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Co'- <<IV6 Human Computer 4 Interaction.

UNIT I The interaction: Introduction - Models o interaction - !rame"or#s and HCI - $r%onomics Interaction &t'les - $lements o (IM) inter ace - Interacti*it' - The Conte+ o the interaction )aradi%m: Introduction )aradi%ms or interaction. UNIT II Interaction ,esi%n -asics: Introduction - "hat is desi%n. - /ser ocus - &cenarios - 0a*i%ation desi%n - &creen desi%n and la'out - Interaction and protot'pin% - HCI in the so t"are process: Introduction - The so t"are li ec'cle - /sa-ilit' en%ineerin% 1 interacti*e desi%n and protot'pin% 1 ,esi%n rationale. UNIT III ,esi%n rules: Introduction - )rinciples to support usa-ilit' - &tandards 1 2uidelines-2olden rules and heuristics - HCI patterns - Implementation &upport: Introduction -elements o "indo"in% s'stems - )ro%rammin% the application - /sin% tool#its- /ser inter ace mana%ement s'stems. UNIT IV $*aluation techni3ues: (hat is e*aluation - 2oals o e*aluation - $*aluation throu%h e+pert anal'sis - $*aluation throu%h user participation - Choosin% an e*aluation method - /ni*ersal ,esi%n: Introduction - /ni*ersal desi%n principles - Multi-modal interaction - ,esi%nin% or di*ersit'. UNIT V /ser &upport: Instruction - 4e3uirements o user support - 5pproaches to user support 5dapti*e help s'stem - ,esi%nin% user support s'stems. RE=ERENCES6 1. 68u" $(co"9ut-' I$t-' ct4o$6 - 5lan ,i+ - )earson $ducation - 2004.

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UNIT(I SECTI0N(A (7 +AR2S) 1. ,e ine $r%onomics.
2. 3. 4. $. Expand (i) WIMP (II) VDU What is Interactivity? Define !""and #ine interface. What is "ean %y &ey%!ard acce#erates?

SECTI0N(1 (16 +AR2S)

'. Exp#ain in detai# a%!(t "!de# !f interacti!n. 2. Descri%e a%!(t E#e"ents !f the WIMP interface. 3. Disc(ss in detai# a%!(t interacti!n sty#e.

UNIT(II SECTI0N(A (7 +AR2S) 1. 2. 7. 4. :. (hat is ,esi%n. ,e ine &tor'-oard. (hat is &cenarios. ,e ine 89C notation. ,e ine "hite space. SECTI0N(1 (16 +AR2S) 1. 2i*e a detailed note a-out 0a*i%ation ,esi%n. 2. $+plain in detail a-out &o t"are ;i ec'cle. 7. ,iscuss a-out ,esi%n 4ationale. UNIT(III SECTI0N(A (7 +AR2S) 1. 2. 7. 4. (hat is pi+els. ,e ine Tool#it. $+pand <i= 2>& <ii= )HI2& ,e ine post script.

SECTI0N(1 (16 +AR2S) 1. $+plain -rie l' a-out )ro%rammin% 5pplication. 2. ,iscuss a-out /ser Inter ace Mana%ement s'stem. 7. ,escri-e a-out elements o (indo"s &'stem. UNIT(IV SECTI0N(A (7 +AR2S) 1. 2. 7. 4. :. (hat is $*aluation. (hat is ,ata anal'sis. ,e ine co%niti*e (al#throu%h. (hat is mean -' /IM$. ,e ine 5utomatic protocol anal'sis tool. SECTI0N(1 (16 +AR2S) 1. $+plain -rie l' a-out $*aluation throu%h e+pert anal'sis. 2. ,escri-e a-out choosin% an $*aluation methods. 7. $+plain in detail a-out uni*ersal ,esi%n principles. UNIT(V SECTI0N(A (7 +AR2S) 1. 2. 7. 4. ,e ine (i?ards. (hat are online documentations. ,e ine online tutorials. (hat is conte+t sensiti*e help. SECTI0N(1 (16 +AR2S) 1. $+plain a-out 5pproach to user support. 2. ,iscuss in detail a-out 4e3uirements o user support. 7. $+plain -rie l' a-out 5dapti*e Help &'stems.

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