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Keep Fear and Bias Out
Of Boro Park
By Assemblyman Dov Hikind
trly, Giuliani did during his tenure as mayor or
die. his stalwart leadership in the aftermath
,e is There was a time in American politics of 9/11. Yet, his remarks yesterday were
lin when candidates vied for coveted elected beyond the pale - intended to make
ted, positions based on their credentials, their prospective voters fear that a change in
ven record and their commitment to pursuing mayoral leadership could result in their
a better and brighter future for their con- beloved city being overrun again by crime
rob- stituencies. Sadly, those days are long and pandemonium.
and gone, replaced by nothing more than a "You know exactly what I'm talking
veritable "he said-she said," with a heap- about," Mr. Giuliani said. "This city could
car- ing dose of fear and bias mixed in for very easily be taken back in a very differ-
w- good measure. ent direction - it could very easily be
er or Such a display of under-handed, politi- taken back to the way it was with the
cal maneuvering was demonstrated at the wrong political leadership."
ren't Boro Park lCC breakfast held Sunday in As a community and as a City, we must
out tribute to Holocaust survivors. But the make a conscious and concerted effort to
as, a legislative breakfast missed its stated rise above these trite and negative state-
the purpose when it allowed the podium to be ments, and in so doing, send a strong mes-
that used as a vector for fear and finger-point- sage to those pandering for our vote that
see- ing by former Mayor Rudy Giuliani. the voting booth is, and always will
.ater o one discounts the admirable job Mr. remain,. a terror-free zone.
·d to
State Senator Abhors
n on
ublic 'Political Dirty Trick'
1 ec-
cs for By State Senator Eric Adams tics.
Mayor Bloomberg clearly believes he
ir in Former Mayor Rudolph Giuliani's benefits from such negativity, making a
Ie on insinuation that New York will become a desperate analogy to Detroit and then
City's more dangerous city if Michael contradicting himself by admitting that
ave to Bloomberg is not re-elected is in the worst Detroit's problems arose "really because
cloud- traditions of political campaigning, of economics as opposed to some other
.aking reminding me of the scurrilous Willie things." Claiming that the sky is falling
~right Horton campaign ads of 1988. brings us no closer to constructive solu-
rr, The The unfounded claim that our city tions to the problems confronting our city
t ciga- stands to experience an upsurge in crime after eight years of Mr. Bloomberg.
makes little logical sense, and it is a bla-. How fragile are the achievements of
tant attempt to terrorize ewYorkers and Republican Mayor Michael Bloomberg if
stir up divisive emotions. Mr. Giuliani' Mr. Giuliani fears they can be so easily
spurious declarations even failed to undone? The former mayor must believe
835] receive support from Mr. Bloomberg, the New York City to be a hou e of cards, safe-
guarded only by an indispensable leader
candidate they were designed to pro-
mote. The comments breach the boundary without whom the whole edifice will
of appropriate political discour e and
reek of bitter, divisive and reckless poli- Please turn to page 19 ~

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reflect the opinions of Hamodia.

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