Tuscarora Commissioner College 2014

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2014 Tuscarora Council College of Commissioner Science

The Tuscarora Councils College of Commissioner Science is a one-day training course offered to all adult volunteer members of the BSA that would like to begin or further their education in the commissioner position. Commissioner positions within a single council consist of three main levels: Council, District, and Unit. The Council and District Commissioners also have Assistant Commissioner positions associated at their levels. The overall Commissioner Education Program, regardless of level, is composed of three degree tracks: Bachelors, Masters, and Doctorate. The Bachelors degree must be completed before the Masters can be started, and the same for Masters prior to Doctorate, respectfully. The level of education and difficulty throughout these three courses will gradually increase, ending with a final Doctorial project. To be admitted into the Tuscarora Councils College of Commissioner Science, the following pre-requisites must be completed: Youth Protection This Is Scouting Unit Commissioner Fast Start UVTS Video All of these can be found and taken by creating an account at : www.MyScouting.org

Commissioner Awards and Recognition

Similar to other programs for adult leadership positions, the Commissioner Program has several knots, patches, and plaques to recognize volunteer dedication. Listen below are brief descriptions of Commissioner Recognition along with an image of the recognition item:
Distinguished Commissioner Service Award. Primary Award is a plaque. This award is presented to Unit, Assistant District, District, Assistant Council, and Council Commissioners whom have served actively as a registered commissioner for at least five years, have completed the Commissioner training courses, received the Arrowhead Honor Award, and whose units/District/Council has achieved a level of quality through the BSA's Quality Unit/District/Council program. Commissioner Award of Excellence in Unit Service. This award was developed as a nationwide effort to engage Scouting volunteers and professional Scouters to work together in focusing on unit retention. Any registered commissioner who is providing direct unit service is eligible to earn the Commissioner Award of Excellence in Unit Service.

Doctorate of Commissioner Science Award. This knot is available to any currently active commissioner at any position by completing the attached requirements. Approval is administered by the local council through the Council Commissioner and the Council Director of Field Service.

Commissioner Arrowhead Honor. This award is earned through the completion of two main requirements, each with a subset of requirements. The two main requirements are BSA Basic Leader Training and a list of 8 Commissioner projects outlined by the Council.

This initial program will educate participants on the basics of commissioner science and get them familiar with the program in general. This course will provide the foundation for future courses to build upon and become more detailed. The agenda of this degree track consists of the main topics listed below: Introduction to Commissioner Science Online Charter Renewal The Commissioner & The District Unit Visitation Practical Solutions to Common Unit Needs Commissioner Priorities Health & Safety Service to New Units Commissioner/Professional Relationships Unit Leader Training Continuum Outdoor Ethics & The Commissioner Effective Roundtables These classes are divided into BCS track and BCSAdvanced track. There are a total of 12 classes offered. The Bachelors of Commissioner Science is presented after 7 of these 12 are completed.

Bachelors Degree Requirements

Once 7 BCS classes have been completed and the Bachelors of Commissioner Science has been presented, participants may begin enrollment in the Masters program. Though there are fewer topics than the BCS track, the points listed below are taught in more detail and are meant to supplement the previous courses: Unit Finance No Lapse/No Drop Commitment Commissioner Lifesaving Webelos to Scout Transition Understanding LDS Scouting JTE Quality Unit Program There are a total of 6 classes offered on the MCS track. The Masters of Commissioner Science is presented after ALL 6 MCS classes are completed along with one additional BCS class. This totals 14 classes completed overall, 6 MCS and 8 BCS.

Masters Degree Requirements

This is the final, and most in-depth degree track of commissioner education. After completion of the DCS courses, participants should be able to give the highest quality of commissioner service to their assigned units, district, and council membership. As with the MCS, the DCS course can not begin until the previous level requirements have been completed. The topics covered in the Doctorate program are centered around a main project that must be completed to earn this degree: Selecting A Thesis/Research Topic Developing Thesis Outline/Report Thesis/Project Workshop Preventing Commissioner Burnout Along with completion of the Bachelors and Masters of Commissioner Science, there are other requirements needed to be awarded the Doctorate of Commissioner Science Award. A final 10 classes (in addition to what was completed for BCS and MCS) must be completed, along with the 5 DCS classes. The final step of earning the DCS is the completion of a Doctoral Commissioner Project that has been approved by the Dean and Staff Advisor of the College of Commissioner Science.

Doctorate Degree Requirements

There are several resources for Commissioner Service information and materials available by phone, online, email, and in-office. Check out the details listed below to find out more about Commissioner Service, how to get started, and how to register for the next College of Commissioner Science:

For More Information


http://www.scouting.org/scoutsource/Commissioners.aspx Contact Tuscarora Commissioner Staff Advisor Ryan Roberts At ryan.roberts@scouting.org or (919)734-1714

Contact Tuscarora Council Commissioner Doug Wiggins At dougwiggins@mac.com

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