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1,1,1,4 1. Why does the student go to see the librarian?

To sign up for a seminar on using electronic sources for research To report that a journal is missing from the reference area To find out the procedure for checking out journal articles To ask about how to look for resources for a class paper < !" 1,1,1,# #. What does the librarian say about the a$ailability of journals and articles in the library? They are not easy to find if a professor put them on reser$e %ost of them are accessible in an electronic format %ost of them can be checked out for three weeks &rinted $ersions from the past three years are located in the reference section. < !" 1,1,1,' '. What does the librarian suggest the student should do to sa$e time? (hoose an easier research topic (oncentrate on fi$e journals )ead the summaries of the articles first *nstall a new program on her home computer < !" 1,1,1,1 4. What can be inferred about why the woman decides to use the computer in the library? +he thinks she might need additional help from the man +he does not ha$e a computer at home +he has to hand in her assignment by the end of the day +he will be meeting a friend in the library later on < !" 1,1,1,# ,. Why does the woman say this +he had forgotten about the information +he is surprised she was not aware of the information +he is annoyed that the information was published only recently +he is concerned that the librarian ga$e her incorrect information < !" 1,1,1,'

-. What is the purpose of the lecture? To e.plain the difference between two artistic styles To describe a new art gallery to the class To introduce an artist/s work to the class To show how artists/ styles can e$ol$e o$er time < !" 1,1,1,' 0. What does the professor say about 1rant2en/s painting of a farm scene? *t resembles a photograph *t may be 1rant2en/s best known painting *t was painted in the *mpressionist style *t was painted while 1rant2en li$ed abroad < !" 1,1,1,1 3. Why did 1rant2en go to the +ales 4arn? To study human form and mo$ement To earn money by painting portraits To paint farm animals in an outdoor setting To meet people who could model for her paining < !" 1,1,1,# 5. What does the professor imply about the painting of the young woman surrounded by pumpkins? *t was painted at an art fair *t combines *mpressionism with )ealism *t con$inced 1rant2en that she was a good illustrator *t was originally meant to be used in an ad$ertisement < !" 1,1,1,# 16. Why does the professor discuss 1rant2en/s difficulties as a young painter? 7e wants to point out mistakes that young artists commonly make 7e thinks her e.ample can inspire the students in their own li$es 7er difficulties remind him of the difficulties he himself e.perienced as a young girl 7er difficulties are the subject of some of the paintings in the gallery that the students will $isit < !" 1,1,1,1

11. What does the professor imply when he says this The students can understand 1rant2en/s art without knowing about her life The students should pay $ery close attention to what he is going to say +ome of his students are already familiar with 1rant2en/s life story +ome of his students may not appreciate 1rant2en/s work < !" 1,1,1,# 1#. What does the professor mainly discuss? The difference in age among 8merican mountain ranges The importance of a techni9ue used for dating geological materials The recent disco$ery of an ancient canyon 8 comparison of $arious minerals used for dating < !" 1,1,1,4 1'.4efore the use of uranium:lead analysis, where did most geologists think the ;rand (anyon sandstone came from? 8n ancient lake located in the 8merican +outhwest 8 desert that once connected two continents +ands carried by a ri$er from the 8ppalachian %ountains 8 nearby mountain range that had flattened out o$er time < !" 1,-,',#,',1 14. *n the talk, the professor describes the se9uence of uranium:lead dating. +ummari2e the se9uence by putting the e$ents in the correct order. Drag your answer choices to spaces where they belong. To remove an answer choice, click on it <ircon in the sandstone is matched to the 2ircon in a particular mountain range. The amount of lead in sandstone 2ircon is measured The age of 2ircon in a sandstone sample is determined < !" 1,1,1,# 1,. 8ccording to the professor, what change has caused uranium:lead dating to gain popularity recently? *t can be performed outside a laboratory *t can now be done more efficiently *t no longer in$ol$es radioacti$e elements *t can be used in fields other than geology

< !" 1,1,1,1 1-. Why does the professor talk about the breaking apart of =arth/s continents? To gi$e another e.ample of how uranium:lead dating might be useful To e.plain how the ;rand (anyon was formed To demonstrate how difficult uranium:lead dating is To dispro$e a theory about the age of =arth/s first mountain ranges < !" 1,1,1,# 10. What does the professor imply when he says this The class is easier than other geology classes The class has already studied the information he is discussing +ome students should take a course in geological dating techni9ues 7e will discuss the topic later in the class < !" 1,1,1,# 13. What is the con$ersation mainly about 8 lesson %atthew prepared for his students 8 class %atthew has been obser$ing 8 term paper that %atthew has written 8 problem in %atthew/s classroom < !" 1,1,1,1 15. What is %atthew/s opinion about obser$ing %r. ;rabell/s third: grade class? *t will help him become a more effecti$e teacher *t could help impro$e his study habits *t has impro$ed his public:speaking skills *t may be the most difficult assignment he has had < !" 1,1,1,4 #6. Why does %atthew mention ;reek and )oman mythology? To identify a topic fre9uently discussed in third grade To get the professor/s opinion about a lesson he taught To make a suggestion to impro$e the class he is taking To illustrate a techni9ue used to teach a third:grade class < !" 1,#,',#,4,, #1. What important skills did %r.;rabell introduce to his third:grade

class? Click on 3 answers )e$iewing other student/s reports >sing books in the library *nter$iewing their classmates +peaking in public Writing reports < !" 1,1,1,' ##. What will %atthew probably do in ne.t Wednesday/s class? 7and in his assignment early Try to start a study group %ake a presentation to the class (hoose a topic for his paper < !" 1,1,1,# #'. What is the lecture mainly about? 8rt in the ?eolithic period The site of a ?eolithic town %ethods of making stone tools The domestication of plants and animals by early farmers < !" 1,1,1,# #4. What does the professor imply about the tools used by the people of (atalhoyuk? They were made of stone that came from (atalhoyuk They were among the sharpest tools a$ailable at the time They were often used in religious rituals They were used primarily for agriculture < !" 1,#,#,1,' #,. What does the professor say about the entrances to the horses in (atalhoyuk? Click on 2 answers They were in the roof They were usually kept closed They allowed smoke to escape from the house They stood opposite one another across narrow streets < !" 1,1,1,' #-. What does the professor say about (atalhoyuk gra$es? The gra$es contained precious stones

%any people were buried in each gra$e The gra$e were located under the house floors The gra$es contained ashes rather than bones < !" 1,1,1,1 #0. What does the professor think of the idea that the inhabitants of (atalhoyuk deliberately arranged their house so that they could li$e near their ancestors/ gra$es? +he thinks it is a good guess, but only a guess +he thinks some e$idence supports it, but other e$idence contradicts it. +he thinks that further$ations will soon dispro$e it +he thinks that it is not appropriate to make such guesses about the distant past < !" 1,#,',#,4,, #3. What are three things the professor says about the artwork of (atalhoyuk? Click on 3 answers *t was clearly important to the (atalhoyuk religion *t became co$ered with soot *t often shows farmers at work *ts significance is unknown *t contains many hunting scenes < !" 1,1,1,4 #5. What is the main topic of the lecture The types of habitats marmots prefer %ethods of obser$ing marmot beha$ior 1eeding habits of some marmot species @ifferences in beha$ior between marmot species < !" 1,1,1,' '6. 8ccording to the case study, why are marmots ideal for obser$ation They do not hide from humans They reside in many regions throughout ?orth 8merica They are acti$e in open areas during the day Their burrows are easy to locate < !" 1,,,',#,1,'

'1. @rag the appropriate description of each marmot species/ beha$ior to the bo. below the marmot/s name Click on a phrase. Then drag it to the space where it belongs. One of the phrases will not be used Olympic armot!"C# $astern armot!"C# %one!"C# @isplays aggressi$e tendencies< )" *s family oriented< )" +tays acti$e during the winter< )" < !" 1,1,1,4 '#. What reason does the professor gi$e for the difference in marmot beha$iour patterns? Type of food a$ailable The si2e of the population *nteraction with other marmot species 8daptations to the climate < !" 1,1,1,1 ''. Why does the professor say this To inform the student that his definition is incorrect To suggest that the student did not do the reading To encourage the student to try again To change the topic of discussion < !" 1,1,1,' '4. Why does the professor say this To a similar concern To encourage the student to e.plain what she means To address the student/s concern To agree with the student < !"

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