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Study of Spinning Process of 20s Combed Yarn

This manuscript is a project work which is a partial requirement for the fulfillment of the course: B.Sc Textile Engineering.



"re#ared $: M%&ammad S&a'()%e -& M%sta'a A/(/ A&med Ma.(0 Haroon Na/(r A1an M%&ammad S&%ban Han(' Umar 4&a.(d 5a(n M%0&tar 0*+NTU+00, 0*+NTU+002 0*+NTU+007 0*+NTU+0,2 0*+NTU+023 0*+NTU+027 0*+NTU+066

O%r #ro7e8t (s


O%r HOLY "9O"HET :S.A.;<

!or whom all se"en skies are created !or whom all stars in the skies are created !or whom e"ery man is created !or whom e"ery pore of a man is created !or whom e"erything in the core of earth is created !or whom e"erything in the rise of the skies is created For 1&om a.. t&e 8reat(ons are 8reated

$ll the prayers and thanks to A.m(=&t$ A..a&% the Propitious% the Bene"olent% the So"ereign and the &reator of this uni"erse whose 'lessings and glory flourished our thoughts% thri"e our am'itions and strengthened us to fulfill our goals. $nd lo"e and respect for our Ho.$ "ro#&et :S.A.;<% who ena'led us to recogni(e our creator and enlightened our conscience with the essence of faith in A..a&% may all )is kindness and mercy 'e 'estowed upon him. *e deem our utmost pleasure in expressing our cardise gratitude with profound 'enedictions to "ro'. %.and I)ba.. *ithout his worthy and inspiring guidance% keen interest% critical insight and paramount efforts this work could ne"er 'e materiali(ed. The work present in this manuscript was accomplished under the super"ision of S(r Ha'(/ S&a&/ad. )is guidance% o'ser"ant pursuit and scholarly comments ena'led us to efficiently complete our project work. Though e"ery'ody at +ishat Textile ,ills -td did their 'est to help us to complete our project 'ut we are really in de'ted to Mr. Tar() Na/(r :-M<. *e are grateful to his e"er inspiring guidance% keen interest and constructi"e suggestions throughout the course of our project. )eartiest respect and thanks to Mr. Ha'(/ A&med A.( :TM< and Mr. S&a&(d M%0&tar :TM<. *e extend our deep emotions of appreciation% gratitude and inde'tedness for their "alua'le guidance. *e feel oursel"es lucky enough to 'e helped 'y Mr. Saeed> Mr. 9ana Usman and Mr. Imran. *e deem it utmost pleasure to offer our heartiest and sincerest tri'utes to them for their keen interest and suggestions throughout our project work. +o acknowledgement could ne"er adequately express my o'ligations to our affectionate #arents whose hands always rose for us in prayers. *ithout the support and encouragement of our lo"ing parents this distinction would ha"e merely 'een a dream. *e again are "ery grateful to parents and teachers who ha"e always wished us to see us glittering high in the skies throughout our period of studies and their day night prayers% which 'oosted me to fly high to accomplish my goals. ,ay A..a& A.m(=&t$ infuse me with the energy to fulfill their no'le inspirations and expectations to further edify my competence. .

Introd%8t(on??????????????????????????.... S#(n ".an????????????????????????????. , 9a1 Mater(a.????????????????????????... . Polyester111111111111111111111111111 .# &otton1111111111111111111111111111 .. Purchasing of 2aw ,aterial1111111111111111111.. ./ &otton 3rading 4ndex1111111111111111111111 .0 Stacking 5f 2aw ,aterial11111111111111111111. .6 ,ixing111111111111111111111111111... 2 .o1 9oom?????????????????????????... #. Tasks of Blow room1111111111111111111111.. #.# Points to 'e &onsidered.. 11111111111111111111... #.# Blow 2oom -ines11111111111111111111111. #.. Blow 2oom ,achines111111111111111111111... 6 Card(n=??????????????????????????? .. Tasks of &arding11111111111111111111111... ..# Types of !eed to &ard111111111111111111111... ... Trut(schler &ard T&78.111111111111111111111 ../ $utole"elling1111111111111111111111111 ..0 &ard Specifications1111111111111111111111... ..6 &otton &ard *aste 2eport11111111111111111111 ..9 Polyester Sli"er Test 2eport:;T70<11.11111111111111. ..= &otton Sli"er Test 2eport:;T70<11111111111111111.. * Comb(n=??????????????????????????... /. -ap !ormer11111111111111111111111111 /.# -ap Specifications11111111111111111111111. /.. &om'er111111111111111111111111111.. /./ Tasks of &om'er11111111111111111111111... /.0 !eeding to &om'er11111111111111111111111 /.6 Points to 'e&onsidered111111111111111111111.

0, 06 0* 8/ 86 8 # = A 2, # #. #/ #9 *2 /# /0 /0 /A 0 0A 68 6 @2 6# 6. 60 60 69 6A 98 9 9# 90 7@ 96

/.9 ,ar(oli:>5;?< com'er&,088+1111111111111111... 99 /.= @rafting System of &,088+1111111111111111111 9A /.A &om'er Specifications111111111111111111111.. =8 /. 8 &om'ed Sli"er Test 2eport:;T70<1111111111111111. =8 = 0 3 !ra1(n=??????????????????????????? =# 0. Tasks of @raw !rame1111111111111111111111 =. 0.# @rafting111111111111111111111111111. =0 0.. Trut(schler @raw !rame T@8.111111111111111111

9a1 Mater(a. 2aw material represents a'out 08798C of the manufacturing cost of a short staple spun yarn. This fact indicates the importance of raw material of yarn producer. @ifferent types of fi'er are used as raw material in textile industries% which are classified as under: TeAt(.e '(bres 4t is the 'asic unit of raw material for making a yarn. it must ha"e a suita'le length %fineness and strength that is necessary for their con"ersion into yarns and fa'rics . $ fi're ha"ing an extreme length is called as a filament. 4t has two types: $. +atural !i'ers :>egeta'le fi'er% $nimal fi'er% ,ineral fi'er< B. ,an made !i'ers :2egenerated fi'ers% Synthetic fi'er< Natural Fibres: >egeta'le !i'ers Bast !i'ers :Dute% )ex% )emp% 2amie< -eaf !i'ers :Sisal% ,anila% 2affia% $'aca< Seed !i'ers :&otton% ?apok% Bom'ax% &oir< 6

$nimal !i'ers: !ilament Silk Staple !i'er :*ool% )air !i'er< ,ineral !i'ers :$s'estos% Sil"er% 3old% &opper etc.< Synthetic Fibers: +ylon Polyester :Telylene% @acron% Tetron< $crylic Poly urethanes Polyolefin Poly "inyl deri"ati"es Regenerated Fibres: . >iscose rayon. #. &upramonium rayon. .. /. &ellulose acetate. $lginate% 2u''er ESilica. Poly "inyl chloride Polystyrene Poly "inyl alcohol Polytetra7flouro.ethylene Poly acrylonitrile

Topic of project is study of #8Fs &, cotton so only characteristics of cotton are 'eing discussed here Cotton: *ord cotton is deri"ed from $ra'ic and is pronounced as kutan %qutn%qutun. &otton is the seed hair of shru' which 'ears the 'otanical name of 35SS4P4;,% a mem'er of ,$--5* !$,4-G.cotton fi're is o'tained from the plant.cotton is the most important fi're in the textile world.almost nearly three Hquarter of the fa'ric is made from cotton C remaining one7quarter contri'utes the other fi'res &otton is a major crop in world. &otton is still the most important textile fi'er in the world despite market inroads made 'y synthetic fi'ers such as polyester. !a'rics from cotton are comforta'le to wear and can 'e dyed a wide range of attracti"e colors. 9

Each cotton fi'er is an elongated cell% or seed hair% that grows from the seed in a closed seedpod called a 'oll. *hen the 'oll opens% these tu'ular fi'ers are exposed to air% lose moisture% and collapse to a flattened% twisted structure. The mature cotton fi'er is actually a dead% hollow cell wall composed almost entirely of cellulose. The lengths of single cotton fi'ers "ary% 'ut are generally a'out one inch. 4t is important to understand the relationship 'etween the structure of this unique natural fi'er and its properties. ,any of its features are too small to 'e seen without microscopes. Electron microscopes% which use electrons rather than "isi'le light to produce magnified images% are especially useful in studying cotton structure.

T&(s s8ann(n= e.e8tron m(8ro=ra#& o' a 8o(.ed '(ber s&o1s t&e eAtreme d(''eren8e bet1een (ts .en=t& and 1(dt& d(mens(ons and t&e '.attened> t1(sted areas 'ormed 1&en t&e '(ber dr(ed.

$t higher magnification the fi'er% the twists and wrinkles can 'e seen e"en 'etter.

$ 'undle of cut fi'ers shows "ariations in the structures of fi'er cross sections. Since cotton fi'ers are natural products% they are not all the same. $s they grow% their hollow tu'es fill with cellulose. *hen cotton is har"ested% some fi'ers contain more cellulose than others. The fi'ers with nearly full tu'es ha"e somewhat 'ean7shaped cross sections. !i'ers with tu'es that are not filled with cellulose are flatter.

&otton fi'ers are twisted into yarns and wo"en into fa'rics. This is an illustration of a typical plain7wea"e fa'ric.

$t a higher magnification note how fi'ers lie parallel to form yarns.

&otton fi'ers are mostly cellulose% a polymer of many indi"idual glucose molecules. $lthough molecules are "ery small their shapes can 'e studied with different methods such as x7ray diffraction and computeri(ed modeling. These pictures are of computer models :made with the &)E,7I software<. They show three "iews of space filling models of a fragment of cellulose with eight glucose units :real cellulose may contain #8%888 or more glucose residues<. $lso shown is a J'all and stickJ model. These cellooctaose molecules are slightly o"er /.8 nanometers :nm< long% 8./0 nm thick and 8.= nm wide. &otton fi'er is seed hair% a long single cell closed at one end. The central lumen runs through the fi'er. *ith ginning% the cotton fi'ers are separated from the seeds. &otton grading is 'ased on fi'er length% uniformity% diameter% strength% maturity% color and the amount of foreign matter. Facts about Cotton Fiber: &otton is an important textile fi'er. &otton fi'er is 60798C crystalline. &otton fi'er is a porous material% #87/ C is "olume occupied. $lso% there are spaces 'etween fi'rils in fi'er walls. 8

The most important constituent group is hydroxyl group :75)<. &otton is hydrophilic% high regain due to the hydroxyl groups wrecking )#5 'etween fi'rils% layer and walls. &otton has low elastic reco"ery due to the 'reaking and reforming of hydrogen 'onds.

&otton fa'rics are comforta'le. &otton a'sor's water "apor emitted 'y 'ody. &otton is highly resistant to alkaline degradation 'ut degrades with acids. Prolonged sun exposure causes cotton fi'er to yellow and degrade. &otton has high heat conduction. 4t is not thermoplastic due to the extremely long polymers and numerous hydroxyl 'onds. &otton demonstrates comforta'le low luster 'ecause of the con"oluted surface%

T&e Mor#&o.o=(8a. Str%8t%re o' Cotton @etails of the morphology of the cotton fi'er include fiber length% fiber fineness% fiber convolutions% the shape of the cross-section% the wall thickness and the fibrillar wall structure. Length: The a"erage length of the cotton fi'er "aries from "ariety to another. The range of a"erage length in spinna'le cotton is #7.6 mm. To demonstrate the length distri'ution of cotton% staple diagram is always used% which is a graphical representation of fi'er arranged in order of decreasing length. The full length of the cotton fi'er is attained in a'out #0 days from flowering. ,ost of this stage the fi'er is 'ounded only 'y the primary wall with the cuticle on its exterior surface. The thickening of the fi'ers occurs 'y deposition of the secondary wall on the interior surface of the primary wall. This 'egins se"eral days 'efore the growing fi'er reaches its full length and continues for a further .07/8 days. The rate of increase in thickness is relati"ely slow. Cuticle:

&uticle is just few molecule thick% a "ery think layer moulded to the outside of the primary wall tightly. &uticle is a surface deposit of cotton wax that is a complex mixture of fats% waxes and resins. he !ri"ary #all: The primary cell wall composes of fi'rils spiraling around fi'er axis. 4t is 'uilt up from cellulose. !i'rills spiral at an angle of a'out 98K around the fi'er axis. he Secondary #all: The secondary cell wall is 'ulk of fi'er concentric layers of spiraling fi'ers. 4t contri'utes most of the weight of the cotton fi'ers. $lso% it is composed mainly of cellulose as the primary wall. But itLs not laid down uniformly 'ut consist of concentric layers of fi'rils in spiral formations at an angle of a'out #87.8K around the fi'er axis. he Lu"en: -umen is the hollow canal% used to 'e full of sap. Typically% the lumen area of a typically fully de"eloped fi'er in the closed 'oll occupies a'out F. of the total area of the cross7 section. 4n the dried state lumen occupies only a'out 0C. The lumen contents are largely e"aporated after the 'oll7split. 4n the dried state of the cotton fi'er% the lumen contains the desiccated remains of the protoplasm and nucleus. he $olecular Structure of Cotton &otton is mainly composed of cellulose. The repeating unit in the cellulose molecule is the glucose residue:32<.


&ellulose Two glucose residues :32< are held together 'y the glycoside link :3275732<.

The chain7length of cotton cellulose purified 'y careful chemical treatment is at least #%888 units. There are two hydroxyl endgroups for each cellulose molecule. The properties of cotton are influenced 'y the nature of the . structural features of its molecules: . The glycoside links% #. The hydroxyl end7groups .. The glucose residues. There are three hydroxyl groups for e"ery glucose residue% two of which are in secondary alcohol groups and the third is in a primary alcohol group. )ydrolysis of the glycoside link will shorten the molecular weight and produce hydrocellulose. There are four types of chemical reactions that might happen to alcohol groups of the cellulose molecules: esterification% ioni(ation% hydrogen 'onding and oxidation. %sterification: The esterification of cellulos with an acid is often accompanied 'y hydrocellulose formation and its characteristic degradation. 4t is possi'le to esterify the hydroxyl groups in the cellulose groups in the cellulose molecule without apprecia'le rupture of chain7links 'y the acid. This is called no7 degradati"e esterification : nitration% acetylation% etc<. &oni'ation: 2elated concepts: &ation:N<% anion:7<% )N:)ydrogen cation<% &l7:chloride anion< (ydrogen bonding: The direct association of one hydroxyl group in one molecule with that in another. )*idation: 2elated concepts: $ldehyde group :7&)5<% car'oxyl group:7&55)< C&em(8a. Mod('(8at(on: &hemical treatments are usually applied on cotton yarns and fa'rics.


+a5) or liquid ammonia causes polymers to realign. The chemicals are then remo"ed after the treatment. #. .. /. Permanent Fdura'le press !lame retardant )#5 repellent

The chemical composition of cotton is as under.

&ellulose +itrogenous ,aterial *ater 5ils and *axes Pectates ,aterial &olor Pigments ,inerals :+a% ?% ,g etc<

=87=0C. 7#.=JC 67=C 8.07 C 8./7 C .70C 7 .=C

@uring the season.O/ pickings are o'tained. The maturity E uniformity of fi'ers.


pick is not preferred as regard to

Before purchasing cotton samples are sent to 7the mill where they are tested and results are sent to the managing director who decides a'out the purchasing keeping the market in "iew. $long with Pakistani cotton company is also purchasing quality cotton from countries like $merica% 2ussia E Egypt etc 4n order to make surety of a"aila'ility of &otton &ompany purchases extra cotton that is stored in godown. "ro#ert(es O' Cotton And ;(t& S#(n Ab(.(t$ /

,ajor characteristics of cotton regarding its spinning are: Fibre Length !i'er length% perhaps% the most important character of cotton. 4t influences the yarn characteristics as well as ring spinning process settings 'ut for rotor spinning it is a'out on .rd preference. !i'er length is measured in terms of staple length% span length E effecti"e length. -onger the fi'ers: )igher will 'e the spin a'ility. )igher will 'e the resultant yarn strength 'ecause longer fi'ers ha"e more surface contact with each other thus increasing yarn strength. )igher will 'e the e"enness 'ecause the uniformity in diameter of longer fi'ers is more. )igher the production 'ecause less T, is required to gi"e required strength% -ow yarn hairiness due to less num'er of fi'ers per unit length of yarn. softer will 'e the feel due to less T., ;se for especially finer count 'ecause of low micronair "alue

!ollowing length groupings are currently used in staple fi'er spinning.

Short Staple ,edium staple -ong staple Extra long staple Effecti"e length P . 0Q staple length +nifor"ity Ratio:

inch. 5r less lF.#Ol lF=in. 0F.#O .F=in. .F.# E a'o"e

4t is defined as the ratio 'etween 08 C span length and #.0 C span length.


08C span length #.0C span length

x 88 C

-ower uniformity ratio results in: -ower yarn e"enness. )igher yam hairiness. !ollowing ratings are adopted for uniformity ratio:

UNIFORMITY RATIO $'o"e. =8 967=8 9 790 Short Fibre ,-ge


;niform $"erage Slightly 4rregular

3enerally short fi'ers are those ha"ing length shorter than half of fi'er staple lengths i.e. less than #.0mm.These are expressed as Cage of a"erage staple length. )igher C age of short fi'ers will result in: -ower spinning limit. -ower yarn strength. -ess yarn luster. -ess yarn e"enness. ,ore yarn hairiness. Production losses due to higher end 'reakage E higher TP4. -ow selling rate due to inferior quality Fibre Fineness

!i'er fineness is one of most important characteristic of cotton. . The fineness determines how many fi'ers are present in the cross7section of yarn of gi"en thickness. $dditional fi'er in cross7section pro"ides not only a 'etter strength 'ut also a 'etter distri'ution in the yarn. Thirty fi'ers are needed minimum in the cross7section 'ut there are usually o"er hundred. Thus 'etter fi'er fineness results in: )igher spin a'ility. Better yarn strength Soft feel due to less T.,. Better quality and finer counts. Better e"enness of yarn !or cotton micronaire is the estimation of fi'er fineness. The fineness scale is gi"en 'elow:

$&C.-L+% ;pto..l .. 7..A /.87/.A 0.870.A $'o"e 6

!4+E+ESS >ery fine !ine ,edium Slightly &oarse &oarse

*hereas for synthetic fi'ers dtex is used @tex P mass in decigramF-ength in kms $lso @tex P mic. I 8..A/

The num'er of fi'ers in cross7section can 'e determined 'y following formula: 9

+ P :Tex of yarn< F :Tex of fi'er< Fibre $aturity The cotton fi'er consists of cell wall E lumen. The maturity index depends upon the thickness of this cell wall. !i'er maturity P 96 7 .#. x $#% 7 .. N SI #.0 C *here $ P Sample si(e * P weight of sample :4n mg< x 88 4f cell wall of a fi'er is 08 O =8 C of its round cross7section% it is a mature fi'er.

4f cell wall of a fi'er is .8 O /0 , of its round cross7section% it is considered immature fi'er. 4f cell wall of a fi'er is 'elow #0 C% it is considered as dead fi'er. 4mmature fi'ers ha"e less strength E longitudinal stiffness% resulting in: -oss of yarn strength. -oss of production% due to poor yarn strength E 'reakage in spinning department. >ariation in dye take7up 'ecause fi'ers dye take7up depends on lumen si(e so immature fi'ers will a'sor' less dye E "ice "ersa. Fibre Strength Strength% is dominating characteristic of fi'er. By keeping the other parameters same% it seems that 08 , of total yarn strength depends on fi'er strength. Single fi'er strength is measured in gramFtex E fi'er 'undle strength in -'sFinch # known as Pressley "alue. 3rading can 'e carried out in 'oth cases 'ecause there is no direct relation 'etween 'oth strengths. )igher the fi'er strength: )igher will 'e the spinning limit of that cotton. )igher yarn strength. Better luster due to less T.,. Better yam touch due to less T.,. =

)igher production due to less T.,. The relation 'etween fi'er tenacity E its 'undle strength is gi"en 'elow: Tenacity :gm F Tex< P 0..6 x P.4 Pressley :l's.Finch#< P R: 8.= *here P.4 P 'reaking load in 4's. FBreaking wt in mg 3eneral grading of 'undle strength E tenacity is as under: 6 xP4< 7 8. #S x 88

"9ESSLEY A. E $'o"e =97A# 7 = 7=6 907=8 9879/ ;nder 98 %N-C& / 0g"1te*2 ;p to 9 =7# ##7#0 #67#8 .8 E $'o"e Fibre %longation

2$T4+3 Excellent >ery strong Strong ,edium !air *eak R- &N3 >ery weak -ow weak $"erage Strong >ery strong

Elongation is specified as percentage of the starting length% for different materials elongation is as follows: &otton *ool 67 8C #07/0C

Polyester 07#8C )igher fi'er elongation will result in: -ess fi'er damage in 'eating% carding at different stages A

-ess yarn 'reaking strength. Better for wea"ing and knitting. But there are also draw 'acks of more elongation. ,ore elongation makes processing in spinning more difficult. rash ,-ge: 4n addition to usea'le fi'ers% cotton stock contains foreign matter of "arious kinds: >egeta'le ,atter :)usk portions% Seed fragments% Stem fragments and -eaf fragments< ,ineral ,aterial :Earth% Sand% 5re @ust% &oal. @ust<. 5ther foreign ,atter such as metal fragments% cloth fragment% packing material etc. !or Pakistani cotton it "aries from 07 8C while foreign cotton contains up to .C trash only. The dirty cotton ha"ing more trash demand hea"y 'eating and cleaning actions% resulting in: !i'er damages that is loss of a"erage fi'er length. -oss of fi'er strength ;ltimate lost of yam strength. -oss of yield C. 4ncrease of 4P4 le"el of yarn. &ontamination pro'lem in the yarn. .

he Slenderness Ratio The slenderness ration is gi"en 'y fi'er length .it is also known as stiffness. The fi'er stiffness plays "ery important role% mainly when rolling% re"ol"ing and twisting are concerned. ,ore stiff fi'er will de"elop hairiness in the yam% and less stiff fi'er result in neps formation. The slenderness ratio also determines to some extend where the fi'ers will lie in the yam: !ine and longer fi'ers in the core. &oarse and short fi'ers at the yam periphery. #8

$oisture ,-ge Standard moisture regain of cotton is =.0C from purchase and selling point of "iew. )ow e"er for proper opening% cleaning and drafting in 'low room% carding and su'sequent processes more suita'le moisture Cage is adopted. The amount of moisture required in department is "ery much dependent upon the condition of the material in process% for dryer cotton more moisture is needed and "ice "ersa. 2ecommended "alue of moisture in different department is as under 9ECOMMEN!E! ,ixing -ap Sli"er 2o"ing 2ing *inding Packing MOISTU9E 9 N 8.0 0.0 N 8.0 0 N 8.0 0.0 N 8.0 0 N 8.0 6 N 8.0 = E a'o"e

Excess moisture Cage will result in% improper opening% cleaning and drafting causing higher imperfection le"el. 5n the other hand% in case% lesser the moisture Cage% mere will 'e fi'er damage during 'eating% opening% cleaning and drafting% which will result in yam 'reakage% loss in yarn strength and production will 'e reduced.



.o1 9oom
Introd%8t(on: This is the first department of any spinning mill where the cotton or any type of raw material in the form of 'ales from the ginning factories is 'rought to 'e con"erted into yarn. Pre"iously this department constituted of many machines 'ut with the ad"ancement of technology and automation the num'er of machines has 'een reduce. Still many spinning mills ha"e the old setup which consists of a large num'er of machines 'ut many spinning mills ha"e changed their setup for 'etter quality and production. 2eduction of machines did not only contri'ute towards the cost of this department 'ut also towards the quality and the production rate of the machines in this department. The main o'jecti"es of this department are as follows: < 5pening. #< &leaning. .< @ust remo"al. /< Blending. 0< E"en feed of material to the next department i.e. card. ?eeping the a'o"e main o'jecti"es in mind the ad"ancement in the machinery of this department has 'een made. The new machines are made more sensiti"e and effecti"e as far as cleaning and dust remo"al in concerned while it has 'een strictly o'ser"ed that #.

impro"ing cleaning and dust remo"al efficiency of machine causes se"ere damage to the material 'eing processed. Therefore cleaning and dust remo"al is impro"ed with keeping opening and other o'jecti"es of this department up to a certain optimum le"el. Same is the case with the production rate 'ecause "ery high production rate causes damage to the material therefore optimum production rates are achie"ed for machines used in this department. )pening: 4t can 'e defined as the opening of the cotton :in the form of 'ales< into form suita'le for further processing. )ere the o'jecti"e is always to get maximum le"el of opening 'ut with minimum fi're loss and gentle treatment of the material. !or this the o'jecti"e of opening has 'een generally di"ided into two classes: < 5pening of material into fi're tufts #< 5pening of material into indi"idual fi'res. Cleaning: $nother "ery important o'jecti"e of 'lowroom department is cleaning. 4t can 'e descri'ed as the remo"al of trash from the raw material. The raw material plays a "ery "ital role in the cleaning process. This is due to the reason that dirty raw material will require more cleaning and this will increase the chances of raw material damage 'ecause fi're quality is always negati"ely damaged as the le"el of cleaning is increased. &leaning also depends upon the following factors: < ,achine used. #< Type of material. .< $m'ient conditions. !rom the a'o"e gi"en explanation it can 'e concluded that cleaning efficiency has to 'e up to a certain optimum le"el and not to the maximum le"el. &leaning efficiency P :trash extractedFtotal waste extracted<Q 88 &leaning degree P :trash extractedFtrash content in the feed cotton<Q 88 4ust Re"oval: This can 'e descri'ed as the remo"al of minute dust particles in the material 'eing processed. This o'jecti"e is generally carried out 'y the suction of air inside a machine or #/

in specially designed suction de"ices. the modern machines are "ery sensiti"e to dust and new 'lowroom lines ha"e 'een equipped with many suction points to achie"e the maximum le"el of dust remo"al from the process due to the reason that this dust causes se"ere damage to the machinery parts and also to the material later on during the process. 5lending: $s the 'ales 'eing processed are from different areas ha"ing different characteristics therefore to achie"e a homogeneous character product e"en mixing of the raw material is "ery important. !or this purpose mixing machines ha"e 'een de"eloped 'y "arious manufacturers to achie"e maximum le"el of mixing and 'lending. This process is usually done after the con"ersion of raw material into flock form. 6.6.7 %ven Feed )f $aterial o Ne*t 4epart"ent 0Card2: The last o'jecti"e of this department is to ensure proper and e"en feed of material to the next department i.e. card for further processing. 4n old lines of 'lowroom this o'jecti"e was completed 'y the scutcher machine 'ut now automatic flock feeding chute system is 'ecoming increasingly popular. Both the methods ha"e their own ad"antages and disad"antages. ,any mills are still relying on scutcher machine. as(8 "r(n8( o' .o1 9oom Blow room works on the following principles to complete the a'o"e mentioned o'jecti"es: $ction of air current Beating action 2egulating action $ction of gra"ity and centrifugal force &ondensers T Small ,ixing -attices T ,ain ,ixing

,.2 .o1 9oom L(ne F.o1 C&art $uto Pluckers T -attices T Three *ay @istri'utor

!rom three way distri'utor one pipe goes directly to the mixing area where the material is pre7conditioned 'efore 'eing fed to the 'lowroom line while two pipes lead directly to the two 'lowroom lines installed. The two lines of the 'lowroom consist of different types of machines and the chronological order of these 'lowroom lines are gi"en 'elow. #0

-ine !ire F ,etal @etector. $uto Blender. ;ni7&lean B Porcupine H l. Porcupine H 44. -optex. Three )opper !eeders. Three Scutchers. .o1 9oom Ma8&(nes: .

-ine # !ire F ,etal @etector. $uto Blender. ;ni7&lean B Porcupine H l. Porcupine H 44. -optex. Three )opper !eeders. Three Scutchers. .

The machines installed in the 'lowroom of +4S)$T TEIT4-E ,4--S -td unit no 9 are discussed in detail 'elow: -uto !lucker:

The first machine to which the 'ales are fed is the auto plucker. The 'ales are properly arranged in the circular section of the machine. The 'eater mo"es in a circular path o"er the 'ales. The 'eater plucks the material from the 'ales and forwards it to the next machine. The 'eater descends at a continuous rate with the reduction in the si(e of the 'ales. $fter the consumption of all the material the machine is stopped and the 'eater is then again raised to the starting height and new 'ales are placed in the machine. )b8ective of -uto !lucker: ,. )omogeneous ,ixing 2. !lock Extraction #6

$ special plucker plan is followed in e"ery mill which descri'es the num'er of 'ales from different regions to 'e consumed e"ery day. +o of machines: 8 ,anufacturer: ,ake and ,odel: &olor: +o of ,otor :per scutcher<: Specifications of 5oth $odels: -99:4 Power consumed: Pipe dia: !unnel location: F-99: ,otor: Pipe dia: !unnel location: $achine Specifications: ,ain motor: ,otor for carriage mo"ement: ,otor for up and down mo"ement: 5utput: 5uter diameter: 4nner pin wall diameter: Speed of carriage: 5eater Specifications: @iameter: Types of spikes or 'lades: Beater speed: Plucking angle: *edge angle: .=0 mm. 3arnet type. 098 rpm 8K 68K #9 .kw :for 'eater< 8.00kw 8.00kw =88 kgFhr approx. 0 .#mm. .88mm. 8.0AU#.A6 rpm . kw. 8 inches. funnel at one side. ..= kw. # inches. funnel on the whole working length. Dintan Textile &hina $88#@7 AA9 !$88#7 AA 3reen .

Blade thickness: *orking length: -ength of 'lade extended from ri's: -owering distance in one stroke: Time for rising: 3roups of blades:

/mm 6 =mm #.0779.0mm #U6mm . mins 08 sec :approx<

The 'lades on the 'eater are di"ided into three groups mentioned 'elow with their respecti"e details: -ocation of 'lades 5utside ,iddle 4nside no of circles 8 8A # pieces per circle . / . spikes per piece 0 . .

Consu"ption of -uto !luckers: The a"erage consumption of auto pluckers is almost #.077#/8 'ales per day when 8 auto pluckers are working. The working time of these machines is #8U# hrs per day while the remaining time is consumed 'y the maintenance of the machines. The a"erage weight of one 'ale is 6..0 kg. !rom the gi"en data the consumption of pluckers can 'e calculated 'y the following method &onsumption: #/8 x 6..0F# P =6=.9 kgsFhr Condensers: &ondensers are used to transfer material to "arious machines in the 'lowroom. 4t consists of a fan% a cage and a stripping roller. The fan sucks the material which in condensed on the cage and the stripping roller strips it from the cage and feeds it to the next machine. )b8ectives of Condensers: 2eception :Sucking< of material from pre"ious machine :,aterial is transferred to the next machine 'y the action of 3ra"ity< The speeds of the a'o"e mentioned parts are calculated as under: Speed of fan Speed of cage P //8 x #88F 08 P A#8 rpm P : A#8 x 88 x #= x .8<F:#0= x 06 x A#< #=

P # ... rpm Speed of striping roller P : A#8 x 88 x #=<F:#0= x 06< P .9# rpm $i*ing Lattices: These machines are di"ided into three groups consisting of different num'er of machines. The purpose of these machines is to manually sort impurities and contaminations and perform manual mixing 'y female workers. Each machine has one female worker. The machine consists of a 'eater which has a perforated plate under it and the material is fed to the 'eater 'y a pair of feed rollers. The material after 'eing processed 'y the 'eater comes onto small lattices where the female works perform their jo' and these lattices drop material onto a main lattice from where it is deli"ered to the three way distri'utor. The waste from the 'eaters drops down through the perforated plated from where it is taken to the filter room. These lattices ha"e 'een made in the workshop. The three groups are: 3roup : 3roup #: 3roup .: $achine Specifications: Beater speed: Beater dia: ,otor speed: hree #ay 4istributor: $s mentioned a'o"e the three way distri'utor is used to either take the material directly from the mixing lattices to the machines or to the mixing area where the material is generally conditioned for /U0 hours. The heap of material is made and then it is fed to the machinery lines. Fire Control and $etal Separation Syste": The raw material sometimes contains metal particles like nails etc. $s the material flows in the metallic ducts at high speed the friction 'etween the metallic pieces in the material and the ducts results in the ignition which causes fire in the whole ducting system and #A /=8 rpm 8 inches A88 rpm 6 lattices 0 lattices = lattices

also sets the material on fire causing se"ere damage. To reduce the chances of ignition due to this friction 'etween metallic pieces and the walls of the ducts metal detectors are placed in the path of the flow of material.

These metal detectors and fire control system works on the smoke principle. ;pon detection of smoke or sparkFignition they direct the material out of the ducts a"oiding se"ere damage to 'oth the raw material and the ducting system.

$23;S metal detectors and fire control machines are used in our respecti"e 'lowroom line which are: < $rgus $@ 08c. #< $rgus $@ 08s. The important features of 'oth the models are gi"en 'elow: .8

-rgus -4 79c: $utomatic fire protection from opening lines and filtrations systems. Easy installation. Single spark of em'er will acti"ate di"erter% stop machinery and trigger the alarm. &ompact design requires only .0 meters or 0 feet of space due to high7speed 08 millisecond reaction time. Simple push 'utton reset. *orks in areas of positi"e or negati"e air pressure. $utomatic !,7#88 fire system or water spray system is a"aila'le.

-rgus -4 79s: $utomatic protection from 'oth metal and fire for opening lines. 2emo"e all metal particles from opening lines. ,etal is ejected into collection can% and production is not interrupted. Single spark or em'er will acti"ate di"erter% stop machinery and trigger the alarm. &ompact design requires only / meters or . feet of space due to high7speed 08 millisecond reaction time. Easy installation. Simple push 'utton reset for fire detection. *orks in areas of positi"e or negati"e air pressure. 5ptical le"el sensor indicates when collection can is full. $utomatic !,7#88 fire system or water spray system is a"aila'le. $lso a"aila'le without spark detection.

$etal detector: @etects all metal :ferrous and non7ferrous< as small as # mm. @etects particles mo"ing at speeds up to .. meters per second or 8= feet per second. !ull digital control. Programma'le 88 le"els of sensiti"ity. -ightweight :#6 kg or 09 l's< suspends on nonmetallic duct without need for 'ulky floor support. .

2emote programming and diagnostics possi'le 'y 2S7#.# interface.

(igh speed diverter "echanis": 08 millisecond reaction time. Pneumatic system operates at =8 psi. -ow "oltage powered 'y #/ "olts @& from control panel. 008 kPa air pressure.

-uto 5lender: This machine is used for mixing and 'lending of material thoroughly. $s discussed earlier if good quality e"en product is desired the mixing and 'lending of different types of raw material is "ery important. $achine Specification: ,anufacturer: ,odel: Gear: &olor: +o of motors: ,otor for feeding: ,otor for e"ener roller: ,otor for inclined lattice: Creeper Lattice: -ength: *idth: Bowl dia: +o of rows: Speed: &nclined Lattice: -ength: *idth: Bowl dia: +o of rows: @istance 'etween rows: +o of spikes: .# 8/8mm /8mm #90mm 68 #0mm #9 spikes per row #8/0mm #0 mm 08mm 9A F .#0F .90 mFmin . 8..9 kw% / rpm 8.6 kw% A/8 rpm 8.6 kw% A/8 rpm &hina $6B88BS AA# 3reen

Spike dia: Spike length: Speed: Consolidating Lattice: Bowl dia: +o of plates: @istance 'etween plates: +eedle dia: -ength: Speed: %vener Roller: E"ener roller dia with spikes: +o of rows: Spikes per row: Speed: -ength: @ia of spikes: Stripper Roller: Stripper roller dia with spikes: +o of rows: Spikes per row: Speed: -ength: @istance 'etween spikes: Type of spikes: 3rid 5ars: These grid 'ars are present under the stripper roller. +o of grid 'ars: 3auge 'etween grid 'ars: .arious 3auges on the $achine:

0mm #0mm 68F98F=8F 88 mFmin 08mm .6 #0mm 0mm F .#F .90 mFmin #68mm 6 #= #88 rpm #8mm 9mm /88mm = #= /.8 rpm 09mm . mm V;W type

# =mm

Between centre of inclined lattice and creeper lattice: Between inclined lattice and consolidating lattice: ..

#00mm 68U=8mm

Between inclined lattice and e"ener roller: Between inclined lattice and stripper roller: Swing !late:

/8U=8mm 0mm

This plate is used to control the amount of material 'eing fed to the feeding cham'er of the machine. ,anual type swing plate is used whose adjustment can 'e done manually 'y adjusting the screws and rod which is supporting the swing plate. Speed calculations: Speed of consolidating lattice Speed of creeper lattice Speed of inclined lattice Speed of stripper roller Speed of e"ener roller P : / x /8 x = x X x 08< F : 68 x /0< P #.. mFmin P :#.0 x /0 x .8< F :/0 x .8< P #.0 mFmin P :A6 x 60 x ## x X x #90< F :. 0 x 9/ x 88< P #A.9= mFmin P :A/8 x 88 x X x /88< F :##/ x 888< P 0#9 mFmin P A/8 x 88 x #. x 96 x X x #68 ##/ x 0= x 08 x 888 P 0A./A mFmin

+niclean 566 by Rieter: $fter through mixing and 'lending the material is fed to the next machine that is the ;niclean B 'y 2ieter. 4n the auto pluckers and the auto 'lenders the material is opened to some extent. The purpose of ;niclean 'y 2eiter is to properly open the material of desired si(e and remo"al of dust and trash from it. 4n this machine the material is fed to a large re"ol"ing 'eater ha"ing pins on it. The opening is gentle due to the fact that the material is fed freely to the 'eater. This is necessary in order to a"oid material damage. The main purpose of this machine is mainly opening of material with the remo"al of dust from it. &otton and other natural fi'res such as flax can 'e cleaned and de7dusted 'y this machine gently. )b8ective of 566: ,. 5pening and &leaning 'y the action of 'eater 2. )ighly efficient and remo"es large quantity of trash 6. )alf 'eating point ./

The ad"antage of this machine is its easy working operation. The amount of waste remo"ed and the cleaning efficiency can 'e easily controlled and changed 'y simply changing the "alues 'y the help of a computer panel present on the machine. This machine has replaced $xi7flow and ,axi7flow in the 'lowroom line. .arioset: Two independent setting parameters are the secret of the selecti"e cleaning action of ;niclean B parameters: < &leaning intensity. #< 2elati"e amount of waste. The "alues entered at the "arioset are: cleaning intensity as a "alue 'etween 8.8 and .8 and relati"e amount of waste as a "alue 'etween and 8. These "alues are entered on the computer panel on the machine. The machine settings are adjusted automatically e"en if the machine is running. The settings are also reproduci'le. @uring the process the material passes mechanically o"er the leaning grid on special spikes approximately se"en times. 4n this process the raw material is guided o"er the integrated de7dusting filter where dust is fi're fragments and pepper trash is stripped off mechanically. The cleaning process takes place undistur'ed 'y the air currents and thus in a controlled and effecti"e manner. The trash remo"ed drops into the waste cham'er .0 . Each of the 8 working points of the "arioset corresponds to a setting for material speed and grid angle. &leaning can easily 'e optimi(ed 'y entering only two

and is fed to the waste remo"al system 'ehind air lock cylinder. The small si(e of the machine allows it to 'e installed in already existing setup of 'lowroom line enhancing the cleaning performance of already existing setup. $achine Specification: ,anufacturer: 2eiter Gear: ,odel: -ength: *idth: )eight: *eight: *orking width: ,aterial processed: 4nstalled power: Power supply: +o of motors: # :on the machine and Speed of waste motor: Speed of 'eater motor: Speed of 'eater: Shape of spikes on 'eater: +o of spikes per row: +o of rows: +o of grid 'ars: -ir pressures used in the "achine: !eeding air flow rate: @eli"ery air flow rate: *aste transport air flow rate: 8.6U8.= mYFs 8.6777 .8 mYFs 8./U8.0 mYFs for 'eater and for transfer fan. #/.= rpm #88U#/88 rpm range /=8UA68 rpm :operated at 690 rpm< V;W type A or 8 6 .. #88# B ##80 mm 8/8 mm #888 mm =8 kg 688 mm cotton% cotton waste% linen / ?>$ .=8 >% 08 )( for waste< and for suction fan

The speed of the 'eater and the distance 'etween the grid 'ars is adjusted according to the amount of waste to 'e extracted and the cleaning intensity required. .6

!orcupine 5eater: The name of this machine is due to the shape of itLs 'eater which resem'les the porcupine. This type of 'eater is used to perform cleaning action on the material. The material from the 2eiter machine is fed to this 'eater where cleaning action takes place. 4n unit no 9 of +4S)$T TEIT4-E ,4--S -td. there are two porcupine 'eaters in each line and they ha"e different settings related to each other. $achine Specification: ,anufacturer: Gear: ,odel: &olor: *idth: -ength: )eight: *orking length: ProductionFoutput: 5eater specifications: Type: disc @iameter: Speed: !orcupine-6 2ows of spikes: # Beater rpm: 688 rpm Total spikes: ##= @ia of spikes: = mm -ength: 68 mm Pitch: 06 mm 3auges: !orcupine-6 Between feed roller and 'eater: = mm .9 !orcupine-: # mm 6 8 mm ranges from 088U688rpm :normally used 088 rpm< !orcupine-: Total spikes: -ength: # mm @ia: . mm Pitch: #. mm Beater rpm: 088 rpm #88 2ectangular 'lades on a circular &hina AA# !$7 86 3reen 6 # mm 9.8 mm .606 mm 868 mm =88 kgFhr

Between grid 'ars and 'eater: mm Between grid 'ars: Between 'eater and stripper edge: Lopte* 0Conta"ination Sorter2:

8% #% /% 6 = mm .% A% =% 0 mm .0 mm





=% =% 9% 0 mm # mm

@uring the con"ersion of cotton in the form of 'ales and later on during its transport and handling different foreign materials enter into it which later on affects the quality of the final product. $mong these foreign materials some are colored while some are not and similarly some foreign fi'res are also integrated into the material. ,ost common examples of these unwanted foreign fi'res are poly7propylene and jute hairs etc.

The a'o"e mentioned two foreign fi'res greatly affect the quality of our final product and therefore they are greatly desired to 'e remo"ed from the material 'ecause if they are not then they will lead to undyed spots in the finished fa'ric or will result in shade "ariation in the fa'ric. !or this purpose contamination sorters are used which remo"e these foreign fi'res in the start of the spinning operation that is in the 'lowroom. The material flows through this machine uninterrupted and the portion which contains the contaminations is remo"ed from the material 'y use of air pressure. Today many types of contamination sorters are a"aila'le in the market ha"ing different types of working principle. 4n our mill -5PTEI contamination sorter is 'eing used.


#orking !rinciple:

,easuring channel of Sorter 5ptosonice: < $coustic sensor. #< 5ptical sensor. .< Pneumatic "al"es. /< *aste container. 0< $'sor'er 'ox. This machine is 'ased on the echo principle. This means that e"ery type of material passing through these wa"es will reflect different type of sound. By this way the portion containing contamination is checked and rejected out of the material flow. This is effecti"e 'ecause foreign material ha"ing same color as that of cotton can also 'e sorted out 'y this method. The machine is also equipped with optical sensors to sort out the colored contamination .A

like jute etc. the principle of photo sensors in easy that is they sort out the contamination on the 'asis of shade and color "ariation. -5PTEI includes 'oth sonic and photo sensors which makes it more compati'le for the sorting of colored as well as transparent contamination. There are two models of -5PTEI installed in each 'lowroom line: < -5PTEI Sorter. #< -5PTEI 5ptosonicN #8. !arts of the $achine: +ltra-Sonic Syste" < Emitter #< 2ecei"erFaccepter .< $'sor'er Features of Lopte*: ,ost effecti"e position within the 'lowroom line. +o interruption in the production process. @eduction of color contamination 'y acoustic system. @eduction of color contamination 'y optical system. There will 'e no cost related to wear and tear of mechanical parts. ,inimal loss of non7faulty material. Ejection of contamination 'y indi"idually controlled pneumatic "al"es. )ptical Syste" :5nly colored contamination is detected< < !luorescent tu'es #< Photo sensors

)ptical Syste": The parts of this machine are also mentioned a'o"e. $ total of #06 photo sensors are used on 'oth sides of the cham'er through which the material is to pass. This helps in the monitoring of the material flow. @etection is "ery fast and strong. These sensors detect contamination with the help of fluorescent tu'es. +ltra Sonic Syste": The main parts of the system are mentioned a'o"e. The emitter consists of a num'er of ultra sonic wa"e emitters which produce ultra sonic wa"es which are not audi'le. These ultra sonic wa"es are reflected 'y the contamination in the material which is recei"ed 'y the recei"er or acceptor. 4f the wa"es are not reflected 'y the material this means that no /8

contamination is present in the material and the wa"es pass through the material and are a'sor'ed 'y the a'sor'er. Re8ection syste": The rejection system consists of 06 air "al"es. They work for 'oth optical and acoustic system. 4elay ti"e: !or acoustic system +ormally used !or optical system +ormally used 5low ti"e: !or 'oth the systems its "alue is ##U=8 milliseconds 'ut normally we use /8 milliseconds. $achine Specification: ,anufacturer: 4taly &ompany: -5PTEI -optex Sorter >oltage: /88 > !requency: 08 )( Power: .0 ?w Pressure: 8.6U8.= ,Pa 3eneral Specifications: Production: =88U 888 kgFhr Efficiency: =8U=0C !or Pakistani cotton: 088U688 rejections per hour. &ompressed air: 6U= 'ar. (opper Feeder: The main purpose of this machine is to regularly feed material to the scutcher for lap formation. The material after 'eing processed in "arious machines in cleaned and opened form is fed to this machine which regularly feeds it to the scutcher. 4n other words this machine acts as a material reser"oir for the scutcher. / -optex 5ptosonicN #8 >oltage: /88 > !requency: 08 )( Power: .0 ?w Pressure: 8.6U8.= ,Pa 08U 08 milliseconds. 68U98 millisecond. =U.8 millisecond. /U 0 milliseconds.

)b8ectives of (opper Feeder: < 2egular feed of material to the scutcher.

,ain parts of the machine are: < Pressing roller. #< 4nclined lattice. .< E"ener roller. /< Stripper roller. 0< *iper roller. $achine Specification: +o of machines: ,otors: !ressing Roller: @ia: +o of rows of spikes: Spikes per row: -ength of spikes: @ia of spikes: Pitch: &nclined Lattice: /# .88 mm / = /A mm / mm #/ mm 6 /

+o of rows of spikes: Spikes per row: -ength of spikes: @ia of spikes: Pitch: %vener Roller: @ia: +o of rows of spikes: Spikes per row: -ength of spikes: @ia of spikes: Pitch: Stripper Roller: @ia: +o of rows of spikes: Spikes per row: -ength of spikes: @ia of spikes: Pitch: #iper Roller: @ia: +o of rows of spikes: Scutcher:

=8 .. = mm / mm #6 mm

#68 mm = .. #8 mm 9 mm #. mm

.#8 mm 6 .. 08 mm 8 mm .8 mm A8 mm /

The last machine of 'low room department is the scutcher. The main o'jecti"e of this machine is to form e"en sheet of material which can 'e fed to the next department. The /.

lap formation is a "ery important function which directly affects the 'eha"ior of material in other machines. Therefore care is taken during the formation of lap. )b8ective: < !ormations of lap. #< 5pening. .< &leaning. /< E"en feed of material to &ard. The material in opened form is fed to scutcher. $fter passing from a 'eater the material is condensed on a cage in form of a lap. There are special calendar rollers through which this lap is passes under pressure.

@raft is gi"en to the material during lap formation. -ess draft produces 'etter lap and "ice "ersa. *eight of lap P ##./A8 kg :including rod weight of # kg approx< $achine Specification: ,anufacturer: Gear: ,odel: &olor: +o of machines: +o of grid 'ars: &hina AA# !$7 / green 6 0: in use< :on each machine<


4ia"eter of various rollers on scutcher: Press roller: PedalF!eed roller: Beater: !an: &ages: @etaching roller: &onca"eF&on"ex roller:

=/ mm 96 mm /86 mm 008 mm 068 mm 9 mm =9 mm .8 mm =# mm =8 mm #.8 mm

% #nd and .rd calendar rollers:

Bottom calendar roller: 3uide rollers: Shell rollers: Feed Roller: +o of flutes: Teeth per flute: 5eater: Type: +o of 'lades: Spikes per 'lade: -ength of spikes: *idth: Pitch: Cage: )ole dia: )ole density: 3auges: Between piano motion and pedal roller: Between pedal roller and 'eater: /0

#6 # #

?rischener . #88U /88 # mm . mm mm

. mm // holesF

9F 888 in 6 mm



grid 'ar and 'eater:

/ mm 8 mm

Between last grid 'ar and 'eater: Shell Roller +o of flutes: *idth of flute: @epth of flute: Pitch: !ressure: &alendar rollers: Shell roller: Calculations: Speed calculations: Beater speed !an speed Pedal roller speed P //8 x 68F#.8 P 88 .9. rpm

== 0 mm . mm . mm

.888 l's 088 l's

P //8 x 68 x #/8F#.8 x 08 P 68#.9= rpm P :A/8 x /0 x #6 x =6 x P #/.#A0 rpm P X x 96 x #/.#A0F#0./ P ##=..9/ inchesFmin x #6 F:##8 x 6 x 69 x 08x#/<

&age speed

P :A/8 x /0 x 9 x / x / x ..<F:##8 x 6 x 69 x 08x#/< P /. # rpm P X x 068 x /. #F#0./ P #=...66 inchesFmin

&age detaching roller

P A/8 x /0 x 9 x / x / x .. x .8 ##8 x 69 x .# x 0/ x .8 x 9 P ./.6 rpm P X x 9 x ./.6 F#0./ P .8..A.# inchesFmin

&on"ex roller

P ./.6 x / x :08F /< x 00 /6

P . ..6 rpm P X x =9 x . ./6F#0./ P ..=.0#= inchesFmin Bottom calendar roller P :A/8 x /0 x 9 x / x /< F :##8 x 69 x .# x 0/< P 9.=. rpm P X x =# x 9.=.F#0./ P /8 ..60 inchesFmin .rd calendar roller P 9.=. x #/F = P #..99 rpm P X x .8 x #..99F#0./ P .A#. AA inchesFmin #nd calendar roller P #..99 x =F A P ##.0# rpm P X x .8 x ##.0#F#0./ P .6#. inchesFmin

calendar roller

P ##.0# x AF#8 P # ..A/ rpm P X x .8 x # ..A/F#0./ P ./..AA0 inchesFmin

3uide roller

P 9.=. .9F 6 P / .#. rpm P X x =8 x / .#.F#0./ P /89.A6# inchesFmin

Shell roller

P :A/8 x /0 x 9 x / x =< F :##8 x 69 x 9. x .9< P /./9 rpm P X x #.8 x /./9F#0./ P / 9..#0 inchesFmin

4raft Calculations: Between pedal roller and cage Between cage and cage detaching roller Between cage detaching roller and con"ex roller /9 P #=...66F##=..9/ P .#/ P .8..A.#F#=...66 P .86 P ..=.0#=F.8..A.#

P . Between con"ex roller and Between

st st

calendar roller

P ./..AA0F..=.0#= P .8 6 P .6#. F./..AA0 P .80 P .A#. AAF.6#. P .86 P /8 ..60F.A#. AA P .80 P /89.A6#F/8 ..60 P .880/

calendar roller and #nd calendar roller

Between #nd calendar roller and .rd calendar roller Between .rd calendar roller and 'ottom calendar roller Between 'ottom calendar roller and guide roller Mater(a. Trans#ort (n t&e !e#artment:

The material is 'eing transported within the department "ia different ducts also the waste from "arious machines is either collected manually or transported to filter room "ia different ducts. To easily identify the ducts used for "arious purposes the ducts are gi"en specific colors mentioned as under: ,aterial :cotton<: *aste: Bypass N @istri'ution: @ust: *hite 3ray 3reen Gellow

$nother factor related to the piping system of the department which is of high importance is to ensure that the ducts are sealed completely and no leakage is occurring in the ducts. The reason 'ehind this is that leakage in the ducting system will lead to energy loss and consumption of more power which will ultimately lead to the cost factor of the production. $lso continuous monitoring of the ducts should 'e done to ensure no leakages in them. ;aste 9emoBed: The total amount of waste that is 'eing remo"ed in +ishat Textile ,ills. ;nit no:89: *asteC 'eing remo"ed P Ma(ntenan8e: /= 6C

!or proper working of the machines and to maintain the le"el of production and quality as well maintenance of the machines and their parts is "ery important. !or this a separate maintenance section is present in each department in a mill. The machines are stopped e"eryday for some period of time and their parts are checked and rotating parts are greased. The maintenance department has its own schedule for changing parts of "arious machines. $aintenance Schedule: %veryday #ork: < @aily o"er haul one scutcher. #< &lean dust cage. .< &hecking of krischener 'eater and piano motion. /< 3rease the cone drums. 0< &lean the filter room. 6< &lean all the pipe lines. 9< &lean the gears of all condensers. =< &lean the porcupine 'eater. A< &lean auto plucker 'eaters. 8< &lean the lattices. < 3rease all the gears. #< &lean the loptex pipe line. .< &lean all the T.> fans. Porcupine 'eater is changed after . years normally. $uto plucker 'eater is changed after # years.




Introd%8t(on: J&ard is the heart of the spinning millJ and J*ell carded is half spunJ are two pro"er's of the experts. These pro"er's inform the immense significance of carding in the spinning process. )igh production in carding to economi(e the process leads to reduction in yarn quality. )igher the production% the more sensiti"e 'ecomes the carding operation and the greater danger of a negati"e influence on quality. The technological changes that has taken place in the process of carding is remarka'le. -atest machines achie"e the production rate of 68 7 88 kgs F hr% which used to 'e 0 7 8 kgs F hr% upto A98. "%r#ose o' Card: !ollowing are the some purposes of card machine. . 5pening to indi"idual fi'res. #. Elimination of impurities. .. Elimination of dust. /. @isentangling of neps. 0. Elimination of short fi'res. 6. !i're 'lending. 9. !i're orientation. =. Sli"er formation. )pening to individual fibres: Blow room only opens the raw material to flocks% the card must open to the stage of indi"idual fi'res. This is "ery necessary to ena'le the elimination of impurities and performance of the other operation to 'e achie"ed. %li"ination of i"purities: Elimination of foreign matter occurs mainly in the region of the taker7in. 5nly a small part of the contaminants is carried along with the flat strippings or falls out at other positions. The degree of cleaning achie"ed 'y the modern card is "ery high% in the range of =8 to A0C. Thus% the o"erall degree of cleaning achie"ed 'y the 'lowroom and the carding together is as high as A0 to AAC. But card sli"er still contains 8.80 to 8..C foreign matter normally. 0

%li"ination of dust: 4n addition to free dust% which can 'e directly sucked away as in the 'low room% the card also remo"es a large proportion of the micro particles that are 'ound to the fi'res. Significant fi're to metal or fi're to fi're friction is needed in order to loosen such particles. Both are a"aila'le at the card in considera'le measure% the card is a good dust7 remo"ing machine. 4isentangling of neps: The num'er of neps increases from machine to machine in the 'low room% the card reduces the remaining num'er to a small fraction. 4t is falsely assumed that neps are eliminated at the cardZ in fact% they are mostly opened out. 5nly a certain num'er of neps lea"e the machine unopened "ia the flat stripping. $n impro"ement in the disentangling of neps is o'tained 'y: closer spacing 'etween the clothingsZ sharper clothingZ optimal speeds of the taker7inZ low doffer speedsZ and lower throughput. %li"ination of short fibres: Short fi'res can only 'e eliminated if they are pressed into the clothing. Since that is not possi'le with metallic clothing% only the flats can 'e considered in this context. The a'ility to select short as opposed to long fi'res is 'ased on the fact that long fi'res ha"e more contact with the clothing of the main cylinder than the short fi'res. Thus% long fi'res are continually caught and carried along with the main cylinder. Short fi'res on the other hand% offer less surface to the clothing of the main cylinderZ they therefore are caught in the flat stripping. Elimination of short fi'res in the card must% howe"er% 'e "iewed in proportion. 4ts actually "ery small% as can 'e readily demonstrated. The card remo"es almost # to .C of the flat stripping. $pproximately half of the stripings are made up of short fi'res.

Fibre blending: The card scarcely impro"es long7term 'lending% since the residence time of the material in the machine is too short. )owe"er% it impro"es trans"erse 'lending 'ecause% apart from the 5E7spinner% the card is the only machine to process indi"idual fi'res. 4n the formation 0#

of the we'% and with the repeated rotation of the fi'res on the main cylinder% an intimate fi're7with Hfi're mixing is achie"ed. Fibre orientation: The effect of paralleli(ing is often attri'uted to the card. This is not completely justified% since the fi'res in the we' are not parallel% although they do ha"e% for the first time% a degree of longitudinal order. +o dou't a parallel condition is achie"ed on the main cylinder% 'ut it appears during the formation of we' 'etween the cylinder and the doffer. Thus% the card can 'e gi"en the task of creating a partial longitudinal orientation of the fi'res 'ut not that of creating paralleli(ation. Sliver for"ation: 4n order to 'e a'le to deposit the fi're material% to transport it and to process it further% an appropriate intermediate product must 'e formed% this is the sli"er. 4n extreme cases% card sli"er has a hank ranging from . ktex to 6 ktex. Ma8&(ne S#e8('(8at(ons: ,anufacturers ,odel Gear of ,anufacturing &rosrol -td. )alifa ,?7/ AA#.

$achine di"ensions with so"e "aterial and "achine oriented data: &ard )eight &ard width :including clothing< Total num'er of cards &arded side &om'ed side +o. of motors ,ain motor Production motor / 0.0 kw #.# kw 0. =00mm 8 6mm /8 ## =

:we are concerned with the com'ed side as our project is study of #8 single com'ed yarn<

Top set motor )igh speed 'rush motor *aste percentage !ly waste Taker7in waste Efficiency &an si(e &an capacity @eli"ery rate Sli"er weight -ap feed weight

.8 w .8 kw 0.0C #.= C /. 0 C == C )eight :/# inches< @iameter :#/ inches< /.88 meter /0 meterFminute 98 grainsFyard 0.689Fyard

!(''erent 9e=(ons o' Card and t&e res#e8t(Be F%n8t(ons "er'ormed (n ea8& 9e=(on: Feeding Region: This region consists of following parts: -ap roller !eed roller !eed plate )peration perfor"ed in feed region: -ap roll is positi"ely dri"en. By the re"olution of the lap roller lap unwinds and gi"e the material to the feed roller. There is a supporting plate 'etween the feed roller and the lap roller which is known as feed plate. The 'asic function of feed plate is to support the 'ulky lap. There is a slight tension draft 'etween the feed roller and the lap roller in order to make the lap in slightly stretched form. The 'asic function of feed region is to . #. .. gently. aker-in region: 0/ &lamp the 'att securely o"er its full width. Be a'le to hold the material 'ack against the action of the taker7in. Present the 'att to the taker7in in such a manner that opening can 'e carried out

This region consists of following parts. Taker 7in Taker7in under casing :including mote knife< *aste control plate )peration perfor"ed in taker-in region: Taker7in is a roller ha"ing a diameter of round a'out #0/ mm. 4t contains coarser saw tooth wire wound on to the roller. Below the taker7in there is a mote knife and taker7in under casing. Taker7in rotates with a rpm of nearly #88. ,ost of the coarser foreign impurities are remo"ed at this region. Taker7in under casing consists of grid 'ars set on specific angle. @ue to the re"olution of the taker7in the material is struck against the grid 'ars. The impurities pass through the grid 'ars and these impurities containing seeds hulls along with small amount of lint cotton are sent to the filter room. The draft in this region is round a'out 888 which is the disperse draft. Cylinder region: !ollowing are the parts of cylinder region. Back 'ottom plate Back stationary flats :num'er of flats #< Back top plate 2e"ol"ing flats :num'er of flats 8 < !ront top plate !ront stationary flats :num'er of flats /< Trash control flat trash knife !ront 'ottom plate )igh speed top set cleaning motor )peration perfor"ed in the cylinder region: This region is di"ided in to three regions. !irst one is the pre carding region which consists of two stationary flats. The main purpose of pre carding (one is to prepare the material for main carding which takes place in the main carding (one. !ollowing are the some main ad"antages of presence of stationary flats 'etween the mo"ing flats and the taker7in: < 4mpro"e dirt and dust elimination. 00

#< .< /< 0<

4mpro"e the entangling of neps. -ess damage to the clothing of mo"ing flats and cylinder. &lean clothing. Better yarn quality.

!rom the pre carding (one the material in "ery small tuft form enter in the main carding (one where the main disperse carding takes place. 4n this region indi"idual fi're to fi're opening takes place. 4n this region the direction of rotation of flats and cylinder is same and there is a huge speed difference 'etween the flats and the cylinder. @ue to this huge difference proper carding is done in this major carding (one. !rom the main carding region the material in opened form enter into the post carding (one. 4n this region there are trash control plate% trash knife for the remo"al of impurities and four more stationary flats for impro"ing the quality of material. 4offer region: Parts of this region are @offer Stripping roller &rushing roller *e' collecting unit &alendar roller &oiler calendar roller &oiler plate Function perfor"ed in doffer region: !rom the cylinder the material is condensed onto the doffer. !rom the doffer the cotton material is scratched from the doffer and is transferred to the crushing roller. The pressure on top crushing roller is nearly = 'ars. Then the material in the form of we' is transferred to the we' collecting unit in order to condense it in the form of sli"er. This condensed material is passed through calendar roller after passing through the trumpet. $fter passing through the calendar roller the sli"er enter into the coiler calendar roller and then after passing through the coiler plate deposit in the can in the form of coiled sli"er. A%to.eBe..(ng: 06

5nly long term autole"elling is done on the ,?7/. at the deli"ery end there is a 'ottom calendar roller which is positi"ely dri"en and a'o"e the 'ottom calendar roller there is a top calendar roller. This top calendar roller is negati"ely dri"en and mo"ea'le. This top calendar roller shows a slight up and down motion due to the "ariation in the material passes 'etween the top calendar roller and the 'ottom calendar roller. *ith the help of some specific mechanism% the up and down motion of top calendar roller shift the 'elt on the top cone drum. @ue to this shifting the rpm of the 'ottom cone drum "aries. This 'ottom cone drum gi"es dri"e to the feed roller. Therefore due to the shifting of the 'elt on the pair of cone drums the speed of feed roller and the lap roller "aries. Sto# mot(ons: 5n the ,?7/ there are total 0 stop motions. . $t the lap rolls. 5n the finishing of the lap the machine stops. #. There are two stop motions on the feed roll one on each end. 4n the a'sence of lap material on the feed roll the machine stops. .. 5n the deli"ery end next to the calendar roller to detect the sli"er. ,achine stops in case of sli"er 'reakage or loosening of sli"er. /. 5ne red push 'utton on the deli"ery end. 4n case of any emergency on pushing the red 'utton the machine stops. S%8t(on #o(nts: !ollowing are the suction points on the ,?7/: Suction point on the top of the doffer and the stripping roller for the remo"al of dust and "ery small impurities. Suction point on the mo"ing flats near the 'rushing roller in order to remo"e fly waste. 5n the taker7in region to remo"e the taker7in dropping. Ma8&(ne sett(n=s :=a%=es<: Between the feed roller and the feed plate Between feed plate and taker7in Between taker7in and waste control plate Between taker7in and mote knife 09 0F 888 inches AF 888 inches to .mm 0F 888 inches

Between taker7in and under casing Between taker7in and cylinder Between cylinder and 'ack 'ottom plate Between cylinder and 'ack 'ottom stationary flat Between cylinder and 'ack top stationary flat Between cylinder and 'ack top plate Between cylinder and the re"ol"ing flats

/ to 0 mm :'ack side< /8F 888 inches :cylinderside< 9F 888 inches .8F 888 inches 9F 888 inches 0F 888 inches ##F 888 inches #F 888 inches 8F 888 inches =F 888 inches

Between cylinder and front top plate Between cylinder and front stationary flat Between cylinder and waste control plate Between cylinder and . stationary flats Between cylinder and 'ottom front plate Between cylinder and under casing

/8F 888 from start and #AF 888 inches at the end 8F 888 inches . mm :top< fixed A mm :'ottom< adjusta'le =F 888 inches AF 888 inches ##F 888 inches :taker7in side< ./F 888 inches :center< 987=8F 888 inches:doffer

side< Between cylinder and doffer Between doffer and stripping roller ;(re s#e8('(8at(on: aker-in wire: @ensity -ength Thickness Pitch 2owsFinch $ngle Cylinder wire: 0= = =8 degree .6 wiresFsquare inch 0.6mm . to .# mm 0.60 mm 0F 888 inches #F 888 inches

@ensity -ength Thickness Pitch 2owsFinch $ngle 4offer wire: @ensity -ength Thickness Pitch 2owsFinch $ngle Flats wire: @ensity -ength 2owsFinch $ngle Back stationary flats Back top stationary flats !ront stationary flats -r(nd(n= o' ;(res:

=68 wiresF square inch # mm 8./ to 8.60 mm .0 mm : ..7 .A mm< 0 68 degree

/8. wiresF inch /.. mm 8.A to # mm .# 68 degree mm

//8 to 0#8 wiresFinch =mm /8 98 degree ..8 wiresF square inch //8 wiresF square inch 008 to 668 wiresFsquare inch

*ith the passage of time due to the continuous contact of cotton material with the wires wound onto the taker7in% cylinder etc % the wires 'ecome dull. So in order to get the quality output there is a need to sharpen the wires after a specific inter"al of time. The process of sharpening the wires is known as grinding. $fter grinding the length of the wires reduces. $fter a certain length the grinding is not possi'le and clothing has to 'e change.


4n +ishat textile mills unit B 9% when round a'out 888 tons of material passes through the single card then grinding of flat wires% doffer wires% cylinder wires takes place. The wires of taker7in are changed after a specific inter"al instead of grinding. Cylinder wire grinding: !or cylinder wire tra"erse grinding is done and it takes [ to Flat wires grinding: 4n case flat wires dead roller grinding is done and it takes # to #.0 hours. F(.ter: 4n +ishat textile mills unit B 9 card department ha"e their own separate filter room. The machinery in the filter room is of &rosrol. This filter room is di"ided into two portions. !irst portion deals with the #A cards and the second portion deals with the cards. !irst portion contains two primary rotaries and one secondary rotary. 4n this portion one primary rotary collect taker7in waste from all of the #A cards and the second primary rotary collect fly waste from all of the #A cards and the dust from the #A card are collected in the secondary rotary. !rom the two a'o"e mentioned primary rotaries through material transport fans the wastes are sent separately to the two compactors. !rom the compactors this waste is collected and the dust with small impurities is sent through material transport fan to the dust extractors. Second portion also contains two primary rotaries and one secondary rotary. 4n this portion one primary rotary collect taker7in waste from the rest of the second primary rotary collect fly waste from cards and the cards are cards and the dust from the hour.

collected in the secondary rotary. !rom the two a'o"e mentioned primary rotaries through material transport fans the wastes are sent separately to the two compactors. !rom the compactors this waste is collected and the dust with small impurities is sent through material transport fan to the dust extractors. !(ameter o' !(''erent 9o..ers o' M4+*: -ap roller !eed roller Taker7in &ylinder @offer Stripping roller 68 6= mm 88 mm #0/ mm 88## mm 0 9.0 mm 98.0 mm

Top crush roller Bottom crush roller &alendar roller $pron roller &oiler calendar roller &one drum

96.6 mm 96.6 mm 9# mm =# mm 9..0 mm ,ax. #0 mm ,in. == mm

Card Speed Calculations: !ront shaft rpm !eed roller rpm P P P P Surface speed of front roller -ap roller rpm Surface speed of lap roller @offer roller rpm P P P P P P P P Surface speed of doffer &rush roller rpm Surface speed of crush roller Stripping roller rpm P P P P P P P P /88 \ A8 F #88 6.8 rpm 6.8 \ 8/.0 \ A \ 9 \ 0 \ 9 \ #/ \ #/ 8A.0 \ /# \ .6 \ #A \ 9 \ 09 \ 09 0.09 rpm .. / \ 88 \ 0.09 F #0./ 6=.A inches F min 0.09 \ #A\ #8 F 08 \ #8 ..#. rpm .. / \ 60 \ ..#. F #0./ 60.A inches F min 6.8 \ 88 \ A \ 0 \ =8 .8 \ A \ 69.. \ #0=.= /0.66 rpm .. / \ 0 9.0 \ /0.66 F #0./ #A# .89 inches F min 6.8 \ 88 F .8 /=/.6 rpm .. / \ 96.6 \ /=/.6 F#0./ /0=A.8/ inches F min /=/.6 \ 68 F 69.. 9..9A rpm 6

Surface speed &ylinder rpm Surface speed of cylinder Taker7in rpm


.. / \ 98.0 \ 9..9A F #0./ .66..86 inches F min /88 \ #88 \ =8 F =. \ /80 666..6 rpm .. / \ 8## \ 666..6 F #0./ =/ = ./A inches F min 666..6 \ ##0 F /8 898.A0 rpm .. / \ #0/ \ 898.A0 F #0./ ..6#9.=/ inchesF min 6.8 \ 6= \ 9 \ 9 F 90 \ 9 \ 9# 06..#6 rpm .. / \ =# \ 06..#6 F #0./ 098A.=. inches Fmin 06..#6 \ 9# F 90 0/8.9# rpm .. / \ 90./ \ 0/8.9# F #0./ 0868. 0 inches Fmin .. / \ 6.8 \ 96.# F #0./ 0A./.6 inches F min 6.8 \ #. \ 9 \ #= \ 6#9.=9 rpm .. / \ 9..0 \ 6#9.=9 F #0./ 098/.A6 inches F min 6.8 \ #. \ 9 \ #= \ .A \ 9 \ .= \ 6# ./.A0 rpm 6.8 \ #. \ 9 \ #= \ = \ A .A \ 9 \ #= \ 8/ \ 68 ..6 rpm 6# \. .A \ 9 \ .= \ 6# \ 0

Surface speed of taker7in &alendar roller rpm Surface speed $pron roller rpm Surface speed $uto le"eler roller &oiler calendar roller rpm


Surface speed &oiler plate rpm


&an plate


4raft Calculations:

Between lap roller and feed roller Between feed roller and doffer Between doffer and stripping roller Between stripping roller and crush roller


6=.A F 60.A .8/ #A# .89 F 6=.A /#..A .60#.// F #A# .89 .86 /0=A.8/ F.60#.// .#0 0868. 0 F /0=A.8/ . 8# 098A.=. F 0868. 0 . #= 0A./.6 F 098A.=. .8.A 60/9.8= F 098/.A6 . /

Between crush roller and apron roller Between apron roller and calendar roller Between calendar and auto le"eler roller Between auto le"eler roller and &.&.2 otal $echanical4draft


P .8/ \ /#..A \ .86 \ .#0 \ . 8# \ . #= \ .8.A \ . / P =6.8 or P P 0986.A6 F 60.A =6.06

otal $echanical 4raft -ctual 4raft: -ap weight 4n grains F yard Sli"er weight $ctual draft Condensation 4raft: &ondensation draft P P P P P P P P

/.08 o( F yd /.0 \ 9888 F 6 6./..90 grains F yard 98 grains F yard 6./..90 F 98 A8.6#

&ylinder speed @offer speed =/ = .90 F #A# .89 6.

P Coil Ratio: &an plate ..6 ransfer Ratio: Transfer ratio P P P !roduction: Production #/ P : : :

#=.0 &oiler plate ./.A.= .9..= &ylinder speed Taker7in speed =/ = .90 F ..6#9.=/ #.08. speed :mF min< \ .8A.6 \ weight :gr F yd < \ ] \ 68 \ 9888 \ 88

P P +o. of machines Total production Ma(ntenan8e S8&ed%.e: P P P

/0 \ .8A.6 \ 98 \ == \ 68 \ #/ 9888 \ 88 \ 88 #8.8A 'ags F day F machine = #8.8A \ = .6 .6A 'ags F day

$ll the cards of the card department are daily cleaned externally clean 'y cotton cloth in order to a"oid any deposition of dust on the card. $ll the 'elts and exposed gearing teeth conditions are daily checked during cleaning. Turn wise o"er holing of all cards is done in the card department of +ishat Textile ,ills ;nit B 9. 5ne card is o"er hauled daily. Can Ident('(8at(on: $s can 'e seen from the details 'oth the com'ed and carded yarns are prepared in our respecti"e unit so there is a proper can identification system to a"oid the mixing of com'er and carded material.


The cans which are used to deli"er material from card to the com'er side are wrapped 'y yellow ri''on and those which are taken to carded side are plain cans. This system helps in identification of cans properly.

!ra1(n= Frame
@raw frame is known as the quality filter for the spinning mills. The quality of the sli"er can no longer 'e impro"ed in the further processes. So the drawing frame gets "ery important position among the preparatory processes Tas0s o' !ra1(n= Frame The purpose of @raw frame is to ensure the 'est possi'le sli"er quality for an optimum down stream process through following tasks% . To dou'le #. to 'lend % if required .. to draft /. to parallel 0. to le"el 3enerally% there are two draw frame passages for cotton yarn 'ut can 'e three in some cases e.g. in case of com'ed yarn % first passage is called 'reaker draw frame passage and second is known as finisher draw frame passage. !or #8F com'ed yarn in +ishat ,ills ;nitB9 Pre com'er 'reaker and then to lap former% com'er and Post com'er 'reaker then finisher draw frame passage was used. Term(no.o=(es: ,. !o%b.(n= The process of com'ining a no of sli"ers into one sheet is called dou'ling. ;sually 6 or = sli"ers are dou'led. 2. .end(n= 60

Blending is also achie"ed through dou'ling process 6. !ra't(n= 4t is the process in which length per unit weight is increased or weight per unit length is decreased. 4n drawing frames% roller drafting is used for drafting. Two terms for draft are used generally < ,echanical draft #< $ctual draft ,echanical draft is the ratio of surface speeds of deli"ery roller to surface speeds of feed roller $ctual draft is the ratio of weight F length fed to weight F length deli"ered. @raft is gi"en to the sli"er in different (ones e.g. 'reak draft% major draft etc. *. "ara..e.(/at(on Paralleli(ation of fi'ers in the sli"er affects yarn strength particularly so the fi'ers should 'e arranged as parallel as optimum. The drawing process helps to parallel the fi'ers along the sli"er axis

!ra1 Frame Ma8&(nes

!ollowing draw frames are used in +ishat mills unitB 9 for #8F com'ed hosiery yarn. "re+ Comber rea0er @G)7=88& $nd @I7= "ost Comber rea0er @G)7088& F(n(s&er dra1 'rame 2SB7@.8& 66 0 / # No. o' ma8&(nes

!ra1 'rame #re 8omber ,odel +o of machines @I7088 @G)=88& !YHC00C $achine Specification ,anufacturer ,ake. @ou'lings !eed @eli"ery @rafting System +o of motor ,ain motor Parts &reel rollers $ssisting rollers Bottom rollers Top roller &alendar roller Trumpet Pressure 'ar 6 98 grains F yard 66 grains F yard 0F/ # 9.0 ?* @iameter :mm< 08 0 .0 ./ 0 /. 9. T5G5@$ AA9 @I7088 @G)=88& .

op Roller !ressure !ront 69 #8 ?g :'lue<

#nd roller .rd roller /th roller Back roller Bar &alendar 2oller Type of ru''er cot )ardness op roller specifications 4nner diameter :without ru''er cot< 5uter diameter :with ru''er cot< -ength Buffing time Treatment Can specification -ength @iameter !XC $achine Specification ,anufacturer +o. of machines !eed @eli"ery @rafting System @ou'ling &an &apacity ,echanical @raft Trumpet @ia @eli"ery Speed 6=

.8 ?g :red< .8 ?g :red< /8 ?g :'lack< /8 ?g :'lack< 8 ?g :white< #8 ?g G;E)S4+3 =8 shore

##mm ./mm =8mm #0 days )# S5/

/# inches #/ inches

T5G5@$ # 98 grains F yard 6#.0 grains F yard 0F/ = .608 yards = /.6 mm 008 mFmin

@ia. of


top roller

.= mm .= mm ./ mm .= mm .= mm /8 mm .8 mm E.- N # mm E.- N 0 mm E.- N 6 mm . .8 kg /8 kg #8 kg each 4nstalled ,echanical

@ia. of #nd top roller @ia. of .rd top roller @ia. of /th top roller @ia. of 0th top roller @ia. of

'ottom roller

@ia. of remaining 'ottom rollers 3auges 'etween and #nd roller 3auges 'etween #nd and .rd roller 3auges 'etween .rd and /th roller +o. of motors Pressure on first roller Pressure on #nd roller Pressure on remaining . rollers 4n"erter Pressure system 3auges

3auges of "arious regions are selected according to effecti"e length mainly% along with other factors including type of material etc. Between front (one Between middle (one Between 'ack (one :+ote: where E! refers to effecti"e length< Speed !roduction calculations Production :'ags per day< P !ront roll deli"ery x .8A.6 x grains F yard x #/ x efficiency x no of mFc s 9888 x 88 P 008 x .8A.6 x 6#.0 x #/ x 8.= x # x # 9888 x 88 P #/9./6 'ags F day 6A 008 F min E! N 6mm E! N 6mm E! N 6.0 mm

!YH 300C $achine Specifications ,anufacturer ,odel -ength of machine )eight of machine *idth of machine @rafting system @raft range &an dimensions +o of deli"ery heads +um'er of dou'lings !eed yard @eli"ered yard 4ia"eter of rollers &reel roller $ssisting roller Bottom drafting roller Top cots &alendar roller $rmor diameter -ength of top roller ,ain motor 08 mm 0 mm .0 mm ./ mm 0 mm /. mm =8 mm 0.0 ?* 6. grains F Toyoda A=9 E AA# # #8 mm 6/0 mm A08 mm 0F/ 0H / #8W F /8W # 6 60 grains F

3auges Between 'ack (one Between middle (one 98 0.0 mm 0.0mm

Between front (one Can s#e8('(8at(on -ength @iameter Rubber cot Type $rmor diameter @iameter with ru''er -ength )ardness Buffing time Treatment !ressure on top rollers !ront roller !irst drafting roller #nd drafting roller .rd drafting roller Back drafting roller Stop "otions &reel @rafting (one &alendar (one Sil"er guide 5n 0 top rollers Type Speed calculations &alendar roller rpm 9 P P Photoelectric sensors


/# inches #8 inches

G;E)S4+3 ##mm ./mm =8mm =8 shore #0 days )#S5/

#8 kg #8 kg /8 kg .8 kg .8 kg

/08 x 69F 88 #/# .0

Surface speed !ront roller Surface speed Back roller rpm


x 0 x #/# .0 F #0./ 0#9/.6. inches F min #/# .0 x // x 08 F /A x . .089. x .0 x .089. F #0./

0 =#. 6 inches F min #/# .0 x // x 66 x /. x // 90 x 6# x 6./.0 x .0 x 6./.0 F #0./ #9/0.60 inches F min #/# .0 x #. x 6 F 99 x 0= 968.9 x .0 x 968.9 F #0./ .#A... inches F min 968.9 x // x /9 F 0A x .8 9/9..= x .0 x 9/9..= F #0./ .#.0./ inches F min #/# x // x .6 x #8 x .8 69 x /. x .8 x 6A .=0.A 0 x 0/

Surface speed #nd roller rpm Surface speed .rd roller rpm Surface speed &oiler tu'e rpm


&an rpm


#/# .0x//x.6xAA x AA x x #. 69x/.xAA x ...= x .8 x 6= x

4raft calculations Between .rd and 'ack roller Between #nd and .rd roller 9# P P P .#.0./ F #9/0.60 .# .#A... F .#.0./

P Between front and #nd roller Between calendar roller and front roller Total draft. $ctual draft Coil ratio &an plate ...= !roduction Production :'agsFday< mFc : : : P P P P P P P P

.8 9 0 =#. 6 F .#A... /.6 0#9/.6. F 0 =#. 6 .886 .# x .8 9 x /.6 x .886 0.66 66 x 6F6..0 6.#.

&oiler plate .=0.A #=.= P speed x .8A.6 x wt x 68 x #/ x efficiency x no. of 9888 x 88 P .#0x .8A.6x66x68x#/x=0x/x# 9888 x 88 x 88 P .8=.=. 'ags F day

Comber F(n(s&er 9S +!60C

2SB7@.8 is a high performance drawing frame with addition of auto le"eling system and a scanning system at outlet. The 2eiter draw frame 2SB7@.8 significantly impro"es the quality slandered of a scanning mill with minimum capital costs. The high quality and the considera'ly impro"ed running conditions in downstream processing result in the shortest return on in"estment. 9.

)utstanding perfor"ance . ;p to 888 mFmin in practical operation #. 4ncreased dynamics of ser"o dri"e .. -owest &> C : m< at maximum speed /. ,ost consistent long term count sta'ility through precise scanning 0. Effecti"e dust remo"al thanks to impro"e suction system 6. Easy operation 'y illustrated messages on display panel 9. 4n addition to sil"er count and e"enness "alues% the new 2eiter ^uality ,onitor now detects thick places =. )igh machine a"aila'ility with off7line expert system Sil"er professional Rieter ;uality "onitor The 2eiter ^uality ,onitor :2^,< placed after the drafting system% relia'ly a"oids the production of faulty sil"er. This system independent from the le"eling unit controls the sil"er mass continuously and stops the machine in case of exceeding preset limits. The new sensor unit deli"ers "alues of highest accuracy. The ^uality ,onitor can 'e connected to the 2eiter ,ill ,onitoring system SP4@E2 we' for further analysis. <uality data R<$ . Sil"ers count $ C #. Sil"er e"enness &>C and length "ariation for .. $ctual spectrogram /. +ew ad"ance diagram displays% e.g. up to timeframe of #/ hours 0. +ew detection of thick places #cm ene'(ts t&ro%=& dete8t(on o' t&(80 #.a8es . ,onitoring of cleaning E maintenance jo's at card% com'er and draw frame #. ,onitoring of sil"er piecing quality .. Support for technological optimi(ations /. 4mpro"e sil"er E yarn quality 0. $ssurance of high producti"ity in ro"ing% spinning and winding $achine specifications 9/ m% . m% 0m

,anufacturer +um'er of machines ,odel -ength *idth ,aterial Staple length @eli"ery speed 2SB7@ .8 2SB7@ .8c @ou'ling &reel !eed @raft range @eli"ery head $otors ,ain motor 2SB7@ .8 2SB7@ .8c Suction motor &ontrol &apacity @& motor for $uto le"eler &an &hanger &ompressed air @rafting System Rollers dia"eter Back 'ottom roller ,iddle 'ottom roller !ront 'ottom roller op roller specification 90

2eiter 0 2SB7@.8 E 2SB7@ .8c =#08 mm #.68 mm &otton% ,an made fi'ers. 87=8 mm 088 mFmin #087 888 m F min #087088 mFmin = power 66 grain F yards /.07 single .6 folds

9.08 kilowatt ..8 kilowatt .A0 kilowatt 8.#6 kilowatt .6 kilowatt 8.#0 kilowatt 6 'ar /F. with pressure 'ar

.8 mm .8mm /8 mm

Type of ru''er cot &ore diameter @iameter with ru''er cot -ength )ardness Buffing time of ru''er cot Treatment -ife

$T&5TEI :Press fit< #6mm .=mm 08mm 90 H =8 shore once in a month )# S5 /% S#&l# 6 month

4raft calculations @raft BFw guide roller and creel roller. :$s * P 8 . < P =8 P @raft BFw scanning roll and guide roll P x00x :$s *= P /=.A< P P @raft BFw 'ack roller and scanning roll :$s *= P #8/< P P @raft BFw middle roll and 'ack roll :$s */P66.6< P x0 x ##x .886 x0#x*/x.8F0#x0#x.8 .#= */x+w x 6x : N 6F.#< x .=x68x.8 :$s */P66.6% +w P0#% +w#P/< P x0#x6/x.#x x 88x99.#x/8 66.6x0#x 6x : N 6F.#< x.=x68x.8 P 96 0.9= 8x*= x 0#x.8 8x 08x0#xA/ x0 x 8x .8 P x0 x ##x 8x*= x 0#x.8 8x 08x0#xA/ xA/F/=.Ax 8x0 x/0 .8. 8x0 x/0 8x##xA/F*# x x/8x 8 . x /0F/8 x 00 x P x w x /0F/8 x 00 x =8

@raft BFw front roll and middle roll P x0#x+*#x.#x x 88x99.#x/8

@raft BFw front roller and calendar roll. :$s *.P=8.A<


x68x00F*. x /8 x68x00F=8.Ax/8 .8# .8.x .8 x .886x .#= x

Total draft. 0.9= x .8# P $ctual draft P P !roduction calculations Production :'agsFday< P P

P 9.=A

66./x =F66 =.80

Speedx .8A.6xwtx68x#/xeffxno.of mFc 9888x 88 088x .8A.6 x 66./ x68x#/x96x0 9888 x 88 x 88

#=..=# 'agsFday


F(=%re ,.,: -ear(n= d(a=ram o' 9EITE9 9S !60C !ra1(n= Frame


F(=%re ,.2: -ear(n= s0et8& o' !XC !ra1(n= Frame


-ap former is used to prepare lap of specific width and count . 4t is a pre com'er process. -ap preparation is necessary 'ecause &ompact feeding to com'er. ,ore areas for com'ing action :then in case of sli"er<. Easier machine operation. Preparation for 'est com'ing results.

-ap preparation process is the most commonly applied preparation process nowadays. The ad"antages of this process apply to 'oth the coarse and fine yarn sectors: )igh production rates )igh quality standards *ider field of application Easier machine operation !lexi'ility :com'ed and carded cotton in he same line<

$achine specifications ,odel ,anufacturer +o of machines ,odel ,anufacturer E.8 2eiter =8 E7.# 2eiter

+o of machines

;nilap e7.# is the answer to the high demands imposed on the com'ing machines. ;nilap e7.# encompasses the latest knows 'ased on technological experience with the pro"en components from the pre"ious successful model: #7(one drafting for ideal fi'er drawing. / calendar rollers and automatic regulation of the lap loading for perfect lap 'uild. )igh production rates and quality le"els 'y means of the >$245 speed. 4mpro"ed running conditions7'etter relia'ility. !unctional design for greater ease of operation.

(igh ;uality of lap- the key to best co"bing results 5ptimal fi'er structure% homogenous 'att 'uild7up and an e"en lap construction are the key factors for high lap quality. The precision of each of the matching elements of the ;nilap E7.# model guarantees the fulfillment of these demands. Creel @ou'ling option up to #= sli"ers :at presents #6 sli"ers are used in this mill< Sli"er is passed o"er a guide roll and then through a sensing unit :sensor and a solid round rod o"er which sli"er pass< then through guide rollers into the guiding 'ars of the drafting systems. Sensor in the creel portion not only sensing the presence of sli"er as in other machines 'ut also sense its running% so no need of extra sensing after creeling. $s the sli"er 'reaksL running of sli"er stops so machine is stopped. 4f all the creel head are not used then sensor must 'e disconnect in order to run the machine. !or this purpose the power supply of the sensor is disengaged. $lso as the num'er of sli"er in the creel portion are too much so in order to a"oid wrong creeling color differentiation is made. :-'one drafting syste" =

The # (one drafting system ena'les the correct application of splitting the pre H and main drafting in 'oth (ones. 5nly optional drafting distri'ution can ensure the 'est conditions and the resulting fi'er paralleli(ation. 4n particular% with longer fi'ers the #7(one drafting shows significant quality ad"antages when the pre drafting is educed and the main draft is increased. =calendar rollers-lap large rollers / calendar rollers and large lap rollers allow for faultless 'at structure% and ensure a secure and optimal lap construction. Regulated lap loading The regulated automatic lap loading safeguards% the ideal pressure of the lap on the lap rollers during the complete 'uild7up cycle -dvantages at - 3lance #7(one drafting >$245 speed Production rates up to .08 kgFhr :real< &onsistent high lap quality 3reater operating comfort

Ma8&(ne S#e8('(8at(ons: E62

,ake -ength *idth )eight @rafting system Sli"er form @ou'ling =#

#880 60/8 mm 08.= mm #A 8 mm .F.:inclined< @rawn sli"er from 'reaker #6

Sli"er fed -ap weight -ap length Tu'e width -ap completion time 5perating deli"ery speed @raft range Break draft ,ain draft ,achine Efficiency Nu"ber )f $otors ,ain motor Suction fan motor 4ia"eter )f Rollers Top roll dia Bottom roll dia Ta'le calendar roll dia Back calendar roller dia .rd calendar roller dia #nd calendar roller dia !ront calendar roller dia Shell roller dia op roll specification @ia =.

6#.0 grainsFyard 8=0 grainFyard ##0 m .88 mm # min 8 m F min ./.07 .= .8/6 ..807 .6.9 : ./. < 98 C : ./A9<

.A mm :max< .6:min< .# mm 98 mm /0.# mm 0 .= mm /=.# mm 0/.= mm 988 mm

/8 mm

)ardness -ength &ore 2u''er cot dia &olor Buffing time of ru''er coat Treatment 3auges BFw 'ack (one BFw front (one BFw lap roller and flange clearance BFw lap roller and tu'e BFw yoke type and switch BFw calendar roller and lap roller

=0_ shore #A= mm #6 mm /8 mm gray . month )#S5/

#.0 mm A.0 mm 8.678.9 mm mm . mm mm

!ressure settings Ma(n #ress%re Pressure for calendar roll Pressure for top roller 3.3 bar or C0 #s( / 'ar or 68 psi 88 psi


Lap Change Syste" ,agnetic clutch use for lap change for sometime when lap should 'e completed and changed% the clutch stops the sack portion of creel and etc. when new lap is placed% the clutch is again engaged to the whole system.

The com'ing process is carried out in order to . impro"e the quality of the sli"er coming out of the card. #. eliminates short fi'res% .. achie"es 'etter parallelisation of fi'res /. straightens curls% 0. remo"es neps and residue impurities. 4t uses in production of medium fine and fine yarn ena'les a positi"e influence to 'e exerted primarily on the following yarn characteristics. =0

Garn e"enness Strength &leanness Smoothness >isual appearance

4n addition to this yarn mode of com'ed cotton needs less twist than carded yarn so thank to modern technology to help in achie"ing more production and e"entually low cost of production. 4t is clear that com'ing process is essentially aimed at o'taining excellent quality yarns and to fulfil this o'jecti"e raw materials with a'o"e a"erage physical and mechanical features must 'e used. @epending on what is 'eing produced% waste from com'ing "aries from #C to #0C% and this can 'e employed to o'tain yarns with a medium coarse count using the open7end process. $s far as parallelisation of curls:hooks< is concerned% when curls are com'ed they tend to 'eha"e in a "ery similar way to short fi'res and therefore if they do not straighten they are remo"ed% and this produces a nota'le amount of waste fi'resZ it is therefore necessary to reduce the curls 'efore the com'ing stage. Some of the .curls. straighten when drawn in the com'ing preparation stage. !urthermore % it is a good idea for the curls to 'e presented head first to the com'ing machine% as the later are to a large extent straightened 'y de"ices on the com'ing machine. The direction of the curls depends on the num'er of passages the material is su'ject to following carding% as 'etween one passage and another the direction of the material is in"erted and consequentially the curls are too. Therefore% considering that mainly tail curls come out of the card% in order for them to arri"e at the com'ing machine as head curls% it is fundamental to carry out an e"en num'er of preparation passages% usually two% one to the drawframe and one to the lap drawing frame. The lap drawing frame has% furthermore% the task of forming the interfacing% which is employed to feed the com'ing machine. The interfacing is o'tained 'y dou'ling a certain num'er of sli"ers :from 6 to .#< pre"iously su'ject to a drawing passage. 4n the lap drawing frame% the material undergoes a light draft of around .0 to # times one a drawing aggregate of the type # on top of . cylinders.
Types of comber


2ectilinear com'er. &ircular com'er. 2otary com'er. )ackling type.

COM E9 E+@3 b$ 9IETE9


4ifferent )perations )f Co"ber ;nwinding of lap !eeding Back nipping &ircular com'ing and cleaning !ront nipping Top com'ing @etaching $ttaching @rafting and dou'lings Sli"er formation &oiling

So"e er"s +sed &n Co"bings 6. 4egree of co"bing 4t means that the Cage of waste extracted at the com'er. 4t depends upon the end use of yarn.

:. Scratch co"bing 4t is com'ing where only "ery short fi'ers are extracted from fi'rous mass i.e. up to 07 6C. ==

>. Se"i co"bing 4t is the com'ing where only "ery short fi'ers are taken out from fi'rous mass up to 97 # C. =. Nor"al co"bing &om'ing where noil is extracted in the range of #7 = C. 7. Full co"bing &om'ing where noil is extracted in the range of A7#0 C.

$achine specifications: ,anufacture ,odel +o of machines -ength *idth )eight *eight !eed @eli"ery +o. of heads Bo''in diameter -ap diameter -ap dia in operation -ap width -ap weight +oil extraction +oil C :in operation< @ou'ling @raft Efficiency Efficiency :in operation< Production +ips F min !eed =A = #88 mm max.608 mm 008 mm .88 mm max. #0 kg = 7#0C =.0 C = folds A H A.. folds per head up to A..6 C =AC :max.< up to 66 kgFh /#0 :.68 in operation< forward 9##9 mm # #8 mm A08 mm /688 kg 8=0 grainsFyard 6..0 grainsFyard 2eiter E76#

!ower consu"ption +o of motor ,ain motor !requency &ircular com' cleaning motor !i'er separator # #.60 k* 68 )( 8.6 k* #.8 k*

4rafting syste" Type @raft range Brake draft )ardness of top roller ,ain draft .F. roller drafting system A7 A.. . / 6# shore 6.00

Lubrication The oil used for lu'rication !ressure Re;uire"ents 5perating pressure >acuum gauge Pressure on top detaching rollers Pressure on front drafting roller Pressure on 'ack rollers 6 'ar /7 = mm*g .7/ 'ar #.07. 'ar ..07/.0 'ar ,o'il )S& 6#A

op Roller Specifications 4etaching Roller Type )ardness @ia -ength A8 $rmstrong $796.7B 6# #/.0 mm ./= mm

4raft )ff Roller Type )ardness @ia -ength 4rafting Syste" Roller Type &olor )ardness @ia -ength Type &olor )ardness @ia -ength Type &olor )ardness @ia -ength $rmstrong ,e76987$ 'rown 98 shore /0 mm #88 mm armstronD7/A87$ grey =0 /0 mm #88 mm $rmstrong )$766 T red 66 shore /0 mm #88 mm $rmstrong D7/A87$ =0 /0 mm ..6 mm

,ode 5f 5peration

Mode o' o#erat(on o' 8omber :E+@3< The lap to 'e used is unrolled through the lap feed rolls and lap sheet : < is introduced into the feeding roll :#<. The nippers and the feeding roll :#< perform a 'ackward and forward motion% the upper part :/< of the nippers :.< opens and during he 'ackward motion closes again. $s a result of this mo"ement% the feeding rolls :#< are dri"en and feed the lap sheet step 'y step o"er the end of the 'ottom nippers :0<. The nippers :.< clamp the lap sheet% which is com'ed from 'elow 'y the circular com' :6<. Short fi'ers which are no longer clamped 'etween the nippers cling to the circular com' :6<. The 'rush :9< cleans the circular com's of the clinging fi'ers% which are pulled off the suction. The long fi'ers will 'e taken o"er 'y the forward ad 'ackward motion of the detaching rolls :A<. The we' produced is formed into a sli"er in the condenser : system and coiled into the can. )peration Flow Chart LAP A# < of the calendar rolls : 8<. $ll sli"ers from the eight com'ing position are then guided into the draft


as(8 sett(n=s Nips per "inute &hanging circular com' rpm changes nips per minute of the machine. The pulleys 3 and ) re selected from the ta'le :shown 'elow< for required num'er of nips. Screw :0< is equal to 8 mm. and # are unfastened% new pulleys are then fitted. +ote that the 'elt tension :/< must 'e + and


+ips per minute :circular com' shaft rpm< 4elivery speed of feed rollers The feed change gear ` ena'les the deli"ery sped of the feed rolls : < to 'e "aried% which in turn effects the 'att tension :x in the figure<a The 'att tension should 'e correct so that the nipper feed roll :#< can con"ey the slightly taut 'att e"enly reference to figure. <

!eed change gear V5W 3ear 5 is changed 'y unlocking screw . :as shown in figure #<% and then screw Place the gear # in its position and tighten screw . A/ is

loosen to swinging out gear #. 2emo"e gear ` 'y remo"ing screw . and change the gear.

&hanging change gear V5W Feed a"ount per cycle The ratchet wheel S is used to "ary the feed mount per cycle on the feed roll. The feed distance mo"ed per cycle affects the quality and the rate of production. $ large feed per cycle results in a higher production 'ut poorer quality% on the other hand a small feed amount per cycle results in a lower production 'ut good quality. Standard "alue of feed amount per cycle is 0.# mm. "arying the feed rate also "ary the noil Cage.


!eed amount per cycle

Forward1 backward feed The type of feed considera'ly affects the com'ing process. The type of feed determines whether feed occurs during the forward swing or the 'ackwards swing of the nippers.

Forward feed A6

The nipper swings forward and opens. The pal draws the ratchet wheel on. The 'att is transported forward. *ith forward feed there is a fewer noil. This type has more positi"e effects on the running performance and relia'ility.

!orward feed

5ackward feed The nipper swings 'ack and closes. The pawl pushes the ratchet wheel on. The 'att is transported forwards. Backward wheel produces more noil and a calendar com'ed sli"er.

Backward !eed

Control nipper opening


The nipper is controlled 'y the means of change gear E "ia the 'att roller shaft : <. The nipper opening must 'e adapted to the detaching distance and the feed method. The nipper opening affects how the nipper feed roll trips and the tight clamping of the lap. -dapting "ethod of feed !irst loose the screw :.< then loose the screw :6< and swi"el the screw :/< away to right. +ow change pinion E. engage the gear :/< again% then slightly tighten the screw :.<. Turn pinion E clockwise and :/< anti clockwise and hold them. There must 'e radial play on the slee"e :0<. Tighten screw :6<. -oose the screw :.< there must 'e no play on the pinion E. set the required detaching distance on the scale :A< and tighten the screw :.<.

-dapting to detaching distance: -ose screw :.8 and rotate the shaft : < holding the flat spot intended for this purpose :=< so that the scale :A< coincides with the detaching distance. Then tighten the screw :.<.


3earing @iagram of &om'er


4ia )f Rollers !ront 'ottom roller ,iddle 'ottom roller Back 'ottom roller Top front roller Top middle roller Top 'ack roller Back detatching rollers !ront detatching rollers Top 'ack detatching roller Top front detatching roller 4ia )f ru"pet 3uides Ta'le trumpet &alender roller trumpet &oiler calender roller trumpet 3auges b1w 4ifferent !arts &ylinder Pa!t &ylinder E +ipper +ipper E @et. 2oller Brush E &ylinder $achine Specifications 4rafting syste" 3rainsFyds deli"ered +ipFmin !eedFnip -ap grains -ap length -ap dia +oil C Efficiency 88 >1> 6..0 .68 0.# 8=0 ##0 mm 008 mm = .0C A#C -a%=e 8.0 mm:fixed< A mm # mm IndeA No. .6 #/ /8 .0 mm #9 mm #9 mm .A mm .A mm .A mm #0 mm #0 mm #/.0 mm /0 mm

6 mm 9.0 mm / mm

!eer 'att tension &an capacity @eli"ery speed Production @off time &leaning cycle circular com' &leaning time ,onitor fly duct @uration of waste measuring 5il used for gear 'ox Pressure on detaching roller Pressure on drafting roller Cylinder Specifications ,odel &om' &om' manufacturer op Co"b Specifications ,odel TeethFinch ,anufacturer

8C 6888 m ##0 mFmin 6# ?gFhr :,ax.< #A min .8 min 8 sec .8 sec 8 sec ,5B4- 6#A ..= 'ar 0 'ar

08 / Prima com' 3raff

8#6 66 tpi 3raff

!roduction calculation Production P n \s \ p \ g \ 68\ k\ b P 888 \9888 \8.A / \a l'sFhr

*here b s p P P P nipping rate : Fmin< amount of feed :mm< com'er noil 8 P P P .68 0.# : 887 =.0<F 88

k g a


com'ing head 'att weight :grainsFyards< tension


= 8=0 8F 888 N

"rod%8t(on Production P P P .6# x 0.# x : 88 H =.0< F 88 x 8=0 x 68 x .A#x= 9888 x 888 x 8.A / x .8 ..9# l's F hr #906. 6 l's F day F com'er

9oB(n= Frame
Tas0s o' t&e roB(n= 'rame The primary task of the ro"ing frame is the attenuation of the fi'rous strand called sli"er. Since the resulting fi'er strand is so much delicate that some protecti"e twist must 'e introduced in order to hold it together the other task cannot 'e directly attri'uted to 8#

spinning it lies in winding of the ro"ing into a package that can 'e transported stored and done on ring spinning machine. 4t is the winding operation a'o"e all that makes the ro"ing frame a relati"ely complex machine. This winding operation requires in addition to the spindle and flyer a cone dri"e transmission or "aria'le gear. $ differential gear and a 'uilder motion are the main components that are required to control the rotation rate of the 'o''in so that the surface speed can remain constant with increment in the diameter of the ro"ing package. Simple if we summari(e the primary tasks of the ro"ing frame it can < @rafting the sli"er #< 4ntroduction of a protecti"e twist .< *inding of the ro"ing layers on the 'o''in Modern roB(n= 'rame 4n common terminology a ro"ing frame is usually called a simplex machine. The term si"ple* is coined due to the fact that ro"ing frame is responsi'le for eliminating a num'er of machines :almost 0 machines< from a spinning unit. 4t performs the function of all the machines 'y itself. 4f the spinner is forced to use such an inadequate machine% which is in principle superfluous then it should at least pro"ide the optimum in operating capacity. E"en in the respect howe"er the ro"ing frame tails short of goal and impro"ement is still necessary. There are some impro"ement areas that must 'e focused 'y the machine manufacturers of this technological era in order to impro"e producti"ity and efficiency of the machine. 4ncrease in the "arious rotation speeds of the machine i.e. spindle and flyer # . larger packages should 'e formed on the machine $utomation of the machine and package transport including automated quality controller de"ices.

Dar(o%s #arts and me8&an(sms o' roB(n= 'rame S"in#le 8.

The spindle is simply support and dri"e elements for the flyer. 4t is long steel shaft mounted at its lower end in a 'earing and supported in the middle 'y a "ertically reciprocating shaft on the package tu'e acting as the neck 'earing. The spindle tip is conical and pro"ided with a slot. *hen the flyer is set on spindle cone% a pin on the flyer projects in the slot in such a way that spindle and flyer are united with each other for dri"e purposes Fl$e! The primary function of the flyer on a simplex is to impart a slight twist in the fi'er strand so that it can 'e protected from unwanted opening of fi'ers and secondary purpose of it is to draw the fi'rous strand from the front deli"ery roller and wound it on the 'o''in. The shape of the flyer resem'les the in"erted ; ha"ing one leg solid and other leg hollow. The hollow leg has slot at the top and extending down to the outside the lower end. ;sually this lit doesnLt go straight 'ut cur"es a little to one side and 'ack again. By this arrangement it is possi'le to pre"ent the ro"ing which is passing through the hollow leg from the 'eing thrown out through the slot. The construction and design of flyer is a "ery particular jo' 'ecause it can 'e accurately 'alanced to a"oid "i'rations and jerks at normal running speeds.

F(=%re ,.,: Flyer twisting the fiber strand and bobbin is winding the layers. P!e%%e! a!m Presser arm is attached to the lower end of hollow leg. The arm has to guide the ro"ing to the exit of the flyer leg to the package. 4t is 'asically responsi'le for controlling the 8/

winding tension on the package. The num'er of turn of ro"ing around the presser arm determines the ro"ing tension. 4f it is high then a compact package is formed. The num'er of the turns depends on the type of material and twist in yarn. 3enerally the num'er of turns is kept # or . on the presser arm. D!aftin& me'(ani%m The 'asic theory of drafting the fi'er strand lies in the surface speed difference of front and 'ack rollers that are participating in the drafting process. The front rollers are mo"ing with more surface speed while the 'ack rollers are slow relati"ely. This creates a grip of fi'er strand in the nip of 'ack rollers and makes an attenuation of the strand at the front roller nip. @rafting range on the simplex is gi"en in the range of 07#8. 5n the ro"ing frame drafting setup it is intended to reduce the load on the ring frame drafting 'ecause the ring frame has the limitations in order to draft the fi'er strand. So the sli"er is gi"en with optimum draft le"el at ro"ing frame to make it ready for spinning frame. +ormally there are three drafting (ones on the ro"ing frame and the major draft is gi"en in the third drafting (one. The 'reak draft is introduced in order to make the fi'er strand ready for major draft.

F(=%re ,.2: 4rafting arrange"ent setup on roving fra"e Some other most important parts of the drafting system are spacers that create separation 'etween the top and 'ottom rollers% the cradle which is selected on the 'asis of fi'er length and the condensers that controls and guide the fi'er strand. )in#in& me'(ani%m 80

*inding of the ro"ing is 'ased on the principle that there should 'e the difference 'etween the speeds of flyer and 'o''in in modern frames such as T5G5@$ !-7 6 the 'o''in mo"es faster then the flyer and pulls the material on its surface deli"ered 'y the front roller. @uring winding of the ro"ing on the 'o''in the flyer speed is kept constant and also difference in peripheral speeds of flyer and 'o''in is kept constant. )owe"er the 'o''in diameter continually increases accordingly the 'o''in rotation is continually reduced to maintain the required difference in speed% which is done 'y the help of 'uilder wheel.

B*il#in& me'(ani%m% Building motion is responsi'le for performing three important tasks on ro"ing frame that 'asically relates to the structure of the 'o''in and its 'uilding < Shifting the cone 'elt correspondent to increase in 'o''in diameter #< 2e"ering of the direction of the 'o''in rail after reaching the maximum limit of tra"erse on one side of 'o''in .< Shortening the lift of 'o''in rail after each layer to perform tapered end on the 'o''in /< lifter motion 4n the package each turn must 'e laid next to the neigh'ors and adjacent to each other. !or this purpose the lay on point must continuously 'e mo"ed% rising and lowering of 'o''in rail can do this task. This requirement canLt 'e met 'y raising and lowering the flyer thatLs why the 'o''in rail is mo"ed as per requirement.

Ma8&(ne s#e8('(8at(ons ,anufacturer ,odel +um'er of spindles per frame Total lift of the machine Type of flyer ,otor speed 86 T5G5@$% D$P$+ !-7 6 #8 6 inches & type A68 rpm

!lyer speed +um'er of turns around presser arm Creel specifications -ength of can @iameter of can Type of creel 4rafting -rrange"ent ,odel Type 4nclination of drafting arrangement @iameter of 'ottom rollers @iameter of top rollers Roller specifications &ore @iameter @iameter with ru''er cot -ength of the ru''er cot )ardness of ru''er cot 3rinding period of ru''er cot -oading on the top rollers !ront roller #nd roller .rd roller Back roller -pron !rofile $pron specification Bottom apron Thickness Spacer color 89 .

08 rpm

/# inches #8 inches Positi"e dri"en

P?7 088 / 'y / drafting system 08 #=.0 millimeters #= millimeters

A millimeters #= millimeters / millimeters =8 shores . months almost spring loaded # kg #8 kg 0 kg 0 kg

.9. millimeters .=.= millimeters . millimeters 3reen

*idth of spacer 5obbin specification and structure analysis -ength @iameter *eight :'are 'o''in< *eight:full 'o''in< -ength of ro"ing :wound< Type of 'uilder mechanism Type of differential Type of doffing

6.0 millimeters

//0 millimeters /0 millimeters ##8 grams 098 grams #888 yards :app< English !ollows @ifferential ,anual

)ank ro"ing 8.6 carded 8.9 carded 8.= com'ed Production P P P

TP4 8.A89 8.A69 . #A

T, . 0 . 0 .#6

front roller deli"ery x 68 x = x . x ] &ount x =/8 x .6 A0.9/ x 68 x = x . x 8.A8 8.9 x =/8 x .6 9.. = l's F day F spindle




9(n= S#(nn(n= Frame

The ring spinning frame% commonly called the ring% is the con"entional spinning system and it transforms the ro"ing from the ro"ing frame into spun yarn using the operations of: . @rawing . Twisting . *inding

F(=%re ,.,: Side view of the ring fra"e

Introd%8t(on 8

The a'o"e figure shows a functional diagram of a ring spinning frame. $s can 'e seen in figure the fixing area for the ro"ing 'o''in of the machine is in the upper part% where the hangers are installed to mount the ro"ing 'o''ins. The ro"ing is slowly unwound from the 'o''ins 'y the application of force from the drafting arrangement. The draft is imparted in the central area of the frame where a . 'y . drafting setup :commonly< is mounted to attenuate the coming strand of ro"ing. *hile the lower part is home to the 'o''in rail where the ring and tra"eler assem'ly is present to twist the delicate fi'er strand and wind it on the 'o''in. &ertain mechanisms are installed in this region that controls the 'uilding of cop and etc. $ modern spinning frame can hold a high num'er of spindles% which generally "ary in 'locks of #/ spindles from .=/ to a maximum of 8=8 with a gauge of 98 mm and 88= for a gauge of 90 mm. The num'er of spindles on the ro"ing frame is generally depends on the producti"ity of the machine and its design. The drafting is made with a . 'y . drafting system with dou'le7aprons pro"ided with pressure generated 'y a weighing arm system that can 'e pneumatic% spring loaded or magnetic 'ased. The drafting unit is in an inclined position compared to the ground or axis on which the ring tra"eler assem'ly is present in order for the twisting to 'e started the moment the fi'er lea"es the first drafting roller where twisting is required to pre"ent the yarn from 'reaking. !ra't(n= arran=ement The draft is made with a . 'y . drafting system with dou'le7apron drafting support with pressure generated 'y a weighing arm mechanism. The drafting unit is in an inclined position compared to the ground in order for the twisting to 'e started the moment just after the fi'er lea"es the first draft roller where twisting is a"oided to pre"ent the yarn from 'reaking. The drafting unit system of the ring spinning frame is capa'le of working fi'ers of up to 68 mm :carded and com'ed cotton% 'lends and chemical fi'ers< with drafting range of 8 to =8. The ro"ing is first su'ject to a preliminary draft with "alues of 'etween .0 and # which is also called 'reak draft. The 'reak draft is responsi'le for elimination of twist from the ro"ing strand and making it ready for main drafting. $ main draft is successi"ely gi"en in the apron area until the desired count is achie"ed. The spinning counts are 'etween +e 0 and +e .88.

F(=%re ,.2: 4rafting unit sche"atic diagra" showing the drafting arrange"ent and its geo"etry -prons $prons are used in the front (one to support the delicate mass of fi'ers. 4n drafting system% two aprons are used. The upper apron is short and made of synthetic ru''er. The lower apron is longer and usually made of leather and rarely of synthetic ru''er. The si(e of apron is expressed as: -ength \ width \ thickness

Spacers $s the top rollers are pressed against the 'ottom rollers 'y spring pressure% so in order to gi"e allowance for the fi'ers% spacers are used. Spacers are set according to the num'er of fi'ers. !or coarser counts we need more space 'etween the aprons. Spacer height is co7 related with its color. They are used on the cradle arm and there are two types of spacers < &entral support spacers ,ost commonly used on ring frames. Two spindles are co"ered with one spacer in the middle. The colors are listed in the descending order as Brown% Blue% Pink% 3reen% Beige% Black% 3rey% *hite% -ilac% Gellow and 2ed #< -$TE2$- S;PP52TE@ SP$&E2S #

These spacers are placed on the side end co"ers of spindle. They are found on P?7 088 ring space etc. Spinning geo"etry and triangle 5n con"entional spinning frames% when the fi'er comes out of the drafting rollers% the so7 called spinning triangle is formed% which is a cause of 'reakage% une"enness and yarn hairiness. To eliminate the spinning triangle% the fi'ers must 'e condensed 'efore they lea"e the draft roller. +ow% compact spinning systems ha"e 'een de"eloped% also called condensation systems% which are a'le to compact the fi'er 'efore twisting% eliminating the spinning triangle and integrating all the fi'ers including short ones. &ompacting has a nota'le influence on the structure of the yarn and it consequentially impro"es physical and mechanical properties of yarn leading to 'etter e"enness and strength. These factors ha"e pro"ided a fundamental contri'ution to progress in the spinning and wea"ing process.

F(=%re ,.6: 4rafting rollers setup of the co"pact spinning syste" $ modern ring spinning frame adopts two separate motors for the draft rollers. *ith this system% the draw parameters necessary for changing the count are set on the command panel without requiring any equipment to 'e changed. The yarn% on deli"ery from the drafting roller% passes through a yarn guide and then through a tra"eler% and then it is wound on the 'o''in fitted on the spindle. The effecti"e twist is that gi"en 'y the num'er of rotations made 'y the tra"eler% whose rotation is caused 'y a dragging action and which is su'ject to "ariations in speed depending on the winding diameter% "arying during the formation of each indi"idual layer of yarn on the 'o''in due to the effect of the "ertical mo"ement of the rail. These differences in twist are in part compensated for in the axial rewinding of the yarn% 'ecause as the diameter of the 'o''in "aries coils are .

added or remo"ed with a criteria opposed to what pre"iously happened in function of the different speed of the tra"eler. The direction of twist S or ` depends on the direction of spindle rotation. The num'er of twists is measured in twists per meter :TFm<% for cotton yarns% the twist per inch :TFinch< is also used as a measurement unit.

F(=%re ,.*: Ring and traveler asse"bly shown in a sche"atic diagra" The spindle speed on a modern spinning frame reaches #0%888 rpm% with the possi'ility of gi"ing the yarn a twist of 'etween / and =8 re"olutionsFinch : 0= . . 08 re"olutionsFm<. The mo"ement of spindles on the spinning frame is dri"en 'y a tangential dou'le 'elt dri"e system% sa"ing much energy.

a..oon(n= E''e8t 4t is important to reduce the diameter of the 'alloon formed during spinning operation 'y reducing the distance 'etween the thread guide and the tra"eler using special limiter rings or more con"eniently said 'alloon 'reakers. *inding occurs with the winding of the yarn on the 'are 'o''in% the dimensions of this "ary from machine to machine depending on the diameter of the ring and the height of the tu'e. The distri'ution of yarn on the 'o''in is gi"en 'y the up and down mo"ement of the ring rail. The rising time is a'out three times longer than the descending time% in order to pro"ide 'etter compactness for the 'o''in when the coils of wound yarn cross in order to form locking layers. 4n addition% /

the rail tra"el :an equal width on each layer< is progressi"ely mo"ed upwards 'y a particular de"ice% the extent of the mo"ement must depend on the yarn count. !or coarse yarn the upward mo"ement of the rail must 'e more rapid as it winds a shorter length of yarn% and the opposite happens for a finer yarn. The length of yarn wound on each rise and descent tra"el of the rail is called run7out. The weight of the 'o''in can "ary from around 08 to 88 grams. 4n order to maintain a clean yarn% the spinning frames used nowadays are equipped with systems capa'le of remo"ing dust and fi'er residue that can form during processing. 4f the yarn 'reaks% a particular aspirator tu'e :suction point< collects the fi'er as it lea"es the draft range. There are special cleaning systems for the draft cylinders% while a tra"eling cleaning system made up of flexi'le tu'es mounted on suspended tracks takes care of general machine cleaning. $ system called *onder cleaner made up of a tra"eling cleaner and reser"e yarn cleaner. The cleaner at the 'ase of the spindles is hooked to a tra"eling 'lower 'etween the two doffers only when it is needed to 'e used. This cleaner cuts the coils of yarn wound around the 'ase of the spindle and the 'lower sucks them up rather than lea"ing them fall to the ground. *ith this system% efficient for e"ery count% the actual cutting yarn 'lades are remo"ed and a cleaner room results. The spinning frame is equipped with a control panel where the parameters needed for the spindle speed% main draft% yarn twist and formation of 'o''ins can 'e set without requiring any change to equipment. Special software also permits the production of fancy yarns. 4n order to reduce operator inter"ention% modern spinning frames are equipped with de"ices that carry out doffing of full 'o''ins completely automatically as well as inserting empty tu'es. The time needed for doffing is around #7 #.0 minutes. There are also systems to pro"ide a direct connection 'etween the spinning frame and winding machine often called the link winders system. Dar(o%s #arts o' t&e ma8&(ne Ring 4t is an important part of the machine as the name of the spinning frame is 'ased on its name. The function of the ring is to ser"e as a track upon which the tra"eler re"ol"es. 4t also helps to guide the yarn to the 'o''in. The "ertical 'and or "ertical part of the ring is called as Vwe'W. 4ts thickness is a'out 8..# inches or 97= millimeters. The hori(ontal part of the top of the ring is called as frame. 0

The si(e of the ring is designated 'y its diameter% flange width and height. 2ing diameter ranges from .#0 inches to . inches. Small diameter rings are used for fine yarns. !lange num'er indicates the o"erall width of flange.

Flan&e n*m+e! 8 # #.0 .

,i#t( in in'(e% .F.# /F.# 0F.# 0.0F.# 6F.#

The ring should 'e tough and hard on its exterior. The running surface must ha"e high and e"en hardness in the range =887=08 >ickers. Salient features demanded in a ring are $n e"en surface Exact roundness Best quality raw material &orrect relationship 'etween ring and 'o''in tu'e diameters 3ood% e"en surface hardness% higher than that of the tra"eler Should ha"e 'een run in as per ring manufacturers requirement -ong operating life Perfectly hori(ontal position 3ood% 'ut not too high% surface smoothness

Spindle shaft 4t is a com'ination of two parts. 6

a< ;pper part :Spindle< '< -ower part :Bolster< The upper part is made of aluminum alloy and is slightly tapered from the upper tip. There are two functions of spindle i. To rotate the 'o''in to gi"e twist to the fi'rous strand coming from deli"ery rollers. ii. To wind the yarn onto the 'o''in after twisting.

@ifferent type spindles are used. Bolster is made of cast iron or steel alloy and is fixed to the spindle rail. 4t is used to hold the spindle and to dissipate the heat generated 'y high speed of spindle. #F. "olume of 'olster is filled with special oil to act as a lu'ricant and to a'sor' heat 'ecause the spindles are supposed to dissipate a lot of heat due to high rotation rates. There are three types of 'olsters. ravelers Tra"eler imparts twist to the yarn. Tra"eler and spindle together help to wind the yarn on the 'o''in. -ength wound up on the 'o''in corresponds to the difference in peripheral speeds of the spindle and tra"eler. The difference in speed should correspond to length deli"ered at the front rollers. Since tra"eler does not ha"e a dri"e on its own 'ut is dragged along 'eing 'y the spindle. )igh contact pressure :up to .0 +Fsquare mm< is generated 'etween the ring and the tra"eler during winding% mainly due to centrifugal force. This pressure leads to generation of heat. -ow mass of the tra"eler does not permit dissipation of the generated heat in the short time a"aila'le. $s a result the operating speed of the tra"eler is limited. )eat produced when 'y the ring tra"eler is around .88 degree &elsius. This has to 'e dissipated in milliseconds 'y tra"eler into the air. Tra"elers are a"aila'le in certain "arieties and num'ers. The tra"eler num'er is the weight of 888 tra"elers in grams. Selection of tra"eler si(e is "ery important for optimum spinning process and to achie"e good yarn parameters. $ num'er indicates the si(e of tra"eler. The following ta'le gi"es useful relationship among tra"eler num'er% flange num'er and possi'le count. '.an=e n%mber 9 #oss(b.e 8o%nts

#0F8O #F8O.F8 .OA AO / /O#8

F8 # # # # #

#8O.0 /8O#8 #8O 0 0OA AO/ / and less


!lange num'er one is mostly used in spinning mills. $s ring 'ecomes older% we increase the weight of tra"eler. Present si(e of tra"eler is .F8 while the ring is eight months old. Some parts of a tra"eler are -. Ring Contact -rea This area should 'e more% uniform% smooth and continuous for 'est performance. 5. oe 3ap

This will "ary according to tra"eler num'er and flange width of the ring.

C. (eight )f 5ow 4t should 'e as low as possi'le for sta'le running of tra"eler. 4t should also ha"e sufficient yarn passage. 4. &nner #idth This "aries according to tra"eler profile and ring flange. %. /arn !assage $ccording to count spun the tra"eler profile to 'e selected with required yarn passage. The common shapes of tra"eler are shown in the following figure

F(=%re ,.3: .arious shapes of travelers Lappet guide -appet guide is also called snail wire or 'allooning eye. 4t is a yarn guide mounted on the lappet rail with a small hook shape to gi"e uniform 'alloon height and resulting in tension. The special finishes are used on the lappet guide hook in order to pre"ent the hairiness generation on yarn 'ody due to contact with metal. Spindle tape Spindle tape of different manufacturers is a"aila'le in the market. ,ost commonly used are 2eplon and )a'asit. The life of )a'asit tape is three to four years usually its width is 0F= inches. 5lower syste" 5ne 'lower works for two machines in the straight line. 4ts purpose is to suck fly in the department as well as 'lowing of the dirt% dust and short fi'ers flying during the process due to the ru''ing action of the tra"eler. 4f these fi'ers are not well sucked these will deposition machine parts causing serious pro'lems. There is a pipe on one end of the machines where each 'lower strikes after completion of one tra"erse. The system is such that the sucked material is further sucked 'y the pipes through rotary filter section. This section then goes in a separate room is deposited into the 'ags. $achine Specifications:

%g" 6?@ 0Chinese Fra"e2 :

Total no of machines +o of frames for #8Fs ,anufacturer ,odel +o of spindles per frame 68 # &)4+ESE E3, 6= /=8 A

Type of cop @offing T, TP4 )ank ro"ing -ift &hase length 5PS Efficiency 2u''er cot hardness Tra"eller +o. Tra"eller change 2ing &up dia Spindle speed Spindle tape Spindle whar"e @ia of tin pulley @ia of jockey pulley &radle pressure 4rafting Syste": @rafting system $ngle of drafting system ,aximum draft Break draft ,ain draft Total draft Pneumafil waste Si'e )f 4rafting Rollers: !ront 'ottom roller

&op 'uild ,anually ..A8 9./0 8.9 9 4nch /0 mm ..=6 A/C 60K shore # num'er after 6 days .= mm 0A88 rpm width 8 mm -ength #988 mm #8.0 mm #08 mm /8 mm 3reen

.F. S?! :3erman< P?7#800 /0K 87=8 .. ##.69 #A.98 #.0 H . C

#9 mm :with helical flutes< #8

,iddle 'ottom roller Back 'ottom roller Top rollers Speed )f 4rafting Rollers: !ront roller ,iddle roller Back roller 3auges: Between front and middle Between middle and 'ack Tra"eller clearer gauge -pron: Top apron Bottom apron

#9 mm :with knurled flutes< #9 mm :with helical flutes< #9 mm

#9#.9A A. =

rpm rpm

#.8. rpm

// mm /= mm .= mm

:.9x#=x . < mm :9.x.8x . < mm

Spacer: Si(e &olor 5obbin Specifications: Bo''in color Empty 'o''in weight !ull 'o''in weight Black 0/ gm =8 gm 8F0 : 8.0< yellow

!roduction Production P front roll deli"ery x 68 x = x . x ] &ount x =/8 x .6

Spindle speed T., T.P.4


0A88 ..A8 T., x c count ..A8 x c#8 9.// spindle speed F T.P.4 0A88 F 9.// A .6A inches F min &ount x =/8 x .6 front roll deli"ery x 68 x = x . x ] A .6A x = x 68 x . x .A/ #8 x =/8 x .6

!ront roller deli"ery P P P Production P P P

#.8/ l's F day F spindle



;(nd(n=: The yam from ring department comes in small packages called ring 'o''in. This yarn is full of defects like thick and thin places. These defects are remo"ed on winding mFc. Ob7e8t(Bes: 5'jecti"es of winding in the spinning mills are to: Produce a 'igger yarn package from short length ring 'o''ins. 2emo"e faults from the yarn that may ha"e created during spinning process. Produce a package of maximum possi'le si(e so that the need to replace supply package at next stage of process is minimi(ed. Produce a package of required density and shape for the next process. Produce a package containing a pre7determined length of yarn so that there is a minimum amount of yarn on the package. 2ewind the 'a'y cones to make 'ig package.

;(nd(n= "r(n8(#.e: ,. 2otate the package so that it withdraws the yarn. #.

2. &ontinuously tra"erse the yarn to distri'ute it o"er the whole length of the package. ;(nd(n= S#eed: . Speed of package withdrawn is the yarn pulled from the 'o''in due to rotation of the package. 4t is acting in the "ertical direction. #. Tra"erse speed is due to the continuous mo"ement of yarn along the package length. 2esultant *inding Speed P

S#.(8(n=: VSplicing is a technique of joining two yarn ends 'y intermingling the constituent fi'res so that the joint is not significantly different in appearance and mechanical properties with respect to parent yarnW. !ollowing are the major types of splicers. ,. Pneumatic splicers 2. $qua splicers 6. ,echanical splicers :Sa"io Twinsplicer< *. Electrostatic splicers 3. Thermal splicers for filament yarn. 5f all the a'o"e mentioned method pneumatic splicing is the most popular. 4n +4S)$T SP4++4+3 the same splicer is used on winding machines. Splicing !rinciple: ,. ;ntwisting of free yarn ends 'y compressed air 'last in the no((les 2. 2eduction in weight per unit length of o"erlapping strand 'y yarn accompanying le"ers. #/

6. 2e7twisting of the strand 'y air 'last in the cham'er. Yarn end from takeup package by Suction ,outh

Untwisting +o((les

Re-twisting chamber

Yarn accompanying levers for drafting

T$#es o' "a80a=es: &one &heese Spool

Cone is usually prepared on winding machine. Cheese is mostly used on dou'ler. Spool is also used on some twisting machine. &one% 'o''in and cheese ha"e o"er end withdrawl 'ut spool has side end withdrawl. T$#es o' C.earers: There are two types of clearersZ &apacitor type Photo electric or optical type

Capacitor ype: 4t works on mass 'ased principle. Garn passes through air spaced condenser. Slu' or thick place is o'ser"ed in yarn and mass of yarn is changed at that place. 4n this type moisture of the department has a direct effect. !hoto-electric ype:


4t works on diameter 'ased principle. Garn passes through light source. *hen slu' or thin place is o'ser"ed in the yarn the diameter is changed. &hange in the thickness of the yarn causes fluctuation of light coming to photocell. A%to Conner: The de"elopment of auto winding is the result of the competition for the quality as well as production. There are three types of automatic winding mFcs. . ,achines with automatic knotter per winding head #. ,achine with tra"ersing knotter to ser"e a no. of spindles .. ,achine in which winding head circulate a'out a control unit incorporating a maga(ine and a knotter

Pat( -f Ya!n -n )in#in& Ma'(ine. 4n a typical winding machine the yarn passes from the supply 'o''in through a tensioning de"ice% a slu' remo"e% a tension 'racket% o"er a package le"er and finally on to take up package. ,ost modern winding machines are equipped with the thread detectors% which detect the presence of thread% and if it is 'roken% knotter or splicer automatically repairs it. The 'o''ins are placed in a maga(ine and when a 'o''in finishes out it can 'e automatically replaced a full one. The tensioners detect whether the yarn passing through them is of the required strength or not. 4f a yarn has a thin place% a 'ad piecing or soft ends it will not 'e a'le to tolerate the exerted tension and will 'reak. The faulty region is then remo"ed and yarn is knotted or pieced together 'y auto knotter or splicer. $n unusually thick in the yarn :slu'< is remo"ed 'y slu' remo"ers% which are of "arious types. !ath of /arn: 62 #< 5obbin: $aga'ine 4t contains the yarn from ring frame department. 4t can keep 6 'o''ins 'efore unwinding #6

>2 /<

!eg 5alloon 5reaker

4t holds the 'o''in under process. 4t controls the single yam strength and thin places for finer count lower will 'e the 'alloon 'reaker gauge and "ice "ersa. 72 dia. 6< /arn ensioner 4t controls the package tension and package shape. !or different counts different color springs are used 9< /arn clearer !R%CL%-R%R 4ts setting is determined 'y dia of yarn. 4t always said at 8 to #8 C more than the actual

4t is an electronic de"ice to sense the faults of yarn and to clear these faults. *hen thread 'reaks this message is recei"ed 'y yarn clearer and con"ey to the magnet. This magnet stimulates the lea"er% which engages the pawl with the ratchet =< A< 692 662 /arn presence feeler /arn 8oining #-A&N3 #inding 4t senses the presence of yarn 4t is a de"ice to splice the 'roken yarn. To reduce friction and to a"oid damage of material 4t winds the yam in cone form with help of groo"ed winding drum. ;&at (s Ma8& Coner: ,ach &oner is an indi"idual spindle type fully automatic winder for one cycle of joining in A seconds to which a &ontinuous $utomatic Bo''in !eeder :&B!<% $utomatic @offer :$@< and ,onitor :,,,< can 'e attached. /arn !ath


Ma8&(ne S#e8('(8at(ons: Total +o of machines +o of machines for #8Fs ,anufacturer +ame ,odel ,ake Type &ount Garn clearer $mplifier !eeding SpindlesFmachine #= Sa"io 5rion 97# #88/ maga(ine #8Fs ;ster ,?7& 07,&7B# @/7,? 0 manual 68 #

&radle type *inding speed *inding angle Blower exhaust air Blower cleaner Balloon 'reaker shape ,aga(ine Suction mouth tip Tensor type Tensor disc Tension disc cushion Pressure *axing $nti7ri' 'oning 3ate feeler Garn trap dia @rum dia -ength of drum Slu' catcher 2e7joining system $ir pressure for untwist :P < $ir pressure for twist :P#< Total air supply &radle Pressure :P.< 3roo"e on drum *inding shape :tra"erse of yarn< Pre7clearer allowance )ard waste Brake package QPackage dia @offing method +ster Settings: S #8C .0cm #A

yoke 088mFmin 08 09L down Sa"io circular 6 cans 90mm com' type N"e dri"en disc type !lat type standard 6.0 'ars power type waxing 5+75!! modulation standard /70 mm 0 mm A87 88mm 98mm ^;$+T;, splicer 6 kg 6 kg 8 kg #.0 kg #.0 down mm :#.070times dia of yarn< 8.6C of yarn mechanical adapters .88mm maximum length doffing

/8C /8C

/8cm /8cm . D76A8 A8C 07#8 mm

$ttempts to splice Twisting +o((le Splice strength Splice length /arn <uality Faults: Short hick !laces: FAULT !IAMETE9 /88C A* A6 A2 =8C A, 8. cm LON- THIC4 "LACES FAULT !IAMETE9 * 6 2 , cm C* C6 C2 C, # cm

!* !6 !2 !, / cm


88 C /0 C

E F -

.# 7 90 cm FAULT LEN-TH


7 /0 C

H, H2

I, I2

/0 7 90 cm FAULT LEN-TH

&"perfections: 4t is the sum of following three major faults: T)4+ T)4&? +EPS .8 7 08 C N 08 C N #88 C

,any kinds of !aults ha"e some )elping points to remo"e faults not lying in the Tolerance limit. e.g. !!@ has / O0 )elping points. Classi"ate Faults and Reasons Chart:

Fault 3roups: UNACCE"TA LE FAULTS MAEO9 FAULTS MINO9 FAULTS $/% B/% &/% @/% &.% @.% @# $.% B.% &#% @ % E% !% 3% )#% 4 % 4# $#% B#% $ % B % & % )

Fault ype:


$. THIC4 $ % $#% $.% $/% B % B#% B.% B/% & % &#% &.% &/% @ % @#% @.% @/ THIC4 !% 3

S"INNE9S !OU LE THIN "LACE LON- THIN "LACE Reason Chart: FAULT A* A6 A2 A, * 6 2 , C* C6 C2 C, !* !6 !2 !, E F H, H2 I, I2 9EASONS

E ) % )# 4 % 4#

2ing front (one dirty% !ly% *aste in trumpet +eps% !luff% !oreign matter% @irty drafting (one Bad condition of carding and Blow room% Trash in yarn Bad condition of carding% Blow room% Trash in yarn Slu' from ring department !luff in ring tra"eller% unsuita'le tra"eller and 'ad piecing !i're damage during process% spindle without aprons !i're damage during process% spindle without aprons !loating fi'res% !ly% Slu' 2ing piecing Bad piecing in cans% Sli"er entanglement Bad piecing in cans% Sli"er entanglement ,ore fluff in ring department ,ore fluff in ring department Simplex gauge pro'lem% Spacer% $pron !loating fi'res @ou'le yarn Bad piecing in ring% simplex and 'ack process Bad piecing in ring% simplex and 'ack process Eccentric 'o''ins of simplex% ring% and eccentric spindles Poor handling of material -ong thin places due to separation of sli"er or ro"ing prior to spinning -ong thin places due to separation of sli"er or ro"ing prior to spinning


,otors: &ontrol 'ox fan motor Blower motor )ead o"er cleaner motor @rum motor Tensor motor &an shaft motor Bo''in con"eyor motor Package Specification: Paper cone length Paper cone dia *t of Paper cone *t of !ull package. +o of cones per 'ag Efficiency # 9# mm #676=mm 00 gm .#8 kg #/ =6C 8.8/0 k* 0 k* 8.90 k* 8. 0 k* 8.88. k* .0 k* 8.# k*


Na"es of winding unit parts


ensor unit

;ster ^uantum Settings: .0


!ESC9I"TION +eps Short Thick Places -ong Thick Places -ong Thin Places !oreign !i're @etector @ark !oreign !i're @etector -ight &ount Plus &ount ,inus &ontinuous &ount Plus &ontinuous &ount Plus Doining Plus Doining ,inus Pearl &hain

FAULT !IAMETE9 .88C #8C .8C 7/8C .8C 8C 8C

-10 %

FAULT LEN-TH .0 cm ..8 &, 8. &, /8&, ..8 &, 8.#&, 08 m 08 m 8.6 m #8 m #.0 cm #.0 cm 6 cm

/C 7#0 C #8C 7/8C .8 C

!roduction: Savio )rion: 2ate of winding Production Efficiency P P 088 mFmin =6 C

;(nd(n= rate :mFm(n<




G No. o' &eads G No. o' Frames


088 \

.8A.6 \ 68 \ #/ \ P .6

\ 68 \ 0

#..9=.8/ l' F day

#...= 'ags F day

!ackage #eight Checking Syste":

*eight checking of the packages is done 'y electronic weighing system. The cones are selected randomly and they are weigh and the results are noted down. +ltraviolet Light &nspection: The packages are placed on the trolley and then it is taken to the ultra "iolet light inspection room where they are inspected and in case faulty material the cone is rejected. The process is checked again so that the fault if occurring can 'e eliminated. The cones which are cleared are taken to the conditioning room. The fault for which the cones are checked thoroughly is the shade "ariation in the yarn.




Yarn Cond(t(on(n=: +ormally twisting fi'ers together forms spun yarn. 2ing spun yarn has tendency to snarl. Snarling is due to twisting of yarn around its own axis to 'alance the unsta'le twist. +ormally twist in the yarn is unsta'le due to flexural rigidity of fi'ers :!i'ers resist twisting<. &onditioning or )umidification of the fi'ers is done to achie"e the following main o'jecti"es. 7 Twist setting in single or plied yarns to reduce the snarling. :Snarling causes major pro'lems during warping and looming<. #7To increase the strength of the yarn. ,oisture a'sorption always increases the strength of fi'ers. .7To increase the weight of the Garn 'y moisture a'sorption. 4t has following disad"antages 7 $pparent increase in mass imperfections of yarn due to moisture #7 Too much handling of packages results in quality deterioration due to damaged top layers. .7 $dditional moisture increases the risk of de"elopment of !ungus and other microorganisms on the yarn. /7 Steaming of packages may result in formation of small droplets on the packages% which cause spots on the cones 07 ;ne"en conditioning of packages may lead to un7e"en moisture a'sorption and strips after dyeing. .A

;&$ Cond(t(on(n= (s 9e)%(redH ,oisture in atmosphere has a great impact on the physical properties of textile fi'ers and yarns. 2elati"e humidity and temperature will decide the amount of moisture in the atmosphere. )igh relati"e humidity in different departments of spinning is not desira'le. 4t will result in major pro'lems. But on the other hand% a high degree of moisture impro"es the physical properties of yarn. ,oreo"er it helps the yarn to attain the standard moisture regain "alue of the fi'er. Garns sold with lower moisture content than the standard "alue will result in monetary loss. Therefore the aim of &5+@4T45+4+3 is to pro"ide an economical de"ice for supplying the necessary moisture in a short time% in order to achie"e a lasting impro"ement in quality. 4n these days there is a dramatic change in the production le"el of wea"ing and knitting machines% 'ecause of the sophisticated manufacturing techniques. Garn quality required to run on these machines is extremely high. 4n order to satisfy these demands without altering the raw material% it was decided to make use of the physical properties inherent in the cotton fi'ers. &otton fi'er is hygroscopic material and has the a'ility to a'sor' water in the form of steam. 4t is quite e"ident that the hygroscopic property of cotton fi'ers depends on the relati"e humidity. The higher the humidity% more the moisture a'sorption. The increase in the relati"e atmospheric humidity causes a rise in the moisture content of the cotton fi'er% following an S7shaped cur"e. The relati"e humidity in turn affects the properties of the fi'er "ia the moisture content of the cotton fi'er. The fi'er strength and elasticity increase proportionately with the increase in humidity. 4f the water content of the cotton fi'er is increased the fi'er is a'le to swell% resulting in increased fi'er7to7fi'er friction in the twisted yarn structure. This positi"e alteration in the properties of the fi'er will again ha"e a positi"e effect on the strength and elasticity of the yarn. The packing of the finish product% we o'tained from the winding department% is an important as other processes. 4t requires great care% neatness and needs a lot of attention. Because if a "ery good and fine yarn is packed wrongly and is rejected then it would not gain the required reputation as generally accepted% so this is also the most important department. $nother reason% which increases its importance% is the direct link of this department with the purchasers. $ny fault which is caused in one department can 'e located in the next department 'ut whene"er the material is packed and when there is a /8

faulty cone then it will 'e only located in the market and this would loose the reputation of the mill so the packing department requires great care. ene'(ts o' Mo(st%re: $ high degree of moisture impro"es the physical properties of yarn.4t helps the yarn to attain the standard moisture regain "alue of the fi're.Garns sold with lower moisture content than the standard "alue will result in financial loss. &otton fi're is hygroscopic material and has the a'ility to a'sor' water in the form of steam. 4t is quite e"ident that the hygroscopic property of cotton fi'res depends on the relati"e humidity. The relati"e humidity in turn affects the properties of the fi're "ia the moisture content of the cotton fi're. The fi're strength and elasticity increase proportionately with the increase in humidity. 4f the water content of the cotton fi're is increased the fi're is a'le to swell% resulting in increased fi're to fi're friction in the twisted yarn structure. This positi"e alteration in the properties of the fi're will again ha"e a positi"e effect on the strength and elasticity of the yarn. Modern Met&od o' Cond(t(on(n= !o''i- /arn Conditioning $achine The o'jecti"e of this yarn conditioning system is to restore the natural properties of yarn like moisture content and to impro"e the strength and elongation. The system adopts a unique design with the separate energy "essel outside the conditioning cham'er for producing cold saturated steamZ this ensures the "acuum le"el up to A0C in order to gain uniform moisture content in the yarn. !rocess Steps . #. .. /. 0. 6. 9. =. !ill up tank 4nitial "accume transfer )eating 2ecuperation >accume 'y time Transfer )eating /

A. 8. #orking of the "achine:

Exhuast pressure 2ecuperation

-oading truck a plate like component is loaded with cone trolleys. $ motor is present to mo"e the plate 'ack and forth. The trolley mo"es in and gate is closed. The suction is started to remo"e air and to create "accume then the inlet water "al"e is opened for a specific calculated time to add a definite amount of water. The emulsion rods are dip in water ha"ing length .#0 m:/ feet<. These emulsion acts as heaters and 'oil the water to produce steam. The heaters turned on if the temperature drops and off if temperature is more than required. $ll this is controlled 'y P-&. Then after specific time the cones mo"e out and cycle is completed. The extra water is remo"ed which is not utili(ed during the process. $ain Co"ponents of $achine: . #. .. /. 0. 6. 9. =. *ater pump >accume pump -oading truck tank ,otors Emulsion rods : = heaters< P-& >al"es

$otor Specifications: >accume pump motor *ater pump motor ,otor for emulsion rods ,otor for loading truck Conditions for the !rocess: +um'er of cones in one cycle /# 8=8 kw .8 kw #8 kw 8..9 kw

Temprature !or hosiery yarn !or warp Time !or hosiery yarn !or warp yarn AdBanta=es o' Cond(t(on(n= Spinning ,. ,oisture content of the yarn 4ncrease 2. ^uality of yarn 4ncreases% thus pro"iding 'etter market position against competitors with dried out yarns Bnitting: ,. !ly and dust reduces up to 08C 2. +eedle 'reakages decreases up to #07.0C 6. Efficiency of the process increases up to 8C *. Support of dimensional sta'ility of knitted goods 3. 4mpro"ement of feel and "olume of the goods @. 4mpro"ement of friction "alues 7. 4mpro"ement of uniformity and impro"ed appearance C. 2eduction of electrostatic effects #eaving: ,. !ly and dust reduces up to .87/8C 2. @ecrease of thread 'reaks during the weft insertion% depending on the insert system% up to 0C 6. Efficiency of the process increases up to #C *. 4mpro"ement of feel and "olume of the goods 3. 4mpro"ement of friction "alues @. 4mpro"ement of uniformity of the goods 7. !urther impro"ement of efficiency% if conditioned yarn is used in warping room 68 min 98790 min 00&768& 60&790&




9e)%(rements o' "a80(n= 4n Pakistan we do not great care of the packing department and no one gi"e full attention to it 'ut if we see% it is also important as other departments. The following are requirements of packing department: >ery clean atmosphere. 2equired C age of humidity and temp. Skilled and trained la'ors for packing. $ good quality packing material.

Fa%.ts o' Cone @uring training we o'ser"ed the following different faults which may occurs in winding cones: Spotted cones :rust% dirt% oil etc<. /0

Shaded cones due to the different in the same cone of material. @amaged tip of paper cone. Broken pigtail. -oose soft winding of the cone. Tight winding of the cone. @amaged cones due to some stresses. *eight "ariations in the cones. Pattern winding These were the major faults% which we o'ser"ed in the mill. !allet !acking: ,achine name ,ake ,ain wheel motor Sta'ili(er motor Pallet pressure +um'er of layers in pallet &ones in one layer +o. of cones in pallet ;or0(n= o' Ma8&(ne: The cones from the conditioning department are arranged in a specific manner in packing room near the spiro pack. $ hard paper is put on the re"ol"ing circular 'ottom plate in such a way that each cone is upside down with respect to the pre"ious one. There are # layers in pallet arranged "ertically and each layer contain .8 cones. 4n 'etween these layers hard paper is inserted. There is a pressure arm at the top that applies pressure from the top. $n in"erter motor is there to mo"e the pressure arm up and down.polythene is wrapped around the pallet with the help of wrapping assem'ly from one side of machine which tra"erses from 'ottom to top during the pallet packing. For"ula for Length of /arn on Cone: -ength of yarn on cone in yards -ength of yarn on cone in meters *t of coneQcountQ=/8 *t of coneQcountQ=/8F .8A.6 /6 Spiro pack D /8Fs :BPE< $! 8..9 kw 8..9 kw 6 'ar # .8 0

(u"idity in !acking Roo": *hen cones are taken in the packing room for winding they are kept there for #/ hours so that they may a'sor' moisture as suggested. ,oisture regain in the cone :standard< .8N7# & The following formula is used to calculate the 2elati"e )umidity of the department 2elati"e )umidity P A=.0 H Rdry temp7wet tempSQ.88Fdry temp P A=.0 H R.8 H #AS x .88 F .8 P ==.# C =.0 C ;sually 2elati"e )umidity in the packing room is =07A8 Cand temperature is usually



Introd%8t(on: To ha"e a controlled process% it is generally necessary to check the raw material for all "aria'les which can affect the quality of final product and thereafter to test whene"er machines ha"e introduced any "ariations which% if not detected% will 'e hidden 'y further processes and may 'e difficult to identify and control at latest stage. The most suita'le control points "ary from mill to mill E may 'e esta'lished after a complete and careful sur"ey of the raw materials% machines and processing methods. The organi(ations may 'e designed to maintain control at all edges. 4t is desira'le to check the characteristics of all the control points% which exist in the process. 4t is necessary to decide the amount of "ariations permissi'le 'efore the control point is esta'lished. This% in normal routine% can 'e done effecti"ely after the "ariations ha"e 'een determined and there effects on the quality of product ha"e 'een assessed. !ollowing equipment is deployed in # la's present in +4S)$T unit no. 9 and central la' present in unit no. 0 to maintain quality. TESTIN- INST9UMENTS NAME OF COM"ANYF INST9UMENT MO!EL !4B2532$P) TAS4:S< "E9FO9MIN-

SP4+ -$B )>4 Staple -ength% Elongation% Strength% &olor E A88$ ,ic >alue Thin Places % &> C% Thick Places% +eps E /=

;STE2 TESTE2 7 . `E--*E3E2

:S*4T`E2-$+@< )airiness -E$ ST2E+3T) ST$TEI TESTE2 :4+@4$< S)42-EG $+$-G`E2 ,54ST;2E ,ETE2 &)4+ESE G/ #B :&)4+$< Garn -ea Strength

Trash C% &leaning Efficiency of machine

$mount of ,oisture in the Specimen +epsFgm% ,aturity ratio% &ontent E Short !i'ers &ontent 4mmature !i'ers

;STE2 $!4S



G3 .. :&)4+$<

$mount of twist in yarn and ro"ing




!a(.$ 8otton sto80 re#ort


Cotton statement


.o1 room USTE9 AFIS re#orts



.o1 room .a# CD re#ort

Card s.(Ber CD re#ort


F(n(s&er !ra1 Frame s.(Ber CD re#ort


USTE9 TESTE9 6 !ra1 Frame S.(Ber "er(od(8 re#ort


La# Former CD re#ort


9oB(n= CD re#ort


9(n= USTE9 TESTE9 6 re#ort

Card s.(Ber USTE9 AFIS re#ort


Card s.(Ber USTE9 TESTE9 6 re#ort


Comber Uster AFIS re#ort


rea0er !ra1 Frame USTE9 AFIS re#ort


F(n(s&er !ra1 Frame s.(Ber CD re#ort





The three 'asic types of air compressors are

reciprocating rotary screw 6=

rotary centrifugal

These types are further specified 'y:

the num'er of compression stages cooling method :air% water% oil< dri"e method :motor% engine% steam< lu'rication :oil% 5il7!ree where 5il !ree means no lu'ricating oil contacts the compressed air< packaged or custom7'uilt

Reciprocating -ir Co"pressors 2eciprocating air compressors are #os(t(Be d(s#.a8ement machines% meaning that they increase the pressure of the air 'y reducing its "olume. This means they are taking in successi"e "olumes of air which is confined within a closed space and ele"ating this air to a higher pressure. The reciprocating air compressor accomplishes this 'y a piston within a cylinder as the compressing and displacing element. Single7stage and two7stage reciprocating compressors are commercially a"aila'le.

Single7stage compressors are generally used for pressures in the range of C9 psig to 699 psig.

Two7stage compressors are generally used for higher pressures in the range of 699 psig to :79 psig.

+ote that

6 (! D = CF$ at 699 psi

and that 6 to 79 (! are typically for reciprocating units. &ompressors 699 hp and a'o"e are typically 2otary Screw or &entrifugal &ompressors.


The reciprocating air compressor is s(n=.e a8t(n= when the compressing is accomplished using only one side of the piston. $ compressor using 'oth sides of the piston is considered do%b.e a8t(n=. -oad reduction is achie"ed 'y unloading indi"idual cylinders. Typically this is accomplished 'y throttling the suction pressure to the cylinder or 'ypassing air either within or outside the compressor. &apacity control is achie"ed 'y "arying speed in engine7dri"en units through fuel flow control. 2eciprocating air compressors are a"aila'le either as air7cooled or water7cooled in lu'ricated and non7lu'ricated configurations and pro"ide a wide range of pressure and capacity selections. Rotary Screw Co"pressors 2otary air compressors are #os(t(Be d(s#.a8ement compressors. The most common rotary air compressor is the single stage helical or spiral lo'e oil flooded screw air compressor. These compressors consist of two rotors within a casing where the rotors compress the air internally. There are no "al"es. These units are 'asically oil cooled :with air cooled or water cooled oil coolers< where the oil seals the internal clearances. Since the cooling takes place right inside the compressor% the working parts ne"er experience extreme operating temperatures. The rotary compressor% therefore% is a continuous duty% air cooled or water cooled compressor package. 2otary screw air compressors are easy to maintain and operate. &apacity control for these compressors is accomplished 'y "aria'le speed and "aria'le compressor displacement. !or the latter control technique% a slide "al"e is positioned in the casing. $s the compressor capacity is reduced% the slide "al"e opens% 'ypassing a portion of the compressed air 'ack to the suction. $d"antages of the rotary screw compressor include smooth% pulse7free air output in a compact si(e with high output "olume o"er a long life. The oil free rotary screw air compressor utili(es specially designed air ends to compress air without oil in the compression cham'er yielding true oil free air. 5il free rotary screw


air compressors are a"aila'le air cooled and water cooled and pro"ide the same flexi'ility as oil flooded rotaries when oil free air is required. Centrifugal Co"pressors The centrifugal air compressor is a d$nam(8 compressor which depends on transfer of energy from a rotat(n= ( to the air. &entrifugal compressors produce high7pressure discharge 'y con"erting angular momentum imparted 'y the rotating impeller :dynamic displacement<. 4n order to do this efficiently% centrifugal compressors rotate at higher speeds than the other types of compressors. These types of compressors are also designed for higher capacity 'ecause flow through the compressor is continuous. $djusting the inlet guide "anes is the most common method to control capacity of a centrifugal compressor. By closing the guide "anes% "olumetric flows and capacity are reduced. The centrifugal air compressor is an oil free compressor 'y design. The oil lu'ricated running gear is separated from the air 'y shaft seals and atmospheric "ents. 4easer Com#ressor Te8&n(8a. s#e8('(8at(on Series: ,otorpower: @eli"ery: Standard pressure: . 4nlet "al"e #. Electric motor .. S43,$ P25!4-E airend /. Separator with cartridge 0. !luid cooler 6. !luid filter 9 &S@7 8# =.0to088k* #.8Ato =.mYFmin 0.0 to 0 'ar

9. &ompressed air after7cooler =. &ontrol ca'inet 7 S!& module A. P&7'ased control system

E(=&t !e8(s(Be AdBanta=es Sig"a !rofile -irend $ specifi c dri"e power can 'e used to turn a smaller airend at high speed or a larger airend at slow speed. -arger% low speed airends are more effi cient% deli"ering more compressed air for the same dri"e power. That is why ?$ESE2 de"eloped airends especially for the &S@ series that are precisely matched to the indi"idual dri"e power and motor speed of each machine in the range. The slightly higher in"estment cost of the larger airend is quickly reco"ered 'y the energy sa"ed during operation.


%nergy-Saving 6:6 4rive The ad"antages of this dri"e system are not just limited to the elimination of transmission losses. The motor and airend are joined 'y the coupling and its housing to form a compact and dura'le unit that% apart from greasing of the motor 'earings% requires no regular maintenance. Should the coupling e"er need to 'e replaced% it takes just a few minutes without any disassem'ly of the unit% as the opening in the housing is more than large enough to replace the two coupling sections. !urthermore% the low airend speed of #A=8 rpm in &S@ units ensures maximum effi ciency and dura'ility% which in turn leads to reduced compressed air costs.

&nnovative Radial Fan ^uiet and effi cient H these are the most important features of a radial fan. -ow peripheral speed means low noise. Power consumption is up to 08 percent lower than a compara'le axial fan. $nother ad"antage is the high residual thrust de"eloped that allows the use of exhaust ducting with a pressure drop of up to =8 Pa :&S@ ##: 68Pa< without the need for an additional extractor fan.

%ffi Cient Cooling Syste" 9.

4n addition to impro"ed cooling effi ciency% the system has further 'enefi ts to offer: The inside of the ca'inet remains clean 'ecause surrounding air is drawn through the cooler into the cooler 'ox and then exhausted directly upward out of the machine. @irt particles in the cooling air collect mainly on the air intake side of the cooler% on &S@ units that means outside the ca'inet. $ny dust or particle 'uild7up is therefore easily noticed and quickly cleaned off without the need for any dismantling work. 5perational relia'ility is impro"ed and the need for maintenance work is signifi cantly reduced.

)pti"ised )il Separation Syste" &S@ machines are fi tted with a new% highly effi cient separator system. The cooling fl uid is initially separated from the compressed air 'y centrifugal force in the separator tank. 5nly a minimal amount of fl uid remains to 'e remo"ed 'y the high capacity% deep7'ed fi lter in the separator cartridge. These two factors dou'le the operational life of the cartridge compared with con"entional systems and ensure minimum aerosol content in the compressed air deli"ery :d mgFm.<. The impro"ed air quality eases the 'urden on the downstream air treatment components. The optional fi lter pressure drop monitoring set further enhances effi cient operation.

Synthetic Coolant S43,$ !-;4@% a ?$ESE2 synthetic coolant% allows an extended ser"ice inter"al of o"er 6888 operating hours. +e"ertheless% as a pre"entati"e protection measure for your equipment% we strongly recommend that a fl uid analysis 'e carried out after 6888 operating hours due to the "aried nature of en"ironmental and intake conditions. @ue to its lower "apour pressure% less S43,$ !-;4@ is consumed in comparison with mineral oils and its reduced tendency to emulsify makes condensate treatment and disposal easier and less expensi"e. S43,$ !-;4@ 9/

therefore not only helps reduce ser"ice costs 'ut also increases relia'ility.

%asy $aintenance $ll models feature high quality% dura'le components that are positioned logically and contri'ute to the outstanding performance and relia'ility of these compressor packages. &omponent accessi'ility is made simple through wide opening doors% easy lift off panels and a sensi'le design that ensures unri"alled ease of maintenance. The rear and left side of &S@ units can 'e positioned right next to a wall to maximise use of space.

E)%(#ment Co"plete unit 2eady for operation% fully automatic% super silenced% "i'ration damped% all panels powder coated. Sound insulation -ined with washa'le plastic foamZ maximum 98 dB :$< to P+=+T& #.. at free7field measurement. .ibration da"ping @ou'le insulated anti7"i'ration mountings using ru''er 'onded metal elements. -irend 3enuine ?$ESE2 single stage rotary screw airend with S43,$ P25!4-E rotors and cooling fluid injection. %lectric "otor )igh efficiency E!! 7rated motors consume less power for greater output and are standard throughout the range of ?$ESE2 compressors. The motors are protected to 90 m distance%

4P00 and conform to insulation &lass ! for greater power reser"e. $lso a"aila'le with PT& thermistor sensors for full motor protection. Connection fro" "otor to airend $irend with integral coupling flange. %lectrical co"ponents &ontrol ca'inet to 4P 0/ containing automatic star7delta starter com'ination% motor o"erload protection% control transformer and "olt7free contacts for "entilation control. Fluid and air flow @ry air intake filter with pre7filtration% pneumatic inlet and "enting "al"es% fluid reser"oir with three7stage separator system% pressure relief "al"e% minimum pressure F check "al"e% thermostatic "al"e and micro7fi lter% all fully piped using flexi'le $ero quip couplings. Cooling Standard "ersions are air cooledZ separate aluminium coolers for compressed air and fl uid% radial fan dri"en 'y its own motor.



4aeser !r$er:

Introd%8t(on: &ompressed air contains water "apor. $s this air tra"els through compressed air piping it cools and the "apor condenses into liquid condensate. This condensate increases maintenance requirements and affects product quality. ?aeser Secotec dryers condense and remo"e moisture 'efore it attacks your system. These relia'le dryers feature the energy sa"ing Secotec cycling control. Secotec dryers operate the refrigerant compressor only when necessary 'y using a thermal storage medium. The refrigerant compressor cools the medium to a predetermined temperature and then cuts off% allowing the medium to cool the air and condense the water "apor. &"portant features and advantages: )ighly efficient Secote cycling control with high thermal storage capacity ,inimal pressure drop and no prefilter required )ighly effecti"e% stainless steel condensate separator J+o7lossJ electronic condensate drain remo"es condensate 99

^uick access to all components for easy% low7cost maintenance @ura'le% industrial7quality control ca'inet Easy to read and relia'le control panel

echnical Specification: ,odel no: #T!#8 Gear: #88# ,anufactured 'y: 4taly ,aximum temperature: 60&8 98&8 ,otor: /./?w ,otor: 6?w T!#8# Gear:#886 ,anufactured 'y: 4taly ,aximum temperature:



F(.ter 9oom
!ilter room plays a "ital role in the extraction of waste from the raw material. @ifferent suction points pro"ided on the machines are generated 'y the machinery at the filter room. +ishat textile ,ills !aisala'ad Un(t J 7 is equipped with the filter room of LU;A filter room. F(.ter(n= "ro8ess !rinciple The continuously rotating disc type primary filter filters the coarse particles and fi'res from the incoming air% which in turn is sucked 'y a fan through no((le and ejected out in a compactor. The fine dust from here is filtered in the stationary fa'ric drum that acts as secondary filter. $ set of rotating and tra"ersing suction no((les are located inside the drum to continuously remo"e the dust from the filter media. Filter Roo" Co"ponents ,ain component in"ol"ed in the filtering are: ,. Pipes : for taking waste to the filter room < 2. 2otary !ilter with wire mesh 6. !i're Separator *. @ust collection Bags 9A

3. ,ain ,otor @. Exhaust &nco"ing #aste !ipes @ue to generation of suction 'y the main motor% pipes extracts waste from the different machines and 'ring it to the filter room. 4n 'lowroom filter room% waste pipes come from three different areas which areZ ,. *aste from different 'lowroom machines : from condensers% B7 2. Taker7in waste from the &ard machines 6. &om'er noil from the com'er machines *. @ust and !ly recei"ed from suctions points on &ards Rotary Filter #ith #ire $esh This contaminated air stream which includes lint% short fi'ers% dust and other small particles is su'jected to a rotary drum filter co"ered with a fine mesh screen co"ering which separates the lint and short fi'ers from the stream. 2emaining air stream containing dust is passed on through the wire. The fi'res :lint< separated at the start are guided to the !i're Separator. Because of the rotation of rotary filter% dust particles in the stream drops due to gra"ity effecti"ely and remaining empty air stream passes out through the exhaust. and B768 <

4ust Collecting 5ags @ust particles dropped in the rotary filter are taken to the dust collecting 'ags. *hen these 'ags are full% they are manually emptied so that they keep on collecting dust continuously. =8

Fibre Separator The !i're Separator recei"es fi'res along with little 'it air stream for the transportation to the !i're Separator. )ere fi'res :lint< are completely separated and is dropped down to earth from where it is manually picked up.

Special Rotary Filter For Noil +oil coming from the &om'er machines contains dust to a "ery small amount and also it is quite different from the material coming from 'lowroom or card. ThatLs why separate rotary filters are designed with different meshing wire dimensions around the rotary filter and are used for the noil. The main filtering process remains the same.

4ust Filtering -nd &ndividual Filters $s great amount of fly is carried along in suction remo"al of dust% so two stages are necessary here to remo"e it well. These stages include preliminary filtering and fine filtering. These operations can 'e performed with indi"idual filters and a central filter. &entral filters are used mostly in new installations. $nd indi"idual filters may ha"e to 'e used in old days for reasons of space a"aila'ility and room height. The dust7laden air flows against a slowly rotating filter drum. $ layer of dust and fly is formed which is remo"ed 'y rollers and falls in a carriage 'eneath the drum. Before the air returns into the room% it is passed through the fine filter that is formed as a filter hose.

Central Filter &nstallation &omplete disposal of fly% dust and waste needs a high air circulation with a corresponding energy requirement. Simultaneously% a second system with a circulation is required% the air7conditioning installation. 4t is more rational and economical to com'ine these two systems into an integrated unit and to use the air circulation required for the waste disposal system as a part of air circulation in the air conditioning system. The waste disposal system should then 'e incorporated into air conditioning system.

4n such installations% air conditioning dust and fly from all machines and assem'lies is passed to a preliminary filter to remo"e course particles and then supplied to fine filter for elimination of dust.

4isposal )f #astes The "arious processes of 'low room produce following type of wastes% which canLt 'e reused for textile purposes. &oarse dust remaining after recycling !ly from preliminary filters @ust from fine filters

These are prefera'ly collected% 'aled% packed and remo"ed so that manual handling is excluded as far Ma(ntenan8e To pre"ent the no((les of from 'locking% it should 'e a"oided that the 'ig lumps of cotton produced 'y the front technological equipment are sent to the suction duct of the filter. Pay attention to the o'ser"ing running condition% once an hour at least. 4f unusual condition is o'ser"ed% it should 'e remo"ed in time. $fter finishing work shift E stopping the machine the dust E the fi'ers inside the machine especially inside the fi'er separator should 'e cleaned out. Pay attention to regulating the tension of dri"ing 'elt at the right moment. 4nspect the speed reducer once a week for unusual heat E sound% and add machine oil to lu'ricate timely. 4nspect the lu'rication of reciprocating screw rod once e"ery . months E supply grease regularly. &lean the filtering equipment E dust room once a week. =#

&arding faults and 2easons

,< CLOU!Y ;E
CAUSES Too wide setting of feed plate and taker7in. *ider setting of 'ack sheets at lower upper edges. *ider setting of taker7in cylinders. *ider setting of flats and cylinder. *ider setting of 'ottom front cylinder sheet :'oth ends< and cylinder. *ider setting of cylinder and doffer. *ider setting of doffer and doffer roller. $ccumulation damaged wire on taker7in. Excessi"e neps caused 'y the 'ad settings% dull wire and pushing the card for excessi"e production% of waste% grease and oily dust on under casings. @irty% dull and damaged wire on cylinder% doffer and flats. @ull% hooked or @offer is not set parallel to the cylinder.


CAUSES *aste 'uilds in taker7in under casing. !i'ers or waste 'uild up in the roller co"er. 4mproper joint of taker7in under casing with cylinder under casing. 4mproper joint of taker7in co"er with 'ack sheet. 4mproper joint of doffer co"er with front 'ottom sheet. The position of cylinder under casing at T7 side is low. The gauge of cylinder under casing and taker7in side is narrow. 4mproper gauge setting of front top and 'ottom sheets. Thick and thin 'ars in the we' are caused through 'ad stripping i.e. cylinder has not 'een re"ol"ed for the complete re"olution with the stripping roller in position :and must 'e re7stripped<.


CAUSES !i'ers or waste 'uild up on under casing. =.

@efecti"e top fillet and metallic wire. Strains on the sheets. 4mperfect remo"al of oil on cylinder metallic wire. 4mperfect remo"al of oil on taker7in garnet wire.4mperfect remo"al of oil on flats.Presence of oil and 'urns on sheets.

CAUSES ,any sticky particles on the crush rollers :clean rollers frequently< remo"e more trash in 'low room. -oading of cylinder and doffer and clothing with hush or foreign matter. 4nterface with the layer of fi'er on the doffer due to flocking on the doffer at the end of the under screen :cheek setting condition of the cylinder and under screenZ cheek the striping roller to the doffer setting.

3< SNO; ALLINSnow 'alling is the rolling of the material on the cylinder% doffer and dogging unit ends% which gi"es an irregular fi'ers distri'ution in the we' sel"edges. CAUSES 3ummed sel"edge guides on the end. +ose of feed plates is not clean. @irty and oiling feed roller end. 5il on the ends of taker7in. )ooked% 'end or damaged taker7in screen. 4ngress of stray air currents at the sides of cylinder% doffer and taker7in. Stained 'ack plate. Spongy wire at the ends of the flats. Broken down clothing at the sel"edges 'e o"erhead cylinder 'earings. Excessi"e material gum and wax of the fi'rous mass in the front plates. Broken down wire foundation on cylinder and doffer. 4mproper gauge 'etween "ertical 'order of taker7in and frame. &otton rolling 'etween cylinder "ertical 'orders and framing. Broken down cylinder screen at the extremities.

@< !ISA""EA9IN- ;E
;nder screen set too far from cylinder @ull or damaged doffer wire.


4ncorrectly set under screen. &ard cylinder plates incorrectly set% particularly the front plates.


!ailure of cleaned undersigned. =/

@amaged clothing of the taker7in cylinder and flats. *ax 'uild up in feed plate face. 4ncorrect settings of feed plate to taker7in% motes knife to taker7in and all under grid settings.

4mmature% dead% "ery short% "ery weak% "ery fine and "ery dirty fi'ers. Poor ginning. Poor performance of 'low room. )igher load of processing material per unit area of working surfaces on carding machine. ;nsuita'le atmosphere conditions of ginning 'low room and card. Bent weight 'ooks improper or ;+ free hanging% weighting on feed roller of card. 2ough spots and nicks on the surface of lap roller% feed roller% feed plates% lap guides% mote guides and other casing. @eli"ery of unequal weights of cotton simultaneously on the card cylinder. ;nsuita'le teeth of wires for gi"en material on taker7in% cylinder% flats and doffer. -ack of proper maintenance of card wires. -ack of complete check of concerned settings after grinding operation. -ess attention for grinding of card wires. 4ncorrect air currents on setting card. 4ncorrect settings e.g. wider setting of feed plate to taker7in% cylinder to flats% &ylinder to doffer and front 'ottom plate to cylinder. !aulty or missed stripping cycle. 4ncorrect speeds e.g. :a< -ow cylinder speed. :'< -ow taker7in speed. :c< -ow flat speed. :c< )igher doffer speed.


4mproper setting of feed plate with taker7in wire. -aps around taker7in due to poor taker7in wire. @amaged or worn clothing. &ylinder loading due to lack of stripping. *e' falling from sides. 4ncorrect sli"er trumpet. *orn calendar rollers. Excessi"e draft 'etween doffer and calendar or 'etween calendars or 'etween calendar and coiler calendar rollers. &hocks in the coiler resulting stretching. 4ncorrect mashing of gears. @irty gears. =0

Poor and dirty slipping 'elts. *orn 'earings. 2ough surface of feed plate. -ack of close fitting of rollers co"ers.


>ariation 'etween cards :non standard settings% drafts or waste< >ariation in moisture and humidity. 4mproper setting 'etween taker7in and cylinder.

,2< SLIDE9 SA--IN Small diameter of coiler trumpet. 4ncorrect draft 'etween calendar and coiler calendar rollers. 5il surface of coiler trumpet and coiler calendar rollers. 4nsufficient pressure 'etween coiler calendar rollers.

,6< 9IC4 LI4E9+IN ;ASTE

,ote kni"es set too far away from the taker7in 4mproper set screen. Excessi"e taker7in speed


Back plate is set too far from the cylinder. Too close setting of flats to cylinder. Too wide setting of front plat to cylinder. ;nequal setting of front plate due to setting. Poor condition of flat wire resulting in excessi"e weights on indi"idual flats. !lat cleaning com' gauge is wide. !lat cleaning 'rush gauge is wide.


&ylinder under casing is set loose. Stray air currents entering the space 'etween the screen surface E the cylinder surface. Broken 'ars in the screen. Two sections of the screen are not properly joined. 4mproper adjustment of taker7in screen nose and the nose of the cylinder screen.


4ncorrect set under casings. -ap too wide. *orn out flat chain resulting in more gaps in flats. !ront plate incorrectly set or deformed. =6

@ue to closer settings at some points% thick% une"en and dirty lap fed. Poor condition of clothing.


@offer is set too far from the cylinder. @irty cylinder wire. -ocal damage on cylinder wire. !lat settings are too close for low7grade cotton.


,< 9OLLE9 LA""IN 5il or grease on the surface of drafting rollers and other rollers. Top roller warmish in poor condition :raced due to either or to rollers standing o"er long periods after "arnishing and 'efore use<. &hanneled or worn out top roller co"erings. 4mpurities im'edded into the 'ottom rollers flutes. @amaged and faulty flutes on 'ottom rollers. &ut or nicked top rollers. 4ncorrect setting of roller clearers. 4ncorrect atmospheric conditions. Too close setting of drafting rollers. Too small dia of drafting rollers. Excessi"e parallelism of fi'ers especially in case of com'ed sil"ers. 2< ECESIDE !9A;N SILDE9 I99E-ULA9ITY Excessi"e 'ack (one draft. Excessi"e front (one draft :this draft is limited due to the pressure of large quantity of curled and un7straightened fi'ers<. 4nadequate control o"er the fi'ers. Poor attenuation :wa"iness< due to closer roller settings. )ea"y piecing of sil"ers. Excessi"e or too low Htension draft 'etween front drafting roller and calendar rollers. &ans curled or turned at top rim. Broken roller stands. Broken or loose slides. Broken% 'ent% or improperly secured gear wheel 'rackets. -oose roll joints. Eccentric gears. )ollowness of top rollers due to running of sil"ers especially in case of front line position resulting in poor grip page of fleece of fi'ers. Bent 'ottom rollers gi"ing rise to eccentric running of roller and pinion. =9


,< CUT 9ODIN Too close setting of drafting rollers. Strained 'ottom rollers. Broken teeth in draft gearing. 2oller gearing is set to deeply in meshing. Badly worn cap 'ar slides -oose sections of 'ottom rollers Badly pieced roller co"erings.

Slu' in the material fed may pre"ent it passing through the 'ack guide resulting in formation of single. Piecing full 'o''ins to the ring end reeling. 6< !OU LE Broken end at the front lashing into an adjacent end and 'eing carried forward with it. -ong piecing in reeling.

*< SLU S
*aste from the creels or clearers passing forward with the material. -ose fly accumulating on the top of the creel 'o''ins and 'eing incorporated into the ro"ing. *aste gathering in the op and hollow leg of the flyer 4n frequent or inefficient cleaning of any part that comes into contact with the material 'eing passed may result in slu' formation. $ 'roken end at the front lashing into an adjacent end can produce this defect.

3< !I9TY AN! OIL STAINE! 9ODIN Excessi"e oiling of rollers% spindles or 'o''ins. &racked or 'roken 'o''ins. ;se of dirty 'oxes for transportation of ro"ing. 5il on the top rail or clearers. 4nsufficient machine cleaning.

@< EN!S 9EA4IN- !O;N

:A< ;&en o88%rs a.on= t&e .en=t& o' 'rame (n se8t(ons. -oose spindle or 'o''in shift coupling -oose or 'roken spindle or 'o''in shaft dri"ing wheel. Badly set drafting or 'o''in shaft dri"ing wheel. 4nsufficient twist. ==

-oose cone drum. -oose roller section. Slipping twist or draft change wheels. 4ncorrect twist or draft change wheels. Too many turns of ro"ing round the presser arm. @raft gear is set too deeply in the meshing. Broken teeth in the draft gearing. : < O88as(ona. ends do1n. 2oughness in the tra"ersing guides or flyers. Stretched or creel material. Bo''ins lifting through incorrect meshing of 'o''in pinions. Bad piecing. Top roller co"ering in poor condition. Entangled sli"er in the cans. Blunt creel skewers. 2oughness in the 'ottom fluted rollers.

7< O


5ne re"ersing 'e"el is not in action. @efected re"ersing rod. Pigeons are not properly fitted in projection. 5ne weight of 'ridge falls.


Slack winding. $ slipping cone drum 'elt. Binding top rail slides. -ong collars clogged with waste and dirt. Too much turns of ro"ing round waste.



:A< ;&o.e 'rame Too quick reduction in 'o''in speed as the package up due to fewer teeth of ratchet wheel. Too high speed of top rail% gi"ing excessi"e spacing of the coils. : < Ind(B(d%a. so't bobb(ns 4ncorrect threading of ro"ing rounds the flyer top. 4nsufficient num'ers of turns ro"ing round the presser arm. -ifting 'o''in wheels. 2emo"al of long length of thick or single ro"ing. Broken end at the front remaining un7pieced for a considera'le period.


4n adequate pressure on top rollers @amaged on worn% hea"y or light tra"elers. @efecti"e and worn gears% 'earings and spindles. &lose setting of tra"eler clearers and rough surface of separators. +on7alignment of aprons. 4mproper top roller settings. -appet and spindles setting is not correct. Bottom rollers and eccentric and "i'rating% and lapping on rollers. $prons which cracks% seams and groo"es. -ong ro"ing piecing.



)igh cm. to cm. "ariation in lap. Excessi"e "ariation in tuft si(e. ;se of passage post7com'er drawing. Stretch in draw frame sli"er fed to ro"ing. !requent changes of pinion in drawing and ring spinning. >ariation in 'are 'o''in diameter. 2ow to row differences in ro"ing hank. Spindle "i'ration% "ariation in ring finish% etc @raft difference 'etween ring frames. &reel draft "ariation and skewers per 'o''in holders clogged with waste. )igh "ariation in 2.). >ariation in top roller pressure.



)igh card sli"er ;C and com'er sli"er ;C. 2oller slippage in drawing. Excessi"e we' tension draft in drawing. )igh7tension draft or improper coil changes in ring spinning. ;se of long separators plates at high spindle speed. -ow humidity le"els.


,ixing cotton differing widely in staple. Too close setting in ring spinning. *orn or un 'uffed top rollers and eccentric top or 'ottom rollers. 4mproper stopping and starting of ring frames. 4ncorrect apron nip opening. A8


)igh fi'er length "ariation and immature fi'ers. Poor carding or com'ing. ;ne"en ro"ing excessi"e foreign matter in yarn. Eccentric top and 'ottom rollers in ring spinning. 4nsufficient pressure on top roller. *ide setting 'Fw aprons and cracked worn and slack aprons. Too high draft in frame.

@< SLU S
Poorhouse keeping and fluff accumulation on machine parts. Bad piecing with too large o"er lap. Too wide setting 'Fw apron and front roller.

7< End brea0s (n r(n= s#(nn(n=

@amaged skewers and clogged 'o''in holder. Derky motion of ring rail. >i'ration or eccentric spindle dri"ing pulleys. Slack spindle tape. *orn gear wheel and deep meshing of gears. &hocking and improper alignment of pneumafil. &racked and worn 'o''in. 4mproper fit of 'o''ins. *orn rings. Tra"eler clearer set closer. Too high draft. Break draft is not optimum. -oose and worn aprons. 4ncorrect shore hardness of top rollers. 4nsufficient pressure on top rollers. 4ncorrect apron nip opening and settings. -ack of temperature and humidity.


)igher spindle speed ,ixing cottons of different fi'er properties. 4ncorrect choice of tra"eler.

2< CO94 SC9E; YA9N

$pron with cracked surface Top roller slippage. 3eneration of static charge. A


S#(n ".an :For 20F, CM HOISE9Y<

9e)%(red "rod%8t(on -uto Cone *inding rate Efficiency Production P P 888 mFmin =6C &ount x =/8 A# *,00 .bsFda$

P winding rate x .8A.6 x 68 x = x . x ] x no. of frames x 68

+o. of frames


production x count x =/8 *inding rate x .8A.6 x 68 x #/ x .=6 x 68 / 88 x #8 x =/8 888 x .8A.6 x 68 x #/ x 8.=6 x 68 8.=/ C production required x 88 F : 88 H waste C< / 88 x 88 F AA / / ./ l's F day / / ./ l's F day A/ C 0A88 ..A8 T., x c count ..A8 x c#8 9.// spindle speed F T.P.4 0A88 F 9.// A .6A inches F min &ount x =/8 x .6 front roll deli"ery x 68 x = x . x ] A .6A x = x 68 x . x .A/ #8 x =/8 x .6

+o. of frames *aste C


!eeding of auto cone P

Ring Fra"e Production Efficiency :]< Spindle speed T., T.P.4 P P P P P P P !ront roller deli"ery P P P Production P P P +o. of spindles P P P +o. of spindles per frame +o. of frames P P P *aste C P

#.8/ l's F day F spindle production required F :production F day F spindle< / / ./ F #.8/ #8.8. P /.##A. / production required x 88 F : 88 H waste C< A. /=8 #8.8 F /=8

!eeding of ring Si"ple* Production required Spindle speed Efficiency :]< T., )ank ro"ing T.P.4


/ / ./ x 88 F A= /##0.A# l's F day /##0.A# 08 rpm A8 C . 0 8.9 T., x ccount . 0 x c8.9 .A6# spindle speed F T.P.4 08 F .A6# A0.9/ front roller deli"ery x 68 x = x . x ] &ount x =/8 x .6 A0.9/ x 68 x = x . x 8.A8 8.9 x =/8 x .6 9.. = l's F day F spindle production required F :production F day F spindle< /##0.A# F 9.. = 09.9. P 8./= 8.0 C production required x 88 F : 88 H waste C< /##0.A# x 88 F AA.0 /#/9. 00 /#/9. 00 l's F day 088 m F min 66 grains F yard A/ #8 09.9. F #8

!ront roller deli"ery P P P Production P P P +o. of spindles P P P +o. of spindles per frame +o. of frames *aste C !eeding of simplex P P P P P P 4raw Fra"e Finisher Production required @eli"ery speed Sli"er count P P P

Efficiency :]< Production

=0 C 9888

P deli"ery speed x .8A.6 x :grains F yard< x 68 x = x . x ] P P 088 x .8A.6 x 66 x 68 x = x . x 8.=0 9888 6./=.6# l's F day F draw frame production required F :production F day F draw frame< /#/9. 00 F 08/=..8 8.66= 8.0 production required x 88 F : 88 H waste C< /#/9. 00 x 88 F AA.0 /#6=./A l's F day /#6=./A l's F day .#0 m F min 66 grains F yard =0 C deli"ery speed x .8A.6 x 66 x 68 x = x . x # x 8.=0 9888 P P .#0 x .8A.6 x 66 x 68 x = x . x # x 8.=0 9888 =#8../A l's F day Fdraw frame production required F :production F day F draw frame< /#6=./A F 99#8.A/ 8.0# frame and 8.0 C production required x 88 : 88 H waste C< /#6=./A x 88 F AA.0 /#=A.A. l's F day deli"ery head

+o. of draw frame


*aste C


!eeding of draw frameP

4raw Fra"e 5reaker Production required @eli"ery speed Sli"er count Efficiency :]< Production P P P P P

+o. of draw frame


*aste C


!eeding of draw frameP

Co"ber A0

Production required +ipping rate $mount of feed &om'er noil &om'er head Tension Efficiency Production


/#=A.A. l's F day .68 nips F min 0.# : 88 H =.0< F 88 = : 8 F 88< N A# .6# x 0.# x : 88 H =.0< F 88 x 8=0 x 68 x .A#x= 9888 x 888 x 8.A / x .8 ..9# l's F hr #906. 6 l's F day F com'er production required F :production F day F com'er< /#=A.A. F #906.=6 .00 =.0 C production required x 88 F : 88 H waste C< /#=A.A. x 88 F= .0 0#6..9 99 l's F day

,achines required


*aste C !eeding of com'er


Lap For"er Production required @eli"ery speed -ap weight Efficiency Production P P P P P 0#6..9 99 l's F day 8 mF min 8=0 grains F yard 60 C deli"ery speed x lap weight x 68 x =x.x ] 9888 P P ,achine required P P x 88

8 x .8A.6 x 8=0 x 68 x = x . x 60 9888 x 88 9/0#.0/ l's F day production required F :production F day F lap former< 0#6..9 99 F 9/0#.0/ A6

P *aste C P P P 4raw Fra"e !re Co"ber Production required @eli"ery speed Sli"er count Efficiency Production P P P P P P P +o. of draw frames P P P *aste C P P P Card Production required @eli"ery speed Sli"er count Efficiency Production P P P P P P P +o. of cards P !eeding of pre com'erP !eeding of lap former P

8.. lap former 8.0 C production required x 88 F : 88 H waste C< 0#6..9 99 x 88 F AA.0 0#A8. 6= l's F day 0#A8. 6= l's F day #A9 m F min 66 grain F yard =0 C deli"ery speed x .8A.6 x :grains F yard< x 68 x ] x # 9888 #A9 x .8A.6 x 66 x 68 x = x . x 8.=0 x # 9888 9/A9.9. l's F day F draw frame production required x F :production F day F draw frame< 0#A8. 6= F 9/A6.9. 8.9806 8.0 C production required x 88 F : 88 H waste C< 0#A8. 6= x 88 F AA.0 0. 6.90 l's F day 0. 6.90 l's F day /0 m F min 98 grains F yard == C deli"ery speed x .8A.6 x :grains Fyard< 68 x = x . x ] 9888 /0 x .8A.6 x 98 x 68 x = x . x 8.== 9888 #88A./# l's F day F card production required F :production F day F card< A9

P P *aste C !eeding of card P P P P Scutcher Production required -ap weight @ia of shell roller Efficiency Production P P P P P

0. 6.90 F #88A./# #.6/ 6C production required x 88 F : 88 H waste C< 0. 6.90 x 88 F A/ 0606. 0606. #.8 mm P A8 C e x #.8 x /./9 x /.0 x 68 x 8.A8 #0./ x .6 x 6 P 00A.#= l's F hr /./9 l's Fday l's day

/.0 o( F yard

2e"olutions of shell roller

P P +o. of Scutcher required P P *aste C P P P P /ield , P P !eeding of 'low roomP

00A.#= x #/ ./##.9A l's F day P 0606. 8./# 6C production required x 88 F : 88 H waste C< 0606. x 88 F A/ 68 9. ./ l's F day .6.== 'ales F day / 88 68 9. . 6=. . C x 88 production required F :production F day F Scutcher< F ./##.9



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