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21: for

Lesson Excise


Lesson Objectives On completion of this lesson, you will learn how to

Configure Excise for Manufacturers in Tally.ERP 9 Record Excise Purchase and ales
!enerate Excise Reports

Excise for Manufacturers

Excise duty or "uty of Excise is a tax on goods produced or manufactured in #ndia and intended for home consumption i.e, sale in #ndia. The Excise duty is chargea$le at the time of production or manufacturing, $ut for con%enience it is charged at the time of remo%al. #t is $asically an indirect tax on the manufacturer or producer which is passed on to the ultimate consumer. The le%y and collection of duty of Excise is pro%ided under authority of the Central Excise &ct, '9(( at the rates specified under Central Excise Tariff &ct, '9)*. The duty is commonly referred to as the +asic Excise "uty. Certain items li,e fi$re, yarn and so on also attract &dditional Excise "uty under &dditional "uties of Excise -Textiles and Textile &rticles. &ct, '9/* in addition to +asic duty of Excise. 21.1 Basic Concepts of Excise Duty The following are some of the $asic terms related to Excise. 21.1.1 Scope and pp!icabi!ity Excisa$le goods means goods specified in the schedule to the Central Excise Tariff &ct, '9)* as $eing su$0ect to a duty of excise. The $asic conditions to $e satisfied are, The goods must $e mo%a$le.

2 2

The goods must $e mar,eta$le i.e., salea$le in the mar,et as such goods. &ctual sale of goods in the mar,et is not necessary as excise duty is chargea$le on manufacture and not on sale. The goods must $e specified in the Central Excise Tariff &ct. "#o is a Manufacturer $ Manufacturer is a person who actually manufactures or produces excisa$le goods, i.e. one that actually $rings into existence a new and identifia$le product. "#at is Excisab!e %oods $ Excisa$le goods means, goods specified in the schedule to the Central Excise Tariff &ct, '9)* as $eing su$0ect to a duty of excise. &ypes of Excise Duties &s per Excise &ct, the %arious duties of Excise are explained $elow 1 '. Basic Excise Duty1 This is the duty charged under section 2 of the Central Excises and alt &ct,'9(( on all excisa$le goods other than salt which are produced or manufactured in #ndia. +asic Excise "uty 3also ,nown as Central 4alue &dded Tax -CE54&T.6 is le%ied at the rates specified in Central Excise Tariff &ct. 7. Specia! Excise Duty1 &s per ection 2/ of the 8inance &ct,'9/) pecial excise "uty was le%9 ied on all excisa$le goods on which +asic excise "uty was le%ied under the Central Excises and alt &ct,'9((. pecial Excise "uty is le%ied at the rates specified in the econd chedule to Central Excise Tariff &ct, '9)*. 2. Education Cess on excise duty1 ection 92 of 8inance -5o. 7. &ct, 7::( states that educa9 tion cess is ;duty of excise;, to $e calculated on aggregate of all duties of excise including spe9 cial excise duty or any other duty of excise, $ut excluding education cess on excisa$le goods. (. Excise duty in case of c!earances by EO' 1 The EO< units are expected to export all their production. =owe%er, if they clear their final product in "T& -domestic tariff area., the rate of excise duty will $e e>ual to customs duty on li,e article if imported in #ndia. *. (ationa! Ca!a)ity contin*ent Duty +(CCD,1 & ;5ational Calamity Contingent "uty; -5CC". has $een imposed %ide section '2? of 8inance &ct, 7::' 3clause '79 of 8inance +ill, 7::', w.e.f. '.2.7::'6. This duty is imposed on pan masala, chewing to$acco and cigarettes. ?. Duties under ot#er cts1 ome duties and cesses are le%ied on manufactured products under other &cts. The administrati%e machinery of central excise is used to collect those taxes. Pro%isions of Central Excise &ct and Rules ha%e $een made applica$le for le%y and collection of these duties @ cesses. /. dditiona! Duty on *oods of specia! i)portance 9 ome goods of special importance are le%ied &dditional Excise under &dditional "uties of Excise -!oods of 3

pecial #mportance. &ct, '9*/. The ;&dditional "uty; is in addition to excise duty. This scheme was introduced $ased on the suggestion made $y the manufacturers to !o%ernment, that multiple le%el taxes and duties should $e a%oided. Ae%y and collection of all taxes at one stage $y single authority will $e con9 %enient for payment and administration. =ence, $y agreement $etween Central and tate !o%9 ernments, it was decided to ma,e a $eginning in '9*/, $y selecting some items where additional duty will $e collected instead of sales tax and such additional duty will $e distri$uted

Excise for Manufacturers

among %arious tates. Re%enue from this duty is distri$uted among tate !o%ernments on the $asis of percentages gi%en in the second schedule to the &ct. ome items co%ered are textile articles li,e cotton fa$rics, sil, and wool fa$rics, man9 made fi$res, terry fa$rics, metallised yarn, em$roideryB sugar, $randed to$acco, pan masala containing to$acco and cigarettes. ). Duty on Medica! and &oi!et preparations 1 &n duty of excise is imposed on medical prepara9 tions under Medical and Toilet Preparations -Excise "uties. &ct, '9**. 9. dditiona! duty on )inera! products 9 &dditional duty on mineral products -li,e motor spirit, ,erosene, diesel and furnace oil. is paya$le under Mineral Products -&dditional "uties of Excise and Customs. &ct, '9*). ':. dditiona! Custo)s Duty co))on!y -no.n as countervai!in* Duty +C/D, 1 Counter%ailing duty -C4". is imposed on the #mports. ''.Specia! dditiona! Duty of Custo)s +Specia! C/D, 1 pecial C4" is $eing imposed on items $ound under the #nformation Technology &greement -except information technology software., and also on specified inputs@raw materials for manufacture of electronics@#T goods. '7. dditiona! Duties of Excise +&exti!es and &exti!e rtic!es, 0 ED +&& ,1 '2. dditiona! Duty of Excise +&ea and &ea "aste, 0 ED +&&",1 '(. Secondary 2i*#er Education Cess 21.1.2 Excise /a!uation Met#ods 4alue of the excisa$le goods has to $e necessarily determined to le%y the duty on the goods. <nder the Central Excise &ct, '9((, the following methods of %aluation of goods are considered for the assessment of "uty. '. d va!ore)@ &ransaction /a!ue1 Transaction %alue means the %alue of goods which are sold at the time and place of remo%al and includes in addition to the amount charged as price, any amount that the $uyer is lia$le to pay to, including any amount charged for, or to ma,e pro%i9 sion for, ad%ertising or pu$licity, mar,eting and selling, organiCation expenses, storage, out9 ward handling, ser%icing, warranty, commission or any other matter. Transaction %alue, on each remo%al of goods, shall $e determined on the fulfilment of the following conditions1 The goods should $e sold at the time and place of remo%al +uyer and &ssessee should not $e related Price should $e the sole consideration for the sale 5 Each remo%al will $e treated as a separate transaction and ; va!ue; for each

Excise for Manufacturers

Excise for Manufacturers

remo%al will $e separately fixed. 7. d 3uantu)1 #n case of &d Duantum, the duty is paya$le on the $asis of certain units Ai,e Eeight, Aength, %olume etc. 8or Example, "uty on cigarette is paya$le on the $asis of length of the cigarette, duty on ugar is $ased on per Fg. 2. /a!ue deter)ined on t#e basis of Maxi)u) 4etai! Sa!e 5rice 1 Retail sale price means the maximum price at which the excisa$le goods in pac,aged form may $e sold to the ultimate consumer and includes all taxes local or otherwise, freight, transport charges, commission paya$le to dealers, and all charges towards ad%ertisement, deli%ery, pac,ing, forwarding and the li,e, as the case may $e, and the price is the sole consideration for such sale.

Excise for Manufacturers

The following factors need to $e considered while determining the %alue on the $asis of maximum retail sale price Ehere, on the pac,ages of any excisa$le goods, more than one retail sale price is declared, the maximum of such retail sale price shall $e deemed to $e the retail sale price Ehere, the retail price, declared on the pac,age of any excisa$le goods at the time of its clearance from the place of manufacture, is altered to increase the retail sale price, such altered retail sale price shall $e deemed to $e the retail sale price. Ehere, different retail sale prices are declared on different pac,ages for the sale of any excisa$le goods in pac,aged form in different areas, each such retail price shall $e the retail sale price for the purposes of %aluation of the excisa$le goods intended to $e sold in the area to which the retail sale price relates. 21.1.6 CE(/ & Credit The !o%ernment entitles the manufacturer of excisa$le goods to ta,e credit of Excise duty paid on the inputs or raw materials ,nown as CE54&T Credit. & manufacturer or producer can a%ail CE54&T Credit on the following duties as specified in the Cen%at Credit Rules, 7::7. Basic Excise Duty on inputs specified in the 8irst chedule to Central Excise tariff &ct -corresponding C4" on imported goods is allowa$le.. Specia! Excise Duty on goods specified in the econd -corre9 sponding C4" on imported goods is allowa$le.. chedule to the Tariff &ct

dditiona! Excise Duty paid under &dditional "uties of Excise -Textile and Textile &rticle.. dditiona! Excise Duty paid under &dditional "uties of Excise -!oods of #mpor9 tance.. (ationa! Ca!a)ity Contin*ent duty -5CC".. dditiona! custo) duty le%ia$le under Customs Tariff &ct - pl. C4". Education Cess and econdary and =igher Education Cess on C4" pecial

Education Cess and econdary and =igher Education Cess on Excise "uty.

dditiona! Excise Duty paid under Clause )* of 8inance +ill,7::* on Pan Masala and Certain other To$acco products. Service tax on input ser%ices. Education Cess and econdary G =igher Education Cess paid on ser%ice tax. This credit can $e utilised only for payment of education cess on the final product 7

Excise for Manufacturers

or output ser%ices. 21.1.7 4e*istration of Manufacturers E%ery manufacturer of excisa$le goods on which excise duty is le%ia$le or persons who desire to issue CE54&T&+AE in%oices under the pro%isions of the CE54&T Credit Rules, 7::' are re>uired to $e registered as per the procedure prescri$ed in Rule 9 of Central Excise -5o. 7. Rules 7::'. The registration is %alid only for the premises it is granted. Ehere the manufacturer or dealer, has more than one premise it is necessary to o$tain a separate registration for each premises from the respecti%e Range uperintendent ha%ing 0urisdiction o%er the premises, whether it $e a factory or a depot @ $ranch office desiring to issue CE54&T in%oices.

Excise for Manufacturers

The registration num$ers are P&5 $ased '* digit alpha numeric. The first part denotes ': character -alpha numeric. Permanent &ccount num$er issued $y #ncome tax authorities and the second part comprises of a fixed 7 character alpha code which is as follows1
Cate*ory Central Excise Manufacturer -#ncluding registered warehouses. Registered "ealer Co de H M H "

This is followed $y a three character numeric code 9 ::', ::7, ::2 etc., i.e, where a manufacturer has only one factory @ dealer;s premise @ warehouse, the last three character will $e ::'. #f there are more than one factories @ dealer;s premises @ warehouses of such a person holding common P&5 for all such premises, the last three characters would $e ::7, ::2 etc.

21.1.8 4e9uire)ents of Excise :nvoice

The Registered Aocation of a manufacturer is re>uired to issue in%oice in the prescri$ed format containing the following details1

Minimum four copies of #n%oice are re>uired to $e prepared and the copies of the in%oice should $e mar,ed at the top in the following manner1

Original copy should $e mar,ed as Original for +uyer "uplicate should $e mar,ed as "uplicate for Transporter -to $e used for a%ailing CE54&T

credit. Triplicate should $e mar,ed as Triplicate for Central Excise Duadruplicate should $e mar,ed as Duadruplicate for Registered person The dealer is re>uired to issue only one in%oice in respect of the consignment wherein all the pac,ages are dispatched in one lot. =owe%er, in cases where the consignment is dis9 patched separately either on the same day or on different days or loaded on more than one %ehicle, a separate in%oice shall $e made out for each lot or consignment. The copies of the in%oices issued $y a first stage dealer and a second stage dealer shall $e mar,ed at the top as 8irst tage "ealer and econd tage "ealer respecti%ely. 5ame, address and Central Excise Registration num$er of the registered location issuing the in%oice, name of the 0urisdictional range @ "i%ision @ Commissionerate 9

Excise for Manufacturers

and company;s #ncome Tax 5um$er and ales Tax Registration 5um$er should pre9printed on the #n%oice. Only one in%oice $oo, of each type shall $e used $y the registered location. Each CE54&T #n%oice issued $y the location should $ear a printed serial num$er, $egin9 ning from 'st &pril of the year.


Excise for Manufacturers

The serial num$ers of the in%oices to $e used are to $e intimated to the respecti%e 0urisdic9 tional &ssistant Commissioner of Central Excise and o$tain a dated ac,nowledgement of such intimation. Records and #n%oice generated through computer are also recogniCed. #n that case, the serial num$er li,ely to $e used in the f:.orthcoming >uarter should $e intimated to the &sst. Commissioner. &s soon as the said serial 5os. are exhausted, a re%ised intimation may $e sent. uch registered Aocation should also send details of the software used including the format for information of the &sst. Commissioner in case he demands. #n case of Records and #n%oice generated through computer, the serial num$er li,ely to $e used in the forthcoming >uarter should $e intimated to the 0urisdictional &ssistant Commis9 sioner of Central Excise. The details of software used including a format used for informa9 tion, is also re>uired to $e sent to the &ssistant Commissioner. 21.1.; &ypes of Duties and Met#od of Ca!cu!ation
Duties of Excise +asic Excise "uty -+E". pecial Excise "uty - E". &E" -! #. &E" -TT&. &E" -TTE. &E" -PMGT. 5CC" pecial &E" &E" on =igh peed "iesel Educational Cess =E Cess on Excise duty Counter%ailing "uty-C4". E" of C4" &E" -! #. of C4" &E" -TT&. of C4" &E" -TTE. of C4" &E" -PMGT. of C4" &ype Excise Excise Excise Excise Excise Excise Excise Excise Excise Excise Excise C4 " C4 " C4 " C4 " C4 " C4 " Met#od of Ca!cu!ation on &ssessa$le 4alue on &ssessa$le 4alue on &ssessa$le 4alue on +E" I E" on +E" I E" on +E" I E" on +E" I E" I &E" -! #. on Duantity on Duantity On Total Excise "uty On Total Excise "uty on &ssessa$le 4alueI +C" on &ssessa$le 4alueI +C" on &ssessa$le 4alueI +C" on C4" I E"JC4" on C4" I E"JC4" on C4" I E"JC4"


Excise for Manufacturers

5CC" of C4" pecial &E" of C4" &E" on =igh peed "iesel of C4"

C4 " C4 " C4 "

on C4" I E"JC4" I &E" -! #.JC4" on Duantity on Duantity


Excise for Manufacturers

Duties of Excise Educational Cess on C4" =E Cess on C4" +asic Custom "uty &dditional "uty on Customs Educational Cess on Customs =E Cess on Customs pecial Custom "uty

&ype C4 " C4 " Customs Customs Customs Customs Customs

Met#od of Ca!cu!ation On Total C4" On Total C4" on &ssessa$le 4alue on +C" on Total Customs and C4" on Total Customs and C4" on Current u$ Total

21.1.< &i)e and Mode of 5ay)ent of Duty

S.(o '. 5articu!ars &ssesses -Aarge <nits. who are not a%ailing the concession of duty $ased on turno%er 5eriodicit y 8ortnightl y Due On 2=t# of Date a month for the clearances made $etween 1st to 18t#. On 8t# of the su$se>uent month for clearance made $etween 1;t# to end of a )ont#. 18t# of the su$se>uent month



&ssessees who are neither Aarge <nits nor a%ailing concession of duty $ased on turno%er &ssessees a%ailing small scale industries - #. concession of duty $ased on



18t# of the su$se>uent month


Excise for Manufacturers In case of clearances made in the month of March, the payment should be made on the 31st of the same month.


Excise for Manufacturers

21.1.> 4eturns ? &i)e!ines

The following Returns are re>uired to $e filed under Excise for Manufacturers1 @or) (o. ERJ' 5articu!a rs Return $y &ssesses, who are not a%ailing the concession of duty $ased on turno%er -large units. -e9 Returns.. Return $y &ssessees, who are nei9 ther Aarge <nits nor a%ailing con9 cession of duty $ased on turno%er. Return $y large and Regular units 5eriodicit y Monthly Due Date On or $efore ':th of the su$se9 >uent month On or $efore ':th of the su$se9 >uent month On or $efore


Monthly Return for CE54&T



Return $y &ssessees a%ailing small scale industries - #. concession of duty $ased on turno%er


':th of the su$se9 >uent month -Eith EithinER9'. 7:days

from the close of >uarter

21.2 Confi*urin* Excise in &a!!y.E45 A

Tally.ERP 9Ks simple yet powerful Excise feature ena$les you to record transactions related to Excise with ease. The Excise functionality in Tally.ERP 9 has the following features1 Sa!ient @eatures of Excise in &a!!y.E45 A

imple and user9friendly. Easy to setup and use. &llows Multiple Excise units -Manufacturer as well as "ealer. in a ingle Company &llows Tariff -= 5. @ Commodity Code for Excisa$le items 8acilitates %arious Excise duty parameters li,e +E", &E" -! #., E", 5CC", &E" -T and T&., &E" -TGTE., Education Cess and so on. !enerate Excise #n%oice as per Rule '' of Excise Rules 7::'. &llows additional ledgers such as expenses @ incomes to form part of &ssessa$le %alue. &llows calculation of duty for different #tems under different %aluation methods in a single in%oice. &llows recording of Exempt, Export G pecial Rate transactions. 8acilitates re%ersal of CE54&T Credit and also full or partial CE54&T Credit on #nputs and Capital !oods@ er%ice Tax towards "uty paya$le.


Excise for Manufacturers

!enerate and print Excise payment challan in !.&.R. 9/ Challan.


Excise for Manufacturers

!enerate Excise Reports %iC., Excise Computation Report, PA& Register, CE54&T Credit Register, ER9' G ER92 returns.

21.2.1 Enab!in* Excise in &a!!y.E45 A

#tKs a one time configuration in Tally.ERP 9 for Excise features to $e ena$led for Manufacturers. Aet us consider the example of MBs. Meta! Craft En*ineerin* 5vt. Ltd.C who are engaged in the $usiness of manufacturing =ot Rolled +eams, Cold Rolled Channels, lotted angles and so on. Step 1 : Create Co)pany %o to %ate.ay of &a!!y D !t E @6: C)p :nfo D Create Co)panyB !ter

#n the Co)pany CreationB Co)pany !teration screen

pecify the CountryC State and ccounts .it# :nventory details Enter the other details as shown

The completed Co)pany Creation screen is displayed as shown1

Figure 21.1 Company Creation


Step 2 : Enab!e Excise

Excise for Manufacturers

To ena$le Excise for Manufacturers, follow the steps gi%en $elow 1


Excise for Manufacturers

!o to %ate.ay of &a!!y D @11: @eatures D Statutory ? &axation

et Enab!e Excise to Fes Ena$le SetB !ter Excise Detai!s to Fes

Figure 21.2 Enabling Exci e

The Excise 4e*istration Detai!s su$9form is displayed as shown1


Excise for Manufacturers

Figure 21.3 Exci e !egi tration "etail

(. 4e*istration &ype1 elect Manufacturer from Registration Types list *. ddressC &e!ep#one (o and 5:( Code1 &ddress, Telephone 5o. and P#5 Code details are captured from the company creation screen. #f re>uired, it can $e altered. ?. Excise Detai!s1 <nder this section pro%ide Excise "etails of the unit. Excise "etails will $e specific to the Registration Type selected.

Registration Type selected will be displayed below the heading - Excise Details to identify the unit as a manufacturer or a dealer.


Excise for Manufacturers

'nit Mai!in* (a)e1 The Mai!in* (a)e entered in the company creation will $e displayed as the <nit Mailing 5ame. #f re>uired, it can $e altered.


Excise for Manufacturers

Name entered in the Unit Mailing Name will be used in all Excise Reports.

Excise 4e*istration +ECC, (o.1 Enter 18 digits Excise Registration 5um$er -ECC. of the Company@<nit, e.g. G BCC622=DHL==6 Date of 4e*istration1 Enter the date of Excise registration, e.g. =1I=8I2==1 &ype of Manufacturer1 select the appropriate Manufacturer &ype from the list of Types of Manufacturer, e.g. Regular


Excise for Manufacturers

Figure 21.4 Exci e !egi tration "etail Lar*e &ax 5ayer 'nit +L&', Code 1 Enter the AT< code, if your company@unit is a large tax payer and has opted for assessment in Aarge Tax Payer <nit. S-ip the Lar*e &ax 5ayer 'nit +L&', Code field.


Excise for Manufacturers

Large Tax Payers are those assessees who pay large amounts of Tax. They are the eligible taxpayer for the purposes of being served by the LT . !or e.g." Rs.5 Crores.

Excise Boo- (a)e +as per 4u!e 11,1 Enter the Excise Boo- (a)e which is allowed $y the Commissioner of Central Excise for the company@unit. elect the option (e. (u)ber from the List of Excise Boo-s, to %iew Seria! (u)ber !teration +Secondary, screen.


Excise for Manufacturers

Figure 21.5 #erial $umber %lteration

(a)e1 Enter the excise in%oice e.g. $oo,MCEB4u!e11BBoo-I1B=AI1= name allowed $y the Commissioner of Central Excise for the company@unit, MCE 9 "enotes Co)pany (a)e.

4u!e 111 "enotes that in%oice $oo, is maintained as per Rule '' of Central Excise Rules.


Excise for Manufacturers

Boo-I11 "enotes the +oo, 5um$er, which is allowed for the current financial year. =AI1=1 "enotes the financial year. Met#od of (u)berin*1 +y default uto)atic +Manua! Override, is displayed as the method of num$ering.

It is recommended to use !tomatic "Man!al o#erri$e% method of numbering to automatically generate serial numbers for Excise Invoices in
Tally.ER# $.

5revent Dup!icates1 +y default this field will $e set to Fes. Startin* (u)ber1 Enter the Startin* /ouc#er (u)ber which is allowed $y the Com9 missioner of Central Excise. E.g. 1=1 "idt# of (u)erica! part1 Mention the width of the numerical part. 5refi!! .it# Jero1 when this option is set to (o the digits $efore the in%oice num$er will $e $lan,. #f this field is set to Les the in%oice num$er will $e prefilled with Meros $ased on the width of numerical part e.g. ====1-where the width of numerical part is set to *..

4estart (u)berin* 1 #n this enter the Startin* (u)ber as 1=1 and ensure under Particulars the Type of field Period is

Learly #n this section user can set the dates to restart the %oucher num$er $y defining the types of period -"aily, Monthly, 5e%er, wee,ly or Learly.. 5refix Detai!s1 =ere enter the information to $e prefixed with %oucher num$er

pp!icab!e @ro)1 Enter 1I7I2==A in pp!icab!e @ro) field. The date mentioned in this field indicates the date from when the prefix should $e displayed along with the %oucher num$er. 5articu!ars1 Enter the information to $e prefixed to the %oucher num$er E.g. MCEB Suffix Detai!s1 =ere enter the information to $e suffixed with the %oucher num$er 26

Excise for Manufacturers

pp!icab!e @ro): Enter 1I7I2==A in pp!icab!e @ro) field. The date mentioned in this field indicates the date from when the suffix should $e displayed along with the %oucher num$er. 5articu!ars1 Enter the information to $e suffixed to the %oucher num$er E.g. B=AI1=


Excise for Manufacturers

Figure 21.6 #erial $umber %lteration Tally.ERP 9 allows you to create more than one Excise +oo, 5ame for the same company or <nit. To create more seria! nu)bers, you can either follow the steps gi%en a$o%e or go to Seria! (u)ber option in ccounts info menu. /. Ot#er Detai!s1 #n this section enter 4an*eC Division and Co))issionerate details 4an*e1 Enter the code 5ame and &ddress of the range under which your company is reg9 istered. Code1 Enter Range Code as =A=8=; (a)e1 Enter Range 5ame as 2osur ddress1 Enter the 4an*e ddress Division1 Enter the code 5ame and &ddress of the di%ision under which your company is registered. Code1 Enter "i%ision Code as =A=8 28

Excise for Manufacturers

5ame1 Enter "i%ision 5ame as Division :: &ddress1 Enter the Division ddress Co))issionerate1 Enter the code 5ame and &ddress of the Commissionerate under which your company is registered. Code1 Enter Commissionerate Code as =;


Excise for Manufacturers

5ame1 Enter Commissionerate 5ame as Ban*a!ore / &ddress1 Enter the Co))issionerate ddress

Figure 21.7 Exci e !egi tration "etail ). Press Enter to accept and sa%e Excise Registration "etails and go $ac, to @6: Statutory and &axation creen Step 6 : Enab!e /a!ue dded &ax +/ &, To ena$le / & @eature, for a company et the option Enab!e /a!ue dded &ax +/ &, to Fes Ena$le the option SetB !ter / & Detai!s to Fes Enter the &ype of Dea!er and Date of pp!icabi!ity in / & Detai!s screen as shown


Excise for Manufacturers

Figure 21.8 Enabling &%' Press Enter to sa%e and go $ac, to @11: Statutory ? &axation features screen Enter 4&T T#5 e.g. 118;<>7712A Enter #nter9state ales Tax 5um$er e.g. 6278<>7166A Enter Company;s P&5 @ #ncome 9 Tax 5o. e.g. 2E5(8672B


Excise for Manufacturers

Figure 21.9 F11( #tatutory ) 'axation Feature Press Enter to accept and sa%e.

21.6 Creation of Masters Once you ha%e ena$led Excise in Tally.ERP 9 in the manner as discussed a$o%e, the Excise options will now $e a%aila$le in the ledger masters. 21.6.1 Creatin* Led*ers +efore creating transactions create the following ledger masters in the manner as discussed. i. Create 5urc#ase Led*ers
:nventor y va!ues are affected 'sed :n / & 4etur ns



/ &B&ax C!ass


Excise for Manufacturers

Purchases N (O Purchases N '7.*O

Purchas e &ccount Purchas e &ccount

L e s L e s

L e s L e s

Purchases N (O Purchases N '7.*O


Excise for Manufacturers

To create a 5urc#ase Led*er1 !o to %ate.ay of &a!!y D ccounts :nfo. D Led*ers D Create '. Enter the (a)e of the purchase ledger you wish to create, for e.g., 5urc#ase K 7L elect 5urc#ase ccounts as the group name in the 'nder field. 7. et :nventory va!ues are affected to Fes. 2. elect (ot pp!icab!e in &ype of Led*er field (. et the option 'sed :n / & 4eturns to Fes to display the default 4&T@Tax Class su$ screen.

Figure 21.10 *urc+a e ,e-ger Creation

*. elect the re>uired / &B&ax C!ass, for e.g., 5urc#ases K 7L.


Excise for Manufacturers

Figure 21.11 &%'.'ax Cla

?. et 'se for ssessab!e /a!ue Ca!cu!ation to (o.

%hen the option ssessa&le 'al!e Calc!lation "(or Excise )' T% is set to *es, the &alue given against this ledger will be used to calculate the assessable value of the stoc' item to compute the excise duty or &(T.


Excise for Manufacturers

Figure 21.12 *urc+a e ,e-ger

/. Press Enter to &ccept and sa%e.

It is recommended to create separate #urchase ledgers with appropriate &(T classification for different rates of &(T. )owever, Tally.ER# $ provides you the flexibility to use a common #urchase ledger for different rates, by selecting &(T classification as Not pplica&le and allows selection of re*uired classification from the list of &(T+Tax ,lass while recording a transaction.

imilarly, create 5urc#ase K 12.8L under Purchase &ccounts. 36

Excise for Manufacturers

ii. Create Sa!es Led*ers

:nventor y va!ues are affected L e s L e s 'sed :n / & 4eturns L e s L e s

Led*er ales N (O ales N '7.*O

'nder ales &ccount s ales &ccount s

/ &B&ax C!ass ales N (O ales N '7.*O


To create a Sa!es Led*er, !o to %ate.ay of &a!!y D ccounts :nfo. D Led*ers D Create '. Enter the (a)e of the sales ledger you wish to create, for e.g., Sa!es K 7L. 7. elect Sa!es ccounts as the group name in the 'nder field. 2. et :nventory va!ues are affected to Fes. (. elect (ot pp!icab!e in &ype of Led*er field *. et the option 'sed :n / & 4eturns to Fes to display the default 4&T@Tax Class su$ screen.

Figure 21.13 #ale ,e-ger Creation

?. elect the re>uired / &B&ax C!ass, for e.g., Sa!es K 7L.

Figure 21.14 &%t.'ax Cla

/. et 'se for ssessab!e /a!ue Ca!cu!ation to (o.

%hen the option ssessa&le 'al!e Calc!lation "(or Excise )' T% is set to *es, the &alue given against this ledger will be used to calculate the assessable value of the stoc' item to compute the excise duty or &(T.

Figure 21.15 #ale ,e-ger

). Press Enter to &ccept and sa%e.

imilarly, create Sa!es K 12.8L under ales &ccounts. iii. Creatin* Custo)er Led*ers
Maintain 'nde Ba!ance s Bi!! by r Bi!! implex Casting Aimited undry L "e$tor e s s !eneral 8a$ricators undry L "e$tor e s s To create the Sundry Debtor +Custo)er, Aedger, Led*er !o to %ate.ay of &a!!y D ccounts :nfo D Led*ers D Create '. Enter the (a)e of the Custo)er in the 5ame field i.e., Si)p!ex Castin* Li)ited 7. elect the group Sundry Debtors in the 'nder field. 2. et Maintain Ba!ances Bi!! by Bi!! to Fes and enter the Defau!t Credit 5eriod, if any (. et :nventory /a!ues are affected to (o :nventor y va!ues are affected 5 o 5 o SetB !t er Excis eL e s L e s

*. #n Mai!in* Detai!s and &ax :nfor)ation sections enter the supplier contact details, #ncome Tax and the ales Tax num$ers. ?. Ena$le SetB !ter Excise Detai!s to Fes to display the Excise Detai!s su$ screen.

Figure 21.16 *arty ,e-ger Creation

/. #n the Excise Detai!s screenB

Enter the Excise 4e*istration +ECC, (o. of the customer e.g. SCL7A=272: 5==2

Enter the Date of Excise 4e*istration in "ate of Registration field e.g. 21I(ovI 2==6 :: Enter the 4an*e under which the supplier;s company is registered. E.g. Madi.a!a M Enter the Division under which the supplier;s company is registered. E.g. Madi.a!a

Enter the Co))issionerate under which the premise of the upplier;s company is regis9 tered. E.g. Ban*a!ore :: #n Defau!t (ature of 5urc#ase field select the option (ot pp!icab!e elect the (ature of 4e)ova! as Do)estic from Types of Remo%al list.

Figure 21.17 Exci e "etail

The Nat!re o( Remo#al depends upon the removal, whether it is for Domestic)Exports)Exempt sales. It is mandatory to specify the nature of removal, however, you can alter the same during voucher entry. Press Enter

Figure 21.18 *arty ,e-ger

). Press Enter to &ccept and sa%e

The +et) lter Excise Details option appears for ledgers created under
+!n$ry Cre$itors and +!n$ry De&tors .

imilarly, create %enera! @abricators under Sundry Debtors. iv. Creatin* Supp!ier Led*ers
Maintain Ba!ance s Bi!! by Bi!! L e s L e s :nventor y va!ues are affected 5 o 5 o SetB !t er Excis eL e s L e s

Led*er "urga teel #ndustries +ee,ay Engineering Corporation

'nder undry Credtor s undry

Creditor s

To Create the Sundry Creditor +Supp!ier, Aedger, !o to %ate.ay of &a!!y D ccounts :nfo. D Led*ers D Create '. Enter the (a)e of the upplier in the (a)e field. E.g. Dur*a Stee! :ndustries. 7. elect Sundry Creditors as the group name in the 'nder field. 2. et Maintain Ba!ances Bi!! by Bi!! to Fes and enter the Defau!t Credit 5eriod if any. (. et :nventory /a!ues are affected to (o *. #n the Mai!in* Detai!s and &ax :nfor)ation section enter the supplier contact details, #ncome Tax and the ales Tax num$ers. ?. Ena$le SetB !ter Excise Detai!s to Fes to display the Excise "etails screen.

Figure 21.19 *arty ,e-ger Creation

/. #n the Excise Detai!s screen, Enter the Excise 4e*istration (u)ber of the supplier. E.g. DS:@B==26HGC==2

Enter the Date of Excise 4e*istration in Date of 4e*istration field. E.g. =7IDecI1AA> Enter the 4an*e under which the supplier;s company is registered. E.g. "#itefie!d Enter the Division under which the supplier;s company is registered. E.g. Ban*a!ore :/ Enter the Co))issionerate under which the premise of the upplier;s company is regis9 tered. E.g. Ban*a!ore : elect the Defau!t (ature of 5urc#ase as Manufacturer from 5ature of Purchase

Figure 21.20 Exci e "etail

elect the (ature of 4e)ova! as Do)estic from Types of Remo%al list

Figure 21.21 *arty ,e-ger

). Press Enter to accept and sa%e.

imilarly, create Bee-ay En*ineerin* Corporation under undry Creditors

21.6.2 Creatin* Excise Duty Led*ers

:nvento ry va!ues are affecte 5 o 5 o 5 o

Led*er +asic Excise "uty N '?O Education Cess N 7O econdary Education Cess N 'O

'nder "uties G Taxes "uties G Taxes "uties G Taxes

&ype of DutyB&a x Excise Excise Excise

Duty 2ead +asic Excise "uty Education Cess econda ry Education

i. Creatin* Basic Excise Duty Led*er To create a Basic Excise Duty Aedger, !o to %ate.ay of &a!!y D ccounts :nfo. D Led*ers D Create '. Enter the (a)e of the excise duty ledger you wish to create, for e.g., Basic Excise Duty K 1;L 7. elect Duties ? &axes as the group name in the 'nder field. 2. elect Excise from the &ype of DutyB&ax list in the field &ype of DutyB&ax. (. #n Excise ccountin* Code field enter the accounting code of Basic Excise DutyI ==7A===1 *. #n Duty 2ead field select Basic Excise Duty from the List of Excise Duty C!assification

Figure 21.22 /a ic Exci e "uty ,e-ger Creation

?. et the option :nventory va!ues are affected to (o /. #n 5ercenta*e of Ca!cu!ation field enter 1;L as the percentage of calculation ). #n Met#od of Ca!cu!ation field, Tally.ERP 9 defaults On ssessab!e /a!ue as the method of calculation. 9. elect (ot pp!icab!e in 4oundin* Met#od field

Figure 21.23 /a ic Exci e "uty ,e-ger

':.Press Enter to &ccept.

Excise D!ty is calculated on the assessa&le #al!e -.asic &alue of /oods plus additional expenses, if applicable0.

ii. Creatin* Education Cess Led*er To create a Education Cess Aedger, !o to %ate.ay of &a!!y D ccounts :nfo. D Led*ers D Create '. Enter the (a)e of the Education Cess ledger you wish to create, for e.g., Education Cess K 2L 7. elect Duties ? &axes as the group name in the 'nder field. 2. elect Excise from the Type of "uty@Tax list in &ype of DutyB&ax field. (. #n Excise ccountin* Code field, enter the accounting code of Education Cess I

==7A==2= *. #n Duty 2ead field select Education Cess from the List of Excise Duty C!assification

Figure 21.24 E-ucation Ce

,e-ger Creation

?. et the option :nventory va!ues are affected to (o /. #n 5ercenta*e of Ca!cu!ation field, enter 2L as the percenta*e of ca!cu!ation ). #n Met#od of Ca!cu!ation field, $y default Tally.ERP 9 selects On &ota! Excise Duty as the method of calculation 9. elect (ot pp!icab!e in 4oundin* Met#od field

Figure 21.25 E-ucation Ce

':.Press Enter to &ccept to sa%e


iii. Creatin* Secondary Education Cess Led*er To create a Secondary and 2i*#er Education +S2E, Cess Aedger, !o to %ate.ay of &a!!y D ccounts :nfo. D Led*ers D Create '. Enter the (a)e of the econdary and =igher Education Cess ledger you wish to create, for e.g., Secondary Education Cess K 1L 7. elect Duties ? &axes as the group name in the 'nder field. 2. elect Excise from the Type of "uty@Tax list in the field &ype of DutyB&ax. (. #n Excise ccountin* Code field, enter the accounting code of Secondary Education Cess I ==7A===; *. #n Duty 2ead field, select Secondary Education Cess from the List of Duty 2eads

Figure 21.26 #econ-ary E-ucation Ce

,e-ger Creation

?. et the option :nventory va!ues are affected to (o /. #n the 5ercenta*e of Ca!cu!ation field enter 1L as the percentage of calculation ). #n Met#od of Ca!cu!ation field, $y default Tally.ERP 9 selects On &ota! Excise Duty as the method of calculation. 9. elect (ot pp!icab!e in 4oundin* Met#od field

Figure 21.27 #econ-ary E-ucation Ce ':.Press Enter to accept to sa%e 21.6.6 Creatin* CE(/ & Led*ers


Led*er +asic Excise "uty -CE54&T. Education Cess -CE54&T. econdary Education Cess -CE54&T.

'nde r Curre nt &sset s Curre nt &sset s Curre nt &sset s

&ype of DutyB &ax CE54& T CE54& T CE54& T

Excise ccou ntI in*Cod ::(9::7 / ::(9::7 ) ::(9::7 9

Duty 2ead +asi c Exci se Educatio n Ce ss econda ry Educatio n Cess

5ercen tI a*e of Ca!cu! aI '?O tion

Met#od of Ca!cu!atio n On &ssessa$ le 4alue O n Total Excise O n Total Excise

7 O ' O

To create a Basic Excise Duty +CE(/ &, Aedger, !o to %ate.ay of &a!!y D ccounts :nfo. D Led*ers D Create '. Enter the (a)e of the excise duty ledger you wish to create, for e.g., Basic Excise Duty +CE(/ &, 7. elect Current ssets as the group name in the 'nder field. 2. elect CE(/ & from the &ype of DutyB&ax list in the field &ype of DutyB&ax. (. #n Excise ccountin* Code field enter the accounting code of Basic Excise Duty +CE(/ &, I ==7A==2< *. #n Duty 2ead field, select Basic Excise Duty from the List of Excise Duty C!assification

Figure 21.28 /a ic Exci e "uty 0CE$&%'1 ,e-ger Creation

?. et the option :nventory va!ues are affected to (o /. #n 5ercenta*e of Ca!cu!ation field, enter 1;L as the percentage of calculation ). #n Met#od of Ca!cu!ation field, $y default Tally.ERP 9 selects On ssessab!e /a!ue as the method of calculation. 9. elect (ot pp!icab!e in 4oundin* Met#od field

Figure 21.29 /a ic Exci e "uty 0CE$&%'1 ,e-ger

':.Press Enter to &ccept to sa%e

To avail ,envat credit, it is recommended to create re*uired duty ledgers under C!rrent ssets group with Type o( D!ty)Tax as CEN' T.

imilarly, create Education Cess +CE(/ &,C Secondary Education Cess +CE(/ &, under Current ssets !roup.

21.6.7 Creatin* / & Led*ers

&ype of DutyB &ax 4&T 4&T 4&T 4&T :nventor y va!ues are affected 5 o 5 o 5 o 5 o

Led*er #nput 4&T N (O #nput 4&T N '7.*O Output 4&T N (O Output 4&T N '7.*O

'nder "uties G Taxes "uties G Taxes "uties G Taxes "uties G Taxes

/ &B&ax C!ass #nput 4&T N (O #nput 4&T N '7.*O Output 4&T N (O Output 4&T N '7.*O

To create a :nput / & Aedger, !o to %ate.ay of &a!!y D ccounts :nfo. D Led*ers D Create '. Enter the (a)e of the input 4&T ledger you wish to create, for e.g., :nput / & K 7L. 7. elect Duties ? &axes as the group name in the 'nder field. 2. elect / & from the &ype of DutyB&ax list in the &ype of DutyB&ax field (. elect the re>uired / &B&ax C!ass, for e.g., :nput / & K 7L from the 4&T@T&H Class list.

Figure 21.30 2nput &at ,e-ger

*. 5ercenta*e of Ca!cu!ation and Met#od of Ca!cu!ation are updated automatically $ased on the Type of "uty@Tax and 4&T@Tax Class selected.

Figure 21.31 2nput &%' ,e-ger Complete- #creen

?. Press Enter to &ccept and sa%e.

imilarly, create :nput / & K 12.8LC Output / & K 7LC Output / & K 12.8L under Current Duties ? &axes group.

21.6.8 Creatin* Expenses Led*ers

:nvento ry va!ues are affecte 5 o 5 o 5 o 'se for ssessab!e /a!ue Ca!cu!ation +for Excise L B / &, e s L e s L e s

Led*er Pac,ing Charges 8reight Charges Aa$our Charges

'nd er #ndirect Expenses #ndirect Expenses #ndirect Expenses

Met#od of pportio n+ased on 4al +ased on 4al +ased on 4al

To create a Expense Led*er, '. Enter the (a)e of the expense ledger you wish to create, for e.g., 5ac-in* C#ar*es 7. elect :ndirect Expenses as the group name in the 'nder field. 2. et :nventory va!ues are affected to (o (. elect (ot pp!icab!e in &ype of Led*er field *. et the option 'se for ssessab!e /a!ue Ca!cu!ation +for Excise B/ &, to Fes

%hen the option ssessa&le 'al!e Calc!lation "(or Excise )' T% is set to *es the &alue given against this ledger in the sales+#urchase voucher will be used to calculate the assessable value of the stoc' item to compute the excise duty or &(T.

?. elect Excise ? / & in pportion for field /. #n Met#od of pportion, select Based on /a!ue from Met#od of pportion Aist.

Figure 21.32 Expen e ,e-ger


,ase$ on 'al!e If ,ase$ on 'al!e method of apportion is selected, the expenses will be apportioned based on the &alue of the 1toc' item. !or e.g. Pac-ing charges is 2,333 &alue of .tem / is 23,333 &alue of .tem * is 4,333 Then, (pportionment of #ac'ing ,harges to .tem /" 2,333523,333+24,333 6777.78 (pportionment of #ac'ing ,harges to .tem *" 2,33354,333+24,333 6 999.99 (ssessable &alue of .tem / -23,777.780 6 &alue of .tem / -23,3330 : #ac'ing ,harges -777.780 (ssessable &alue of .tem * -4,999.990 6 &alue of .tem * -4,3330 : #ac'ing ,harges -999.990 ,ase$ on 0!antity If ,ase$ on 0!antity method of apportion is selected, the expenses will be apportioned based on the *uantity of the 1toc' item. !or eg., Pac-ing charges is 2,333 ;uantity of .tem / is 233 and &alue is 23,333 ;uantity of .tem * is 84 and &alue is 4,333 Then, (pportionment of #ac'ing ,harges to .tem /" 2,3335233+284 6 482.<9 (pportionment of #ac'ing ,harges to .tem *" 2,333584+284 6 <=>.48 (ssessable &alue of .tem / -23,482.<90 6 &alue of .tem /

-23,3330 : #ac'ing ,harges -482.<90 (ssessable &alue of .tem * -4,<=>.480 6 &alue of .tem * -4,3330 : #ac'ing
,harges -<=>.480.

). Press Enter

Figure 21.33 Expen e ,e-ger

9. Press Enter to accept and sa%e

imilarly, create @rei*#t C#ar*es and Labour C#ar*es under :ndirect Expenses !roup. 21.6.; Creatin* Excise /ouc#er &ypes
&ype of /ouc#er Purchase ales Credit 5ote "e$it 5ote toc, Pournal 'se for Excis Les Les Les Les 9

/ouc#er &ypes Excise 9 Purchases Excise 9 ales ales Returns Purchase Returns Manufacturing Pournal

bbreviat e Ex9Purc Ex9 ale Ex9 C@5ote Ex9 "@5ote Ex9 t, Prnl

Defau!t Excise 'nit Metal Craft Engineering Metal Craft Engineering Metal Craft Engineering Metal Craft Engineering 9

The Excise 4oucher Types for 5urc#aseC Sa!esC Sa!es 4eturnsC 5urc#ase 4eturns and ManuI facturin* Nourna! has to $e created $efore creating the in%oices.

i. Creatin* 5urc#ase /ouc#er &ype To create the 5urc#ase /ouc#er &ype, !o to %ate.ay of &a!!y D ccounts :nfo D /ouc#er &ype D Create '. Enter the name of the 4oucher type in (a)e 8ield e.g. Excise I 5urc#ases 7. elect 5urc#ase as the %oucher type in &ype of /ouc#er 8ield 2. Lou may abbreviate the 4oucher type as per your re>uirement e.g. ExI5urc (. elect the appropriate Met#od of /ouc#er (u)berin* e.g. uto)atic *. et 'se dvanced Confi*uration to Fes to specify the ad%anced settings for the num$ering method selected, if re>uired. ?. et 'se for Excise to Fes to enter Excise Purchase to capture ssessab!e /a!ue and Excise Duty brea-up. /. #n Defau!t Excise 'nit field select Meta! Craft En*ineerin* from the List of Excise 'nits

Figure 21.34 Exci e *urc+a e &ouc+er 'ype Creation

). et 5rint after savin* /ouc#er to (o.

Figure 21.35 Exci e *urc+a e &ouc+er 'ype

9. Press Enter to accept and sa%e.

The Use (or Excise option will be available in #urchase, 1ales, ?ebit @ote and ,redit @ote &oucher Types, only if the Excise 1eat!re is enabled in the 111 2 +tat!tory 3 Taxation. In case, where a company has more than 4ne Excise Unit, it is rec- ommended to create 'o!cher types for each Excise Unit separately.

imilarly, create Excise Sa!es /ouc#er &ype, Excise Debit (ote and Credit (ote 4oucher Types . ii. Manufacturin* Nourna! /ouc#er &ype Manufacturing Pournal is used to account the issue of raw materials to production floor and for the receipt of finished goods. #n Tally.ERP 9, you can create a Manufacturing

Pournal under toc, Pournal or alter the existing toc, Pournal !ter t#e Nourna! Stoc-

!o to %ate.ay of &a!!y D ccounts :nfo. D /ouc#er &ypes D !ter et the option 'se as a Manufacturin* Nourna! to Fes

Figure 21.36 #toc3 4ournal &ouc+er %lteration

Aou may also create a separate 1toc' Bournal for Man!(act!ring 5o!rnal
with the option Use as a Man!(act!ring 5o!rnal.

21.6.< Creatin* &ariff C!assification &s per the Excise Tariff &ct, all the excisa$le goods are classified under a specific code ,nown as Tariff Classification code, which consists of ) digits. Out of these eight digits, the first ( digits denote Chapter and heading and next 7 digits represent su$9heading and the last 7 digits indicate su$9su$ heading of the particular article@commodity. To create C!assification, a &ariff

!o to %ate.ay of &a!!y D :nventory :nfo. D &ariff C!assification D Create '. Enter the name of the &ariff C!assification e.g. <2221111 in the (a)e field.

7. #n 'sed @or field select Excise from the !ist of &ax &ype.

The )1@ code refers to 6armonise$ +ystem o( Nomenclat!re "6+N%. It is an internationally standardiCed system of names and numbers for classi- fying traded products developed and maintained by the %orld ,ustoms DrganiCation.

Figure 21.37 'ari55 Cla i5ication

The Tari(( Classi(ication created with the option ,oth will be available during creation of 1toc' Items, when Excise as well as &(T are appli- cable. 1electing any one i.e., either ' T or Excise will restrict display of Tariff classification only for the 1toc' items for which it is applicable.

%hen the option ' T or ,oth is selected, you will be able to enter details of +che$!le N!m&er an$ +che$!le +erial N!m&er. 68 68

2. #n (otes field, enter any additional information


Figure 21.38 'ari55 Cla i5ication (. Press Enter to accept and sa%e. 21.6.> Creatin* Stoc- :te)s
Stoc %ro up Ra w Materia Ra w Materia 8inished !oods 8inished !oods 8inished !oods SetB !ter Exci se Detai Les Les Les Les Les 4a te Of / (O '7.* O (O '7.* O '7.* O

(a)e #ron +ars teel heets =ot Rolled +eams 9 7*mm Cold Rolled Channels 9 ': mm lotted &ngle 9 ':mm

'O M Fg s Fg s 5o s 5o s 5o s

&ariff C!asI sificatio n /777'''' /777''9 ' /777''9 9 /777'99 7 /777''? ?

/a!uatio n &y pe MR P +as & d Duantu & d 4alore & d 4alore & d 4alore

i. Create Stoc- :te)s on M45 To create a Stoc- :te) on M45, !o to %ate.ay of &a!!y D :nventory :nfo. D Stoc- ite) D Create '. Enter the na)e of the toc, #tem i.e., :ron Bars in the 5ame field. 7. elect the Stoc- %roup (a)e as 4a. Materia!s in the 'nder field -<se !t E C to create Stoc- %roup.


2. elect the unit of )easure)ent as G*s +Gi!o*ra)s, of the stoc, item in the <nits field -<se !t E C to create 'nit of Measure)ent. (. #n &ariff C!assification field, select the applica$le tariff classification e.g. <2221111 from the List of &ariff C!assifications

Figure 21.39 #toc3 2tem Creation

*. Ena$le SetB !ter Excise Detai!s to Fes to display the Excise Detai!s su$ screen

Figure 21.40 #toc3 2tem Creation

?. #n the Excise Detai!s creen

Excise 'nit (a)e1 +y default, Tally.ERP 9 displays Meta! Craft En*ineerin* as Excise
<nit 5ame.

In Tally.ER# $, the Excise units whether created for ?ealer + Eanufac- turer are identified as 7o$o8ns. )owever, when the option Maintain M!ltiple 7o$o8ns)Excise Units is not enabled in 1112 .n#entory 1eat!res "19% Tally.ER# $ by default, identifies the ?efault /odown named Main Location as the Excise Unit Name nit, enable Maintain

To create more than one Excise M!ltiple

7o$o8ns)Excise Units in 1112 .n#entory 1eat!res "19%.

4eportin* 'OM1 elect G*s as 4eportin* 'OM -&ll the reports will display the toc, item details $ased on the reporting <OM selected..

(s per Central Excise ct, the stoc' items are re*uired to be reported in the prescribed unit of measurements.The (pplicable nit of ;uantity for Iron .ars is :gs ":ilograms%. )ence, select :gs -Filograms0 as the Reporting U4M.

SetB !ter Duty Detai!s1 et this field to Fes to %iew the Duty Detai!s screen.

Figure 21.41 Exci e "etail

#n Duty Detai!s screen

#n va!uation &ype field elect M45 +ased from the List of /a!uation &ype #n M45 field enter the Rate as Rs. 68

elect the Basic Excise Duty in the Type of Duty field from the List of Excise Duty C!assifications pecify the 4ate of Duty as 1;L elect the Education Cess as the second duty in the &ype of Duty field from the Aist of Excise "uty classifications pecify the 4ate of Duty as 2L elect the Secondary Education Cess as the third duty in the &ype of Duty field from the Aist of Excise "uty classifications. pecify the 4ate of Duty as 1L

Figure 21.42 "uty "etail &ccept to sa%e Duty Detai!s screen. #n Excise Detai!s screen, under Stoc- :te) &ype field select as 5rincipa! :nput from the List of :te) &ypes

Figure 21.43 Exci e "etail /. 4ate of / & +L,1 in this field enter the 4ate of / & applica$le for the toc, #tem e.g. 7L

Figure 21.44 #toc3 2tem Creation ). Press Enter to accept and sa%e

ii. Create Stoc- :te)s on d 3uantu) To create a Stoc- :te) on d 3uantu)C !o to %ate.ay of &a!!y D :nventory :nfo. D Stoc- ite) D Create '. Enter the na)e of the toc, #tem e.g. Stee! S#eets in the 5ame field 7. elect the %roup (a)e e.g. 4a. Materia!s in the 'nder field 2. elect the unit of )easure)ent e.g. G*s +-i!o*ra)s, of the stoc, item in the 'nits field (. #n &ariff C!assification field select the applica$le tariff classification e.g. <22211A1 from the List of &ariff C!assifications -<se !t E C to create &ariff C!assifications. *. Ena$le SetB !ter Excise Detai!s to Fes to display the Excise Detai!s su$ screen. ?. #n the Excise Detai!s creen Excise 'nit (a)e1 +y default Tally.ERP 9 displays Meta! Craft En*ineerin* as Excise <nit 5ame. 4eportin* 'OM1 elect G*s as 4eportin* 'OM. &ll the reports will display the toc, item details $ased on the reporting <OM selected SetB !ter Duty Detai!s1 et this field to Fes to %iew the Duty Detai!s screen. #n Duty Detai!s screen #n va!uation &ype field elect d 3uantu) +ased from the List of /a!uation &ype

elect the Basic Excise Duty in the &ype of Duty field from the List of Excise Duty C!assifications pecify the 4ate of Duty as 1;L elect the Education Cess as the second duty in the &ype of Duty field from the Aist of Excise "uty classifications pecify the 4ate of Duty as 2L elect the Secondary Education Cess as the third duty in the &ype of Duty field from the Aist of Excise "uty classifications. pecify the 4ate of Duty as 1L

Figure 21.45 "uty "etail &ccept to sa%e Duty Detai!s screen. #n Excise Detai!s screen, under Stoc- :te) &ype field select as 5rincipa! :nput from the List of :te) &ypes /. 4ate of / & +L,1 in this field enter the 4ate of / & applica$le for the toc, #tem e.g. 12.8L

Figure 21.46 #toc3 2tem Creation

). Press Enter to accept and sa%e.

iii. Create Stoc- :te)s on d /a!ore) To create a Stoc- :te) +@inis#ed %ood, on d /a!ore) Setup : #n @12: Confi*uration +Stoc- :te) Confi*uration, et the option !!o. D/ (CED entries in Masters to Fes et the option !!o. Co)ponent !ist detai!s +Bi!! of Materia!s, to Fes

!o to %ate.ay of &a!!y D :nventory :nfo. D Stoc- ite) D Create '. Enter the name of the Stoc- :te) e.g. 2ot 4o!!ed Bea)s I 28)) in the (a)e field. 7. elect the Stoc- %roup (a)e e.g. @inis#ed %oods in the 'nder field -<se !t E C to create 'nit of Measure)ent. 2. elect the unit of )easure)ent e.g. (os +nu)bers, of the stoc, item in the <nits field (. Ena$le Set Co)ponents +BoM, to Fes and press enter to %iew toc, ltem Components -+oM. screen *. #n Stoc- !te) Co)ponents +BoM, screen #n 'nit of )anufacture field enter as 1 <nder :te) and 3uantity field enter the details as shown

Figure 21.47 #toc3 item 6 /78 ?. #n &ariff C!assification field, select the applica$le tariff classification e.g. <22211AA from the List of &ariff C!assifications -<se !t E C to create &ariff C!assifications. /. Ena$le SetB !ter Excise Detai!s to Fes to display the Excise Detai!s su$ screen. ). #n the Excise Detai!s creen Excise 'nit (a)e1 +y default Tally.ERP 9 displays Meta! Craft En*ineerin* as Excise 'nit (a)e. 4eportin* 'OM1 select (os +nu)bers, as 4eportin* 'OM. &ll the reports will display the toc, item details $ased on the reporting <OM selected. SetB !ter Duty Detai!s1 et this field to Fes to %iew the "uty "etails screen. #n Duty Detai!s screen #n /a!uation &ype select d /a!ore) from List of /a!uation &ype. elect the Basic Excise Duty in the &ype of Duty field from the Aist of Excise "uty classifications pecify the 4ate of Duty as 1;L elect the Education Cess as the second duty in the &ype of Duty field from the Aist of Excise "uty classifications pecify the 4ate of Duty as 2L

elect the Secondary Education Cess as the third duty in the &ype of Duty field from the Aist of Excise "uty classifications. pecify the 4ate of Duty as 1L

Figure 21.48 "uty "etail #n Excise Detai!s screen, under Stoc- :te) &ype select as @inis#ed %oods from the List of :te) &ypes

Figure 21.49 Exci e "etail et the option SetB !ter 4eportin* BOM to Fes.

Figure 21.50 Exci e "etail 4eportin* BOM creen is displayed as shown

Figure 21.51 #et.%lter !eporting /78

1pecify the +toc- .tem Components ",4M% under the option +et) lter Reporting ,4M, only when the 1toc' item has different components list other than those defined under the .DE for #roduction. The .ill of Eaterials
-.DE0 defined under this option is used only for reporting purpose.

9. 4ate of / & +L,1 in this field enter the 4ate of / & applica$le for the toc, #tem e.g. 7L

Figure 21.52 #toc3 2tem 6 8!*

':.Press Enter to accept and sa%e.

%herever, $$itional $!ties o( Excise and +pecial $!ties o( Excise are applicable on the Exciseable Item, the same can be activated as re*uired
from the List o( Excise D!ty Classi(ications.

iv. Creatin* Stoc- :te) I @inis#ed %oods + d /a!ore), !o to %ate.ay of &a!!y D :nventory :nfo. D Stoc- ite) D Create '. Enter the name of the Stoc- :te) e.g. Co!d 4o!!ed C#anne!s I 1= )) in the (a)e field. 7. elect the Stoc- %roup (a)e e.g. @inis#ed %oods in the 'nder field. 2. elect the unit of )easure)ent e.g. (os +nu)bers, of the stoc, item in the <nits field. (. Ena$le Set Co)ponents +BoM, to Fes and press enter to %iew toc, ltem Components -+oM. screen *. #n Stoc- !te) Co)ponents +BoM, screen #n 'nit of )anufacture field enter as 1 <nder :te) and 3uantity field enter the details as shown

Figure 21.53 #toc3 item 6 /78 ?. #n &ariff C!assification field select the applica$le tariff classification e.g. <2221AA2 from the List of &ariff C!assifications -<se !t E C to create &ariff C!assifications. /. Ena$le SetB !ter Excise Detai!s to Fes to display the Excise Detai!s su$ screen. ). #n the Excise Detai!s creen Excise 'nit (a)e1 +y default Tally.ERP 9 displays Meta! Craft En*ineerin* as Excise 'nit (a)e 4eportin* 'OM1 select (os +nu)bers, as 4eportin* 'OM. &ll the reports will display the toc, item details $ased on the reporting <OM selected SetB !ter Duty Detai!s1 et this field to Fes to %iew the "uty "etails screen #n the Duty Detai!s screen #n /a!uation &ype, select d /a!ore) from List of /a!uation &ype. elect the Basic Excise Duty in the &ype of Duty field from the Aist of Excise "uty classifications pecify the 4ate of Duty as 1;L elect the Education Cess as the second duty in the &ype of Duty field from the Aist of Excise "uty classifications

pecify the 4ate of Duty as 2L

elect the Secondary Education Cess as the third duty in the &ype of Duty field from the Aist of Excise "uty classifications. pecify the 4ate of Duty as 1L #n Excise Detai!s screen, under Stoc- :te) &ype field select as @inis#ed %oods from the List of :te) &ypes et the option SetB !ter 4eportin* BOM to Fes. 4eportin* BOM screen is displayed as shown

9. 4ate of / & +L,1 in this field enter the 4ate of / & applica$le for the toc, #tem e.g. 12.8L

Figure 21.54 #toc3 2tem 6 8!*

':.Press Enter to accept and sa%e.

imilarly, create S!otted n*!e I 1=)) in the manner as discussed a$o%e. 21.7 5rocessin* &ransactions Once the re>uired Party ledgers, Purchase, ales and Tax Aedgers are created in the manner as discussed a$o%e, let us consider the following transactions pertaining to Excise Manufacturing. 21.7.1 5urc#ase of Excisab!e %oods Exa)p!e 1: 4n ;1);<);=> M)s. Metal Cra(t Engineering p!rchase$ the (ollo8ing Excisa&le goo$s (rom D!rga +teel .n$!stries

:te) Description :ron Bars

3ty +G*s, 1===

4ate +4s, 6 8

The a&o#e items are s!&?ect to ,asic Excise D!ty @ 1AB> E$!cation Cess @ 9B> +ec. E$!C cational Cess @ 1B an$ ' T @ <B. Step 1 : Create Excise 5urc#ase /ouc#er To create a 5urc#ase /ouc#er Setup :

#n @12: Confi*uration +5urc#ase :nvoice Confi*uration,, ensure the option 'se Co)I )on Led*er Bc for :te) !!ocation is set to Fes

!o to %ate.ay of &a!!y D ccountin* /ouc#ers D @A: 5urc#ases '. #n /ouc#er &ype su$ form select Excise I 5urc#ases as the %oucher type 7. Ensure that the 5urc#ase /ouc#er is in :te) :nvoice Mode

In Tally.ER# $, Excise P!rchase Transactions are re*uired to be recorded in .n#oice Mo$e 4nly.

2. Enter the Date as 1I7I2==A (. #n Supp!ier :nvoice (o. field enter the #n%oice 5o. as MCEB2=1 *. #n the 5artyOs Bc (a)e field, select the supplier i.e. Dur*a Stee! :ndustries from the Aist of Aedger &ccounts ?. elect Manufacturer in n (ature of 5urc#ase field

Figure 21.55 $ature o5 *urc+a e /. #n the 5urc#ase Led*er field, select the ledger 5urc#ase K 7L from Aist of Aedger &ccounts ). / &B&ax C!ass field automatically gets updated with the 4&T@Tax class as selected in the pur9 chase ledger, which can $e changed. 9. #n (a)e of :te) field select the toc, #tem i.e. :ron Bars ':.#n 3uantity field, enter the >uantity as 1C=== ''.#n 4ate field, enter the rate as 4s. 68. The )ount will $e displayed automatically '7. elect "uty Aedger i.e. Basic Excise Duty K 1;L. )ount will $e calculated and displayed automatically. '2. elect Education Cess K 2L and Secondary Education Cess K 1L ledgers. )ount will $e calculated and displayed automatically '(. elect :nput / & K 7L, the )ount will $e displayed automatically

Figure 21.56 Exci e *urc+a e 2n9oice '*. et the option S#o. Statutory Detai!s to Fes to %iew Statutory Detai!s screen '?.#n Statutory Detai!s screen, press !t E @1: Detai!ed to %iew details of duty calculation. The Statutory Detai!s screen is displayed as shown.

Figure 21.57 #tatutory "etail

In 1tatutory details screen, .tem) le$ger 8ise assessa&le #al!e an$ D!ty) Tax calc!lations are displayed.

'/.#n Bi!!I.ise Detai!s screen, select &ype of 4ef as (e. 4ef and in other fields retain the default details.

Figure 21.58 /ill:;i e "etail

').Enter the (arration, if re>uired The completed Excise 5urc#ase /ouc#er is displayed as shown1

Figure 21.59 *urc+a e &ouc+er

'9.Press Enter to sa%e and accept.

Exa)p!e 2: 4n ;3);<);=> M)s. Metal Cra(t Engineering p!rchase$ the (ollo8ing Excisa&le goo$s (rom ,ee-ay Engineering Corporation
:te) Description Stee! S#eets 3ty +G*s, ; = 4ate +4s, 7 2

The a&o#e items are s!&?ect to ,asic Excise D!ty @ 1AB> E$!cation Cess @ 9B> +ec. E$!C cational Cess @ 1B an$ ' T @ 19.5B. The D!ties o( Excise paya&le in the a&o#e p!rchase are claima&le as CEN' T Cre$it.

Step 1 : Create Excise 5urc#ase /ouc#er Setup : #n @12: Confi*uration +5urc#ase :nvoice Confi*uration,,

Ensure 'se Co))on Led*er Bc for :te) !!ocation is set to Fes et Ca!cu!ate &ax on Current subtota! -else calculations are on Inventory Total only0 to Fes

!o to %ate.ay of &a!!y D ccountin* /ouc#ers D @A: 5urc#ases '. #n /ouc#er &ype su$ form, select Excise I 5urc#ases as the %oucher type 7. Ensure that the 5urc#ase /ouc#er is in :te) :nvoice Mode 2. Enter the Date as 6I7I2==A (. #n Supp!ier :nvoice (o. field enter the #n%oice 5o. as DS:B2=2 *. #n 5artyOs Bc (a)e field select the supplier i.e. Bee-ay En*ineerin* Corporation from the List of Led*er ccounts ?. #n (ature of 5urc#ase field the option Manufacturer is displayed automatically /. #n 5urc#ase Led*er field select the ledger 5urc#ase K 12.8L from Aist of Aedger &ccounts, the / &B&ax C!ass field automatically gets updated with the 4&T@Tax class as selected in the purchase ledger ). #n (a)e of :te) field select the toc, #tem i.e. Stee! S#eets 9. #n 3uantity field enter the >uantity as ;== ':.#n 4ate field enter the rate as 4s. 72, the )ount will $e displayed automatically ''. elect Duty Led*er i.e. Basic Excise Duty +CE(/ &,.

In order to avail Cen#at Cre$it, create the duty ledgers under C!rrent
ssets with ?uty+Tax type as CEN' T.

'7.The )ount for Basic Excise duty +CE(/ &, ledger will $e displayed automatically '2. imilarly, select Education Cess +CE(/ &, and Secondary Education Cess +CE(/ &, ledger su$se>uently '(. elect :nput / & K 12.8L, the )ount will $e displayed automatically '*. et the option S#o. Statutory Detai!s to Fes to %iew Statutory Detai!s screen #n Statutory Detai!s screen, press !t E @1: Detai!ed to %iew details of duty calculation. The Statutory Detai!s screen is displayed as shown

Figure 21.60 #tatutory "etail '?.#n Bi!!I.ise Detai!s screen, select &ype of 4ef as (e. 4ef and in other fields retain the default details. '/.Enter the (arration, if re>uired The completed Excise 5urc#ase /ouc#er is displayed as shown1

Figure 21.61 *urc+a e &ouc+er

').Press Enter to sa%e and accept.

21.7.2 Manufacturin* Excisab!e %oods Exa)p!e 6:

4n ;A);<);=> M)s. Metal Cra(t Engineering man!(act!re$ the (ollo8ing excisa&le goo$s 3ty +(os, 2ot 4o!!ed Bea)s I 28)) 6 = To Man!(act!re 1 Nos o( 6ot Rolle$ ,eams C 95mm> the (ollo8ing inp!ts are reD!ire$ at the gi#en proportions. :te) Description :ron Bars Stee! S#eets 3ty +G*s, 2 1

La&o!r Charges o( Rs. 1>;;;)C 8as inc!rre$ $!ring the process o( man!(act!ring.

Step 1 : Create Manufacturin* Nourna! /ouc#er !o to %ate.ay of &a!!y D :nventory /ouc#ers D !t E@<: Stoc- Nourna! '. elect Manufacturin* journa! from the list of /ouc#er &ypes 7. Press @2 and enter the /ouc#er Date as ;I7I2==A 2. #n (a)e of 5roduct field, select 2ot 4o!!ed Bea)s I 28)) from the List of :te)s. -Tally.ERP 9 automatically updates the components re>uired to manufacture 2ot 4o!!ed Bea)s I 28)), as defined in +ill of Materials of the respecti%e toc, #tem.. (. #n 3uantity field, enter 6== as the >uantity manufactured -Tally.ERP 9 automatically updates the 3uantityC 4ate and )ount of the components used in the manufacture of 2ot 4o!!ed Bea)s I 28)).. *. elect the Aedger Labour c#ar*es and enter the amount 1=== as the additiona! cost incurred for manufacturing the finished goods. ?. Enter the (arration, if re>uired.

The completed Excise Manufacturin* Nourna! /ouc#er is displayed as shown 1

Figure 21.62 8anu5acturing 4ournal /. Press Enter to accept and sa%e.

The procedure to create Man!(act!ring 5o!rnal 'o!cher Type is explained in Creation o( Masters section.

Exa)p!e 7: 4n ;E);<);=> M)s. Metal Cra(t Engineering man!(act!re$ the (ollo8ing excisa&le goo$s
:te) Description Co!d 4o!!ed C#anne!s I 1=)) 3ty +(os, 2 = To Man!(act!re 1 Nos o( Col$ Rolle$ Channels C 1;mm> the (ollo8ing inp!ts are reD!ire$ in the gi#en proportion. :te) Description :ron Bars Stee! S#eets 3ty +G*s, 1 1

La&o!r Charges o( Rs. 1>5;;)C 8as inc!rre$ $!ring the process o( man!(act!ring. Step 1 : Create a Manufacturin* Nourna! !o to %ate.ay of &a!!y D :nventory /ouc#ers D !t E@<: Stoc- Nourna! '. elect Manufacturin* journa! from the list of /ouc#er &ypes 7. Press @2 and enter the /ouc#er Date as <I7I2==A 2. #n (a)e of 5roduct field, select Co!d 4o!!ed C#anne!s I 1= )) from the List of :te)s. Tally.ERP 9 automatically updates the components re>uired to manufacture Co!d 4o!!ed C#anne!s I 1= )) as defined in +OM of finished goods. (. #n 3uantity field enter 2== as the >uantity manufactured. Tally.ERP 9 automatically updates the 3uantityC 4ate and )ount of the components used in the manufacture of Co!d 4o!!ed C#anne!s I 1= )) *. elect the Aedger Labour c#ar*es and enter the amount 18== as the additiona! cost incurred for manufacturing the finished goods. ?. Enter the (arration, if re>uired.

The completed Excise Manufacturin* Nourna! /ouc#er is displayed as shown1

Figure 21.63 8anu5acturing 4ournal

/. Press Enter to accept and sa%e.

21.7.6 Sa!e of Excisab!e %oods &s discussed in earlier sections, it is mandatory to generate Excise :nvoice under 4u!e 11 of Excise 4u!es 2==2, for remo%al of excisa$le goods from a factory @ warehouse. uch #n%oice should $e serially num$ered and contain the registration num$er, description, classification, time and date of remo%al, rate of duty, >uantity and %alue, of goods and the duty paya$le. Aet us consider the following transaction to illustrate the same. Exa)p!e 8: 4n 1;);<);=> M)s. Metal Cra(t Engineering sol$ the (ollo8ing excisa&le goo$s to +implex Casting Limite$ "#i$e .n#oice No. MCE)1;1);=C1;%.

:te) Description 2ot 4o!!ed Bea)s I 28))

3ty +(os, 2 =

4ate +4s., 6 ;

The a&o#e goo$s are s!&?ect to ,asic Excise D!ty @ 1AB> E$!cation Cess @ 9B> +ec. E$!c. Cess @ 1B an$ ' T @ <B. Step 1 : Create a Sa!es /ouc#er To create a Sa!es /ouc#er !o to %ate.ay of &a!!y D ccountin* /ouc#ers D @>: Sa!es '. elect Excise I Sa!es as the %oucher type from the list of 4oucher Types 7. Ensure that the Sa!es /ouc#er is in :te) :nvoice Mode 2. Enter the Date as 1=I7I2==A (. Enter the 4ef details as SCLB621 *. #n Excise 'nit field, Meta! Craft En*ineerin* is defaulted automatically ?. The Excise Boo- (a)e and the Seria! (o. is defaulted automatically /. #n 5arty Bc (a)e field, select Si)p!ex Castin* Li)ited from the List of Led*er ccounts ). #n 5arty Detai!s su$ form, Enter the Despatc# and Order Detai!s

Enter the S!.(o. in 5L B4%I26 Register The Date and &i)e of :nvoice is defaulted automatically $ased on the system time and date, the same can $e changed as re>uired. The Date and &i)e of re)ova! is automatically set $y default $ased on the system time and date -the same can $e changed as and when re>uired.. The Buyer Detai!s are automatically selected $y default $ased on the ledger specifications

Figure 21.64 "e patc+ "etail

(s per Excise Rules, it is mandatory to record the Time and $ate o( remo#al of excisable goods in the +ales .n#oice.

9. #n (ature of 4e)ova! field, select the option Do)estic from the list of &ypes of 4e)ova!s

The Types o( Remo#als available in Tally.ER# $ are " Domestic " This option is selected when the removal of goods is intended for domestic or local 1ales within the country. Export " This option is selected when the removal of goods is intended for Export outside the country. Exempt " This option is selected when the removal of goods is for purpose of Exempt sales -under any notification, if applicable0.

':. elect Sa!es K 7L from the List of Led*er ccounts in Sa!es Led*er field. The / &B&ax C!ass field is defaulted automatically ''.#n (a)e of :te) field. elect the toc, #tem i.e. 2ot 4o!!ed Bea)s I 28))

Enter the >uantity as 2== and 4ate as 6;=, the )ount will $e displayed automatically

'7. elect Basic Excise Duty K 1;L, the )ount will $e calculated and displayed automatically. '2. elect Education Cess K 2L and Secondary Education Cess K 1L ledgers. )ount will $e calculated and displayed automatically '(. elect Output / & K 7L, the )ount will $e displayed automatically '*. et Fes in the S#o. Statutory Detai!s field and press Enter

Figure 21.65 #ale &ouc+er '?.#n Statutory Detai!s screen, press !t E @1: Detai!ed to %iew details of duty calculation.

Figure 21.66 #tatutory "etail '/.#n Bi!!I.ise Detai!s screen, select &ype of 4ef as (e. 4ef and retain the default details in the other fields .

Figure 21.67 /ill:;i e "etail

').Enter the (arration, if re>uired

The completed Excise Sa!es /ouc#er is displayed as shown1

Figure 21.68 #ale &ouc+er

'9.Press Enter to sa%e and accept.

Step 2 : 5rint Excise :nvoice under 4u!e 11 '. Press 5a*e 'p from the a$o%e screen and press !tE5 -if 5rint after savin* option is ena9 $led in Excise I Sa!es /ouc#er &ype, Tally.ERP 9 will automatically redirect you to the /ouc#er 5rintin* creen

Figure 21.69 &ouc+er *rinting

7. Press @12: Confi*ure and set the following options to Fes 5rint Excise Duty Detai!s of :te)s

5rint &ax na!ysis of :te)s 5rint / & na!ysis of :te)s

5rint Date ? &i)e

Figure 21.70 *rint Con5iguration

2. Press Enter to print Excise #n%oice

The printed Excise Sa!es :nvoice as per Rule '' of Excise Rules is displayed as shown.

Figure 21.71 *rinteExci e 2n9oice

Exa)p!e ;: 4n 1A);<);=> M)s. Metal Cra(t Engineering sol$ the (ollo8ing excisa&le goo$s to 7eneral 1a&ricators "#i$e .n#oice No. MCE)1;9);=C1;%.
3 ty +(o 1 = 1 = 4ate +4s., 6 ; 6 =

:te) Description 2ot 4o!!ed Bea)s I 28)) Co!d 4o!!ed C#anne!s I 1=))

&ota! /a!ue 6;C=== 6=C===

/ & +L, 7 L 12.8L

The a&o#e goo$s are s!&?ect to ,asic Excise D!ty @ 1AB> E$!cation Cess @ 9B> +ec. E$!c. Cess @ 1B. $$itionally> Pac-ing Charges o( Rs. 5>;;; 8as inc!rre$ $!ring transit an$ the same is also s!&?ect to Excise D!ty as applica&le on the goo$s. #n order to create Excise Sa!es :nvoice for toc, #tems su$0ect to multiple 4&T rates, ensure that 'se Co))on Led*er Bc for :te) !!ocation is set to (o in @12: Confi*uration +Sa!es :nvoice Confi*uration,. Step 1 : Create Sa!es /ouc#er !o to %ate.ay of &a!!y D ccountin* /ouc#ers D @>: Sa!es '. elect Excise I Sa!es as the %oucher type 7. Ensure that the Sa!es /ouc#er is in :te) :nvoice Mode 2. Enter the Date as 1;I7I2==A (. Enter the 4ef details as %E(B662 *. Meta! Craft En*ineerin* is defaulted automatically in the in Excise 'nit field ?. Excise Boo- (a)e and the Seria! (o. field is automatically prefilled $ased on predefined configurations /. #n 5arty Bc (a)e field, select %enera! @abricators from the Aist of Aedger &ccounts ). #n 5arty Detai!s su$ form, Enter the Despatc# and Order Detai!s

Enter the S!.(o. in 5L B4%I26 Register The Date and &i)e of :nvoice is defaulted automatically $ased on the system time and date, the same can $e changed as re>uired. The Date and &i)e of re)ova! is automatically set $y default $ased on the system time and date -the same can $e changed as and when re>uired. The Buyer Detai!s are automatically selected $y default $ased on the ledger specifica9 tions

Figure 21.72 "e patc+ "etail

9. #n (ature of 4e)ova! field, select Do)estic from the list of &ypes of 4e)ova!s ':.#n (a)e of :te) field, elect the toc, #tem as 2ot 4o!!ed Bea)s I 28))

3uantity as 1== and the 4ate as 6;=, the )ount will $e displayed automatically

''.#n &ccounting "etails for screen, select Sa!es K 7L from the List of Led*er ccounts. The / &B&ax C!ass field is automatically defaulted '7. imilarly, select Co!d 4o!!ed C#anne!s I 1=)) as the second toc, #tem '2.Enter 1== as 3uantity and 6== as 4ate '(.#n &ccounting "etails for screen, select Sa!es K 12.8L from the List of Led*er ccounts. The / &B&ax C!ass field is automatically defaulted '*. elect 5ac-in* C#ar*es ledger and specify the amount as 8=== '?. elect Basic Excise Duty K 1;L, the )ount will $e calculated and displayed automatically. '/. elect Education Cess K 2L and Secondary Education Cess K 1L ledgers. )ount will $e calculated and displayed automatically '). elect Output / & K 7L, the )ount will $e calculated and displayed automatically. '9. elect Output / & K 12.8L, the )ount will $e calculated and displayed automatically. 7:. et S#o. Statutory Detai!s to Fes and press Enter 7'.#n Statutory Detai!s screen, press !t E @1: Detai!ed to %iew details of duty calculations.

Figure 21.73 #tatutory "etail

77.#n Bi!!I.ise Detai!s screen, select &ype of 4ef as (e. 4ef, (a)e as %E(B662 and in other fields retain the default details. 72.Enter the (arration, if re>uired The completed Excise Sa!es /ouc#er is displayed as shown1

Figure 21.74 #ale &ouc+er

7(.Press Enter to accept and sa%e.

In the above case, the Metho$ o( pportion for Pac-ing charges ledger is selected as ,ase$ on 'al!e. Thus, The value of #ac'ing ,harges of Rs. 4,333+- is apportioned based on the value of the goods. i.e., Rs. 9>E9E.9E "5>;;;F3A>;;;)AA>;;;% is subGect to Excise ?uty at applicable rates and &(T H <I for the respective item and Rs. 9>9E9.E9 "5;;;F3;>;;;)AA>;;;% is subGect to Excise ?uty at the applicable rates and &(T H 2=.4I for the respective item.

Step 2 : 5rint Excise :nvoice under 4u!e 11 '. Press 5a*e up from the a$o%e screen and press !tE5 -if 5rint after savin* option

is ena9 $led in Excise I Sa!es /ouc#er &ype, Tally.ERP 9 will $e automatically redirect to /ouc#er 5rintin* creen 7. Press @12: Confi*ure and ensure that the following options are set to Fes 5rint Excise Duty Detai!s of :te)s

5rint &ax na!ysis of :te)s 5rint / & na!ysis of :te)s 5rint Date ? &i)e

2. Press Enter to print the Excise #n%oice The printed Excise Sa!es :nvoice as per Rule '' of Excise Rules is displayed as shown.

Figure 21.75 *rint *re9ie; 6 Exci e 2n9oice

Exa)p!e <: 4n 91);<);=> M)s. Metal Cra(t Engineering man!(act!re$ the (ollo8ing excisa&le goo$s
:te) Description S!otted n*!e I 1=)) 3ty +(os, 8 = To Man!(act!re 1 Nos o( +lotte$ ngle C 1;mm> the (ollo8ing inp!ts are reD!ire$ in the gi#en proportions. Stee! S#eets 3ty +G*s, 1

$$itionally> La&o!r Charges o( Rs. 3;; 8as inc!rre$. Create necessary toc, #tems with the re>uired +ill of Materials -+oM. and create the Manufactur9 ing Pournal as discussed in Exa)p!e 6. The completed Excise Manufacturin* Nourna! is displayed as shown1

Figure 21.76 8anu5acturing 4ournal Press Enter to accept.

Exa)p!e >: 4n 99);<);=> M)s. Metal Cra(t Engineering sol$ the (ollo8ing excisa&le goo$s to +implex Casting Limite$ "#i$e .n#oice No. MCE)1;3);=C1;%.
:te) Description S!otted n*!e I 1=)) Co!d 4o!!ed C#anne!s I 1=)) 3 ty +(o 8 = 1 4ate +4s., 2 8 6 &ota! /a!ue 12C8== / & +L, 12.8L

6=C=== 12.8L = = The a&o#e goo$s are s!&?ect to ,asic Excise D!ty @ 1AB> E$!cation Cess @ 9B> +ec. E$!c. Cess @ 1B. Step 1 : Create Excise Sa!es /ouc#er To create a Sa!es /ouc#er !o to %ate.ay of &a!!y D ccountin* /ouc#ers D @>: Sa!es '. elect Excise I Sa!es as the %oucher type 7. Ensure that the Sa!es /ouc#er is in :te) :nvoice Mode 2. Enter the Date as 22I7I2==A (. Enter the 4ef details as SCLB71= *. Meta! Craft En*ineerin* is displayed automatically in Excise 'nit field ?. Excise Boo- (a)e and the Seria! (o. field is automatically prefilled $ased on predefined configurations /. elect Si)p!ex Castin* Li)ited in the 5arty Bc (a)e field. #n 5arty Detai!s screen, enter the re>uired details ). elect Do)estic in (ature of 4e)ova! field 9. elect S!otted n*!e I 1=)) in (a)e of :te) field ':.Enter 3uantity as 8= and 4ate as 28=, press Enter the amount will calculated automatically ''.#n ccountin* Detai!s for screen, select Sa!es K 12.8L, the / &B&ax C!ass is defaulted automatically '7. imilarly, select Co!d 4o!!ed C#anne!s I 1=)) as the second stoc, item '2.Enter 3uantity as 1== and 4ate as 6==, press Enter the amount will calculated automatically '(.#n ccountin* Detai!s for screen, select Sa!es K 12.8L, the / &B&ax C!ass is defaulted automatically '*. elect Basic Excise Duty K 1;L, the )ount will $e calculated and displayed automatically. '?. elect Education Cess K 2L and Secondary Education Cess K 1L, the )ount will $e calculated and displayed automatically '/. elect Output / & K 7L, the )ount will $e displayed automatically '). et S#o. Statutory Detai!s to Fes and press Enter '9.#n Statutory Detai!s screen, press !tE@1 to vie. in detai!ed )ode

Figure 21.77 #tatutory "etail

7:.#n Bi!!I.ise Detai!s screen, select &ype of 4ef as (e. 4ef and in other fields retain the default details. 7'.Enter the (arration, if re>uired The completed Excise Sa!es /ouc#er is displayed as shown 1

Figure 21.78 #ale &ouc+er

77.Press Enter to sa%e and accept.

Step 2 : 5rint Excise :nvoice under 4u!e 11 Press 5a*e 'p from the a$o%e screen and press !tE5

The printed Excise Sa!es :nvoice as per Rule '' of Excise Rules is displayed as shown

Figure 21.79 *rint *re9ie; 6 Exci e 2n9oice

21.7.7 4eturn of %oods #t is mandatory to account for return of excisa$le goods sold under the co%er of Excise #n%oice as per rule '' of Excise Rules 7::7 and to precisely maintain excise $oo,s G reports. Aet us consider the following transaction to illustrate the same. Exa)p!e A: 4n 9G);<);=> M)s. +implex Casting Limite$ ret!rne$ the (ollo8ing goo$s to Metal Cra(t Engineerin g.
3 4ate &ota! / & +4s., ty /a!ue +L, +(o 2ot 4o!!ed Bea)s I 28)) 1 6 6;== 7 = ; L The a&o#e goo$s 8ere sol$ !n$er .n#oice No. MCE)1;1);=C1; $t. 1;);<);=. Step 1 : Create Credit (ote Setup : #n @11: @eatures + ccountin* @eatures,

:te) Description

et 'se DebitBCredit (otes to Fes et 'se :nvoice )ode for Credit (otes to Fes

!o to %ate.ay of &a!!y D ccountin* /ouc#ers D Ctr! E @>: Credit (ote '. elect Excise I Credit (ote as the %oucher type 7. Ensure that the Credit (ote /ouc#er is in :te) :nvoice Mode 2. Enter the Date as 2>I7I2==A (. Enter the 4ef details as SCLBC(B==1 *. Meta! Craft En*ineerin* is automatically selected $y default in the Excise 'nit field ?. elect %oods So!d 4eturned as the type of / & djust)ent in the 'sed for field and press Enter /. elect Si)p!ex Castin* Li)ited in 5arty Bc (a)e field ). #n (a)e of :te) field, select 2ot 4o!!ed Bea)s I 28)) 9. Enter the 3uantity as 1= and 4ate as 6;= ':.#n ccountin* Detai!s for screen, select Sa!es K 7L and press Enter, the / &B&ax C!ass is automatically selected $y default ''. elect Basic Excise Duty K 1;L, Education Cess K 2L and Secondary Education Cess K 1L ledgers su$se>uently and press Enter. The )ount will $e calculated and displayed automatically '7. elect Output / & K 7L, the )ount will $e displayed automatically '2. et S#o. Statutory Detai!s to Fes and press Enter '(.#n Statutory Detai!s screen, press !tE@1 to %iew in detailed mode

Figure 21.80 #tatutory "etail

'*.#n the Bi!!I.ise Detai!s screen, select &ype of 4ef as *st 4ef and select SCLB621 dated 1=I 7I2==A.

Figure 21.81 /ill:;i e "etail

'?.Enter the (arration, if re>uired

The completed Excise Credit (ote is displayed as shown 1

Figure 21.82 Cre-it $ote &ouc+er

'/.Press Enter to accept and sa%e

imilarly, in case of Purchase Returns you can create the re>uired "e$it 5ote 4oucher Type and pass the "e$it 5ote 4oucher with the returned goods.

21.7.8 vai!in* CE(/ & Credit &s discussed earlier, !o%ernment entitles the manufacturer of excisea$le goods to a%ail CE54&T credit on Excise duty -4iC., +E", E", &E", 5CC", Cess etc. paid on the inputs @ raw materials. To record the CE54&T ad0ustment in Tally.ERP 9, Excise "uty Aedgers are de$ited and CE54&T "uty Aedgers are credited respecti%ely, in order to nullify the $alances in the CE54&T ledgers. Aet us consider the following transaction to illustrate the same. Exa)p!e 1=: 4n 3;);<);=> M)s. Metal Cra(t Engineering P#t. Lt$.> a#aile$ CEN' T Cre$it on D!ties o( Excise pai$ on p!rchases> $!ring the month o( pril


The $etails o( a#aila&le CEN' T Cre$it (or pril 9;;= are as (ollo8s
Duties of Excise Basic Excise Duty +CE(/ &, Education Cess +CE(/ &, Secondary Education Cess +CE(/ &, Step 1 : Create Nourna! /ouc#er C!ass !o to %ate.ay of &a!!y D ccounts info. D /ouc#er &ypes D !ter D Nourna!

)ou nt +4s AC;= = 1C2= = ;= =

Ta$ down to (a)e of C!ass field Enter the (a)e of C!ass as CE(/ & Credit djust)ent and press Enter #n /ouc#er &ype C!ass screen, set 'se C!ass for Excise B CE(/ & djust)ent to Fes

Figure 21.83 4ournal &ouc+er Cla


Press Enter to accept.

The completed Nourna! /ouc#er &ype is displayed as shown1

Figure 21.84 4ournal &ouc+er

Press Enter to accept and sa%e.

Step 2 : Create Nourna! /ouc#er !o to %ate.ay of &a!!y D ccountin* /ouc#ers D @<: Nourna! '. elect CE(/ & Credit djust)ent as the 4oucher C!ass

Figure 21.85 4ournal &ouc+er Cla

7. Enter the Date as 6=I7I2==A


2. elect CE(/ & djust)ent in 'sed for field

Figure 21.86 < er 5or 5iel(. Press !t E L or clic, on L: Excise 2e!per $utton to %iew CE(/ & djust)ents screen

Figure 21.87 Exci e =elper button

#n CE(/ & djust)ents screen

#n Excise 'nit field, select Meta! Craft En*ineerin* from the List of Excise 'nits.

On selecting Excise <nit, the CE(/ & credit avai!ab!e details will $e displayed in vai!aI b!e )ount column #n 5ayab!e @ro) and &o field mention the period for which the payment is done i.e., @ro) 1I7I2==A to 6=I7I2==A.

On specifying the 5ayab!e @ro) and &o date, the duty payab!e for the period specified will $e displayed in 5ayab!e )ount column

Figure 21.88 Exci e "uty %->u tment

Rs. =>A;; is the CEN' T Cre$it ",asic Excise D!ty amo!nt% availa- ble for adGustment towards excise duty payable Rs. 1>9;; is the CEN' T Cre$it "E$!cation Cess amo!nt% available for adGustment towards excise duty payable. ,redit of Education ,ess on Excisable goods and imported goods can be utilised only for pay- ment of education cess on final products. Rs. A;; is the CEN' T Cre$it "+econ$ary E$!cation Cess amo!nt% available for adGustment towards excise duty payable. ,redit of 1)E ,ess on Excisable goods and imported goods can be utilised only for payment of education cess on final products.

#n djustab!e )ount column, specify the amount to $e ad0usted as

Basic Excise Duty J 4s. AC;== Education Cess J 4s. ;== Secondary Education Cess J 4s. 6== Press Enter to sa%e the ad0ustment. Tally.ERP 9 displays 5roceed to djust

Excise Duties screen for confirmation to ad0ust excise duties

Figure 21.89 %->u t Exci e "utie Press Enter to sa%e the CE(/ & djust)ents. 5ow, the Nourna! /ouc#er automatically displays the CE(/ & Led*ers ad0usted against the respecti%e Duty 5ayab!e !ed*ers with the specified amounts.

Figure 21.90 CE$&%' %->u tment

(s per Excise Rules, the duty paid on account of Excise ?uty, Education ,ess and )igher Education ,ess can be adGusted + availed only against the dues on account of Excise ?uty, Education ,ess and )igher Education
,ess respectively. payable

*. Enter the (arration, if re>uired

The completed Nourna! vouc#er is displayed as shown1

Figure 21.91 4ournal &ouc+er

?. Press Enter to accept and sa%e

The CEN' T adGustment entry can be passed depending upon the periodic- ity of payment of Excise ?uty to /overnment by the Eanufacturer i.e., on monthly or *uarterly basis depending upon the type of manufacturer.

21.7.; 5ay)ent of Excise Duty &s per Excise Rules, the Excise duty is paya$le on a monthly or >uarterly $asis depending on the Type of manufacturer. #n case of a Regular Manufacturer, the Excise "uty is paya$le on a monthly $asis and for mall cale #ndustries - #., the Excise "uty is paya$le on a Duarterly $asis. #n order to ma,e the payment in respect of Excise duty, it is essential for the Excise unit to ascertain the accurate net duty paya$le to the go%ernment for any gi%en period after ad0usting the a%aila$le CE54&T credit, if any. Thus, whene%er the Excise "uty payments -monthly@>uarterly whiche%er is applica$le. are due, the CE54&T ad0ustment entry is re>uired to $e passed at the end of e%ery month@>uarter -as the case may $e. $efore the payment entry. Exa)p!e 11: 4n ;<);5);=> M)s. Metal Cra(t Engineering P#t. Lt$.> pai$ Excise D!ty (or the month o( pril 9;;= #i$e CheD!e No.15A3GE. The excise $!ty $etails are as (ollo8s 2
Duties of Excise Basic Excise Duty K 1;L Education Cess K 2L Secondary Education Cess K 1L Step 1 : Creatin* 5ay)ent /ouc#er Setup :

)ount +4s.,1>C>>=.= = 86.; = 2;.> =

#n @12: Confi*ure +5ay)ent Confi*uration,, ensure 'se Sin*!e Entry )ode for 5y)tB 4cptBContra is set to Fes

!o to %ate.ay of &a!!y D ccountin* /ouc#ers D @8: 5ay)ent '. Enter the Date as 7I8I2==A 7. Press !t E L or clic, on L: Excise 2e!per $utton on the +uttons +ar to %iew Payment "etails "Excise 6elper% screen

Figure 21.92 Exci e =elper /utton

2. #n the 5ay)ent Detai!s +for Excise, screen Enter 1I7I2==A to 6=I7I2==A in 5eriod @ro) and &o fields respecti%ely

elect Meta! Craft En*ineerin* in the Excise 'nit (a)e field Enter A6718= in C#a!!an (o. field Enter 7I8I2==A in C#a!!an Date field Enter 2D@C Ban- in Ban- (a)e field Enter the BS4 code of the +an, Enter 18;6>< in C#e9ueBDraftB5ay Order (o. field Enter 7I8I2==A in C#e9ue Date field

Figure 21.93 *ayment "etail

Press Enter to accept the payment details screen, +ased on the period selected duty ledger with the tax amount due for payment will $e displayed automatically.

Figure 21.94 *ayment &ouc+er

(. #n the ccount field, select +an, Aedger i.e., ="8C +an, *. Enter the details of the transaction in the (arration field.

Figure 21.95 *ayment &ouc+er

?. Press Enter to accept.

Step 2 : 5rint %

4 M< C#a!!an

Press 5a*e 'p from the payment %oucher Press !t E5, the /ouc#er 5rintin* screen is displayed as shown.

Figure 21.96 &ouc+er *rinting

The option 5rint %. .4.M< C#a!!an is $y default set to Fes Press !tE5 to print % 4 M < C#a!!an

Figure 21.97 *rinte- ? % ! 6 7 C+allan

21.8 Excise 4eports Eith the help of Tally.ERP 9, you can generate Excise reports, registers and tatutory Challans G 8orms in the prescri$ed formats. Tally.ERP 9 pro%ides the following Excise reports for Manufac9 turers 1 Excise Computation "aily toc, Register PA& Register 8orm ER ' CE54&T Registers Excise

To %iew Reports,

!o to %ate.ay of &a!!y D Disp!ay D Statutory 4eports D Excise 4eports D Manufacturer

Figure 21.98 Exci e !eport 21.8.1 Excise Co)putation 4eport The Excise Computation report displays the complete information on the Excisa$le transactions made during a particular period. #t precisely pro%ides details on how Excise duty is computed on the &ssessa$le %alue $esides indicating the Credit ad0ustments a%aila$le for the respecti%e period, if any. To %iew Excise Co)putation report !o to %ate.ay of &a!!y D Disp!ay D Statutory 4eports D Excise 4eports D Manufacturer D Excise Co)putation

elect Meta! Craft En*ineerin* from the List of Excise 'nits

Figure 21.99 Exci e Computation Press @12: Confi*uration and set S#o. !! C!assifications to Fes S#o. Cenvat Credit djuste)ents to Fes

The Excise Co)putation report is displayed as shown1

Figure 21.100 Exci e Computation The Excise Co)putation report is di%ided into three $road sections, namely1 Excise Duty 5ayab!e1 This section displays the details of Excise ales, Paya$le from the pre%ious period and Excise "uty Payments@ Credit &d0ustment.

Excise Sa!es1 This section displays the details of Excise sales at re*u!ar rate and Exe)pt

5ayab!e fro) previous period1 This section displays the duty amount paya$le from the pre%ious period. Excise Duty 5ay)entsB Credit djust)ents1 This section displays the details in respect of %. .4. < 5ay)ents and Credit djust)ent made during the gi%en period Ot#er C#ar*es1 This section displays the details of other charges %iC., #nterest Penalty and &rrears amount paid during the period. Ba!ance :nput Credit1 This section displays the details of $alance CE54&T credit in respect of #nputs, Capital goods and er%ice Tax #nput Credit.

21.8.2 Dai!y Stoc- 4e*ister The "aily toc, Register displays the details of stoc, mo%ements of selected Excisa$le commod9 ity. The report contains information on Opening >uantity, Manufactured >uantity, #ssued for repac,ing@sales, &ssessa$le 4alue, Excise "uty details and Excise 5otification details and so on. To %iew 4e*ister Dai!y Stoc-

!o to %ate.ay of &a!!y D Disp!ay D Statutory 4eportsD Excise 4eports D Manufacturer D Dai!y Stoc- 4e*ister D One :te) #n Se!ected Excise 'nit screen +y default, Meta! Craft En*ineerin* appears in (a)e of Excise 'nit field elect ny in &ariff (o. field elect the re>uired toc, #tem from the List of Excise Stoc- :te)s and press Enter

Figure 21.101 #elect Exci e <nit The Dai!y Stoc- 4e*ister is displayed as shown1

Figure 21.102 "aily #toc3 !egi ter This report allows you to drill down from any document reference to %oucher le%el for ,ind of reference@%erification. #n the same way, you can generate Dai!y Stoc- 4e*ister for Mu!tip!e Exciseab!e :te)s from Mu!ti :te) menu. 21.8.6 5L 4e*ister The 5ersona! Led*er ccount +5L , refers to an &ccount Current through which &ssessee pays the "uty to the !o%ernment. The PA& register is credited when the duty is paya$le and on the other hand when the "uty is discharged -$y CE54&T Credit @Payment., the PA& register is de$ited. &ny $alance of duty paya$le is displayed as +alance. The 5L 4e*ister displays the following particulars1 Particulars of Credit@"e$it "ocument @ "escription of "ocuments Eith name of treasury Ehere necessary "ocument 5o. and "ate Central Excise Tariff u$9heading 5um$er ECC no. of the +uyer

+asic Excise "uty -Credit, "e$it and +alance duty amount. Education Cess -Credit, "e$it and +alance Education Cess amount.

econdary Education Cess -Credit, "e$it and +alance secondary Education Cess amount. 5L

To %iew 4e*ister

!o to %ate.ay of &a!!y D Disp!ay D Statutory 4eports D Excise 4eports D Manufacturer D 5L 4e*ister #n Se!ect :te) screen, The 5L shown1 elect Meta! Craft En*ineerin* from the Aist of Excise <nits 4e*ister is displayed as

Figure 21.103 *,% !egi ter 21.8.7 @or) E4 1 &s per Excise Rules, e%ery Manufacturer -Regular @ Aarge Tax Payer <nit. of Excisa$le !oods is re>uired to file returns in @or) E4 1. @or) E4 1 is a monthly return containing the details of pro9 duction, remo%al of !oods, CE54&T Credit and other rele%ant particulars. in Tally.ERP 9, you can generate @or) E4 1 in the prescri$ed format.

!o to %ate.ay of &a!!y D Disp!ay D Statutory 4eports D Excise 4eports D Manufacturer D @or) E4 1 The 5rintin* Confi*uration screen is displayed, press Bac-space and enter the informa9 tion as shown.

Figure 21.104 *rint Con5iguration

Press !t E 5 to print

The Printed @or) E4 1 is displayed as shown1

Figure 21.105 *rinte- Form E! 1 0*age 11

Figure 21.106 *rinte- Form E! 1 0*age 21

Figure 21.107 *rinte- Form E! 1 0*age 31

Figure 21.108 *rinte- Form E! 1 0*age 41

21.8.8 CE(/ & 4e*isters #n Tally.ERP 9, the following CE54&T Registers are a%aila$le Credit ummary Credit &%ailed R!72 Part ## &nnexure ': &$stract

Credit Su))ary The CE(/ & Credit Su))ary displays the details in respect of opening and closing $alance of CE54&T credit a%aila$le for the selected Excise <nit for different types of toc, #tem Types.

To %iew CE(/ & Credit Su))ary, !o to %ate.ay of &a!!y D Disp!ay D Statutory 4eports D Excise 4eports D Manufacturer D CE(/ & 4e*isters D Credit Su))ary #n Se!ected Excise 'nit screen, Meta! Craft En*ineerin* is displayed automatically in (a)e of Excise 'nit field elect ny in &ariff (o. field elect 5rincipa! 'nit in the Stoc- :te) &ype field elect !! :te)s from the List of Stoc- :te)s

Figure 21.109 ,i t o5 #toc3 2tem Press Enter


The CE(/ & Credit Su))ary for 5rincipa! :nput is displayed as shown1

Figure 21.110 CE$&%' Cre-it #ummary Credit vai!ed The Credit vai!ed report displays the details of CE54&T credit a%ailed in respect of 5rincipa! :nput or Capita! %oods for the selected period. The Credit vai!ed report displays information such as Excise <nit 5ame, toc, #tem Type, "ate of Entry, #n%@&d0 Reference, Type of "ocument, upplier 5ame, upplier ECC 5o., &ssessa$le 4alue, +asic Excise "uty, Education Cess, ec Ed Cess and so on. To %iew Credit report vai!ed

!o to %ate.ay of &a!!y D Disp!ay D Statutory 4eports D Excise 4eports D Manufacturer D CE(/ & 4e*isters D Credit vai!ed #n Se!ected Excise 'nit screen, Meta! Craft En*ineerin* is displayed automatically in (a)e of Excise 'nit field elect ny in &ariff (o. field

elect 5rincipa! 'nit in the Stoc- :te) &ype field elect !! :te)s from the List of Stoc- :te)s

Figure 21.111 #electeExci e <nit The CE(/ & Credit vai!ed report for 5rincipa! :nput is displayed as shown1

Figure 21.112 CE$&%' Cre-it %9aile4% 26 5art :: 4% 26 5art :: report displays the details of 8resh Credit allowed documents, 8resh Credit &llowed &mount, Total Credit &%aila$le, Credit &d0usted with Opening and +alance Credit of Principal #nputs -R! 72& Part ##.@Capital !oods -R! 72& Part ##. for the Period selected.

To %iew 4% 26 5art :: report, !o to %ate.ay of &a!!y D Disp!ay D Statutory 4eports D Excise 4eports D Manufacturer D CE(/ & 4e*isters D 4% 26 5art :: #n Se!ected Excise 'nit screen, Meta! Craft En*ineerin* is displayed automatically in (a)e of Excise 'nit field elect 5rincipa! 'nit in the Stoc- :te) &ype field

Figure 21.113 #electeExci e <nit The 4%26 5art :: report for 5rincipa! :nput is displayed as shown1

Figure 21.114 !? 23 *art 22

nnexure 1= nnexure 1= is a monthly return under Rule / of the cen%at credit rules, 7::'. This report displays the details of CE54&T credit a%ailed for the Main #tem. To %iew nnexure 1=, !o to %ate.ay of &a!!y D Disp!ay D Statutory 4eports D Excise 4eports D Manufacturer D CE(/ & 4e*isters D nnexure 1= #n Se!ected Excise 'nit screen, Meta! Craft En*ineerin* is displayed automatically in (a)e of Excise 'nit field elect 5rincipa! 'nit in the Stoc- :te) &ype field

Figure 21.115 #electeExci e <nit The nnexure1= for 5rincipa! :nput is displayed as shown1

Figure 21.116 %nnexure 10 bstrac t This report displays the details of Credit vai!ed on #nputs@capital goods@inputs ser%ices, Credit <tilised for Payment of "uty on !oods@ er%ices, Credit <tilised Ehen the !oods are remo%ed as such with Opening and Closing +alance of Credit. To %iew report, bstract

!o to %ate.ay of &a!!y D Disp!ay D Statutory 4eports D Excise 4eports D Manufacturer D CE(/ & 4e*isters D bstract #n Se!ected Excise 'nit screen, Meta! Craft En*ineerin* is displayed automatically in (a)e of Excise 'nit field elect 5rincipa! 'nit in the Stoc- :te) &ype field

Figure 21.117 #electeExci e <nit The bstract report for 5rincipa! :nput is displayed as shown1

Figure 21.118 %b tract

5oints to 4e)e)ber Excise duty is tax charged on goods manufactured and consumed within #ndia. !oods to $e Excisa$le must satisfy the three $asic conditions i.e, it must $e mo%a$le, mar,eta$le and specified in the Central Excise Tariff &ct. CE54&T Credit is the set9off of duty paid on inputs used in the manufac9 ture of final products, against the duty lia$ility on such final products. Tally.ERP 9 permits you to create specific %oucher types li,e Excise9 Purchase G Excise9 ales for entering the excise related transactions. Manufacturer @ upplier@ +uyer details can $e entered during in%oice entry. Tally.ERP 9 permits you to generate G print Excise #n%oice as per Rule '' of Excise Rules. Tally.ERP 9 permits you to generate and print Excise Reports and tatu9 tory Returns Tally.ERP 9 also allows you to ma,e ad0ustments in the records for the sales return of Cen%ata$le goods and %iew its effect in the tatutory Reports.

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