PHIL simulations, the I/Os require high power flows to test power converters, generators, FACTS, etc. Utilities can benefit significantly by utilizing the computing power RTDS provides. Most utilities do not own real-time digital simulators because they are an expensive capital expenditure and very demanding on the availability of expertise and talent needed to perform real-time simulations. Furthermore, utilities find it hard to maintain a dedicated staff that is proficient in running analysis/testing using real-time simulators. With this need in mind, Quanta Technology, in partnership with North Carolina State University, has established a RealTime Simulation Lab. The lab is equipped with three racks and enough processing power to model most systems and effectively run most simulations required by utilities, universities, and OEMs. This lab has already performed simulations for a number of utilities.

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Figure 2 shows the various kinds of simulations RTDS can perform. I can use RTDS as a tool to train my workforce. I have performed a thorough review of my protection settings, yet I still have doubts about how specific logic will work under actual system conditions. I would feel very comfortable if I could use actual relays to verify anticipated performance. This will help avoid extensive reporting to NERC explaining the false trips. It is abundantly clear that RTDS testing offers many advantages: It provides a very reliable and effective means by which to test protection and control schemes in a short time and at a reduced cost. It is an excellent tool for engineer, operator, and technician training. It is an effective tool to sell proof-of-concept within your company. Its versatility allows you to study interactions between various system components. IEC 61850 Testing Figure 2 Whats more, the simulations provide an excellent means by which utilities can verify the following: Is the logic for my RAS system sound and sturdy enough? Do I have doubts about how the individual relays behave when called upon to implement this logic? How will my PMU perform within a network? Do I need to do a closed-loop testing and verify appropriate performance of the PDCs? How does opening and closing of breakers affect the PMU performance and its reporting? I am not sure how the PV controls will work when integrated into my system. When installing a highly critical transmission line, I want to be sure how the relays will behave under abnormal system conditions. Also, in my simulations, I would like to use actual relay hardware to verify dependability and security. I have an aging workforce as well as new engineers/technicians that need training. Perhaps Education Training Even on systems that are currently operational, a review of weak links or line of critical importance using RTDS simulation will help ensure system integrity. It will expedite R&D projects and product development. It will streamline conceptual design of controls, protective schemes, PMU layout, IEC 61850-based designs. It helps reduce the cost of commissioning by performing up front testing. It can test the reliability of Remedial Action Schemes (RAS)/Special Protection Systems (SPS). It can perform integration tests to evaluate interaction with other protection, controls, and power electronic devices. It can optimize control parameters for distributed generation in a very short time using automated tests. It is capable of using Monte Carlo test methods to find and solve random problems that are difficult to replicate.

Advanced Power Electronics Wide Area Protection and Control Testing With PMU

Large Scale Real Time Simulations

Distributed Generation

Smart Grid Implementation

Protection and Control Testing

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It increases the life of components by evaluating worst case stresses on active and passive components of power systems. It allows for the study of the interaction between AC and DC systems. It helps investigate the effects of disturbance on power system equipment to prevent outages and complete failures. It allows for validation of logic and settings for outof-step trip/out-of-step block schemes. This type of real-time validation of out-of-step protection is performed frequently by utilities such as Manitoba Hydro. This is an extremely critical protection and there is no substitute for real-time simulations to test the performance of such relaying. It provides an easy means to test new recloser controls and also test your existing and future reclosing logic. It is interesting to note that WECC issued a document dated October 25, 2006 titled Model Power System Testing Guide. This guide recommends real-time testing of protective schemes on all EHV lines. This emphasizes the importance that WECC attaches to testing of protective schemes using real-time simulations. For more details on RTDS Testing, contact: Ed Khan at: ekhan@quanta-technology.com electric vehicles tend to be a function of world oil prices, the rates of adoption are driven by the low purchase price and operating costs of electric vehicles with mutually exclusive battery ownership and/or battery leasing.

Consumer Education is Key to Acceptance

Prior versions of electric vehicles failed to achieve significant market share largely because of expensive batteries with limited life spans, limited driving ranges, and higher costs. In order to persuade consumers to consider EVs, we need to understand how they make decisions regarding possible EV ownership. Consumer behavior to switch to electric vehicles can be categorized in two ways. The first is a consumer-level decision, while the second models a set of conditions to forecast the diffusion of new, cost-competitive technologies in the market. In order for consumers to switch from the status quo (i.e., the internal combustion engine), they must learn to perceive that the benefits of EVs will outweigh the uncertainties of adopting this new technology.

Significant Correlation to Oil/Gas Prices

A forecast from the Energy Information Agency (EIA) forms the basis for the oil and gas predictions of our models for this research. This will also anticipate a continued rise in oil prices over the next two decades. Our research additionally assumes that petroleum imports are the only traded good or service impacted by the deployment of electric vehicles. The inflationadjusted price of gasoline in the U.S. is currently at about $4 a gallon and is expected to rise higher by 2030. Our model uses $4 a gallon as the base case, and up to $5.50 a gallon for a high price scenario. The direct correlation here is that increased fuel efficiency lowers the impact of oil prices on the cost of driving; consumers are still vulnerable to rising and volatile oil prices. The Quanta Technology team is also examining the recently-announced Corporate Average Fuel Efficiency (CAF) standards. CAF mandates electric vehicle manufacturers to rapidly increase the fuel economy of their light vehicle offerings. A typical economy vehicle provides a fuel efficiency of 35 miles per gallon. This costs approximately 9 cents per mile to fuel at $3 per

Juergen Holbach at: jholbach@quanta-technology.com

Macroeconomic Impacts of EVs Cont. from page 1

What we are finding is that electric vehicle deployment will have significant macroeconomic consequences for the U.S. For example, electric vehicle adoption scenarios seem to correlate to oil price conditions and purchase price incentives. Because market penetration rates of

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gallon fuel costs. Besides the growing demand of oil, and subsequently oil prices, regulatory and applicable tax changes could further aggravate the domestic cost of gasoline. affordable and reliable electric cars, yet these factors are beyond the scope of this article. For more information contact: Srijib Mukherjee at: smukherjee@quanta-technology.com

EV Battery Cost Concerns

The price of electric vehicles is significantly burdened by the price of the battery. Incorporated into our consumer behavior model is the assumption that the ability to achieve economies of scale on battery production in the U.S. would offset a reduction of the trade deficit with oil producing countries.

Overall Positive Impacts on U.S. Economy

In summary, forecasts of electric car sales would account for 64% of U.S. light vehicle sales and should comprise 24% of the U.S. light vehicle fleet. Rates of adoption are driven by lower purchase prices and operating costs of electric cars with separate battery ownership and leasing. These estimated costs include the costs of installing charging and battery-switching infrastructure. Other macro impacts include lower oil imports. U.S. oil imports by 2030 are expected to be 40% lower or about four million fewer barrels used per day. The U.S. trade deficit would improve. At present the U.S. imports $450 billion of petroleum, which accounts for 60% of its trade deficit. Our model assumes that electric car adoption lowers the annual trade deficit by about $250 billion by the year 2030. Employment would be impacted, creating about 350,000 additional jobs by 2030. Jobs would primarily be in the battery manufacturing industry, construction, operation, and maintenance of domestic charging infrastructures. Finally, health care cost savings are anticipated in the form of lower emissions and carcinogens. Our initial Net Present Value (NPV) of the health impact of electric vehicle deployment by 2030 is somewhere between $100 to $200 million, when vehicles are charged using non-polluting sources of energy. Besides these factors there are several other quantifiable benefits that may motivate consumers to choose

Dynamic Line Ratings: A Smart Technology for Increased Transmission Capacity

by Abdel-Aty Edris
Dynamic Line Ratings (DLRs) offer an inexpensive and smart transmission technology to increase transmission capacity from 10 to 20%, 80 to 90% percent of the time. Historically, Dynamic Line Ratings technology has been successfully applied at a number of power utilities across the U.S. with very beneficial results and impressive cost/benefit ratios. Based on previous experience, the typical time for instrument installation, monitoring, data collection and analysis is four to six months.

Key Benefits
DLR calculates dynamic thermal ratings (real-time ampacities) of overhead transmission lines, based on actual load and weather conditions that are generally accessed through the utilitys SCADA/EMS system. Dynamic Line Ratings offer the following benefits over traditional static ratings: Higher loading of overhead transmission lines is usually possible using actual measured load and weather parameters. Traditional static ratings are overly conservative, since they are based on worstcase weather and load assumptions. A better understanding of overhead transmission line thermal response is achieved, resulting in increased reliability.

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Fuller utilization of transmission line capacity, since DLR allows for informed decisions about capacity limits. Dynamic Thermal Line Ratings offer a way to increase the capacity under most weather and load conditions, while reducing the risk of failure under unfavorable conditions. DLR allows the transmission system operators to observe the true thermal limits of operation so they can seize opportunities to deliver more power during high demand and avoid unnecessary load shedding when contingencies arise. As a result, more power can be transferred with little additional investment in equipment.

Dynamic Line Rating System Provides a Solid Basis for Higher Transmission Line Utilization

Dynamic Line Rating is More than Just Monitoring / Turning Weather Data into Ratings
The system operator typically sees circuit load (in MVA or amperes) and bus voltages. Real-time measurement and display of overhead line sag is far less common. Instead, operators limit overhead transmission line loading, based on ratings developed from worst-case weather conditions. On the other hand, increasing the utilization of transmission assets calls for direct measurement of weather and transmission line parameters. System operators are accustomed to seeing ratings, so Dynamic Line Rating calculation can process the real-time weather data being monitored and present the operator with the actual ampacity of the monitored transmission line.

Figure 1. Typical Overhead Transmission Line Load and Dynamic Line Ratings

Ratings Are Calculated from Monitored Data

While knowing the present thermal state (temperature, line sag, loss of insulation life, etc.) of overhead transmission lines is useful, operators want to see ratings and load in MVA or MW. Operators generally dont have the background to relate temperatures, sags, tensions, and other parameters to how much power a given transmission line can carry. DLR allows the calculation and comparison of thermal ratings to electrical load using predicted models that may warn the operator of future problems. Monitors only report the measured temperature or other parameters at the present time and do not provide any information about the future.

Figure 1 illustrates the difference between dynamic ratings and traditional static (fixed) ratings. The rightmost curve is the actual rating distribution (dynamic ratings). This is a probability distribution of a lines thermal ratings calculated based upon a real-time monitoring. The dynamic ratings of the line typically vary over a range of more than 2:1. The very lowest ratings correspond to still air, maximum air temperatures, and full sun. A typical static thermal rating of about 700 amperes is shown at the left tail of the rating distribution. Clearly, the higher the static rating, the more frequently the actual real-time rating is less than the static rating. The left-most curve represents the load distribution, which varies as a result of fluctuating load levels and system configuration changes. Without knowing the dynamic rating, the operator must intervene to prevent the line load from exceeding the static rating. This might be done by re-dispatch of generation, switching operations, series reactors, phase angle regulating transformers, or a last ditch effort of shedding load. Figure 1 shows, however, that the actual rating is usually greater than the static rating. If the operator knew the dynamic rating, intervention would probably not be necessary.

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The advantage of using Dynamic Line Ratings is clear from Figure 1, where the line rating is noticeably higher than the static rating most of the time. Also, since rating is a prediction, the operator will be warned in advance of upcoming potential overloads. Clearly, monitoring allows the operator to know when the line rating is low and is able to avoid clearance infringements by temporarily reducing line load.
Equation 1.

Qgen Qsun Qrad Qconv mC p *


dT dt

Qgen Qsun

= = =

Heat input by ohmic losses, I2R[watts/m] A function of current and resistance. Heat input by solar [watts/m] This can be directly measured or calculated. Heat loss by radiation [watts/m] A function of temperature rise, diameter, and emissivity. Heat loss by convection [watts/m] A function of temperature rise, diameter, and heat transfer coefficient (wind speed). Heat storage term [watts/m]

Methods for Dynamic Ratings of Overhead Transmission Line

Dynamic rating of overhead transmission lines could be weather-based, temperature-based, tension-based, and/or sag-based calculations. Each method has its own advantages and disadvantages in particular applications. Figure 2 shows the different monitoring equipment used for dynamic line ratings.




This is zero at the steady state.

Equation 2.

I rating
Video Sagometer

Qconv Qrad Qsun R AC_conductor

Figure 2. Overhead Line with Monitor

The weather-based method is very accurate if the weather stations are positioned appropriately to measure the weather actually observed by the line. Multiple weather stations may be required if the weather changes along the line. The weather-based method, which uses standard weather instruments, is usually the simplest method of Dynamic Line Rating to implement. The measurement of wind speed and direction by an anemometer is not dependent on the lines electrical loading, so the method works equally well under pre- and post-contingency loading.

Weather-Based Dynamic Line Ratings

The weather-based method calculates the conductor temperature and ratings using only measurements of load and weather conditions. It uses a heat balance method to track conductor temperature and calculate ratings. Equation 1 is the heat balance equation, consisting of heat input, output, and storage terms. It is based on the fact that at steady state, the heat input must equal the heat output. This can be solved for current as shown in Equation 2.

Temperature-Based Dynamic Line Ratings

The system is capable of calculating dynamic line ratings, based on direct conductor temperature measurements in combination with the line current, air

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temperature, and solar heat. To calculate line ratings, the real-time conductor temperature is converted to an equivalent wind speed perpendicular to the line. Then the wind speed is used in combination with the other weather data to calculate the Dynamic Line Rating. The advantage of temperature-based ratings is that the user has a direct measurement of conductor temperature. If the line rating is determined to limit the loss of strength in the phase conductors at high temperature, then this direct measurement of the primary parameter makes sense. for very high short-duration compared to overhead lines. somewhere in between. emergency ratings Transformers are

Sag/Tension-Based Dynamic Line Ratings

Most overhead lines are rated on the basis of sag clearance at the maximum allowable conductor temperature. Thus, real-time measurement of sag or tension provides a direct measurement of the limiting parameter. Also, sag-tension monitors respond to the weather conditions along an entire line section rather than weather conditions at a single point along the line. Therefore, ratings based on a single sag-tension monitor are equivalent to several weather stations along lengthy line sections. Much like the use of temperature monitors, the real-time tension is converted to an equivalent wind speed. This is done in two steps. First, the tension is converted to an average conductor temperature along the line section, based on field calibration data. Second, the average conductor temperature (in combination with the line current, air temperature, and solar heat) is converted to an effective average wind speed along the line section. The line rating is then calculated using the weatherbased heat balance algorithm.

Figure 3. Temperature Response vs. Time

For further information contact: Abdel-Aty (Aty) Edris at: aedris@quanta-technology.com

Testing of Utility-Grade Energy Storage Systems

By Farid Katiraei, Saman Alaeddini, and Tim Chang
Battery-based energy storage systems (BESSs) are recognized by governmental organizations (e.g., U.S. Department of Energy), regulatory agencies (e.g., FERC order 755), and several utilities as an important component of Smart Grid deployment, as well as a beneficial addition to the grid at transmission and/or distribution voltage levels. Bulk power system storage units (MW size) are used to support the grid for power balancing and ramp rate control, as well as voltage stabilization and congestion management. In an effort to maintain acceptable power quality and reliability for the grid to support large-scale deployment of renewable energy resources with intermittent outputs, centralized and distributed energy storage systems (DESSs) are also

Overhead Transmission Line Thermal Time Constant vs. other Transmission Circuits and Substation Equipment
Figure 3 shows temperature time response for different transmission circuits and substation equipment. The time constant of the overhead line is about 10 to 15 minutes, while a buried cable time constant, for example, is greater than 1000 minutes. These time constants are important when considering emergency ratings (temporary application of load beyond the normal rating). The long thermal time constant of cables allows

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gaining popularity at distribution systems. mediumand low-voltage Ramp rate tests Assessment of control modes for manual and automatic operation In the specific case of energy storage devices, functional testing of energy-capacity aspects may require BESS operation for an extended period of time (several hours) to assess the performance and integrity of the system design for a complete cycle full charge to full discharge including start up and emergency shutdown procedures. Automated testing and data evaluation methods based on comparison of simulation versus field measurement are beneficial during such extensive testing.

Figure 1. Acceptance Test for Battery Energy Storage

Extensive testing and performance evaluation is always at the forefront of introducing new devices in a utility environment. Utilities may embark on pilot demonstration projects, develop their own test facility, and/or collaborate with private or national testing laboratories to investigate field operation and evaluate real-world performance and to establish system design requirements. Energy storage is not an exception. In fact, a wide range of functional and system integration testing are needed to properly verify expected performance and various operating modes of BESSs in interaction with the grid. Moreover, new closed-loop testing approaches are required to assess advanced grid-supporting functionalities of fast-acting battery energy storage systems, such as power smoothing, frequency regulation, and dynamic voltage control (ancillary services).

Field Integration and Application Tests

Field application tests are designed to verify the grid integration and performance of a BESS in interaction with the rest of the system. It can also be utilized for evaluating the advanced control functionalities and data communication, as well as training utility personnel. A customized test plan is required to validate vendorspecific applications and control features (significant difference among vendors), operator control capabilities, and user-selectable parameters (significant difference among utilities). Several newly proposed control applications for energy storage require remote commands or measurement signals from other facilities in the area to be processed and reacted upon. Typical examples include wind or solar PV generation smoothing and responding to emergency reserve signals from a system operator. To field test these applications, real-time measurements or simulated profiles should be used to create command signals for BESS. On the other hand, test results retrieved from the field (e.g., from power quality meters) and the BESS internal measurements need to be processed and compared with expected outcomes (known or simulated behavior), as well as the base case (no storage) system conditions to properly assess the application performance and benefits gained. In an effort to overcome shortcomings of the conventional testing methods, Quanta Technology has proposed a closed-loop testing approach and developed an integrated simulation and visualization tool

Basic Acceptance Tests

Factory acceptance tests and on-site commissioning tests are considered as the basic testing requirements to verify the functional specifications as stated by vendors or agreed upon during the process of original BESS design. Typically, operator-initiated commands and local measurements are used during basic functional tests. The test results are evaluated by comparing the target outputs versus device-level measurements. Atypical site acceptance test plan for BESS may include: Verification of user interface for local versus remote controls Charge and discharge tests

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(customizable) to facilitate field testing and evaluation of advanced energy storage applications. Some components of the testing approach are shown in Figure 2. The tool includes: An application emulator and signal generator for several grid supporting (advanced) applications Off-line simulation model of interconnection (BESS and the grid) the system to AEU to close the loop in testing and evaluation. Data retrieved from the BESS (e.g., SOC, cell temperature, min/max capacity limits, etc.) are other inputs to AEU and the visualization tool. Figure 3 shows the comparison of the signals from AEU for a solar PV smoothing application. The PV generation profile is captured from the field measurement at the PV plant. A smoothing algorithm, as part of the AEU application emulator, uses the profile to generate a command signal for the BESS. The expected output power after smoothing and level of variations in SOC are derived from simulation model (also shown in Figure 3). For the purpose of testing, multiple runs using 15-minute profiles (site specific) with different levels of intermittency are normally selected and evaluated.

Visualization tool that can demonstrate and compare field measurement and simulation results

Real-time System Data OR Simulation Data PQ Measurements

Converter 1

Converter 2

PREF Signal Generator

*Feeder Relief *Generation Smoothing *Frequency Regulation *Rate of Change


Battery Management System

Application Controller

Application Emulator Unit

Figure 3. AEU Simulation of Solar PV Smoothing Application (15-minute test profile)

Figure 2. Proposed Testing Approach for Advanced BESS Applications

In order to evaluate the BESS applications in the field, real-time system data and/or simulated profiles, such as intermittent generation (e.g., from a wind farm or a PV plant), line loading, and market-based regulation (MBR) signals are processed by an application emulator unit (AEU) to generate command signals for the BESS unit (power or voltage references). As shown in Figure 2, by establishing a communication link between the AEU and the BESS application controller, the command signals are exchanged with the BESS to determine proper references for P and Q set points of each subsystem of BESS in real-time. The power quality measurements are captured from the BESS terminals and used as inputs

Off-line Simulation Application

The testing tool incorporates a detailed simulation model of the BESS site and the surrounding interconnection system, including the battery internal controllers, interconnection equipment, and part of the grid. The simulation model is typically developed and verified in collaboration with the BESS vendor and the utility. The model can be used for off-line simulation and evaluation of test cases before applying to the field, and/or for comparing the field results with expected behavior, as obtained from simulation. In the latter case, AEU

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command signals will be received and treated by the simulation model in a similar manner as to be processed by a BESS application controller. The model will include measurement points corresponding to the actual locations of meters in the facility under test to provide simulation results as inputs to the visualization tool for test evaluation and performance assessment. The visualization tool also includes built-in features, such as: Displaying the direction of power flow for both real and reactive power Color-coded meters based on low, medium, or maximum level of the apparent power, and current flow, as well as voltage thresholds Color-coded bus-bars, based on level of current flow with respect to the maximum allowable base current flow in each branch

Visualization Tool for Closed-Loop Testing

In a test site or a pilot project, the measurement data and performance indicators have to be collected and analyzed from multiple measurement devices and data sources. To understand the system operation, it is also beneficial to put the data in perspective by linking them to a single line schematic of the facility. A customized visualization tool can be used for the aforementioned purposes. The tool will provide access to all data sources to display real-time data retrieved from the test or offline simulation results with a user defined refreshment rate. An example of a visualization interface is shown in Figure 4. In this case, the user can directly interact with the display to view data from either the simulation or the measurement. The power flow measurements (with associated directions) and voltages are linked to their corresponding meters and locations at the site. In simulation mode, the visualization tool will access output files generated by the off-line simulation model, which replace the meter reading data.

Test Plans and Evaluation Criteria

Presently, each BESS project is unique in design and control applications. This aspect emphasizes the need for extensive tests and performance analysis during the energization and commissioning stage to ensure the BESS will operate as desired and respond to the control commands and system transients in a timely fashion. Vendor-specific design aspects also affect the details and type of tests that are required for each site. Quanta Technology has collaborated with several utilities in North America to develop customized test plans and define site-specific evaluation criteria. The automated closed-loop testing and evaluation approach, based upon comparison of field tests and simulated operation are critical tools to examine the performance of energy storage systems during the site testing and integration processes. For further information contact: Farid Katiraei at: fkatiraei@quanta-technology.com

Saman Alaeddini at: salaeddini@quanta-technology.com

Battery Energy Storage System

Offline Simulation

Field Measurement

Tim Chang at: tchang@quanta-technology.com

Figure 4. Visualization Tool for Testing and Field Verification of BESS

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International Business: Where Weve Been, Where We Are Now, Where Were Going
Quanta Technologys business development strategy efforts in the international market contributed significantly to our recent successes around the globe. During the first Quarter of 2012 we were awarded several international projects in the areas of Smart Grid Strategies and Technologies, Wide Area Monitoring Protection and Control (WAMPAC), and Special Protection Systems for Bulk Transmission Systems. Moreover, we have passed rigorous technical evaluations during the bidding processes against globally recognized consulting competitors. We look forward to continuing to address the technology needs of system operators and utilities around the world. To that end, we will be attending various conferences and symposia across the globe, and we hope to see you there and have the opportunity to talk with you in person.

of two critical bulk transmission substations.

Medellin, Colombia The other project was awarded to us by CENACE of Ecuador, which coordinates the operation of the National Interconnect Electrical System of Ecuador. Quanta Technology will identify for CENACE the critical contingencies of the Bulk Transmission System and identify mitigation measures to maintain its reliability. Our team will design and specify a Systemic Protection System to implement the mitigation measures identif ied in the contingency analysis. This project will assist CENACE in coping with the increasing demands of the Ecuadorian Transmission Network.

Latin America and the Caribbean Quanta Technology is working with the regions system
operators and utilities to identify and implement system measures to improve their system reliability. During the first Quarter of 2012, we were awarded projects in two South American countries to assist system operators in identifying measures that would enable them to increase their system reliability by applying system-wide protection best practices and Special Protection Systems on their bulk transmission systems. The first project was awarded to us by XM of Colombia, which operates the National Interconnected Colombian System (SIN) and administers the Energy Market of Colombia. This project calls for us to benchmark the existing bulk transmission system protection guidelines and norms against international best practices, recommend new guidelines for planning and improving protection systems, and coordinate guidelines, including intelligent solutions, and review the protection systems

Ecuadorian Line Marker, the half point of the world During the week of May 20, in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, we will present a keynote speech at the XII SEPOPE conference. Our keynote topic promises to be thoughtprovoking, as it is a topic that weighs on the minds of all of us in this industry: Revitalizing the Power Grids

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Needs, Benefits, and Advancements. We look forward to meeting you there and sharing ideas and information. (TPDDL) in New Delhi, India. This feasibility study will develop requirements and specifications for a Smart Grid roadmap for TPDDL, while addressing a range of improvements and investments, including integrating smart meters, automated meter reading, distributed generators and other Smart Grid applications. This project will be led by Hahn Tram and Dr. Srijib Mukherjee. The second grant is a six-month award to provide technical assistance to develop a WAMPAC Pilot project for Indias National Grid Operator Power Grid Corporation of India, Ltd. (PGCIL). This project will require Quanta Technologys team of engineers to establish a cutting edge test facility for Phasor Measurement Units (PMUs), which are being integrated into Indias national grid. PMUs are the data generating devices on which the WAMPAC system is built. This test facility, along with a wide area situational awareness and visualization platform, will be built at Power Grids Data Center in New Delhi, India. These PMUs will be used to maximize power transfer capabilities on existing grid networks, thus helping to prevent electricity load shedding and rolling black-outs. The end objective will allow Power Grid to have a fully equipped and functional PMU testing laboratory, a software platform for better control and visibility of its power system, and a trained staff of engineers to operate the system, as well as manage future Smart Grid upgrades. This project will be led by Dr. Srijib Mukherjee, Dr. Vasudev Gharpure, and Dr. Yi Hu.

East and South East Asia

Quanta Technologys presence here dates back to 2010 providing expert advice to several utilities, specifically with projects in Macau and Japan. Quanta Technology is a core member of the consulting team led by National Sun Yat Sen University, which Taiwan Power Company selected early this year to support a two-year 10,000-meter AMI pilot project. Quanta Technology consulting service scope includes post-bid deployment advisory services, system functional design specifications deployment, AMI system technology validation, Time-of-Use and Demand Response assessment and advisory, Meter Data Management and value-added applications, disaster recovery system assessment for the AMI Control Center and overall project results assessment.

Temple Gate, Taiwan

As we continue to meet demand by working congruently with utilities, service providers, and vendors performing a wide variety of consulting and support services, 2012 is shaping up to be a very productive year. For starters, we are engaged in the assessment of substation refurbishment projects. Within the next three years, one of our utility customers will need to upgrade 15 medium-voltage substations aging 20-40 years, and install substation automation with remote control or replace 1st generation SA systems. This is part of their Smart Grid enhancement program, creating better

With the recent award of two major grants from the United States Trade and Development Agency (USTDA), Quanta Technologys strategic business objectives in Southeast Asia (specifically India) have finally come to fruition. The first grant is a 12-month award to perform a feasibility study to support the implementation of Smart Grid technologies for Tata Power Delhi Distribution Ltd.

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visibility and controllability of the distribution grid and being able to further lower the customer minutes interrupted. These substations are in full operation and will remain in operation during the refurbishment. Primary equipment needs to be upgraded for remote control, and secondary installations need to be adapted to be interfaced with IEC 61850-based substation automation systems. Quanta Technology is working with both the utility and the service provider to review project execution, engineering processes, and requirements management in an effort to secure effective and efficient project delivery. Part of the above work is the engineering of IEC 61850based substation automation systems, which will replace existing protection and control installations. The challenge is to define an optimal level of standardization so that the refurbished substations and systems are consistent and can be extended and managed in the future, taking into account maintenance and upgrades. Process bus is another hot topic for many utilities considering the application of bus technology to better control their systems and reduce engineering and installation costs. Quanta Technology is executing technology assessments and comparisons, benchmarking, and business case studies, and developing their utilities roadmaps and implementation plans, including scheduling. We are addressing a WAMPAC strategy for the smarter management of a utilitys extending transmission and distribution grids. The applications and control and grid management benefits are the driving factors to set up the roadmap and implementation planning. An important topic directly related to this is the protection coordination in the wider area. With the many grid extensions and the integration of renewable intermittent energy sources, existing protection schemes need to be adapted to the new grid structures and usage. Technology studies are an important part of the services we provide. As such, we are looking into grid impacts related to penetration levels of PV systems in specific grids and desired grid support functionality and the impact of combinations with different types of energy storage. From a network management and control perspective, the performance of a state estimator in a changing and growing grid are being assessed and analyzed. Quanta Technology has been asked to make recommendations for tuning and quality improvements related to the processes involving the state estimator. Many industrial plants have their own electricity grids and often their own power generation facilities. Like utilities, they face similar challenges in grid planning, implementation of new technology, aging infrastructure, maintenance issues, and risk management. To that end, Quanta Technology is involved in discussions around these topics with a number of industries. With respect to conferences, the topic of cyber security an area of expertise Quanta Technology has been heavily involved in has raced to the top of the list in Europe as well.

Rotterdam Erasmus Bridge In the first quarter of 2012, we have been active in a number of European conferences, including: InnoGrid 2020+ conference in Brussels, organized by ENTSO-E and EDSO, which addresses the T&D grid developments and reports on ongoing pilot projects that have been initiated during the last two to three years Energy Storage conference in Luxembourg, where Quanta Technology delivered a presentation on ongoing work in the U.S.

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A number of Smart Grid meetings in the Netherlands Quanta Technology is preparing for the following conferences during the remainder of 2012: PAC World in June, Budapest CIGRE in August, Paris Transmission & Distribution and Smart Grid, Europe, in October, Amsterdam. This conference will be combined with Metering & Billing/CRM as well as with Home Automation, a unique combination of conference tracks, expecting to attract some 7,000 participants IEEE-ISGT in October, Berlin VDE Smart Grid Conference in November, Stuttgart 11th Wind Integration Workshop in November, Lisbon We hope to be meeting you in the field or at some of these worthwhile conferences. We are excited to work together to help solve the challenges of the T&D markets and technology. Quanta Technology International Team Senior Director International Business Hans Candia at: hcandia@quanta-technology.com Latin America & the Caribbean David Elizondo at: delizondo@quanta-technology.com Europe Bas Kruimer at: bkruimer@quanta-technology.com India and South Asia Srijib Mukherjee at: smukherjee@quanta-technology.com

Journey in Modernizing the Grid for the 21st Century

i-PCGRID Conference, San Francisco, CA, March 28, 2012
For the ninth consecutive year, Quanta Technology was honored to be among the three co-organizers of the international i-PCGRID (Innovations in Protection and Control for Greater Reliability Infrastructure Development) workshop held in San Francisco. Along with fellow co-organizers, PG&E and Mississippi State University, three days of conference topics and discussions focused on best practices to help improve electric grid reliability worldwide. As grid infrastructures age and become more interconnected globally, this is a topic of utmost importance. Power companies in every corner of the planet are hungry for key insights and lessons learned to help make Smart Grid investments effective, politically tolerable, and successful. The PG&E-hosted workshops are one way of fostering a vision and setting the foundation for a transition to a Modern Grid. Hundreds of some of the most experienced technical and business leaders in the United States and internationally (e.g., Japan, the United Kingdom, Mexico) offered valuable even painful insights and shared innovative ideas and first-hand experiences in an effort to foster a collaborative best practices approach to a 21stCentury Smart Grid. As Vahid Madani, a 29-year veteran at PG&E and the leader of this workshop emphasized: 2012 is a critical year in the Smart Grid deployments worldwide. The last two years have been a time of intense learning, some of it painful. Gradually, early adopters are getting a sense of what works, what doesnt finding ways to develop sound solutions, in their Smart Grid deployments. This years workshop provided an invaluable forum to discuss industry trends and challenges, exchange ideas, and to help prioritize directions. With many of our consultants having first-hand experience in addressing these weighty issues for Quanta Technology clients, as well as throughout their extensive careers in our industry, a number of them were involved in leading presentations and workshops.

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Innovations in Managing Power Systems Disturbances Analysis; Damir Novosel, QT President, along with Vahid Madani of PG&E PMU and System Restoration Blackstart Study Overview Objectives and Requirements; QTs Gerry Sheble and PG&Es Jenny Rios NASPINet; QTs Yi Hu, and PNNLs Jeff Dagle Change Management P&C Asset Management; QTs Bryan Gwyn IEC 61850 Demo; QTs Eric Udren and Mark Adamiak of GE HVDC Systems and Power Electronics Innovations; QTs Aty Edris QTs Farnoosh Rahmatian was a key speaker on the panel discussing interoperability standards and testing Considering the generous appreciation by attendees, as expressed through numerous compliments and evaluation information, we look forward to continuing to co-organize this workshop for many years to come.

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Quanta Technology Staff Announcements

We are pleased to announce the addition of Mark Kruger in the newly created position of Vice President of Business Development. Based in our Raleigh, NC, office, Mark reports directly to Damir Novosel, President, and is responsible for planning and directing all sales and marketing, as well as proposal generation activities. He serves as chief business development officer and will be promoting Quanta Technology to prospective and existing customers. Mark is also responsible for leadership of the sales and marketing team, with regard to account management planning, scheduling priorities, and coordination. He will establish business development priorities and assess business opportunities with appropriate research to contribute to developing business planning and strategies. Mark is also working with Lee Willis, Sr. Vice President of Business and Technology Strategy, to manage a centralized proposal generation function and help manage resource requirements across our organization. Mark comes to Quanta Technology with more than 25 years of utility industry experience spearheading product development, marketing, engineering, sales, and manufacturing operations within a variety of organizations. He has spent the last eight years at Waukesha Electric Systems, most recently as Regional Vice President, with responsibility for medium-power transformer manufacturing facility located in Goldsboro, NC. Prior to his last role at Waukesha, he was responsible for the marketing, sales, and profitability of their national service business and their high-voltage parts manufacturing division. Mark was previously employed at Progress Energy, where he served as Director Power Systems Solutions & Energy Delivery Solutions. He began his utility industry career at Dominion Resources/Virginia Power in various engineering roles, including Product Engineer for their EVANTAGE division. Mark holds two degrees from Old Dominion University: a Master of Engineering Management and a Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering Technology. He is also a Licensed Professional Engineer in the state of Virginia. We are pleased to announce that Ed Khan has joined Quanta Technologys Automation Advisory group as Director of the Protection and Automation Testing Laboratory. Working out of our corporate headquarters in Raleigh, NC, Ed will be helping to grow our business in the area of testing. Since graduating from Texas A&M, he has logged more than 30 years of experience in the field of power systems, including protection and automation. He has worked for ABB, GE, KEMA and SEL. For the past five years he has worked as a Solutions Manager for Doble Engineering, a manufacturer of test equipment. At Doble, Ed was responsible for managing the entire product line of protection simulators and test instruments. In this role he was involved with product planning, managing development of new features, and presentations to key customers. He also managed the protection portion of major Doble conferences and made several presentations on Relaying, IEC 61850 Basics, and other topics. He has experience in power system studies, such as transient stability studies, protective relay application and settings, load flow, short circuit analysis, harmonic analysis, harmonic filter design, power quality issues, harmonic measurements, development of algorithms for protective relays, electrical transient analysis, equipment sizing for substation/power plants, and project/product management. Ed works on the Automation team within the Advisory Services Group and reports to Don Morrow, Vice President, Advisory Services Group. We are pleased to announce that Ali Mirhadi has joined Quanta Technology at our Oakland Office, he has moved with his wife from Toronto, Canada to the Bay area. Ali is a Principle Advisor in the Protection Business Area and will report to Bryan Gwyn, Senior Director of Protection in Technical Consulting. Before joining Quanta Technology Ali was Chief Engineer at the K-Line Group of Companies. With over 30 years experience in the field of power system study and transmission & distribution protective relay applications, Ali has worked with generation plant and substation protection & control devices, transmission pilot relays and distribution relays. Previous employers include K-Line Group of Companies in Canada, Iran Power Plant Projects Management Co. (MAPNA), and Iran Power Generation and Transmission Company (TAVANIR). At K-Line Group of Companies, Ali was responsible for the Engineering Department. Ali also has been greatly exposed to the field activities to support installation and commissioning of several projects from technical and safety points of view. He is a registered Professional Engineer in the Province of Ontario as well as member of the Association of Professional Engineers, Geologists and Geophysicists of Alberta. He is also an active member of the IEEE. We are pleased to announce that Eve Perry has joined Quanta Technology as an Accounting Administrator. Eve previously worked for us on a temporary basis in 2011, providing data entry support for project management, as well as accounting. Previous to her Quanta experience, Eve worked in other areas, such as staffing and recruiting, in addition to accounting and administration. We are pleased to have her back with us as a full-time team member.

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Curious what a pig has to do with Smart Grid? Come visit us at the IEEE PES T&D conference (Booth #1217) in Orlando, FL, May 7-10, 2012, and well explain!

Please Join Us
IEEE PES T&D Conference (BOOTH #1217), May 7-10, 2012, Orlando, FL CanSIA Solar Ontario Conference, May 15, 2012, Ontario Canada UTC Telecom 2012, May 22-23, 2012, Orlando, FL, Presentation by Dave Boroughs, Executive Advisor on Synchrophasor Communications Southeastern Electric Exchange, June 20-23, 2012, Atlanta, GA

Recent QT Publications/Presentations www.quanta-technology.com

Aging Infrastructure, a Misunderstood Conundrum for the Power Industry, by H. Lee Willis, Natural Gas and Electricity, Wiley Periodicals, New York, March 2012, p 15. Control and Monitoring Requirements for Distribution Systems with High Penetration of Renewable Energy Sources by Atousa Yazdani, and Farid Katiraei, IEEE Smart Grid Innovation conference 2012 Development of Smart Grid Ideas What needs enhancement?, by Atousa Yazdani, Yi Hu, A. Johnson (SCE), D. Martinez (SCE), Published on T&D show special edition Standardization of the Grid Interface and System Specifications for Large Energy Storage Systems, presented by Farid Katiraei, Electric Storage Association annual meeting 2012. A Reliable Power-Line Carrier-Based Relay System, by Miriam P. Sanders, PE, presented at both the 2012 Texas A&M Conference for Protective Relay Engineers, and the 2012 Georgia Tech Protective Relay Conference Keynote Panel on, Technical Discussion Regarding the Integration of Renewables on the Transmission System, by David Hilt at GridCom in San Diego, April 7 9, 2012 Providing NERC Compliance Fundamentals Training, by David Hilt at EUCI Training class on April 26 27, 2012 Technology Options for a Smart Transmission Grid, presentation at King Saud University, Riyadh, by Aty-Abdel Edris, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

About Quanta Technology

Quanta Technology, LLC, headquartered in Raleigh, NC, with offices in Boston MA, Chicago IL, Oakland CA, Toronto Ontario, and at European Office in Rotterdam NL, is the expertise-based, independent consulting arm of Quanta Services. We provide business and technical expertise to energy utilities and industry for deploying holistic and practical solutions that result in improved performance. We have grown to a client base of nearly 100 companies and to an exceptional staff now more than 100 persons many of whom are foremost industry experts for serving client needs. Quanta Services, Inc., headquartered in Houston, TX, (NYSE: PWR), member of the S&P 500, with 2011 revenue of $4.6billion, is the largest specialty engineering constructor in North America, serving energy companies and communication utilities, according to McGraw Hills ECN. More information is available at www.quantaservices.com.

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