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Motion or Travel Sickness

Motion sickness or kinetosis, also known as travel sickness, seasickness, car sickness, simulation sickness or airsickness is a condition in which a disagreement exists between visually perceived movement and the vestibular system's sense of movement. Some people feel very sick while travelling in an airplane, boat, train, or car. They may feel queasy or nauseous or may vomit, and they may have a headache. This condition is called motion sickness. Motion sickness is more common in children and also in women. More than half of children experience motion sickness when travelling by car. Motion sickness is rare in those under 2 years of age, but is most common between ages 3 and 12. Women experience motion sickness more than men. It also occurs more often in women during menstrual cycles and pregnancy.

Causes and symptoms

It is a very common disturbance of the inner ear that is caused by repeated motion such as going over bumps or round in a circle, or from turbulence in an airplane or by anxiety or strong smells, such as food or petrol or sometimes trying to read a book or a map. The symptoms of motion sickness are nausea, vomiting, dizziness, fatigue, sweating, and a sense of feeling unwell, sweating, drooling saliva, headaches, feeling cold and going pale. Symptoms typically go when the journey is over, but not always. In some people they last a few hours, or even days, after the journey ends. Fortunately, many children grow out of having motion sickness.

Preventive measures
Fix your vision on a stable object, do not stare at moving objects such as waves or other cars. Instead, look ahead, a little above the horizon, at a fixed place. Avoid getting too hot. Do not sit facing backwards from your direction of travel. If possible sit in the front seat of a car, over the wing of a plane, or on deck in the middle of a boat. Do not read or play games, this may make your symptoms worse. Closing your eyes may help relieve symptoms. A semi-reclined position with the head braced is best. Get some fresh air, if possible, open the windows or move to the top deck of a ship to get a good supply of fresh air. Relax by listening to music while focusing on your breathing. Carry out a mental activity, such as counting backwards from 100. Food and drink - Avoid eating large meals or drinking alcohol before travelling. Stay calm - Keep calm about the journey. You may be more likely to experience motion sickness if you worry about it. Ideally, medicines should be taken before the journey is started. Other treatments such as wristbands and magnets may be helpful Isolate yourself from others who may be suffering from motion sickness. Hearing others talk about motion sickness or seeing others becoming ill can sometimes make you feel ill yourself. On long journeys, break the journey to have some fresh air, drink some cold water and if possible, take a short walk. Breathe deeply and slowly and while focusing on your breathing, listen to music. Ginger improves motion sickness. It can be eaten in a biscuit or as crystallized ginger, drunk as tea or taken as tablets before a journey. Acupressure bands are stretchy bands can be worn around your wrists. They apply pressure to a particular point on the inside of your wrist between the two tendons that run down your inner arm.

The best way to treat motion sickness is to stop the motion. If you can't stop the motion, sit or lie down in an area with the least motion. In an airplane, try to sit near the wings. On a ship, stay on the deck and look at the horizon, or if you are inside move to the center of the ship. Hyoscine, also known as scopolamine, is widely used to treat motion sickness. Hyoscine is available over the counter from pharmacists. For it to be effective, you will need to take hyoscine 30-60 minutes before you travel. If you are about to go on a long journey, such as a sea journey, hyoscine patches can be applied to your skin every three days. Antihistamines are an alternative type of medicine to hyoscine. They are often used to treat symptoms of allergies, but can also control nausea and vomiting. Antihistamines are slightly less effective at treating motion sickness than hyoscine, but may cause fewer side effects. Ginger : It has been suggested that taking ginger biscuits and ginger tea supplements may help prevent symptoms of motion sickness. Ginger is mostly used for other types of nausea, such as morning sickness during pregnancy. Physical therapy may help people who have significant problems with motion sickness.

BEWARE : Common side effects of hyoscine are drowsiness, blurred vision, dry mouth , dizziness, stomach ache and constipation. Rarer side effects of hyoscine include: nausea, vomiting, mental confusion, particularly in elderly people. Antihistamine medications that are used for motion sickness tend to cause drowsiness, It is best not to drive a vehicle, operate machinery, or do anything that requires full concentration when taking them. It is important not to take antihistamine medications with alcohol, sleeping medications Motion sickness medications should never be given to babies and very young children. They can become agitated and could possibly experience a life-threatening convulsion if given too much of the medication.

All the above information is collected from Internet and reproduced in an abridged manner to provide you with useful information ready at hand. It is not my brain child, and bear no responsibility.

And now for the final kick. If you trust it you take it, otherwise Inta Hurrrrrrr! ( You are free). For any kind of travel sickness, Take Petroleum 30 pills before you start your journey ( One dose is 5 pills for adults 3 pills for children and 2 pills for the tiny tots - Petroleum 30 is a homeopathic remedy.). It should be minimum two doses with an interval of 5 to 6 hours. If it is a chronic case take four doses. And In Sha ALLAH after two three journeys you will find that the problem is solved and you can travel carefree. It is important and very important that this medication is given before the journey, and follow all the restrictions of using homeopathic medicines, because I found its effect to be very much less if you give it during the problem. Also keep Zingiber 6 pills with you during the journey. If you find that there is a problem with somebody who has not taken the preventive medicine, you can give a dose of this medicine and repeat later if necessary. Zingiber is a homeopathic remedy of ginger. I have been using this treatment for the last 45 years and it has never failed me. The best part of it is it has ABSOLUTELY no side effects. So, always keep Petroleum 30 and Zingiber 6 bottles at hand.

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