Realm of The Rising Sun

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Realm of the Rising Sun

History: For thousands of years the Elves Dominated the Realm, their influence spread across the land to the northern waste and west to the great deserts, they worshiped to gawds of nature an balance but found that when tribes of men, orcs and ogres began to multiply in their realm such balance was impossible to maintain, so they used their superior knowledge and magic to conquer and enslaved the lesser species, turning them into a military and labor force to expand their influence. The Empire of the Rising sun reigned over the realm for millenia, the Elves grew decadent, and they became callous and cruel to their slaves performing various interbreeding experiments of them to make the perfect slave, feasted on pixie meat, and dabbled in dark magics. This sowed the seeds of rebellion among the subjugated. Among the humans a secret order was established to learn the elves magical knowledge they gathered this knowledge via any means and reserved it for future generations of men A sect of Ogres breed using various magics found that they could command powerful magical forces. Over the course of 300 years they fought against their oppressors forming an alliance, whittling down the elves resources and using their own magical might against them. The rebellion was hard fought but in the end the realm was free, those that were not killed were enslaved by their former slaves while the rest fled into the wild. The rebellion split into 3 empires, Humans took, the Golden Island as their own, the Ogers and orcs took the Jade Mountain in the west and a splinter group of Mages that practiced Blood Magic and Necromancy took the Obsidian Tower in the north. Some have gone back o their more primitive ways and a collection of barbarian tribes known simply as the Horde roams the outlands. It has been 500 years since the rebellion (500AR) the Golden Empire is thriving as is there staunch allies the Jade Empire, 100 years ago a group of Dwarves came to their shores offering trade form the farther reaches of world. The exiled elves sulk in the Feywild and plot revenge calling themselves the Shadow hunters, In the northern waste the Obsidian Empire is now a looming threat and their Dread Pirate fleet terrorizes the seas.

Golden Empire
Racial makeup (Human 70%, Dwarves/halfling/Gnomes) (5%), Half-orcs (10%) Half-Ogers(5%), Elf/Pixie Slaves (10%) Religions: Entire Japanese Pantheon is venerated here, popular Gawds are: Amaterasu Omikami: LG (sun, Light), Kishijoten NG (luck), Raiden N (thunder) Societal Alignment: LG/LN Government: Feodality Current Leader: The Golden Emperor, Shogun Capital: The Golden city Legal system: World Empire Political Factions: Emperors Guard, Crimson Ink Order, 5 Shoguns with 5 Daimyos each each Daimyo can have 25 Samurai Diplomatic Relations: Allies: Jade Empire, Salty Beards Enemies: The Horde, Shadow Hunters, Obsidian Empire

Jade Empire
Racial makeup Orc (20%), Oger (10%) Half-orcs (25%) Half-Ogre(20%), Elf/Pixie Slaves (25%) Religions: Marduk, Gruumsh, Vaprak, Hokalas Societal Alignment: LE/LN Government: Magocracy Current Leader: The Jade Emperor, Council of Mystics Capital: The Jade Mountain Legal system: World Empire Political Factions: Racial groups, Mystics, Military, Slavers Diplomatic Relations: Allies: Golden Empire, Salty Beards Enemies: The Horde, Shadow Hunters, Obsidian Empire

Salty Beard Clan (Coin, Loot & Danger Trading Company)

Racial makeup (Dwarves 80% Halfling 7% Gnomes 8% Other 5%) Religions: Vergadain, Draper, Brandobaris, Ama-Tsu-Mara, Susanowo Societal Alignment: N / CN Government: Syndicracy Current Leader: Admiral Grall Firebeard, Chairman of the Board, CEO Capital: Torgal Island, Port Vergadain Legal system: World Empire Political Factions: Captains, Trade Guilds Diplomatic Relations: Allies: The Golden Empire, Jade Empire, The Horde (trade only) Enemies: Dread Pirates, Aquatic Elves

The Horde
Racial makeup (Human 80%, Half-orcs (10%) Half-Ogers(5%) Religions: Varies from tribe to tribe Societal Alignment: CN Government: No Central Government Current Leader: Every Tribe has its own leader, Hordemaster may rise to unite Capital: none Legal system: Barbarian Tribe Political Factions: Each Tribe Diplomatic Relations: Allies: Salty Beards (trade only) Enemies: Golden Empire, Jade Empire, Shadow Hunters, Obsidian Empire

Shadow Hunters
Racial makeup Elves 85%, Slaves (human, orc, ogre) 5%, Pixie slaves (10%) Religions: Arnuya, Shevarash, Fenmarel Mestarine Societal Alignment: CN / CE Government: Monarchy Current Leader: Tilredias Carrin Capital: The Feywild Legal system: Barbarian Tribe Political Factions: Tribes Diplomatic Relations: Allies: Aquatic Elves Enemies: Golden Empire, Jade Empire, Shadow Hunters, Obsidian Empire

Obsidian Empire
Racial makeup Human 15% Undead 65% Living Slaves 20% Religions: Yen-Wang-Yeh, Kuchooloo, Grawdyng Societal Alignment: N / CE Government: Monarchy Current Leader: Obsidian Emperor Capital: Obsidian Tower Legal system: Magocracy Political Factions: Magelords Diplomatic Relations: Allies: Dread Prirates Enemies: Golden Empire, Jade Empire, Shadow Hunters

Dread Pirates
Racial makeup (Undead 45% Goblins 35% ,Other 20% ) Religions: Yen-Wang-Yeh, Kuchooloo, Grawdyng Societal Alignment: NE Government: Autocracy Current Leader: Dread Captain Capital: Skull Port Legal system: none Political Factions: nonw Diplomatic Relations: Allies: Obsidian Empire Enemies: Salty Beards, Aquatic elves

Aquatic Elves
Racial makeup Elves 90%, Nixie slaves (10%) Religions: Istishia Societal Alignment: N / CN Government: Monarchy Current Leader: Queen Elahras Capital: unknown Legal system: Barbarian Tribe Political Factions: unknown Diplomatic Relations: Allies: Shadow Hunters Enemies: Salty Beards, Dread Pirates

Class / Race Notes General restrictions: Barred Classes: Magic-User, Specialist, Double Specialist, Dark Knight, Knight Errant, Cavalier, Paladin, Blood-Mage, Holy Knight, Charlatan, Non related Zealots Humans: All humans from the Golden Empire get 3 mastery dice of a single Skill Suite that fits with the social class and background And the Lucky Talent Dwarves Halflings. Gnomes: get 3 mastery die of the Sailor Skill Set and they get the Aquatic Background Talent (regardless of race) Dwarves can also be Swashbucklers, Dwarves and Gnomes lose their underground detection abilities Gnomes can be illusionist Half-Orcs: May change their +1 str for a +1 int or their +1 con for a +1 wis, Can be Monk, Ninja, Elementalist, Battle Mage, and Yakuza Half Ogre: May change their +2 str for a +2 int (+0 to in net) can be a Painted Mage, Elementalist, Battle Mage, Wild Mage, or Power Speaker Elves: All PC elves will be slaves, they are barred from learning magic, but they all receive the spell like abilities talent at no cost, social class is automatically slave class. Pixie Fairies: Are considered magical animals, they are well treated pets at best, dinner at worst. Always will be considered property. They are naturally magical thus can take magical classes, can be illusionists.

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