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About Company
Jain Irrigation Systems Ltd. was established in the year 1987. Jain Irrigation Systems Ltd. (JISL) derives its name from the pioneering wor it did for the !i"ro Irrigation Ind#stry in India. Jain Irrigation Systems Limited (Jain Irrigation) is one of the leading agri$b#siness "ompanies in India. %he "ompany& together with its s#bsidiaries were engaged in the prod#"tion and distrib#tion of irrigation systems& polyethylene pipes and plasti" prod#"ts. %he "ompany offers drip irrigation system& sprin ler irrigation system& '() pipes and fittings& '* pipes and fittings& solar water heaters and photovoltai" applian"es. %he "ompany offers plasti" pipes& '() and ') sheets& plasti" sheets& mango p#lp& p#ree and "on"entrate& and dehydrated onion. It provides vario#s servi"es& in"l#ding soil& water and engineering analysis& water reso#r"e estimation& irrigation and fertigation s"hed#ling& "rop planning& mar eting assistan"e and other agronomi"al s#pport servi"es.

+inan"ial Servi"es and other agri"#lt#ral inp#ts sin"e last ,7 years. -e render "ons#ltan"y for "omplete or partial pro.e"t planning and implementation e.g. -atershed or -asteland and / or )rop Sele"tion and 0otation.
)#rrently& the "ompany operates in 112 "o#ntries with ,3 offi"es o#tside India. %he "ompany has 13 man#fa"t#ring fa"ilities in "o#ntries li e 4S5& Israel& Swit6erland& %#r ey and others. Jain Irrigation is head7#artered in Jalgaon& !aharashtra& India.

Yea o! Estab"#s$ment Le(a" Status o! )# m Natu e o! ,us#ness Numbe o! Emp"oyees Tu no/e


Pub"#* L#m#te+ Company

Supp"#e - Manu!a*tu e - E.po te - Se /#*e P o/#+e Mo e t$an 1000 Peop"e

Mo e t$an Rs. 100 C o e 2 o Mo e t$an 3S4 100 Mn App o..5

6. A7a + 8 Re*o(n#t#ons
List of Awards received by Jain Irrigation Systems Ltd. Jalgaon S.N. 1 , 3 = Name of Award / Honour 8#siness Standard $ )S0 5ward :ashal ar !emorial 5ward +!8 (!anaging <lobalisation of the family b#siness) 5ward 5ward of *>"ellent -inner 9 !an#fa"t#ring )ategory ;#tstanding "ontrib#tion to the development of +ood 'ro"essing Ind#stries in the )o#ntry (for the year ,211) (please "he" this "iatation from original "ertifi"ate) !anaged So"ial )ontrib#tion in their +amily 8#siness +or Leadership& Innovation and "ontin#o#s Involvement and Investment in the 5gri"#lt#re %e"hnology ? Irrigation Se"tor in Israel and in India and "ontrib#tion to Israel$5sia )o$operation (please "he" this "iatation from original "ertifi"ate) ;#tstanding "ontrib#tion towards "a#se of water private se"tor Bational Statesman for e>ellen"e in b#siness pra"ti"es. +or impa"ting the lives of over three million farmers by helping them shift to more s"ientifi" and s#stainable agri"#lt#re. (please "he" this "iatation from original "ertifi"ate) !ost So"ially 0esponsible *>porter (please "he" this "iatation from original "ertifi"ate) Signifi"ant )ontrib#tions in A#ality ? *>ports of 5gri"#lt#re ? 'ro"essed +ood 'rod#"ts (please "he" this "iatation from original "ertifi"ate) ;#tstanding -or in 5gri"#lt#re Large *nterprise 5gri"#lt#ral or +orestry !a"hinery and 'arts 0an ed 3rd in %op 12 )#stomers in 7#antity lifting of 'olyethylene grade d#ring year ,212$11 ;#tstanding "ontrib#tion in the field of 5gri Se"tor Doff hat to s#stainable development Citation Year ,213 ,21, ,213 ,213

@ 1 7

57#a *>"ellen"e 5ward Aimpro 'latin#m Standard 5ward %he <ood )ompany 5ward

,21, ,21, ,21,

8 9 12 11 1, 13 1= 1@ 11 17 18

Indian *>porterCs *>"ellen"e 5ward $,21, 5'*D5 *>port 5ward I+) In"l#sive 5gri$8#siness Leadership 5ward Star 'erformer +ali"itation <,2 )hallenge on In"l#sive 8#siness Innovation <reen 8#siness Leaders )orporate +ellowship ,nd Bational 5wards for %e"hnology Innovation <ood <reen <overnan"e +!8 (!anaging <lobalisation of the family b#siness) 5ward

,21, ,21, ,21, ,21, ,21, ,21, ,21,

+or "ommitment to the f#rtheran"e of Eorti"#lt#re 0esear"h and Development (ta en ,21, from original "itation) 'olymers in 5gri"#lt#re and -ater )onservation ;#tstanding wor to generate 8iogas and *le"tri"ity from +ood 'ro"essing wastege material (please "he" this "iatation from original "ertifi"ate) !anaging <lobalisation of the family b#ssiness ,21, ,21, ,21,

-e have "ome a long way and have re"eived 12 International& 1== Bational and =2 State for o#r o#tstanding performan"e in +air 8#siness 'ra"ti"es& *ntreprene#rship& 0esear"h and Development and *>ports. ;#r 4nflin"hing "ommitment to 7#ality has won #s "#stomers the world over from 5ngola to 5rgentina& 5#stralia to 5meri"a& Bepal to Betherlands and 45* to 4:. %he internationally prestigio#s F)rawford 0eid !emorial 5wardF instit#ted by Irrigation 5sso"iation& 4S5 was "onferred on o#r "hairman !r. 8. E. Jain. for FSignifi"ant )ontrib#tion to the Irrigation Ind#stry o#tside the 4nited StatesF. !r. Jain is the first Indian and se"ond 5sian to have re"ieved this award. Ee has been re"ently hono#red .ointly by 4B*S); and -5%*0 DI<*S% by "onferring on him F-5%*0 );BS*0(*0 ;+ IBDI5F award for his wor of so"iety #pliftment. %hese have been stated "hronologi"ally from 1978 till ,221.

!rofile of "irectors
#r. $%avarlal H. Jain is the +o#nder of the Jain gro#p of "ompanies and )hairman of the )ompany. Ee began his b#siness in 1913 by trading in agri"#lt#ral inp#ts and e7#ipments. In 1978& he a"7#ired a si" #nit whi"h he #sed to man#fa"t#re 'apain. In 1982& he "ommen"ed '() 'ipe man#fa"t#ring operations. 'ost 1981& he pioneered the "on"ept of mi"ro irrigation in India. Ee has re"eived many awards and a""olades for o#tstanding wor in agri"#lt#re in"l#ding the prestigio#s )rawford 0eid !emorial 5ward instit#ted by Irrigation 5sso"iation& 4.S.5. for FSignifi"ant )ontrib#tion to the Irrigation Ind#stry o#tside the 4nited StatesF. 3 honorary do"torates have been "onferred on him from different #niversities a" nowledging path brea ing wor he has done for improvement of agri"#lt#re in India. !#"h more details abo#t a !#lti Dimensional 'ersonality. #r. As%o& $. Jain is the (i"e )hairman of the )ompany. Ee holds a grad#ate degree in "ommer"e from '#ne 4niversity& India. Ee .oined management team in 198, and was in "harge of mar eting and e>tension servi"es in !aharashtra and other States. In 1993 he be"ame Dire"tor and was responsible for )orporate 5dministration& )orporate Image and 0elationships& *vents !anagement& 'ersonnel/E#man 0eso#r"e Development& )omm#ni"ation& '#bli" 0elations& 5rt and '#bli"ity. 5t present he also a"ts as dire"tor in "harge of the +ood 'ro"essing Division.

#r. Anil $. Jain has been the !anaging Dire"tor of the )ompany sin"e 1993. Ee has "ommer"e degree from '#ne 4niversity and Law Degree from !#mbai 4niversity. Ee .oined management team in 198= and was in "harge of o#r 4S based mar eting operations. !r. 5nil Jain has an e>tensive ba" gro#nd and e>perien"e in +inan"e& 8an ing& !ergers ? 5"7#isitions& Strategi" 'lanning& 0estr#"t#ring ;perations& *>port !ar eting& International 8#siness 0elations& )ollaborations and Joint (ent#res.

#r. A'it $. Jain has been the Joint !anaging Dire"tor of the )ompany sin"e 199=. Ee is a engineering grad#ate from Dnyaneshwar 4niversity. Ee is dire"tor in "harge of drip irrigation division in"l#ding g#idan"e for e>tension servi"e and development of new appli"ations and prod#"ts. Ee .oined management of )ompany in 198= and started his training in prod#"tion and maintenan"e in the pipe division. D#ring the period from 198@G1992& he was in "harge of establishing o#r new pipe prod#"tion plant in !adhya 'radesh. In 1991& he was appointed Dire"tor with the overall responsibility of the pipe man#fa"t#ring plant at Jalgaon& in"l#ding prod#"tion& maintenan"e and mar eting. #r. Atul $. Jainhas been the Joint !anaging Dire"tor of the )ompany sin"e ,211. Ee holds a grad#ate degree in "ommer"e from '#ne 4niversity& India. Ee .oined the management team in 199,. +rom 199=G,222& he was in "harge of o#r *#rope$based mar eting operations and was responsible for developing and maintaining the mar et for '() Sheets& Dehydrated ;nion& +r#it '#lp et". 'resently& he fo"#ses on mar eting o#r prod#"ts on a global basis in addition to being dire"tor in "harge of piping division.

#r. . Swaminat%an is a Dire"tor and )hemi"al *ngineer responsible for man#fa"t#ring operations in 'olyt#be& Sprin ler& '() ? ') Sheets and '() ? '* 'ipe #nits. !r. Swaminathan has 32 years of e>perien"e in operation and maintenan"e a"tivities of plants handling s#"h things as Solvent *>tra"tion& 'lasti"s *>tr#sion and In.e"tion !o#lding. Ee .oined the Jain <ro#p in 198, and was appointed a f#ll$time Dire"tor in 1991.

#r. ames% C.A. Jain (IAS etd.) *Inde+endent, is a Dire"tor of the )ompany. Ee holds a 8a"helor of 5rts Degree from the 4niversity of 0a.asthan& a 8a"helor of Law Degree from the 4niversity of 8ombay and a 'ost$grad#ate Diploma in Development 5dministration from the 4niversity of !an"hester in the 4nited :ingdom. Ee has 12 years of e>perien"e in the ind#strial development and finan"ial se"tors. In ,223 he was Se"retary of the Department of 5gri"#lt#re and )ooperation in the !inistry of 5gri"#lt#re in Bew Delhi and was responsible for the form#lation and implementation of national poli"ies and programmes for agri"#lt#ral development. In ,22=& before .oining the +ood and 5gri"#lt#re ;rgani6ation of the 4nited Bations as its )o#ntry 0epresentative in the 'hilippines& he held the post of !ember Se"retary& Bational )ommission on +armers& established by the <overnment of India. #r. -asant -. .arty (Lender Bominee appointed by S8I) (is a Dire"tor and was appointed on !ay 13& ,22= by State 8an of India& the lead ban for "onsorti#m of wor ing "apital ban ers. Ee is a grad#ate in arts and law and holds a diploma in !anagerial 5""o#nting from Jamnalal 8a.a. Instit#te& in addition to having passed )5II8. !r. -arty .oined State 8an of India as a 'robationary ;ffi"er in ;"tober 1911 and has held vario#s positions within the field of 8ran"h !anagement& in"l#ding International 8an ing fa"#lty member of State 8an staff "ollege& Honal ;ffi"e in !#mbai& <! )ommer"ial 8an ing and )<! ;rissa State.

#rs. ad%i&a C. !ereira *Inde+endent, is a Dire"tor. She is a grad#ate of !#mbai 4niversity "on"entrating in s"ien"e and law& and holds an LL! from )ambridge (*ngland) and Earvard (4S5). )#rrently& she is a 'artner of D#dhat& 'ereira and 5sso"iates& 5dvo"ates& !#mbai. 'rior to .oining D#dhat& 'ereira and 5sso"iates& she wor ed with !#lla ? !#lla& )ragie& 8l#nt ? )aroe& 5dvo"ates and Soli"itors& !#mbai& 5rth#r 5nderson ? )o& !#mbai and as a 'artner in 4dwadia ? 4deshi& 5dvo"ates& !#mbai.

#r. " #e%ta is a Dire"tor appointed on ,1.1,.,227. Ee is grad#ate of 5rts and Law from 0a.asthan 4niversity. Ee also st#died at 0oyal Instit#te of '#bli" 5dministration& London and 5lfred Sloan S"hool of !anagement& !I%& 8oston. Ee .oined Indian 5dministrative Servi"e in 1911 and held important positions in the <ovt. of 0a.asthan and later in <ovt. of India. Ee was the )hairman of Se"#rities and *>"hange 8oard of India (S*8I)& Ee has been "redited with transforming the )apital !ar et in India into a modern& effi"ient& safe& vibrant and a very investor friendly one. Eis prior prestigio#s postings in"l#de the Dep#ty <overnor of 0eserve 8an of India& Dire"tor <eneral of +oreign %rade& !inistry of )ommer"e& and 5dditional Se"retary& 8an ing& !inistry of +inan"e.

#r. /%ans%yam "ass has had an o#tstanding "areer in domesti"& international ban ing and )apital !ar ets for over 3, years& d#ring whi"h he developed a firm #nderstanding of the "omple>ities of international mar ets. Ee is thoro#ghly familiar with the reg#latory and b#siness environment in 4S5& *#ropean 4nion& So#th *ast 5sia& %he !iddle *ast& India and other ma.or money$"enter lo"ations. !r Dass is an 5dvisor to Intel )apital& member of %i*& 5sso"iation of 8iote"h Led *nterprises (58L*)& 8angalore Eardware %as +or"e& +o#nder !ember 5sso"iation of ;#tso#r"ing 'rofessionals (5;')& !ember 5"ademi" )o#n"il G 4nion 8an S"hool of !anagement& !ember of the )II Bational )o#n"il on )orporate <overnan"e and 0eg#latory +ramewor and )II Bational )ommittee on )apital !ar ets and <overnment Bominee on the <overning )o#n"il of %he Instit#te of )ompany Se"retaries of India (I)SI). !r Dass is a member of 8ri" wor 0atings )ommittee (5 )redit 0ating 5gen"y) and (i"e 'resident :arnata a 5thleti"s 5sso"iation as also Independent Dire"tor on the board of Dhanala shmi 8an . "r Arun 0umar Jain is one of IndiaIs best nown strategy s"holars and a#thor. -idely traveled& he has ta#ght at leading 4niversities in 4S5& 4:& <ree"e& +ran"e& <ermany& and Singapore. Ee holds honorary "hairs as Disting#ished 'rofessor of )orporate <overnan"e and Strategy at S' Jain )enter for !anagement& Singapore ? D#bai& and 5ffiliated 'rofessor of Strategy& International 8#siness and )orporate <overnan"e at *! Strasbo#rg S"hool of 8#siness& Strasbo#rg (+ran"eIs largest 4niversity) and previo#sly 0esear"h )hair 'rofessor at <erman <rad#ate S"hool of 8#siness and Law (<ermany) and )hairman ? 'resident of )enter for 5""elerated Learning& Innovation& and )ompetitiveness (<ermany). Eis resear"h has been p#blished in international .o#rnals in"l#ding Earvard 8#siness 0eview. 5ll his boo s on general management& vi6. )ompetitive *>"ellen"eJ )orporate *>"ellen"eJ and !anaging <lobal )ompetition have re"eived IndiaIs 8est 8oo 5wards. Eis two te>tboo s& )rafting and *>e"#ting Strategy (r#nning in 11th edition) and International 8#siness (in 1th edition) are standard !85 te>ts in India and abroad. Dr Jain is a gold$medalist me"hani"al engineer (having re"eived the K5ll$0o#nd 8est St#dentI award)& 'h.D. from Indian Instit#te of !anagement$5hmedabad (having re"eived I+)I ;#tstanding Do"toral 0esear"h 5ward)& and an al#mn#s of I+)$-orld 8an . 8efore .oining f#ll$time Indian Instit#te of !anagementGL#" now (India)& he was a fa"#lty at II!$8angalore. 'rofessor Jain has presented delivered eynotes at )o#n"il of *#rope (Strasbo#rg)& <lobal )orporate <overnan"e +or#m at -ashington& -orld 8an /I+)& 8#ndesban (<ermany)& <lobal +or#m for International Investment ('aris)& ;*)D at 'aris and )openhagen& 4B)%5D& !I%I (Japan)& *#ropean 4nion (8r#ssels)& )ommonwealth Se"retariat (4:)& India$<ermany 8#siness +or#m (<ermany)& et". Dr Jain writes a fortnightly "ol#mn on global strategy& innovation and val#e$based "orporate governan"e for +inan"ial )hroni"le and his arti"les "an be a""essed at9http9//www.mydigitalf"."om/,AA9/ar#n$ #mar$.ain.

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