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Modeling and Control of Hybrid Stepping Motors

Kiyonobu Mizutani' Shigeo Hayashi* Nobuyuki Matsui ** * Sumitomo Heavy Industries, Ltd. Research & Development Center Power Transmission & Controls Group 6-1, Asahi-cho, Ohbu, Aichi, 474 Japan. ** Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering Nagoya Institute of Technology Gokiso, Showa, Nagoya, 466 Japan.

Stepping motors have been widely used in industry and consumers products. However, unlike the conventional ac motors. stepping motors have not yet a clear equivalent circuit. This makes it difficult to achieve the precise torque and speed controls. Because the hybrid stepping motor is promising as a lowspeed, high-torque servo motor, it is expected to achieve a clear equivalent circuit. Based on the stator and rotor teeth arrangements, the permeance distribution with respect to the rotor position is obtained. The magnetic equivalent model is introduced by using the obtained permeance distribution. The voltage equation is, then, derived from the magnetic equivalent model. The d-q axis is defined for the permeance distribution ; The orientation of tlie d-axis is chosen on the center of rotor teeth that corresponds to the peak of permeance. Based on this d-q axis, the dc motor model of the three phase hybrid stepping motor is derived , The control strategies of torque and speed can be derived from the dc motor model. The effectiveness of the proposed modeling has been verified by experiments.

strategies of torque and speed can be easily derived from the d-q model of the motor. Since the original equivalent magnetic model is closely related to the stator and rotor teeth arrangement, the equivalent motor parameters of the final dc motor can be estimated under an appropriate driving condition during the design stage. The effectiveness of the proposed modeling is verified by comparisons between the experimental and the calculated control characteristics during the design stage of the motor.

Permeance Model

The configuration of the bipolar-excited three phase stepping motor is shown in Fig.1, where the concentric windings are located on the stator core and the poles of stator and rotor have a number of teeth.

b rotor stsator



Stepping motors are used not only as a conventional rotating machines but as actuators for positioning in industries and consumers products. The structure of their core and winding arrangements have various configurations and corresponding control methods are proposed and practiced.[11[2] However, unlike the other ac motors such as induction motors and blushless dc motors, the stepping motor has not yet a clear equivalent electric circuit.[3] Among various types of stepping motors. the hybrid stepping motor is promising as a low-speed, high torque servomotor and it is expected to obtain a clear equivalent circuit for precise torque and speed control. In the paper, the modeling and control strategies of bipolarexcited three phase hybrid stepping motor are presented. First of all, the permeance distribution with respect to the rotor position is calculated through a simplified flux inodel of the given stator and rotor teeth arrangement. Based on the calculated permeance distribution, the equivalent magnetic circuit of the motor is obtained, from which the voltage equation is derived. The voltage equation is similar to that of the conventional blushless dc motor. The d-q axis should be defined to obtain a dc motor model. Here, d-axis is chosen on the center of rotor teeth that is a peak point of permeance. As a result, a dc motor model of the three phase hybrid stepping motor is obtained. The control

Figure 1: Configuration of three phase stepping motor.

Consider a permeance between the stator and rotor poles utider tlie assumption that a. rehtive permeability of the iron core is infinite and that the lea.kage flux i n the direction of the plane perpendicular to the paper can be neglected. Since the stator winding is a concentric winding located on the sta.tor pole. the stator flux linkage in one phase of the stator winding (a-b in Fig.1) is examined. As previously explained, since the poles have a nuinber of teeth, the basic exaniina.tion of the flux linkage should be given for one set of teeth combination. Fig.2 shows the stator and rotor teeth arrangement to examine the flux ~ a . t h . [ ~ ] In the figure, ideal flux is P I . but other flux pa.ths P2 Ps should be considered in the actual motor because of the existence of leakage flux. Here, five kinds of flux paths having a. length



stator and rotor are in line. As shown in Fig.l, a pole has a number of teeth and the permeance of the pole can be obtained as a parallel combination of permeances of each tooth. Assuming a. pole has n teeth. a resultant permeance of a pole Pg can be represented a.s;


Actual Motor Permeance

Figure 2: Flux in gap

from g to g 2d are considered and each path corresponds to permeances PI Ps. Then, the total permeance between the teeth shown in Fig.2 can be given as;

P = Pl

+ 2(Pz + P3 + P4) + Ps


Here, each permeance is given below.

Pl = po-

2 P4 = Po-log

+ 2d

As stated above, a resultant permeance of a pole is obtained under the assumption that a relative permeability of the iron core is infinite. However, it is well known that an actual core material has a relative permeability of an order froni several hundreds to several thousands. Since a ratio of flux path length in the air gap and in the core is about 1:1000, magnetic reluctance of the gap is considered to be nearly equal to that of the iron core and the a resultant permeance of a pole would be reduced from that obtained in Eq.(3). Moreover, the magnetizing curve of the iron core generally has a nonlinearity and this makes an accurate estimation of permeance difficult. To meet these problems, the experimental comparison between the actual permeance and Eq.(3) have been done for a number of prototypes of different size and capacity. From these experimental comparisons. it is concluded that Eq.(3) should be modified by using coefficients ICl, KZ whose values are determined by motor constructions and core materials. P(0) = K I P g z<zPgocoso
= P




where x is a stator-rotor displacement in mm. With different stator-rotor displacement, each permeance can be calculated for corresponding flux path.

The prototype has coefficients Zi'1 = Z i ' z N 0.5. These values are reasonable because, as stated previously, the magnetic reluctances in the air gap and iron core of the prototype are considered to be nearly equal.

r ,

Definition of D-Q Axis

Fig.3 shows that a permeance variation is a sinusoidal function of rotor position. This means that flux linking a stator winding is also a sinusoidal function of rotor position.

Figure 4: Definition of d-q axis of stepping motor Figure 3: Permeance variation with respect to rotor displacement angle Fig.3 shows the permeance variation with respect to the rotor displacement angle, where 0 = 0 means the teeth axes of the The d-q axis is widely used for the analysis of an induction motor and a synchronous motor and the orientation of the d-axis is chosen on the flux axis while the q-axis is ahead in the rotation direction. According to this definition, d-axis corresponds to the maximum flux linkage. Following this, the d-axis of the stepping


stator coil \de

b ,


side N

k +j
Figure 5: Configuration of three phase hybrid stepping motor motor is chosen on the center of rotor teeth that has a peak point of permeance. Fig.4 shows a definition of d-axis of the stepping
core rotor B

s coil ator


Magnetic Circuit of Three Phase Hybrid Stepping Motor

rotor core A

Fig.5 shows the configuration of the prototype of the three phase hybrid stepping motor. The stator pole has an concentrated winding and poles of the stator and rotor has a number of teeth. An axial-magnetized permanent magnet is mounted on the rotor and the teeth of the rotor are displaced by a half pitch in rotor cores A and B. The rotor core A is first considered in order to examine the variation of permeance. In Fig.5, for example, the motor has a symmetric configuration and, therefore, the permeance variations of phase U, and U, with respect to the rotor displacement are the same. The corresponding permeance is represented as PLr. In the similar manner, PV and PW are the corresponding permeances for phases VI, V 2 and phases Wl, W2. Similarly, Pb, P; and Pty are defined for phases U , V and W in the rotor core B. Next, assume that the windings Ul and U2 are in series and generate the flux of the same polarity for phase [ J current. Then, magnetromotive forces of phase U , V and W are represented as Hul, H u ~ ...., Hw2 and

Figure 6: Equivalent magnetic circuit of three phase hybrid stepping motor

Voltage Equations

The voltage equation of the three phase hybrid stepping motor call be derived from a calculation of a flux linkage of each phase based on the equivalent magnetic circuit in Fig.6. From Fig.6, the flux linkages Xu, AV and X w for phases U , V and W are given below
Xu =

Here, each magnetromotive force can be represented as a product of number of turns of the stator winding and excited current of each phase and;

H~ = N,au Hv = hTS'iv HW = N,iw

Taking account of a symmetry of the motor construction, the equivalent magnetic circuit of the motor in Fig.5 can be represented as in Fig.6, where H , is a magnetromotive force of a permanent magnet on the rotor.[6]



29 1

-2(Pu Pb)(Pw P L ) H u -2(Pv PL)(Pw Pb)HV +{Pw(Pt, P L PL) -P;Y(Pu + P v Pw)}H,] where C P = Pu

+ +

+ + + + +


Validity of Modeling

+ Pv + Pw + P; + P; + PL


From the assumptions that Pu, PV and Pnr are the sinusoidal functions of the rotor displacement as shown in Fig.3 and are given by Eq.(3), Pu, PVand Pw are given below.

Rated volt. Rated curr. Rated output Weight

28 ( V ) 18 ( A ) 250(W) 10.0 (Kg)

Rated torque Rated speed No. of pole Dimension

2.45 (kgfin)
100 ( r p m ) 222 $140 x 160 (inm)

{ {

pu = P


= P = P

+ pacase + Pacos(8 ) . 5 + Pocos(8 +).5



By replacing 8 in Eq.(lO) with B + x , Pt,, P ; and P ; Y are obtained as shown below.

The specification of the prototype is given in Ta.ble1. Fig7 shows the speed emf waveform of the motor. From the figure. a. negligible small distortion is observed. This nieans that an assumption of sinusoidal permeance variation is valid.

P L = P - Pocos8 Pt. = P - Pocos(8 - )2 . 9 P& = P - Pocos(8 + gx)


Rearranging Eqs(6)-(8), the following results are obtained.

= iPN:Zu

8 -


-PN:iv 3

!PN:iw 3 (12)
- tPN:iw 3

= -gPN:Zu

+Po COS t",H, 4 . 8+ -PN:iv 3


= --PNfZu

+pa cos(e - -.)N,H, 3 4- . 43


- -PN:iv

+Po COS(^

3 2 -.)N,H, 3

+ ?PN:Zw

8 -

(a) Motor speed 100 rpm (5V/div)

L, = M, = $PN: PONSH , = M,I,

From discussions above, the voltage equation of the three phase hybrid stepping motor is given as follows : ( R , : Stator winding resistance)


[ [


R, 0 1 0 R,

, 2

R, 0 R, 0
0 0

O ] [ &i u 0



(b) Motor speed 25 rpm (1V/div) Figure 7: Speed emf waveform From Eq.( 15), the stator winding inductance, emf constant and torque constant are given as Here, the permanent magnet on the rotor is represented as M,I,, where M , is the mutual inductance and I , is the equivalent magnetizing current. And a leakage inductance of the stator winding is neglected. This equation is the same as that of the conventional brushless dc motor. However, it is noted here that the motor characteristics can be estimated by this equation without experiments, because the permeance function, the number of winding turns and the magnetromotive force of the permanent "net are known values during the design stage.

L, = M

8- -PN: "-3

, PohrsHm = MTIm

respectively. As a validity of modeling, a comparison between design value and measured value is effective. The measurement of torque constant is performed by the following manner. Fig.8 shows the measurement of torque constant. Stator windings are connected as shown in the figure and stiffness characteristics are measured under the constant dc excitation for various rotor angle. By this method, winding currents



.-- . .




. - I .


I _ I _ _ _ _ _ _


p: number of poles pare U , : rotational speed

Angle sensor

Torque pick up



Figure 8: Measurement of torque constant

1 IJs D I

W, >


Figure 10: Block diagram of d-q model of three phase hybrid stepping motor

following voltage equation results.[']




30 [AI

Figure 9: Current vs. torque characteristics

Fig.10 shows the block diagram representation of Eq.(18). The figure shows the coupling term between d axis and q axis components exists. Since the coupling term makes the control complicated, de-coupling is achieved by a. modification of applied voltage shown below

are Zu = I , 2v = 2w = -;I expression is obtained as,

and the corresponding torque

= U; - w,L,iq =
U , '

3 TDC= --M,.I,IsinO 2


f W,(liE

+L a i d )



by substituting winding currents into Eq.(16). Fig.9 shows the result of TDc(# = 27r) vs. dc exciting current. Torque constant is obtained from the gradient of the characteristics. Table2 shows the comparison between the designed and measured values of the test motor. The validity of modeling is well proved by the fact that the measured torque constant, emf constant and inductance show good agreements with the corresponding design values.

where vi and U,' are the reference voltages and v d and uq are the actual de-coupling applied voltage. By combining Eqs( 18), (19), the de-coupled block diagram representation of the three phase hybrid stepping motor is shown as in Fig.11.



I R, + s L , 1




R, t sL,



Figure 11: De-coupled block diagram representation of three hybrid stepping motor

9 8

Control of Three Phase HB Stepping Motor


Experimental Control Characteristics

By applying a well known d-q transformation to Eq.(16), the

Fig.12 shows the basic speed control system of the three hybrid stepping motor.

Table 3: Outline Invert er Carrier freq. DC voltage Dead time Curr. detector Position sensoi Control Control period

.experimental system
IGBT inverter 10 kHz 48 I 2pec NNC-10GA 2000 p/r Encoder TMS32010 100 fi sec w;, = 100 = -


IFigure 12: Speed control system


50 -

~ j f

= 40

w;,= 20



60 [%load]

In designing the speed regulator, the general assumption is made that the transfer function of the current minor loop is 1 and the frictional coefficient D = 0 ( J = 0.51 x Kgm) The outline of the controller is given in Table3. Fig.13 shows the step response of speed for two different speed reference and Fig.14 shows the steady state speed and torque characteristics. It is noted here that the speed below 40 rpm in Fig.14 could not measured directly. Since the DSP in the controller can calculate the speed in the form of position difference in one sampling, the calculated result was used as a speed below 40 rpm. In this case, a resolution of speed was 1.5 rpm.

Figure 14: Steady state speed and torque chara.cteristics

of the voltage equation is closely related to the motor pole coilfiguration. Therefore, the motor performance can be estimated from the voltage equation during the design stage of the motor. The control model of the niotor can be easily obtained by applying a well-known d-q transformation. The validity of proposed modeling is well proved by the comparison between the designed and measured motor parameters and the control characteristics. The authors wish to thank Mr. Makoto Nakamura for his assistance in experiments.



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Starting from a simple flux model in the air gap, the magnetic equivalent model of the three phase hybrid stepping motor is deduced. The voltage equation is obtained from the magnetic equivalent model. Since the procedure originates from the geometrical configuration of stator and rotor poles, the parameters 294

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