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Crops Production 2002-2003 The overall production of food-grains for 2001-2002 is estimated at 211.32 million tonnes which is 15.

40 million tonnes more than the last year. The production of Rice during 2001-2002 is e pected to !e slightly lower than the targets. "roduction of Rice during 2001-2002 has !een estimated to !e #1.$1 million tonnes as against the target of #3.00 million tonnes. The production of %heat for 2001-2002 is estimated at &1.4& million tonnes against target of &' million tonnes. The (oarse (ereals production at 34.&2 million tonnes for 2001-2002 is more than the target of 33.0 million tonnes. The estimated production of (otton during 2001-2002 at 11.$# million !ales is higher !y a!out 2.14 million !ales of 1&0 )g. each compared to 2000-2001. The *ugarcane production during 2001-2002 at 2#2.2 million tonnes which is slightly lower than the all time record during 1###-2000 at 2##.32 million tonnes.

Food-grains Production Performance During 2001-2002 +uring 2001-2002, the production of Rice was #1.$1 million tonnes as against the production of '4.'& million tonnes during 2000-2001. The production of %heat was &1.4& million tonnes during 2001-2002 as against the production level of $'.&$ million tonnes during 2000-2001. The production of (oarse (ereals during 2001-2002 is estimated at 34.&2 million tonnes as against the production of 31.$2 million tonnes during 2000-2001. Crop outlook for 2002-2003: The "lanning (ommission fi ed the target of foodgrains production for the 20022003 at 220.00 million tonnes. The !road crop-wise !rea) up of targets of production for 2002-2003 are as under -.million tons/ 0ame of the (rop 1. Rice 2. %heat 3. 2owar 4. 3a4ra 5. 5ai6e $. Ragi &. 3arley '. *mall 5illets #. "ulses Total 7oodgrains 10. (otton .la)h !ales/8 11. 2ute .-do-/88 12. 5esta .-do-/88 13. *ugarcane .1.tonne/ 1harif .Rainy/ Ra!i .%inter/ &'.$4 14.3$ &'.00 5.5# 3.$4 $.$' 10.50 2.00 2.42 1.52 0.$5 $.00 10.00 110.4' 10#.52 150.00 10$.'0 13.20 (ontinued in 1harif 9 Ra!i Total #3.00 &'.00 #.23 $.$' 12.50 2.42 1.52 0.$5 1$.00 220.00 150.00 10$.'0 13.20 3200.00

8 (otton la)h !ales 1&0 )g each 88 2ute and 5esta la)h !ales 1'0 )g each. Achievements ice The area coverage during 2001-02 is estimated at 43.#2 million ha. as against 44.3$ million ha. during previous year. The production was estimated at #1.$1 million tonnes during 2001-02. The area coverage during 1harif, 2002 is reported to !e less as compared 2001-02 due to drought particularly the states of :ttar "radesh, Ra4asthan, 5adhya "radesh, (hhatisgarh, ;ndhra "radesh, etc. while rice has !een damaged !y flood in 3ihar.

!heat %heat production has, !y and large, shown consistent increase in the country. The contri!ution of %heat production to the total foodgrains has increased from 14 per cent during 1#$5-$$ to a!out 35 per cent during the year 2000-01. <n terms of volume, it has increased from 10.40 million tones during 1#$5-$$ to &$.3& million tones during 1###-2000, an all time record in %heat production. =owever, during the year 2000-01, a set !ac) in %heat production was noticed !ecause of adverse weather condition resulting wheat production to a level of $'.&$ million tones. The states of >u4arat, 5adhya "radesh, 5aharashtra and Ra4asthan e perienced severe drought condition resulting in less area coverage and poor crop growth. +uring the year 2001-02, wheat production has !een estimated to a level of &1.4& million tones. The main reason for less wheat production as against the target of &' million tones was rise in temperature during the months of 5arch and ;pril 2002. The target for the year 2002-03 has !een )ept at &'.0 million tonnes. The area coverage under wheat during 2002-03 in the states of 5adhya "radesh, Ra4asthan, >u4arat and 5aharashtra is less than the normal which may result in low production of wheat. Coarse Cereals The production target of (oarse (ereals during 2002-03 is 33.00 million tones of which target for 1harif is 25.'4 million tones and Ra!i is &.1$ million tones. The first advance estimates provided !y the +irectorate of ?conomics 9 *tatistics, indicate that 1harif production is li)ely to !e 1#.54 million tones. (rops suffered due to sever drought in the month of 2une, 2uly in various parts of the country, in ma4or coarse cereals producing states.

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