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One of the mclstimportant I'eatures of any ecological syslem, whetherpopulation or comrnunity, is its inherentstabilityor lackingof it! it is also b,ecause of its overwhelmIng implications in both theoretical and erpplied studies of naturaland manipulated sy'stems, one of the ecological parameters around whichtherehas been the mostdiscur;sion andcontroversy aboutwhichmrost hasbeen written. Ecological stability is variously definedbut may be summarized as the dynanric equilibrium of population, connmunity or ecosystem sizeancl structure. Thestability can be defined in thefollowing manner. (1) "The abilityof both populations and communities to withstand environmental - MacArthur, perturbations to accommodate change" (2) Oriens has identified a number of different elements; whichmay be recognisr:d withintheoverall concept of stability. The stabilit'y is not a simple character but in fact a nrultiplicity of distinct attributers. Muchof the confusion engendered in the pastin,discuss;ions abouts;tability in the literature has comefrom failureto conrpare like with likr:,from confusion of these different formsof stability. The three basictypesof statrility itselfmay be conrsidered as constancy,resilience and ineftia. By constancy, we refer to a lackof changein some pararneter of a system, suchas number of :;pecies, toxonomic compcrsiticln, life from structure of a community, sizeof a population or feature of the physical environment. f{esilience may be considered as the abilityof a systern to recorrer ,andcontinue functioning after disturbance evern though it may havechanged its lbrm.Therefore, a community may be described as;resilient if, duringor after disturbernce,, eventhoughiG;constancy cf species structure may havechanged markeC!1,, it is ablet: cc;':i;lue tc operaieas a viablesystem.Finally, inertiais the abilityof a systern rlr resistsuch trt withstand perturbations irrthe firstplace. Attributes of suchs;tability functions are elasticity arrd amplitude. Therefore, elasticity is a measure of the speedwith which the system returns to its former statefollowing a perturbation. Amplitude of a system rlefine:; tfre
I Stabilin'Anirlysis
l - 1

l-J r-J

incs-l rablv' it is

,,i1 1:l


then the r:onstant pointof the S'y:;tem' on the other hand,if (x*, yx) is a critica| 'valued functicn

x ( t ) = 1 + nY ( t ) = Y *

ofthesystem' solutiorrs equilibrium (1)andarecalled sys;terTl satisFying

. r\e)

poinf: of the stnr]le (3) consists I solutionin equatiori of the equilibrium The:tra.iectory (x*,Y*).





isof theform system norn-linear the: Ccnsider


i=u**+b'Y+f(x''Y) a = u r '* + b 2 '' y + g ( x , y )

dt - (2) canbe written as In matrixform (.1) r')\


y)i dt Iv ,J [u, bz/ \.y, [s(x, areconstants' b1,zt|,bz a1, where,

- l

(u' u')(*) (r(*,Y)) o lx) + l l = l l l I


) ilI

g(x'y) in f(x,y) ancl terms thenon-linear by ignoring Then, als systern linear

(3), we get at'. ,slated



o t l y , i [ a 2 u r )[ vj
d1 b'1 l,'z

o f x \-- f a ro ' ] [ * l

,. ( 4)

que rval (2)


that (3), we mayassurne Forsystem


+ 0


grint' (4) has(0, 0) asa critical system linear the related Theref'ore, f(x,y)andg(x,y)arecontinuousandhavecontinuouspartiaIderiv a l l (x,y).



y)-'(0o ,) (x,


f (x' Y)

(3) (3) and systerrn system pnintof thr3 critical (0, 0) is saidto be simple system' linear almost is s3llr3d

Jx z + yz

-P9lI =o =o and ( x ,ylim.^ ) * ( 0 ,^, 0) _r

.r'Xz y2



ed that

fsi'ABrtrnY-ffiivsrl----1 vectors andi:tl' 1:'i a'e lhe eir;en values andi.z areihe eiqen ir i-L Now, I , B z . i l B ri
by oi (i) is givern soiution to them,thengenerai correspondinE
x = Cl Al e^tt + C2A2 e;i2t

), v(t))

......r ( 3)

en ihe

y = C181e^tt + C282 '2'


therefOre' complex' or conjr'rgate realor equal/ since,7,1and t-2 arc realanddistinct, ol' by the nature: (1) is determined point(0, 0) of the system critical the natureof the, ' i'1 Bnd)"2 the numbers cases we havethe following Here, I r (Node). slglr same rrisrinct : o1'the arrd distin(:t real, and i;, df valuesil", ".o roar Caser : Theeigen i '/.ttt,z are real,distinct sir]ns(saddlt: opposite and c'|f s case rr : The eigenvahle Points)' 'Ihe but not pure imaginarl cornplex t,; are conjugate 3 r"1, eigenvalue case III : (Spiral), (Node)' values)t, )'2 are realandequerl CaseIV : Theeigen ^r'v,7-z (Crrntre)' arepureimaginanl values CaseV : Theeiqen separately' cases' eachof the atrove discuss we shalt Here, CaseI < 0. <',.'t'2 and ?'1 that }'1 and }'2 are bothnegative Assume is as givenbY(3), of (1) in thiscas;e
x = Cr ,\1 ettt + C2A2 e;':t eirt + C282 ei2t Y = Cr 131

rleand yx) as , ' '(7)


-I.hen genera| so|ution the


as get the solution If C2= 0, vrte

x =' c1 A1ertt, 81 e;r1t Y = C:1

.. ,tl)

inrPlies which
= llrx A1r1


by is givett If C1= 0 , thenthEsolution eizt x '=Cz A2elzr , Y = CzB2


. (s)

imPlies which A2t = B2x

halfof the of uprper consisting a trajectonl (4) represenb Forany c2 > cl, the solution



l ane of llence, )) with of the Since , since

Case-II <0<7"2, Assume that t"1 of solution then the gerreral in the (1) can still be vrrritten form (3) and againwe have of the form particular soh:tion 'the two halfline (4) and (5). trajectories rePresentedbY and enter(0, 0) (5) apProach as t -+ c and the two half rePresented line trajectories c as t '+ co' bY{5) tendsto for C1* 0 and C2* 0, irlcw, (3) gives solution ihe general but since curyedtrajectories, Ir .0 (0, 0) aPP)roach trajectories

r) with


pointand is unstable' a saddle pointis called the critical in thiscase, CaseIII l'n not pureimaginanl' lDut conjugate that threroots il and ii"t are complex Assume ;'" and F ar(l non-zelro ipr wh:r write 7,1and )", in the form i' :L this case,Wecian realnumbers. Thendeterrninarnt
( a r * b z ) 2 - 4 ( a r b ,- a z b r ) < 0 D == or (., - br)t + 4a2brt 0

'0y (1) isgi\/en of system solution thr:general in thiscase,

-p p-tA 2 c c s p L t ) ] A ) C 2 ( A l s i nr t2 t s i n p t+ x . =e i 1 ! [ C r ( A r c o s ftl | + 82( :ospt) ] ' ) - 82sinpt) + C2( Blsinpt y ,=e rt [C r(Br cospt constant' and c's arearbiitrary constants whereA,s anclB's aredefinite y + 0 and t +>'o' thert:fore' that i' < 0, thenfrom(7),we havex + 0' Now,assurne do lot (0, 0) as t -+ cc. Now,we showthat thesetrajrectories approach all trajectories Forthis' likemanner' it in a spiral windaround enterthe pointas t -r co,but instead any path' rle/ dt is either 0 andshowthat along the polarcoordinate let us introduce for all t but it is never;lero' positive for all t or negative , We knowt.hat o = tan-1l X

Such same given i n ti n


l-sr*rl*Iiy!e--las ri1)canbe rewritten sys;tem in thiscase, dy dx _-::ax, --=iY

dt 0i



is givenbY solution geneial whose

x =.Ci 3'"" Y '- C2 e;'t

I )


re case re'


rq\ D < 0 ry, it is ften as rtiseor )wn as pt that

deiinedbY ti10) The traject,cries are half lines of all Possible slopes and since t" '<0 , trajectory therefore nch and enters(0, 0) as approaches; criticalPoint . Tfrerefore, t -> c.; is a nodeand it is asYmPtoticallY stable. If l. :' 0, we get the same situationexcept that the trajectories approach o as t -+ ca. Also,the Point(0, 0) is unstable,which is shown in F i 1 .2 .4 . CaseV If the roots )4 and i"2 are thenas in case purely imaginilry, IiI, for 1'1 and )-2 are now of t ip with 7-= 0 and the form ?" of solution I + 0. The general



e, the 0. Let

system(1) is givenbY equation (7) witl"r exponential factor missing.Therefore,x(t) and and each y(0 are Preriodic trajectory is a closed curue the origin' These surrounding curves are actuallY elliPses, Fig.2.5 which can be shownbY solving equation the differential . ..(11) dY a2x+ b2Y dx a1x+ b1Y but not asymrpt<ltica artdit is stable centre point(0,0)is cal|ed the critical In thiscase, stable,

;i;i-l 1_":_l


Case II


y = -4Cre 4t. l'his lraiectcry is; tlte half l l l - r C : F,or Cz = 0, x = C1e-4t, < 0 ' B o t hthe Y = - 4 x ; x > C ) ,w h e n C 1> 0 a n d h a l i l i n t y = ' - 4 x x < 0 w h e n C 1

05 t -+ :a. andenterthe origin approach trajectories nonr:of trajectories curyed (3) repre;ents Case III : If C1* 0, C2* 0 , The solution picture, gives a qualitative iigure (0, O)?s t -r ". . Thefollowing approaches which


/ 1',





of equations thesYstem Consider

d ---=:x x



\ I

d y - .-.. -l=l== x.+Zy




(3) li ne lso,

point, of the critical the typeandstability Discuss point of the system. Findthe r:ritical write dorvn the generalsolutionof the syslem(:1) and draw the graph of its trajectories. values (1). Now,the eigen pointof tlne systenr (0, 0) is the critical solution: clearly, of the equation roots of (i) are th:

= 0




-..'t 4,7


aisoapprc'acir ti'aiectories of these with siope1. Each ihe oi.igin througr., whichpasse$


: asfollows trajectories Wecandrawallthese


l en ca n

Fig. 2,8
Exa,uple 4 r?\

their type and discuss of equations system points of the following Finuall real crit[ical andstability d x , d Y= * * Y =)l+Y'; d, it '0) a nodeor points are(0, 0) and (-1, 1) arrdpoint(0, i:s the critical Solution: Clearly,


whichis unstable. spiral Point, of (-1, l) , let the stability Now,to check X ' = u ' - ta n d Y = v + 1 to reduces Then,givensYl;tem dtl=,, +zv+vzi9] =u*u dt dt point (-1, 1) of l:he to the critical pointcorrespondinr3 whichhas (0, 0) as the critical point' saddle poirrt is unstable verifythat critical we caneasily Also, givensystem.
Exa.uPt-E 5 point of the system Find the criticarl dY d:x _ _ _ - _ v :_ = { dt dt

< 0


i StAStLtn Ar.{Ar.ysts

ri} 49

I 3nd on oi

(i) (ii)

points of the ah:ver end the point(1.,1) an: eqr-tilitrrrurn that ihe ci-igin shour svsleiri. s;ystern' of the abo're and(1, i) iEa t:entre Lroint (0, 0) is e sacjdle shon,thert

ar e the: findthat( 0,0) and( t, 1 .) o,,we caneasily so l u ti o n :B y u si n g$ = o, *dt= dt

^-:r-:.*--! ,.iLi-J,! r. '!li'- -!','t:i-'i.;'r;'t' t"-i*'" ir-t' "' r:l'-a -:"^ * --rr-,1:*'



t-f it,

ll,'i5 1;'rgi: i'r"


dY lcix --.'X and - =-Y ct dt can bewrittenas equatiorts These (L 0)f*) d(x\


a tl y j

[o - lJ\v/
-0 =, (i-i")(-1

cf the equation of (1) arethe roots values Eigen 0 L-)" -;i=s 0


'Lz = L

7"1=' - l',

(0, lJ) ts sign.l-hu:;, andareoi opp)site are realanddistinct values botheigeln clearly a sadcjle Point. Intheneighbourlroodof(1,1),thegivensystemcanbereducedto
X = X - 1 ,Y = Y - 1 e dx dX dY i{ dt=dt
,':t \


dX :-=(x-i)(-Y)=--Y-KY ot

=1 x+ 9 1- = r , ( : r + ) xY
dt : that :, the we get Cn linearizing,

/1>\ .,...1_.r/

dX'=--Y, 9I = *
dt ct we canwrite Thus,

-liixi d r ' x= \ f[c t ot[v,J oJtvl

n l 1

by aregiven values eigen the requi;'ed Hence, - n

j I J tl v -_



' t''




..;? il

r: (-ilf\tF

| .''j




= -- Ir


{ u l

dx - - x - o . y, ;

rlv \.;
d t UL

e. g

oointf0. 0l for eilcft of the critical Drooerties stabili$ the naturganc1 Deterrninet system autoncmous ,rnear of the follolvino

(.d j






/.1 \

= - 3x+4 - ty ' ;

dY = zx-3y



f r = + x - z yf;t = 5 x + 2 v $ i+s =, t* -zy-ro',S =tt*-ev

/i that critical


linea r

At q Glonc,e.,".
of a system. !n someparameter referto a lackof change constanr:y anclcontinue to recover as the abilityof il System nraybe considered @ Resilience: itsform' changed it mayhave though even itfterdisturbances functioning as perrsis;tence' known of it is; component or some timeof a system I Thesurvi'val point is known ets r:entral aroundSorrle to osciilate of a System @ The properlry :;tability. cyclical (xs,y6) c'los;e population if for irlrtial pointP is stable critical system, 6 Fr:ra lirrear nearit for all t > 0' (x(t),v(t)) remain to P,the population as arnplitucje. is knotryn is stabie whicha system @ The areaov,er



I Sr.qstlln' nFr.Ai.YSIS


CONCLUSION AN IM PORTAh'IT (1) correspDnding tc the s}'stem of the linear Let i.1 an{l )-:zbe the eigenvalues 0) of the of the criticalpoint (Ct, Then,the bypeand stability almostlinearsystem. table: in the follclwing df sh,owfi systems

. i pan. I
_ l

r system Linea

system A,lmost linear N

N :^ --

t"1>).2>0 t"1<i"2<0

Asymptotically stable Unstable I Unstallle Asymptotically ,



Unstable Unstalrle

7.2<0<ir1 i:,-=l"Z>0



Unstable Asymptotically statlle


'eiore ifp= ;igns, :n by si g n ,

" t . 1 , 7 "= p 7'!iPt
r " ) U

N or SrP i AsYmPtoticallY I stable

(: p




^)'1 = i11, )'Z =' -ift

Asymptotically stable

Asymptotically stabler

Clor SoP

= spiral point; C = centre point; SoF' N = node; SP= saddle






can be createdfor growth of single speciesSlpulatiotts Modelsof' population growtlh' liuch rnodels growthand for thosewith diis:rete with continuous populations sugges;ted populations behave Studyof natural quiteclosely. to mode! may be refined the uprcn growth,depending to populatron outcomes that thereis atrangeof possible stlow may Populations rate and sizeof the fbunderpcpul;rtlorr. reprorluctive relative they at ,afixedand stablelevel, points, that hascometo equilibnium equilibrium stable limitsor they rnay anddefined constant between oi' limitcycles cycles mayshowstable uray' in a chaotic andirregularly unpredictably behave will resultin whichbehavircur we canprerJict parameters, the appropriate By calculating or stlclic to exhibit populations for laboratorl Thereis a tendency givencircumstances, equilibrium' statllepoint' tendstc,display populations whilenatural behav,iours, chaotic point stable exhtibit to popurertions for naturar the tendency indicating Theseresurts exhibit' theycould behaviours of possible the range despite equilibrium, and competitorpredator in artificiar, maintained popurations, Thisfactthat raboratory

\-'ICS i
i r.L^

j ST/iBiLIfi





iiilr:arand citsct.iss Show that the systentis etlrnost Veriiy that {0, 0) is a criticaip.eint, point(0, 0). ci the critica, rhe type arrdsiabiiity (i) Ncur, Solution: It can be eesilyshownthat (0, 0) is a criticalpoint of the sy'stem

r nd e r eters ation atical nped

as (1)canbewritten system
r f i

. . . .1 . /)

9; =,- - zy+s(x, y)
d t where,

frix,Y) = xY d0d g(:x, Y) -- - xY sin0, we get putting X = rcosg and Y = 1. the polarcOordinate, FCrusing

fy of unity bea food arent ity of Vilsor Keys total h the re of 30 to ue to iome ;table

o sir9 f(x,i'.)_ rzcos = r cos o o sin

f r

tr: 0 as r tendsto 0. whichtends Similarly, gl(x,'/) _ _ r2cososino=,_r sinocos0 r r to 0. to 0 as r tends tends whichagain linear. (1) is alrnost system Therefore, of (0, 0) is in the neighbourhood system linear Also,the related
- ; l I

o r l y J( 3 _ z ) \ v )

(L -t)(t) o ( : xt ) -| |
t - l | |

I |



of the equation of (3) arethe roots values eigeln Nowo -1 1-i =S -2-)" 3 whichimPlies;
0 l ?+ 7 . + 1 =



- 1r iJ'

'Therefore, _r+i.6 )"t ='--Tang _l_i\6 Lz = -T-

(1 )

gf the form )"* iF' Where con:rugate are complex that the eigenvalues We obserue < c|, it is sirrce ?," )', V are real. Critica|p<rint(0, 0) of (3) is a spira|.Also, pint (0' 0) of critical linear, (1) is almos;t the system point.Since stable asymptotically spiralpoint' stable is alsoasymptotically the system

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