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* Lets review!

Here is what you should already know from unit 1: 1) You should know how to say your name. 2) You should know how to conjugate the verbs falar, morar, gostar and se chamar and their meanings. 3) You should know how to use the preposition de to form sentences with the verb gostar. 4) You should know some countries. 5) You should know some languages. 6) You should know how to ask for some simple, personal information. 7) You should know how to count up to ten. If youre sure youve mastered the topics above, then youre ready to move on to unit 2. Boa sorte! [Good luck!]

Brigadeiro Unit 2
A. Try it yourself!
1) Do you know what brigadeiro is? Read this paragraph that explains. Take a look at the box that gives you the meaning of some words so that you can better understand the text. Its not so important that you remember all these words after. But try to understand the text the most you can.

Brigadeiro um tipo de doce brasileiro. Brigadeiro feito de chocolate. uma mistura de chocolate em p, manteiga e leite condensado. muito fcil de fazer brigadeiro. Brigadeiros so normalmente feitos para festas de aniversrio. Mas tambm muito comum fazer brigadeiro quando voc est junto com os seus amigos. Fazer brigadeiro e compartilhar com os amigos uma tima maneira de se divertir com eles.
tipo de = type of / kind of doce = candy / sweet feito = made mistura = mixture em p = powdered, powder-like manteiga = butter leite condensado = condensed milk compartilhar = to share se divertir = to have fun 2) There is a mistake in each sentence below. Correct them. a) Wrong: Eu gosto comer brigadeiro. / Correct: ____________________ b) Wrong: Eu gosto no comer brigadeiro. / Correct: ________________ c) Wrong: Voc gostamos de brigadeiro? / Correct: ______________________ fcil = easy fazer = to make / to do normalmente = normally / usually festa de aniversrio = birthday party mas tambm = but also comum = common / usual junto com = together with uma tima maneira = a great way / a nice way / a good way

B. Practicing
1) Remember we met Joyce and Bruno from unit 1? Remember they introduced themselves to us and told us some of their interests? Well, now they are friends and in this dialogue Bruno is inviting Joyce over to eat this delicious Brazilian candy called Brigadeiro. [The English

translation might not be one hundred percent correct because I wanted to make it easier for you to understand]

Bruno: Joyce, voc quer dar uma passadinha na minha casa pra comer brigadeiro hoje? [Joyce, do you want to swing by my house to eat

brigadeiro today?]

Joyce: Eu no gosto de brigadeiro. [I dont like brigadeiro] Bruno: O qu?! Isso no possvel! Voc brasileira, claro que voc gosta de brigadeiro! [What!? Thats not possible! You are brazilian, of

course you like brigadeiro!]

Joyce: Pra te falar a verdade, eu gosto... Mas... Eu tento evitar brigadeiro, porque no quero engordar. [To tell you the truth, I do like...

But... I try to avoid brigadeiro, because I dont want to get fat]

Bruno: Nossa! Voc doida! Depois de comer brigadeiro pela primeira vez, quase impossvel de parar! [Wow! Youre crazy! After eating

brigadeiro for the first time, its almost impossible to stop!]

Joyce: Eu sei... verdade... Mas... [I know... Thats true... But...] Bruno: Ento, voc quer vir na minha casa pra... No sei... Hm... Fazer outra... coisa? [So, do you want to come in my house to... I dont

know Hm To do other thing?]

Joyce: Hm... que... outra... coisa? [Hm... what... other... thing?]

2) The verb querer means to want. Its a rather important verb. Take a look at the conjugation of this verb in the present tense. Then read the examples. Querer Eu quero Voc quer Ele quer Ela quer Ns queremos Vocs querem Eles querem Elas querem a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) To want I want You want He wants She wants We want You want [plural] They want [masculine] They want [feminine]

Voc quer comer brigadeiro? = Do you want to eat brigadeiro? Eu quero viajar. = I want to travel. Eu quero muito viajar! = I want to travel so much! Vocs querem vir na minha casa hoje noite? = Do you guys want to come in my house tonight? Eu no quero isso! = I dont want this! Voc no quer isso? = You dont want this? Eu no quero estudar. muito chato! = I dont want to study. Its so boring! Voc no quer estudar? = You dont want to study?

C. Random, but useful sentences! 1) Here are some random sentences that might come in handy every
now and then. Be sure to keep them in the back of your head! Eu te amo. Eu te odeio. Vai se foder! Vai tomar no cu! Merda! Porra! Cacete! Caralho! Droga! Eu no t nem a! / Eu no ligo! / Foda-se! Voc legal. Eu no falo portugus muito bem. I love you. I hate you. Fuck you! Fuck you! Kiss my ass! Shit! Shit! Shit! Shit! Damn it! I dont care! / I dont care! / I dont give a fuck! Youre cool. I dont speak Portuguese very well.

Voc sabe um pouco de ingls? Seria melhor pra gente conversar. Sua me uma vadia/puta/cachorra/piranha/vaca. Voc muito gentil. Eu gosto de voc. Eu quero visitar o Brasil um dia, mas no quero te conhecer porque voc um grande idiota. Awww! Que fofo!!!! Voc um gigante pedao de merda! Voc um bom amigo/ boa amiga.

Do you know some English? It would be better for us to talk. Your mother is a bitch/slut/tart/slut/tart. Aww youre so kind! I like you. I want to visit Brazil one day, but I dont want to meet you because you are a big idiot. Awww! How cute!!!! You are one giant piece of crap! You are a good friend(masc)/friend(fem) Vamos conversar em portugus! Eu Lets talk in Portuguese! I need to preciso praticar. practice.

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