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Negation Exercises I. Which of the following sentences are assertive and which are non-assertive?

They like her a lot. Are you listening to me? Arent you listening to me? He never listens. We didnt come here just to talk. Come with me. Dont do that. I you like her! dont "other her. #he cant wait to read that "ook. #he inally admitted! didnt she? Hasnt she arrived? I you like ja$$! listen to this. #he is more interesting than anyone I have ever seen. It is odd that you should like #artre so much. II. Which of the following sentences exhibit forms of semantic/ syntactic negation? His o"servation is non%scienti ic and it is also irrelevant. &ill isnt interested in synta' and his riends are not interested in synta'. He disa((roves o mothers going out to work. He doesnt a((rove o mothers going out to work. )ikitas un(leasant ace a((eared on T* last Thursday night. )ikitas un(leasant ace did not a((ear on T* last Thursday night. )ikitas not very un(leasant ace did not a((ear on T* last Thursday night. )ikitas not very un(leasant ace a((eared on T* last night. )ikitas not very un(leasant ace didnt a((ear on T* last night. III. Translate the following sentences into English, paying attention to the distinction between full and local that is word or phrasal! negation" )u era li(sit+ de gra,ie -i de rumuse,e. C.nd a a lat vestea! nu s%a sim,it deloc /nc.ntat. )u cu mult+ vreme /n urm+! toat+ lumea c+l+torea cu tr+sura. I%a tre"uit nu (u,in+ iscusin,+ s+ re$olve (ro"lema. )u /l (re er+ (e 0ohn /n mod s(ecial. 1l (re er+ (e 0ohn! dar nu /n mod s(ecial. )u era neo"i-nuit de de-te(t.

2ra neo"i-nuit de -mecher. 2ra el destul de iste,! dar nu neo"i-nuit. Deloc interesat de con erin,+! domnul 0ones s%a ridicat -i a (lecat din sal+. Domnul 0ones nu era deloc interest de discu,iile din sal+. )u tocmai convin-i de ceea ce au$iser+! cei doi ra,i -i%au luat inima /n din,i -i au (rotestat. )u erau nel+muri,i! ci doar indeci-i. )u neg c+ aceast+ culoare m+ (rinde de minune. A negat cu t+rie orice leg+tur+ cu crima comis+ cu o sear+ /nainte. )u mic+ i%a ost mirarea s+ vad+ c.t de "ine se /n,elegeau cei doi. I#. Which are the implied affirmative sentences with the following negative sentences? They did not tell #usan the truth a"out 0im. #usan did not get married to 0im. I dont like her very much. We dont come here o ten. #usan was not "itten "y a dog. #he does not hate animals. They didnt leave. #. $ay whether the following are instances of local or sentence negation by %sing the tests for negativity" I dont know much a"out him. I can hardly understand what they are saying. 3ou have never met her. I havent ever seen such a thing. #hould they not have told her the truth? )ot in re4uently! they go skiing in the mountains. In no time he was a"le to solve the (ro"lem. At no time was he a"le to solve the (ro"lem. )ot always a witty interlocutor! 0im elt rather at a loss or words. They caused us no (ro"lems. )o (ro"lems were caused a ter all. This "oy is no good. 5ew o them stayed "ehind.

A ew o them stayed "ehind. #I. &isting%ish between the sentences which exhibit negative insertion or contraction, negative attraction and negative incorporation" They didnt send many students a"road. I showed him nothing. )ot many women are amous o(era com(osers. )ot a word ell rom her li(s. #he said not a word when I s(oke to her. It didnt take him a minute to tell her the secret. )ot a minute did it take him to tell her the secret. )o one ever listens to her. )one o them liked house music. )ot one o them came to meet her. They didnt come to meet her. I saw no"ody. I didnt see any"ody. They never went there. They didnt ever tell her what "othered them. He should not "e released. #II. 'araphrase the following instances of incomplete negation by means of negative insertion, negative attraction or negative incorporation" I can "arely look him in the eye. I could hardly wait to hear the news. This is hardly the time to "uy yoursel a new ur coat. I scarcely ever see her. Hardly any"ody liked him. 3ouve eaten hardly anything. I seldom look at her like that. 5ew (eo(le came to see her. 3ou can hardly "lame me or your mistakes. I hardly ever look at those (aintings.

#III. (ephrase the following sentences ma)ing them emphatic emphasis is laid by placing the negative word in the first position inside the sentence, which triggers inversion!" I shall never! never trust a man again. 6ne can have (eace in li e only "y avoiding them altogether. A truer word has seldom "een s(oken7 This nation scarcely ever in the (ast aced so great a danger. There is rarely an o((ortunity or us to serve the community in this way. )othing like that ever ha((ened in our street "e ore. We seldom receive such generous (raise. Ann gave him the use o her lat and lent him a car as well. I*. (eform%late the sentences below in s%ch a way that they become instances of negative transportation" 0ohn claims that #usan doesnt trust him. I su((ose she doesnt care! does she? Its likely that he wont hel( her. I e'(ect he wont come here again. I thought I didnt have to do it mysel . They "elieve she does not like them. They suggested that she should not meet 0im. He reckoned he would not win her over.

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