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HealingOneself Testimonial: updated: 3.9.10 How BeiYin healed his Inguinal Hernia without Surgery!

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Preface: I received various complains telling me that my hernia page is too long and that I should better make it more dense by taking out all what is not necessary. Yes, my story is long, but it was written like this as a diary during my healing process and tells about all the difficulties and obstacles I had to go through and overcoming these made a growing process out of my healing. I believe that this is important and maybe more important than practical advises. This might not be of interest for people who are just looking for a quick cure for their inguinal hernia. Although this is common and understandable, I don't want to support this attitude. I believe strongly that all diseases are part of the growing of ones individual existence and if we see it like this then it can be a positive and creative process. So I will leave this page like it is. It needs just about one hour to read (without the links) and you will need to do the rest: Using the given information and 'Healing yourself'! I wish you from all my heart, that I will inspire you enough so that you can go for it! 1. Part: Investigation When I was fully recovered from Fibromyalgia, feeling strong again and full of energy, so I worked like I did before and moved also heavy things. But for more than two years not having had any exercises had weakened my body and so it happened that too much tension in my belly opened the tissue and the muscles, so that my intestines came out through this hole. That's called 'Inguinal Hernia' and was quite painful and my medical doctor told me that this must be repaired with surgery as soon as possible. Although it is common in our days for the established medical health system to use surgery on all parts of the body to repair what doesn't function or is defect, I believe that 'repairing' has not necessarily to do with healing and often might inhibit the natural healing process. The usual expectation is to get rid of any disease as fast as possible and taking pills to take away the disturbing symptoms or to let cut off the bad body part became a normal practice. So to close a hole in the belly with some plastic mash seems to be the logical consequence. But I don't agree with these manipulative procedures. I believe all happenings and also each disease or 'accident' has a cause which lays behind of what we are aware of. Healing should include one's whole being and during the healing process all levels should be included. Of course there are conditions, like injuries in an accident, where surgery is necessary as a first step of the healing. I had the feeling that with hernia there is an underlying reason which is not solved by surgery. So I searched the Internet for an alternative solution, even though I was told by the MD that the not repaired hernia is dangerous and I could die within 5 hours if the intestines are strangulated. I searched and searched, but nothing showed up! I read many pages and the only advice all over the place: Surgery! Even when I searched for 'alternative treatments' then only Surgery came up. Thousands of pages... (1.550.000 pages on hernia!) I searched again and again, with keywords like: "Healing Inguinal hernia without surgery", there were showing up 155.000 pages, - but all about Surgery!

It was said that 5% of all men get an hernia in their life and that would mean, if half of these are repaired by surgery, an income of about a Trillion $ for the medical system only from the hernia surgery! 80.000 surgeries a year only in UK! So obviously this is part of a lucrative business, which is based on a materialistic world view and because of this one can understand why it is so hard to find any alternative solution. That means that all those people who can't effort surgery, are just suffering, left without any help. Probably nobody is even asking for an alternative solution, being impressed by the established medical authorities! Indeed there seems to be no choice. I searched for several months and could not find any information to heal my hernia and even from alternative health groups like Reiki there came only the suggestion back that surgery should be done. Meanwhile I found out, that one must look for information older than eighty years. I have given some links further on... Reading the information from those old books, I can understand now why modern medicine is not interested in those 'self-healing-methods'. To heal an hernia without surgery, it needs a lot of engagement and self responsibility, apart of that it takes much longer and is not just a quick 'repair' but is a 'healing process' which goes far deeper and includes the whole being with all levels - and this is not wanted in our speedy society. Sometimes I felt totally impotent in front of all those hundred thousands of impressive information from medical experts. How can I be right in my feelings only based on my intuition, as I have very little knowledge about diseases and healing? But then looking at the behavior of the great majority of humanity, whose life are nearly all based on a materialistic world view, with no doubt that they might be wrong in their thinking and the resulting way of lifestyle, then I must conclude that indeed all those medical experts might be wrong... As more I read all those medical statements as more my resistance was growing and of course also because of my disappointing experiences with the medical system I had to go through when I had Fibromyalgia; when I was told that my disease only exist in my head and wanting to prescribe anti depressives to me. One medical doctor kicked me out of his office when I insisted that I had no depressions, - of course not forgetting to charge me for his 'service'! So it it easy to understand that my position was critical about the health system and medical doctors, finding the strength to search in spite the overwhelming opinions of all who say: "Only surgery is possible to heal an Inguinal hernia!" So I went on investigating and I just treated my Hernia with what I thought might help: Meditation, Reiki, Sungazing, EFT, foot reflex massage, infra red massager, Crocodile exercise (I had learned 45 years ago from Swami Dev Murti), some yoga and other stretching exercises, a strict alimentation, supplements like Aloe Vera, Propolis, Ginseng, Olive leaf tea, Granada peel tea, MSM, minerals, etc., and I was continuing to do my ozone sauna, I did when I was healing my Fibromyalgia, but now doing the sauna only once a week. Healing my Hernia was a very slow process and very tiring as it needed a lot of my energy and probably also because I felt pretty alone with it. But I continued with the decision that even this would be the last thing in my life, I would go on with it! One thing became absolutely clear to me: It is NOT the question of treating symptoms even not with holistic means like meditation or Reiki. I have written about it many times and I will repeat it many times: Whatever dysfunction shows up, what is called 'disease', this is not the

cause, it is a symptom for an underlying, mostly hidden cause and this probably will come from another level. Maybe it is from an emotionally or mental imbalance, or even beyond this, what we might call 'spiritual', (even though I try to avoid to go into 'mystical' spaces...) meaning that our connection with our origin or authentic being is disturbed or not yet done... (This will need far more investigation...) Then I started with some exercises, I only could do fife movements of it then I was exhausted, but later on I could do twenty and I added every few days fife more. I wouldn't give any advice on how often and how much one should do exercises. This depends very much on ones personal condition. So one needs to listen to ones body and observe the reactions coming back from there and then adjusting ones doing. So please don't ask me for details about it, that is the part one needs to find out oneself and then do what feels right. It happened the first time that my Hernia didn't pop out when I got up in the morning and it didn't hurt anymore, I could walk without disturbance. So it seemed that it works! But apart of the body exercises I did more: Twice a day EFT and twice a day Reiki on myself and 45 minutes my girl friend treated me daily with Reiki. With the exercises one must watch out not to do too much: Once when I did the 'upside down' Yoga position, then I didn't noticed that the hernia was outside and after a few minutes I had strong pain and couldn't continue, then I had pain for several days... I found out that by doing too much exercises my hernia is getting worse and by doing too little it doesn't get better. So what is too much and too little depends on my situation, my energy and my emotionally state of being... What means that one has to be very aware and listen to one's body and all other parts of one's system. It is probably a good attitude and condition to find a holistic way to deal with oneself, as a being in ones specific condition and position connecting and being aware with one's source... I couldn't believe it that there is no information available about an alternative way to treat hernia and so again I searched intensively the Internet, I went through hundreds of pages and couldn't find anything, only about surgery. I did it in English, German and Spanish, - all the same. Then I found one scientific page: Strategies for the Treatment of Indirect Hernia (M. Kux) with an article in such a professional language that I hardly could understand one word. But a few sentences (red) gave me a hint: "The internal Inguinal ring is formed by the separation of two portions of transversalis fascia: Laterally, transversalis fascia is attached to the posterior edge of the Inguinal ligament. Medial to the inferior epigastric vessels, transversalis fascia inserts into the Cooper ligament, at some distance from the Inguinal ligament, and extends over the pubis into the cavity of the pelvis. The course of an indirect hernia corresponds to a tangentially acting aetiology. Intraperitoneal pressure acts at a right angle upon the oblique course of the processus vaginalis, causing compression and obliteration of the processus. Radially acting intraperitoneal pressure would have to be deviated at a right angle to cause de novo formation of an indirect hernia. Conclusions: The word and the historical notion of traumatic 'rupture' are misleading conceptions for groin hernia aetiology. In childhood, indirect hernia is a process of foetal development; at old age, a process of involution of the extraperitoneal fatty-fascial compartment. This involution is characterized by the formation of lipomas and, histologically, by fatty degeneration of connective tissue components. The extraperitoneal fatty-fascial compartment is contained by external oblique aponeurosis, not by transversalis fascia. This is the reason why a small prosthesis sublayed to external oblique aponeurosis is

more effective than a much larger prosthesis sublayed to transversalis fascia. This concept is helpful in the strategy of using as little prosthetic material as possible". . The author's conclusion goes in direction of surgery but my conclusion was and is: If the hernia is caused by "fatty degeneration of connective tissue components" then this condition is not changed by surgery putting a plastic mash on top of the hole and so no wonder if after surgery another hernia appears. A comment from a cyber friend: "I find it interesting that once again there is connective fatty tissue involved. I had not really ever known what caused such things, but it seems that weakening of the tissue is the base problem? Most research I have seen regarding major diseases seems to relate to certain tissue type, the fatty tissues are in the nervous, and brain, spine and other places. These are the places the contamination of heavy metal accumulates and allows virus/pathogens to prosper and be protected from the white cells that would normally do the cleaning job. I read this again and again. It seems what stopping the tissue degeneration one way or the other, would be the first thing to do. As you have pointed out, the medical establishment treats disease viruses like a protected species. I have heard of drug that will not work until after the heavy metal is removed. It seems the reason the drugs work in a lab, is because the lab samples do not have heavy metal..." If there is a degeneration of tissue, then this might be caused through circumstances like wrong alimentation, overweight, lack of exercises, accumulation of toxins and probably many more until now unknown factors. (I found a good Web site about 'Hernia causes' which is not directly about hernia, it is more general, but worthwhile to be read.) If there has happened a change in the tissue and muscles, causing the hernia, then it must be possible to reverse the process and create favorable conditions for a healing. At least this is my logical thought as a naive nonprofessional 'investigator'. The MDs say that once the tissues and muscles are damaged then it will not heal and only surgery can repair it and with this justifying their manipulation, which only eliminates the symptom but not touching the cause. Maybe they are right, maybe not. At this moment I don't trust the MDs because even I believe they are caring for their patients, - as good as they can, - their own interest might be stronger, ruled by their (unconscious) personal background and limited knowledge... (Without even they know about this!) Two brothers told me that they both had surgery twice for their inguinal hernia and they still have a lot of problems. Now the doctor wants to do the surgery the third time and he said that now he has to charge the double because they are over 50 years old, but he would serve them with great pleasure! - - - Incredible isn't it? So the question is: What can I do to strengthen the damaged condition of my tissue and muscles? Now I realize that I did already something in this direction apart of my exercises: When I was sick with Fibromyalgia I had not enough exercises and had gotten some overweight, not much but a few kilos and mainly around the belly. So that was the first thing I did after the hernia appeared: I did a fasting and lost some of this fat. Probably it is a good idea to do a water fasting, a liver cleansing and a colon cleansing. When I searched the Internet and was confronted with hundred thousands of "expertopinions" from medical capacities then I felt sometimes like an ante who wants to climb the Himalayas. So then sometimes I came to the point near to desperation as everything was becoming too much. So I had ask for help... I received the clear and simple answer from inside: 'Help is on

the way!' Well, so I trusted this and was more calm. Then I received an email from Dr.Bernarr, D.C., (email: I had asked him for help with my hernia. The information he gave, even though I'm critical and don't agree with all what he wrote, it confirmed very much what I had found out already and so it gave me a certain security to be able to continue with my treatments and my positive attitude. Investigating Native American healer I found an interesting Web site from a healer who is also a medical doctor, what he writes goes very much with what my intention is, (and also it confirms what Dr. Bernarr told me in his email) worth to be read, go to:

Dr. Lewis Mehl-Madrona Quote: "Since medical school graduation, I have been working to integrate the thoughts and techniques of traditional Native American healing elders with more common behavioral medicine techniques and psychotherapies. I have wanted to find the most effective and most aesthetic way for me to midwife people's personal transformations and healings. To improve my approach, I interviewed a number of Native American healers to learn how they conceptualized their work and how they thought it could be translated into modern American culture." BeiYin: That he writes about 'personal transformation' tells me that he came to a similar conclusion like me, - even being a 'medical doctor'! For my personal healing process now with hernia, I picked from his Web site: Quote: "The traditional healers told me that time is the first important ingredient in the healing journey, comparing starting this journey to beginning to push a rock up a hill. It takes a lot more effort to get the rock moving at first than to keep it moving. They wondered how seeing someone once or twice weekly could provide enough "oomph" to start the healing process. "How can you push a rock up a hill if you keep stopping and letting it roll back down?" they asked. In organic and biochemistry, an energy of activation is required to initiate a reaction. Once initiated that reaction may proceed irreversibly to completion without much further energetic input. Without sufficient energy of activation, the reaction never occurs. A cake without sufficient energy of heat remains mush. A minimal level of heat is needed to actually cook the cake (transforming the internal arrangements of its molecules). The healers loved these comparisons to chemistry, and reflected upon how nature is the same at every level. In systems science, we say that each layer is isomorphic to the other." BeiYin: So this confirms what I thought before: doing a water fasting in which I don't do anything else, just laying in bed with closed eyes, etc. He writes also: Quote:"The days before modern pharmaceuticals, rest was a key ingredient of any therapy. Healing may best begin by putting the client to bed. This disturbs daily routines and breaks old habits. It allows the body's repair mechanisms to take over from the defense mechanisms; the parasympathetic nervous system to calm down the sympathetic nervous system." BeiYin: I was doing every day my exercises, EFT, Reiki, meditation, etc. but I was also working. This was probably the reason why my hernia was not getting much better:

'The rock is just too heavy that it moves by itself and keeps moving...' With other words: to become aware of the load one is carrying since many years and which might have caused

one's disease. In consequence I did as the most important a ten days water fasting: I am at the 5th day of my water fasting. I'm doing my exercises three times a day and today I felt that it was more difficult. Today I will do an enema to clean up my intestines but I will wait with a liver cleans until after the fasting, it might be too much stress and disturbing the healing process of my hernia. I felt good the last few days and I had enough energy to work several hours on some translations, what I wanted to do since several months. I finished twelve days water fasting... and I must say that this was a pretty tough time. I wouldn't suggest to do it in winter time, it's easier in summer. At the end I was quite weak and when I wanted to eat again then there was nothing prepared and I had not enough energy so I was eating for a week just what was there and this wasn't the right way to get back my strength, instead I messed up my digestive system... Now another week has passed and slowly I am gaining back some energy. I had lost about eight kilos. My hernia is not yet healed although it is getting better. I am doing my exercises three times a day. Six series: When I started these then I could only do five then later twenty movements in each series. Now I am doing about one hundred... But this is absolutely NOT an advice or a suggestion for somebody else. I'm sure that it depends very much on ones personal condition and situation what one can do, how often, how much, etc. One needs to listen to ones body and find out what is the best that suites. I felt that I was doing too much and so I reduced the number of movements to fifty, this feels good even when I do it three times a day. In an old book about natural healing from Dr. med. Alfred Brauchle, he wrote that after or before these exercises one should do five minutes of massage of the abdomen around the hernia, - massaging in circles. This I am doing since a few days and indeed my hernia is getting better. Also Dr. Brauchle suggest to wear a good fitting truss and to put it on in the morning when still laying in bed and also taking it off laying down. So that the hernia doesn't pop out. He writes that the hernia should be treated like a broken bone, it should be kept as calm as possible. That's not always so easy, for example when going to the toilet or taking a shower. I do it in the way that I hold one hand on the hernia so that it doesn't come out, this doesn't work always but most of the time. I have a cold. Why my hernia is getting worse? I have emotional stress. Why my hernia is getting worse? I have days with a lack of energy. Why my hernia then is worse? It seems to be pretty obvious that all is connected and so the 'healing' must include the whole system, and of course the 'healing' can and should start also with little things like a cold. Not cutting the symptoms with some pills or in the case of hernia closing the damaged tissue with some plastic mash... So the healing must start or go down to the roots, but where are the root causes of an hernia? I never read anywhere a question about it, so probably I need to go into this direction and investigate more... (Isn't anybody out there who can give me a hint?) Link: When searching the Internet I read about the author Patricia Ann Hellinger. Her story had an uplifting effect to my mood, as I see that I'm not the only person who wants to go into another direction. She has written an interesting book how she healed herself from Fibromyalgia and other severe diseases, but it is already worth while to read her story and her view about healing... Link: I found an amazing book "Practice of natural therapeutics" Henry Lindlahr M.D. TREATMENT OF CHRONIC DISEASES and I have made a copy. There are a number of books, mostly out of print and several now in 'Public Domain'. Go to: I found a book published in Germany at 1933: "Handbuch der Naturheilkunde" written by Dr.

med. Alfred Brauchle. I don't know if there exist an edition in English. I will search for it, because he is describing natural treatments among others also for hernia... Mood & Energy: During the last weeks I came several times near to desperation and I guess this happens to anyone who is searching for an alternative way to heal one's hernia and then not finding anything else than surgery. So when it happened that I got this feeling of being helpless and hopeless, then I did EFT for a few minutes. (I have written more about it at: click) (At the Web site: EFT= Emotional Freedom Technique one can download the EFT manual for free.) Doing the EFT, one is tapping certain meridian points and saying or thinking an affirmation phrase, like: "I am full of energy and in a good mood!" This needs only two minutes - and it helps! So with this I could go forward and had enough energy to do first my morning exercises and then, - I get more energy out of it and I can go on to 'confront the day'... The last days my mood was lifted up, because finally I found some alternative information and I could see, that indeed, a natural healing of an Inguinal hernia is possible. Again recognizing how important it is to keep one's energy and mood high. Then also one's view is more open and new information can be received... (I'm aware of the fact that EFT is a manipulation on ones emotions. In general I'm against any kind of manipulation if it is not connected with searching and treating the cause, but in a case of emergency it might be necessary to help to create a favorable condition so that one can stay open to continue...) Again my hernia got worse - and my mood went down. But then reflecting about it I could realize that even my hernia was worse it was still better than when it was bad the last time and when I had recovered, then my hernia was better than ever before. Seeing this more clearly, there was no need for my mood to go down, knowing that - even though there are ups and downs - on the long run it is getting better. But of course, it is an issue in the healing process, that I am not sure about anything. I have no proof that it is possible to heal myself from hernia. I haven't met anybody and I have not read about any case. So I am walking on a very slippery ground, but now I don't care how often I fall down on my nose or bottom, I will go on... A few days ago a physiotherapist visited me. It was not about me, he is planing to give a seminar about healing. But then I was talking about my hernia and my intention to heal it in an alternative way, he said that this would be impossible and the only way to repair the hernia would be surgery. To my arguments he responded that I obviously have little knowledge about medical conditions. That's right, I hardly know even the basic, but now after having had Fibromyalgia and being recovered from it, I can say that I know more about Fibromyalgia than all the medical doctors I had consulted, including several healers. Also I can say that somehow I am glad not to have a medical education, otherwise I would be stuck and limited to this knowledge, being an authority but blind for any creative solution. Even though I could look through the authoritarian attitude of this visitor, I felt half a day impressed and depressed... By the way: The physiotherapist told me that his field are joint treatments specially the knees. I asked him to which one of the knees he is specialized, to the left or the right? Because I have some problems in my right knee... ;-) Now my mood is high enough that it has caused a new attitude: This morning I could look at many heavy and negative happenings in a way that I had just to laugh about it and realize that it is very much more like a joke, even though it had destructive results. I talked to a friend yesterday, who has a big company and therefor also big problems. When we see each other we normally talk about our health situation. He told me now that his mood

is often changing. I ask him why, but he didn't know. So I suggested that when this happens, that he just observes himself. Then probably he will notice that these mood ups and downs are reactions to what he is experiencing around him. So this for sure is different than what he wants and what is his expectation how it should be. When he can be aware of this, accepting it as part of reality, then he can relax about it and then also he will be more open for creative solutions to change the unwanted situation... Then even he might be able to laugh about most of what had caused him disappointment and stress before! Thought: I just watched a CD about doing EFT to heal a trauma. The therapist in this video said that to cure a trauma sometimes it needs a year or more and often it is a really difficult process, because it involves the work and responsibility of the client. So it is a 'process' and this effects and has healing results on all levels. Now, on the other hand, if a person has a chronic disease like hernia and gets surgery, then in the case of the person with the trauma it would mean to cut out the effected parts of the brain of this person, so taking away the trauma and the symptoms. Wouldn't this be ridiculous? So why it is less ridiculous doing surgery on a hernia to get rid of this symptom and the same with other diseases? Remark: I read an article about a MD who found out that doing surgery on people with Fibromyalgia (on their tender points) eliminates all their symptoms. Oh boy!!! This MD will soon be multi millionaire and the world filled with many million zombies more... A visitor of my hernia page ask me for advice about his hernia. He was operated a year ago and still has pain. The doctors are telling him that this is normal... I am sorry, but I can't give any advice, first because I'm not a health professional and then because in this case I can't tell about my own experience as I never had surgery and I am doing my best not to have one. People who had surgery with their hernia and have problems, should ask their med. doctor and if they can't give an advice then they should search for exercises they can do, change their diet, do EFT and do other things to strengthen their whole system. Probably they can do the same exercises I'm doing to avoid surgery and to heal my hernia, but really: I don't know about it! Maybe 'castor oil packs' can help, ask your doctor... I can only repeat: Whatever disease there is, with surgery the cause is not healed and another symptom will show up: Another hernia or something else, probably on a different level... So as a consequence: Heal your background and every thing else will fall in its place! My hernia is much better! Since one week I am working full time and also lifting heavy stuff but I have no pain. But I am wearing a truss all day and I put it on in the morning before I get up, taking it off when I lay down in the evening. With this being sure that the hernia doesn't come out. When I go to the toilet or do the sauna, then I protect the hernia with my hand. Another sign shows up telling me that my hernia is better: The last few days I haven't protected my hernia when I did the sauna and even then it didn't pop out! I see this as a real progress. Two weeks later: I'm still progressing even I'm working. I find it more difficult to do my abdomen exercises, because about one hours daily for this needs some energy and I'm adding every day a few movements more, so that I am now at one hundred movements for each exercise that makes five hundred movements and then the massage and the EFT in-between. But I want to stick with it as the healing seems more and more possible. I have no doubts about this anymore... By the way: I have thrown away my old truss and I'm using a small foam rubber ball which I have cut into half. It works perfectly and I didn't need to spend any money on it! . With the half rubber ball under the truss it works pretty good, but yesterday I couldn't find the ball, - probably my cat was playing with it -, so I used a flat stone instead. This might be

better, because from an old book about hernia treatments I remember the information, that the pressure from the truss cushion would cause that the tissue builds up scar tissue and so closes the hole of the hernia. So I will direct my intention to this... (Later: I stopped using the stone and instead I'm putting a hard foam rubber cushion. That feels right at the moment, but I guess every body had to find out what seems the best...) I am using this flat stone now for two months and it works pretty good, although the stone is too heavy and sometimes falls out... I can't suggest using a stone, probably it depends very much on one's individual condition and the state of healing. So one should be aware of it and sensibly using one's intuition for what might be the best... Today I received an email with a link to a Yoga Web site were a MD who also is doing yoga, describes that he healed his Inguinal hernia with yoga. He describes the same exercise I am doing now since three months. I found a post in which points out the importance of a colon cleanse: "I actually asked him how to cure Inguinal hernia with herbs for my dad who suffers from this. He told me that an inguinal hernia means that the colon is full of crap, and this impacted colon is pushing on a weak muscle which bulges out. Dr. Christopher's student cured his Inguinal hernia within 6 weeks, but it can take 6 weeks to 6 months. Basically, one takes Dr. Christopher's lower bowel formula (to empty the colon out, as many capsules as can be tolerated). Also, apply Dr. Christopher's complete tissue formula ointment on the area, and also this formula can be taken internally. But taking these supplements is not enough, diet is key. The purpose of this treatment is to eliminate all of the fecal matter from the colon that is pressing on the weak muscle. So if one wants to get rid of this problem, one should go on a mucus less diet, absolutely no ingestion of foods that cause constipation: no dairy, meat, or preserved foods. One should eat fruits and vegetables, and juices. And Dr. Christopher also said that if one wants accelerate the healing process, a juice fast would be necessary, preferably a watermelon juice fast, or a prune juice fast. Surgery for an Inguinal hernia merely masks the symptoms. The body is telling the patient the colon needs to be cleaned out, it is full of too much crap. Surgery definitely does not clean out the colon, and if this is not cleaned out, new diseases can appear. As we all know good health starts with colon health." Yesterday I called an old friend in Germany telling her about my hernia, she gave me the advice to go to the Web site of Dr. xyz, who investigated about 'micro cells' and he has developed a series of 'formulas' which helps and stimulates the growing and recovering of tissue. That's exactly what I need at this moment for my hernia. I feel pretty good and I can work nearly whole day and pretty hard. I have seldom pain, but the hernia is not healing, what means the rupture is not closing, although I am doing EFT especially for the cells of the tissue and muscles that they can recover, so obviously they need another stimuli. OK, so I went to this doctors Web site and spend all night on reading it. Indeed very convincing and I wrote an email to Dr. xyz asking about a 'formula' for my hernia. I am pretty critical about offered 'formulas' because I have made a lot of negative experiences in the Internet with those magic bullets. I wish nothing more than to find something to help to heal myself. This could really have a great impact to all people suffering from hernia. The 'formula' alone will probably not do it, but with the exercises, the right diet, massage, EFT, meditation, etc. then the stimulation of the cells might do the decisive healing impulse. Update: I tried for several months the 'formulas' of several sellers and came to the conclusion that these seem to be part of the big health business. For sure it is good to take some supplements like vitamins and minerals, but all the other stuff... I have serious doubts, but there should be done some intense investigation... I came to the conclusion that those 'formula

sellers' are mostly using the need of people, who of course want to be healed, to make money. It is likely so, because there is missing a more subtle aspect, as their view still is based on a pure materialistic aspect, even there might be an aspect of selfless intention behind. Could it be that this Hernia thing is an exercise in being patient? I believe that I'm a pretty patient person, but my Hernia let me come to my limit. You as the reader of this writings are probably very patient, not having received any concrete result about my healing. But wait! Don't give up. I am still convinced that healing from hernia is possible. It's not just a believe. Indeed I am feeling much better than one year ago, my physical condition has improved a lot, due to my daily exercises as described before. I am working now full time, as I did before I got sick with Fibromyalgia, although my energy some times goes down. But yes, this might have to do with 'patience'. So I can understand that you are waiting for a result, but please be patient! It might help that you see the lecture of this page as an exercise! You are doing quite well! So continue... Several weeks have past and I'm still waiting. I'm desperately waiting for the parcel with the miracle formula. A few weeks later: I gave up waiting for the parcel and started to investigate, searching for similar substances. There are a number of other places where one can buy those supplements. What I can see now is that the prices for those 'formulas' are far too high and I will look for an other way to get these substances, which are: Proline, Lysine, protein and vitamin C. I am taking now 50 gr. pure protein daily, which is sold for body builder. The Lysine and Proline, which are important for the cell stimulation, I haven't found yet. Then I should take 3-6 gr. vitamin C. (over the day) But I couldn't take the high quantity of vitamin C, because it gives too much acid to the body system. I will look for another kind of vitamin C... Exiting news: I just called somebody in the USA who had written an email to me telling that he healed himself from an inguinal hernia. In his email he hesitated to tell me details because he wasn't absolutely sure that he was really healed. But now when we talk about it at the phone there was no doubt about it: He healed himself from his inguinal hernia and there is nothing left that disturbs him anymore. He can do anything without problem, included weight lifting and heavy work. He had an inguinal hernia for about three years and he refused surgery at the last moment when he had already the appointment with the surgeon. Now he is very happy that he did so. He also makes me happy as I have the confirmation that healing without surgery is possible, until now I wasn't sure about it and felt pretty alone. So now my hope has a concrete base and I look forward to my own healing. This gentleman wants to share what he did to heal his hernia. (Go to: email exchange) It is nearly the same what I'm doing, with very little variation, but of course sometimes something little makes a big difference! He told me that he takes 6 gr. of vitamin C daily and 50 gr. protein and that he has done similar exercises as I do, but he said it is more important to do a few movements but very strong than many and light. Also he said that it is important to relax enough, - indeed this I would like to do, but at the moment there is too much work and the heat is unbearable... So I will stop writing now and relax... Somebody had ask me about the exercises I'm doing. It is difficult to describe them so I have made a video about it: Inguinal Hernia healed without surgery. In any case one should carefully listen at one's body and only do what feels right... I still believe it wouldn't be a fault to ask a health professional... (But be aware of their established rigid attitude!) Again a few months passed by. I'm still doing my daily exercises. It hasn't changed much, but

looking back I can observe that doing the exercises now, it is much easier than before and I'm not getting exhausted so much. This early morning when I went out to make a pee, I forgot to put the truss, then I noticed that the hernia didn't come out, as it normally did. But I will not sing hallelujah yet and go on wearing the truss, although putting in just a small rubber plate, after the stone I had used fell down and broke into pieces, what gave me the sign to change something about the protection. And it works, I have no pain anymore and no problems even lifting heavy things... Again I will try to get the vitamin C as Calcium Ascorbate with Bioflavoids here in the pharmacy. I had bought it from the US but it never made it through the customs. Later: This kind of vitamin C exist here in Spain only without Bioflavoids, but this is ten times more expensive than in the US! Since a few days I have some pain in my abdomen, although I'm not working at the moment. I don't work because I'm not feeling well and have a heart problem which are getting worse even doing little things. I even had to reduce my daily exercises. Looking back to the last weeks, I can see what might have caused it. The last two months I felt pretty much alone, then my cat, I have been living with for the last ten years, died. This was a very special cat and we were very connected. So this was an emotionally shock... Then living in a kind of community is a permanent emotional stress. Last week we had a meeting and there were only complains from the people here about the daily circumstances and not even one positive comment... I know this behavior and attitude from people since thirty years and I can take it, having reduced my expectations to the utmost minimum, but after this I felt sick and didn't want to see anybody... So I'm not that much surprised that also my hernia hurts beside the heart pain. What makes it again clear, that the emotions have an important significance and influence on health and healing. Again, like several times before, I came to the point when I felt that I wanted to give up with the intention of a community. These thoughts didn't make me feel better. There are arriving every day email from people who want to come, but the last days I haven't answered them. Now just a moment ago there called someone who had written and we were talking for a while and he convinced me, so I told him they (a couple) can come. This has happened now several times that when I came near to the point of giving up, then promising people showed up. OK, now I feel much better and I will relax. Tomorrow is

another day... ...? So you might ask what all this has to do with 'healing my hernia'. It turned out the last days, that indeed it has to do with it. The last two weeks I had serious heart problems, not because of an organic failure but caused from stress. Before the heart problems were showing up, my hernia was doing pretty well, it hasn't come out for several days and there hasn't shown any pain, so I came near to the thought that my Hernia might be healed. But then with my heart problems also the Hernia got worse, so obviously all is influenced and connected with my emotional condition triggered by outside happening and situations. Dealing with this in a different way and with another attitude will bring the release... So you might want to go to my new heart page and read about it. Then you will understand that 'stress' also is influencing the healing of one's hernia and that it is essential to do something to release one's stress... Even you are used to the daily stress and it looks like this is normal. But even it doesn't' bother you too much, it is still damaging your system and is causing the failure in the long run and I suspect that stress is a hindrance for any healing . Don't give up! Take self responsibility and

do something about your emotional situation, which is influencing your stress level! It's a challenge! My heart trouble is getting better and also my hernia. Since more than a week it hasn't popped out and I have no pain. It is possible that one reason is, because the last time I haven't been working so much like before. What seems to be important is, that now I'm much more aware of my stress level and when I notice that I'm tense, then it needs only a little effort to relax. For example driving in heavy traffic or doing a job fast. Obviously it is easier to observe myself, when I'm not emotionally engaged, but then I am mostly aware of it later, when I'm alone and let pass the happening again. So it seems that to release one's stress it is essential to be aware of the stress and now it becomes very clear, why the 'Stress Release Exercise' works and is so effective. As I told at my heart page: I'm laying in bed since three weeks with a broken leg, not being able to move much. Two weeks before I had the accident, I noticed, that my hernia was not coming out when occasionally I was not wearing the truss, like when I took a shower or did the sauna. It didn't hurt anymore and I reduced the protection to just a small belt. Now being in bed for four weeks for sure this is favorable for the complete healing. Meanwhile I will continue with the exercises I am doing since more than half a year. Not completely, due to my broken leg, but as good as I can. So then in another three weeks I will dare not to use any protection and will just hope that my hernia will be completely healed. I am aware of the fact that the overpowering authority from the established health system, by stating that the only way to deal with a hernia is surgery, has still an influence on me, but I'm stubborn enough to be convinced that healing without surgery is possible, although all those capacities are telling something different. Something similar happened to me now: When I went to the hospital with my broken leg, the med. doctors said that this needs surgery, putting two metal plates with screw to support the bones and they reacted pretty strange when I refused surgery after I saw the x- ray and listened to their unclear arguments. To make the story short: They finally put my leg in plaster and let me go, again reacting strange when I refused the medication they wanted me to take against the pain, the swelling, to prevent thrombosis, etc. I admit, it was quite painful the first three weeks, but I'm glad not to have enriched my system with those chemicals... So lets see... (By the way: Later on I had a good, spontaneous and human contact with another med. doctor and there might come something else out of it. He was interested to know about my healing from Fibromyalgia and that is the first time that a doctor was interested and reacted positive!) Now I'm pretty sure that my Hernia is healed. I was laying in bed with a broken leg for four weeks. (I had continued with my exercises almost the whole time). I went twice to the hospital in this time and I didn't wear any protection for the hernia and I had forgotten totally about it as no problem was showing up. The last few days I walked around with crutches and I didn't think about my hernia. But now I'm almost sure that my hernia is healed. When walking around with crutches it makes quite some pressure on the belly, but the hernia still doesn't come out and also when I sneeze strongly or cough. I have nearly forgotten about the hernia. I still haven't done weight lifting, with this I will wait a few days more... No, I didn't want to wait more so I went out and lifted a big stone, but this stone seemed not to be big enough so I took a big pallet and standing on one leg I lifted this pallet several times. No hernia symptoms, no pain. So I can


My hernia is healed!!! Epilog: Not just my hernia is healed. During this healing process I went through a transformation which included my whole system. I had to develop strength and patience to be able to continue. Often I felt totally alone, but having still some trust left that the right thing would appear in the right moment, so then it could happen and it happened! I always felt that I had to go on, listening to my intuition. Now I can see that this was right and knowing that out there are millions of people with hernia and hundred thousands not having the possibility to be repaired by surgery, but not knowing that they might be able to heal themselves, so then they are hopeless and just suffering. It is possible to state now that one can heal oneself from inguinal hernia without surgery. It is not easy and one will need a lot of patience and inner strength to do so, but better to intent than to suffer without hope. If somebody with hernia read all what I wrote, that shows that this person has patience and so as well might take the initiative and self responsibility to do something about ones situation and condition. The established and untouchable statement: "Only surgery can repair an Inguinal hernia" is not solid anymore. If I could do it, then others also can do it and if you are younger than sixty than it will be probably much easier. Now you must not feel as a victim anymore. The hernia is a challenge, if you go through the healing process the benefit is greater than you can imagine now...

...Walking on, I'm reflecting: How is it possible that millions of humans are suffering from an inguinal hernia and the only solution offered by the medical system is surgery? There are hundred thousands of untreated hernias because there are people who can't afford surgery, they are just suffering and feeling as hopeless victims. Isn't there any doctor who might be motivated to investigate and then offer clear information about an alternative way to heal the hernia? If this information would exist, then one doesn't need to go through all this investigations oneself like I did and then the healing could happen much faster, not having all the doubts. Well, one thing now is absolutely clear: The healing of an inguinal hernia without surgery is possible! And the good thing is, that not only the symptoms disappear. During the healing process is shows and becomes clear that the healing is also a growing, because the whole being is included with all its different layers. Indeed, this makes it much more difficult, but it is worth the effort! BeiYin

The following articles might be important in ones healing process... What do we sweep under the Rug? Why any change is so difficult? If you want to heal your inguinal hernia, you need to be a pioneer! Signals of Stress - What does they tell? How to avoid? StressReleaseExercise Pulling myself out of the mud Defence - a natural inbuilt survival mechanism Real Healing & Growth is One! History of treating Disease You can make a comment with the form under each article! or go to BeiYin's profile on to see all his articles Some months later: I have no pain or any other symptom and I'm working full time. I am doing my exercises every morning for about twenty minutes and once or twice a week a sauna. In all this time there have been three responses from people who also rejected surgery and were looking for an alternative way and so they came to my Web page... Half a year later: I'm still symptom free and work hard full time, even lifting heavy things and there is no problem. Still I'm doing my exercises every morning to keep my body fit. A few weeks ago I met the med. doctor who had diagnosed my hernia three years ago and I told him that I haven't done surgery but that I'm healed. So he checked me carefully by pressing and pulling and then said that my hernia is still there, even though nothing pops out, - for about two weeks I had pain and felt bad... Does this now means that I'm not healed? What can I do with this 'professional' information? In a way I don't care, but does it mean that I'm still influenced by the authority of a medical doctor? Now I'm feeling good again and will continue to feel healed and work on the healing of the whole. (If possible, I will avoid to meet any doctor... My doc is a good person and for sure he is doing his best, but he is stuck in his limited professional view! Like all the established health system of our society!) There are many people who are writing to me and all want to avoid surgery, so I thought that a mailing list would be good to give us a platform to connect and support each other. So I have created a group: Hernia support Google Group. You can find a digest of my comments of posts in this group at my page 'digest'. Update three years later: I have no symptoms of an hernia and can work like I did before. I still do the exercises every day for about twenty minutes, early in the morning when laying in bed. If I wouldn't have created this 'hernia support group' and so necessarily reading posts, I would have forgotten about the subject hernia. . In this hernia group I am observing that people with an inguinal hernia are extremely occupied and worrying about their hernia, every thing turns around this disturbing condition and themselves and they don't want to look at themselves and the game they are involved in. They are suffering but at the same time they seem to be content. Might it be that their hernia fills a void in their life? When I suggest again and again that it is important and essential for their healing that they do the 'StressReleaseExercise' so that they are able to look behind their personality games, because there might lay the reason for their disease, - then this is ignored. There are maybe 2% of the present members who are doing the exercise... Another thought: If people are so occupied with their hernia, going into details about their

healing permanently, then this fills their life - and out of this they get the feeling of 'existence' of their personality. If this is the case, then unconsciously they don't want to heal, they cling on their disease, the same as they cling on their personality. Absurd but it shows how much people are stuck in their condition. Update five years later: 3.9.2010 I'm still free of any symptoms of an hernia. I want to mention, that even though I have no symptoms, I am doing the exercises as I have shown at my video, every morning. That feels good for my whole condition. Since a few weeks I am also doing the 'Ankle Pump Practice' and that might be also helpful in healing ones hernia. I will report about it later... From the hernia support Google group Charles wrote: "There have been a few recent developments on the medical front, all pointing toward the advantage of 'watchful waiting' and by connection, non surgical and alternative approaches to hernia treatment." (To read the complete post click here.) BeiYin's comment: Do you really believe that the so well and firm established medical system will change? That would mean that there happens a shift from the money based attitude towards a world view that goes beyond all that? Hernia surgery is a billion $ business, the same as the big business with chemical medication. Do you seriously think that a few ants nibbling on the feet of the pharma elephant will make this giant move into another direction? It is not possible that there happens a change in the medical health system as being part of the social system, if the change is not caused from within in its essential structure of the whole system and that would be a rising of the level of consciousness. The medical system has during centuries built up the position of an untouchable authority, making people dependent and putting them in bondage. Not necessarily by manipulation like advertisements, but just because it is serving the infantile need of people to stay in dependency of authorities, not having the need to think by themselves and maybe questioning their condition. There is no one to blame. The EHS is a manifestation, the same as other forms, as a step of evolution presenting the still very limited consciousness. Also the doctors can't be blamed, they do as good as they can and with their best intention in their limited personal condition, coming from being educated within the established system. I have seen recently a few med. doctors who are in crisis, because their personal growing process brought them into doubts about their professional doing and they are questioning the established system and with this they are getting into a very unstable situation. Some even thinking about giving up their profession, because within the established health system their is no space or the possibility to go beyond, not even in alternative or natural healing. Alternative treatments don't change the attitude of the patients or getting them out of their dependency. There is no alternative information given about what disease really is and seldom there is a question about the root cause. Mainly the symptoms are treated and not seen in connection with other levels of the individual human system. There is little hope that this will change during the next generations. So any discussion of sick people about the development of the medical system is pretty useless and wasting ones energy, that better should be used to directly taking care of oneself. Like talking about the various methods of surgery, - - - if one really want to avoid surgery, knowing that from there no other way is offered. That now from a few doctors 'watchful waiting' is suggested is not a real change as long there is no suggestion given about all possibilities to help ones healing and that of course should include all levels of ones being and not just the physical body. The first step in ones healing would be to take self responsibility and that would mean to step

out of dependency. That of course can't be supported by the one who makes his living from the dependency of sick people to him. So it is a pretty hopeless situation and only a very few people will be able to do a real self healing for their whole being. I repeat: "Alternative approaches to hernia treatment" offered from the EHS will stay on the limited level of treating symptoms and not include the 'whole being' even though it might be called 'holistic'. If in our healing process we don't question our existence in all parts, then this 'healing' will not be real and not be part of our 'growing process'. There should be come up the question what disease really is and probably this must be answered out of ones own realization and not from an authority, the same as other essential questions... The more practical question, how one can come to the possible position to question oneself and finding answers not depending on professionals, for sure will be answered, but also this question first must be ask, - what shows that this person is ready... At our 'Hernia Support' Google group there are some interesting posts. The following answers & questions might be important for some body who wants to heal oneself: Questions and Answers at the Hernia Support Google Group John: I am starting the BeiYin programs and I have several questions. BeiYin: I am not a health professional, so you better don't take what I write as an advice. The good thing is that all what I know comes from my personal experience and had served to heal myself, but must not necessarily have a value for somebody else. John: 1.) Is it ok to stopped all physical activity going with the assumption that if I do daily exercises and eliminate any physical activities like mowing the lawn, running the dog will help create a faster healing process of strengthening the muscles? Or am I creating a further weakening of the body and the abdominal wall? BeiYin: When I found myself with an inguinal hernia I could not work like before because I had a lot of pain when moving and so I kept quiet as much I could. Even sitting at the computer was painful, but then when I investigated and found out that the weak abdominal muscles are one of the reasons of the hernia, then I started exercises to strengthen these muscles. But always laying down and taking care that there was no bulge coming out. I did also yoga and one day when I was standing on my head, I didn't notice that my hernia was coming out and suddenly I had a terrible pain and this for a couple of days... So I was very aware and alert. When wearing the truss, I did the work that was necessary to do, but carefully not to overdo. Running the dog would have been too much and I didn't cut the grass and left things that were not that important. I believe that those exercises that are specially done to strengthen the muscles are important and then moderated daily physical activities. I will not forget to stress the fact that strengthening the muscles is just one part of ones healing... without all the other levels waiting, the hernia will not heal! John: 2.) I notice if I eat a super big meal there will be a swelling the next day, sometimes immediately if I am walking around. This swelling will not go away unless I lay flat. If I eat small meals the swelling sometime will not appear for 36 to 48 hours. The food in our system causes the swelling to protrude out? Why sometime immediately and sometimes a delay? Does it depend on how fast our bodies digest food? BeiYin: We need a certain quantity of food to survive and we need a certain quality of food to stay healthy or to heal. In our society people eat far too much, in a extremely bad quality and in combinations that makes it difficult for the digestive system. So this is another important

step in ones healing process: To become conscious about ones eating habits. One need to become critical to what is offered and check ones used habits. Yes, small meals are better then filling ones stomach up to the limit. Even with small meals one should not mix things that are difficult to digest when wrong combined. (Search for 'Budwig Trennkost') Wrong combinations of food makes digestion difficult if not impossible and so there is no digestion but fermentation and this is producing a lot of gas, that increases the pressure in the intestines and so if there is a hole, then it tries to release the pressure by coming out there. John: 3.) I notice if I eat sweets and pies really causes a problem. I was trying to eat pies to gain weight, which was a big mistake. Is there any truth to eating the wrong food? BeiYin: That I have answered above. For example peas, beans and lentils in itself have a combination that is difficult to digest. If you want to built up muscles then what I did was an intake of proteins with something made from Soya. You can get it at your health food store, that is what body builder take. In any case you should avoid sweets. John: 4.) I found on another site that coffee and alcohol is not good for hernia? BeiYin: It is not only good for the hernia it is not good for anything if you really want to take care of yourself and stay healthy. It is good to numb yourself or speed you up so that you stay busy but not being aware of yourself. John: 5.) I notice if I get upset at my condition the swelling gets harder and bigger. Is there a direct correlation between the mind and the healing process? BeiYin: By now it should be pretty clear that there is correlation between all the levels of your system! There is NO real healing process if not all the levels are included! If one just is treating the body level, then this is not so much different as what the medical health system is doing, suppressing the symptoms, that's what they call 'healing', it doesn't really matter if they use alternative means... John: 6.) I lost 7 pounds since this relapsed 3 weeks ago. It is impossible to gain this weight back since my intake of food up and beyond the normal level causes a larger swelling. Does it make sense to just eat healthy with small amount during the day? In time as the muscle in the abdominal wall becomes stronger my food intake will increase gradually? BeiYin: I believe eating healthy and that amount your body needs, that will be enough. Let the body take care of itself, don't worry about it. Become stronger in your trust and intuition. Your body has an inbuilt healing force, you only need to give space to it... (Still it is the question what 'healthy food' really means!) John: 7.) I do the treadmill, slow walk 15 minutes on an empty stomach 4 times a week in the morning before breakfast. There is no swelling while doing this. Is the treadmill routine ok? BeiYin: Whatever a 'treat mill' is (I guess it is this carpet that moves under your feet) it should be ok if you feel good with it. If there is no bulge coming out when doing this, then it seems that your hernia is not that bad. Just be sensitive about what your body tells you, so listen carefully! John: 8.) Let say you are shopping at a store and you have a swelling are we suppose to stop and go straight home and lay flat or just ignore the swelling if there is no pain? BeiYin: 'Ignoring' is not a good thing to do, it might be dangerous and have a slash back! I was wearing a truss and I was careful that never there was coming out a bulge, so I was wearing the truss from the morning until I lay down in the evening. When I took a shower, then I protected my hernia with one hand. John: 9.) One time last week it took 5 minutes instead of 10 seconds for the swelling to go down while laying flat. Is this normal? BeiYin: Probably there is nothing 'normal', it depends all on the different condition of a person. My hernia was getting better and gave me less problems, just by doing the exercise and then relaxing enough, then of course taking care of my food intake and also taking various supplements. My final healing happens when I had a broken leg and food and was

forced to lay totally quiet for three weeks, after this my hernia never came out again. I continued with my exercises and being careful with food, - until now I never again had any pain or disturbance. - - - That's now two years ago. John: 10.) Does everyone here continue a normal life with the swelling as long as there is no pain? BeiYin: Nobody can continue with a 'normal life' if one want to heal oneself. You will need to change not only your habits but also your attitudes, especially towards 'life'. That means how you relate to what comes to you and how you respond to this. This is a transformational process. Without this there is no real healing! The cause will not have been discovered and not been healed. So again: Your whole being needs to be included in your healing process, with all levels: Body, mind and emotions, then there will be an opening to the real healing energy that comes from beyond ones personality. To connect with it one needs to do it consciously by doing meditation or the StressReleaseExercise'. Get out of the trap being occupied healing yourself by turning exclusively around your body and being sucked into your suffering, pain and depression. Accept the fact that the symptom of disease is the manifestation of an imbalance of your whole system and that might be at other levels and as a root cause is coming from not being connected with your 'source'. What that means you must discover yourself... Or at least starting with some questions... From a post in the 'hernia support group': "Hello i wish i knew how many of them [from a 'study' of 364 persons in 'watchful waiting'] wore a truss?" BeiYin's response: Truss or no Truss - is that the question? Climbing down into the darkness of unknown fields hopeless out of desperation fighting forces of evil! Alone carrying the weight of millions unanswered questions. Where is the ideal truss that can fulfill my longing? Does fulfillment exist or is it just a wishful dream? There arises Venus from the depth of a sparkling ocean offering a truss made out of light, suitable for all who suffer blown up bellies - vulnerable feelings protected with fat. Trampled ones own existence out of pain, desperation and fear now giving space for spaces beyond odd bellies, hopes and beliefs. Freedom beckons! Let go being the center of your belly being your truss reaches out for new horizons! Trust your truss! Who needs protection? From what? To cover ones nothingness? Falling back into black holes created by turning around oneself? Light energy rises our focus of attention: Upwards and inwards. Trust or no trust - that is the question!

BeiYin 10.1.09 Remark: This kind of 'nonsense poem' was my response after many posts from members of this group about their detailed worries, that are also important to be cleared up, but shouldn't cause to forget the most essential... I am expressing myself like

this not to accumulate tension in myself, that then might come out as anger...

Questions & Answers from the Hernia Support Google Group BeiYin: 'Support' in my opinion does not mean to find confirmation for one's old established view and not for the view of this world how it seems to be, because we have been told what and how it is. Q u o t e : What kind of truss did you use when you finally got healed of this 'thing'? What was your program? BeiYin: YOU are the HERNIA - YOU need to heal - You need to heal YOURSELF. As long you see your hernia as a 'thing' that must be eliminated, there can't be real healing happening. * You better drop "programs", especially those that are precious for you as part of your personality. You need first to be aware of these programs, then finding out their origin, then deciding to keep or to drop them. It is part of your transformation. Without this there is no real healing. * Healing is a process that includes your whole being. * There is healing needed for parts of yourself you don't know yet that these exist, these show up during the process of your healing transformation. * It needs your engagement. You are NOT a victim. You are responsible for yourself. You ARE your disease. You need to respond to your disease as a manifestation of imbalance of yet unknown parts and levels of yourself. Give space to yourself, dare to go into unknown spaces. Become aware and pronounce questions that show up from those spaces. Use SRE or other available help to gain the base to go on in a creative way, getting out of being stuck in worn out behavior pattern of this society. * Why your intestines are coming out? Why your tissue and muscles became too week, not being able to hold the pressure from inside? Might it be that you put stuff into your body your digestive system can't deal with? It's an impossible job you ask to be done, filling yourself up with junk, that goes into putrefaction instead of digestion. Check your input of food! Give a rest to your digestive system! Eating might confirm you in your existence, but be aware that this is a substitute. That's part of the program delivered by this society and so part of the common disease, causing more disease... * Isn't there something else more important? Do you chew what you take in? Do you decide what to take in? On all levels of your existence? Not only with food. Look at it what you take in on all other levels: emotionally and mentally. How much junk you take in! You are not even chewing it and for sure most of it you are not digesting!

There are a lot more things to deal with before one can get near to the subject 'healing oneself'... * Do you really want to go into this yet unknown terrain? How serious you are about it? Then you might have stepped already out of the common dependency from the established health system. You might know that the 'easy way' of taking pills and repair with surgery has very little to do with healing. But are you really willing to confront the unknown that will show up from outside and from yourself? It is a challenge very few are capable to deal with... * So as the first step it is necessary that you clear up your position. Are you aware of your conditioning? Are you aware that you are programmed? That you have a self image that contains all the concepts delivered from this society? Are you aware that you are identified with all this and so defending it when ever this is touched by influences that are not confirming your established concepts? Do you have questions about all this or do you prefer not to look at it? Finding enough good reasons... * Observe how people are worrying about their little problems that keep them busy with all those endless discussions. If you are finished with this, then you might come up with some more essential questions... BeiYin PS: My writing might offend one or the other reader. This is not my intention. Probably what I'm expressing is not what you want to hear. It is not the form - or have you a better way to say it? If you feel provoked, then this can be good if you respond to it and become aware of your reaction... Stress Release John: One thing about stress release: It can't be done frantically. BeiYin: Longman dictionary of contemporary English says: "Frantic" = 1.) in an uncontrolled state of feeling: wildly anxious, afraid, happy, etc. 2.) marked by hurried and disordered activity. Talking about "Stress release": this indeed is difficult in a frantic state, but it can be done with the help of the 'StressReleaseExercise' even in a frantic state. John: It's take time to learn to relax so don't be disappointed when it doesn't happen right away. BeiYin: One can learn to relax one's body using various kinds of manipulation like massage or auto suggestion. This can have a result and can also have a relaxing influence for ones state of mind. But I believe it does not necessarily changes the cause of ones frantic feelings. To change this, what would be part of ones 'healing process', one will need to go to the root of it and this for sure is not just a matter of relaxation. How one can find out about the root cause of ones disturbance? Probably this has to do with ones personal evolution. That means if one is ready to get out of one's personality games, then one will be motivated to direct ones energy to find out about it and not any more just turn around oneself. Then one will ask questions and one will find the right answer. One answer can be that one starts the 'StressReleaseExercise'... John: Just slow down, ... BeiYin: Tell a rabbit that is hunted by a fox to slow down! The 'personality' is constantly in the state of being hunted, (or chasing after one of the many goals offered by this society) so there is hardly any relaxed state possible. John: ...don't force it and it will come. BeiYin: That's right: many things one can't force, they have to grow by itself, with the help of

the growing force we all and every thing that exist have as an essential part within. Also fighting against something often is useless as it gives energy to that what one is fighting. But some times it is necessary to make a decision and that needs a certain strength and so forcing oneself, otherwise one will do nothing even knowing that it would be necessary and good and so nothing will come... To be able to make a decision one needs at least a certain self knowledge, being aware of ones natural laziness and numbness. One has to be aware of the games ones personality is playing to hold oneself together, not wanting to do anything that might effect ones established state of being. Being aware of ones defense one will need to force oneself enough to take action: Starting with the 'StressReleaseExercie' for example: PS: I might think that it is useless to write in this group if not at leasta few of all the members here will start with the SRE. Oh boy! Humans are tough cookies, they do all kind of things destroying themselves but have great resistance against every thing that might bring them out of their misery!... *** The enemy is us! From the Radio Show "The People Whisperer" BeiYin: I want to share the following thought, that is not only interesting, but can guide us to a very essential point where we can capture something that can enlighten us about 'Real Healing'!

From: Quote: Roger, an "angry American," "patriot" and "fighter," wrote to say he is in touch with many other men who want to do something but don't know what. Do I have any ideas? Henry Makow's comment: Roger is like the man who asked how much does the yacht cost and was told, "If you have to ask, you can't afford it." Individuals take the initiative. That's what the enemy is most afraid of. People only do what they "own" i.e. conceive themselves (unless of course they are paid or propagandized by paid agents.) In any conflict, it is necessary to understand who the enemy is. As Pogo said, "the enemy is us." BeiYin: Henry Makow is talking about a global situation, but I think the same thought (as above, so below) is valid on a personal level. Applying it to one's hernia we can observe exactly the same attitude and behavior we have: We fight against an enemy that is invisible, sitting somewhere in the background, causing symptoms with pain, giving us problems we don't like to deal with, keeping us busy - turning around ourselves and the best or better said the worst: "the enemy is us!" Not enough, it comes even worse: We don't want to know about it! We don't ask and so we can't get any answer, not needing to look at it and so we can stay in our innocent, ignorant zombie state. If we ask then we are like the person who ask for the price of a yacht: we can't afford it, that means we will not understand the answer, we will

reject it and for sure finding a good reason for it! That's the situation in this "Hernia Support Group". Indeed mostly the members are supporting each other in their innocent blind state. Blinds guiding blinds. I would have left this group if I wouldn't be the "owner" of this group, but I don't join the common game, not outside the group and not being in the group. Again and again I will point out what needs to be said. This might disturb you, but in this case I have an advantage: You can't kick me out of this group. This has happened several times when I had joined other health groups... But of course I'm free to leave... So if my input really is not wanted, that would be just normal, then there wouldn't be any reason for me to continue with my intention to make it clear that: " T h e enemy is us!" "Individuals take the initiative!" Exactly, that's what is necessary and that's what we are supposed to do in this group... .. Comment: So you have opened a war on people's personality. BeiYin: I have not opened any war. I have responded to people in a group who all are there with the intention to heal themselves. To be in a war it needs two sides: One who attack and one who defends. I haven't attacked even though people might feel offended. Not to go into a war it needs to be clear about one's position. My position is sovereign enough that I don't need to defend myself. Also I am in a strong position because I am the owner of this forum and nobody can kick me out, but I'm not going to use my power on people because they attack me or express themselves in a way I don't like or that doesn't fit into my established concept. I have made clear the position of people who are in need and there for searching for a solution. That here no quick and easy cure is offered and that to heal oneself is difficult and needs one's full engagement, was made clear and tells about the vulnerable position of people. In this connection it was also said that the position and established personality will defend oneself and that one must be aware of it to be able to continue. So people's position is not balanced and because of this weak and the only way left, is to confront ones condition and work on it - - or to defend oneself by leaving the group. But at the same time people know or feel that then they are alone with their health problem and be at the mercy of the established health system. So they have a good reason to listen even though they don't like what they receive as information about themselves and ways to get out of their difficult situation. ... Comment: As from your point of view you are absolutely right, but for many it is very hard to understand you because this is all what they have to defend themselves while living in this society. The only way to survive for them is to be part of this society and to be part of the game by tuning their role playing and have a personality that match other's expectations. BeiYin: Yes, that's all what they have or better said: that's all what they have because they limit themselves to it and they are close and stuck in their rigid and limited personality, even though there are included a lot of beautiful concepts... Living in a dream split reality is the main reason why people become sick and with their disease they have the chance to work on their condition and get out of the straight jacket of their personality and the suffering from their disease. Or they can continue their old used way and destroy themselves and also their surrounding and the base of their life. They don't know it better as this society doesn't offer an alternative solution. When they receive information, if they like it or not, then they have the choice and it is their decision to defend themselves and not to look nearer to what is offered or take the opportunity and go forward with the risk to loose their position, that anyway is out of balance. Entering into spaces that are unknown but with the possibility to heal themselves. When people are here in this group, then this is no coincidence, they are here for a good reason and I feel responsible to give them something real and not just 'emotional support'.

... Comment: Look for what is best rewarded in today's society: The leaders, not the people who can do more and better, but the one who can influence the others, is the one who can talk and persuade more and better, not the ones with great ideas, but the ones whose ideas can sell more. BeiYin: We know all more or less that this is the game of the society. The sheep follow their pastor. Then they don't need to think where they are going and all responsibility is given to the leaders. They have the power because people are giving it to them and they use it to manipulate all for their own purposes. That indeed is a dirty game. Hardly anybody even knowing about it, wants to get out and do something by themselves. So they are running sooner or later into problems: Not functioning family life, extreme behavior of their children, divorce, financial difficulties, disappointing work situations, disappointment in reaching one's goals, breaking down of dreams, accidents, disease, depressions and all what is showing up in daily life reality... ... Comment: How you can expect that a person conditioned all of his life to live this way and who is afraid that if he changes he might loose his position in the society and will be discarded from it soon or later. BeiYin: I don't expect anything and that's the reason why I'm capable to continue with my various projects, even though there are very little possibilities that a normal person living in an established frame within this society, are capable to receive information that goes beyond their needs. I do not talk or write anymore if I'm not ask. But I have opened a space to that people come because they are in need and somehow they want to get out of their suffering, not knowing how. So then they find information. What they do with it is their thing. They can reject it or they can relate to it out of their own responsibility and then respond and integrate it into their life. By doing their own search or asking questions. That's totally up to them. For sure I will not force anything on them. People tend to be more open when they have suffered to such a degree and the medical system couldn't help them, that they come to the point when they have nothing left to loose, so then they might become open enough and do a step out of their dependency, using their remaining will power in a creative way, - - - to pull themselves out of the mud... ... Comment: So to have success in persuading people, in my personal opinion is not to attack their personality, but rather to provide ways to confront their fears, or something else what they see as a problem. Then they will be much more willing to change and understand you. You have to address something what they see as a problem. BeiYin: Yes, you are right and that is exactly what I'm doing: I provide ways that they can heal themselves, not just their disease and their personal problems, - but their whole being. I only can reach people who are ready because of their life history, - having suffered enough. Then out of their situation they will search with even the last bit of motivation they might have left and then they will find the information how to get out of their situation in a creative way, being able to deal with the many obstacles: In one word: Waking up! - Nothing more or less! ... Comment: Also think of how many M.D. will support your opinion on healing, and they have very big influence. BeiYin: You call it 'opinion', for me it is the result of a life long search & struggle and the realization of a state of being awake in a world of sleeping and half sleeping humans. I say what I need to say and I don't depend on anybody. Mds. are not different than others in their stuck personalities. You are right: In more than ten years of my Internet activities I haven't

had any comment from a MD. I really would have liked any kind of comment. To have the view point of some one professional and that would have given me the opportunity to prove my position, but for sure I don't depend on this, otherwise I wouldn't have been able to continue all the years. Medical doctors have only the power to influence people because they have the position of authorities people give them and like to join, because they are not grown up yet. I was several times highly astonished about the reactions of doctors when I rejected their treatments even though they tried to convince me with all their authority (and then I did my own investigation and healed myself...) ... Comment: To persuade you need not more enemies, but rather something what can touch the feelings most. BeiYin: I will not use any tricks or manipulation touching their emotions to reach them. That's the way the big power people are manipulating the whole world and as one can see: They are extremely successful with it: It doesn't need so much more, then every body will be sick and the base of all life on this planet will be destroyed. I am doing my best not to join the common games and I'm open to find out what might be better. For sure it is more favorable for one's intention to make friends than enemies, but I will not do anything to gain friends and also I will not do anything to avoid making enemies by not saying what needs to be said. ... Comment: Of course this is just my personal opinion. BeiYin: Yes it is. Even though I thank you that you have expressed yourself, so it gave me the opportunity to respond to it, as your opinion is the one of many people, with the difference that most people don't express themselves, they just reject and that's all. - So thank you anyway! Links to BeiYin's newest articles about healing The enemy is us! From the Radio Show "The People Whisperer" BeiYin: We are talking about the statement that the enemy is within ourselves. That means we are projecting what we are to the outside and then fighting against it and in so far being involved into a game that keeps us busy, but without a final end because we are turning around ourselves, - without being aware about our automatic behavior and an attitude that doesn't allow to observe oneself. John L: The thing is, we've all (at least most of us) been taught that the physical realm is all there is (that's where Western science and medicine focus their attention). BeiYin: I don't think that this is the case. From early history of mankind people were taught that there is another dimension and where humans come from and where they will go when they leave their body. During more than two thousand years these teachings were established in all cultures without exception. These teachings were given as concepts in one had to believe and the only experience (with some rare exceptions) has been the security coming out of a strong believe. The survival need of daily life had forced people into a materialistic world view and they could manage to live in this dilemma by making a split. Living their daily materialistic approach and keeping their religious or spiritual concepts as an additional security. John L: Some Eastern traditions have taken a "scientific" approach to

exploring consciousness itself -- and have mapped out the full spectrum from the source to the manifestation of spirit in the physical body. BeiYin: Also in western scientific approaches consciousness has been explored and human nature has been explained in depth. Adler, Freud, C.G.Jung and others... Although it hasn't entered much into the knowledge pool of the mass. John L: Someone in this group, I believe, has pointed out that the physical body is just the surface of the invisible world. BeiYin: Of course, it is like the iceberg, most of it is invisible under the surface and one has to dive to explore it. John L: No one can be blamed for being limited in their thinking about matters of reality if they have been "brainwashed" into a particular doctrine. BeiYin: Nobody will blame a baby for using a dummy (or american: 'pacifier') although with it there is done the first manipulation to keep the baby quiet. So this goes on later with other things... as the usual manipulations within our society... John L: Remember that the first persons to notice that the world is round, not flat, were persecuted. Learned paradigms are not given up easily as you keep pointing out. BeiYin: Indeed, the concepts we have adapted and so giving us a frame of knowledge in a world of uncertainty are difficult to overcome. First we need to be aware that we are living out of concepts. Humans are not capable to relate to reality, they are only relating through the filter of their concepts and if something shows up that doesn't fit into their established concepts, then they reject this unknown influence. John L: I'm impressed by members of this group who are willing to even consider alternatives to the "medical doctrine" that drives our culture. Just the fact that guys are considering the possibilities of alternatives to "the old way" is greatly encouraging. BeiYin: This 'openness' is the reaction coming out of the failure of the established medical system. If somebody is suffering enough after having gone through various treatments that hasn't healed but have increased the suffering, then looking for 'alternatives' seems to be a way to get out of it. But then not considering that this needs engagement and self responsibility. Randy: I think that people focus on the physical because it is something that you can be precise about with words. On the other hand that which are about mental and spiritual can not be taught with words. BeiYin: People focus on the physical because that's what they experience with their senses. They are identified with their body and their senses. That gives them the feeling of existence and they strive for excitement wherever they can get it, up to the extreme that they use pain and suffering to feel their existence, - as more intensive the better. John L: Randy, you are right about the fact that words can be used to describe the physical, but are limited when it comes to describing or explaining other dimensions. BeiYin: Yes, words are limited because they are bound to concepts. Each word represents a concept and if a concept is not established as an expression of an experience or just as a common accepted concept, then

indeed it is difficult to integrate it into the existing concepts, making it to a part of one's personality. This depends on the needs of the individual. Lately the most sophisticated concepts found their place, fulfilling needs of searching people and giving sense and identification in a nearly untouchable way... John L: I've thought frequently about this challenge for BeiYin because he's been able to describe exercises, etc., but not really the other stuff that is involved in healing. All one can do is use words as "pointers." Experiencing other dimensions is the only way to "know" them. You can't know the taste of an orange until you've tasted one. BeiYin: Oh boy! I'm not able to describe the 'other stuff'? What you are saying here? I think you are provoking me as you seem to be the only one in this group who understands what I'm talking about. OK, yes, this is a challenge for me, but now I'm tired and as I'm human, I need to relax... Tomorrow more... So I have relaxed and just read all this page again. I came to the conclusion, that I don't want to say anything more, - unless somebody asks me. I am convinced that if somebody in need to heal oneself reads this page, then will receive enough information to start ones healing process. Then reading this page again and with this finding the answer of arising questions. We know that it is not easy. Mainly because you are clinging on words. I suggest that you use the sense all dogs have: They sense the energy behind the words and then they respond to it! Just do the same! Or do you pretend that you are not capable to do what a dog can do? If not, then down here is the feedback form that can be used... Go ahead! The enemy is us! From BeiYin's Radio Show "The people Whisperer" John: I have learned so much from the hernia and from everyone here. I am looking forward to my continued growth of the Whole Body, Mind and Personality with everyone here. Old Joe: The posts are finally turning to the more important questions. Great job! BeiYin: So what are the important questions? Old Joe: You were talking about awareness. That is one benefit of the Stress Release Exercise: deepening one's awareness. Also, the use of attitude and thought in the mode of healing. If you want to change a situation, change the way you think about. BeiYin: Was it that the hernia has given you a reason to question yourself? You want to change your attitude? To check and clear up yourself? Or what is it you both have learned? The "Whole" is NOT the result when one puts body, mind and personality together! Do you have a question about yourself? Is there something you are not sure about? On what depends your existence? What disturbs you about yourself? Is it you or just dust on your glasses or dirt on the mirror in front of you? Who are you? The one you see in the mirror? Or the one who sees himself in the mirror? Or the one who receives an image and is aware that this is a reflection of himself and he is aware that he thinks about this moment of existence and is aware that he feels lost and confused because nothing makes sense.

Being aware of one's existence, not because one receives something through the senses, but because one is aware that one is aware beyond any images or pictures or impressions of senses; this might answer many questions... Comes your personal security out of your properties? Physically, mentally and emotionally? So then your insecurity shows up when there is something not clear with your properties? You are busy to organize everything you own and put things at the places where these belong. But this is a constant struggle and uses a lot of energy and is causing stress... There are so many influences from everywhere! John: Obviously there is a lot of confusion in this world and indeed not so much growth when we see that humanity is destroying everything they touch. - Then what is growing? BeiYin: Real growing is a continuing transformational process in which all parts of ones system are included and that is: body, mind and emotions. These parts are 'contaminated' or better said programmed by education and all influences of our society and need to be cleaned up. This entity that you are feels as "Personality" and has taken over by identifying itself with ones properties and the reactions coming from all parts of the system. -This entity needs to overcome its blown up rigid state and find the essence of ones existence. This can't be found here or some where else 'with others'. One can be provoked by others to question oneself and that one can observe within oneself and also on the outside. Finding one's confirmation when being with others might give the feeling of growth, but it just gives satisfaction to the established personality and then there is no need to question anything; so there is no real growing. Growth is when we can give space to the growing force that is present and inbuilt in each of us, all the time and where ever we go. Growth can happen when we can understand that daily circumstances showing up are the best conditions for our growing. It depends only on our attitude and in how far we are capable to relate to what we encounter and then respond out of our responsibility, - knowing that we (being our personalities) are in a constant need to be confirmed and using all kind of tricks to get what we want... Learning is when we are able to observe ourselves finding out what is real and what comes from our old established patterns, - identification with concepts that we have learned through education and all the manipulation from society... and of course we need to learn that our personalities are the manifestation of human nature. About this there is information available, although we will not be able to receive these if we are not ready for it. Then our defense system will start to react and even simple facts will not be understood and there for rejected. Personality consist in ones self image, this is very vulnerable and constantly needs confirmation and because of this also is constantly defending itself. Real learning would mean that one finds out about 'human nature' and observes this in oneself, then developing an entity that does not depend totally on conditions... Not outside and not inside conditions. John L: All one can do is use words as 'pointers'. Experiencing other dimensions is the only way to 'know' them. You can't know the taste of an orange until you've tasted one. Old Joe: Yep. There's a Buddhist saying of some sort: "You can point toward enlightenment as you might point at the moon, but another must 'see' and experience it for himself." BeiYin: Who wants to point to what? Who is experiencing other dimensions? Isn't it pretty clear that all dimensions a 'personality' is capable to experience are limited to the connditions of this personality? The human capability to produce images has no limit and also the art to make concepts

about every fantasy and idea that is triggered by combinations of concepts under the influence of (real?) persosnal experiences. Words are representing concepts, coming out of experiences, - maybe or maybe not. If a concept is confirmed often enough by ones experience then it becomes like something real and is firm and established in one's personal knowledge base. 'Knowledge' is a combination of established concepts owned by a 'personality' and not necessarily is based on experience, unless it is an experience that is the result of such a strong belief that it becomes reality within the self image of a personality. To make this 'reality' even stronger this person will become a 'missionary' trying to convince others of their beautiful concept that connects with a supreme security... It is still fake reality, the same as most or better said all what a personality is experiencing. (Tough to swollow this! Right?) Indeed one can know the taste of an orange even though one never has tasted one. One who has tasted one and has enough words to describe the taste and the used words are known from the person who never tasted an orange, then this person will know the taste. A person who is a specialist in wine will be able to describe one special wine with such a certainty that another specialists in wine will know exactly how the taste is even though never tried it. That's all easy as long it has to do with what belongs to the five senses as ability of a personality. But it becomes difficult or impossible when it goes beyond senses and what can be experienced when still being bound and limited to ones personality. The person who points towards enlightenment lives in a fake world or wants to impress other people who are even more foolish than the one who points. The one who is enlightened will not point somewhere outside wanting to say something with it that nobody can't understand, mainly because being stuck in one's personality that doesn't allow to see or wanting to see what does not belong to ones own already established property... The StressReleaseExercise will not 'deepen' awareness, it will expand one's awareness to such an extent that it will go beyond the limitation of one's personality. That is the reason why there are people who avoid to practice it, because they want to cling on that what they believe they are, even though they are suffering extremely. This is also part of human nature and there seems no way to reach people that they might open up even they are not ready... Yes, there is a way: 'Love', but this is another subject... Maybe for the next radio show... BeiYin: Let's wait, there's another call... Bill: I will still try to heal this hernia with exercises and diet... BeiYin: Whose hernia is it? (Connection cut) Who ever it is, it will need more than 'trying'. - - The hernia is a symptom that tells that the person with this symptom is out of balance with his/her whole system. That includes all levels of one's existence: Body, mind and emotions. To bring this back into balance the whole being needs to be involved. Exercises and diet for sure is not enough! There are a lot of questions not answered, first because they are not ask... You need to get out of your used way of survival that worked until now for you, by not looking, not asking, not thinking, not being responsible, not relating, not responding... Then you will do the first real step to heal yourself - and this is not just 'trying'! Bill: Also, I'm 30. Exercise and diet on their own MIGHT heal my hernia. Heck, I'm already noticing a difference. To each their own! Everybody's BODY works/heals differently.

BeiYin: Yes, your hernia might heal just by exercises and diet, I think that's possible with your age. But what will happen if your hernia is caused by an emotional imbalance and that is not healed? Then your hernia might be healed and some time after another hernia will show up, maybe on the other side of your belly. - What do you think about the following situation: The owner of a boat notice that his boat has a leak and water comes in. So he takes the boat out of the water, docks it up and finds the leak. Will he just repair the hole and do nothing else? Probably not. Once the boat is out of the water, he will use the opportunity and examine the whole body of his boat. He might find other spots that are near to become leaks, so he can repair these as well, without big effort. He might examine more profound and find out that the inner structure of his boat is damaged and with not too much work he will reform the structure. Not just having repaired the leak but being cautious and going further might save his life when in the next storm his boat will be forced to the extreme... You got it? Your hernia is the leak. You might be able to heal this easily, but you should use the occasion to go further. You might go through extreme storms during the next fifty years... You are right: Every body heals differently, but mainly because the one who owns this body is in a different state of personal evolution and so is acting and reacting more or less favorable to one's healing. The most important: The need to connect with one's inner essential core is in every body the same, it is only differently suppressed by the trapped personality. John L: The affirmations are very important! BeiYin: Affirmations are a way to manipulate ones condition the way one wants it. But it is possible that then one is covering a problem that has shows up and this of course is not real healing. As a momentary help in an emergency situation it might serve... One should be aware that what one wants might not be the right thing for one's healing, as one's wanting is conditioned by the unconscious accumulated background and that's part of the stuck and limited personality and that's what we want to clear up. Right? John L: Control of the mind is very hard, but it's necessary if you don't want to be controlled by it. BeiYin: Any kind of control is delicate because there is always a power behind that is manipulating for a certain purpose. First one needs to find out what the motivation of this one is who wants to control and for what purpose. Who is the one who controls the one who controls? Or is it a game one is playing with oneself? You are your mind and as long you are identified with it and using it for your self confirmation, finding your existence confirmed by it, as long you are stuck in a game with yourself. John L: It's tricky, you need to use the mind to go beyond the mind. As a friend of mine said, it's like using a thorn to remove a thorn. BeiYin: Yes indeed, it is tricky. It is not that you use a thorn to remove a thorn. It is as if you want to use the thorn that needs to be removed to remove itself. You can try and keep yourself busy all life long. Very tricky! Credentials? Geo: You seem to have a lot of strong opinions. BeiYin: From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: Opinion = "An opinion is a person's ideas and thoughts towards something which it is either impossible to verify the truth of, or the truth of which is thought unimportant to the person. It is an assertion about something especially if that something lies in the future and its truth or falsity cannot be directly established e.g. induction. An opinion is not a fact, because opinions are either not falsifiable, or the opinion has not been proven or verified. If it later becomes proven

or verified, it is no longer an opinion, but a fact." "A lot of strong opinions?" The way you pronounce it makes it sounding like that you presume that I'm a liar, a pretender, a manipulator, a trickster and possible more of these human attitudes a clever survivor is using to make himself feel good and important. You might be right, I'm living long enough here between humans so I might have adopted some of their 'way of life', I will have a look at it later... Geo: Do you have any credentials to back them up? BeiYin: From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: Credentials = "A credential is an attestation of qualification, competence, or authority issued to an individual by a third party with a relevant de jure or de facto authority or assumed competence to do so. Examples of credentials include academic diplomas, academic degrees, certifications, security clearances, identification documents, badges, powers of attorney, and so on. Sometimes publications, such as scientific papers or books, may be viewed as similar to credentials by some people, especially if the publication was peer reviewed or made in a well-known journal or reputable publisher." That's easy for me to answer: No, I have absolutely nothing of all this. Nothing. Not even a health insurance. But I can prove my existence with my passport, but this for sure is not enough for you and I can understand that you will not continue to read what I'm writing. That's ok with me, that's just the normal behavior of humans... Like: It's nothing worth if it is not expensive... Geo: Not trying to be rude here. Just curious. BeiYin: After my first comment I had made about something you wrote, you had called me 'rude' when I had expressed myself without being asked for. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: Rude (also called impudence or effrontery) = "The disrespect and failure to behave within the context of a society or a group of people's social laws or etiquette. These laws have already unspokenly been established as the essential boundaries of normally accepted behaviour. To be unable or unwilling to align one's behaviour with these laws known to the general population of what is socially acceptable is to be rude. Similar terms include: impoliteness, making a faux pas, inconsiderateness, offensiveness, obscenity, profanity, violating taboos. In some cases, criminal behavior can also be an act of rudeness." I don't think that you are rude by asking me for my 'credentials', not even when you suspect that I'm I liar, etc. It is strange, but never I felt that somebody was rude to me. I never felt insulted even by the most rude accusation. Once walking in the night through the streets of a city a man approached me and shouted: "You complete idiot, what are you doing here?" I looked into his eyes and said: "You are totally right: I'm an idiot, but how could you recognize me so fast, - others need much longer...?" Obviously he was looking for someone to beat him up to get release for his accumulated frustration. He had already raised his fist, but when I said this then he was like paralyzed and didn't say anything more. He turned around and left. Good that he hadn't asked me for my credentials... From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: Curious = "Curiosity is an emotion that causes natural inquisitive behaviour such as exploration, investigation, and learning, evident by observation in human and many animal species. The term can also be used to denote the behavior itself being caused by the emotion of curiosity. As this emotion represents a drive to know new things, curiosity is the fuel of science and all other disciplines of human study." I feel honored that you are curious about me, although the word 'inquisition' doesn't feel so good. You are observing the human and animal species. I am

doing the same, knowing that one can learn a lot from it... Geo: I was a chemistry major and have studied a great deal of biochemistry and have spent several years now studying mineral deficiencies and disease correlations. And I am a 4th degree black belt and have studied 7 different martial arts. So I have a bit of knowledge in the exercise field as well. BeiYin: I also have studied many things but I'm not a major in anything, not even a minor. I understand that a belt is similar to a credential, so I was never interested in it. But yes, about sixty years ago I did boxing, but after my nose was broken the second time I gave up. Later I did Jiu Jitsu and also Judo, I had a belt but only to keep my jacket close... Geo: And as I deal with my own situation here I am finding that I am winning the battle with it one day at a time. But there is a definate learning curve on this thing. I am just learning as I go and there is a great deal I don't now. BeiYin: Obviously you are a fighter and you have some success with this well established way. My way is different, if you ask me I will tell you about it... Geo: Again, not trying to be rude. But I was curious about your background. Thanks for filling in the blanks. BeiYin: Sorry, I haven't said anything about my background. That would be a long story. I will think about if I can make a short story out of it, telling only about the last several thousand years... Then later more... PS: Even though I had fun writing this, I hope you don't feel that I have made fun out of you... PPS: Just a little ;-) You know, I'm a serious person. PPPS: Not too much. *********************************************************************** Christopher: You said that your way is differently than that of a fighter, I am interested to know more about it. BeiYin: soon...

What is Meditation? What meditation is can be seen in very different ways. Meditation is not a technique or method to reach a determined goal. That one becomes more relaxed, emotionally and mentally balanced, can be seen as a side effect, but is not the goal or one's meditation. Through meditation one comes to a state of being where one relates and responds in a different way to whatever shows up in one's life, outside and inside. - One gains a new attitude which then changes one's responses and so one's doing. Then one's habits will change. One will be aware and so more ritical of what one takes in and if this is favorable or damaging one's system. One will live healthier on all levels of one's existence. One will not need to demonstrate anything anymore, self-expression will gain a new dimension... Of course it might be that someone starts to meditate because feeling nervous and desperate or is sick and wants to do something against it, so this might work. Indeed meditation furthers the 'healing process' significantly and probably is the most important basic step. If we come during our path to the moment when struggling through life seems just a 'turning around ourselves', then after questioning our position and reflecting about it, we might come to a meditative state, where our intention to do something for a specific reason, mostly because we want to reach a certain goal, has faded away... maybe letting us fall into desperation. Often

this happens after something tragical breaks into our, until then undisturbed lifestyle, when our cart house of security has collapsed, leaving us without orientation. Often this happens because of a serious health problem... Although this situation will be felt as a negative state, it can be a new beginning, an opening to fields of awareness and silence, which will give a new sense and a new world view, an until then unknown security, - coming out of insights which include a view of much wider aspects. The deep longing to connect with one's source will finally guide to the state of 'meditation'. But not necessarily one has to go through suffering because of tragic happenings in one's life, to come to the need to meditate, this urge might come as a sudden from inside... I am here to help you to enter into this state in an easy way. Meditation by itself is a state of being and must not be connected with any philosophy, religion or any kind of concept. It can be clear and pure and been practised this way. You don't need to pay to be initiated into meditation or to join a group or a meditation retreat, although a retreat might further a start. If you have the urge to meditate then it is possible that you come to a meditative state just by sitting down... But then often falling into old pattern of doing, which might not be possible to avoid, so you can ask for some help. I can give you advise through email, just use the form below. There is no ritual necessary just plain information and this of course, like all service from me and FalconBlanco, is totally for free. Meditation should be available to every body and every where. I am convinced that this would help essentially in every ones growing and healing process and make a new security possible which doesn't come from the outside with all constantly changing conditions, but from inside by connecting with one's source... You can listen to some more thoughts about the subject watching the video: Meditation Or you can make a comment or ask questions by using this feedback form:

1. Part: Investigation About twenty years ago when my healing journey started, I was also interested to learn Reiki, but when I found out about the hierarchic structure and all connected with money, then this turned me totally off until lately when I received an offer with Reiki teachings for free, I subscribed and was told that the 'attunement' was send to me of all degrees up to the master level. I had no proof at all that this really was done, but it could be possible and as there was no money involved, so there seemed to be no risk. But the instructions what to do with the received energy was not enough and the whole thing was pretty obscure. But there was a complete manual offered, included a certificate of being a 'Reiki Master'. The manual could be downloaded for only 50$. So I did it and when I read it, it looked very much like that this book was a composition gathered from several other manuals. Quite a lot of information about rituals, secrete symbols and every thing a 'Healing magician' must know. Just that I was not interested in it. After this experience I was not too much disappointed and went on with my investigation. I subscribed to several Internet Reiki groups, read a lot of posts and also posted some articles, but the response was so poor that I gave up. The majority of posts were healing requests. The received healing was consumed like medication: not even traces of 'self responsibility' or entering into a conscious healing process were visible. I am especially interested in Reiki, because it is not colored by religious or spiritual beliefs, even though it is still stuck in parts in a hierarchic system and still connected with money. The 'pure Reiki' is the direct source of pure energy and this is 'healing energy'. Free available for every one, it needs only the intention to connect. There are no rituals, symbols or whatever necessary.

If this would be known worldwide and to every body, then all those millions of sufferers could connect directly and enter into a growing process, which would rise their consciousness and so the collective consciousness. This would be real healing and could be the key that a change worldwide could happen and this would be a 'transformational change', that means the whole being is included. How to give out the information about Reiki is a question of organizing it and to invest some energy into it. The Internet could be a good medium ... Update: I found the following in a book published about eighty years ago: Chapter: "The Secret of Spiritual Healing:" Mind and soul must be in a condition of perfect serenity and peace before they can receive the wireless vibrations of healing power from the source of all life. This is the modus operandi of true spiritual healing. It means the opening of our souls to the influx of almighty love from the source of all life and love in the universe. Life and love are identical in nature. Love is the highest vibratory activity of the human soul as well as of the universe. Why should we depend upon spiritual healers when within ourselves we have the shortest wireless connection between the human soul and the oversoul? A spiritual teacher cannot help us more effectively than by showing us how to establish this wireless connection and how to operate it. Full text at: Practice of natural therapeutics by Henry Lindlahr M.D. TREATMENT OF CHRONIC DISEASES.

SunMeditation How we practice it at Falcon Blanco BeiYin We all watched the sun rise or sun set. There is no difference when doing 'SunMeditation' also called 'Sungazing'. It is said being best is to stand with bare feet on earthen ground or sit on a chair. Sri Manek, an experienced sungazer, suggests to start with 10 sec. adding 10 sec. each day of sungazing. I followed his suggestion in so far as I added after each week one minute. I never had any problem in nine months of sungazing. If you are watching the sun when rising up, then you can easily start with a few minutes and then after a few weeks add every week one minute. If you do it just after sun rise or shortly before sun set, then there will be no damage done to your eyes. This meditation is very effective and has a positive influence in many aspects. From my experience I can suggest to start the 'Sun meditation' even a few minutes before the sun rises and then watch as long as it feels right to you. If you are doing the 'Sun meditation', then be aware and sensitive about it and consult sincerely with your intuition. Once you have started then stick with it even some resistance will show up, coming from one's conditioning, listen carefully what your body tells you and don't force yourself. When watching the sun, observe at the same time 'inside'. Do it without distraction! Be aware of tensions - let go of these by breathing consciously. Expect that old repressed emotions come up. I had heart reactions (pain and weakness) probably due to some closeness of the heart center. These are reactions which indicates that one's system is shacked up and there is a healing process going on... While looking at the sun, feel gratitude for all that the sun gives and appreciation for life. This has to do with one's attitude - which is an important aspect when doing sun meditation... .

'SunMeditation' will further one's growing process essentially in all aspects: enhances intuition and awareness, deludes obstacles and blocs, widens one's horizon and opens new aspects, furthers healing and growing beyond one's personality. Don't practice sun gazing without consulting with a qualified and licensed health professional. You might be extremely sensitive or you have a light allergy, so the sun might cause severe reactions. Extract of SriManek's Web site | All Sun Meditation posts | FalconBlanco index | join BeiYin's 'StressReleaseExercise'Yahoo group



Testimonial about my personal healing process updated:22.1.04,11.9.11 Since I am doing the ozone-steam sauna treatment every second day, After a few I feel much better, there is much less pain and some energy came months of back. It is said that there is no cure for Fibromyalgia, what makes one ozone steam feel helpless, now I have the hope that I will recover. There is a lot of sauna treatment information available, but in the searching for the right treatment one I have not only is pretty alone and so it is obvious that finding a cure will be a long the hope but I process... am pretty sure When I look back in my life I remember that when the few times I that with the had taken a 'Swedish Sauna' I always had felt good after. Now I am help of ozone sure that if I would have taken at least once a month a sauna for the and sauna I will last forty years, then probably I wouldn't be sick now. My system be healed from wouldn't have accumulated toxins all the time of which I have to get Fibromyalgia. rid now. So then it looks like that I have to take now all the sauna So obviously sessions I haven't had. That tells me that I shouldn't expect miracles within the next few weeks... But this also tells me that I have to be this is an important part patient and stick on it and do it regularly. As I have build my own of the healing steam-sauna box and don't need to go for a sauna treatment to another process. It needs place, so it needs not much more than half an hour. Not counting the some time and time necessary for resting after the sauna and if possible also before, effort, but also which is important otherwise the stress is adding to the fatigue. it is pleasurable! I have made a page where I describe how to build one's own steam sauna. It is easy and one can do it all from recycled material. In a few hours it is build and it didn't cost me any thing! This is not possible with the ozone generator one needs and which cost quite some money, but it is worth the investment because the generator can be Steam Sauna used for many other applications, to run it needs oxygen in bottles or how to build an oxygen generator (which on the long run is much sheaper...) one's own steam sauna I am convinced that the ozone treatments with ozone steam sauna and ozone insufflation helps me to recover from Fibromyalgia. One can

Ozone generator links

go for an ozone treatment to a medical doctor, but that means to go every day there for three weeks and then the series of treatments has to be repeated quite often. I'm convinced that to have one's own ozone generator is much more comfortable, apart of the money savings and the need to use one for the ozone sauna.

Fasting What is fasting? - Preparation for Your Fast - Why Fast? - Activity Level Fasting enhances mental acuity - Protein & Fasting Points - Healing Aiding Elimination of Toxins - Fasting decreases dependency on authorities Reactions from Fasting - Benefits of Fasting - Healing Crisis - One Day Fast Going off your Fast - Water Fast - Water Fasting Tips - Fasting Concerns Reactions from Fasting - Spiritual - Weight Loss - Pre-existing Conditions Greater Sensitivity - Master Cleanse - Juice Fasting - References/Links Additional Reading - Disclaimer What is Fasting? Fasting is a period of abstinence from all food or specific items. Fluids are consumed in sufficient quantity to satisfy thirst and physiologic requirements. During the absence of food, the body will systematically cleanse itself of everything except vital tissue. Starvation will occur only when the body is forced to use vital tissue to survive. Although protein is being used by the body during the fast, a person fasting even 40 days on water will not suffer a deficiency of protein, vitamins, minerals or fatty acids. In the breakdown of unhealthy cells, all essential substances are used and conserved in a most extraordinary manner. There is an unwarranted fear of fasting that strength diminishes from the catabolism of proteins from muscle fibers. Even during long fasts, the number of muscle fibers remains the same. Although the healthy cells may be reduced in size and strength for a time, they remain perfectly sound. A. J. Carlson, Professor of Physiology, University of Chicago, states that a healthy, well-nourished man can live from 50 to 75 days without food, provided he is not exposed to harsh elements or emotional stress. Human fat is valued at 3,500 calories per pound. Each extra pound of fat will supply enough calories for one day of hard physical labor. Ten pounds of fat are equal to 35,000 calories! Most of us have sufficient reserves, capable of sustaining us for many weeks. Rest is understood to be a big factor in enhancing recovery, as it is when the body is at rest that it is able to direct the most energy towards the various chemical and mechanical processes of detoxification. When fasting, a person experiences recovery at a rate that is swifter than normal. He is ridding his body of toxins and excesses; allowing the body to use its own wisdom to healthfully reorganize itself from the atomic level. As the toxic load is reduced, the functioning of every cell is enhanced. In the same way that vital nerve energy is accumulated during a night's sleep, the faster builds nerve energy through rest, sleep, and detoxification. The human body has many ordinary modes of achieving elimination: the liver, lungs, kidneys, colon, etc. When these are overloaded, the body will resort to "extra ordinary" methods of elimination: boils, mucous and other discharges, sweats, vomiting, diarrhea, and many others. Should elimination be impossible or

uneconomical of body energy, the toxic overload will go into storage forms in the joints, vessels, muscles, organs; almost any tissue in the body. While fasting, the body is highly conservative of its energy and resources. During this deep and profound rest, toxin intake and production are reduced to a minimum while autolysins and elimination proceed unchecked. Anabolic processes such as tissue and bone healing also proceed at a maximal rate during the fast. In the body, the first stage of cleansing removes large quantities of waste matter and digestive residues. The first few days of a fast can be rough due to the quantity of waste passing into the blood stream. The tongue becomes coated and the breath foul as the body excretes waste through every opening. After the third day of the fast, there is little desire for food. The second stage is the cleansing of mucous, fat, diseased and dying cells, and the more easily removed toxins. As the fast continues, the cleansing process becomes more thorough. The last stage is the cleansing of toxins that have been accumulating in your cellular tissue from birth, and the microscopic tubes that carry vital elements to the brain. Cleansing of the last layer is only possible through a combination of juice fasting, water fasting, and a healthy diet high in raw foods. To overcome a severe disease like cancer, it is important to continue through a series of fasts, to the point where the full scouring action of catabolism removes the disease from the tissue. During extended fasts the body removes: dead, dying and diseased cells; unwanted fatty tissue, trans-fatty acids, hardened coating of mucus on the intestinal wall; toxic waste matter in the lymphatic system and bloodstream; toxins in the spleen, liver and kidney; mucus from the lungs and sinuses, imbedded toxins in the cellular fibers and deeper organ tissues; deposits in the microscopic tubes responsible for nourishing brain cells and excess cholesterol. Nearly everyone who fasts, discovers the same thing, that when they fast they actually have no hunger and more energy than they normally have. It is indeed liberating to find out that if we let go and trust that we will be taken care of. Fasting is the simplest, easiest and most effective way to find out that we do indeed have the power and freedom to heal and take control of our bodies. Why Fast? Probably the most important reason is that the body uses quite a bit of energy to digest food, and when fasting this energy becomes available for other uses. In the fasting state, the body will scour for dead cells, damaged tissues, fatty deposits, tumors, abscesses, all of which are burned for fuel or expelled as waste. The elimination of these obstructions restores the immune system functionality and metabolic process to an optimum state. Fasting restores good digestion and elimination, and peristaltic action is quickened. Fasting allows a deep, physiological rest of the digestive organs, and the energy saved goes into self-healing and selfrepairing. By eliminating obstructions, by cleansing, detoxification, and purifying the intestines, the blood, and the cells, we can overcome many of our physical ills or handicaps as well as getting a boost in energy. Fasting not only removes obstructions and helps the body to heal itself, it is also rejuvenating and lifeextending. These resulting benefits can have lasting affects in your mental and emotional health.

The other very important aspect is that your self-awareness will be elevated. If you are sick and depressed, then this might be the most important thing you can try in your healing program, because it gives you immediately an energy boost and increased awareness which might allow that you see things more clearly, allowing you the first step out of your sickness and onto the path of recovery. While fasting you become more aware of your body process, your life and with everything you are doing. It becomes a period where you can evaluate all that you're doing more objectively, and you naturally have more time for contemplation because you aren't using time amassing, preparing, eating, eliminating and cleaning up all which is used to prepare food. You become more aware of what your body likes and doesn't like when you start to eat again. You gain self-confidence in your ability to control your life process, to set a goal and carry out an intention. Fasting enhances mental acuity Perhaps the most instructive testimony as to the acuteness of mental powers during fasting comes from Dr. Herbert Shelton who supervised the fasting of more than 40,000 people over a period of fifty years. His message is that the freer the body is of toxic materials flowing through the blood and lymphatic system, the clearer is the ability to think. These facts are due to physiological causes. Large amounts of blood and nervous energies have to be sent to the digestive organs to digest a meal. If these energies are not required there, they may be used by the brain for better thinking. This increase in mental acuity doesnt usually happen until after the first few days of a fast, because the body is busy cleaning out excess toxins and substances and so the first few days can be a period of depression, with headaches and various pains as this process is underway. This makes the first stage of fasting difficult but after the body has thrown off its load of toxins, then the brain is fed by a cleaner bloodstream and the mental powers and clarity of thought are extraordinarily increased and the other senses also become more acute. Ones mind becomes clearer and ones ability to think and solve intricate problems is enhanced. One is simply more alert, and ones mind seems to open up into new fields. The mental and physical senses are heightened, and often there can be a feeling of euphoria, especially during longer fasts. Some, for the first time, will experience emotional stability. The reasons for this are multifold - the elimination of the emotional dependence on food, exclusion of stimulating foods like caffeine, processed sugars, recreational drugs, tobacco and trans-fatty acids, all of which can have a devastating effect on delicate emotions. Dr. Ehret stated an amazing fact at the turn of the 20th century. He said that, for a water fast to awaken the higher mind functions, it had to be longer than 21 days. Fasting has a history of awakening intuitive senses, creativity, and deeper spiritual questions in those with enough determination to get past the 21 day mark. Healing During a fast, a metamorphosis occurs. The body undergoes a tearing down and rebuilding of damaged materials. For this reason, fasting is famous for its ability to rejuvenate and give the body a more youthful tone. Why does fasting have such a powerful effect in healing the body? Fasting dissolves diseased cells in a systematic

manner, leaving healthy tissue. The result is a thorough cleansing of the tube, membrane and cellular structures. There is a remarkable redistribution of nutrients in the fasting body. It hangs on to precious minerals and vitamins while catabolizing on old tissue, toxins and inferior materials. Each cell of your body is a complete living entity with its own metabolism. It needs a constant supply of oxygen and sufficient nourishment. When due to nutritional deficiencies, sluggish metabolism, sedentary life, overeating and consequent poor digestion and assimilation of food, lack of fresh air and sufficient exercise and rest, our cells are deprived... they start to degenerate... the normal process of cell replacement and rebuilding slows down and your body starts to grow old, its resistance to disease will diminish and you become sick. Animals will naturally fast when they are sick or injured, and when we are ill, our hunger diminishes. If we get out of the way and allow nature to take its course, we will find that we can heal from any problem. Since the dawn of recorded time, in fact since before the word "doctor" came into existence, priests provided sanctuaries where people could go to fast. Whereas modern medical practitioners admit that they have no cures, only drugs that mask the symptoms while causing yet other symptoms to appear. I had a medical practice for 20 years in NYC, supervised hundreds of long fasts, and I found that the physical healing or weight loss was but a pleasant side effect. What really happened is that the person got in touch with their higher self, their true self, and came to the experience that healing can take place at every level, simply by letting go and allowing Mother Nature to do her work. Dr. Rai Casey Fasting has been beneficial for these conditions: Although fasting is not recommended in every situation, (cancer of the liver is one instance where fasting is contraindicated), in many situations fasting is the only known solution. Fasting has been beneficial for arthritis, asthma, high blood pressure, lupus, chronic fatigue, colitis, Crohn's disease, diverticulitis, spastic colon, irritable bowel, cases of paralysis, neuritis, neuralgia, neuroses, and mental illness as well as many others. Fasting will also break down tumors and for this reason, many have overcome cancer with fasting. Fasting decreases dependency on authorities How many of us believe that when we get sick, that a doctor is going to save us from pain and death? We just assume that the technology is going to be able to repair us when we break down, by giving us a pill, a treatment or a surgery. We are so alienated from our bodies that we think that a doctor knows more about us than we do. The reality is that doctors dont have the cures that we need, what is offered by the traditional system of healers is only the possibility to treat our symptoms never being able to cure us or root out the cause. When we take these kinds of treatments to suppress our symptoms then that cause, which is the underlying reason we are sick, goes unattended, then in fact our illness continues to grow. We will never be healthy until we take responsibility for our own health . We need to stop blaming the outside for making us sick, whether it is corporations, a person, our immediate environment or a government, and to recognize instead that our sickness is a symptom telling us something is inside needs to be addressed. For sure there are

outside influences that we cant control, but there is much that we can control by taking responsibility for ourselves and working to change our habits. Benefits of Fasting Mental clarity is improved and brain fog is lifted. Rapid, safe weight loss is achieved without flabbiness The nervous system is balanced Energy level and sensory perception is increased. The longer the fast, the bigger increase in energy and vitality. You normally need less sleep. Organs are revitalized Cellular biochemistry is harmonized The skin becomes silky, soft, and sensitive There is greater ease of movement Breathing becomes fuller, freer and deeper The digestive system is rejuvenated and becomes more effective; the peristaltic action of the intestines (the cause of a natural bowel movement) is stronger after fasting. Fasting retrains your tasting sense back to more healthy food as acute sensitivity is restored. Fasting can increase confidence in our ability to have control over our lives and our appetite, and that our body is self-regulating and a self-healing organism capable or establishing balance when given the possibility to do so. Normal metabolic and cell oxygenation are restored. Detoxification - as soon as the body realizes that it's fasting it will begin to eliminate those things that cause disease, such as fat cells, arterial cholesterol plaques, mucus, tumors, stored up worries and emotions. One Day Fast One way to start is to fast one day, working towards fasting regularly, one day per week or for longer periods of time. You can fast from all food, or only from solid food. You can choose a one day fast with only: water fresh fruit juice fresh vegetable juice raw fruit raw vegetables

Avoiding during the fast: cooked vegetables, cooked whole grains, whole grain flour products, bread, pasta, etc. vegetable protein, soy products, etc. dairy: milk, cheese, yogurt, ice cream, butter, eggs, meats, fast food, junk food, prepared foods, etc., chemicals: sugar, caffeine, artificial flavoring, sweeteners, etc. Not to consume any drugs, nicotine and alcohol during fast should be clear. Water Fast You can fast from 1 to 40 days. Try to drink 2 liters of water or more per day.

The ten day water fast has become a recommended number of days. Ten days on water will cause the same weight loss as 30 days on juice. But water fasting is far more difficult, especially if you have a fast metabolism. Water fasting cleanses the body aggressively removing toxins rapidly. Water fasting can be more beneficial than juice fasting in combating more persistent forms of cancer, cleansing the tissues more aggressively. Water fasting demands mental preparation, the less pressure and responsibility you have during a water fast the better. Think of it a holiday away form the normal patterns of living. Some recommend that the week before your fast, you drink fresh juices and eat mostly raw fruits and vegetables to cleanse the body so that the detoxification during water fasting will be less aggressive. Water fasting should always include two of three days of juice fasting before and after the water fast. This alternating between juice and water fasting is the most effective method of achieving a full cleansing through fasting. Water Fasting Tips Avoid water straight from the faucet. Distilled water is the best for cleansing because of its inherent, magnetic properties and ability to absorb and suspend large quantities of toxins, flushing them from the body. The perceived value of mineral water is misleading because the inorganic minerals are like huge boulders to the cellular membranes, making them impossible to assimilate. Plants are able to break down the minerals from the soils, allowing them to be completely absorbable to the cells of the body. The best water is distilled, secondly, spring or filtered. There are no calories or nutritional value in water. On a water fast you have given your body no options but to turn to itself for fuel. This can create a problem when you have spent years depositing counterfeit fuel. Living exclusively on dirty fuel during a fast takes tremendous courage & strength. To ease into water fasting some recommend juice fasting with periods of water fasting. For example 3 days on juice, 2 days on water, 5 days on juice, then 3 days on water. You can juice when you have to work and water fast on the weekend when you can rest. Water Fasting Concerns It is not advisable to water fast under the conditions of hyperglycemia, hypoglycemia, schizophrenia or a chronic heart condition. If you have existing conditions it is best if you consult with a fasting expert and/or be monitored throughout your fast. Be careful of dizziness and black outs. The heart is resting as much as it can during water fasting. Before you stand up, take one or two deep breaths to get the heart pumping. If you start to black out, sit down or crouch down on one knee. This will immediately stop the dizziness. Master Cleanse Fast The Master Cleanse or Lemon Cleanse is between a water fast and a juice fast. Basically it consists of drinking a mixture of freshly squeezed lemons, water and maple syrup for a period of 8 to 40 days. It is easier to do than a water fast because you are still getting nutrients and energy from the lemons and the maple syrup. This fast can be done while still maintaining your normal work, yet is less calories than what you would get from a juice fast. It is normal to lose weight on this fast and it is

excellent for cleansing the colon. For full details on how to do this fast see the following link: Stanley Boroughs Master Cleanse Juice Fast Juice fasting is safe and can allow the body to clean itself of toxins while greatly improving conditions for health. A benefit is that your energy level is high because you are receiving sufficient nutrients from the juices, so you can carry out normal activities. A juice fast takes some burden off the digestive system and frees up some energy for accelerated healing though a water fast does much better in that regard. Also, juices can make available extra quantities of nutrients that a person might lack. Juices are easy to assimilate and take hardly any digestive energy from the body, allowing the body to put more energy into healing and rejuvenation. Packed with vitamins, minerals, living enzymes, antioxidants, phytochemicals, yet low enough in calories to force the body to cannibalize on its filthy waste, propelling you to vigorous physical health and clarity of mind. For your first fast and for the purpose of healing disease most experts recommend a juice fast over a water fast. Fasting on water has become a near impossible exercise for a body that has been nurtured on poisons. The juice of fruits and vegetables are filled with healing and cleansing properties that allow the body to gently and safely detoxify. Juice fasting has become an effective stepping-stone to water fasting. Through juice fasting, thousands of individuals have been freed from serious diseases such as cancer, leukemia, arthritis, high blood pressure, kidney disorders, skin infections, liver disorders, alcoholism and smoking. The thirty-day juice fast is a standard. This length of fast feels about right because after 30 days it seems like you have been fasting forever. Less then 30 days and you can miss the best experiences of the fast. If you are juice fasting, a few days on water occasionally will intensify the fast and assist with weight-loss if you have a slow metabolism. Most people can juice fast safely for up to 30 days. The exceptions are those with hypoglycemia, diabetes, hypo thyroid, and Wilson's Syndrome. For these conditions, eat slices of avocado and banana every few hours, add high quality vegetable source protein powder to your juices, and add psyllium or another good bulking agent to your juices twice a day to regulate blood sugar levels. Do not juice fast if you have impaired kidney function. The amount of juice you drink will determine the intensity of cleansing. Drinking small amounts of juice supplies fewer calories, thereby increasing detoxification. The more intense the cleansing, the greater the discomfort. Juice fasting allows you to have control over the process of elimination. However, when the body enters a cleansing crisis due to toxins in the blood, no amount of juice will eliminate the discomfort. You must wait it out. Drink all-vegetable or all-fruit juices, never combine fruits & vegetables to create juice. Make your juice from fresh vegetables or fruits. You can also include herbal teas with honey, vegetable broth, Barley Green, wheat grass juice and supplements helpful for your specific condition. Drink juice whenever hunger develops until pleasantly full as opposed to stuffed full. It is best if you filter or strain the juices,

removing any excess fiber or pulp so that you continue to give the digestive system a rest. Also if it looks like you are not losing weight on your fast, you can dilute the juices with water. You may consider modifying the fast by including quarter slices of avocado or banana to slow the cleansing process. Modified juice fasting is good for those with health restrictions such as diabetes or hypoglycemia. Bananas and avocados are slow to digest and maintain a stable blood sugar level. Their high calorie content slows the intensity of the fast and, because they are easy to digest, the body still devotes energy to cleansing. Preparation for Your Fast Inform yourself about fasting: by doing your own investigation, reading all you can about the fasting process, the various kinds of fasts and what you can expect as side affects. If you have a pre-existing health condition then you should find out if there are contrary indications with fasting and your condition. Determine your cleanse duration and time period: Try to arrange that your fast is in a time period where you have low activity or lobsters. Avoid heavy kinds of work if at all possible. When it comes to long fasts and inability of somebody to handle a long fast, you just do the best you can. When detoxification increases as it does during fasting, the liver, kidneys, lungs and immune system work extra hard to handle the load. If these systems were already compromised before the fast, one must proceed carefully. You go as long as you can tolerate it, whether physiologically or emotionally, and then come back to eating again. Once you have some energy and are a few steps further toward health, you can consider doing another fast. Several short fasts can definitely do wonders if one long fast cannot be undertaken. Long fasts are preferable to short ones because once the body is in the fasting state it cleanses systematically into the harder to get at body tissues. For this reason, most of the recoveries from illness have taken place in the latter parts of long juice or water fasts. Long fasts give the body the uninterrupted time to do the work of healing. The first few days of fasting gets rid of the gross waste products of digestion, but only after this can the body pull out its tools to get to work on healing. Frequency of Fasting Of course, the best is that people stay on a good daily health regime and then when the need comes to fast to go ahead and do it for a week to 10 days or longer if indicated. At least long enough to move completely into the fasting physiology and accelerated detoxification. Ideally people should fast once or twice a year just as a tune-up to deal with the environmental toxins and junk in our foods as well as the emotional build up. Traditionally people have fasted in the spring and fall, when the weather is mild. Activity Level It is good to at least have mild exercise and movements with short walks to keep the lymphatic fluid moving and to the keep the vascular system working. The amount of exercise you can do is very much dependent on your existing condition and how you are feeling that day and what kind of fast you are doing. Basically one needs to be alert and listen to ones body and not to overdo. Fasting is resting, not a marathon! You may feel weak during a water fast and may need to rest more often.

While juice fasting, you may experience an abundance of energy that makes exercise easy. If you experience energy loss, limit yourself to stretching exercises, light walking or deep breathing. Proteins & Fasting It was theorized that protein loss during fasting was harmful and that a fast should be supplemented with protein. Fasting with protein became known as the Opti-fast. Fasters took nothing but water and a protein drink. Sadly, several people died. Protein digestion during the fasting state created an overload of urea and the blood become acidic. In this condition, the organs become more damaged instead of healing. To the body, fasting is a natural process. During water or juice fasting, the protein levels of the blood remain constant. Although protein is being utilized, a person fasting 40 days on water will not suffer a deficiency of either protein, vitamins, minerals or fatty acids. In the breakdown of dying and diseased cells, all essential substances are available while fasting for reuse within the body. These dead cells are utilized in a systematic manner. Protein deficiency is non existent in North America. You never hear of anyone being diagnosed with protein deficiency. Fruit and vegetable juices have watersoluble highly absorbable proteins. The body has a store of protein, and it uses it selectively. Dying cells are the first to be used and healthy and vital tissues are the very last and will only be used as a last resort. Only during starvation is protein being stripped from healthy tissue to be used to survive. This may take 30 to 80 days of fasting on water to reach this point. The systematic searching of cells to be metabolized is crucial in the healing of cancer. A cancer cell represents protein and calories. Some cancers are so persistent that you have to force the body to choose between healthy cells and cancer cells. This requires a long fast on small portions of juice combined with days of water fasting. Aiding Elimination of Toxins Enemas: If you are not having natural bowel movements then an enema is advised to move out the toxic material that is being scoured by your body. You will feel much better after taking an enema. An enema can be taken daily in the beginning days of a fast, then bi-daily for the remainder using just plain water. Mucus: . It is common, during fasting, for the nose and throat to pass sticky mucus, clogging the sinuses. White strands of mucus may be found in the stool. You may find that you are more comfortable if you use a Neti Pot to clear the sinus cavities, to prevent getting a cold with the clogged sinuses. You can also drink lemon juice with water to help clear the mucus. Showers/Bathing: Plan to shower or bath daily to aid in cleaning the pores and assist the removal of toxins. The skin is a large organ and many toxins are removed through the pores causing a gummy deposit on the surface of the skin. It may help to brush the skin removing the sludge that is deposited there. Reactions from Fasting The 'healing' reactions you get from fasting are dependent on your existing health

and the toxic load present in your body when you start. The first three days can be the most difficult until one's appetite for food goes away, which it normally does after the third day. Many people experience headaches, joint pain and other discomforts in the first few days. Your tongue will become coated and your breath foul, and you may notice increased body odor. These are all normal detox reactions as the toxins move out of your body. With extended fasting you will notice some days are symptom free, then as you move into deeper layers of detoxification you will experience episodes of symptoms as your body cleanses these other systems. In the later stages you remove the mucous from your system and this can increase your likelihood to catch a flu or a cold. At times you may feel weak or tired, so you should listen to your body and rest. Periods of high-energy and mental clarity will be experienced and can be variable, alternating between periods of healing reactions and symptom free days. With extended fasts it is normal to also have strong emotional reactions that have been suppressed, as the body brings these to the surface also for healing... This can be a difficult period, but can be dealt with more easily with meditation or Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT). The cleansing response that happens is dependent on experience with fasting, current health and level of toxins and sickness in your body. If you have an existing health condition, it is possible that you get a strong healing reaction or healing crisis. A link to a page describing this reaction in detail is given below. If cleansing responses arise (headache, stomach upset, mental fog, lethargy,.etc) exercise great patience and take rest until symptoms pass. It's all part of the process. Always go to your capacity but never over-do. If unreasonably strong physical or emotional symptoms occur, it may be wise to discontinue. The following are common reactions and what can be done to ease the symptom while you are fasting. Spiritual As the system detoxifies, many of these spiritual aspects of ourselves that have been waiting to come through for a long time are finally able to, and that person, hopefully fasting in an environment that is calm and serene and peaceful and loving, will be able to express and deal with these spiritual phenomena such that it can have a very beneficial and positive effect. Meditation, EFT and other tools can be used to help relate to spiritual and emotional phenomena. Weight Loss Weight loss can initially be as high as three to four pounds per day, but as the fast continues, the average loss will be one pound per day. If you are juice fasting and not losing weight, the juice is supplying all the calories you need. You may have to cut down on the juices or alternate between water fasting and juice fasting if losing weight is part of your goal. The slower your metabolism the slower the weight loss. If you are thin or average weight and you fast for 30 days on juice or 10 days on water, you will become thin. Ribs will show, the face will become gaunt, and friends and family will display concern. But the body will quickly normalize its weight in 5 to 10 days after the fast. If you are thin to start with, fasting may allow you to gain additional weight after the fast. Metabolism is normalized due to the cleansing process. It is very important not to try to gain weight too quickly. The body can rebuild only at a set rate. Overeating will burden the body and undermine the rebuilding process.

Dizziness You may experience dizziness, if you do get down on one knee and the dizziness will stop immediately. Backache Back pain may increase due to toxins in the lower intestine. The blood vessels that draw nutrients from the colon are very close to the nerves of the spine. Back pain often decreases after elimination of the toxins. Back exercises also can relieve some pain. A cold pack also will help. An enema may be in order... Bad Breath Waste passes through the lungs which are an eliminative organ. Brushing the tongue with a tooth brush, using dental floss and rinsing with mouthwash will reduce bad breath. Canker Sores These may develop from a toxic buildup in the mouth. Unhealthy bacteria increases between the teeth. The tongue becomes coated with waste. To stop cankers, gargle with sea salt mixed with water several times daily. Dabbing the sore with tea tree oil or vitamin E quickens the healing process. Cold Virus Mucoid is the perfect food for viruses. Toxins weaken the immune system. When large quantities of toxins and mucus are in the blood due to a fast, they can cause a susceptibility to colds. To fight a cold, continue fasting to eliminate the mucus. Reduce the liquid intake and drink lemon juice. Blackouts During fasting the body conserves energy. The heart pumps slower and blood pressure lowers. Standing or moving quickly from a resting position will cause the blood to flow to the legs. For a few seconds, the brain may not get enough oxygen, causing blackouts and dizziness. To stop a blackout get down on one knee or sit. Lowering your center of gravity will instantly stop a blackout. Blackouts are more frequent during water fasting. Diarrhea Fruit juices have a laxative effect that is more pronounced after water fasting. It can be stopped by using the enema. Using psyllium husk during diarrhea will help regulate the system. Strong Emotions Try to journal, EFT, meditate, talk a walk, or rest. Headaches Toxins can cause muscle tightness in the neck and shoulders. This can result in tension headaches. Massaging the neck and shoulders will help relieve the tension. The herb Fever Few, which is available in health food stores, is well worth trying. Mucus

Drink lemon juice with water, combine with Neti Pot. Muscle Tightness The muscles may become tight and sore due to toxin irritation. The legs can be the worst affected as toxins accumulate in the legs. A self massage, hot baths, stretching and exercising will help to release the toxins. Nausea When waste is released too quickly by the lymph glands, some of the toxic overload is taken by the liver and secreted with bile into the stomach. This causes nausea. Drinking water or carrot juice will dilute the bile and toxin mixture helping to flush it from the system. Nervousness The elimination of toxins can irritate damaged nerves. Exercise will relieve tension. Use quarter slices of avocado to slow the fast or drink fruit juice if on a water fast. However, you should note that any food intake may cause one's hunger to return and make it more difficult to stay on the fast, just do the best that you can. Skin disturbances The skin may become oily as rancid oils are purged from the body. People with problem free skin may have a few days of pimples or boils. A pallid complexion is also a sign of waste in the blood. When cleansed of mucus and toxins, the skin will be healthy, soft and unblemished. Tiredness Tiredness is normal during water or restricted juice fasting. If the tiredness is too much, increase the quantity of sweet juices like melon and carrot juice. Pre-existing Conditions Heart Disease Include bananas and avocados when juice fasting to balance the blood sugar level. Toxins in the blood and reduced blood sugar levels may cause a weak heart to labor. Like any other organ, the heart needs nutrients, a toxin free environment, and time to heal. Also if one has the disorder of POTS it is advisable to take salt so that the blood pressure does not get too low. Hypoglycemia Do not juice fast unless you use bananas and avocados to balance the blood sugar level. Kidney problems Fasting can irritate damaged kidneys due to the amount of toxins they filter. Try short juice fasts of 3 to 5 days before progressing to longer fasts. Liver Disease The liver can become toxic due to abuse. If the liver is badly degenerated, cleansing must be done in stages. Start with short juice fasts and lead to fasts over five days. Avoid heavy proteins, refined flours and fatty foods. Eat meals of fruits or

vegetables between the fasts. Age Nobody is too old to fast - it is exactly what the body needs to feel young again. Shorter fasts are recommended to start. Assess your physical state as you proceed. If juice fasting becomes too intense, bananas and avocados will lessen the intensity by slowing the cleansing. Ulcers Fasting will help significantly. Choose the juices that do not irritate the condition. Healing Crisis (The cleansing reaction, the detox reaction, or the Herxheimer reaction.) During your fast you may enter into a healing crisis, which indicates that a deeply seated sickness is being healed, but also this means that you are going in reverse through the reactions that you went through as your sickness progressed. This is normally a good thing, because it shows that there is a major healing happening, but the downside is that it is not easy to go through because of the uncomfortable reactions that cause pain, etc. If you are feeling quite ill then you should read through the healing reaction article to try to determine if this is what is going on with you or not. It may be advisable to check with your medical professional at this point, to try to determine if you want to continue the fast or not. For more information read the following article: Healing Reaction Going Off Your Fast "Its a fact that eating causes a cycle of hunger. Its only when we stop eating that we lose hunger! Think about it. All fasting experts agree that hunger sensations are usually lost on or shortly after the third day of fasting, and sometimes dont return for weeks, but when they do return, usually very strongly, its the time to break the fast." But all fasting experts point out that it is important to resume eating very lightly, and very gradually, in exact relationship to the duration of the fast. Therefore, if breaking a 40-day fast, you may want to start with only small quantities of fruit juice for several days up to a week, before actually resuming with solid food like regular fruit. Important: Keep the first solid meal light and simple even though the mental temptation to dive into heavier favorites will probably be high. Be gentle with your digestive system and your digestive system will not only thank you but the overall benefits of the cleanse will last much longer. If you were on a water fast, then your first day can be juices, if your were on a juice fast, then your first day should be raw vegetables or fruits. The next meal may include heavier items such as potato, avocado or corn, but in any case you will notice that your body is very sensitive to what you eat and you should use this period of transition to learn more about what your body likes and doesn't like you to put into it. When waking up a slumbering digestive system, the desire to eat will be intense. The flavors and textures of food will be enhanced by super clean nasal passages.

Eating will be a brand new experience. This is the time to flex your new-found muscles of discipline and self-control. As the body screams, I want more, wisdom whispers, you have had enough. Eating small amounts of raw fruits and vegetables for the first five or six days will allow the body to gently wake up the digestive system. The body will continue to detoxify and cleanse during this period. Any toxins that have accumulated will begin to move due to the sweeping action of the soft fibers of fruits and vegetables. For six days gradually increase the amount of raw fruits and vegetables in your diet. To break a fast and gorge on meat, bread or junk food will be disaster. Jarring the system this intensely when the digestive system is in a sensitive state can cause stomach cramps, nausea and weakness, negating much of the benefits of the fast. Eat slowly and chew your food well. Saliva has enzymes that assist in digestion. Up to 80 percent of the starch, 30 percent of the protein and 10 percent of the fat can be digested by the enzymes in saliva. Do not overeat! Discover the amount of food that your body needs to live a vibrant, healthy life. Discern the difference between cravings and hunger. Never feed your emotions. When breaking a fast over ten days, the break-in period should be extended one day for every 4 days of fasting. Greater Sensitivity - Restored Senses An interesting phenomenon occurs after a fast. The years of conditioning your body to tolerate unhealthy foods is reversed. The body is as clean as a newborn baby. Try feeding a newborn baby Grandma's apple pie. When the body is full of toxins, its defense systems are not able to operate effectively. After a fast the natural defenses are restored and sensitivity to unhealthy food is increased. You will feel satisfied with smaller amounts of food and sluggish and tired when overeating. Rich foods, full of fat, salt, and processed sugars will cause nausea, headaches and weakness. A handful of fruit will be thoroughly satisfying. Because the digestive system has to work less, there will be boundless energy to spare. Why? After a fast your body is clean, and has far less tolerance to the poisonous foods that you were used to eating previous to the fast. Understand, feeling sick when eating poison is a sign that your body is functioning normally. Fasting restores the body's ability to violently react to harmful, health damaging, food. If you really desire, you can desensitize your body by slowly introducing harmful foods back into your diet, but why you should? You better select your food carefully, even though it is not possible to avoid toxins as these are every where. So fasting as a regular cleaning is important and will keep you healthy. References/Links Healing Through Fasting - Excerpt from Fasting to Freedom

Interview Part IV - Juice Fasting - Strategies for True Health by Natural Hygienist Dr. Sniadach HUNGERSTRIKE! - By Dr. Ria Casey The Essene Gospel of Peace, Book 1 Sun Meditation by BeiYin Additional Reading: Herbert Shelton, founder of the Natural Hygiene Society, supervised more cases of fasting (at his sanitarium in Texas) than almost any other fasting doctor, and has written extensively on this subject with many case studies of people who healed near-incurable diseases with fasts ranging from a couple of weeks up to 90 days. Shelton authored the following books, and more: Fasting Can Save Your Life; Fasting For Renewal of Life; Food Combining Made Easy; Getting Well; Superior Nutrition; Facts About Fasting; Health For All; Health For the Millions; Living Life to Live it Longer; Rubies in the Sand; Natural Hygiene: The Pristine Way of Life; The Science and Fine Art of Fasting; The Science and Fine Art of Natural Hygiene; Human Life: Its Philosophy and Laws; and also: Human Beauty: Its Culture and Hygiene. Colon Cleanse "Every tissue in the body is fed by the bloodstream, which is supplied by the bowel. When the bowel is dirty, the blood is dirty and so are the organs and tissues. It is the bowel that must be cared for first.Sickness and disease respond more effectively and faster to treatment when bowel irrigation is done first." from: Tissue Cleansing Through Bowel Management by Bernard Jensen, D.C. Nutritionist The Benefits Colon Function Constipation Colon Cancer Enemas Bowel Cleanse Self-Colonics/Colema Colonic Irrigation/Colon Hydrotherapy The benefits Colon cleansing can provide relief from maladies such as colds & flu, constipation, diarrhea, breath and body odors, fatigue, headaches, sinusitis, allergies, hemorrhoids, weight problems, digestive difficulties, back and muscle aches, knee pain, poor eyesight, poor memory, stress, and the list goes on and on. We cannot expect to have sharp minds or vitality for living when our bodies are polluted. People report greater alertness, a lightness of being, mental clarity, overwhelming joy, incredible insight, and even better sex after cleansing. Click here to read Benefits of the Enema according to Dr. Bernard Jensen. Colon function The colon is like a tube of circular muscle lined with a layer of moist mucous cells that

lubricate the contents. The smooth folds of the colon are speckled with glands that resemble skin pores. These glands extract the fluids and electrolytes from the passing food residue. This fluid - about a quart each day - is recycled and eventually filtered and excreted by the kidneys as urine. Bowel movement is a bit slower process, it comes in large waves three or four times per day. Stimulated by the arrival of food to the stomach, the muscle bands of the colon move the contents along through each section. Once the stool moves out of the sigmoid colon into the rectum, the brain gets the signal that nature is calling, and so we go. Do you look and feel older than you are? Do you know that colon cleansing (also known as colonic, bowel irrigation, high enema, and colenema) improves skin and muscle tone, and reduces signs of aging? Is your waistline getting bigger every year no matter how much you exercise? Are you tired of being overweight? Are your joints stiff, weak or painful? Do you suffer from arthritis? Colon cleansing can relieve aches and pains and their causes! Is your pleasure for living gone? Eliminate moodiness and fatigue and start enjoying increased energy! Colon cleansing or bowel irrigation promotes optimum food absorption and improved peristaltic action by removing old mucoid accumulation and toxins. Colon irrigation is an alternative health hydrotherapy that gradually and gently cleanses the colon by flushing with a warm water solution. Colon cleansing is preventative healthcare, there is no better place to begin to rid your body of toxins and contamination that may cause cancer, colitis, digestive disorders, fatigue, obesity, and so much more. Difficulties controlling weight may be due to the excess garbage piled up in the colon. Did you know you can actually control or lose weight by removing the toxic build-up from your colon? Did you know the average weight loss after a single colon cleansing treatment is 2 - 4 pounds? Constipation Has that ever happened to you? Everyone at one time or another experiences constipation. If you have chronic constipation or don't feel finished when you've finished the job, you need colon cleansing. Common sense and science tell us that prolonged retention of feces and stale waste matter in the colon may, and often does, result in blockage of the passage within the colon causing all kinds of disease. A plaster-like coating can form on the walls of the colon. Colon irrigation can and will dissolve this, but to remove it too rapidly could cause the inner lining of the colon to become raw. The best approach is to gradually, comfortably, and effectively soak and saturate the colon with water. It takes years to create blockage and buildup to the inside walls of the colon so it may take a series of bowel irrigations (maybe dozens) to cleanse thoroughly. Once you can appreciate increased energy, lightness of being, and the overall healthful feeling that bowel irrigation provides, you'll want to maintain a regular schedule to stay healthy, look younger and feel great! Most of us judge colon health by the frequency and type of bowel movements we experience. Many in the orthodox medical field of study believe that individual rates of peristaltic action differ widely. A perfectly normal rate of bowel movement can vary anywhere from three times a day to three times a week depending on who you ask. Some say that we ought not to expect our bowels to operate exactly the same two days in a row. On the other hand, most alternative, naturopathic, homeopathic or wholistically-minded folks believe that a healthy colon will have good evacuation two to three times within 24 hours. Some also believe that bowel movement should occur like clockwork, aiding and abetting nutritional cycles. For the better part of this century, naturalistic healers have believed that the indigestible portion of the

food we eat lodges in the large intestine and stays there until eliminated in a bowel movement. Therefore, infrequent movements or periods of constipation (especially those extending beyond 72 hours) can result in only a partial decomposition of waste, which can encrust the colon walls and hinder elimination. The toxins from this fecal matter are then reabsorbed into the body through the bloodstream, lowering the body's defenses against every bacteria, virus, and disease imaginable. Colon Cancer Colon health is a topic of lasting human interest and has been since antiquity. The reason people don't like to talk openly about colon cancer or even colon health, is probably because of the body parts involved--the rectum and the anus. Statistics being what they are, the sooner we address the issue and start monitoring our own colons, the better. Colon cancer is killing people at an alarming rate. The ancient Egyptians knew that food was the source of all illness and purged themselves regularly. Today, over 90% of Americans are walking around with clogged colons (US Health Service). At the turn of the last century, diverticulitis was unheard of. The cliche "you are what you eat" is unconditionally true and all the more reason to cleanse and detox the body. Dr. Bernard Jensen defined autointoxication as "the poisoning of the body, or some part of the body, by toxic matter generated therein." Autointoxication is self-poisoning, or slow suicide. Through detoxification, proper nutrition, and administration of supplements, the body can heal itself and maintain optimum health function. (A word about Colonics from Dr. Bernard Jensen) Dr. John Harvey Kellogg, famous surgeon and the father of Kellogg's Corn Flakes, believed that the bowel could be the origin of most health problems, hence his creation of a bran cereal to aid in colon function. He maintained that 90% of disease is due to improper functioning of the colon. After performing over 20,000 colon surgeries, Dr. Kellogg said he never did see a normal healthy American colon. Common sense tells us that if we retain the contents of our colon the result will be disfigurement and disease of the colon. Since newly formed cancer cells escape destruction by the immune system due to the effects of autointoxication, we are literally poisoning ourselves into illness when the bowel evacuation is deficient. According to Dr. Norman Walker, author of Colon Health, "The very best of diets can be no better than the very worst, if the sewage system of the colon is clogged with a collection of waste and corruption." And, ". . . constipation is derived from the Latin word "constipatus," which translated means "to press or crowd together, to pack, to cram." Dr. Walker also said, "There are two crimes against Nature that civilization indulges, 1) constipation, and 2) eating devitalized and refined foods." Unlike the small intestine with all its loops and folds, the large intestine (the colon), is a relatively simple structure. It begins on the right side of the body (approximately near the appendix), and continues up the right side of the abdomen; that's the ascending colon. Then, it makes a left hand turn at the liver and travels across the body over the stomach; that's the transverse colon; and makes another turn at the spleen descending on the left side; which is the descending colon. In one final loop (at the sigmoid colon), it all ends at the rectum. It's important to know that massaging during a bowel irrigation is beneficial and helps to dislodge sluggish or retained mass. The above information is extracted from the web site - Wholistic Health Solutions

Lindlahr, Henry. Nature Cure: Philosophy & Practice Based on the Unity of Disease and Cure. 1913. Chicago: Nature Cure Publishing Co. Lindlahr was the founder of American Naturopathy, or perhaps more accurately stated, the bringer of the German Nature Cure to the States. In this remarkable century-old book will be found every new-agey, new-thought, self-help therapy currently in the public mind as well as the best of natural medical wisdom. The Soil and Health Library version is as accurate a rendering of the original as could be done. PUBLIC DOMAIN From: Practice of natural therapeutics by Henry Lindlahr, M.D. TREATMENT OF CHRONIC DISEASES INTRODUCTION Acute diseases represent Nature's efforts to purify and regenerate the human organism by means of inflammatory feverish processes, while in the chronic condition o system is not capable of arousing itself to such acute reactions. It must be prepared for this through natural methods of living and of treatment, as has been explained Volume I of this series. Natural treatment of acute diseases tends to relieve congestion, to facilitate the radiation of heat and elimination of morbid matter and systemic poisons from the body. In this way it eases and palliates the feverish processes and keeps them below the danger point without in any way checking or suppressing them. While our methods of treating acute diseases have a sedative effect, our treatment of chronic diseases is calculated to stimulate, that is, to arouse the sluggish organism to greater activity in order to produce the acute inflammatory reaction or healing crisis. If the unity of disease, as demonstrated in Volume I of this series be a fact in Nature, it must be possible to treat an chronic as well as all acute diseases by uniform methods, and the natural methods must correspond to the primary causes of disease. These natural methods may be divided into two groups: a) Those which the patient can apply himself, provided he has been properly instructed in their correct selection, combination and application; b) those which must be applied by or under the direction of a competent Natural Therapeutic physician. To the first group belong diet, fasting, bathing and other water applications, correct breathing, general physical exercise, psychological exercise, corrective gymnastics, air and sun baths, mental therapeutics. To the second group belong special applications of the methods mentioned under

the first group, and in addition to these, hydrotherapy, Swedish movements, neurotherapy, orificial dilatation, medical treatment in the form of homeopathic remedies, non-poisonous herb extracts, and, most important of all, the right management of healing crises which develop under the natural treatment of chronic diseases. The treatment outlined in the following sections applies to all forms of disease listed on page 86 after they have entered upon the chronic stages. In addition to these, we may classify as chronic diseases the following: Abscesses of Liver Acne Adenoids Addison's disease Amyloid kidney (a form of Bright's disease) Anemia (Primary and secondary) Aneurism Angina pectoris Apoplexy Arterio-sclerosis Arthritis deformans Atrophy of bones Barber's itch Bedwetting Calculi (stones, all kinds) Carcinoma (cancer) Carries of the bones Chorea Cirrhosis of liver Comedones (blackheads) Constipation Congenital malformation of hip joint Dandruff Debility Deformity of spine or other bony structures Diabetes (functional or organic) Dropsy Dyspepsia Eczema, all kinds Emphysema of the lungs Enlarged prostate Enteritis Epilepsy Erysipelas Fatty degeneration of liver Fatty and fibroid degeneration of heart Goiter Gall-stones Gastric and duodenal ulcers Heart disease (all kinds)

Hemorrhoids (piles) Hernia (rupture) Herpes (shingles) Hoarseness Hookworm Hydrothorax Hyperemia of liver Hypochondria Impotence Impetigo (chafing) Infantile paralysis Inflammation of bones (Periostitis) (Osteomylitis) Insanity, many forms Insomnia Interstitial nephritis Leukemia Locomotor ataxia Lungs, all diseases of Lupus Masturbation Necrosis of bones Nephritis, chronic (Bright's disease) Nervous debility Neuralgia Neuritis Night losses Obesity Edema of the lungs Paralysis of all kinds Passive hyperemia Prolapsus of the rectum Prostatitis Pseudo-angina pectoris Rectal diseases Rachitis Rickets (rachitis) Rheumatism, all forms Sarcoma Scabies Scrofula Sleeping sickness Suprarenal calculus Tapeworm Trichina spiralis Tinea Tricophytina (Ring worm) Tubercular enteritis Tumors, all kinds Ulcers, chronic Varicocele Varicose veins

Worm, all kinds Writer's cramp Wry neck IMPORTANCE OF NATURAL DIET The ordinary meat-potato-white-bread-coffee-and-pie diet customary in the American home, restaurant or hotel is bound to create, sooner or later, disease conditions in the system. This combination of foods creates in the body large amounts of poisonous acids, alkaloids and ptomains, and does not contain enough of the alkaline mineral elements on which depend the purification of the system from morbid matter and poisons. The foods which are generally considered most nutritious,meat, eggs, dried peas, beans, lentils and cereals,are the greatest danger foods because they are exceedingly rich in acid producing starches, fats and proteins, and deficient in acid binding and eliminating alkaline elements. These purifying elements can be secured in sufficient amounts only in fruits and vegetables which run low in starches, fats and proteins, but contain large amounts of the mineral salts of iron, lime, potassium, sodium, magnesium and silicon. Among the thousands of young people reared in this country whom I have had occasion to examine by diagnosis from the iris, I have found very few who did not suffer to some extent from digestive troubles. It is a fact that the American people, notwithstanding all the natural advantages which they enjoy, suffer more from indigestion, malassimilation, and from the multitude of diseases growing out of these primary causes, than any other people on earth. The reason for this is that from the cradle up all the laws and principles governing right eating and drinking are continually violated. The child is allowed to eat and drink what it pleases, and since indulgence in unnatural food and drink creates abnormal appetite, he soon learns to crave those things which are most detrimental to health. As he becomes accustomed to meats, strong spices and condiments, pastry, coffee and tea, he loses all relish for fruits' and vegetables, especially the latter. Piping hot soups and meats are washed down with ice water and mixed with ice cream, which only too often is a mixture of skimmed milk, glue, chemical coloring and artificial flavoring corn-pounds. These unwholesome food combinations are supplemented by large quantities of white sugar and adulterated candies, all of which are very injurious to the system. Is it any wonder that the prosperous and well fed American people suffer almost universally from early decay of the teeth, digestive troubles, chronic constipation, hemorrhoids, nervous dyspepsia, appendicitis, rheumatism, cancer, tuberculosis and a host of other diseases directly caused by food and drink poisoning? Among the peasantry of European countries the meaning of the words "dyspepsia" and "dentist" is hardly known. A dentist can make a living only in the largest cities. The country people live closer to Nature than do our overfed but mineral starved Americans. In Europe, on account of the high cost of flesh foods, meat is used very sparingly. White sugar, coffee, tea and pastries are holiday

luxuries. Ice water is not found even in the homes of the wealthiest people nor in the best hotels. The peasantry and middle class people in northern European countries live largely on whole grain bread, potatoes, vegetable's and dairy products. When they come to this country they are the picture of health and robust strength, but they eagerly adopt American customs of living, believing that meat, white bread and coffee three times a day constitute "high living". The natural result is that in a few years most of them lose their red cheeks and become dyspeptic and nervous like their new compatriots. I have frequently observed the gradual lowering of the health standard in descendants of immigrants. In many families you will find the grandfather and grandmother who came from the "old sod" hale and hearty in their old age; the second generation, at middle age, dyspeptic and nervous; and the grandchildren anemic, wearing glasses at a tender age and affected by all sorts of chronic ailments. Statistics show that in our largest cities, where surroundings and habits of living are most unnatural, the fourth city-bred generation dies out unless regenerated by the inflow of fresh, healthy blood of immigrants from Northern Europe, and of the sturdy young people who crowd in from the farming communities to be swallowed up by the insatiable maw of the great city. 1. Proteins. The belief prevails that in order to make rich blood one must eat large amounts of meat and eggs. The science of Natural Dietetics, however, teaches that the richness of the blood depends not so much on sugars, fats and proteins, as on the positive mineral elements. Almost any ordinary food mixture will provide enough of the former elements of nutrition, but it is much more difficult to provide sufficient amounts of the mineral salts. In order to feed the blood with all the elements it needs in the right proportions and in that way to maintain it in a normal healthy condition, one half the diet should consist of fruits and vegetables, and the other half should be made up of starches, sugars, fats and proteins. Meats, if used at all, should be eaten very sparingly. Multitudes of enthusiastic vegetarians have proved that it is better to do without meat altogether. Eggs also should be used sparingly, at an average of not more than four a week. 2. Coffees and Tea. Coffee and tea have no place in the Natural dietary. They contain powerful nerve stimulants. I believe that their influence on the system, in the long run, is worse than that of weak alcoholic drinks. 3. White Flour. White bread and pastry should be avoided altogether or used very sparingly. Bread and other cereal products should be prepared from whole meal only. Nothing should be taken away from the grain in the milling process. As a result of the agitation against white flour by Nature Cure people, graham bread, entire wheat health breads and whole grain cereal foods are coming more and more into favor with the public. In this respect the stringent war regulations which by many were considered a great hardship were in reality a blessing in disguise. In order to comply with the popular demand for white flour, the hulls and life germs containing the mineral salts, vitamins and valuable ferments, as well as some of the gluten, which is equal in nutritious value to the high priced steak, are

"refined" out of the flour and go into the bran. Our domestic animals wax fat and strong on the bran and life germs (shorts), while their masters, living on impoverished white flour products, grow constipated, dyspeptic and nervous. The excessive use of meat, white bread, coffee and white sugar is undoubtedly the most common cause of constipation and the resulting autointoxication. 4. Vinegar and Condiments injurious. Green vegetables are most beneficial when eaten raw with a dressing of lemon juice and olive oil. Avoid the use of vinegar It is a product of fermentation and a powerful preservative which retards digestion as well as fermentation, both processes being very much the same in character. Lemon juice, being a live vegetable product, rich in vitamins, promotes digestion. Do not use pepper, salt or sugar on fruits and vegetables at the table. They may be used sparingly in cooking. Strong spices and condiments are more or less irritating to the mucous linings of the intestinal tract. They gradually benumb the nerves of taste. At first they stimulate the digestive organs, but, like all other stimulants, produce in time weakness and atrophy. Fruits and vegetables are rich in all the mineral salts in the live, organic form, and therefore the addition of inorganic mineral table salt is not only superfluous, but positively harmful. The juicy fruits and green leafy vegetables are not improved by cooking. The only foods that are made more digestible by cooking are grains, rice, potatoes and the legumes. Here cooking serves to break up and separate the hard starch granules and to make them more pervious to penetration by the digestive juices. 5. How to Cook VegetablesSteaming. After the vegetables are thoroughly washed and prepared place them in the cooking vessel, adding only enough boiling water to keep them from burning, cover the vessel closely with the lid, and let them steam slowly in their own juices. The leafy vegetables (spinach, Swiss chard, beet tops, etc.) contain enough water for their own steaming. If placed in a vessel over a slow fire enough juice will gather in a few moments to prevent burning. Cook all vegetables only as long as is required to make them soft enough for easy mastication. Do not throw away a drop of the water in which vegetables have thus been cooked. Use whatever is left for the making of soups and sauces. The following methods of cooking the savory vegetables are highly recommended, as they leave in the vegetable after cooking all the tenderness and delicacy of flavor of the raw article. For cooking cabbage have the water slightly salted and actively boiling when ready to toss in the finely chopped cabbage. This stops the boiling. Watch carefully for the first signs of bubbling again and immediately turn down the flame or set the vessel where the contents cannot possibly boil. The vessel must not be covered. The cabbage will gradually settle to the bottom and appear as if not cooking, but will be thoroughly done in about twenty-five minutes if the vegetable is fresh. When done it should be instantly removed from the fire, drained and served with butter or white sauce. The flavor is in the volatile oil within the cells, and this oil is thrown off into the air if the cabbage is cooked above the boiling point. Boiling also toughens the woody fiber. If cooked as above there will be no odor and the cabbage will have the

same green and white color as before cooking. Cauliflower should be cooked in the same manner, first separating the florets. Onions should be cooked in the same manner, except that they may be allowed to boil gently. Turnips and vegetables of like nature, such as rutabaga and kohlrabi, should be cut in small cubes and cooked in much the same manner, uncovered, in boiling, slightly salted water. These vegetables may be allowed to boil very gently until transparent, and should be removed and drained as soon as the pieces can be pierced with a fork. They should retain their natural color and flavor. Serve with butter or white sauce. Cooked in this manner, below the boiling point, almost none of the mineral salts of the vegetables are leached to the water, which has, therefore, little value, but it y be used as a foundation for soups. If the vegetables, as is the usual custom, are boiled hard for a long time in a large quantity of water, then drained or, what is worse still, pressed out, they have their nutritive and medicinal value. The mineral salts have vanished down the sink pipe, the remains are insipid and indigestible and have to be soaked in soup stock and seasoned with strong condiments and spices to make them at all palatable. The natural flavors of the vegetables are the most delicious. 6. In order to insure the full benefits of mouth digestion, the starchy foods should be thoroughly masticated and mixed with saliva. The drinking water must be of natural temperature as it comes from well or hydrant. Food and drink should never be taken hot or icy cold. This foolish habit will, in time, ruin the best stomach and the finest set of teeth. Do not eat when overtired or emotionally excited. Do not eat the heavy meal of the day between working hours. These are just a few of the more important rules which, if strictly followed, will soon improve the digestion and ensure better elimination and freer movement of the bowels. In many instances, however, even the best combination of food and drink will not overcome indigestion and malnutrition, because, through long continued abuse, the digestive organs have become so diseased and atrophied that they cannot properly digest and assimilate even the best of food materials. In such cases the digestive organs must be made more active and alive by the natural methods of sanitarium treatment, such as hydrotherapy, massage, neurotherapy, deep breathing, curative exercises, Swedish movements, air and sun baths, homeopathic remedies and last but not least, by the right mental and emotional attitude. For a splendid collection of vegetarian recipes and further advice on natural

dietetics, see our Cook Book, 7. A General Vegetarian Regimen. Sample Menus. Breakfast should consist of acid and sub-acid fruits only; or berries only; or raw vegetable relishes only; or of a mixture of both fruits and relishes-for those who have a good digestion. If, however, for some reason it is better to take the raw food meal at noon or in the evening, the daily regimen may be adjusted accordingly. For instance, if the raw food is taken at noon, the luncheon foods may be taken in the morning. I find this advisable in cases where people leave early in the morning for work and would otherwise become hungry and faint before noon. In our sanitarium regimen we find the raw fruit breakfast most beneficial. Breakfast No.1. Raw acid and subacid fruits, such as orange, grapefruit, apple, grapes, berries, peaches, pears, apricots, cherries, plums, watermelon, cantaloupe, etc. Breakfast No.2. Raw vegetable relishes or a vegetable salad. Breakfast No.3. Raw fruit, in combination with stewed prunes, applesauce, rhubarb, baked apple, etc. Luncheon is served at noontime and consists of cereal foods, health bread, rye crisp with butter, cottage cheese, peanut butter or honey. To balance the starchy and protein food we serve vegetable relishes, vegetable salads and sweet alkaline fruits such as figs, dates or raisins. This does not mean that many of these foods should be taken at the same time; on the contrary, the more limited the variety representing the various groups, the better is the effect on the system. The weaker the digestive organs, the more care must be taken in the selection and combination of foods. In all chronic disease it is of great importance to limit the intake of starchy foods to a minimum, therefore not in more than one kind should be taken at a meal. For instance, if bread or rye crisp is taken, potatoes and cereal should be excluded, and vice versa. Luncheon No.1. Steamed wheat with honey and milk; celery or lettuce salad. Luncheon No.2. Health bread or crisp with butter or peanut butter; sliced tomatoes or cucumbers; radishes or young onions. Luncheon No.3. Shredded wheat biscuit, honey, milk; berries, figs or dates. Luncheon No.4. Baked potato, a vegetable salad, stewed fruit, raisins, figs or dates. Luncheon No.5. A raw vegetable relish, a cooked vegetable, baked or boiled potato, alkaline fruits, berries, nuts.

Luncheon No.6. Vegetable salad, soft boiled or poached eggs, health bread or rye crisp, raw or stewed fruit or berries. Nuts, figs; dates or raisins may be taken in moderate quantities with any luncheon combination. Dinner No.1. Relishcucumbers; Saladraw carrot salad; Vegetablesbeets and greens, new peas, steamed potatoes; Dessertstrawberries. Dinner No.2. Relishcelery, ripe olives; Saladpineapple salad; Vegetables buttered cabbage, macaroni and tomatoes; Dessertraisins. Dinner No.3. Relishradishes, ripe olives; Saladfruit salad; Vegetables vegetable roast and brown gravy, spinach, mashed potatoes; Dessertice cream. Dinner No.4. Relishraw asparagus or cauliflower; Saladtomato salad; Soupvegetable soup; Vegetable carrots and peas, baked potatoes; Dessert fruit tapioca and cream. Dinner No.5. Relishgreen onions; SaladWaldorf Astoria; Vegetables asparagus, vegetable stew, baked potatoes; Dessertrhubarb pudding. 8. Raw Food Diet. Sample Menus. A. This diet consists of raw foods,fruits, berries and leafy, juicy vegetables. Vegetables may be taken with dressing of lime or lemon juice and olive or other vegetable oil. No starchy foods or vegetables such as bananas, potatoes, or cereals must be included. B. This diet takes in all fruits, berries, vegetables, nuts and cereals that can be relished in the raw state. It also includes all raw dairy products, honey and raw or soft-boiled eggs. The foods may be selected and combined for the various meals according to individual taste and requirements. Breakfast No.1. Vegetable relishes or vegetable salads. Breakfast No.2. One or two kinds of raw fruits or berries with or without milk or cream. Luncheon No.1. Dates, figs, raisins or currants with crushed cereals or vitamine or nuts. Luncheon No.2. Bananas, apples, nuts or vitamine with milk or honey. Luncheon No.3. Combination salad of grated beets or carrots, sweet corn, asparagus or cauliflower; nuts or bananas with any kind of vegetable salad. To any of these may be added milk, buttermilk, sumik, vitamine, raw eggs or honey. Vitamine. This is a very nutritious and palatable combination of cereals, nuts, and raisins or currants. On a hand grain mill crush wheat and rye, mix one pound of this

with one quarter pound of crushed nuts or whole pine nuts. To this mixture add one quarter pound of seedless raisins or currants. One may also add ad libitum chopped dates, figs or prunes. It is best not to mix the vitamine with milk or cream, as this would prevent thorough mastication. Milk or other drink may be taken separately as required. 9. Dry Diet. Our dry diet is a modification of the Schroth Cure much in vogue in European sanitariums. Under the latter regimen patients are fed on dry toasted bread with moderate doses of light wine. No other drink is given until excessive thirst forces it. The diet is accompanied by eliminative hydropathic applications such as wet packs, bed sweat baths, etc. While this has proved very effective in the treatment of the most stubborn chronic diseases, the dry fruit diet is to be preferred for the following reasons: The dry diet promotes elimination because it draws the fluids from the tissues and with these the pathogenic materials encumbering the system. But why use for this purpose food like toasted bread, when the large amounts of starches and proteins it contains tend to create more pathogenic materials? Why not use in its place dried fruits which are in themselves rich in the eliminative mineral elements and which serve as well the purpose of dehydrating the tissues? The thickening of the blood and lymph streams with pathogenic materials has a depressing effect upon brain and heart. This undesirable condition Scroth tried to overcome by giving light wine but alcoholic stimulation is always followed by corresponding depression and therefore nothing can be gained by it. The dry diet, for obvious reasons, usually produces profuse mucoid elimination all through the system. It frequently hastens the development of healing crises. As a rule patients endure the dry food diet from one to two or three days only. It should then be followed by a raw food regimen. 10. Milk Diet. Milk is the only perfect, complete or standard food combination in Nature. This is evident from the fact that it contains all the elements of nutrition which the new born infant body needs, not only for its vital activities but also for the building of its rapidly multiplying cells and tissues. It is for this reason that Dr. Lehmann, one of the pioneers of Nature Cure, selected the chemical composition of milk as a standard, or yard stick, by which to measure all other normal food combinations. This has been fully described in the A B C of Natural Dietetics, Volume III of this series. The following analysis of cow's milk and human milk shows that there is very little difference between the two. As a matter of fact, cow's milk is to be preferred because it contains more positive mineral elements than human milk. This is due to the fact that cattle, especially those on pasture, consume more of natural foods fresh from the soil and rich in mineral salts. This is the reason why calves do not suffer from rachitic diseases, as

do infants fed by anemic, mineral-starved mothers. This praise of milk as natural food frequently provokes the question, why then not live on milk entirely? To this I reply that while milk is the natural food for the new born and growing infant, it is not so well adapted to the adult. The digestive apparatus of the infant is especially adapted to the digestion of milk, while that of the adult requires more solid and bulky food. The advent of the teeth indicates that Nature intends to change from fluid to solid food. The liver is especially concerned in the digestion of milk. This organ is comparatively three times larger in the infant than in the adult. The digestive juice of the stomach in the infant is alkaline; it is acid in the adult. Therefore milk in the stomach of the infant curds; in the stomach of the adult it curdles. The stomach and upper parts of the intestines in the infant form almost a straight tube, and the contents of the former are easily discharged, while in the deep curvature of the adult stomach the milk easily stagnates. The more relaxed and atrophic the stomach, the worse for the digestion and discharge of milk. Furthermore, the digestive processes and peristaltic action in the young child are much more active than in the adult. This explains why not everybody can use milk as a food or medicinewhy in many instances it causes biliousness, fermentation and constipation. Patients have come to us from institutions where practically everybody is subjected to the sweet milk diet. Under long continued, forced milk feeding they had become so constipated that the bowels could not be made to move by any means whatsoever. They were literally pasted together with colloid materials. It required several weeks of careful management and treatment to bring about a natural movement of the bowels. Milk causes constipation because it contains large amounts of soft, pulpy, cheesy matter, which tends to coagulation and slime formation. On the other hand, it does not contain sufficient tough cellulose matter which stimulates the peristaltic action of the bowels and acts at the same time as a most efficient scourer and cleanser. It is for this reason that we frequently find it advisable to give fruits and leafy vegetables with the milk diet. In cases where it is easily digested a straight sweet milk diet often proves very beneficial. We prescribe it frequently with splendid results. As a rule, however, it is better to take fruits or leafy vegetables with the milk. A great deal of chronic disease is caused by starch and protein poisoning, i.e., autointoxication, due to the pathogenic materials such as acids, ptomains, alkaloids and xanthins, resulting from starch and protein digestion. Since milk contains no starch at all, only low percentages of proteins and fats, and considerable amounts of mineral salts, it will be seen that a straight milk diet means a mild form of protein and starch starvation, which favors the elimination of pathogenic products. However, a study of the comparative analyses of milk, fruits and vegetables will show that juicy fruits and juicy, leafy vegetables are much lower in proteins and fats than is milk, and much richer in mineral salts. Furthermore, the tough, bulky cellulose waste of fruits and vegetable acts as good scouring material

for the stomach and bowels. This is the reason why in most instances we prefer a fruit and vegetable diet to the milk diet. The prevalent idea that acid fruit juices do not behave well when taken with sweet milk is another popular fallacy. The only food material I know of with which fruit acids do not agree very well is starch, and milk does not contain starch. The digestion of protein materials in the milk requires an acid medium and the sugar or glucose in the milk is already predigested, therefore I do not know of anything in milk that is incompatible with fruit acids. Practical experience also proves this to be true. As a matter of fact, I have met with many confirmed dyspeptics who could not digest milk unless they took acid fruit juices with it. There is one method of forced milk feeding that is particularly revolting to me. It is patterned after the Weir Mitchell rest-cure and stuffing treatment. The patient is put to bed and prohibited from making the slightest exertion. He is then given one, two or three tumblerfuls of milk every half hour, according to his capacity. The most remarkable results in the way of flesh and energy building are claimed for this stuffing treatment. It is especially intended for patients who are extremely weak and emaciated. Often they gain a pound or more each day. One advocate of the milk diet describes its beneficial effects as follows: "Within two hours the action of the heart will have greatly accelerated, and within twelve to twenty four hours there will be a gain of about six beats to the minute. The pulse will be full and bounding, the skin flushed and moist, and the capillary circulation quick and active. This natural increase in the circulation results from the increased amount of blood assimilated by the stomach and intestines." In the first place, I do not consider the forced circulation a "natural" result. It is in reality caused, not by the increased amount of blood", but by the enormously increased amounts of water in the blood and tissues. This to some extent accounts for the increase in weight. Another reason for the sudden increase in weight is the abnormal fat formation. Large amounts of water in the tissues of the body deaden the processes of oxidation and favor fat formation, but this is an unhealthy process. A lymphatic or watery condition of the system is one of the principal causes of obesity. But suppose new flesh and fat cells are formed under the "masting" process, which, however, is hardly possible in so short a time; this would simply mean increasing disease in the system. To put flesh and fat on a diseased body means an increase of diseased cells and tissues. The new or "daughter" cells are formed by division of the mother" cells. The daughter cells are therefore of exactly the same material as the mother cells. In other words, if the protoplasm in the mother cells is abnormal or diseased it will be the same in the daughter cells. It is for this reason that under natural treatment we first endeavor to purify the blood and tissues of all abnormal products through natural diet and treatment. This usually entails some loss in weight, which we welcome as a sure indication of elimination and regeneration. After these stages of elimination and purification, with their healing crises, have been safely passed, then come the periods of regeneration and up building of new blood and tissues. What is thus gained will be pure and

wholesome. Therefore we favor the various forms of milk diet during the last regenerative or up building stages of treatment. I make these statements backed by much experience in our institutional practice. We have treated many patients who had undergone the stuffing (masting) milk cure treatment for many months at a time, but the results had been only partly beneficial, and these in many instances were far outbalanced by detrimental after effects. A gentleman who has become one of the most efficient members of our staff suffered for twenty years from a bad form of arthritic rheumatism. Among many other things, he had taken for eight months the forced Milk Cure, but without receiving any appreciable benefit. Under our strict raw food diet and neurotherapy treatment he experienced marked improvement from the start. During the sixth month he passed through a remarkable healing crisis in the form of malarial fever. Such a fever had been "cured" with quinine twenty years before. From this suppression dated the beginning of his chronic "rheumatism". The healing crisis was treated in the natural way, and from that time on he improved more rapidly than ever and regained mobility of the ankylosed joints. Another young man who is now under our treatment had suffered for years from extreme emaciation and nervous weakness, due to indigestion and malassimilation. He also tried the forced milk treatment (forced milk feeding while lying in bed), but to no avail. He finally had to abandon it on account of the aggravation of all his symptoms. He is now gaining under natural diet and treatment, which had to change the abnormal condition of his ductless glands before he could gain by the milk or any other diet. The swamping of the system with enormous quantities of milk in this case had only aggravated the abnormal condition of these wonderful organs by increasing colloid obstruction and the percentage of leukocytes. a) Straight Milk Diet. When the system, through natural diet and treatment, has been duly prepared for the up building process, then the straight milk diet may be applied to good advantage. Under this regimen the patient receives no 'other food but sweet milk. It is taken every hour or half hour, in quantities ranging from one to two glasses (one half to one pint). The milk should always be sipped slowly. Masticating is of no particular benefit, as it contains no starch. Those who enthusiastically advocate prolonged mastication of milk forget that the ferment (ptyalin) of the saliva acts starch only. On the other hand, it is certainly not advisable to take the milk down in great gulps. It is important that it should mix gradually and thoroughly with the gastric juice, which acts upon the protein matter the milk. If large quantities of milk create revulsion or unpleasant results, acid fruit juices, or better still the meat of acid fruits such as lemon, grape fruit, lime or orange will give relief and create better tolerance for the milk. If one finds it impossible to take large quantities of milk every hour or half hour, from the start, smaller quantities may be taken at intervals. For instance, one half pint every hour the first day, one pint every hour the second day, one pint every half hour the third day. The quantity of milk to be consumed per day depends upon the size and weight of the patient. It may range from three quarts per day for a person

weighing from ninety to one hundred pounds and suffering from indigestion and malassimilation, to eight or ten quarts per day for a person large size and weight and endowed with fairly good digestive capacity. b) Milk Diet for Fleshy People. Those who suffer m an overabundance of fat and flesh must take milk lily in moderate quantities, say, from two to five quarts sweet skim milk daily. The cream, in such cases, would only tend to perpetuate and increase fat formation. In many cases of obesity a straight skim milk or buttermilk is a splendid remedy for reducing fat. As I said before, the milk diet means a mild form of starch and protein starvation. On the other hand, it increases the activity of the kidneys and flushes the capillaries. In such cases the sweet skim milk may be reinforced by acid fruits taken either with the milk or between the milk feedings. c) Buttermilk Diet. We find that with many people buttermilk agrees much better than whole milk or skim milk. Others cannot tolerate it at all. The buttermilk may be taken at intervals similar to those prescribed for sweet milk, but not in excessive quantities. I find by experience that on an average one half or one third of the sweet milk quantity is sufficient for the buttermilk. Buttermilk is especially beneficial in cases of low acidity of the stomach and a tonic for an atrophic condition of the intestines. Quite often it can only be determined by some experimentation whether sweet milk or buttermilk diet is most beneficial in a given case. d) Sour Milk, Clabber or Sumik Diet. Sour milk, may be prepared in various ways, either by exposing whole or skimmed sweet milk to warm air, or by enclosing unskimmed sweet milk in an air-tight jar or bottle. It is allowed to remain in ordinary living room temperature of from 60 to 70 degrees until the milk has become clabber. The clabber is produced by lactic acid fermentation under proper conditions. However, strictest cleanliness must be observed in the preparation of the sour milk, or germs of putrefaction may enter and create a dangerous product. The longer it is allowed to stand in a warm temperature the more acid it becomes. After being properly soured, or clabbered, it should be thoroughly stirred or aerated with an egg beater until it assumes the consistency of thick cream. This is called sumik. With some patients it agrees splendidly, while others cannot tolerate it. Sumik may be taken at intervals and in quantities the same as sweet milk or buttermilk. e) Natural Milk Diet. Under this regimen, whole or sweet skimmed milk, buttermilk, sumik or clabber may be taken at intervals and in quantities in accordance with the desire and capacity of the patient. In many instances this will prove the best of all methods. The patient should be encouraged to take milk as frequently and in as large quantities as he can easily tolerate. With the various milk regimens, water should be taken only when distinctly desired. Ordinarily milk contains more water than the system requires. f) Milk and Fruit Diet. I have found the following milk and fruit combination diet of greatest benefit in a majority of cases. While many patients can take acid fruits to good advantage with the milk, I have found it of greater benefit, in many cases, to give sweet alkaline fruits, such as figs, dates, prunes, raisins, dried currants, etc., with the milk, and acid or subacid fruits between the milk feedings.

g) Milk and Acid Fruit Diet. Many people who become bilious and constipated on a straight milk diet or who develop quickly a revulsion to milk, will tolerate the milk and digest it much better if they take with it acid or subacid fruits, such as lemons, limes, grape fruit, oranges, or berries. They should be allowed to partake of fruit as often as desired but should be cautioned not to take any more fruit than necessary to counteract the unpleasant effects of the milk. The following mixed fruit and milk diet has proved beneficial to many patients who for some reason or another cannot take the straight milk diet: Breakfast: One to three pints of milk, sipped slowly. With the milk take any of the sweetish alkaline fruits, such as melons, pears, prunes, dates, figs, raisins, or raw vegetable relishes such as celery, raw cabbage, water cress, green onions, carrots, etc. At ten A.M.One of the following fruits: Grape fruit, oranges, peaches, apples, apricots, berries, grapes or any other acid or subacid fruit. Luncheon: The same as breakfast. At three P.M.The same as at 10 A.M. Supper: The same as breakfast. An orange or apple may be taken before retiring. 11) The Exclusive Meat Diet. Through theoretical research as well as through actual experience in an extensive institutional practice, I have become convinced that in the great majority of diseases a well balanced vegetarian diet is essential to improvement and cure. However, there are exceptions to this, as to any other rule. In the treatment of certain negative physical and psychical conditions, when the vitality is below par, when the digestive organs have grown so weak that they cannot properly digest and assimilate the ordinary vegetable foods, we have found it advantageous to put these patients, temporarily, on a partial meat diet Then, again, there is a certain type of dyspeptic patient who, on account of abnormal conditions of the digestive organs, cannot digest and assimilate starchy foods. In these cases even small amounts of starches cause fermentation, gas formation and many other distressing symptoms. Usually these people are so weak that they cannot subsist on an exclusive fruit and vegetable diet. Both fruits and vegetables cause more or less distress in the way of indigestion and gas formation. In such cases we have found various forms of meat diet of temporary benefit. In the following pages I shall describe a few meat regimen that have proved beneficial in many instances. a) Salisbury Exclusive Meat Diet. One who has had much experience with this

dietetic treatment describes the Salisbury exclusive meat diet as follows: "Dr. Salisbury claims that consumption (tuberculosis) is caused by fermentation of food in the stomach, and that the cure consists in excluding those foods which ferment and confining the diet to the most nutritious as well as the most easily assimilated food, beef being the best. Broiled round steak, from the third to the sixth cut, is as being the most nutritious and having the waste in the form of fat, bone or any undesirable tissues. "The best preparation for broiling is as follows: Remove the round bone, together with the outer rind of tissue and fat, also the tough fibers running through the beef, then cut into pieces small enough to go into a meat grinder and reduce the whole to a pulp. If one has no meat grinder, then the beef may be chopped in a tray, but care must be used that there be no stringy fibers left in pulp. Shape the beef into a compact layer, not over three quarters of an inch in thickness, using the edge of the knife to avoid pressing the beef into a livery, soggy mass. When ready to broil, slide from the plate onto a close meshed wire broiler, and cook over live coals or lit blaze until done through,the redness of the meat gonewhen it should be served hot, with salt and butter to taste. Salt after cooking, as salt applied before cooking hardens the beef. "If it is not convenient for one to broil the beef over or a bright blaze, then a spider or frying pan may be used if it is allowed to get very hot before sliding the beef into it from the plate. When ready to turn, put the plate over the beef and turn all the way over and slide the beef again into the spider, uncooked side down, and finish cooking." * "Give seven mouthfuls of beef to one of toasted bread boiled rice,whole wheat bread being preferred to white flour bread, which has been deprived of some of its desirable qualities." * This is not in accord with Natural Dietetics as explained in Vol. III. b) Hot Water Drinking. This same authority advocates the drinking of hot water as a preserver of health and as a therapeutic agent in the treatment of chronic disease, but many of his claims in its behalf are directly contrary to the teachings of orthodox physiology and food chemistry as well as to Natural Therapeutic philosophy. It is evident why the Salisbury meat diet requires enormous quantities of hot water to counteract its bad effects upon the system. The ingestion of such large masses of meat, unbalanced by mineral salt, foods, would cause excessive accumulation of colloids, alkaloids of putrefaction and other pathogenic materials, if these were not washed out of the system by correspondingly large amounts of hot water. Excessive thirst, of which the author speaks, is caused by the increased oxidation of morbid products. Thirst disappears almost entirely under a well balanced vegetarian diet. This explains why an exclusive meat diet necessitates the hot water flushing. I would recommend the exclusive Salisbury meat regimen only in exceptional cases of incipient or advanced tuberculosis or in other cases which exhibit positive

intolerance of starchy and vegetable foods. A meat diet may prove beneficial also in cases of abnormal psychism caused by negative physical and mental conditions described in Volume I. In such cases the meat diet has a tendency to fortify the animal magnetism of the psychic and thus to break contact with conditions on the spiritual plane. Even in most of these cases a vegetarian diet including the dairy products will bring all the good results without the danger of uric acid poisoning which is always present under an exclusive meat diet. I have seen many people cure themselves through the Salisbury method from carbonic acid poisoning due to an excessive starch diet, only to develop serious forms of uric acid poisoning, such as rheumatism, heart disease, high blood pressure, etc. c) Combination Meat and Vegetable Diet. Breakfast: Acid and subacid fruits. Dinner: A small portion of roiled Salisbury steak, rare broiled beefsteak, mutton, ire roast beef, or roast mutton, with raw vegetable relishes, salads and one cooked leafy (not starchy) vegetable. Supper: A raw or soft-boiled egg three times a week, together with a baked or boiled potato and vegetable relishes or salads. On other evenings a slice or two of health bread or a dish of cereal, together with vegetable relishes, salads, olives, figs, dates or raisins. Any one meal must not contain more than three of these varieties of foods. In cases where starchy foods are not tolerated, Salisbury steak or meat in some form may be substituted for cereals or bread. d) Modified Combination Meat and Vegetable Diet. Under this regimen starchy foods are restricted to a minimum. A small portion of meat is allowed three or four times a week. Suitable foods besides meat are acid and subacid fruits, especially for breakfast: Raw vegetable relishes and salads, cottage cheese, cooked vegetables, olives, dates, figs, raisins, nuts in moderate quantities; eggs (raw, soft boiled or poached) in moderate quantities-not more than four a week; cereals, bread and potatoes, if used at all, in very moderate quantities only, but not in combination with meat or with acid fruits. FASTING One of the most common complaints of the sick is that they have "lost their appetite". They seem to imagine that this is a terrible affliction. Quite the reverse is true however. In the majority of cases Nature takes away the appetite because a fast is needed. They do not know that the greatest blessing to them would be to "lose their appetite" long enough to find their hunger. Loss of appetite is simply an indication that the system is overcharged with pathogenic matter and that Nature is trying to stop the eating long enough to give these clogging, benumbing or irritating accumulations a chance to escape from the system, or it may be that the digestive organs are too weak to take care of large quantities of food. However, the laity for ages has been encouraged by the medical profession in the idea that to lose the appetite and miss a few meals is a great calamity; that this must be prevented by taking powerful stimulants in the form of appetizers and tonics. These serve to

create a false and artificial appetite and cause the sufferer to stuff the weak stomach with more food, while that taken in previous meals is fermenting and putrefying, filling the system with noxious poisons. Many people are learning the trick of curing their colds, headaches, nervous spells and other acute troubles, by missing a few meals or taking a short fast. It is the quickest, simplest and most efficient method of relieving the overloaded, food poisoned system. We would be surprised if we knew how little food is actually required to keep the human organism in good condition. The majority of people are food poisoned,even those who believe they are eating moderately. Cornaro, the great Italian Nature Cure apostle, who lived in Venice in the Fifteenth Century, proved these facts which humanity at large has not digested and taken advantage of even at this late day. At forty he was dying chronic diseases resulting from overeating, drinking and riotous living generally. Being gifted by nature with some intelligence and will power, he essayed to cure himself by reversing his habits of living, i.e., by reducing the daily allowance of food and drink to a minimum. For nearly forty years his daily allowance of solid food was not more than twelve ounces. Then he yielded to the urging of his relatives and friends, who believed that he was starving himself, and took a few ounces more of food than his former quota. The result was that he immediately began to feel most miserable, both physically and mentally and his former good health and energy did not return until he reduced his daily allowance to the old, accustomed twelve ounces. After the age of eighty he wrote several books on matters of health, and particularly his own experiences. His most pretentious work, which is even now in print and widely read, he finished when he was over one hundred years old. The history of this man and his experiences with moderate living and fasting should be taught in every school in the land. 1. The Physiology of Fasting. Fasting is undoubtedly of the most potent and incidentally the cheapest of all natural remedies. The reason why it is not more universally applied is that the laity at large, as well as the medical profession, are under the impression that the interruption of eating even for a brief period will greatly reduce the vitality of the individual. This popular fallacy is caused by the belief that food and drink are the only sources of strength. In other parts of these writings (see Philosophy of Natural Therapeutics and Nature Cure Cook Book) I have shown that this is not sothat the life force which is the real source of our vitality or strength is entirely independent of our material bodies (physical and spiritual) and of food, drink, medicines, tonics and stimulants; that this life force flows into us from the source of all life, intelligence and creative force in the universe; from that which we variously call God, Nature, Universal Intelligence, the Oversoul, the Will to Live, and by many other names. If people fully realized this fact they would not be in such great fear of missing a few meals or of undergoing a more or less prolonged fast. Fasting as a remedy is fully in harmony with our philosophy of the causes of

disease. If disease is created through abnormal composition of blood and lymph and through accumulation of morbid matter in the system, it stands to reason that fasting will help to eliminate from the system waste matter and morbid accumulations. The most difficult feature about fasting is the breaking of the eating habit. Therefore the first three or four days of fasting are always the hardest. They are usually accompanied by craving for food, nervous disturbances, mental depression, headaches, sleeplessness, etc. We must remember that eating is the oldest and most firmly established of all habits. Therefore it is not easily broken. After the habit is broken, which usually requires two or three days, fasting becomes easier day-by-day. One reason for this is that about the third or fourth day the mucous membranes of the intestines begin to eliminate morbid matter. The processes of assimilation have come to a standstill. The membranous linings of the stomach and intestines, which ordinarily act as sponges for the absorption of food materials, are now throwing off effete matter from the system. The sponge is being squeezed. This is indicated by the fetid breath and coated tongue which reflect the foul condition of the digestive organs. These are not fit to digest or assimilate food; therefore hunger ceases. The system now has to draw for food upon its reserve stores. The waste and morbid materials are stirred up and eliminated first. When we consider that the digestive canal from mouth to anus is about twenty six feet long and lined all through with eliminating cellular and glandular structures, then we can better appreciate the purifying effect of a protracted fast. One need not fear the weakening effects of fasting, since of late years it has been proved in thousands of cases that fasts of even forty, fifty and sixty days duration have no perceptible weakening effect upon the system, unless the patient be greatly weakened and emaciated by disease at the beginning of the fast. One of our patients recently finished a forty nine day fast. At the end of it he felt actually stronger than he did at the beginning. Up to the last day he took long walks. At the same time the chronic troubles which were caused by drug poisoning and surgical operations were greatly alleviated. The foregoing explains why short fasts of from one to three days duration have not a decided curative effect. It takes that much time to start the eliminative processes the linings of the intestines. As soon as food is taken these processes are interrupted and reversed. I would consider seven days a short curative fast. Shorter fasts may be taken, however, in order that one may become gradually accustomed to the practice. In this as well as in many other things, much depends upon the right mental attitude. If one fears the effects of fasting and believes that it is going to weaken him, this causes mental and nervous depression which is bound to react disastrously upon his system. H, on the other hand, one becomes thoroughly convinced that rational fasting cannot injure the system, that whether eating or abstaining from food the life force will flow into the body just as abundantly, then the fasting will greatly facilitate the elimination of waste and pathogenic matter and there will be no mental apprehension and no nervous uneasiness to affect the system and to interfere with

the grand house-cleaning. Many of our patients have undergone protracted fasts, but. I do not remember a single instance in which any one of them has been injured through the practice. We carefully observe the physical and mental condition of the patient from day to day and interrupt the fast when such action is indicated. 2. Danger Signals in Fasting are rapid and prolonged loss of weight approaching the danger line; serious and prolonged mental depression and the appearance of psychical symptoms such as clairvoyance or clairaudience, which indicate abnormal psychism due to an extremely negative physical and mental condition. Also the fast should be interrupted when a patient shows great fear and apprehension of its weakening effects, as the destructive effects of anxiety and worry might overbalance the benefits to be derived from the fast. In such eases it is better to postpone a protracted fast to a time when the mental and emotional conditions are more positive. 3. How Long Should One Fast? I never prescribe the length of a fast beforehand. Even when I am convinced that a prolonged fast of two, three or four weeks is indicated, I would not inform the patient to this effect. I usually tell him that we shall extend or shorten the fast according to the effects it produces; that we may continue it for a few days or for a week or more, according to changing conditions. This assures the patient that the fast is not going to be continued beyond his powers of endurance. It is much easier for him to fast from day to day than to look forward to a long fixed period. The practice of fasting until the tongue becomes dean, the breath sweet and natural hunger returns is a rather dangerous one. I have found in many eases that the symptoms of a foul condition of the digestive organs would not disappear after four or five weeks' of fasting nor would there be the slightest manifestation of hunger, and in several such eases it seemed doubtful whether breath and tongue would clear up before the patient was ready for the undertaker. It is much safer to break the fast before the desired results have been fully obtained and to repeat it after a period of recuperation. The digestive organs may be in such a diseased condition that it is impossible for them to become normal through one prolonged fast. Several patients have come under our care who had protracted the fast too long while waiting for the cleaning up. One of these patients is with us now, just recuperating from a complete collapse caused by excessive fasting. When she finally tried to eat, her digestive organs were so weak that they could not take care of any food whatsoever. She was brought to our institution on a stretcher, emaciated to the proverbial "skin and bones". It required considerable careful management and treatment to revive the paralyzed organs. In such cases only very small quantities of easily digestible food, such as white of egg, milk, sumik or buttermilk, must be given. 'With this we give subacid or sweet fruit juices. Careful massage and neurotherapy are required to revive the benumbed organs. Magnetic treatment also is of great value in accomplishing this.

4. Preparation for Fasting. Most writers on fasting maintain that one can stop eating and start on a prolonged fast at any time without preparation. This, however, is not always advisable. It may be all right in certain cases which are not affected by serious chronic diseases. But where the organs of elimination are in an atrophic condition, and where the system suffers from mineral starvation and is overloaded with pathogenic matter, it is much safer to prepare the system for the fast through a low protein diet rich in positive mineral elements, or, better still through a raw food diet and through thorough systematic natural treatment. I have fully explained this in Chap. XXVII Vol. I. Large amounts of negative pathogenic materials eliminated from the tissues and thrown into the circulation as a result of fasting must be neutralized by the positive alkaline mineral elements and eliminated from the system. These neutralizing and purifying elements can be introduced into the system only through a fruit and vegetable diet, low in starches and protein matter and rich in the positive alkaline mineral elements. When the natural diet and treatment have purified the system sufficiently for the manifestation of a healing crisis, then the physiological and psychological moment for fasting has arrived. Then the system is not in condition for the digestion and assimilation of food.' Therefore fasting becomes imperative. The whole body, including the linings of the stomach and bowels, is engaged in the work of elimination; this results in loss of appetite, revulsion to eating, coated tongue, foul breath, mental and nervous disturbances, all of which would only be aggravated by eating. In order to prevent reabsorption of morbid excretions, enemas (Sec. XVIII) and treatment for constipation (Sec. XXVI, No.1), are indicated before and during a fast. 5. Healing Crises Suppressed by Eating. I have frequently observed that good healing crises such as diarrheas', acute catarrh or febrile conditions were suppressed by eating. This is easily explained by the fact that healing crises are processes of elimination, while eating promotes the processes of assimilation. This is especially true of diarrhea, which is one of the most efficient forms of acute elimination or healing crisis. Forced absorption of food will frequently check the morbid discharges. Furthermore, it is dangerous to give food in cases of well established violent diarrhea because it only irritates the raw surfaces in the intestines and keeps them in an inflamed condition. The food is not absorbed, but only serves to prolong the purging, dysentery or bloody flux unnecessarily, and thus may cause perforation of the bowels, hemorrhage and even death. Not a morsel of food should pass the lips until the intestines have stopped moving and have had time to heal and to rebuild the sloughed membranes. Therefore fasting should be continued all the way from one day to a week after the cessation of purging, according to the severity and duration of the acute attack. For example, after a diarrhea lasting one or two days, no food should be taken for twenty four hours. After a diarrhea lasting four or five days fasting should continue for three days or longer. After eight days or more of violent purging, no food should be taken for at least seven days.

One of the most remarkable healing crises I ever observed came in the form of a diarrhea which lasted four weeks. During this time the patient did not receive any food whatsoever, nothing but water mixed with acid fruit juices. The discharges were of a black, watery nature. The patient assured me that during this entire four weeks' period he did not sleep one wink. Still he did not suffer particularly in the daytime. He had sufficient energy to accomplish his usual amount of work. While this may seem incredible, and while it is possible that the man may have slept more than he was aware, we have witnessed many similar instances of remarkable endurance during healing Crises. The man had suffered all his life from chronic enteritis (inflammation of the bowels). The eyes showed several itch spots in the intestinal area indicating that the underlying cause of the trouble was suppressed itch. He remembered that such eruptions had been suppressed several times in his youth. This vigorous healing crisis eliminated the disease taint from his system, and he has enjoyed good health ever since. 6. Fruit Juices in Fasting. In the majority of cases we prefer to give to those who are undergoing prolonged fasts moderate quantities of diluted acid and subacid fruit juices. In this I take issue with some of the best authorities on fasting. I cannot understand why acid and subacid fruit juices should in any way interfere with the good effects of a fast. They do not contain food elements which promote the processes of digestion. On the other hand, they are rich in mineral salts which are necessary to neutralized the negative pathogenic substances with which the circulation is flooded during the fast. Besides having this neutralizing and eliminating effect, they are splendid tonics and antiseptics and are rich in vitamins, or, as I have called them, the life elements (microzyma) which sustain and stimulate the vital activities. Pasting, therefore, is much easier to endure and more pleasant when the diluted fruit juices are taken. Fruit juices should not be taken pure or in large quantities because in this form they may excite the digestive processes. There is no danger of this, however, when they are taken in dilute form; for instance, the juice of half an orange or half a lemon to a tumbler full of cold water. The water should be of natural temperature as it comes from the hydrant or well. Ice water should not be used under any circumstances. 7. Hot Water Drinking. In some cases where the stomach and intestines are in a very foul and slimy condition hot water drinking proves very beneficial From one to two glasses of water, as hot as can be swallowed without injuring the tender membranes of the mouth and throat, may be taken three times a day. I do not advise the continuance of hot water drinking longer than necessary to wash out the morbid accumulations in the digestive tract. This must be supplemented also by copious enemas every second or third day. The diluted fruit juices may be taken between the hot water flushings. I would advise the hot water regimen only in extreme cases where something of a radical nature has to be done to clear the digestive tract of its fetid accumulations. 8. Exercises while Fasting. The idea prevails that during a prolonged fast one should have complete rest. This, however, is a serious mistake. There is no reason

why one should not take the usual amount of exercise or accomplish the accustomed daily tasks, provided, of course, these do not strain the physical and mental energies to the point of exhaustion. As a matter of fact many of our patients feel stronger and display more endurance after the first week of fasting than during the first few days. This is easily explained by the fact that during the fast the system eliminates large amounts of clogging pathogenic matter (colloids and leukocytes). This allows freer circulation of the blood and nerve currents and a more unobstructed inflow of vital energy. 9. Symptoms and Acute Reactions Caused by Fasting a) Gas Formation. One of the common symptoms exhibited after starting on a fast is excessive gas production accompanied by rumbling in the bowels and colicky pains. This is caused by the stirring up and disintegration of deposits of old fecal matter in the intestines, and by the elimination of pathogenic materials from the system. Usually the bowels soon stop moving when no food is taken. In such cases warm water enemas should be taken to flush the colon. (Sec. XVIII, No.4) The accumulations in the lower intestine during a fast are of a particularly poisonous nature, and should be removed in order to prevent reabsorption. b) Temperature. In many instances the temperature rises during the first day of the fast and sometimes a slight febrile condition prevails during the entire period or subsides after a few weeks. In other cases we observe a lowering of the temperature below the normal. All these and similar reactions are not of a serious nature, and nothing should be done to interfere with them. They become dangerous only by suppression. c) Cotton Mouth. Another unpleasant but perfectly natural symptom is the gathering in the mouth of thick and sticky viscous accumulations of saliva. This condition has been called "cotton mouth" by the laity. In other cases the mouth feels dry and burning hot. These symptoms are of course signs of greatly increased combustion of morbid materials and their elimination through the membranes of the mouth and throat. Similar conditions exist in the stomach and intestines. d) Bilious Vomiting. In some cases where the liver has been enlarged and engorged with morbid accumulations, bile discharges in large quantities into the intestine and from there regurgitates into the stomach, causing bilious vomiting of an extremely offensive character. This symptom also is more terrifying than dangerous. It is a rather unpleasant but nevertheless effective way of house cleaning. People who have taken a great deal of calomel or mercury in other forms often develop violent vomiting while fasting. This may continue for a week or more. If they are robust enough to stand the ordeal it is well to let the crisis ran its course, but if they are in a very weakened condition it may be advisable to interrupt the fast for the time being. In such cases it is best to give white of egg to soothe the inflamed lining of the stomach. It must be remembered that in these mercurial patients the liver and stomach are particularly affected and that these organs try to throw off the mercurial poison

through vomiting. I have frequently perceived distinctly the peculiar metallic and mercurial odor of the breath and of the bilious discharges. e) Offensive Perspiration. Another unpleasant symptom which we frequently observe during prolonged fasting is a very offensive odor of perspiration, which indicates vigorous elimination of pathogenic materials through the skin. Frequent quick cold rubs will promote this form of elimination and at the same time remove the offensive excretions and thus prevent their reabsorption In some eases it may become necessary to employ warm water and soap to remove the offensive elimination. 10. Fear of Fasting Unfounded. The majority of those who undergo their first long fast are most pleasantly surprised to find that the terrors of starvation exist only in people's minds. It has happened that people stranded on barren islands or lost in desert places or entombed in mines, even where they had water have died apparently from starvation in the course of a week or two. It is now fully proved by the thousands who have fasted for long periods ranging from forty to ninety days that death in such eases is not due to actual starvation. The real cause must be fear and apprehension,proving again that the things we fear we materialize. We cannot reiterate too often that fear is a perversion of the great law of faith. It is faith in evil. By submitting to fear we give evil power over us. The most necessary requirement, therefore, for a successful fast is the profound conviction that it cannot harm us in any way, but that it will prove of great benefit, physically, mentally and morally, because it not only purifies the body but strengthens will power and self control. 11. Fasting Regimen. Before, during, and after a therapeutic fast, everything mull be done to keep elimination active, in order to prevent the reabsorption of the toxins that are being stirred up and liberated. Fasting involves rapid breaking down of the tissues. This creates great quantities of worn out cell materials and other morbid substances. Unless these poison producing accumulations are promptly eliminated, they will be reabsorbed into the system and cause autointoxication. To prevent this, bowels, kidneys and skin must be kept in active condition. The diet, for several days before and after a fast, should consist largely of uncooked fruits and vegetables, and the different methods of natural stimulative treatment should be systematically applied. During a fast, every bit of vitality must be economized; therefore the passive treatments are to be preferred to active exercise, although a certain amount of exercise (especially walking) daily in the open air, accompanied by deep breathing, should not be neglected. While fasting, intestinal evacuation usually ceases, especially where there is a natural tendency to sluggishness of the bowels. Enemas are therefore in order and during prolonged fasts may be taken every few days.

By "prolonged" fasts I mean fasts that last from one to four weeks, "short" fasts being those one, two or three days' duration. Moderate drinking is beneficial during a fast as well as at other times; but excessive consumption of water, the so-called "flushing of the system", is very injurious. Under ordinary conditions from five to eight glasses of water a day are sufficient; the quantity consumed must be regulated by the' desire of the patient. Those who are fasting should mix their drinking water with the juice of acid fruits, preferably lemon, lime, orange or grapefruit. These juices act as eliminators and are fine natural antiseptics. Never use distilled water, whether during a fast or at any other time. Deprived of its own mineral constituents, distilled water "leeches" the mineral elements and organic salts out of the tissues of the body and thereby intensifies dysemic conditions. While fasting, the right mental attitude is all important. Unless you can do it with perfect equanimity, without fear or misgiving, do not fast at all. Destructive mental conditions may more than offset the beneficial effects of the fast. To recapitulate: never undertake a prolonged fast unless you have been properly prepared by natural diet and treatment, and never without the guidance of a competent adviser. a) The Regular Fast. Under this regimen no food is taken, but sufficient water to quench the thirst. In some oases it may be advantageous to increase the quantity of drinking water in order to dilute the pathogenic materials in the circulation and thus to facilitate their elimination through the skin and kidneys. Thirst, therefore is a safe indicator for the amounts of fluid needed. b) The Dry Fast. This means total abstinence from food and drink. Most people cannot endure this radical fast more than two or three days. It is a very powerful agent for promoting elimination. When no fluids are taken, the tissues are drawn upon for the elimination of waste materials. It has been found that such fluid starvation, which is directly contrary to the popular idea of flushing, is a powerful method for promoting elimination of morbid matter and disease taints, especially from the systems of individuals who are obese or whose tissues are "water logged". c) The Seven day Fast. If no adverse symptoms interfere, we frequently prescribe a short fast of seven days. This in the great majority of cases cannot produce any harmful or weakening results, and, understanding the laws of periodicity, we prefer a seven day period. If developments arc favorable to a prolongation of the fast we endeavor to extend it to the fourteenth, twenty first, twenty eighth or subsequent seven day period (Chapter XXIII, Vol.1, Periodicity.) d) The Long Fast. Long fasts may extend from one to seven or more weeks, according to individual indications and the vitality of the patient. As already explained, we never fix a definite period for the fast beforehand but

extend it from time to time according to conditions. We add small quantities of acid fruit juices to the drinking water as long as it agrees with the patient. If a revulsion to fruit acids develops, the' water may be taken pure. After the bowels stop moving naturally enemas must be taken from time to time, say once or twice a week, in order to prevent reabsorption of toxic materials from the lower intestine. Indications for breaking the fast have been described under "danger signals". 12. Breaking the Fast. The great benefit derived from a fast may be all lost, and may be followed by harmful after effects if the fast is not broken in the right way. In fact, the best effects of a fast depend upon the dietetic management after it is broken. The longer the fast, the more care must be taken in breaking it. The greatest danger lies in eating too frequently and too much at a time. After a long fast the digestive organs are in a condition of complete inactivity, and to overload them suddenly with a large amount of food may provoke acute attacks of indigestion and produce many other kinds of serious disturbances. The organs must be trained into normal activity gradually, beginning with very small quantities of light food. I have frequently found it very advantageous to break the fast with a few tablespoonfuls of freshly toasted popcorn, unsalted and unbuttered. This is a splendid scour for the membranous linings of the stomach and bowels, and its tough particles stimulate the peristaltic action of the intestines. The popcorn may be followed within an hour by some mild fruit juice, preferably lemon, lime, orange or grapefruit juice. Not more than the juice of half a grapefruit or of one orange should be taken at a time. The quantity of undiluted fruit juice may be gradually increased on the second day to three or four half tumblerfuls. On the third day the meat of acid or subacid fruits may be taken instead of the juice alone. After the third day the fruit diet may be supplemented and combined with raw vegetable relishes and salads. If a person be sensitive to the mixing of acid fruits with vegetables, they should be taken at separate meals. To this raw food diet may be added small quantities of nuts or a ripe banana. The raw food diet may be continued from a few days to many weeks, according to the individual condition of the patient. Or it may be followed, whenever it seems advisable, by the regular vegetarian diet. On the other hand, it may be advisable to follow the fruit diet after breaking the fast, by a straight or modified milk diet. This is especially indicated where milk agrees with the patient and where it is desirable to give animal food in order to overcome a negative mental and physical condition and to build flesh more rapidly. No hard and fast rules can be established concerning any of these regimen or practices. One must be guided entirely by individual conditions and requirements. It is dangerous for people to experiment along these lines without the guidance of a competent and experienced Natural Therapeutics. If the fast is broken in the right way it will be found that lost weight is regained very quickly. In many instances people gain much more, after a prolonged fast, than they weighed before. Moreover, the new blood and tissues will be purer and healthier than the old, effete tissues

which have been eliminated through strict diet, natural treatment and fasting. HYDROTHERAPY OR WATER TREATMENT INTRODUCTION While in our treatment of acute diseases we use wet packs and cold ablutions to promote the radiation of heat and thereby to reduce the fever temperature, our aim in the treatment of chronic diseases is to arouse the system to acute eliminative effort. In other words, while in acute disease our hydropathic treatment is sedative, in chronic diseases it is stimulative. The Good Effects of Gold Water Applications 1. Stimulation of the Circulation. As before stated, cold water applied to the surface of the body arouses and stimulates the circulation all over the system. Blood counts before and after a cold water application show a very marked increase in the number of red corpuscles. This does not mean that the cold water has in a moment created new blood cells but it means that the blood has been stirred up and sent hurrying through the system, that the lazy cells which were lying inactive in the sluggish and stagnant blood stream and in the clogged and obstructed tissues are aroused to increased activity. Undoubtedly, the invigorating and stimulating influence of cold sprays, ablutions, sitzbaths, barefoot walking in the dewy grass or on wet stones and of all other cold water applications depends largely upon their electromagnetic effects upon the system. This has been explained in Chapter XXXIV, Vol.1. 2. Elimination of impurities. As the cord water drives the blood with increased force through the system, it flushes the capillaries in the tissues and cleanses them from the accumulation of pathogen which is one of the primary causes of acute and chronic diseases. As the blood rushes back to the surface it suffuses the skin, opens and relaxes the pores and the minute blood vessels or capillaries, and thus unloads its impurities through the cuticle. 3. Why We Favor Cold Water. In the treatment of chronic diseases some advocates of natural methods of healing still favor warm or hot applications in the form of hot water baths, various kinds of steam or sweat baths, electric light baths, hot compresses, fomentations, etc. However, the great majority of Nature Cure practitioners in Europe have abandoned hot applications of any kind almost entirely because of their weakening and enervating after effects and because in many instances they have not only failed to produce the expected results but have aggravated the disease conditions. We can explain the different effects of hot and cold water as well as of all other therapeutic agents upon the system by the law of action and reaction.

Applied to physics this law reads: "Action and reaction are equal but opposite." I have adapted the law of action and reaction to therapeutics in a somewhat circumscribed way as follows: Every therapeutic agent affecting the human organism has a first, temporary, and a second, permanent effect. The second, lasting effect is contrary to the first, transient effect. The first, temporary effect of warmth above the body temperature, whether it be applied in the form of hot air, water, steam or light, is to draw the blood into the surface. Immediately after such an application the skin will be red and hot. The second and lasting effect, however (in accordance with the law of action and reaction), is that the blood recedes into the interior of the body and leaves the skin in a bloodless and enervated condition, subject to chills and predisposed to "catching cold". On the other hand, the first, transient effect of cold water applications upon the body as a whole, or upon any particular part is to chill the surface and send the blood scurrying inward, leaving the skin in a chilled, bloodless condition. This lack of blood and sensation of cold are at once telegraphed over the afferent nerves to headquarters in the brain and from there the command goes forth to the nerve centers regulating the circulation, "Send blood into the surface!" As a result, the circulation is stirred up and accelerated throughout the system and the blood rushes with force into the depleted skin, flushing the surface of the body with warm, red blood and restoring to it the rosy color of health. This is the second effect. In other words, the well applied cold water treatment is followed by a good reaction, and this is accompanied by many permanent beneficial results. The drawing and eliminating first effect of hot applications, of sweat baths,etc., is at best only temporary, lasting but a few minutes, and is always followed by a weakening reaction, while the drawing and eliminating action of the cold water applications, being the second, lasting effect, exerts an enduring, invigorating and tonic influence upon the skin which enables it to throw off morbid matter not merely for ten or fifteen minutes, as in the sweat bath under the influence of excessive heat but continually by day and night. 4. The Danger of Prolonged or Excessively Cold Applications. As I have pointed out, only water at ordinary temperature as it comes from well or hydrant should be used in hydropathic applications. It is positively dangerous to apply ice bags to an inflamed organ or to use icy water for packs and ablutions in febrile conditions. Likewise, icy or icy water should not be used in the hydropathic treatment of chronic diseases. Excessive cold is as suppressive in its effects upon the organism as are poisonous antiseptics or anti-fever medicines. The baths, sprays, douches, etc., should not be kept up too long. The duration of the cold water applications must be regulated by the individual condition of the patient and by his powers of reaction. It should be borne in mind that it is the short, quick application that produces the stimulating, electromagnetic effects upon the

system. In Sections XIII and XV are described some of the baths and other cold water applications that are especially adapted to the treatment of chronic diseases. COLD WATER APPLICATIONS 1. Outdoor Bathing and Swimming. This is very invigorating and beneficial to those who are strong enough to secure reaction. The bathing or swimming should never be extended too long. Twenty minutes is sufficient even for a young and vigorous person. There must be no feeling of chilliness or exhaustion afterward. This would be a sign of overdoing. If the reaction is good there should follow a feeling of comfort and warmth, especially of the feet and hands. There will be a good appetite and the sleep will be sound and refreshing. Ocean bathing is more tonic than inland water bathing because the salts in the seawater have a positive electromagnetic effect upon the body. 2. Foot Bath. Stand in cold water reaching up to the ankles for one to two minutes, according to the summer or winter temperature of the water. Dry the feet with a coarse towel and rub them vigorously with the hands, or walk about briskly for a few minutes. Repeat if necessary. 3. Leg Bath. (a) Stand in water up to the calves, from one to two minutes, then proceed as above. b) Stand in water up to the knees, from one to two minutes, then rub vigorously or walk as directed. 4. Barefoot Walking. Walk barefoot in wet grass or on wet stone pavements several times a day, from ten to twenty minutes at a time, or less in case of weakness. The early morning dew upon the grass is especially beneficial; later in the day wet the grass or pavement with a hose. After barefoot walking, dry and rub the feet thoroughly; and take a short, brisk walk in shoes and stockings. 5. Indoor Water Treading. Stand in a bathtub or large foot-tub containing about two inches of cold water, step and splash vigorously for several minutes, then dry and rub the feet, and increase the circulation by walking around the room a few times. 6. Foot Spray. Turn the full force of water from a hydrant or hose first on one foot, then on the other. Let the stream play alternately on the upper part of the feet and on the soles. The coldness and force of the water will draw the blood to the feet. These applications are excellent as a means of stimulating and equalizing the circulation, and a "sure cure', for cold and clammy feet, as well as for excessive perspiration of the feet.

In this connection, we warn our readers most strongly against the use of drying powders or antiseptic washes to suppress foot-sweat. Serious nervous disorders have been traced to this practice. 7. Partial Ablutions. Partial ablutions with cold water are very useful in many instances, especially in local inflammation or where local congestion is to be relieved. The "kalte Guss" forms an important feature of the Kniepp system of water cure. Sprays or showers may be administered to the head, arms, chest,back, thighs, and knees or wherever indicated, with a dipper, a sprinkler or a hose attached to the faucet or hydrant. The water should be of natural temperature and the "Guss" of short duration. 8. Limb Bath. Take up cold water in the hollow of the hands from a running faucet or a bucket filled with water, rub arms and legs briskly for a few minutes. 9. Upper Body Bath. Stand in an empty tub, take water in the hollow of the hands from a running faucet or a bucket filled with cold water, and rub briskly the upper half of the body, from neck to hips, for two or three minutes. Use a towel or brush for those parts of the body that cannot be reached with the hands. 10. Lower Body Baths. Proceed as in (9), rubbing the lower part of the body from the waist downwards. 11. Hip Bath. Sit in a large basin or in the bathtub in enough water to cover the hips completely, the legs resting on the floor or against the side of the tub. While taking the hip bath, knead and rub the abdomen. Dry with a coarse towel, then rub and pat the skin with the hands for a few minutes. 12. The Morning Cold Rub. The essentials for a cold rub, and in fact for every cold water treatment are warmth of the body before the application, coolness of the water (natural temperature), rapidity of action, and friction or exercise to stimulate the circulation. No cold water treatment should be taken when the body is in a chilled condition. a) Directly from the warmth of the bed, or after sunbath and exercise have produced a pleasant glow, go to the bathroom, sit in the empty tub with the stopper in place, turn on the cold water, and as it flows into the tub, catch it in the hollow of the hands and wash first the limbs, then the abdomen, then chest and back. Throw the water all over the body and rub the skin with the hands like you wash your face. Do this quickly but thoroughly. The entire procedure need not take up more than a few minutes. By the time the bath is finished, there may be from two to four inches of water in the tub. Use a towel or brush for the back if you cannot reach it otherwise. As long as there is a good reaction, the cold rub may be taken in an unheated

bathroom even in cold weather. After the bath, dry the body quickly with a coarse towel and finish by rubbing with the hands until the skin is dry and smooth and you are aglow with the exercise, or expose the wet body to the fresh air before an open window and rub with the hands until dry and warm. A bath taken in this manner combines the beneficial effects of cold water, air, exercise, and the magnetic friction of the hands on the body (life on life). No lifeless instrument or mechanical appliance can equal the dexterity, warmth and magnetism of the human hand. The bath must be so conducted that it is followed by a feeling of warmth and comfort. Some persons will be benefited by additional exercises or, better still, a brisk walk in the open air, while others will get better results by returning to the warmth of the bed. There is no better means for stimulating the general circulation and for increasing the eliminative activities of the system than this cold morning rub at the beginning of the day after the night's rest. If kept up regularly, its good effects will soon become apparent. This method of taking a morning bath is to be preferred to the plunge into a tub! Filled with cold water. While persons with very strong constitutions may experience no ill effects, to those who are weak and do not react readily, the "cold plunge" might prove a severe shock and strain upon the system. b) When a bathtub is not available, take the morning cold rub in the following manner: Stand in an empty washtub. In front of you, in the tub, place a basin or bucket filled with cold water. Wet the hands or a towel and wash the body, part by part, from the feet upward, then dry and rub with the hands as before directed. 13. The Evening sitzbaths. The sitzbath is best taken in the regular tub made for the purpose, but an ordinary bathtub or a washtub or pan may be used with equally good effect. Pour into the vessel a few inches of water at natural temperature as it comes from the hydrant, and sit in the water until a good reaction takes place that is, until the first sensation of cold is followed by a feeling of warmth. This may take from a few seconds to a few minutes, according to the temperature of the water and the individual powers of reaction. Dry with a coarse towel, rub and pat the skin with the hands, then, in order to establish good reaction, practice deep breathing for a few minutes, alternating with the internal massage exercise described on page 187. The morning cold rub is stimulating in its effects; the evening sitzbath is quieting and relaxing. The latter is therefore especially beneficial if taken just before going to

bed. The cold water draws the blood from brain and spinal cord and thereby insures better rest and sleep. It cools and relaxes the abdominal organs, sphincters and orifices, stimulates gently and naturally the action of the bowels and of the urinary tract, and is equally effective in chronic constipation and in affections of the kidneys or bladder. 14. The Head Bath. Loss or discoloration of the hair is generally due to the lack of hair building elements in the blood, or to sluggish circulation in the scalp and a diseased condition of the hair follicles. Nothing more effectually stimulates the flow of blood to brain and scalp or promotes the elimination of waste matter arid poisons from these parts than the head bath, together with scalp massage. Under no circumstances use hair tonics, dandruff or eczema cures or hair dyes. All such preparations contain poisons in the form of strong antiseptics and germicides. Dandruff is a form of elimination and should not be suppressed. When the scalp is in good condition, it disappears of its own accord. The diagnosis from the iris of the eye reveals the fact that glycerin, quinine, resorcin and other poisonous anti-septics and stimulants absorbed from dandruff cures and, hair tonics and deposited in the brain are, in many cases, the real cause of chronic headaches, neuralgia, dizziness, roaring in the ears, loss of hearing and sight mental depression, irritability and even insanity. Cold water is an absolutely safe and at the same time a most effective means to promote the growth of hair, as many of our patients can testify. If the hair is short, the head should be washed thoroughly with cold water each time the face is washed While doing this the scalp should be vigorously pinched, kneaded and massaged with the finger tips. When feasible, turn the stream from a hydrant or hose upon the head. This will add the good effect of friction to the coldness of the water. Where the hair is too long for such frequent washing, daily cold water treatment may be applied by dipping the finger tips in cold water and rubbing it into the scalp; progressively covering the whole surface and vigorously massaging as above. Frequent washing of the hair in cold water, without soap, and drying in the air will obviate the necessity of washing often with soap. When it becomes necessary to use soap for cleansing purposes (and it should be used no oftener than absolutely necessary), use only pure castile soap and tepid, never hot water, rinsing thoroughly in warm and then cold water. If plenty of cold water is used in finishing, the scalp thoroughly rubbed and the hair dried in the open air, there will be no danger of "catching cold" if one is living according to the natural regimen. Avoid the use of commercial shampoos. Have your hair cut only during the first quarter of the moon. The ladies may clip off the ends of their hair during that period. Skeptics may smile at this as "another evidence of ignorance and superstition". However, "fools deride, philosophers investigate". WARM AND HOT WATER APPLICATIONS

1. Tepid Baths. Tepid baths vary in heat from 70 to 90 degrees. Many find them refreshing, but those who have become used to the effect of cold bathing find them rather enervating and weakening. 2. Tepid Sitzbath. The tepid sitzbath is taken by sitting in either an ordinary bathtub or a special sitz-tub, in four to six inches of water, the temperature of it ranging from 60 to 70 degrees. Such a lukewarm sitzbath is often indicated where there is retention of urine from a heated or inflamed condition of the urethra and bladder. It soothes and relaxes these structures and allows the urine to flow. If the temperature of the body is much above the normal the sitzbath should be taken in water of natural temperature, as it comes from the hydrant or well. In all cases of fevers, where the patient is able to arise from bed and take' the cold sitzbath, it will prove of great benefit. While in the bath the patient should lave the abdominal parts with the cold water. 3. Warm and hot Baths. It is only on rare occasions that we recommend bathing at high temperature. Continually indulged in, it weakens the circulation, enervates the superficial nervous system and leads to atrophy of the cuticle. The effect of warm and hot bathing on the skin shows in the eyes through the heavy dark scurf rim in the outer border of the iris. 4. Turkish Russian and Electric Light Baths. For reasons before mentioned the natural healer never uses these or other forms of sweating processes unless it is as a temporary application for the breaking of a cold or incipient fever as described under Sweating in Bed. While it is true that vigorous perspiration draws the blood to the surface and promotes the elimination of waste matter, such perspiration should be induced in a natural way, not through overheating the body artificially. The best perspiration is that induced through walking or other exercise in warm weather, or through wet packs in bed, which we shall describe hereafter. Sweating, if it can be produced without overheating the body unduly, is of especial value in dropsical conditions and in cases of incipient or advanced diabetes and Bright's disease. It is also very beneficial in all forms of chronic rheumatism. 5. Sweating in Bed (Figs. la, b, c, d). This is best accomplished by means of the cold whole body pack, if necessary, assisted by hot water bottles or hot drinks. The procedure is as follows: Spread on a bed or couch two or three blankets, according to the season of the year, the warmth of the room and the heat of the patient's body. Over the blankets spread a bed sheet which has been wrung out in warm water if the temperature of the body is subnormal, in cold if the body is at fever heat; then wrap the wet sheet quickly around the body of the patient, tucking it in between the legs and between the body and the arms. Then pick up the top blanket and tuck it in around the body, folding the ends in over the feet and around the neck; then pick up the second and third blankets and do

likewise. When finished, the patient and the pack look very much like an Egyptian mummy. The patient should react and begin to perspire, or at least to feel comfortably warm, within five or ten minutes. If he remains cold too long, put along each side of the body two or three hot water bottles or bricks heated in an oven and wrapped in flannels; then cover the whole over with a few more blankets. The patient should be allowed to remain in the whole body pack and perspire as long as he can stand it. This may be from ten to thirty minutes or more, but should not be extended so long as to exhaust the patient unduly. The removal of the pack must be followed immediately by a quick cold rub, standing up in the bathtub or in a washtub; or if the patient be too weak for this, by a cold friction rub in bed. The cold rub is frequently followed by a fine after-sweat which may continue from ten to thirty minutes, according to the vitality of the patient after this another cold bath or cold rub should be given. The patient is then allowed to rest. One or two such bed sweat baths or whole body packs are usually sufficient to break up a bad cold or incipient febrile disease. H it should not succeed in breaking up the congestion and aborting the fever, it will surely cause it to run a much easier course. This is accomplished in a perfectly natural manner through increased heat radiation and forced elimination of morbid matter through the skin. Perspiration will be greatly facilitated by drinking either cool or warm water, or hot lemonade. In extreme cases where the patient does not react to a whole body pack and is in danger of chilling, perspiration can be induced by giving hot lemonade or a small cup of hot coffee with lemon juice. If the patient is too weak to endure the rather heroic but very effective whole body pack treatment, partial packs such as trunk, throat and leg packs may be applied, reinforced by hot water bottles or hot bricks. These are more easily applied and endured. (For description of the partial packs, see Sec. XV, Nos. 9 to 19.) In an extensive practice, extending over a period of eighteen years, I have always found the sweating in bed preferable to the use of artificial apparatus, which is always more or less dangerous and more exhausting and injurious to the skin than the simple hot or cold wet packs, which have a powerful "drawing" effect upon the circulation and at the same time relax the pores of the skin. Sweating for the cure of disease is very much in favor among the Indians. While living in the Rocky Mountains I frequently had occasion to observe the Turkish bath contrivance of the Indians. The sweating treatment is given (no matter what the disease may be) by placing the patient under a wickerwork frame covered almost airtight with skins. Before the patient enters the low, box-like hut, several pails or tin pans have been set into holes in the ground. These are filled with boiling water and from time to time hot stones from a nearby fire are dropped into the hot water to keep up the production of steam. When the patient has perspired to the limit of his endurance he is taken out and plunged into a nearby creek or lake, or in the winter time h& is rubbed down quickly with snow. I relate this not because I approve of the steam bath but to draw attention to the fact that the natural instinct and good sense of the Indian has hit upon elimination as a therapeutic measure.

6. Sweating by Exercise. The most beneficial perspiration is that induced by brisk walking or other exercise. This should be followed by a quick cold bath, spray or rub. The warmer the body, within natural limits, the quicker the reaction from the cold water application. 7. Hot Compresses or Fomentations. To prepare a fomentation take a piece of flannel and fold it from six to ten times and form it into a roll. Dip this into water as hot as the patient can stand it. The temperature of the water should range from blood heat to about 110 degrees, according to the endurance of the patient. Wring out the roll, unroll it quickly and lay it on the part which is to be treated. This may be the chest or abdomen, or the whole front or back, or it may be an inflamed arm, leg or joint. The hot compress should be covered and held in place by a cloth around the body or the limb, pinned down with safety pins. We use hot fomentations or compresses only when the temperature is subnormal and when the patient 's vitality is so low that he cannot react to a cold pack or cold ablution It is a good sign if the body temperature rises as a result of the hot pack or compress. It means that the system, as a result of the tonic application, is arousing itself to acute febrile reaction, which we always welcome as Nature's purifying, healing effort. These procedures should be supplemented if possible by expert manipulative treatment. WET BANDAGES AND WET PACKS 1. Wet Bandages. Old muslin, linen sheeting, or soft, well worn toweling are the best materials for bandages and packs. Bandages are used mostly for extracting internal heat, for relieving internal congestion, and for promoting elimination of morbid matter through the skin. Cold water is best suited for these purposes, but where the patient is very sensitive to cold, or the temperature subnormal, the chill may be taken off or tepid water may be used. The bandages are soaked in the water, then lightly wrung out and applied to the body where desired. 2. Wet Packs. The wet pack consists of the wet bandage before described plus a covering of dry flannel or woolen material, or of heavy toweling. The dry covering must overlap the upper and lower borders of the wet bandage about one half an inch. The dry covering serves to bring about a warm reaction and preserves the moisture in the bandage, and therefore the drawing effect of the pack is more powerful than that of the plain bandage. The dry flannel, woolen or cotton covering may consist of from one to three or even four layers wrapped around the wet bandage. The outer end of the dry covering is pinned down and held in place by safety pins. The number of wet and dry wrappings depends upon the heat of the body and the vitality and power of reaction of the patient. The higher the fever heat and the more vigorous the body, as in childhood and youth, the more wet wrappings and the less dry covering is required. The lower the fever and the lower the vitality and power of reaction of the patient, the less wet wrappings and the more dry, warm covering is required. In chronic cases, with low or subnormal temperature where packs are indicated to relieve inner

congestion and pain, to induce sleep or to promote elimination, one wrapping of wet material is fully sufficient, and this must be covered with two or three wrappings of dry, warm material, in order to bring about the necessary reaction. 3. Vinegar Bandages and Compresses. Some hydrotherapists recommend an addition of vinegar or Epsom salts (MgSO4) to the water from which the bandages or compresses are wrung out, about one half vinegar and one half water, or one tablespoon of Epsom salt to one quart of water (See article on Epsom 'salt treatment, page 159.) 4. Potato Compresses. A compress made of grated raw potato, applied between pieces of thin linen or cotton cloth, is especially recommended in all forms of inflammation of the eye. It must be renewed before it becomes hot and dry. 5. How Often Should the Wet Packs Be Renewed? This depends upon the severity of the fever; height of temperature, and upon the vitality of the patient. In an ordinary cold it may be sufficient to apply a throat and short body pack in the evening and to leave it on all night to be followed in the morning by a good cold rub and cold water sniffing. The more pronounced the fever and the higher the temperature, the oftener the wet bandages must be renewed. In fevers such as diphtheria, smallpox, typhoid, cerebrospinal meningitis, etc., the packs must be taken off and replaced by fresh ones as soon as they are hot and dry. In such cases it is advisable to have on hand several sets of bandages. Those which come from the body must be thoroughly washed, rinsed in cold water and hung up to dry in the fresh air and sunshine. In serious and prolonged cases of inflammatory feverish diseases it is advisable to alternate between throat, trunk and leg packs. For instance, at one time put on throat and trunk pack, then apply leg packs only, then again throat and so on. This tends to equalize the circulation. 6. Ablution After Pack. Every time a bandage or pack has served its purpose and is taken from the body, the parts covered by the bandages or packs must be rubbed with a rough towel dipped in cold water. This serves several important purposes: first, to cleanse the skin of morbid matter and poisons which the bandage or pack has drawn to the surface; second, to secure a better reaction; third, to promote heat radiation; fourth, to increase the electromagnetic energies of the body. 7. Whole Body Pack. (Figs. 1a, b, c, d). Spread on a bed or couch two or three blankets, according to the season of the year, the warmth of the room and the heat of the patients body. Over the blankets spread a bed sheet which has been wrung out in cold water; over this spread the muslin strip of a trunk pack wrung out in cold water. Wrap this strip about the trunk; then wrap the wet sheet quickly around the body of the patient, tucking it in between the legs and also between the body and the arms. Then pick up the top blanket and tuck it in around the body, folding the ends in over the feet and around the neck; then pick up the second and third blankets and do likewise, pinning in place with safety pins. When finished, the patient and the pack look very much like an Egyptian mummy. The patient should react and begin to perspire, or at least to feel comfortably

warm, within five or ten minutes. If he remains cold too long, put along each side of the body two or three hot water bottles, or bricks heated in an oven and wrapped in flannel, then cover the whole over with a few more blankets. The patient should be allowed to remain in the whole body pack and perspire as long as he can stand it. This may be from ten to thirty minutes or more, but should not be extended too long as this might exhaust the patient unduly. The removal of the pack must be followed by a quick, cold rub, standing up in the bathtub or in a washtub; or, if the patient be too weak for this, by a cold friction rub in bed. 8. Head Bandages. These bandages are much in favor for relieving headaches and earaches. A towel or strip of muslin or linen cloth is wrung out of tepid or cold water and wrapped around the head or over the ears in order to draw the blood to the surface and relieve inner congestion. This, however, is a doubtful proceeding for treating headaches or pains in the head, because all wet bandages have a tendency to draw the blood to the part where they are applied. In this case, though the head bandage may draw the blood to the surface of the skull, at the same time it has a tendency to draw the blood from other parts of the body to the head, thereby increasing congestion. For this reason I always advise using the body, leg or throat pack in order to draw the blood away from the head. Besides, these packs cover a greater surface' of the body and therefore have greater power to relieve the inner congestion in the head, as well as anywhere else in the body. At the same time the head, face and neck may be frequently washed or sponged with cold water. The evaporation of the water on the hot surface has a very cooling, refreshing and also electrifying effect. 9. Throat Bandages. A piece of linen, muslin, toweling, or soft cotton, from two to four inches wide, according to the length of the neck, wrung out of cold water and wrapped from two to four or six times around the throat is a splendid application in cases of sore and inflamed throat, tonsils and glands of the throat and neck. It also the chest from the has a very cooling effect on the circulation in general, because the blood passes through the neck, back and forth through the large arteries and veins which supply the head and brain. Here large masses of blood course nearer to the surface than anywhere else in the body, and therefore it is the best place for extracting the heat from the blood through cold water bandages, packs or compresses. 10. Throat-Pack. (Fig.2) The throat pack consists of a wet throat bandage plus a covering of dry flannel or woolen material. 11. Chest Bandage. This is of great benefit when the lungs are infected by acute bronchial catarrh or pneumonia. The cold wet strip of muslin must be wide enough to cover the chest from the armpits to the border of the small ribs, and must be long enough to go around the body from one to four times, according to the amount of heat in the body, the vitality of the patient and his power of reaction. 12. Chest Pack. The cheat pack consists of the wet chest bandage plus a covering

of dry flannel or woolen material. 13. Trunk Bandage. The trunk bandage is applied the same as the chest bandage, the only difference being that it extends from under the armpits to the upper border of the hip bone or to the pubis. The full length, from armpit to pubis, must be applied in cases of the inflammation of the bladder, appendix or ovaries. When any one of the organs is severely inflamed extra cold compresses may be placed in under the body pack and over the inflamed organ. This compress should consist of from two to six or even eight layers of muslin or toweling, and may be from six to twelve inches square, according to the size of the inflamed area and according to the heat in the parts. All bandages must be removed and renewed when hot and dry. The extra cold compresses may also be applied, under the chest or body pack, to inflamed areas in the lungs, liver or stomach. 14. Trunk Pack. The trunk pack consists of the wet trunk bandage plus a covering of dry flannel or woolen material. 15. Eye Compress. The cold wet compress is very beneficial for relieving congestion and inflammation in the eyes. For this purpose a small compress made of several layers of muslin or linen is dipped in cold water and applied over the eyes. The compress is held in place by a dry bandage. Better than the water compress in cases of serious inflammation of the eyes is a poultice made of grated raw potatoes. The grated potato is wrapped in linen or muslin cloth and placed over the affected eye. The poultice is kept in place in the same way as the water compress. This treatment has proved very beneficial in cases of glaucoma and gonorrheal inflammation. 16. Ankle, Knee and Hand Packs. These are applied the same as all other wet packs, and are indicated in all local inflammations in the ankles, feet, toes, bands, wrists and arms. They are especially valuable in relieving inflammation in cases of inflammatory rheumatism. The results of the wet pack and general cold water treatment in the most violent cases of inflammatory rheumatism are little short of miraculous. 17. Leg Pack. This may be applied from the hip to the knee or from the knee to the ankle, or may cover the entire leg from the hip to the toes. The method of application is the same as in all other packs. First the wet bandage, and around this the wrappings of dry material. 18. T Pack. This consists of a narrow strip of muslin, adjusted as a belt about the abdomen just above the hip bone, to the back of which is attached a bandage (detail Fig. 2), cut a little narrower in the center. The wet bandage with its flannel covering is drawn forward between the legs and fastened to the belt in front with safety pins. This pack is especially valuable in inflammations in the rectum and genito-urinary organs. In cases of high temperature, extra cold compresses may be inserted inside the pack. 19. Shoulder or Scotch Pack. This pack requires a bandage and flannel covering, six and eight inches wide respectively, and two and one-fourth yards long. The one who applies the pack stands in front of the patient and holds equal portions of the

strip of muslin or flannel in each hand. The strip is placed around the body under the armpits of the patient, the ends crossed in the back and brought up over the shoulders to the front, crossing again over the chest. Figures 4 a, b, a show the successive stages of the application of this pack. After the shoulder pack itself has been applied it may be surrounded on the body by the chest or trunk pack. This pack is very valuable where the upper lobes of the lungs are affected by acute bronchial catarrh or pneumonia. MUD AND CLAY TREATMENT Certain localities in Europe and in this country have attained considerable fame by the so-called mud bath treatment. We tried this form of treatment for several years in one of our institutions but with indifferent success. The effect of the treatment is very much the same u that of the wet packs described in Section XV. The effect of the wet pack, poultice or compress is very much the nine whether the material used be mud, clay, water cottage cheese, flaxseed or any other mild acting substance. The beneficial results are brought about because the cool moisture in and under the packs or poultices relaxes the pores of the skin, draws the blood into the surface, relieves inner congestion and pain and promotes heat radiation and elimination of morbid matter. I have found that on the whole the water applications produce fully as good results as mud, clay or other materials; besides, it has the advantage of being more cleanly and more easily applied. However, it is true that in many cases of chronic inflammation resulting either from internal disease, bruises or sprains, clay packs have proved of great benefit. The one advantage I have found in them is that this substance retains moisture and coolness much longer than a water pack or compress. They are, therefore, of special benefit in cases of subacute and chronic inflammations, of persistent soreness, and for all night packs or bandages. 1. Clay Packs. The best way to apply clay packs is the following: Take yellow, or still better, blue potter's clay, macerate in warm water until it is reduced to a smooth paste. When cold spread this with a wooden paddle or broad knife over a strip of cloth wide enough and long enough to cover the part to be treated, then surround the clay bandage with a few wrappings of toweling, flannel or other protecting material. The clay packs or bandages may remain in place until they become hot or dry. 2. Mud or Clay Baths. The mud or clay baths are applied in a manner similar to that of the clay packs but on a larger scaleto the entire body from neck to feet. The mud or clay must first be macerated and sifted so as to remove all pebbles, twigs or other foreign materials. The siftings are then mixed with hot water and reduced to a smooth paste. Mud or clay does not heat on the body as readily as a water pack, therefore it is best to beat the clay to 70 degrees F. before it is applied. The warm paste is spread on a sheet and this is wrapped around the body. One or two blankets, according to the warmth of the treatment room and the reactionary power of the patient are then wrapped around the mudpack. The mud bath is applied like the full sheet pack described under Section XV, No.7, the only difference being that the sheet, instead of being wrung out in water is covered with a layer of mud or clay as

described under clay packs. Care must be taken that the mud or clay used for such treatments is free from impurities. It should not be taken from localities contaminated by human refuse. The mud or clay bath is followed by a cleansing warm spray and rub, and finished with a quick tonic cold spray. While it is true that many people suffering from rheumatism and kindred acid diseases have found temporary relief by patronizing the popular mud bath resorts, it is also true that these "cures" are not permanent. The reason is that in. these places practically no attention is paid to diet. The patrons live on the ordinary hotel and restaurant food which produces hyperacidity almost as fast as the mud baths reduce it. Neither do such patients receive the benefit of hydropathic, manipulative and other natural methods. The reality is that after resuming at home their accustomed mode of living, the "cured" patients soon again experience the old rheumatic aches and pains and other symptoms of hyperacidity. Many of our patients suffering from such ailments had time and again tried the various mud cures but experienced only temporary relief. It required the strict pure food diet, hydropathic and manipulative treatment, sun and air baths and the outdoor life to produce real and permanent cures. EPSOM SALT TREATMENT I have received numerous inquiries from readers of Nature Cure Philosophy and Practice, many of these from practicing physicians, asking why I have neglected to mention Epsom Salt treatment which has proved so efficacious for the cure of acute and chronic diseases. I have had ample opportunity to observe the good and bad effects of Epsom salt upon the system, and will briefly state the result of my experience. The use of Epsom salt (magnesium sulphate, MgSO4) internally and externally, is in harmony with the Natural Therapeutics in so far as the alkaline magnesium tends to neutralize and to eliminate negative pathogenic substances, such as carbon and nitrogen compounds, from the system. While Epsom salt taken internally as a laxative, or externally in the form of baths, packs and compresses, is a powerful neutralizer and eliminator of acids, ptomaines and xanthins, we must not overlook the fact that the inorganic minerals it contains have a strong tendency to accumulate in the system and to form deposits which may in time become as harmful as the morbid materials which the salts are meant to eliminate from the system. Some time ago, one of our house physicians attended, at the Cook County Hospital, an autopsy performed on a woman who had died from chronic rheumatism and heart disease. It was found that the woman's heart muscle contained deposits of magnesium salts and of carbonate sodium, which she had taken through many years as cure for acidosis and rheumatism. These alkaline mineral elements when taken in the inorganic form show plainly in

the iris. Before I became acquainted with the natural laws of living and of treatment, I had for several yearn taken large quantities of sodium bicarbonate and magnesium sulphate to neutralize hyperacidity of the stomach and of the system in general. The presence of the minerals in my system was revealed in the eyes by a broad white ring in the outer rim of the iris. Since I have ceased taking the minerals and have lived on eliminative foods, the ring in the iris has almost entirely disappeared; see illustrations and description in Iridiagnosis, Vol. VI. I have seen the signs of sodium, iron, potassium, calcium and magnesium in the eyes of people who had used these minerals in the form of medicines, or who had absorbed them in alkaline drinking water. In our work we do not employ these doubtful agents which may in the long run work more harm than good, because we have other means and methods to accomplish the same results in a less harmful and more natural way. A well balanced vegetarian diet, as described in Sec. I will prevent excessive formation of pathogenic substances in the system. The best way to eliminate these morbid materials, after they have created disease conditions, is to take in sufficient amounts of the positive alkaline mineral: elements in the foods classified under Group 5 (Food Table on page 88). These mineral elements when taken in the live organic form are the best neutralizers and eliminators, and they will not accumulate and form deposits in the system even when taken in excess. In addition to the alkaline diet we use hydrotherapy, neurotherapy and other methods of natural treatment to eliminate negative, pathogenic encumbrances from the system. I do not mean to intimate, however, that I condemn the use of Epsom salt under all circumstances. On the contrary, we quite frequently make use of it in the form of external applications in order to attain quick results in acute and emergency cases. Epsom salt baths, packs and compresses are very useful in cases of acute inflammatory rheumatism', gout, pneumonia, Bright's disease, appendicitis, ptomain poisoning and in all other feverish diseases, but under no circumstances would I use or recommend the salt for long continued treatment. The therapeutic action of magnesium sulphate, or common Epsom salt, consists in stimulating the eliminative activity of the skin, its pores and glandular structures. This result is also obtained in a lesser degree by ordinary' table salt (sodium chloride, NaCl) and by sea salt. All the positive alkaline salts applied to the skin in the form of packs, sponges, baths, etc., have a powerful electromagnetic effect upon the system. They arouse electromagnetic activity between the positive alkaline salts on the surface and the negative cell constituents in the body. Physiologist claim that minerals are not absorbed through the skin unless mixed with fats in the form of unguents or emulsions. The records in the iris prove that mercury, iodine, lead, zinc, silver, 'etc., in various chemical combinations are absorbed through the skin and then locate in the system in localities for which they exhibit a special affinity. If the Epsom salt is not absorbed the application can have

no acid neutralizing effect within the system. If it is absorbed it is bound to assist in the formation of earthy deposits. This is sure to be the result if the salt is taken Internally for any length of time. The Epsom salt may be applied to the akin in warm or cold solutions, in the form of local applications in wet packs or compresses, as a general sponge bath, whole body bath or as a sitz or hip bath. The solution should contain from one to two ounces of magnesium sulphate (MgSO4) to one quart of water. The bandages or compresses may be soaked in the solution and applied in the ordinary way (Sec. XV). One of the most beneficial applications consists in sponging the entire body with the solution for from five to ten minutes and going to bed without drying. This draws the blood into the cuticle, makes the skin more alive and active, opens the pores and draws the pathogenic matter to the surface. It acts as a powerful stimulant to the glandular structures of the skin, promotes elimination and relieves the poisoned and overburdened heart and other vital organs. In similar manner it relieves the heat-regulating center in the medulla and thereby reduces the temperature in febrile conditions. Undoubtedly a great part of the beneficial effect is due to the action of the water itself in the ablutions and compresses. The Epsom salt solution may be applied also in the form of cooling hip or sitzbaths (Sec. XIII, Nos. 11, 13) or in the natural bath (Sec. XIII No.12, b). In all cases the salt will heighten the tonic effect of the water. One reason why I do not recommend the continued use of the salt in such applications is because we find that the cold water alone, used continuously in the form of tonic applications, is powerful enough to suffice for the requirements of the various regimens in health and disease. In acute febrile conditions, however, when rapid neutralization and elimination of pathogenic materials becomes imperative, tonic applications of sea salt and Epsom salts will be found very beneficial. The specific applications of this and other alkaline salts in the various acute diseases will be discussed in detail in Volume V of this series, which will deal with the specific treatment of special diseases. ENEMAS, KLYSMAS OR COLONIC FLUSHING Introduction Injections of warm water into the rectum are taken in order to relieve the constipated intestines of accumulations of fecal material and thus to prevent the reabsorption of morbid matter and systemic poisons. The necessity for enemas is a sure sign that the person who needs them has not been living the natural life. If he had, he would not be constipated. We make use of enemas only in the treatment of acute diseases, during fasting and in stubborn cases of chronic constipation, in the beginning of treatment. We look upon enemas as a necessary evil, or "crutch" to be used only until, through natural

living and treatment, the intestines have become more alive and active. Enemas taken habitually have a weakening effect upon the intestines. As the saying goes, they make them "more lazy". The reason for this is obvious. Dryness of the fecal matter is the stimulus for the secretion of mucous fluids by the membranous linings of the bowels. When the intestines are constantly flooded with water injected through the rectum, the stimulus to secretion is lacking and the cellular linings and glandular structures of the intestines become more inactive. Any function of the organism which we do not use atrophies. Continued flooding with warm water has a very relaxing effect upon the intestines. The tone of the muscular tissues is lowered from day to day and the intestines become distended, forming pockets for the retention of putrefying fecal matter. Like drugs and laxatives, the "internal bath" in the long, run creates the very conditions which it is supposed to cure, namely, greater inactivity and atrophy. The only way to restore the natural activity of the bowels in cases of chronic constipation is through natural diet, fasting when indicated, and through the various forms of massage and neurotherapy. Careful scientific manipulation of the spinal nerve centers and of the abdomen is the most efficient method for infusing the atonic organs with new life and vigor. It is impossible to cure many stubborn, chronic cases of constipation without massage and spinal treatment. Skill manipulation of the abdomen mechanically propels the impacted faeces onward toward the outlet and at the same time stimulates and strengthens the muscles of the intestines themselves. The passive manipulative treatment is especially valuable in cases where constipation is partly due to sedentary habits of life. 1. For the passive treatment the patient should lie on the back, the knees slightly drawn up. The upper part of the body should be somewhat elevated. The manipulator takes his position on the right side of the patient and begins to knead the colon with the flattened fingertips in circular motion on the left side, in the region of the sigmoid flexure (in the left groin). He then gradually works upward along the descending colon, shoving the fecal matter always toward the rectum; then from left to right along the transverse colon; then downward along the ascending colon. Many instructors advise the opposite procedure. They commence the kneading in the right inguinal region (right groin) and work upward along the ascending colon, then along the transverse and downward along the descending colon. This procedure, however, has a tendency to pile up the contents of the large intestine long before they reach the outlet. It may cause serious impactions and obstructions. To me it seems more rational to commence the loosening of the fecal matter near the outlet and work continually toward it. 2. The abdominal massage exercise and also the exercises in bed and on the back will prove of great benefit, and in many cases are absolutely indispensable.

3. In cases of spasm of the sphincter muscle and the rectum, relaxation can be induced through rectal dilation, using various kinds of dilators, or by pressing the finger tips along both sides of the coccyx (the tip of the spinal column) for from one to three minutes at a time, two or three times a day. 4. Temperature of Enemas. The water for enemas or for internal douches should never be cold, as many books and certain doctors advise. This is very dangerous. The sudden internal chilling may produce depression of the vital activities, collapse, and even death. A year ago I was called to attend a boy eight years old. I found him in the advanced stages of cerebro-spinal meningitis. The physician who was in attendance told me she kept the fever down easily by giving three or four cold enemas every day. This probably helped to turn the gastro-enteric fever with which the illness started into cerebro-spinal meningitis. I prescribed pack treatment and fasting instead of the cold enemas and "stuffing". The little patient made a perfect recovery. The water used for enemas or internal douches should be about blood temperature, from 90 to 100 degrees F. If no thermometer is at hand test the temperature by dipping the bare elbow into the water. The heat of the water should be just endurable to the sensitive tip of the elbow. The temperature will be about blood heat. For vigorous persons and in high fevers the temperature of the enema may be as low as 85 degrees. The lower the vitality and temperature of the patient the warmer must be the water. In cases of subnormal temperature, collapse and suspended animation, hot enemas of from 100 to 110 degrees F. act as powerful tonics. The tonic effects are increased if the water contains about one teaspoonful of salt to a pint (normal salt solution). 5. Application of Enemas. Enemas should never be taken in the sitting position nor while lying on the right or left side. When attempting to take an enema in either of these positions the rubber mouthpiece of the' syringe strikes the sigmoid flexure and the tube coils up. Fig. 5 will show why this makes impossible thorough irrigation of the descending colon. The best positions for taking enemas are lying on the back, and the knee-chest position. The former is more suitable for bed-fast patient too weak to assume the knee-chest position. The patient should lie on a bed or a couch or board with the knees raised. The head must lie lower than the feet. This can be attained by raising the lower end of the bed, couch or board. 6. Knee-Chest Position. Fig. 6 illustrates why the knee-chest position is the best of all, provided a person is strong enough to assume it. It offers the least resistance to the passage of the warm water through the sigmoid flexure, descending colon and transverse colon. Under favorable conditions the water may descend even into the ascending colon. Care should be taken to dip the hard rubber nozzle of the tube into olive oil and the tube should not be inserted until all air has been expelled and until the water flows from the nozzle at the proper temperature. In cases where old, hard encrustation's have to be softened, a little castile soap may be dissolved in the water. The water should be retained in the intestines for five or ten minutes in order to

allow the hardened fecal matter and encrustation's to soften. 7. Directions for Colon Flushing. Apparatus necessary: a douche bag, or can with rubber hose, and a flexible rubber tube about twenty-six inches long. The latter is fitted to the end of the rubber hose by means of a hard rubber connection. Fill the bag with about two quarts of warm soapy water (the soap used should be super-fatty soap free from alkali, or, better, a good quality of castile soap). Lubricate the colon tube with olive oil. After allowing the water to flow until it comes from the tube at the right temperature, stop the flow and insert about two or three inches of the tube into the rectum. Release the clip on the hose and allow the water to flow. Then slowly and carefully work the tube, pushing it in two or three inches more and withdrawing it about half that distance. Continue this until the greater part of the tube is within the colon. If any obstruction is met with while the tube is being inserted, withdraw the tube and allow the patient to evacuate the contents of the rectum and then begin over again. Should the accumulation of too much water in some particular part of the colon cause pain, shut off the flow by pinching the tube, have the patient take a full breath, draw in the abdomen and hold it so until the pain passes, after which again allow the water to flow. Some difficulty may at first be experienced by the patient in following out this method. However, no disappointment should be felt if the results are not satisfactory from the first or second trial. The can should be placed only two or three feet above the level of the anus. No force is necessary. Should any distress be felt during the operation, it should be abandoned for the time and taken up again the next night. Continue these colon flushings for two or three nights in succession. The last night, instead of using soapy water, use one level teaspoonful of salt to a pint of water. If there is a feeling of too great relaxation in the rectum, or a feeling of irritation, the patient should apply cold cloths to the rectum or take an after injection of from one half to a full cupful of cool water, inserting the tube only about two inches. After the patient has become somewhat experienced in the use of the colon flushings, he should endeavor to retain the water for ten or fifteen minutes, while lying on the back and massaging the abdomen. 8. Enemas in Acute Diseases. In all acute, inflammatory, febrile diseases we give enemas in the beginning daily, and after that at longer intervals, according to the nature of the case and the vitality of the patient. Fasting in acute disease and increased heat in the abdominal organs usually produce constipation. We overcome this difficulty by enemas. This empties the lower intestines of morbid accumulations and prevents reabsorption of poisonous excretions. The bowels should be emptied as nearly as possible during the early stages of a fever, as long as the vitality is unimpaired. 9. Enemas while fasting. While fasting the bowels usually cease moving, though I have seen remarkable exceptions where the bowels kept moving daily for a few weeks, although no food was taken. If they cease to move soon after the fast is

entered upon, it is best to give enemas in order to evacuate the intestines and prevent reabsorption of morbid and poisonous excretions. MISCELLANEOUS TREATMENTS 1. Treatment for Retention of Urine. Retention of urine may be due to many different causes, and the treatment must vary accordingly. It occurs frequently as a result of inflammation of the kidney, bladder or urethra. These inflammations may be caused by a) Toxic conditions created by almost any form of acute disease especially by acute or chronic gonorrhea; b) certain drug poisons; c) toxic conditions of the system resulting from hyperacidity or from large amounts of ptomains, alkaloids, xanthins and other systemic poisons excreted through the kidneys; d) mechanical obstruction, e) spastic or paralytic contraction; f) inactivity of the kidneys. The best and most efficient remedies in all such cases are cold bandages, compresses, packs, and cold hip and sits baths. When the urinary organs are in a sate of high inflammation the patient must remain in the hip or sits bath for an hour or more at a time. While the bath must be cooling, care should be taken not to chill the parts. The temperature must vary according to the condition of the patient and his power of reaction. The greater the internal heat, the colder may be the water and the oftener it must be renewed. Although the water or the bath is cold at the start, it will quickly warm up to the body heat of the patient, and when it looses its coolness fresh cold water should be added, In all cases where retention of urine is due to acute inflammatory conditions, neurotherapy must be relaxing and inhibitory. This will relieve the tension of the nerves and blood vessels and promote the excretion of the urine from the kidneys and its discharge from the bladder. Our coccygeal inhibition is of special value for this purpose. This consists in lacing the thumbs on the right and left of the coccyx (end of the spine) and exerting deep steady pressure for from three to five minutes. If the patient is too weak to use a sitz bath or an ordinary bathtub, cold compresses, bandages and packs will be my best substitutes. The packs and compresses must be changed before they became dry or hot, and should always be followed by a quick cold rub with a rough towel dipped in cold water. In cases of great weakness or collapse, where the skin is cold and pale and the pulse weak, hot enemas of normal salt solution have a vivifying effect. In such cases a brisk cold rub should be given all over the body immediately after the hot enema. If suppression or retention of urine is caused by weakness and prostration the hot enemas are the best means of stimulating the urinary organs to renewed activity. The temperature of these hot enemas may range from 101 to 115 degrees F, according to the endurance of the patient. Warm enemas are usually followed by a more copious flow of the urine, indicating that they have a relaxing effect upon the kidneys and

the bladder. In cases of weakness, prostration and atrophy of the urinary organs, tonic neurotherapy treatment is always of great value. 2. The Treatment for Retention of Urine Due to Mechanical Obstruction. Obstruction to the passage of the urine may be caused by stones, large clots of blood, or by profuse excretion of mucous matter. In such cases the warm and even hot sitz bath may be of good service on account of their relaxing effect upon the tissues of the urinary organs. The passage of solid substance through the ureters and the urethra may be greatly facilitated by gentle downward stroking and manipulative treatment, also through relaxing neurotherapy (coccygeal) treatment. For mechanical dilatation of the rectum, prostate and urethra, see "Orificial Treatment" 3. Treatment for the Retention of Urine Due to Spastic Or Paralytic Conditions. This occurs frequently after the use of irritating diuretics and in the wake of hysteria and hypochondria. In all such cases lukewarm but cooling sitz baths will be beneficial. The most important treatment in such cues consists in inhibition of the nerve center by neurotherapy. In such cases, also, mechanical and manipulative dilatation of rectum and urethra as described under "Orificial Treatment", is indicated and often highly beneficial. 4. Treatment for Retention of Urine Due to Inactivity of the Kidneys. This condition may be the result of chronic nephritis or of a clogging of the kidneys through long continued food, drink and drug poisoning. In order to cure this as well as all other chronic diseases the entire system must undergo a complete regeneration through natural living and treatment. But meanwhile the activity of the kidneys may be increased by the use of mild stimulants such as juniper berries eaten raw or in the form of tea. Kneipp's favorite prescription in such cases was as follows: Take three berries the first day, five the second, seven the third, and so on until the daily dose amounts to twenty one berries. Then the dose is reduced in the same way at the rate of two berries per day. After the course is completed a rest is taken for a few weeks and then the treatment is repeated if necessary. 5. Juniper Berry Tea. This is prepared in the following manner: Upon half a dozen or more macerated juniper berries pour half a cupful of boiling water. Let this draw, and sip while warm. A little honey or maple or brown sugar (unrefined) may be added if desired. Two such doses, or, in severe cases, three doses may be taken in twenty-four hours. 6. Asparagus Tea. The water in which fresh asparagus has been boiled for from ten to fifteen minutes is also a mild and harmless diuretic. It may be taken in half teacupful doses three or four times a day. These special treatments for retention of urine should always be accompanied by the general natural treatment, which tends to overcome the constitutional diseases back of the local trouble.

AIR, LIGHT AND SUN BATHS What Is the Cause of Poor Skin Action? Man is naturally an "air animal". He breathes with the pores of the skin as well as the lungs. However, the custom of hiding the body under dense, heavy clothing, thus excluding it from the life giving influence of air and light, together with the habit of warm bathing, has weakened and enervated the skin of the average individual until it has lost its tonicity and is no longer capable of fulfilling its natural functions. The compact, almost air-tight layers of underwear and outer clothing made of cotton, wool, silk and leather prevent the ventilation of the skin and the escape of the morbid excretions of the body. Underwear, if worn at all, should be light and of porous weave, just close enough to absorb the perspiration but not close enough to prevent free escape of the poisonous exhalations of the skin. Thorough ventilation of the skin insures perfect evaporation of the perspiration, and this not only promotes cleanliness but has a wonderfully cooling effect upon the body in the heat of summer. 1. The skin is an organ of absorption as well as of excretion; consequently the systemic poisons which are eliminated from the organism, if not removed by proper ventilation and bathing, are reabsorbed into the system just as the poisonous exhalations from the lungs are rein-haled and reabsorbed by people congregating in closed rooms or sleeping in unventilated bedrooms. Who would think of keeping plants or animals continuously covered up, secluded from air and light? We know they would wither and waste away, and die before long. Nevertheless, civilized human beings have for ages hidden their bodies most carefully from sun and air, which are so necessary to their well-being. Is it any wonder that the human cuticle has become withered, enervated and atrophied, that it has lost the power to perform its functions freely and efficiently? Undoubtedly, this has much to do with the prevalence of disease. In the iris of the eye the atrophied condition of the skin is indicated by a heavy, dark rim, called the "scurf rim". It signifies that the skin has become anemic, the surface circulation sluggish and defective, and that the elimination of morbid matter and systemic poisons through the skin is handicapped and retarded. This, in turn, causes systemic poisoning and favor the development of all kinds of acute and chronic diseases. 2. The Importance of the Skin as an Organ of Elimination. Of late physiologists have claimed that the skin is not of great importance as an organ of elimination. Common experience and the diagnosis from the eye teach us differently The black rim, seen more or less distinctly in the outer margin of the iris in the eyes of the majority of people, has been called the "scurf rim" because it was found that this dark rim appears in the iris after the suppression of "scurfy" and other forms of skin eruptions, and after the external or internal use of lotions, ointments and medicines containing mercury, zinc, iodine, arsenic or other poisons which suppress or destroy

the life and activity of the skin. Therefore, when we see in the iris of a person a heavy scurf rim, we can tell him at once: "Your cuticle is in a sluggish, atrophied condition, the surface circulation and elimination through the skin are defective and as a result of this there is a strong tendency to systemic poisoning; you take cold easily and suffer from chronic catarrhal conditions." For the same reasons a heavy scurf rim indicates what is ordinarily called a "scrofulous condition", it stands for impoverished and vitiated blood. This certainly shows the great importance of the skin as an organ of elimination and the necessity of keeping it in the best possible condition. It explains why an atrophied skin has so much to do with the causation of disease and why, in the treatment of both acute and chronic ailments, exposure to air and cold water produce such wonderful results. The favorite method of diagnosis employed by Father Kneipp, the great Water Care apostle, was to examine the skin of his patients If the "jacket", as he called it, was in fairly good condition he predicted a speedy recovery. If he found the "jacket" shriveled and dry, weakened and atrophied, he would shake his head and inform the patient that it would take much time and patience to restore him to health. He, as well as other pioneers of the Nature Cure movement, realized that elimination is the keynote in the treatment of acute and chronic diseases. 3. How to Take the Air bath. Everybody should take an air bath daily, for twenty minutes or longer, if possible. It may be advantageously combined with the morning cold rub and exercises. Sixteen years ago we constructed the first open air bath on the roof of our Chicago Sanitarium. I predicted in the Nature Cure Magazine that the time would come when every up to date residence would have its air bath as well as its facilities for water bathing. This prediction is already being fulfilled. As a result of Nature Cure propaganda open air sleeping porches, sun parlors and air baths are rapidly increasing in popularity. All the hospitals built in the neighborhood of our Chicago Sanitarium have brick and iron enclosures on the roofs, similar to air bath construction. Their patients, however, still take the air and sun while heavily clothed and thus fail to receive the full benefit of air and sunlight. A regularly constructed air bath is open above (without roof) and surrounded by shutter-like walls constructed of outward and downward sloping slats mortised in the upright posts so as to allow free passage of air and exclude any view of the interior from neighboring buildings. If surroundings permit, it is better to have the air bath on the ground for reasons explained later. This allows not only nude exposure to the air but also nude contact with the earth that, in itself, is highly beneficial. An air bath on the level ground may be enclosed by shutter work, by solid board walls, or by canvas sheets. If possible, spend the hours of rest, and perform such daily tasks as may be feasible, in the air bath. If an open air bath cannot be provided, expose the body to air and light in a room

best located for the purpose. In the seclusion of this room remain nude as much as possible. But, after all, the air of a room cannot have the electromagnetic effect of moving currents of open air breezes, saturated with ozone and sunlight. Many naturists, having experienced the benefits of lying nude in bed, never again wear night clothing even though the bedroom be swept through the night by vigorous breezes. These are the people who have lost the habit of catching cold. Only those who habitually practice air bathing can appreciate its soothing and tonic effect upon the millions of nerve endings all over the surface of the body. This explains the splendid results obtained by air, sun and cold water bathing in cases of nervousness, neurasthenia, and emotional and mental disorders. Several of the largest sanitariums in Europe depend upon nothing but air bathing and rest for their curative effects in the treatment of nervous disorders. Enjoying the luxury of an open air bath one need not envy the bathers at the seashore where police restrictions will not permit the appearance of women without shoes and stockings. Even among the adherents of natural healing methods there are those who think that air and light baths should be taken out of doors in warm weather only, and in winter time only in well heated rooms. This is a mistake. The effect of the air bath upon the organism is subject to the same law of action and reaction which governs the effect of water applications. If the temperature of air or water is the same, or nearly the same, as that of the body no reaction takes place,the conditions within the system remain the same. But if the temperature of air or water is considerably lower than the body temperature there will be a reaction. In order to react against the chilling effect of cold air or water, the nerve centers which control the circulation send the blood to the surface in large quantities, flushing the skin with warm, red, arterial blood. The flow of the blood stream is greatly accelerated and the elimination of morbid matter on the surface of the body is correspondingly increased. 4. Sun Bathing. All the good effects of air bathing are intensified by the influence of sunlight. We will see that the effects of sunlight cannot be overestimated when we consider that without it life on this planet would be impossible. Everything that draws the breath of life depends for vital energy upon the life-giving rays of the sun. Beginners, however, must be careful not to expose the body to intense heat and light for too long at a time. This might cause over-stimulation with its inevitable reaction, or serious burns. From ten to fifteen minutes may be sufficient to begin with. Dark skinned people, having more protective pigment, can stand more exposure than can light skinned people. As the skin bronzes or tans, exposure can be lengthened to twenty or thirty minutes, and gradually to several hours at a time. In the summer time, many of our patients spend all their leisure time in the air bath. If possible the air bath should contain a spray so that a cold shower can be taken

in warm weather while exposed to the air and sun. Allow the body to dry in the sun and air. The alternating influences of air, sunlight and water are as beneficial to the human body as to plant and animal life. Never miss an opportunity to take a nude rain bath. People who are exceedingly sensitive to the effects of sunlight may at least temporarily wear a wrap of white gauze, or seek shelter in shady spots. In bright sunlight it is best to protect the head by a straw hat. Those who are subject to excessive blood pressure to the brain should lay a towel wrung out of cold water over the head. 5. Earth Magnetism. While in the air bath, if we lie eat on the earth on the back or stomach, we absorb the magnetism of Mother Earth. It is best to lie with the head towards the north in the direction of the magnetic currents of the earth. Such magnetic earth treatment is wonderfully soothing and refreshing. A good deal of the beneficial effect of barefoot walking is due to magnetic contact with the earth. In order to lie in harmony with the great magnetic earth currents, beds should always be placed with their heads to the north. Sensitives are strongly affected by lying crosswise of the currents; it causes restlessness and disturbed sleep. In many cases of chronic constipation we have observed splendid results from lying on the stomach on the bare ground. The earth magnetism has a tonic effect upon the solar plexus and other nerve ganglia of the sympathetic. Good effects may be obtained while clothed, but nude contact with the earth is better. 6. Dry Brush Rub. While taking an air or sun bath rub the body thoroughly with a dry bristle brush, beginning with one not too stiff. The movements should be in one direction only. Sensitive persons prefer the stroking in the direction of the nerves, from the spinal cord outward. This dry rub not only stimulates skin action and circulation, but also removes dead cuticle and impurities from the surface of the body. CORRECT BREATHING The lungs are to the body what the bellows are to the fires of the forge. The more regularly and vigorously the air is forced through the bellows and through the lungs, the livelier burns the flame in the smithy and the fire of life in the body. Practice deep, regular breathing systematically for one week and you will be surprised at the results. You will feel like a different person and your working capacity, both physically and mentally, will be immensely increased A plentiful supply of fresh air is more necessary than food and drink. We can live without food for weeks, without water for days, but without air only a few minutes. 1. The Process of Breathing. With every inhalation, air is sucked in through the windpipe or trachea which terminates in two tubes called bronchi one leading to the right lung, one to the left. The air is then distributed over the lungs through a network of minute tubes to the air cells, which are separated only by a thin membrane from equally fine and minute blood vessels forming another network of

tubes. The oxygen contained in the inhaled air passes freely through these membranes, is absorbed by the blood, carried to the heart and hence through the arteries and their branches to the different organs and tissues of the body, fanning the fires of life into brighter flame all along its course and burning up the waste products and poisons that have accumulated during the vital processes of digestion, assimilation and elimination. After the blood has unloaded its supply of oxygen, it takes up the carbonic acid gas which is produced during the oxidation and combustion of waste matter, and carries it to the lungs where the poisonous gases are transferred to the air cells and expelled with the exhaled breath. This return trip of the blood to the lungs is made through another set of blood vessels, the veins, and the blood, dark with the sewage of the system, is now called "venous" blood. In the linings the venous blood discharges its freight of excrementitious poisons and gases, and by coming in contact with fresh air and a new& supply of oxygen, it is again transformed into bright, red arterial blood, pregnant with oxygen, the life sustaining element of the atmosphere. This explains why normal, deep, regular breathing is all important to sustain life and as a means of cure. By proper breathing, which exercises and develops every part of the lungs, the capacity of the air cells is increased. This, as we have learned, means also an increased supply of life sustaining and health promoting oxygen to the tissues and organs of the body. 2. Bad Effects of Shallow Breathing. Very few people breathe correctly. Some, especially women with tight skirt-bands and corsets pressing upon their vital organs, use only the upper part of their lungs. Others breathe only with the lower part and with the diaphragm, leaving the upper structures of the lungs inactive and partially collapsed. In those parts of the lungs that are not used slimy secretions accumulate and the tissues become devitalized. Thus a luxuriant soil is prepared for the tubercle bacillus, pnueumococcus and other scavenger germs. This habit of shallow breathing which does not allow the lungs to be thoroughly permeated with fresh air, accounts in a measure for the fact that one third of all deaths result from diseases of the lungs. To one individual perishing from food starvation thousands are dying from oxygen starvation. Lung culture is more important than other branches of learning and training which require more time and a greater outlay of money and effort. In the natural regimen breathing exercises play an important part. All important as are the elements of the air in the vital functions of the body, we take in something with the breath that is more essential to life than oxygen, and the is life itself. that which we call life force, which proceeds from the one central Source of life, intelligence and creative force and permeates all animate things in the

sidereal universe, comes and goes, ebbs and flows with the breath. Every living thing inhales and exhales "the breath of life". This life force as it enters the organism is transmuted into the electro-magnetic energies and other life elements and vitamines. 3. General Directions. The effectiveness of breathing exercises and of all other kinds of corrective movements depends upon the mental attitude during the time of practice. Each motion should be accompanied by the conscious effort to make it produce a certain result. Much more can be accomplished with mental concentration, by keeping your mind on what you are doing, than by performing the exercises in an aimless, indifferent way. Keep in the open air as much as possible, and at all events sleep with windows open. If your occupation be sedentary, take advantage of every opportunity for walking out of doors. While walking, breathe regularly and deeply, filling the lungs to their fullest capacity and also expelling as much air as possible at each exhalation. Undue strain should, of course, be avoided. This applies to all breathing exercises. Do not breathe through the mouth. Nature intends that outer air shall reach the lungs by way of the nose, whose membranes are lined with fine hairs in order to "'sift" the air, thus preventing foreign particles, dust and dirt, from irritating the mucous linings of the air tract and entering the delicate structures of the lungs. Also, the air is warmed and moistened before it reaches the lungs by its passage through the nose. Let the exhalations take about double the time of the inhalations. This will be further explained in connection with rhythmical breathing. Do not hold the breath between inhalations. Though frequently recommended by teachers of certain methods of breath culture, this practice is more harmful than beneficial. 4. The Proper Standing Position. Of great importance is the position assumed habitually by the body while standing and walking. Carelessness in this respect is not only unpleasant to the beholder, but its consequences are far reaching in their effects upon health and the well being of the organism. On the other hand, a good carriage of the body aids in the development of muscles and tissues generally, and in the proper functioning of cells and organs in particular. With the weight of the body thrown upon the balls of the feet and the center of gravity well focused, the abdominal organs will stay in place and there will be no strain upon the ligaments that support them. In assuming the proper standing position, stand with your back to the wall, touching it with heels, buttocks, shoulders and head. Now bend the head backward and push the upper body forward and away from the wall, still touching the wall

with buttocks and heels. Straighten the head, keeping the chest in the forward position. Now walk away from the wall and endeavor to maintain this position while taking the breathing exercises and practicing the various arm movements. Take this position as often as possible during the day, and try to maintain it as you go about your different tasks that must be performed while standing. Gradually this position will become second nature, and you will assume and maintain it gracefully and without effort. When the body is in this position, ,the viscera are in their normal place. This aids the digestion materially and benefits indirectly the entire functional organism. Persistent practice of the above will correct protruding abdomen and other defects due to faulty position and carriage of the body. Breathing exercises are intended especially to develop greater lung capacity and to assist in forming the habit of breathing properly at all times. The different movements should be repeated from three to six times, according to endurance and the amount of time at disposal. Breathing exercises 5. With hands at sides or on hips, inhale and exhale slowly and deeply, bringing the entire respiratory apparatus into active play. 6. (To expand the chest and increase the air capacity of the lungs) Jerk the shoulders forward in several separate movements, inhaling deeper at each forward jerk. Exhale slowly, bringing the shoulders back to the original position. Reverse the exercise, jerking the shoulders backward in similar manner while inhaling. Alternate the movements, forcing the shoulders first forward, then backward. 7. Stand erect, arms at sides. Inhale, raising the arms forward and upward until the palms touch above the head, at the same time rising on the toes as high as possible. Exhale, lowering the heels, bringing the hands downward in a wide circle until the palms touch the thighs. 8. Stand erect, hands on hips. Inhale slowly and deeply, raising the shoulders as high as possible, then, with a jerk, drop them as low as possible while exhaling. 9. Stand erect, hands at shoulders. Inhale, raising elbows sideways; exhale, bringing elbows down so as to strike the sides vigorously. 10. Inhale deeply, then exhale slowly. While exhaling clap the chest with the palms of the hands, covering the entire surface. (These six exercises are essential and sufficient. The following tour may be

practiced by those who are able to perform them and who have time and inclination to do so.) 11. Stand erect, hands to sides. Inhale slowly and deeply, at the same time bringing the hands, palms up, in front of the body to the height of the shoulders. Exhale, at the same time turning the palms downward and bringing the hands down in an outward circle. 12. Stand erect, the right arm raised upward, the left crossed behind the back. Lean far back, then bend forward and touch the floor with the right hand, without bending the knees, as far in front of the body as possible. Raise the body to original posture, reverse position of arms, and repeat the exercise. Inhale while leaning backward and changing position of arms, exhale while bending forward. 13. Position erect, feet well apart, both arms raised. Lean back, inhaling, then bend forward, exhaling, touching the floor with both hands between the legs as far back as possible. 14. Horizontal position, supporting the body on palms and toes. Swing the right hand upward and backward, flinging the body to the left side, resting on the left hand and the left foot. Return to original position, repeat the exercise, flinging the body to the right side. Inhale while swinging backward, exhale while returning to position. Diaphragmatic Breathing The diaphragm is a large, flat muscle, resembling the shape of an inverted saucer, which forms the division between the chest cavity and the abdominal cavity. By downward expansion it causes the lungs to expand like wise and to suck in the air. The pressure of air being greater on the outside of the body than within, it rushes in and fills the vacuum created by the descending diaphragm. As the diaphragm relaxes and returns to its original size and position, the air is expelled from the body. 15. To stimulate the action of the diaphragm, lie flat on floor or mattress, the head unsupported. Relax the muscles all over the body, then inhale deeply with the diaphragm only, raising the wall of the abdomen just below the ribs without elevating either the chest or the lower abdomen. Take about four seconds to inhale, then exhale in twice that length of time, contracting the abdomen below the ribs. 16. Internal Massage. (Fig. 8) Lie on your back on a bed or couch, knees raised. Relax thoroughly, exhale, and hold the breath after exhalation. While doing so, push the abdomen out and draw it in and up as far as possible each way. Repeat these movements as long as You can hold the breath without straining, then breathe deeply and regularly for several minutes, then repeat the massage movements. Next to deep breathing, I consider this practice of greater value than any other physical exercise. It imparts to the intestines and other abdominal organs a "washboard" motion which acts as a powerful stimulant to all the organs in the

abdominal cavity. Internal massage is especially beneficial in chronic constipation. This exercise may be performed also while standing or walking. It should be practiced two or three times daily. Breathing Exercises to Be Taken in Bed 17 With hands at side, inhale slowly and deeply, as directed in Exercise No.1, filling and emptying the lungs as much as possible, but without straining. Practice first lying on the back, then on each side. 18. (Use one, or two pound dumbbells.) Position recumbent on back, arms extended sideways, dumbbells in hands. Raise the arms with elbows rigid, cross arms over the chest as far as possible, at the same time expelling the air from the lungs. Extend the arms to the sides, inhaling deeply and raising the chest. 19. Lie flat on the back, arms at sides. Grasping the dumbbells, extend the arms backward over the head, inhaling. Leave them in this position for a few seconds, then raise them straight above the chest, and lower them slowly to the original position. Exhale during the second half of this exercise. As a variation, cross the arms in front of the body instead of bringing to sides. 20. Rhythmical Breathing. We are told in the books of the Ancient Wisdom Religion of India that the life force or prana enters through the nostrils; that in normal rhythmical breathing exhalation and inhalation take place through one nostril at a timefor about one hour through the right nostril and then for a like period through the left nostril. The breath entering through the right nostril creates positive electromagnetic currents, which pass down the right side of the spine, while the breath entering through the left nostril sends negative electromagnetic currents down the left side of the spine. These currents are transmitted by way of the nerve centers or ganglia of the sympathetic nervous system, which is situated along side the spinal column, to all parts of the body. In the normal, rhythmical breath, exhalation takes about twice the time of inhalation. For instance, if inhalation require four seconds, exhalation, including a slight natural pause before the new inhalation, requires eight seconds. The balancing of the electromagnetic energies in the system depends to a large extent upon this rhythmical breathing, hence the importance of deep, unobstructed, rhythmic exhalation and inhalation. In order to establish the natural rhythm of the breath when it has been impaired through catarrhal affections, wrong habits of breathing or other 'causes, practice water sniffing (Sec. I, No.2), and the following exercise, not less than three times a

day (preferably in the morning upon arising, at noon and at night). This will prove very beneficial in promoting normal breathing and creating the right balance between the positive and the negative electromagnetic energies in the organism. 21. The Alternate Breath. Exhale thoroughly, then close the right nostril and inhale through the left. After a slight pause change the position of the fingers and expel the breath slowly through the right nostril. Now inhale through the right nostril and, reversing the pressure upon the nostrils, exhale through the left. Repeat this exercise from five to ten times, always allowing twice as much time for exhalation as for inhalation. That is, count three or four or six for inhalation and six, eight or twelve, respectively, for exhalation, according to your lung capacity. Let your breaths be as deep and long as possible but avoid all strain. This exercise should always be performed before an open window or, better yet, in the open air, and the body should not be constricted and hampered by tight or heavy clothing. Alternate breathing may be practiced standing, sitting or in the recumbent position. The spine should at all times be held straight and free. If taken at night the effect of this exercise will be to induce calm, restful sleep. While practicing the alternate breath, fix your attention and concentrate your power of will upon what you are trying to accomplish. As you inhale through the right nostril will the magnetic currents to flow along the right side of the spine, and as you inhale through the left nostril consciously direct the currents to the left side. There is more virtue in this exercise than one would suspect, considering its simplicity. It has been in practice among the Yogi of India since time immemorial. The wise men of India knew that with the breath they absorbed not only the physical elements of the air but life itself. They taught that this primary force of all forces, from which all energy is derived, ebbs and flows in rhythmical breath through the created universe. Every living thing is alive by virtue of and by partaking of this cosmic breath. The more positive the demand, the greater the supply. Therefore, while breathing deeply and rhythmically in harmony with the universal breath, will to open yourself more fully to the inflow of the life force from the source of all life in the innermost parts of your being. This intimate connection of the individual soul with 'the great reservoir of life must exist. Without it life would be an impossibility. 22. Warning While the alternate breathing exercises are very valuable for overcoming obstructions In the air passages, for establishing the habit of rhythmic breathing and

for refining and accelerating the vibratory activities on the physical and spiritual planes of being, they must be Practiced with great caution these, and other Yogi breathing exercises, are powerful means for developing abnormal psychical conditions. They are therefore especially dangerous to those who are already inclined to be physically and mentally negative and sensitive. Such persons must avoid all practices which tend to refine excessively the physical body and to develop prematurely and abnormally the sensory organs of the spiritual body. The most dangerous of these methods are long extended fasting, raw food diet (that is, a diet consisting of fruits, nuts, oils and raw vegetables and excluding the dairy products), Yogi breathing and "sitting in the silence"that is, sitting in darkness, in seclusion or in company with others, while keeping the mind in a passive, receptive condition for extraneous impressions. These practices tend to develop very dangerous phases of abnormal and subjective psychism such as clairvoyance, clairaudience, mediumship and obsession. PHILOSOPHY OF EXERCISE Next to overeating, lack of exercise in the natural way is one of the leading causes of weakness and ill health. This is true because Nature in her wisdom so planned the mechanics and physiology of animal life that activity is essential to maintain normal conditions. In all our preventive and curative work it is of the greatest importance that we study carefully Nature's laws and Nature's methods and provide conditions as nearly as possible in harmony with them. In this way we may derive much help by studying the wonderful correspondences between vegetable, animal and human life based on the unit of life, the primitive single cell. In the plant kingdom we find that activity or exercise of the unit cell is provided for by the wind, rain, and by changes in temperature and light. In the animal kingdom exercise is called forth by the search for food, by play and by aggressive and defensive warfare. In the human kingdom exists the same necessity for activity in search for food, provision for shelter, in play, and in defense against Nature's destructive forces and against animal and human enemies. But man, loving leisure better than exertion and being a free moral agent, has followed the lines of least resistance. He enslaved the horse to draw his vehicles; invented railroad carriages, automobiles, bicycles and all kinds of labor saving machinery in order to gain speed and to avoid the necessity for physical exertion. The unnatural conditions of civilized society have overburdened some with hard physical labor and condemned others to indoor, sedentary occupations which compel almost complete physical inactivity. Systematic, corrective exercises are needed to counterbalance both extremes. Most persons who have to work hard physically are under the impression that they need not take special exercise.' This, however, is a mistake. In nearly all kinds of physical labor only parts of the body are called into action, certain sets of muscles are exercised while others remain inactive. This favors unequal development which

is injurious to the organism as a whole. It is most necessary that the ill effects of such one sided activity be counteracted by exercise and movements that bring into active play all the different parts of the body, especially those that are neglected during the hours of work. Hard gymnastic exercises such as weight lifting, boxing, wrestling and athletic feats which require great physical exertion are not conducive to normal development and longevity. On the contrary, steady, hard physical labor and severe, long continued gymnastic and athletic training over-stimulate and overdevelop the muscular structures of the body at the expense of the vital organs and of the brain and nervous system. They cause a "muscle bound" condition which means congestion of the blood in the fleshy parts and a deficiency in the vital organs, the brain and nervous system. This tends to coarsen the body. The animal nature in time reveals itself in outward appearance in the coarsening of the features, in the disproportionate and distorted physique, and in stunted intellectual and esthetic development. For these reasons Natural Therapeutic philosophy does not favor strenuous physical and physiological exercise, but advises the lighter forms of physiological combined with psychological exercise. PHYSIOLOGY OF EXERCISE Aside from breathing gymnastics, general exercises should be taken every day. In case of illness or deformity special corrective and curative exercises should be taken. Physical exercise has effects upon the system similar to hydrotherapy, massage and neurotherapy. It stirs up the morbid accumulations in the tissues, stimulates the arterial and venous circulation, expands the lungs to their fullest capacity, thereby increasing the intake of oxygen, and most effectively promotes the elimination of waste and morbid materials through the skin, kidneys, bowels and the respiratory tract. Furthermore, well adapted, systematic physical exercises tend to relax and soften contracted and hardened muscles and ligaments and other connective tissues and to tone up those tissues which are weakened and abnormally relaxed. Such exercises should always be prescribed during and after the correction of lesions of the spinal column and of other parts of the framework of 'the body. Regular physical exercise means increased blood supply, improved nutrition and better drainage for all the vital organs of the body. By means of systematic exercise, combined with deep breathing, the liberation and distribution of electromagnetic energy in the system is also greatly prompted. Increased physical activity means increased oxidation of fuel and of waste materials which in turn necessitates a greater intake of oxygen and compels deeper and more rhythmic breathing. This means not only a fuller intake of the elements of the air, but also a greater inflow of the life force itself. This primary force of all

forces comes and goes, ebbs and flows in all living beings with inspiration and expiration. The Hindu wise men call life the "breath of Brahm". Some use the expression "breath is life". To this I cannot subscribe. I would say breathing is the mechanical and physiological vehicle through which the life elements enter living forms. From this it follows that the deeper and more regular and more rhythmical the breathing, the greater the inflow of the life force into the living organism. As it enters the body through the sympathetic nervous system it is transmuted on the physical plane into electromagnetic energy; on the vegetable plane into vitochemical energy; on the animal plane into mental and emotional energy; and on the human plane, into the higher psychical activities. Each plane in addition to its higher properties retains the properties of the lower life elements. These life elements of natural philosophy are identical with the "newly discovered" vitamins of orthodox medical science. Systematic physical exercise is an absolute necessity for brain workers and those following sedentary occupations. They not only need breathing gymnastics and corrective movements mornings and evenings, but should take regular daily walks no matter what the condition of the weather. Unless they do this faithfully their circulation will become sluggish and the organs of elimination inactive. The cells and tissues of the body will gradually become clogged with morbid encumbrances and this will inevitably lead to physical and mental deterioration. General Rules a) Weak persons and those suffering from malignant diseases such as cancer, tuberculosis, heart trouble, asthma, or front displacements and ruptures, or who are liable to apoplectic seizures, etc., should not take these or any other vigorous exercises except under the supervision of a competent physician. b) At least twice a day all parts of the respiratory apparatus should be thoroughly exercised (Sec. XXI). Deep breathing should accompany every corrective movement, whether it be a special breathing exercise or not. c) Begin the exercises each day with light movements and change gradually to more vigorous ones, then reverse the process, ending with light relaxing movements. d) When beginning to take systematic exercise do not make the separate movements too vigorous or continue them too long. If any of them cause pain or considerable strain omit them until the body becomes stronger and more flexible. The muscular soreness often resulting from exercise at the beginning is, as a rule, of little consequence and soon disappears. The various movements should be practiced in spite of it, because that is the only way to relieve and overcome this condition. e) Stop when you begin to feel tired.Never overdo. You should feel refreshed and relaxed after exercising, not tired and shaky. f) Do not take vigorous exercise of any kind within an hour and a half after eating,

nor immediately before meals. It is a good plan to rest and relax thoroughly for about fifteen minutes before sitting down to the table. g) Whenever practicable exercise out of doors. If indoors perform the movements near an open window or where there is a current of fresh air. h) Exercise undressed, if possible, or in a regular gymnasium suit that gives free play to all the muscles. If dressed, loosen all tight clothing. Women preferably should wear bloomers and loose blouse or smock. Of course no corsets should be worn, and but a single union undergarment of loosely knit light weight cotton. If a dress is worn it should be a simple, loose, one piece garment, short and full enough of skirt not to interfere with free leg movements. If shoes are worn they should be without heels, like tennis or gymnasium oxfords, wide enough to allow the toes to spread naturally when the weight is upon them. i) Always relax physically and mentally before taking exercise. j) Apparatus is not necessary to produce results. However, dumbbells, wands or Indian clubs may be used but they should not be too heavy. One pound dumbbells are sufficiently heavy in most cases. The exercises here described are intended for muscular control, flexibility, improvement of the circulation and increased activity of the vital functions rather than for mere animal strength. In the following paragraphs we offer a selection of corrective movements graduated from the more simple to those requiring considerable agility and effort. In practicing these exercises, it is best to alternate them, that is, to select, say, six or seven movements suited to individual conditions with a view to securing allaround general development and special practice for those parts and organs of the body that need extra attention. The time at your disposal will also have to be considered. Practice these exercises daily for a week. For the following week select six different exercises, then six more for the third week and so on, supplementing the list here given as may be required by your particular needs. Then start all over again in a similar manner. This is better than to do the same stunts every day. It promotes all round development of the body and keeps the interest from flagging. Corrective Gymnastics 1. Raise the arms forward (at the same time beginning to inhale), upward above the head, and backward as far as possible, bending back the head and inhaling deeply. Now exhale slowly, at the same time lowering arms and head and bending the body downward until the fingers touch the toes. Keep the knees straight. Inhale again, raising arms upward and backward as before. Repeat from six to ten times. For exercising the muscles between the ribs and the abdominal muscles in the

back. 2. Inhale slowly and deeply, with arms at side. Now exhale and at the same time bend to the left as far as possible, raising the right arm straight above the head and keeping the left arm close to the side of the body. Assume the original position with a quick movement, at the same time inhaling. Exhale as before, bending to the right and raising the left arm. Repeat a number of times. For making the chest flexible. Also excellent for the digestive organs. 3. (Figs. 9 a, b, c) Chest Stretcher. This exercise must be performed vigorously, the movements following one another in rapid succession. Stand erect Throw the arms backward so that the palms touch (striving to bring them higher with each repetition), at the same time rising on the toes and inhaling. Without pausing, throw the arms forward and across the chest, the right arm uppermost, striking the back with both hands on opposite sides, at the same time exhaling and lowering the toes. Throw the arms back immediately, touching palms, rising on toes and inhaling as before, then bring them forward and across the chest again, left arm uppermost Repeat from ten to twenty times. An excellent massage and vibratory movement for the lungs. 4. Exercises for filling out scrawny necks and hollow chests: a) Stand erect. Without raising or lowering the chin and without bending the neck; push the head forward as far as possible, then relax. Repeat a number of times. Push the head straight back in similar manner, making an effort to push it farther back each time. Do not bend the neck. Repeat b) Stand erect. Bend the head toward the right shoulder as far as possible, then relax. Do not rotate the head. Repeat. Bend the head to the left shoulder in a similar manner, then alternate the two movements. c) Stand erect. Bend the head forward as far as possible, making an effort to bring it down farther each time. Relax. Bend the head backward as far as possible. Bend the head, first forward, then backward. Repeat. 5. For exercising the muscles of the chest and the upper arm: Stand erect, elbows to sides, hands closed on chest, thumbs inward. Thrust out the arms vigorously and quickly, first straight ahead, then to the sides, then straight up, then straight downward, then backward. Repeat each movement a number of times, then alternate them, each time bringing back arms and hands to the original position

quickly and forcefully. As a variation, raise the elbows sideways to shoulder height with fists on shoulders, then strike vigorously as before, opening the palms and stretching the fingers with each thrust. Repeat from ten to twenty times, or until tired. 6. Stand erect, hands on hips. Keeping the legs straight, rotate the trunk upon the hips, bending first forward, then to the right, then backward, then to the left. Repeat a number of times, then rotate in the opposite direction. Especially valuable to stir up a sluggish liver. 7. Lie flat on your back on a bed or, better still, a mat on the floor, hands under head. Without bending knees, raise the right leg as high as possible and lower it slowly. Repeat a number of times, then raise the other leg, then alternate. As the abdomen becomes stronger, raise both legs at once, keeping knees straight. It is important that the legs be lowered slowly. For exercising the abdominal muscles and strengthening the pelvic organs. This and the following exercise are especially valuable for remedying female troubles. 8. (Fig. 10) Lie flat on back, arms folded on chest. Place the feet under a chair or bed to keep them in position. Raise the body to a sitting posture, keeping knees, back and neck straight. Lower the body slowly to its original position. Repeat from five to ten times, according to strength. Supplementary Exercises 9. Stride-stand position (feet about one half yard apart). Raise the arms sideways until even with the shoulders, then, without bending the back, rotate the trunk upon the hips, first to the right, then to the left. As a variation of this exercise, rotate from the waist only, keeping the hips motionless. An excellent massage for the internals organs. 10. See-saw motion: Stride-stand position, arms raised sideways. Bend to the right until the hand touches the floor, left arm raised high. Resume original position. Repeat several times, then bend to the left side, then alternate. 11. Chopping exercise: Stride-stand position. Clasp the hands above the left shoulder. Swing the arms downward and between the legs bending well forward. Return to position and repeat a number of times, then repeat with hands on right shoulder, then alternate.

12. Cradle rocks: Clasp hands over head, elbows straight. Bend the trunk to the right and left side alternately and without pausing, a number of times. 13. Stand erect, feet together. Jump to the stride-stand position, at the same time raising arms sideways to shoulders, jump back to original position and lower arms. Repeat from ten to twenty times. 14. Lie flat on back, arms at side, legs straight. Raise both legs till they are they are at right angles with the body. From this position sway legs to the right and left side alternately. 15. Lie fiat on back, arms extended over head. Swing arms and legs upward simultaneously, touching the toes with the hands in midair, balancing the body on the hip bones and lower part of spine. Return to original position and repeat. This is a difficult and strenuous exercise, and should not be attempted at first. 16. (Fig. 11) Lie flat on stomach, hands under shoulders, palms downward, fingers turned inward, about six inches apart. This will give free play to the muscles of the chest. Raise the upper half of the body on the hands and arms as high as possible, keeping the body straight Return to position and repeat until slightly fatigued. 17. Same position as before. Raise the entire body on hands and toes, keeping arms and legs straight. Return to relaxed position and repeat the exercise. As a variation, sway forward and backward while in the raised position. 18. Lie flat on stomach, arms extended in front. Fling the arms upward and raise the upper part of the body as high as possible, keeping the legs straight. Return to position and repeat but avoid excessive strain. 19. Same position as before, but hands on hips or clasped in back. Raise upper part of body without assistance from hands or arms. 20. Rocking chair motion. Sit on a mat or bed, legs straight, arms at side. Recline so that the upper part of the body almost touches the mat, at the same time swinging the legs upward. Return to original position and repeat without any pause between the movements, rocking back and forth until slightly tired. As you get stronger, clasp the hands behind the head. As a variation, rock with the knees bent, hands clasped below them. Special Exercises for Reducing Flesh and Strengthening the Abdominal Organs 21. Lie flat on stomach, heels and toes together, hands stretched out in front. Fling head and arms upward, at the same time raising the legs, knees straight. Avoid

straining. 22. Same position, hands clasped on back, feet together. Roll from side to side. 23. Lie flat on back, seize a bar (bed rail or rung of chair) just behind the head. Keeping the feet close together, raise the legs as high as possible, then swing them from side to side. As a variation, swing legs in a circle without flexing the knees. 24. Same position. Raise and lower the legs without letting them touch the floor, keeping the knees straight. 25. Lie flat on the back, fold the hands loosely across the stomach. Raise and lower the upper body without quite touching the floor. 26. Stand erect, heels together, arms raised above the head. Bend forward and downward, endeavoring to place the palms of the hands on the floor in front of the body without flexing the knees. Return slowly to original position and repeat. 27. Stand erect, hands on hips. Keeping the body motionless from the hips downward, sway the upper part of the body from side to side and forward and backward, and in a circle to right and left. 28. Stand erect raise the arms above the head. Rotate the trunk upon the hips with extended arms, bending as far as possible in each direction, but avoiding undue strain. These are strenuous movements and should not be carried to excess or performed very long at a time. Physical Exercise for Invalids 29. Persons who are very weak and unable to be on their feet for any length of time need not, for this reason, forego the benefits to be derived from systematic physical exercise. A low chair, with straight or very slightly curved back and no arms, or a rocking chair of similar construction with a wedge placed under the rockers in such a manner as to keep the chair steady at a suitable angle, is well adapted to the practice of a number of corrective movements, such as rotating of hips and waist, forward and sideward bending of the trunk, the various arm and neck exercises, bending and twisting of feet and toes, and the internal massage. (Sec. XXI No.16.) PSYCHOLOGICAL EXERCISE You may ever so often go through the ordinary forms of physical gymnastic exercises in a listless, inattentive way without deriving much benefit aside from a certain amount of development of the muscular structures. In order to derive from exercise genuine curative effects, mind and will must govern and vitalize the purely physical activity. While it is true that the vital activities of the living organism continue independently of the individual consciousness, being under the control of the

universal intelligence, we can learn to reinforce and to stimulate, or if necessary to relax and soothe the vital activities by the exercise of our own intelligence and power of will. This is proved by the following experiments: Let a physical culture class perform certain feats in weight lifting, instruct them to use all the physical energy at their disposal, and carefully record the results as to the amount of weight lifted, length of time required, etc. Then give to the class some brief explanation of the power of mind over matter and over the physical constituents of the body, and ask them to exert the power of their will to the uttermost while repeating the same feats. It will be found that the lifting power of the members of the class, thus reinforced by intellectual effort and the power of the will, can be increased from one third to one half. I have seen a weak little woman under the control of a hypnotist display sufficient physical energy to overcome the concentrated efforts of four strong men to lift her from the floor or to move her from her place. I have seen her lift weights which could not be raised by two or three strong men. On another occasion I saw a weak boy carry the hypnotist, a man weighing over a hundred and seventy pounds, on his outstretched, unsupported arm. The hypnotist in these Cases was not reinforcing his subjects by his own muscular strength. Their greatly increased physical strength and stamina was entirely due to the power of his will, acting on their subconscious minds through hypnotic control. I have explained the nature of this phenomenon more fully in Chapter XXX, Vol. I. I do not mean by this to extol the practice of hypnotism, which is always destructive in its effect upon the mind and soul of the subject as well as of the hypnotist, but these phenomena give us a marvelous demonstration of the power of concentrated will over matter and over the physical organism. The cells and organs making up the great commonwealth of the human body should be under the complete control of mind and will. The cells, tissues and organs of the body are or should be physiologically and psychologically negative to the positive mind. In most people the normal polarity is reversed. Their minds and souls are negative and subjective to the constituents of the physical body. The slightest pain or discomfort fills their minds with fear and anxiety. There is no better method to establish normal polarity,the dominion of the conscious mind over the cells, tissues and organs of the body,than systematic psychological exercise. Such exercise does not depend so much upon physical exertion as upon the action of mind and will on the nerves and nerve centers which control physical activity. For instance, if the shutting and opening of the hands is intensified by mental effort and by the conscious exertion of the will, it will be of more benefit to the vitalizing of the muscular structures of the arm, as well as to the energizing of the brain and nerve centers concerned in the transaction, than the lifting of heavy weights which would unduly exercise the fleshy structures at the expense of the brain and nerve centers! Psychological exercise becomes still more valuable for the strengthening of

mental control over physical activity when the tensing of one part is accompanied by the relaxing of the companion part, for instance, when the tensing and bending of one arm is accompanied by simultaneous relaxation and unbending of the other arm. The same principle may be applied to all other companion parts of the body in so far as this is possible. The conscious tensing and relaxing exercises must be accompanied always by deep, rhythmic breathing. From the foregoing it becomes apparent that psychological exercise is one of the most important methods in the treatment of physical disease; for anything and everything that helps to normalize and energize the functions of the body remove the underlying causes of disease. Effects of Psychological Exercises on Mental and Psychical Ailments In the treatment of mental and psychical disorders, psychological exercise is of special importance and of wonderful efficacy in bringing about improvement and cure where in the nature of the case that is at all possible. In all mental and psychical derangements one of the primary manifestations is a weakening of reason, will and self control and the gradual loss of coordination between mental and physical activities and the increasing loss of control of the mind and will over the physical functions of the body. For the reasons before explained it becomes evident that there can be no better way to strengthen will power and self-control, to reestablish coordination of mental and physical functions and thereby to strengthen the control of mind and will over the body and indirectly in other directions, than by systematic psychological exercises. It is, therefore, one of the most important features in our institution in the treatment of mental, emotional and psychical diseases. Natural Exercise Regular outdoor work sufficient to produce good perspiration, where one is in closest touch with Mother Nature, is the best of all exercise for human beings. The work itself should be constructive to the extent that it provides some of the necessities of human life and calls forth the best instincts of human nature. There is none better than the tilling of the soil for the production of vegetables, fruits and flowers. Elimination through perspiration produced by vigorous outdoor work, bareheaded and barefooted,is best of all. Such natural activity should precede eating. Numerous experiments have demonstrated that perspiration resulting from actual work or play is far more effective in the elimination of morbid matter from the human body than perspiration induced by steam baths, hot air, electric light baths or other artificial contrivances. It is also true that actual outdoor exercise in the shape of work or play produces much better results than exercise taken with special apparatus in heated buildings. Next to the tilling of the soil, outdoor play is one of the best forms of exercise

such games as lawn tennis, golf, volley ball, football or baseball bring into activity the whole muscular system, provide the best possible exercise for the lungs, the heart and the vital organs, and at the same time call forth intense brain activity and concentration of mind by the competition and rivalry. Next to outdoor sport, the best natural form or exercise is walking. To attain the best results walks should be taken not alone but in company with some congenial companion. Select some objective point and make the walk vigorous and rapid, the arms swinging free from the shoulders, the breathing deep and vigorous, the carriage of the body erect. Now and then take a "chest lift". This is done while walking. Hold the entire body erect, draw in a breath; after a few seconds, without exhaling, draw in another and after a further interval of a few seconds, still another. After the third inhalation vigorously expel all the air. The object of this is to inflate the chest to its fullest capacity. Four or five miles are not too much for a good vigorous walk, although one or two miles a day may be all the average city dweller can afford. To get the best results from any form of exercise the clothing should be removed immediately afterward and a cold rub or cold sponge bath taken, followed by a brisk rub with a dry towel. This in turn should be followed by a few minutes rest or thorough relaxation in order to allow the system to resume its normal functions. Since a large proportion of people who live in cities find it absolutely impossible in their regular daily life to take natural exercise in the shape of work, play or walking, they must have some substitute in the way of indoor exercise. Many people believe that the chief object of exercise is to develop large muscles and unusual strength, and for that purpose all kinds of special apparatus, weights and various other contrivances have been devised and sold at fancy prices. Apparatus is entirely unnecessary for good physical development and for maintaining normal health. The leading authorities on physical culture agree that best results may be obtained by the simple exercises, resisting, tensing and relaxing, without the use of weights or special apparatus. Exercise in order to produce best results must be regular. Set aside a certain time each day for this purpose and adhere to it. The body becomes accustomed to duties of this kind, performed at regular times each day. The entire reserve force of the organism is brought into play at these times and great benefit is derived not only from the physical effects but also from the concentration of mind and will on the work in hand, and this will gradually extend to all other forms of physical and mental occupations. The following simple movements cover the whole range of psychological exercise. They may be modified or added to according to individual needs. The number of times each shall be done also depends upon individual conditions and requirements. Never hold the breath while exercising. At first continue the exercises until slight fatigue is felt. On an average fifteen to twenty times will be enough for each movement. As a final warning, remember that tensing in the sense used in these directions

does not mean straining. Tensing to the point of straining and exhaustion would be decidedly harmful. Psychological Exercises 1. Stand erect, hands on chest, extend arms forward with a jerk, horizontally from the shoulders, tensing all muscles at the end of the movement. This should be done at the rate of about one movement per second. 2. Same as No. 1, except that the arms are extended downwards at the sides full length. 3. Strike out from the shoulder alternately with each arm, aiming at some imaginary point in front of you. 4. Clinch the fist tightly and strike a vigorous Mow from the left hip towards the right ear and across the shoulders. Alternate with the right. As before, end the movement by tensing all muscles. 5. Stand erect, bring up the knees alternately as high as possible, stopping the movement by tensing all the muscles. 6. Stand erect, make a vigorous kick toward the front, first with the left and then with the right. Bring the leg to a sudden stop by tensing all the muscles. Extend the toes as far forward as possible when making the kick. The value of this exercise depends on the energy put into it. Do the same by kicking toward the rear. 7. (Fig. 12) Stand erect. Clinch the right fist, contract the arm, and bring the hand up under the right shoulder, raising the shoulder in the meantime as far as possible, and tensing all the muscles at the end of the stroke. Do this alternately with the left hand. While tensing one arm, relax the other. 8. (Figs. 13 a, b) Take an ordinary bath towel, grasp one end in the right hand, over the right shoulder, pass the left hand around below the waist and grasp the other end. Now raise the right arm to an extended position, resisting with the left arm Change to the left arm over the shoulder and the right arm down to the hips. The resistance must be continuous from the starting of the movement to the return to the first position. 9. (Fig. 14) Grasp one end of a Turkish towel with the right hand raised to the shoulder, and the other end with the left hand raised to the shoulder, the towel passing behind the neck. Extend the right arm full length, resisting with the left arm. Return to first position, continuing the resistance until the movement is ended. Repeat this exercise with the towel passing in front of the neck. 10. Stand erect, with both arms extended downward; tense the muscles of the upper forearm, hand extended, and raise the right hand to the shoulder, resisting the biceps muscles in the upper arm by the triceps muscles. Return to the original position, still tensing above muscles, at the same time raising the left arm to the

shoulder. 11. Extend the arms out to the sides in horizontal position, tense all the muscles of the arms and shoulders, and bring the arms down close to the body. Repeat. 12. (Fig. 15) Raise the arms high above the shoulders and a little backward, tense all the muscles, and circle the arms outward and down in front of the body, crossing the hands in front of the abdomen, as shown in cut. 13. (Figs. 16 a, b) Raise the hands straight above the head, inhaling a full breath; gradually assume a squatting position as close to the floor as you can get, with the arms down between the knees, the head bent over, and the diaphragm muscle contracted. This is for the purpose of expelling all the air from the lungs. 14. Stand erect, with arms high over the shoulders. Bend over and touch the floor in front of the feet with the hands, the feet remaining flat on the floor, and the knees stiff. On returning to upright position tense the muscles in the small of the back. 15. (Fig. 17) Stand erect, raise the right arm fully extended, swing it up over the head, bend the body as far as possible straight to the left, keeping both feet solid upon the floor; then swing the body as far as possible to the right, raising the left arm and lowering the right. Keep both feet solidly on the floor. Tense the muscles of the arms while doing the exercise. 16. (Fig. 18) Stand erect, place the hands on the hips, the feet firmly on the floor, as shown in cut. Twist the body slowly to the right and then slowly to the left. Do not move the feet. Tense the muscles of the back and abdomen at the extreme end of each movement, and turn the head as far as possible in the direction of each movement. 17. Lie flat upon the floor or upon a bed, arms extended above the head. Raise the arms and the head and shoulders as far as possible from the floor contracting or tensing the muscles of the abdomen. Relax, and lie again upon the floor. Raise the hollow of the back from the floor, drawing the hips up towards the shoulders, contracting or tensing the muscles of the back. 18. (Fig. 19) Lie flat upon the floor, arms extended above head. Now raise both feet up over the chest, tensing muscles of the abdomen. This exercise flay be made more strenuous by tensing the muscles of the legs and raising them up and down from five to ten times without touching the floor. Also extend the arms above the head and grasp an iron bedstead or any other apparatus available, with the hands; then raise the logs from the floor and gradually the hips, until the legs pass over and beyond the head. You may also swing the legs from one side to another or in circle. 19. Stand erect. Have the head well poised; bend it as far forward as possible till the chin touches the chest, and then as far backward as possible, without moving the body. Second, have the head well poised, and turn the head over to the right as far as

possible, endeavor to touch the shoulder, then to the left as far as possible. 20. (Fig. 20) Have the head well poised and turn it to the right and left alternately without moving the body. While doing this exercise tense the muscles of the neck, and if desired, you may resist the neck movements by either hand. 21. Stand erect, heels close together, raise the body on the toes as high as possible. Resume normal position, lift the feet, the heels remaining on the floor. Repeat this with the feet ten inches apart. Repeat again with the feet eighteen inches apart. 22. For cold feet sit upon a box or bench or chair high enough so that the feet swing clear of the floor; work the ankle joints vigorously, raising the ball of the foot as far as possible toward the knee, and then lowering it as far as possible. Do this for about one minute to begin with, and gradually increase to from two to five minutes. This will start the circulation of the blood in the feet. 23. (Fig. 21) Raise arms horizontally at sides, palms up. Contract right arm bringing fist toward head and turning the face toward it simultaneously, resisting biceps muscle with triceps muscle, left arm extended outward relaxed-reverse (see cut). 24. (Figs. 22 a, b) Hands on chest. Raise elbows up as high as possible and down again. Inhale while raising. Exhale while lowering. Then reverse. NATURAL TREATMENT FOR THE EYES The health of the eyes, as well as that of all other parts of the body, depends upon perfect nutrition, drainage and nerve supply. Diseases of the eyes, unless caused by external injury, excessive strain under inadequate light or by exposure to brilliant light, are due to constitutional conditions. The sensory organs do not weaken and become diseased unless there is something wrong with the three primary life requirements-nutrition, drainage and nerve supply. Most of the work of eye specialists, as long as they do not treat constitutional causes, is, therefore, not curative but symptomatic and suppressive. The delicate mechanism of the eye becomes easily obstructed with pathogenic encumbrances which cause interference with the free circulation of blood, lymph and nerve currents. Cataract is nothing but an infiltration of the lens with pathogenic materials. The same uric acid, oxalic acid and crystalloid earthy substances that form deposits in the rheumatic joints also accumulate in the lenses of the eyes and cause them to become milky and impervious to light. All the various forms of inflammations of the eye, if not caused by injury from without are due to pathogenic obstruction, like all other forms of inflammation in the body. The natural treatment of the eyes, therefore, aims to remove pathogenic encumbrances and to adjust the mechanical lesions or abnormalities in such a way as to establish perfect nutrition, drainage and nerve supply. This accomplished,

ailments of the eyes become a thing of the past and good sight may be maintained to the end of life. From the foregoing it follows that the treatment of the eyes must begin in the first place with the natural treatment of the body as a whole. This is accomplished by faithful adherence to the regimen for wholesome living outlined in Sec. I. This, with neurotherapy, has in many instances sufficed to cure serious chronic ailments of the eyes. Many people have come to us for the treatment of chronic constitutional disease, not expecting their weakened eyes to be especially benefited, believing this to be impossible. They were most pleasantly surprised when they found that together with constitutional improvement came also much better eyesight and keener hearing. But hand in hand with constitutional regeneration should also go special treatment of the eyes themselves. This consists in an adaptation of several important natural methods of treatment; namely, hydrotherapy, eye gymnastics and massage. In many cases it may be necessary to supplement this combination by neurotherapy in order to correct mechanical lesion and abnormalities in the spinal column and nerve tissues which may interfere with the blood and nerve supply of the eyes and with adequate drainage. 1. Water Treatment. For the eye bath the temperature of the water should be as cold as the sensitive eyeball can stand, but not cold enough to cause serious discomfort. A few grains of salt may be added to make the water slightly saline. a) Submerge forehead and eyes in a basin of water, open and close the lids under water from six to eight times. Repeat a few times. b) Fill a glass or aluminum eyecup (which can be bought in any drug store or department store) with water, bend the head forward and press the cup securely against the eye; then bend backward and open and shut the lid a number of times. c) Bend over a stream of water running from a faucet or over a large dish containing cold water of natural temperature as it comes from the hydrant or well; then scoop up the water in the hollow of the hands and throw it into the open eyes, at the same time move the eyeballs sideways in circular or up and down motion. This is done in order to permit the water to reach all parts of the eyeball equally. The cold bathing is continued until the eyes cease smarting and perfect reaction is established. This may require about a minute. 2. Massage and Vibratory Treatment. We have learned in other parts of these volumes that massage has very much the same effect upon the circulation of the blood, lymph and nerve currents as hydropathic treatment. It stirs up the pathogenic deposits in the tissues and actually squeezes them into the lymphatic and venous circulation, thus allowing a free inflow of the red arterial blood with its freight of life sustaining oxygen and other elements of nutrition. Like the cold water, it stimulates the flow of the sluggish, pathogen laden lymph and venous blood towards

the heart and the organs of elimination. Another very important effect of the massage of the eyes lies in the fact that it makes the eyeball more elastic and resilient, thereby correcting abnormal depressions and inequalities of the surface; in other words, it rounds the eyeball more perfectly. This is a simple and natural way of curing astigmatism, which the oculist tries to overcome by specially ground lenses. It is easily to be seen which of these methods is the more natural and rational. The one endeavors to overcome a symptom; the other removes the cause and actually corrects the abnormal condition. Both massage and hydropathic treatment, aside from their mechanical effects upon the circulation, nutrition and drainage, also arouse and stimulate the latent electromagnetic energy. This, together with a more liberal supply of alkaline mineral elements in food and drink, raises the positivity of the organism, which means greater vitality and recuperating power The best massage movements adapted for the eye treatment are the following: 3. Massage Movements. (a) Kneading. In order to execute this movement, press the eyeballs out of their sockets with the tip of one or two fingers of each hand. Continue this until the eyeballs have received a thorough kneading, as far back in the sockets as possible. You need not be afraid of injuring the eyes by this treatment unless you exert undue or excessive force. b) Vibrating. Vibrate the eyeball all over its surface as far as you can reach it, first with one, then with two and lastly with three fingersthe thumb, forefinger and middle finger brought to a point. The movement is executed by a quick vibratory motion of the hand in the wrist joint It may require some practice before perfect vibratory motion is attained, but when once acquired it is very beneficial for the purposes described in this treatise. After thoroughly vibrating the eyeball for about a minute, finish with the stroking movements. c) Stroking. This movement is executed by stroking the eyeball, first gently, then gradually more and more strongly, with one and later two finger tips. The stroking proceeds over the upper and lower lids from the inner corners of the eyes outward; then reverse and stroke from the outer corner of the eye in a half circular motion to the inner corner. These movements also are repeated from a dozen to two dozen times, according to the endurance and time available. The stroking is applied first gently and with gradually increasing pressure until the eyeball has become seemingly insensible. As before stated, none of these treatments, if executed with a little care and common sense, can possibly inflict any injury. Although the mechanism of the eye is very complicated and highly sensitive, it is at the same time very tough and resilient. Cures of serious eye troubles which are little short of miraculous have been effected by this simple treatment. If faithfully applied at least twice a day, or, if possible, in conjunction with the general regimen for natural living and with neurotherapy, it will do away in a great many cases with the necessity for the wearing of glasses, and will preserve excellent

eyesight under strenuous usage, even to extreme old age. 4. Eye Gymnastics. After the eyes have recovered sufficiently from the cold bathing, practice eye gymnastics. Stand erect, or if too weak assume a comfortable relaxed position in a chair, then move the eyes upwards and downwards, as far as the mobility of the eyeballs will permit, along an imaginary vertical line on the wall opposite you. Repeat this from twelve to twenty-four times. Then in like manner move the eyeballs as far as you can force them from right to left and left to right on an imaginary horizontal line in front of you on a level with your eyes. Move the eyeballs in similar manner diagonally from the highest point on the fight to the lowest point on the left, and then reverse. Finally roll the eyeballs in circular motion from fight to left and then from left to right. Each one of these movements should be repeated from twelve to twenty-four times, according to the time at your disposal. The special value of these eye exercises lies in the fact that the movements of the eyeball are regulated by four sets of muscle which pull the eyeball upward; downward, to the right and to the left. The ordinary use of the eyes in certain occupations such as reading, playing the piano, etc., may exercise the eye muscles unequally and thus overwork and strain some of them while others are weakened through lack of exercise. In time this is bound to result in unequal development of these muscles and in one-sided strain. This in turn results in unequal focusing of the eyes, which seriously interferes with normal vision. This is usually corrected by fitting lenses specially adapted for this purpose, but it is obvious that the better adjustment consists in equalizing the strength of the four muscles which control the movements of the eyeball. CONSTIPATION Constipation is characterized by sluggish action of the bowels For some reason the evacuation of waste matter from the colon has become difficult. Normally an individual should have a copious movement of the bowels once in twenty-four hours-twice is better. Constipation has become so common among people of civilized countries that this has been called "the age of constipation". At least three-fourths of the chronic patients that come to us for treatment, suffer from chronic constipation in its worst forms. Many of them tell us that they have not had a natural movement of the bowels for many years. This alone is sufficient to show that the ordinary methods of living and of treating human ailments are faulty and inadequate. While itself a form of disease, constipation becomes in turn one of the primary causes of other constitutional diseases. Inactivity of the eliminating organs, the skin, kidneys and bowels causes retention of waste and morbid matter which results An systemic poisoning or auto-intoxication. Any system of treatment which cannot restore the normal activity of the organs of depuration cannot accomplish anything

else. The medical treatment of constipation, consisting largely in the administration of laxatives and cathartics, gives only temporary relief and tends to benumb and paralyze the intestines more completely. This has been explained in Volume I, Chapter VII. All laxatives and purgatives are poisonous to the system or they would not produce their peculiar drastic effects. They do not act upon the system but the system acts upon the drugs. Being poisons, the organism tries to expel these enemies to health and life by copious excretions from the liver and from the walls of the intestines. This eventually produces an evacuation of the contents of the bowels, but every time such violent artificial stimulation is resorted to the liver and the membranous linings of the intestinal tract and the nerves which supply them, become more benumbed and inactive. This progressive atrophy is revealed in the iris by the darkening of liver and digestive areas, located directly around the pupil. As constipation becomes more stubborn, this region becomes darker, with brown discolorations, turning gradually black in places. In cases of serious atrophy of the membranes, the intestinal area presents a uniform black appearance. We find this frequently in people who have habitually used calomel or have taken other mercurial treatment. Quinin and the derivatives of opium also have a very paralyzing effect upon the digestive tract. The acute catarrhal conditions characterized by frequent purging are indicated in the iris by white signs in the intestinal area. Other causes of constipation are (1) congestion of the liver, causing deficient or abnormal secretion of bile; (2) interference with the blood supply of the intestines, causing insufficient secretion of mucous, thus reducing lubrication and causing excessive dryness of fecal matter. (3) interference with the motor nerve supply to the muscular walls of the intestines (partial paralysis) thus reducing the peristaltic action of the intestines, which in turn causes stagnation and fermentation of fecal matter; (4) spasm of the sphincter muscles of the rectum, inhibiting the act of evacuation; (5) mechanical pressure upon the intestines by new growths, tumors or adhesions. Chronic constipation is usually preceded by periods of diarrhea. Hyperactivity, due to excessive stimulation, is always followed by corresponding weakness and gradual atrophy. The ordinary high protein and starchy diet produces, as we have learned, excessive amounts of poisonous acids, ptomains, alkaloids, xanthins (collectively called pathogen). These morbid materials are powerful stimulants. Their effects are frequently mistaken for increased vigor, as in the case of meat and coffee poisons. They over irritate and over stimulate the liver and the membranes of the intestines, causing an excessive flow of secretions and increased peristaltic action of the bowels. This results at times, when the digestive organs become clogged with pathogenic matter, in periodic diarrheas. This is the rule during infancy and youth. Gradually, however, continual irritation and over stimulation, with the attendant purging, changes, in accordance with the laws of action and reaction, into the opposite condition of chronic constipation which is aggravated and made more stubborn by the use of laxatives and cathartics. Constant clogging of the liver with the morbid by products of a high protein and starchy diet leaves that organ in a congested and inactive condition. This interferes with the secretion of bile which in turn causes dryness of the contents of the bowels

and deprives them of the lubricants necessary for easy evacuation of the feces. Continual over irritation and over stimulation resulting from pathogenic poisoning also benumbs and paralyzes the motor nerves which supply the muscular walls of the intestines, resulting in partial paralysis and diminished peristaltic action. This is aggravated by the continual intake of food materials deficient in cellulose and woody fiber, such as white flour products and polished rice. The hulls of cereals, which act as natural stimulants to the peristaltic action of the bowels, are removed in the modern "refining" milling process. The particles of hull in whole grain meals serve to keep the starchy parts of the cereals from coagulating into lumpy masses and thus facilitate the penetration of the digestive juices into the starchy mass. It is for this reason that the followers of nature cure have always advocated the use of whole grain foods and the liberal consumption of fruits and vegetables whose fibrous waste serves as scouring material for the intestinal tract and as a natural stimulant for peristaltic action. Spasm of the sphincter muscles of the anus, or spasm of the rectum, is usually caused by long continued over irritation with systemic poison or by the paralyzing effect of drug poisons. Many such cases I have traced back to suppression of gonorrhea or hemorrhoids. Such chronic paralysis and inhibition must be overcome through general constitutional treatment, cold tonic sitz baths and tonic manipulative treatment. Mechanical pressure upon and resulting obstruction of the intestines caused by tumors, new growths or adhesions must be removed through absorption of the abnormal growths and adhesions by natural living and treatment, with strict vegetarian diet and occasional fasting periods. Hydrotherapy and manipulative treatment are necessary to achieve satisfactory results. Such deep seated chronic conditions, therefore, require systematic institutional treatment. Mental and emotional conditions exert a powerful influence upon the alimentary tract. Certain emotions have a benumbing, others a stimulating effect upon the secretions and the peristaltic action of the bowels. A few days ago I read about certain experiments made with living animals. X-ray pictures were taken of a healthy cat whose peristaltic movements were normally active. The animal was suddenly confronted with an angry dog barking at her fiercely. Instantly, as the hair on her body and her tail went up as the result of sudden fright and anger, the peristaltic action of the stomach and bowels ceased entirely and did not revive until the animal had thoroughly recovered from its emotional excitement. It also has been proved by experiments on living animals that sudden emotional excitement stops the secretion of the gastric and pancreatic juices. The nature and treatment of nervous, mental and emotional disorders is fully discussed in Section XXIX, No.3, p.258. The most remarkable case of constipation that has come under my observation was that of a woman suffering from a severe attack of appendicitis and general peritonitis. She had been under Christian Science treatment for six days, her condition in the meantime becoming more aggravated until she was in a dying condition Cold water compresses and manipulative treatment relieved her intense suffering almost instantly. We tried to empty the colon by repeated flushings, but without success. The bowels did not move for twenty eight days, then they moved

naturally without artificial aid. From that time on the patient made a rapid and perfect recovery. During the four weeks she had received no food whatsoever. The usual hydropathic and manipulative treatment controlled the fever and gradually revived the peristaltic action of the paralyzed intestines. Eating at any time during the period of constipation would have meant sure death. As before stated, habitual constipation means not only deficient elimination but also reabsorption of toxins from the putrefying materials in the intestinal canal, especially in the descending colon and rectum. Appendicitis is practically always preceded by an inactive, atrophic condition of the intestines, which favors the accumulation of fecal matter in the cecum and descending colon, which in turn leads to inflammation of the cecum and appendix. The causes and treatment of appendicitis have been fully described in Volume 1, Chapter XIIL In the urine of people suffering from chronic constipation we usually find considerable amounts of indican, a poisonous ptomain which forms in putrefactive processes in the intestines. This is absorbed into the general circulation and partially eliminated through the kidneys. In like manner many other alkaloids of putrefaction are absorbed from the stagnant, putrefying materials in the sluggish intestines, causing headache, nervousness, muscular fatigue, sluggish mentality and many other ailments. Arteriosclerosis, Bright's disease, diabetes and premature old age are caused or aggravated by the continual absorption of intestinal toxins. Post mortem examinations often show the lining membranes of the colon, cecum and of certain parts of the small intestines covered with adhesive, puttylike fecal materials. Such a clogged condition of the intestinal membranes interferes with assimilation 'as well as with elimination. This leaves the blood in an impoverished condition and overcharged with systemic poisons, causing on the one hand, nerve starvation and, on the other hand, nerve poisoning. This condition of the intestines is revealed in the iris by a darkening and brown discoloration of the digestive area and by the lymphatic rosary. Frequently when I tell patients that their intestinal tract is in a clogged and atrophic condition, they seem surprised, saying there is nothing the matter with their bowels because they move regularly. This, however, is not evidence that the bowels are in a normal condition or that the individual is free from intestinal autointoxication. As before explained the intestines, particularly the colon down as far as the sigmoid flexure, may be encrusted with adhesive fecal matter, leaving a clear way in the center for the passage of recently formed waste products. In such cases it is necessary to resort to measures which are somewhat drastic in order to quickly and thoroughly cleanse the colon. 1. Treatment. It must be understood that the first requisite in the treatment of any disorder, and especially of constipation, is a change of diet. The diet for an individual suffering with constipation must be of such a nature as to preclude the possibility of the formation of toxins and at the same time to assist in the removal of

morbid accumulations from the alimentary tract. Finally, the diet must contain the positive mineral elements necessary to neutralize the negative pathogenic substances in the circulation and in the tissues of the body. Meat, coffee, fermented cheese, fried foods, white bread, pastry and all other white flour products must be strictly avoided, as also the habitual use of condiments, spices and white sugar. A raw food diet, rich in fruit and vegetables, low in proteins, starches and fats; is best adapted to quickly bring about the desired results. All kinds of fruit, fruit juices and leafy, juicy vegetables are of the utmost value, but a mixture of many at one meal is not advisable. Salads, consisting of lettuce or other leafy vegetables, and raw carrots, turnips, parsnips, celery, young onions and radishes, with a dressing of lemon juice and olive oil, should form the basis of the diet. Bran biscuit, health bread, steamed wheat (Sec. X, No.3), dates, figs, raisins, grapes, acid and sub-acid fruits and berries will furnish sufficient nourishment and will serve to stimulate the peristaltic action of the bowels. 2. A Sample Diet. Breakfast, any kind of acid or sub-acid fruit or berries. Luncheon, raw vegetable salads with dressing of lemon juice and olive oil; dates, raisins and a small amount of either whole wheat bread, bran biscuit, shredded wheat or whole steamed wheat. Dinner, raw vegetable relishes and salad of green, leafy vegetables with raw grated carrots or turnips; a cooked leafy vegetable such as spinach, cabbage or Swiss chard; one potato, or in place of it a slice of whole grain bread; some sweet, alkaline fruit for dessert; buttermilk or yogurt. Fruit juices, either pure or dilute, may be taken between meals. This diet should be followed for two or three weeks. 3. A Natural Laxative. The treatment of constipation may begin by taking a mixture of bran, agar-agar and flaxseed to be used two or three nights in succession in the following proportions: Mix two tablespoonfuls of bran, one tablespoonful of agar-agar and one tablespoonful of flaxseed. This must be eaten dry before retiring. In order to soften and to remove old hard fecal encrustations from the colon a few colon flushings may be taken at the beginning of the treatment. Descriptions of colon flushing and of the necessary apparatus, posture, etc., are given in Sec. XVIII, No.7. While it is permissible to resort to a few thorough colon flushings at the beginning of the treatment, I am strongly opposed to the habitual use of enemas. This is bound to result in greater weakness and atrophy of the intestines. Filling the lower part of the intestinal tract habitually with large amounts of warm water not only dilates the already weakened intestinal wall but takes away the natural impetus to secretion. In other words, as the popular expression goes, "the more you flush, the more lazy the bowels become". I have met many victims of this weakening practice who assured me that the longer they used the "rubber doctor" the more relaxed and weakened the intestines became and the more they suffered from indigestion, fermentation, gas formation and the effects of systemic poisoning. Therefore we resort to colon flushing only as a "crutch" in the beginning of treatment until the intestines become alive and active under natural diet and treatment. We advise patients to resort to flushing only when

it becomes absolutely necessary. In that way they learn to take enemas at increasingly long intervals, forcing Nature to do the work in the natural way. Natural evacuation will be hastened and facilitated by going to the stool at certain stated times. 4. Hydrotherapy for Constipation. A cold sits bath should be taken every evening (with the usual restrictions for women). It has a splendid cooling and relaxing effect upon the abdominal organs. (Sec XIII, No. 13) The abdominal bandage has all effect similar to that of the sits bath. It is cooling and relaxing, thus relieving the overheated condition of the intestines. 5. Exercises. The best exercises for overcoming constipation are those which bring the abdominal muscles into play. (Sec. XXI, No. 16 and Sec. XXIII, Nos. 6, 7, 8, 9, 14, 23) Aside from these special exercises, brisk walks in the fresh air have a splendid tonic effect upon the muscular apparatus of the digestive tract. 6. Massage. In stubborn chronic cases abdominal massage is absolutely necessary to attain speedy and satisfactory results. (Sec. XVIII, No. 1) 7. Neurotherapy. If lesions are present in that region of the spine which gives rise to nerves that supply the intestines, no permanent results can be expected until these lesions are corrected. 8. Orificial Dilatation is one of the most effective methods for the treatment of chronic constipation. It is fully described under Sec. XXVIII HEADACHE Headache is usually but a symptom of disease Somewhere in the body, though it may be due to local irritation by systemic or drug poisons. Diseased conditions and infiltration anywhere in the system are telegraphed to headquarters in the brain and there manifest in the form of venous symptoms, the most frequent of which is headache. Sometimes it is caused by defects of vision, or eye strain and may be alleviated by properly fitted glasses. This, however, cannot take the place of removing constitutional causes. Frequently the wearing of "eye crutches" prevents the locating and removal of the underlying causes and thus condemns the individual to the life long use of glasses, to constantly weakening eyesight and to chronic constitutional disease. One of the most common causes of headache, as well as of eye trouble, is uric acid or pathogen poisoning. This has been fully described in Vol I, chap. XXIX. A typical uric acid headache is migraine or one sided headache, particularly annoying in the morning when the blood is loaded with pathogenic materials. 1. Bilious or Sick Headaches. Another common type is the so-called bilious headache. While usually attributed to an inactive liver, it may be caused in various wars. Pathogenic clogging of the liver will interfere with the elimination of bile products; these will remain in the circulation and cause general symptoms of

biliousness, jaundice, nausea, vomiting and headache. Pathogenic obstruction may be due to overeating, to the excessive intake of starchy, protein and fatty food, and to a deficiency of fruits and vegetables in the diet; or the discharge of the bile may be obstructed by sticky, colloid accumulations in the gall bladder and bile duct. In other cases the bile duct is contracted and obstructed through inflammation in the duodenum. Anything that interferes with bile formation in the liver or its discharge from the gall bladder or bile duct, not only causes surging back of the bile into the general circulation but also a deficiency of it in the intestinal tract, which in turn gives rise to acidity of the intestinal contents, indigestion, constipation, fermentation and gas formation. This intestinal toxemia is reflected to the brain in the form of congestion and headache, and favors the formation of emboli (obstructive plugs) and the development of apoplectic strokes. Anything that tends to cause constipation and thereby intestinal toxemia or auto intoxication will also help to produce acute or chronic headaches. The treatment for constipation is explained under Sec. XXVI, and also under Sec. XXVIII Orificial Treatment. The headaches so far described are of the congestive type, characterized by excessive blood pressure to the brain. Anything that tends to raise the blood pressure will therefore create or aggravate these ailments. A common cause is pathogenic obstruction in the capillary circulation, which results in active congestion in the internal organs and the brain; or pathogenic obstruction in the lymphatic or venous drainage which interferes with the flow of the blood from the brain and thus causes passive congestion. The foregoing remarks explain the effectiveness of a simple manipulative treatment which any layman can apply. The neck stretching movement is illustrated in Fig. 23a. The subject assumes a sitting position. The operator stands on either side, applies the thumb and the first and second fingers of one hand firmly to the base of the skull, while with the other hand under the jaw he lifts the head and stretches the neck gently but firmly upward and backward. The stretching should continue from thirty to sixty seconds. This movement kinks the arteries and straightens and drains the veins, thus relieving the congestion in the brain. After slowly releasing the pressure, the operator firmly strokes the neck downward along the course of the main arteries and veins, on both sides. The stretching should be followed by a magnetic treatment. The operator takes the head of the patient between his hands and with his thumbs stretches the skin of the forehead outward, half a dozen to a dozen times, and then makes the regular magnetic strokes from the forehead downward and outward along the neck and arms. The various forms of magnetic treatment are fully described in Chap. XXXIV, Vol. I. The operator while giving the manipulative and magnetic treatment must combine with these the right mental and psychical attitude as described in the chapter just referred to. If one of these combination treatments does not bring the desired result, it may be repeated if the attention of the subject can be temporarily distracted from his ailment so much the better. After an interval of five or ten minutes his headache

will usually have disappeared. 2. Anemic Headache. This type of headache is caused either by great impoverishment in the quality of the blood or a deficiency of it in the brain. This condition frequently obtains in cases of anemia, leukemia, pernicious anemia, or where the flow of the blood to the brain is interfered with by a tumor, aneurysm or other mechanical obstruction. While the congestive headache has violent, throbbing, paroxysmal pains, the anemic headache is accompanied by extreme dullness and lassitude. The former is characterized by heat and redness of the face, the latter by coldness, clamminess and pallor. The manipulative treatment for the anemia headache is similar to the other. The hands are applied to the nape of the fleck and under the jaw in the same manner, but instead of stretching the neck upward and backward, it is stretched upward and forward (Fig. 23b) This movement kinks the veins and straightens the arteries,thus allowing a greater flow of blood to the brain. The magnetic, mental and psychic treatments are the same in either case. In all types of headaches the dietetic treatment must build up the blood on a natural basis and eliminate pathogenic encumbrances. The various regimens for this purpose have been given under Secs. I and X. In headaches of the congestive type, fasting is of particular value. If the trouble is caused by indigestion, biliousness and a fetid condition of the stomach, copious draughts of water as warm as it can be swallowed sometimes gives quick relief. If the "warm water flushing" causes vomiting, so much the better. 3. Nervous headaches may be caused by sudden fear, shock, excessive worry or anxiety. The preventive and curative treatment is given under "Nervous, Mental and Emotional Disorders." But even for nervous headaches constitutional treatment is essential. Persons in perfect physical condition are not likely to suffer from nervous, mental or emotional disorders of any kind. 4. Mechanical Lesions. In many instances headaches are caused by the impingement of luxated bones or strained muscles or ligaments on blood vessels or nerves supplying the brain or eyes. Luxation of the atlas, the topmost bone of the spinal column which carries the skull, frequently gives rise to this sort of headache. Luxations of one or more of the cervical vertebrae may have a similar effect. Such mechanical lesions must be corrected by manipulative (neurotherapy) treatment. 5. Drug Poisons. The most obstinate and severe types of chronic headaches are caused by drug poisoning. Nature has made ample provision for the elimination of systemic waste, but she never intended that the many forms of powerful poisons given under the guise of medicines, tonics and stimulants should enter human bodies. Therefore the organs of depuration have not been constructed for the elimination of these poisons. They accumulate in the system in certain parts and organs for which they exhibit special affinity, and there become the source of constant irritation, frequently of actual destruction. Through diagnosis from the iris we have traced hundreds of cases of stubborn chronic headache to the action of powerful drug poisons in the brain itself or in other organs. Many such cases have

been described and illustrated in Iridiagnosis, Vol. VI of this series. The only way to overcome such headaches is to remove the poisonous irritants and stop their destructive effects by thorough systematic natural treatment as outlined under the sections dealing with chronic diseases. ORIFICIAL TREATMENT The following principles underlie the various methods of orificial treatment. a) All the involuntary functions of the body such as circulation, respiration, digestion, secretion, elimination, etc., are under the control of the sympathetic nervous system. b) Each of the pelvic outlets of the body is guarded by two sphincter or circular muscle bands. The lower (external) sphincter is under control of the will and is supplied by the cerebrospinal nervous system. The upper (internal) sphincter is not under control of the will and receives its nerve supply from the sympathetic nervous system. In this way a most important connection is established between these two nervous systems. c) Over tension of these sphincter muscles produces impingement of the sympathetic nerve endings, thus lowering the vitality by exhausting the sympathetic nerve force, "on the same principle that electric energy is wasted by pressure on the button which rings the bell." In time such spastic contraction results in hypertrophy and atrophy. d) By dilating the abnormally tensed outlets, this irritation of the sympathetic nervous system is relieved. Thereby nervous energy is economized, undue tension removed and functional activity of all the internal organs enhanced. e) Dilatation of the sphincters of the orifices relaxes the vasomotor nervous system, which is under the control of the sympathetic, and thereby causes a widening and well marked flushing of the capillaries over the entire body thus aiding metabolism, oxidation and elimination of tissue waste and promoting the repair of diseased or injured tissues. Orificial surgery, as the name implies, in order to relax contraction of the sphincter muscles of the body relies to a large extent upon surgical treatment. This, however, is not natural treatment. We avoid wherever possible any and all mutilations of tissues and organs because these are always followed by more or less harmful after effects. Surgical treatment usually means serious injury to nerves, blood vessels, muscles, ligaments, and the formation of scar tissue or adhesions which, in turn, may cause impingement and interference with normal functions. From our viewpoint such surgical mutilations are not only harmful but in most cases absolutely superfluous, because in natural methods of treatment we possess the means for relaxing abnormal contraction of tissues in any part of the body. In the following I shall describe the most common lesions of this character and their

natural treatment. 1. Phimosis. Frequently the foreskin or prepuce of the penis of a male child or of an adult is so tightly contracted around the head or glans of the organ that it cannot be retracted. Sometimes the opening of the foreskin is constricted to the size of a pinhead, causing interference with the free discharge of the urine. Smegma, a sebaceous secretion of the glans of the penis, may accumulate under the tightly adherent foreskin and cause irritation, which frequently results in serious affections of the nervous system. The intolerable itching caused by such irritation not infrequently leads to masturbation. The remedy of the orificial surgeon, as well as of the medical profession in general, consists of circumcision, that is, complete surgical removal of the foreskin. I have never been able to conceive of a valid reason for this barbarous practice, which always means mutilation of one of the most highly sensitive nerve centers of the body. It is a fact well known to nature cure physicians that cooling applications in the forms of sitz bath or friction bath have a cooling and relaxing effect upon all the abdominal organs, indicating that there must be intimate nerve connection through the sympathetic and cerebrospinal nerves between the internal organs and the glans penis and prepuce. Mutilation of the sexual organs seems inexcusable when there are natural ways of attaining the desired results. In the majority of eases all that is necessary is to lave the head of the penis with cold water for a few minutes in Order to produce partial anesthesia, and then to exert gentle backward traction on the foreskin. This treatment usually succeeds in from two to ten days in loosening and drawing back the foreskin. If the constriction be so severe that traction does not succeed in overcoming it, or if the prepuce is adherent to the glans penis, a probe may be employed to loosen it or a small penile syringe may be inserted within the orifice of the foreskin so that water may be forced into the cavity between the glans and foreskin. Drawing the prepuce over the end of the syringe, an injection is made of warm water mixed with a little castile soap. This should be followed by two or three injections of clear warm water. This procedure not only removes fetid accumulations but also separates and dilates the adherent foreskin without irritation or injury to the parts. It expands the prepuce with an all around even pressure. This treatment also should be followed by gentle backward traction. Among several hundred cases thus treated I found only two which demanded surgical treatment, because the prepuce had grown so fast to the glans penis that it could not be removed by the natural treatment. 2. Paraphimosis. Paraphimosis results when the contracted prepuce yields to traction or slips back of its own accord, causing strangulation of the neck of the penis back of the corona. This results in compression of the urethra, retention of urine, and in shutting off the circulation in the extremity of the organ. The gland becomes congested and inflamed, and the foreskin is swollen with serous exudates. In order to prevent ulceration and sloughing of the parts, the foreskin must be brought forward over the glans penis without delay. I have always succeeded in accomplishing this by cooling water applications and absorbent packs followed by

gentle dilatation and forward pulling of the constricted prepuce. In no case was it necessary to resort to surgical treatment. 3. Hooded Clitoris. The clitoris of the female corresponds anatomically and sexually to the penis of the male. It is a small erectile organ concealed beneath the labia minora, just in front of the urethra. The free extremity of this organ (glans clitoridis) is a small round tubercle of spongy erectile tissue and highly sensitive. This protuberance is not infrequently covered by a membrane under which secretions may accumulate as under the adherent male prepuce, resulting in nervous irritation. Many serious nervous ailments have been traced to this cause. The natural treatment here, also, consists in cooling applications and gentle backward traction or in loosening the skin with a probe. As a rule the difficulty is overcome more easily than in phimosis. In rare instances where the covering membrane is so tough and tightly adherent that it will not yield to the natural treatment, a small v shaped incision may have to be made in order to free the organ. 4. Dilatation of the Lower Orifices of the Body. The sex organs, as well as the entire system, receive their influx of life force through the sympathetic. The tonicity of the sexual organs therefore depends upon the integrity of that part of the sympathetic which supplies the pelvic organs. Since the secretions of the ductless glands of the sex organs exert a profound influence upon the tonicity of the organism in general, it will be seen how important it is that the sympathetic nerve supply to these organs be not interfered with in any way. Such interference results when the genito-urinary organs are either in an over irritated or atrophic condition. Irritation of the urethra or prostate gland by acute or subacute inflammatory processes causes sexual hyperactivity and a great waste of nervous energy and, through the ramifications of the sympathetic, it produces by reflex action nervous irritation in neighboring or even the most distant parts of the body. Excessive irritation of the genital organs or the rectum, communicated to the vasomotor centers, may cause constriction of the blood vessels and thereby congestion, pathogenic obstruction and inflammation in nearby or distant parts of the body predisposed to these conditions. On the other hand, sexual weakness or atony diminishes the secretions of the sex glands, benumbs the nervous activities and retards heart action and circulation. Aside from excessive drainage of the sex fluids nothing else produces these debilitating effects upon the system like permanent contraction and hypertrophy of the rectal sphincters and of the tissues of the penis and the prostate gland. Such contraction may be the result of long continued irritation and hyperactivity due to excessive indulgence or self abuse, or it may be caused by gonorrheal inflammation, irritating drug poisons, or by long continued constipation with its deadening effects upon the sphincter ani. The expenditure of nerve force is reduced to a minimum through complete rest and relaxation and its expenditure through voluntary activities ceases entirely during sleep, sound sleep, as is indicated by the disappearance of the aura. Anything which causes abnormal irritation, while awake or asleep, involves unnecessary expenditure. At this point it may be well to enumerate the various causes of nerve waste

described in this chapter and in connection with other subjects. a) Acute and subacute inflammatory processes affecting any part of the sympathetic or cerebrospinal system. b) Roughened surfaces of internal membranes, especially at the orifices, fissures, papillae, piles, incipient tumors and other adventitious tissues (new growths) in the rectum, genito-urinary organs or in any other part of the body. c) Nerve irritation caused by luxated vertebrae or other bony structures (chiropractic theory), or by impingement of connective tissues on nerve matter (naprapathic theory) d) Nerve irritation due to discordant and destructive mental and emotional activities such as impatience, irritability, fear, worry, anxiety, anger, rage, fury, jealousy, self pity, as described in Section XXIX of this volume. Nervous irritation from any of these causes if continued for a long enough time will result in atony, hypertrophy and atrophy of connective tissue and nerve matter, which in turn results in obstruction to the inflow of vital energy and its distribution through the organism. Acute and subacute irritation are indicated in the iris by white nerve rings; atony and atrophy by black nerve rings, as explained in Iridiagnosis, page 57 5. How to Stop the Leaks. Aside from the ordinary natural methods of living and of treatment there is nothing more effective for the relaxation and invigoration of the lower intestinal tube and of the sex organs than dilatation of the rectal sphincters, male urethra, and of the sphincter muscles of the vulvae, vagina and uterus. Alternating compression and relaxation of the sphincters of these orifices has a wonderful relaxing and tonic effect upon the organs themselves and upon the entire organism. It relieves abnormal tension and thereby allows a more copious inflow of vital energy through the sympathetic and prevents its waste through continual irritation while waking and sleeping. This restores the normal tonicity of the rectum and of the sex organs, which in turn insures normal evacuation of feces and urine, increased secretion of the ductless glands, and greater activity of all the vital functions of the organism, physical as well as mental and psychical. Manual or mechanical dilatation of the lower orifices of the body is more invigorating than any medical tonic or stimulant, without producing deleterious after effects. It is a splendid means for reviving persons suffering from fainting fits, anesthesia, epileptic seizures, from opium or other poisoning, and from asphyxiation or drowning. Rectal dilatation is a splendid aid to promote recuperation from serious acute diseases, and to start the normal breath of the newborn infant. A writer on orificial surgery discusses diseases of the lower intestinal canal as follows: "Diseases of the lower portion of the intestinal canal are exceedingly common.

There is probably no one organ or locality of the human body so subject to a variety and complexity of diseased conditions as this. "Experience and observation for many years have convinced us of the fact that rectal diseases are the foundation and cause of very many other grave forms of chronic disease which it is impossible to cure so long as the rectal lesion holds. Very many serious uterine affections that baffle the skill of the practitioner, are thus obstinate because he has failed to discover or cure the rectal complications. "We have no doubt but what many cases of mental aberration are caused by lesions of the intestinal canal and especially of the rectum." 6. Contraction of the Sphincters of the Rectum. This condition interferes seriously with the evacuation of the feces; it frequently results in stubborn constipation, reabsorption of toxic materials from the lower sections of the intestinal canal and in all the evils of autointoxication. Causes of Tight Sphincters 7. Reflex Irritation. In many instances over tension of the sphincter muscles is due to reflex irritation associated with disturbances of the rectum, uterus, urethra, prostate, bladder, etc., caused by acute or chronic inflammation, tumors, hemorrhoids, fissures, rectal pockets which retain fecal matter, etc. In discussing the effects of rectal pockets and papillae, Dr. Pratt states that they "induce sexual over activity, disturb colonic peristalsis and lower vitality by inducing chronic over tension of the internal sphincter and shallowing respiration, inviting stomach, heart, lung and head troubles, as well as interfering with capillary circulation throughout the body." Granting that artificial dilatation will beneficially influence these conditions by relieving nervous irritation, the fact remains that the tightening of sphincters is a symptom, not a primary cause of the condition, and these primary manifestations of disease must be removed by natural methods of treatment. 8. Technique of Rectal Dilatation. Alternating compression and dilatation of the sphincter and of the ganglion impar situated on the internal convexity of the coccyx, and of the sympathetic nerves which radiate from it to the lower part of the rectum and the pelvic organs, is best produced by manual treatment. The operator inserts the forefinger as deeply as possible and exerts firm pressure on the internal sphincter. The degree of pressure necessary to obtain the best results can be regulated much better by manual treatment than by a mechanical instrument. It offers the only means of forcing back into normal position the bent coccyx which frequently causes pressure on the rectum and ganglion impar, or tension of muscles and ligaments attached to the coccyx, which may result in spastic contraction of the rectum and the most stubborn constipation. A rubber glove is worn while giving the treatment. 9. Mechanical Dilatation. Several types of rectal dilators are on the market for the use of the laity. The results of such home treatment are not always satisfactory because rectal dilatation requires the skill of a physician who can judge the degree of

dilatation necessary in each case, the length of each treatment and the frequency with which it should be repeated. It is essential that the internal sphincter should be dilated without exerting undue force on the external sphincter. When this has been accomplished the speculum is withdrawn without closing it so as to dilate the external sphincter from within outward, thereby imitating Nature's way of evacuating the feces which produces natural dilatation of the sphincter ani with its tonic effects upon the system. 10. How to Use Rectal Dilators. Dilators made of hard rubber, wood or glass may be procured in any drug store. They come in sets of four. One should begin with the largest size consistent with comfort. The dilator should be lubricated with clean olive oil, vegetable oil or pure castile soap. The size of the dilator to be employed depends upon the size and relaxability of the sphincters; the length of time it is allowed to remain should be determined by the individual condition and the amount of reaction to be desired. Respiration and capillary circulation are more profoundly stimulated by rectal dilatation than by the treatment of the genito-urinary orifices. The instrument is gently passed well into the rectum, as far as the flange or rim will admit it. The flange prevents the dilator from slipping in too far. The best position for the patient to assume is lying on the side with the knees drawn up. Hold the dilator in place a few moments, until the inner sphincter closes tightly around it. Then it will be retained. It may remain in position from ten minutes to half an hour, or as long as one or two hours. The dilator may be inserted either on retiring at night or on waking in the morning, or at any other convenient time during the day. In case of obstinate constipation it should be inserted after waking in the morning and retained about half an hour or more. This usually induces a natural bowel movement. If used at night it will promote natural, refreshing sleep. The patient should go to sleep if possible and not lie awake to time himself, as no harm can result if the dilator be retained all night. Dilatation may be repeated daily, every second day or a few times a week, according to individual needs. Since it has taken years of wrong living, neglect and abuse by drugs, to create the chronic conditions, results cannot be expected within a few days or weeks. While some stubborn cases show improvement at once, others require time and patience. As before stated, in order to attain quickest and best results the mechanical treatment must always go hand in hand with the general natural regimen and neurotherapy. By improving the nerve and blood supply and by establishing better drainage, rectal dilatation will not only help to overcome stubborn constipation but also promote the absorption of piles, fissures, rectal pockets, papillae and other abnormalities. More efficacious and safer than the ordinary rectal plug are instruments especially devised for this purpose, in the hands of the trained physician or nurse. Best adapted are the rectal speculum or instruments of similar construction. 11. Dilatation of the Sphincters and Tubes of the Genital Organs. One of the

common causes of sexual weakness or complete impotence, as already explained, lies in contraction, hypertrophy and atrophy of the sphincters of the rectum. These conditions curtail the inflow of vital energy into the sexual organs and obstruct the blood supply to the erectile tissues of the penis or the clitoris. Similar effects upon the sex functions result from contraction and strictures of the tissues of the penis and prostate glands. Aside from rectal dilatation, the passing of graded steel sounds, either cold or at blood heat temperature, is the best remedy for correcting the abnormalities just described. Sounds, as well as rectal plugs, have both local and general effects upon the circulation and the nervous conditions of the system. In case of excessive irritability and abnormal sexual excitation leading to involuntary emissions and masturbation, the mere introduction and removal of a warm sound will immediately reduce the hyperthesia and restore the sympathetic to its normal tone. Where excessive irritability has become chronic the treatment must be repeated daily or a few times a week until the desired results are obtained. In states of sexual weakness or impotency, which may result in a sluggish, indolent condition of the entire organism and in physical and mental debility, it may be best to leave a warm sound in position for from a few minutes to one or two hours, and to follow this with the introduction of a cold sound which should be left in position not longer than a few minutes. This treatment may be repeated once, twice, or in stubborn cases, three times a week, until normal tonicity of the sex organs and of the system in general has been restored or at least greatly improved. No routine rules for the use of sounds can be prescribed; the treatment must be adapted to individual conditions. The treatment is very beneficial for the cure of gleet and strictures. It is equally as serviceable in spastic contractions of the urethra and prostate as in relaxed and flabby conditions of these organs. In order to insure good results from the passing of steel sounds for any purpose whatsoever they should be made to pass as far as the interior of the bladder. Their good effects locally and constitutionally depend on their action upon the prostatic inch of the urethra. 12. Dilatation of the Sphincters of the Female Organs. Dilatation applied to these parts is beneficial to relieve irritation and contraction as well as abnormal relaxation and atony. In other words, it is effective for the cure of spastic contraction as well as for atony, atrophy and paralysis. The former conditions of the vulvae, vagina and uterus occur most frequently in unmarried women and in those of the married who have never borne children. Abnormal relaxation of the parts is frequently the result of sclerosis of the spinal cord, of tubercular processes and of excessive strain in delivery. The various parts of the female sexual apparatus are so closely related and associated in construction and function that tension or relaxation in one part affects the other parts as well. Undue tension of the vagina may be overcome by careful dilatation with the rectal bivalve, but care must be taken not to injure the vaginal walls, as this might have a tendency to aggravate rather than to relieve the abnormal irritation and contraction of the parts. Dilatation of the uterus is accomplished in

similar manner as that of the male urethra by the insertion of graded steel sounds; first smaller, then larger sizes are employed until resistance increases sufficiently to procure the necessary dilatation of the sphincters of the external and internal mouth of the uterus. Dilatation of the sphincters of the atonic female organs not only raises their tonicity but through increasing the supply of vital energy, stimulating the capillary circulation and procuring better drainage, greatly facilitates the absorption of roughened membranes, papillae, fissures, scars and incipient tumors; however, the treatment must be executed only by physicians well trained and experienced in the use of the instruments. The latter must always be well sterilized and dipped in clean olive oil before insertion. 13. Dilatation by Neurotherapy Treatment. All the beneficial effects resulting from mechanical dilatation of the lower orifices of the body can be obtained also, more or less completely, by neurotherapy and hydrotherapy treatment. To procure the best results all three methods should be applied in proper combination. 14. Coccygeal Lesions. (a) Anatomy of the Parts. The coccyx or end of the spine consists of four small bony segments which are fused into a single curved bone about one inch in length. At the junction between the coccyx and the sacrum, spinal nerves emerge that supply the external sphincter muscle which guards the lower opening of the bowel. b) Occurrence of Lesions. Notwithstanding the fact that injuries to the coccyx frequently give rise to obscure neurotic disorders, the literature on this subject is deplorably meager. Evidently the reason why so few eases are reported in professional journals and text books is because sufferers from an annoyance "at the end of the spine', will, from motives of delicacy, adopt semi-invalid ways rather than seek professional aid. Coccygeal lesions occur most frequently in women, and play an important part in a large number of diseases peculiar to the female genital apparatus. 15. Causes of Lesions. (a) Falls or blows on the base of the spine are mishaps which the majority of us have experienced some time or other during our lives. b) Jars to this region frequently occur while riding on horseback. c) Faulty posture while sitting, if continued for any considerable period of time, frequently gives rise to coccygeal lesions. d) Childbirth. Injuries are frequently sustained to the coccyx at childbirth, due to the pressure of the child's head during its passage through the outlet of the pelvis. Normally the pelvis yields to the head of the child so as to increase the diameter of the pelvic outlet, but in cases where the pelvis is too small or where the head of the child is abnormally large, or in cases where women give birth to their first child at an age when the coccyx is partially or completely ossified to the end of the sacrum, the coccyx is very susceptible to injury. The exact manner in which these lesions as

well as all other spinal lesions are produced is described in Vol. I, Chap. XXXII, on "Manipulative Treatment". 16. Effects of Coccygeal Lesions. An abnormally anterior position of the coccyx encroaches upon the posterior wall of the rectum, thus mechanically giving rise to rectal constipation with its train of complex after effects. Impingement of the coccygeal nerves produces overtension of both internal and external sphincters of the anus and thereby wastes nerve energy as previously described. In individuals with rheumatic or gouty tendencies an inflammatory condition called Coccydynia frequently develops in the region of the coccyx after injury. Coccydynia is characterized by a severe distressing pain which is aggravated by walking, coughing, sneezing, defecation, sudden changes of posture from standing to sitting, or any movement which involves the muscles attached to the coccyx.' The usual allopathic treatment for this condition consists of administering salicylates and pain killing remedies. In obstinate cases the coccyx is excised. Such methods of treatment not only fail to remove the constitutional cause back of this condition but the surgical removal of the coccyx leads to chronic lifelong irritation of the sphincter muscles of the rectum. 17. Coccygeal Relaxation. The same principle laid down for the treatment of other spinal lesions should be followed in case of coccygeal lesions (Vol. I, Chap. XXXII). The muscles attached to the coccyx should be thoroughly relaxed before any attempts are made at adjustment. In all cases where tenderness is present inhibition should be given. Inhibition in the region of the coccyx exerts a marked beneficial effect on a host of neurotic disturbances that fail to respond to other methods of treatment alone. This is probably accounted for by the fact that such inhibitive treatment exerts a profound relaxing influence on the sphincters, and through these on the entire sympathetic nervous system, by acting upon the ganglion impar (group of nerve cells) situated on the anterior surface of the coccyx. This ganglion constitutes the point of union between the left and the right sympathetic chains and with the end filaments of the cerebrospinal nervous system. This sympathetic relaxation is administered by applying externally strong and persistent inhibition on either side of the coccyx as well as on the following nerve centers along the spine: a) Tender spots along the sacrum. b) The posterior superior spine of the ilium. c) On both sides of the spinal column on the level with the spines of the scapulae. d) Over the superior angles of the scapula. This inhibition is given for about five minutes at a time on one or all centers. The treatment is repeated from twice a week to once in two weeks or longer. In many instances vigorous healing crises develop as a result of such treatment. For this reason it is wise for patients to be in an institution when such treatment is

administered. 18. Tonic and Relaxing Effects of Cold Water Treatment. The cold sitzbaths, Kuhne' friction baths and the application of cooling compresses and cold packs to the abdominal and pelvic parts undoubtedly have effects upon the sympathetic nervous system similar to those produced by mechanical dilatation and coccygeal inhibition. The cold applications to the lower orifices and glans penis produce temporary contraction followed by relaxation of the parts, flushing of the capillaries, and a decidedly tonic effect upon the nerve endings of the sympathetic and the cerebrospinal system in and around the orifices. Similar temporary contraction with following dilatation of the millions of tiny cutaneous orifices all over the body resulting in a general flushing of the capillaries and in profound excitation of nerve reflexes and peristaltic action of the blood vessels all through the body is obtained by the various cold water applications, such as the natural bath, cold ablutions, blitzguss, barefoot walking in the dewy grass, as well as the nude air and light baths. 19. Dilatation of the Nasal Orifices. The beneficial effects of cold water sniffing are due not alone to the mechanical clearing of the nasal passages from pathogenic excretions, but also to the tonic effects of the cold water flushing upon the sympathetic and cerebrospinal nerve filaments in the membranes of the nasal passages. This undoubtedly explains the tonic effect of the cold water sniffing, not only upon the physical functions, especially the respiration, but also upon the mental activities. These natural methods with their profound effects upon the system make entirely unnecessary surgical dilatation of the orifices, curetments, shortening of ligaments, extirpation of piles and the surgical treatment of fissures, papillae and incipient tumors. Such surgical mutilation is suppressive, not curative, and is usually followed in time by serious chronic after effectsthe "mysterious sequelae" of medical science. We must remember also that all the abnormal conditions discussed in this chapter are secondary effects, that the primary causes lie more or less in food poisoning, in the irritating and destructive effects of poisonous drugs, and in wrong thinking and feeling. NERVOUS DISEASES It is safe to say that one-half of all the patients who come to us for consultation and treatment have been told that they suffer from nervousness. After having given a long recital of their aches and pains, they usually wind up by saying "All the doctors I have consulted tell me it is my nerves", or, "it is nervousness", or, "it is neurasthenia". What do these terms mean! Do they actually explain the nature and the causes of the patient's ailments! They do not. They are merely convenient terms for covering the doctor's ignorance. A well known nerve specialist in Chicago delivered a lecture before a medical society on the subject of neurasthenia. Addressing the assembled physicians, he began as follows: "A patient comes to you complaining that he is suffering from headaches, physical and mental weakness, pressure on top of the head, ringing in the ears, insomnia, irritability and most of the other symptoms of nervousness known to medical science. After a thorough examination you find that

all his vital organs are intact; there is nothing wrong with him physically; in fact, you do not know what ails himthat is neurasthenia." There are many other Latin and Greek names for diseases which serve the same purpose to cover the doctors' ignorance. Still, the patient who has consulted the "great specialist" goes home perfectly satisfied so long as he gets a Latin name for his troubles. When he is told he has rheumatism, neuralgia or neurasthenia he thinks he knows what is the matter with him. It does not require a medical education to tell a patient that "it is the nerves" or "rheumatism" or "neurasthenia" when his body is racked by aches and pains and his mind is on the verge of insanity. The brain and the nerves will not give out unless there is some good reason for it, and the doctor's diagnosis, in order to be of any value to the patient, should define the causes of the weakness and irritation of brain and nerve matter. 1. The Chemical Causes of Nervous Diseases The diagnosis from the iris and the examination of the spine, as given in our institutes, throw considerable light on the causes and the rational treatment of nervous diseases. In the great majority of cases when examining the eyes of "nervous" and "neurasthenic" patients, the first thing to attract our attention is a darkening or decided (discoloration of the areas of the stomach and bowels, which are located directly around the pupil. The brownish, reddish, yellowish and other abnormal pigmentation indicate; various forms of drug poisoning that have resulted in a diseased condition of the organs. These signs in the iris mean that the membranous linings of the stomach and bowels are in a sluggish, atonic condition and this is bound to be followed by very serious consequences. The membranous linings of the digestive organs serve two purposeselimination and assimilation. Certain cells and glandular structures in these membranes absorb the food materials and after purifying and modifying, transmit them into the blood and lymph streams. Other cell and glands in the intestinal membranes excrete morbid matter and systemic poisons. From the foregoing it becomes apparent that a sluggish inactive condition of the mucous membranes lining the digestive tract must have the following detrimental results: First: The food materials are not properly assimilated and so pass out of the body without being utilized. We must remember that the foods, while they remain in the intestinal tract, are not yet in the body. They do not pass into the body until they are absorbed through the walls of the intestines into the venous and lymphatic circulation. Defective assimilation of this kind is aggravated by the use of mineral oils. While these promote evacuation by creating a slippery condition of the bowels, they do not do anything to clear away the colloid substances which dog the absorbent lining of the intestines-therefore these oily laxatives prevent absorption of the food materials through the intestinal walls into the circulation. In time they

aggravate chronic constipation because they obviate the necessity for natural effort. Second: The elimination of waste materials and systemic poisons through the intestinal membranes is seriously handicapped, which results in systemic poisoning or, as it is called by the medical men, autointoxication. Furthermore, under normal conditions the membranous linings of the intestinal tract throw off mucoid secretions which lubricate the bowels and facilitate tile movement and discharge of the food waste and feces. Certain cell linings in the stomach and bowels throw off secretions containing important digestive ferments on which depends the proper digestion of food materials. What are the inevitable effects of such abnormal conditions in the digestive organs? If the intestinal membranes do not absorb the food materials the blood and lymph streams are deficient in nutritive elements and cannot properly feed the brain and nervous system. These, as well as the rest of the body are starved. Somebody has expressed this in the words, "Nervousness is the cry of the nerves for food". While this is partially true, the nerves arc also irritated by the systemic poisons which circulate in the blood stream as the result of the retention of feces and defective elimination. No wonder the nerves weaken and cry with pain when they are thus starved and poisoned at the same time. Systemic poisoning is seriously aggravated by a sluggish, atrophic condition of the skin. This is indicated in the iris by a heavy black ring along the outer edge, which is visible more or less distinctly in the eyes of most people This atrophic condition of the skin is caused largely through warm bathing from the time of birth, the wearing of heavy, dense clothing, and through clogging and weakening of the skin with antiseptic powders, salves, lotions, etc., used for the suppression of skin eruptions, and by toilet preparations containing substances injurious to the life of the skin. When the bowels and the cuticle are in a semi-paralyzed condition the kidneys have to do more than their own share or the work of elimination and in turn become clogged and inactive. This is shown in the iris by chronic defects in the areas of these organs. From the foregoing it becomes apparent that malassimilation, malnutrition and defective elimination are the most common causes of nervous diseases. What is the usual treatment in such cases? The weakened nerves are artificially and temporarily stimulated by poisonous drugs and tonics, only to become more thoroughly paralyzed, for all artificial stimulation is followed by corresponding weakness and atrophy. The temporary stimulation may be produced by alcohol, coffee, tea or nicotin. Infinitely worse in their paralyzing effects upon the system than these food, drink and tobacco poisons are drug poisons like quinine, digitalis, arsenic, strychnine, etc., which constitute the active principles in medical tonics. The diagnosis from the iris proves conclusively that these drug poisons concentrate in certain parts of the body for which they have a special affinity and then become the cause of more serious troubles. In fact, as we have learned in other parts of this volume, the most serious nervous symptoms are due to the presence of drug poisons

in the body. Aches and pains, restlessness and insomnia are suppressed with bromides, morphine, coal tar preparations and other sedatives, hypnotics and "pain killers". These poisons merely benumb and paralyze brain and nerve matter into temporary insensibility, leaving them in a still more weakened and diseased condition but doing nothing to remove the underlying causes of the nervous or neurasthenic ailments. The only way this can be accomplished is to build up the blood on a natural basis through proper diet and to make the organs of assimilation and elimination more alive and active through natural methods of living and treatment. A natural diet, well suited for this purpose; is outlined in Sections I and X. In the treatment of chronic ailments this general dietetic regimen must be modified or interchanged with periods of raw food diet, fasting, etc., according to the individual requirements and changing conditions of the patient. The various methods of manipulative treatment are important. 2. Mechanical Causes of Nervous Diseases Let us now consider the mechanical causes of nervous ailments. The nerves may be irritated or benumbed not only by food and drug poisons but also by mechanical lesions in the spine or in other parts of the framework of the body. According to physiological law, irritation at any point along the course of a nerve is communicated to all the branches of that nerve, similar to the way in which an electric current introduced at any point of a network of copper wires, if not checked or diverted, will travel over all the wires connected with that system. Thus irritation of a nerve trunk will be transmitted to all the cells and organs supplied by that particular nerve trunk and its branches. In this manner many serious disorders are brought about. Frequently patients come to us who have been treated for many years for "sciatic rheumatism". We find that one or both hip bones are subluxated (slipped innominate). In such cases a few manipulative treatments replace the bones, remove the abnormal pressure and tension and thus cure the "chronic sciatica". Other patients have suffered for years from chronic headaches, nervousness, insomnia, eye troubles, etc. They have swallowed large amounts of poisonous sedatives, anodynes and hypnotics. Upon careful examination we find spinal lesions in the region of the neck. When these lesions are corrected the nervous symptoms disappear. In similar manner irritation of any one of the nerves passing out from the spine may cause pain or abnormal function in the corresponding part of the body. For such conditions there can be but one remedy, namely, the correction of the mechanical lesions in the framework of the body which give rise to them. For a detailed discussion of this topic see section entitled "Manipulative Treatment" in Vol. I of this series.

3. Mental and Emotional Causes of Nervous Diseases While studying mental and emotional causes of disease we must realize that every mental and emotional vibration is instantly transmuted into the physical material vibrations of the physical body. I would define the fundamental law of mental therapeutics as follows: Vibrations originating on one plane of beingphysical, mental or psychicalare by continuity transmuted into the vibratory conditions of the other planes. Thus physical vibrations become mental or psychical vibrations, and vice versa. "As from below so from above; as from above so from below." The trouble with many representatives of the physical and of the mental and spiritual schools of healing is that; they apply the law in only one of its phases. While it is true that habitual irritability will "sour the bile and poison the liver", it is just as true that an excruciating toothache or any other kind of long continued physical pain will affect the mental and emotional vibrations unless a person possesses superhuman self control. Every mental, emotional and psychical vibration is instantly telegraphed from the seat of consciousness in the physical and spiritual brain centers over the nerve trunks and filaments to every cell in the body, and there transmuted into the vibrations of physical health and well being, or into physical irritation and disease. In another chapter of this volume I have illustrated this transmutation of mental and emotional vibrations somewhat as follows: It is a well known fact that dry sand on a glass plate placed on top of a piano will arrange itself into harmonious designs in accordance with the musical sounds elicited from the instrument. Thus purely mental or emotional musical vibrations are transmuted into the material configurations of the sand. The melody produced from the instrument had its conception in the mind of the composer. This musical conception he transmuted into corresponding sound vibrations. These in turn were translated into written notes on paper, thus completing the transmutation from the purely mental and emotional into the physical ink and paper. Then again, the player translates the written notes into musical sounds from the piano and these musical sound vibrations cause the sand on the glass plate to be grouped into orderly configurations of geometrical designs. It would be interesting to know what sort of higher and finer vibrations paint the flowers and ferns on the frozen window pane. Another illustration in connection with this theme is the music roll of a pianola. Stretch out one of these sheets and observe the wonderfully symmetrical and geometrical designs in the arrangement of the perforations. The perforations stand for musical notes and these for musical sounds. Musical sounds interpret the emotions of the human soul"music is the established harmonic relationship of the soul's emotions to the universe of sound". Every musical note expresses some vibration in the gamut of human emotions, from the deepest notes of misery and despair to the highest vibratory expressions of love and happiness.

In the Nature Cure Catechism, I have defined health as "harmonious vibration of the parts and particles composing the human entity on the physical, mental and moral planes of being". Disease is defined as "inharmonious or discordant vibration of the parts and particles composing the human entity, on one or more planes or being". Health, self content and happiness constitute the music of the soul; discontent, unhappiness and physical disease, discordant, nerve-racking noise& With these facts in mind, how can we afford to play the discords of fear, anger, jealousy, revenge, greed and self-pity on the harp-strings of the soul! Let us see just how the mental and emotional discords become physical agony and disease. 4. Fear The most destructive of all emotions is fear. It has a benumbing and paralyzing effect upon the body. Its physiological effects resemble those of freezing. A person freezing to death and one agitated by great fear and anxiety present a similar appearance. In either case the body is bent, cramped and trembling, the face is blanched, the teeth chattering. Cold shivers chase down the spine and through the benumbed extremities. The blood vessels, nerve channels and cells of the body are benumbed and congealed, causing obstruction to the free flow of the nerve and blood currents, thus shutting off the influx of the vital force. It is this obstruction to inflow of the life force that causes death by freezing and also causes death under the stress of some fear or great anxiety. People indulging habitually and continually in the fear-and worry habit may not die at once from the effects of it, but they are nevertheless committing slow suicide through psychical refrigeration. They are effectually reducing the inflow of the life force, thus lowering their vitality and resistance to the destructive influences of systemic poisons and disease taints. Furthermore, as I have pointed out, these vibrations are directly transmuted into the corresponding conditions of physical disease in the tissues of the body. The atoms and molecules of the cells arrange themselves into disorderly configurations and produce inharmonious and discordant vibrations just as surely as noisy racket produced on the piano will throw the sand on the glass plate into disorder. People affected by these destructive thought habits may answer: "It is easy enough to say these things, but how can I prevent fear and worry thought from entering my mind!" As usual, ignorance is at the bottom of the trouble. People can control their thinking and feeling just as surely as their eating and drinking, but unfortunately they have never been taught self-control nor even the possibility of self-control in these matters. It is the lack of such psychological teaching and training from early youth that accounts for untold suffering, physically, morally and psychically.

Fear manifests in many forms and phases, such as fright, terror, despair, apprehension, anxiety, mistrust, alarm, horror, despondency, melancholy, cowardice, doubt, suspicion, etc. These mental, emotional and psychical vibrations differ only in degree of destructiveness. All must be held in abeyance and eliminated by selfcontrol. This will become easy when we consider the utter uselessness of fear in its various manifestations. While fear is a natural impulse of the soul and useful in so far as it gives us warning of approaching or imminent danger, weak surrender to this emotion robs us of our strength and clear vision, thus making it easier for the threatened evil to overpower us. Fear is faith in evil. It is a perversion of the great law of faith. He who fears a thing has faith that it can and will master him; thus he becomes a psychological coward and the thing he fears will surely overpower him. How much better is it to profit by the constructive workings of the law than to be destroyed by its evil effects. As surely as fear vibrations benumb and congeal the channels of life, just so surely will hope, faith and confidence in God and man and in the healing forces within relax the whole system, increasing the influx of vital force, thus invigorating and harmonizing the vibrations on all planes of being. All of us have been at times benumbed and paralyzed by sudden fear, and many when weakened by physical or mental disease have experienced the wonderfully tonic effects of sympathy, love and joyful emotions. Cheerfulness is the best of all tonics and love, the greatest physician. Increasing health, strength and happiness depend upon higher, more refined and more rapid vibrations on the mental emotional and psychical planes of being. The highest and finest vibration in the universe is love; therefore is the love vibration the greatest of all healers. Love for humanity and sympathy with its suffering was the secret of the healing power of the Master, Jesus. It is the modus operandi of magnetic and spiritual healing. 5. Anger While fear freezes, benumbs and paralyzes the organism, anger manifests in the opposite conditions of abnormally increased excitement and heat. As fear corresponds to freezing, anger and its kindred emotions affect the body like a consuming fire. They may 'well be called psychological combustion. Anger manifests in various phases and degrees of intensity, such as impatience, irritability, ill temper, resentment, hatred, rage, fury, revenge, bitterness, indignation, exasperation, malice and destructiveness. These violently destructive emotions act on the physical body like fire. A person thus agitated presents the appearance of one overheated. The face is flushed, the blood pressure to the brain is greatly increased, which may result in apoplexy or in heart failure. The brain is congested as if by the effects of alcohol. As congestion in the lungs or other vital organs of the body tends to destroy the tissues of the affected parts, so also congestion of the brain, caused by wrath and fury, disrupts the subtle molecular structures of brain and nerve substances. One who is inflamed with anger is as irresponsible as one intoxicated with fiery liquor. The crimes of rage intoxication are as frequent and as deplorable as those committed under alcoholic stimulation. Nothing corrodes and frazzles the nerves so badly and wastes nerve

force so wantonly as the consuming fires of anger and kindred emotions. Excessive stimulation is always followed by corresponding depression, weakness and collapse. He who succumbs habitually to violent emotions slowly but steadily weakens his physical organism and lowers his power of resistance to destructive influences on the physical, mental and spiritual planes of being, thus inviting nerve exhaustion and paralysis. Any and all discordant and destructive mental and emotional vibrations interfere with and obstruct the inflow of the life force, lowering the vitality and undermining physical and mental health. This is true of anger as well as of fear and of all other forms of destructive vibrations. Furthermore, the psychical wireless connects the unhappy victim of wrath and fury with the abodes of the most vicious and cruel beings on the earth plane and on the astral and spiritual planes, thus opening his soul to influx from these hellish spheres of cruelty, remorse and despair, and thereby intensifying his own unhappy condition. The only remedy for these consuming diseases of the soul is self control; the making of new records in the plastic gray matter of the brain, records attuned to the vibrations of patience, forbearance, sympathy and brotherly love. We must either acquire constructive habits of thinking and feeling, or suffer the tortures of alternating nervous and emotional excitation and exhaustion. Thus we create within ourselves our own heavens or our own hells. 6. Self Pity Self pity in its vibratory nature and in its effect upon body, mind and soul, closely resembles the ravages of tuberculosis. It is psychological phthisis. A person affected by this degrading phase of emotional self-indulgence presents the miserable, haggard, negative appearance of a consumptive; The victim of self pity assumes that he is being unjustly dealt with by Providence, by fortune and by his fellowmen. He considers himself a martyr, enduring undeserved hardships, privations and injustice. This results in resentment, gloom and depression. It effectually kills cheerfulness, ambition and virile initiative. This type of psychical consumption affects those possessed of great wealth and of the most wonderful opportunities in life just as frequently as it does those who actually have to endure the greatest privations. The daughter of one of our best known multimillionaires has been confined for many years in a private sanitarium in France. She is obsessed by the delusion that she is facing extreme poverty and the poorhouse, or that she will die of starvation for lack of means to procure food. What a living travesty this is on the popular belief that great wealth secures happiness! Such cases are not at all uncommon among those possessed of immense wealth. They prove that the cause of this psychological disease does not lie altogether in outward circumstance, but rather in the emotional and psychical life of the sufferer. Such ego maniacs are the product of self centered egotism. If they had paid a little more attention to the real privations and suffering of their fellow beings instead of brooding over their own real or imaginary troubles, they would have escaped the

ravages of psychical phthisis. Sometimes these victims of self-pity are aroused out of their miserable mental dejection by some real trouble or misfortune. A splendid illustration of this is "Mrs. Gummidge" in Dickens' story of "David Copperfield". For many years she had pitied and bemoaned herself as a "lone, lorn creetur"; but when real misfortune struck the family through the elopement of Emily, then sympathy and pity aroused her from her self centered condition and changed her into a veritable angel of mercy who lightened the gloom of the unhappy family by cheerfulness and unselfish service. Forgetting her own imaginary troubles and lonesomeness, she underwent a truly wonderful psychical chemicalization through the magical reagents of pity and sympathy. In my lectures I frequently take occasion to remind our friends that the best way to help themselves is to help otherthat there is no better way of increasing the influx of the healing forces than by treating others for health and strength and happiness. I say to them, "There are those around you who need help just as much as or more than you dosome of them as yet unable to help themselves. Treat these weak ones mentally and spiritually; strengthen them by a kindly look and a word of encouragement. You will be surprised how this will increase the flow of vital energy into your own bodies." These higher and finer forces can be received only as we give. Selfish brooding on our own troubles and self pity effectually shut off the inflow on life force, while sympathy and unselfish service open wide the channels of life and stimulate the flow of vital energy. A well known ancient legend strikingly illustrates the utter foolishness of self pity. The people of a certain country had become very much dissatisfied with their sufferings. Each one believed his own cross was much larger and heavier than that of his neighbor. An angel of God appeared among them in human form and told them to bring their crosses and deposit them in one great heap, when everyone would be allowed to select a burden which he deemed lighter than his own. The people greatly rejoiced at this good fortune, discarded their crosses and proceeded to choose what they thought were lighter ones. However, their happiness at the change was not of long duration. One after another they soon returned, confessing dejectedly that the new cross was heavier and more painful to carry than the old one and asking to be allowed to take up again the old accustomed burden which a wise Providence had adjusted to each one's needs and powers of endurance. Those who consume themselves in self-pity forget that this life is not intended to be a continuous Sunday School picnic; that, on the contrary, it is a school of personal and persistent effort for self development of our latent faculties, capacities and powers, through the use of reason, will power and self control; that only through overcoming evil in its many forms can we educate and strengthen our mental and psychical muscle; that evil on all planes of being is constructive in nature and purpose; and that there is no suffering, disease or evil of any kind anywhere unless the law has been transgressed somewhere by someone. These transgressions of the law may be due to ignorance, to indifference or to willfulness and viciousness. The effects will always be commensurate with the causes. When we look upon evil from this viewpoint it loses its terrors. Then we look

upon it as a healing crisis necessary to eliminate the destructive effects of ignorant or willful violation of Nature's laws. Thus we learn to overcome evil, not through anger, resentment and self-pity, but through cheerful compliance with the law. Many pity themselves as martyrs to duty, martyrs in the service of their relatives and friends, martyrs to social conditions. They never stop to consider in how far they, themselves, help to create these unfortunate conditions through their own destructive thinking, feeling and doing. A lady remarked to her friend, "I don't understand why it is, but every time I move I find bad neighbors." Her friend answered, "Is it not possible that when you move you take the worst neighbor with you?" If our surroundings and our neighbors do not suit us, it is a sign that we are not much better ourselves. If we were better than they we would probably be now in some higher sphere of life and action. The fact that we are here indicates that we need the lessons to be learned on this plane, and we shall not escape to more refined surroundings and better society until we become fit to maintain more refined and more sympathetic associations with our fellow beings. It is safe to assume that at each new birth, or as we now call it, at death, we gravitate to those spheres of life and action for which we are best suited. What would be the use of transplanting a drunken sot from his haunts of degradation and squalor to a home of culture and refinement? Unaccustomed to such intellectual surroundings, he would soon return to Ms filthy dive. The beautiful home would be hell enough for him. We may rest assured that life will sooner or later place us where we belong. If you suffer from great physical weakness and nerve exhaustion, find out whether it is not caused by psychological phthisis. If you cannot determine this for yourself, have a good psychologist give you a thorough examination. The trouble with many people who are seriously affected by mental, emotional and psychical diseases is that they are unable or unwilling to diagnose their conditions. Frequently they resent vehemently the intimation that they may be suffering from such psychical disorders. 7. Envy Envy represents a combination of the moods of anger and self-pity. Anger may be inspired by the thought that somebody else possesses the thing which we covet, and self pity because we are deprived of the thing we desire to possess. Envy, therefore, consumes and wastes the body, mind and soul of its unhappy victims by the combined effects of psychological combustion and psychical phthisis. 8. Jealousy Jealousy is a mixture of fear, anger and self-pity. We fear that somebody may take from us that which rightfully belongs to us, and anger results from such real or imaginary injury or injustice. Such fear and anger in turn provoke self-pity at the thought of the real or imaginary loss or injury. Thus we are torn alternately or all at once by the most powerful destructive emotions of the human soul. No wonder the victims of the "green monster" suffer the tortures of hell, that overcome by passionate resentment and the desire for revenge they commit unjust and cruel crimes against the innocent as well as the guilty. These terribly destructive emotions,

even when seemingly justified, will never right a wrong, but only magnify its destructive effects on ourselves. That which rightfully belongs to us can never be taken away from us. The majority of people do not distinguish between their real and imaginary possessions. Quite frequently the things which they believe they possess or desire to possess are, in reality, their greatest burdens and their worst enemies. That which we have earned through faithful exercise of our natural capacities and powers, that is, our mental, moral and psychical characteristics, can never be taken away from us. They are the only possessions that will remain with us after the great transition. Nothing else besides this really belongs to us. We may enjoy the use of money, property and treasures of art for a day, a year or a lifetime, but they never become a part of ourselves and sooner or later we shall leave them behind us. If a friend deceives and deserts us, it simply means that he was not our friend and the sooner we are rid of him the better for us in the long run. Our real friend, the one that belongs to us, is waiting for us somewhere. It is the same with all material possessions. The greater our possessions the more extravagant our wants and needs. People do not possess wealth, but are possessed and obsessed by wealth. The more simple the life, the less the wants and needs, and the less the fear of loss and deprivation. Those who are used to simple and economical ways of living rejoice in them. Those deprived of great wealth and comfort are appalled and discouraged by the loss of it When we possess a thing we do not appreciate its value, but the moment we lose it we are overcome by unhappiness and resentment. Then why not do without it in the first place! Instead of wasting our vitality in spiteful resentment at our neighbor's prosperity, let us rejoice in his possessions and thereby make them our own. If these things be true, then why allow ourselves to be torn by the destructive emotions of fear, anger and self pity because of real or imaginary loss of some ephemeral, or at any rate transient possession, which after all is not essential to the well being of the real man, the soul man; especially so when these discordant and destructive psychical emotions invariably result in mental and nervous breakdown and physical weakness, disease and premature death? Diseases of the soul, created by perverted mental vision and lack of self control continue after death, afflicting the soul in the spiritual life just as heavily as on this side of the "Great Divide". while diseases of the physical body may terminate at death, abnormal conditions of mind and soul continue on the spiritual planes of life. Therefore our spiritual salvation, as well as physical health, depends upon the correction of our perverted mental vision and upon overcoming our lack of selfcontrol. Self-control is the master key to the solution of all our troubles and of all higher development on the mental, moral and spiritual planes of being. Flow to strengthen the power of will and how to overcome evil habits and to develop good habits I have described in the last chapters of this volume. INSANITY, OR MENTAL, EMOTIONAL AND PSYCHICAL DISORDERS

In the discussion of this subject I shall not follow the official classifications given in standard scientific works. These orthodox classifications are of little value to us, as they are based on outward manifestations or symptoms of mental disorders, while they do not take into consideration their underlying causes and true nature. In most instances they are merely Latin or Greek names for outstanding symptoms. It is lack of understanding of the true nature and causes of mental and psychical disorders and lack of their rational treatment that accounts for the progressive increase of insanity, which keeps pace with advancing civilization in spite of the most determined efforts of medical science to stem the tide of this great danger that threatens the civilized nations. A prominent physician at the head of one of the largest sanitariums of this country, in a public lecture, made the statement that at the present rate of increase in insanity all the inhabitants of this country would be insane at a certain future date. Happily this gloomy prediction will not come true, thanks to the rapidly increasing popularity of the nature cure idea. I shall endeavor to treat the subject simply, as it has presented itself to me in actual experience, including under the term insanity all prolonged departures from the normal standards of thinking, feeling and acting. The table on page 273 may help to elucidate this complex subject. It will be seen that I divide all forms of insanity into two main groups, the physical and the psychical. By physical, mental and emotional disorders I mean all those morbid mental conditions that originate in abnormal functioning or organic degeneration of the physical organism and particularly of brain and nerve matter. MENTAL AND EMOTIONAL DISORDERS DUE TO PHYSICAL CAUSES A. Hereditary and Congenital Disorders The physical-mental disorders are again subdivided into hereditary and congenital disorders. These may be of a functional or organic nature. They may result from abnormal prenatal influences of a mental or emotional nature; also from prenatal malnutrition, drug poisoning or trauma. A few days ago I examined a child four years old who had not yet learned to talk. The thyroid gland seems to be well developed and it is physically in normal condition The frontal region of the head, however, is very low and the sides and the parietal parts of the skull above the ears are somewhat caved in. The brown eyes of the child revealed three fully developed, heavy nerve rings, an extraordinary condition for a child of that age, indicating serious disorder of the nervous system. Both parents were in good physical condition before the conception of the child and have been ever since. The mother told me that during pregnancy from beginning to end she had been tortured by great homesickness, mental depression and melancholia. This was the only adverse influence I was able to trace in the case. Possibly it had a harmful effect upon the intellectual brain area of which the speech center is primary and basic. Significant also in this respect is the depression in the parietal bones over Brocha 's convolution, the location of the

speech center. A grown cretin and idiot whose eyes I examined showed in the brain region a very heavy scurf rim. The mother, during pregnancy, had taken enough calomel for liver trouble and constipation to produce the symptoms of salivation several times. The mercury sign was distinctly visible in her eyes. In all cases of so called hereditary syphilis it is the mercury, salvarsan, arsenic, iodine, potassium or other drug poison, not venereal disease, which produce the congenital defects in the offspring. It is a fact that syphilis is not communicated to a nursing child through the milk. Much less is it possible that the disease is conveyed from mother to child prenatally. Nature does her best to protect the young life against adverse influences. But Nature is powerless to prevent the introduction of virulent poisons into human bodies by the disciples of pseudo-science. Serious injuries to the abdomen of a pregnant woman may also cause congenital nervous or mental derangement or physical deformity of the offspring. A few weeks ago we examined in our open clinic a child a few months old whose lower ribs on one side were badly caved in. The mother had a serious fall during the last month of pregnancy. The deformity is rapidly yielding to manipulative treatment. Congenital Deficiency of the Ductless Glands Congenital deficiency of the thymus and thyroid glands is responsible for most cases of cretinism, idiocy and backward development. Allopathic medicine endeavors to overcome these defects by the administration of thymus or thyroid extract. This, however, is only palliative. While these animal extracts may serve to a certain extent as a substitute and may stimulate the physical and mental development of the child, still the administration of these artificial preparations tends to retard the natural development of the glandular structures. Whenever the administration of the thyroid extract is interrupted, the improvement ceases and there is a strong tendency to retrogression. After all, these extracts artificially prepared from animal bodies are not congenial to the human organism and their constant administration tends to create abnormal conditions. This has been observed in many instances. Much better and more permanent results are obtained by natural management and treatment. All the tonic influences of the various methods of natural treatment especially massage and neurotherapy-manipulation of the nerve centers which supply the ductless glands tend to develop the defective organs in a perfectly natural manner. We have thus treated and cured many little patients suffering from congenital malformations, backward development, cretinism, defects of the sensory organs and idiocy. B. Functional Disorders 1. Accidental Injury Functional disturbance may be caused by external violence such as concussion of

the brain from blows on the head or from falls, etc. Spinal analysis frequently discloses lesions, particularly in the cervical region. The impingement on the blood vessels and nerves by suck bony displacements or contractions of connective tissues may produce mental and nervous disorders which will abate or disappear when the lesions are corrected by proper manipulative treatment. When mental or nervous disorders result from fractures or indentations of the skull, the fractured bones or splinters pressing upon the brain matter must be removed by surgical treatment. 2. Autointoxication Many forms of functional mental disorders are caused by systemic poisoning resulting from the accumulation of morbid matter and poisons produced in the system, such as acids, alkaloids, ptomaine and xanthins, which we designate collectively as pathogens. These morbid materials circulating in the blood may unduly exalt or depress the normal activities of the brain and nervous system. For instance, the acids of phosphorous have a powerfully irritating and stimulating effect upon brain and nerve matter, giving rise to nervous irritability, insomnia and hysterical manifestations, while carbon dioxide (CO2) has a benumbing, depressing effect. The normal structure and functioning of brain and nerve cells depends upon the quantity and quality of the blood supply. Therefore the normality of mental and emotional functions depends to a large extent upon the purity and normality of the vital fluids. If the blood stream which feeds the brain and nervous system is saturated with gluey, mucoid and gaseous materials, the mental and emotional activities will be sluggish and phlegmatic, resulting in impairment of memory and of the reasoning faculties. Excessive acid formation in the system may result in earthy deposits in the walls of the blood vessels, narrowing their lumen and obstructing the circulation, thus causing so called hardening of the arteries with its attendant depressive effects on brain functions, tendency to hemorrhages, embolism, etc. As we have learned in our study of dietetics, practically all pathogenic materials are formed by the excessive intake of starchy, protein and fatty foods because the elements composing these foods are electromagnetically negative and therefore pathogen forming substances. These foods at the same time are very deficient in the positive acid binding and eliminating alkaline mineral elements. The prevention and treatment of this class of disorders is, therefore, largely dietetic and must consist in reducing the protein, starchy and fatty foods and substituting foods rich in the positive alkaline salts of sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium and iron. Other efficient methods for eliminating pathogenic materials are hydrotherapy, massage, neurotherapy, air and sun baths, proper breathing and curative exercises, homeopathic remedies, etc. 3. Alcoholism

Alcoholism is another prolific cause of functional disorders of a toxic character, producing gradually degenerative changes in the tissues of the body, especially in the liver, spleen and kidneys. In advanced stages it causes degeneration of brain and nerve matter and may result in various forms of delirium and mania. The symptoms of alcohol poisoning cover a wide range, from simple nausea to violent delirium, coma and death. Alcoholic poisoning may result from the use of distilled liquors, such as whisky or of fermented liquors, such as wines, beer, ale, etc. Many patent medicines and medicinal tonics owe their stimulating effects to the large percentages of alcohol that they contain. Meat eating, coffee drinking, smoking and the use of habit-forming drugs all create a craving for alcohol, and vice versa. We find in our work that we cannot permanently break our patients from the use of one stimulant unless they give up all other stimulants. Many times we have weaned patients from meat eating, smoking, coffee toping, the use of alcoholic liquors and habit forming drugs, and after their systems had been thoroughly purified from these poisons all craving for them disappeared. Occasionally one would again fall victim to the old, destructive habits. Inquiry into the cause for backsliding usually brings out confessions like the following: "Oh, doctor, I felt so fine that I thought just a cup of coffee" or "just one or two cigars a day would not hurt me, but I find that my will power once weakened, I could not resist the temptation of indulging more freely. Every time I used a stimulant it seemed to create a craving for another one. When my system was in a purified condition, a piece of meat seemed to stimulate me more than once did a glass of whisky, but the taste of meat created a craving for a cup of coffee or a cigar, and so on until I became once more a slave to all the old habits and now I seem to be deeper in their bondage than ever before." "Give the devil your little finger and he will soon have the whole fellow in the bargain." When the body is thoroughly saturated with meat poisons, caffein, uric acid, drug poisons, etc., a dozen drinks or cigars a day, more or less, make little difference; but when the system is purified of these poisons and in normal condition, even small amounts of any kind of stimulant will affect the nervous system profoundly and excite a craving for yet stronger stimulation. That alcoholism is a hereditary disease has been proved beyond a doubt. This should be a matter of grave consideration for those who intend to assume the responsibilities of parenthood. Symptoms: The symptoms of alcoholism, like those of all other diseases, manifest in the acute and chronic forms. The light drinker awakens in the morning in a morose and irritable condition. He has no desire for food and is unfit for the work of the day until he has had his "eye opener". At a later stage of the disease the nausea develops into vomiting and the indigestion becomes more pronounced and chronic. Constant hyperemia of the stomach, liver and spleen are followed by gradual atrophy.

The drinker of whisky develops 'the shrunken, hobnailed liver; the liver of the habitual beer drinker becomes greatly enlarged; sometimes weighing from twenty to forty pounds, but later on it also shrinks. The last stages of alcoholism are marked by malnutrition, emaciation, the loss of memory and intellectual faculties. Alcoholic poisons gradually benumb, paralyze and destroy the best qualities of the body, mind and soul, until the victim falls to the depths of physical, mental and moral degradation. All drug cures for this terrible disease are of questionable value. They may create a temporary revulsion for alcohol, but at best this is another case of Beelzebub against the devil. The drugs used in these cures have a bad effect upon the system and when the sedative effects of the drug treatment have lost their hold upon the patient, he relapses into the old, destructive habits. Exactly the same is true of hypnotic treatment for destructive habits. It is at best only temporarily suppressive. Hypnotic control still further weakens the will of the subject. He temporarily abstains from liquor, not of his own accord, but compelled by the dominating will of the hypnotist. When this begins to wane he has less control over his cravings than before. In this connection it must be remembered that a person cannot be hypnotized unless his own reason, will power and self-control are temporarily suppressed and completely in abeyance. If this takes place repeatedly, paralysis of these highest faculties and capacities of the mind and soul becomes permanent and the victim of hypnotism degenerates into the abject slave of every stronger influence. He becomes a negative weakling and drifter, frequently ending in an insane asylum. The only possible and permanent cure of alcoholism and of drug habits lies in a complete regeneration of the individual through natural methods of living and of treatment. If the patient is in the advanced stages of alcohol-jam, afflicted with organic diseases of the stomach, liver, kidneys or heart and subject to attacks of delirium tremens, it may be necessary to wean him gradually from the effects of the poison by allowing him graduated doses of alcohol, morphine or whatever the habit forming poison may be. An attendant must administer gradually decreasing doses at increasing intervals of time. The strength of the poison at the same time may be reduced without the knowledge of the patient. In many instances we have given such patients injections of pure distilled water when they imagined they were still getting strong doses of morphine. In such eases the power of suggestion frequently shows us its wonderful effects. Not long ago a patient came to us from a neighboring hospital. An operation had been performed on one of his limbs. It was then kept in a plaster cast for four months. The only remedy they had in the hospital for the terrific pain following the operation was morphine. When he was brought to our institution he was using as high as ten grains a day. Under the natural treatment the pains gradually abated and within a few weeks we succeeded in reducing the morphine to minimum doses, but whenever we refused to

give him an injection he would yell at the top of his voice, claiming that he could not stand the pain and could not sleep. Pains did not trouble him and he was able to sleep when we injected distilled water. The water did the work just as well as the morphine as long as he was under the impression that morphine was being administered. We had to keep up the deception for three weeks, gradually decreasing the number of injections until he became convinced that he could do without the "morphine". The active treatment of alcoholism must include everything that is good in natural methods. Of primary importance is a strict vegetarian diet, alternating between raw food, dry food, milk diet and fasting regimen. Tonic cold water treatments, massage, Swedish movements, neurotherapy, curative gymnastics, air and sun baths and everything else conducive to a thorough regeneration of the system must be applied systematically. Such patients require constitutional treatment. During the first stages of treatment, while the victims of drag and liquor habits are helpless and without will power and self control, they need constant attendance and careful nursing day and night. The poison to which they are addicted must be administered in gradually diminishing doses at lengthened intervals and, unless confined in a padded cell, they must be guarded against escape or self-inflicted injury and suicide. When the system of such a patient has been thoroughly purified and regenerated, when he has become accustomed to and thoroughly enjoys a vegetarian diet, the craving for liquor, tobacco or drugs will have disappeared and will not return unless he willfully indulges in former habits. We have proved in many cases that such a thorough purification and regeneration of the system is a much better guarantee against relapses than all the poison cures in existence. Not the least potent among the regenerative influences of the Natural Therapeutic treatment are the daily lectures and private consultations through which the patient becomes acquainted for the first time in his life with the natural laws underlying the processes of health, disease and cure, which he must obey in order to attain perfect health and the greatest possible capacity for enjoying the pleasures of life and the highest efficiency in the performance of his share of the world's work. He now becomes aware that these highest and finest achievements of human life cannot be attained through any form of self-indulgence. Having learned his lesson through the great contrast between utter misery and degradation and the enjoyment of perfect health, he is willing to pay the price of self-control in the future. The best of drug treatment, while it may break the alcohol or drug habit more or less permanently, never leaves the system in the purified and regenerated condition such as results from natural treatment, which alone insures perfect health and the complete enjoyment of the good things of life. 4. Drug intoxication Alcoholism has been made the scapegoat for the increase in insanity among civilized nations and for the major part of defective heredity. Its influence, bad as it

is, has been greatly overrated. This will be proved positively after national prohibition has become an accomplished fact in this country. Fully as destructive have been the effects of poisonous drugs, especially of mercury, iodine, quinine, arsenic, strychnine, bromides and coal tar preparations. Alcohol is in a way congenial to the human organism. It is manufactured in small quantities in most human bodies as a product of sugar fermentation in the intestines and is burned up in the system like other fuel material. It is probably for this reason that alcohol is not shown in the iris by a characteristic sign of its own. Nicotin and caffein do not show in the iris because they are chemically closely related to the uric acid group and are therefore congenial to the system. This indicates that these xanthins are eliminated with comparative ease. Whenever an habitual alcoholic quits taking the poison its effects are without great difficulty overcome by natural methods of living and of treatment. Poisonous drugs however, have a strong tendency to accumulate in those tissues of the body for which they have a special affinity, there to act as powerful irritants and poisons, creating many of the most destructive chronic diseases. The destructive effects of drug poisons are fully described in Iridiagnosis, Vol. VI of this series. Mental disorders caused by poisonous drugs are more difficult to cure than any other forms because they readily result in organic degeneration. (See Quinin, Mercury, Iodin, Coal Tar Products, etc. Vol. VI.) C. Mental and Emotional Disorders Due to Organic Degeneration of Brain and Nerve Matter All functional mental disorders if prolonged by neglect or intensified by suppressive drug treatment may result in organic degeneration of brain and nerve matter, creating such conditions as paresis (softening of the brain), sclerosis of the spinal cord, anterior poliomyelitis, etc. It is evident that cures are much more difficult or may become impossible when the stages of organic degeneration have been reached. A few cases of organic insanity are caused by injury to the brain, but the great majority are due to the action of morbid matter and paralyzing or destructive poisons on the brain. These poisons may have been generated in the body by unnatural methods of living. They may be alcohol, nicotin, caffein or destructive acids and paralyzing alkaloids which are the waste products of faulty protein and starch metabolism. Morbid encumbrances and organic decay are frequently due to the suppression of scrofulous, psoric and syphilitic diseases. About sixty percent of all organic cases, however, are due to the ever-lengthening array of destructive drug poisons such as mercury, iodin, quinin, arsenic, bromin, acetanilid and other coal tar products.

Organic defects may be created in the following manner: Earthy waste matter forms deposits in and clogs and hardens the minute blood vessels of brain and nerve centers. Xanthins and alkaloids of the uric acid type, or destructive drug poisons, cause obstruction, abnormal changes, decay and actual destruction of nerve and brain matter. To this group of organic insanity belong all nervous and mental disorders classed by the old school of medicine under locomotor ataxia, paresis, dementia paralytica, senile dementia, etc. This entire range of diseases is looked upon by the medical profession as incurable. Nevertheless, we constantly prove in our practice that all of these types of disorders can be alleviated and a large percentage of them cured by natural methods of treatment, provided there is sufficient vitality left in the organism to respond to treatment and provided also that actual destruction of brain and nerve matter is not too far advanced. The medical treatment of these disorders consists almost universally in the administration of mercury, iodin, arsenic, strychnin, salvarsan and coal tar products. Diagnosis from the iris, however, and the history of cases of this type, reveal the fact that almost without exception these diseases have been produced by the absorption of these same poisons earlier in life. How, then, can such cases be cured by the poisons which produce them? Is it any wonder that medical science calls them "incurable" when too much drugging is all that ails them? Is it any wonder they improve under Christian Science or any other non-suppressive treatment? Every ease of locomotor ataxia, paralysis agitans and paresis which has come under my observation has revealed the signs of drugs, and inquiry into the history usually confirms the drug records in the iris. It takes mercury from five to sixteen years to work its way into the brain and spinal cordthen its destructive symptoms begin to manifest. What is commonly called secondary and tertiary syphilis is nothing but mercurial and iodin poisoning. Syphilis and gonorrhea in themselves are easily curable by natural methods of treatment. If properly treated, without poisonous drugs, these taints can be completely eradicated from the system within four or five months' time. Not a single case treated by us from its incipiency, that is before suppressive treatment had been given, ever developed any secondary or tertiary symptoms or hereditary disease in offspring. The subject of defectives and venereal diseases has been fully treated in "The Black Stork". MENTAL AND EMOTIONAL DISORDERS DUE TO PSYCHICAL CAUSES (GROUP II) The second main division of our diagram deals with psychical disorders. Under these we classify forms of insanity due to mental, emotional and psychical influences. All mental and emotional disorders may finally result in various forms of

abnormal psychism such as hypersensitiveness, negativeness, clairvoyance, clairaudience, hypnotic subjection, mediumship, obsession and possession. Every form of perverted mentalism such as stubbornness, fear, worry, hypochondria, anger, fury, rage, jealousy or self pity may become permanent forms of destructive emotionalism. In our practice we are daily more and more impressed with the fact that any form of abnormal thinking and feeling may easily develop into the most terrible depressive or emotional insanity. Mania is frequently merely a natural tendency unduly exaggerated through loss of self-control. If parents could be made to realize that their fond indulgence of a child's selfishness, indolence, willfulness, irritability and temper may develop into the worst forms of nervousness, hysteria and insanity, they would employ the best means at their command to stimulate, educate and strengthen the will power and self-control of the child. In the weakening and loss of self-control lies the root of psychical disorders; in its restoration, the cure. Paranoia, Monomania, Fixed Idea Forms of mental diseases classified by medical science under these heads are largely the result of destructive autosuggestion. I have not been able to find a better illustration of mental and emotional processes than the phonograph and kinematograph. The gray matter of the brain corresponds to the record cylinders in the phonograph or to the films in the moving picture machine. These plastic materials receive, register and retain impressions of sound and passing scenes and reproduce them automatically. So, also, the gray matter of the brain receives, registers and retains impressions from the outside world coming through the sensory organs and also impressions of thoughts and emotions generated in the mind of the individual. After these records in the brain matter have been established, they repeat themselves spontaneously or at the call of the will. All our distinctly human physical and mental capacities and functions have been created in that way. We had to make the centers or records in the motor or Rolandic area of the brain before we could walk or use our limbs for any other purpose. We had to create centers in Brocha's convolution in the frontal brain for every word we have learned to speak in our own or in any foreign language. In like manner we had to create molecular groupings or brain centers for everything we have gained in the acquisition of knowledge or in the execution of manual labor or artistic productions. Before we can solve a problem in arithmetic, acquire dexterity in the handling of a tool, play the violin or any other musical instrument, we must first establish the necessary centers in the gray matter of the cortex. After these molecular groupings in brain matter have been created, they work almost spontaneously and may control the physical 'organism and the mentality through what we call habit. It took many months of laborious effort to create in Brocha's convolution the molecular groupings for the pronunciation of the words "papa" and "mama" and of other words in an infant's vocabulary. But after the centers were once established, speech flowed freely at the slightest volitional impulse. Many months of laborious

and persistent efforts were required to develop the centers in the brain area for muscular movement and coordination before we could make the first tottering steps, but after these centers in the area of Rolando and in the cerebellum were established the legs responded to the slightest impulse of the will. In similar manner all thinking and feeling impresses its paths, grooves and records in the plastic gray matter of the brain, and after having been firmly established these records of thought, ideas, feelings and memories repeat at the volition of the ego, or they may play their tunes spontaneously. Memory, habit, character, individuality, the subconscious or subjective mind, are made up of these records in the gray matter of the brain. These highly interesting' matters are more fully treated in Vol. IV, Natural Eugenics. Whether our memories and our habitual states of thinking and feeling are of a pleasant, cheerful and happy nature, or whether they are discordant, irritable, morbid, melancholy, unhappy, spiteful, critical, jealous or destructive in any other way, depends upon the kind of records we have made in the past, that is, the kind of thoughts and feelings we have entertained and allowed to impress themselves upon the plastic gray matter of the brain. Our future mental, emotional, moral, spiritual and psychical characteristics will depend upon the records we make from this moment on. When I explain these fundamental principles of psychology and mentalism, people ask, "How can I prevent unpleasant thoughts and feelings from entering my mind!" There lies the root of the trouble. People have never been taught that they have the power to control their thinking and feeling, as well as their eating and drinking. If these fundamental laws and principles of mentalism and emotionalism were impressed on the child mind from the awakening of understanding, what an amount of unhappiness, mental degeneracy and insanity might be prevented! While conversing with a friend about the terrible fate of the victims of autosuggestion, hypnotism, mediumship, obsession and other forms of subjective psychism, she remarked, "It seems incomprehensible why a kind Providence allows innocent and naturally good people to drift into these terrible conditions which must lead to indescribable suffering and final extinction of the individuality." I answered to this, "Somewhere, some time in the history of these individuals they drifted into abnormal ways of thinking and feeling, brooding over real or imaginary troubles, fear of impending poverty, of persecution or misfortune, fear of eternal damnation, of having committed the unpardonable sin or of other religious delusions. These fear records multiplied until they filled the mind to the exclusion of everything else and then played their direful tunes incessantly day and night, creating a living hell for the unfortunate victim of his own mental obsession. Others in similar manner drift into negative conditions of thinking and feeling, which make possible control and obsession by external influences and vicious intelligences in or out of the body." These victims of destructive autosuggestion begin to fear, worry and brood about

something. There may be some reason for it, or the thing dreaded may be entirely imaginary-nine times in ten it is. This occurs usually among people who have not enough real work in their lives but too much time to think and brood. Every time they indulge in this sort of fear thought they impress it more deeply in the plastic gray matter of the brain. One idea sown in the subconscious mind keeps on growing and multiplying until it crowds out everything else. Thus arises the fixed idea, or monomania. The unhappy victim of his own delusion is no longer capable of thinking or feeling anything else. It fills his mind entirely, shows in his behavior and in his gloomy, melancholy features. Hundreds of thousands of people in this United States are thus slowly but surely creating for themselves the worst hells in the universe without realizing their danger, and nobody raises the danger signal because people do not understand the laws of destructive mentalism. I have come into contact with many of these unfortunates whose minds were filled with just one kind of discordant, destructive records playing their dismal tunes by day and night, without relief or intermission. Just now I have under observation a man twenty-eight years of age who has worked himself into such a deplorable condition. He belongs to a wealthy family, is well educated and has had every possible opportunity to make life a success. A few yearn ago he began to brood and worry over an unhappy love affair. His friends tell me the severing of this attachment was in reality most fortunate, because the object of his affection was not of good moral character, and according to her own confession tried to marry him only for his money. Notwithstanding this, he allowed the matter to occupy his mind to the exclusion of everything else. He imagined that he had wronged the young woman beyond the possibility of atonement. This brought up the idea that he was unworthy of respect and unfit for association with his fellow beings, and this in turn led to more introspection and seclusion, until these melancholy, morose and self accusatory ideas filled his mind so completely that he tried in various ways to end his misery by suicide. In spite of all this the man is endowed with splendid intelligence. Even during this mental obscuration he was able to vanquish some of the best checker and chess players in Chicago. Only a few days ago he mentioned to me from memory the telephone numbers of a dozen firms he dealt with two or three years ago. The telephone book proved his memory absolutely correct. Still, long continued and persistent explanations and persuasion have so far proved inadequate to lift his dismal mental obsession. His troubles undoubtedly originated by making the wrong kind of brain records. People do not realize that this sort of fear and worry thought is a form of destructive self-indulgence just as surely as is overindulgence in alcoholic liquors or in habit creating drugs. They have never been taught that destructive mentalism and emotionalism may be prevented by the exercise of will power and self control just as easily as alcoholism or the cigarette or drug habits. Treatment of Monomania These forms of fixed idea or monomania cannot be successfully treated at home.

Old surroundings, relatives, friends and accustomed scenes and objects constantly call up the old brain records and cause them to play their dismal tunes. Change of environmentnew people, new sights, new ideasis absolutely necessary to create new brain records and to throw the old ones into disuse and oblivion. We endeavor to hasten the mental regeneration by arousing interest in new ideas and higher ideals, by instilling new faith and the will to be well in place of the old doubt and despair thought. We have found that the best way to accomplish this is through daily health talks in which we explain to our patients how physical and mental ills are created through violation of Nature's laws of thinking, feeling, breathing, eating, drinking, bathing, etc., and how they must learn to help themselves by complying with Nature's laws in their habits of living. Nervous and mental patients who would resentfully reject any helpful suggestion in private consultation will allow the ideas propounded in a public lecture to sink into their inner consciousness without arousing antagonism and repulsion. Hand in hand with change of surroundings and suggestive treatment must go the purification and upbuilding of the physical body, as outlined in this volume. About a year ago a woman came to us for treatment who was firmly convinced that she had committed the unpardonable sin against the Holy Ghost, that she was damned to hell for all eternity and that there was no possibility of salvation for her. The unhappy condition of her mind may be easily imagined. For four months she exerted all her strength to refuse my helpful arguments and suggestions. Like most of these people she argued with the ingenuity of an accomplished lawyer trying to prove that she was indeed utterly depraved and lost, while in reality she had been the best and kindest of human beings all through her life, until these unfortunate delusions overwhelmed her. About two months after she had left for home I received a letter from her which contained the following passage: "Toward the end of my sojourn in your institution I began to realize that you were right and that I was altogether wrong in my foolish imaginings through which I had created for myself the worst imaginable hell of mental and emotional suffering. But through long continued habit and stubbornness of mind I was not ready nor willing to acknowledge my fault. But after I arrived home and had time and leisure to think matters over I became fully conscious of the absurdity and terrible consequences of my mental aberration. Now I have found my old self again and the dreadful delusions which obsessed and threatened to destroy me seem like a bad dream or dreadful nightmare." Psychic Insanity or Abnormal Psychism The majority of psychical mental disorders are induced by negative, sensitive conditions on one or more planes of being. I mean by this that physical, mental and moral vigor and resistance have become weakened in some way or another and that

as a result, reason, will and self control are benumbed and paralyzed to such an extent that the individual comes into abnormal contact with the lower spiritual planes of existence and lays himself open to hypnotic control by other intelligences in or out of the physical body. The paranoiac, the delusional maniac and the true medium are frequently hypnotically controlled by vicious intelligences on the physical or spiritual planes of being. The drunkard in delirium tremens actually sees things. The snakes and other horrid creatures which terrify him are not altogether hallucinations of a distorted imagination. In his ease the physical organism and its sensory organs, under the deadening influence of alcohol, have become so benumbed and paralyzed that the senses of the spiritual body are abnormally active. In other words, the victim of alcohol becomes clairvoyant on the lowest plains of spiritual lifethe hell of the theologians. Our physical material plane of life corresponds, as far as location in space is concerned, to the lowest spiritual plane, the astral plane of the theosophists, and therein lies the awful danger of premature and abnormal psychical development through negative, subjective processes. All such experiments are extremely dangerous as long as the individual is bound by his heavy physical body and by heavy spiritual gravity to the lowest plane of spirit life. The doctors who have lately "weighed the soul" by observing and recording the loss of weight at the point of death were right in their conclusions. The spiritual body, mentioned by Paul and visible to the seer, is material just as is the physical body, and although this spiritual counterpart of the physical body consists of matter in a very rarefied form, still it occupies space and has some weight. Those who, by a weakening of will power and by subjective, negative processes of psychic development rashly expose themselves to psychic control and abnormal quickening of the spiritual organs of sense, come in contact with the slums and vicious inhabitants of the lowest planes of spiritual life. To the religiously inclined who doubt these statements I would say that if these things are untrue, then the New Testament is false from beginning to end. If abnormal psychism and obsession was a fact in Nature nineteen hundred years ago, it is a fact today. To the materialistic, skeptical scientist I would adapt the quotation and bid him remember "there are really more things in heaven and earth, my medical Horatio, than have been dreamed of in thy philosophy". Only he who has sincerely and earnestly investigated and tested these subjects has a right to speak and judge. When I took "incurable paranoiacs" from a state insane asylum, the doctors in charge smiled at my presumption and informed me that never yet in the history of the institution had a case been cured. Yet we have permanently cured several such eases within four to twelve months' time. It is not to be wondered at, however, that these patients are incurable under the conventional treatment when we stop to consider that insane asylums are veritable

"hells on earth", where ignorant and vicious spirits congregate to obsess and vampirize defenseless victims. The latter are rendered more negative and subjective by idleness, improper diet, solitude, confinement, constant communication with other insane, by the vicious spiritual atmosphere, and by the paralyzing influence of sedative and hypnotic drugs which arc negative in their effects on the human organism. There are those who endeavor to restore lost self-control by "hypnotic suggestion", which, however, is a misnomer. An able writer on this subject draws the following distinction between suggestion and hypnotism: "It is safe to say that in its most common acceptance the word [suggestion] is intended to mean a deferential method of calling the attention of one person to the subject matter in the mind of another and inviting favorable consideration of the same. "For some reason, quite inconceivable at this time, the word has become inseparably connected and associated in thought with the subject of hypnotism. By a sort of tacit agreement or understanding, as it were, among writers and students generally, it has come to include almost, if not quite, all the means and methods by and through which a hypnotist impresses his own thoughts, impulses, desires and will upon the consciousness of his subject. "But it must be borne constantly in mind that in exact proportion to the depth or intensity of the hypnotic state the hypnotist controls the will, voluntary powers and sensory organs of his subject. Under these conditions the subject, to the extent that hypnosis exists, is deprived of the power of independent choice, without which the word 'suggestion' is entirely meaningless to him. " Indeed, every thought, every impression, every impulse of the will projected by a hypnotist upon the consciousness of his subject during the hypnotic relation has, just as far as the hypnotic process is able to carry it, the force and binding effect of a definite and inviolable command. It is not presented to the subject for his consideration as an independent self conscious and rational intelligence possessing discretionary powers. It is not submitted to the rational judgment of the subject at all. It is not offered upon the theory that it may possibly be rejected. On the other hand, it is forced upon him under conditions which, according to the laws of Nature, make its rejection an impossibility. "And yet, notwithstanding all this, it is called 'suggestion' by learned men who are wise enough to instantly discover many a less conspicuous error." Careful scientific investigation has demonstrated that hypnotism may not only produce insanity and physical death, but that it seriously interferes with the normal development of mind and soul and entails evils far greater than mere physical debauchery. In fact, hypnotism is debauchery of mind and soul. It is not to be questioned that hypnotism practiced in a helpful spirit may produce temporary results which seem in a measure to justify its use, but if these be observed in their unfolding it will be found that there has been no actual cure; that the results

were merely the effects of a brain paralysis and the substitution of the will of the operator for the will of the victim. In other words, hypnotic treatment, like that by drugs, is suppressive, not curative. There is a single consideration which of itself should deter any self respecting and prudent person from submitting to hypnotic control. This process involves the temporary subjection and abeyance of reason, will power and self control of the subject. With each repetition, these highest attributes of the soul become more benumbed and paralyzed. This not only prevents the development of the higher faculties, capacities and powers, but starts the victim of hypnotic control on the downward road of mental and moral deterioration and retrogression. Such a person becomes an easy prey to any outside influence that may desire to control him for good or evil. Those who are regularly experimenting with this dangerous power, believing that they are accomplishing beneficial results, should ask themselves if they have a right to extinguish self consciousness and to usurp absolute control over the mind and soul of another individual when this means criminal intrusion upon the sacred rights of individual consciousness and personality for the sake of merely temporary and doubtful benefits. It is our highest and most solemn duty to maintain the waking consciousness and to guard the citadel of our being at all times against intrusion and control by outside intelligences. Any process which progressively weakens the victim's control over his own acts is in violation of the primary law of individual life the law of moral and personal responsibility. Reason, will power and self-control are the soul attributes which distinguish the human from the animal. Take these away and there is nothing left but an idiot or a lunatic. When these highest qualities of the human soul are permanently benumbed and paralyzed through the hypnotic process, the individual sinks below the animal plane, because he has not even animal instinct to guide him This is soul murder. I began to realize the destructive nature of hypnotism and mediumship when I was studying Nature Cure in Berlin. At that time I also took a course in "Suggestive Therapeutics" under Jacques Groll, at that time the most celebrated hypnotist in Germany. My fellow students appeared to enjoy the abject submission and helplessness of our clinical subjects when under hypnotic control, but from the beginning the pitiable condition of these wretches, deprived of reason, will and self-control, was revolting to me. Although endowed to a marked degree with the power to exert hypnotic control, I decided there must be other less harmful methods of curing human ailments and resolved never to employ subjective methods in any form whatsoever. There is no delusion more fatal than that encouraged by certain church organizations engaged in the work of psychic healing, namely, that will power can be restored and strengthened by hypnosis-the very process that destroys it more surely than any other known agency, a process which is the greatest crime which can

be committed against a human being. We now come to the consideration of subjective psychism, in its various phases closely related to hypnotism. These states all have their incipiency in negative physical and mental conditions. By a negative condition we mean weakness, lack of resistance, susceptibility and submission to outside influences. Prominent factors in producing negative physical and psychical conditions are hereditary tendencies, debilitating diseases, drugs which exert a negative hypnotic influence upon the organism, a negative diet, vicious habits, such as alcoholism, sex perversion, etc. Habits not vicious, but which have been indulged in to the extent of jeopardizing self control, may lead to subjective psychism. Among these are religious emotionalism, over scrupulousness, concern about the future, morbid altruism, in fact any good habit exaggerated to a degree involving loss of equilibrium. Again and again physicians hear from the patient this complaint, "It is not that I like doing these things; I abhor and detest the very thought of them. A foreign influence seems to come over me and to control me. I feel as if it were another person." Indeed, it often is. All habits carried to a point producing loss of selfcontrol open the door to control by outside intelligences having the same tendencies. Yet even so, hypnotism and the sance room may accomplish more harm in a few "sittings" than evil habits during a lifetime. Hypnotic control depends upon the temporary paralysis of reason, will and selfcontrol. If persisted in it may result in the permanent loss of these capacities and powers that distinguish man from the brute. Under abnormal psychism I include all phases of psychism, from mere sensitiveness and awareness of conditions on the spiritual planes (clairvoyance, clairaudience, etc.) to actual obsession, which is the hypnotic control of an individual in the body by an intelligence outside of the body. Such control by a spiritual intelligence may result in complete possession of the physical organism by the obsessing influence. Not long ago I received from a distance a manuscript describing the author's experience in developing mediumship, from the time when she began to receive strange vibrations and to be impressed by peculiar sensations until she heard voices and came in actual contact with her "controls". These experiences became very annoying and interfered with her daily occupations as well as with rest and sleep. She begged her tormentors to leave her and threatened to disclose her true condition. They laughed and told her if she did she would be adjudged insane and would be confined in an asylum. When her condition became unbearable she related these experiences to her husband and to the family physician; the latter shook his head and left a prescription for her "nerves". A few days later, her husband took her for a walk and with her entered a large building. Presently she found herself before an assemblage of

physicians and nurses and was asked to tell her story. After she had done so the doctors agreed that she was suffering from delusional insanity and committed her to the institution. In the manuscript she tells a piteous story of her experiences. During two years she was confined in three different asylums. "All this time," she says, "I was as sane as ever in my life, but the mere mention of my psychic experiences was sufficient to commit me." People no more insane than we are have been tortured by experiences which in many instances they are afraid to tell their nearest friends, lest they be committed to the insane asylum. Psychic exposure is brought about by a weakening of the physical body and its magnetic envelope, sometimes called the aura. The physical body and its magnetic envelope form the protecting wall dividing us from contact with the astral plane and the lower spiritual spheres. If between the room where I am sitting and the adjoining one there were a heavy brick wall, I should be unconscious of what is transpiring on the other side; but if the partition consist merely of wood and glass, I apprehend every sound and can hear distinctly the conversation in the other room. Thus it is with a person whose protective physical and magnetic envelopes have been weakened and attenuated to such an extent that the spiritual senses have become abnormally active on the lowest spiritual planes coexistent with our earthly plane. From what I have said it becomes apparent that the cure of abnormal psychism cannot lie in solitude, confinement, idleness, sedatives nor hypnotics, either in the form of drugs or of "suggestion", but in the application of natural tonic treatment. Fundamental is the right diet, rich in positive dairy foods and in positive vegetable foods that grow in and near the ground. Massage and neurotherapy are important because they stimulate in a natural manner the dormant nerve centers. Hydrotherapy and open air baths stimulate and invigorate the circulation and the vital activities of the skin. Daily physical culture drills, particularly the psychological exercises, not only strengthen the body but teach coordination of mind and muscle, thereby exercising in a most effectual manner will power and self control. Medicinal treatment, if administered, must be tonic, never depressive. Suggestion also plays its part, but it, too must be tonic, not depressive. That is, it must not be administered in the hypnotic trance, but directed to the waking consciousness, in order that the patient may accept it and respond to it by the exertion of his own will, not through coercion by the will of another. This is the danger line. Let the psychotherapist (Emanuel Movement) beware that he does not cross it. All phases of abnormal psychism are fully covered in Volume IV of this series, entitled Natural Eugenics. SECTION XXXI

MENTAL AND SPIRITUAL HEALING 1. Telepathy, the Language of Impulse Telepathy means the transmission of words and ideas from mind to mind through vibrations in the ether. That this is possible is now a matter of common experience among those who are physically and mentally sufficiently refined to become sensitive to such etheric vibrations. A few years ago materialistic science would have dismissed telepathy as "another evidence of hysterical self delusion or as tricks of pretenders and fakirs". This is hardly possible now in the days of wireless telegraph and telephone. If it is possible for metal instruments to transmit messages through thousands of miles of open wireless space, why should it be impossible to send mental vibrations from mind to mind and brain to brain through the all-pervading ether? What is now possible to a comparatively few physically and mentally refined and sensitive individuals will in the course of evolutionary development become the common capacity of all mankind. Those who have attained the power to travel in foreign landsthat is, in the spiritual planes of life-assure us that in the higher spiritual spheres telepathic communication, the language of impulse, becomes the common mode of expression. Though we may not be aware of it, it is a fact that all of us are more or less sensitive while waking and possibly more so while sleeping, to thought vibrations and emotional vibrations from our physical and spiritual surroundings. Every human brain and the consciousness back of it is a wireless telegraph with its sending and receiving apparatus. We live in a great sea of mental, emotional, spiritual and physical vibrations. Most of us are constantly sending forth our own vibrations and receiving those of other minds. Much of that which appears to us as our own thinking and feeling is thus inspired or forced upon us from without. This becomes particularly apparent in what has been called mob psychology. Our mental and psychical wireless connects us with all the planes and spheres of earth and heaven, of hell and purgatory, and with their inhabitants. The nature of the vibrations that we receive, whether they be cheerful or of a depressing nature, helpful or harmful, constructive or destructive, depends upon the quality of our own vibrations. In order to make communication between wireless instruments a possibility, the sending and receiving apparatus must be attuned to the same range of vibration. So also the human wireless receives and registers those vibrations only which are nearest in vibratory quality to its own. Thus the brain habitually attuned to the vibrations of hopelessness, fear, despair and melancholy will receive and register like vibrations from the earth plane and the lower and lowest spiritual spheres which are the abodes of gloom, remorse and despair. In like manner, vibrations of greed, jealousy, revenge and cruelty will attract and register like vibrations from other depraved and cruel minds. From this it appears that those who indulge in destructive mentalism and emotionalism intensify their

own unhappy or depraved conditions through the operation of the law of spiritual attraction and repulsion. I use the word "indulge" advisedly because destructive mental and emotional habits are just as much forms of self indulgence as are the drug or liquor habits. The person who indulges in fear and worry thought is just as much a victim of intemperance as the drunkard and drug fiend. Lack of self-control is the cause of all vices; the exercise of self control the only remedy. The preacher of temperance may be surprised to learn that his fear and worry mania or his irritability and nervousness is just as much a matter of lack of self control and of intemperance as the liquor or cigarette habit of those whom he tries to reform by force of law. The trouble is that people have not been taught that they can and must control their thinking and feeling just as strictly as their eating and drinking. They grow up under the impression that they cannot help what they think or feelthat thoughts and feelings come and go "as the wind listeth"; they think of the brain and mind as an Aeolian harp which is played upon by the passing breezes. They do not realize that the brain is a musical instrument under the absolute control of the will of the ego, that the will is the artist who may elicit harmony or discord from his instrument as he desires. Fortunately the laws of spiritual attraction and repulsion work just as accurately in the constructive as in the destructive way. Just as surely as we can connect our mental, spiritual and psychical wireless with the astral planes and the deepest hells, just so surely can we connect them with the higher spiritual and celestial spheres and their inhabitants, with the invisible helpers and angels and with the all-pervading spirit of the universe whom we call God, the Father, the Logos, the Great Spirit, Brahm, and by innumerable other names. Just as surely as wireless connection with the lower spheres will fill our souls with the discords of unhappiness, remorse and despair, just so surely will connection with the higher spheres bring us an influx of more life, love and happiness, of "peace that passeth all understanding". To illustrate the foregoing, think of a hall in which an orchestra is performing a great symphony. The audience, instead of listening quietly and attentively, creates loud and disturbing noises. Naturally the beautiful music is drowned in the general clatter and merely serves to increase the nerve racking noise. In similar manner the influx of peace, harmony and healing power from the higher spheres of spiritual and celestial life cannot fill the soul, cannot have a harmonious effect upon the physical, mental and psychical conditions of a person if mind and soul be agitated by discordant and destructive mental and emotional vibrations.

2. The Secret of Spiritual Healing

Mind and soul must be in a condition of perfect serenity and peace before they can receive the wireless vibrations of healing power from the source of all life. This is the modus operandi of true spiritual healing. It means the opening of our souls to the influx of almighty love from the source of all life and love in the universe. Life and love are identical in nature. Love is the highest vibratory activity of the human soul as well as of the universe. Why should we depend upon spiritual healers when within ourselves we have the shortest wireless connection between the human soul and the oversoul? A spiritual teacher cannot help us more effectively than by showing us how to establish this wireless connection and how to operate it. A sufferer, confined to bed for many years, said: "You ask me to make myself receptive to the healing currents coming from the innermost source of life and power within me; you say I must relax and fix my attention and desire on the spiritual and celestial ranges of vibratory activity. "I fail to understand how I can come into living con tact with heavenly vibrations while confined in this hell of ignorance, sin and suffering." Smilingly, she added: "Don't you think it a far call from Chicago to Heaven?" To this I replied: "It is within your power to receive as you desirethe discords of hell or the peace and harmony of heaven. Though the planes of mundane, spiritual and celestial life differ greatly in locality, the vibrations of the higher and highest spheres penetrate to the lower and lowest. Even the denizens of hell may catch glimpses of heaven. "You fail to understand how it is possible for you to be in heaven and hell at the same time, yet, in this great city all spheres are represented in the souls of its inhabitantsthe highest spiritual and celestial spheres as well as the lowest abodes of hell. It is possible for you to be at the same time in closest touch with these Varying places and conditions. "Suppose your sick bed was surrounded with telephones, phonographs and kinetoscopes which transmitted to your eyes and ears the sights and sounds of these varying localities and conditions. What impressions you received would depend upon your desire, the direction of your attention and upon the refinement and receptivity of your physical and spiritual sensory organs. So your psychical wireless connects you with all the spheres of our planetary universe." The invalid to whom I alludea woman of about thirty-five years of agehad been confined to her bed for four and a half years, unable to turn from side to side, her physical body being slowly eaten away by cancerthe result of five surgical operations. When I first called to attend her she had been suffering with the dread malady for two years Christian Science had been of no avail to ease her suffering. Morphine and other opiates brought only temporary relief. From the day I first met her until the day she died, she never took another dose of painkillers or hypnotics. The simple, natural methods of treatment and her own serene and exalted mental and spiritual

attitude made her suffering bearable and enabled her, under the most distressing circumstances, to remain in a cheerful and even happy frame of mind. Her relatives and friends frequently assured me that instead of their having to console and cheer the sufferer, she was the sunshine of the home. As she became acquainted with the laws of constructive psychism and learned to control the higher and finer forces of mind and soul, it seemed that the spiritual predominated over the physical. Towards the end her consciousness was as active on the spiritual plane of life as on the physical. While her poor body was racked with pains, her spiritual eyes delighted in rapturous spiritual visions. It was undoubtedly the supremacy of the spiritual life over the physical which helped to keep her alive and which harmonized the physical vibrations sufficiently to ease her suffering and make it bearable.' She had learned to connect her mental and psychic wireless with the highest vibratory ranges of spiritual and celestial activity. This experience more than any other disclosed to me the marvelous possibilities of constructive mentalism and psychism as a healing power. There is another book "How and when to be Your Own Doctor" for free download from: EFT - Emotional Freedom Technique updated: 5. Dec. 05

Introduction About two years ago, when I searched desperately to help my horse who was very ill and getting worse every day, I was told to try EFT. I searched the Internet and found some basic information. The same night at 3 o'clock in the morning I did EFT for my horse. But it was too late, he was laying down and could not get up anymore... The

same day in the afternoon he died. The vet who came in the morning said that the best would be to put him to sleep, what means to kill him. I did not agree and wanted that he died without this kind of help. I did EFT the whole day with him, not to heal him, but to help him to leave his body. It helped and he could go without too much strain. The death of my horse was a strong emotional shock for me, as he has been my best friend for more than thirty years. I had just recovered from Fibromyalgia after several years of suffering, but now it got worse again. There was no doubt that this was caused due to the emotional stress. So then I continued to do the EFT every day and this time just for myself. It helped me faster than I had expected and also it supported my doing a lot that a friend had send me the copies of the EFT seminar CDs (Gary Craig allows to do so). Now my EFT was very effective and I used it in several occasions, for example with my teeth

problems (I will report about this later on my 'Teeth Page'.)

What attracted me especially about this healing method is that one can do it alone, not depending on another person or 'professional'. To do one's self treatment it needs only a few minutes and one can do it anywhere in all kind of situations, only needing one's owns hands and knowing the points where to touch. This is probably one of the most gentle ways to heal oneself which exist, one can do no harm to oneself or others, it is similar to meditation or Reiki... Now, what is EFT? Looking nearer, EFT is a version of acupuncture except one doesn't use needles, so it is a kind of 'emotional acupuncture'. One is stimulating the known energy meridian points on one's body by tapping them with the fingertips. And the same time saying or thinking the 'EFT Statement' which in its essence says, but is expressed due to one's individual conditions: "The cause of all negative emotions is a disruption in the body's energy system." This is known since several thousand years especially in the East and even Albert Einstein had said the same: 'Every thing is energy - our body as well!' One can not really find the realization of this statement in our established medical system... These ideas have been mostly ignored by the established healing practices and this might be a reason why EFT often works so surprisingly when nothing else does. That's because conventional healing methods have simply overlooked the obvious and that is to treat the root cause. With this one will enter into a kind of 'Freedom' where things are getting cleared up due to the EFT practice, where before one couldn't even see that possibility, being the slaves of our habits and conditionings... How can one learn EFT? When two years ago I was searching for information to help my horse then I had a hard time to find something, but now things have changed and one can find enough to start with and all for free. One can learn all the basics for free by getting the 'Get Started Package'. It includes a 79 page EFT Manual that gives the theory and all the tapping points. One can start using EFT (although in a beginner's way) immediately after reading it. From the 'Get Started Package' one also can subscribe to the free 'EFT Insights Newsletter', which is highly informative. Just go to the EFT Web site and have a look! How did EFT give help to me? As I told before: When my horse died, this was a strong emotional shock to me and the symptoms of Fibromyalgia came back. With the EFT I could recover from this shock and then also the symptoms like energy lack and pain disappeared until I was completely healed. Later on I had a lot of problems with my teeth and EFT helped me with this. I will make a page about this later on. During my healing process it became clear to me that my physical illness was caused mainly by emotional reasons, so doing the EFT it was important to address those unbalanced emotions. One thing I want to mention which is important for many men: Suffering from 'Erectile Dysfunction' happens often in ones life and then EFT will help to cure it unless the cause is the disease/distruction of a vital organ, but in case of 'Erectile Dysfunction' there is mostly an underlying emotional cause and this of course will not be healed by 'Viagra' but pretty sure with EFT! How I am using EFT often is to help me with my energy and my mood, so I do the tapping and say: 'Affirmation: My energy and my mood are high!' . This needs only two minutes and it helps. Lately I had a 'writers block', probably because there were no responses, etc. so I did the EFT with: 'Affirmation: I am motivated to write and I am inspired and guided!' And as you can see, it works! There were several occasions more, but you try with yourself and you will see...

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EFT - Emotional Freedom Technique updated: 10. March. 08

Introduction About two years ago, when I searched desperately to help my horse who was very ill and getting worse every day, I was told to try EFT. I searched the Internet and found some little basic information, for more I would have needed to buy videos. But for this there was no time left. With the little information I had, in the same night at 3 o'clock in the morning I did EFT for my horse. But it was too late, he was laying down and could not get up anymore... The same

day in the afternoon he died. The vet who came in the morning said that the best would be to put him to sleep, what means to kill him. I did not agree and wanted that he died without this kind of help. I did EFT the whole day with him, not to heal him, but to help him to leave his body. It helped and he could go without too much strain. The death of my horse was a strong emotional shock for me, as he has been my best friend for more than thirty years. I had just recovered from Fibromyalgia after several years of suffering, but now it got worse again. There was no doubt that this was caused due to the emotional stress. So then I continued to do the EFT every day and this time just for myself. Now my EFT was effective and I used it in several occasions, for example with my teeth problems (I will report about this later on my 'Teeth

Page'.) What attracted me especially about this healing method is that one can do it alone, not depending on another person or 'professionals'. To do one's self treatment it needs only a few minutes and one can do it anywhere in all kind of situations, only needing one's owns hands and knowing the points where to touch. This is probably one of the most gentle ways to heal oneself which exist, one can do no harm to oneself or others, it is similar to meditation or Reiki or the very effective 'Stress Release Exercise'. Update: I came to the conclusion, that EFT is not similar to meditation or SRE, because doing the EFT, tapping certain points and repeating a phrase, is mostly done automatically and one's awareness and utmost feeling is not necessarily involved. With this the self treatment is the same as when treating the usual way, what means treating the symptoms with medication or some mechanical advises. The root cause is not seen and not touched. Looking at it now after some time has passed, I see that EFT is a manipulation of the mental and emotional system, without engaging oneself and taking self responsibility. Yes it works, but still lets the root cause untouched. As a first aid to overcome ones

emotional and mental blocks it might serve, but if then one doesn't go beyond ones identification games, ones inbuilt 'growing force' will cause other severe symptoms of imbalance... What is EFT? It is said that EFT is a version of acupuncture except one doesn't use needles, so it is a kind of 'emotional acupuncture'. One is stimulating the known energy meridian points on one's body by tapping them with the fingertips. And the same time saying or thinking the 'EFT Statement' which in its essence says, but is expressed due to one's individual conditions: "The cause of all negative emotions is a disruption in the body's energy system." Remark: I do not agree in this. It might as well be that the disruption of the energy is caused by negative emotions and the cause of this emotions can be found in the attitude of this person and the belief system, the self-image and the established concepts of this person. So if manipulation is done on the energy system then the cause is not treated just the symptoms, not so much different as when eliminating symptoms with chemicals. Indeed, it needs some more investigation to be done... This is known since several thousand years especially in the East. One can not really find the realization of this statement in our established medical system... These ideas have been mostly ignored by the established healing practices and this might be a reason why EFT often works so surprisingly when nothing else does. (Because all what is tried stays on the same limited level!) That's because conventional healing methods have simply overlooked the obvious and that is to treat the root cause. With this one will enter into a kind of 'Freedom' where things are getting cleared up due to the EFT practice, where before one couldn't even see that possibility, being the slaves of our habits and conditionings... Update: Talking bout 'energy' sounds impressive, but knowing that this expression still comes out of a world view which is basically materialistic, then one should be very critical. One can say that the cause of all negative emotions is NOT the disruption in the body's energy system, but probably more correct is that the disruption in the body's energy system is caused by negative emotions, which are nothing else then reactions provoked by daily reality because of the established concepts of each individual, forming the so called 'personality'. With EFT those established programs can be manipulated without touching the identification games of the personality and without being involved very much, not using one's awareness or reflecting about one's conditions... How did EFT give help to me? As I told before: When my horse died, this was a strong emotional shock to me and the symptoms of Fibromyalgia came back. With meditation I could recover pretty fast from this shock and then also the symptoms like energy lack and

pain disappeared when I continued with my ozone saunas until I was completely healed. During my healing process it became clear to me that my physical illness was caused mainly by emotional reasons. I am using EFT often to help me with my energy and my mood, so I do the tapping and say: 'Affirmation: I am in perfect health, full of energy and in a good mood!' . This needs only two minutes and it helps. I had several occasions to find out that EFT helps. Not only with my mood and energy level, my teeth and other pain issues, but also when I had heart problems due to too much stress. When I broke my leg and had unbearable pain, then I could manage not to use any pain killer just doing EFT. The broken bone healed within four weeks instead of six weeks and I'm convinced this could happen because I did EFT several times a day, as laying in bed I had nothing else to do... I did EFT parallel with the 'Stress Release Exercise' and I am convinced that this makes the EFT effective, much more than doing it without meditation or SRE. BeiYin Update: I had written on this page that EFT treats the 'root cause', but meanwhile after several years of practice I have doubts about this. Yes, it helps. What means that the symptoms disappear, but probably the root cause stays untouched. The same as when treating a disease with medication, although EFT is not just covering the symptoms, but stimulating positive energies, even on the same level and not touching directly the root cause. I see now that EFT is a manipulation using suggestions in a kind of self hypnosis, programming one's brain. Similar as what a witch doctor or magician is doing. The root cause will stay untouched if not the individual is deeply engaged in one's healing process. This is a work with oneself: clearing up one's unconscious background and very few individuals are willing to do this. It is much easier to use some formulas and repeat these in an automatic way. It works with the symptoms, that's all what is ask for. So no wonder that the EFT has success as a healing method... Is there an alternative way? Yes, I'm convinced that one can go further and beyond this 'emotional technique' and indeed do self healing which includes one's body, mind and feelings and even further and so then also healing the root cause. It should be clear that emotions are reactions caused by one's program running in the background, which includes one's self image and all established concepts... Becoming clear about this probably is more important and will have the most effective healing result. With this we can leave behind any manipulation and tricks used by one's personality and become aware of ourselves and work with this in the first place. I think it is possible to use EFT as a kind of crutch to be able to start to walk, but if one is clinging too long on this, then one's healing process might get stuck. To avoid to depend on any 'healing technique' one will need to listen to oneself, being very critical as a result of knowing 'human nature' and those 'personality games' connected with it and then learning to distinguish and out of this making decisions... But the most important is, that one comes to the understanding through one's realization, that 'personality' is an illusion, created by identification with images

and concepts... But about all this I have written enough in other places. - But at least you might have gotten the taste that tapping on certain points is not enough and one needs to be engaged much more to get out of one's cage to be healed. Email Exchange about Inguinal Hernia click here to go to the latest update Jack: A hernia is a hole in your skin. BeiYin: More exact: It is a rupture of the tissue and muscles which cover the abdomen. Of course hernia is not an illness. It is a symptom caused by an underlying condition. This might be an unbalance or weakness of the whole system, probably caused by habits which have damaged the system. This might have happened during a long time or even be the heritage from one's parents. So for sure it is not just a hole in the skin. The condition as a result from mostly unknown reasons goes much further and includes levels one is rarely conscious about and often one doesn't want to give any attention beyond one's used limited awareness, defending this with all kind of tricks... Jack: If you had a hole in your stomach, you would sound odd if you focused all your attention on healing it, without closing the hole, first. The skin around the hole could heal well and that would be a kind of healing. At least you could use the word heal in that way, but you would still have to be careful not to fool yourself into thinking that healing meant closing the hole. After the hole was healed, you could decide to leave it open. Then the word heal might not apply. The same would be true of a hole in your ear lobe. Many women are careful not to let that hole close, but they do make sure that the hole is healed. BeiYin: Well Jack, every body has at least two holes in one's stomach. Why should I want to close one of these? Then the food couldn't enter my stomach or couldn't get out when digested. I'm not sure what it true about the holes, but I'm pretty sure that I don't want any holes in my ear lobes. I can't follow your high pitched philosophy about holes, maybe it is because of my rudimentary English... Jack: A hole can be a wound in your body where healing includes getting the hole to close and allowing the skin to grow together forming a scar where the hole was. The scar can then be removed or allowed to heal or not. You can live with the scar or live with the hole, or seek help in changing the way it is. The word heal suggests a certain kind of change. The word is often misleading. The mislead often pay huge sums of money to doctors who mislead them. Doctors benefit from this misuse of the word heal. Be careful not to mislead yourself when you use that word. BeiYin: Exactly that is what I'm doing and that is part of my 'healing process'. Indeed: 'Healing' includes change and this is an essential condition: Change in one's eating habits, change in one's attitude in many different aspects, starting to become independent, taking self responsibility, being critical especially about established concepts and images and what is told by 'authorities', now and since mankind exist. I don't want to talk about medical doctors, they are part of the established system and mostly not aware that they are slaves of the pharmaceutics industry. The health system of this society is strongly established and there is hardly the possibility to heal oneself in a different way than what is offered. No wonder that there are hundred thousands of Web sites about surgery for hernia but not even one with the suggestion for an alternative way. So when I use the word 'healing' then this includes my whole being with all levels and then this will transform myself and in this process my disease with all symptoms will disappear, leaving me as a stronger, more conscious and more whole person, hopefully connected with by source and being one with it.

Jack: A hernia or hole in your ear lobe or stomach can grow together (close, mesh) but it will not happen if the skin is not pushed together in some mechanical way before the skin has has healed in the open position. You can improve the general health of your body and increase the chances of the healing (closing, growing together) but you still need to push the hole closed to let it happen (mesh, seal up). You can also focus on keeping the hole from tearing further or getting larger, even if you do nothing to try to close the hole. A hole usually needs to be monitored for infection and protected from getting wounds, at least at first. A surgeon can be employed to patch the hole, or to help determine if the hole is healing or healed. BeiYin: If one is convinced that something can't happen, then it will not happen. Being hypnotized from one's own view, one is not capable to go beyond. So healing might start by opening oneself to unknown possibilities. The testimonial of someone who was healed, will probably not help to change a conviction and every view point which does not confirm one's own will be rejected. Hole or not hole, more important is to become whole, then every thing else will fall in it's place. Jack: I have a friend who was on a respirator until his lungs were healed. When they removed the respirator, he was left with a hole in his throat. The hole was healed years ago, but is still open. He has an hour of work per day caring for this hole, but he does not want a surgeon to close (heal, seal, patch, etc.) it for him or to help it grow together. He didn't want any help from any doctors, surgeons, plastic surgeons, gurus, medicine men, monks, priests, etc. After many years of warnings from doctors, the hole is still not closed. If he ever needs a respirator again, the chances of infection will be reduced for him, but of course that is not why he has left it open. He hates doctors and other healers more than I do. BeiYin: The question is why he hates doctors. Shouldn't he be thankful because they have saved his life? There seems to be a conflict and if he is full of hate, then for sure he is not 'healed', although his lungs are functioning again due to a medical manipulation. Jack: In whatever languages you speak, be careful in your use of words that can be used to manipulate your mind and decision making, like healing, closing, sealing, patching, etc. My hole is big. A large protrusion can fit through it easily (i.e. the hernia) and is difficult to reduce. It grows a little less each year, as I become more experienced in keeping the hole from any additional tearing. It will never seal (close, grow together) without a surgeon's intervention. It does not hurt at all. It is unlikely to get strangulated or tear much more. I use a girdle to hold it in place and can wear it all day without discomfort. It makes sexual activity difficult, or at least more complicated. It is not pretty to look at. It is not a hole that urgently needs to be closed, and has not been that for over ten years. BeiYin: Never say 'never'! If you are stuck with your mind, then indeed it is impossible to change your health situation. So first change your mental condition to give space that your physical condition changes. You are right: It is not the hole which needs urgently to be closed. Ten years is long, isn't it time now that you open your mind to an other level of your existence? Jack: My hernia "needs" some attention from me every day. I "need" contact with others who are living with their hernias, successfully or not, preferably for a few years or more. My problems and thoughts are difficult to talk about with anyone who has never had a hernia. That is the only reason that I can think of to opt for surgical repair. I had a dream that I met a surgeon, who had a large unrepaired hernia that he wanted to talk to me about. He had answers to my questions that few other people could have, but he also had many very interesting and insightful questions for me. Some day, you might decide to create a web site to answer questions for people like him or me. Meanwhile, it might help you to learn to live with your unrepaired (but probably healed) hernia. BeiYin: That's what I'm doing: I have opened a Web page about the healing process of my

hernia. Email exchanges like this will be included. So what are your questions? I couldn't find any in this email, only statements. You are looking for confirmation of what is your established opinion about your hernia? You are taking care of it since more than ten years. Do you want to heal yourself? Or are you not even giving yourself this opportunity? One year has given me enough time to learn to live with my hernia, but there is not one moment I doubt that this condition will be healed, because I am in a healing process with my whole being and I can see and feel the progress, the hernia as a symptom is just a minor part of my

incompleteness... Daniel: I have been following the health page about your inguinal hernia and I am interested in what kind of protein you are taking. Is it whey powder, milk, soy protein or some other kind. Isn't 150 grams a lot of protein to be taking? Isn't that bad for your kidneys? Also won't 10 or 11 grams of Vitamin C give you diarrhea? Also please tell me what exercises you are doing and how many repetitions and how hard you are doing them? Is the vitamin C the powder form? I would be interested in following your complete program if you would be specific and put it on your web site. I can't relax because I have to lift heavy sacks and boxes of mail in my job as a mail handler and I think I'm fighting a losing battle because I'm making the hernia worse everyday because of my job. Please send me an e-mail and tell me what your exact program consists of and what kind of supplements you are taking and what exercises you are doing. I know that everybody is responsible for their own health and that any advice you give me will not be taken as medical advice and you can not give me or guarantee that this will cure me. But you are the only hope I have found on the internet that doesn't recommend surgery. BeiYin: I can understand your situation which is similar to my own. I also have to lift heavy stuff and this is not favorable for the hernia. I am doing about 4 hours loading of pallets a day, now it is high season and there is more work than I can manage... Although I am doing pretty well. Wearing my trust the whole time, relaxing laying down as often I can, doing exercises in the morning: some yoga movements, massage and EFT between the exercises. I have the feeling that it works even very slowly. Exercises I'm doing: (All exercises doing when laying on my back and of course when there are no intestines coming out through the hernia.) 1.) Doing a massage of the hernia place with one hand. Doing small circles, first right hand to the right and then left hand circles to the left. About one hundred times. Then massaging with both hands from down the belly upwards fifty times. Then I do bigger circles around my stomach, about 25 to 50 times, this I'm doing because the last few weeks I had stomach pain (probably because of stress and this helps.) 2.) _/\___o Feet on the ground, legs like picture, then lifting up head and chest. I started with twenty times then adding more as much it felt comfortable coming to two hundred, but now doing only 50 or 75. 3.) Then I do one round of EFT with tapping the EFT points with the affirmation: "I am in perfect health. My hernia, heart, stomach, teeth and throat are completely healed." 4.) Same position as above and I lift up straight one leg into the air and then the other: _/\___o \___o I started with ten times each leg, went to one hundred and now I'm doing fifty. 5.) Then another round with EFT: "My abdomen is in perfect health. The cells of the tissue

and muscles are very active rebuilding and enforcing my abdomen." 6.) Then laying flat on my back, legs lifted up about 15 cm: then lifting up both legs as high as possible and then putting them down but not on the ground but keeping them up about 15 cm from the ground. I started with fife times and slowly went up to sixty, now I'm doing fifty. 7.) Another round with EFT. I do: "My teeth are in perfect health. The missing ones are growing and the rotten ones and all infection and caries is completely healed." 8.) Since two weeks I started with a yoga exercise which is called 'ship'. Lifting up legs and upper body and holding this position as long as possible, breathing normal. I started with fifteen seconds, now I'm at half a minute. 9.) Another round of EFT. I had a 'writer block' and did: "I am motivated to write and I'm inspired and guided." And I continued with this even when the block had disappeared. 10.) Then I do a yoga exercise which is part of the series called 'crocodile exercise' I learned forty years ago from Swami Dev Murti. Laying on my back, legs like the first exercise, arms spread out, moving both legs together to one side to the ground and head and upper body into the other direction. I did up to two hundred times, now one hundred times. 11.) Another round of EFT whatever is needed. 12.) The same position as 10.) only knees touching chest, then moving legs to one side to the ground and upper body to the other side, etc. I started with twenty, went up to one hundred and I'm doing now fifty. 13.) The same massage like l.) 14.) Last round of EFT: " I'm in perfect health, full of energy and in a good mood." 15.) Last exercise: Lifting legs and arms into the air and shaking them strongly several times. Letting legs and arms fall relaxed down and repeating one time more the shaking. Then putting on my trust and getting up. The reason why I have reduced the number of movements is that I was told by a friend who healed himself from an inguinal hernia, that it is more important to do the exercises in an anaerobic way, that means as strong as possible and of a short time. I read this also from Dr.Berrnard but he is suggesting weight lifting and jumping, what tells me that for sure he never had an hernia. It is said that anaerobic exercises build up the muscles in the fastest way. The protein I'm taking now is from the health food store, that was the quickest way to get some. It is 90% protein from soy and has also minerals and vitamins. I like it and mix it with soy milk. As the soy milk also has some protein (35gr/liter) I take about 100gr of the protein powder. There are provider in the Internet and from USA where the protein powder is sold in 5 pound quantity and therefore cheaper, but there are often problems with the mail and I prefer to buy it here. I started with several grams of vitamin C until I got diarrhea then I reduced the amount and now I'm at six grams/daily and feel comfortable with it and slowly will add more. I have all kind of vitamin C I bought as a bulge two years ago in an Ebay auction, they are all out of date, but that's what I have and I will use it. There is other supplements I ordered several months ago in Holland but the mail went wrong, they have send it again but two months have passed and it didn't arrive yet. Anyway I'm critical about those 'formulas' which are sold for too much money and questionable result. But I will investigate about it more. These substances which stimulate the cell structure of tissue are also in normal food and so it might be only necessary to know about it and then eat those food more frequently. (Lysine, proline, etc.) I am investigating about it and will make a list of food and the content of vitamins, protein,

etc. Of course it will not be possible to take all the necessary vitamins by drinking orange juice, what I would like best, but probably one needs to drink twenty liter of it in one day... or more. There are some other aspects which in my view are of essential importance: That one sees disease not as a punishment or something what happened as an accident. You are not a victim. The healing of any disease and so also of an hernia is a healing process which includes the whole system, - one's whole being, - what means that the mind, the emotions and also beyond of this a field one might call 'spiritual' are included. You need to find trust within yourself, knowing that you are guided from within and taking self responsibility and getting out of dependency will make this possible. If your trust is so strong (I'm not talking about belief) that there is no fear left, even not about death, then you are healed and for sure the hernia will be also. We will keep in contact, please report... PS: I have send a copy of this message to a friend who healed himself from an inguinal hernia and who gave me some important hints... I believe it is not only essential that we heal ourselves, but it will have a strong influence and convincing impact on other people who feel lost and desperate because they can't effort a surgery and they are under the hypnotic influence of the authorial medical system who is telling that only surgery can help and so people are left without hope, doing nothing about their condition. Only in the USA there are 300.000 people living with an untreated hernia, desperate and suffering... One thing I had forgotten to say: If there is a accumulation of fat in the abdomen, then this might have caused the hernia, as with this the tissue and the muscles are weakened. Also fat is where the toxins are stored and this for sure contribute to the condition. To create favorable conditions for the healing you should consider a fasting and maybe also a liver cleans.

Boyd: First, I have a few questions for you. 1) How long have you had your hernia? 2) What kind is it? Inguinal? Double? 3) How long have you had it? 4) Is it reducible? That is, does the bulge go away completely when you lay on your back? How large is the bulge? Can you push it back in while standing? 5) When working, you said it makes it worse? How so? Does the bulge get larger? 6) Is there pain? More so after meals? 7) Do you wear a truss? I got my hernia about 3 1/2 years ago. The bulge has not appeared since April of this year. It did not take that long to heal it. I just did not know what to do. What I didn't do was rush to have an operation. The last thing I wanted was an operation. I talked to friends, doctors and searched the internet. Everyone said just get the operation. Only one person gave me an idea as to what to try. Even he said he had never seen a hernia down low in the groin area heal, only Hiatal Hernias just below the rib cage. He suggested large doses of Vitamin C. I didn't

try it for another year. During this time I did nothing to try to heal it. I was just dealing with it as best as I could. I went to a doctor recommended by a friend and actually scheduled to have the operation done!!! Two days before the operation was to happen I decided to not have it and I decided to try what my friend suggested about Vitamin C. The doctor wanted to know why I had canceled. I said I was going to try to heal it myself. He listened politely, then said it wouldn't work. He was wrong! I had not been wearing a truss, but I knew if there was any hope of healing I would have to somehow keep the intestine inside. Can't heal a tear in tissue if the intestine is poked through it. So, I began wearing a truss and taking 8,000-12,000 mg. (1,000 mg. capsules) of Vit. C daily. I also, use my fingers to try to push the sides of the tear together like you would do with a band-aid or stitches on a cut on the skin But I did very little of that and don't think it really had much effect. But who knows, maybe it helped. I did not massage it. I wouldn't massage a cut on my arm, so why would I massage torn tissue inside my body? In fact, I would be concerned it would actually do harm. Massaging it could tear new tissue growth before it can take hold. This new tissue may be weak. Why try to tear it apart before it has had a chance to get strong? Perhaps a very, very light and gentle movement of the area with warm fingers would help, but I would rather place a warm hand on it. A "laying on of the hand", so to speak. BeiYin: You are right: Massaging the abdomen around the hernia probably would not be good, but what I am doing is not a 'deep massage' it it just massaging the skin and this feels always good as the skin is stressed wearing the truss all day. You say it: The 'laying on of the hand' would be the best. After I am doing the exercises in the morning, my partner is doing 'Reiki' on me and I see this as an important part of my treatment, mostly because it releases the stress. Boyd: Within about a week the bulge got noticeably smaller. Sometimes it went away completely (1-4 days). A partial healing had taken place. Some tissue had grown over the tear, but it wasn't strong enough to hold it completely in. I was very encouraged. For awhile. As time went on, it did not get any better. I went about 2 years with no more improvement. It wasn't getting worse either and I was grateful for that. The bulge remained smaller than it's original size. I was getting discouraged that it would never really heal completely After all, I had never heard of anyone doing this before, so I thought maybe it can't be done. Nevertheless, I did not give up and decide to have the operation even though I thought I might have to sometime in the future. I had been exercising with weights to build some new muscle. I am 55 years old. I don't give up easily when I really want something. Even at 55 I believe it can be done and it is working. Well, I had to be careful of course. I was not actually lifting heavy weights off the floor. I was exercising every muscle except my core muscles ( waist and lower back). After learning that it is important to have strong 'core muscles' I decided to do so. I decided to do "back arches" while lying on the floor on my stomach to exercise the lower back. I have chronic low back pain and I thought it might help. It did. To arch I simply would lift the upper and lower halves of my body so only my stomach was touching the floor. It did not seem to overly strain the hernia. I would lay on my side and lift the upper half to exercise the sides of my abdominal muscles.

Then I would lay on my back and do crunches. A crunch is not a full sit up. You simply lift and curl your shoulders towards your pelvis. Also, to exercise the lower abdominal muscles is not easy. I learned there apparently a way though. Bend your knees and spread your knees wide apart. Do NOT place your feet under anything and do not have a friend sit on them. You do not want your leg muscles to help you crunch up. You want to isolate the lower abdominals so they do all the work. I would crunch up by first lifting up a little with the back straight. Hands can be on chest. Do not use hands behind neck to help pull yourself up or you will not be using the abdominals alone. After lifting up a little, curl your chest and shoulders towards your pelvis as far as you can while keeping your lower back on the floor. I would do this about 10 times. Each time, at the top of the crunch I would hold it for a count of 10 while really squeezing the abdominals. Concentrate on using the abdominals. Really think 'abs', 'abs', 'abs'. You can move up and down a little to really feel the 'squeeze' in the abdominals. I could really feel the 'burn' while doing the last few reps. The numbers I give here are not so important. You have to do it yourself to find out how many to do in order to give your abdominals a good hard workout without overdoing it. You don't want to over strain your abdominals. I was concerned that this exercise might over strain my hernia, but it didn't. No strain at all. This is hard to believe, but I only did this two times when the hernia bulge went away for good! I had learned it is important to rest muscles in order for them to grow. Rest means time between workouts. Of course, we all have to move our bodies everyday and therefore use those same muscles, but hopefully not as strenuously as during a workout. I had gotten to the point in my workouts where I was resting a group of muscles for two weeks between workouts with very good results. Each workout I was much stronger and could lift more weight. So, why work so hard when you can get good results by exercising intelligently? The first time I exercised my abdominals was March 30, 2006. The second time was April 15, 2006. It was sometime during the third week of April that the hernia disappeared and did not return. This is very important. I had been taking in extra protein while lifting weights. I learned from personal experience that extra protein is mandatory to create new muscle. How much extra? Who knows? It depends on your body, life-style, etc. I have heard the average adult needs 26 grams daily. That is to maintain body weight and composition. Otherwise muscle will be lost. The more a person weighs the more protein they will need. Children need more protein since they are growing. Weight lifters take in about 1-2 grams daily for each pound of body weight. I weigh about 150 pounds. That means I would take in anywhere from 150 to 300 grams daily. Now, this is for those who are trying to put on a lot of muscle all over their body. If you are only concerned about building muscle in the abdominal area you will probably not need this much protein. The best source of protein is food, but some people take protein supplements to get the large amounts of protein they want. It is cheaper and easier to take in. To take in 150 to 300 grams of protein a day would be a lot of meat to eat! I use a protein supplement because I am building muscles all over my body. Depending

on how much you weigh, you could probably do well on 50-100 daily. The extra protein I am taking does not seem to be causing me any problems. Of course, if I wasn't exercising my whole body it might. I would not need it then and maybe the body would be harmed. As far as what else I was doing health wise, I don't know how much the other things helped. I had been improving my diet over the last 7 years, quit smoking and was actively trying to 'get healthy.' Ironically it was during and because of what I was doing that I got the hernia in the first place. I developed the hernia due to a severe cough brought on by my body cleansing itself. Anyway, I was living more healthy than ever before and I continued to do so even after getting the hernia. Nothing I was doing seemed to help with the hernia. At least, it wasn't enough. This is what I believe were the most important things in the healing of my hernia. It may be that these were also essential to it's healing. 1) Wearing a truss to keep the intestine inside. Of course, it didn't keep it all the way in, but it kept the bulge from being as large as it had been. 2) Taking large doses of Vitamin C . I took 8,000-12,000 mg. daily. Not ascorbic Acid! I use Bluebonnet brand 'Mega Bio-C Formula'. It is Calcium Ascorbate with Citrus Bioflavonoids. 1,000 mg. capsules I live in USA so I don't know if you can get that brand, but I don't think it is important. I would not take that much Ascorbic Acid. Too much acid. I got a little diarrhea, but my body soon got use to it, and the diarrhea stopped. 3) Properly exercising the abdominals (with adequate rest between workouts). 4) Taking extra protein



My Heart BeiYin's Health Testimonial 21.3.07, 28.4.07, 18.1.11 Preface: This 'Heart page' I want to use like a kind of diary, writing down the result of my search and making comments about it and then maybe reporting what I'm doing to heal myself. In no way I am giving advice or suggest to do something to heal someone else's disease, but of course if somebody follows my thoughts and what I am doing and then comes to the conclusion that this might help one's condition and then doing it, this is every one's own decision. What I am writing here is not meant to convince anybody of something and for sure I'm not selling anything. ***

Sometimes I will go off the topic with my thoughts and also with the quoted information. All these words are like bits and pieces and the reader will need to put it together in one's own way. Misinterpretation can't be avoided, but isn't learning to do the right by going from one mistake to the other? OK, I can see that dealing with health issues has its risk, especially when it has to do with the heart. I take the risk and only I am responsible for myself. After a life long personal experience with the established health system, I can't trust this much and even less if I look at the health situation in general of people on this planet. The fault for this easily can be put on whatever reason, but if medical doctors would have an overview they would also feel responsible and do something about it, not just treating the symptoms of their patients with pills and drugs. *** I have hardly any medical knowledge, but enough to see that 'healing' must include the whole being of a person and just a part of the body; because of this I am not interested in a treatment which just eliminates the symptoms and consequently I can't trust this kind of medical system. For sure it is no fun for me to invest so much time and energy in my own investigation and to take the risk to make mistakes, which could have a fatal result. This is serious: I prefer to die taking responsibility for myself, than to stay in dependency of someone or something I can't trust. History: All my life I had fairly good health and never any heart problems. I never did smoke or take drugs and since I was eighteen I tried to be conscious about my diet. But a few years ago, when I had worked physically for several years pretty hard and then had an overload of emotionally difficulties, there were showing up some symptoms of heart trouble which seems to signal an organic heart defect. The check up in a hospital told that there was no organic failure and the doctor said that the pain and the other symptoms might be caused by stress. He didn't say anything else and I could go home, feeling released knowing that there was no physical heart failure, but without idea what to do with my heart trouble. I didn't do anything about it except relax and my heart problems disappeared in a few days, probably because I was practicing my 'Stress Release Exercise' daily,

Now, several years later, very similar symptoms were showing up, only this time more serious. (Heart palpation, tiredness, fast heart beat even after little strain, dizziness, not a regularly heart beat and pain.) I didn't go to a doctor, because I am convinced that I have no organic damage (yet) and that the cause is also, like years before, coming from too much stress. I'm sure of this, because the weeks before I had strong stomach pain and the symptoms of gastritis. I cured this just by relaxing and doing my 'Stress Release Exercise'. But as the cause was not cured and the daily conditions haven't changed, so the reactions (might it be called 'feedback' from my system?) went onto another level: The heart! My investigation I searched the Internet about heart diseases and possible reasons and ways to heal. I picked up some information at Wikipedia which seem to be important: Heart disease is a leading cause of debilitation and death worldwide in men and women over age sixty-five. In many countries heart disease is viewed as a "second epidemic," replacing infectious diseases as the leading cause of death.

. It is the leading cause of death worldwide for both men and women. The most common kind of CAD is atherosclerosis, which results in narrowing and hardening of the arteries. Coronary atherosclerosis is at epidemic proportions worldwide. . Traditionally, CAD was seen as a disease of aging and was observed primarily in the elderly. However, atherosclerosis is now occurring more often in younger populations. One out of every three individuals worldwide, dies from heart disease each year. "The leading cause of death worldwide is atherosclerosis, which results in narrowing and hardening of the arteries." Probably due to the bad and wrong nutrition, which over the years results in 'narrowing and hardening of the arteries'. "Atherosclerosis is now occurring more often in younger populations". As more and more young people are eating junk food, this is not surprising. I am eating pretty healthy, although lately I got addicted to chocolate, getting some tension release out of it. But then getting into eating too much, what I noticed around my belly as a fat cushion... What then was interfering the healing of my hernia, producing more stress... As soon I became aware of this 'vicious cycle' I had fallen, I stopped the chocolate. Now I can understand people who are addicted to sweets and I guess with smoking it is similar. They do it as a stress release and so becoming addicted because they are not willing and capable to look at the cause, which lays in the first place within themselves. They are mostly unconscious about it and they are not capable to respond to daily life situations in a relaxed, not judging way. They suppress their reactions and so accumulate stress. They just can't look at themselves, not wanting to change their established self image and their concepts. So with this they also can't change their attitudes and habits, included their way how to relate and respond to whatever shows up, so they can't avoid to get into stress. Instead poisoning and weakening their body and immune system. A vicious circle, which guides to destruction and desperation. It seems that this society is doing everything to keep these 'vicious cycles' in tact by supporting the tendency to suppress and instead of confronting the problem, trying to escape from it by using substitutes, staying in dependency of authorities, but only asking them for help, when conditions are becoming too severe, what usually means to expect a manipulation which takes the symptoms away. When health authorities are talking about prevention, they might have a good intention as individuals, but probably they fail because the established system is so rigid and the same the mass of people in it, that there is hardly any way to get out of it to do something real about the cause. Prevention is not possible because the base of all production of every thing people need or belief they need, is money orientated and there are hardly any moral or ethic present, how these things are produced and sold. An example: The soft drink 'Red Bull' is sold all over the world, millions of cans are consumed. Only four or five countries have restricted or forbidden the selling of this drink because it is known, that 'Red Bull' can be deadly, especially when it is taken together with alcohol. Read about it at: It is unbelievable that something like this is possible in a 'civilized world'. Maybe thousands of people are killed by consuming something which is announced in a most clever way by pushing the button of an essential need: the wish to be able to fly! The same happens with nearly all we are consuming. Prevention of health risks is limited to the obligation for the producer to declare what kind of chemicals they put into food and drinks. Are people free to decide if they want to buy it or not? How can they be free if they are under constant hypnotic influence of announcements? People are responsible for themselves? Do people have the basic knowledge of all the chemicals in their daily food and how poisoning these are? Is it people's own fault if they get trapped with manipulations from sophisticated

salesmen without scruple? Nobody expect from children that they are aware of the danger of medication, chemicals, etc. and it is written: "Keep away from children!" But is there really a difference to so called 'grown ups'? Are they not as innocent, naive and unconscious as children in their way they consume and follow suggestions of clever money maker?

Chronic stress is a risk factor for heart disease, and acute stress can trigger heart attacks. Regular yoga or other exercise may help prevent both conditions by releasing stress and strengthening the heart muscle. This expression is not very clear. Wouldn't it be necessary to say: "Heart symptoms in many cases are caused by stress. These symptoms caused by psychic conditions later turn into heart failure and organic conditions, when the reason the heart trouble was caused is not treated and healed". If stress is the cause in the first place, why doctors don't talk with the patient how to change this condition? Just by stating: "This comes from stress" is obviously not enough. OK, it was said: "Yoga and other exercises may help..." What other exercises? Isn't the fact, that 17 million people are killed a year, not enough to do something drastically about it? I mean talking more about the real reason with the patient and giving exhausted advice how to prevent that stress continues and takes over? For sure not only stress is causing heart trouble symptoms. It is pretty obvious that there are more factors: All the poison we take in with whatever we eat, drink, breath or touch. This is accumulated in the body system and is weakening the whole system and when there is stress, then this becomes a 'deadly cocktail'... Heart disease and stroke kill some 17 million people a year, which is almost one-third of all deaths globally. By 2020, heart disease and stroke will become the leading cause of both death and disability worldwide, with the number of fatalities projected to increase to over 20 million a year and by 2030 to over 24 million a year. The writer of the above quote is convinced that heart disease and stroke will become the leading cause of death and disability worldwide and that millions and more millions of people will be killed every year. This statement is cold and cynical, especially if there is not given any suggestion to do something about it. (Or comes this information from a machine, a robot? - As it doesn't sound human at all to me... Probably it comes from one of these scientific zombies!) "The old stereotype of cardiovascular diseases affecting only stressed, overweight middle-aged men in developed countries no longer applies," said Dr Robert Beaglehole, WHO Director of Chronic Diseases and Health Promotion. "Today, men, women and children are at risk and 80% of the burden is in low- and middle-income countries. Heart disease and stroke not only take lives, but also cause an enormous economic burden. Investigations should be a significant new resource for global advocacy and education activity." Yes, investigation and prevention should be done, but where is it? Oh yes: "Heart disease and stroke not only take lives, but also cause an enormous economic burden." Will it be first necessary that the 'enormous burden' is not only carried by the mass of people but becomes a significant disturbance to the economic balance of companies and only then something will be done about it? I can't wait and as I don't depend on authorities, so I do my own investigation. Of course I'm highly interested because I'm effected and don't want to become disable or die because of my

heart problems. Are doctors, scientific, politicians, top managers and salesmen not affected by heart diseases? Maybe they have no heart (or for what it stands for)? If the blood pump 'heart' they have, is destroyed, because they suppress their emotions or any human feelings, getting into a very subtle but specific destructive stress, then they just get a new healthy blood pump. The organ transplantation are now becoming a routine, nearly without risk and they easily can afford it... Oh boy! Dr Judith Mackay, co-author of the atlas with CDC's Dr George Mensah, said: No matter what advances there are in high-technology medicine, the fundamental message is that any major reduction in deaths and disability from heart disease and stroke will come primarily from prevention, not just cure. This must involve robust reduction of risk factors, through encouraging our children to adopt healthy lifestyle habits and by introducing appropriate policies and intervention programs. The evolution of the established health system can't be stopped or avoided, high technology medicine will be used more and more... Yesterday a visitor told me that she just came from a place where she had an amazing experience: She was connected to a machine which not only made a complete diagnosis of her whole physical system, but also including her traumas and psychological condition. The same marvelous machine also treated her... This lady who was so convinced that this is a wonderful development of modern medicine, was not very content when I pointed out that with this the dependency and established attitude not to take responsibility for oneself will be even stronger. When machines take over diagnosis and treatment and there are just needed a robot who receives the payment, then nobody will be responsible. Isn't this great? Hurrah!! But not only high-tech will do diagnosis and treatments but also will take over 'prevention'. A few days ago I received an email with the announcement of seminars a Doctor Hardt is giving in California. Connecting people to a 'bio feedback machine' and so they can learn to release stress and come to levels of total relaxation and bliss. This doctor is working since thirty years on this and so it is understandable that he must charge for a one week long seminar 15.000$ or for a try of two days only 5.000$. One can buy a software program at eBay for less than 10$ and with this one can make one's own feedback machine, the tendency to depend on machines seems to be attractive... But do we need any kind of machines to learn to relax? The human system has its own inbuilt ways to receive and produce feedback. But as the human tendency to search goes in the first place to the outside, so connecting and looking at oneself lays not in the reach of modern, high technology people... Well said Dr. Judith Mackay! "Any major reduction in deaths and disability from heart disease and stroke will come primarily from prevention". So Judith, tell me what is your suggestion for prevention? "This must involve robust reduction of risk factors, through encouraging our children to adopt healthy lifestyle habits and by introducing appropriate policies and intervention programs". Judith, are you serious about this? You want to encourage children to adopt healthy lifestyle habits? This let me be dumfound! You are joking or you are extremely naive or you might be a politician, wanting to impress people with important sounding words, promising something you never have the intention to complete. While heart disease and stroke are eminently preventable, decision makers and government funding agencies are, overall, neglecting this public health issue, said Janet Vote, CEO, WHF, an NGO dedicated to the global prevention of heart disease and stroke. DURHAM, N.C. -- Duke University Medical Center researchers have found that congestive heart failure patients with major depression appear twice as likely than those

who are not depressed to die or be re-admitted to the hospital within 12 months. Since up to half of patients with clinically significant heart failure die within five years of diagnosis -- a rate that has not improved significantly over the years despite improvements in treatments -- the Duke researchers recommend that all congestive heart failure (CHF) patients be tested for the presence of major depression. "Heart disease and stroke are eminently preventable". If this is so, then why are doctors not educated to be able to talk about it with their patients when the first symptoms are showing up? Why 17 millions of patients must die? They are told that their problems are caused by stress then given tranquilizers and that's all? Doesn't 'to prevent' means that the disease doesn't show up in the first place? Right? Or it could mean that people with heart trouble, which are caused by stress, are treated or advised that the stress doesn't continue and so prevent that the trouble turns into an organic heart failure and then results in death? Wouldn't this mean to prevent 'bypass', heart transplantation and early death? Is there real 'prevention' with patients in the established health system? Who tells that the stress can be avoided by the right lifestyle? What is the right 'lifestyle'? For sure not what the mass of 'normal people' is living! The word 'stress' is used very often since a few decades, but what is 'stress' really? Isn't it just a symptom and not the cause? Again: Just a word for an under laying, mostly unknown or not quested reason. Put a label on something and with this every body is satisfied! Oh gosh!! Where is the real root cause? Releasing stress by exercises might not be enough. So what can be done about it and what is done? What can I do to prevent and heal my heart troubles? What could mean to prevent the stress causing it. Until now I couldn't find any information about it and so I will need to go on in my search. Or is there somebody who can give me a hint? This would be very appreciated! It might save my life! At least for the moment ;-). But as there wasn't any comment from a health professional in ten years of the existence of my health Web site, so I have little expectations... My investigation continues: "What is stress really?" This seems to me the most essential subject to clear up. I looked in Wikipedia and found a lot of information about it, although not yet something which shows the connection between stress and disease. Like: . Mental responses to stress include adaptive (good) stress, anxiety, and depression. Where stress enhances function (physical or mental) it may be considered good stress. However, if stress persists and is of excessive degree, it eventually leads to a need for resolution, which may lead either to anxious (escape) or depressive (withdrawal) behavior. . . One may further appreciate from that definition that stress may derive from imagined experiences such as frightening movies. Further, the fulcrum of stress response is the presence of disparity between experience (real or imagined) and personal expectations. A person living in a fashion consistent with personally-accepted expectations has no stress even if the conditions might be interpreted as adverse from some outside perspective - rural people may live in comparative poverty, and yet be unstressed if there is a sufficiency according to their expectations. Finally, when there is chronic disparity between experience and expectations, stress may be relieved by acceptance. However, since acceptance is rarely complete except in children, stress resolution by this approach is also rarely complete. It has been said that stress is often a reaction to a crisis of predictability, that the mind is solely an instrument of prediction, and that the body

may be divided into a vegetative process and an integrative process. I see that this can bring some light into the stress problem, but I will need to translate this high pitched intellectual expression into my own, more practical, simple language. To do so I will need to dive deeper into the meaning, but at the moment I need something more concrete to release the symptoms of my heart trouble. So then I leave this for later... About "Stress management" I found: . Stress management encompasses techniques intended to equip a person with effective coping mechanisms for dealing with psychological stress.

to stress:

A cluttered environment with too many tasks can lead

My desk looks very similar and indeed: looking for something I need urgently and then using endless time to find it, gives me stress... "Too many tasks", yes indeed that's it! But I'm in the situation of a father with many children to feed, can I choose which one to let starve? NO! But then of course I get into stress. It is now an accepted fact in the medical community; according to recent research, that stress is one of the major causes of all illnesses. Stress can cause migraines, stroke, eczema, a weak immune system, and many other diseases. Hence, there is a growing need for stress management. For sure I don't want to escape from this dilemma. I want to complete my task and not dying from a heart disease, so I trust that a creative solution will show up. I know that meditation will be of help and also will help to find what I need... Definition of stress: Stress management defines stress precisely as a person's physiological response to an internal or external stimulus that triggers the "fight-orflight" reaction. This quote seems to be of essential importance and can be a key, although by itself it doesn't say much. So I will need to go more and deeper into it. Later... Techniques of stress help: * self-understanding (e.g.self-identification as a Type A or Type B personality) No link available! * cognitive therapy and Cognitive_behavioral_therapy * self-management (e.g. becoming better-organized) No link available! * conflict resolution This link is about 'dispute resolution' and goes off the topic. * positive attitude No link available! This for sure is an essential part of one's healing and also important to stay healthy. Isn't the root of stress that one reacts out of one's established self image and the concepts one has adapted? So one wants that this world view is confirmed and all things happen in the way one wants it and all people behave the same as one wants it? And as this doesn't work and reality is different, so this creates disappointment and the need to fight or to withdraw oneself and so stress is produced. With accumulated tension in the follow up causing

health problems... So how could one adapt a 'positive attitude'? For sure not with smile on one's face even when one is sad, angry or feeling desperate. This subject needs more reflection... Later more... * autogenic training I found this Web site which gives free advice how to do it. It is very similar to EFT what I am doing and which works well for me. * breathing Here I couldn't find any practical advice. My naive advice would be: Relax, be aware of your breathing, without wanting to do something about it. Just observe it and then you will notice that it calms down and you might fall asleep. * progressive relaxation This is about 'muscle relaxation' with practical advice. * meditation (history of the word but no practical advice given) If one wants to know how to do it, free from any dogma or belief system, can visit my meditation page * Yoga Yoga has become primarily associated with the practice of asanas postures from Hatha Yoga (see Yoga as exercise) and so is not connected to any religion. * T'ai Chi Ch'uan "Studies have indicated improved cardiovascular and respiratory function in healthy subjects as well as those who had undergone coronary artery bypass surgery. Patients also benefited from T'ai Chi who suffered from heart failure, high blood pressure, heart attacks, arthritis and multiple sclerosis." * exercise "Frequent and regular aerobic exercise has been shown to help prevent or treat serious and life threatening chronic conditions such as high blood obesity, heart disease, Type 2 diabetes, insomnia, and depression. * diet In my view the alimentation people are using is the second main cause of all diseases after 'stress' as a cause or it comes first, I don't know. But probably it goes well together.... If one would be sensitive and listen to one's body, not using food as a substitute to fulfill needs which lay on another level, then there would be no need to fall into the trap of salesmen and this would be no subject here. * laughter It has been shown that laughing helps protect the heart. I like to laugh and I laugh whenever an opportunity shows up, life is full of comic, but when I look at the reality about health, then there is nothing to laugh about... * Time Management Some techniques of time management may help a person to control stress. For example: * becoming more organized and reducing the generation of clutter * setting priorities can help reduce anxiety * using a "to do" list of tasks that a person needs to complete can give a person a sense of control and accomplishment Effective stress management involves learning to set limits and to say "No" to some demands that others make. I am amazed how much information is available! It will need some time to go through all the links. But I will take my time not to get into more stress... Yes, there is a lot of information out there. It is overwhelming indeed! It becomes clear to me, that all information is like the many pieces of a puzzle one can find, if one looks for them, but then one has to put the pieces together and this can be done only by oneself. Nobody can help much with it, as it is an individual process, part of the growing. Growing up! What means getting out of dependencies and taking self responsibility! I will start with the management of my stress situation, finding out what causes the stress and how I can reduce it. So I make a list: My stress is caused by: ... 20 % Stress produced by being aware of the world situation and people's suffering and my

feeling to b impotent to do something significant about it. A world situation which leads to total destruction. People's and animal's suffering which mostly is senseless and indeed it is because it is not used in a creative way as development of the individual and so of the whole species. Suffering and feeling as a victim doesn't lead anywhere, only into depression and more suffering. As long as the situation is not seen as a challenge and the position is taken to confront the situation, as long the chance is wasted and no development and growing can come out of it! Not personal and not as a species. 10 % Stress produced in me by people at FB, their attitude and behavior, their lack of awareness, their defensive attitude, the lack of communication. Mainly the stress is caused because I feel impotent to do something about it, as there is so much defense and resistance. I accept this as a reality of human nature, otherwise it would cause much more stress and I wouldn't have been able to continue since more than twenty years... 20 % Stress produced by my feeling of incapacity to do something effective. As this is my personal reaction to the reality, causing the stress, it will reduce the stress if I just accept the facts even more, understanding that this is the condition of human nature in people. 10 % Stress produced because of overload of work with daily maintaining the place. It would cause much more stress if I wouldn't be able to 'take it easy', what on the other hand makes that I'm not giving much advice to people and expect that they contribute by bringing in their own initiative... And that seems ask far too much. 20 % Stress produced by unfinished work of projects at FB. For the same reason I can't supervise enough the work in progress and so things get started but then get stuck. 10 % Stress produced by my yet unhealed hernia. I'm using about 10 % of my energy for doing exercises to heal my hernia, apart of the needed energy to deal with this disturbance. 10 % Stress produced by all the mess in my room and all around at FB. To find something, it needs so much time which is needed to do other things and then not being able to do these, this is causing stress. I still hold the image of a beautiful, clean place, esthetic and well organized. I can take the mess, seeing it as a process, but also I realize that it gives me stress not being able to change things faster... 10 % Stress produced by being unable to do things I want to do. There are things I would like to do, for example writing poetry, which could give me energy and reduce the stress, but to do so its needs at least some space which is not occupied with something else. OK: I trust that this free space will show up soon. 10 % Stress produced by unresolved problems with administration, computer, Internet connection, broken fork truck, pump, electricity, water, etc. The many hours and days necessary to deal with technical and bureaucratic things is causing stress which would be much stronger if I wouldn't take all this as part of the game... 10 % Stress produced by obstacles to complete FB's intention. The above is part of the game, as well the many obstacles with people and the discrepancy between new ideas and society's established concepts. 5 % Stress produced by personal relation problems. This is not possible to avoid and wouldn't be a problem if there wouldn't be an overload and so even little will cause stress. 5 % Stress produced by the feeling of getting older This feeling is caused by not having enough energy and then not being able to enjoy one's existence fully. 5 % Stress produced by eating disorder (chocolate).

As an instinct way to compensate stress, it is causing gain weight and so making the healing of my hernia more difficult. It is clear that this needs a decision, so: No more chocolate! 5 % Stress produced by the loss of friends. The loss of Caobo my horse, is still an emotional impact and so as well the loss of Bua, my cat. Sadness will be transformed in its own time... But writing this I see that every time somebody is leaving, I feel a kind of loss, especially there was not enough time given to come near to each other... 5 % Stress produced by the lack of response to my work/intention/expression. Not because of the need for my personal confirmation, but the lack of response makes me think that there is no need for my expression and the intention to give something essential to help people in their desperate situation and which could initiate a change. Of course there is a need, even though there is resistance and defense. So I don't worry about the lack of acceptance, I do what seems to be necessary and the most effective. The lack of response only makes me thing if there is a way to offer it in a more acceptable way and then I will change the expression. But of course: A feedback would help to find the best way... --------170 % produced stress is partly released through: 50 % Stress Release Exercise 10 % essential projects started (booklet are printed in Spanish, English and Korean. Translations ready to be printed in Portuguese, Polish, French.) 10 % being in nature and with our animals 10 % healthy food 5 % contact with people 5 % EFT and exercises 5 % friends ______ 95 % released 75 % unresolved stress causing heart symptoms. What might give a higher release: 10 % more being in nature, walks, going to the beach 10 % cleaning up my room, cleaning the place FB. Organizing things better. 10 % healing my hernia 10 % response to my work 5 % recovering from loss of friends 10 % resolved administration problems and repaired equipment 20 % more support from friends, sharing daily work and intention... _______ 75 % all of the remaining stress would be resolved!!! And all heart trouble would disappear! Ok, this is theory. Probably there will not be more response to my work. Even thing get repaired, other things will break down. I better shouldn't depend on help from other people. So as a consequence: I need to change my expectations and my attitude. OK, so be it. Well, this list helped me to see clearer and where to start with a change: With myself in the first place and then with outside solutions. Update: When I look at the list what could give me a higher release, then I can only think: Oh boy! Nothing of this has happened: 10 % more being in nature, walks, going to the beach No beach, no walks. It is cold and rainy and if there is a sunny day, then there is too much to do...

10 % cleaning up my room, cleaning the place FB. Organizing things better. Rainwater comes into my room and is more messy than ever before. It' not possible to organize thing better; there's enough to do to cover things that the rain doesn't destroy all. 10 % healing my hernia There is some development and so release. 10 % response to my work and some help From there hardly comes any release. 10 % resolved administration problems and repaired equipment Nothing could be resolved, it is worse than ever: Fork truck broken, mechanic had an accident, car broken down, Internet doesn't work, electricity fails any moment, rain comes in every where, etc. 20 % more support from friends, sharing daily work and intention... That's still in the air... Resume: OK, the list served me to become aware where my stress comes from, although the solution obviously doesn't lay there. The most important and essential and what can help me to deal with conditions and situations, is my attitude. This influences how I relate and respond to daily situations and here the amount of stress builds up and is then more or less. Big part of my attitude is formed by my expectations and the desire to complete those. There shows up a dilemma and I will need to reflect about it... Now I understand what is meant by: "A person's physiological response to an internal or external stimulus that triggers the "fight-or-flight" reaction." I didn't understand until now what 'stress' really is and what is causing it. And the same happens obviously with all people out there: They have heart problems or other health issues, they go to the doctor and are told that this is caused by stress. Then they take some medication and go on, until there show up organic damage and the system breaks down... Bypass, surgery, transplant... OK, that's not my way and now as I start to understand what 'stress' really is, I will be able to do something about it, although the 'doing' is not a doing in the first place, it is more a being aware of my own conditions: My attitudes, my world view, my expectations, my unconscious pattern, my vision, my concerns and probably much more... When I read again what I have written at this page, then I can understand why nobody is giving me any feedback, probably nobody is even reading it: It is just tooo much, toooo many words and not yet offered a concrete solution, which could be taken that easy like a pill. I really wish I could give this to suffering people, but it becomes clearer and clearer that healing needs one's total engagement and responsibility. One can listen to every body and search all over the place, but if there is dependency in whatever aspect, then one's healing is blocked. Being aware of this is a step in one's healing process and one has to make, as a consequence coming out of it, one's decisions, what might be another challenge and a hard thing to do! I still have heart trouble, although it is better now, maybe because I have the space here to express myself. Yes, of course, this is another way for an effective stress release: Just expressing my thoughts and feelings! I could go into the forest and use a tree or rock for it, talking and screaming at it. OK, so I do the same here... I'm pretty sure that without my daily 'Stress Release Exercise' I would not be able to go on.

Since a few days I'm feeling better, I didn't connect this with the fact that I'm doing 'Sun gazing' again since a few days. I haven't done it all winter. Today when I did it, it was cold but the sun was beautiful, I felt like the tension were leaving me like a cloud dissolved into the sky. Indeed I felt much better, so I decided to do the Sun gazing every evening from now on. A decision is one thing, but then... There was no sunshine since I made the decision... Update: Several weeks passed and drastically things happened: Since three weeks I'm laying in bed with a broken leg, not being able to move at all. The first two weeks were very painful and a real torture, especially because I rejected all painkiller and any medication. Since a few days at least I can sit for some time and use the computer. I got some help for not using the computer because there was no Internet connection for three weeks, then no telephone connection and then the server had problems and our Web site didn't show up. Well, just the normal daily hustle, but I couldn't do anything about it and was forced to relaxe. I had time to reflect about all and to find out about it, looking for the positive aspect in it. Indeed there is: This forced 6 week vacation makes a profound change in my condition. I have ask myself why I had this silly accident. The insight I had was very clear: If I wouldn't have had this accident, then probably I would have gotten a heart infarct with a much more serious outcome. Then there is another positive aspect: Since about two weeks before my accident my hernia seemed to be healed, because it didn't hurt at all and it didn't come out. But I wasn't sure about it and still was wearing the truss when working, although not when taking the sauna, going to the toilet, etc. Laying in bed now for two weeks for sure was good to heal the hernia completely and when I went to the hospital yesterday for a check, then I didn't do anything to protect the hernia. There was no problem, no pain after this. So now I will need to be in bed for another three weeks and this for sure is favorable for the complete healing of my hernia. Of course I am continuing with my daily exercises I have described on my 'hernia page'. There are several more positive aspects: I'm able now to take some distance from my normal daily work and all the projects I have done and so find a new way... I will see... Even laying in bed I can't avoid to have stress, but I'm aware when it happens, not only because my heart rate goes up immediately... although there are no more frightening symptoms. After my leg was healed and also my hernia, also my heart seemed to be back to normal. Now I could manage my stress situation much better and with the basic help of my daily meditation practice, even though I had to go through a very tough time with people here at FalconBlanco. Finally with the result that nearly all people left, leaving me with a totally messed up place. For sure this gave me a lot of stress, but no heart symptoms came back. Update: One year has past and no heart symptoms has been showing up, but a few weeks ago one morning I got up and couldn't walk, being so dizzy like totally drunken. Later I got my blood pressure measured in a pharmacy and it had sky rocket. I bought the herb teas: Olive leafs and Espino Blanco and also a bottle of Apple vinegar, that I took (two spoons of vinegar and one of honey in a glass of tea, three times a day) My dizziness went away and I guess my blood pressure went back to normal. Several weeks has past and there were no symptoms showing up again, but last night I woke up with heart pain, I was sweating and couldn't sleep. I'm worried now and see that I have to do something about it. I read this page again and must see that my stress causing situation hasn't change much. Yes, there are now a few more people

here and we are cleaning up the place, but we are still not enough people and I am occupied too many hours. Then when exhausted in the evening, I sit several hours more at the computer and write... All this is too much. I have a clear vision what my next steps will be and so from there comes no stress. I have no fix plan and so what ever situation there is, I can stay pretty much relaxed and don't need to fight against unfavorable conditions because they don't fit to my expectations, - but yes: the mess on my desk gives me stress, so I will clean it up now! Later more, - I need to take it easy... Update: I just received an email telling me that this page doesn't show up. I checked it and indeed there is an error message. I realize that I haven't updated this page for more than four years! The most important: My hernia is totally healed! Since more than four years there are absolutely no symptoms and I can work like before! I will update this page within the next few days. Manana!... Stress Release Exercise BeiYin What it is What's the benefit How to do it

What is the "Stress Release Exercise"? It is a method to release stress, so that one becomes more relaxed and emotionally and mentally balanced. This has its influence on the body and can prevent all kind of diseases and is also the basic condition for each healing process. Everybody can do this exercise and can have great benefit from it, it doesn't matter which lifestyle one has or in which situation or condition one is at this moment. And for sure this exercise does not depend on one's beliefs or concepts, philosophical, religious or materialistic. . With the 'Stress Release Exercise' I want to help you to enter into a state of relaxation in an easy way and that you can learn to respond and relate to daily life situations without getting into stress or at least that the stress which is not possible to be avoided, can be released and doesn't accumulate. . The exercise is easy to do, you don't need to join a group or a seminar, you can do it all by yourself and you can start right now. There is no 'ritual' necessary, just plain information and a clear advice - and then you just need to practice. . The information I am distributing, like all what is offered from me and FalconBlanco, is totally for free. If there is any problem showing up, the best is you read my advice again and then practice the exercise again. If it still doesn't seem to work, then

you can write to me using the feedback form at the end of this page and I will answer as soon as possible. You can phone me and ask for advice. Or there is the possibility that you join the 'StressReleaseExerciseYahoogroup', where you have a platform to ask questions or give your comments or having an exchange with other people. This 'Stress Release Exercise' is available to every body and every where, one only need to do it. You can listen to some more thoughts watching my video about meditation or you can listen to the audio at this page. . If you ask me what gives me the 'credentials' to give advice and talk here, then I can tell you that I have been doing this exercise for about fifty years. It helped me in all kind of difficulties and also to stay alive and healthy, or when I got sick, to heal myself. Not only this, it gives me the calmness, security and the trust to go on, even it seems impossible. I am convinced that due to the 'Stress Release Exercise' I never had depressions, although there have been more than enough reasons for it. . Seeing all the suffering around and that there is wasted so much energy, I feel urged to share my experiences and give freely advice about the exercise, so that people can get out of the vicious cycles they are trapped in and so can heal themselves and enjoy their existence and life. I am convinced that the 'Stress Release Exercise' is the easiest and most effective way to achieve this. What is the benefit from practicing the 'Stress Release Exercise'? Having practiced it for some time, one becomes more relaxed and then is able to relate and respond in a different way to whatever shows up in one's life. By being more relaxed and not building up tension in daily life one is able to observe in a more objective way: not just out of ones limited conditions responding from there, but in a more wholesome way and being able to understand better oneself, because one gets to know oneself in all aspects of ones being. Not only this, one also is able to understand others viewpoints and one is more effective in every thing one is doing or trying to reach. One gains a new attitude and a new focus which then changes and betters one's responses. Then one might want to change one's 'bad' habits, because one is realizing that these are not favorable for oneself. One will become more aware and so more critical about what one takes in or does and one can decide if this is really what one wants. One will live healthier on all levels of one's existence. One will not need to demonstrate anything anymore, not needing to provoke or manipulate others to get what

one wants, so being less dependent on others and the surrounding... - Self expression will gain a new dimension. Doing the exercise regularly one can prevent that tension builds up, accumulated stress is released and so one is preventing many diseases that are resulting from stress. There are much more benefits, you will find out yourself when having practiced regularly for some time... How to do the "SRE" You can do the 'Stress Release Exercise' anywhere. To start with, you might choose favorable conditions. Find a quiet place where you can be without disturbance by too much noise or other influences. You shouldn't be under the effect of alcohol or any kind of drugs, you shouldn't be too tired or exhausted. Sit comfortably, if possible with a straight back, then you can begin. Twenty minutes each time is enough, you can do it twice a day: in the morning and in the evening. But at least once a day and this every day. Every day!! Maybe you will need to force yourself a little bit the first few days, but then after three weeks it will be an established habit and you will do it, not wanting to miss it anymore. . Later on, when you are used to the exercise, then you can do it also only for a few minutes in-between, when you feel that you are getting into stress. For example when you get stuck in a traffic jam or waiting in your office for a phone call, you just close your eyes and do it... *** OK, now you sit down and close your eyes. You are comfortable? Yes. OK. Now: You don't need to do anything, nothing at all!! You just sit there and - you are aware of it... What means that you are aware of your body. You are aware that you are sitting there. You might be aware of the silence or some noise in the near or far background. But you don't do anything! You are just aware of what is there. You don't focus or concentrate on it, you are just aware of it, - nothing else. Then what might happen is that you are aware of being lost in some thoughts, what means that you went into thoughts about something, it doesn't matter what this is. That is all right and part of the exercise. What means that you don't want to avoid thoughts or any feelings, you don't suppress what comes up. Just let it happen, without judging it or giving any special importance to it. Just let it happen... and observe it. So there is a way that will help so that you don't go constantly from one thought into another: The moment when you are aware that you are thinking, then you just switch to being aware of your breathing. The same: You don't focus or concentrate on your breathing, you are just aware of it. Without wanting to do anything about it, just observe it! This might go on for a while and then again you find yourself lost in some

thoughts. That's all right! So then you go back to observing your breathing. And so on and on... Then it might happen that there are moments when there are no thoughts and no awareness of yourself or your surrounding and it seems you were falling into sleep. This too is all right, don't worry about it, if you were really falling into sleep, then you will wake up soon, probably you were just relaxing and needed it... Just be aware of yourself and the state of being you are now. Maybe you are indeed more relaxed... So you get up and go to your daily work... What else? This 'Stress Release Exercise' is so easy to do that there shouldn't be any difficulties practicing it. But for some people it might appear 'too easy to be true', mostly because they have been doing similar exercises before and these were more complicate, so now they mix up the exercises and do things they are not ask for and then it doesn't work... . Remember: If there is any problem showing up, the best is you read my advice again and then sit down and do the exercise again. If it still doesn't seem to work, then you can email me by using the feedback form at the end of this page and I will answer as soon as possible. If you are having difficulties and you don't feel comfortable and in turn want to stop practicing the exercise, just ask for help. You can join my Yahoo group 'StressReleaseExercise', where you can ask questions and also post your comments having an exchange with like minded people. . If now you are convinced and you are practicing your exercise and you are experiencing the benefits of it, then it might be that you want to participate in our initiative to let others get to know about the 'Stress Release Exercise'. Just share with your friends the link to this page or print the text out... BeiYin

Digest of my responses to posts in "herniasupport" google group

Charles: If I have to have surgery (I'm PRAYING I can somehow avoid it) I only hope I can get to the clinic at[...] BeiYin: There was a lot of exchange about what could be the best place for surgery. I can understand your concern, but need to give my comment: When I was told by my med. doctor that I needed surgery as soon as possible, otherwise I might be dead within 5 hours if the hernia gets strangulated, then I said: No thank you, I have had enough experience with the medical system after I got sick with Fibromyalgia and was told that there is no cure and that I would need to live with this for the rest of my life... and then wanting to give me painkiller and sleeping pills... I had rejected this and had found my own treatment after searching and investigating. After one and a half year I was healed. Now after about four years I'm still

symptom free, but I have given up to tell in Fibromyalgia groups about it, because nobody believes it and they kick me out of the group, calling me liar and not even asking me what I have done to heal myself. It is not so different with inguinal hernia: The belief that only surgery can solve the problem is so established, that it is nearly impossible to not depend on it. I had said to myself: I prefer to die, but I will not let do surgery, that's not healing, that's manipulation without treating the cause. So this attitude gave me the energy and the intensity to search for an alternative solution. That was not easy as there was nothing offered, - only surgery, but this didn't stop me from investigating and trying out various things to heal myself, with the final result that I was healed. What I want to say with this is that it needs a certain intense energy to get out of dependency and then doing steps out of ones own responsibility, with the risk to do mistakes. Then it will be necessary to use ones intuition, to listen to ones body and have trust in ones own healing force. This is a process by itself, but then indeed it happens: The real healing starts because ones whole being is involved...

John: I've had my colon cleansed a couple of times and I highly, highly recommend it. I went through a 10-day liquid and fast and enema program prescribed by my colon cleansing practitioner before the flush. All kinds of garbage came out and I felt wonderfully light and fresh afterwards. That feeling inspired me to clean up my diet in general. Go for it. Charles: I'm taking Hawthornia which is meant to strengthen the intestines & reduces intestinal pressure, and I'm also drinking gallons of fennel tea, which does the same. Sharply reduces wind & pressure. I do notice the bulge is smaller now than it's been for the past year (it's often unnoticeable) and there's virtually no discomfort or even awareness. I don't know if this is a result of Hawthornia and fennel tea, or the Pilates exercises I've been doing to help strengthen the core abs. Can't say. However I do notice much less wind (gas) in my intestine. Alongside Hawthornia & fennel tea, I eat a MUCH higher-fibre diet than before. I try to avoid sticky, stodgy, fatty, heavy, slow-digesting foods. Anything that puffs out the intestine, or contributes to constipation or wind (gas) should really be avoided. However, as my two doc's explain, it's also very important to eat enough protein in order to maintain sufficient muscle tone in the groin area so that the weakened surrounding tissues can rebuild. BeiYin: Yes, that's what I mean: Taking the risk to try things. Listening to ones body. Although all this is still limited to the body level, yes, somewhere one needs to start. Listening and observing will open one up. Then finding out that there are more influences, coming from other levels of ones being, then maybe there will show up mental patterns and emotional reactions that show hidden and unconscious reasons... Then one can realize that being in a healing process means going through transformation of ones existence. Ones being clears up: Worn out parts of ones 'personality' are recognized and one can let go of it... One can be thanks full for ones disease, seeing it in a positive and creative way, - not feeling as a victim any more, but using ones condition as a challenge to go ahead, - with this for sure being on the right track to ones wholeness! John: BeiYin, well, I'm glad that you've initiated this forum. I look forward to exchanges with other people who KNOW (or at least suspect) that the body is amazingly capable of healing. I'm realizing already a wide range of benefits from the simple commitment to healing

my hernia. These benefits include healing other problems and learning about EFT, which my wife is now using and sharing with friends. BeiYin: Yes, the body by itself is capable of healing and trying it as much it is allowed and is not manipulated by ones 'owner'. Or is it ones 'whole being' who tries to integrate all parts and this is causing 'healing reactions'? Manifested through symptoms showing up, reactions visible on the body level and also on ones mental and emotional part of ones system, although mostly not recognized as such. Symptoms are seen as 'disease' or disturbance and one tries to eliminate them or at least suppress them, not knowing and totally ignoring that these symptoms are the intent of ones 'being' to heal oneself. John, Your commitment to healing your hernia shows benefits for other problems not only of the body and this could guide to the conclusion that your hernia is caused by an imbalance beyond the body... Using EFT for sure has a result, although when used as the only mean to get rid of a problem then this is just another manipulation to let disappear a symptom and not going to the root of it. So then there will show up another symptom maybe on a different level, even more difficult to treat and to find out about the root cause. Randy: ...the bulge goes away if I lie down to go to bed or to do exercise. When I get up it usually pops out, but sometimes it stays in for a while, sometimes for 2 hours. So I figure that the body has a way of holding it in, maybe that is the sm that you spoke about. Well, I don't care if it is the sm, scar tissue, or the virgin mary. It is better than surgery or truss. Although I am still not sure about the value of the truss. I sure know how BeiYin feels when he says that it is like climbing Mount Everest to get info. BeiYin: One must do what feels right, listening to ones body. I was taking care that no bulge was coming out and so I was wearing the truss all day, until I went to bed. I did this after I had the experience when doing yoga and standing on my head, then not being aware that the hernia was coming out and that had caused strong pain for several days. The decision to wear a truss all the time came from the thought that if there is a hole then this can't close and heal if it is opened again and again when the hernia comes out. But I didn't use the truss any more that I had bought in the beginning, I made my own one, using different materials, - I have described it at my hernia page. It is not the question what is better than surgery or truss, it is the question what is real healing and what helps healing. Indeed one can feel desperate when not knowing what to do and finding no real information not being able to rely on 'professional' help and having lost trust in miracle medications. I ensure you that this is part of the healing process: Getting out of dependencies, taking self responsibility, listening to oneself, developing and using ones intuition. With this the healing can start... and will include ones whole being! Charles: I've found that some doctors will quietly advise "watchful waiting" if they feel there is no immediate danger. However it will be the rare doctor that suggests pro-active nonsurgical approaches as these are simply not in the medical textbook. BeiYin: I never in my life heard any doctor tell me about approaches that I could help myself healing, no one gave me advice for more healthy food, doing exercises, etc. It will probably need a generation before doctors tell what really is 'watchful waiting'. Until then the sick person will feel as a victim, depending on the help of the established health system and continuing with the same perverse lifestyle, attitude and sick making habits...

Charles: Coming from Western backgrounds, we naturally want & need clinical, medical answers... but these just aren't going to happen. At least not until the non-surgical 'alternative' approach gains a lot more momentum & attention, so that a large bank of 'alternative' info becomes available. BeiYin: Yes, alternative info would be a beginning, what later on would include the understanding that healing doesn't mean to treat symptoms but ones whole being, but sadly this might need quite some more time and until then people will suffer and fall into depression, because they don't understand what happens with them, seeing it as something negative... and that they are in a 'growing process'. Charles: Unfortunately, we're pioneers. I say 'unfortunately' because I'm the very last person on earth that wants to be a pioneer. Ugh. For me it's VERY scary to be in a tiny row boat in the middle of the ocean with no map, no compass, nothing. But that's exactly where we are... unfortunately. Until very recently, even 'watchful waiting' was considered a no-no. BeiYin: In contrary: It is NOT 'unfortunately' that we are pioneers. We can feel lucky to get out of the herd of sheep that follow, innocently and naive, a false pastor, being guided to fat pastures, but finally to the slaughter house. Of course it is scary to walk finding ones own way in a world of destruction and chaos. We need to learn to trust ourselves, finding out that indeed there is a 'compass' that is inbuilt in each of us. (How to develop this 'compass' you can find out and get advice at my Web page about the 'StressReleaseExercise') That's exactly where the real healing process is consequently bringing us to: Out of all dependency! And with this we will be able to relate and respond to what ever shows up, aware of all the traps and tricks that are used to get and hold us in dependency, - even from ourselves! Then we will be able to relate and respond in a creative and not defensive way to whatever shows up, included to the symptoms of ones health condition. Charles: The first question that entered my mind when I got my hernia was: what did people do before surgery became so quick and easy? Sadly, because surgery became so 'routine' during recent times, any info on 'alternatives' simply disappeared. However it's probable that the vast majority of people with hernias in, say, the 1920s (or even much later) never had surgery... BeiYin: I came to the same conclusion and so I searched for information older than fifty years, although the Internet doesn't serve much in this. - And as a result of my investigation and trying various treatments, indeed I am healed, since about three years and no symptoms came back. Having the information that it is indeed possible to heal oneself from an inguinal hernia and then some information about what can be done, then you don't need to feel like in a 'tiny boat in the middle of the ocean'... You can start with your own healing process! (And of course you can seek advice from a 'professional') When I started my search then there was absolutely no information, - only about surgery. Now it is different: we have this 'support group' and we help each other in the strong intention to heal oneself and knowing, that an alternative healing is possible, due to the testimonial of people who are healed. It doesn't matter that these are only a few untill now, but it shows that it is possible, - against the established opinion of medical authorities! For sure they do the best they can, but limited to their education. They just don't know better and sadly mostly are not interested to know. Stress Release Exercise BeiYin What it is What's the benefit How to do it

What is the "Stress Release Exercise"? It is a method to release stress, so that one becomes more relaxed and emotionally and mentally balanced. This has its influence on the body and can prevent all kind of diseases and is also the basic condition for each healing process. Everybody can do this exercise and can have great benefit from it, it doesn't matter which lifestyle one has or in which situation or condition one is at this moment. And for sure this exercise does not depend on one's beliefs or concepts, philosophical, religious or materialistic. . With the 'Stress Release Exercise' I want to help you to enter into a state of relaxation in an easy way and that you can learn to respond and relate to daily life situations without getting into stress or at least that the stress which is not possible to be avoided, can be released and doesn't accumulate. . The exercise is easy to do, you don't need to join a group or a seminar, you can do it all by yourself and you can start right now. There is no 'ritual' necessary, just plain information and a clear advice - and then you just need to practice. . The information I am distributing, like all what is offered from me and FalconBlanco, is totally for free. If there is any problem showing up, the best is you read my advice again and then practice the exercise again. If it still doesn't seem to work, then you can write to me using the feedback form at the end of this page and I will answer as soon as possible. You can phone me and ask for advice. Or there is the possibility that you join the 'StressReleaseExerciseYahoogroup', where you have a platform to ask questions or give your comments or having an exchange with other people. This 'Stress Release Exercise' is available to every body and every where, one only need to do it. You can listen to some more thoughts watching my video about meditation or you can listen to the audio at this page. . If you ask me what gives me the 'credentials' to give advice and talk here, then I can tell you that I have been doing this exercise for about fifty years. It helped me in all kind of difficulties and also to stay alive and healthy, or when I got sick, to heal myself. Not only this, it gives me the calmness, security and the trust to go on, even it seems impossible. I am convinced that due to the 'Stress Release Exercise' I never had depressions, although there have been more than enough reasons for it. . Seeing all the suffering around and that there is wasted so much energy, I feel urged to share my experiences and give freely advice about the exercise, so that people can get out of the vicious cycles they are trapped in and so can heal themselves and enjoy their existence and life. I am convinced that the 'Stress Release Exercise' is the easiest and most effective way to achieve this. What is the benefit from practicing the 'Stress Release Exercise'? Having practiced it for some time, one becomes more relaxed and then is able to relate and

respond in a different way to whatever shows up in one's life. By being more relaxed and not building up tension in daily life one is able to observe in a more objective way: not just out of ones limited conditions responding from there, but in a more wholesome way and being able to understand better oneself, because one gets to know oneself in all aspects of ones being. Not only this, one also is able to understand others viewpoints and one is more effective in every thing one is doing or trying to reach. One gains a new attitude and a new focus which then changes and betters one's responses. Then one might want to change one's 'bad' habits, because one is realizing that these are not favorable for oneself. One will become more aware and so more critical about what one takes in or does and one can decide if this is really what one wants. One will live healthier on all levels of one's existence. One will not need to demonstrate anything anymore, not needing to provoke or manipulate others to get what one wants, so being less dependent on others and the surrounding... - Self expression will gain a new dimension. Doing the exercise regularly one can prevent that tension builds up, accumulated stress is released and so one is preventing many diseases that are resulting from stress. There are much more benefits, you will find out yourself when having practiced regularly for some time... How to do the "SRE" You can do the 'Stress Release Exercise' anywhere. To start with, you might choose favorable conditions. Find a quiet place where you can be without disturbance by too much noise or other influences. You shouldn't be under the effect of alcohol or any kind of drugs, you shouldn't be too tired or exhausted. Sit comfortably, if possible with a straight back, then you can begin. Twenty minutes each time is enough, you can do it twice a day: in the morning and in the evening. But at least once a day and this every day. Every day!! Maybe you will need to force yourself a little bit the first few days, but then after three weeks it will be an established habit and you will do it, not wanting to miss it anymore. . Later on, when you are used to the exercise, then you can do it also only for a few minutes inbetween, when you feel that you are getting into stress. For example when you get stuck in a traffic jam or waiting in your office for a phone call, you just close your eyes and do it... *** OK, now you sit down and close your eyes. You are comfortable? Yes. OK. Now: You don't need to do anything, nothing at all!! You just sit there and - you are aware of it... What means that you are aware of your body. You are aware that you are sitting there. You might be aware of the silence or some noise in the near or far background. But you don't do anything! You are just aware of what is there. You don't focus or concentrate on it, you are just aware of it, - nothing else. Then what might happen is that you are aware of being lost in some thoughts, what means that you went into thoughts about something, it doesn't matter what this is. That is all right and part of the exercise. What means that you don't want to avoid thoughts or any feelings, you don't suppress what comes up. Just let it happen, without judging it or giving any special importance to it. Just let it happen... and observe it. So there is a way that will help so that you don't go constantly from one thought into another: The moment when you are aware that you are thinking, then you just switch to being aware of your breathing. The same: You don't focus or concentrate on your breathing, you are just aware of it. Without wanting to do anything about it, just observe it! This might go on for a while and then again you find yourself lost in some thoughts. That's all right! So then you go back to observing your breathing. And so on and on... Then it might happen that there are moments when there are no thoughts and no awareness of yourself or your surrounding and it seems you were falling into sleep. This too is all right, don't worry about it, if you were really

falling into sleep, then you will wake up soon, probably you were just relaxing and needed it... Just be aware of yourself and the state of being you are now. Maybe you are indeed more relaxed... So you get up and go to your daily work... What else? This 'Stress Release Exercise' is so easy to do that there shouldn't be any difficulties practicing it. But for some people it might appear 'too easy to be true', mostly because they have been doing similar exercises before and these were more complicate, so now they mix up the exercises and do things they are not ask for and then it doesn't work... . Remember: If there is any problem showing up, the best is you read my advice again and then sit down and do the exercise again. If it still doesn't seem to work, then you can email me by using the feedback form at the end of this page and I will answer as soon as possible. If you are having difficulties and you don't feel comfortable and in turn want to stop practicing the exercise, just ask for help. You can join my Yahoo group 'StressReleaseExercise', where you can ask questions and also post your comments having an exchange with like minded people. . If now you are convinced and you are practicing your exercise and you are experiencing the benefits of it, then it might be that you want to participate in our initiative to let others get to know about the 'Stress Release Exercise'. Just share with your friends the link to this page or print the text out... BeiYin HealingOneself Testimonial: updated: 3.9.10 How BeiYin healed his Inguinal Hernia without Surgery! go directly to: Q&A Truss Truss or no Truss watchful waiting Stress Release growing

subscribe to hernia support Google Group trying affirmation mind control credentials

enemy is us

questioning oneself

Preface: I received various complains telling me that my hernia page is too long and that I should better make it more dense by taking out all what is not necessary. Yes, my story is long, but it was written like this as a diary during my healing process and tells about all the difficulties and obstacles I had to go through and overcoming these made a growing process out of my healing. I believe that this is important and maybe more important than practical advises. This might not be of interest for people who are just looking for a quick cure for their inguinal hernia. Although this is common and understandable, I don't want to support this attitude. I believe strongly that all diseases are part of the growing of ones individual existence and if we see it like this then it can be a positive and creative process. So I will leave this page like it is. It needs just about one hour to read (without the links) and you will need to do the rest: Using the given information and 'Healing yourself'! I wish you from all my heart, that I will inspire you enough so that you can go for it! 1. Part: Investigation When I was fully recovered from Fibromyalgia, feeling strong again and full of energy, so I worked like I did before and moved also heavy things. But for more than two years not having had any exercises had weakened my body and so it happened that too much tension in my

belly opened the tissue and the muscles, so that my intestines came out through this hole. That's called 'Inguinal Hernia' and was quite painful and my medical doctor told me that this must be repaired with surgery as soon as possible. Although it is common in our days for the established medical health system to use surgery on all parts of the body to repair what doesn't function or is defect, I believe that 'repairing' has not necessarily to do with healing and often might inhibit the natural healing process. The usual expectation is to get rid of any disease as fast as possible and taking pills to take away the disturbing symptoms or to let cut off the bad body part became a normal practice. So to close a hole in the belly with some plastic mash seems to be the logical consequence. But I don't agree with these manipulative procedures. I believe all happenings and also each disease or 'accident' has a cause which lays behind of what we are aware of. Healing should include one's whole being and during the healing process all levels should be included. Of course there are conditions, like injuries in an accident, where surgery is necessary as a first step of the healing. I had the feeling that with hernia there is an underlying reason which is not solved by surgery. So I searched the Internet for an alternative solution, even though I was told by the MD that the not repaired hernia is dangerous and I could die within 5 hours if the intestines are strangulated. I searched and searched, but nothing showed up! I read many pages and the only advice all over the place: Surgery! Even when I searched for 'alternative treatments' then only Surgery came up. Thousands of pages... (1.550.000 pages on hernia!) I searched again and again, with keywords like: "Healing Inguinal hernia without surgery", there were showing up 155.000 pages, - but all about Surgery! It was said that 5% of all men get an hernia in their life and that would mean, if half of these are repaired by surgery, an income of about a Trillion $ for the medical system only from the hernia surgery! 80.000 surgeries a year only in UK! So obviously this is part of a lucrative business, which is based on a materialistic world view and because of this one can understand why it is so hard to find any alternative solution. That means that all those people who can't effort surgery, are just suffering, left without any help. Probably nobody is even asking for an alternative solution, being impressed by the established medical authorities! Indeed there seems to be no choice. I searched for several months and could not find any information to heal my hernia and even from alternative health groups like Reiki there came only the suggestion back that surgery should be done. Meanwhile I found out, that one must look for information older than eighty years. I have given some links further on... Reading the information from those old books, I can understand now why modern medicine is not interested in those 'self-healing-methods'. To heal an hernia without surgery, it needs a lot of engagement and self responsibility, apart of that it takes much longer and is not just a quick 'repair' but is a 'healing process' which goes far deeper and includes the whole being with all levels - and this is not wanted in our speedy society. Sometimes I felt totally impotent in front of all those hundred thousands of impressive information from medical experts. How can I be right in my feelings only based on my intuition, as I have very little knowledge about diseases and healing? But then looking at the behavior of the great majority of humanity, whose life are nearly all based on a materialistic world view, with no doubt that they might be wrong in their thinking and the resulting way of lifestyle, then I must conclude that indeed all those medical experts might be wrong... As more I read all those medical statements as more my resistance was growing and of course also because of my disappointing experiences with the medical system I had to go through

when I had Fibromyalgia; when I was told that my disease only exist in my head and wanting to prescribe anti depressives to me. One medical doctor kicked me out of his office when I insisted that I had no depressions, - of course not forgetting to charge me for his 'service'! So it it easy to understand that my position was critical about the health system and medical doctors, finding the strength to search in spite the overwhelming opinions of all who say: "Only surgery is possible to heal an Inguinal hernia!" So I went on investigating and I just treated my Hernia with what I thought might help: Meditation, Reiki, Sungazing, EFT, foot reflex massage, infra red massager, Crocodile exercise (I had learned 45 years ago from Swami Dev Murti), some yoga and other stretching exercises, a strict alimentation, supplements like Aloe Vera, Propolis, Ginseng, Olive leaf tea, Granada peel tea, MSM, minerals, etc., and I was continuing to do my ozone sauna, I did when I was healing my Fibromyalgia, but now doing the sauna only once a week. Healing my Hernia was a very slow process and very tiring as it needed a lot of my energy and probably also because I felt pretty alone with it. But I continued with the decision that even this would be the last thing in my life, I would go on with it! One thing became absolutely clear to me: It is NOT the question of treating symptoms even not with holistic means like meditation or Reiki. I have written about it many times and I will repeat it many times: Whatever dysfunction shows up, what is called 'disease', this is not the cause, it is a symptom for an underlying, mostly hidden cause and this probably will come from another level. Maybe it is from an emotionally or mental imbalance, or even beyond this, what we might call 'spiritual', (even though I try to avoid to go into 'mystical' spaces...) meaning that our connection with our origin or authentic being is disturbed or not yet done... (This will need far more investigation...) Then I started with some exercises, I only could do fife movements of it then I was exhausted, but later on I could do twenty and I added every few days fife more. I wouldn't give any advice on how often and how much one should do exercises. This depends very much on ones personal condition. So one needs to listen to ones body and observe the reactions coming back from there and then adjusting ones doing. So please don't ask me for details about it, that is the part one needs to find out oneself and then do what feels right. It happened the first time that my Hernia didn't pop out when I got up in the morning and it didn't hurt anymore, I could walk without disturbance. So it seemed that it works! But apart of the body exercises I did more: Twice a day EFT and twice a day Reiki on myself and 45 minutes my girl friend treated me daily with Reiki. With the exercises one must watch out not to do too much: Once when I did the 'upside down' Yoga position, then I didn't noticed that the hernia was outside and after a few minutes I had strong pain and couldn't continue, then I had pain for several days... I found out that by doing too much exercises my hernia is getting worse and by doing too little it doesn't get better. So what is too much and too little depends on my situation, my energy and my emotionally state of being... What means that one has to be very aware and listen to one's body and all other parts of one's system. It is probably a good attitude and condition to find a holistic way to deal with oneself, as a being in ones specific condition and position connecting and being aware with one's source...

I couldn't believe it that there is no information available about an alternative way to treat hernia and so again I searched intensively the Internet, I went through hundreds of pages and couldn't find anything, only about surgery. I did it in English, German and Spanish, - all the same. Then I found one scientific page: Strategies for the Treatment of Indirect Hernia (M. Kux) with an article in such a professional language that I hardly could understand one word. But a few sentences (red) gave me a hint: "The internal Inguinal ring is formed by the separation of two portions of transversalis fascia: Laterally, transversalis fascia is attached to the posterior edge of the Inguinal ligament. Medial to the inferior epigastric vessels, transversalis fascia inserts into the Cooper ligament, at some distance from the Inguinal ligament, and extends over the pubis into the cavity of the pelvis. The course of an indirect hernia corresponds to a tangentially acting aetiology. Intraperitoneal pressure acts at a right angle upon the oblique course of the processus vaginalis, causing compression and obliteration of the processus. Radially acting intraperitoneal pressure would have to be deviated at a right angle to cause de novo formation of an indirect hernia. Conclusions: The word and the historical notion of traumatic 'rupture' are misleading conceptions for groin hernia aetiology. In childhood, indirect hernia is a process of foetal development; at old age, a process of involution of the extraperitoneal fatty-fascial compartment. This involution is characterized by the formation of lipomas and, histologically, by fatty degeneration of connective tissue components. The extraperitoneal fatty-fascial compartment is contained by external oblique aponeurosis, not by transversalis fascia. This is the reason why a small prosthesis sublayed to external oblique aponeurosis is more effective than a much larger prosthesis sublayed to transversalis fascia. This concept is helpful in the strategy of using as little prosthetic material as possible". . The author's conclusion goes in direction of surgery but my conclusion was and is: If the hernia is caused by "fatty degeneration of connective tissue components" then this condition is not changed by surgery putting a plastic mash on top of the hole and so no wonder if after surgery another hernia appears. A comment from a cyber friend: "I find it interesting that once again there is connective fatty tissue involved. I had not really ever known what caused such things, but it seems that weakening of the tissue is the base problem? Most research I have seen regarding major diseases seems to relate to certain tissue type, the fatty tissues are in the nervous, and brain, spine and other places. These are the places the contamination of heavy metal accumulates and allows virus/pathogens to prosper and be protected from the white cells that would normally do the cleaning job. I read this again and again. It seems what stopping the tissue degeneration one way or the other, would be the first thing to do. As you have pointed out, the medical establishment treats disease viruses like a protected species. I have heard of drug that will not work until after the heavy metal is removed. It seems the reason the drugs work in a lab, is because the lab samples do not have heavy metal..." If there is a degeneration of tissue, then this might be caused through circumstances like wrong alimentation, overweight, lack of exercises, accumulation of toxins and probably many more until now unknown factors. (I found a good Web site about 'Hernia causes' which is not directly about hernia, it is more general, but worthwhile to be read.) If there has happened a change in the tissue and muscles, causing the hernia, then it must be possible to reverse the process and create favorable conditions for a healing. At least this is my logical thought as a naive nonprofessional 'investigator'. The MDs say that once the tissues and muscles are damaged then it will not heal and only surgery can repair it and with this justifying their manipulation, which only eliminates the symptom but not touching the cause. Maybe they are

right, maybe not. At this moment I don't trust the MDs because even I believe they are caring for their patients, - as good as they can, - their own interest might be stronger, ruled by their (unconscious) personal background and limited knowledge... (Without even they know about this!) Two brothers told me that they both had surgery twice for their inguinal hernia and they still have a lot of problems. Now the doctor wants to do the surgery the third time and he said that now he has to charge the double because they are over 50 years old, but he would serve them with great pleasure! - - - Incredible isn't it? So the question is: What can I do to strengthen the damaged condition of my tissue and muscles? Now I realize that I did already something in this direction apart of my exercises: When I was sick with Fibromyalgia I had not enough exercises and had gotten some overweight, not much but a few kilos and mainly around the belly. So that was the first thing I did after the hernia appeared: I did a fasting and lost some of this fat. Probably it is a good idea to do a water fasting, a liver cleansing and a colon cleansing. When I searched the Internet and was confronted with hundred thousands of "expertopinions" from medical capacities then I felt sometimes like an ante who wants to climb the Himalayas. So then sometimes I came to the point near to desperation as everything was becoming too much. So I had ask for help... I received the clear and simple answer from inside: 'Help is on the way!' Well, so I trusted this and was more calm. Then I received an email from Dr.Bernarr, D.C., (email: I had asked him for help with my hernia. The information he gave, even though I'm critical and don't agree with all what he wrote, it confirmed very much what I had found out already and so it gave me a certain security to be able to continue with my treatments and my positive attitude. Investigating Native American healer I found an interesting Web site from a healer who is also a medical doctor, what he writes goes very much with what my intention is, (and also it confirms what Dr. Bernarr told me in his email) worth to be read, go to:

Dr. Lewis Mehl-Madrona Quote: "Since medical school graduation, I have been working to integrate the thoughts and techniques of traditional Native American healing elders with more common behavioral medicine techniques and psychotherapies. I have wanted to find the most effective and most aesthetic way for me to midwife people's personal transformations and healings. To improve my approach, I interviewed a number of Native American healers to learn how they conceptualized their work and how they thought it could be translated into modern American culture." BeiYin: That he writes about 'personal transformation' tells me that he came to a similar conclusion like me, - even being a 'medical doctor'! For my personal healing process now with hernia, I picked from his Web site: Quote: "The traditional healers told me that time is the first important ingredient in the healing journey, comparing starting this journey to beginning to push a rock up a hill. It takes a lot more effort to get the rock moving at first than to keep it moving. They wondered how seeing someone once or twice weekly could provide enough "oomph" to start the healing

process. "How can you push a rock up a hill if you keep stopping and letting it roll back down?" they asked. In organic and biochemistry, an energy of activation is required to initiate a reaction. Once initiated that reaction may proceed irreversibly to completion without much further energetic input. Without sufficient energy of activation, the reaction never occurs. A cake without sufficient energy of heat remains mush. A minimal level of heat is needed to actually cook the cake (transforming the internal arrangements of its molecules). The healers loved these comparisons to chemistry, and reflected upon how nature is the same at every level. In systems science, we say that each layer is isomorphic to the other." BeiYin: So this confirms what I thought before: doing a water fasting in which I don't do anything else, just laying in bed with closed eyes, etc. He writes also: Quote:"The days before modern pharmaceuticals, rest was a key ingredient of any therapy. Healing may best begin by putting the client to bed. This disturbs daily routines and breaks old habits. It allows the body's repair mechanisms to take over from the defense mechanisms; the parasympathetic nervous system to calm down the sympathetic nervous system." BeiYin: I was doing every day my exercises, EFT, Reiki, meditation, etc. but I was also working. This was probably the reason why my hernia was not getting much better:

'The rock is just too heavy that it moves by itself and keeps moving...' With other words: to become aware of the load one is carrying since many years and which might have caused one's disease. In consequence I did as the most important a ten days water fasting: I am at the 5th day of my water fasting. I'm doing my exercises three times a day and today I felt that it was more difficult. Today I will do an enema to clean up my intestines but I will wait with a liver cleans until after the fasting, it might be too much stress and disturbing the healing process of my hernia. I felt good the last few days and I had enough energy to work several hours on some translations, what I wanted to do since several months. I finished twelve days water fasting... and I must say that this was a pretty tough time. I wouldn't suggest to do it in winter time, it's easier in summer. At the end I was quite weak and when I wanted to eat again then there was nothing prepared and I had not enough energy so I was eating for a week just what was there and this wasn't the right way to get back my strength, instead I messed up my digestive system... Now another week has passed and slowly I am gaining back some energy. I had lost about eight kilos. My hernia is not yet healed although it is getting better. I am doing my exercises three times a day. Six series: When I started these then I could only do five then later twenty movements in each series. Now I am doing about one hundred... But this is absolutely NOT an advice or a suggestion for somebody else. I'm sure that it depends very much on ones personal condition and situation what one can do, how often, how much, etc. One needs to listen to ones body and find out what is the best that suites. I felt that I was doing too much and so I reduced the number of movements to fifty, this feels good even when I do it three times a day. In an old book about natural healing from Dr. med. Alfred Brauchle, he wrote that after or before these exercises one should do five minutes of massage of the abdomen around the hernia, - massaging in circles. This I am doing since a few days and indeed my hernia is getting better. Also Dr. Brauchle suggest to wear a good fitting truss and to put it on in the morning when still laying in bed and also taking it off laying down. So that the hernia doesn't pop out. He writes that the hernia should be treated like a broken bone, it should be kept as calm as possible. That's not always so easy, for

example when going to the toilet or taking a shower. I do it in the way that I hold one hand on the hernia so that it doesn't come out, this doesn't work always but most of the time. I have a cold. Why my hernia is getting worse? I have emotional stress. Why my hernia is getting worse? I have days with a lack of energy. Why my hernia then is worse? It seems to be pretty obvious that all is connected and so the 'healing' must include the whole system, and of course the 'healing' can and should start also with little things like a cold. Not cutting the symptoms with some pills or in the case of hernia closing the damaged tissue with some plastic mash... So the healing must start or go down to the roots, but where are the root causes of an hernia? I never read anywhere a question about it, so probably I need to go into this direction and investigate more... (Isn't anybody out there who can give me a hint?) Link: When searching the Internet I read about the author Patricia Ann Hellinger. Her story had an uplifting effect to my mood, as I see that I'm not the only person who wants to go into another direction. She has written an interesting book how she healed herself from Fibromyalgia and other severe diseases, but it is already worth while to read her story and her view about healing... Link: I found an amazing book "Practice of natural therapeutics" Henry Lindlahr M.D. TREATMENT OF CHRONIC DISEASES and I have made a copy. There are a number of books, mostly out of print and several now in 'Public Domain'. Go to: I found a book published in Germany at 1933: "Handbuch der Naturheilkunde" written by Dr. med. Alfred Brauchle. I don't know if there exist an edition in English. I will search for it, because he is describing natural treatments among others also for hernia... Mood & Energy: During the last weeks I came several times near to desperation and I guess this happens to anyone who is searching for an alternative way to heal one's hernia and then not finding anything else than surgery. So when it happened that I got this feeling of being helpless and hopeless, then I did EFT for a few minutes. (I have written more about it at: click) (At the Web site: EFT= Emotional Freedom Technique one can download the EFT manual for free.) Doing the EFT, one is tapping certain meridian points and saying or thinking an affirmation phrase, like: "I am full of energy and in a good mood!" This needs only two minutes - and it helps! So with this I could go forward and had enough energy to do first my morning exercises and then, - I get more energy out of it and I can go on to 'confront the day'... The last days my mood was lifted up, because finally I found some alternative information and I could see, that indeed, a natural healing of an Inguinal hernia is possible. Again recognizing how important it is to keep one's energy and mood high. Then also one's view is more open and new information can be received... (I'm aware of the fact that EFT is a manipulation on ones emotions. In general I'm against any kind of manipulation if it is not connected with searching and treating the cause, but in a case of emergency it might be necessary to help to create a favorable condition so that one can stay open to continue...) Again my hernia got worse - and my mood went down. But then reflecting about it I could realize that even my hernia was worse it was still better than when it was bad the last time and when I had recovered, then my hernia was better than ever before. Seeing this more clearly, there was no need for my mood to go down, knowing that - even though there are ups and downs - on the long run it is getting better. But of course, it is an issue in the healing process, that I am not sure about anything. I have no proof that it is possible to heal myself from hernia. I haven't met anybody and I have not read about any case. So I am walking on a very

slippery ground, but now I don't care how often I fall down on my nose or bottom, I will go on... A few days ago a physiotherapist visited me. It was not about me, he is planing to give a seminar about healing. But then I was talking about my hernia and my intention to heal it in an alternative way, he said that this would be impossible and the only way to repair the hernia would be surgery. To my arguments he responded that I obviously have little knowledge about medical conditions. That's right, I hardly know even the basic, but now after having had Fibromyalgia and being recovered from it, I can say that I know more about Fibromyalgia than all the medical doctors I had consulted, including several healers. Also I can say that somehow I am glad not to have a medical education, otherwise I would be stuck and limited to this knowledge, being an authority but blind for any creative solution. Even though I could look through the authoritarian attitude of this visitor, I felt half a day impressed and depressed... By the way: The physiotherapist told me that his field are joint treatments specially the knees. I asked him to which one of the knees he is specialized, to the left or the right? Because I have some problems in my right knee... ;-) Now my mood is high enough that it has caused a new attitude: This morning I could look at many heavy and negative happenings in a way that I had just to laugh about it and realize that it is very much more like a joke, even though it had destructive results. I talked to a friend yesterday, who has a big company and therefor also big problems. When we see each other we normally talk about our health situation. He told me now that his mood is often changing. I ask him why, but he didn't know. So I suggested that when this happens, that he just observes himself. Then probably he will notice that these mood ups and downs are reactions to what he is experiencing around him. So this for sure is different than what he wants and what is his expectation how it should be. When he can be aware of this, accepting it as part of reality, then he can relax about it and then also he will be more open for creative solutions to change the unwanted situation... Then even he might be able to laugh about most of what had caused him disappointment and stress before! Thought: I just watched a CD about doing EFT to heal a trauma. The therapist in this video said that to cure a trauma sometimes it needs a year or more and often it is a really difficult process, because it involves the work and responsibility of the client. So it is a 'process' and this effects and has healing results on all levels. Now, on the other hand, if a person has a chronic disease like hernia and gets surgery, then in the case of the person with the trauma it would mean to cut out the effected parts of the brain of this person, so taking away the trauma and the symptoms. Wouldn't this be ridiculous? So why it is less ridiculous doing surgery on a hernia to get rid of this symptom and the same with other diseases? Remark: I read an article about a MD who found out that doing surgery on people with Fibromyalgia (on their tender points) eliminates all their symptoms. Oh boy!!! This MD will soon be multi millionaire and the world filled with many million zombies more... A visitor of my hernia page ask me for advice about his hernia. He was operated a year ago and still has pain. The doctors are telling him that this is normal... I am sorry, but I can't give any advice, first because I'm not a health professional and then because in this case I can't tell about my own experience as I never had surgery and I am doing my best not to have one. People who had surgery with their hernia and have problems, should ask their med. doctor and if they can't give an advice then they should search for exercises they can do, change their diet, do EFT and do other things to strengthen their whole system. Probably they can do the same exercises I'm doing to avoid surgery and to heal my hernia, but really: I don't know about it! Maybe 'castor oil packs' can help, ask your doctor... I can only repeat: Whatever

disease there is, with surgery the cause is not healed and another symptom will show up: Another hernia or something else, probably on a different level... So as a consequence: Heal your background and every thing else will fall in its place! My hernia is much better! Since one week I am working full time and also lifting heavy stuff but I have no pain. But I am wearing a truss all day and I put it on in the morning before I get up, taking it off when I lay down in the evening. With this being sure that the hernia doesn't come out. When I go to the toilet or do the sauna, then I protect the hernia with my hand. Another sign shows up telling me that my hernia is better: The last few days I haven't protected my hernia when I did the sauna and even then it didn't pop out! I see this as a real progress. Two weeks later: I'm still progressing even I'm working. I find it more difficult to do my abdomen exercises, because about one hours daily for this needs some energy and I'm adding every day a few movements more, so that I am now at one hundred movements for each exercise that makes five hundred movements and then the massage and the EFT in-between. But I want to stick with it as the healing seems more and more possible. I have no doubts about this anymore... By the way: I have thrown away my old truss and I'm using a small foam rubber ball which I have cut into half. It works perfectly and I didn't need to spend any money on it! . With the half rubber ball under the truss it works pretty good, but yesterday I couldn't find the ball, - probably my cat was playing with it -, so I used a flat stone instead. This might be better, because from an old book about hernia treatments I remember the information, that the pressure from the truss cushion would cause that the tissue builds up scar tissue and so closes the hole of the hernia. So I will direct my intention to this... (Later: I stopped using the stone and instead I'm putting a hard foam rubber cushion. That feels right at the moment, but I guess every body had to find out what seems the best...) I am using this flat stone now for two months and it works pretty good, although the stone is too heavy and sometimes falls out... I can't suggest using a stone, probably it depends very much on one's individual condition and the state of healing. So one should be aware of it and sensibly using one's intuition for what might be the best... Today I received an email with a link to a Yoga Web site were a MD who also is doing yoga, describes that he healed his Inguinal hernia with yoga. He describes the same exercise I am doing now since three months. I found a post in which points out the importance of a colon cleanse: "I actually asked him how to cure Inguinal hernia with herbs for my dad who suffers from this. He told me that an inguinal hernia means that the colon is full of crap, and this impacted colon is pushing on a weak muscle which bulges out. Dr. Christopher's student cured his Inguinal hernia within 6 weeks, but it can take 6 weeks to 6 months. Basically, one takes Dr. Christopher's lower bowel formula (to empty the colon out, as many capsules as can be tolerated). Also, apply Dr. Christopher's complete tissue formula ointment on the area, and also this formula can be taken internally. But taking these supplements is not enough, diet is key. The purpose of this treatment is to eliminate all of the fecal matter from the colon that is pressing on the weak muscle. So if one wants to get rid of this problem, one should go on a mucus less diet, absolutely no ingestion of foods that cause constipation: no dairy, meat, or preserved foods. One should eat fruits and vegetables, and juices. And Dr. Christopher also said that if one wants accelerate the healing process, a juice fast would be necessary, preferably a watermelon juice fast, or a prune juice fast. Surgery for an Inguinal hernia merely masks the symptoms. The body is telling the patient the

colon needs to be cleaned out, it is full of too much crap. Surgery definitely does not clean out the colon, and if this is not cleaned out, new diseases can appear. As we all know good health starts with colon health." Yesterday I called an old friend in Germany telling her about my hernia, she gave me the advice to go to the Web site of Dr. xyz, who investigated about 'micro cells' and he has developed a series of 'formulas' which helps and stimulates the growing and recovering of tissue. That's exactly what I need at this moment for my hernia. I feel pretty good and I can work nearly whole day and pretty hard. I have seldom pain, but the hernia is not healing, what means the rupture is not closing, although I am doing EFT especially for the cells of the tissue and muscles that they can recover, so obviously they need another stimuli. OK, so I went to this doctors Web site and spend all night on reading it. Indeed very convincing and I wrote an email to Dr. xyz asking about a 'formula' for my hernia. I am pretty critical about offered 'formulas' because I have made a lot of negative experiences in the Internet with those magic bullets. I wish nothing more than to find something to help to heal myself. This could really have a great impact to all people suffering from hernia. The 'formula' alone will probably not do it, but with the exercises, the right diet, massage, EFT, meditation, etc. then the stimulation of the cells might do the decisive healing impulse. Update: I tried for several months the 'formulas' of several sellers and came to the conclusion that these seem to be part of the big health business. For sure it is good to take some supplements like vitamins and minerals, but all the other stuff... I have serious doubts, but there should be done some intense investigation... I came to the conclusion that those 'formula sellers' are mostly using the need of people, who of course want to be healed, to make money. It is likely so, because there is missing a more subtle aspect, as their view still is based on a pure materialistic aspect, even there might be an aspect of selfless intention behind. Could it be that this Hernia thing is an exercise in being patient? I believe that I'm a pretty patient person, but my Hernia let me come to my limit. You as the reader of this writings are probably very patient, not having received any concrete result about my healing. But wait! Don't give up. I am still convinced that healing from hernia is possible. It's not just a believe. Indeed I am feeling much better than one year ago, my physical condition has improved a lot, due to my daily exercises as described before. I am working now full time, as I did before I got sick with Fibromyalgia, although my energy some times goes down. But yes, this might have to do with 'patience'. So I can understand that you are waiting for a result, but please be patient! It might help that you see the lecture of this page as an exercise! You are doing quite well! So continue... Several weeks have past and I'm still waiting. I'm desperately waiting for the parcel with the miracle formula. A few weeks later: I gave up waiting for the parcel and started to investigate, searching for similar substances. There are a number of other places where one can buy those supplements. What I can see now is that the prices for those 'formulas' are far too high and I will look for an other way to get these substances, which are: Proline, Lysine, protein and vitamin C. I am taking now 50 gr. pure protein daily, which is sold for body builder. The Lysine and Proline, which are important for the cell stimulation, I haven't found yet. Then I should take 3-6 gr. vitamin C. (over the day) But I couldn't take the high quantity of vitamin C, because it gives too much acid to the body system. I will look for another kind of vitamin C... Exiting news: I just called somebody in the USA who had written an email to me telling that he healed himself from an inguinal hernia. In his email he hesitated to tell me details because

he wasn't absolutely sure that he was really healed. But now when we talk about it at the phone there was no doubt about it: He healed himself from his inguinal hernia and there is nothing left that disturbs him anymore. He can do anything without problem, included weight lifting and heavy work. He had an inguinal hernia for about three years and he refused surgery at the last moment when he had already the appointment with the surgeon. Now he is very happy that he did so. He also makes me happy as I have the confirmation that healing without surgery is possible, until now I wasn't sure about it and felt pretty alone. So now my hope has a concrete base and I look forward to my own healing. This gentleman wants to share what he did to heal his hernia. (Go to: email exchange) It is nearly the same what I'm doing, with very little variation, but of course sometimes something little makes a big difference! He told me that he takes 6 gr. of vitamin C daily and 50 gr. protein and that he has done similar exercises as I do, but he said it is more important to do a few movements but very strong than many and light. Also he said that it is important to relax enough, - indeed this I would like to do, but at the moment there is too much work and the heat is unbearable... So I will stop writing now and relax... Somebody had ask me about the exercises I'm doing. It is difficult to describe them so I have made a video about it: Inguinal Hernia healed without surgery. In any case one should carefully listen at one's body and only do what feels right... I still believe it wouldn't be a fault to ask a health professional... (But be aware of their established rigid attitude!) Again a few months passed by. I'm still doing my daily exercises. It hasn't changed much, but looking back I can observe that doing the exercises now, it is much easier than before and I'm not getting exhausted so much. This early morning when I went out to make a pee, I forgot to put the truss, then I noticed that the hernia didn't come out, as it normally did. But I will not sing hallelujah yet and go on wearing the truss, although putting in just a small rubber plate, after the stone I had used fell down and broke into pieces, what gave me the sign to change something about the protection. And it works, I have no pain anymore and no problems even lifting heavy things... Again I will try to get the vitamin C as Calcium Ascorbate with Bioflavoids here in the pharmacy. I had bought it from the US but it never made it through the customs. Later: This kind of vitamin C exist here in Spain only without Bioflavoids, but this is ten times more expensive than in the US! Since a few days I have some pain in my abdomen, although I'm not working at the moment. I don't work because I'm not feeling well and have a heart problem which are getting worse even doing little things. I even had to reduce my daily exercises. Looking back to the last weeks, I can see what might have caused it. The last two months I felt pretty much alone, then my cat, I have been living with for the last ten years, died. This was a very special cat and we were very connected. So this was an emotionally shock... Then living in a kind of community is a permanent emotional stress. Last week we had a meeting and there were only complains from the people here about the daily circumstances and not even one positive comment... I know this behavior and attitude from people since thirty years and I can take it, having reduced my expectations to the utmost minimum, but after this I felt sick and didn't want to see anybody... So I'm not that much surprised that also my hernia hurts beside the heart pain. What makes it again clear, that the emotions have an important significance and influence on health and healing. Again, like several times before, I came to the point when I felt that I wanted to give up with the intention of a community. These thoughts didn't make me feel better. There are arriving every day email from people who want to come, but the last days I haven't answered them. Now just a moment ago there called someone who had written and we were talking for a while and he convinced me, so I told him they (a couple) can come. This has happened now several times that when I came near to the point of giving up, then

promising people showed up. OK, now I feel much better and I will relax. Tomorrow is

another day... ...? So you might ask what all this has to do with 'healing my hernia'. It turned out the last days, that indeed it has to do with it. The last two weeks I had serious heart problems, not because of an organic failure but caused from stress. Before the heart problems were showing up, my hernia was doing pretty well, it hasn't come out for several days and there hasn't shown any pain, so I came near to the thought that my Hernia might be healed. But then with my heart problems also the Hernia got worse, so obviously all is influenced and connected with my emotional condition triggered by outside happening and situations. Dealing with this in a different way and with another attitude will bring the release... So you might want to go to my new heart page and read about it. Then you will understand that 'stress' also is influencing the healing of one's hernia and that it is essential to do something to release one's stress... Even you are used to the daily stress and it looks like this is normal. But even it doesn't' bother you too much, it is still damaging your system and is causing the failure in the long run and I suspect that stress is a hindrance for any healing . Don't give up! Take self responsibility and do something about your emotional situation, which is influencing your stress level! It's a challenge! My heart trouble is getting better and also my hernia. Since more than a week it hasn't popped out and I have no pain. It is possible that one reason is, because the last time I haven't been working so much like before. What seems to be important is, that now I'm much more aware of my stress level and when I notice that I'm tense, then it needs only a little effort to relax. For example driving in heavy traffic or doing a job fast. Obviously it is easier to observe myself, when I'm not emotionally engaged, but then I am mostly aware of it later, when I'm alone and let pass the happening again. So it seems that to release one's stress it is essential to be aware of the stress and now it becomes very clear, why the 'Stress Release Exercise' works and is so effective. As I told at my heart page: I'm laying in bed since three weeks with a broken leg, not being able to move much. Two weeks before I had the accident, I noticed, that my hernia was not coming out when occasionally I was not wearing the truss, like when I took a shower or did the sauna. It didn't hurt anymore and I reduced the protection to just a small belt. Now being in bed for four weeks for sure this is favorable for the complete healing. Meanwhile I will continue with the exercises I am doing since more than half a year. Not completely, due to my broken leg, but as good as I can. So then in another three weeks I will dare not to use any protection and will just hope that my hernia will be completely healed. I am aware of the fact that the overpowering authority from the established health system, by stating that the only way to deal with a hernia is surgery, has still an influence on me, but I'm stubborn enough to be convinced that healing without surgery is possible, although all those capacities are telling something different. Something similar happened to me now: When I went to the hospital with my broken leg, the med. doctors said that this needs surgery, putting two metal plates with screw to support the bones and they reacted pretty strange when I refused surgery after I saw the x- ray and listened to their unclear arguments. To make the

story short: They finally put my leg in plaster and let me go, again reacting strange when I refused the medication they wanted me to take against the pain, the swelling, to prevent thrombosis, etc. I admit, it was quite painful the first three weeks, but I'm glad not to have enriched my system with those chemicals... So lets see... (By the way: Later on I had a good, spontaneous and human contact with another med. doctor and there might come something else out of it. He was interested to know about my healing from Fibromyalgia and that is the first time that a doctor was interested and reacted positive!) Now I'm pretty sure that my Hernia is healed. I was laying in bed with a broken leg for four weeks. (I had continued with my exercises almost the whole time). I went twice to the hospital in this time and I didn't wear any protection for the hernia and I had forgotten totally about it as no problem was showing up. The last few days I walked around with crutches and I didn't think about my hernia. But now I'm almost sure that my hernia is healed. When walking around with crutches it makes quite some pressure on the belly, but the hernia still doesn't come out and also when I sneeze strongly or cough. I have nearly forgotten about the hernia. I still haven't done weight lifting, with this I will wait a few days more... No, I didn't want to wait more so I went out and lifted a big stone, but this stone seemed not to be big enough so I took a big pallet and standing on one leg I lifted this pallet several times. No hernia symptoms, no pain. So I can resume:

My hernia is healed!!! Epilog: Not just my hernia is healed. During this healing process I went through a transformation which included my whole system. I had to develop strength and patience to be able to continue. Often I felt totally alone, but having still some trust left that the right thing would appear in the right moment, so then it could happen and it happened! I always felt that I had to go on, listening to my intuition. Now I can see that this was right and knowing that out there are millions of people with hernia and hundred thousands not having the possibility to be repaired by surgery, but not knowing that they might be able to heal themselves, so then they are hopeless and just suffering. It is possible to state now that one can heal oneself from inguinal hernia without surgery. It is not easy and one will need a lot of patience and inner strength to do so, but better to intent than to suffer without hope. If somebody with hernia read all what I wrote, that shows that this person has patience and so as well might take the initiative and self responsibility to do something about ones situation and condition. The established and untouchable statement: "Only surgery can repair an Inguinal hernia" is not solid anymore. If I could do it, then others also can do it and if you are younger than sixty

than it will be probably much easier. Now you must not feel as a victim anymore. The hernia is a challenge, if you go through the healing process the benefit is greater than you can imagine now...

...Walking on, I'm reflecting: How is it possible that millions of humans are suffering from an inguinal hernia and the only solution offered by the medical system is surgery? There are hundred thousands of untreated hernias because there are people who can't afford surgery, they are just suffering and feeling as hopeless victims. Isn't there any doctor who might be motivated to investigate and then offer clear information about an alternative way to heal the hernia? If this information would exist, then one doesn't need to go through all this investigations oneself like I did and then the healing could happen much faster, not having all the doubts. Well, one thing now is absolutely clear: The healing of an inguinal hernia without surgery is possible! And the good thing is, that not only the symptoms disappear. During the healing process is shows and becomes clear that the healing is also a growing, because the whole being is included with all its different layers. Indeed, this makes it much more difficult, but it is worth the effort! BeiYin The following articles might be important in ones healing process... What do we sweep under the Rug? Why any change is so difficult? If you want to heal your inguinal hernia, you need to be a pioneer! Signals of Stress - What does they tell? How to avoid? StressReleaseExercise Pulling myself out of the mud Defence - a natural inbuilt survival mechanism Real Healing & Growth is One! History of treating Disease You can make a comment with the form under each article! or go to BeiYin's profile on to see all his articles Some months later: I have no pain or any other symptom and I'm working full time. I am doing my exercises every morning for about twenty minutes and once or twice a week a sauna. In all this time there have been three responses from people who also rejected surgery and were looking for an alternative way and so they came to my Web page... Half a year later: I'm still symptom free and work hard full time, even lifting heavy things and there is no problem. Still I'm doing my exercises every morning to keep my body fit. A few weeks ago I met the med. doctor who had diagnosed my hernia three years ago and I told him that I haven't done surgery but that I'm healed. So he checked me carefully by pressing and pulling and then said that my hernia is still there, even though nothing pops out, - for about two weeks I had pain and felt bad... Does this now means that I'm not healed? What can I do with this 'professional' information? In a way I don't care, but does it mean that I'm still influenced by the authority of a medical

doctor? Now I'm feeling good again and will continue to feel healed and work on the healing of the whole. (If possible, I will avoid to meet any doctor... My doc is a good person and for sure he is doing his best, but he is stuck in his limited professional view! Like all the established health system of our society!) There are many people who are writing to me and all want to avoid surgery, so I thought that a mailing list would be good to give us a platform to connect and support each other. So I have created a group: Hernia support Google Group. You can find a digest of my comments of posts in this group at my page 'digest'. Update three years later: I have no symptoms of an hernia and can work like I did before. I still do the exercises every day for about twenty minutes, early in the morning when laying in bed. If I wouldn't have created this 'hernia support group' and so necessarily reading posts, I would have forgotten about the subject hernia. . In this hernia group I am observing that people with an inguinal hernia are extremely occupied and worrying about their hernia, every thing turns around this disturbing condition and themselves and they don't want to look at themselves and the game they are involved in. They are suffering but at the same time they seem to be content. Might it be that their hernia fills a void in their life? When I suggest again and again that it is important and essential for their healing that they do the 'StressReleaseExercise' so that they are able to look behind their personality games, because there might lay the reason for their disease, - then this is ignored. There are maybe 2% of the present members who are doing the exercise... Another thought: If people are so occupied with their hernia, going into details about their healing permanently, then this fills their life - and out of this they get the feeling of 'existence' of their personality. If this is the case, then unconsciously they don't want to heal, they cling on their disease, the same as they cling on their personality. Absurd but it shows how much people are stuck in their condition. Update five years later: 3.9.2010 I'm still free of any symptoms of an hernia. I want to mention, that even though I have no symptoms, I am doing the exercises as I have shown at my video, every morning. That feels good for my whole condition. Since a few weeks I am also doing the 'Ankle Pump Practice' and that might be also helpful in healing ones hernia. I will report about it later... From the hernia support Google group Charles wrote: "There have been a few recent developments on the medical front, all pointing toward the advantage of 'watchful waiting' and by connection, non surgical and alternative approaches to hernia treatment." (To read the complete post click here.) BeiYin's comment: Do you really believe that the so well and firm established medical system will change? That would mean that there happens a shift from the money based attitude towards a world view that goes beyond all that? Hernia surgery is a billion $ business, the same as the big business with chemical medication. Do you seriously think that a few ants nibbling on the feet of the pharma elephant will make this giant move into another direction? It is not possible that there happens a change in the medical health system as being part of the social system, if the change is not caused from within in its essential structure of the whole system and that would be a rising of the level of consciousness. The medical system has during centuries built up the position of an untouchable authority, making people dependent and putting them in bondage. Not necessarily by manipulation like advertisements, but just because it is serving the infantile need of people to stay in dependency of authorities, not having the need to think by themselves and maybe questioning

their condition. There is no one to blame. The EHS is a manifestation, the same as other forms, as a step of evolution presenting the still very limited consciousness. Also the doctors can't be blamed, they do as good as they can and with their best intention in their limited personal condition, coming from being educated within the established system. I have seen recently a few med. doctors who are in crisis, because their personal growing process brought them into doubts about their professional doing and they are questioning the established system and with this they are getting into a very unstable situation. Some even thinking about giving up their profession, because within the established health system their is no space or the possibility to go beyond, not even in alternative or natural healing. Alternative treatments don't change the attitude of the patients or getting them out of their dependency. There is no alternative information given about what disease really is and seldom there is a question about the root cause. Mainly the symptoms are treated and not seen in connection with other levels of the individual human system. There is little hope that this will change during the next generations. So any discussion of sick people about the development of the medical system is pretty useless and wasting ones energy, that better should be used to directly taking care of oneself. Like talking about the various methods of surgery, - - - if one really want to avoid surgery, knowing that from there no other way is offered. That now from a few doctors 'watchful waiting' is suggested is not a real change as long there is no suggestion given about all possibilities to help ones healing and that of course should include all levels of ones being and not just the physical body. The first step in ones healing would be to take self responsibility and that would mean to step out of dependency. That of course can't be supported by the one who makes his living from the dependency of sick people to him. So it is a pretty hopeless situation and only a very few people will be able to do a real self healing for their whole being. I repeat: "Alternative approaches to hernia treatment" offered from the EHS will stay on the limited level of treating symptoms and not include the 'whole being' even though it might be called 'holistic'. If in our healing process we don't question our existence in all parts, then this 'healing' will not be real and not be part of our 'growing process'. There should be come up the question what disease really is and probably this must be answered out of ones own realization and not from an authority, the same as other essential questions... The more practical question, how one can come to the possible position to question oneself and finding answers not depending on professionals, for sure will be answered, but also this question first must be ask, - what shows that this person is ready... At our 'Hernia Support' Google group there are some interesting posts. The following answers & questions might be important for some body who wants to heal oneself: Questions and Answers at the Hernia Support Google Group John: I am starting the BeiYin programs and I have several questions. BeiYin: I am not a health professional, so you better don't take what I write as an advice. The good thing is that all what I know comes from my personal experience and had served to heal myself, but must not necessarily have a value for somebody else. John: 1.) Is it ok to stopped all physical activity going with the assumption that if I do daily exercises and eliminate any physical activities like mowing the lawn, running the dog will help create a faster healing process of strengthening the muscles? Or am I creating a further weakening of the body and the abdominal wall?

BeiYin: When I found myself with an inguinal hernia I could not work like before because I had a lot of pain when moving and so I kept quiet as much I could. Even sitting at the computer was painful, but then when I investigated and found out that the weak abdominal muscles are one of the reasons of the hernia, then I started exercises to strengthen these muscles. But always laying down and taking care that there was no bulge coming out. I did also yoga and one day when I was standing on my head, I didn't notice that my hernia was coming out and suddenly I had a terrible pain and this for a couple of days... So I was very aware and alert. When wearing the truss, I did the work that was necessary to do, but carefully not to overdo. Running the dog would have been too much and I didn't cut the grass and left things that were not that important. I believe that those exercises that are specially done to strengthen the muscles are important and then moderated daily physical activities. I will not forget to stress the fact that strengthening the muscles is just one part of ones healing... without all the other levels waiting, the hernia will not heal! John: 2.) I notice if I eat a super big meal there will be a swelling the next day, sometimes immediately if I am walking around. This swelling will not go away unless I lay flat. If I eat small meals the swelling sometime will not appear for 36 to 48 hours. The food in our system causes the swelling to protrude out? Why sometime immediately and sometimes a delay? Does it depend on how fast our bodies digest food? BeiYin: We need a certain quantity of food to survive and we need a certain quality of food to stay healthy or to heal. In our society people eat far too much, in a extremely bad quality and in combinations that makes it difficult for the digestive system. So this is another important step in ones healing process: To become conscious about ones eating habits. One need to become critical to what is offered and check ones used habits. Yes, small meals are better then filling ones stomach up to the limit. Even with small meals one should not mix things that are difficult to digest when wrong combined. (Search for 'Budwig Trennkost') Wrong combinations of food makes digestion difficult if not impossible and so there is no digestion but fermentation and this is producing a lot of gas, that increases the pressure in the intestines and so if there is a hole, then it tries to release the pressure by coming out there. John: 3.) I notice if I eat sweets and pies really causes a problem. I was trying to eat pies to gain weight, which was a big mistake. Is there any truth to eating the wrong food? BeiYin: That I have answered above. For example peas, beans and lentils in itself have a combination that is difficult to digest. If you want to built up muscles then what I did was an intake of proteins with something made from Soya. You can get it at your health food store, that is what body builder take. In any case you should avoid sweets. John: 4.) I found on another site that coffee and alcohol is not good for hernia? BeiYin: It is not only good for the hernia it is not good for anything if you really want to take care of yourself and stay healthy. It is good to numb yourself or speed you up so that you stay busy but not being aware of yourself. John: 5.) I notice if I get upset at my condition the swelling gets harder and bigger. Is there a direct correlation between the mind and the healing process? BeiYin: By now it should be pretty clear that there is correlation between all the levels of your system! There is NO real healing process if not all the levels are included! If one just is treating the body level, then this is not so much different as what the medical health system is doing, suppressing the symptoms, that's what they call 'healing', it doesn't really matter if they use alternative means... John: 6.) I lost 7 pounds since this relapsed 3 weeks ago. It is impossible to gain this weight back since my intake of food up and beyond the normal level causes a larger swelling. Does it make sense to just eat healthy with small amount during the day? In time as the

muscle in the abdominal wall becomes stronger my food intake will increase gradually? BeiYin: I believe eating healthy and that amount your body needs, that will be enough. Let the body take care of itself, don't worry about it. Become stronger in your trust and intuition. Your body has an inbuilt healing force, you only need to give space to it... (Still it is the question what 'healthy food' really means!) John: 7.) I do the treadmill, slow walk 15 minutes on an empty stomach 4 times a week in the morning before breakfast. There is no swelling while doing this. Is the treadmill routine ok? BeiYin: Whatever a 'treat mill' is (I guess it is this carpet that moves under your feet) it should be ok if you feel good with it. If there is no bulge coming out when doing this, then it seems that your hernia is not that bad. Just be sensitive about what your body tells you, so listen carefully! John: 8.) Let say you are shopping at a store and you have a swelling are we suppose to stop and go straight home and lay flat or just ignore the swelling if there is no pain? BeiYin: 'Ignoring' is not a good thing to do, it might be dangerous and have a slash back! I was wearing a truss and I was careful that never there was coming out a bulge, so I was wearing the truss from the morning until I lay down in the evening. When I took a shower, then I protected my hernia with one hand. John: 9.) One time last week it took 5 minutes instead of 10 seconds for the swelling to go down while laying flat. Is this normal? BeiYin: Probably there is nothing 'normal', it depends all on the different condition of a person. My hernia was getting better and gave me less problems, just by doing the exercise and then relaxing enough, then of course taking care of my food intake and also taking various supplements. My final healing happens when I had a broken leg and food and was forced to lay totally quiet for three weeks, after this my hernia never came out again. I continued with my exercises and being careful with food, - until now I never again had any pain or disturbance. - - - That's now two years ago. John: 10.) Does everyone here continue a normal life with the swelling as long as there is no pain? BeiYin: Nobody can continue with a 'normal life' if one want to heal oneself. You will need to change not only your habits but also your attitudes, especially towards 'life'. That means how you relate to what comes to you and how you respond to this. This is a transformational process. Without this there is no real healing! The cause will not have been discovered and not been healed. So again: Your whole being needs to be included in your healing process, with all levels: Body, mind and emotions, then there will be an opening to the real healing energy that comes from beyond ones personality. To connect with it one needs to do it consciously by doing meditation or the StressReleaseExercise'. Get out of the trap being occupied healing yourself by turning exclusively around your body and being sucked into your suffering, pain and depression. Accept the fact that the symptom of disease is the manifestation of an imbalance of your whole system and that might be at other levels and as a root cause is coming from not being connected with your 'source'. What that means you must discover yourself... Or at least starting with some questions... From a post in the 'hernia support group': "Hello i wish i knew how many of them [from a 'study' of 364 persons in 'watchful waiting'] wore a truss?" BeiYin's response: Truss or no Truss - is that the question? Climbing down into the darkness of unknown fields

hopeless out of desperation fighting forces of evil! Alone carrying the weight of millions unanswered questions. Where is the ideal truss that can fulfill my longing? Does fulfillment exist or is it just a wishful dream? There arises Venus from the depth of a sparkling ocean offering a truss made out of light, suitable for all who suffer blown up bellies - vulnerable feelings protected with fat. Trampled ones own existence out of pain, desperation and fear now giving space for spaces beyond odd bellies, hopes and beliefs. Freedom beckons! Let go being the center of your belly being your truss reaches out for new horizons! Trust your truss! Who needs protection? From what? To cover ones nothingness? Falling back into black holes created by turning around oneself? Light energy rises our focus of attention: Upwards and inwards. Trust or no trust - that is the question!

BeiYin 10.1.09 Remark: This kind of 'nonsense poem' was my response after many posts from members of this group about their detailed worries, that are also important to be cleared up, but shouldn't cause to forget the most essential... I am expressing myself like this not to accumulate tension in myself, that then might come out as anger...

Questions & Answers from the Hernia Support Google Group BeiYin: 'Support' in my opinion does not mean to find confirmation for one's old established view and not for the view of this world how it seems to be, because we have been told what and how it is. Q u o t e : What kind of truss did you use when you finally got healed of this 'thing'? What was your program? BeiYin: YOU are the HERNIA - YOU need to heal - You need to heal YOURSELF. As long you see your hernia as a 'thing' that must be eliminated, there can't be real healing happening. * You better drop "programs", especially those that are precious for you as part of your personality. You need first to be aware of these programs, then finding out their origin, then deciding to keep or to drop them. It is part of your transformation. Without this there is no real healing. * Healing is a process that includes your whole being. * There is healing needed for parts of yourself you don't know yet that these exist, these show

up during the process of your healing transformation. * It needs your engagement. You are NOT a victim. You are responsible for yourself. You ARE your disease. You need to respond to your disease as a manifestation of imbalance of yet unknown parts and levels of yourself. Give space to yourself, dare to go into unknown spaces. Become aware and pronounce questions that show up from those spaces. Use SRE or other available help to gain the base to go on in a creative way, getting out of being stuck in worn out behavior pattern of this society. * Why your intestines are coming out? Why your tissue and muscles became too week, not being able to hold the pressure from inside? Might it be that you put stuff into your body your digestive system can't deal with? It's an impossible job you ask to be done, filling yourself up with junk, that goes into putrefaction instead of digestion. Check your input of food! Give a rest to your digestive system! Eating might confirm you in your existence, but be aware that this is a substitute. That's part of the program delivered by this society and so part of the common disease, causing more disease... * Isn't there something else more important? Do you chew what you take in? Do you decide what to take in? On all levels of your existence? Not only with food. Look at it what you take in on all other levels: emotionally and mentally. How much junk you take in! You are not even chewing it and for sure most of it you are not digesting! There are a lot more things to deal with before one can get near to the subject 'healing oneself'... * Do you really want to go into this yet unknown terrain? How serious you are about it? Then you might have stepped already out of the common dependency from the established health system. You might know that the 'easy way' of taking pills and repair with surgery has very little to do with healing. But are you really willing to confront the unknown that will show up from outside and from yourself? It is a challenge very few are capable to deal with... * So as the first step it is necessary that you clear up your position. Are you aware of your conditioning? Are you aware that you are programmed? That you have a self image that contains all the concepts delivered from this society? Are you aware that you are identified with all this and so defending it when ever this is touched by influences that are not confirming your established concepts? Do you have questions about all this or do you prefer not to look at it? Finding enough good reasons... * Observe how people are worrying about their little problems that keep them busy with all those endless discussions. If you are finished with this, then you might come up with some more essential questions... BeiYin PS: My writing might offend one or the other reader. This is not my intention. Probably what I'm expressing is not what you want to hear. It is not the form - or have you a better way to say it? If you feel provoked, then this can be good if you respond to it and become aware of your reaction... Stress Release

John: One thing about stress release: It can't be done frantically. BeiYin: Longman dictionary of contemporary English says: "Frantic" = 1.) in an uncontrolled state of feeling: wildly anxious, afraid, happy, etc. 2.) marked by hurried and disordered activity. Talking about "Stress release": this indeed is difficult in a frantic state, but it can be done with the help of the 'StressReleaseExercise' even in a frantic state. John: It's take time to learn to relax so don't be disappointed when it doesn't happen right away. BeiYin: One can learn to relax one's body using various kinds of manipulation like massage or auto suggestion. This can have a result and can also have a relaxing influence for ones state of mind. But I believe it does not necessarily changes the cause of ones frantic feelings. To change this, what would be part of ones 'healing process', one will need to go to the root of it and this for sure is not just a matter of relaxation. How one can find out about the root cause of ones disturbance? Probably this has to do with ones personal evolution. That means if one is ready to get out of one's personality games, then one will be motivated to direct ones energy to find out about it and not any more just turn around oneself. Then one will ask questions and one will find the right answer. One answer can be that one starts the 'StressReleaseExercise'... John: Just slow down, ... BeiYin: Tell a rabbit that is hunted by a fox to slow down! The 'personality' is constantly in the state of being hunted, (or chasing after one of the many goals offered by this society) so there is hardly any relaxed state possible. John: ...don't force it and it will come. BeiYin: That's right: many things one can't force, they have to grow by itself, with the help of the growing force we all and every thing that exist have as an essential part within. Also fighting against something often is useless as it gives energy to that what one is fighting. But some times it is necessary to make a decision and that needs a certain strength and so forcing oneself, otherwise one will do nothing even knowing that it would be necessary and good and so nothing will come... To be able to make a decision one needs at least a certain self knowledge, being aware of ones natural laziness and numbness. One has to be aware of the games ones personality is playing to hold oneself together, not wanting to do anything that might effect ones established state of being. Being aware of ones defense one will need to force oneself enough to take action: Starting with the 'StressReleaseExercie' for example: PS: I might think that it is useless to write in this group if not at leasta few of all the members here will start with the SRE. Oh boy! Humans are tough cookies, they do all kind of things destroying themselves but have great resistance against every thing that might bring them out of their misery!... *** The enemy is us! From the Radio Show "The People Whisperer" BeiYin: I want to share the following thought, that is not only interesting, but can guide us to a very essential point where we can capture something that can enlighten us about 'Real Healing'!

From: Quote: Roger, an "angry American," "patriot" and "fighter," wrote to say he is in touch with many other men who want to do something but don't know what. Do I have any ideas? Henry Makow's comment: Roger is like the man who asked how much does the yacht cost and was told, "If you have to ask, you can't afford it." Individuals take the initiative. That's what the enemy is most afraid of. People only do what they "own" i.e. conceive themselves (unless of course they are paid or propagandized by paid agents.) In any conflict, it is necessary to understand who the enemy is. As Pogo said, "the enemy is us." BeiYin: Henry Makow is talking about a global situation, but I think the same thought (as above, so below) is valid on a personal level. Applying it to one's hernia we can observe exactly the same attitude and behavior we have: We fight against an enemy that is invisible, sitting somewhere in the background, causing symptoms with pain, giving us problems we don't like to deal with, keeping us busy - turning around ourselves and the best or better said the worst: "the enemy is us!" Not enough, it comes even worse: We don't want to know about it! We don't ask and so we can't get any answer, not needing to look at it and so we can stay in our innocent, ignorant zombie state. If we ask then we are like the person who ask for the price of a yacht: we can't afford it, that means we will not understand the answer, we will reject it and for sure finding a good reason for it! That's the situation in this "Hernia Support Group". Indeed mostly the members are supporting each other in their innocent blind state. Blinds guiding blinds. I would have left this group if I wouldn't be the "owner" of this group, but I don't join the common game, not outside the group and not being in the group. Again and again I will point out what needs to be said. This might disturb you, but in this case I have an advantage: You can't kick me out of this group. This has happened several times when I had joined other health groups... But of course I'm free to leave... So if my input really is not wanted, that would be just normal, then there wouldn't be any reason for me to continue with my intention to make it clear that: " T h e enemy is us!" "Individuals take the initiative!" Exactly, that's what is necessary and that's what we are supposed to do in this group... .. Comment: So you have opened a war on people's personality. BeiYin: I have not opened any war. I have responded to people in a group who all are there with the intention to heal themselves. To be in a war it needs two sides: One who attack and one who defends. I haven't attacked even though people might feel offended. Not to go into a war it needs to be clear about one's position. My position is sovereign enough that I don't need to defend myself. Also I am in a strong position because I am the owner of this forum and nobody can kick me out, but I'm not going to use my power on people because they attack me or express themselves in a way I don't like or that doesn't fit into my established concept. I have made clear the position of people who are in need and there for searching for a solution. That here no quick and easy cure is offered and that to heal oneself is difficult and needs one's full engagement, was made clear and tells about the vulnerable position of people. In this connection it was also said that the position and established personality will defend

oneself and that one must be aware of it to be able to continue. So people's position is not balanced and because of this weak and the only way left, is to confront ones condition and work on it - - or to defend oneself by leaving the group. But at the same time people know or feel that then they are alone with their health problem and be at the mercy of the established health system. So they have a good reason to listen even though they don't like what they receive as information about themselves and ways to get out of their difficult situation. ... Comment: As from your point of view you are absolutely right, but for many it is very hard to understand you because this is all what they have to defend themselves while living in this society. The only way to survive for them is to be part of this society and to be part of the game by tuning their role playing and have a personality that match other's expectations. BeiYin: Yes, that's all what they have or better said: that's all what they have because they limit themselves to it and they are close and stuck in their rigid and limited personality, even though there are included a lot of beautiful concepts... Living in a dream split reality is the main reason why people become sick and with their disease they have the chance to work on their condition and get out of the straight jacket of their personality and the suffering from their disease. Or they can continue their old used way and destroy themselves and also their surrounding and the base of their life. They don't know it better as this society doesn't offer an alternative solution. When they receive information, if they like it or not, then they have the choice and it is their decision to defend themselves and not to look nearer to what is offered or take the opportunity and go forward with the risk to loose their position, that anyway is out of balance. Entering into spaces that are unknown but with the possibility to heal themselves. When people are here in this group, then this is no coincidence, they are here for a good reason and I feel responsible to give them something real and not just 'emotional support'. ... Comment: Look for what is best rewarded in today's society: The leaders, not the people who can do more and better, but the one who can influence the others, is the one who can talk and persuade more and better, not the ones with great ideas, but the ones whose ideas can sell more. BeiYin: We know all more or less that this is the game of the society. The sheep follow their pastor. Then they don't need to think where they are going and all responsibility is given to the leaders. They have the power because people are giving it to them and they use it to manipulate all for their own purposes. That indeed is a dirty game. Hardly anybody even knowing about it, wants to get out and do something by themselves. So they are running sooner or later into problems: Not functioning family life, extreme behavior of their children, divorce, financial difficulties, disappointing work situations, disappointment in reaching one's goals, breaking down of dreams, accidents, disease, depressions and all what is showing up in daily life reality... ... Comment: How you can expect that a person conditioned all of his life to live this way and who is afraid that if he changes he might loose his position in the society and will be discarded from it soon or later. BeiYin: I don't expect anything and that's the reason why I'm capable to continue with my various projects, even though there are very little possibilities that a normal person living in an established frame within this society, are capable to receive information that goes beyond their needs. I do not talk or write anymore if I'm not ask. But I have opened a space to that people come because they are in need and somehow they want to get out of their suffering, not knowing how. So then they find information. What they do with it is their thing. They can reject it or they can relate to it out of their own responsibility and then respond and integrate it into their life. By doing their own search or asking questions. That's totally up to them. For

sure I will not force anything on them. People tend to be more open when they have suffered to such a degree and the medical system couldn't help them, that they come to the point when they have nothing left to loose, so then they might become open enough and do a step out of their dependency, using their remaining will power in a creative way, - - - to pull themselves out of the mud... ... Comment: So to have success in persuading people, in my personal opinion is not to attack their personality, but rather to provide ways to confront their fears, or something else what they see as a problem. Then they will be much more willing to change and understand you. You have to address something what they see as a problem. BeiYin: Yes, you are right and that is exactly what I'm doing: I provide ways that they can heal themselves, not just their disease and their personal problems, - but their whole being. I only can reach people who are ready because of their life history, - having suffered enough. Then out of their situation they will search with even the last bit of motivation they might have left and then they will find the information how to get out of their situation in a creative way, being able to deal with the many obstacles: In one word: Waking up! - Nothing more or less! ... Comment: Also think of how many M.D. will support your opinion on healing, and they have very big influence. BeiYin: You call it 'opinion', for me it is the result of a life long search & struggle and the realization of a state of being awake in a world of sleeping and half sleeping humans. I say what I need to say and I don't depend on anybody. Mds. are not different than others in their stuck personalities. You are right: In more than ten years of my Internet activities I haven't had any comment from a MD. I really would have liked any kind of comment. To have the view point of some one professional and that would have given me the opportunity to prove my position, but for sure I don't depend on this, otherwise I wouldn't have been able to continue all the years. Medical doctors have only the power to influence people because they have the position of authorities people give them and like to join, because they are not grown up yet. I was several times highly astonished about the reactions of doctors when I rejected their treatments even though they tried to convince me with all their authority (and then I did my own investigation and healed myself...) ... Comment: To persuade you need not more enemies, but rather something what can touch the feelings most. BeiYin: I will not use any tricks or manipulation touching their emotions to reach them. That's the way the big power people are manipulating the whole world and as one can see: They are extremely successful with it: It doesn't need so much more, then every body will be sick and the base of all life on this planet will be destroyed. I am doing my best not to join the common games and I'm open to find out what might be better. For sure it is more favorable for one's intention to make friends than enemies, but I will not do anything to gain friends and also I will not do anything to avoid making enemies by not saying what needs to be said. ... Comment: Of course this is just my personal opinion. BeiYin: Yes it is. Even though I thank you that you have expressed yourself, so it gave me the opportunity to respond to it, as your opinion is the one of many people, with the difference that most people don't express themselves, they just reject and that's all. - So thank you anyway!

Links to BeiYin's newest articles about healing The enemy is us! From the Radio Show "The People Whisperer" BeiYin: We are talking about the statement that the enemy is within ourselves. That means we are projecting what we are to the outside and then fighting against it and in so far being involved into a game that keeps us busy, but without a final end because we are turning around ourselves, - without being aware about our automatic behavior and an attitude that doesn't allow to observe oneself. John L: The thing is, we've all (at least most of us) been taught that the physical realm is all there is (that's where Western science and medicine focus their attention). BeiYin: I don't think that this is the case. From early history of mankind people were taught that there is another dimension and where humans come from and where they will go when they leave their body. During more than two thousand years these teachings were established in all cultures without exception. These teachings were given as concepts in one had to believe and the only experience (with some rare exceptions) has been the security coming out of a strong believe. The survival need of daily life had forced people into a materialistic world view and they could manage to live in this dilemma by making a split. Living their daily materialistic approach and keeping their religious or spiritual concepts as an additional security. John L: Some Eastern traditions have taken a "scientific" approach to exploring consciousness itself -- and have mapped out the full spectrum from the source to the manifestation of spirit in the physical body. BeiYin: Also in western scientific approaches consciousness has been explored and human nature has been explained in depth. Adler, Freud, C.G.Jung and others... Although it hasn't entered much into the knowledge pool of the mass. John L: Someone in this group, I believe, has pointed out that the physical body is just the surface of the invisible world. BeiYin: Of course, it is like the iceberg, most of it is invisible under the surface and one has to dive to explore it. John L: No one can be blamed for being limited in their thinking about matters of reality if they have been "brainwashed" into a particular doctrine. BeiYin: Nobody will blame a baby for using a dummy (or american: 'pacifier') although with it there is done the first manipulation to keep the baby quiet. So this goes on later with other things... as the usual manipulations within our society... John L: Remember that the first persons to notice that the world is round, not flat, were persecuted. Learned paradigms are not given up easily as you keep pointing out. BeiYin: Indeed, the concepts we have adapted and so giving us a frame of knowledge in a world of uncertainty are difficult to overcome. First we need to be aware that we are living out of concepts. Humans are not capable to relate to reality, they are only relating through the filter of their concepts and if something shows up that doesn't fit into their established concepts, then they reject this unknown influence.

John L: I'm impressed by members of this group who are willing to even consider alternatives to the "medical doctrine" that drives our culture. Just the fact that guys are considering the possibilities of alternatives to "the old way" is greatly encouraging. BeiYin: This 'openness' is the reaction coming out of the failure of the established medical system. If somebody is suffering enough after having gone through various treatments that hasn't healed but have increased the suffering, then looking for 'alternatives' seems to be a way to get out of it. But then not considering that this needs engagement and self responsibility. Randy: I think that people focus on the physical because it is something that you can be precise about with words. On the other hand that which are about mental and spiritual can not be taught with words. BeiYin: People focus on the physical because that's what they experience with their senses. They are identified with their body and their senses. That gives them the feeling of existence and they strive for excitement wherever they can get it, up to the extreme that they use pain and suffering to feel their existence, - as more intensive the better. John L: Randy, you are right about the fact that words can be used to describe the physical, but are limited when it comes to describing or explaining other dimensions. BeiYin: Yes, words are limited because they are bound to concepts. Each word represents a concept and if a concept is not established as an expression of an experience or just as a common accepted concept, then indeed it is difficult to integrate it into the existing concepts, making it to a part of one's personality. This depends on the needs of the individual. Lately the most sophisticated concepts found their place, fulfilling needs of searching people and giving sense and identification in a nearly untouchable way... John L: I've thought frequently about this challenge for BeiYin because he's been able to describe exercises, etc., but not really the other stuff that is involved in healing. All one can do is use words as "pointers." Experiencing other dimensions is the only way to "know" them. You can't know the taste of an orange until you've tasted one. BeiYin: Oh boy! I'm not able to describe the 'other stuff'? What you are saying here? I think you are provoking me as you seem to be the only one in this group who understands what I'm talking about. OK, yes, this is a challenge for me, but now I'm tired and as I'm human, I need to relax... Tomorrow more... So I have relaxed and just read all this page again. I came to the conclusion, that I don't want to say anything more, - unless somebody asks me. I am convinced that if somebody in need to heal oneself reads this page, then will receive enough information to start ones healing process. Then reading this page again and with this finding the answer of arising questions. We know that it is not easy. Mainly because you are clinging on words. I suggest that you use the sense all dogs have: They sense the energy behind the words and then they respond to it! Just do the same! Or do you pretend that you are not capable to do what a dog can do? If not, then down here is the feedback form that can be used... Go

ahead! The enemy is us! From BeiYin's Radio Show "The people Whisperer" John: I have learned so much from the hernia and from everyone here. I am looking forward to my continued growth of the Whole Body, Mind and Personality with everyone here. Old Joe: The posts are finally turning to the more important questions. Great job! BeiYin: So what are the important questions? Old Joe: You were talking about awareness. That is one benefit of the Stress Release Exercise: deepening one's awareness. Also, the use of attitude and thought in the mode of healing. If you want to change a situation, change the way you think about. BeiYin: Was it that the hernia has given you a reason to question yourself? You want to change your attitude? To check and clear up yourself? Or what is it you both have learned? The "Whole" is NOT the result when one puts body, mind and personality together! Do you have a question about yourself? Is there something you are not sure about? On what depends your existence? What disturbs you about yourself? Is it you or just dust on your glasses or dirt on the mirror in front of you? Who are you? The one you see in the mirror? Or the one who sees himself in the mirror? Or the one who receives an image and is aware that this is a reflection of himself and he is aware that he thinks about this moment of existence and is aware that he feels lost and confused because nothing makes sense. Being aware of one's existence, not because one receives something through the senses, but because one is aware that one is aware beyond any images or pictures or impressions of senses; this might answer many questions... Comes your personal security out of your properties? Physically, mentally and emotionally? So then your insecurity shows up when there is something not clear with your properties? You are busy to organize everything you own and put things at the places where these belong. But this is a constant struggle and uses a lot of energy and is causing stress... There are so many influences from everywhere! John: Obviously there is a lot of confusion in this world and indeed not so much growth when we see that humanity is destroying everything they touch. - Then what is growing? BeiYin: Real growing is a continuing transformational process in which all parts of ones system are included and that is: body, mind and emotions. These parts are 'contaminated' or better said programmed by education and all influences of our society and need to be cleaned up. This entity that you are feels as "Personality" and has taken over by identifying itself with ones properties and the reactions coming from all parts of the system. -This entity needs to overcome its blown up rigid state and find the essence of ones existence. This can't be found here or some where else 'with others'. One can be provoked by others to question oneself and that one can observe within oneself and also on the outside. Finding one's confirmation when being with others might give the feeling of growth, but it just gives satisfaction to the established personality and then there is no need to question anything; so there is no real growing. Growth is when we can give space to the growing force that is present and inbuilt in each of us, all the time and where ever we go. Growth can happen when we can understand that daily circumstances showing up are the best conditions for our growing. It depends only on our attitude and in how far we are capable to relate to what we

encounter and then respond out of our responsibility, - knowing that we (being our personalities) are in a constant need to be confirmed and using all kind of tricks to get what we want... Learning is when we are able to observe ourselves finding out what is real and what comes from our old established patterns, - identification with concepts that we have learned through education and all the manipulation from society... and of course we need to learn that our personalities are the manifestation of human nature. About this there is information available, although we will not be able to receive these if we are not ready for it. Then our defense system will start to react and even simple facts will not be understood and there for rejected. Personality consist in ones self image, this is very vulnerable and constantly needs confirmation and because of this also is constantly defending itself. Real learning would mean that one finds out about 'human nature' and observes this in oneself, then developing an entity that does not depend totally on conditions... Not outside and not inside conditions. John L: All one can do is use words as 'pointers'. Experiencing other dimensions is the only way to 'know' them. You can't know the taste of an orange until you've tasted one. Old Joe: Yep. There's a Buddhist saying of some sort: "You can point toward enlightenment as you might point at the moon, but another must 'see' and experience it for himself." BeiYin: Who wants to point to what? Who is experiencing other dimensions? Isn't it pretty clear that all dimensions a 'personality' is capable to experience are limited to the connditions of this personality? The human capability to produce images has no limit and also the art to make concepts about every fantasy and idea that is triggered by combinations of concepts under the influence of (real?) persosnal experiences. Words are representing concepts, coming out of experiences, - maybe or maybe not. If a concept is confirmed often enough by ones experience then it becomes like something real and is firm and established in one's personal knowledge base. 'Knowledge' is a combination of established concepts owned by a 'personality' and not necessarily is based on experience, unless it is an experience that is the result of such a strong belief that it becomes reality within the self image of a personality. To make this 'reality' even stronger this person will become a 'missionary' trying to convince others of their beautiful concept that connects with a supreme security... It is still fake reality, the same as most or better said all what a personality is experiencing. (Tough to swollow this! Right?) Indeed one can know the taste of an orange even though one never has tasted one. One who has tasted one and has enough words to describe the taste and the used words are known from the person who never tasted an orange, then this person will know the taste. A person who is a specialist in wine will be able to describe one special wine with such a certainty that another specialists in wine will know exactly how the taste is even though never tried it. That's all easy as long it has to do with what belongs to the five senses as ability of a personality. But it becomes difficult or impossible when it goes beyond senses and what can be experienced when still being bound and limited to ones personality. The person who points towards enlightenment lives in a fake world or wants to impress other people who are even more foolish than the one who points. The one who is enlightened will not point somewhere outside wanting to say something with it that nobody can't understand, mainly because being stuck in one's personality that doesn't allow to see or wanting to see what does not belong to ones own already established property...

The StressReleaseExercise will not 'deepen' awareness, it will expand one's awareness to such an extent that it will go beyond the limitation of one's personality. That is the reason why there are people who avoid to practice it, because they want to cling on that what they believe they are, even though they are suffering extremely. This is also part of human nature and there seems no way to reach people that they might open up even they are not ready... Yes, there is a way: 'Love', but this is another subject... Maybe for the next radio show... BeiYin: Let's wait, there's another call... Bill: I will still try to heal this hernia with exercises and diet... BeiYin: Whose hernia is it? (Connection cut) Who ever it is, it will need more than 'trying'. - - The hernia is a symptom that tells that the person with this symptom is out of balance with his/her whole system. That includes all levels of one's existence: Body, mind and emotions. To bring this back into balance the whole being needs to be involved. Exercises and diet for sure is not enough! There are a lot of questions not answered, first because they are not ask... You need to get out of your used way of survival that worked until now for you, by not looking, not asking, not thinking, not being responsible, not relating, not responding... Then you will do the first real step to heal yourself - and this is not just 'trying'! Bill: Also, I'm 30. Exercise and diet on their own MIGHT heal my hernia. Heck, I'm already noticing a difference. To each their own! Everybody's BODY works/heals differently. BeiYin: Yes, your hernia might heal just by exercises and diet, I think that's possible with your age. But what will happen if your hernia is caused by an emotional imbalance and that is not healed? Then your hernia might be healed and some time after another hernia will show up, maybe on the other side of your belly. - What do you think about the following situation: The owner of a boat notice that his boat has a leak and water comes in. So he takes the boat out of the water, docks it up and finds the leak. Will he just repair the hole and do nothing else? Probably not. Once the boat is out of the water, he will use the opportunity and examine the whole body of his boat. He might find other spots that are near to become leaks, so he can repair these as well, without big effort. He might examine more profound and find out that the inner structure of his boat is damaged and with not too much work he will reform the structure. Not just having repaired the leak but being cautious and going further might save his life when in the next storm his boat will be forced to the extreme... You got it? Your hernia is the leak. You might be able to heal this easily, but you should use the occasion to go further. You might go through extreme storms during the next fifty years... You are right: Every body heals differently, but mainly because the one who owns this body is in a different state of personal evolution and so is acting and reacting more or less favorable to one's healing. The most important: The need to connect with one's inner essential core is in every body the same, it is only differently suppressed by the trapped personality. John L: The affirmations are very important! BeiYin: Affirmations are a way to manipulate ones condition the way one wants it. But it is possible that then one is covering a problem that has shows up and this of course is not real healing. As a momentary help in an emergency situation it might serve... One should be aware that what one wants might not be the right thing for one's healing, as

one's wanting is conditioned by the unconscious accumulated background and that's part of the stuck and limited personality and that's what we want to clear up. Right? John L: Control of the mind is very hard, but it's necessary if you don't want to be controlled by it. BeiYin: Any kind of control is delicate because there is always a power behind that is manipulating for a certain purpose. First one needs to find out what the motivation of this one is who wants to control and for what purpose. Who is the one who controls the one who controls? Or is it a game one is playing with oneself? You are your mind and as long you are identified with it and using it for your self confirmation, finding your existence confirmed by it, as long you are stuck in a game with yourself. John L: It's tricky, you need to use the mind to go beyond the mind. As a friend of mine said, it's like using a thorn to remove a thorn. BeiYin: Yes indeed, it is tricky. It is not that you use a thorn to remove a thorn. It is as if you want to use the thorn that needs to be removed to remove itself. You can try and keep yourself busy all life long. Very tricky! Credentials? Geo: You seem to have a lot of strong opinions. BeiYin: From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: Opinion = "An opinion is a person's ideas and thoughts towards something which it is either impossible to verify the truth of, or the truth of which is thought unimportant to the person. It is an assertion about something especially if that something lies in the future and its truth or falsity cannot be directly established e.g. induction. An opinion is not a fact, because opinions are either not falsifiable, or the opinion has not been proven or verified. If it later becomes proven or verified, it is no longer an opinion, but a fact." "A lot of strong opinions?" The way you pronounce it makes it sounding like that you presume that I'm a liar, a pretender, a manipulator, a trickster and possible more of these human attitudes a clever survivor is using to make himself feel good and important. You might be right, I'm living long enough here between humans so I might have adopted some of their 'way of life', I will have a look at it later... Geo: Do you have any credentials to back them up? BeiYin: From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: Credentials = "A credential is an attestation of qualification, competence, or authority issued to an individual by a third party with a relevant de jure or de facto authority or assumed competence to do so. Examples of credentials include academic diplomas, academic degrees, certifications, security clearances, identification documents, badges, powers of attorney, and so on. Sometimes publications, such as scientific papers or books, may be viewed as similar to credentials by some people, especially if the publication was peer reviewed or made in a well-known journal or reputable publisher." That's easy for me to answer: No, I have absolutely nothing of all this. Nothing. Not even a health insurance. But I can prove my existence with my passport, but this for sure is not enough for you and I can understand that you will not continue to read what I'm writing. That's ok with me, that's just the normal behavior of humans... Like: It's nothing worth if it is not expensive... Geo: Not trying to be rude here. Just curious. BeiYin: After my first comment I had made about something you wrote, you had called me 'rude' when I had expressed myself without being asked for. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: Rude (also called impudence or effrontery) = "The disrespect and failure to behave within the context of a society or a group of

people's social laws or etiquette. These laws have already unspokenly been established as the essential boundaries of normally accepted behaviour. To be unable or unwilling to align one's behaviour with these laws known to the general population of what is socially acceptable is to be rude. Similar terms include: impoliteness, making a faux pas, inconsiderateness, offensiveness, obscenity, profanity, violating taboos. In some cases, criminal behavior can also be an act of rudeness." I don't think that you are rude by asking me for my 'credentials', not even when you suspect that I'm I liar, etc. It is strange, but never I felt that somebody was rude to me. I never felt insulted even by the most rude accusation. Once walking in the night through the streets of a city a man approached me and shouted: "You complete idiot, what are you doing here?" I looked into his eyes and said: "You are totally right: I'm an idiot, but how could you recognize me so fast, - others need much longer...?" Obviously he was looking for someone to beat him up to get release for his accumulated frustration. He had already raised his fist, but when I said this then he was like paralyzed and didn't say anything more. He turned around and left. Good that he hadn't asked me for my credentials... From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: Curious = "Curiosity is an emotion that causes natural inquisitive behaviour such as exploration, investigation, and learning, evident by observation in human and many animal species. The term can also be used to denote the behavior itself being caused by the emotion of curiosity. As this emotion represents a drive to know new things, curiosity is the fuel of science and all other disciplines of human study." I feel honored that you are curious about me, although the word 'inquisition' doesn't feel so good. You are observing the human and animal species. I am doing the same, knowing that one can learn a lot from it... Geo: I was a chemistry major and have studied a great deal of biochemistry and have spent several years now studying mineral deficiencies and disease correlations. And I am a 4th degree black belt and have studied 7 different martial arts. So I have a bit of knowledge in the exercise field as well. BeiYin: I also have studied many things but I'm not a major in anything, not even a minor. I understand that a belt is similar to a credential, so I was never interested in it. But yes, about sixty years ago I did boxing, but after my nose was broken the second time I gave up. Later I did Jiu Jitsu and also Judo, I had a belt but only to keep my jacket close... Geo: And as I deal with my own situation here I am finding that I am winning the battle with it one day at a time. But there is a definate learning curve on this thing. I am just learning as I go and there is a great deal I don't now. BeiYin: Obviously you are a fighter and you have some success with this well established way. My way is different, if you ask me I will tell you about it... Geo: Again, not trying to be rude. But I was curious about your background. Thanks for filling in the blanks. BeiYin: Sorry, I haven't said anything about my background. That would be a long story. I will think about if I can make a short story out of it, telling only about the last several thousand years... Then later more... PS: Even though I had fun writing this, I hope you don't feel that I have made fun out of you... PPS: Just a little ;-) You know, I'm a serious person. PPPS: Not too much. *********************************************************************** Christopher: You said that your way is differently than that of a fighter, I am interested

to know more about it. BeiYin: soon...

EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques)

Retired EFT Founder Gary Craig August 23, 2011 NEW Online Tutorial! As Tina recently announced in an EFTRadio interview, we are working together to revise and streamline the Official EFT instruction and make it available in a free online tutorial. This tutorial will replace the EFT Manual and EFT DVDs, and can be used as a reference (1) for anyone wanting to know what Official EFT is, (2) for existing EFTers to refine their skills, or (3) for newcomers to learn EFT in a clear and efficient way. While the text is nearly complete, we are experiencing some delay with the technical elements, and hope to release it by the end of 2011.

My thoughts about EFT Certification This new Tutorial will serve as the Official definition of EFT and thus any authentic Certification in EFT should be firmly based on its instruction and nothing else. At present, the only EFT Certification I know of where this Tutorial is religiously followed is the one that my daughter and co-author, Tina, provides through the Association for Comprehensive Energy Psychology (ACEP). Although I am not directly involved in it, she has made me completely aware of her process. Her modeling and instruction of my refinements is a primary reason for writing this Tutorial, so it follows that her instruction would be as close to the source as you can get. Once the Tutorial is released, I expect that those who wish to offer EFT credentials will realign their material and skills with this online reference. Those who wish to continue teaching variations of EFT should offer their credentials under a different name (MTT, Tapping, etc).

Regards, Gary Hello and Welcome to ACEP's EFT Certification Web Pages My name is Tina Craig. I am the daughter of EFT Founder, Gary Craig, and am excited to be partnering with ACEP to perpetuate the invaluable insights and methods of my father's original EFT work. Most of the EFT community knows that I was behind the scenes helping my dad run for many years before he retired. I created the EFT Certification Program that was designed to correct the wide array of variations in EFT practice, and it has helped EFT Practitioners all over the world achieve better results with more complete training. I have brought all of the material from the previous program into this one and have been able to expand the training from an online exam into a complete course that includes workshops, practical experience, webinars and consultation. As the director of this program, I am working with ACEP members who have strong backgounds in ethics, professional conduct, and education as well as traditional therapy. I am proud to combine my expertise with theirs and hope that together we can raise the bar for professional EFT practice. If you are an experienced EFT practitioner, you may be eligible for grandparenting until Dec 31, 2011. Click the link below for details. Below you will find helpful links to ACEP's EFT Program and other resources

Free Report on Ethical Practice and Risk Management: CLICK HERE Full details of the ACEP EFT Certification Program: CLICK HERE Upcoming Introduction to EFT Workshops (Seattle, Los Angeles, Phoenix, New Orleans, Chicago & more): CLICK HERE The grandparenting phase of the EFT certification program is available until December 31, 2011. CLICK HERE The 14th Annual Energy Psychology Conference May 31-June 3, 2012 San Diego, CA with Keynote and Post Conference Seminar with Gary Craig. CLICK HERE Testimonials for ACEP EFT Certification "As well as being the sure-fire way to get the original teaching, the program itself is one of the best I've seen in a long time (and I say this as someone who has been writing and delivering training courses for many years). The feedback I've received from Tina through the ACEP program has been INVALUABLE. She has helped me to gain insights I didn't think were possible, and I am truly taking my work to another level. I love to learn, and I'm learning even more with the ACEP program. I think Tina's training will attract those who

want to be the best at EFT. The standards are very high, but anyone who is willing to put in the effort is going to feel very proud that they've achieved this level of excellence." -Helen Walker, ACAP-EFT, ACEP's Lead EFT Trainer in the UK/Europe

"Tina brings to EFT the skills for organizing and codifying exactly what her father was doing. For her Cert-II exam I had to learn to identify 7 different re-frame themes and 11 methods of testing. While this was work, I also found it very valuable, and it has made my delivery of EFT much more efficient and effective. I know many people dislike getting into that level of detail, especially if detail is not already part of their skill set. However, in my experience, if you are learning to play music, you have to learn to play all the notes. And if you don't master your scales, you will never master Mozart. Because of all this, I decided to go the ACEP route for the Masters certification. It isn't the easiest or the fastest, but Tina's tutorials include a depth of expertise with EFT that no one else can offer." -Steven Kessler, MFT, ACAP-EFT Click here for More Testimonials about the program Become an ACEP Member Until December 31, 2011, join ACEP and receive 25% off the annual membership fee by using the promo code: emofree at the end of registration. To become a member, CLICK HERE To learn more about the benefits of becoming an ACEP member, CLICK HERE About The Association for Comprehensive Energy Psychology (ACEP): ACEP is an international nonprofit organization 501(c)3 of mental health professionals and allied energy health practitioners who are dedicated to developing and applying energy psychology methods for:

The treatment and relief of those suffering from emotional challenges. Maximizing human performance in business, sports and the arts. Supporting the healthy development and well-being of individuals and groups. Increasing compassion, understanding and peace throughout the world. Visit the ACEP Home Page for more information. Testimonials from ACEP Leadership "I am the Executive Director of ACEP, and have worked closely with Tina during every phase of this process. While I expected to be guiding and coaching more along the way, she has done an exceptional job on her own designing the program and providing professional feedback to her participants. Her understanding of emotional issues is definitely consistent

with Garys and she has been able to teach his strategies clearly and effectively in her material. Were thrilled to have her on our team!" Robert Schwarz, PsyD, DCEP Executive Director, Association for Comprehensive Energy Psychology

"As the Clinical Director of this program, it is my job to be sure the EFT Certification Program is operating according to the professional and ethical standards of ACEP. Accordingly, I have seen every video that Tina has reviewed and every piece of feedback that she has provided, and I am completely impressed. She has been supportive, creative and helpful in all of her feedback, her participants are gaining new levels of skill with each exercise, and I have learned something new about EFT every time. I would say she came to us completely prepared to design and direct a program that ACEP can be proud to offer." Carole G. Stern, MS, RN-BC, DCEP Licensed Psychologist President, Association for Comprehensive Energy Psychology Skills Learned in ACEP's EFT Certification Program

ACEP Certified Practitioner of EFT (ACP-EFTTM) ACEP Certified Advanced Practitioner of EFT (ACAP-EFTTM) ACEP Certified Master Practitioner of EFT (ACMP-EFTTM) What will I learn as an ACEP Certified Practitioner of EFT (ACP-EFT)?

EFT history/philosophy EFT Tapping Points/Basic Recipe Understanding Aspects Methodical Testing Being Specific Shortcuts/Additional Points Tell the Story Technique Movie Technique Tearless Trauma Technique Personal Peace Procedure Chasing the Pain Technique Constricted Breathing Technique Basic EFT for Emotional Issues Basic EFT for Physical Issues Ethical practices and risk management issues in using EFT What will I learn as an ACEP Certified Advanced Practitioner of EFT (ACAP-EFT)?

Preparing your Client with Effective Pre-frames Anatomy of an Emotional Issue Customizing the Setup Phrases

Finding Core Issues Adding Intuition Constructing Powerful Reframes Minimizing Emotional Pain Advanced Testing Methods Advanced Chasing the Pain Advanced Ethical practices and risk management issues in using EFT Become Eligible to take training to be certified to teach the introductory course. What will I learn as a ACEP Certified Master Practitioner of EFT (ACMP-EFT)?

Working with the symptoms of Serious Disease Connecting physical symptoms to emotional issues Advanced Detective work Advanced navigation through complex emotional issues Focus on minimizing emotional pain Addressing issues and their aspects with limited information Advanced Intuition and proper uses Conducting Borrowing Benefits Group Sessions Surrogate EFT Strategies for the Treatment of Indirect Hernia

1. M. Kux Article first published online: 15 JAN 2009 DOI: 10.1046/j.1563-2563.2003.03001.x Issue

European Surgery Volume 35, Issue 1, pages 3237, February 2003 Additional Information(Show All) How to CiteAuthor InformationPublication History SEARCH

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Get PDF (1265K) Summary:Background: It is generally assumed that groin hernia is caused by intraabdominal pressure that is contained by transversalis fascia. The intra-abdominal compartment consists of two components: the intraperitoneal and the extraperitoneal compartment. The respective contribution of each of these two components to groin hernia aetiology has never been differentiated. Methods: Morphological and physiological correlates were sought to explain striking inconsistencies in the above-mentioned theory: The processus vaginalis obliterates only after birth, when crying and straining first raises intraperitoneal pressure. Epidemiologically, groin hernia incidence is lowest in the 15 45-years age group, in which pressure strains from physical work, sports, pregnancy and delivery are highest. Maximal intra-abdominal pressure increase in pregnancy and labour never causes a groin hernia in women. In patients treated with chronic pneumoperitoneum at a pressure of 10 mm Hg, stretching of the abdominal wall and a large increase of the intraperitoneal space occurs without concomitant hernia development. Intraperitoneal pressure of 20 mm Hg causes a lethal compartment syndrome. Results: The internal inguinal ring is formed by the separation of two portions of transversalis fascia: Laterally, transversalis fascia is attached to the posterior edge of the inguinal ligament. Medial to the inferior epigastric vessels, transversalis fascia inserts into the Cooper ligament, at some distance from the inguinal ligament, and extends over the pubis into the cavity of the pelvis. The course of an indirect hernia corresponds to a tangentially acting aetiology. Intraperitoneal pressure acts at a right angle upon the oblique course of the processus vaginalis, causing compression and obliteration of the processus. Radially acting intraperitoneal pressure would have to be deviated at a right angle to cause de novo formation of an indirect hernia. Conclusions: The word and the historical notion of traumatic rupture are misleading conceptions for groin hernia aetiology. In childhood, indirect hernia is a process of foetal development; at old age, a process of involution of the extraperitoneal fatty-fascial compartment. This involution is characterized by the formation of lipomas and, histologically, by fatty degeneration of connective tissue components. The extraperitoneal fatty-fascial compartment is contained by external oblique aponeurosis, not by transversalis fascia. This is the reason why a small prosthesis sublayed to external oblique aponeurosis is more effective than a much larger prosthesis sublayed to transversalis fascia. This concept is helpful in the strategy of using as little prosthetic material as possible. Hernia Cause

The Hernia Cause There is no such a thing as a single cause of any health problem. We can only talk about cofactors, causative agents and life situations that like pieces of puzzle interact with each other, and together promote a chain of events ending with a named set of symptoms and health problems & with Hernia. All disorders and health problems that happen to humans are multidimensional, because we, humans are multidimensional. Modern medical science is manly interested in physical and tangible world. It blames too many problems on bad genes, bad viruses, bad bacteria, ... Genes are always a factor of our health, but that is the only factor we can't do anything about. Genes only represent our predisposition & potential to encounter certain problem or disease. It is our life and our lifestyle as whole that makes the final decision on whether we are going to experience certain problem or not. The truth is, no illness and no disorder or any health problem is caused by a single factor! There are virtually hundreds of cofactors / hundreds of causative agents that each have casual relationship to poor immunity, poor health, accumulation of toxins inside body, poor thoughts, and that promotes illness! Pregnancy: Many people were predisposed to certain illness before they were even born. Fetus can be affected by diet and lifestyle of parents and even grandparents, toxins that parents or grandparents were exposed to, illnesses and organ damages that parents or grandparents experienced, as well as the lack of essential nutrients needed for healthy development during pregnancy. Vaccinations, medications, drugs, narcotics, pesticides, environmental pollution and other toxins that parents and grandparents were exposed to, before conception and during pregnancy can also seriously affect fetus and the health of a newborn child. Birth Trauma: The process of labor can cause trauma, which can seriously affect baby both early in life and later in life. Child is twice as likely to suffer serious damage if labor lasts longer then 13hrs. Birth Defects: If child is borne with a certain disorder or illness, then look for the causative agents and causes in parents and grandparents. It can be: lifestyle, environment, diet, vaccination, toxins, stress & unpleasant life experiences, diseases, traumas, schocks, etc. Childhood: In case of any health problems encountered during early childhood, most common causative agents and causative cofactors are: birth trauma, exposure to medications, vaccination, toxins, child was fed with artificial milk, intolerance or allergy to mother's milk, toxic environment, toxins present in air or food and water that mother is consuming, viruse, bacteria, parasites. Health problems encountered later in life: most common cofactors and causative agents affecting health of a modern man are: medications, birth trauma, vaccination, toxins, stress & unpleasant life experiences, poor mental health, poor attitude, poor lifestyle, poor diet, exposure to certain viruses, bacteria, yeast, parasitic animals.

That doesn't mean that every single person is exposed to the same causative agents. Different people can be diagnosed with the same illness, but still have the entirely different set of cofactors causing that same illness. Every person is different! Every individual lives different life! Beware that we are only able to recognize the "largest" and most common pieces of this "puzzle" called "the cause of illness", while some "smaller pieces" are often unrecognizable. Our body, our mind, our soul and our spirit are one with our environment. Anything that disturbs balance inside our body, mind, soul and spirit, or our relationship with the environment may promote an illness. Common underlying causative agents of almost every illness of modern man are:

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birth trauma: during difficult or prolonged birth, physical trauma may result in fine tearing of the tissues inside baby's abdomen. Birth trauma may also result in misalignments of the cranial bones, misalignment of the spinal bones and misalignment of the hip bones, causing pain and digestion problems during the first months of baby's life. Those problems may affect baby's health immediately or later, affecting digestion, elimination, immunity, endocrine system, concentration, learning ability. In 98 out of 100 kids, symptoms of birth trauma are not recognized or diagnosed, leading to a common childhood illness and commonly treatment with antibiotics or other medications. Exposure to medications early in baby's life is sure factor that will contribute to almost every illness later in life. Many of the problems caused by birth trauma can be corrected by visiting experienced osteopath or experienced manual therapist specialized for treating babies. exposure to toxins, vaccination, medications and lack of body contact. Exposure to toxins, medications or vaccination during the first few weeks or first few months of baby's life may contribute and may cause serious health problems in childhood and later in life. One out of 100 non-vaccinated people may develop cancer later in life, while one out of 3 vaccinated will develop cancer later in life. One out of 100 non-vaccinated people may develop arthritis later in life, while one out of 5 vaccinated will develop arthritis later in life. One out of 15.000 non-vaccinated kids may develop autism, while one out of 130 vaccinated will develop autism. References Those statistics show how much we are affected by the miracle of vaccination.

poor dietary choices and nutritional deficiency - diet rich in processed foods and deficient on essential nutrients is affecting biochemical processes inside our cells. It is also affecting digestion and preventing internal natural detoxification ... read Foods That Kill page! mental attitude, stress, suppression, negative thoughts, fear, lack of love, lack joy, lack desire to live. Lack of: physical activity, sweating, moving, sex, laugh... Combination of those factors is the underlying cause of almost every illness, because those are the factors that are causing congestion of the ducts and vessels of circulation and elimination, such as the bile ducts of the liver, the digestive tract, the blood and lymph

vessels, the urinary tract, the meridians (Chi ducts) and the hormonal pathways (endocrine system). Congestion of the ducts and vessels of circulation and elimination includes: 1. Obstruction of the bile ducts inside liver by hundreds and thousands of intrahepatic stones -the main cause of almost every chronic illness 2. Thickening of blood vessel walls (capillaries and arteries) with excessive protein, leading to chronic health problems such as heart disease, strokes, diabetes, brain disorders, arthritis, cancers, etc. 3. Waste accumulation in the gastro-intestinal tract, affecting the health of every cell in the body, and indicated in almost every disorder and emotional/spiritual problem 4. Lymphatic congestion, also indicated in every health problem, including weight gain, heart disease, arthritis, diabetes, cancer, Alzheimer's, hormonal issues, reproductive disorders, etc. 5. Energetic blocks in the body's meridian network and chakra system, affecting all organs and system in the body Whenever congestion & toxemia exceeds one's capacity to handle it, you will definitely have a disease. What kind of illness you may develop depends on:
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the type of vaccines, medications, trauma & toxins you were exposed to. level of liver damage caused by the exposure to toxins & medications the type of parasites, virus, yeast or bacteria that may live inside of you your total diapason and intensity of the nutritional imbalance your genetic material (inherited strength of your body - your constitution) your blood type (A,B,AB,O) your inherent capacity to handle different toxins your inherent capacity to handle different lack of essential nutrients your psychological and mental strength others your age & gender your thoughts (your psychological and mental make up) your environment and exposure to environmental stressors like radiation lack of love and touch professional injuries eventual past and present injuries and infections others Congestion and toxemia may cause or may be followed by:

1. Formation of Intrahepatic Stones, Gallstones, poor liver function, poor bowel function 2. Poor digestion - Incomplete digestion may cause poor absorption of essential nutrients, and poorly digested food may contain toxic substances that our intestines absorb into our blood, lymph and tissues. 3. Infection by internal parasitic animas - PARASITES (protozoa, amoebae, worms,..) 4. Infection by parasitic yeasts, viruses bacteria 5. Overuse of medical drugs

6. Others (every person has different set of cofactors) By applying the most basic guidelines of cleansing the entire body, eating nutritiously and living in harmony with nature's laws, you can take complete charge of your health. On this page, you have the opportunity to find out how!

About Body-Mind, Soul and Spirit. "Many of our life problems (health, marriage, problems of materialistic nature, business, problems with children, diseases from dependence) have connections with a family in which we live, with a family in which we grew up as well as family from which our parents derived. We receive from our ancestors not only the color of our hair or tendency toward epilepsy, or heart diseases, but also a variety of psychological stresses, traumas and pains among which many are on the level of secrecy. Since long ago people have experienced one feeling, which they transformed into saying "". when grandparents eat sour grapes the grandchildren's teeth turn numb Person suffering chronic illness, often comes from a family where there are many "unfinished businesses" in the past. Fore example: Family who's members have serious emotional problems, serious conflicts within members going on, or just a lot of feeling of guilt, fear and resentment. Sometimes, those conflicts and entangling are on unconscious level, and person is not aware of it. If those conflicts and problems are not addressed, health, if achieved, is just an illusion, short term experience. MOST SERIOUS HEALTH PROBLEMS come from difficult relationship between people. But, for most people, dealing with those problems is not easy. Being married with a "wrong" person, being divorced, being unable to communicate with your kids ... finding solution to similsr problems seems very difficult for many people! It takes a long time to learn, to adjust, to forgive, to tolerate,... Unfortunately, people who need changes the most, those who are seriously ill, are just too ill to realize it. Most sick people are just too sick to even try simple and easy things like water cure, liver cleanse, juicing, lemonade diet.... Family and Subconscious plays a big part in our health. When we are talking about subconscious, we are talking about past. "Beside the color of our eyes or tendency toward epilepsy, from our ancestors we inherit various kinds of feelings, tragedies, traumas, tempers, tresses, misfortunes. We also inherit the terror and fear of living in poverty, hunger, insecurity, etc (nevertheless of our temporary status)."

"Families have numerous levels on which they exist and on which they function in the same way as each of us individually. There is a difference between the visible (so called manifesting) level of family's relationship and the level of hidden feelings, games and positions (so called latent level). The pathological balance frequently exists on exactly this hidden level, which, after long-term stagnation of energy, creates sickness or pathological process to that family or to their members." "Today we are aware of the fact that any serious emotional trauma that happened in the past to you (or your parents) can have a significant effect on the continual state of your health. People can also strongly suffer from emotional trauma inherited from parents who lived with hidden and unsolved rejection, with concentration camp or refugee drama or ancient separation during birth. All this pervades the descendents and brings them in an emotional state, which they don't remember experiencing at all. We can frequently see how, in families, children reflect their parents, as if they are looking in the mirror. The characteristics that they have taken from their parents or some distant ancestor may include the tendency toward depression, fear, selfcriticism, lack of conscience, self-rejection, etc. It is therefore very clear that the emotional trauma is the main reason for bad health." "Unfinished businesses within family can block and take away the family energy. These can be various family secrets about family's conflicts, murders, war sufferings, rapes, religious intolerances, adultery, frauds, plunders, betrays, etc." "By finishing the unfinished business a lot of life energy can being released." "Secrets and lies within a family are very important, because secrets, hidden thoughts and feelings are those that produce the unfinished business and knots. Very often almost whole family energy is spent to keep some secret on the safe place, so the members of the family hardly have strength for anything else in their life." Soul is a part of us, which connects our body (material aspect of our existence) and our spirit (our connection with spiritual). Soul is a part of us that is connected to emotions and in this way it knows all truths from the beginning to the end. It is not like mind which analyses, interprets, judges, synthesizes and babbles, babbles, babbles, etc It's medium is not a word but a picture. A lot of things that determine our lives, happiness and health belong to those latent levels and it processes beyond the level of our consciousness. Not only does there exist a large subconscious part of us connected to our individual lives from the beginning until present moment, but also there exist a large part in that subconscious that is filled with various important elements from the whole evolution, from prehistoric human until today. As in some unimaginably big computer, tidily in our subconscious we have sorted files that possess all the emotionally important information from the prehistoric days until today. This is known as collective subconscious.

Beside individual and collective subconscious, in subconscious part of us there exist one more "sector" in which are placed files that possess something that is called familiar subconscious. This is something that we inherit from our ancestors through our genetics. These are furthermore those "programs" in our lives that are often, automatically and unconsciously happening and determining our destiny. Therefore we, beside the color of our eyes or tendency toward epilepsy, inherit various kinds of feelings, tragedies, traumas, tempers, stresses, also the pain of midwife whose children are dying while giving them birth, the misfortune of their mother to whom they forbid to marry the love of her life, we also inherit the terror and fear of living in poverty (nevertheless of our temporary status). "That is why we often notice within family, for example, five generations of lawyers or seven generations of doctors or four generations of alcoholics, suicides, schizophrenics, divorces, etc." "If the children are the ones whose problems are involved, then the adequate people should work for them in the therapy as their parents or very close relatives." It is important to learn what is right and what is wrong, in relationship with people. It is important to regret doing things that are bad. It is important to forgive to those who regretted. It is important to forgive to yourself. It is important to learn from mistakes. It is important to love your parents, your ex partners, your present and your past partners, your children, born and unborn, alive or dead. It is important to do good to people. It is important to do good to your own children. It is important to support your children. The best that a parent can do for their own children is to love the other half, the other parent. How do you show love to your children? By showing them that you love the other parent! Lack of this love may cause imbalances that will be felt through generations.

Dealing with symptoms is of little help. The real cure means addressing causes! HERNIA-HOW TO HELP HEAL IT WITHOUT DRUGS, SURGERY, TRUSSES NOR TREATMENTS


The most common location for a hernia, is in the abdomen. It is incorrectly called a "rupture". A hernia is not a break or tear of tissue. An abdominal hernia is the escape, bulge or protrusion of a part of the abdominal or pelvic viscera, generally intestine or omentum, through or between the muscular wall of the abdomen, that normally contains it.


Weak, flabby abdominal muscles, muscular relaxation from ill-health or following pregnancy, and wounds or scars following operations or abscesses may predispose to hernia. Muscular atrophy may follow illness. It accompanies the accumulation of fat on the abdomen and results from sedentary habits and begins to tell on those approaching middle life. Unless intense, progressive resistance exercises, are continued throughout life, the muscles and motor nerves undergo a form of fatty degeneration. When, due to lack of use of the abdominal muscles, the muscles, tendons, aponeurosIs and connective tissues generally suffer deterioration and become unresisting and incapable of fulfilling their local functions, hernia may result.


If you suppress your acute abdominal muscle symptoms, you will develop a chronic hernia or die. To get well from your chronic hernia, you must develop your acute abdominal muscle symptoms again. To recover from your chronic hernia, you must do whatever you did, when you were acutely ill with abdominal muscle symptoms, to get well. To recover from your chronic hernia, you must re-experience your same abdominal muscle symptoms you had, when you had your corresponding acute abdominal muscle problem. This is called "retracing". Eventually your suppressed acute abdominal muscle problem developed into your chronic hernia.


A hernia consists of a sac and its contents. The sac is composed of peritoneum and lining membrane of the abdominal cavity. Part of the bladder, a kidney and part of the liver, have been found in hernias of large size.


The abdominal wall is made up of flat sheets of muscle that encase the abdominal organs: the stomach, intestines, liver, kidneys and reproductive organs. When your abdominal muscles are well-toned and firm, they press on various organs and tissues within your body, helping to keep them in their correct abdominal position. However, when these muscles are allowed to become weak and lose their tone, they are no longer able to perform their function efficiently and any undue strain or pressure inside your abdomen, can force your muscles to part at that point. Then, it progressively, pushes out from the inner body, often to a point, just below the surface of the skin. When it reaches this point, a hernia is usually visible as a soft swelling or "tumor". At first, it is about the size and shape of a marble, and grows larger as more and more intestine escapes. The abdominal wall, is a sheet of tough muscle and tendon, that runs down from the ribs to the legs at the groin. It acts as "Nature's Corset". Its primary function, is to hold in the abdominal contents, especially the intestines.


Some common types of abdominal hernias are inguinal hernia, hiatus hernia, umbilical hernia, femoral hernia and incisional hernia. They can be corrected completely and permanently, without drugs, surgery and trusses. The most common type of hernia is the inguinal hernia, which is in the groin or the base of the abdomen. This occurs more frequently in men than women, at a ratio of 4:1. This accounts for 60% of all hernias. This is a hernia into the inguinal canal. It occurs most often on the right side. An inguinal hernia containing portions of the intestine, is called enterocele. One containing omentum, is called epiplocele. This type of hernia is also known as an external or oblique hernia. This inguinal hernia is a passage of the abdominal contents through the inguinal opening or canal in the groin. In its course, it follows the path of the spermatic cord in males and the round ligament in females. As this inguinal hernia gets worse, it can descend into the scrotum. A scrotal hernia can distend progressively into an enormous size. In females, the protrusion may find its way into the labia, in which case it is called labial hernia. A hiatus or diaphragmatic hernia, is one in which part of the stomach or a loop of the intestine, herniates upwards through an opening in the diaphragm, into the chest cavity. An umbilical hernia is a hernia at the navel. This is one in which the bowel or the membranous apron overlying it, known as the omentum, protrudes through the abdominal wall under the skin, at the navel. This umbilical hernia occurs frequently in infants and young children and in excessively fat, elderly women. A femoral hernia is almost wholly confined to females. This accounts for 4% of all hernias. The femoral hernia is a protrusion of some of the abdominal contents through a small opening in front of the abdominal wall. A sac composed of a weak portion of the inner abdominal tissue, and a small segment of the intestine, pushes into the canal, causing a visible and painful bulge on the upper inside front side of the thigh. An incisional hernia is the result of abdominal surgery. The cut abdominal wall muscles and fibrous layers sometimes do not heal properly, and the intestines bulge through this weak point.


You can help heal all of these types of hernias, completely and permanently, without drugs, surgery, trusses and treatments. If you resort to drugs, surgery, trusses and treatments, for these types of hernias, you will further aggravate and weaken the condition of your abdomen and in the future, end up with worse hernias than you presently have. Why? Unless, you remove the cause of your hernia, you are just temporarily suppressing and interfering with your hernia problem, via drugs, surgery, trusses and treatments. Anything that does not repair defects and restore normal function, is not a remedy. If it does not correct producing and sustaining causes, it must fail.


Surgery accomplishes nothing insofar as removal of causes are concerned. Surgery not only does not remove the causes of the hernia, it has the effect of further weakening the abdominal wall. After surgery for hernias, there is a high rate of recurrence of the hernias. Very often, surgery for hernias on one side of the body is followed shortly thereafter with hernias appearing on the other side. The death-rate in hernia surgery, increases as the age of the patient advances.


The injection of some drug at the site of the hernia, to induce the closing of the hernial opening by means of the formation of scar tissue and adhesions, is unsatisfactory and recurrence is common.


The truss pad is a sort of patch or plug for the hernial opening, and imitates the resistance to descent of the abdominal organs normally supplied by Nature. The truss does not rectify the descent of the loop of the intestine. The truss acts as a crutch, temporarily palliating the hernia discomfort but permits the hernia to become progressively worse. The truss restricts the action of the muscles over which it extends and weakens these. The pressure of the truss pad, weakens the hernial tissues bordering the hernial opening and increases its size. The truss, once properly fitted, is to be worn indefinitely. The truss perpetuates the hernia indefinitely.


Never fear developing a strangulated hernia, also known as incarcerated or trapped hernia, i.e., a hernia which is tightly constricted or as is falsely contended, likely to become gangrenous. This is just lying, marketing propaganda, to build paranoid fear into you, to persuade you to undergo drugs, surgery and trusses, to repair your hernia, allegedly to save your life.


Even if your inguinal hernia exacerbates and develops into a scrotal hernia, you can still correct it without drugs, surgery and trusses.


The cause of your hernia in your abdomen, is your abdominal muscles which are weak and you are lacking adequate muscular tone in your abdomen.


I discovered and teach that every hernia pathology and physiological dysfunction produces a concomitant hernia symptomatology in all human beings, as an inherent self-healing mechanism, to homeostatically help us successfully cope and survive. This means, that our inherent intelligence, our God within, is always talking to us. If we listen to it and obey it, we will always have good health. So whenever we are ill, our inherent intelligence produces symptoms upon which we should concentrate, meditate on, pay attention to and feel, until we are asymptomatic, i.e., until our symptoms completely and permanently disappear. If and when we will do this, our illness will always help heal immediately, completely and permanently.


Meditation is listening to the God within, the inherent intelligence. The God within is always talking to you, not with words, but with communicating with you via "feelings" throughout your body. Prayer is becoming silent, going within, aligning with and acknowledging God as All-in-All. Meditation and prayer are 2 steps with the same ultimate goal, communion with the God within. You are an expression of the image and likeness of the God within. You are whole and perfect. As you are already perfect, all you need do is to commune with the God within, become aware of that perfection and become healed.


My body is constantly telling me, what my body needs. All disease, pain and suffering are caused by negative thought patterns. The beliefs that I was taught, that may have convinced me that I am separate from God, are false ideas that have no power. The only power these beliefs have is the power I may give to them. I must identify the negative thought patterns, that are blocking my connection to the presence of God, truth, health and perfection. I must release all these false beliefs. I must know and understand that I am perfect and healthy. I must pray, give thanks and know that my healing has already taken place. These false beliefs can be dissolved instantly understanding that I am truly perfect and healthy. My hernia is healed. This is true prayer.


Why do we involuntarily go into sleep, comas, faint, become unconscious, develop pains, tremors, seizures, strokes, paralyses, convulsions, fevers, symptoms, loss of hunger, physiological dysfunctions, delusions, hallucinations, pathologies and diseases? Our bodies are overwhelmed with excessive stress, excessive enervation and excessive toxemia, with which our God within, our inherent intelligence is unable presently to cope and to adapt. Therefore our God within, our inherent intelligence forces us to physiologically rest, i.e., to water fast, so as to homeostatically survive, despite our self-destructive incorrect physicality, mentality, emotionality and spirituality. Our bodies are always self-healing and always do the right thing when we have diseases. We are passengers on the train of life, not the conductors. Since life began on earth, our inherent intelligence within each cell of our bodies, has learned to make the optimum adaptation and resolution, to any problem to which our bodies are subjected. Whatever stresses our bodies presently have, every cell of our bodies has successfully learned how to cope with such, previously. It is already built into our genes, our chromosomes and our DNA. Our inherent intelligence, if it chooses to cause us to physiologically rest, i.e., to water fast, it does so to protect us. This physiological rest, i.e., this water fast, helps us survive, despite our self-destructive lifestyle, thinking, emotionality and spirituality. Our physiological rest, i.e., our water fast, is for our protective benefit. Our need to physiologically rest, i.e., to water fast, will spontaneously disappear, and genuine hunger

will return, when the cause and need for our inherent intelligence to cause us to physiologically rest, i.e., to water fast, no longer exists.


The Bible says, "Not by prayer alone but by fasting too." Water fasting (physiological rest) with "feeling meditation", immediately helps you heal your hernia while mental calm produced by your prayer, is a great aid to restoration of your poise.

"Fasting is better than prayer." St. Clement: Second Epistle to the Corinthians, in The Bible.

"The best of all medicines are resting and fasting." Benjamin Franklin, Founding Father of USA.


The most rapid way to help heal your hernia, is by physiologically resting your abdomen via a water fast. To properly water fast, abstain from all food and juices. Drink only as much water as your thirst demands. Lie down in bed, close your eyes and keep them closed."Feelingly meditate" on your hernia until your hernia completely disappears. Then you can break your water fast. If you become genuinely hungry, i.e., you salivate for food, you should break your water fast at this time. Your hernia will completely and permanently disappear. Water fasting (physiological rest) with "feeling meditation", is the surest and most rapid means of helping to heal your hernia. Water fasting, with feeling meditation, usually leads to cessation and healing of your hernia pathology and hernia symptomatology, immediately and permanently. You should always do a water fast lying down, with your eyes constantly closed, no talking, and only sleeping and/or concentrating, meditating on, paying attention to and feeling your hernia symptoms until you are hernia asymptomatic, i.e., until you no longer have any hernia symptoms.


Lie down on the floor on your back. Slowly raise your back up to the sitting position. Sit up to the position where your upper body is perpendicular, i.e., 90^ angle to the floor. Let your upper body go backwards down, as slowly as possible, to your original position on the floor, lying on your back. Concentrate and "feelingly meditate" on this herniated area while exercising. While standing, concentrate and "feelingly meditate" on this herniated area This will help you overcome gravitational stress to that area. Your hernia will help heal, completely and permanently. Progressively anaerobically exercise your hernia area, to help heal your hernia. Anaerobic exercises are exercises not using oxygen, i.e., without oxygen. Anaerobic exercise is exercise of such intensity, that you can only do it but for a few seconds. Do this anaerobic exercise as often as possible. Anaerobic exercises are intense exercises that can be tolerated for only a few moments. They are short bursts of all out activities. They are activities using muscle groups at high intensities that exceed the body's capacity to use oxygen to supply energy. They create an oxygen debt by using energy produced without oxygen. They are activities in which oxygen demands of muscles are so high that they rely upon an internal metabolic process for oxygen. Anaerobic exercises are: Isotonic, isokinetic, isometric and negative or eccentric exercises.


The Bible says that laying on of hands on sick animals and on sick people to help heal them, was a common successful practice, in early times. Jesus often laid hands on people before healing them (Mark 6:5; Luke 4:40; 13:13). Paul laid hands on a sick person and he was healed (Acts 28:8). Jesus said concerning His followers, "they will place their hands on sick people, and they will get well" (Mark 16:18).


The influence of "laying on of hands", i.e., healing hernias by touching with your hands, has been used since ancient times, and is being used right down to the present time. In our time, there are many evangelists and "healers" who help "heal" hernias, in themselves and in other people, via transmitting God "healing" energy, through their hands, to those with hernias, they help heal by touching with their hands. With the "laying on of hands", there are many evangelists, Protestant ministers, Catholic priests, Jewish rabbis, Islamic imams, clergy of many religions and "healers", who help heal hernias in themselves and in other human beings.



I can teach you, how to help heal hernias by touching with your hands, yourself and any other human being, and help heal yourself and all of them of hernias immediately. I have helped heal hernias by touching with my hands, many human beings, and they always immediately, begin to heal, feel better, look better and get better, permanently. Everybody can learn, how to help heal hernias, via transmitting God "healing" energy, through their hands, to those with hernias, they help heal by touching with their hands, themselves and any other human being, and help heal themselves and all of them, of hernias.


Our inherent intelligence, our God within, is always talking to us. If we "feelingly meditate" and pay attention to our inherent intelligence, we will always know homeostatically, the best foods to eat, when and how much to eat. If we depend on our "civilized" ideas of how to eat, we will become sick. We should eat as constructive and beneficial a diet as is possible. We should eat only natural foods, that we would eat in the wild. We should eat only fresh, natural, unprocessed, raw foods that are palatable to us and that agree with us, with all the essential minerals and essential nutrients. Every bit of agricultural exploitative commercialization and soil depletion, bioengineering, experimental breeding, processing, cooking, hybridizing, mutation and pollution, destroys vitamins, enzymes, minerals, nucleic acids, chlorophyl, damages fats and makes the fatty matter a local irritant. This agricultural exploitative commercialization and soil depletion, bioengineering, experimental breeding, processing, cooking, hybridizing, mutation and pollution, excessively stresses every cell of our bodies, results in our impaired nutrition and results in our impaired health.


What is nutrition? Nutrition means all the processes and functions that are necessary for the assimilation of our foods we eat. Nutrition is the physiological process our inherent intelligence conducts, as our inherent intelligence transforms foods we eat, into material for our bodies own growth and maintenance. Nutrition means that every part of the human body, renews and repairs itself, by its own intrinsic power to absorb nutritive material from the surrounding medium and assimilate, organize, and transform it into material identical with its own, and endow it with vital properties, if it is supplied with appropriate food. Nutritional deficiencies create imbalances in our bodies chemistry.


Detoxification is the final expulsion of waste materials through the various excretory organs. Detoxification takes place in the human body continually from birth throughout life. Detoxification stops at time of death of the human body.


When your eyes are closed, you rest your brain, mind and body. An electric rhythm starts as soon as your eyes are closed and ceases immediately when your eyes are opened. Activity of your eyes, prevents recuperation from occurring.


Once one is restored to good health, one should be taught how to keep oneself permanently symptom free, by a program that stresses eating natural, raw, unprocessed foods, that one likes and that agree with one, pure air, good water, intense, progressive resistance exercise, airbathing, sungazing and sunbathing, as nude as possible, adequate sleep, "feeling meditation", conservation of sexual energy and appropriate observation of the other needs of life. One should never do anything that does not improve one's physicality, mentality, emotionality and spirituality. One should never do anything from which one must recover.



"Jennings, Graham, Trall, Tilden, Carrington, Shelton, Fry, all the wise ones, wrote about Natural Hygiene. Since the demise of Shelton, the only person who has truly done any significant "updating" of Natural Hygiene, is Dr. Bernarr. Dr. Bernarr is probably the only

teacher/practitioner today, who thoroughly understands Natural Hygiene, the immutable principles discovered by the true Natural Hygienists of the past. Dr.Bernarr has not tried to rewrite Natural Hygiene to suit himself, but instead has stayed completely true to it, and has gently added a few more invaluable pieces of the puzzle, to add to the actual body of knowledge. Dr. Bernarr is the absolute authority on fasting, there is no one who knows fasting like he does, and the result is the recovery of real health."

Written by Miss Zsuzsa Blakely, Natural Hygiene writer, teacher and lecturer, vegan activist, animal activist E-Mail:, 10/19/05, Los Angeles, California USA



We have helped many people who live all over the world, heal their many different hernias of all types, completely and permanently, without drugs, surgery, trusses nor treatments, via the Internet. Contact us NOW and we will help you heal your hernia completely and permanently, via the Internet.


We teach you how to have this oneness with your inherent intelligence, your God within. We are the only practitioners in the world, via telephone and Internet, 24/7/365, to teach and supervise people and animals, world-wide, how to pray, fast, eat, exercise, meditate, gain and/or lose weight, help heal yourself, people, animals, hand touch to help heal people and animals, sungaze, sunbathe, airbathe, have sex correctly, break bad habits, help heal any problem mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually, nobody is impossible to help heal, have oneness with your God within. Telephone, write and E-mail us for help to heal. We have helped thousands of people and animals, with all kinds of health problems, physical, mental, emotional and spiritual, help heal themselves, world-wide. Contact us NOW and we will help you, your loved ones and your animals, help heal yourselves.


We do this as a public service. If you like what we write, please tell others. Please help us NOW to help everyone, world-wide. All, world-wide, need to learn how to help heal themselves, their animals and their environment. Our expenses are heavy to do research, writing, printing, telephone, postage, rent, gas, electricity, lecturing, transportation and advertising, to reach them and educate them. We can successfully do this only by your donations. We are a nonprofit charitable organization, God Healing, Inc. We are USA Internal Revenue Service tax exempt. Please send us NOW a fully income tax deductible donation. Thank you.


If you want any of our already printed articles and any of our general information, they are FREE. Many of our already printed articles and our general information are on our Internet web site and they are FREE. Unfortunately, we have not had the opportunity to update and modify some of the articles presently appearing on our Internet web site. We have hundreds of other different subjects in already printed articles, that are not on our Internet web site. Please request the subject of your interest re: our already printed articles and we will send such to you, FREE. If we do not have an already printed article on the subject of your interest, and if there is enough interest from other inquiries on that same subject, we will consider researching, writing and printing the subject of your interest, FREE. Many thousands of people, world-wide, contact us to help heal them, their loved ones and their animals , worldwide. There is not enough time, money and resources, to personally help heal everyone.


We have helped many people, of all ages, heal themselves, completely and permanently, all over the world, via the Internet. Contact us NOW and we will help you immediately, heal yourself, via the Internet. Web Site: E-mail:

For Personalized Care by telephone, call 1-310-396-2914 (USA). We request a

$3 dollar (USA) a minute donation to our nonprofit charity for this personalized care. Please send this tax-deductible charitable donation to:

Dr. Bernarr, D.C., D.D.

God Healing, Inc.

Natural Hygiene Society, Inc.

P.O. Box 1523 Santa Monica California 90406 USA

A single conversation with a wise man is better than ten years of study. - Chinese Proverb.

Have Faith in God and Dr. Bernarr.

You are beautiful. We love you!

Offered by Lewis Mehl-Madrona, M.D., Ph.D.

Quick Index for this Page:

Need for the Program Philosophy Behind the Program Other Influences The Program Itself Results of the Program Group Two-Day Intensive Weekends Biography & Contact Information email this page to a friend

Coyote Medicine: Intensive Mind-Body-Spirit Healing Adventures Need for the Program: Some people want the opportunity to work intensively on a health problem in order to make major progress in a short period of time. Historically, this has been how healing has proceeded from time immemorial - in intensive spurts of time with the healer followed by time apart to integrate what has been accomplished. Since the early 1980's, I have preferred to help people achieve their health and wellness goals within this format. My philosophy for this program has been inspired by my study of the traditional healers of Native North America, along with an interest in the Asian Quiet Therapies and meditative traditions, and a deep respect for all spiritual paths.

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Background on Philosophy Behind the Program: Native American medicine has been practiced on the North American continent for at least 10,000 years. When Europeans arrived in North America, Native people of this continent were a healthy lot. Plagues and epidemics from Europe soon changed that, but do not mitigate against the effectiveness of Native American methods for attaining long-term survival and avoiding chronic disease. Conventional medicine has lost this wisdom for transforming illness into health through mind-body-spirit integration - a fundamental concept among Native North Americans and most of the remainder of the indigenous world. Conventional psychotherapies

have also fallen short of their ability to transform people's lives. They have parceled out therapeutic time in hourly increments in frequencies of once or twice weekly. Weekly onehour appointments or even yoga classes before work allow us to address only our most critical and immediate concerns. The time needed for inner exploration, for personal transformation, and for the exploration of how personal issues, nutrition, family problems or spiritual matters affect our health is sorely lacking. Conventional therapies have neglected opportunities to facilitate a profound change within a short period of time. They have also ignored the power of ceremony and ritual in treatment. Ceremonies couple the patient's intention to heal with the power of belief and faith in the ceremonial process. They lead to peak experiences that kindle insight into our condition and increase our belief in our own abilities and capabilities. Since medical school graduation, I have been working to integrate the thoughts and techniques of traditional Native American healing elders with more common behavioral medicine techniques and psychotherapies. I have wanted to find the most effective and most aesthetic way for me to midwife people's personal transformations and healings. To improve my approach, I interviewed a number of Native American healers to learn how they conceptualized their work and how they thought it could be translated into modern American culture. The traditional healers told me that time is the first important ingredient in the healing journey, comparing starting this journey to beginning to push a rock up a hill. It takes a lot more effort to get the rock moving at first than to keep it moving. They wondered how seeing someone once or twice weekly could provide enough "oomph" to start the healing process. "How can you push a rock up a hill if you keep stopping and letting it roll back down?" they asked. In organic and biochemistry, an energy of activation is required to initiate a reaction. Once initiated that reaction may proceed irreversibly to completion without much further energetic input. Without sufficient energy of activation, the reaction never occurs. A cake without sufficient energy of heat remains mush. A minimal level of heat is needed to actually cook the cake (transforming the internal arrangements of its molecules). The healers loved these comparisons to chemistry, and reflected upon how nature is the same at every level. In systems science, we say that each layer is isomorphic to the other. The healers related that they typically stayed with the sick person until the job was done. They rarely helped more than one person at a time, and people often traveled great distances to see them. These great distances necessitated an intensive approach, since the journey from home to the healer could not be made many times. The healers would concentrate their work over a number of consecutive days with multiple hours spent each day on healing. Ceremonies often took place every night. Lakota healers would do sweat lodge ceremonies at night, sometimes followed by yuwipi ceremonies. Dineteh healers would perform nightly chants lasting as long as ten days as in the Blessing Way or the Coyote Way. When sufficient progress had been made, the person would be sent home with instructions to return at a later date for further treatment. Because their healing was more directive, their patients would leave with specific instructions for tasks to complete during the interval apart.

The traditional healers emphasized how they helped people become aware of their inner world - their anger, sorrow, bitterness, rage, and hatred, so that it could move again. They pointed out how modern American culture teaches people to ignore their inner world and their feelings. Children are taught in school to ignore their body needs for elimination until it is convenient for the teacher. They are taught to ignore their wish to play until scheduled recess. Civilization, as it is now constructed, requires a level of ignoring emotions for smooth functioning that the traditionals found sad. Traditional healers pointed out how strange it is for a secretary to be unable to take time off if overcome by sadness from a tragic case history she was typing. In this example, they thought it was odd that the bosses could imagine that a human being could type a document without entering into the story that the document conveys. They reflected on how emotions got in the way of efficiency in the modern world. They related how their society used to be less hurried. Hurry has become the watchword of modern society, since the faster we go, the more money we make. In the days before modern pharmaceuticals, rest was a key ingredient of any therapy. Healing may best begin by putting the client to bed. This disturbs daily routines and breaks old habits. It allows the body's repair mechanisms to take over from the defense mechanisms; the parasympathetic nervous system to calm down the sympathetic nervous system. Traditionals mentioned the importance of a number of ceremonial procedures, including purification ceremonies, which are also important for the inner life. They see becoming well as a journey - a journey that takes time.

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Other Influences: The notion of retreating to become well isn't only a Native American idea. Prior to pharmaceutical therapies, bed rest was one of the most commonly prescribed treatments by both conventional and traditional practitioners. In Japan, "quiet" therapies, involving isolating patients completely for days or weeks are a regular practice. Patients are left alone in a room for seven days without television, radio, or social interaction. They are permitted only basic necessities like food and bathroom privileges. After one week they are gradually introduced back into society by engaging in menial tasks. The third and fourth weeks are times of intensive spiritual and emotional therapy. This isolation allows patients to have not only time for serious rest, but also the opportunity for serious introspection and life review. These practices have their roots in Shinto philosophy and were developed by the Japanese physician, Morita. These practices teach patients that their emotions don't have to rule their lives or seriously affect their health since they are fleeting experiences of the mind. True traditional medicine takes into account the body, mind and spirit. Native American Healing techniques and Japanese "Quiet" therapies offer strong paradigms for treatment of the

mind and spirit. Functional Medicine, a contemporary integrative approach founded by John Bland, is a science-based health care system that assesses and treats the underlying causes of illness through individually-tailored therapies. Three basic tenets are involved in Functional Medicine: 1) Biochemical Individuality, 2) Health as Positive Vitality, 3) Function as Homeodynamics. Biochemical Individuality is the concept that each individual has a unique set of characteristics. Unlike conventional medicine, Functional Medicine contends that individuals respond differently to environmental toxins, medications and foods. Each person has his/her own unique biochemical patterns including how information is processed between cells and body systems, and metabolism of nutrients. The tenet of Health as Positive Vitality offers an innovative approach for practitioners to interact with patients. Instead of focusing on the illness, practitioners are encouraged to take "wellness" histories to discover what patients were doing when they were healthy and what they have done in the past that has made them feel their "best." The third tenet of Functional Medicine, Function as Homeodynamics, examines how homeostastis works in the body. Conventional belief contends that homeostasis is a system of interconnected components which function to keep physical and chemical components like temperature or blood sugar relatively constant. The Homeodynamics theory of Functional Medicine believes that instead of homeostasis a similar system exists that functions to maintain not physiochemical constancy, but biochemical individuality. A Functional Medical Assessment would include laboratory studies that examine immunofunction, metabolism and the level of environmental toxins in the body. While these approaches in no way replace conventional therapies, they add new dimensions to therapies that afford patients the opportunity to explore their wellness. Most importantly, they provide the time and individualized attention that is sorely lacking in our current system.

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The Program Itself: The Treatment Process that emerged from the meetings and discussions of traditionals and non-traditionals (including the author) resulted in an intensive experience for clients who can receive 2 to 7 hours per day of therapeutic attention, including the reading of their journal and commenting upon what has been written, reviewing art they may have produced on assignment, general processing and integration of their experiences and what they are learning, hypnosis and/or imagery, body therapy, acupuncture, therapeutic touch, cognitivebehavioral therapy, family therapy, projective techniques including the use of native

American images, shields, or animal images; and ceremony. The work might include meditation, Reiki and energy healing, yoga, craniosacral therapy, homeopathic consultation in these individualized programs. Clients are introduced to the use of ceremony in therapy and for their own personal growth. Night sessions may take place outside in the medicine circle with a fire. Clients are prepared for a sweat lodge ceremony on the sixth or seventh evening and then, if they are strong enough or ready, are taken to the top of a nearby mountain to sit for the night and perhaps receive a vision. Generally, the first day (which may be done in advance of the treatment) consists of an assessment phase, including hearing the person's story of the illness, learning about his or her life stress and challenges, support and stresses, diet, lifestyle, family and friends. We develop images of the illness and of what the healing journey would entail. We consider the energy body of the person and how energy is blocked or restricted, of how the body participates in the suffering. We work together through a talking circle format to develop a treatment plan which makes sense to all involved. This plan can be implemented the next day or later as the person desires. My goal is to help participants restore a sense of beauty and harmony to their experience of life. Associated with the restoration of balance and harmony is often improvement in physical and emotional illnesses. During the intensive healing retreat, several helpers and I assist participants to explore self and spirit, to find new ways to embody spirit, and to forge relationships with their inner parts necessary for healing. We do this through encounter, movement, sacred art, and ceremony. This program removes participants from the pace of daily life, and opens them to the experience of nature.

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Results of the Program: I have taken 105 people through these intensive counseling experiences. I have always been the primary therapist, but with assistants for some of the cases. The clients have been those with a problem they grade as at least moderately severe, and had all had a minimum of one year of outpatient treatment, including forms of counseling, which were ineffective. Most Native People believe that all healing is ultimately spiritual healing, and that the integration of mind, body, and spirit is crucial to getting well. I grew up within an implicit understanding of this principle, and through the course of my life, have come to explicitly believe this as well. Implicit within indigenous culture's concepts of illness is an appreciation that it is a territory

in which we find ourselves, and not an inseparable trait of the person who is ill. Rather than describe someone as a cancer patient, we would say that this person finds herself in the territory of cancer. Implicit also is the understanding that illness is a marker of imbalance. When balance and harmony are restored, illness can be transformed. The limits of this healing transformation are set by the Divine and cannot be known by humans. For those who are uncomfortable with the God concept, we can speak this awareness in the language of systems science, as Douglas Hofstedter does in his book, Godel, Escher, Bach: An Eternal Golden Braid, in which he shows that we cannot fully characterize or describe systems in which we are participants. An organ cannot fully describe its human. A human cannot fully characterize her family. A family cannot fully characterize its larger kinship group. So the rules for our existence cannot be fully known by us. Finally, indigenous cultures know that sickness and death are not necessarily related. Illness does not invariably lead to death, and one does not have to be ill to die. While I became more and more impressed with the effectiveness of Native American methods for long-term survival and for treating chronic disease, I also came to understand that all traditional cultures on every continent share this wisdom.

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Group Two-Day Intensive Weekends: These two-day experiences are designed to start the healing journey. Native American philosophy teaches us that all healing is fundamentally spiritual healing. What this means is that any technique works much better when the person's inner healer is activated. These two-day workshops are meant to help participants find their inner healer. This profound, but elusive part of our self (according to Native American philosophy) organizes healing of body, mind, and soul. What this inner healer is, varies from tribe to tribe, and culture to culture. Some call it spirit. Others call it soul. Others call it Self. When it is activated, people feel transformed. They feel "in the flow," present-centered, mindful, empowered, and intuitively aware of what they need for healing. Our goal for these two days is to locate this inner healer. The need for these two-day experiences arose because not everyone could afford the time or expense of weeklong one-on-one intensive healing experiences. Nor did everyone know if they would want or need a week or longer time commitment. This two day, small group experience fills a gap between the individual office appointment and the week-long healing experience. It is especially beneficial for people who ask the question, "What approach or method will best heal me?"

While it is true that some approaches have more proven biological efficacy than others, both research on the self-healing response and the philosophy of indigenous healers teaches us that most important is the person in the healing process. If your inner healer is activated and functioning for you, almost anything can work. If it is not, very little can work. Drugs and surgery are such extreme measures that the need for the inner healer can be detoured, but my experience has been that eventually we do need to meet our inner healer or pharmacologically treated disease returns or worsens. New conditions arise. Therefore that is the need for this two-day experience - to start people on a journey to meet their inner healer. During the two-day workshops, you will learn:

What we can learn from traditional Native American healers to improve our health care. How to use ceremony in your own healing journey Use of the talking circle to enrich family life. How to use stories and storytelling in healing. Native American inspired approaches to guided imagery. How ceremony fits into health care. About complementary medicine and how it is practiced when inspired by Native American principles of healing.

Nature permitting, we will share a traditional sweat lodge ceremony on Sunday afternoon.

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Biography of Lewis Mehl-Madrona: Dr. Mehl-Madrona is internationally renowned Native American physician and a leader in the field of complementary - or integrative - medicine. Dr. Andrew Weil, of the University of

Arizona's Program in Integrative Medicine, wrote of him - saying: "Lewis Mehl-Madrona has much to offer [here], since he combines the heritage and experience of a Native American healer with very thorough training in allopathic medicine. On top of that, he has great passion about replacing the reigning biomedical model with a new paradigm...". Dr. Mehl-Madrona is currently Associate Professor of Family Medicine and Psychiatry at the University of Saskatchewan College of Medicine in Saskatoon, Canada. He is a graduate of Indiana University (Biophysical Chemistry, 1972), Stanford University School of Medicine (M.D., 1975), and the Psychological Studies Institute in Palo Alto, California (Ph.D., Clinical Psychology, 1980). He completed residencies in family practice and in psychiatry at the University of Vermont College of Medicine, in Burlington. He is board certified in family practice, geriatrics, and psychiatry. He has been Clinical Assistant Professor at Stanford University School of Medicine and at the University of Pittsburgh; and Research Assistant Professor at the University of Arizona College of Medicine and at the University of Vermont. He was an Associate Professor at the University of Hawaii School of Medicine. Dr. Mehl-Madrona also worked for over 25 years as an emergency room physician in rural New Mexico, California, Vermont, New York, and Pennsylvania. His focus has been to blend the best of conventional medicine with the healing traditions of Native America and other indigenous cultures. For more information on intensives or to discuss scheduling an intensive, please contact: Lewis E. Mehl-Madrona, MD, PhD Associate Professor of Family Medicine and Psychiatry Department of Family Medicine West Winds Primary Health Centre University of Saskatchewan College of Medicine 3311 Fairmont Drive Saskatoon, SK S7M 3Y5 Canada 306-655-4249 (phone) 306-655-4894 (fax) (email) Soil And Health Library Health begins in the soil; Healing begins with hygiene; Liberty begins with freedom. This website provides free e-books, mainly about holistic agriculture, holistic health and self-sufficient homestead living. There are secondary collections about social criticism

and transformational psychology. No fees are collected for this service. The library's subject seemingly-diverse topic areas actually connect agricultural methods to the consequent health or illness of animals and humans, shows how to prevent and heal disease and increase longevity, suggests how to live a more fulfilling life and reveals social forces working against that possibility.

The Free Digitalized Library: There are four major subject areas: Radical Agriculture. The nutritional qualites of food and consequently the health of the animals and humans eating that food are determined by soil fertility. This section's interest is far wider than organic gardening and farming; other health-determined approaches to food-raising are also included. Go to the Agriculture Library The Restoration and Maintenance of Health. Nutritional medicine heals disease, builds and maintains health with dietand sometimes heals with fasting or other forms of dietary restriction. There are many approaches represented in this collection. There is also a collection concerning longevity and nutritional anthropology. A new medical reference library has been added to this collection. Go to the Health Library Achieving Personal Sovereignty. Physical, mental, and spiritual health are linked to one's lifestyle. This collection focuses on liberating activities, especially homesteading and the skills it takes to do thatsmall-scale entrepreneuring, financial independence, frugality, and voluntary simplicity. There is also a collection of social criticism, especially from a back-to-the-land point of view. Go to the Personal Sovereignty Library Achieving Spiritual Freedom. There are many seemingly-different self-betterment roads. The books in this collection seek to empower a person to effect their own development in an independent manner. Go to the Spiritual Freedom Library. Additionally Clippings and Miscellaneous. Since this library's beginning patrons have sent information and URLs where interesting bits of information and viewpoints could be found. Here you will find articles and essays and etc. that support and enhance the information found in our book collections. Go to the Clipping File. Latest E-Books Added. Digitalized titles added to the online Soil and Health Library in the last few months, click here:

Soil And Health Discussion Group Here, a wide ranging discussion goes on about how different agricultural and gardening

methods change nutritional qualities of the foods being grown, about the resulting health of the animals and humans that eat those foods, about the best ways to homestead, to grow food, about how the current New World Order is suppressing homestead success. This Yahoo group is gently moderated by Steve Solomon. All points of view and opinions are welcome so long as they exhibit a respect for sustainability and human health and respect the viewpoints of others. You are welcome to post your own essays, refer to other's writings, engage in dialogues. To join the group, click here. The Purpose of Soil And Health Library The wisest student learns from the originators of a body of knowledge because those who later follow in the founders' footsteps are not trailblazers of equivalent depth. This is especially true of the writings from many post WWII academics and professors who mainly write because they must publish . . . or perish. Even when the earliest works in a field contain errors because their authors lacked some bit of data or had a fact wrong, their books still contain enormous wisdom. If nothing else, study of older books lets us discover that the conditions that prevail today aren't the way things always were whilst on some levels, some things hardly ever change at all. There are powerful forces on Earth obscuring the foundations of knowledge. That would be okay if there were better knowledge and wiser wisdoms coming on line to replace them. But usually the opposite is the case. As the sort of person Sir Albert Howard called "the laboratory hermit . . . someone who knows more and more about less and less" . . . increasingly dominates ever-wider areas of scholarship, the focus of scholarship gets ever narrower, and less wise. Manipulative social-political-economic interests attempt to create Orwellian realities that suit them; their domination of academia and media makes people forget the fundamentals. Ferdanand Lundberg's book The Rich and the Super Rich explains exactly how this works. You may find Lundberg's book in the Social Criticism collection. Here's an example of the result of foundation- and industry-influenced "science." Despite all the apparent advances in broadacre industrial agriculture, the nutritional qualities of our basic foodstuffs have been declining during this century. That's largely because most agronomists focus on bulk yield and profitability of the crop, whilst knowing next to nothing about animal/human nutrition. However, there's a littleappreciated "law" about this area: nutritional value usually drops in direct relationship to the increase in bulk production. Or, in agriculture at any rate, "quality" seems the opposite of "quantity." Industrial agriculture has devastated self-sufficient, independent lifestyles. Take the U.S. as an example. In 1870, something like 90 percent of all Americans lived on freeand-clear farms or in tiny villages. And in consequence, enjoyed enormously greater personal liberty than today. The current decline in personal rights in America, Canada and in Australia is NOT the result of there being more people dividing up a fixed and limited amount of total possible liberty into smaller and smaller slices. It is a consequence of financial insecurity, financial dependency and wage slavery. Persons lacking financial independence rarely possess the strength to forthrightly demand social liberties. This is what happened: since 1870 as the industrial food system became ever more

"efficient" it lowered the price of basic agricultural commodities. Consequently most country folk rejected their self-sufficient-farm birthright for a better-paying job in town, abandoned their technologically primitive free-and-clear homestead in favour of a city apartment (with electric power and running water) and soon became wage-enslaved. The ones who remained on the farm borrowed to invest in capital-intensive production methods and so became debt slaves. Wage- and debt-slaves, like all other kinds of slaves, feel insecure and think that in order to survive they must not reveal their true feelings, must suppress themselves whilst pleasing those in authority. The global industrial system's imperative is balance-sheet efficiency in all areas, including farming, but the apparent cheapness of economically-rational agriculture does not reflect a true accounting of costs. Despite the statistical increase in average lifespan, our average health and feelings of wellness have been declining. Consider as an example the large proportion of your neighbours whose mental awareness seems wrapped in fat. Americans especially are disdained world wide for being hugely obese. Australians and Canadians are going the same way, spending ever-larger portions of their productivity on the treatment and cure of disease. This whole activity of "health" care is not a productive use of human attention, but in reality constitutes enormous waste, pain, and suffering, suffering whose main source, poor nutrition, is almost entirely unappreciated. Dr. Isabelle Moser, who spent 25 years conducting a clinical practice using holistic approaches, suggested in private conversations that what she termed the "constitution" of her older patients was typically much stronger than the constitution of her younger ones. Each generation got a poorer start than the one before it as each generation built the foundation of their health from foods produced on ever-more degraded soils grown ever-more "scientifically," and more and more consisting of processed, denatured fodder. (The full text of Dr. Moser's book How And When To Be Your Own Doctor, is in the Health Library.) (For a good discussion of the concept of "start," read Wrench's Wheel of Health in the Longevity Library. See also: Shelton's Orthotrophy, Chapter 36.) It was a sage who quipped: "if they can stop you from asking the right questions, you'll never come up with the right answers." In this library you will encounter individuals who DID ask the right questions and even came up with some of the answers. Modern higher education points people's attention away from the Truth and toward an ever-increasing confusion created by too much data. This library restores the availability of key books written by amazing individuals, books that offer major illumination to those who can already see, books that speak the truth to those who can still hear.

How You Can Help If you admire what is being done here and wish to assist this effort:

You can suggest titles for acquisition. You may donate a book or books. You may offer to sell appropriate titles to the library. You are invited to discuss the content and direction of this library. Suggested titles should be either public domain or out of print.

Perhaps you can lend a book for processing into an e-book after discussing the proposed title with the librarian. All lends are returned within a few weeks of receipt and return postage is paid. E-books can also be prepared from very clean, sharp photocopies; photocopies need not be returned and sending a photocopy does not place a rare book at the slight risk of loss in the post.

You can become a contributing member by making a once-in-a-lifetime contribution of ten Euros. Expenses of this library are not large, but having a domain name, offering significant amounts of bytes for free download and buying old books do cost. The most important aspect of patron contributions is the motivation they provide to increase the scope of this library.

Who Is Creating This Site? The library began in 1997 by Steve Solomon. In 2010 the effort was taken over by Justin Crawford who now owns the library. Click here to communicate via e-mail. Write via ordinary mail to: Justin Crawford Holistic Hideaway Suite E Building 9 Crane Crescent Georges Heights Mosman, NSW 2088 Australia The library maintains a personal web page for Steve Solomon that also contains an email form should you wish to write to Steve. Catalog of The Alternative Medical Therapies Library Healing begins with hygiene.

Asher, Cash. Bacteria, Inc. Milwaukee: Lee Foundation For Nutritional Research, 1955. Here are a few sentences from the booklet: "At the conclusion of his long and thorough experimentations, Dr. Campbell arrived at two important conclusions. 1. That smallpox is transmitted only by the bite of an infected bug. 2. That perversion of nutrition determines the degree of virulence. . . Today, the bedbug has all but vanished from this vacuumed and disinfected land of ours. . . . But the practice of vaccination is as popular as it was in the days of the plague. . . . Why, then, does the vaccination fetish persist? We must find the answer in economics---in the billion dollar serum industry and its correlative industry, medical practice." The copyrights for this book are now under the custodianship of the International Foundation For Nutrition And Health; this organization prints many valuable books by Royal Lee, Melvin Page and others. Downloads as a PDF file of about 250kb. OUT OF PRINT.

Atherton, Dr. Peter. The Essential Aloe Vera. Pagnell, UK: Mill Enterprises, 1996. Almost certainly a self published booklet published by a practitioner mainly for the benefit of clients. Full of interesting and valuable information about Aloe and its uses. Thanks are owed to The Guild of Naturopathic Iridologists, at, the leading professional body for qualified iridologists in the UK, for providing this scan. Downloads as a PDF file of 600 kb. OUT OF PRINT. Benjamin, Harry, N.D. Adventure In Living: The Autobiography of a Myope. London: Health For All Publishing Co., 1950. Healers rarely write their own life story, but Benjamin was more than merely a healer. He was also a Theosophist, acquainted with Krishnamurti, blessed with knowledge of his own whole lives history and naturally highly spiritually aware. Benjamin's book also conveys the ethos and events of holistic healing in the UK from the 1930s through the war years. And it is a pleasant read. Thanks are conveyed to John Fielder for the generous lend of this most rare book. Downloads as a PDF of 469 kb. OUT OF PRINT. Benjamin, Harry, N.D. Everybody's Guide To Nature Cure. Surrey: Health For All Publishing Co., 1967. An immensely popular book that went through many reprintings between the first edition of 1936 and the Sixteenth Impression that is reproduced here. How many more printings this useful title enjoyed is not known. According to Dr. John Fielder who lent his copy to this library for scanning, "When it was in print it was considered the "handbook of Nature Cure", equal to, if not surpassing Henry Lindlahr's." The book has two main uses: for the beginner it explains the basics of why the body gets sick and how it heals very thoroughly. Then, the main section of the book is an encyclopedic listing of Nature-Cure handlings for disease conditions. A rather fat book; downloads as a PDF of 1.53 mb. OUT OF PRINT. Bieler, Henry G., M.D. (1965). Food Is Your Best Medicine. New York: Random House. Here find one complete chapter and the front matter. There is only this small sample of the full text online because an inexpensive Random House paperback edition is currently available. Bieler, a disciple of John Tilden, was the last well-known fully-accredited M.D. that I am aware of who practiced hygienic medicine entirely without reliance on drugs or surgery and who wrote lucidly about his practice and never lost his license or fought to avoid doing jail time. Bieler's origin, through "modern" training and standard medical orientation gives his book a uniquely authoritative and up-to-date theoretical stance that Tilden can seem to lack. Dr. Moser gave away dozens of copies of paperback copies Bieler's book to her clients over the years. Everyone interested in natural medicine should own and read this book. Food Is Your Best Medicine is on my "read every five years list." Every time I do reread it I find new and amazing insights I was too stupid to realize were present the time I last read it. Downloads as a PDF of 127 kb. IN PRINT, ONE CHAPTER SAMPLE ONLY Bird, Christopher. The Persecution and Trial of Gaston Naessens: The True Story of the Efforts to Suppress an Alternative Treatment for Cancer, AIDS, and Other Immunologically Based Diseases. Tiburon, California: H J Kramer Inc, 1991. The long title says it all. Sensitively written by the author of quite popular books that remain in print, including The Secret Life of Plants and Secrets Of The Soil. Downloads as a PDF of 1.04 mb. OUT OF PRINT. Blair, Thos. S. M.D. A Practitioner's Handbook Of Materia Medica and Therapeutics: Based upon Established Physiological Actions And The Indications in Small Doses, etc.

Philadelphia, The Medical Council, 1907. Thanks to a library patron for donating this scan. Downloads as a PDF of 324 kb. PUBLIC DOMAIN. Broadbent, John. The Australian Botanic guide, being a family handbook of botanic treatment. Melbourne: Kemp & Boyce, 1887. Thanks to a library patron for donating this scan. Not having the original to use as a style guide, it is put online with the formatting supplied. Doenloads as a PDF of 540 kb. PUBLIC DOMAIN. Campbell, Dr. Charles. A.R. Bats, Mosquitoes and Dollars. Boston: The Stratford Company, 1925. Charles Campbell showed the city of San Antonio, Texas how to rid the area of mosquitos in order to quell a yellow fever epidemic. This was easily accomplished by creating bat roosts. The book has great relevance today. Many people today believe that West Nile Virus is a real threat, leaving no alternative to using poisons to kill mosquitos. But poisons are useless in the long run, highly costly, kill natural mosquito preditors much less destroying entire ecosystems. Campbell's book represents a sane solution. PUBLIC DOMAIN. Coca, Arthur F., M.D. The Pulse Test. New York: Lyle Stewart, 1956. Coca viewed many disease conditions as being caused by food (and other sorts of) allergies and this is fully explained in his book. There are other easy-to use and quick but less "scientific" ways to test allergies than Coca's pulse test, such as biokinesthology, commonly known as muscle testing. But Coca's method has the advantage that it can be self-applied by anyone possessing determination and reasonable intelligence. To the best of my knowledge, this was the first book in its genre. To paraphrase one of the hygienists, you can clean and clean, but if you then pour in garbage again, what use was all the cleansing? A quick summary of the essentials of Coca's pulse test and how to do it are also found in the Appendix of Isabelle Moser's How And When To Be Your Own Doctor. Downloads as a PDF of 400 kb. PUBLIC DOMAIN Colby, Benjamin. A Guide To Health: Being an exposition of the principles of the Thomsonian system of practice, etc. Milford, New Hampshire: John Burns, 1846. Downloads as a PDF of 920 kb. PUBLIC DOMAIN. Coles, L.B., M.D. The Philosophy of Health or Health Without Medicine. Boston: William D. Ticknor & Company, 1848. Coles' recomendations are generally sensible and accord well with the developing understanding of hygienic practice. However this small book would not have been purchased for the Soil and Health Library at a rather high cost except that Ellen White, founder of the Seventh Day Adventist Church, plagarized Coles and put out the information as her own. To see evidence about this matter, click here. The book downloads as a PDF of 362 kb. PUBLIC DOMAIN. Cook, William H. The Physio-Medical Dispensatory: a treatise on therapeutics, materia medica and pharmacy in accordance with the principles of physiological medication. Cincinatti, Ohio: William Cook, 1969. A classic and complete text on medical herbalism. This scan was pinched from, who also publishes a fine herblist journal. Downloads as a PDF of about 1.6 mb. PUBLIC DOMAIN.

Cornaro, L. (1566). Discourses on the Sober Life (has been through many reprintings by various publishers). Only 68 KBytes. PUBLIC DOMAIN DeVries, Arnold. Therapeutic Fasting. Los Angeles: Chandler, 1963. A complete, sensitive and intelligent survey of fasting and of fasting literature. Arnold DeVries was an American researcher, writer and hygienist, who already in the 1950's changed from a fruitarian (Fountain of Youth, 1946) to a paleolithic understanding of what constitutes optimum human nutrition (Primitive Man and His Food, 1952, Elixir of Life, 1952). Therapeutic Fasting, 1963) has been one of his most popular and widely used titles. Downloads as a single PDF of about 275 kb. Thanks are owed to Dr. Bass of the International Natural Hygiene Society for providing this excellent book. OUT OF PRINT. Donsbach, Kurt. What You Always Wanted To Know About Sclerology. Huntington Beach, California: International Institute of Natural Health, 1978, Analysis of markings on the sclera (white of eye) is a simpler system for indicating the current state of bodily function than iridiology. Many thanks to Juergen Buche, a practicing naturopathic doctor in Quebec for his support and encouragement regarding the Iridology/Sclerology materials in this library. Downloads as a PDF of 328 kb. OUT OF PRINT Ehret, Arnold. The Definitive Cure of Chronic Constipation. Benedict Lust, 1922. A short essay that was almost certainly written by Arnold Ehret and not the product of either Benedict Lust or Fred Hirsch, two disciples who, after Ehret's death, issued what they represented as Ehret's other publications. Includes the result of a complete bibliographical search for Ehret's titles. Successors of Fred Hirsch run Ehret Publishing, which offers many "Ehret" and Ehret titles in inexpensive paperback format. Ehret, Arnold. Rational Fasting: Regeneration Diet and Natural Cure for All Diseases. Translated from the German, translator unknown. English version originally published prior to 1922. Downloads as a small PDF. PUBLIC DOMAIN There are two in-print versions available, each by a different and competing group of Ehretists, each in-print version containing much addenda to the original material. In this download is what Ehret wrote, the way he wrote it. Foster, Harry. What Really Causes Alzheimer's Disease. The Author: 2004. Harry Foster gave permission for this library to offer valuable books that he also provides free of charge from his own website. Downloads as a PDF of 850 kb. IN PRINT; COPYRIGHTED MATERIAL. Foster, Harry. What Really Causes Schizophrenia. The Author: 2003. Harry Foster gave permission for this library to offer valuable books that he also provides free of charge from his own website. Downloads as a PDF of 864 kb. IN PRINT; COPYRIGHTED MATERIAL. Foster, Harry. What Really Causes AIDS. Victoria, B.C. Trafford: 2003. Harry Foster gave permission for this library to offer valuable books that he also provides free of charge from his own website. Downloads as a PDF of 864 kb. IN PRINT; COPYRIGHTED MATERIAL.

Foster, Harry. What Really Causes MS. The Author: 2006. Harry Foster gave permission for this library to offer valuable books that he also provides free of charge from his own website. Downloads as a PDF of 1.49 mb. COPYRIGHTED MATERIAL. Gian-Cursio, Christopher, editor. Eternal Health Truths of A Century Ago. New York, Hygean Press, 1960. Published on the Occasion of the First Annual Convention of the International Federation of Hygienists. A collection of (mostly) mid-ninteenth-century writings of practitioners of Natural Hygiene, including Isaac Jennings, William A. Alcott, Sylvester Graham, Russell Trall, Thomas Nichols, George Taylor, James Jackson, Harriet Austin and Robert Walter. Thanks are owed by all our patrons to Dr. John Fielder of Cairns, Queensland, for the lend of this book. Downloads as a single html file of 335 kb. If any patron of this library possesses other writings of these remarkable individuals, please contact the librarian, Steve Solomon, to discuss how the material might be lent for scanning and inclusion in this library. Downloads as a PDF of 463 kb. OUT OF PRINT Goldstein, Jack. Triumph Over Disease by Fasting and Natural Diet. New York: Arco Publishing Company, 1977. A personal testamonial in the vein of a true-confession story, only this story is not of love and betrayal, but of a young man who, through receiving much conventional medical treatment for ulcerative colitis, had been so damaged by the medicos that he approached death. In the nick of time he discovered natural hygiene, fasted for over 40 days and began to recover health and enjoyment of life. Gruesome in its detailed description of the disease and shocking in its recounting of the brutal and constitution-destroying treatments he received, interesting in the detailed inner-experience of a long-time water faster. Downloads as a PDF of 633 kb. OUT OF PRINT. The Hadwen Papers. (ca. 1896-1925) Dr. Hadwen was a passionate opponent of Jennerian smallpox vaccination. These are a collection of his magazine pieces and a rousing speech, so vivid the reader feel present at an anti-vaccination rally. Our sincere thanks to John Scudamore (UK) for supplying OCR scans of these wonderful documents. PUBLIC DOMAIN Hay, William Howard., M.D. Health via Food. East Aurora, NY: Sun Diet Health Service, 1929 Dr. Hay began his practice in 1891. The first sixteen years were spent in regular medicine and surgery. When his own health broke down he began studying alternative approaches and became a naturopath; his main "weapon" was water and water fasting. Hay was a strong proponent of colon cleansing. Time to scan and format this book: 03:45 Downloads as a PDF of 1.mb. PUBLIC DOMAIN. Hazzard, Linda. B., D. O. (1927 edition). Scientific Fasting: The Ancient and Modern Key to Health. New York: Grant Publications. This is taken from one of a series of editions going back many years before 1927. One of the wisest books on natural medicine ever written, and written totally from decades of personal practice. Also contains a great deal of advice about handling children. PUBLIC DOMAIN

Horne, Ross. Health and Survival in the 21st Century. 1997. HarperCollins: Sydney. Here is THE book for someone with incurable disease that is stuck in the medical model. Horne says--eloquently and passionately--everything I believe to be true, and says it better than I ever have or could. Includes a cogent presentation of why AIDS is a "false" disease, the frauds behind AZT and the deaths AZT caused. . . . There is very little within Health and Survival that I find to disagree with. This modern book only recently gone out of print, is presented here with permission of the author. Horne, Ross. Improving On Pritikin: You Can Do Better. 1988. Published by the author, Australia. This one is Ross' most personal book; it tells his own story. This one also gets the deepest in to Gerson's method, and discusses all the major dietary systems. So it is most interesting! Whilst preparing this book I had a realisation about why Ross Horne is such a powerful writer: he was a flight instructor. Flight instructors are people who take enormous pride in doing some thing absolutely perfectly, and also being able to explain how-to to another. Downloads as a PDF of 670 kb. Presented here with permission of the author. Horne, Ross. The Health Revolution. Fifth Edition, 1997. HarperCollins: Sydney. If you are the sort of person who considers the founders of natural hygiene to be "old fashioned" and "non-scientfic", then Ross Horne may be the writer who will explain some ageless truths to you in a fully modern, scientific manner, using the latest medical research. If you are suffering from life-threatening disease, this book may save your life. Chapter 15 presents probably the best and most objective discussion of proper diet I have ever read; it strongly recommends a raw-food diet. This modern book only recently gone out of print, is presented here with permission of the author. Hygienic Review, miscellaneous articles from authors such as Herbert Shelton and Christopher Gian-Cursio. The Hygienic Review was a publication of the Herbert Shelton Society for many years. I have been receiving articles from this magazine ready to post, and am putting them here in what is so far an unorganised collection. A few of these short pieces are excerpts from Shelton's books. This is a sizeable collection: downloads as a html document of nearly 500 kb. PUBLIC DOMAIN Immerman, Alan M., D.C. Health Unlimited. 1989. A very easy to understand summary and restatement of the basic hygienic viewpoint that would serve as an excellent introduction and guide to someone with insufficient time to study the fundamental books of the Founders (Tilden, Shelton, etc.) from which this book is drawn. It is vegetarian in outlook and disapproves of colon cleansing. Used by a chriopractic college in the United States as a basic text of diet and nutrition. The author, Alan Immerman, is in practice and may be reached at aimmerman1(at) Downloads as a PDF of 514 kb. Placed on the world wide web with the permission of the author. Immerman, Alan M., D.C. Three articles from the American Chiropractic Journal establishing the scientific basis of Natural Hygiene. "Can Diet Prolong Lifespan." ACA Journal of Chriopractic, December 1980. Downloads as a PDF of 456 kb. OUT OF PRINT.

"Fasting and Diet Restriction." ACA Journal of Chiropractic, March, 1980. Downloads as a PDF of 946 kb. OUT OF PRINT. "The Scientific Basis of Toxemia." ACA Journal of Chiropractic, June, 1981. Downloads as a PDF of 182 kb. OUT OF PRINT. Just, Adolf. Return To Nature. New York, Benedict Lust, 1903 Authorized translation of the 4th German edition, done by B. Lust. A nature-cure classic. Downloads as a PDF of 2.29 mb. Total time to process this book: 12.00. PUBLIC DOMAIN. Kingston Chronicle (Rude Health). Various dates; various articles. The Kingston Chronicle was published by the Thomsons (Edinburgh School of Natural Therapeutics, Kingston) for a great many years. The periodical contains some of the finest nature cure writing ever produced in the UK. Within the issues we so far have in possession C. Leslie Thomson, Keki Sidhwa and Alex Milne wrote most of the articles; there are two by Kenneth Jaffrey. Linda Sheard of Devon, U.K., graciously sent the library a tall stack of photocopies of assorted issues of this magazine. Most of the articles in these issues may be read here. These articles are available for download in batches containing selected articles produced during a one-year periods. Soil and Health Library hopes that other clients may have possession of other issues of this periodical, and will lend them for scanning and inclusion in this collection. The copyright status of these articles is uncertain and so, to avoid any suggestion of copyright infringement, they are being considered OUT OF PRINT Kirchfeld, Friedhelm & Wade Boyle. Nature Doctors: Pioneers in Naturopathic Medicine. 1994: Medicina Bilogica/Buckeye Naturopathic Press, Portland, Oregon/ East Palestine, Ohio. A thorough and scholarly historical survey of the development of naturopathic and nature cure practices from the 19th through the 20th century. A study of the individuals who made it happen. For many years Kirchfeld was librarian at the National College of Naturopathic Medicine until he recently retired. In March, 2006 the title was put back into print by the NCNM and is available for purchase through its bookstore. Contact Kriege, Theodor. The Fundamental Basis of Irisdiagnosis. London: L.N. Fowler, 1969. Translated from the German by A.W. Priest. A classic and complete manual of iridiagnosis. Thanks are owed to The Guild of Naturopathic Iridologists at, the leading professional body for qualified iridologists in the UK, for providing this scan. The scan is a little rough. Curently out of print but it is possible Random House (UK) may bring it back. Downloads as a PDF of 1.60 mb. OUT OF PRINT. Kuhne, Louis. The New Science of Healing or the doctrine of the Oneness of all Diseases, forming the basis of a Uniform Method of Cure, without Medicines and without Operations. Leipzig: Published by the Author, circa. 1892. Translated from the original German. Despite its obvious errors in fact, this book is highly valuable because Kuhne possessed a full grasp of the theory of toxemia, which underscored all his treatments; this book is one of the few amongst hygienic literature that attends to tropical diseases such as leprosy and the tropical fevers, as well as offering a thorough discussion of the treatment of tuberculosis. Thanks are owed to Dr. John Fielder, Queensland, for the lend of this book. Time to process the book: 11:05. Downloads as a PDF of 1.46 mb. PUBLIC DOMAIN.

Lovewisdom, Johnny. Modern Live Juice Therapy. . Permission to put this work here granted by David Mujahed, who asserts that he is the current copyright holder. David states: "Modern Live Juice Therapy was started in 1962 and finished in 1964, thus first published in 1964. Omangod press published in 1980. My publishing name is Paradisian Publications and I published it first in 2000. Offered with permission of David S. Mujahed . . ." David also states that he is in the process of printing Dr. Lovewisdom's books. If these ever become available Soil and Health Library will refer people to their point of purchase. Downloads as a single PDF of 135 kb. Lindlahr, Henry. M.D. Iridiagnosis and other Diagnostic Methods. Third Edition. Chicago: Lindlahr Publishing Co., 1919. Iridology means analysis of the body's condition through appearanace of the iris. The book also contains numerous interesting case histories and describes how conventional medical treatment of that era induced quality-of-life-threatening and fatal conditions. This book downloads in two ways: as html files and also as a rather large zip file containing the entire book. There are many figures and even a colour plate showing irises. WARNING: Lindlahr expresses racial viewpoints in this book that today are considered highly politically incorrect. A paperback edition printed several decades ago abridged this material and "sanitized" Iridagnosis. The abridgment also left out data on the nature of drug therapy of that era. This library offers the whole story. PUBLIC DOMAIN Lindlahr, Henry. Nature Cure: Philosophy & Practice Based on the Unity of Disease and Cure. 1913. Chicago: Nature Cure Publishing Co. Lindlahr was the founder of American Naturopathy, or perhaps more accurately stated, the bringer of the German Nature Cure to the States. In this remarkable century-old book will be found every new-agey, new-thought, self-help therapy currently in the public mind as well as the best of natural medical wisdom. My apologies in advance for the almost certain presence of many minor errors concerning uniformity of style. Lindlahr's copy editing was rather unprofessional and not consistent; although soilandhealth library tried to improve on the job, we have certainly missed many commas and improper capitalizations and the like. A contemporary American Naturopathic Christian doctor has made available online a pdf version of this book, downloadable from his website, The .pdf version has been carefully and deeply edited; some relatively minor parts of the original version are missing (the good doctor considered these excised bits to be irrelevant or too controversial or incorrect in light of today's knowledge); the .pdf version also contains two new chapters intended to "update" or "broaden" Lindlahr, and the .pdf also offers numerous helpfullyintended comments, mostly in the form of footnotes, that a novice to the study of this area may find quite useful, as they frequently explain Lindlahr's archaic language or modify, justify or rationalize his viewpoints (and what the editor considered his errors) in the light of more modern knowledge. It is a large download, about 1.3 mb. The Soil and Health Library version is, on the other hand, as accurate a rendering of the original as could be done. PUBLIC DOMAIN Lindlahr, Henry. The Practice of Natural Therapeutics, fifth edition. Chicago, Lindlahr Publishing Co., 1922. The practical how-to of Lindlahr's methods explained in detail. The scan of this book was generously donated by Grant Campbell, a South African currently studying Naturopathy in England who hopes to settle in Australia or New Zealand. Grant is unexperienced in this sort of work and his scan required much effort to correct (fortunately, I had a copy of the book at the bottom of my "to-be-done" stack.) It took so much effort, in fact, that I ran out of

willingness to do more than correct the formatting errors and fill in several missing bits. Thus, I must assign all minor errors in copy to Grant, and ask my patrons to be especially willing to inform me of these errors, so that they may be fixed. Grant also took strong exception to Lindlahr's recommendation to drink cow's milk. His statement about that can be read here. PUBLIC DOMAIN Lindlahr, Victor H. The Natural Way to Health. New York: National Nutrition Society, 1939. Victor was the son of Henry Lindlahr. He was a prime assistant to his father throughout Henry's career. After Henry's death, Victor carried on the practice. This is but one of Victor's books. It is especially useful for providing insight into the character and personal/family life of the Henry Lindlahr family. Thanks are owed to a contributing member of the Soil and Health Library for suggesting this title and explaining its significance. Downloads as a PDF of 750 kb. OUT OF PRINT. Lonsdale, Derrick, M.D. Why I Quit Orthodox Medicine. Charlottesville, VA: Hampton Roads Publishing, 1994. Inspiring book that explains the whys of why a fully qualified and successful medical doctor abandoned AMA style practice and took up something resembling orthomolecular medicine. Offered here with the permission of Dr. Lonsdale. Expecially valuable for providing a full grasp of the siginficance of B vitamins. Downloads as a PDF of 1.3 mb. OUT OF PRINT. Lonsdale, Derrick, M.D. A Monogram Of Clinical Research: Presentation Of A New Medical Model. Manuscript revised and updated by the Author in 2006 especially for Soil and Health Library. (Originally published as: A Nutritionists Guide to the Clinical Use of Vitamin B-1. Tacoma, Washington: Life Sciences Press, 1987.) This medical text, written in full medicalese, will prove beyond the comprehension of most readers. It explains with full scientific rigour much of the material Lonsdale explains in his Why I Q uit Orthodox Medicine. Offered here with the permission of Dr. Lonsdale. Downloads as a PDF of 2.8 mb. OUT OF PRINT. MacFadden, Bernarr. Strengthening The Eyes: A System of Scientific Eye Training. New York: MacFadden Publications, 1925. A complete program of exercises (and dietary improvements) to overcome the need for eyeglasses. Many photos. Thanks to Gary Krasner of the Coalition for Informed Choice, for the lend of this book. PUBLIC DOMAIN MacFadden, Bernarr and Felix Oswald. Fasting, Hydropathy and Exercise: Nature's Wonderful Remedies for the Cure of all Chronic and Acute Diseases. London, Bernarr MacFadden, no date (ca. 1900.) A young healer's enthusiastic encouragement to use fasting, exercise, cold water and dietary reform--especially the one meal per day plan--to cure disease. Interesting muscle pictures and daring (for the time) muscle-nudes. Thanks to John Polland of Greensboro, N.C., U.S.A. for the lend of this book. PUBLIC DOMAIN Maimon, Moses ben (Maimonides). The Preservation of Youth: Essays on Health. Translated from the original Arabic with an Introduction by Hirsch L. Gordon, M.D., Ph.D., D.H.L. New York: Philosophical Library, 1958. Twelfth Century medical classic. This brief book is filled with wisdom. Downloads as a PDF of about 220 kb. OUT OF PRINT.

Moser, Isabelle, with Steve Solomon. How And When To Be Your Own Doctor. 1996. Available here in two formats: as PDF and also as html documents. Product of 25 years of clinical practice using every form of natural healing; Dr. Moser was tempermentally a hygienist but not a rigid, doctrinaire one. PUBLIC DOMAIN Moser, Isabelle, en collaboration avec Steve Solomon. Comment et Quand Etre Son Propre Docteur.1996. Resultat de 25 annees de pratique clinique utilisant toutes formes de traitements naturels; le Dr Isabelle Moser etait "hygieniste" de temperament, mais pas de maniere rigide, ni doctrinaire. Le traducteur, Claude MAURER vous propose la version francophone de ce livre qui ne manquera pas de vous interpeller. PDF 2.41 mb. Moser, Dra. Isabelle A. e Steve Solomon, COMO e QUANDO SER SEU PRPRIO MDICO. Traduo: lia Regina Previato. PDF 850 kb. Moyle, Alan. Nature Cure Explained. Health For All Publishing Co. London, 1950. A survey of and elementary introduction to Nature Cure in all its forms and techniques. Thanks are owed to Linda Sheard (UK) for graciously contributing a photocopy of this rare book. Downloads as a PDF of 511 kb. OUT OF PRINT. Moyle, Alan. Nature Cure For Asthma and Hay Fever. Health For All Publishing Co., London, 1951 A small sewn book of 70 some pages. Thanks to Peter Schwarz of Little Mortley, NSW for the lend of this book. Downloads as a PDF of 270 kb. OUT OF PRINT. Obomsawin, Raymond, Ph.D. Universal Immunization. Published by the Health Action Network Society, Burnaby, B.C., Canada. Readable by the layperson; fully-documented. The practice of childhood immunization is exposed as a dangerous fraud. Obomsawin points to nutrition and soil fertility as the real solutions to infective illness. The book contains one of the best summaries of the enormous values of some basic vitamins--A and C--in building resistance to disease, and shows how those who develop infectious disease are generally deficient. This book was based upon research that Obomsawin undertook in the early 1990s while serving as an Evaluation Analyst for the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) conducting a field evaluation of a UNICEF Integrated Services Project serving over 900 villages in northeast Thailand over a several year period. CIDA then hired a bio-medical professional to refute what Obomssawin had written. Obomsawin holds a PhD in Health Sciences and Human Ecology (1992). Universal Immunization downloads as a PDF of 644 kb. OUT OF PRINT Perkins, Charles Eliot. The Truth About Water Fluoridation, Second Edition. Washington, D.C.: The Fluoridation Educational Society, 1952. This scan for this small and interesting book was provided by a library patron. Downloads as a PDF of 103 kb. OUT OF PRINT. Purinton, Edward Earle. The Philosophy of Fasting: A Message for Sufferers and Sinners. ca 1905, many editions, earliest probably published by Benedict Lust, N.D., M.D., Butler, New Jersey. Not so much a manual of how-to fast (although there are some useful insights on this in the book). Purinton's effort is more about the affiliated aspects of fasting--the mental and spiritual

benefits of the practice, and the state of mind one needs to cultivate in order to fast safely and with a good result. Purinton was a uniquely individualistic being who belonged to no identifiable group or movement. Clearly, however, he was friendly to Theosophy, Vedanta and had reality on his own past lives. Thanks to S. Fagan of Eagleby, Queensland for the lend of this book for purposes of scanning it. PUBLIC DOMAIN. Sandler, Benjamin P. Diet Prevents Polio. 1951.Lee Foundation for Nutritional Research, Milwaukee. Here is proof that polio can be prevented by simple dietary improvement. Vaccination is not needed. Although I have major disagreements with Sandler's dietary solution as the ideal, ongoing, lifetime human diet, this simple set of improvements was, in its time, far better than the average diet, and proved enough to prevent the disease. The Lee Foundation was the product of the admirable Dr. Royal Lee, a brave pioneer in American health research. Dr. Lee served time in jail for his beliefs that most disease conditions could be remedied by better nutrition. Thanks to John at Whale Books for providing this scan. Sandler's book and many others concerning cancer and vaccination issues can be found at John's website. The copyrights for this book are now under the custodianship of the International Foundation For Nutrition And Health; this organization prints many valuable books by Royal Lee, Melvin Page and others. Downloads as a PDF of 1.08 mb. OUT OF PRINT. Scudder, John. Specific Diagnosis: a Study of Disease With Specific Reference to the Administration of Remedies. Cincinnatti: Wilsatch, Baldwin and Co., 1894. An herbalist classic; and to acknowledge the anonymous contribution, a very difficult, painstaking scan it was to accomplish. Downloads as a PDF of 1.6 mb. PUBLIC DOMAIN. Scudder, John. Specific Diagnosis: a Study of Disease With Specific Reference to the Administration of Remedies. Cincinnatti: The Scudder Brothers, 1903. An herbalist classic; and to acknowledge the anonymous contribution, a very difficult, painstaking scan it was to accomplish. Downloads as a PDF of 1 mb. PUBLIC DOMAIN. Sharan, Farida. IRIDOLOGY: A complete guide to diagnosing through the iris and to related forms of treatment. England: Thorson's Publishing Group, 1989. Offered here is an excerpt (pgs. 105-117) from the book concerning Sclerology. Sharan's book provides fine charts of sclera signs and drawings of sclera markings, their meaning and interpretation. A fine compliment to Lindlarh's Iridiagnosis and Donsbach's Sclerology. Many thanks to Juergen Buche, a practicing naturopathic doctor in Quebec for his support and encouragement on all the Iridology/Sclerology materials in this library. The entire book (and other valuable iridology texts) can be purchased online through Farida Sharan's website at Downloads as a PDF of 465 kb. Total time to scan, ocr and format this material: 05:35. IN PRINT; ONE CHAPTER SAMPLE ONLY. Sharan, Farida. Iridology: A complete guide to diagnosing through the iris and to related forms of treatment. Boulder, Colorado: School of Natural Medicine, 1989, 1992. Offered here, with the authorization of Farida Sharan, are three chapters of the book (the three largest chapters, "Clearing Space The Elimininative Channels"; "Restoring Harmony", and "Putting It All Together". There are many large and detailed iris charts. The entire book can be purchased online through Farida Sharan's website at Downloads as a PDF of 3.25 mb. IN PRINT; HERE BY PERMISSION OF THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER.

Sharan, Farida. Herbs of Grace: Becoming Independently Healthy. Boulder, Colorado: Wisdome Press, 1974. Offered here is a substantial excerpt of this in print book, consisting of three chapters: "Health Ecology," (about why the body gets sick); "Nourishment," (about how to feed it to make and keep it well); "Iridology and Inner Ecology," (a relatively complete treatment of iridology and iridiognosis). This excerpt is here with the permission of Farida Sharan. To purchase this book, visit her website at Downloads as a PDF of 1.63 mb. IN PRINT, HERE WITH PERMISSION OF THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER. Sharan, Farida. Creative Menopause: Illuminating Women's Health & Spirituality. Boulder, Colorado: Wisdome Press, 1974. Even for a man this book offers a fascinating look at the inner life of women. And for women it is full of wisdom and helpful information about how to age with grace and dignity. Here with the permission of Farida Sharan and the primary illustrator, Mara Friedman, this book is offered up in full text, unabridged except that many of the fine illustrations have been left out to reduce the file size and download time. However, a representative sample of the drawings are included. To purchase this book, visit Farida's website Downloads as a PDF of 1.52 mb. THIS BOOK IS CURRENTLY IN PRINT, OFFERED HERE WITH PERMISSION OF THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER. Shelton, Herbert. Historical chronology. An brief admiring biography and complete historical bibliography of Shelton by a staunch follower, Victoria Bidwell. HERE WITH PERMISSION OF VICTORIA BIDWELL. Shelton, Herbert M. The Hygienic Care of Children. San Antonio, Texas: Dr, Shelton's Health School, 1931. Not reprinted by the American Natural Hygiene Society! Shelton at his most aggressive, a vigorous defence of innocent children. The book was very badly printed and lacked the copyeditor's polishing given Shelton's other manuscripts. Thus it contained many, many errors, mispellings and even mis-used words. Many of these have been corrected. Many others were missed. Don't miss the very last chapter wherein Shelton ruthlessly attacks the alleopathic medicos for their greed and willful killing of the young; don't miss his detailed condemnation of vaccination. PUBLIC DOMAIN. Shelton, Herbert M. The Hygienic System, Vol. II, Orthotrophy. San Antonio, Texas: Dr. Shelton's Health School, Sixth Edition, 1975. First published 1935. The question of what constitutes a proper and healthy diet has long been the matter of the greatest controversy among holistic healers. It is still a matter of great confusion among the public. Here is Shelton's thorough examination of eating and foodstuffs. Includes the complete data on food combining, feeding of infant and children, the digestive system, etc. PUBLIC DOMAIN. Shelton, Herbet M. The Hygienic System, Vol. III, Fasting and Sun Bathing. San Antonio, Texas: Dr. Shelton's Health School, Third Revised Edition, 1950. First Published 1934. In his exhaustive study of therepeutic fasting, Shelton claimed: " In more than thirty years of conducting fasts, I have conducted over twenty-five thousand fasts, ranging in duration from three days to more than two months. I have conducted about six fasts that have gone sixty or more days, the longest being sixty-eight days. I have had literally hundreds of fasts that have lasted from forty to fifty and more days." Despite Shelton's possible overstatement

of "twenty-five thousand," likely no one else has ever equalled his experience with fasting for the purpose of healing disease. PUBLIC DOMAIN. Shelton, Herbert M. The Hygienic System, Vol. VI, Orthopathy. San Antonio, Texas: Dr. Shelton's Health School, 1939. The word "orthopathy" means something like "corrective suffering," or "repairing disease by experiencing the symptoms instead of suppressing them." Contains one of Shelton's most powerful statements of the fundamental nature of natural hygiene. Downloads as a PDF of 1.7 mb. PUBLIC DOMAIN. Shelton, Herbert M. Natural Hygiene: Man's Pristine Way Of Life. San Antonio, Texas: Dr. Shelton's Health School, 1968. This rather long polemic painstakingly, passionately and rather aggressively examines certain key concepts of Shelton's version of Natural Hygiene: no one who reads this book carefully will ever think of the words cure and medicine as being compatible with Hygiene or healing or health. There is also an excellent history of the development of the Hygienic movement. PUBLIC DOMAIN. Shelton, Herbert M. Syphilis: Is it a Mischievous Myth or a Malignant Monster. Mokelumne Hill, California, Health Research Press, 1962 Shelton at his scathing best!, explaining that there is not now and never has been a disease called "syphilis" but that by diagnosing many minor and usually transient symptoms as "syphilis" the medical profesion has obtained a herd of terrified sheeple who take pay large fees to take their poisonous remedies. The remedies must go on for years and the toxicity of the very remedies themselves causes the dreaded symptoms of so-called tertiary syphilis Thanks to Gary Krasner of the Coalition for Informed Choice for the lend of this book. PUBLIC DOMAIN Shelton, Herbert M. Food Combining Made Easy. San Antonio: Dr.Shelton's Health School, 1951. Shelton's statement is the most frequently referred to text on the subject. Reprinted 31 times between 1951 and 1979, which is the date of the copy on our shelf. Downloads as a non-searchable PDF of 4.25 mb. PUBLIC DOMAIN. Shook, Edward E. Elementary Course In Herbology. Mokelumne Hill, California: Health Research, 1977. Reproduced from Shook's typewritten manuscript, issued about 1948. Downloads as a PDF of 450 kb. OUT OF PRINT. Shook, Edward E. Advanced Treatise On Herbs. Mokelumne Hill, California: Health Research, 1977. Reproduced from Shook's typewritten manuscript, issued about 1948. Downloads as a PDF of 870 kb. OUT OF PRINT Sinclair, Ian. Vaccination: The Hidden Facts. Ryde, NSW: Published by the Author, 1992. Available here with the permission of the Author is one chapter of this fine book. The book itself can be purchased via mail order from Sinclair's admirable website,

Sinclair, Ian. You Can Overcome Asthma. Ryde, NSW: Published by the Author, 1993. Available here with the permission of the Author is one chapter of this admirable book. The book itself can be purchased via mail order from Sinclair's admirable website, Sinclair, Upton. (1921). The Fasting Cure. Originally published by the author circa 1920. 215KBytes. Public domain. A famous author's personal experience with the fasting cure. The main chapter of this book, "Perfect Health" is also offered in French, the translation, Parfaite Sant!, translation courtesy of Paul Barbu & Diane Hbert. PUBLIC DOMAIN. Sircus, Mark, A.C., OMD. Cry of the HeartStop Hurting The Children: The Medical Terror of Vaccination. Published by the author on the internet, 2003. Anti-vaccininist plea to cease and desist with full reasons, scientific and emotional. Downloads as a PDF of 500 kb. PUBLIC DOMAIN. Spira, Leo, M.D. The Drama of Fluorine: Arch Enemy of Mankind. Milwaukee, Wisconsin: Lee Foundation, 1953. Dr. Spira spend his life researching the effects of fluorine and found his conclusions and dire warnings ignored. The copyrights for this book are now under the custodianship of the International Foundation For Nutrition And Health; this organization prints many valuable books by Royal Lee, Melvin Page and others. Downloads as a PDF of 502 kb. OUT OF PRINT Spira, Leo, M.D. The Clinical Aspect Of Chronic Poisoning By Aluminium and its Alloys. London: John Bale Sons & Danielson Ltd., 1933. A monograph of 30 pages that discusses the nature of fluorine poisoning. Downloads as a non-searchable PDF of about 1 mb. OUT OF PRINT. Szkely, Edmond. Medicine and Dialectics. Published for the Bureau of Cosmotherapy, Lawrence Weaver House, by the C.W. Daniel Company, Ltd., London, 1937. Better known for his Essene Gospels, this 36 page booklet is early Szkely. It was originally printed without any notice of copyright. Thanks to Dr. John Fielder of Queensland for providing a lend of the booklet so it could be scanned. PUBLIC DOMAIN. Szkely, Edmond. Medicine Tomorrow: An Introduction to Cosmotherapy with a Guide to Treatment. London: C.W. Daniel, 1938 and 1951. Perhaps this is Szkely's magnum opus of the physical. The rare book is little known outside circles with spiritual orientation, it is a complete guide to health and healing based upon the esoteric. With good fortune, the valuable copy provided by Dr. John Fielder who practices Nature Cure near Cairns, Queensland (thanks a heap, John!) contained all the folding charts in the back pocket of the book, reproduced here. Rendering these charts large enough to be useful is the main reason the book's download is large: PDF of 4.69 mb. Time to scan and format this text: 08:20. OUT OF PRINT. Szkely, Edmond Bordeaux. The Theory of Cosmotherapy. Tecate, California. Essene School of Life, 1941. Available here are six of the original fifteen booklets in this series. One of them contains an interesting list of Szkely's publications as of the date of issue. Thanks are owed to Mrs. Deborah Szkely for lending these rare booklets for OCR. Downloads as a PDF of 430 kb. OUT OF PRINT.

Szkely, Edmond Bordeaux. Fasting and Grape Cure. Tecate, California: Essene School of Life, 1950. This booklet, one of a series of many similar publications, provides Szkely's take on two related subjects. The text also includes a full list of publications of the Essene School of Life. Thanks are owed to Mrs. Deborah Szkely for lending this rare booklet for OCR. Downloads as a PDF of 217 kb. OUT OF PRINT. Szkely, Edmond Bordeaux. Health, Youth and Longevity through Food - Water - Air - Sun Exercise - Breathing - Mind; The Golden Rules of Life and Happiness; Introduction to Cosmotherapy; The Essene School of Life. Tecate, California: The Essene School of Life, 1943. The paper used for this stapled booklet has become so browned and the printing job so fuzzy that OCR is not possible; thus this valuable document could not be provided as searchable text. Instead, it is offered as a bitmap scan of rather large file size. Thanks are owed to Mrs. Deborah Szkely for lending this rare booklet. Downloads as a PDF of 5.17 mb. OUT OF PRINT. Szkely, Edmond Bordeaux, Prof. Dr. The Therapeutics of Fasting. Tecate: Essene School of Life, 1942. The poor quality wartime paper used to print this booklet had become browned to the point that Optical Character Recognition was not possible. Thus it was first offered as a bitmap scan of rather large file size (1.86 mb. (The scanned images were adjusted in Photoshop to brighten the background and make the type more legible.) Then a patron of the library hand-typed a small text file of only 44 kb, which you can download by clicking this link. Thanks are owed to Mrs. Deborah Szkely for lending this rare booklet. OUT OF PRINT. Szkely, Edmond Bordeaux. Sleep: A Source Of Harmony. Tecate: Essene School of Life, 1945. This small booklet additionally contains a valuable review of Szkely's entire philosophy, written by Dion Byngham and originally published in a periodical called Health and Live, July, 1936. Thanks are owed to Mrs. Deborah Szkely for lending this rare booklet. Downloads as a PDF of 228 kb. OUT OF PRINT. Szkely, Prof. Dr. Edmond Bordeaux . Introduction To The Mineral, Vitamin & Herb Therapeutics. Tecate: Essene School of Life, 1943. Thanks are owed to Mrs. Deborah Szkely for lending this rare booklet. The poor wartime paper was badly browned and it is likely that the book will crumble to dust within a few decades., thus making electronic preservation essential. Downloads as a PDF of 356 kb. OUT OF PRINT. Thomson, James C. The Question of V.D. Originally appeared as article(s) in The Kingdom Chronicle, a U.K. health magazine. Published circa 1945. This small booklet contains world-view-changing viewpoints. The treatment of syphilis had long been a most lucrative money maker for the medical profession. But there may have been no such disease. In fact, the destructive symptoms of so-called tertiary syphilis are, Thompson explains, merely the poisoning of medical drugging. Once the reader begins to see how diseases and cures are "sold" to the public then wonders must begin to appear about the currently most lucrative disease there is cancer. Thanks to Dr. John Fielder of Queensland for providing a lend of the booklet so it could be scanned. Downloads as a PDF of 253 kb. OUT OF PRINT.

Thomson, James C. Nature Cure From The Inside: The why of chronic disease, with many case histories and home treatments. Edinburgh: The Kingston Clinic, 1953. A small and inexpensive paperback issued by the Kingston Clinic. In much the same way as presented in Thomson's The Question of V.D., in this book Thomson shows how medical model's cancer "treatment" causes most of the trouble with cancer. Thanks to Dr. John Fielder of Queensland for providing a lend of the booklet so it could be scanned. Because the book remains in print, only one chapter could be legally offered online. Fortunately for the reader, this one chapter, Chapter 8, is quite extensive and comprises the majority of the book. Downloads as a PDF of 435 kb. Nature Cure From The Inside is kept in print by TK Publishing, maintained by the doughty widow of C. Leslie Thomson, May Thomson. To order the book, write to TK Publishing, The Coach House, 70 Kingston Ave., Edinburgh, EH16 5SW, Scotland. TK Publishing also maintains a number of other most worthy titles written by assorted Thomsons. IN PRINT Thomson, James C. Toward High Level Health. Edinburgh: Kingston Clinic, 1959. The title would lead one to believe the booklet is encouragement toward the individual using the practice of Nature Cure. Not at all. This is a most powerfulyet relatively brief polemic against the medical model. Thomson shows in excruciating detail how the drugging system, in combination with schools, the press, the national "health" system, etc., virtually brainwashes the public so that they automatically discount any approach but the official medical model. Thomson also demonstrates with his own case histories how medical doctors are adept at denial of his successes by claiming mis-diagnoses: Thomson's patient recovered from cancer because he "never had it in the first place." But these were patients who had been diagnosed by numerous "specialists" and then, desperately ill, sent home to die as untreatable. Probably only Thomson's fierce Scottish sense of independence and personal freedom allowed him to both practice Nature Cure and to keep out of prison. Thanks to Dr. John Fielder, who practices near Cairns, Queensland, for providing the lend of this booklet so a portion of it could be put in this library. Athough the book is virtually impossible to purchase through the usual channels of retail trade, still, it is in print, so we can offer only a one chapter excerpt, Chapter 7. Toward High Level Health is kept in print by TK Publishing, maintained by the doughty widow of C. Leslie Thomson, May Thomson. To order the book, write to TK Publishing, The Coach House, 70 Kingston Avel, Edinburgh, EH16 5SW, Scotland. TK Publishing also maintains a number of other most worthy titles written by assorted Thomsons. Downloads as a PDF of 122 kb. IN PRINT Thomson, Jessie R. Healthy Childhood. London: Thorsons Publishers Ltd, Enlarged edition,1952. Jessie Thomson was the wife of C. James Thomson; she shared the operaton of the Kingston Clinic. A slim book of 160 pages, yet it contains a grandmother's lifetime of wisdom. Healthy Childhood is kept in print by TK Publishing, maintained by May Thomson, the doughty widow of Jessie's son, C. Leslie Thomson. To order the book, write to TK Publishing, The Coach House, 70 Kingston Avel, Edinburgh, EH16 5SW, Scotland. TK Publishing also maintains a number of other most worthy titles written by assorted Thomsons. This library is allowed to offer only a small segment; in this case, the first chapter, "Preparation for Motherhood." Downloads as a PDF of 127 kb. IN PRINT Thurston, J. M., M.D. The Philosophy of Physiomedicalism: its theorem, corollary, and laws of application for the cure of disease. Richmond, Indiana, 1900. One of the foundation texts of herbalism. Downloads as a PDF of 2.6 mb. PUBLIC DOMAIN

Tilden, J. H., M.D. (1909) Appendicitis: The Etiology, Hygienic and Dietetic Treatment. Denver: Self-published. 273 KBytes. Currently in print by Kessinger Publishing Co. One of the pithiest and most crusty of cantankerous doctors, John Tilden had little respect for his fellow MDs, but enormous respect for the ability of a human body to heal if only given a chance. PUBLIC DOMAIN Tilden, J.H., M.D. (1928) Children: Their Health and Happiness. Denver: Self-published. How to raise happy, healthy children per Dr. Tilden. The good doctor's firmly-stated views are definitely not the wishy-washy uncertainties that many young parents seem to hold these days. Some may find great wisdom here; others will be repelled by his sociology of human nature and his view of how to accomplish its moulding into a happy, and most importantly, healthy, adult. Tilden was opposed to vaccination and spoiling children. He was in favor of discipline, and felt effective discipline of children began with the parents' self-discipline. Currently in print by Kessinger Publishing Co. PUBLIC DOMAIN. Tilden, J. H., M.D. (1924) Constipation: A New Reading On the Subject. Dr. Tilden's Health School. This ubiquitous ailment analyzed, dissected and its real cure indicated. Contains an interesting analysis of types of cases that pertains to all diseases. PUBLIC DOMAIN. Tilden, J. H., M.D. (1921). Impaired Health: Its Cause and Cure, Volume I. (reprint of original). Mokelumne Hill, California: Health Research. Currently in print by Kessinger Publishing Co. Tilden's magnum opus, wherein the attempts to explain almost everything he understood in one book. Volume 1 covers the general causes of disease and his general approach to restoration of health. PUBLIC DOMAIN. Tilden, J. H., M.D. Impaired Health: Its Cause and Cure, Volume II. (reprint of original). Mokelumne Hill, California: Health Research. Not in print at this time. The second half of this two-volume work. In part two, Dr. Tilden details treatment protocols for many different diseases. PUBLIC DOMAIN. Tilden, J. H., M.D. Toxemia Explained. Dr. Tilden's Health School, Denver, Colorado, 1935. Available in both html and .PDF versions. This polemic was printed and reprinted by Tilden, its prose re-polished half a dozen times from 1926-1935 as Tilden struggled to explain his thesis ever-more-clearly. Then, in the early 1950s, followers of Herbert Shelton, who had a rigid ideological structure concerning capital "N" Natural capital "H" Hygiene. Shelton's true-believing followers were heirs to a system using highly-politicalized nomenclature laying great weight on dicotomies like "cure" verses "heal." They had a go at Tilden's text and "improved it". The Sheltonites, strict, rigid vegetarians, also had serious problems with Tilden's acceptance of eating meat under certain conditions. Their 1950s edition also "improved" Toxemia Explained in this respect. Toxemia Explained is in print today but the paperback version available is derivitive from the 1950's Sheltonite alterations. The one here in the Soil and Health Library is an accurate rendering of Tilden's last revision, complete and unaltered. Public domain. Perhaps the finest explanation ever writen explaining why a body gets sick and what to do about it. Currently in print by Kessinger Publishing Co. PUBLIC DOMAIN. Trall, J. R. The True Healing Art. Or, Hygienic vs. Drug Medication. An address, considered a classic of hygienic literature, delivered at the Smithsonian Institute, Washington, D.C.,

during the American Civil War. Downloads as a single long docuiment of about 150k. Trall's talk is one of the first cogent, consistent statements of the hygienic viewpoint.Thanks to Rex Harrill for providing an accurate scan of this interesting document. Rex can be reached at <>. He is building an interesting website mainly concerned with evaluating and improving the nutritional content of foodstuffs, the site can be found at PUBLIC DOMAIN. J. R. Verner, C. W. Weiant, R. J. Watkins. Rational Bacteriology. Self Published by the authors, 1953. This book is like a double barreled elephant gun. On one hand it prepares chiropractic students to pass their state medical licensing board examinations. To pass this gauntlet of orthodoxy the student must walk a tightrope, parroting the official line and viewpoints about bacterial diseases. So reading the first part of this book fully explains the official medical model. On the other hand the book simultaneously offers an alternative view of bacteria and the diseases they are reputed to cause, a viewpoint that does not support vaccination or most other forms of attacking bacteria whilst seeking to cure a disease that the bacteria did not cause. Perhaps more than any other book in our collection, Rational Bacteriology expounds the best alternative to the conventional theory of infectious diseasea viewpoint that which was begun by Bchamp and refined later by Tisot and others. While some minor assertions in the book are out of date (as science learned a few things in microbiology since 1953), the theoretical framework is as sound as it was when Bechamp was alive.Thanks are owed to Gary Krasner, founder and director of Coalition For Informed Choice in New York City, for supplying the scans of this book. Downloads as a PDF of 1.55 mb. OUT OF PRINT. Waerland, Are. In The Caludron of Disease. David Nutt: London, 1934. Are Waerland was a charismatic health pioneer in Scandinavia, UK and Gmany. He advocated physical fitness, natural food, outdoor exercisenot only for a better life but also as the best treatment of diseases. He campaigned tirelessly against processed foods, smoking and alcohol. He even inspired many physicians. In Sweden there still exists an association of physicians directed to complemntary medicine which started due to Waerlands thinkings. The scan was provided by Lars Hedstrm, whose website is Downloads as a PDF of 1.24 mb. PUBLIC DOMAIN. Wattles, Wallace D. and Elizabeth Towne. Health Through New Thought and Fasting. Holyoke, Massachusetts: The Elizabeth Towne Co., Inc., 1924. A small book that contains great wisdom. A main point is that sleep, deep, restful sleep, is what recharges the vital force, and that this force is what runs the body and energizes it . . . no the food. How to manage the mind so as to create health. We eat too much, far beyond what the body needs for nutrition. Downloads as a PDF of 467 kb. PUBLIC DOMAIN. Wilson, Sir Graham S. The Hazards of Immunization. London: The Athlone Press, 1967. Wilson's book won't interest the general reader. In fact, the general reader will find its fullblown medical terminology so entirely daunting that it is a virtual certainty they'll give up on it after going unconscious attempting to follow the first chapter. The information in this book, however, supplies infinite ammunition to anti-immunization activists and its presence in this library is primarily to serve this cause. Thanks are owed to Gary Krasner, founder and director of Coalition For Informed Choice in New York City, for urging this books inclusion. Wilson, a medical doctor himself, who believes in the efficacy of vaccination, provides a full historical survey of all immunization disasters, details the often catastrophic side effects. Downloads as a PDF of 1.68 mb.The idea of doing an OCR on the multi-lingual reference

section was so daunting that no attempt was made; instead the references are offered as a separate download in the form of slightly fuzzy bitmap images on the order of a poor-quality photocopy. It is assumed that very few readers will be interested in following up on these citations. To download the references, click here and receive a 1.09 mb PDF. OUT OF PRINT.

The Hygienic Dictionary Understanding nomenclature, the names of the parts, is essential to a solid understanding of any area of study. If the technical words used in a field are properly understood, the subject itself is usually easy to grasp. For this reason the Hygienic Dictionary was created. Click here to see The Hygienic Dictionary. This is a work in progress. You are invited to contribute new words and new citations by hygienic writers (and others) defining them. Public domain. Longevity and Nutrition Library Having a healthy population makes focusing on healing sickness far less important. And it is far easier to prevent degeneration than to remedy it. This library collection is concerned with the question "what makes people healthy?" Prior to WWII, why did some peoples in some places on Earth enjoy exceptional life spans with far greater well-being? In this collection we offer books and other materials that explored these questions.

"Cheshire Medical Testament." With additional testimony and letters of Albert Howard, Sir Robert McCarrsion and Lionel Picton. In 1939 a group of medical doctors in Cheshire, England, published a testament in which they condemned modern medicine as a failure and pointed to nutrition as the only true source of public health. Sir Albert Howard and Robert McCarrsion also spoke at a meeting regarding this testament. All the letters and documents are here presented. See below: Yellowlees. "Ill Fares The Land" Christian, Eugene. Uncooked Foods & How to Use Them: a treatise on how to get the highest form of animal energy from food, With Recipes for Preparation, Healthful Combinations and Menus. New York: The Health-Culture Company, 1924. Perhaps this book is not underpinned with the most up to date and correct science of human digestion, still, getting interesting raw food recipes is always valuable. Many of the recipes make me wish I could get unpasteurized whole milk and cream. Many thanks are owed to Linda Sheard of the UK, who donated a clean photocopy of this book so it could be scanned. Downloads as a PDF of 702 kb. PUBLIC DOMAIN. Clark, John. Hunza: Lost Kingdom of the Himalayas. 1956. New York, Funk & Wagnalls Company.

A post WWII adventurer on a one-man mission to save a small bit of the world from Communism, Clark organises his own one-person Peace Corps unit in Hunzaland a decade ahead of JFK. Clark is a geologist by profession. The book is filled with detailed observations that prove as revealing of the mid-20th century American mentality as they are of the Hunzakut and of Hunzaland. To speed downloading the section of glossy black and white photographs in this book are provided as a separate PDF that download in about 500 kb. The book itself downloads at one mb, as a PDF. OUT OF PRINT. Cleave, T.L. (1974) The Saccharine Disease. John Wright & Sons, Ltd., Bristol. Continues the tradition of the Cheshire Medical Testament, Weston Price, etc. This powerful book is best encapsulated by repeating its subtitle: Conditions Caused by Taking of Refined Carbohydrates as Sugar and White Flour. Thanks to Keith Addison (Keith at for both the suggestion to include it and for the lend of this book. Keith has a remarkable website, also mentioned on our links page. Downloads as a PDF of 974 kb. OUT OF PRINT. Cleave, T.L. (1974) Krank durch Zucker und Mehl. bioverlag gesundleben, D-8959 Hopferau, 1983. Deutsche bersetzung: Frau Wischmeier. Fhrt die Tradition des "Cheshire Medical Testament", Weston Price u.a. weiter. Die beste Beschreibung dieses berzeugenden Buchs ergibt sich aus dem Untertitel: Die Saccharidose und ihre Erscheinungsform: Diabetes, Herzinfarkt, Fettsucht, Krampfadern, Thrombose, Magen- und Zwlffingerdarmgeschwr, Karies und Paradontose u.a. Eingescannt von Anita Reusch. PDF 932 kb. VERGRIFFEN. Crichton, Michael. Travels, "Shangri-La." 1988 The book is collection of short essays ranging over many subjects; offered here is one chapter from that book about a journey Crichton made to Hunza in the early 80s. Crichton found Hunza very different than the earlier visitors, much degraded and disillusioning. Downloads as a PDF of 101 kb. OUT OF PRINT. Davies, David. The Centenarians of the Andes. London: Barrie and Jenkins, Ltd, 1975. The southern Ecuadorian village of Vilcabamba contained a disproportionate number of very old people. Davies (and others who wrote other, similar books) went there and in this book records his observations and speculations as to why people there lived a lot longer than elsewhere on Earth. Thanks to S. Fagan of Eagleby, Queensland for the lend of this book. Downloads as a single PDF of 1.12 mb. OUT OF PRINT. Davis, David. De honderdjarigen van de Andes. Vertaling Rob Hundscheidt. Gerontologische onderdeel van de Universiteit van London. R. Barrie & Jenkins, 1975. (Unauthorized translation supplied to Soil and Health Library by Rob Hundscheidt.) In het dorp Vilcabamba in het zuiden van Ecuador leven een hoog aantal zeer oude mensen. Davies (en ook anderen die overeenkomstige boeken schreven) ging daar heen en schreef in dit boek zijn observaties en overdenkingen op waarom deze mensen daar een heel stuk ouder worden dan andere mensen in de wereld. PDF, 1.06 mb. OUT OF PRINT.

DeVries, Arnold. Primitive Man and His Food. Chicago, 1952, probably self-published. Tracks down all the threads, re-asks all the questions, re-examines all existing literature (as of 1952) about why some places and peoples had superior health. An excellent job! Arnold DeVries was an American researcher, writer and hygienist, who in the 1950's changed from being a fruitarian, as he had advocated in his first book, Fountain of Youth, 1946, to having a different understanding of optimum human nutrition, as expressed in (Primitive Man and His Food, 1952, Elixir of Life, 1952). These later books are along the lines of Weston Price's ideas. Downloads as a single PDF of about 350 kb. OUT OF PRINT DeVries, Arnold. De primitieve mens en zijn voedsel. Chicago, 1952. Vertaling Rob Hundscheidt. Een uitstekend boekwerk dat de litteratuur tot enkele eeuwen terug her-onderzoekt (in zoverre die beschikbaar was tot in 1952), over waarom bepaalde gebieden en volkeren een bovenbeste gezondheid hebben. Arnold Devries was een Amerikaanse onderzoeker, schrijver en Hygienist die reeds in de 1950er jaren van een fruitarische voedingswijze overstapte naar een paleolithisch begrip van optimale voeding voor mensen (Primitive Man and his Food, 1952, Elixer of Life, 1952) Downloadbaar als PDF van ca. 350 kb. Bijgewerkte versie 2007. WORDT NIET MEER GEDRUKT. DeVries, Arnold. The Elixir of Life. Chicago: Chandler Book Company, 1952, 1958. A scienfitic analysis of the effects of raw food in modern nutritiongiving practical and much-needed information for those who wish to retain or regain their health and youthful vitality. Thanks to Gary Krasner of the Coalition for Informed Choice for the lend of this book. Downloads as a PDF of 440 kb. OUT OF PRINT. De Vries, Arnold. Health From Soil. Chicago: Chandler Book Company, 1958. A well written review of all previous knowledge ranging from Albert Howard to Price to Albrecht, Borsodi, etc. The numerous typographical errors in the original amateurish printing have not been fixed. Thanks to Peter Schwarz of N.S.W. for the lend of this book. Downloads as a PDF of under 200 kb. OUT OF PRINT. De Vries, Arnold. Nude Culture. New York: Dunlay Publishing Company, 1946. This early work discusses the virtues, ethics and morality of social nudism. Although the topic is not quite in alignment with the Soil And Health Library's focii, it is early De Vries and this book's inclusion helps form a more thorough understanding of De Vries. Downloads as a PDF of 228 kb. OUT OF PRINT. De Vries, Arnold. Dangers In Modern Foods. Chicago: Chandler Publishing, 1958. A small, 68 page book that considers the liabilities of using industrial "foodstuffs." Downloads as a searchable text PDF of about 6 mb. OUT OF PRINT. Fallon, Sally en Mary Enig. Nourishing Traditions. herziene 2de druk, Washington 2001.

In de reeks van de werken van Weston A. Price, roept Nourishing Traditions veganisten en vegetariers op om een bepaalde mate van dierlijk voedsel - zoals ook goede biologische melk en eieren - te beschouwen als essentieel voor het menselijke leven. We kunnen dit niet kunstmatig vervangen, maar moeten ook streven naar biologisch voedsel van goede vruchtbare mineraalrijke bodem, en dit op de juiste manier bereiden. Men kan uit dit boek leren om betere voedselkeuzes te maken. Met toestemming voor de internetpublicatie van Sally Fallon. Vertaling Rob Hundscheidt en Christine Audenaert. Nieuwe bijgewerkte versie 2007 met meer recepten en tekst. Fletcher, Horrace. Fletcherism: What it is ; or How I Became Young at Sixty. Milwaukee: Lee Foundation for Nutritional Research, 1960. Reprinted by photlithography from the original published by London: Evart, Seymour & Co., Ltd. ND. How to eat properly? CHEW! Around 100 years ago all sensible people primarily paid attention to the first and most important organ of digestion--the mouth. This small book is chockablock full of good dietary advice. Thanks to Dr. John Fielder, Cairns, Queensland, for the lend of this classic. Downloads as a PDF of about 450 kb. PUBLIC DOMAIN Ford, Robert. Stale Food vs. Fresh Food: The Cause and Cure of Choked Arteries and Related Problems. Pascagoula, Mississippi: Magnolia Laboratories, 1969. This booklet is quite famous in some circles. Design of this booklet was rather amateurish and erratic; the rendering has followed the styles in the original as much as possible. Downloads as a PDF of 476 kb. OUT OF PRINT. Distribution of this booklet through the US Postal System was stopped after complaints from the medical profession. The basis of this suppression was a claim that the information constituted false advertising. To read the results of the administrative hearing resulting in this suppression, click here. Ford, Robert. Vers Voedsel -vs- Niet Meer Vers Voedsel De Oorzaak en Genezing van Verstopte Aders en Bloedvaten en Aanverwantte Problemen. Pascagoula, Mississippi: Magnolia Laboratories, 1969. Dit boekje is erg beroemd in sommige kringen, en toen het uitkwam werd de verspreiding er van tegengewerkt door de U.S. Postal Service. De vertaling bestaat uit de eerste 30 belangrijkste hoofdstukken, de rest is nog in bewerking. Downloadbaar als PDF van 300 kb. OUT OF PRINT Graham, Sylvester. Treatise on Bread, and Bread-Making. Boston: Light & Stearns, 1937. Reprinted as a fascimilie edition by the Lee Foundation, no date given for reprint. Single download as an html document of about 140 kb. PUBLIC DOMAIN A classic by the creator of Graham bread and other early American health foods. Herd, Dr. George W. Man Versus Toothache. Milwaukee, Wisconsin: Lee Foundation for Nutritional Research, 1952. The heart-felt, passionate testimony of Dr. Herd, a dentist, who discovered the principles to restore his own vibrant health through obedience to natural law, discovered towns in west

Texas where there were no dental problems and discovered why, even though most of those with the best teeth hardly ever considered using a toothbrush. His evidence is much in support of the work of Francis Pottenger and Weston Price. The copyrights for this book are now under the custodianship of the International Foundation For Nutrition And Health; this organization prints many valuable books by Royal Lee, Melvin Page and others. Downloads as a single PDF of 740 kb. OUT OF PRINT Hilton, James. (1934) Lost Horizon. William Morrow & Company. The story of the hidden paradise of Shangri-La, this novel was based in part on the Hunza. It is also a darn good tale of spiritual development, exploring the human potential. This is the book that the movie, "Lost Horizon" was based on. Like virtually all such derivations, the book is a much richer experience than the movie ever could be. A great story, well worth reading. Downloads as a PDF of 548 kb. OUT OF PRINT. Howell, Dr. Edward. Enzyme Nutrition: The Food Enzyme Concept. Wayne, New Jersey: Avery Publishing Group, 1985. Dr. Howell's book is one of the most important ever written about what constitutes proper human nutrition. This last and most up-to-date version is currently in print; it is easily and inexpensively obtained. It should be studied by anyone seeking a full understanding of human diet's contribution to health or disease. Because it is in print only one chapter can be legally offered. Chosen is the first chapter, Howell's introduction to the subject. It is being offered in hopes that reading it will inspire the reader to obtain and read the entire text. It appears that Avery Publishing applied talented editorial abilities to draw from Dr. Howell the most lucid explanation of his views, one the average reader can comprehend without strain. Downloads as a PDF of 139 kb. IN PRIINT. Howell, Edward. Enzymes for Health and Longevity. With an Introduction by Viktoras Kulvinskas. OMANGOD Press, Woodstock Valley, Connecticut, 1980. This book was first published in book form by Dr. Howell in 1946, titled The Status of Food Enzymes in Digestion and Metabolism. OMANGOD did more than reprint it: they added a fundamentalist (vegan raw fooder) introduction by Victoras Kulvinskas as well as the transcript of a lengthy and illuminating interview with a crusty and (at that time) well-aged Dr. Howell; the inteview was conducted by Kulvinskas and it is clear that Howell thought Kulvinskas to be a bit of a twit although the fact that Howells was "sending him up" was clearly not apparent to Kulvinskas. The Soil and Health Library now possesses a signed copy of the original 1939 version incribed by Howells to Ross Horne donated by Ross's widow after he died. Downloads as a PDF of 595 kb. OUT OF PRINT. Kalokerinos, Archie. Every Second Child. Sydney: Thomas Nelson, 1974. Forward by Linus Pauling. Kalokerinos reveals important aspects of the vital result of adequate vitamin C in the dietary. The book results from his work as a general practitionere (MD) at a remote Australian public hospital/clinic where many of the patients were aboriginal children who had been dying like flies from diseases that "white" children rarely got seriously ill from. This situation was greatly improved by the administration of modest amounts of vitamin C. Many photos. Downloads as a PDF of about 1.7 mb. OUT OF PRINT.

Lee, Royal. A collection of Lee's articles, mostly from Lets Live Magazine. Scanned and put online by the Selene River Press and also offered here with their collaboration. At Selene's website you will also find duplicates of some of the books Selene River Press has "borrowed" from The Soil and Health Library. Watch Selene for further developments as they intend to increase the offering of Royal Lee's writings and also of other valuable works originally published by the Lee Foundation for Nutritional Research. Leaf, Alexander, M.D. "Every Day Is a Gift When You Are Over 100." National Geographic Magazine: Washington, D.C., National Geographic Society. Vol. 143, No. 1. January, 1973, pp. 92-119. Chronicles Dr. Leaf's tour of three remote regions known for their remarkably old people: Abkhazia (USSR), Hunza and Vilcabamba (Ecuador). Apologies are offered for the liberties taken with the beautiful photographs; it was considered essential to make their file sizes much smaller. Still, the feel and impact of the original article seems to have been preserved. Downloads as a PDF of 588kb. OUT OF PRINT. Lief, Stanley. How To Eat For Health: Diet Reform Simplified. London: Health for All Publishing Company, 1953. For most people changing from eating a SAD diet (Standard Australian/American Diet) to the idea dietary can be a decades-long struggle against well-entrenched habits. The first step toward making a major improvement is sometimes called a "transitional diet." That is what Lief is offering in this booka way for someone who has previously taken no thought to what they eat and drink to gently ease wean habits and expectations on to healthier eating. Not the ultimate in health; just better. A small and easy to read book. Thanks to Linda Sheard of the UK for donating a clean photocopy of this book for scanning. Downloads as a PDF of 347 kb. OUT OF PRINT. Lorimer, E.O. (1939) Language Hunting In The Karakoram. George Allen & Unwin Ltd., London. Mrs. E.O. Lorimer and her husband, David Lorimer, journeyed to Hunza in the late 1930s, spending a year in residence there. The Lorimers studied the language(s) of the region, and later wrote the definitive book on the Hunza language. Mrs. Lorimer also busied herself with learning all she could about the life and customs of ordinary Hunza folk. Being an accomplished linguist herself, she was able to freely communicate with Hunza people. Her book is full of anecdotal information covering everything from cropping cycles to childrearing, food customs and dietaries, handling social malfactors (few) and having parties and dances. The rigors of the trek into Hunza and the Lorimer's difficulties obtaining any additional supplies well-illustrates the isolation of these people. Also accompanying this story are over 40 magnificent black and white photographs. This may be the finest book describing actual life in Hunza at a time before WWII, when Hunza still resembled the place McCarrsion so admired some 25 years earlier. Mrs. Lorimer was also a most admirable person of the highest integrity. Her reportage should be taken as being about as accurate a rendering of another culture as a person can make based on the short acquaintance of a single year's residence Downloads as a PDF of 1.5 mb. OUT OF PRINT.

McCarrison, Sir Robert, M.D. Various Papers, including his best known, (1944) Nutrition and National Health. Faber and Faber, London. In 1936, McCarrison delivered a three part lecture series to the Royal Society of Arts, in which he demonstrated to an audience (mainly) of medical doctors that the creation of nearperfect human health was easily accomplishable, simply by decent nutrition provided over time. His evidence: rat-feeding studies he performed in India, where populations of rats were fed the same human dietaries the various areas of India ate and developed corresponding states of health or disease as were experienced by the humans living in these areas. His revelations had little effect on the medical community, however. Also find here several shorter McCarrsion pieces in the same vein. OUT OF PRINT. McCarrison, Sir Robert, M.D. Studies in Deficiency Disease. Milwaukee: Lee Foundation for Nutritional Research, 1945. A photolithographic reprint from the original Oxford Medical Library edition published in London by Henry Frowde and Hodder & Stoughton, 1921. This book is offered with pride. Rendering it into a PDF represented considerable labour; the book is worthy of considerable effort. In it, in formal medical language, illustrated with photo-micrographs of autopsy tissue samples, charts, graphs and tables, McCarrison details animal studies he conducted in India. Using pidgeons and monkeys he created disease conditions by restriction of vitamin intake and drew analogies to human ailments. The book also offers frank and simple recommendations for human dietary improvement and the elimination of many diseases thereby. Most of it is comprehensible to a reasonably welleducated layman. Downloads as a PDF of approximately 3.5 mb. PUBLIC DOMAIN Mons, Barbara. The High Road To Hunza. London: Faber and Faber, 1958. Barbara Mons wrote entertainingly about her overland driving trip into Northern Pakistan and about her final destinationHunza Downloads as a PDF of 678 kb. OUT OF PRINT. Obomsawin, Raymond, Ph.D. Historical and Scientific Perspectives On The Health Of Canada's First Peoples. Canada, March 2007. The author's book about vaccination is found in the other health library collection. Donated to the library by Dr. Obomsawin. Downloads as a PDF of 7 mb, contains many interesting photographs and other illustrations. PUBLIC DOMAIN. Obomsawin, Raymond, Ph.D. Traditional Medicine For Canada's First Peoples. Canada, 2007. Interesting and valuable information not included in the above book (Historical and Scientific Perspectives On The Health Of Canada's First Peoples). Downloads as a PDF of 1.9 mb. PUBLIC DOMAIN. Pearse, Innes and Lucy Crocker. The Peckham Experiment: a study of the living structure of society. Edinburgh and London: Scottish Academic Press, 1985. This passionately and sensitively written inspirational work is often mentioned in British organic farming and gardening books published in the 40s and 50s. Innes Pierce inspired, set up and ran Peckham Centre during the 30s in London. It closed during WWII, and reopened

for a few years after the war. But the Labour Government's hostility forced its permanent closure. Peckham Centre helped create and sustain (at very low cost) a positive social culture for urban dwellers that made enormous improvements in their happiness and physical well being. The book contains a biologist's explanation of the workings of the human family as the essential homo sapiens survival entity and shows how to greatly strengthen the family against the modern economic forces causing its dissolution. Thanks are due to John Fielder of Cairns, Queensland, for the lend of this book. This library has been seeking a copy of Pierce's follow up, The Quality of Life, 1979, the story of post war Peckham. This title is unavailable through the Library of Congress and also not listed in the catalogue of the British Library. If any patron has a copy to lend for scanning, its availability on the world wide web would be most appreciated by many people. Downloads as a PDF of 1.47 mb. OUT OF PRINT Picton, Lionel James, O.B.E. Thoughts On Feeding. London: Faber and Faber, 1946. A remarkable study of human nutrition and the various forms of disease consequent from mal-nutrition. Contains one of the best discussions of bread, of wheat and of the diseases caused by denaturing both (white flour). Picton also wrote "The Medical Testament," a critical evaluation of medical practice that shook up English thought for several decades after its publication. Published several years later in the USA by Devin-Adair, titled Nutrition & The Soil. The American edition contained a remarkable introduction by Dr. Jonathan Forman, who was, among other things, Vice President of Friends of the Land. Dr. Forman's introduction is included in this online version, although the text otherwise follows the original Faber and Faber edition, including a number of interesting photographs that were not included in the Devin-Adair edition. Thanks to Dr. John Fielder of Cairns, Queensland, for the lend of both editions of the book. Downloads as a PDF of 1.49 mb. OUT OF PRINT Price, Weston A., D.D.S. Nutrition and Physical Degeneration. New York: Paul B. Hoeber, Inc., 1939. In the 1930s Dr. Price travelled to isolated regions finding people who, because of their proper nutrition, enjoyed general good health, long life and virtual immunity to dental disease. Price travelled to remote parts of Scotland and Switzerland, Canada, Alaska, Peru, Africa, Down Under, etc., and found similarly healthy (and isolated) peoples who did not partake of the industrial food system. Contains remarkable photographs that show the comparison between what healthy bodies and physically degenerated bodies look like far better than words ever could. No one who spends time studying these pictures will ever view the health and appearance of their friends, neighbours, or their own face in the morror in the same way. This library once had the complete book online but with the passage of the Australian/US "Free-Trade" Agreement the book again acquired copyright protection in this country. However, Keith Atkinson's Journey To Forever website, domiciled in Tokyo, still makes the full text available. Currently available in print at a reasonable price, this book should be on the shelf of every student of holistic health. To buy a reprint of this book contact the PricePottenger Nutrition Foundation. Click here to read detailed book reviews that include many of these interesting pictures and as much of the text as could be put online without risking infringment of copyright liabilities. And please support the Price-Pottenger Nutrition Foundation; buy the print-on-paper version of the book! IN PRINT. Price, Weston A. Voeding en Degeneratie. Gedetaileerde boekbesprekingen, vertaling Rob Hundscheidt.

Die mensen die in de Verenigde Staten wonen of in andere landen waar deze titel geen openbaar bezit is, en die dus niet legaal toegestaan is om dit boek in te zien zonder inbreuk op het copyright, kunnen deze gedetaileerde boekbesprekingen in zien. Steun echter s.v.p. de Price-Pottenger Nutrition Foundation, en koop het hele boek gedrukt in boekvorm. Quigley, D.T., M.D. The National Malnutrition. 1943. Lee Foundation for Nutritional Research, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Dr. Quigley offers a complete, nutritionally-caused system of healing and explanation of disease causation. A very simple, yet powerful and still valid statement. The book is also a powerful and scathing condemnation of the industrial interests that produced the kind of devitalized, denaturized, demineralized, devitaminized and dismaying quasi-food that causes more sickness and suffering in our "modern" era than even existed in Quigley's time. The copyrights for this book are now under the custodianship of the International Foundation For Nutrition And Health; this organization prints many valuable books by Royal Lee, Melvin Page and others. Downloads as a PDF of 361 kb. OUT OF PRINT. Rodale, J.I. The Healthy Hunza. Emmaus, Pennsylvania: Rodale Press, 1949. J.I. gathered, recounted and evaluated all available data for this research project. Downloads as a PDF of 974 kb. OUT OF PRINT. Schweikert, Reinhold. Voeding & Leven. (Orginele titel "Nahrung & Leben" 1 und 2). Vertaling en bewerking door Rob Hundscheidt. PDF 909 kb. Dit boek wordt vrij aangeboden door Reinhold Schweikert is een erg natuurlijke methode om te leven en te eten die geheel of gedeeltelijk overal kan worden toegepast. PUBLIC DOMAIN Schweikert, Reinhold. Nahrung und Leben 1 und 2. 1997, 1999, 2001. PDF 580 kb. Dieses Buch ist ein Kompletter Leitfaden in 100% natrliche Ernhrung & naturnahes Leben, basierend auf einem natrlichen farming-system. PUBLIC DOMAIN. Shaw, G.B. Back to Methuselah. London: Constable and Company, 1921. A wordy play considering the meaning and extremely positive social consequences of longevity as well as suggesting a method that may greatly extend human lifetime. Shaw said about the time he reached his 90th birthday, 'here I am, just getting out of my adolescence, and my body is falling apart!' Those who find Shaw's witty repartee delightful will find this nearly actionless play delightful. PUBLIC DOMAIN. Taylor, Renee. De Hunzas: Het volk dat geen ziekte kent. Vertaling mevrouw E.D. van der Vossen-Knegt. Hollandia, 1980. De geheimen van Hunzaland, een 2000 jaar oude paradijstuin in het Himalayagebergte in noord Kasjmir, waar een "verloren volk" het antwoord heeft gevonden op een aantal vragen over voeding, bodem, geestelijke instelling, waardoor er tot op hoge leeftijd praktische geen degeneratieziektes voorkomen en men nog sport en zwaar lichamelijk werk kan verrichten. PDF, 616 kb. OUT OF PRINT.

Tobe, John H. HUNZA: Adventures in a Land of Paradise. Toronto: George J. McLeod. Ltd., 1960. Seedsman and gardener John Tobe journeyed to Hunzaland, stayed the summer and wrote this wordy, lengthy and detailed account. Like the reports of most such visitors, Tobe's account is as revealing of himself as it is of the conditions in Hunza. Downloads as a PDF of 1.77 mb with 17 photographs. OUT OF PRINT. Trop, Jack Dunn. A Gift Of Love: The Hopewood Story. Sydney: West Publishing Corp. Pty Ltd., 1971. Documents, narrative and personal letters reveal how L.O. Bailey and Florence Madge undertook the raising and hygienic care of Australian orphans, lovingly bringing them up in the healthiest possible way. Along with the works(s) of Dr's Price and Pottenger in the US, the story of the Hopewood children is unique in the annals of medicine. Particularly in-so-far as with all its outstanding and confirmed results in the superior health of the children to that of the population in general, and children in particular. The fact that it is still largely ignored some sixty odd years later is a massive indictment of our present day health system, where it should be required reading by every man, woman and child in our society, particularly those contemplating parenthood. Total time to scan/ocr and process this book: 09:15. Downloads as a PDF of 2.25 mb. Many illustrations. OUT OF PRINT. Vilhjalmur Stefansson, "Adventures in Diet." Harper's Monthly Magazine, November, December 1935, and January, 1936. This famous study reported sustenance of healthy life without development of scurvy on a dietary of all flesh (and fish). Stefansson first lived with Eskimo and ate as they did, after which he organised a lengthy study in New York City where he and a volunteer were fed exclusively on meat and closely monitored by medical doctors. OUT OF PRINT. Wilson, Frank Avray. Food Fit For Humans. London: C.W. Daniel Company, 1975. Asks and answers two questions: what is the correct dietary for the hominid homo sapiens; what are the individual and social consequences of wrong feeding. Thanks to Linda Sheard for donating a clean photocopy of this hard to find book. A small book, downloads as a PDF of 307 kb. OUT OF PRINT. Wrench, G. T., M.D. (1938). The Wheel of Health . London: C.W. Daniel Company Ltd. (Reprinted 1960 by the Lee Foundation for Nutritional Research; Reprinted by Bernard Jensen International, Escondido, CA, 1990. ed.) This small book is Dr. Wrench's classic exploration of the Hunza, a mountain people renowned for their longevity and vigor. It should rest at the very foundations of one's personal explorations of health and its roots. In this book you will encounter a summary of the lifeworks of two other renowned health "explorers," Sir Robert McCarrison and Sir Albert Howard. You will also have the opportunity to meet Dr. Wrench, an individual possessed of the most admirable intelligence. HERE WITH PERMISSION OF C.W. DANIEL COMPANY.

Wrench, G. T., M. D. (Londen). Het Wiel der Gezondheid. Een studie van een zeer gezond volk. Originele eerste druk in 1938 Door C. W. Daniel Compagny Ltd. Vertaling Rob Hundscheidt. PDF: 665 kb. Dit kleine boek is klassieke onderzoek van de Hunza's, een bergvolk dat bekend staat voor hun gezondheid en langlevendheid. Deze zou moeten berusten op het fundament van iemands persoonlijk onderzoek naar gezondheid en de wortels er van. In dit boekje zul je een samenvatting van het levenswerk van twee andere gezondheids"onderzoekers" vinden, namelijk Robert McCarrison en Sir Albert Howard, zoals ook dat van Dr. Wrench, die een hoogst bewonderingswaardige intelligentie heeft. Verbeterde bijgewerkte versie 2007. W.W. Yellowlees, MC, FRCGP (Dr. Walter Yellowlees). "Ill Fares The Land." The James MacKenzie Lecture, 1978. Dr. Walter Yellowlees was a General Practitioner, Aberfeldy, Perthshire. This lecture is a report on the general state of (ill) health of the British and others eating industrial foods. It may be considered a follow up on the Cheshire Medical Testament, a similar report delivered several decades earlier.See above for the Cheshire Medical Testament. Thanks to Keith Addison ( for providing both this document and the Cheshire Medical Testament. Keith has a remarkable website, also mentioned on our links page. Catalog of The Herbal Medicine Library Healing begins with hygiene.

Blair, Thomas - A practitioners Handbook of Materia Medica & Therapeutics Colby, Benjamin - A Guide to Health Cook, WM - A Compend of the New Materia Medica Cook, WM - A Physio-Medical Dispensatory Culbreth, David - A Manual of Materia Medica and Pharmacology Davidson, John - The Cascara Tree in BC Deschauer, Thomas - Illustrated Phytotherapy Book 1 Deschauer, Thomas- Illustrated Phytotherapy Book 2 Felter & Lloyd - Syllabus of Electic Materia Medica & Therapeutics Felter, Harvey - A Treatise on Thuja Occidentalis Felter, Harvey - American Medicinal Plants Fyfe, John - The Essentials of Modern Materia Medica and Therapeutics

Hatfield, John - The Botanic Pharmacopoeia Lloyd, John - Collidum Crataegus Lloyd, John - Concerning the American Materia Medica Lloyd - Elixir & Flavoring Extracts Formulae Lloyd - Favorite Remedies Used in Treatment of Influenza Lloyd - History of the Vegetable Drugs of the USP Lloyd - New Remedies Lloyd - Pulsatilla Lloyd - Quantity versus Quality Lloyd - The Eclectic Alkaloids Lloyd - Valuable Remedies for Influenza Locke - Uses of Some Standard Remedies by Eclectic Physicians Lyle - Physio-Medical Therapeutics Materia & Pharmacy Mausert - Mauseret's Formulae Mundy - A Treatise on Collinsonia Canadensis Niederkorn - Echinacea Peterson - Materia Medica & Clinical Therapeutics Sayre - A Manual of Organic Materia Medica and Pharacognosy Shaller - A Therapeutic Guide to Alkaloidal Dosimetric Medication Smith - The Medicinal Plants of North America Steinmetz - Materia Medica Vegetabilis I Steinmetz - Materia Medica Vegetabilis II Steinmetz - Materia Medica Vegetabilis III The Dispensatory of the United States of America Thomas - The Eclectic Practice of Medicine

Titus - The American Eclectic Practice of Medicine as Applied to Diseases of Domestic Animals Ward - Herbal Manual Webb - Diseases of Women & Children Whitford - A Treatise on Crataegus Williams - Report on the Indigenous Medical Botany of Massachusetts Wilson - Useful Prescriptions Wintermute - A Treatise on Macrotys

The Hygienic Dictionary Understanding nomenclature, the names of the parts, is essential to a solid understanding of any area of study. If the technical words used in a field are properly understood, the subject itself is usually easy to grasp. For this reason the Hygienic Dictionary was created. Click here to see The Hygienic Dictionary. This is a work in progress. You are invited to contribute new words and new citations by hygienic writers (and others) defining them. Public domain. General Bibliography of Natural Medicine Here is a partial list of some of the many useful, valuable books about natural hygiene and closely connected to the area. Most are out of print. With the exception of those by the old hygienic doctors (Tilden, Hazzard, etc.) they are usually available through the interlibrary loan service of your local library. 1. Airola, P. N. D., PhD (1974). How to Get Well. Phoenix: Health Plus Publishers. 2. Albrecht, W. A. (1975). The Albrecht Papers. Kansas City: Acres, USA. 3. Alexander, J. (1990). Blatant Raw Foodist Propaganda! Nevada City, California: Blue Dolphin Publishing, Inc. 4. Alsleben, Rudolph H. and Shute, Wilfred E. (1973). How to Survive the New Health Catastrophes. Anaheim, CA: Survival Publications. 5. de Baracli Levy, Juliette. (1953) The Complete Herbal Handbook for The Dog and Cat. London: Faber and Faber. 6. de Baracli Levy, Juliette. (1954) The Complete Herbal Handbook for Farm and Stable. London: Faber and Faber. 7. Bieler, H. G., M.D. (1965). Food Is Your Best Medicine. New York: Random House. Also Bantam paperback. 8. Bliznakov, Emile G., M.D. and Hunt, Gerald L. (1987) The Miracle Nutrient: Coenzyme Q10. New York: Bantam Books.

9. Carrel, A. (1939). Man the Unknown. London. 10. Carrington, H. (1963). Vitality, Fasting and Nutrition (reprint of original ca. 1900 edition). Mokelumne Hill, California: Health Research. 11. Clark, J. (1957). Hunza: Lost Kingdom of the Himalayas. London: Hutchinson. 12. Coca, Arthur F., M.D. (1956) The Pulse Test: Easy Allergy Detection. New York: Lyle Stuart, Inc. (Also 1978 paperback edition. New York: Arco Publishing Co.) 13. Cornaro, L. (1566). Discourses on the Sober Life (reprint: has been through many reprintings by various publishers). Mokelumne Hill, California: Health Research. 14. Densmore, E. M. D. (1892). How Nature Cures (Reprinted 1976 by Health Research, Mokelumne Hill, California). New York: Stillman & Co. 15. DeVries, A. (1963). Therapeutic Fasting. Greene, Iowa: Chandler Book Co. 16. Garten, M.O., D.C. (1958) The Dynamics of Vibrant Health. Dulzura, CA: Author. 17. Gerson, M., M.D. (1958). A Cancer Therapy: Results of Fifty Cases. DelMar, California: Totality Books. 18. Gray, R. (1980). The Colon Health Handbook. Oakland, California: Rockridge Publishing Company. 19. Hazzard, L. B. D. O. (1927). Scientific Fasting: The Ancient and Modern Key to Health (also Mokelume Hill reprint of original). New York: Grant Publications. 20. Hawking, David and Pauling, Linus, editors. (1973) Orthomolecular Psychiatry: Treatment of Schizophrenia. San Francisco: W. H. Freeman and Company. 21. Hoffer, Abram and Walker, Morton. (1978) Orthomolecular Nutrition: New Lifestyle for Super Good Health. New Cannan: Keats Publishing. 22. Jensen, B. D. C., N.D. You Can Master Disease. Solana Beach, California: Bernard Jensen Publishing. 23. Jensen, B. D. C., & Bell, S. (1981) Tissue Cleansing Through Bowel Management. Escondido, California: Bernard Jensen. 24. Jensen, D. B., D.C. (1976). Doctor-Patient Handbook. Provo, Utah: Bi-World Publishers Inc. 25. Jensen, D. B.and Anderson, Mark (1990). Empty Harvest: Understanding the link between our food, our immunity and our planet. Garden City Park, NY: Avery Publishing Group. 26. Jensen, Bernard and Bodeen, Donald V. (1992) Visions of Health: Understanding Iridology. Garden City Park, NY: Avery Publishing Group. 27. Keys, Ancel, Josef Brozek, Austin Henchel, Olaf Mickelsen and Henry L. Taylor. (1950) The Biology of Human Starvation. Two Vols. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press. 28. Kulvinskas, Viktoras.(1972) Love Your Body. Wethersfield, Conn: OMango Press. 29. Kulvinskas, Viktoras. (1975) Survival Into The 21st Century: Planetary Healers Manual. Wethersfield, Conn: OMango Press. 30. Lee, R. Assorted Lectures: 1923-1963. Palmyra, WI: Lee Foundation for Nutritional Research. 31. Lee, R. Lectures on Malnutrition. Selene River Press, Fort Collins, CO. 32. McCarrison, S. R. (1921). Studies in Deficiency Diseases. London: Henry Frowde and Hodder & Stoughton. Also Oxford Medical Publications, 1921. 33. McCarrison, S. R. (1936). Nutrition and National Health. Journal of the Royal Society of Arts, lxxxiv, 1047, 1067, 1087. 34. McCarrison, S. R. (1982). Nutrition and Health: being the Cantor Lectures delivered before The Royal Society of Arts 1936 together with two earlier essays. London: The McCarrison Society. 35. Mollision, Bill. (1993)The Permaculture Book of Ferment and Human Nutrition. Tagari Publications: Tyalgum, Australia. 36. Natenberg, M. (1957). The Legacy of Doctor Wylie: and the Administration of His Food and Drug Act. Chicago: Regent House.

37. Oswald, J. A. (1989). Yours for Health: The Life and Times of Herbert M. Shelton. Franklin, Wisconsin: Franklin Books. 38. Page, Melvin E. D.D.S. and Abrams, Leon. Your Body Is Your Best Doctor. New Cannan: Keats Publishing. 39. Pearson, Durk and Shaw, Sandy. (1983) Life Extension: A Practical Scientific Approach. New York: Warner, 1983. 40. Pearson, R. B. (1921). Fasting and Mans Correct Diet (Reprint, Health Research, Mokelumne Hill, California): originally published by author. 41. Picton, D. L. J. (1949). Nutrition and the Soil: Thoughts on Feeding. New York: Devin-Adair. 42. Pottenger, F. M. J., M.D (1983). Pottengers Cats. La Mesa, California: Price-Pottenger Nutritional Foundation. 43. Price, W. A. (1970). Nutrition and Physical Degeneration. La Mesa, California: PricePottenger Nutrition Foundation. 44. Quigley, D. T. (1943). The National Malnutrition. Palmyra, WI: Lee Foundation for Nutritional Research. 45. Rodale, J. I. (1949). The Healthy Hunzas. Emmaus, PA: Rodale Press. 46. Shaw, George B. Back To Methusela. A play available in many editions. 47. Schuphan, W. (1965). Nutritional Values in Crops and Plants. London: Faber and Faber. 48. Shelton, H. M. Health for All (reprint of original, original date unknown). Mokelumne Hill, California: Health Research. 49. Shelton, H. M. (1934). Fasting and Sunbathing. San Antonio: Dr. Sheltons Health School. 50. Shelton, H. M. (1935). Orthotrophy. San Antonio, Texas: Dr. Sheltons Health School. 51. Shelton, H. M. (1946). Getting Well. San Antonio, Texas: Dr. Sheltons Health School. 52. Shelton, H. M. (1951). Food Combining Made Easy. San Antonio, Texas: Dr. Sheltons Health School. 53. Shelton, H. M. (1958). Human Beauty: Its Culture and Hygiene. San Antonio: Sheltons Health School. 54. Shelton, H. M. (1971). Exercise! Chicago: Natural Hygiene Press. 55. Shelton, H. M. (1968). Natural Hygiene: Mans Pristine Way of Life. San Antonio, Texas: Sheltons Health School. 56. Sinclair, H. M. (Ed.). (1953). The Work of Sir Robert McCarrison. London: Faber and Faber. 57. Sinclair, Upton. The Fasting Cure. Originally published by the author. Circa 1920. 58. Taylor, R. (1964). Hunza Health Secrets for Long Life and Happiness. New York: Award Books. 59. Tilden, J. H., M.D. (1912). Diseases of Women and Easy Childbirth (Reprinted 1962 by Health Research, Mokelumne Hill, CA). Denver: Smith Books Press. 60. Tilden, J. H., M.D. (1921). Appendicitis (Reprinted by Health Research, Mokelumne Hill, CA, 1976). Denver: John Tilden. Currently in print by Kessinger Publishing Co. 61. Tilden, J. H., M.D. (1921). Impaired Health: Its Cause and Cure (reprint of original ca. 1920). Mokelumne Hill, California: Health Research. Currently in print by Kessinger Publishing Co. 62. Tilden, J. H., M.D. (1939). Constipation: A New Reading on the Subject (Reprinted 1960 by Health Research, Mokelumne Hill, California). Denver, Colorado: John Tilden. Currently in print by Kessinger Publishing Co. 63. Tilden, J. H., M.D., & Trail, R. T., M.D. (1926). Toxemia Explained & The True Healing Art (reprint of two original articles; also available through Health Research). Yorktown, Texas: Life Science. Currently in print by Kessinger Publishing Co. 64. Voisin, Andr. (1959). Soil, Grass and Cancer. New York: Philos. Library. 65. Voisin, A. (1963). Grass Tetany. London: Crosby Lockwood and Son Ltd. 66. Walford, Roy L. M.D. (1983) Maximum Lifespan. New York: Avon, 1983.

67. Walford, Roy L. M.D. (1986) The 120-Year Diet: How to Double Your Vital Years. New York: Simon and Schuster. 68. Weindruch, Richard and Walford, Roy L. (1989) The Retardation of Aging and Disease by Dietary Restriction. Springfield, Illinois: Charles C. Thomas. 69. Whorton, J. (1974). Before Silent Spring: Pesticides and Public Health in Pre-DDT America. Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press. 70. Wigmore, Ann D.D. (1964) Why Suffer? The Answer? Wheatgrass Gods Manna! Boston: Hippocrates Health Institute. 71. Williams, R. J. (1971). Nutrition Against Disease. New York: Pitmann. 72. Williams, R. J. (1975). Physicians Handbook of Nutritional Science. Springfield, Illinois: Charles W. Thomas. 73. Wrench, G. T., M.D. (1938). The Wheel of Health (Reprinted 1960 by the Lee Foundation for Nutritional Research; Reprinted by Bernard Jensen International, Escondido, CA, 1990. ed.). London: C.W. Daniel Company Ltd. 74. Wylie, H. W. (1915). Not By Bread Alone: The Principles of Human Nutrition. New York: Hearsts International Library. 75. Wylie, H. W. (1929). The History of a Crime Against the Food Law (Reproduced by Lee Foundation for Nutritional Research, Milwaukee, 1955 ed.). Washington, D.C.: H. W. Wylie. 76. Wylie, H. W. (1930). An Autobiography. Indianapolis: Bobbs-Merrill. Hernia Help Being diagnosed with a hernia doesn't have to mean the end of your yoga practice. By YJ Staff According to Philadelphia-based neurologist Julio Kuperman, M.D., who has been practicing yoga for 25 years and teaching for 10, being diagnosed with a hernia does not mean the end of your yoga practice. In fact, he cured his own inguinal (groin area) hernia with yoga. For all types of hernia, it's important to consult with a trusted medical professional (and a qualified yoga teacher). Both Dr. Kuperman and Dr. Jeff Migdow, M.D., a practicing yogi with a holistic medical practice at Kripalu Center for Yoga & Health in Lenox, Massachusetts, believe that a gentle yoga practice can help bring strength to the musculature where the hernia is occurring. According to Dr. Kuperman, abdominal (or umbilical) hernias like are a result of weakness in the rectus abdominus muscles, which run from the pubis to the rib cage. He suggests beginning with some yogic sit-ups. Lie on your back with your hands behind your head, knees bent, and lift just your head off the floor (no curling or crunching!). You may want to avoid poses that put excess pressure on the abdomen, like twists and full Navasana (Boat Pose). "Practice standing poses like Vrksasana (Tree Pose), which stabilizes the psoas and lumbar spine," says Dr. Kuperman. Even if you are drawn to a stronger practice, nice and easy is what you need now. Many also suffer from a hiatal hernia, which is a protrusion of the stomach into the diaphragm. People who suffer from this should also avoid postures which put pressure on the abdomen, like Cobra, Bow, and Bridge. Practicing slow, deep breathing can firm the diaphragmatic muscles. And with a hiatal hernia, it is best to avoid inversions, which can send acids from the stomach back into the esophagus.

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Subscribe to Yoga Journal Magazine Reader Comments Tricia One of my students has a hiatal hernia, what can you recommend for downward dog laura is there a place that you have listed the exact poses for an inguinal hernia? i have been doing the 5 tibetan rites for 5 years, thought i had strong abdominal muscles, but added more of a work out and got this recently. i would appreciate being able to see what you recommend. thanx! male30yrDear Doctor, I have been diagnosed with an inguinal hernia. I am told that this is in an early stage.I have no protusion yet, but a distended stomach. I do get some mild diffusing pain on both sides of my groin. However, I am thin and my body weight has been constant for a long time. could you please let me know some asanas at if any ayurvedic medicine can help, i would like to know. would really appreciate your help. thank you. Re: Inguinal hernia PM #32831 Date: 7/18/2005 5:02:47 PM ( 6 year ago ) Hits: 5471 Size: 1768 char. URL:

You can call Dr. David Christopher (he's a renowned Herbalist), and ask him this question (1800-372-8255, mountain time) I actually asked him how to cure inguinal hernia with herbs for my dad who suffers from this. He told me that an inguinal hernia means that the colon is full of crap, and this impacted colon is pushing on a weak muscle which bulges out. Dr. Christopher's student cured his inguinal hernia within 6 weeks, but it can take 6 weeks to 6 months. Basically, one takes Dr. Christopher's lower bowel formula (to empty the colon out, as many capsules as can be tolerated). Also, apply Dr. Christopher's complete tissue formula ointment on the area, and also this formula can be taken internally. But taking these supplements is not enough, diet is key. The purpose of this treatment is to eliminate all of the fecal matter from the colon that is pressing on the weak muscle. So if one wants to get rid of this problem, one should go on a mucusless diet-absolutely no ingestion of foods that cause constipation: no dairy, meat, or preserved foods. One should eat fruits and vegetables, and juices. And Dr. Christopher also said that if one wants accelerate the healing process, a juice fast would be necessarypreferrably a Watermelon juice fast, or a prune juice fast. Surgery for an inguinal hernia merely masks the symptoms. The body is telling the patient the colon needs to be cleaned out, it is full of too much crap. Surgery definitely does not clean out the colon, and if this is not cleaned out, new diseases can appear. As we all know good health starts with colon health. You can read up on those Dr. Christopher products I mentioned above at Hope this info. helps. Why any change is so difficult? 68 rate or flag this page By BeiYin What is it we are defending? Our toys? Our properties? Our established self image? Our world view? Our concepts? Our beliefs?

Any kind of system is defending itself! It is part of human nature to resist any change. This is not only the case with humans, every system, from the single cell to the biggest 'body', like companies, organisations and even states. They all are defending themselves in their established structure against influences that might cause some change. That makes real openness, understanding, growing and even evolution so difficult as there is always an inbuilt resistance. If we as humans, because we are capable for this, have experienced our 'human nature' by observing ourselves and we come to the understanding that this is a natural part of us, then we are capable to be aware of our defence mechanism and then we can use our willpower to overcome obstacles, outside and inside, that holds us back to go beyond ourselves, - to find new horizons in our world view and about ourselves. We can overcome the usual behaviour to ignore or to reject even the simplest information if it doesn't fit into our already established pictures: of ourselves, our world view, attitudes, habits and every thing we have stored in our concepts. Nearly all my writings are going around this topic... And I am not too much surprised that there are hardly any responses to my hubs and questions here, because my intention is to inspire and provoke people to look at themselves to find the real reason why they are not happy and content - then not giving any more the fault for their disappointment to the outside and other people. That would need a change and so people resist and ignore my hubs... It is difficult for me to find a more efficient place or to write in a different way. Any response would help to find out about it. Tell me what you think! I am convinced that 'self expression' is very important, - because then we can be critical and find out why we write or say what it

really means. For example that we are seeking 'self confirmation' and so often are depending in our well being from our surrounding. Then we could do something about it and maybe change our attitude and not just getting angry about situations, conditions and people... There is a lot of work to do and all has to do with 'self knowledge'... Tell me, if you understand my intention - or that I better should shut up! BeiYin vote upvote downsharePrintflag Was this Hub ...?

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GNelson Level 5 Commenter 23 months ago Keep writing. You are on to something! Ashmi 23 months ago No, you should not shut up. It is very important to write about these things. Life after all is only worth the name if it reflects reality, but you know very well that habits are extremely hard to get rid of. Intense desire for change must be felt. This can only come after a genuine need is felt in the deepest recesses of ones heart. Self-knowledge is not a matter to be taken lightly, and only those who have questioned their own existence are ready for it. I even doubt that, for Self-knowledge entails the elimination of the ego or personal self and we all want to continue Right? To be a nobody, a conscious nothing is not a goal most people aspire to. Everyone longs to be, to survive above all else. To have nothing, to be nothing is terrifying and so we cling onto our sense of identity. We are afraid of the unknown, and who we are in reality means venturing into the void. To be aware of your being is bliss, yet this is a concept only. The mind needs tangibles in order for it to act. It needs to know that the risk of losing oneself is worth taking. Keep writing BeiYin. There is no more important or urgent work than the discovery of who we are in reality as opposed to what we imagine ourselves to be.

BeiYin Hub Author 23 months ago

Thank you GNelson and Ashmi for your comment. You give me motivation to continue writing here. I thought that maybe nobody is interested as there have been no comments at all. Anyway, I am used to call into the open space... If there comes an echo, that's good, if not, this might not be important. What I want and see as necessary, is that a certain energy and information is expressed and put into the space. Who is looking for it, - will find it! We need to know, that we are not alone and that one day... we will come together! BeiYin Ashmi 23 months ago What you talk about BeiYin is not easy to grasp because of the deep grooves already set by habit. Nor is it in societies interest that people think for themselves. The establishment has a plan for you as long as you do not have one for yourself. As you say, only those who are seeking have any chance of finding. But for the most part we go round in circles, lost in confusion and despair for lack of sincerity in respect to our true motives. Most of us expect a return for our efforts. We are always on the lookout for profit or pleasure. Self-knowledge has always been disclosed only to the few who were ready for it, it has never meant for the masses. The sacrifices necessary are too painful to conceive. It is as it should be, as in the end all are destined to know the truth, eventually.

BeiYin Hub Author 23 months ago Ashmi, I see you understand the dilemma. More than fifty years ago I received an 'answer' with the pretty clear picture of my mission. I followed this vision and part of it was that I created the place FalconBlanco here on the Ibiza island. With the idea that people could live together with the intention to find their own 'way of life', not depending on the given goals of this society. For example: Not doing anything for money: Not depending on the established health system: And more how it is described at: The place is established since thirty years and has living space and resources for more than twenty people, but in all those years it was not possible to find people with the same intention and interests. Yes, some times there have been about twenty people living here, but mostly short time visitors or like last year people who used the place for their personal survival needs, but not interested in their growing or awareness. Apart of this they nearly all were smoking, drinking and using drugs, although this is against the given rules. They even didn't work to maintain the place. So I had to tell them to look for another place. It needed nearly one year before they all had left. Now I am alone only with my partner and we are trying to clean up the mess that was left by those people. But we have plenty of work to maintain the place with all the animals and plants and I am also writing a lot with the intention to find people. Without any result. There is hardly any response and I really don't know what else to do.

I don't want to give up, but it looks like there is no other choice... The reason is the difficulty I wrote in this hub and also what you are describing. BeiYin Ashmi 23 months ago It must have been very unpleasant for you. I'm sorry to hear your intention has not come to fruition. I'm not sure why as I don't know the details, but from what I have read about Falconblanco, there does not seem to be any structure in place. You talk about people taking responsibility for themselves, for them to grow in awareness, to take note of their reactions etc. These things must be learnt, either by following an example or through deep meditation and self-inquiry; which again is very difficult without a teacher of some kind. There must be some kind of support system in place as well as a concrete understanding of what the intention is. This I imagine is your role? At the moment people are dominated by their minds. They are tortured by thoughts. Fears and desires have a vice grip on them and they are bewildered as to what to do. They are like children and cannot be left to their own devices to sort out these perceived problems as they do not know what is going on, or what it is all about. All they know is that they are in pain, frustrated with themselves but probably blaming society etc. They seek peace and happiness like everyone else, only the means differ. They are looking for a way out but do not realise that the way out is within. For lack of knowledge and method they grope in the dark, causing havoc and grief wherever they go. They are not to blame. You cannot blame a child for acting out its immaturity.I can't believe that you do not enlighten them as to where they are going wrong. I'm sure you do. Anyway, I do not have experience of communities of any sort so my opinion is not valid. All I know is that it takes time for people to understand these topics. I reapeat, it is not easy to be without desires or fears but the correct methods must be understood fully. To die to every moment is the hardest of endeavours for what you are doing is killing the old self to make way for the new.......I wish you the best in future. Don't be too hard on yourself, keep smiling and enjoy the show. George Markatatos 20 months ago Excelent

BeiYin Hub Author 20 months ago Ashmi, I have written a new hub as a comment to the above. Please contact me, I could not find a way to write to you... The new hub is at:

Ashmi 19 months ago I have only just read your reply. The hubpage does not exist.

BeiYin Hub Author 19 months ago Ashmi, I have integrated this reply into my other hub at: then I have deleted the hub about 'Reality at FalconBlanco' If you want to heal your inguinal hernia - you need to be a pioneer! 71 rate or flag this page By BeiYin I feel like a *Pioneer*! - and I feel good! What about you?

I have healed myself from an inguinal hernia! - Without surgery!!! Did we ever ask for the cause of our troubles? Did the doctors investigate about it? Did any med. doctor ask ever about our attitudes, our world view or our life style? Or about our habits in daily life which are important for our well being? One thing seems to be pretty clear, that if we want to find the cause for something that is not in balance, then we need to look much deeper then just at the outside and in front of our nose. We need to quest every thing. The cause of an hernia is probably much more complex than we can imagine. The cause for sure not only lays on the body level, it might be caused by our attitude, our way how we express ourselves, the way we defend ourselves or in how far we are open or not open to influences, etc. etc. To be healed we need to look at all of this and more: We need to enter into a transformation. What makes it so difficult is the fact that we are practically alone. There is very little support. Yes, maybe there are people who take care of us, but they can't understand that with this disease there is also a change happening which includes our personality. We are not the same we have been before and as they know us. Somehow we feel alone and insecure. We have probably lost part of our esteem, the ideas we had motivating us to go ahead, are fading away, just because there is not so much energy. We still want to do something, but then we can't do what we would like. That doesn't make it better. We are caught in a vicious circle. Because of lack of energy we are not doing what might help us to get better or just what might make us feel better, so then we are feeling worse, etc. When I write this down, then I remember a story from Mnchhausen I read fifty years ago, when Baron Mnchhausen was going down in the mud and then he pulled himself out by his own hair (queue).

Is this what we need to do now? This is a challenge which goes far beyond the usual personality games in one's daily life. This disease might be a chance to do a step into new fields. Forcing oneself into taking responsibility for oneself, stepping out of dependency and identification with worn out roles. This disease might be a necessary step within one's growing process which can't be gained without it's special condition of being lost in an unknown field. Quote: "There is currently no cure for an inguinal hernia, and no standardized treatment protocol." That's right, in the momentary medical care there is no cure for inguinal hernia, but this doesn't mean that there is no cure. The condition to be healed is that one goes out of dependencies and old ways of stuck thinking. What is needed is self responsibility and the decision to do something by oneself, without depending on anybody, any authority or established health system. I know this is hard to do, especially when one is feeling desperate and tired. But it might be a first step to drop things and habits which are unhealthy. This costs nothing and might start the healing process by giving enough energy to do the next step. The cause for inguinal hernia indeed is complex and to know about it one needs to extend oneself into the same complexity. What would mean to go beyond one's personality, because only then the 'cause' can be seen and understood. With other words: The cause for inguinal hernia lays in the disconnectedness of the individual from the complexity of life. The cause is that the individual is centered and limited to an encapsulated existence which lacks connectedness to it's source. This is the core reason which splits up because of this to many other causes as a result from not being able to relate to reality but being focused on substitutes: Concepts on one side and consumerism on the other, with all destructive results in the environment and the individual. To be able to understand the 'core reason' one has to go beyond one's personality and here lays the main problem, because the individual is identified with one's personality and gets one's feeling of existence out of it. So everything which confirms one's existence is welcome and what doesn't confirm is rejected. This explains the reactions of people to everything which doesn't fit into their established view and mindset. In general as their world view and particular their self image. The wall of protection seems to be impossible to overcome, the defense is firm and as a group they are supporting each other and are supported by society. But as the suffering and the symptoms are getting stronger and stronger, the individual is breaking down in ones rigid set up. The goals set up by society are vanished or reduced more and more, - to a minimum. 3-5% of the population have an inguinal hernia, not mentioned the other diseases like cancer, aids, etc., so only with hernia there might be 100 million people on this planet! If there are only 1/100% (one out of 100.000) of this people ready to get out of the established thinking, then this would be 10.000 persons! If there would be just 100 and these people would express themselves and give their testimonial about their personal healing process, then it would make a difference. I am for sure that then others would question their situation and start to open up to find out more... (I have written this a few years ago and looking at it, I would say that there are maybe ten people all over who are ready to go into such a healing process and transformation.) 'Healing oneself' is like a mosaic which one has to put together by oneself. To find the right pieces of the puzzle it needs individual research, being capable to select from the pool of information and in the first place go inside and sense about oneself...

To do so it needs a certain overview: A 'bird view', which only can be gained by going beyond one's personality which is limited and bound to a 'frog view'. There is no cure by clinging and concentrating on one piece of the puzzle. (The truss for example. Oh boy! People in the hernia support group spending all their interest into it!) There is no real healing by treating symptoms with medication or surgery, - that we know by now... What allows the healing is the combination of all the pieces putting them together. To find those pieces is by itself part of the healing process and is hard individual work. Nobody can do it for another person, except that there might be some hints which can be given. If one is dependent on authorities then there is no possibility to enter a healing process - so there is no cure. The first step then would be to get out of these dependencies and with this there opens an unknown fields, leaving frames of thinking and habits and the usual security behind... For sure this is not for every body suitable, but who has suffered enough and is aware of the many manipulations happening, around every thing and also within the health system, might be ready to look for an alternative solution. The question is if you really want to enter a 'process', what means that you engage yourself. You should be motivated already, because your condition of being tired of suffering, should let you do the effort to spend the energy which is left, into the intention to find out about the cause and the background of your disease. I went through this and I know that this is extremely hard. But I can ensure you that at the end of the tunnel there is light! But nobody can make it or give it to you, you have to find out yourself. As I said it before: Meditating or doing the 'StressReleaseExercise' is basic and essential for this! If you could manage to read until here, then you might get something out of my latest 'hub', that is about how you can pull yourself out of the 'mud', - not depending on others or on a health system that is based on a materialistic world view. It is understandable that you might not be interested in my writings, because you are troubled with your hernia and you are suffering. You are feeling helpless and still expect that the help will come from some alternative supplier, but also you know already, that these are mostly using the need of suffering people, to make money. I tell you very clear and you can't turn my words around so that they fit your need to comfort you: Now the only one that can help and heal you is yourself! There is no way around that you not take self responsibility and get out of dependency to heal yourself! You need to have the spirit of a pioneer and go beyond that what is known commonly and what all are holding and that is in the first place and there is the root of all trouble included of cause your health situation and that is your personality! The hernia is now an important part of it and so your attention is turning around it. Don't let yourself be trapped by this! Go beyond! I have created a hernia support Google group about two years ago, but I have given up and left this group, because the about two hundred members behave like children in a big sand box, playing to make cakes out of the sand. They are very serious about it and very busy and when said something about that it is necessary to get out of the sand box, then they just ignored me... I felt responsible for this people, but at the moment I don't know what to do about it... What is the most important?

As I had said it before and repeating it now: If you want to heal yourself, then do the 'StressReleaseExercise'. If you are not interested, then this tells that you are clinging on your hernia and your personality and don't want to be healed and so you can be sure that you will not be able to heal yourself! I will make a simple example: If you want to make bread, then this is a very complex thing and there are certain things needed and specific conditions and actions. You can be very occupied with finding the best ingredients, the right quantities, the best tools to mix all and many things more, but of course if you stay with all this, then you never will get 'bread'. Even though you have made it that the bread is in the oven, that is another step that needs a lot of conditions that finally you might get bread out of it. But if you have forgotten 'yeast' or you think that little bit of something one can just skip, then your whole effort is for nothing: You will not heal your hernia! (The 'yeast' is meditation or the 'StressReleaseExercise', right?) Is this clear by now? Then get out of the sand box: Wake up and grow up! One thing more: I have healed myself from an inguinal hernia, my intention is to help others and I feel responsible to share the best I can, so that others can help themselves. I am not an authority and in no way I want to take the role of a father and for sure I am not interested in any kind of material aspects like making money. That's why I am writing, you can make an effort and use it and heal yourself or you can ignore or reject it, that's up to you and your decision! Think about it! If you have doubts, that's great! That is the first step to get out of the stuck dependency! Then use this precious space here and ask questions! Questions and Answers Question: I want to heal my Inguinal Hernia without surgery. I have tried various treatments and have reduced the symptoms, but it is not healed completely. What is the key to heal myself? BeiYin: The *key* I am offering in nearly all my writings. It is present, you only need to recognize it. What stays in the way is your conditioning as a personality. You need to go a step beyond this. In your healing process this is the tough part. It is a challenge you must confront. I can't give you the *key*, if this would be possible, then clever people would offer it for sale on the consumer market. You need to find the *key* yourself, this is part of your learning, growing and healing process. The question is, if you are ready for it. There are obstacles that lay within the structure of your personality, that has the inbuilt tendency to defend itself and reject any thing that might reduce its established structure. Concepts, beliefs and ones self image are dominating parts of it. The key to start to find the *key* is to find out about your present conditions on all levels. Turning around your physical conditions for sure is not enough! Search and ask more questions! vote upvote downsharePrintflag Was this Hub ...?

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Interesting Healing oneself: Treating symptoms is a make up... CommentsFollow (0) quiet spirit 23 months ago Hi BeiYin, Hope all is well with you.. Here is a question I believe you will give me a good answer to.. [you might remember me, I am a member of your Google Group Hernia site]. I have had inguinal hernia for over a year now and I did your SRE for about 3 Months. Being a serious minded Christian and Bible scholar, I started using prayers and meditating on Bible Scriptures, in the hope that it would help with healing the hernia. (I use most of your exercises as well). In other words I am now using Scriptures and prayers instead of SRE. [Please note, I am NOT discrediting SRE in any way.. What is your view of my decision? Thanks in advance for your answer which would be much appreciated. quiet spirit

BeiYin Hub Author 23 months ago Hi quiet spirit, there is no single method. The human system is very complex and the conditions are different for each individual. The most important is to listen to oneself and to question oneself, all levels of ones being: body, mind and emotions. Answers and reactions that might show up are mostly the result of ones conditioning and these are unconscious, so one must be very critical. To clear up ones unconscious background one needs to rise ones awareness and for this, I can say from my experience over fifty years, meditation is the most effective, or the SRE, - what is the same as meditation. This is not limited or depending on any belief system and one can do it with whatever concept one might have adapted. You do what feels right for you. Why you can't do prayer and meditation together? You can do 15 minutes meditation and then 15 minutes prayer or first prayer and then meditation. Try what suits you the best. It would be interesting to know how this works... I hope my answer clears up and don't disturb you. BeiYin

BeiYin Hub Author 22 months ago When you say: "I started using prayers and meditating on Bible Scriptures." Then this is another kind of meditation I'm talking about. The meditation I am teaching is not directed or focused on any kind of content. The purpose why it is practised is to expand ones awareness and to clear up ones unconscious background. That's quite different than holding on a specific concept and making this stronger, so excluding every thing else not to have any distraction... That means it might be too difficult for you to practise both: meditation and prayer after each other. Then I suggest that you do one in the morning and the other in the evening. That should work when keeping the two different ways separated. Noah 19 months ago Hey BeiYin, my name is Noah and i love Wushu and Taiji but it's hard to realize that i've been doing it with a hernia. I have had an inguinal hernia for quite some time without having any idea what it was until I hit highschool. As soon as i figured out something was wrong with my body, I searched and searched. When I saw that surgery was the only option, Something told me that there is something else. Somehow i stumbled across this page on Google and your video on youtube. I was comitted to try what you say. I saw your practices and did them myself. With your exercises and the mixture of the workouts I've learned for the past year, I have managed to reduce the size of my hernia. Sometimes, the hernia won't even bulge. This has motivated me even further to continue this. So whatever you do don't stop what your doing, because it works. 16 months ago my dear sir is it possible for me to go to sleep one night and wake up completly healed. i truly believe this can happen if i can find the secret place to go when i am sleeping. do you know where and how i can get there ? sincerely frankie d.

BeiYin Hub Author 16 months ago Frankie, I can understand you. What you want is just the usual: That things happen by itself, without any effort or the least possible. Healing oneself is a process, without engagement nothing will happen or change. Yes, there is a *secrete place* where you are able to work on yourself. Engaging yourself and taking self responsibility and indeed: You need to *wake up*! Your disease is the call to wake up and you can be sure that if you responde, then you will be able to heal yourself. My sincere advice and I'm talking out of fifty years of experience, - is that you do the SRE. You can find out how at:

PS: Now I don't remember if I'm allowed to give a link here or not. There is nothing commercial, but they have very rigid rules here... Aaron 3 months ago BeiYin, you are an inspiration! Although my situation has not let me have the time to persist with your exercises, just the fact that there is someone like you, a very credible and sincere person, who has cured himself, has given me strong resolve to work out my own cure for my medically documented inguinal hernia. Thanks for your compassionate intention to help others find their own cures. I feel I am on the way toward mine, having undergone a healing crisis, followed by amazing luck, and what now seems like a spontaneous cure two months after the "event." Being cautious, I am still not totally convinced I am cured - only time will tell. I will comment more later, but now I want to try your SRE. Take care. Aaron 3 months ago Hi again, BeiYin! This is to follow up on my recent post, where I only mentioned my "healing crisis" that seemed to hasten my hernia cure. This event was the occasion my hernia fell out on a Sunday morning about 2 months ago, and I could not get it back in. I had pain and nausea all day, and had all that time to experience my hernia in all its most intense symptomology, since I was confined to my bed. By early evening when I could not see any improvement, and things only getting worse, I finally relented and allowed my wife to take me to the local ER, where I might have a chance a doctor on duty would be able to massage my hernia back in again. I hardly had to say a word, and good thing, since I was hooked up with an IV drip with multiple feeds, one including a hardy dose of morphine! Fortunately for me the routine protocol at the ER included at least one attempt to push an inguinal hernia in. The ER supervisor attempted but unsuccessfully. Then the surgeon on call that night walked in, an Asian fellow with a big grin walked in, and after briefly introducing himself, proceeded to make two attempts in slow deliberate succession - WHAM! On the second attempt it went in with a "thump" so vigorous that it shook my whole body. The surgeon said he had only bought me some time to make an appointment for elective surgery, which he recommended. I thanked him, but I had no intention of doing that! I felt well enough to go to work the next day, Monday morning, an hours drive and wearing my truss as usual. I have not had any hernia symptoms since that Sunday night in the ER. I mean, my hernia hasn't popped out even once, and now I can walk around the neighborhood close to my home, without a truss). I no longer need to wear a truss while showering or while doing any other activities in the house. However, on long fast-paced walks (2 - 3 miles), I will wear my flatpad truss just being cautious. I have put my much less comfortable elastic belt and spring trusses away in storage - not yet having made the decision to throw them away. From what I have read from your excellent website, and from the links provided in it, I humbly SPECULATE that my "healing crisis" described above was the necessary event I needed to activate my healing process, called "retracing." It seems to have given me the opportunity to "feelingly meditate" on my body as it did its thing while I suffered with those intense symptoms. I had been too protective of my hernia before, just content to let my trusses

do most of the work for me, so my body's healing mechanism was constantly being shortcircuited. The on-duty ER doctor's role, momentarily detached from his usual surgical methods, and applying, possibly only a due-deligence hands-on healing technique, was to push back my inflamed and swollen gut, causing it to drag with it my hernia's tissues and re-positioning them into a more protected environment, more amenable for healing. Two weeks later, examination by another physician led to an inclusive result! He could not say with certainty based on physical examination that I still had a hernia, but based on my experience at the ER, he said I should have it imaged using ultrasound. I did that, and both the imaging technician and the supervising doctor at the imaging facility said what I had did not look like a classical hernia. The radiologist's report said all he could see was a faint shadow suggesting a hernia gap in my abdominal tissues. The final advice: a further imaging examination using a CAT scan to resolve the ambiguity, which I did not have done. Nevertheless, the referring doctor concluded that I did have an inguinal hernia, and that surgery was necessary! I am continuing with my self-healing process, gradually giving myself more opportunities to go without my truss, for example, going on longer walks without it. I have restarted using your exercises (including EFT), and especially like the "crocodile" and leg-lifting exercises, since I can feel the increased circulation to my abdomen while I am doing them. I am also regularly visiting a licensed acupuncturist once a week, who is treating what he says is the problem's underlying condition (liver and kidney) by a combination of acupuncture and prescribed Gigong exercises. By the way, I like your stress release exercise (SRE) and am using it regularly. It's so much easier and less distracting than the other forms of meditation I have learned about that require using spiritually-related mantras. Thanks for your encouragement and for all that you do.

BeiYin Hub Author 2 months ago Hi Aaron and all others! I'm sorry responding to your comments after so long, but I haven't been visiting Hub pages since nearly one year and I'm really surprised be your comments! I suggest, that you read my Hub I posted yesterday. It is exactly about this essential subject *healing*. It is about my present condition with my teeth, but I think it doesn't matter if teeth, hernia or what ever... It is the opportunity to *heal oneself* and that is not just the body disease, it goes much further than this and includes ones *whole being*. At the moment I'm writing about this and my idea is, to make some videos about it. I would like to inform you, but I don't know how, because it is not allowed to give any links. Any way, I'm really glad that you wrote your comments, I thought that my writings are pretty useless and nobody is interested! What I see now, realy is uplifting! Thank you!

BeiYin Aaron 6 weeks ago Hi BeiYin, sorry I haven't followed up on what has happened since my last posting, but I've been swamped by my work and life style. Some interesting things to report, and will be describing them as soon as I can. I am also interested in giving you my impression of your new approach for reaching your audiences, and have been thinking about that, and its content, a lot. Aaron 5 weeks ago Here is an update on my self "healing" of my inguinal hernia. Well, to make a long story short, my hernia is not healed (yet!). Somewhat disappointing, to say the least! But I did have about 3 months of freedom from the malady. I was doing just fine, during most of the summer! No bulge appeared that entire time. But I was being careful when going outside the house, to make sure I did not push my luck too far during this wonderful time. I wore the flat pad truss when out on walks. But inside my home, I felt confident without any truss. What seemed to take me off balance was my vacation trip which involved airline travel, staying in hotels and relatives' homes, and erratic meals, including one visit to a Memphis restaurant featuring Elvis Presley's favorite foods. Somehow, all this sudden change in lifestyle destabilized my hernia's static status, putting it back into its original easily slippedout bulge state. This less desirable state's problem is currently being compounded by my longtime habit of not getting enough sleep, being an incorrigible night owl! It's not as bad as it was before the wonderful 3-months' time of no hernia symptoms. But now requires wearing a truss all the time. When the hernia pops out, I have discovered that I can get it back in easily by using BeiYin's #10 exercise I got from the web ("Hernia Bible" website). It is the one that he learned from Swami Dev Murti many years ago. Even when it is difficult to get back in by my usual way of manually pushing it in, just a few repetitions of this exercise coaxes my hernia back in so subtly and easily! It relaxes my abdomen and makes this possible, I guess. Thanks, BeiYin, for posting this exercise!! I now have such confidence in this exercise, I do it almost everyday as part of your 15-step set of hernia healing exercises, and believe the #10 exercise would be able to reverse my hernia if it were to get "stuck" again like it did late spring, when my only way out seemed to be the dreaded trip to the emergency room at the local hospital, which I described in a previous posting. Oh, well Onward! Signals of Stress - What does they tell? How to avoid? 67 rate or flag this page By BeiYin Falling into the trap...

We shouldn't fall into the trap giving the fault to the stress when the signs of disturbance are showing up on different levels of our being. We are the only ones who are causing the stress and not outside conditions or situations or people. It is our specific personal attitude when confronting outside happenings, that is causing our stress reactions. It is our 'program' running in our unconscious background that triggers these 'tense reactions', showing up in body, mind and emotions. That is felt as 'stress' and the most serious is, that this tension accumulates and then brings our whole system out of balance. We are trying to help ourselves with what is offered in our society to calm us down or give us a boost. Nicotine, alcohol, coffee, cocaine and more are available and used as a common way. The side effects are known, but easily ignored... The stress continues, even stronger, because our system has to deal with all the poison we are putting into our body. Then serious symptoms are showing up: Pain in muscles, malfunction of organs, loss of memory, weird thoughts, depressions and so on. Of course we want to get rid of this as fast as possible and our established health system serves us the best possible with all kind of medication and if these don't help any more then surgery will do it. Is it not obvious, that there is some thing completely wrong? Probably every body knows this, but all are trapped in an established system that is ruled by money and the power of people who found their sense and the meaning for their existence in this system. The mass of people just follows without questioning any thing. That's what it is... and has formed our habits, attitudes, world view, our self image, our goals, our dreams, our beliefs and all the concepts we have gathered and are part of our personality. How can we get out of this trap? Stress accumulates and so is the first step that ones system gets out of balance, - with the result of all kind of disturbance on all levels: Body, mind and emotions. To deal with ones stress it is not just about 'Stress Management', it should be better known why stress builds up and how this could be avoided. There is little information about it available. (I will write a new hub about it soon.) It is important not to let it happen that stress accumulates too much and that one can release it before. There is an easy way to do this what I call: 'StressReleaseExercise' and I have made a hub about it: There is also a video connected to the hub and you can practise the exercise immediately. If there should show up any difficulty, then you can ask me for advice. (No money involved!) BeiYin

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Ashmi 19 months ago My understanding of stress is that it is an overload of mental activity. When the mind is juggling too many variables it loses its balance and shuts down. Too many decisions, too many choices and the mind goes wild trying to make the right one, always fearing the worst. Too much thinking produces stress. The remedy is to simplify life, not make it more complicated. Our senses are overstimulated and we must cool down or the inevitable breakdowns will occur. To simply be without self-interest; what a luxury! StressReleaseExercise 67 rate or flag this page By BeiYin Falcon soaring above FalconBlanco...

What is the "Stress Release Exercise"? It is a method to release stress, so that one becomes more relaxed and emotionally and mentally balanced. This has its influence on the body and can prevent all kind of diseases and is also the basic condition for each healing process. Everybody can do this exercise and can have great benefit from it, it doesn't matter which lifestyle one has or in which situation or condition one is at this moment. And for sure this exercise does not depend on one's beliefs or concepts, philosophical, religious or materialistic. . With the 'Stress Release Exercise' I want to help you to enter into a state of relaxation in an easy way and that you can learn to respond and relate to daily life situations without getting into stress or at least that the stress which is not possible to be avoided, can be released and doesn't accumulate. . The exercise is easy to do, you don't need to join a group or a seminar, you can do it all by yourself and you can start right now. There is no 'ritual' necessary, just plain information and a clear advice - and then you just need to practice. . The information I am distributing, like all what is offered from me and FalconBlanco, is totally for free. If there is any problem showing up, the best is you read my advice again and then practice the exercise again. If it still doesn't seem to work, then you can write to me using the feedback form at my Web site and I will answer as soon as possible. Also you can phone

me and ask for advice. This 'Stress Release Exercise' is available to every body and every where, one only need to do it. You can listen to some more thoughts watching my video about meditation. . If you ask me what gives me the 'credentials' to give advice and talk here, then I can tell you that I have been doing this exercise for more than fifty years. It helped me in all kind of difficulties and also to stay alive and healthy, or when I got sick, to heal myself. Not only this, it gives me the calmness, security and the trust to go on, even it seems impossible. I am convinced that due to the 'Stress Release Exercise' I never had depressions, although there might have been more than enough occasions for it. . Seeing all the suffering around and that there is wasted so much energy, I feel urged to share my experiences and give freely advice about the exercise, so that people can get out of the vicious cycles they are trapped in and so can heal themselves and enjoy their existence and life. I am convinced that the 'Stress Release Exercise' is the easiest and most effective way to achieve this. What is the benefit from practising the 'Stress Release Exercise'? Having practiced it for some time, one becomes more relaxed and then is able to relate and respond in a different way to whatever shows up in one's life. By being more relaxed and not building up tension in daily life one is able to observe in a more objective way: not just out of ones limited conditions responding from there, but in a more wholesome way and being able to understand better oneself, because one gets to know oneself in all aspects of ones being. Not only this, one also is able to understand others viewpoints and one is more effective in every thing one is doing or trying to reach. One gains a new attitude and a new focus which then changes and betters one's responses. Then one might want to change one's 'bad' habits, because one is realizing that these are not favorable for oneself. One will become more aware and so more critical about what one takes in or does and one can decide if this is really what one wants. One will live healthier on all levels of one's existence. One will not need to demonstrate anything anymore, not needing to provoke or manipulate others to get what one wants, so being less dependent on others and the surrounding... Self expression will gain a new dimension. Doing the exercise regularly one can prevent that tension builds up, accumulated stress is released and so one is preventing many diseases that are resulting from stress. There are much more benefits, you will find out yourself when having practiced regularly for some time... How to do the "SRE" You can do the 'Stress Release Exercise' anywhere. To start with, you might choose favorable conditions. Find a quiet place where you can be without disturbance by too much noise or other influences. You shouldn't be under the effect of alcohol or any kind of drugs, you shouldn't be too tired or exhausted. Sit comfortably, if possible with a straight back, then you can begin. Twenty minutes each time is enough, you can do it twice a day: in the morning and in the evening. But at least once a day and this every day. Every day!! Maybe you will need to force yourself a little bit the first few days, but then after three weeks it will be an established habit and you will do it, not wanting to miss it any more. . Later on, when you are used to the exercise, then you can do it also only for a few minutes inbetween, when you feel that you are getting into stress. For example when you get stuck in a traffic jam or waiting in your office for a phone call, you just close your eyes and do it...

******************************** OK, now you sit down and close your eyes. You are comfortable? Yes. OK. Now: You don't need to do anything, nothing at all!! You just sit there and - you are aware of it... What means that you are aware of your body. You are aware that you are sitting there. You might be aware of the silence or some noise in the near or far background. But you don't do anything! You are just aware of what is there. You don't focus or concentrate on it, you are just aware of it, nothing else. Then what might happen is that you are aware of being lost in some thoughts, what means that you went into thoughts about something, it doesn't matter what this is. That is all right and part of the exercise. What means that you don't want to avoid thoughts or any feelings, you don't suppress what comes up. Just let it happen, without judging it or giving any special importance to it. Just let it happen... and observe it. So there is a way that will help so that you don't go constantly from one thought into another: The moment when you are aware that you are thinking, then you just switch to being aware of your breathing. The same: You don't focus or concentrate on your breathing, you are just aware of it. Without wanting to do anything about it, just observe it! This might go on for a while and then again you find yourself lost in some thoughts. That's all right! So then you go back to observing your breathing. And so on and on... Then it might happen that there are moments when there are no thoughts and no awareness of yourself or your surrounding and it seems you were falling into sleep. This too is all right, don't worry about it, if you were really falling into sleep, then you will wake up soon, probably you were just relaxing and needed it... Just be aware of yourself and the state of being you are now. Maybe you are indeed more relaxed... So you get up and go to your daily work... What else? This 'Stress Release Exercise' is so easy to do that there shouldn't be any difficulties practicing it. But for some people it might appear 'too easy to be true', mostly because they have been doing similar exercises before and these were more complicate, so now they mix up the exercises and do things they are not ask for and then it doesn't work... . Remember: If there is any problem showing up, the best is you read my advice again and then sit down and do the exercise again. If it still doesn't seem to work, then you can email me by using the feedback form at my Web site and I will answer as soon as possible. If you are having difficulties and you don't feel comfortable and in turn want to stop practicing the exercise, just ask for help. You can join my Yahoo group 'StressReleaseExercise', where you can ask questions and also post your comments having an exchange with like minded people. . If now you are convinced and you are practicing your exercise and you are experiencing the benefits of it, then it might be that you want to participate in our initiative to let others get to know about the 'Stress Release Exercise'. Just share with your friends the link to this hub or print the text out... BeiYin PS: I have made a video: "Meditation, just start now!" That also might help... PPS: I just noticed that there are relatively many visitors of this hub compared to my other hubs and no comments. In case you want to do the exercise or you are doing it, then let me tell you that it is important that you don't give up if there is some thing that makes you think that the exercise doesn't work. The SRE is easy to practise, but gets disturbed by your expectations you might have because you read some books about the subject. So in case there

is something that makes you wanting to stop practising, then better get in contact with me so that I can check your practise. Ask your question here at my profile, send me an email or call me. Mostly the problem can be solved in a moment and don't waste your energy by not continuing the exercise... "Meditation, just start now!" vote upvote downsharePrintflag Was this Hub ...?

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donotfear Level 1 Commenter 19 months ago We practiced something similar to this in group therapy last week. I like the idea. It's cleansing to the mind, body and spirit. suzanne 19 months ago I was diagnosed with Fibro/Chronic Fatigue about 8 yrs. ago. For 8 years I have many times over and over researched and searched the web and doctors trying to find an answer, a cure, exhausting myself physically, mentally, and emotionally. I think it is time for me to relax, give my mind, body and soul a rest and just be. I am going to try the Stress Release Exercise. Thank so much for sharing and helping others to heal.

BeiYin Hub Author 19 months ago Suzanne, don't 'try' it, just *do* it! If you have some doubts, then read the instruction again and watch the video again and then continue doing it. If there is any thing that doesn't seem to be right, then send me a message and tell me what it is. Some times people give up practising it, because it is not like they have expected it and so they are wasting an oportunity... Earl 16 months ago

So, I see everybody sitting in that pose? why? Do I have to sit in that pose to do the exercise?

BeiYin Hub Author 16 months ago Not every body is sitting in a certain 'pose'. No, you don't need to sit in a certain way. You sit comfortable, with a straight back. Not too comfortable otherwise you are falling asleep. Just do it twice a day for twenty minutes... BeiYin I am trying to be creative by doing things that make sense to me., what for me means, that it goes beyond my personal needs and serves for a greater purpose and for every thing and every one around me. I am relating to what ever shows up in my daily life, being convinced that this is exactly what I need to learn, to grow and to heal myself. I see difficult situations and conditions as a challenge to which I am responding the best I am capable, taking self responsibility and being aware of my reactions that are caused. I like to express myself sharing my experiences with others who might be open for it. I have found ways to deal creatively with problems that are part of our life, so that we don't need to suffer more than necessary to be motivated to doubt our established existence and ask questions, - to find answers that can turn our life into a joyful adventure. I am always ready to help others. I healed myself from Fibromyalgia and from an inguinal hernia and I'm willing to share my experiences. I never do anything out of money interests. I do what feels right and is necessary. There is abundance if one is open to receive... I have been meditating for fifty years without being bound to any belief system. I am convinced that meditation is the best way to clear up ones unconscious background and find back to oneself. I distribute information and give advice how to do it. Who has difficulty with ones practise can ask me for a check-up by email or Scype. Self knowledge and knowledge about human nature is the key to get out of the straitjacket of ones personality and to go beyond ones limited view, self image and established concepts. This is the path for learning, growing and healing oneself. I have created a space on the middle of the island Ibiza, inmidst of unspoiled nature with many animals and plants. There is food and living space for more than twenty people, who could live together as a group of friends, in an 'Intentional Community', being creative, expressing themselves in artistic ways and working on themselves and also doing practical things for others and the environment. We are open for new members. BeiYin

Hubs By BeiYin

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1. 2.

Should one accept what can't be changed?

What is the special *something* you want to realize during life time?

Living in a Picture Dream World - Who wants to wake up?

What is the real reason why people smoke?

The Pathless Path

What can I do? - What can we do? Some of BeiYin's Favorite Topics Personal Health Information and Self-Help

Remaining positive within a negative environment.

If you want to heal your inguinal hernia - you need to be a pioneer!

Being rich in a Life without doing anything for Money!

Signals of Stress - What does they tell? How to avoid?

What is the real reason why people smoke?

BeiYin answers Questions

Can I free myself from Stress in the Here and Now?

Home Schooling and Life Experience Education

Why any change is so difficult?

Treating symptoms is a make up...

Religion and Philosophy

What is the special *something* you want to realize during life time?

How do you continue to follow the light?

Commercial and Creative Writing

What can I do? - What can we do?

Expectations - as a frame to learn, grow and heal onself!

Is Ego necessary in Life? herniasupport Home Discussions

About this group Apply for group membership View this group in the new Google Groups The Truth Options 3 messages - Collapse all wilson strausserView profile To ALL; Lincoln said (in paraphase) "You can fool some of the people some of the time but you can't fool all of the people all of the time." Forbes has just called for Bernanke's resignation and has noted Obama's policies are insane. Looks like Forbes is one of the people that can't be fooled and at the same time agrees with many psychologists that liberalism is a mental disease. There is historical evidence that not only Obama's birth cetificate is fraudulent but also his Social Security number as well. Why is he still in office? There is historical evidence Obama and Bush are in collaberation to hide the truth from the American people; including ALL the Kennedy assassinations.....and JFK JR's plane crash WAS an assassination to stop Jr. from printing incriminating evidence against the Bush family; for plotting and carrying out the previous assassinations of the Kennedy family. I believe this information to be very credible; since over the years I have also come to believe the word "coincidence" signifies a fantasy realm and has nothing to do with reality; a reality very much involved with spiritual control. Do the souls of those assassinated; whose truthful details of death have been withheld from public for many years; cry out for justice? I believe they do! The American people and the U.S. Constitution are being held hostage by the crime families currently ruling America with lies and withholding truths; and the American judicial system is failing to take action even though there are still patriotic people screaming the truth; the truth being withheld from the American people. I just read a report of evidence thrown out of court because the federal judge decided no benfit to any party will be gained by further examination. That evidence was presented exposing Obama's Social Security number as a fraud! Is Social Security fraud not punishable in court? Apparently not; if the perpetrater is holding the U.S. Presidency hostage! Perhaps Obama can't be prosecuted because he isn't a U.S. citizen and can invoke international immunity as a foriegn national at large....and if so must be removed from office immediately....if the U.S. Constitution be upheld; but thus far in this administration the U.S. Constitution means nothing

More options Sep 1, 5:52 pm

to those in power; and certainly not those in the judicial system. When William Penn was given Pennsylvania by the King of England to pay the debt the King owed to Penn's then deceased father; Penn saw the opportunity to give those seeking religeous freedom a chance to exercise those rights in his new land; and gained the confidence of the Native Americans (in order to proliferate those freedoms among those who had been oppressed in Europe) with very convincing conversations with the indigenous the tribes; so convincing as to allow the Natives to live peacefully among the settlers (more or less); which allowed for eventual intermarraige between the Natives and the immigrants; which made Pennsylvania a stronger force in the new country; having a great impact on future generations; that they would be closer to nature and closer to truth as the life virtue of progress; of increased production and quality of living. Truth was then and continues to be the basis of success. Truth must be the basis for all we do if we are to be successful. Organized crime believes they are strong enough to pull this off; with lies and did Pharoah in Egypt thousands of years ago. We all know what happened to Pharoah; if we know how to recognize the truth. Here are some other applicable quotes that come to mind; There is nothing new under the sun.....and.....those who do not learn from their mistakes are destined to repeat them. There is a power greater than man who is watching and will sooner or later pass judgement. The timing is known by only that power. A hurricane causing more monetary damage than ever has been recorded on the East Coast in modern times. Coincidence? Not by biblical standards! Does anyone with half a brain think the cracks in the Washington Monument are coincidental? Those who recognize biblical truth do not consider ANYTHING is coincidental. Those cracks are a warning to those pulling the political strings in the U.S. If those cracks could talk they would say; "Just as I warned Pharoah; this is only the beginning. You who rule the untruthed will know by this to change your ways and conform to that which is good; that which is right; for the path you are on is the path to destruction; your destruction; caused by your own hands and policies. To continue on your destructive path will cause further misery and grief; just as Pharoah had to endure. You can learn from Pharoah's mistakes; and make no mistake; there is no power greater in the universe than the Creator's power; who exercises final judgement according to the Creator's Will and timing. This is a promise made by that power to those who abuse the privilege given; by that spiritual power; of leadership in the world...just as Pharoah learned (too late); justice will be done. It isn't too late to change those destructive policies. If you do the right thing (and you all know who you are) perhaps those spiritual powers will attend your way in a beneficial light; but if change to good is not addressed by those now in control; no benefit will come of it to anyone; and those now in power will pay more dearly than they can imagine. I speak out now as a patriotic duty and a defender of truth against those who must deceive the

masses with lies for personal gain; so; that I shall be aligned with the forces of right and good; that all may know where I stand; and that the liars and deceivers may know they proceed forward without my support. Regards; Wilson

Juba View profile Hi, Wilson.

More options Sep 14, 3:25 pm

I don't necessarily take issue with anything you said in your post, but this group needs to be focused on hernia healing, including possibly some closely related health issues, but not politics. I will remove your post after a few days. Please don't be discouraged from making on-topic posts. Juba On Sep 2, 12:52 am, wilson strausser <> wrote: - Show quoted text -

wilson strausserView profile

More options Sep 15, 12:56 am

My apologies are extended, Juba. I didn't realize it was going to be posted with the group. I will make adjustments to my mailing lists. Best; Wilson - Show quoted text herniasupport Home Discussions About this group Apply for group membership View this group in the new Google Groups feedbackform hernia Options

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More options Sep 11, 11:05 am

Quoting catt Campbell <>: > Yes my Inguinal Hernia was healed without Surgery, took only 3 > months. I have the formula > catt Campbell Hi Catt, so then I suggest that you share your knowledge with the people who urgently need it, for example those at: I personally don't need your 'formula', because my inguinal hernia has been healed and since then, that is now more than five years ago, I have no symptoms showing up any more. Namaste BeiYin

wilson strausserView profile

More options Sep 12, 2:10 am

I will take this opportunity to share my incisional hernia healing process as well; while not completely healed the process continues through spiritual non-acceptance of the weak area aside the belly button which continues to get smaller as the months pass on. Subsequent medical observation has verified I should do nothing more than be sure no strangulation occurs. I suspect there is now sufficient new growth of supportive tissue over the area to disallow strangulation. Rubbing my fingers over the area allows me to feel tissue that feels stiffer than the slightly protruding colon beneath it. Wilson - Show quoted text herniasupport Home Discussions About this group Apply for group membership View this group in the new Google Groups HerniaSupport Google group pages and files Options 4 messages - Collapse all

Juba View profile

More options Aug 28, 6:29 pm

Attention all members of HerniaSupport: Zipped versions of the pages and files associated with this group will be available for download until August 31, 2011. After this date, Google Groups will turn off this feature and the zip file downloads. There are only 2 days left to get the files!!! If you want to download the pages and files to your computer, go to the home page of the group and click on the links now! Discussion threads will continue as before. You can post on line or by e-mail. Juba

Dutty BoukmanView profile Thanx, Juba! - Show quoted text -

More options Aug 28, 8:22 pm

Maththew View profile Wallace

More options Aug 28, 10:27 pm

juba, i dont understand. what is the difference between "posting online" and "posting by email".


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More options Aug 29, 12:05 pm

Thanks for everything Juba!! You are the Man! See you (or talk) on the hernia bible. Jake On Aug 29, 3:29 am, Juba <> wrote: - Show quoted text herniasupport Home

Discussions About this group Apply for group membership View this group in the new Google Groups bad dream Options Messages 1 - 25 of 81 - Collapse all Newer >

Maththew View profile More options Feb 24, 10:49 pm Wallace hi group, i once had a dream that i murdered my aunt and the law was about to catch me. when i woke i was very happy because it was only a dream and i was not in trouble. i wish that i would wake now and find that being 75 with urinary/prostate trouble and the h was just a bad dream. maybe like leland says-i am the creator and it really is a dream and i can wake up and start over and correct some of the stupid mistakes that i made. well, we all can. matt

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More options Feb 25, 6:30 am

That's what my teacher told me too. He told me that all there was was energy, and that it was a facet of our configuration that brought about the world that we all know, that we are the ones creating the world we see--and as we know there are people who don't have the power to spin our world. We call them either mad or retarded. The energy is there for all . . . who have the power, the personal power, to assemble the world. Dutty - Show quoted text -

John LelandView profile

More options Feb 25, 6:58 am

I've learned some neat things through the process of dissolving my severe, life long depression (it's now gone). Primarily, that identification with the body and the mind is the cause of suffering. The trick is to give up that identification. Because reality, which is beyond the mind, cannot be described (to the mind reality is a frightening, dark void) a good practice is to simply deny reality to the body and the mind. Let come what comes and let go what goes

in life, without attachment. Become the observer, dispassionately watching the movie of life, and continuously denying reality to any of it, including the body and mind. You cannot deny the reality of your on-going presence (which preceded and will survive the body), but you can deny reality to the temporary illusions that float by endlessly. Let them come and go. Remind yourself always that you are not the body nor the mind. It works for me. A saint was nearing death, and was moaning and groaning with pain. When his concerned disciples inquired about his condition, he said, "There is pain, but there is no suffering." John Leland ________________________________ From: "" <> To: Sent: Thu, February 24, 2011 9:30:21 PM Subject: Re: [herniasupport:2183] bad dream That's what my teacher told me too. He told me that all there was was energy, and that it was a facet of our configuration that brought about the world that we all know, that we are the ones creating the world we see--and as we know there are people who don't have the power to spin our world. We call them either mad or retarded. The energy is there for all . . . who have the power, the personal power, to assemble the world. Dutty - Show quoted text -

collette View profile star

More options Feb 25, 8:14 am

When I was in my early twenties I remember thinking that I felt like an observer in life and didn't really seem to be as part of it as others. I never got angry or frustrated, I just sortof floated along. I had friends, was contented and enjoyed my life (from seventeen upwards then!), but wasn't really in there and did feel I was missing something... that life didn't seem real! I think that I started to feel part of life in my early thirties and found it at first fantastic!! It was wonderful to feel the passion of life and the emotional rollercoaster, to actually get angry about things was wonderful!! However, now that I have tasted these emotions and got caught up in life, I think that being an observer was much healthier! I am pleased that I have really felt life but I would like to go back to the calmness I had when I was younger, but yet still be connected rather than cut off, which perhaps I was. So I think it is quite tricky to be just an observer, although I do agree with you John, but I think that it is positive to be fully engaged and awake too. Meditation is probably the answer with support from books, like-minded people and prayer.

A friend has just lent me the book by Thich Nhat Hanh called Answers from the Heart, which I would thoroughly recommend. He is a Vietnamese Zen Buddhist monk in his eighties, this particular book is 'practical responses to life's burning questions'. Collette Date: Thu, 24 Feb 2011 21:58:00 -0800 From: Subject: Re: [herniasupport:2184] bad dream To: I've learned some neat things through the process of dissolving my severe, life long depression (it's now gone). Primarily, that identification with the body and the mind is the cause of suffering. The trick is to give up that identification. Because reality, which is beyond the mind, cannot be described (to the mind reality is a frightening, dark void) a good practice is to simply deny reality to the body and the mind. Let come what comes and let go what goes in life, without attachment. Become the observer, dispassionately watching the movie of life, and continuously denying reality to any of it, including the body and mind. You cannot deny the reality of your on-going presence (which preceded and will survive the body), but you can deny reality to the temporary illusions that float by endlessly. Let them come and go. Remind yourself always that you are not the body nor the mind. It works for me. A saint was nearing death, and was moaning and groaning with pain. When his concerned disciples inquired about his condition, he said, "There is pain, but there is no suffering." John Leland From: "" <> To: Sent: Thu, February 24, 2011 9:30:21 PM Subject: Re: [herniasupport:2183] bad dream That's what my teacher told me too. He told me that all there was was energy, and that it was a facet of our configuration that brought about the world that we all know, that we are the ones creating the world we see--and as we know there are people who don't have the power to spin our world. We call them either mad or retarded. The energy is there for all . . . who have the power, the personal power, to assemble the world. Dutty - Show quoted text -

wilson strausserView profile Hello Collette;

More options Feb 25, 3:00 pm

I can relate to your detachment from life early on. I never felt like I belonged here. Even my own family treated me like an outsider. I soon wondered if I was adopted; but I have found sufficient recorded evidence to put that thought to rest. I have come to believe we are all multiple spirit entities; the dominant one being who we believe we are. When I look into the mirror I do not see who I believe I am. The mortal part of me doesn't seem to be part of the spirit part of me. I was a loner in school. Even the school counselor kept his distance when my father suddenly died from a stroke. That event caused me to withdraw from society even more. I was never convinced I was above average intelligence until I took several tests on my own revealing an IQ in the middle 140's. When i announced to my classmates I was not going to college they reacted in unbelief andI couldn't understand why. Apparently they thought I was smarter than I did. The main reason I opted for the USAF is my poor memory. No matter what a person's IQ; without a half-decent memory no amount of studying will work. For whatever reason I have been held back in life. Every time I have tried to fit into an elevated life position things went wrong; and yet; I have done well enough to be retired early with few financial concerns. Certainly there is evidence along the way that I have been protected from major pitfalls in life (that many fatally succumb to) by spiritual presence. So what am I trying to say? People like you and me may not be entirely human! This may very well be why we have trouble understanding our position in society. I remember sitting in the upper portion of the one-acre lot where I am told I was raised from a baby. I may have been very young or I may have been a young teenager. That part is unclear and sometimes I think it was just a dream; but I can't be sure. I didn't know where I was at first; in total darkness; so dark I couldn't see my hand in front of my face; which then scared the hell out of me and I began to panic; and as soon as that emotion took hold the darkness began to be replaced with light; gradually; and I looked up to see an unbelievably large metal ball with pyramid-like spikes all over the surface; slowly ascending directly above me! My thought to this day is that my alien family dropped me off on earth to perform a task for my race of aliens! When the spiked-ball spaceship rose to treeline clearance it slowly began to rotate in the northerly direction and move that way. I watched it as it sailed over Neversink mountain six miles away and at that point a fear welled up inside me that they left me forever; and at the same time thought for sure the ship would crash just over the mountain; but the crash never came! Was this reality or a dream? I still cannot determine which. I do know there are websites which have accounts related by others very similar to mine. There are rumors of alien experiments with human DNA. Are some of us alien-human cross-breeds? If so I would like to meet those who are

responsible for my high IQ with poor memory! It is a cruel joke! Wilson From: To: Subject: RE: [herniasupport:2185] bad dream Date: Fri, 25 Feb 2011 07:14:44 +0000 When I was in my early twenties I remember thinking that I felt like an observer in life and didn't really seem to be as part of it as others. I never got angry or frustrated, I just sortof floated along. I had friends, was contented and enjoyed my life (from seventeen upwards then!), but wasn't really in there and did feel I was missing something... that life didn't seem real! I think that I started to feel part of life in my early thirties and found it at first fantastic!! It was wonderful to feel the passion of life and the emotional rollercoaster, to actually get angry about things was wonderful!! However, now that I have tasted these emotions and got caught up in life, I think that being an observer was much healthier! I am pleased that I have really felt life but I would like to go back to the calmness I had when I was younger, but yet still be connected rather than cut off, which perhaps I was. So I think it is quite tricky to be just an observer, although I do agree with you John, but I think that it is positive to be fully engaged and awake too. Meditation is probably the answer with support from books, like-minded people and prayer. A friend has just lent me the book by Thich Nhat Hanh called Answers from the Heart, which I would thoroughly recommend. He is a Vietnamese Zen Buddhist monk in his eighties, this particular book is 'practical responses to life's burning questions'. Collette Date: Thu, 24 Feb 2011 21:58:00 -0800 From: Subject: Re: [herniasupport:2184] bad dream To: I've learned some neat things through the process of dissolving my severe, life long depression (it's now gone). Primarily, that identification with the body and the mind is the cause of suffering. The trick is to give up that identification. Because reality, which is beyond the mind, cannot be described (to the mind reality is a frightening, dark void) a good practice is to simply deny reality to the body and the mind. Let come what comes and let go what goes in life, without attachment. Become the observer, dispassionately watching the movie of life, and continuously denying reality to any of it, including the body and mind. You cannot deny the reality of your on-going presence (which preceded and will survive the body), but you can deny reality to the temporary illusions that float by endlessly. Let them come and go. Remind yourself always that you are not the body nor the mind. It works for me. A saint was nearing death, and was moaning and groaning with pain. When his concerned disciples inquired about his condition, he said, "There is pain, but there is no suffering."

John Leland From: "" <> To: Sent: Thu, February 24, 2011 9:30:21 PM Subject: Re: [herniasupport:2183] bad dream That's what my teacher told me too. He told me that all there was was energy, and that it was a facet of our configuration that brought about the world that we all know, that we are the ones creating the world we see--and as we know there are people who don't have the power to spin our world. We call them either mad or retarded. The energy is there for all . . . who have the power, the personal power, to assemble the world. Dutty - Show quoted text -

wilson strausserView profile

More options Feb 25, 3:08 pm

I once tortured an ant on a picnic table and it couldn't move but was thrashing it's antennae around like crazy; and in a few minutes time thousands of ants emerged from all four pavilions in the immediate area where people were having a picnic ahd scared us all so bad we all left the picnic grounds in a hurry! I kept my mouth shut that it was my action of ant torture that caused the colonies to erupt aggressively! I never tortured an ant again! I know ants have nothing to do with aunts unless they end up in the pants! lol Just thought I would share that. Wilson

Date: Thu, 24 Feb 2011 21:58:00 -0800 From: Subject: Re: [herniasupport:2184] bad dream To: I've learned some neat things through the process of dissolving my severe, life long depression (it's now gone). Primarily, that identification with the body and the mind is the cause of suffering. The trick is to give up that identification. Because reality, which is beyond the mind, cannot be described (to the mind reality is a frightening, dark void) a good practice is to simply deny reality to the body and the mind. Let come what comes and let go what goes in life, without attachment. Become the observer, dispassionately watching the movie of life, and continuously denying reality to any of it, including the body and mind. You cannot deny the reality of your on-going presence (which preceded and will survive the body), but you can deny reality to the temporary illusions that float by endlessly. Let them come and go. Remind yourself always that you are not the body nor the mind. It works for me. A saint was nearing death, and was moaning and groaning with pain. When his concerned

disciples inquired about his condition, he said, "There is pain, but there is no suffering." John Leland From: "" <> To: Sent: Thu, February 24, 2011 9:30:21 PM Subject: Re: [herniasupport:2183] bad dream That's what my teacher told me too. He told me that all there was was energy, and that it was a facet of our configuration that brought about the world that we all know, that we are the ones creating the world we see--and as we know there are people who don't have the power to spin our world. We call them either mad or retarded. The energy is there for all . . . who have the power, the personal power, to assemble the world. Dutty - Show quoted text -

John LelandView profile Collette,

More options Feb 25, 8:07 pm

Thanks for your comments. I want to respond, but my schedule is jammed today. Important stuff, in my view, and I will send my thoughts at the first opportunity. John Leland ________________________________ From: collette star <> To: hernia support group <> Sent: Thu, February 24, 2011 11:14:44 PM Subject: RE: [herniasupport:2185] bad dream When I was in my early twenties I remember thinking that I felt like an observer in life and didn't really seem to be as part of it as others. I never got angry or frustrated, I just sortof floated along. I had friends, was contented and enjoyed my life (from seventeen upwards then!), but wasn't really in there and did feel I was missing something... that life didn't seem real! I think that I started to feel part of life in my early thirties and found it at first fantastic!! It was wonderful to feel the passion of life and the emotional rollercoaster, to actually get angry about things was wonderful!! However, now that I have tasted these emotions and got caught up in life, I think that being an observer was much healthier! I am pleased that I have

really felt life but I would like to go back to the calmness I had when I was younger, but yet still be connected rather than cut off, which perhaps I was. So I think it is quite tricky to be just an observer, although I do agree with you John, but I think that it is positive to be fully engaged and awake too. Meditation is probably the answer with support from books, like-minded people and prayer. A friend has just lent me the book by Thich Nhat Hanh called Answers from the Heart, which I would thoroughly recommend. He is a Vietnamese Zen Buddhist monk in his eighties, this particular book is 'practical responses to life's burning questions'. Collette ________________________________ Date: Thu, 24 Feb 2011 21:58:00 -0800 From: Subject: Re: [herniasupport:2184] bad dream To: I've learned some neat things through the process of dissolving my severe, life long depression (it's now gone). Primarily, that identification with the body and the mind is the cause of suffering. The trick is to give up that identification. Because reality, which is beyond the mind, cannot be described (to the mind reality is a frightening, dark void) a good practice is to simply deny reality to the body and the mind. Let come what comes and let go what goes in life, without attachment. Become the observer, dispassionately watching the movie of life, and continuously denying reality to any of it, including the body and mind. You cannot deny the reality of your on-going presence (which preceded and will survive the body), but you can deny reality to the temporary illusions that float by endlessly. Let them come and go. Remind yourself always that you are not the body nor the mind. It works for me. A saint was nearing death, and was moaning and groaning with pain. When his concerned disciples inquired about his condition, he said, "There is pain, but there is no suffering." John Leland ________________________________ From: "" <> To: Sent: Thu, February 24, 2011 9:30:21 PM Subject: Re: [herniasupport:2183] bad dream That's what my teacher told me too. He told me that all there was was energy, and that it was a facet of our configuration that brought about the world that we all know, that we are the ones creating the world we see--and as we know

there are people who don't have the power to spin our world. We call them either mad or retarded. The energy is there for all . . . who have the power, the personal power, to assemble the world. Dutty - Show quoted text -

Sai KumarView profile Hi,

More options Feb 25, 9:14 pm

It is after a long gap, I want to share my experiences/confusions. A year and half ago, when lifted a 50 poung cat litter bag for my pet I had experienced a sudden jolt in my right testicle. I did not pay much attention and continued with my gym and weight lifting. Due to continued pain and unfortable situation, I consulted with my doctor who identified it as hernia and recomended surgery. The surgeon said h is on both the sides, need to operate one at a time, and I was fully prepared for surgery. But due to a change in my work schedule, i had to travel continuosly and did not get a chance to have that 'one week rest after surgery time'. Now that I got time and decided to get it past, consulted another expert surgeon(who has more than 20 years of experinece into this). Surprisingly, this surgeon goes " i don't see any bulge and there is nothing to operate!". He thinks it could be a muscle strained due to weights lifted. Now, I am very confused. I don't know what to do? I have all the same symtoms of a hernia, 2 physicians and one surgeon diagnosed it as h, but one (expert) surgeon says there is no h. CT scan did not find any h either. This is a great news for me. I should celebrate it actually. But, literally confused. Good points: Can do all the things normally Negative: Can not lift weights over 10 pounds, no gym, no jogging etc. Always feeling of something in the right groins and above. This is a great group and I want to know if anyone has similar experiences. Thanks in advance. Sai Kumar - Show quoted text - Hi Sai,

View profile

More options Feb 25, 10:51 pm

I've heard of a strain . . . right in the groin. Check out youtube for lower ab exercises and/or groin exercises. I'm sure the Yoga vacuum would help, plus check out for a groin strain exercise. And look for other videos too. Google groin strain too. Good luck! dutty - Show quoted text -

collette View profile star Hi Wilson,

More options Feb 27, 7:32 am

I have attributed my detachment from life early on to psychological factors rather than alien involvement. I was taken away from who I thought were my parents, but who were my grandparents, when I was about 5, and given back to my young mother, who I thought was my sister, and her new young husband. I was brought up with them until I was seventeen. The separation from my grandparents was handled very badly, also my mother did not have the same bond with me as she did with her other children and my stepfather turned out to be very aggressive and frightening. Due to this I have had quite a lot of emotional pain in my life and my detachment helped me to cope. I was not told about my past which led to lots of pain and searching. Finding out has been a huge relief, although still very sad. Your experiences of early life sound very painful too. It sounds like you are still searching to make sense of your past, the way you were treated and why you felt the way you did. From earlier posts it is clear that having faith is very important to you. Spirituality has really helped me too and still does, but so did psychotherapy. Theres not always answers but it can help you heal and work through past pain. Psychotherapy to me feels a bit like climbing a ladder, you can take a pause at each step if you have to, but once you have made that step you never go back and life is a little bit clearer, there is a little more light where real happiness and joy can seep through! On the alien subject, I do definitely believe there is life on other plants and very probably that aliens watch earth but further than that I find it a little bit too scary to think about.... although it would be nice if there were kind and peaceful aliens bringing peace and healing to our planet and the people on it! Collette From: To: Subject: RE: [herniasupport:2186] bad dream

Date: Fri, 25 Feb 2011 09:00:38 -0500 Hello Collette; I can relate to your detachment from life early on. I never felt like I belonged here. Even my own family treated me like an outsider. I soon wondered if I was adopted; but I have found sufficient recorded evidence to put that thought to rest. I have come to believe we are all multiple spirit entities; the dominant one being who we believe we are. When I look into the mirror I do not see who I believe I am. The mortal part of me doesn't seem to be part of the spirit part of me. I was a loner in school. Even the school counselor kept his distance when my father suddenly died from a stroke. That event caused me to withdraw from society even more. I was never convinced I was above average intelligence until I took several tests on my own revealing an IQ in the middle 140's. When i announced to my classmates I was not going to college they reacted in unbelief andI couldn't understand why. Apparently they thought I was smarter than I did. The main reason I opted for the USAF is my poor memory. No matter what a person's IQ; without a half-decent memory no amount of studying will work. For whatever reason I have been held back in life. Every time I have tried to fit into an elevated life position things went wrong; and yet; I have done well enough to be retired early with few financial concerns. Certainly there is evidence along the way that I have been protected from major pitfalls in life (that many fatally succumb to) by spiritual presence. So what am I trying to say? People like you and me may not be entirely human! This may very well be why we have trouble understanding our position in society. I remember sitting in the upper portion of the one-acre lot where I am told I was raised from a baby. I may have been very young or I may have been a young teenager. That part is unclear and sometimes I think it was just a dream; but I can't be sure. I didn't know where I was at first; in total darkness; so dark I couldn't see my hand in front of my face; which then scared the hell out of me and I began to panic; and as soon as that emotion took hold the darkness began to be replaced with light; gradually; and I looked up to see an unbelievably large metal ball with pyramid-like spikes all over the surface; slowly ascending directly above me! My thought to this day is that my alien family dropped me off on earth to perform a task for my race of aliens! When the spiked-ball spaceship rose to treeline clearance it slowly began to rotate in the northerly direction and move that way. I watched it as it sailed over Neversink mountain six miles away and at that point a fear welled up inside me that they left me forever; and at the same time thought for sure the ship would crash just over the mountain; but the crash never came! Was this reality or a dream? I still cannot determine which. I do know there are websites

which have accounts related by others very similar to mine. There are rumors of alien experiments with human DNA. Are some of us alien-human cross-breeds? If so I would like to meet those who are responsible for my high IQ with poor memory! It is a cruel joke! Wilson From: To: Subject: RE: [herniasupport:2185] bad dream Date: Fri, 25 Feb 2011 07:14:44 +0000 When I was in my early twenties I remember thinking that I felt like an observer in life and didn't really seem to be as part of it as others. I never got angry or frustrated, I just sortof floated along. I had friends, was contented and enjoyed my life (from seventeen upwards then!), but wasn't really in there and did feel I was missing something... that life didn't seem real! I think that I started to feel part of life in my early thirties and found it at first fantastic!! It was wonderful to feel the passion of life and the emotional rollercoaster, to actually get angry about things was wonderful!! However, now that I have tasted these emotions and got caught up in life, I think that being an observer was much healthier! I am pleased that I have really felt life but I would like to go back to the calmness I had when I was younger, but yet still be connected rather than cut off, which perhaps I was. So I think it is quite tricky to be just an observer, although I do agree with you John, but I think that it is positive to be fully engaged and awake too. Meditation is probably the answer with support from books, like-minded people and prayer. A friend has just lent me the book by Thich Nhat Hanh called Answers from the Heart, which I would thoroughly recommend. He is a Vietnamese Zen Buddhist monk in his eighties, this particular book is 'practical responses to life's burning questions'. Collette Date: Thu, 24 Feb 2011 21:58:00 -0800 From: Subject: Re: [herniasupport:2184] bad dream To: I've learned some neat things through the process of dissolving my severe, life long depression (it's now gone). Primarily, that identification with the body and the mind is the cause of suffering. The trick is to give up that identification. Because reality, which is beyond the mind, cannot be described (to the mind reality is a frightening, dark void) a good practice is to simply deny reality to the body and the mind. Let come what comes and let go what goes in life, without attachment. Become the observer, dispassionately watching the movie of life, and continuously denying reality to any of it, including the body and mind. You cannot deny the reality of your on-going presence (which preceded and will survive the body), but you can deny reality to the temporary illusions that float by endlessly. Let them come and go. Remind yourself always that you are not the body nor the mind. It works for me.

A saint was nearing death, and was moaning and groaning with pain. When his concerned disciples inquired about his condition, he said, "There is pain, but there is no suffering." John Leland From: "" <> To: Sent: Thu, February 24, 2011 9:30:21 PM Subject: Re: [herniasupport:2183] bad dream That's what my teacher told me too. He told me that all there was was energy, and that it was a facet of our configuration that brought about the world that we all know, that we are the ones creating the world we see--and as we know there are people who don't have the power to spin our world. We call them either mad or retarded. The energy is there for all . . . who have the power, the personal power, to assemble the world. Dutty - Show quoted text -

collette View profile star Hi John, I look forward to hearing your thoughts. Collette Date: Fri, 25 Feb 2011 11:07:49 -0800 From: Subject: Re: [herniasupport:2188] bad dream To: Collette,

More options Feb 27, 7:37 am

Thanks for your comments. I want to respond, but my schedule is jammed today. Important stuff, in my view, and I will send my thoughts at the first opportunity. John Leland From: collette star <> To: hernia support group <> Sent: Thu, February 24, 2011 11:14:44 PM Subject: RE: [herniasupport:2185] bad dream When I was in my early twenties I remember thinking that I felt like an observer in life and didn't really seem to be as part of it as others. I never got angry or frustrated, I just sortof

floated along. I had friends, was contented and enjoyed my life (from seventeen upwards then!), but wasn't really in there and did feel I was missing something... that life didn't seem real! I think that I started to feel part of life in my early thirties and found it at first fantastic!! It was wonderful to feel the passion of life and the emotional rollercoaster, to actually get angry about things was wonderful!! However, now that I have tasted these emotions and got caught up in life, I think that being an observer was much healthier! I am pleased that I have really felt life but I would like to go back to the calmness I had when I was younger, but yet still be connected rather than cut off, which perhaps I was. So I think it is quite tricky to be just an observer, although I do agree with you John, but I think that it is positive to be fully engaged and awake too. Meditation is probably the answer with support from books, like-minded people and prayer. A friend has just lent me the book by Thich Nhat Hanh called Answers from the Heart, which I would thoroughly recommend. He is a Vietnamese Zen Buddhist monk in his eighties, this particular book is 'practical responses to life's burning questions'. Collette Date: Thu, 24 Feb 2011 21:58:00 -0800 From: Subject: Re: [herniasupport:2184] bad dream To: I've learned some neat things through the process of dissolving my severe, life long depression (it's now gone). Primarily, that identification with the body and the mind is the cause of suffering. The trick is to give up that identification. Because reality, which is beyond the mind, cannot be described (to the mind reality is a frightening, dark void) a good practice is to simply deny reality to the body and the mind. Let come what comes and let go what goes in life, without attachment. Become the observer, dispassionately watching the movie of life, and continuously denying reality to any of it, including the body and mind. You cannot deny the reality of your on-going presence (which preceded and will survive the body), but you can deny reality to the temporary illusions that float by endlessly. Let them come and go. Remind yourself always that you are not the body nor the mind. It works for me. A saint was nearing death, and was moaning and groaning with pain. When his concerned disciples inquired about his condition, he said, "There is pain, but there is no suffering." John Leland From: "" <> To: Sent: Thu, February 24, 2011 9:30:21 PM Subject: Re: [herniasupport:2183] bad dream That's what my teacher told me too. He told me that all there was was energy, and that it was a facet of our configuration that brought about the world that we all know, that we are the ones creating the world we see--and as we know there are people who don't have the power to spin our world. We call them either mad or retarded. The energy is there for all . . . who have the

power, the personal power, to assemble the world. Dutty - Show quoted text -

John LelandView profile

More options Feb 27, 8:05 pm

Dear Collette, I dont want to stray too far from the topic of hernia healing, but it seems to me that how we relate to our hernias or other conditions depends on how we relate to, and understand, ourselves. So Ill go ahead on this track. First, I want to say that I am not promoting any particular belief system, and that I am not an advocate of blind belief or adherence to dogma. But I will say that a sort of blind belief in ones intuition and inner guide is essential for finding truths that can be confirmed by direct experience. Ill include a brief autobiographical note at the end of this message that explains why I encourage people to never give up in their search for peace and true happiness. You wrote: So I think it is quite tricky to be just an observer, although I do agree with you John, but I think that it is positive to be fully engaged and awake too. Meditation is probably the answer with support from books, like-minded people and prayer. These words suggest a choice: between observing or engaging, and other words you wrote express the sense of alienation or connectedness that result from these choices. The critical question is: Who is making the choice and what accounts for the results? As long as one is identified with the body/mind, it feels as though the person is making the choices, which subjects the person to reactions to the choices. What Ive come to realize is that the sense of presence that we all experience throughout our lives is whats real, while what we experience is not real. It is our presence that lends a sense of reality to experience. The troubles start as soon as we identify with experiences and see ourselves as bodies moving through an outer world separate from ourselves instead of being a single point of awareness witnessing the constant coming and going of events in consciousness. Shifting ones sense of identity from the person to the witness does not result in indifference or disengagement. On the contrary, it results in freedom from self concern, intense, causeless joy, genuine compassion and spontaneous acts of charity. Yes, you are right. Meditation, keeping company with like-minded people and constantly, earnestly investigating yourself are the keys for shattering wrong thoughts and wrong identifications. Reading Thich Nhat Hanh is of tremendous value! ___________________________________________________________________________ __________

The Power of Depression: Thirteen years ago (at age 56) I experienced a severe collapse into suicidal depression, was incarcerated in a psychiatric hospital for a month and was given a variety of antidepressantsfor the first time in my life (I had suffered from depression in my youth and throughout my life, and had managed it in adulthood through psychotherapy). The medications didnt help: In fact, they produced gross physical and psychological side effects. When I was released from the hospital I felt the need to evaluate what I had been told about depression and the drug treatments I had been subjected to, so I tried to find a physician who could deliver a precise diagnosis and prescribe a course of treatment tailored specifically for me, with the kind of certainty that would match the authoritative claim that my condition was a chemical imbalance in the brain (most likely hereditary, I was told) and that I would probably need to be on antidepressants the rest of my life. It didnt take long to discover that there is no such physician. Left to my own resources, I reasoned and intuited that my problem was not a chemical imbalance but a problem of consciousness. It didnt seem rational to assume that a mere chemical imbalance could drive a person into a state of incomprehensible demoralization in which death seems the only way out. I decided to dispose of the medications and conduct an experiment. At that point I had given up on the idea that suicide was a solution and decided to investigate my depression and its causeswith the willingness to die from depression, if that were to be the natural outcome. Like a research scientist, I began observing my life closely: studying my thoughts, moods and reactions; correlating situations and my reactions and going into the terrible, dark despair that would awaken me in the early morning hours. After several months of this work (during which I dragged myself out of bed and forced myself through daily routines), I awoke early one morning into a particularly dark space. It felt as though I was at the bottom of a deep well. In my minds eye I could see the opening of the well as a tiny circle of light far above me, and I felt utter hopelessness. In that moment, I surrendered. I mentally addressed my invisible oppressor: I dont know who you are or what you are or what you want, but I give up. In less than the blink of an eye my despair turned into bliss. The incomprehensible demoralization of depression turned into its incomprehensible oppositeabsolute certainty that nothing could ever harm me. It was like being instantaneously transported from total engrossment in an intense horror picture on a movie screen to the unmoving, unmodulated, silent and serene center of the bulb in the projector. That state remained with me for a couple of days, during which I was totally free from anxiety and concern. I went about my business in a state of clarity and openness. My responses to situations were totally spontaneous and precise. Thrilled though I was about the experience, I didnt expect it to happen againI figured it was some sort of fluke. But it did happen again several more times, and has reoccurred over the years when I have surrendered to intense fear. I mentioned these experiences to a friend, who referred me to Eckhart Tolles book The Power of Now; she wanted me to know that Tolle had gone through a similar experience. I read Tolles book and others, and relied heavily (and still do) on the brilliant insights of the late author Alice Miller. My

depression has been completely dissolved, and I now enjoy the marvelous sense of peace that comes with escaping from the tyranny of the mind. It was very satisfying to recently discover Irving Kirschs book The Emperors New Drugs, because his research validates the results of my own experiment: There is no proof that depression is a chemical problem and that antidepressants produce a beneficial chemical effect (benefits, when they occur, seem to be caused by the placebo effectby the power of the mind). Collette, I included this piece of personal history to encourage others to trust themselves and to resist whatever doesnt feel true (if it doesnt feel true, it isnt). Specifically about depression, I can say that it saved my life because it drove me to find who I really am (you could say that my depression served an important purpose). Ive recently been contemplating the paradox of nearly being killed by what ultimately brought me freedom, and want to explore that. Thanks for your post! John Leland ________________________________ From: collette star <> To: hernia support group <> Sent: Thu, February 24, 2011 11:14:44 PM Subject: RE: [herniasupport:2185] bad dream When I was in my early twenties I remember thinking that I felt like an observer in life and didn't really seem to be as part of it as others. I never got angry or frustrated, I just sortof floated along. I had friends, was contented and enjoyed my life (from seventeen upwards then!), but wasn't really in there and did feel I was missing something... that life didn't seem real! I think that I started to feel part of life in my early thirties and found it at first fantastic!! It was wonderful to feel the passion of life and the emotional rollercoaster, to actually get angry about things was wonderful!! However, now that I have tasted these emotions and got caught up in life, I think that being an observer was much healthier! I am pleased that I have really felt life but I would like to go back to the calmness I had when I was younger, but yet still be connected rather than cut off, which perhaps I was. So I think it is quite tricky to be just an observer, although I do agree with you John, but I think that it is positive to be fully engaged and awake too. Meditation is probably the answer with support from books, like-minded people and prayer. A friend has just lent me the book by Thich Nhat Hanh called Answers from the Heart, which I would thoroughly recommend. He is a Vietnamese Zen Buddhist monk in his eighties, this particular book is 'practical responses to life's burning questions'. Collette

________________________________ Date: Thu, 24 Feb 2011 21:58:00 -0800 From: Subject: Re: [herniasupport:2184] bad dream To: I've learned some neat things through the process of dissolving my severe, life long depression (it's now gone). Primarily, that identification with the body and the mind is the cause of suffering. The trick is to give up that identification. Because reality, which is beyond the mind, cannot be described (to the mind reality is a frightening, dark void) a good practice is to simply deny reality to the body and the mind. Let come what comes and let go what goes in life, without attachment. Become the observer, dispassionately watching the movie of life, and continuously denying reality to any of it, including the body and mind. You cannot deny the reality of your on-going presence (which preceded and will survive the body), but you can deny reality to the temporary illusions that float by endlessly. Let them come and go. Remind yourself always that you are not the body nor the mind. It works for me. A saint was nearing death, and ... read more

wilson strausserView profile Hello again, Collette;

More options Feb 28, 12:24 am

I expect truth be known we are all hybrids of both human and alien DNA. There are historical indications showing sudden bursts of human creativity that point in the direction of higher intelligent influence from out side sources such as pyramid construction and other wonders of the old world we can't figure out how to do even with modern technology. You are correct about my spiritual alignment. My happiness peaks when I do good for others. Following scriptural guidelines never leads me astray. Wilson From: To: Subject: RE: [herniasupport:2191] bad dream Date: Sun, 27 Feb 2011 06:32:20 +0000 Hi Wilson, I have attributed my detachment from life early on to psychological factors rather than alien

involvement. I was taken away from who I thought were my parents, but who were my grandparents, when I was about 5, and given back to my young mother, who I thought was my sister, and her new young husband. I was brought up with them until I was seventeen. The separation from my grandparents was handled very badly, also my mother did not have the same bond with me as she did with her other children and my stepfather turned out to be very aggressive and frightening. Due to this I have had quite a lot of emotional pain in my life and my detachment helped me to cope. I was not told about my past which led to lots of pain and searching. Finding out has been a huge relief, although still very sad. Your experiences of early life sound very painful too. It sounds like you are still searching to make sense of your past, the way you were treated and why you felt the way you did. From earlier posts it is clear that having faith is very important to you. Spirituality has really helped me too and still does, but so did psychotherapy. Theres not always answers but it can help you heal and work through past pain. Psychotherapy to me feels a bit like climbing a ladder, you can take a pause at each step if you have to, but once you have made that step you never go back and life is a little bit clearer, there is a little more light where real happiness and joy can seep through! On the alien subject, I do definitely believe there is life on other plants and very probably that aliens watch earth but further than that I find it a little bit too scary to think about.... although it would be nice if there were kind and peaceful aliens bringing peace and healing to our planet and the people on it! Collette From: To: Subject: RE: [herniasupport:2186] bad dream Date: Fri, 25 Feb 2011 09:00:38 -0500 Hello Collette; I can relate to your detachment from life early on. I never felt like I belonged here. Even my own family treated me like an outsider. I soon wondered if I was adopted; but I have found sufficient recorded evidence to put that thought to rest. I have come to believe we are all multiple spirit entities; the dominant one being who we believe we are. When I look into the mirror I do not see who I believe I am. The mortal part of me doesn't seem to be part of the spirit part of me. I was a loner in school. Even the school counselor kept his distance when my father suddenly died from a stroke. That event caused me to withdraw from society even more. I was never convinced I was above average intelligence until I took several tests on my own revealing an IQ in the middle 140's. When i announced to my classmates I was not going to college they reacted in unbelief andI couldn't understand why. Apparently they thought I was smarter than I did. The main reason I opted for the USAF is my poor memory. No matter what a person's IQ; without a half-decent memory no amount of studying will work. For whatever reason I have been held back in life. Every time I have tried to fit into an elevated life position things went wrong; and yet; I have done well enough to be retired early

with few financial concerns. Certainly there is evidence along the way that I have been protected from major pitfalls in life (that many fatally succumb to) by spiritual presence. So what am I trying to say? People like you and me may not be entirely human! This may very well be why we have trouble understanding our position in society. I remember sitting in the upper portion of the one-acre lot where I am told I was raised from a baby. I may have been very young or I may have been a young teenager. That part is unclear and sometimes I think it was just a dream; but I can't be sure. I didn't know where I was at first; in total darkness; so dark I couldn't see my hand in front of my face; which then scared the hell out of me and I began to panic; and as soon as that emotion took hold the darkness began to be replaced with light; gradually; and I looked up to see an unbelievably large metal ball with pyramid-like spikes all over the surface; slowly ascending directly above me! My thought to this day is that my alien family dropped me off on earth to perform a task for my race of aliens! When the spiked-ball spaceship rose to treeline clearance it slowly began to rotate in the northerly direction and move that way. I watched it as it sailed over Neversink mountain six miles away and at that point a fear welled up inside me that they left me forever; and at the same time thought for sure the ship would crash just over the mountain; but the crash never came! Was this reality or a dream? I still cannot determine which. I do know there are websites which have accounts related by others very similar to mine. There are rumors of alien experiments with human DNA. Are some of us alien-human cross-breeds? If so I would like to meet those who are responsible for my high IQ with poor memory! It is a cruel joke! Wilson From: To: Subject: RE: [herniasupport:2185] bad dream Date: Fri, 25 Feb 2011 07:14:44 +0000 When I was in my early twenties I remember thinking that I felt like an observer in life and didn't really seem to be as part of it as others. I never got angry or frustrated, I just sortof floated along. I had friends, was contented and enjoyed my life (from seventeen upwards then!), but wasn't really in there and did feel I was missing something... that life didn't seem real! I think that I started to feel part of life in my early thirties and found it at first fantastic!! It was wonderful to feel the passion of life and the emotional rollercoaster, to actually get angry about things was wonderful!! However, now that I have tasted these emotions and got caught up in life, I think that being an observer was much healthier! I am pleased that I have really felt life but I would like to go

back to the calmness I had when I was younger, but yet still be connected rather than cut off, which perhaps I was. So I think it is quite tricky to be just an observer, although I do agree with you John, but I think that it is positive to be fully engaged and awake too. Meditation is probably the answer with support from books, like-minded people and prayer. A friend has just lent me the book by Thich Nhat Hanh called Answers from the Heart, which I would thoroughly recommend. He is a Vietnamese Zen Buddhist monk in his eighties, this particular book is 'practical responses to life's burning questions'. Collette Date: Thu, 24 Feb 2011 21:58:00 -0800 From: Subject: Re: [herniasupport:2184] bad dream To: I've learned some neat things through the process of dissolving my severe, life long depression (it's now gone). Primarily, that identification with the body and the mind is the cause of suffering. The trick is to give up that identification. Because reality, which is beyond the mind, cannot be described (to the mind reality is a frightening, dark void) a good practice is to simply deny reality to the body and the mind. Let come what comes and let go what goes in life, without attachment. Become the observer, dispassionately watching the movie of life, and continuously denying reality to any of it, including the body and mind. You cannot deny the reality of your on-going presence (which preceded and will survive the body), but you can deny reality to the temporary illusions that float by endlessly. Let them come and go. Remind yourself always that you are not the body nor the mind. It works for me. A saint was nearing death, and was moaning and groaning with pain. When his concerned disciples inquired about his condition, he said, "There is pain, but there is no suffering." John Leland From: "" <> To: Sent: Thu, February 24, 2011 9:30:21 PM Subject: Re: [herniasupport:2183] bad dream That's what my teacher told me too. He told me that all there was was energy, and that it was a facet of our configuration that brought about the world that we all know, that we are the ones creating the world we see--and as we know there are people who don't have the power to spin our world. We call them either mad or retarded. The energy is there for all . . . who have the power, the personal power, to assemble the world. Dutty - Show quoted text -

duttybouk...@gmail.comView profile

More options Feb 28, 1:26 am

Hi Wilson, Collette, John, My teacher was a seer. He said that what he saw at the crown of the head was obscene and that it had been put there. I know that there are aliens here, but they are not from another planet. They are from another dimension, another channel if you will. Apparently they feed off of our energy, like fear. I have never seen them, but when I determined not to have anything to do with them (since I was warned away from them) I had a thought that was not mine. The thought was: Don't you think you ought to see what they have to offer before you dismiss them? Believe me, that's not my thought. So when you do certain exercises, I guess they become conscious of of you. Dutty - Show quoted text ... read more

wilson strausserView profile

More options Feb 28, 4:49 am

Dutty; Concerning aliens in different dimension; I have read a few websites who claim if we experience certain feelings of longing for distant star systems we ourselves are probably alien spirits brought to earth. I myself have had longings for the Pleiades system. I expect we are human habitation for multiple spirit entities; some beneficial and some destructive. Perhaps we of strong will can ward off the destructive entities. Possibly disease and other destructive forces are manifested by such entities. Wilson From: To: Subject: Re: [herniasupport:2195] bad dream Date: Sun, 27 Feb 2011 19:26:26 -0500 Hi Wilson, Collette, John, My teacher was a seer. He said that what he saw at the crown of the head was obscene and that it had been put there. I know that there are aliens here, but they are not from another planet. They are from another dimension, another channel if you will. Apparently they feed off of our energy, like fear. I have never seen them, but when I determined not to have anything to do with them (since I was warned away from them) I had a thought that was not

mine. The thought was: Don't you think you ought to see what they have to offer before you dismiss them? Believe me, that's not my thought. So when you do certain exercises, I guess they become conscious of of you. Dutty - Show quoted text ... read more


View profile

More options Feb 28, 5:57 am

Hi Sai, I'm glad you didn't go straight for surgery which is common and educate yourself first! That is a very interesting observation and I'm glad you are pointing it out regarding very different diagnoses from surgeons. CT scan is an excellent way to determine - however there is still some debate on CT versus physical examinations. One thing, however I want everyone to know about CT. A single abdominal CT scan (which is what you would need for hernia imaging) is about 3.3 years of background radiation all at once! Compare that to a chest xray which is about 2.4 days. Hence, doing the math: ONE (abdominal) CT SCAN = over 500 chest x-rays scans all at once !!! I still think CT is the best imaging method for hernia - but it is not advisable to do a CT more than once every 5 years or so.. If you are still unsure, Sai, - I would suggest MRI - which magnetic, not ionizing radiation. Perhaps you might want to talk to a radiologist next. abe From: [] On Behalf Of Sai Kumar Sent: Friday, February 25, 2011 12:14 PM To: Cc: John Leland Subject: Re: [herniasupport:2189] bad dream Hi, It is after a long gap, I want to share my experiences/confusions. A year

and half ago, when lifted a 50 poung cat litter bag for my pet I had experienced a sudden jolt in my right testicle. I did not pay much attention and continued with my gym and weight lifting. Due to continued pain and unfortable situation, I consulted with my doctor who identified it as hernia and recomended surgery. The surgeon said h is on both the sides, need to operate one at a time, and I was fully prepared for surgery. But due to a change in my work schedule, i had to travel continuosly and did not get a chance to have that 'one week rest after surgery time'. Now that I got time and decided to get it past, consulted another expert surgeon(who has more than 20 years of experinece into this). Surprisingly, this surgeon goes " i don't see any bulge and there is nothing to operate!". He thinks it could be a muscle strained due to weights lifted. Now, I am very confused. I don't know what to do? I have all the same symtoms of a hernia, 2 physicians and one surgeon diagnosed it as h, but one (expert) surgeon says there is no h. CT scan did not find any h either. This is a great news for me. I should celebrate it actually. But, literally confused. Good points: Can do all the things normally Negative: Can not lift weights over 10 pounds, no gym, no jogging etc. Always feeling of something in the right groins and above. This is a great group and I want to know if anyone has similar experiences. Thanks in advance. Sai Kumar On Fri, Feb 25, 2011 at 2:07 PM, John Leland <> wrote: Collette, Thanks for your comments. I want to respond, but my schedule is jammed today. Important stuff, in my view, and I will send my thoughts at the first opportunity. John Leland _____ From: collette star <> To: hernia support group <> Sent: Thu, February 24, 2011 11:14:44 PM Subject: RE: [herniasupport:2185] bad dream When I was in my early twenties I remember thinking that I felt like an observer in life and didn't really seem to be as part of it as others. I never got angry or frustrated, I just sortof floated along. I had friends,

was contented and enjoyed my life (from seventeen upwards then!), but wasn't really in there and did feel I was missing something... that life didn't seem real! I think that I started to feel part of life in my early thirties and found it at first fantastic!! It was wonderful to feel the passion of life and the emotional rollercoaster, to actually get angry about things was wonderful!! However, now that I have tasted these emotions and got caught up in life, I think that being an observer was much healthier! I am pleased that I have really felt life but I would like to go back to the calmness I had when I was younger, but yet still be connected rather than cut off, which perhaps I was. So I think it is quite tricky to be just an observer, although I do agree with you John, but I think that it is positive to be fully engaged and awake too. Meditation is probably the answer with support from books, like-minded people and prayer. A friend has just lent me the book by Thich Nhat Hanh called Answers from the Heart, which I would thoroughly recommend. He is a Vietnamese Zen Buddhist monk in his eighties, this particular book is 'practical responses to life's burning questions'. Collette _____ Date: Thu, 24 Feb 2011 21:58:00 -0800 From: Subject: Re: [herniasupport:2184] bad dream To: I've learned some neat things through the process of dissolving my severe, life long depression (it's now gone). Primarily, that identification with the body and the mind is the cause of suffering. The trick is to give up that identification. Because reality, which is beyond the mind, cannot be described (to the mind reality is a frightening, dark void) a good practice is to simply deny reality to the body and the mind. Let come what comes and let go what goes in life, without attachment. Become the observer, dispassionately watching the movie of life, and continuously denying reality to any of it, including the body and mind. You cannot deny the reality of your on-going presence (which preceded and will survive the body), but you can deny reality to the temporary illusions that float by endlessly. Let them come and go. Remind yourself always that you are not the body nor the mind. It works for me. A saint was nearing death, and was moaning and groaning with pain. When his concerned disciples inquired about his condition, he said, "There is pain, but there is no suffering." John Leland

_____ From: "" <> To: Sent: Thu, February 24, 2011 9:30:21 PM Subject: Re: [herniasupport:2183] bad dream That's what my teacher told me too. He told me that all there was was energy, and that it was a facet of our configuration that brought about the world that we all know, that we are the ones creating the world we see--and as we know there are people who don't have the power to spin our world. We call them either mad or retarded. The energy is there for all . . . who have the power, the personal power, to assemble the world. Dutty - Show quoted text -

collette View profile star Hi Wilson,

More options Feb 28, 8:18 am

Somebody I once knew used to be in the airforce and said that his plane was in close contact with a ufo. The ufo was huge, it just watched them for a little while and then flew off at a strange angle at incredible speed. He said that he felt a peaceful presence from the craft, his own plane was carrying warheads and although the alien craft was able to detect this, they just watched for a little while and left. There is something in Steiner education that acknowledges that some children are from another planet but tells teachers not to alarm the childrens parents with this knowledge...... Best regards Collette From: To: Subject: RE: [herniasupport:2194] bad dream Date: Sun, 27 Feb 2011 18:24:45 -0500 Hello again, Collette; I expect truth be known we are all hybrids of both human and alien DNA. There are historical indications showing sudden bursts of human creativity that point in the direction of higher intelligent influence from out side sources such as pyramid construction and other wonders of the old world we can't figure out how to do even with modern technology. You are correct about my spiritual alignment. My happiness peaks when I do good for others.

Following scriptural guidelines never leads me astray. Wilson From: To: Subject: RE: [herniasupport:2191] bad dream Date: Sun, 27 Feb 2011 06:32:20 +0000 Hi Wilson, I have attributed my detachment from life early on to psychological factors rather than alien involvement. I was taken away from who I thought were my parents, but who were my grandparents, when I was about 5, and given back to my young mother, who I thought was my sister, and her new young husband. I was brought up with them until I was seventeen. The separation from my grandparents was handled very badly, also my mother did not have the same bond with me as she did with her other children and my stepfather turned out to be very aggressive and frightening. Due to this I have had quite a lot of emotional pain in my life and my detachment helped me to cope. I was not told about my past which led to lots of pain and searching. Finding out has been a huge relief, although still very sad. Your experiences of early life sound very painful too. It sounds like you are still searching to make sense of your past, the way you were treated and why you felt the way you did. From earlier posts it is clear that having faith is very important to you. Spirituality has really helped me too and still does, but so did psychotherapy. Theres not always answers but it can help you heal and work through past pain. Psychotherapy to me feels a bit like climbing a ladder, you can take a pause at each step if you have to, but once you have made that step you never go back and life is a little bit clearer, there is a little more light where real happiness and joy can seep through! On the alien subject, I do definitely believe there is life on other plants and very probably that aliens watch earth but further than that I find it a little bit too scary to think about.... although it would be nice if there were kind and peaceful aliens bringing peace and healing to our planet and the people on it! Collette From: To: Subject: RE: [herniasupport:2186] bad dream Date: Fri, 25 Feb 2011 09:00:38 -0500 Hello Collette; I can relate to your detachment from life early on. I never felt like I belonged here. Even my own family treated me like an outsider. I soon wondered if I was adopted; but I have found sufficient recorded evidence to put that thought to rest. I have come to believe we are all multiple spirit entities; the dominant one being who we believe we are.

When I look into the mirror I do not see who I believe I am. The mortal part of me doesn't seem to be part of the spirit part of me. I was a loner in school. Even the school counselor kept his distance when my father suddenly died from a stroke. That event caused me to withdraw from society even more. I was never convinced I was above average intelligence until I took several tests on my own revealing an IQ in the middle 140's. When i announced to my classmates I was not going to college they reacted in unbelief andI couldn't understand why. Apparently they thought I was smarter than I did. The main reason I opted for the USAF is my poor memory. No matter what a person's IQ; without a half-decent memory no amount of studying will work. For whatever reason I have been held back in life. Every time I have tried to fit into an elevated life position things went wrong; and yet; I have done well enough to be retired early with few financial concerns. Certainly there is evidence along the way that I have been protected from major pitfalls in life (that many fatally succumb to) by spiritual presence. So what am I trying to say? People like you and me may not be entirely human! This may very well be why we have trouble understanding our position in society. I remember sitting in the upper portion of the one-acre lot where I am told I was raised from a baby. I may have been very young or I may have been a young teenager. That part is unclear and sometimes I think it was just a dream; but I can't be sure. I didn't know where I was at first; in total darkness; so dark I couldn't see my hand in front of my face; which then scared the hell out of me and I began to panic; and as soon as that emotion took hold the darkness began to be replaced with light; gradually; and I looked up to see an unbelievably large metal ball with pyramid-like spikes all over the surface; slowly ascending directly above me! My thought to this day is that my alien family dropped me off on earth to perform a task for my race of aliens! When the spiked-ball spaceship rose to treeline clearance it slowly began to rotate in the northerly direction and move that way. I watched it as it sailed over Neversink mountain six miles away and at that point a fear welled up inside me that they left me forever; and at the same time thought for sure the ship would crash just over the mountain; but the crash never came! Was this reality or a dream? I still cannot determine which. I do know there are websites which have accounts related by others very similar to mine. There are rumors of alien experiments with human DNA. Are some of us alien-human cross-breeds? If so I would like to meet those who are responsible for my high IQ with poor memory! It is a cruel joke! Wilson From: To: Subject: RE: [herniasupport:2185] bad dream

Date: Fri, 25 Feb 2011 07:14:44 +0000 When I was in my early twenties I remember thinking that I felt like an observer in life and didn't really seem to be as part of it as others. I never got angry or frustrated, I just sortof floated along. I had friends, was contented and enjoyed my life (from seventeen upwards then!), but wasn't really in there and did feel I was missing something... that life didn't seem real! I think that I started to feel part of life in my early thirties and found it at first fantastic!! It was wonderful to feel the passion of life and the emotional rollercoaster, to actually get angry about things was wonderful!! However, now that I have tasted these emotions and got caught up in life, I think that being an observer was much healthier! I am pleased that I have really felt life but I would like to go back to the calmness I had when I was younger, but yet still be connected rather than cut off, which perhaps I was. So I think it is quite tricky to be just an observer, although I do agree with you John, but I think that it is positive to be fully engaged and awake too. Meditation is probably the answer with support from books, like-minded people and prayer. A friend has just lent me the book by Thich Nhat Hanh called Answers from the Heart, which I would thoroughly recommend. He is a Vietnamese Zen Buddhist monk in his eighties, this particular book is 'practical responses to life's burning questions'. Collette Date: Thu, 24 Feb 2011 21:58:00 -0800 From: Subject: Re: [herniasupport:2184] bad dream To: I've learned some neat things through the process of dissolving my severe, life long depression (it's now gone). Primarily, that identification with the body and the mind is the cause of suffering. The trick is to give up that identification. Because reality, which is beyond the mind, cannot be described (to the mind reality is a frightening, dark void) a good practice is to simply deny reality to the body and the mind. Let come what comes and let go what goes in life, without attachment. Become the observer, dispassionately watching the movie of life, and continuously denying reality to any of it, including the body and mind. You cannot deny the reality of your on-going presence (which preceded and will survive the body), but you can deny reality to the temporary illusions that float by endlessly. Let them come and go. Remind yourself always that you are not the body nor the mind. It works for me. A saint was nearing death, and was moaning and groaning with pain. When his concerned disciples inquired about his condition, he said, "There is pain, but there is no suffering." John Leland From: "" <> To: Sent: Thu, February 24, 2011 9:30:21 PM Subject: Re: [herniasupport:2183] bad dream That's what my teacher told me too. He told me that all there was was energy, and that it was a

facet of our configuration that brought about the world that we all know, that we are the ones creating the world we see--and as we know there are people who don't have the power to spin our world. We call them either mad or retarded. ... read more

collette View profile star Dear John,

More options Feb 28, 9:50 am

Thank you for your letter. I really appreciate you taking the time to explain your earlier post in such detail and I am sorry that I misunderstood you. I do now realise the difference between the two states, and can see where I was when I was younger and where I am trying to go now, and that its completely different. Thank you for helping me with this and for the books that you talked about which I am looking forward to reading. I think that you are incredibly brave to have faced your depression as you did. I can't write anymore at the moment, but will as soon as I can. Thank you again. Collette Date: Sun, 27 Feb 2011 11:05:57 -0800 From: Subject: Re: [herniasupport:2193] bad dream To: Dear Collette, I dont want to stray too far from the topic of hernia healing, but it seems to me that how we relate to our hernias or other conditions depends on how we relate to, and understand, ourselves. So Ill go ahead on this track. First, I want to say that I am not promoting any particular belief system, and that I am not an advocate of blind belief or adherence to dogma. But I will say that a sort of blind belief in ones intuition and inner guide is essential for finding truths that can be confirmed by direct experience. Ill include a brief autobiographical note at the end of this message that explains why I encourage people to never give up in their search for peace and true happiness. You wrote: So I think it is quite tricky to be just an observer, although I do agree with you John, but I think that it is positive to be fully engaged and awake too. Meditation is probably the answer with support from books, like-minded people and prayer. These words suggest a choice: between observing or engaging, and other words you wrote express the sense of alienation or connectedness that result from these choices. The critical question is: Who is making the choice and what accounts for the results? As long as one is identified with the body/mind, it feels as though the person is making the choices, which subjects the person to reactions to the choices. What Ive come to realize is

that the sense of presence that we all experience throughout our lives is whats real, while what we experience is not real. It is our presence that lends a sense of reality to experience. The troubles start as soon as we identify with experiences and see ourselves as bodies moving through an outer world separate from ourselves instead of being a single point of awareness witnessing the constant coming and going of events in consciousness. Shifting ones sense of identity from the person to the witness does not result in indifference or disengagement. On the contrary, it results in freedom from self concern, intense, causeless joy, genuine compassion and spontaneous acts of charity. Yes, you are right. Meditation, keeping company with like-minded people and constantly, earnestly investigating yourself are the keys for shattering wrong thoughts and wrong identifications. Reading Thich Nhat Hanh is of tremendous value! ___________________________________________________________________________ __________ The Power of Depression: Thirteen years ago (at age 56) I experienced a severe collapse into suicidal depression, was incarcerated in a psychiatric hospital for a month and was given a variety of antidepressants for the first time in my life (I had suffered from depression in my youth and throughout my life, and had managed it in adulthood through psychotherapy). The medications didnt help: In fact, they produced gross physical and psychological side effects. When I was released from the hospital I felt the need to evaluate what I had been told about depression and the drug treatments I had been subjected to, so I tried to find a physician who could deliver a precise diagnosis and prescribe a course of treatment tailored specifically for me, with the kind of certainty that would match the authoritative claim that my condition was a chemical imbalance in the brain (most likely hereditary, I was told) and that I would probably need to be on antidepressants the rest of my life. It didnt take long to discover that there is no such physician. Left to my own resources, I reasoned and intuited that my problem was not a chemical imbalance but a problem of consciousness. It didnt seem rational to assume that a mere chemical imbalance could drive a person into a state of incomprehensible demoralization in which death seems the only way out. I decided to dispose of the medications and conduct an experiment. At that point I had given up on the idea that suicide was a solution and decided to investigate my depression and its causeswith the willingness to die from depression, if that were to be the natural outcome. Like a research scientist, I began observing my life closely: studying my thoughts, moods and reactions; correlating situations and my reactions and going into the terrible, dark despair that would awaken me in the early morning hours. After several months of this work (during which I dragged myself out of bed and forced myself through daily routines), I awoke early one morning into a particularly dark space. It felt as though I was at the bottom of a deep well. In my minds eye I could see the opening of the well as a tiny circle of light far above me, and I felt utter hopelessness. In that moment, I surrendered. I mentally addressed my invisible oppressor: I dont know who you are or what you are or what you want, but I give up. In less than the blink of an eye my despair turned into bliss. The incomprehensible demoralization of depression turned into its incomprehensible oppositeabsolute certainty that nothing could ever harm me. It was like being instantaneously transported from total engrossment in an intense horror picture on a movie screen to the unmoving, unmodulated, silent and serene center of the bulb in the projector. That state remained with me for a couple of days, during which I was totally free from anxiety and concern. I went about my business in a state of clarity and openness. My responses to situations were totally spontaneous and precise. Thrilled though I was about the experience, I

didnt expect it to happen againI figured it was some sort of fluke. But it did happen again several more times, and has reoccurred over the years when I have surrendered to intense fear. I mentioned these experiences to a friend, who referred me to Eckhart Tolles book The Power of Now; she wanted me to know that Tolle had gone through a similar experience. I read Tolles book and others, and relied heavily (and still do) on the brilliant insights of the late author Alice Miller. My depression has been completely dissolved, and I now enjoy the marvelous sense of peace that comes with escaping from the tyranny of the mind. It was very satisfying to recently discover Irving Kirschs book The Emperors New Drugs, because his research validates the results of my own experiment: There is no proof that depression is a chemical problem and that antidepressants produce a beneficial chemical effect (benefits, when they occur, seem to be caused by the placebo effectby the power of the mind). Collette, I included this piece of personal history to encourage others to trust themselves and to resist whatever doesnt feel true (if it doesnt feel true, it isnt). Specifically about depression, I can say that it saved my life because it drove me to find who I really am (you could say that my depression served an important purpose). Ive recently been contemplating the paradox of nearly being killed by what ultimately brought me freedom, and want to explore that. Thanks for your post! John Leland From: collette star <> To: hernia support group <> Sent: Thu, February 24, 2011 11:14:44 PM Subject: RE: [herniasupport:2185] bad dream When I was in my early twenties I remember thinking that I felt like an observer in life and didn't really seem to be as part of it as others. I never got angry or frustrated, I just sortof floated along. I had friends, was contented and enjoyed my life (from seventeen upwards then!), but wasn't really in there and did feel I was missing something... that life didn't seem real! I think that I started to feel part of life in my early thirties and found it at first fantastic!! It was wonderful to feel the passion of life and the emotional rollercoaster, to actually get angry about things was wonderful!! However, now that I have tasted these emotions and got caught up in life, I think that being an observer was much healthier! I am pleased that I have really felt life but I would like to go back to the calmness I had when I was younger, but yet still be connected rather than cut off, which perhaps I was. So I think it is quite tricky to be just an observer, although I do agree with you John, but I think that it is positive to be fully engaged and awake too. Meditation is probably the answer with support from books, like-minded people and prayer. A friend has just lent me the book by Thich Nhat Hanh called Answers from the Heart, which I would thoroughly recommend. He is a Vietnamese Zen Buddhist monk in his eighties, this particular book is 'practical responses to life's burning questions'. Collette Date: Thu, 24 Feb 2011 21:58:00 -0800 From:

Subject: Re: [herniasupport:2184] bad dream To: I've learned some neat things through the process of dissolving my severe, life long depression (it's now gone). Primarily, that identification with the body and the mind is the cause of suffering. The trick is to give up that identification. Because reality, which is beyond the mind, cannot be described (to the mind reality is a frightening, dark void) a ... read more View profile Thanks, Abe! - Show quoted text -

More options Feb 28, 4:13 pm

John LelandView profile Dear Collette,

More options Feb 28, 6:37 pm

There was no misunderstanding, in my view. I wasn't trying to "correct" you, but felt it important to clarify my earlier statements. For me the goal is understanding, not imposing a particular interpretation of the incredible array of events we experience. The sharing in this group is incredible! And, after I sent my message I saw your post that gives more details about your life, which makes it clear why you felt as you did during the age periods you wrote about earlier. What a story! If you are interested, please send me an email at so I can communicate more on the subject of pschotherapy (I love your metaphor of the ladder -- that really nails the process). John Leland ________________________________ From: collette star <> To: hernia support group <> Sent: Mon, February 28, 2011 12:50:03 AM Subject: RE: [herniasupport:2199] bad dream Dear John,

Thank you for your letter. I really appreciate you taking the time to explain your earlier post in such detail and I am sorry that I misunderstood you. I do now realise the difference between the two states, and can see where I was when I was younger and where I am trying to go now, and that its completely different. Thank you for helping me with this and for the books that you talked about which I am looking forward to reading. I think that you are incredibly brave to have faced your depression as you did. I can't write anymore at the moment, but will as soon as I can. Thank you again. Collette ________________________________ Date: Sun, 27 Feb 2011 11:05:57 -0800 From: Subject: Re: [herniasupport:2193] bad dream To: Dear Collette, I dont want to stray too far from the topic of hernia healing, but it seems to me that how we relate to our hernias or other conditions depends on how we relate to, and understand, ourselves. So Ill go ahead on this track. First, I want to say that I am not promoting any particular belief system, and that I am not an advocate of blind belief or adherence to dogma. But I will say that a sort of blind belief in ones intuition and inner guide is essential for finding truths that can be confirmed by direct experience. Ill include a brief autobiographical note at the end of this message that explains why I encourage people to never give up in their search for peace and true happiness. You wrote: So I think it is quite tricky to be just an observer, although I do agree with you John, but I think that it is positive to be fully engaged and awake too. Meditation is probably the answer with support from books, like-minded people and prayer. These words suggest a choice: between observing or engaging, and other words you wrote express the sense of alienation or connectedness that result from these choices. The critical question is: Who is making the choice and what accounts for the results? As long as one is identified with the body/mind, it feels as though the person is making the choices, which subjects the person to reactions to the choices. What Ive come to realize is that the sense of presence that we all experience throughout our lives is whats real, while what we experience is not real. It is our presence that lends a sense of reality to experience. The troubles start as soon as we identify with experiences and see ourselves as bodies moving through an outer world separate from ourselves instead of being a single point of awareness witnessing the constant coming and going of events in consciousness. Shifting ones sense of identity from the person to the witness does not result in indifference or disengagement. On the contrary, it results in freedom from

self concern, intense, causeless joy, genuine compassion and spontaneous acts of charity. Yes, you are right. Meditation, keeping company with like-minded people and constantly, earnestly investigating yourself are the keys for shattering wrong thoughts and wrong identifications. Reading Thich Nhat Hanh is of tremendous value! ___________________________________________________________________________ __________ The Power of Depression: Thirteen years ago (at age 56) I experienced a severe collapse into suicidal depression, was incarcerated in a psychiatric hospital for a month and was given a variety of antidepressantsfor the first time in my life (I had suffered from depression in my youth and throughout my life, and had managed it in adulthood through psychotherapy). The medications didnt help: In fact, they produced gross physical and psychological side effects. When I was released from the hospital I felt the need to evaluate what I had been told about depression and the drug treatments I had been subjected to, so I tried to find a physician who could deliver a precise diagnosis and prescribe a course of treatment tailored specifically for me, with the kind of certainty that would match the authoritative claim that my condition was a chemical imbalance in the brain (most likely hereditary, I was told) and that I would probably need to be on antidepressants the rest of my life. It didnt take long to discover that there is no such physician. Left to my own resources, I reasoned and intuited that my problem was not a chemical imbalance but a problem of consciousness. It didnt seem rational to assume that a mere chemical imbalance could drive a person into a state of incomprehensible demoralization in which death seems the only way out. I decided to dispose of the medications and conduct an experiment. At that point I had given up on the idea that suicide was a solution and decided to investigate my depression and its causeswith the willingness to die from depression, if that were to be the natural outcome. Like a research scientist, I began observing my life closely: studying my thoughts, moods and reactions; correlating situations and my reactions and going into the terrible, dark despair that would awaken me in the early morning hours. After several months of this work (during which I dragged myself out of bed and forced myself through daily routines), I awoke early one morning into a particularly dark space. It felt as though I was at the bottom of a deep well. In my minds eye I could see the opening of the well as a tiny circle of light far above me, and I felt utter hopelessness. In that moment, I surrendered. I mentally addressed my invisible oppressor: I dont know who you are or what you are or what you want, but I give up. In less than the blink of an eye my despair turned into bliss. The incomprehensible demoralization of depression turned into its incomprehensible oppositeabsolute certainty that nothing could ever harm me. It was like being instantaneously transported from total engrossment in an intense horror picture on a movie screen to the unmoving, unmodulated, silent and serene center of the bulb in the projector. That state remained with me for a couple of days, during which I was totally free from anxiety and concern. I went about my business in a state of clarity

and openness. My responses to situations were totally spontaneous and precise. Thrilled though I was about the experience, I didnt expect it to happen againI figured it was some sort of fluke. But it did happen again several more times, and has reoccurred over the years when I have surrendered to intense fear. I mentioned these experiences to a friend, who referred me to Eckhart Tolles book The Power of Now; she wanted me to know that Tolle had gone through a similar experience. I read Tolles book and others, and relied heavily (and still do) on the brilliant insights of the late author Alice Miller. My depression has been completely dissolved, and I now enjoy the marvelous sense of peace that comes with escaping from the tyranny of the mind. It was very satisfying to recently discover Irving Kirschs book The Emperors New Drugs, because his research validates the results of my own experiment: There is no proof that depression is a chemical problem and that antidepressants produce a beneficial chemical effect (benefits, when they occur, seem to be caused by the placebo effectby the power of the mind). Collette, I included this piece of personal history to encourage others to trust themselves and to resist whatever doesnt feel true (if it doesnt feel true, it isnt). Specifically about depression, I can say that it saved my life because it drove me to find who I really am (you could say that my depression served an important purpose). Ive recently been contemplating the paradox of nearly being killed by what ultimately brought me freedom, and want to explore that. Thanks for your post! John Leland ________________________________ From: collette star <> To: hernia support group <> Sent: Thu, February 24, 2011 11:14:44 PM Subject: RE: [herniasupport:2185] bad dream When I was in my early twenties I remember thinking that I felt like an observer in life and didn't really seem to be as part of it as others. I never got angry or frustrated, I just sortof floated along. I had friends, was contented and enjoyed my life (from seventeen upwards then!), but wasn't really in there and did feel I was missing something... that life didn't seem real! I think that I started to feel part of life in my early thirties and found it at first fantastic!! It was wonderful to feel the passion of life and the emotional rollercoaster, to actually get angry about things was wonderful!! However, now that I have tasted these emotions and got caught up in life, I think that being an observer was much healthier! I am pleased that I have really felt life but I would like to go back to ... read more

MaththewView profile

More options Feb 28, 7:36 pm

Wallace collett, what is "steiner education".

John LelandView profile Hello Sai,

More options Feb 28, 8:40 pm

Doesn't sound like a hernia to me, unless it's a less common type. I would ask the "experts" who say it's a hernia for more information. What kind? How does this kind of hernia get produced? What is the recommended "fix" (not just surgery, but what would be done in surgery). John Leland ________________________________ From: Sai Kumar <> To: Cc: John Leland <> Sent: Fri, February 25, 2011 12:14:05 PM Subject: Re: [herniasupport:2189] bad dream Hi, It is after a long gap, I want to share my experiences/confusions. A year and half ago, when lifted a 50 poung cat litter bag for my pet I had experienced a sudden jolt in my right testicle. I did not pay much attention and continued with my gym and weight lifting. Due to continued pain and unfortable situation, I consulted with my doctor who identified it as hernia and recomended surgery. The surgeon said h is on both the sides, need to operate one at a time, and I was fully prepared for surgery. But due to a change in my work schedule, i had to travel continuosly and did not get a chance to have that 'one week rest after surgery time'. Now that I got time and decided to get it past, consulted another expert surgeon(who has more than 20 years of experinece into this). Surprisingly, this surgeon goes " i don't see any bulge and there is nothing to operate!". He thinks it could be a muscle strained due to weights lifted. Now, I am very confused. I don't know what to do? I have all the same symtoms of a hernia, 2 physicians and one surgeon diagnosed it as h, but one (expert) surgeon says there is no h. CT scan did not find any h either. This is a great news for me. I should celebrate it actually. But, literally confused. Good points: Can do all the things normally

Negative: Can not lift weights over 10 pounds, no gym, no jogging etc. Always feeling of something in the right groins and above. This is a great group and I want to know if anyone has similar experiences. Thanks in advance. Sai Kumar On Fri, Feb 25, 2011 at 2:07 PM, John Leland <> wrote: Collette, >Thanks for your comments. I want to respond, but my schedule is jammed today. >Important stuff, in my view, and I will send my thoughts at the first >opportunity. >John Leland ________________________________ From: collette star <> - Show quoted text ________________________________ From: "" <> - Show quoted text -

collette View profile star Hi Matt,

More options Feb 28, 11:43 pm

Steiner education are schools that have been developed from the ideas of a man called Dr Rudolf Steiner, I have cut and pasted a bit about them from their website. My experience of Steiner schools has just been the early years. The classrooms are incredibly beautiful with natural colours and play equipment, no plastics or remote controlled toys anywhere! There are lots of wild flowers and handmade toys. Children start to read and write at the age of seven and until then they play, bake, garden, go for walks, sing songs, listen to beautiful stories and make artworks....... rather like what they get up to at home! Collette Rudolf Steiner & Steiner Schools The first Steiner school opened in Stuttgart in 1919 for children of workers at the WaldorfAstoria cigarette factory. The school's benefactor was managing director, Emil Molt, who asked Dr Rudolf Steiner to found and lead the school in its early stages. This philosopher and scientist's insights inspired what has become a worldwide movement of schools that espouse and promote universal human values, educational pluralism and meaningful teaching and learning opportunities. This progressive, international schools movement is noted by educationalists, doctors, policy-makers and parents for the effective

education that it offers children. The ideas and principles which inform the education provide a credible and thoughtful perspective to the debate on education and human development. Steiner schools are always co-educational, fully comprehensive and take pupils from 3 to ideally eighteen. They welcome children of all abilities from all faiths and backgrounds. The priority of the Steiner ethos is to provide an unhurried and creative learning environment where children can find the joy in learning and experience the richness of childhood rather than early specialisation or academic hot-housing. The curriculum itself is a flexible set of pedagogical guidelines, founded on Steiner's principles that take account of the whole child. It gives equal attention to the physical, emotional, intellectual, cultural and spiritual needs of each pupil and is designed to work in harmony with the different phases of the child's development. The core subjects of the curriculum are taught in thematic blocks and all lessons include a balance of artistic, practical and intellectual content. Whole class, mixed ability teaching is the norm. Date: Mon, 28 Feb 2011 10:36:44 -0800 From: Subject: RE: [herniasupport:2202] bad dream To: collett, what is "steiner education".

Maththew View profile Wallace collette, what is "educational pluralism".

More options Mar 1, 1:50 am

wilson strausserView profile Hello Collette;

More options Mar 1, 4:30 am

Do you know how the teachers tell which children are from another planet? Is this why my teachers and advisors spent minimal time with me? Now I am REALLY curious! Wilson From: To: Subject: RE: [herniasupport:2198] bad dream

Date: Mon, 28 Feb 2011 07:18:35 +0000 Hi Wilson, Somebody I once knew used to be in the airforce and said that his plane was in close contact with a ufo. The ufo was huge, it just watched them for a little while and then flew off at a strange angle at incredible speed. He said that he felt a peaceful presence from the craft, his own plane was carrying warheads and although the alien craft was able to detect this, they just watched for a little while and left. There is something in Steiner education that acknowledges that some children are from another planet but tells teachers not to alarm the childrens parents with this knowledge...... Best regards Collette From: To: Subject: RE: [herniasupport:2194] bad dream Date: Sun, 27 Feb 2011 18:24:45 -0500 Hello again, Collette; I expect truth be known we are all hybrids of both human and alien DNA. There are historical indications showing sudden bursts of human creativity that point in the direction of higher intelligent influence from out side sources such as pyramid construction and other wonders of the old world we can't figure out how to do even with modern technology. You are correct about my spiritual alignment. My happiness peaks when I do good for others. Following scriptural guidelines never leads me astray. Wilson From: To: Subject: RE: [herniasupport:2191] bad dream Date: Sun, 27 Feb 2011 06:32:20 +0000 Hi Wilson, I have attributed my detachment from life early on to psychological factors rather than alien involvement. I was taken away from who I thought were my parents, but who were my grandparents, when I was about 5, and given back to my young mother, who I thought was my sister, and her new young husband. I was brought up with them until I was seventeen. The separation from my grandparents was handled very badly, also my mother did not have the same bond with me as she did with her other children and my stepfather turned out to be very aggressive and frightening. Due to this I have had quite a lot of emotional pain in my life and my detachment helped me to cope. I was not told about my past which led to lots of pain and searching. Finding out has been a huge relief, although still very sad. Your experiences of early life sound very painful too. It

sounds like you are still searching to make sense of your past, the way you were treated and why you felt the way you did. From earlier posts it is clear that having faith is very important to you. Spirituality has really helped me too and still does, but so did psychotherapy. Theres not always answers but it can help you heal and work through past pain. Psychotherapy to me feels a bit like climbing a ladder, you can take a pause at each step if you have to, but once you have made that step you never go back and life is a little bit clearer, there is a little more light where real happiness and joy can seep through! On the alien subject, I do definitely believe there is life on other plants and very probably that aliens watch earth but further than that I find it a little bit too scary to think about.... although it would be nice if there were kind and peaceful aliens bringing peace and healing to our planet and the people on it! Collette From: To: Subject: RE: [herniasupport:2186] bad dream Date: Fri, 25 Feb 2011 09:00:38 -0500 Hello Collette; I can relate to your detachment from life early on. I never felt like I belonged here. Even my own family treated me like an outsider. I soon wondered if I was adopted; but I have found sufficient recorded evidence to put that thought to rest. I have come to believe we are all multiple spirit entities; the dominant one being who we believe we are. When I look into the mirror I do not see who I believe I am. The mortal part of me doesn't seem to be part of the spirit part of me. I was a loner in school. Even the school counselor kept his distance when my father suddenly died from a stroke. That event caused me to withdraw from society even more. I was never convinced I was above average intelligence until I took several tests on my own revealing an IQ in the middle 140's. When i announced to my classmates I was not going to college they reacted in unbelief andI couldn't understand why. Apparently they thought I was smarter than I did. The main reason I opted for the USAF is my poor memory. No matter what a person's IQ; without a half-decent memory no amount of studying will work. For whatever reason I have been held back in life. Every time I have tried to fit into an elevated life position things went wrong; and yet; I have done well enough to be retired early with few financial concerns. Certainly there is evidence along the way that I have been protected from major pitfalls in life (that many fatally succumb to) by spiritual presence. So what am I trying to say? People like you and me may not be entirely human! This may very well be why we have trouble understanding our position in society. I remember sitting in the upper portion of the one-acre lot where I am told I was raised from a

baby. I may have been very young or I may have been a young teenager. That part is unclear and sometimes I think it was just a dream; but I can't be sure. I didn't know where I was at first; in total darkness; so dark I couldn't see my hand in front of my face; which then scared the hell out of me and I began to panic; and as soon as that emotion took hold the darkness began to be replaced with light; gradually; and I looked up to see an unbelievably large metal ball with pyramid-like spikes all over the surface; slowly ascending directly above me! My thought to this day is that my alien family dropped me off on earth to perform a task for my race of aliens! When the spiked-ball spaceship rose to treeline clearance it slowly began to rotate in the northerly direction and move that way. I watched it as it sailed over Neversink mountain six miles away and at that point a fear welled up inside me that they left me forever; and at the same time thought for sure the ship would crash just over the mountain; but the crash never came! Was this reality or a dream? I still cannot determine which. I do know there are websites which have accounts related by others very similar to mine. There are rumors of alien experiments with human DNA. Are some of us alien-human cross-breeds? If so I would like to meet those who are responsible for my high IQ with poor memory! It is a cruel joke! Wilson From: To: Subject: RE: [herniasupport:2185] bad dream Date: Fri, 25 Feb 2011 07:14:44 +0000 When I was in my early twenties I remember thinking that I felt like an observer in life and didn't really seem to be as part of it as others. I never got angry or frustrated, I just sortof floated along. I had friends, was contented and enjoyed my life (from seventeen upwards then!), but wasn't really in there and did feel I was missing something... that life didn't seem real! I think that I started to feel part of life in my early thirties and found it at first fantastic!! It was wonderful to feel the passion of life and the emotional rollercoaster, to actually get angry about things was wonderful!! However, now that I have tasted these emotions and got caught up in life, I think that being an observer was much healthier! I am pleased that I have really felt life but I would like to go back to the calmness I had when I was younger, but yet still be connected rather than cut off, which perhaps I was. So I think it is quite tricky to be just an observer, although I do agree with you John, but I think that it is positive to be fully engaged and awake too. Meditation is probably the answer with support from books, like-minded people and prayer. A friend has just lent me the book by Thich Nhat Hanh called Answers from the Heart, which I would thoroughly recommend. He is a Vietnamese Zen Buddhist monk in his eighties, this particular book is 'practical responses to life's burning questions'.

Collette Date: Thu, 24 Feb 2011 21:58:00 -0800 From: Subject: Re: [herniasupport:2184] bad dream To: I've learned some neat things through the process of dissolving my severe, life long depression (it's now gone). Primarily, that identification with the body and the mind is the cause of suffering. The trick is to give up that identification. Because reality, which is beyond the mind, cannot be described (to the mind reality is a frightening, dark void) a good practice is to simply deny reality to the body and the mind. Let come what comes and let go what goes in life, without attachment. Become the observer, dispassionately watching the movie of life, and continuously denying reality to any of it, including the body and mind. You cannot deny the reality of your on-going presence (which preceded and will survive the body), but you can deny reality to the temporary illusions that float by endlessly. Let them come and go. Remind yourself always that you are not the body nor the mind. It works for me. A saint was nearing death, and was moaning and groaning with pain. When his concerned disciples inquired about his condition, he said, "There is pain, but there is no suffering." John Leland From: "" <> To: Sent: Thu, February 24, 2011 9:30:21 PM Subject: Re: ... read more herniasupport Home Discussions About this group Apply for group membership View this group in the new Google Groups Ultra Sound massage the area of hernia? Options Messages 1 - 25 of 30 - Collapse all Joseph View profile I'm considering the purchase of this: Newer > More options Apr 3 2009, 8:41 pm ultra sonic massager to massage my abdomen after doing the exercises. Anyone have any thoughts? Also, what are Boyd's exercises? I've heard them mentioned but have never actually read them. Where are they? Anyone have a link? Joe

Otto SummerfieldView profile

More options Apr 4 2009, 1:14 am

Hi Joseph! I had a friend who had used ultra sound with a pain in his elbow, and it removed the pain. If you got the money, go for it. I bet it will speed healing. Keep us posted, please! - Show quoted text -

Juba View profile

More options Apr 4 2009, 3:10 pm

I have no experience with ultrasound. I do think using a vibration massager could help to get the hernia contents to retract back where they should be, especially when you are lying on your back. While you are waiting for someone to post a link to Boyd's exercises, click over on the "Pages" link at the top right hand side of any discussion page in this forum. You will find some interesting stuff there. See the page I posted about "restful position for hernia healing." As I suggested, using a vibrator may may enhance the beneficial effects of this lying position. If I ever need to do it, I will just borrow my girlfriend's vibrator that she uses for other purposes ;-)

Juba View profile

More options Apr 4 2009, 3:22 pm

Here's the link to Boyd's exercise ideas:

Discussion subject changed to "boyds excercises" by Maththew Wallace Maththew View profile More options Jun 15 2010, 1:25 am Wallace joseph, you ask about the boyd excercises. i seem to remember that he talked about "crunches". that is like a situp. but you go only about halfway up. i think that if you google

crunches you will get it.

Discussion subject changed to "Ultra Sound massage the area of hernia?" by Maththew Wallace Maththew View profile More options Jun 14, 8:43 pm Wallace joseph, i remember boyd. he said that he did "crunches". that is something like a situp. also i asked him whether he wore the truss. he said about 50% of the time. the ultra sound machine sounds interesting. maybe it helps with the prostate. has anyone heard of HIFU. you can google it and you will see that it is used for the prostate. matt

wilson strausserView profile Hi Matt!

More options Jun 14, 11:23 pm

Ultrasound has a good ring to it. I wonder if a hand - held vibrator would work well too? I have considered consulting a chiropractor to get that take but never followed through because I feel my H is going away with time. Wilson - Show quoted text -

Maththew View profile Wallace

More options Jun 16, 4:21 pm

wilson, a fellow from canada said that his doc told that the HIFU is the latest treatment for prostate. the doc also said that it would be very expensive in can and that he might go to cuba where he said they have the HIFU machine. do you have an issue with urination. anybody? maybe one of us could find more about it. matt

Dutty BoukmanView profile

More options Jun 16, 4:29 pm

Google Baking Soda and Cancer. Cancer is not a disease. Cancer is a busyness. - Show quoted text -

wilson strausserView profile Hi Matt;

More options Jun 17, 2:28 pm

Yes; my urination is weak at times but if I drink like I am supposed to it gets stronger. I just don't think about drinking much. I suspect if I drink more my weak stream will strengthen. I've had my prostate checked recently and it is apparently normal. Wilson Date: Thu, 16 Jun 2011 08:21:41 -0700 From: Subject: RE: [herniasupport:2286] Re: Ultra Sound massage the area of hernia? To: wilson, a fellow from canada said that his doc told that the HIFU is the latest treatment for prostate. the doc also said that it would be very expensive in can and that he might go to cuba where he said they have the HIFU machine. do you have an issue with urination. anybody? maybe one of us could find more about it. matt

Discussion subject changed to "liquid chlorophyl" by Maththew Wallace Maththew View profile More options Jul 2, 3:52 am Wallace one doc told me to get "liquid chlorophyl". it comes from a company in a place called spanish fork, utah. however, a lady here with naturalistc leanings said--nonsense, just put some parsley or some other green in a blender with water, blend and strain and you have a better product at a fraction of the cost. makes sense to me. has anyone had any experience with this or been advised to use it. matt

wilson strausserView profile Hi Matt;

More options Jul 2, 5:59 am

I just happen to have a good quantity of fresh parsley in my herb bed. How is it supposed toi be used? Wilson Date: Fri, 1 Jul 2011 19:52:23 -0700 From: Subject: [herniasupport:2289] liquid chlorophyl

To: one doc told me to get "liquid chlorophyl". it comes from a company in a place called spanish fork, utah. however, a lady here with naturalistc leanings said--nonsense, just put some parsley or some other green in a blender with water, blend and strain and you have a better product at a fraction of the cost. makes sense to me. has anyone had any experience with this or been advised to use it. matt

Maththew View profile Wallace

More options Jul 3, 12:00 am

hi wilson, there are so many ideas and conflicting ideas. i dont know if anybody has "the truth". however, a lot of places tell you to get chlorophil and any green leafy veg has to have it. anyway you can blend parsley with tomatoe for example and make a sauce or you can blend parsley with water and strain and get what they call "liquid chlorophil".

quiet spiritView profile

More options Jul 3, 1:02 am

On Jul 1, 7:52 pm, Maththew Wallace <> wrote: > one doc told me to get "liquid chlorophyl". it comes from a company in a place called spanish fork, utah. however, a lady here with naturalistc leanings said--nonsense, just put some parsley or some other green in a blender with water, blend and strain and you have a better product at a fraction of the cost. makes sense to me. has anyone had any experience with > this or been advised to use it. matt Matt, I think you would do well by using a search engine like Google and find out much of this info for yourself better yet check it out on one of the health sites I list below. Just the other day, I stumbled on an article by Dr Joseph Mercola praising the goodness of Spirulina and Chlorophyl. Spriulina is regarded as much better and both of them have similar nutriments for our bodies. Spirulina is said to be very good for sleep, relieves gas and it has many useful vitamins and minerals for the body. It also has way more protein than red meat (this is why I bought it about 3 days ago I am not a meat eater and as you know we need much protein to rebuild the muscle and tendon to keep the H in). I started using the Spirulina at about half the recommended dosage and it has been all right so far (I still use many other supplements the

brand of Spirulina I bought is manufactured by Natures Way). I notice that Dr Weil does not speak too well of Spirulina and Chlorophyl, saying that there is no scientific evidence that they are as good as spoken about. However, I believe Natural News and Dr Mercola who claim that the goodness of Spirulina has been noted centuries ago, backed up by much research. Good health to the Group quiet spirit

Dutty BoukmanView profile

More options Jul 3, 3:17 am

I have the liquid chlorophyl, but we also make a green smoothie and use parsley, and leafy greens, plus banana or orange juice to sweeten it. Xylitol is an excellent sweetener with a glycemic index reading of 7. Chewing xylitol gum 4 times a day 4 2 years produced 90% fewer cavities in children 5 years later. I'm sipping a half teaspoon of xylitol in a half cup of water 4 times a day. Bacteria can't digest xylitol, so they can't produce the acid that produces cavities. You can sweeten green smoothies with xylitol too. Bless your hearts, Dutty - Show quoted text -

Dutty BoukmanView profile

More options Jul 3, 3:37 am

Hi Quiet Spirit! Chlorella removes toxins, including mercury. I took a tablespoon, and got horribly ill overnight. I suspected it was the chlorella, so I took a teaspoon the next night. I damn near died. My son had the same experience. I got some chlorella tablet. They said, "Take 10." I took a half a one, and I felt a slight nausea, nothing I couldn't handle. So I would recommend caution. Bless your hearts,

Dutty - Show quoted text -

Dutty BoukmanView profile

More options Jul 3, 4:34 am

We put it in the blender, add a little water, and push the button; then we add turnip greens or collards, etc. - Show quoted text -

wilson strausserView profile

More options Jul 3, 4:57 am

Dutty; You damn near died and all you recommend is caution? I guess I'll pass altogether! lol Wilson - Show quoted text -

wilson strausserView profile

More options Jul 3, 4:59 am

Dutty; Ever try cinnamon as a sweetner? I use it on my oatmeal with blueberries and skip the sweetner altogether. Wilson From: To: Subject: Re: [herniasupport:2293] liquid chlorophyl Date: Sat, 2 Jul 2011 22:17:25 -0400 I have the liquid chlorophyl, but we also make a green smoothie and use parsley, and leafy greens, plus banana or orange juice to sweeten it. Xylitol is an excellent sweetener with a glycemic index reading of 7. Chewing xylitol gum 4 times a day 4 2 years produced 90% fewer cavities in children 5 years later. I'm sipping a half teaspoon of xylitol in a half cup of water 4 times a day. Bacteria can't digest xylitol, so they can't produce the acid that produces cavities. You can sweeten green smoothies with xylitol too. Bless your hearts,

Dutty - Show quoted text -

wilson strausserView profile Hello QS;

More options Jul 3, 5:03 am

I take some of my herbs at bedtime with Concord wine and sleep very well along with niacin, fish oil, policosinol and magnesium. Wilson - Show quoted text -

Dutty BoukmanView profile

More options Jul 3, 5:43 am

I really didn't damn near die, I just felt like it. lol U might not have the toxins I have. Might have been me, but my son had a similar reaction. I was sick, no doubt. Bless your hearts, Dutty - Show quoted text -

Dutty BoukmanView profile

More options Jul 3, 5:47 am

Yeah, we use cinnamon all the time, but it's the real cinnamon as oppose to the commercial cinnamon. At the moment I'm not eating any grains. Trying to shed a few pounds. But cinnamon would take the place of a sweetner . . . easily! Bless your hearts, Dutty - Show quoted text -

wilson strausserView profile

More options Jul 4, 3:27 pm

Be that as it may, Dutty; if it affected your son the same way I won't try it for sure! Wilson From: To: Subject: Re: [herniasupport:2299] Re: liquid chlorophyl Date: Sun, 3 Jul 2011 00:43:13 -0400 I really didn't damn near die, I just felt like it. lol U might not have the toxins I have. Might have been me, but my son had a similar reaction. I was sick, no doubt. Bless your hearts, Dutty - Show quoted text -

wilson strausserView profile

More options Jul 4, 3:42 pm

Yup; I sent to a NYC supplier...Zenobia Company makers of MySpiceSage brand.... for real cinnamon through the mail....claimed to be from Ceylon; but I don't care where it's from so long as it isn't Cassia....I got a one pound bag for 16.50 that ships free for orders over 40 dollars. They also have coupon codes but I don't know if they apply to cinnamon; the codes changed since I ordered. Wilson From: To: Subject: Re: [herniasupport:2300] liquid chlorophyl Date: Sun, 3 Jul 2011 00:47:16 -0400 Yeah, we use cinnamon all the time, but it's the real cinnamon as oppose to the commercial cinnamon. At the moment I'm not eating any grains. Trying to shed a few pounds. But cinnamon would take the place of a sweetner . . . easily! Bless your hearts, Dutty - Show quoted text -

Dutty BoukmanView profile That's [laying it safe, Wilson! Bless your heart. Dutty - Show quoted text herniasupport Home Discussions About this group Apply for group membership View this group in the new Google Groups Are we still posting? Options Messages 1 - 25 of 29 - Collapse all quiet spiritView profile

More options Jul 4, 10:57 pm

Newer > More options Mar 30, 7:00 pm

Forgive me group, I am simply sending this to see if I can still receive messages from the group... haven't heard from you guys in about 2 weeks, wondering whether its because I have downloaded Internet Explorer 9 and replaced version 8, or what. Hope the group is doing well.. Rgds, quiet spirit ;

View profile

More options Mar 30, 7:48 pm

I've been wondering that myself quiet spirit. - Show quoted text -

John LelandView profile

More options Mar 30, 9:09 pm

Coming through loud and clear ... I, for one, have been quiet lately. ________________________________ From: quiet spirit <> To: herniasupport <> Sent: Wed, March 30, 2011 11:00:53 AM Subject: [herniasupport:2255] Are we still posting? Forgive me group, I am simply sending this to see if I can still receive messages from the group... haven't heard from you guys in about 2 weeks, wondering whether its because I have downloaded Internet Explorer 9 and replaced version 8, or what. Hope the group is doing well.. Rgds, quiet spirit ;

Xavier BoyreauView profile

More options Mar 30, 10:46 pm

On my side i follow some of the discussions but didn t achieve significant results that could be interesting to share ( i only stabilized my hernia since Two year) Xavier Envoy de mon iPhone Le 30 mars 2011 20:48, <> a crit : - Show quoted text -

wilson View profile strausser

More options Mar 30, 11:04 pm

I'm still here and doing great except for a sinus infection; which the wife has too. Hers is bad enough for antibiotic but I think I can tough it out without meds. Otherwise; my incisional hernia continues to slowly improve. Peace; Wilson Date: Wed, 30 Mar 2011 13:09:14 -0700 From: Subject: Re: [herniasupport:2257] Are we still posting? To: Coming through loud and clear ... I, for one, have been quiet lately. From: quiet spirit <> To: herniasupport <> Sent: Wed, March 30, 2011 11:00:53 AM Subject: [herniasupport:2255] Are we still posting? Forgive me group, I am simply sending this to see if I can still receive messages from the group... haven't heard from you guys in about 2 weeks, wondering whether its because I have downloaded Internet Explorer 9 and replaced version 8, or what. Hope the group is doing well.. Rgds, quiet spirit ;

wilson strausserView profile I'm still here QS! Wilson - Show quoted text -

More options Mar 30, 11:09 pm

wilson strausserView profile

More options Mar 30, 11:09 pm

I'm still here, Dutty! Wilson - Show quoted text -


View profile

More options Mar 30, 11:19 pm

I think it is significant it has stabilized; that's positive! - Show quoted text -

View profile

More options Mar 31, 2:05 am

Hi, how ya doing Wilson? - Show quoted text -

wilson strausserView profile Doing well! And you, Dutty? From: To: Subject: Re: [herniasupport:2263] Are we still posting? Date: Wed, 30 Mar 2011 21:05:55 -0400 Hi, how ya doing Wilson? - Show quoted text -

More options Mar 31, 1:31 pm

wilson strausserView profile To All;

More options Mar 31, 3:38 pm

I read this morning about a food grade hydrogen peroxide (37%) ; which (as advertized) when placing 6 to 8 drops in a drink three times per day is supposed to raise the blood oxygen level sufficiently in order that disease-causing elements apparently die off in the higher blood oxygen content made possible by the H2O2.

Is this believable? And if so; would this higher blood oxygen greater encourage natural hernia healing? Comments on this please! Also; I don't remember if I shared this but at the risk of repeating..... I have dropped my total cholesterol from 200 to 179 with Policosinol 10mg daily (one capsule before bedtime). Policosinol is sugar cane wax. It is advertized not to increase blood sugar but my sugar increased from 116 to 143 on it. I have since begun taking "real" cinnamon (not cassia) but have not had my blood counts checked since I started that. I continue to take fenugreek, hawthorn and turmeric as well as 500 mg niacin (straight) and have cut the fish oil down to one capsule; all twice daily. Three fish oil capsules daily has become too aggravating to my system to continue; and in addition I have been and continue taking ginger capsules daily for a happier stomach. I am trying to spread out the supplements to minimize stomach distress. Rounding out the daily supplement program is Alpha Lipoic acid, Bilberry (for better vision) and two baby aspirin (blood thinner). Wilson Date: Wed, 30 Mar 2011 13:09:14 -0700 From: Subject: Re: [herniasupport:2257] Are we still posting? To: Coming through loud and clear ... I, for one, have been quiet lately. From: quiet spirit <> To: herniasupport <> Sent: Wed, March 30, 2011 11:00:53 AM Subject: [herniasupport:2255] Are we still posting? Forgive me group, I am simply sending this to see if I can still receive messages from the group... haven't heard from you guys in about 2 weeks, wondering whether its because I have downloaded Internet Explorer 9 and replaced version 8, or what. Hope the group is doing well.. Rgds, quiet spirit ;

View profile

More options Mar 31, 5:15 pm

Pretty good for a world gone mad! - Show quoted text -

View profile

More options Mar 31, 5:29 pm

You might want to check around, but my understanding is hydrogen peroxide that food grade doesn't mean you can use it internally, but rather that it can be used to wash foods. I think that it may also contain high levels of lead. dutty - Show quoted text -

wilson strausserView profile

More options Mar 31, 8:50 pm

Thank you, Dutty! I'll check that lead issue out! Incidentally; I am not planning on using H2O2 as I have my doubts about the validity of that type of therapy. Wilson From: To: Subject: Re: [herniasupport:2267] Are we still posting? Date: Thu, 31 Mar 2011 12:29:15 -0400 You might want to check around, but my understanding is hydrogen peroxide that food grade doesn't mean you can use it internally, but rather that it can be used to wash foods. I think that it may also contain high levels of lead. dutty - Show quoted text -

View profile

More options Apr 1, 1:03 am

I have a book on that therapy, and it's supposed to be very good, but hp is pretty volatile, especially in the stronger strengths. I decided not to fool with it.

dutty - Show quoted text -

wilson strausserView profile

More options Apr 1, 3:00 am

Probably a wise choice, Dutty. Anyway; H2O2 is naturally produced internally. Doesn't the body know how much is enough? Why mess with the amount externally? Wilson From: To: Subject: Re: [herniasupport:2269] Are we still posting? Date: Thu, 31 Mar 2011 20:03:58 -0400 I have a book on that therapy, and it's supposed to be very good, but hp is pretty volatile, especially in the stronger strengths. I decided not to fool with it. dutty - Show quoted text -

Maththew View profile Wallace

More options Apr 1, 5:31 am

i seem to remember a dr campbell who wrote about H2O2 therapy. he left it open. said more study is needed. Unsubscribe Sent from my iPhone

View profile

More options Apr 1, 5:39 am

On Mar 31, 2011, at 3:16 AM, Xavier Boyreau <> wrote: - Show quoted text -

wilson View profile

More options Apr 1, 11:52 am

strausser Looks like we are all arriving at the same conclusion, then and H2O2 is better left alone. Perhaps the H2O2 our bodies manufacture is much safer than the synthetic stuff we buy in bottles. Maybe there should be a different name for one of those....natural vs. manufactured. Wilson Date: Thu, 31 Mar 2011 21:31:50 -0700 From: Subject: RE: [herniasupport:2271] Are we still posting? To: i seem to remember a dr campbell who wrote about H2O2 therapy. he left it open. said more study is needed.

Maththew View profile Wallace

More options Apr 3, 2:43 am

hi group, i noticed that the h reduces much easier if i lie face down (prone). wish someone would let me know if they have the same experience. well, i am talking about the inguinal. matt

Discussion subject changed to "acid vs alkali" by Maththew Wallace Maththew View profile More options Apr 4, 3:18 am Wallace we hear a lot about "acid and alkali forming foods". e.g. meat is acid vegs are alkali. they seem to say that alkali is good and acid is bad. i wonder what if you eat only alkali. can you be too alkali.

View profile

More options Apr 4, 3:51 am

Yes, if you eat the same green you can get alkilosis - Show quoted text -

View profile

More options Apr 4, 5:34 am

Sure, caustic soda is alkaline. Burns bad. Eating the same greens gives you too many of the same alkaloids. Not good. We need variety. Hunting and gathering (lol at the local supermarket) - Show quoted text -

Discussion subject changed to "Are we still posting?" by wilson strausser wilson strausserView profile More options Apr 4, 12:40 pm High Matt; I have noticed with my almost healed incisional; h; when I am standing is the most prominent exposure (which at this point is now very slight as "natural" healing continues...thank you all for continued prayers!). Lying on my stomach there is no evidence in swelling and I feel nothing unusual in the h area. Gravity apparently has the greatest effect when standing on my feet. When sitting now h disappears. I expect the increased physical activity I am experiencing with daylight savings time has helped tone those muscles around h; a definite benefit for healing. My diet is the best of all my 64 years in this human body; also a benefit; plus the current herbal regimin. Everything is working together. Wilson Date: Sat, 2 Apr 2011 18:43:20 -0700 From: Subject: RE: [herniasupport:2274] Are we still posting? To: hi group, i noticed that the h reduces much easier if i lie face down (prone). wish someone would let me know if they have the same experience. well, i am talking about the inguinal. matt

gunes karabagliView profile

More options Apr 4, 4:30 pm

Hi Wilson, My h is very similar to yours. But unlike yours mine has got slightly bigger and really affects my mood negatively.

How big was your h compared to its present state? Do you wear a belt all the time? How long has it taken you to get this far? What do you recommend to do in general? Thank you in advance.... Best Regards, Gunes On Mon, Apr 4, 2011 at 2:40 PM, wilson strausser <>wrote: - Show quoted text herniasupport Home Discussions About this group Apply for group membership View this group in the new Google Groups surgery Options 1 message - Collapse all Abe View profile

More options Mar 2, 12:41 am

I was just emailing with someone (not in this group) who had hernia mesh surgery that recently lost his testicle due to damage. Just underscores the importance of the group and the overall goal of natural healing in general. From: [] On Behalf Of Sai Kumar Sent: Friday, February 25, 2011 12:14 PM To: Cc: John Leland Subject: Re: [herniasupport:2189] bad dream Hi, It is after a long gap, I want to share my experiences/confusions. A year and half ago, when lifted a 50 poung cat litter bag for my pet I had experienced a sudden jolt in my right testicle. I did not pay much attention and continued with my gym and weight lifting. Due to continued pain and unfortable situation, I consulted with my doctor who identified it as hernia and recomended surgery. The surgeon said h is on both the sides, need to operate one at a time, and I was fully prepared for surgery. But due to a

change in my work schedule, i had to travel continuosly and did not get a chance to have that 'one week rest after surgery time'. Now that I got time and decided to get it past, consulted another expert surgeon(who has more than 20 years of experinece into this). Surprisingly, this surgeon goes " i don't see any bulge and there is nothing to operate!". He thinks it could be a muscle strained due to weights lifted. Now, I am very confused. I don't know what to do? I have all the same symtoms of a hernia, 2 physicians and one surgeon diagnosed it as h, but one (expert) surgeon says there is no h. CT scan did not find any h either. This is a great news for me. I should celebrate it actually. But, literally confused. Good points: Can do all the things normally Negative: Can not lift weights over 10 pounds, no gym, no jogging etc. Always feeling of something in the right groins and above. This is a great group and I want to know if anyone has similar experiences. Thanks in advance. Sai Kumar On Fri, Feb 25, 2011 at 2:07 PM, John Leland <> wrote: Collette, Thanks for your comments. I want to respond, but my schedule is jammed today. Important stuff, in my view, and I will send my thoughts at the first opportunity. John Leland _____ From: collette star <> To: hernia support group <> Sent: Thu, February 24, 2011 11:14:44 PM Subject: RE: [herniasupport:2185] bad dream When I was in my early twenties I remember thinking that I felt like an observer in life and didn't really seem to be as part of it as others. I never got angry or frustrated, I just sortof floated along. I had friends, was contented and enjoyed my life (from seventeen upwards then!), but wasn't really in there and did feel I was missing something... that life didn't seem real! I think that I started to feel part of life in my early thirties and found it at first fantastic!! It was wonderful to feel the passion of life and the emotional rollercoaster, to actually get angry about

things was wonderful!! However, now that I have tasted these emotions and got caught up in life, I think that being an observer was much healthier! I am pleased that I have really felt life but I would like to go back to the calmness I had when I was younger, but yet still be connected rather than cut off, which perhaps I was. So I think it is quite tricky to be just an observer, although I do agree with you John, but I think that it is positive to be fully engaged and awake too. Meditation is probably the answer with support from books, like-minded people and prayer. A friend has just lent me the book by Thich Nhat Hanh called Answers from the Heart, which I would thoroughly recommend. He is a Vietnamese Zen Buddhist monk in his eighties, this particular book is 'practical responses to life's burning questions'. Collette _____ Date: Thu, 24 Feb 2011 21:58:00 -0800 From: Subject: Re: [herniasupport:2184] bad dream To: I've learned some neat things through the process of dissolving my severe, life long depression (it's now gone). Primarily, that identification with the body and the mind is the cause of suffering. The trick is to give up that identification. Because reality, which is beyond the mind, cannot be described (to the mind reality is a frightening, dark void) a good practice is to simply deny reality to the body and the mind. Let come what comes and let go what goes in life, without attachment. Become the observer, dispassionately watching the movie of life, and continuously denying reality to any of it, including the body and mind. You cannot deny the reality of your on-going presence (which preceded and will survive the body), but you can deny reality to the temporary illusions that float by endlessly. Let them come and go. Remind yourself always that you are not the body nor the mind. It works for me. A saint was nearing death, and was moaning and groaning with pain. When his concerned disciples inquired about his condition, he said, "There is pain, but there is no suffering." John Leland _____ From: "" <> To: Sent: Thu, February 24, 2011 9:30:21 PM

Subject: Re: [herniasupport:2183] bad dream That's what my teacher told me too. He told me that all there was was energy, and that it was a facet of our configuration that brought about the world that we all know, that we are the ones creating the world we see--and as we know there are people who don't have the power to spin our world. We call them either mad or retarded. The energy is there for all . . . who have the power, the personal power, to assemble the world. Dutty - Show quoted text -

What is Ankle-pump practice Any problem with your blood circulation? If so, Ankle-pump practice will be answer. We're sure that Ankle-pump practice is on the top of health!! I happened to be introduced to Ankle-pump practice by one of my friends. And I tried it for a couple of months but didn't expect much. But the result was unbelievable! I got an excellent result in a very short time. Ankle-pump practice doesn't require much space and you can easily get materials for Ankle-pump practice. With a little effort, you can bring your home healthy life. In the beginning, most people doubted its healing effect. You may be one of them. But just try. You will be amazed by its healing effect within the first week. First, you will be able to have a deep sleep,experience less fatigue, and your stiff neck will loosen. Second, you will find out the circulation of blood in your body is getting better. Third, you will have silky skin due to improved blood circulation. Who invented this? Ankle-pump practice was invented by Inagaki Amisaku who was born in Japan in 1938. He suffered from kidney trouble and diabetics in his youth. While he was searching for the cure, he saw a leaf blown by the wind and he got an idea from this. It is very hard for a tree with several meter height to suck up water to the top it. No matter how hard it tries, capillary action allows it to absorb water only up to 1 or 2 meter. He noticed that leaves have shapes that are easy to receive wind. From this, he got an idea that the absorption may be aided by the pumping caused by the leaves swing up and down by

wind. He discovered the fact that the most important thing for smooth circulation of blood in a body is pumping venous blood back to the heart as follows : Move ankle up and down. Then the muscle of calf contract repeatedly. In this way,the venous blood is pumped back to heart. He named this principle Ankle-pump practice". More than five thousand people with various disease have visited his house in a residential district of Iichy Hyun. They were suffering from hepatocirrhosis(cirrhosis of the liver),high blood pressure,parkinsonism,a brain tumor,diabetics,kidney trouble,heartache etc.. For some of them,their doctors said that they were in the stage of illness beyond the medical treatment. However,these people recovered from the serious disease by simply practicing Ankle-pump practice". Inagaki says... Poor circulation of blood may lead all kinds of illness. Blood circulate freely keeping every cell healthy only if there is a balance between the amount of blood pumped by heart and the amount of blood returning to heart. Blood flows down but doesn't flows up sufficiently in a sick body. As a result,the accumulated waste matter brings illness to the body. It is natural to get into trouble with organs when blood doesn't return from liver,kidney,pancreas,intestines due to the waste matter accumulated inside of the organs. This can also lead to various symptoms can also appear such as constipation,headache,frequency of urination,insomnia,shortness of breath. Then why doesn't the blood in vein flow? That's because blood can't circulate smoothly with the heart itself. How does the blood of healthy person return to the heart? He thought a human being moves his or her leg up and down just like a leave swings in the wind. In that way, the circulation of blood in whole body becomes promoted and the body begins to feel light. When you walk, your foot operates like a pump. Inagaki says, Ankle-pump practice promotes the circulation of blood, as you are running, by stimulating ankle in a lying or sitting posture. The principle of natural healing Let me explain Ankle-pump practice in from a dynamical point of view. The speed of dropped leg is zero at the moment when ankle is hit against the material. The ankle is flexible, so the end of foot repeats this motion by the force of inertia. Mr. Inagaki calls this Lever Theory". In other words, it is "The Principle of Whip". If you bring a whip down without aiming any target,it is no more than a band. It doesn't either hurt or leave you a scar. However,if you whip abruptly aiming something,the end of whip gets to have a speed that is several times faster than the one generated by hand. So if you think of the leg as a whip,then the speed of motion at the end of foot is as fast as the one when you run with all your might. This is how Ankle-pump practice promotes the circulation of blood. In this way, pump operation makes blood circulation clean. As a result, you will be able to boast good digestion, good sleep, good bowel movement, and also enhance natural healing to the extreme degree.

How to practice How to do Ankle-pump practice? Get a piece of wood, a PVC pipe,or a stalk of bamboo that is approximately 30cm length and 6~10cm diameter-if you don't have any of these, an empty beer bottle or a baseball bat can be a substitute. You may also roll old newspaper up to 7~8cm diameter and use them.(Solepressure Therapy Device can be a substitute) Cover the lumber with towel so that you may drop your leg without fear of getting hurt. Then lie on your back(or sit)with placing your ankle on the lumber. Lift a leg about 20~30cm from the ground and bring it down. Then the end of foot get laid spread causing Achilles' tendon to contract. Lift the leg again. Then the end of foot face upward and Achilles' tendon get laid spread. If you repeat these motions,the muscle of calt get laid spread and contract repeatedly. In this way, the pump operation of ankle gets promoted. Repeat this motion about 25 times. Then change the leg and repeat in the same way. In the beginning, some people just place Achilles' tendon on the lumber. However,they will get to drop their ankle as days go by. Increase the number gradually. It is ideal for you to practice Ankle-pump practice 600 times for each leg a day. Practice Ankle-pump practice before meal or going to bed. By the time you go to bed,your whole body is filled with waste matter due to fatigue. If you practice Ankle-pump practice two hundred to five thousand times, the blood circulation of your whole body get promoted. Therefore,waste matter gets eliminated from the system leading you to a good night sleep. If you have matter inside the system,you can't have a deep sleep. It is not the matter of hours you sleep. If someone doesn't have a deep sleep,his blood gets dirty and dirty blood prevents him from having a sleep. In this way,he gets to develop a chronic disease.

Suggestions Practice Ankle-pump practice two to three units on an empty stomach such as right after wake-up, before meals and going to bed. Begin with right foot that is opposite to heart. Then change the leg and practice 25 times each alternatively. It is better to change a leg after practicing Ankle-pump practice dozens of times than alternate legs every single time. It is rather an exercise for muscle than circulation of blood, if you change legs every single time. Keep in mind that Ankle-pump practice is designed for circulation of blood. In some cases, it is okay to drop both ankles at the same time. Drink warm water after exercise. It helps the elimination of waste matter from the system. Don't overdo it. Ankle-pump practice is 100 percent effective as long as you practice it steadily. The elderly,women, and children can use rolled newspapers or towels. Ankle-pump practicehas a marvelous effect only if you perform it minimum number of times(at least 500) steadily. If you practice Ankle-pump practice for the treatment of a disease, it is okay to practice Ankle-pump practice more than two hours. Posture and the height of foot Practice Ankle-pump practice while lying or sitting. Lift a leg 10 through 30cm from the ground and drop on the exercise tool. Be aware that it's not hitting against the tool. When you lift your leg, make sure that your ankle is not folded but straight. Also, don't exert your strength on the foot so that the foot may shake when it is dropped. While practicing Ankle-pump practice with a leg, press the exercise tool with the other leg so that it wouldn't roll. Ankle-pump practice is not an exercise for muscle. Therefore you don't have to use your strength. Also, be careful not to hurt any bone.

Effect & Experience The General Effect of Ankle-pump practice Ankle-pump practice is good for modern people who hardly walk. It promotes the circulation of blood in the whole body. And it also helps the kidneys to purify the waste matter inside the body. As a result, you will find yourself becoming much healthier. Once you begin, you will realize that the circulation of blood in your body is getting prompted and you will be in good health. You will be able to boast good digestion, deep sleep, good bowel movement, if you continue Ankle-pump practice. Try Ankle-pump practice two or three times a day before going to bed(It helps you to have a deep sleep)or after you wake up before breakfast. If you have high blood pressure, your blood pressure will go down as you continue. Some people have recovered from the serious illness which doctors have given up treating. And others say even helped them to lose weight. Diabetics Eyesight Liver cirrhosis Heart attack Constipation Backache. Palsy Hypertention Athlete's foot Gout ProstatismItchy of atopy Athlete's foot If anyone invents a medicine which can heal athlete's foot completely, he or she deserves Novel Prize. In other words, it is very hard to cure athlete's foot completely. However,with the help of Ankle-pump practice, you can make it possible. No special methods, such as applying candle on the region of athlete's foot, is required. Indeed, you don't need anything. As long as you practice Ankle-pump practice, athlete's foot will disappear just like magic, provided that you avoid sweet stuff and keep yourself from consuming food such as bread,rice cake,deep fried food that delays recovery for this time. Try Yahoo! Groups Chat Beta! Now available on the left menu. Read more... Home Activity within 7 days: (No Activity)


This group space offers information about the SRE = 'StressReleaseExercise'. Here any problem or question showing up when practicing this exercise, will be answered. We do not talk about religion, no small talk and we should keep posts essential. This is a moderated group and no advertising will be allowed. Any thing about stress and related topics like other ways to prevent or manage stress can be discussed. We might talk about healing in general and the basic conditions to heal oneself. We understand that healing must include the whole and is a process, a challenge and if seen in a positive light, then real healing can happen. The necessary base for this can be created through the SRE and other ways like meditation, watch my video at: or Sun gazing, read my page: Being more relaxed one will be open for new views and become self responsible, getting out of dependencies and also will open up one's intuition. On our path, which is a *growing process*, we encounter all kind of obstucles, sometimes up to our limit. In this group we can find support and advice how to deal with it. We want to communicate in a friendly but clear way, supporting each other creatively. We welcome everybody with whatever beliefs or concepts, religious or materialistic or in any social position. Important is only that you want to deal in a creative way with your daily stress and the disturbing symptoms it is causing. Here you find an exercise which is effective and easy to do, with all the help you might need if something gets in the way. In no way and never there is money involved. Feel free to join us. You also can do the Exercise with the advice given at my Web site, then you can join us later. Go directly to: BeiYin List owner and Moderator Stress Release Exercise BeiYin What it is What's the benefit How to do it

What is the "Stress Release Exercise"? It is a method to release stress, so that one becomes more relaxed and emotionally and mentally balanced. This has its influence on the body and can prevent all kind of diseases and is also the basic condition for each healing process. Everybody can do this exercise and can have great benefit from it, it doesn't matter which lifestyle one has or in which situation

or condition one is at this moment. And for sure this exercise does not depend on one's beliefs or concepts, philosophical, religious or materialistic. . With the 'Stress Release Exercise' I want to help you to enter into a state of relaxation in an easy way and that you can learn to respond and relate to daily life situations without getting into stress or at least that the stress which is not possible to be avoided, can be released and doesn't accumulate. . The exercise is easy to do, you don't need to join a group or a seminar, you can do it all by yourself and you can start right now. There is no 'ritual' necessary, just plain information and a clear advice - and then you just need to practice. . The information I am distributing, like all what is offered from me and FalconBlanco, is totally for free. If there is any problem showing up, the best is you read my advice again and then practice the exercise again. If it still doesn't seem to work, then you can write to me using the feedback form at the end of this page and I will answer as soon as possible. You can phone me and ask for advice. Or there is the possibility that you join the 'StressReleaseExerciseYahoogroup', where you have a platform to ask questions or give your comments or having an exchange with other people. This 'Stress Release Exercise' is available to every body and every where, one only need to do it. You can listen to some more thoughts watching my video about meditation or you can listen to the audio at this page. . If you ask me what gives me the 'credentials' to give advice and talk here, then I can tell you that I have been doing this exercise for about fifty years. It helped me in all kind of difficulties and also to stay alive and healthy, or when I got sick, to heal myself. Not only this, it gives me the calmness, security and the trust to go on, even it seems impossible. I am convinced that due to the 'Stress Release Exercise' I never had depressions, although there have been more than enough reasons for it. . Seeing all the suffering around and that there is wasted so much energy, I feel urged to share my experiences and give freely advice about the exercise, so that people can get out of the vicious cycles they are trapped in and so can heal themselves and enjoy their existence and life. I am convinced that the 'Stress Release Exercise' is the easiest and most effective way to achieve this. What is the benefit from practicing the 'Stress Release Exercise'?

Having practiced it for some time, one becomes more relaxed and then is able to relate and respond in a different way to whatever shows up in one's life. By being more relaxed and not building up tension in daily life one is able to observe in a more objective way: not just out of ones limited conditions responding from there, but in a more wholesome way and being able to understand better oneself, because one gets to know oneself in all aspects of ones being. Not only this, one also is able to understand others viewpoints and one is more effective in every thing one is doing or trying to reach. One gains a new attitude and a new focus which then changes and betters one's responses. Then one might want to change one's 'bad' habits, because one is realizing that these are not favorable for oneself. One will become more aware and so more critical about what one takes in or does and one can decide if this is really what one wants. One will live healthier on all levels of one's existence. One will not need to demonstrate anything anymore, not needing to provoke or manipulate others to get what one wants, so being less dependent on others and the surrounding... - Self expression will gain a new dimension. Doing the exercise regularly one can prevent that tension builds up, accumulated stress is released and so one is preventing many diseases that are resulting from stress. There are much more benefits, you will find out yourself when having practiced regularly for some time... How to do the "SRE" You can do the 'Stress Release Exercise' anywhere. To start with, you might choose favorable conditions. Find a quiet place where you can be without disturbance by too much noise or other influences. You shouldn't be under the effect of alcohol or any kind of drugs, you shouldn't be too tired or exhausted. Sit comfortably, if possible with a straight back, then you can begin. Twenty minutes each time is enough, you can do it twice a day: in the morning and in the evening. But at least once a day and this every day. Every day!! Maybe you will need to force yourself a little bit the first few days, but then after three weeks it will be an established habit and you will do it, not wanting to miss it anymore. . Later on, when you are used to the exercise, then you can do it also only for a few minutes in-between, when you feel that you are getting into stress. For example when you get stuck in a traffic jam or waiting in your office for a phone call, you just close your eyes and do it... *** OK, now you sit down and close your eyes. You are comfortable? Yes. OK. Now: You don't need to do anything, nothing at all!!

You just sit there and - you are aware of it... What means that you are aware of your body. You are aware that you are sitting there. You might be aware of the silence or some noise in the near or far background. But you don't do anything! You are just aware of what is there. You don't focus or concentrate on it, you are just aware of it, - nothing else. Then what might happen is that you are aware of being lost in some thoughts, what means that you went into thoughts about something, it doesn't matter what this is. That is all right and part of the exercise. What means that you don't want to avoid thoughts or any feelings, you don't suppress what comes up. Just let it happen, without judging it or giving any special importance to it. Just let it happen... and observe it. So there is a way that will help so that you don't go constantly from one thought into another: The moment when you are aware that you are thinking, then you just switch to being aware of your breathing. The same: You don't focus or concentrate on your breathing, you are just aware of it. Without wanting to do anything about it, just observe it! This might go on for a while and then again you find yourself lost in some thoughts. That's all right! So then you go back to observing your breathing. And so on and on... Then it might happen that there are moments when there are no thoughts and no awareness of yourself or your surrounding and it seems you were falling into sleep. This too is all right, don't worry about it, if you were really falling into sleep, then you will wake up soon, probably you were just relaxing and needed it... Just be aware of yourself and the state of being you are now. Maybe you are indeed more relaxed... So you get up and go to your daily work... What else? This 'Stress Release Exercise' is so easy to do that there shouldn't be any difficulties practicing it. But for some people it might appear 'too easy to be true', mostly because they have been doing similar exercises before and these were more complicate, so now they mix up the exercises and do things they are not ask for and then it doesn't work... . Remember: If there is any problem showing up, the best is you read my advice again and then sit down and do the exercise again. If it still doesn't seem to work, then you can email me by using the feedback form at the end of this page and I will answer as soon as possible. If you are having difficulties and you don't feel comfortable and in turn want to stop practicing the exercise, just ask for help. You can join my Yahoo group 'StressReleaseExercise', where you can ask questions and also post your comments having an exchange with like minded people. . If now you are convinced and you are practicing your exercise and you are experiencing the benefits of it, then it might be that you want to participate in our initiative to let others get to know

about the 'Stress Release Exercise'. Just share with your friends the link to this page or print the text out... BeiYin Stomach Swelling and Symptoms of a Hernia Hernia is an abnormal protrusion of internal organs through an abnormal opening in the wall of the abdomen. Its a combination of increased pressure within the body and weakness in the body wall that damages the abdominal wall leading to protrusion through the thin membrane and stomach swelling. The abnormal protrusion of internal organs is mainly portions of intestines or abdominal fatty tissue. It will form a swelling which will increase the size with coughing, lifting weight and while passing stool and urine. In lying down position the stomach swelling goes inside except in strangulated and irreducible hernia. Small hernias may not cause a serious problem, but large hernias can lead to heartburn and chest pain. The affected organs may suffer shortage of blood supply. When this occurs, a surgical assistance may be needed. Causes of a hernia Some of the common causes leading to hernia 1. Weakness in the body wall

Congenital weakness. Acquired weakness due to injuries, wear out of muscles, suppurating lesions in the wall and presence of weak natural openings, obesity, lack of exercise, repeated pregnancy. Surgical operation with improper suturing or sepsis of operated site. 2. Increased pressure inside the body

Chronic constipation Recurrent cough Weight lifting Stricture of urethra Straining during a bowel movement or urination Lung disease Fluid retention in abdominal cavity Pressure on abdomen during pregnancy Symptoms of a hernia The symptoms of a hernia depend mainly on the site of hernia you are affected by. In the early stages, a slight lump that doesnt hurt when touched may be noticed. As the disease progresses, it becomes painful and keeps swallowing. The lump increases in size when you

cough or sneeze. In most cases, it can be pushed back, but it will bulge again in a few minutes otherwise, you may be suffering a strangulated or irreducible hernia. Other common symptoms of a hernia include:

Heartburn, worse when bending over or lying down Chest pain Belching Soreness of the groin or pain in the groin by bending A painless lump Stomach swelling or tender protrusion Difficulty in swallowing Blockage of the esophagus Sites of a hernia Some sites of hernia are as follow:

1. Inguinal hernia Here the stomach contents protrude through the inguinal canal - passage in the lower abdominal wall just above the inguinal ligament which can be seen on either side. Inguinal hernia is common in males. At the beginning, the stomach swelling occurs only while straining and disappears while lying down. Later the large portion of intestine may stick out and hardly go back again. 2. Femoral hernia Femoral hernia occurs when the abdominal contents pass through the femoral canal which is seen just below the junction between the thigh and lower abdominal wall (Inside the femoral triangle).The contents pass downwards and comes out through saphenous opening in the thigh and forms a swelling under the skin. Femoral hernia commonly occurs in females. 3. Umbilical hernia Umbilical hernia is common in children and can be present at birth. The umbilicus is the weaker part of the abdomen. The contents of the abdomen may protrude as a bulb like stomach swelling while crying and defecating. 4. Incisional hernia Incisional hernia is seen in operated areas. This type of hernia is due to improper suturing or sepsis during operation that causes incompletely healed surgical wound or weakening of the operated area. 5. Epigastric hernia Here the hernia occurs in the epigastrium at the midline of the stomach, between the breastbone and the navel. It is a rare type hernia. Due to the presence of hard bony covering the chest wall, it is normally not affected. 6. Lumbar hernia Lumbar hernia is a hernia that occurs in the lumbar area on either side of the lumbar spine (in the lumbar triangle). Hernia in the lower back (lumbar) area is also rare due to spine, back muscles and tough ligaments. 7. Obturator hernia This is also a rare type of hernia. Here the contents pass through obturator foramen in the pelvic bone.

8. Indirect inguinal hernia This is an inguinal hernia that is an outcome of the failure of embryonic closure of the internal inguinal ring after the testicle has got through it. 9. Direct inguinal hernia A direct inguinal hernia is a type of inguinal hernia that protrudes through a weakened area in the transversalis facia near the medial inguinal fossa. 10. Spigelian hernia This is a hernia that protrudes through the spigeilan fascia. 11. Hiatal hernia Hiatal hernia occurs when a part of the stomach protrudes above the diaphragm. 12. Herniated disc A disc that, due to use, injury or disease, bulges outside its normal area, causing leg and low back pain ruptured disc and limiting function. Complications of a hernia 1. Strangulation If the hernia opening is narrow the abdominal contents may not go back easily and later cause blockage of blood flow to the herniated tissues. This will cut the blood supply and cause death of protruded intestine. In this case you must visit your doctor immediately because it can get worse as time passes. This type of hernia can also present vomiting symptoms and the strangulated area is always painful. Strangulated hernia may need surgery, but hernia surgery is an easy operation that succeeds in almost all cases so there's no need to fear and delay it. You may also suffer from asymptomatic reducible hernia. The signs and symptoms of this hernia are a little different. First of all, pain can appear before the affected area begins to swallow and the lump is discovered. Besides the original lump you may discover another lump in the groin or in the abdominal wall. The herniation's size may vary depending on your position - It is bigger when you stand and smaller when you lie down. Irreducible hernia, just as its name suggests, can not be pushed back. This usually means that an old hernia is transforming, and complications can appear. It can easily lead to strangulation of the tissue. It also has some other different symptoms like vomiting. 2. Intestinal obstruction This occurs when the whole portion of the intestine is protruded in to the hernial sac. The narrow hernial opening will block the passage of bowels. 3. Infection and peritonitis If there is strangulation with death of a portion of intestine there will be spread of infection to the stomach resulting in peritonitis inflammatory disease of the peritoneum. Conclusion

In conclusion, symptoms of a hernia may include stomach swelling, chest pain, heartburn, painless lump and difficulty in swallowing. In addition, hernia can occur anywhere in the body. However the most common site of occurrence is the abdominal wall (may lead to abdominal swelling). Two reasons for this are: 1. Compared to other parts the abdominal wall is weak due to the presence of some natural openings. 2. There are some areas wherein the abdominal muscles are weaker and thin. Custom Search Treating Inguinal Hernia What to Expect After Surgery and Complications On this page,

About inguinal hernia What is inguinal hernia? Symptoms of inguinal hernia Causes of inguinal hernia Risk factors Diagnosing inguinal hernia Treating inguinal hernia Recovery time for inguinal hernia What to expect after inguinal hernia surgery Complications of inguinal hernia surgery Conclusions About inguinal hernia Inguinal hernia is a very common disorder that affecting millions of people yet many do not well-informed about its existence. Considered to be a surgical disease, inguinal hernia accounts for thousands of annual operations worldwide. What is inguinal hernia? Inguinal hernia is a common type of hernia in the area of the groin that occurs when some of the tissue that is part of the intestine protrudes through a spot in the abdominal wall. As a result, chronic groin pain hernia symptom and irregular swelling can manifest. Pain intensifies when patient of inguinal hernia lifts something heavy (power lifting), coughs or performs certain types of movements. Symptoms of inguinal hernia Inguinal hernia usually generates mild, unspecific symptoms, which can be misleading in establishing the proper diagnosis. The symptoms are different from person to person, but there are some that appear quite often. The most common symptoms of inguinal hernia are groin pain, lump, a large bulge that can easily be seen and felt, and intestinal blockage in more severe cases. Also, men often complained of sharp pain in the scrotum. Other symptoms of

inguinal hernia include abdominal pain and discomfort (which intensify with intense physical effort or sudden moves), abdominal bloating and nausea. Causes of inguinal hernia There are many factors that can lead to the development of inguinal hernia, include birth defects, internal disorders or acquired weaknesses of the abdominal wall. Inguinal hernia usually occurs on the background of a weak lower abdominal wall, allowing the internal soft tissues to pierce through it. Risk factors Inguinal hernia affects men more than women. Moreover, this type of hernia has the highest incidence in the elderly, people who constantly endure physical effort and smokers. Even some children have been found with inguinal hernia but these cases were uncommon. Inguinal hernia can sometimes appear at newborns because the congenital weakness of abdominal wall. In these cases, it can easily be detected since the bulge / irregular swelling created is visible, especially when the child coughs. Diagnosing inguinal hernia Many inguinal hernia patients may not experience any symptoms at all and even some are asymptomatic, rendering the process of diagnosing the disorder a lot more difficult. The only reliable means of detecting inguinal hernia involve MRI scans (magnetic resonance imaging), X-ray scans, computerized tomography and laparoscopy. Since inguinal hernia usually develops latently, most cases are discovered long after they develop complications, thus needing emergency surgical treatment in treating their inguinal hernia disorder. However, if the disorder is found in time, patients have the possibility to decide whether they will have their hernia surgically repaired or not. Treating inguinal hernia The disorder itself is not dangerous, but if it is not treated it may cause severe complications that may even lead to death in some extreme cases. This is why doctors recommend surgery as soon as inguinal hernia is starting to cause pain or it is starting to grow. Now, how long is the recovery time for inguinal surgery? What to expect after inguinal hernia surgery? And are there any complications of inguinal hernia surgery? Lets take a look. Recovery time for inguinal hernia surgery In the past, the surgery for inguinal hernia involved a large opening in the abdomen followed by a long time spent in the hospital for recovery from hernia surgery, but nowadays the surgical techniques have improved a lot and the operation can be done in a much easier way and without weeks of recovery time in the hospital. What to expect after inguinal hernia surgery Besides from being difficult to diagnose, inguinal hernia also leads to many post-operative issues. Although the surgical intervention in treating inguinal hernia is a simple procedure that involves minimal risks, it cant always prevent the disorder from reoccurring. In fact, the

majority of patients that suffer surgical hernia repair experience an aggravation of the disorder in time. Hence, in many cases the surgical treatment for inguinal hernia only gives temporary relief, and most of these patients require further medical treatment because of complications. Complications of inguinal hernia surgery Medical scientists have conducted various experiments in order to establish whether surgical intervention is recommended or not for patients with uncomplicated inguinal hernia. One recent study reveals that patients who decide to delay surgery generally experience the same symptoms as patients who suffer surgical interventions. However, another recent experiment suggests that there is a greater chance for patients who have suffered surgery to experience more intense symptoms than patients who decide not to have their inguinal hernia surgically repaired. Considering the fact that complications of inguinal hernia surgery may happen, many doctors recommend surgical intervention in treating inguinal hernia only to patients who suffer from complicated inguinal hernia, suggesting that surgery is not the best option in the treatment of the disorder. In fact, most medical professionals consider surgery to be a last-resort procedure in the treatment of inguinal hernia. Statistics reveal that the patients who have their inguinal hernia surgically corrected can in time experience a relapse of the disorder and they are actually more exposed to developing complications than the patients who delay their surgery. The exact causes of reoccurrence of inguinal hernia in patients who have suffered surgical intervention remain unknown. But, the post-operative recurrence rate of inguinal hernia in patients is very high. In many cases, the factors that contribute to the recurrence of inguinal hernia in patients who undergo surgery in treating inguinal hernia are associated to native predispositions. These sufferers tend to have a weak abdominal wall or other internal physiological abnormalities. Hence, they should be aware about what to expect after inguinal hernia surgery. The categories exposed to the highest risk of relapse are: Patients with native defects of the internal organs (gastrointestinal problems) Patients with physiological abnormalities of the abdominal wall Patients whose careers involve intense physical activities Patients who fall into these categories are advised to delay their inguinal hernia surgery for as long as possible, in order to prevent a recurrence or even an aggravation of the disorder. Conclusions Although the occurrence of inguinal hernia cant be effectively prevented, you can prevent the development of complications. Now that you know what to expect after inguinal hernia surgery and complications of inguinal hernia surgery, if your inguinal hernia disorder is timely diagnosed, mild and uncomplicated, probably the best option for you in treating inguinal hernia is to keep the hernia under control and to delay surgery for as long as possible. You should avoid intense physical effort and reduce the amount of stress in order to prevent further aggravation of the disorder. Also, you must make regular visits to their doctors for physical examination. This way, you may be able to delay surgery for many years. Infant Umbilical Hernia Causes, Symptoms, Swelling, Operations, Cures Umbilical hernia is a very common abnormality of the navel - depression in the center of the belly marking the site of attachment of the umbilical cord - that occurs in most babies' first

years of life. Lets learn further about this infant umbilical hernia disorder, what causes an umbilical hernia, possible operations and cures for umbilical hernia. Umbilical hernia happens when the umbilical ring is fails to shut appropriately, making the abdominal content sticks out under the skin through the umbilical hole and in turn leading to the swelling of the belly button or navel. Apart from being "in-aesthetic", umbilical hernia raises no major physiological issues and there is almost nothing to be worried about. What causes an umbilical hernia? The umbilical hole, or the umbilicus, or the navel is the healed scar situated in the lower abdominal area. Through it the umbilical cord enters the body while the infant is still inside his mother, and through the cord vital substances are passed to the fetus. After birth the umbilical cord is cut off and the small opening that remains should quickly close in. But, in some cases it does not close as it should, so a small 'crack' remains open. In these cases a part of the abdominal content, the intestines usually, pokes through this opening, contributing to infant umbilical hernia. Common symptoms of umbilical hernia This type of hernia is a mild form of hernia that doesn't interfere with the normal development of the infant. The swelling of the belly button induces babies a state of local discomfort and sometimes a small degree of soreness. The bulb (like stomach swelling) that is created is more visible when the child coughs, sneezes, or cries. In some cases, umbilical hernia can be accentuated by the infants' movement and straining. The disorder doesn't generate any other symptoms and it involves no risk of complication. Although infant umbilical hernia may sound and look serious, the disorder is in fact a very mild physiological affection. Umbilical hernia operations are rarely needed in most cases. Risk factors Umbilical hernia is a post-natal abnormality of the belly button that occurs in more than 10 percent of all babies. This umbilical abnormality is commonly developed by girls and prematurely born infants and it is usually revealed in babies older than 6 months, rarely occurring prior to this age. Diagnosing infant umbilical hernia Umbilical hernia can be easily revealed by a physical examination and the process of diagnosing the disorder doesn't involve performing additional tests. Cures for umbilical hernia Unlike other forms of hernia (such as epigastric hernias, hiatal hernia, etc.), which commonly require operative intervention, the cures for umbilical hernia rarely involves operation. It generally disappears on itself within the babies' first years of life. Commonly, the hernia shrinks and heals by itself when the child reaches the age of 3. Statistics also indicate that more than 90 percent of umbilical hernias disappear by the age of 12 months without medical intervention.

When medical intervention is needed or demanded, doctors usually choose to correct infant umbilical hernia through other means rather than through umbilical hernia operations because of the mild character of the disorder. In order to correct this type of hernia, doctors usually choose to strap up the umbilical region with sterile bandages after carefully pushing the prominent extremities of the belly button back into place. After the belly button has been correctly positioned, the straps will prevent it from sticking out, allowing the belly ring to heal properly. By using this technique, infant umbilical hernia heals very fast, leaving babies with no visible scars. However, in more severe cases, the disorder does require medical intervention such as umbilical hernia operations. This happens if the hernia persist for a few years (rarely, umbilical hernia can even persist until kindergarten or primary school), causing children further distress and discomfort, or if the hernia strangulates the tissue that pushes out, cutting its blood supply. If this happens operative intervention should be done as soon as possible. Umbilical hernia operations succeed in 99.99% cases, especially if the doctor's indications about the short recovery period that comes after the surgery are carefully followed. Its very simple and doesnt involve any risks. The incisions performed during the surgical intervention are small and they heal without leaving any permanent marks. Conclusion Infant umbilical hernia is caused by an improper close of the umbilical ring leading to the protrusion of the abdominal content through the umbilical hole. Symptoms of umbilical hernia include swelling of the navel, mild discomfort and soreness. Generally it is not dangerous at all in most cases dont need further treatments or cures for umbilical hernia include umbilical hernia operations it will most likely push back on its own. But if you suspect any complications visit a healthcare provider as soon as you can. Epigastric Hernias Epigastric Hernia Surgery and Symptoms A painless, hard epigastric swelling may be a sign of epigastric hernia or a stomach cancer or a lipoma a tumor consisting of fatty tissue. We'll first take a look at epigastric hernias, epigastric hernia surgery and symptoms in this article. Epigastric hernias Epigastric hernia is a type of abdominal wall hernias that develops in the epigastrium the area lying on or over the stomach just between the breastbone and tummy button. Epigastric hernia occurs when the abdominal muscle get weaken causing the tissues of the abdomen to protrude through the muscle. It is typically occurred in infants but can happened also in adults. Symptoms of epigastric hernia Common symptom of epigastric hernias is a painless epigastric swelling or bulge. In infants, epigastric swelling can be seen while the sufferer is crying, having a bowel movement, or other activity that gives pressure to the abdomen. In more serious cases of epigastric hernias, a strangulated hernia may occur. Common symptoms of a strangulated hernia include color

changes of the swelling area (deep red or purple color), severe pain, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and stomach swelling. Epigastric hernia surgery The purpose of epigastric hernia surgery is to repair the muscle defect (weakening area) and put the hernia sacs back into the right place. If the area of muscle defect is not significant, it can be sutured closed and keep there permanently to prevent the occurrence of epigastric hernia. If the hernia cannot be repaired with this method, the surgeon may enlarge the defect, replace the mass, and repair the opening wit interrupted monfilament sutures on a cutting needle. Surgical repair of hernias is called a Herniorrhaphy. In most cases, small epigastric hernias is usually not a medical emergency and often can be healed without a hernia surgery. In cases of moderate size, non complex epigastric hernia, surgical repair can be done under local anesthesia as a out patient. The local anesthesia will keep the patient relax, comfortable and pain-free during the short procedure. To manage pain associated with the surgery, a prescription or over-the-counter drug may be given. Younger patients will need special care and preparation for the surgery. Epigastric hernia surgery for younger patient is usually performed by a pediatric general surgeon or colon-rectal specialist. In infants, the hernia may disappear without medication as the infant grows and the abdominal muscles become stronger. If this is not the case, then operation can be performed on the infant when the infant is older and stronger enough to tolerate the correction procedure. Hernia repair operation is recommended for potential ongoing pain or complications because of the existence of this hernia. When there's a weakening or opening in the muscles or tendons of the epigastrium, the nerves and tissue in the affected area as well as the surrounding tissue may be irritated and extended leading to pain or soreness. It also causes symptoms of soft / hard epigastric swelling - a bulge within the abdominal contents (hernia sacs). When its size grows, it may trap, block or damage the intestine leading to strangulation or incarceration hernia. An incarceration hernia is not life-threatening, however it may become dangerous when it gets strangulated, blocks the blood flow and causes the death of tissue that is affected. If this is the case, an emergency surgery is required. Complications of epigastric hernia operation Major complications of epigastric hernia surgery include returning of hernia, wound infection, bleeding, bruising, swelling, numbness, injury to intestine or other intra-abdominal organs. If you have been diagnosed with epigastric hernias, or are questioning if your hard epigastric swelling or other symptoms may be symptoms of epigastric hernia, either way you must identify and address the physical problems that are causing the discomfort with your doctor and take any action accordingly. If your hernia is life-threatening, you should proceed with an epigastric hernia surgery immediately.

Symptoms of a Hiatal Hernia Include Back Pain - Fix Hiatal Hernias Learn about what is a hiatal hernia, various medical symptoms of a hiatal hernia such as chronic epigastric pain, hernia reflux, etc., whether symptoms of hiatal hernia include back pain or not, and fix hiatal hernia through correction or pulling of stomach, surgery, etc. in this article. What is a hiatal hernia? Hiatal hernia is a type of hernia where the abdominal wall presses against the esophageal hiatus - the opening in the diaphragm which the esophagus enters the abdominal cavity causing a part of the stomach protrudes above the diaphragm. The esophageal hiatus along with the lower esophageal sphincter functions as a valve to ensure that the food from the stomach does not return back to where it came and prevent the content of the stomach from passing into the esophagus. If the muscles get weak and the abdominal pressure increases, the hiatus will stretch so much that the content of the abdomen or the upper part of the stomach will poke through the esophageal hiatus thus causing hiatal hernias. Risk factors Hiatal hernia affects both men and women equally. Although it can happen at any age, the disorder has the highest occurrence in elderly people. Hiatal hernias are also common in obese people and in people who often endure extreme physical effort (weight lifting). Medical symptoms of a hiatal hernia Small hiatal hernias In the early stages, most hiatal hernia cases don't show any obvious medical symptoms thus usually it is found out when one visit the doctor for a routine check. But as the disease progresses symptoms are starting to appear. Among these there is heartburn, chest pain, abdominal pain, vomiting, nausea, gas, bad breath, acid reflux and rarely some infections. These medical symptoms of a hiatal hernia usually intensifies when leaning forward, straining, lifting heavy objects and during pregnancy. Symptoms such as heartburn, vomiting and nausea from the hiatal hernia tend to become worse after meals. Large hiatal hernias In rare cases, the hiatal hernia may get worse when the content of the stomach that thrusts into the chest cavity become strangulated or impair the blood supply to the stomach, resulting in the death of part of the stomach. Several large hiatal hernia symptoms include difficulty swallowing, belching, esophagus disruption, heartburn, nausea, chronic chest pain, chronic epigastric pain, etc. Does symptoms of hiatal hernia include back pain? Well, medically hiatal hernia shouldn't cause any back pain at all but in several cases, hiatal hernia did include back pain. In these cases, the most possible reason of the back pain is when a swollen esophagus - because of the arising of acids - touches the spine. The esophagus is located closely to the spine thus any swelling of the esophagus may cause the esophagus to touch the spine and lead to back pain. This is why some patients of large hiatal hernia might complain about their back pain.

These medical symptoms of a hiatal hernia occur because of the reflux of the abdominal content inside the esophagus. In addition, hiatal hernia has parsyntoms that are multifactorial, like esophagitis and peptic ulcer. In worse cases chest infection appears in the hernia. Type of hiatal hernias

Sliding hiatal hernia, where the hernia occurs in the area above the diaphragm Sliding hernia is a very common type of hiatal hernia. Its not dangerous, but it may cause reflux esophagitis, which was noticed in any people that suffer from hiatal hernia. Some of them were also suffering Barrett's esophagus due to the hernia. Barrett's esophagus may present dysphagia or reflux symptoms. Paraesophageal hiatal hernia, where the hernia occurs in the area below the diaphragm Paraesophageal hernia may present several medical symptoms of hiatal hernia such as incarcerations or more acute epigastric pain, because of strangulation. This type of hernia is not very common but it is dangerous, life threatening probably. Occasionally complications like stomach strangulation appear but in most cases this does not happen. Diagnosing hiatal hernia When doctors suspect the presence of hiatal hernia in patients, they usually perform additional tests in order to confirm the clinical diagnose. Hiatal hernia can be revealed by X-ray scans, MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) and computerized tomography. Nowadays, the disorder can be quickly diagnosed with the means of a laparoscope. Treatment of hiatal hernia Unlike other types of hernia (e.g. infant umbilical hernia, epigastric hernia, etc.), this disorder rarely needs surgery correction for pulling the stomach and fix the hiatal hernia. In fact, in many cases hiatal hernia doesn't require any medical treatment at all. Surgery for less severe or uncomplicated hiatal hernia is not needed since it can be effectively treated by making lifestyle improvements. Following a recommended diet for hiatal hernia patient and a healthy eating schedule have showed to be very effective ways of correcting hiatal hernia. Also, patients of hiatal hernia are advised to avoid weight lifting and straining in order to prevent complications. Some doctors may suggest the patients to try to lose some weight and not to wear tight clothes too. When patients diagnosed with hiatal hernia complain about unpleasant sensation of various medical symptoms of the hiatal hernia such as heartburn, doctors usually prescribe antacids or other appropriate medications. Correction treatment to pull the stomach or fix hiatal hernia through surgery is only needed for patients with more severe, complicated types of hiatal hernia. Recovery after hernia surgery: the surgical intervention is safe and quick, allowing patients to recover totally within a few days after the surgery. Although hiatal hernia is very common, it is one of the least threatening types of hernia and in many cases the disorder disappears on itself. However, if the medical symptoms caused by hiatal hernia are persisting or very intense, it is best to inform your doctor about this.

Exercises to strengthen the entire muscle system. It is a fact that I healed my inguinal hernia without surgery. Since more than two year there are no symptoms any more, I'm working like before and can lift heavy things. Read about it at:

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@eshinest Fact is that I healed my inguinal hernia (diagnosed by a medical doctor) without surgery and without any medication. This is now five years ago and no symptoms have been coming back. I can work like befor and also lift heavy things. So you can't say that surgery is the only way to repair a hernia. Well, you can say this, but it simply not true. Go for surgery, that's ok for me and after this one or two more, like it happenes with some people I was told... Who's the fool here? FalconBlancoSpain 1 year ago 7

@sunnybulgaria I agree with you, I never heard any argument why it is not possible. Just the simple fact that I healed my inguinal hernia, that's now five years ago & no symptoms have been coming back, is a proof that it is possible. Even though there are hundred thousands of health professionals who say that only surgery can repair an inguinal hernias, then it is obvious that they are wrong. Doesn't tell this that the whole health system stands on shaky feet? Self responsibility? Unwanted! FalconBlancoSpain 1 year ago 5 see all All Comments (137) Reactions (0) Sign In or Sign Up now to post a comment!

@FalconBlancoSpain how did u repair ur hernia without surgery? i need some tips... NeoCarterDip 1 month ago

@dpotter2113 The testimony of hundreds if not thousand of people can not be dismissed. I've had many friends that healed their hernia using these techniques. As a massage therapist and a biologist I can tell you that there is no reason that the muscles can not be repaired. There is no scientific reason that Strengthening and toning the muscles of the abdominal could not lead to healing. I think I might have a hernia, though a mild one in very early stages. I'll let everyone know how it goes. keithfury 1 month ago in playlist keithfury's favorites

I like the idea of exercising to strengthen the lower abdomen but still had to have a surgical repair on one side already. The surgery was done orthoscopically (spelling?) and a mess was

implanted. Three days later, I was back to light work and within a week, I was back to the gym, though taking it easy for a couple of months as a precaution. crcmin 1 month ago

I have an umbilical hernia and it has greatly improved by swimming and yoga exercises similar to the ones in this video. I am hopeful that in a few more months it will be completely healed. Thanks for the encouragement BeiYin! I have learned that weight lifting is not well liked by my body, and I am much better off sticking to floor based exercises and swimming moving my own weight. God Bless joedereko 1 month ago

Comment removed Joannacrossdresser 2 months ago

How can you work out the abdominal wall to prevent a hernia? This? Or just normal abb workouts? xXPhoenixSlayerXx 2 months ago

Hey im 16 years old I have had an indirect inguinal hernia for about a year n few months it already bulges out but doesnt hurt do you think I can heel it with these exersises? Mexpolk863 3 months ago

@Mexpolk863 I only can say, that these exercises helped me to heal my inguinal hernia. But the exercises were just part of what I have done. The best is when you go to my Web page where I describe all about. Search for: falconblanco, then go to the health page, then hernia. Important in your healing is, that you don't see yourself as a victim, but your condition as an oportunity to learn & to grow. It is a challenge and you respond by taking self responsibility. A good way to grow up! BeiYin FalconBlancoSpain 3 months ago

@Mexpolk863 As a person who has had bilateral inguinal hernias corrected surgically, I've done my fair share of research and consultation with various doctors. Although strengthening the abdominal muscles is a great way to prevent hernias, it is not a treatment for them, and could possibly make things worse. Everything I have read said there is no "natural" way to correct a hernia. Exercises that strain the abs may lead to strangulation of the organs which requires immediate attention. dpotter2113 3 months ago

@Mexpolk863 That said, if the hernias aren't bothering you and you don't have a lifestyle that requires heavy lifting you can leave them alone, just be aware increases in size, pain, or hardness. If you have the cash, get the surgery. It's definitely not the worst thing in the world. Mine was about $4,000 and required a months leave from work. Pain is only moderate and there is a very low (~1%) chance of another hernia in that area. Best advice is to talk to a doctor, not trust youtube. dpotter2113 3 months ago

@dpotter2113 It is not the question if you have the cash or not. Surgery is not *healing* it is eliminating symptoms, nothing else. That you can see with people who had surgery. One year later they get another hernia and then later another one. I know people who had three times surgery for hernia. I told about it at my Web site. *Healing* includes your whole system on all levels and you need to find out about it and then treat the root cause. It only can be done as a transformation of yourself. FalconBlancoSpain 1 month ago

@FalconBlancoSpain Hippie bullshit from someone with no actual medical knowledge? Seems trustworthy. One year later and my hernias are still repaired. This is why no respects alternative medicine, it's because you have no idea what you're talking about. dpotter2113 1 month ago

@dpotter2113 You are absolutely right: If I would have had a 'medical knowledge' then I would not have tried to heal myself from an inguinal hernia, because the 'medical knowledge' states clearly, that only surgery can repair an hernia. But as I had no 'medical knowledge' so I searched for an alternative way and indeed I had to look for some information for more than half a year, but then treated myself. And you will not able to believe it: I healed myself totally. That's 6 years ago! BeiYin FalconBlancoSpain 1 month ago

@FalconBlancoSpain It is physically impossible to, through yoga and stretching, to A) Retract intestinal tissue into the abdomen and B) seal a gap in the abdominal wall. You're lying to people in order to promote some new age garbage. Idiots like you are the reason that people die of treatable conditions. If you actually had a hernia at some point and "fixed it" with "magic" have fun when it gets strangulated and you require emergency surgery. Let's see you yoga your way out of that. dpotter2113 1 month ago

@dpotter2113 Your words speak for itself and doesn't need any further response. Indeed your condition is not treatable. I leave your comment here as a clear example of a normal person, who represents the ideal client for the established health system. But you better look for other places for your 'self expression'! There are plenty other places who will welcome you... I can't see, that you are even 'funny'. BeiYin

FalconBlancoSpain 1 month ago

@dpotter2113 The testimony of hundreds if not thousand of people can not be dismissed. I've had many friends that healed their hernia using these techniques. As a massage therapist and a biologist I can tell you that there is no reason that the muscles can not be repaired. There is no scientific reason that Strengthening and toning the muscles of the abdominal could not lead to healing. I think I might have a hernia, though a mild one in very early stages. I'll let everyone know how it goes. keithfury 1 month ago in playlist keithfury's favorites

@Mexpolk863 Had a hernia for 5 years. Critical, bump area be supported and intestine kept upward, returned to upward place when it drops. This keeps pain away. (If intestine falls down, pinched off for days, strangulation occurs. That's very dangerous condition. Have to lay down on my back and raise my (right) leg up while gently encouraging the bump (right side hernia condition) back up. Or, lift my hips, while laying down on my back, way high and let gravity pull it slowly back into place. Joannacrossdresser 2 months ago

This video definately is encouraginf me. I was recently diagnosed with an ingural hernia by my physician. He said it would need surgury ASAP. Those words made me nervous. I also read up on the risks and some dont seem fun. Plus money was also a big factor. I will defibately give this a really big shot. ArchfiendMaster666 4 months ago 2

@ArchfiendMaster666 A 'big shot' might not be enough. You really need to engage yourself, having the attitude, that this a *challenge* and exactly the right thing at this moment in your life. Then this will initiate a *transformation* of your whole *being* and free and *heal* yourself! FalconBlancoSpain 4 months ago

@FalconBlancoSpain How long did it takes you to fully heal the hernia? ArchfiendMaster666 4 months ago

@ArchfiendMaster666 Your question 'how long it took to heal my hernia' : When I was diagnosed with my inguinal hernia, then there was absolutely no information if it would be possible to heal it without surgery. I investigated for several months and from every where it only was said: Only surgery can repair this! Even from 'alternative healers' came the same. Even though I continued and started to treat myself. Then it took about half a year. I have reported about it at my Web page... BeiYin

FalconBlancoSpain 4 months ago

there are cures for almost all diseases in the world naturally but are hidden and kept secret or lost, keep it up my friend, May god give you long life and happiness for posting this to help people. contactvanillacandy 5 months ago 3

@contactvanillacandy: For the established mindset,the health system is a very authorian part in it,the world is still flat. We can't change this or do anything 'against' this ignorant state of mind,but we can go beyond the identification with our own mindset.The way how to do this is our daily life, relating & responding to whatever shows up,out of ones own responsibility.Being aware of ones reactions, allows to recognize from where these are coming from, realizing old programs & manipulation. FalconBlancoSpain 4 months ago

Logically it might be possible I imagine (??) if one somehow stops the intestine permanently from hanging out of the hole...because how can it heal if the intestines block the hole and so, prevent it from closing/ healing up? klemens3333 5 months ago

@klemens: There is little 'logic' in the thinking of the established health system.So it is good if we start to use our own.With the result,that we avoid intestines coming out.First by wearing a 'truss' and then by doing exercises that strengthen the muscles and the whole body system.Of course this is not all,we need to include all levels of our *being* & then we might heal also the *root cause* for our present condition.That's indeed *real work* & with this one touches ones *real being*. BeiYin FalconBlancoSpain 4 months ago

@klemens3333 "I am healed", because I just had my surgery, here in poor Chile I paid $US400. :) Yet, I agree with good "FalconBlancoSpain" that only way not to suffer yet another inguinal hernia, is to exercise the abdomen muscles. That's why enjoying more sexual activities only benefit our abdomen muscles in old age. Suludos cordiales, amigo... :) Besides, have a look onto my YouTube side. There I have got musical creativity for relaxation... for you. klemens3333 4 months ago

This helps to strengthen the abdominal wall muscle (in aged persons) and so, might help to prevent a hernia, but it won't cure an existing hernia. Once a hernia exist and the internal organs bulges through a weak area of the abdominal wall muscle, there's no way of curing it,

except surgery. It's, because every time the person affected stands up, his/her organs push through the opening and thus, the opening won't heal this way. klemens3333 5 months ago

@klemens3333 What you are telling here, is the same as all the doctors & healer stated six years ago, when I was diagnosed with an inguinal hernia & was told that this must operated as soon as possible. I refused this & then searched for alternatives, that I could not find anywhere. I treated myself & after one year I was complete healed. So then you might call it a 'miracle' because there "is no way of curing it, except surgery". It was not a miracle, it was *real healing* & so it is possible! FalconBlancoSpain 5 months ago

@klemens3333: Why you are quoting the opinion here from the established health system? We have heard all this when our inguinal hernia was diagnosed. If there is 'no way to cure a hernia except surgery' then can you explain why I could heal my inguinal hernia??? I have healed my hernia six years ago and no symptoms have been coming back. I'm older than seventy years. - Yes, the world is full of mistery, but I believe one can help so that it shows up in ones life... BeiYin FalconBlancoSpain 4 months ago

@FalconBlancoSpain I like to believe you and surely will try to apply your technique in case I get another hernia. Thank you for sharing your wisdom!! Even the surgeon told me that the cause was age-related weakness of the abdomen muscles. Also, in general I noticed that doctors do not care about (distributing instructions for) prevention of these and many other illnesses. They rather prefer to cash in on the consequences. Yes, we live in a "nasty, sordid society". What a shame! klemens3333 4 months ago

@FalconBlancoSpain i am 20 years old. I hav indirect inguinal hernia for the past 3 years. I dont have money to do surgery and my financial position does permit me to rest for 3 months after the surgery ad i have to ride bike for work. Please tell me, can it really be done? can i heal my hernia without any surgery. Awaiting for your answer, which could very well change my life. Trode7 3 months ago

@Trode7: It is tough for you being in such a difficult situation. But don't let you be put down! This condition is a challenge for you that you can see as something positive, because it will let

you grow in your whole being as a human on all levels. So don't feel as a 'victim' and take self responsibility, going forward... I can't give you any guaranty, but I can ensure you, that it can be done, because I have healed my inguinal hernia without help of doctors and surgery. So go for it! BeiYin FalconBlancoSpain 3 months ago

Consider Shouldice Hospital in Canada for your groin (inguinal) hernia surgery. It's well worth the trip. It's a hospital dedicated to hernias only. The surgeons here are experts in hernias. They perform only hernia surgery. They make far fewer mistakes than general surgeons. Each surgeon repairs 3 to 4 hernias a day, about 60 a month, more than most general surgeons do in a year. Patterickcoati 6 months ago

@Patterickcoati Wanting to proof the sense of hernia surgery by quoting numbers, is like justifying war by the number of killed people! On top of this being proud by the sofisticated weapons in modern times! Eliminating symptoms of diseas is like eliminating anemies and this is justified only because they disturb, there is no motive necessary to question anything, asking for the real underlying reason. The leaders, generals or MDs are always right. Who dares to question this? Me! I'm healed! FalconBlancoSpain 5 months ago

Since 1945, Shouldice Hospital says it has done more than 270,000 surgeries, with a reported recurrence rate for hernias of the groin of less than 1%. Recurrence rate is 10% for groin hernias when the procedure is done by general surgeons. That's a number disputed by others, including Dr. Karl A. LeBlanc, president of the American Hernia Society, who puts the U.S. rate between 3% and 5% (still higher than Shouldice). Patterickcoati 6 months ago

Shouldice has been the leader and gold standard in hernia repair surgery. During the 1960s to the 1980s, many general surgeons started adopting the Shouldice or Canadian method. However, many could not duplicate Shouldice's success rate, because the operation is difficult to master without specializing in it. So, they switched to a simpler technique that implants a mesh screen or plug over the weak spot in the abdomnal wall. Patterickcoati 6 months ago

The mesh patch, which holds back the hernia like a tire patch, has now become the most popular method. But debate continues over which is the better approach. At the Shouldice Hospital, the patient pays about $2,300 to $10,000 typically (2001 prices). Most groin hernia surgeries are 1 day outpatient surgeries. Shouldice Hospital keeps the patient there for 5 days, to be sure that the surgery is done right.

Patterickcoati 6 months ago

The 5 day treatment at Shouldice Hospital is included in the price: Day 1: patient is examined. Day 2: surgery, using a local anesthesia. Days 3 & 4: observation and light calisthenics. Day 5: discharge. Patterickcoati 6 months ago

I have an inguinal hernia. In the morning when I wake up the area where my hernia is is basicly flat. After I get up and move around for a little bit the lump appears. Will the exercises work for me? MrHotrod909 7 months ago

@MrHotrod909 Your symptoms are exactly the same as mine, but I'm wondering why there was never any response to your question except for a bunch of removed comments after your entry. mrcando47 7 months ago

(continuation) ("ill just cut the story coz letters are limited") .... does this exercise applicable to my case that i got a "sliding" indirect hernia that it will go back and forth to somewhere in the part of my abdomen and down to my scrotum? I really need your help guys, especially you FalconBlanco.. :(( I don't wanna end up losing my parents' money and lie down on the hospital bed and be fall to sleep while the doctors do the repair.. im a bit scared of that... :( I need your reply guys invalidtransaction03 7 months ago

Hi! I'm a 17 year-old guy and got an indirect hernia, left side of my body. It drops down onto my scrotum whenever i stand up and when i lie down or when i go to bed, it will go back to my abdomen... Way back when i was 13 or maybe 14?, i was so curious of what it really is., then i read an anatomy book of my sister., then i was a little bit certain that this really is a hernia. When I went to college, i immediately told the doctor that i got a hernia.. and she told me that i really got one... invalidtransaction03 7 months ago

this is quite good and more useful information sureshneomed 8 months ago

It's amazing how motivated one can become to live a healthier lifestyle, when one begins to see and feel a bit of their own gut hanging out, just under the skin. My advice to men without hernias is to start strengthening their core muscles now, and to learn the Taoist or Tantric art of having sex, and even orgasm, without losing one's vital fluid in the process. Don't wait for Nature to give you a big (and uncomfortable) push! hearts0ngs 9 months ago

Hi, ive just had the symptom arise of a tiny bit of gut, like a small bubble of skin, protruding from just above the navel. I am inspired to hear that hernias can and have been healed without surgery; I am aiming for this, and have already given up one habit which I believe severely weakened my abdominal wall and allowed the hernia to arise (frequent ejaculation of semen). I'm taking this healing journey one step at a time, and abstinence from passing semen is the first (very tough!) step. hearts0ngs 9 months ago

Hi Beiyin,,, I believe this exercise does not only treat hernia, but also attitude, doing this exercise each day for a long period of time requires a lot of discipline which is very very important, as what you've said in your video, due to long time process of healing some might give up and that's the big challange each one is going to face.. would definitely try this even it takes more than a year or two,.. many thanks... bersek23 11 months ago 2

@bersek23 @bersek23 For sure this is one aspect 'being disciplined', but this is more part still of the personality. It goes beyond when you find the attitude through insights, that you can be absolutely sure that you will heal. You don't 'try', you just go for it! 'Time' belongs to the common mindset, go beyond also this. This healing process is a transformation of your whole being. It's well worth it, every thing else is just turning around onself, clinging on oneself & ones symptoms. BeiYin FalconBlancoSpain 11 months ago 2

I will definitely try this. I've been training most of my life and do weights 4x a week. I do have Inguinal Hernia. I've been seeking to find a natural solution, I can relate to your experience becoz what u are referring to have many scientific terms which u do not use such as self hypnosis and abdominal training plus general detoxification that many health nuts practice each day. I must say I've been kind of lazy in my eating habits and I can say its a contributor to my hernia. digi051669 11 months ago

@digi051669 The most natural and effective solution you will find if you see your hernia as a challenge and the opportunity to go into a transformation of all your existence. This might start with your eating habits, but must continue to all other levels. That is your mind & your

emotions. Make a check up of what you see as your personality & realize that this is an artificial blown up illusion. Then you will be able to heal yourself. If you just turn around yourself, you will end with surgery. FalconBlancoSpain 11 months ago

@FalconBlancoSpain thx! Your views and video has been very encouraging. X:D digi051669 4 months ago

sir u said u do dis every morning ... after break fast or before??? plss tell me . cuz i want to heal my hernia .. im afraid to tell mom dat i have .. :'-( THX CALF41 11 months ago

@CALF41 I'm doing the exercise after I wake up in the morning. I said it many times before: Just by doing the exercises it will not be enough to heal your hernia. Visite my Web page what else I have done. (search for falconblanco) Your hernia is a challenge for you, see it in a positive way and make a 'hobby' out of it to heal yourself! Go for it! Beiyin FalconBlancoSpain 11 months ago

What about breathing? As I know that's very important to breath corretly during exercise... atissivins 1 year ago

@atissivins Yes, you are right, correct breathing is important. Not only when you do the exercise. If you find the cause why you don't breath correctly then this is an essential step in your healing process. I am convinced that the base for this gives meditation. Watch my video about it here at YouTube: FalconBlancoSpain 1 year ago

I have an inguinal hernia, saw a doctor, he said surgery is not necessary right now, but come back for a checkup in 8-9 months." No insurance but I did have the cash, so thinking not pawned off. So, no surgery, but I have a large bulge when under strain. Am I supposed to just cross my fingers, or walk around like a wounded animal forgoing going to the gym? Gym is out, but I'm not slowing down, yoga, and a hope for something better than cross your fingers and hope for the best suites me. MeMeCloud 1 year ago

@MeMeCloud, did you ask the doctor about what you are supposed to do? Anything else than you should just wait? Or you are asking me? Then I tell you: Of course crossing your fingers is not enough. You need to get out of dependencies, taking self responsibility & go

forward. You don't need 'hope' then. Search for a better solution, like I have done when I got my hernia six years ago & there was no information available yet. Do the exercise & go to my Web page. Search for 'BeiYin' or FalconBlanco. FalconBlancoSpain 1 year ago

@FalconBlancoSpain Slight bump relaxed, large knot when flexed. Doctor said intestines not out, but area very weak, but that could change so come back 8-9 months. Both doctors said wait and see, nothing else. I'm still getting through your site, the life style and change in ways of thinking are what I'm working on. There is almost zero info on hernias on the web, like you said. I love your site, but as I said, still focusing on the life style change and ways of thinking. MeMeCloud 1 year ago

Thank you very much...Much peace and wisdom <3 TheUniverse07 1 year ago

also - please heed the words from this gentleman. "I am not a medical proffesional" eshinest 1 year ago

@eshinest So what? If I would be a 'medical professional' then of course I would believe in what the established opinion is and that is that only surgery can ... That I'm NOT a health professional gave me the possibility to try my own intention and so I succeeded. There are several hundred thousand untreated inguinal hernias in the world and all are suffering and convinced that only surgery can help them! At least these people should try to do something for themselves. Don't you think so? I do! FalconBlancoSpain 1 year ago 2

@eshinest It sounds like that you are a health professional & so for you what I write is 'nonsense' or a 'load of bollocks'. And then you state that a hernia only can be repaired by surgery, calling it foolish & dangerous to heal oneself without surgery. I have healed myself & without surgery. Who is the fool then? I am telling the truth & this of course is not 'gentle', so don't call me 'gentleman'. What I say comes from my experience & not from some established worn out knowledge. BeiYin FalconBlancoSpain 1 year ago

Surgery treats only the symptoms??? What a load of Bollocks - the "symptoms of a hernia only go away when the hernia is repaired. There is no controversy here - the only way to repair a hernia and releive the symptoms is surgery. This man is proposing a foolish, dangerous alternative to what could potentially be a life threatening condition.

eshinest 1 year ago

@eshinest Fact is that I healed my inguinal hernia (diagnosed by a medical doctor) without surgery and without any medication. This is now five years ago and no symptoms have been coming back. I can work like befor and also lift heavy things. So you can't say that surgery is the only way to repair a hernia. Well, you can say this, but it simply not true. Go for surgery, that's ok for me and after this one or two more, like it happenes with some people I was told... Who's the fool here? FalconBlancoSpain 1 year ago 7

@FalconBlancoSpain how did u repair ur hernia without surgery? i need some tips... NeoCarterDip 1 month ago

it`s amazing how so many people say healing without operation is impossible and still nobody of these people can not explain why this is not impossible? If you say "A" you should be capable to say "B" as well and explain why this is not impossible. sunnybulgaria 1 year ago 3

@sunnybulgaria I agree with you, I never heard any argument why it is not possible. Just the simple fact that I healed my inguinal hernia, that's now five years ago & no symptoms have been coming back, is a proof that it is possible. Even though there are hundred thousands of health professionals who say that only surgery can repair an inguinal hernias, then it is obvious that they are wrong. Doesn't tell this that the whole health system stands on shaky feet? Self responsibility? Unwanted! FalconBlancoSpain 1 year ago 5

@eshinest so if a hernia occurs naturally what makes you think that it can't be repaired naturally? TranslucentPlenum 1 year ago

have not be diagnosed with a hiatal hernia but these excercises can certainly benefit me. thanks for posting. basiacomeout 1 year ago

Just becareful. I had surgery and a scar that looks ugly. But they told me they cut 1/4th inch of my intestine because it had holes? Kab00mZ 1 year ago

i got a hernia around 5 yrs ago. after 2 yrs the hernia seemed to go back in but i still feel some pain now and then but nothing severe.ive been to same hospital twice since then and they seem not to feel i have 1 now but i still feel the pain every now and then. wondering if these exercises will help with the pain usually i have to just adjust my positioning to relieve pain.ive also had a sonogram which showed no hernia either

valkour22 1 year ago

@valkour22 That you can heal your hernia, understand that *healing* doesn't mean to get rid of symptoms. There are reasons that you don't know, but even though must be solved. Doing the exercises is just one thing. Also changing ones diet to reduce the pressure from inside. Your body posture that can be the result of your emotional condition caused by your screwed up mindset, so this all needs to be looked at. It is healing & growing process! FalconBlancoSpain 1 year ago

@valkour22 when you have hernia can you run and play sports ? I can do it but I'm scared that I have hernia but I can play sports without big problems it maybe just my groin :( please tell me if you can play sports without big problems and where does it hurt when you have inguinal hernia FCChelsea2010 1 year ago

@FCChelsea2010 I can now but i still feel it sometimes. i also feel it when i have food that produces gas. the only danger i was told from a hernia is strangulation which when that happen u will know.thats when the intestines get trapped by the muscle wall. valkour22 1 year ago

oh my God, it's exactly these type excersizes, which i did for back pain, that CAUSED my inquinal hernia symptoms. Dr says i had it before, but these excersize exposed it. how can working a muscle help when it is TORN?? QUACK QUACK QUACK markbhoward 1 year ago

@markbhoward: Now you give the fault & reason for your condition to the exercise. 'That's the attitude of a follower of the usual established mindset. Don't question this & don't look for the real reason of your problems within yourself, then you will be the perfect client for your doctor and with pleasure he will do the surgery on you. I share these exercises that helped me to heal my hernia, but these are only one part of what I did and can't be seen as a 'cure' by itself. Are you a duck? FalconBlancoSpain 1 year ago

@FalconBlancoSpain.... well, i walk like a duck, i talk like a duck.. soooooooo anyway, i had surgery 2 and a half weeks ago, i feel better in some regards, still healing and if I remember I will update in a couple of weeks. Seriously, inguinal hernia is not cool, and I was not about to mess around with it. Torn muscles around nerves to the scrotom are not to be dicked around with... so to speak :-P markbhoward 1 year ago

Have had so much trouble with hernia, Athletic Hernia, etc. to keep it short. Want to know more about EFT and the web site. What is the site? xxjayhawk06xx 1 year ago

Thank you FalconBlancoSpain. You have an understanding of the deeper reason(s) that we encounter 'disease', to increase our awareness, & facilitate spiritual growth as well as physical healing, & those around us. Very few people know this, so few people. I'll read your website in its entirety. It applies to so many things that one encounters in life. Thank you again. Tom, California, USA. Be well my friend. NeoPsiTom 1 year ago

I felt someting in the lower right abdominal area whilst DOING straight leg leg lifts.Now I am waiting to see a surgeon about a suspected hernia. spassycar 1 year ago

Thank You for this! im preparing for operation.. on september or near.. i had this hernia for years, since i was a child. they did't want to do this surgery stuff when i was younger, then i nevermind cause i learn to live with it now i read about the surgery and this stuff made me creeps i was study yoga- it helps me but i see that compilation is very specyfic! im gonna make it! if it helps i will write it down for You Good Greetings Bei Yin! marcosfunky 1 year ago

@marcosfunky: Marco, there is no "if it helps"! It is essential that you are totally convinced that you will heal yourself, there is no doubt possible and not necessary, because if I have healed myself, even though I was told from every body that this is not possible, then others also can do it!!! OK, it is a challenge and needs your engagement. Go for it!! Your stsrength will grow with it and so your *health*! BeiYin FalconBlancoSpain 1 year ago 2

i have two inguinal hernias and one in my belly button, would this exercise be beneficial for both hernias? thankyou lesbc999 1 year ago


You will need to find out yourself. I don't know any thing about an hernia in the belly button. I healed my inguinal hernia and the exercises helped in this. I have no symptoms now for more than three years. I am still doing the exercises every day because these are beneficial for my whole body. FalconBlancoSpain 1 year ago

I'm going to do this every day. Even if it does not improve my hernia, the process is healthy. I'm be back soon... serenityaloft 1 year ago

@serenityaloft : Be sensitive when you are doing it and listen to your body... I suggest that you do also the exercise I give advice at: If there shows up any difficulty, don't hesitate to ask me. BeiYin FalconBlancoSpain 1 year ago

hello, i have got hernia in my left groin. sometimes it comes down, when i standing and walking. does this exercise heal my hernia? bmukesh1980 1 year ago

@bmukesh1980: Just as I said to the comment from "claudias1871" With the exercise alone probably you will not heal your Hernia. Its a process, that includes your *whole being* on all levels. Read my Web page about it. You need to engage yourself in your healing, not depending on any body. Take self responsibility! Become a *pioneer*, go for it! Now it is more easy, because healing is possible! If one has done it, you also can do it! But be clear about it: It needs your engagement! Go for it! OK? FalconBlancoSpain 1 year ago 2

how this exercises covers the hole when you have inguinal hernia ? claudias1871 1 year ago

@claudias1871 I am not a health professional, so I can't answer your question in details, but it seems to be clear that with the exercises the muscles get stronger & so closes the hole & then the tissue around recovers. But I repeat that only the exercises will not heal the hernia, all the levels of ones being must be envolved.At least I have healed my hernia & have no symptoms left,I can work like befor & even lift heavy weights.Healing is possible, it's a challlenge, worth the effort! BeiYin FalconBlancoSpain 1 year ago

@ramilgamao: You must understand that I can't give any kind of advice. What you can do & what not depends on your personal conditions. I suggest that you carefully sense your body & do only what feels good. Healing ones hernia is not just getting rid of the symptom. To heal the hernia you need to be involved with your whole existence: Body, mind & emotions or with other words: One must clear up ones personality & allow a transformational growing process, that then is a *healing* process. BeiYin FalconBlancoSpain 1 year ago

oddly enough :\ I used to do similar exercises , my hernia has been gone for a while I did the backwards router by not pushing the hernia back in when it comes out while I'm standing, eventually one day it got bad, i pushed it back in (while laying down), then all of a sudden that part of my body got stronger, and it stopped coming out! I can feel something though still , but it's way more bearable now flamehiro 1 year ago

thank you for sharing, i will start doing the Exercises, i read your web page and helped me a lot, i just read what i needed thank you very much jambiro 1 year ago 2

Alex, I'm shocked! Fife times surgery on the same hernia, how this is possible? I don't know if the exercises will be of help for you, but for sure you will need to wait until the surgery is healed totally before you start. There are many other things you will need to take care of and probably the most important that you keep or gain your mental & emotional balance. Watch my other video here at YouTube: "Meditation - Start right now" and then do it! If nothing else helps, this will do it! BeiYin FalconBlancoSpain 1 year ago

i have inguinal hernia for abou 1 year. and i have a little problem: when the hernia is IN it hurts like hell,but when is out i don`t have all that pain,sometimes i don`t feel anything.i do some exercise at home,some push-up,etc and what i've realized is that when I DO exercise regulary i don`t feel any pain,but after like 1-2 days without exercising the hernia is starting to hurt. so this thing gives me more approval for your program but as i've said i have that problem when the hernia is IN. AarsethEuronymous 1 year ago

Aarseth, I haven't had this experience and so I'm sorry not to be able to tell you something about it. My hernia healed more than three years ago and still I'm doing exercises every day. I don't see that I have given a 'program', - I just have made some suggestions, pointing to the importance that one must find ones own way, although taking care of ones food, exercises,

taking supplements etc. will be favourable for all. The most essential is ones attitude that will transform through meditation. FalconBlancoSpain 1 year ago

Congratulations...inspirational, uplifting...I am still fighting this for 4 years, but I will never undergo surgery. Is the crocodile exercise the best one? virginmary58 1 year ago 2

I wrote a comment to Raheel down here. The same I can write to you. Listen to your body, what kind of exercise is the best will be different for each person, because the conditions are not the same. 'Fighting' might not be the right attitude, you better go 'with' your system instead of against it! See the hernia in a positive light. You are not a victim! This gives you the opportunity to heal yourself on a much deeper level. Use this challenge for a transformation of your whole being! Go for it! FalconBlancoSpain 1 year ago 2

You said that this works, do you have to this excercise everday.... or do you just do it till you cant feel any pain from the hernia? I think ive got one but i dont want surgery. i am hoping that excersie can fully heal this. i am going to try it and ill report back! i get pain from hernia once weekly (usually) sometimes more, and sometimes less... Raheel197 1 year ago

First be sure if it is a hernia. You should consult a medical doctor for this. What you can do to heal yourself depends very much on your personal condition and you must find out about it yourself, listening to your body & being very careful & sensitive. You can join the Hernia support Google group & read there & also have an exchange with other members. The most important is that you know that it is possible to heal ones hernia & then you will need to invest some energy and - go for it! BeiYin FalconBlancoSpain 1 year ago

The exercise is one thing, this doesnt mean this will heal you! You need to heal yourself! That means to transform your whole being on all levels. First get out of the usual attitude wanting to get rid of symptoms as fast & easy as possible. This doesnt work. Engage yourself, take self responsibility NOT feeling as a victim. Read all my comments & read my Web what I have written about healing. To rise awareness, understanding & intuition, do meditate. Start right now! See my video! BeiYin FalconBlancoSpain 1 year ago

i have a hernia i think well i dont have a ball sticking out but i feel ike a really small by my belly button! i wonder i still workout and i use a lifting belt but i dont use heavy weights just push ups abs dumbells and pull up is that bad with my belt on?? danpanda956 1 year ago

I can't give any advice simply because I know that it is different for each person. It depends very much on the condition of the individual like weight, body shape, age, eating habits, life style, awareness level and other facts. So the best I can tell you is to be aware of your body response and listen to your body. Know that every symptom has an underlying reason. Transform this condition and you will heal the symptoms on an other level. BeiYin FalconBlancoSpain 1 year ago

A fine and very rational suggestion. Muscles that are trained, indeed will harden, because training constitutes actually creating little scars that must be repaired. So actually the video suggests a skin lift! Why not also include infra red exposure, with an IR lamp? BELLVENTURA 1 year ago

Indeed I had used also infra red and that might have had helped my healing, but of course it is difficult to say... FalconBlancoSpain 1 year ago

davidroberts1978 wrote: There is no such thing as self healing you silly old goat if you believed these exercises helped you so be it but they might not work for everyone and i mean mainly those people who spend there whole life avoiding exercises so stop preaching for people to do what you did it is more important to see a doctor than to heal yourself no matter how possible. PS i don't agree with anything you say and refuse to change my stance on this. FalconBlancoSpain 2 years ago

BeiYin: What you write represents the waste majority of people and the result that shows in every ones life and in this society is disastrous, - even though your comment gave me a good laugh, thank you. When I am writing about my personal experiences, then not to 'preach' but to share with those who are suffering and looking for a solution. These are anyway only very few, the other depend on the established system and even don't ask. So what are you doing here?

FalconBlancoSpain 2 years ago

Lol, yeah this David guy unfortunately is very miss informed. "There is no such thing as self healing", this statement is simply 100% incorrect. There are thousands of documented cases from every area on earth. It is not even a discussion whether or not it exists, for it is simply a fact. trevmarps 2 years ago 3

Some inguinal hernias are dangerous and others may become dangerous if left untreated. Some involve tissue falling through a muscular mesh that has relaxed for whatever reason. Others may be an actual hole in the muscle tissue. However even a small inguinal hernia can be life-threatening if the tissue becomes "strangulated," creating pain, eventually killing the strangulated tissue, and resulting in possible gangrene and blood poisoning. Get thee to a doc! Then decide. Thx for vid. Helpful. jillchristensen 2 years ago

It is refreshing if some body is expressing himself in such a spontaneous way. You are right, let the surgery be done on you, use your freedom. At the same operation you can use the occasion to let do something about your encephalomalacia! FalconBlancoSpain 2 years ago

This comment has received too many negative votes show skzbrizz 2 years ago

This comment has received too many negative votes show skzbrizz 2 years ago

Certain ab exercises really kill me I had inguinal hernia surgery repaired with mesh....i know I could totally crush these exercises if I hadn't gotten a hernia. I do alot of abdominal exercises that are more advanced difficult than this. but I'm gonna try this Thank you for the post sh0cktim3 2 years ago

Does this work? I've been looking into this whole idea of "self-heal" for hernias lately. I myself have an abdominal hernia in my lower-left area of my abdomen. It's gotten pretty big. About 4x5in. Would doing abodminal exercises possibly mend the muslces back together? Also, I've recently bought a truss to hold the hernia back to give the muscles a chance to come together while it hopefully heals. Would doing this be better than surgery? Any tips or recommendations? 666xfreak 2 years ago

I suggest that you join the hernia support group, there are more than one hundred people you can have an exchange with, some of them healed themselves from their hernia. I can't give any health advice because I'm not a 'health professional'. To heal yourself is work, that

includes your whole system. Go for it! It is worth the effort! I have healed myself and then founded this support group, but I'm busy now with other things. BeiYin FalconBlancoSpain 2 years ago

everything we have need of is already, we just need the knowledge to heal thyself, thanks for sharing. when we get tired to the point where dr aren't listen then we realize its already done just need to give the body the proper environment,nutrient,rest and love hard and forgive quickly mrsblue82 2 years ago

Could someone please tell me if with an inguinal hernia there is a bruise? My boyfriend noticed he had pain right inside his leg and kind of on the bottom of his stomache and there is a bruise with a round lump inside. He can't remember doing anything to it but two days ago we were playing soccer. muzikmafiagrl 2 years ago

Sorry, I can't give any medical advice because I'm not a health professional. I suggest that you consult a doctor. It is important to know what it is and for this it is necessary to see it. If it is an hernia the usual is that the doctor will give the advice for surgery, but there are ways to heal it by yourself, at least I have healed my hernia, that I can state because it is my own experience. BeiYin FalconBlancoSpain 2 years ago

Hi. I've got an inguinal hernia since April 2008. I didn't do any surgery as I don't like operations. I have worn a special belt for a year and now I have decided to heal by myself as I will travel more and more. I have a therapist doctor who provide me acupuncture in connection with laser treatment, massage and abs exercices. And it works, it really works. I need to continue and will keep you informed during the next months. Regards. panglos2007 2 years ago

This is good to know, thanks for telling. Yes, continue, even though some times it looks like there is no progress, it's a slow process and it includes more parts and levels as you can imagine now. I am planing to make a second hernia video soon... FalconBlancoSpain 2 years ago

dear sir. thanks for you post , i had hernia since 5 years in my right side and am afraid it now back in the left side.Please tell me do these procedures heal all hernia types? I would appreciate if you can calm me down am worried sir.

thanks Javier javierdeco 2 years ago

Hi Javier, does it mean that your hernia from 5 years ago was repaired by surgery? And now a new one you have on your left side. To heal ones hernia by oneself is not common and it seems that there are no officials investigations done about it and so there are no information available. Understandable because the medical health system is not interested in it. One need to take self responsibility and treat ones whole system on all levels. Go for it and don't worry! This is a challenge: to grow! FalconBlancoSpain 2 years ago

@panglos2007 Hi what exactly did you do with your acupuncture doctor an you help me and describe the procedure .Please i need help galusify 11 months ago

thank you so much sangguru 2 years ago

Thank you for this healing advice. I have been diagnosed with a small inguinal hernia since several months and want to avoid pointless, ineffective surgery which, as you say, treats only the symptoms. I am confident in the healing powers of the body and hope that these exercises will help me heal. rememberthiskk 2 years ago 5

@rememberthiskk ..'treats only the symptoms'?? sign me up for that! how did this 'treatment' work for you? I had surgery two weeks ago and i'm better, it will take awhile longer for the 'healing powers of the body' to make me good as new. The surgery allowed the healing powers of the body to actually work, in my opinion. markbhoward 1 year ago

thank you, i will try to work on myself but its just abit too much for me to handle this hernia. my family dont really understand this stuff they asume i got hernia because im always upset i dont look after myself and that i dont eat properly so they think its my fault. i use to play sports all the time when i was at school im not a big person (being overwight an all) i only weigh 68kg i just wish i didnt get this problem SexyBiaatch 2 years ago

i've had a lump near my left side of my groin for about 5 months now im a 19 year old male. i started to get worried so i went to my doctors yesterday and he gave me the terrible news that

i have left inguinal hernia i was soo devasted i've been going through depression for the past 3 years this is the last thing i needed. I will not call the hospital for surgery im going to try this for a few months i just hope this excercise will make my hernia go away. SexyBiaatch 2 years ago

I understand you right? You are having depressions since 3 years, 5 months ago a hernia showed up . Because of this 'terrible' thing you feel even more down than before & you want to get rid of it as fast as possible but are willing to do exercises. This will not be enough, you need to work on 'yourself' what means you must change attitudes towards what happens. You are NOT a victim. You need to change your habits & life style, world view. Join the hernia support group, - learn & heal! BeiYin FalconBlancoSpain 2 years ago

Dr. Bernarr says a broken bone can't heal if it is moving, so it is important to keep the hernia in. When doing the exercises, done laying on the back, then my hernia was always in and wearing the truss I kept it in during the day. Most important in ones healing is that one doesn't feel as a victim. Ones condition is a challenge and working with it, then healing can happen, including ones whole being on all levels, - not just the body... Healing is finding oneself - ones real being! BeiYin FalconBlancoSpain 2 years ago

BeiYin, thanks for the creation of the site, these videos. They are a point of light and uplifting energy. Like you, I had Fibromyalgia and got over it. It took one year, and now I am dealing with an inguinal hernia. I just now started wearing a support, and I believe it is very important to do so. If I had done it earlier the hernia might already be gone. I am assuming when you do these exercises your hernia was always "in". Is that correct? justbehuman1 2 years ago

Its been a year and honestly its slowly getting better.very slowly. I still get pains everday. not as sever as before but 8 months into it i felt like I was not gona get better because that burning sensation was still there and no sign of really going away.I have heard stories where it goes away in two months and I have heard of stories where people literally live in the bathroom because they cannot control their bowels with unimaginable pain.2 factors 1.Type of surgery 2.experience of doc. imp. suicidal12 2 years ago

It has been now one year ago that you had your surgery. How are you? I'm interested to know, because even you have no more symptoms you should strengthen your whole system to avoid complications... FalconBlancoSpain 2 years ago

hi i want to ask you.I have do the surgery but it wasnt succes and i am with hernia now i wiil try to do this exercises 515831 2 years ago

If you had surgery and you still have problems, then you should consult the doctor who has done the surgery. To do the exercises might not be good for you and cause more harm so better consult the surgeon. I can't give any advice on this. I'm sorry. BeiYin FalconBlancoSpain 2 years ago

My answer might sound harsh, but you must understand that I can't give you any advice because I'm not a health professional and I would run into problems... You need to take self responsibility and find out yourself. If you have any question, I will answer you. I suggest that you join the Hernia support group at Google, this is a group of friends and they will respond to your questions better than I can do. BeiYin FalconBlancoSpain 2 years ago

Hi! I started to do those exercises a year ago. I haven't had hernia. I just started to do it because I saw the usefulness of it for the body. The results are very positive! My state of health as a whole has improved significantly. As mentioned in the movie it is a slow process which involves body and mind thus taking some time to revel itself. Eventually a very positive results emerge on different levels involving both body and mind. I see/feel it as a slow stream to natural balance. Thank you! smjure 2 years ago 2

It is of course much better to prevent an hernia by keeping the body fit. I'm glad to know that the exercises doing well for you even without having an hernia. Just I want to say that beside the body and mind also your emotions are involved. 'When all is in balance then you might experience another dimension that goes beyond body, mind and emotions... You will be able to connect consciously with your source... BeiYin FalconBlancoSpain 2 years ago

I'm very sorry, but I can't help you. I'm not a health professional and I have no experience with hernia after surgery. You should ask the doctor who did the surgery, there might be something wrong with it, he must have a look... You can maybe do some Reiki or massage, - your activities might be too much, at least for the moment. Healing needs time and you should be patient with yourself. First ask your doctor about it... FalconBlancoSpain 2 years ago

i need help im only a kid and i got my surgery last year, i breakdance play footbball really active and now my hernia spot hurtls like crazy and i dont know whats wrong with it can you help me? Sup750 2 years ago

Thanks for posting the video! yeah i like that you add in the positive affirmations(EFT) and many people realize is they alone aren't going to do anything. you have to 100 % believe your going to be healed, and go to work on doing the exercises, and the affirmations or EFT are a nice little touch to it. JohnSmeton 2 years ago 2

I have tried this work out once, and I already feel better. There are some good workouts. I cant normally do most workouts, but these are good. I will keep trying this unless the pain gets worse or I get healthcare! Thanks for the video! gradeahaze 2 years ago 3

thanks for this vedio it helps me a lot my hernia was heald in four weeks of excercise and i continue until it will competetly heald.thank you so much god bless you. jed00005 3 years ago 8

You are right: every body is different and reacts in its own way. That's why I never give an advice, only can talk about my own experience, what shows that healing is possible, although the medical system treats every body the same by doing only surgery as a solution without giving the chance to a real healing, not even considering other ways. The complications after surgery tells that it is not the ideal way. One needs to listen to ones body and do what feels right. Doctors should help in this. FalconBlancoSpain 3 years ago

I appreciate your work for the hernia community. But the human body varies so much, and what works for you might kill someone else. Doing your exercises made my already large hernia even worse, until nothing would keep my intestines in place. My hernia was indirect, so it was because of a defect in the inguinal canal never closing. I wish I could've healed my hernia without surgery, but it was not an option for me, I was having nerve spams from the hernia pinching nerves, and breathing was hard.

SalQrazy 3 years ago

I have also had a hernia for four years and searched for info but couoldn't find any when my hernia first appeared a chinese doctor treated and it did go away so i know there are alternatives but didn't give me any excercises so it came back. I will give the excercises a go and lookmforward to a six pack!! eddycerb 3 years ago

I'm doing good, I have to admit that I haven't done the exercises regularly, but I have been weightlifting and running and it has helped...I'm glad that you asked about my progress though, it reminded me to get back on the ball... ojizza 3 years ago 2

Mr. FalconBlancoSpain, did you ever lose hope while performing these exercises and believe that the condition was getting worse? If so, what did you do or say? A helpful and honest answer would be very appreciated. Qafaiti911 3 years ago 2

The exercises are only part of the healing, go to my Web site to know what I did more. You are right, some times I just didn't know anything, but I just went on, having now doubt that I would heal even every body said that this is not possible. But I had a training before, when sick with Fibromyalgia, the MDs also said that healing is not possible and after searching and doing a treatment myself after 1 1/2 year I was totally healed, so I had the necessary energy to go on with my hernia. BeiYin FalconBlancoSpain 3 years ago

I, too, was told that curing a hernia was impossible, but all it takes is a bit of discipline and the confidence that a cure is possible. I then helped a friend to cure his hernia and he went on, aged 61, to run the iron man triathlon with no truss and no pain. Roy's story is on the herniabible website - nobody should have the operation until they've given a natural cure a shot. Hawthornia herb helps as well craigsams1 3 years ago

You are right: The most important is that one has the confidence that healing is possible and then one needs enough esteem to go for it. Meanwhile there is information available, although one must be very conscious what one does and how much... FalconBlancoSpain 3 years ago

I need to add that indeed it is important to have the confidence that healing is possible, but the 'most important' is that one sees ones condition as a challenge and as part of ones personal 'growing process' that means that 'healing' goes beyond the body condition and includes ones 'whole being' with all levels. This is valid for all diseases! Then one doesn't need to suffer

without seeing any sense in it, but being in a creative healing & growing process! This is the most important! BeiYin FalconBlancoSpain 2 years ago

thanks for sharing this information...positive and inspiring chaiwalla 3 years ago

I should edit this video and make clear that I'm totally healed from my inguinal hernia. To do the exercises, taking care of ones correct food, doing a fasting, liver cleans, meditation and more is very important, but the most important is to know, that healing from an inguinal hernia is possible! When I started my self healing I wasn't sure about it, but you can. Don't forget: It's a process that includes your whole being! It's a challenge - a transformation. BeiYin I comes soon a new video! FalconBlancoSpain 3 years ago

Hello FalconBlanco -- I've just sent you an email. Sadly your exercise video won't play (?). I really need to see your exercises.....I've got bilateral hernia and I'm desperate to avoid surgery because of all the possible horrible complications (these are posted all over the net). I hope to be another "success story" and I'm very eager to start ASAP. It's a blessing to finally hear of a natural solution that doesn't involve what seems to be a risky & painful operation. Thanks so much! cqw38 3 years ago

I am encouraged by your testimony on your website as well as your email exchange links from another who had success with exercises. Thank you so much for sharing this info with the world because all MDs have said it couldnt be done. I have had an inguinal for 4 years waiting for someone like you to come along with some encouragement or ideas as to what might help without surgery. Hope to be another success story to report to your site soon. oilydude 3 years ago

You are a very wise man. NielloEd 4 months ago

Are your legs' and arms' positions important? The people in your video seem to have their backs propped up against a wall. Is it important, too? PeerAND 5 months ago

@PeerAND: If you can sit with crossed legs on a blanket on the flor or even in 'lotus position' then do it, if you have problems with it, then sit on a chair or any where else where you are comfortable, if possible with strait back. More important is that you sit at a quiet place without too much influences like noice, mosquitos etc. Most important is, that you sit & meditate, not giving any importance to any thing else, whatever might show up. Being aware of it, - letting it pass... BeiYin FalconBlancoSpain 5 months ago

Oneself is "all and unit" "whole and individual" at the same time in own. Extended expansion, from spreading, increase reinforcement strongly superior beautifully vigorously highly greatly. The complete reproduction of past days revives once It is all oneself complete partial self g17y5wb 6 months ago

Are you familiar with binaural beats? Do they play any potential role in facilitating meditation? I'll bet that there is some university level research on that issue. Do you know about this? hypnosehomme1 8 months ago

What a very beautiful face BeiYin has. It surely reflects his inner self and the sincerity of what he is saying, and also his practice. Thank you. elenikiroy 8 months ago 3

Should people meditate in the nude? Does marijuana make meditation easier? Will I loose track of time while meditating so I should set some sort of alarm clock? g17y5wb 9 months ago

@g17y5wb Sit down and meditate! Forget about 'nude' and Mari! If you have a problem or something doesn't feel right, then don't hsitate to ask me about it. BeiYin FalconBlancoSpain 9 months ago

@g17y5wb i read that you are not suppose to use an alarm clock. remember, i beleive einstein proved it...time is relative. but with all seriousness, an alarm clock is to alarming. if im wrong please correct me. UpdatesBlow 5 months ago

I should edit my video and mention, that meditation is a training for ones ability to observe in a receiving & not judging way and this gives the right attitude how one should do the other 'training' and that is to be aware and relate and respond in ones daily life with ones encounters on the in & outside, so that one can become aware of ones unknown background programs and can drop these, to be able to *be* and fulfill what one *really* is and so can realize ones true existence. Go on! BeiYin FalconBlancoSpain 10 months ago

..with me but yoga and fitness. I join a sort of program , the gym, p90x, a yoga class and after awhile it seems to be a program and nothing more. Not my habit, but someone elses way. Now rethinking i see these programs as learning experience and not till i make it come from my own disciplne will it truely become my habit. thank you for this sir, you have done a wonderful thing :) choicesdefineus 10 months ago 2

I have been meditating off and on for a couple years and ive found even that has changed me, but your video has inspired me and explained it a bit better, i have been reluctant in the past to practice anything due to not fear of static activity, but not understanding? A zen monk wishs to use meditation to reach a higher dyanmic way of life, but it wasnt till recent reads of Lila and this video that i understood how a static practice could be dynamic ! Not just with meditation does this apply choicesdefineus 10 months ago 2

@choicesdefineus Medditation gives you the base to go on in life with a different background, from where you can relate and respond in a creative way, that will further your growing process. Giving you the capability to go beyond your limited mindset, that was programming you and keeping you in your straitjacket of personality. Just keep going! BeiYin

FalconBlancoSpain 9 months ago

Thank you for your email. Very appreciated and helpful. I believe Im on the right track for direction. Namaste TeriChristine 1 year ago

Gracias por el video. Un saludo Endero 1 year ago

Hi Falcon Thank you for sharing your videos Many Blessing to you! angel37au 1 year ago

Sir, I found your video last night, and I wish to tell you how grateful I am to you. I am seeking to gain control of all aspects of living in this world and all the stresses it brings; you have given me a precious gift through your easy presentation. I wish you blessings abundantly. Thank you again, so much. I am off to my new precious journey into meditation. manyfeathers04 1 year ago 4

Thank's for your kind words.Even though I don't depend on a positive feedback, it feels good to know that somebody can appreciate what I'm doing. There are very few,I appreciate those.Responding to your comment:Seeking control is one step.When meditating you will gain the next,that is to find trust in whatever comes to you & understand it as a challenge to learn & to grow.You can relate & respond the best you can without need to defend yourself.Ask if there's problem with your meditation! BeiYin FalconBlancoSpain 1 year ago 3

@FalconBlancoSpain Sir, thank you for your response. You are one of the precious souls who are part of the solution to our suffering humanity. I too, as someone else commented, was touched by your humility and obvious compassion. Be well in all that you do. Elizabeth manyfeathers04 1 year ago 2

beautiful.thank you Mike3gdc 1 year ago

BeiYin, I would like to just say that anyone who is putting up something for others to learn from that is wholesome and good should be respected and treasured.

What you are saying makes perfect sence since I have been meditating and learning from the best I know you are doing good and have authenticy at that. keep up the good work and thank you for putting out a tool for making peace within one self and also outside oneself and in the world. best wishes KelsangWangmo 1 year ago 6

zen qbertzz 1 year ago

hi falcon how are u doing? im continuing with meditation, i find it very helpful and very open mind experience , and today when i was meditating i felt like i was watching myself ,it happends like 3 sec , i could see myself , like i was above watching, it was kinda frightening lol , thks presente0 1 year ago 3

Don't worry, that's OK, take it easy and continue. Don't stop meditating. If you dond't feel comfortable, then ask me about it. Go to my Web site and use the feedback form. I will answer you ASAP. Continue: twice a day, twenty minutes... FalconBlancoSpain 1 year ago 2

hi, im new at meditation and i find ur videos very helpfull, im praticing for 2 months almost daily and i have 2 questios, the back side of my head gets very warm, does it have anything to do with the meditaiton? and last few days i almost forget my breathing and its like im sleeping but ...awake?...anyway i dont know if u gonna see this, but i want to thks to u xD presente0 1 year ago 4

Symptoms showing up might come from meditation as a kind of 'healing' reaction. Observe it but don't give too much importance to it. That you felt like sleeping but at the same time you were aware of it seems to be ok. Just continue, I think you are doing well. You can ask me any time... BeiYin FalconBlancoSpain 1 year ago 2

beyin you misunderstood my comment...the path you have laid out is excellent by all means...and i admire your relentless efforts to promote your cause..but if you could just polish your presentation[bring about a flow to your dialogues]then many more individuals will imbibe your teachings and that would result in its spread...i would love to know more about you .........wishing to be your good friend... abdulshahi13 2 years ago

OK Abdul, I see it is a language problem, no problem, thanks for making it clear. You are right about the presentation. I'm working on it and soon I will make more videos. Yes indeed, I would like to be your friend, there is so much to do and some body who gives me his point of view is welcome. Soon I will make more videos and I look forward that you tell me your impression. Thanks for your offer! BeiYin FalconBlancoSpain 2 years ago

This has been flagged as spam show KhenpoDarma 2 years ago

I liked your video. You seem like a good man, a bit crazy perhaps. Hope your project goes well and grows into a spiritual community of great success. lodgekolm 2 years ago 3

you are a great man ? we can only make our decisions on what we sense about the world on our past memorys with highs and lows? there is something more to life than we can understand or feel we have only evolved from chimps recently so we still are in the same (5thAPE) state but we can ponder our existance thats the mirical ? we all have a different reality tunnel because we all have had a diffrent life and perception ? what do you think peace JonNebula11 2 years ago 4

A very nice video, and very informative. james54able 2 years ago 4

This man explaining meditation is so intelligent, and caring, and loving, in his explanation of , my eyes watered at the end of it...Beautiful zezt 2 years ago 3

look "falconbalnco" i wanna calll and ask u some questions do you think you can give me your number having a hard time in meditation cholote313 2 years ago

@cholote313 Sorry, I didn't see your comment until now. Please go to my Web site and use the feedback form. Tell me what your problems are and I will answer you ASAP. FalconBlancoSpain 1 year ago

Wonderful video, I'm going to spend some time to gather my resolve so I can power the first 2-3 weeks, as you say, and then do this. bardo12509 2 years ago 2

Rerc, don't try it - do it. Do it regularly twice a day for twenty minutes, without expecting a 'result'. If there shows up any difficulty or something that bothers you, then ask me. This is important so that you don't go into a wrong direction, wasting time and energy... BeiYin FalconBlancoSpain 2 years ago

I will certainly try meditation, very insightful video, thank you. rerc 2 years ago 3

This comment has received too many negative votes show ruzickaw 2 years ago

If there is too much, then just pick out what you can understand and digest, then come back later and take a bit more. To reject something because it is too much at this moment, would be too silly as you prevent yourself from a valid information. Right? BeiYin FalconBlancoSpain 2 years ago

I am a yogamaster too in India.the best meditation you can do is just rest on one finger upside down and breath slowly. jazzcrowchou 2 years ago

Forget about your finger, forget about your breathing, forget that you are a 'yoga master' forget where you are and what you are. Upside down or downside up, be aware of it but don't give it any importance. Then you might come to the 'best meditation' possible: Being aware of your EXISTENCE. Pure and simple. BeiYin the people whisperer PS: I'm not a 'yoga master'. FalconBlancoSpain 2 years ago

Thank you! :D Peace seataj3108 2 years ago

We can freely use this space to have an exchange about every thing you like. If there shows up a difficulty in your meditation, then talk about it. I will give you a clear advice and you don't need to waste energy going into a wrong direction, or giving up because it doesn't work. This space can serve as a forum and other visitors can receive additional information. We are told by the program if a new message arrives, - very efficient! So let's use it! BeiYin FalconBlancoSpain 3 years ago

Makes meditation clear and easy. This simple message made a deep impact on my husband and me. Thank you. poppy90290 3 years ago 4

If you have started to meditate, then it is important to do it regularly, like you brush your teeth every day, no matter if you are very busy or tired. If in your meditation there is something you don't feel comfortable with, then don't stop meditating. The best is to tell me about it and I will give you a clear advice. Send an email, post here a comment or call me. BeiYin FalconBlancoSpain 3 years ago

straight forward advice for once abe100031 3 years ago 4

pretty straight forward advice. Thx hammelby 3 years ago 6

thanks Sockhead360 3 years ago 2

thank you for your time ive learned from you video your a good man arjuna1989 3 years ago 5

An attitude more should adopt! Yumszz 3 years ago 3

thank you... jaimitu11 3 years ago 2

nice vid

thx hemochromatosis 3 years ago 3

HealingOneself Testimonial: updated: 3.9.10 How BeiYin healed his Inguinal Hernia without Surgery! go directly to: Q&A Truss Truss or no Truss watchful waiting Stress Release growing

subscribe to hernia support Google Group trying affirmation mind control credentials

enemy is us

questioning oneself

Preface: I received various complains telling me that my hernia page is too long and that I should better make it more dense by taking out all what is not necessary. Yes, my story is long, but it was written like this as a diary during my healing process and tells about all the difficulties and obstacles I had to go through and overcoming these made a growing process out of my healing. I believe that this is important and maybe more important than practical advises. This might not be of interest for people who are just looking for a quick cure for their inguinal hernia. Although this is common and understandable, I don't want to support this attitude. I believe strongly that all diseases are part of the growing of ones individual existence and if we see it like this then it can be a positive and creative process. So I will leave this page like it is. It needs just about one hour to read (without the links) and you will need to do the rest: Using the given information and 'Healing yourself'! I wish you from all my heart, that I will inspire you enough so that you can go for it! 1. Part: Investigation When I was fully recovered from Fibromyalgia, feeling strong again and full of energy, so I worked like I did before and moved also heavy things. But for more than two years not having had any exercises had weakened my body and so it happened that too much tension in my belly opened the tissue and the muscles, so that my intestines came out through this hole. That's called 'Inguinal Hernia' and was quite painful and my medical doctor told me that this must be repaired with surgery as soon as possible. Although it is common in our days for the established medical health system to use surgery on all parts of the body to repair what doesn't function or is defect, I believe that 'repairing' has not necessarily to do with healing and often might inhibit the natural healing process. The usual expectation is to get rid of any disease as fast as possible and taking pills to take away the disturbing symptoms or to let cut off the bad body part became a normal practice. So to close a hole in the belly with some plastic mash seems to be the logical consequence. But I don't agree with these manipulative procedures. I believe all happenings and also each disease or 'accident' has a cause which lays behind of what we are aware of. Healing should include one's whole being and during the healing process all levels should be included. Of course there are conditions, like injuries in an accident, where surgery is necessary as a first step of the healing. I had the feeling that with hernia there is an underlying reason which is not solved

by surgery. So I searched the Internet for an alternative solution, even though I was told by the MD that the not repaired hernia is dangerous and I could die within 5 hours if the intestines are strangulated. I searched and searched, but nothing showed up! I read many pages and the only advice all over the place: Surgery! Even when I searched for 'alternative treatments' then only Surgery came up. Thousands of pages... (1.550.000 pages on hernia!) I searched again and again, with keywords like: "Healing Inguinal hernia without surgery", there were showing up 155.000 pages, - but all about Surgery! It was said that 5% of all men get an hernia in their life and that would mean, if half of these are repaired by surgery, an income of about a Trillion $ for the medical system only from the hernia surgery! 80.000 surgeries a year only in UK! So obviously this is part of a lucrative business, which is based on a materialistic world view and because of this one can understand why it is so hard to find any alternative solution. That means that all those people who can't effort surgery, are just suffering, left without any help. Probably nobody is even asking for an alternative solution, being impressed by the established medical authorities! Indeed there seems to be no choice. I searched for several months and could not find any information to heal my hernia and even from alternative health groups like Reiki there came only the suggestion back that surgery should be done. Meanwhile I found out, that one must look for information older than eighty years. I have given some links further on... Reading the information from those old books, I can understand now why modern medicine is not interested in those 'self-healing-methods'. To heal an hernia without surgery, it needs a lot of engagement and self responsibility, apart of that it takes much longer and is not just a quick 'repair' but is a 'healing process' which goes far deeper and includes the whole being with all levels - and this is not wanted in our speedy society. Sometimes I felt totally impotent in front of all those hundred thousands of impressive information from medical experts. How can I be right in my feelings only based on my intuition, as I have very little knowledge about diseases and healing? But then looking at the behavior of the great majority of humanity, whose life are nearly all based on a materialistic world view, with no doubt that they might be wrong in their thinking and the resulting way of lifestyle, then I must conclude that indeed all those medical experts might be wrong... As more I read all those medical statements as more my resistance was growing and of course also because of my disappointing experiences with the medical system I had to go through when I had Fibromyalgia; when I was told that my disease only exist in my head and wanting to prescribe anti depressives to me. One medical doctor kicked me out of his office when I insisted that I had no depressions, - of course not forgetting to charge me for his 'service'! So it it easy to understand that my position was critical about the health system and medical doctors, finding the strength to search in spite the overwhelming opinions of all who say: "Only surgery is possible to heal an Inguinal hernia!" So I went on investigating and I just treated my Hernia with what I thought might help: Meditation, Reiki, Sungazing, EFT, foot reflex massage, infra red massager, Crocodile exercise (I had learned 45 years ago from Swami Dev Murti), some yoga and other stretching exercises, a strict alimentation, supplements like Aloe Vera, Propolis, Ginseng, Olive leaf tea, Granada peel tea, MSM, minerals, etc., and I was continuing to do my ozone sauna, I did when I was healing my Fibromyalgia, but now doing the sauna only once a week.

Healing my Hernia was a very slow process and very tiring as it needed a lot of my energy and probably also because I felt pretty alone with it. But I continued with the decision that even this would be the last thing in my life, I would go on with it! One thing became absolutely clear to me: It is NOT the question of treating symptoms even not with holistic means like meditation or Reiki. I have written about it many times and I will repeat it many times: Whatever dysfunction shows up, what is called 'disease', this is not the cause, it is a symptom for an underlying, mostly hidden cause and this probably will come from another level. Maybe it is from an emotionally or mental imbalance, or even beyond this, what we might call 'spiritual', (even though I try to avoid to go into 'mystical' spaces...) meaning that our connection with our origin or authentic being is disturbed or not yet done... (This will need far more investigation...) Then I started with some exercises, I only could do fife movements of it then I was exhausted, but later on I could do twenty and I added every few days fife more. I wouldn't give any advice on how often and how much one should do exercises. This depends very much on ones personal condition. So one needs to listen to ones body and observe the reactions coming back from there and then adjusting ones doing. So please don't ask me for details about it, that is the part one needs to find out oneself and then do what feels right. It happened the first time that my Hernia didn't pop out when I got up in the morning and it didn't hurt anymore, I could walk without disturbance. So it seemed that it works! But apart of the body exercises I did more: Twice a day EFT and twice a day Reiki on myself and 45 minutes my girl friend treated me daily with Reiki. With the exercises one must watch out not to do too much: Once when I did the 'upside down' Yoga position, then I didn't noticed that the hernia was outside and after a few minutes I had strong pain and couldn't continue, then I had pain for several days... I found out that by doing too much exercises my hernia is getting worse and by doing too little it doesn't get better. So what is too much and too little depends on my situation, my energy and my emotionally state of being... What means that one has to be very aware and listen to one's body and all other parts of one's system. It is probably a good attitude and condition to find a holistic way to deal with oneself, as a being in ones specific condition and position connecting and being aware with one's source... I couldn't believe it that there is no information available about an alternative way to treat hernia and so again I searched intensively the Internet, I went through hundreds of pages and couldn't find anything, only about surgery. I did it in English, German and Spanish, - all the same. Then I found one scientific page: Strategies for the Treatment of Indirect Hernia (M. Kux) with an article in such a professional language that I hardly could understand one word. But a few sentences (red) gave me a hint: "The internal Inguinal ring is formed by the separation of two portions of transversalis fascia: Laterally, transversalis fascia is attached to the posterior edge of the Inguinal ligament. Medial to the inferior epigastric vessels, transversalis fascia inserts into the Cooper ligament, at some distance from the Inguinal ligament, and extends over the pubis into the cavity of the pelvis. The course of an indirect hernia corresponds to a tangentially acting aetiology. Intraperitoneal pressure acts at a right angle upon the oblique course of the processus vaginalis, causing compression and obliteration of the processus. Radially acting

intraperitoneal pressure would have to be deviated at a right angle to cause de novo formation of an indirect hernia. Conclusions: The word and the historical notion of traumatic 'rupture' are misleading conceptions for groin hernia aetiology. In childhood, indirect hernia is a process of foetal development; at old age, a process of involution of the extraperitoneal fatty-fascial compartment. This involution is characterized by the formation of lipomas and, histologically, by fatty degeneration of connective tissue components. The extraperitoneal fatty-fascial compartment is contained by external oblique aponeurosis, not by transversalis fascia. This is the reason why a small prosthesis sublayed to external oblique aponeurosis is more effective than a much larger prosthesis sublayed to transversalis fascia. This concept is helpful in the strategy of using as little prosthetic material as possible". . The author's conclusion goes in direction of surgery but my conclusion was and is: If the hernia is caused by "fatty degeneration of connective tissue components" then this condition is not changed by surgery putting a plastic mash on top of the hole and so no wonder if after surgery another hernia appears. A comment from a cyber friend: "I find it interesting that once again there is connective fatty tissue involved. I had not really ever known what caused such things, but it seems that weakening of the tissue is the base problem? Most research I have seen regarding major diseases seems to relate to certain tissue type, the fatty tissues are in the nervous, and brain, spine and other places. These are the places the contamination of heavy metal accumulates and allows virus/pathogens to prosper and be protected from the white cells that would normally do the cleaning job. I read this again and again. It seems what stopping the tissue degeneration one way or the other, would be the first thing to do. As you have pointed out, the medical establishment treats disease viruses like a protected species. I have heard of drug that will not work until after the heavy metal is removed. It seems the reason the drugs work in a lab, is because the lab samples do not have heavy metal..." If there is a degeneration of tissue, then this might be caused through circumstances like wrong alimentation, overweight, lack of exercises, accumulation of toxins and probably many more until now unknown factors. (I found a good Web site about 'Hernia causes' which is not directly about hernia, it is more general, but worthwhile to be read.) If there has happened a change in the tissue and muscles, causing the hernia, then it must be possible to reverse the process and create favorable conditions for a healing. At least this is my logical thought as a naive nonprofessional 'investigator'. The MDs say that once the tissues and muscles are damaged then it will not heal and only surgery can repair it and with this justifying their manipulation, which only eliminates the symptom but not touching the cause. Maybe they are right, maybe not. At this moment I don't trust the MDs because even I believe they are caring for their patients, - as good as they can, - their own interest might be stronger, ruled by their (unconscious) personal background and limited knowledge... (Without even they know about this!) Two brothers told me that they both had surgery twice for their inguinal hernia and they still have a lot of problems. Now the doctor wants to do the surgery the third time and he said that now he has to charge the double because they are over 50 years old, but he would serve them with great pleasure! - - - Incredible isn't it? So the question is: What can I do to strengthen the damaged condition of my tissue and muscles? Now I realize that I did already something in this direction apart of my exercises: When I was sick with Fibromyalgia I had not enough exercises and had gotten some overweight, not much but a few kilos and mainly around the belly. So that was the first thing I

did after the hernia appeared: I did a fasting and lost some of this fat. Probably it is a good idea to do a water fasting, a liver cleansing and a colon cleansing. When I searched the Internet and was confronted with hundred thousands of "expertopinions" from medical capacities then I felt sometimes like an ante who wants to climb the Himalayas. So then sometimes I came to the point near to desperation as everything was becoming too much. So I had ask for help... I received the clear and simple answer from inside: 'Help is on the way!' Well, so I trusted this and was more calm. Then I received an email from Dr.Bernarr, D.C., (email: I had asked him for help with my hernia. The information he gave, even though I'm critical and don't agree with all what he wrote, it confirmed very much what I had found out already and so it gave me a certain security to be able to continue with my treatments and my positive attitude. Investigating Native American healer I found an interesting Web site from a healer who is also a medical doctor, what he writes goes very much with what my intention is, (and also it confirms what Dr. Bernarr told me in his email) worth to be read, go to:

Dr. Lewis Mehl-Madrona Quote: "Since medical school graduation, I have been working to integrate the thoughts and techniques of traditional Native American healing elders with more common behavioral medicine techniques and psychotherapies. I have wanted to find the most effective and most aesthetic way for me to midwife people's personal transformations and healings. To improve my approach, I interviewed a number of Native American healers to learn how they conceptualized their work and how they thought it could be translated into modern American culture." BeiYin: That he writes about 'personal transformation' tells me that he came to a similar conclusion like me, - even being a 'medical doctor'! For my personal healing process now with hernia, I picked from his Web site: Quote: "The traditional healers told me that time is the first important ingredient in the healing journey, comparing starting this journey to beginning to push a rock up a hill. It takes a lot more effort to get the rock moving at first than to keep it moving. They wondered how seeing someone once or twice weekly could provide enough "oomph" to start the healing process. "How can you push a rock up a hill if you keep stopping and letting it roll back down?" they asked. In organic and biochemistry, an energy of activation is required to initiate a reaction. Once initiated that reaction may proceed irreversibly to completion without much further energetic input. Without sufficient energy of activation, the reaction never occurs. A cake without sufficient energy of heat remains mush. A minimal level of heat is needed to actually cook the cake (transforming the internal arrangements of its molecules). The healers loved these comparisons to chemistry, and reflected upon how nature is the same at every level. In systems science, we say that each layer is isomorphic to the other." BeiYin: So this confirms what I thought before: doing a water fasting in which I don't do anything else, just laying in bed with closed eyes, etc. He writes also: Quote:"The days before modern pharmaceuticals, rest was a key ingredient of any therapy. Healing may best begin by putting the client to bed. This disturbs daily routines and breaks old habits. It allows

the body's repair mechanisms to take over from the defense mechanisms; the parasympathetic nervous system to calm down the sympathetic nervous system." BeiYin: I was doing every day my exercises, EFT, Reiki, meditation, etc. but I was also working. This was probably the reason why my hernia was not getting much better:

'The rock is just too heavy that it moves by itself and keeps moving...' With other words: to become aware of the load one is carrying since many years and which might have caused one's disease. In consequence I did as the most important a ten days water fasting: I am at the 5th day of my water fasting. I'm doing my exercises three times a day and today I felt that it was more difficult. Today I will do an enema to clean up my intestines but I will wait with a liver cleans until after the fasting, it might be too much stress and disturbing the healing process of my hernia. I felt good the last few days and I had enough energy to work several hours on some translations, what I wanted to do since several months. I finished twelve days water fasting... and I must say that this was a pretty tough time. I wouldn't suggest to do it in winter time, it's easier in summer. At the end I was quite weak and when I wanted to eat again then there was nothing prepared and I had not enough energy so I was eating for a week just what was there and this wasn't the right way to get back my strength, instead I messed up my digestive system... Now another week has passed and slowly I am gaining back some energy. I had lost about eight kilos. My hernia is not yet healed although it is getting better. I am doing my exercises three times a day. Six series: When I started these then I could only do five then later twenty movements in each series. Now I am doing about one hundred... But this is absolutely NOT an advice or a suggestion for somebody else. I'm sure that it depends very much on ones personal condition and situation what one can do, how often, how much, etc. One needs to listen to ones body and find out what is the best that suites. I felt that I was doing too much and so I reduced the number of movements to fifty, this feels good even when I do it three times a day. In an old book about natural healing from Dr. med. Alfred Brauchle, he wrote that after or before these exercises one should do five minutes of massage of the abdomen around the hernia, - massaging in circles. This I am doing since a few days and indeed my hernia is getting better. Also Dr. Brauchle suggest to wear a good fitting truss and to put it on in the morning when still laying in bed and also taking it off laying down. So that the hernia doesn't pop out. He writes that the hernia should be treated like a broken bone, it should be kept as calm as possible. That's not always so easy, for example when going to the toilet or taking a shower. I do it in the way that I hold one hand on the hernia so that it doesn't come out, this doesn't work always but most of the time. I have a cold. Why my hernia is getting worse? I have emotional stress. Why my hernia is getting worse? I have days with a lack of energy. Why my hernia then is worse? It seems to be pretty obvious that all is connected and so the 'healing' must include the whole system, and of course the 'healing' can and should start also with little things like a cold. Not cutting the symptoms with some pills or in the case of hernia closing the damaged tissue with some plastic mash... So the healing must start or go down to the roots, but where are the root causes of an hernia? I never read anywhere a question about it, so probably I need to go into this direction and investigate more... (Isn't anybody out there who can give me a hint?) Link: When searching the Internet I read about the author Patricia Ann Hellinger. Her story had an uplifting effect to my mood, as I see that I'm not the only person who wants to go into

another direction. She has written an interesting book how she healed herself from Fibromyalgia and other severe diseases, but it is already worth while to read her story and her view about healing... Link: I found an amazing book "Practice of natural therapeutics" Henry Lindlahr M.D. TREATMENT OF CHRONIC DISEASES and I have made a copy. There are a number of books, mostly out of print and several now in 'Public Domain'. Go to: I found a book published in Germany at 1933: "Handbuch der Naturheilkunde" written by Dr. med. Alfred Brauchle. I don't know if there exist an edition in English. I will search for it, because he is describing natural treatments among others also for hernia... Mood & Energy: During the last weeks I came several times near to desperation and I guess this happens to anyone who is searching for an alternative way to heal one's hernia and then not finding anything else than surgery. So when it happened that I got this feeling of being helpless and hopeless, then I did EFT for a few minutes. (I have written more about it at: click) (At the Web site: EFT= Emotional Freedom Technique one can download the EFT manual for free.) Doing the EFT, one is tapping certain meridian points and saying or thinking an affirmation phrase, like: "I am full of energy and in a good mood!" This needs only two minutes - and it helps! So with this I could go forward and had enough energy to do first my morning exercises and then, - I get more energy out of it and I can go on to 'confront the day'... The last days my mood was lifted up, because finally I found some alternative information and I could see, that indeed, a natural healing of an Inguinal hernia is possible. Again recognizing how important it is to keep one's energy and mood high. Then also one's view is more open and new information can be received... (I'm aware of the fact that EFT is a manipulation on ones emotions. In general I'm against any kind of manipulation if it is not connected with searching and treating the cause, but in a case of emergency it might be necessary to help to create a favorable condition so that one can stay open to continue...) Again my hernia got worse - and my mood went down. But then reflecting about it I could realize that even my hernia was worse it was still better than when it was bad the last time and when I had recovered, then my hernia was better than ever before. Seeing this more clearly, there was no need for my mood to go down, knowing that - even though there are ups and downs - on the long run it is getting better. But of course, it is an issue in the healing process, that I am not sure about anything. I have no proof that it is possible to heal myself from hernia. I haven't met anybody and I have not read about any case. So I am walking on a very slippery ground, but now I don't care how often I fall down on my nose or bottom, I will go on... A few days ago a physiotherapist visited me. It was not about me, he is planing to give a seminar about healing. But then I was talking about my hernia and my intention to heal it in an alternative way, he said that this would be impossible and the only way to repair the hernia would be surgery. To my arguments he responded that I obviously have little knowledge about medical conditions. That's right, I hardly know even the basic, but now after having had Fibromyalgia and being recovered from it, I can say that I know more about Fibromyalgia than all the medical doctors I had consulted, including several healers. Also I can say that somehow I am glad not to have a medical education, otherwise I would be stuck and limited to this knowledge, being an authority but blind for any creative solution. Even though I could look through the authoritarian attitude of this visitor, I felt half a day impressed and depressed...

By the way: The physiotherapist told me that his field are joint treatments specially the knees. I asked him to which one of the knees he is specialized, to the left or the right? Because I have some problems in my right knee... ;-) Now my mood is high enough that it has caused a new attitude: This morning I could look at many heavy and negative happenings in a way that I had just to laugh about it and realize that it is very much more like a joke, even though it had destructive results. I talked to a friend yesterday, who has a big company and therefor also big problems. When we see each other we normally talk about our health situation. He told me now that his mood is often changing. I ask him why, but he didn't know. So I suggested that when this happens, that he just observes himself. Then probably he will notice that these mood ups and downs are reactions to what he is experiencing around him. So this for sure is different than what he wants and what is his expectation how it should be. When he can be aware of this, accepting it as part of reality, then he can relax about it and then also he will be more open for creative solutions to change the unwanted situation... Then even he might be able to laugh about most of what had caused him disappointment and stress before! Thought: I just watched a CD about doing EFT to heal a trauma. The therapist in this video said that to cure a trauma sometimes it needs a year or more and often it is a really difficult process, because it involves the work and responsibility of the client. So it is a 'process' and this effects and has healing results on all levels. Now, on the other hand, if a person has a chronic disease like hernia and gets surgery, then in the case of the person with the trauma it would mean to cut out the effected parts of the brain of this person, so taking away the trauma and the symptoms. Wouldn't this be ridiculous? So why it is less ridiculous doing surgery on a hernia to get rid of this symptom and the same with other diseases? Remark: I read an article about a MD who found out that doing surgery on people with Fibromyalgia (on their tender points) eliminates all their symptoms. Oh boy!!! This MD will soon be multi millionaire and the world filled with many million zombies more... A visitor of my hernia page ask me for advice about his hernia. He was operated a year ago and still has pain. The doctors are telling him that this is normal... I am sorry, but I can't give any advice, first because I'm not a health professional and then because in this case I can't tell about my own experience as I never had surgery and I am doing my best not to have one. People who had surgery with their hernia and have problems, should ask their med. doctor and if they can't give an advice then they should search for exercises they can do, change their diet, do EFT and do other things to strengthen their whole system. Probably they can do the same exercises I'm doing to avoid surgery and to heal my hernia, but really: I don't know about it! Maybe 'castor oil packs' can help, ask your doctor... I can only repeat: Whatever disease there is, with surgery the cause is not healed and another symptom will show up: Another hernia or something else, probably on a different level... So as a consequence: Heal your background and every thing else will fall in its place! My hernia is much better! Since one week I am working full time and also lifting heavy stuff but I have no pain. But I am wearing a truss all day and I put it on in the morning before I get up, taking it off when I lay down in the evening. With this being sure that the hernia doesn't come out. When I go to the toilet or do the sauna, then I protect the hernia with my hand. Another sign shows up telling me that my hernia is better: The last few days I haven't protected my hernia when I did the sauna and even then it didn't pop out! I see this as a real progress. Two weeks later: I'm still progressing even I'm working. I find it more difficult to do my abdomen exercises, because about one hours daily for this needs some energy and I'm adding

every day a few movements more, so that I am now at one hundred movements for each exercise that makes five hundred movements and then the massage and the EFT in-between. But I want to stick with it as the healing seems more and more possible. I have no doubts about this anymore... By the way: I have thrown away my old truss and I'm using a small foam rubber ball which I have cut into half. It works perfectly and I didn't need to spend any money on it! . With the half rubber ball under the truss it works pretty good, but yesterday I couldn't find the ball, - probably my cat was playing with it -, so I used a flat stone instead. This might be better, because from an old book about hernia treatments I remember the information, that the pressure from the truss cushion would cause that the tissue builds up scar tissue and so closes the hole of the hernia. So I will direct my intention to this... (Later: I stopped using the stone and instead I'm putting a hard foam rubber cushion. That feels right at the moment, but I guess every body had to find out what seems the best...) I am using this flat stone now for two months and it works pretty good, although the stone is too heavy and sometimes falls out... I can't suggest using a stone, probably it depends very much on one's individual condition and the state of healing. So one should be aware of it and sensibly using one's intuition for what might be the best... Today I received an email with a link to a Yoga Web site were a MD who also is doing yoga, describes that he healed his Inguinal hernia with yoga. He describes the same exercise I am doing now since three months. I found a post in which points out the importance of a colon cleanse: "I actually asked him how to cure Inguinal hernia with herbs for my dad who suffers from this. He told me that an inguinal hernia means that the colon is full of crap, and this impacted colon is pushing on a weak muscle which bulges out. Dr. Christopher's student cured his Inguinal hernia within 6 weeks, but it can take 6 weeks to 6 months. Basically, one takes Dr. Christopher's lower bowel formula (to empty the colon out, as many capsules as can be tolerated). Also, apply Dr. Christopher's complete tissue formula ointment on the area, and also this formula can be taken internally. But taking these supplements is not enough, diet is key. The purpose of this treatment is to eliminate all of the fecal matter from the colon that is pressing on the weak muscle. So if one wants to get rid of this problem, one should go on a mucus less diet, absolutely no ingestion of foods that cause constipation: no dairy, meat, or preserved foods. One should eat fruits and vegetables, and juices. And Dr. Christopher also said that if one wants accelerate the healing process, a juice fast would be necessary, preferably a watermelon juice fast, or a prune juice fast. Surgery for an Inguinal hernia merely masks the symptoms. The body is telling the patient the colon needs to be cleaned out, it is full of too much crap. Surgery definitely does not clean out the colon, and if this is not cleaned out, new diseases can appear. As we all know good health starts with colon health." Yesterday I called an old friend in Germany telling her about my hernia, she gave me the advice to go to the Web site of Dr. xyz, who investigated about 'micro cells' and he has developed a series of 'formulas' which helps and stimulates the growing and recovering of tissue. That's exactly what I need at this moment for my hernia. I feel pretty good and I can work nearly whole day and pretty hard. I have seldom pain, but the hernia is not healing, what means the rupture is not closing, although I am doing EFT especially for the cells of the tissue and muscles that they can recover, so obviously they need another stimuli. OK, so I went to this doctors Web site and spend all night on reading it. Indeed very convincing and I wrote an email to Dr. xyz asking about a 'formula' for my hernia. I am pretty critical about offered

'formulas' because I have made a lot of negative experiences in the Internet with those magic bullets. I wish nothing more than to find something to help to heal myself. This could really have a great impact to all people suffering from hernia. The 'formula' alone will probably not do it, but with the exercises, the right diet, massage, EFT, meditation, etc. then the stimulation of the cells might do the decisive healing impulse. Update: I tried for several months the 'formulas' of several sellers and came to the conclusion that these seem to be part of the big health business. For sure it is good to take some supplements like vitamins and minerals, but all the other stuff... I have serious doubts, but there should be done some intense investigation... I came to the conclusion that those 'formula sellers' are mostly using the need of people, who of course want to be healed, to make money. It is likely so, because there is missing a more subtle aspect, as their view still is based on a pure materialistic aspect, even there might be an aspect of selfless intention behind. Could it be that this Hernia thing is an exercise in being patient? I believe that I'm a pretty patient person, but my Hernia let me come to my limit. You as the reader of this writings are probably very patient, not having received any concrete result about my healing. But wait! Don't give up. I am still convinced that healing from hernia is possible. It's not just a believe. Indeed I am feeling much better than one year ago, my physical condition has improved a lot, due to my daily exercises as described before. I am working now full time, as I did before I got sick with Fibromyalgia, although my energy some times goes down. But yes, this might have to do with 'patience'. So I can understand that you are waiting for a result, but please be patient! It might help that you see the lecture of this page as an exercise! You are doing quite well! So continue... Several weeks have past and I'm still waiting. I'm desperately waiting for the parcel with the miracle formula. A few weeks later: I gave up waiting for the parcel and started to investigate, searching for similar substances. There are a number of other places where one can buy those supplements. What I can see now is that the prices for those 'formulas' are far too high and I will look for an other way to get these substances, which are: Proline, Lysine, protein and vitamin C. I am taking now 50 gr. pure protein daily, which is sold for body builder. The Lysine and Proline, which are important for the cell stimulation, I haven't found yet. Then I should take 3-6 gr. vitamin C. (over the day) But I couldn't take the high quantity of vitamin C, because it gives too much acid to the body system. I will look for another kind of vitamin C... Exiting news: I just called somebody in the USA who had written an email to me telling that he healed himself from an inguinal hernia. In his email he hesitated to tell me details because he wasn't absolutely sure that he was really healed. But now when we talk about it at the phone there was no doubt about it: He healed himself from his inguinal hernia and there is nothing left that disturbs him anymore. He can do anything without problem, included weight lifting and heavy work. He had an inguinal hernia for about three years and he refused surgery at the last moment when he had already the appointment with the surgeon. Now he is very happy that he did so. He also makes me happy as I have the confirmation that healing without surgery is possible, until now I wasn't sure about it and felt pretty alone. So now my hope has a concrete base and I look forward to my own healing. This gentleman wants to share what he did to heal his hernia. (Go to: email exchange) It is nearly the same what I'm doing, with very little variation, but of course sometimes something little makes a big difference! He told me that he takes 6 gr. of vitamin C daily and 50 gr. protein and that he has done similar exercises as I do, but he said it is more important to do a few movements but very strong than many and light. Also he said that it is important to relax enough, - indeed this I would like to do, but at

the moment there is too much work and the heat is unbearable... So I will stop writing now and relax... Somebody had ask me about the exercises I'm doing. It is difficult to describe them so I have made a video about it: Inguinal Hernia healed without surgery. In any case one should carefully listen at one's body and only do what feels right... I still believe it wouldn't be a fault to ask a health professional... (But be aware of their established rigid attitude!) Again a few months passed by. I'm still doing my daily exercises. It hasn't changed much, but looking back I can observe that doing the exercises now, it is much easier than before and I'm not getting exhausted so much. This early morning when I went out to make a pee, I forgot to put the truss, then I noticed that the hernia didn't come out, as it normally did. But I will not sing hallelujah yet and go on wearing the truss, although putting in just a small rubber plate, after the stone I had used fell down and broke into pieces, what gave me the sign to change something about the protection. And it works, I have no pain anymore and no problems even lifting heavy things... Again I will try to get the vitamin C as Calcium Ascorbate with Bioflavoids here in the pharmacy. I had bought it from the US but it never made it through the customs. Later: This kind of vitamin C exist here in Spain only without Bioflavoids, but this is ten times more expensive than in the US! Since a few days I have some pain in my abdomen, although I'm not working at the moment. I don't work because I'm not feeling well and have a heart problem which are getting worse even doing little things. I even had to reduce my daily exercises. Looking back to the last weeks, I can see what might have caused it. The last two months I felt pretty much alone, then my cat, I have been living with for the last ten years, died. This was a very special cat and we were very connected. So this was an emotionally shock... Then living in a kind of community is a permanent emotional stress. Last week we had a meeting and there were only complains from the people here about the daily circumstances and not even one positive comment... I know this behavior and attitude from people since thirty years and I can take it, having reduced my expectations to the utmost minimum, but after this I felt sick and didn't want to see anybody... So I'm not that much surprised that also my hernia hurts beside the heart pain. What makes it again clear, that the emotions have an important significance and influence on health and healing. Again, like several times before, I came to the point when I felt that I wanted to give up with the intention of a community. These thoughts didn't make me feel better. There are arriving every day email from people who want to come, but the last days I haven't answered them. Now just a moment ago there called someone who had written and we were talking for a while and he convinced me, so I told him they (a couple) can come. This has happened now several times that when I came near to the point of giving up, then promising people showed up. OK, now I feel much better and I will relax. Tomorrow is

another day... ...? So you might ask what all this has to do with 'healing my hernia'. It turned out the last days, that indeed it has to do with it. The last two weeks I had serious heart problems, not because of an organic failure but caused from stress. Before the heart problems were showing up, my hernia was doing pretty well, it hasn't come out for several days and there hasn't shown any

pain, so I came near to the thought that my Hernia might be healed. But then with my heart problems also the Hernia got worse, so obviously all is influenced and connected with my emotional condition triggered by outside happening and situations. Dealing with this in a different way and with another attitude will bring the release... So you might want to go to my new heart page and read about it. Then you will understand that 'stress' also is influencing the healing of one's hernia and that it is essential to do something to release one's stress... Even you are used to the daily stress and it looks like this is normal. But even it doesn't' bother you too much, it is still damaging your system and is causing the failure in the long run and I suspect that stress is a hindrance for any healing . Don't give up! Take self responsibility and do something about your emotional situation, which is influencing your stress level! It's a challenge! My heart trouble is getting better and also my hernia. Since more than a week it hasn't popped out and I have no pain. It is possible that one reason is, because the last time I haven't been working so much like before. What seems to be important is, that now I'm much more aware of my stress level and when I notice that I'm tense, then it needs only a little effort to relax. For example driving in heavy traffic or doing a job fast. Obviously it is easier to observe myself, when I'm not emotionally engaged, but then I am mostly aware of it later, when I'm alone and let pass the happening again. So it seems that to release one's stress it is essential to be aware of the stress and now it becomes very clear, why the 'Stress Release Exercise' works and is so effective. As I told at my heart page: I'm laying in bed since three weeks with a broken leg, not being able to move much. Two weeks before I had the accident, I noticed, that my hernia was not coming out when occasionally I was not wearing the truss, like when I took a shower or did the sauna. It didn't hurt anymore and I reduced the protection to just a small belt. Now being in bed for four weeks for sure this is favorable for the complete healing. Meanwhile I will continue with the exercises I am doing since more than half a year. Not completely, due to my broken leg, but as good as I can. So then in another three weeks I will dare not to use any protection and will just hope that my hernia will be completely healed. I am aware of the fact that the overpowering authority from the established health system, by stating that the only way to deal with a hernia is surgery, has still an influence on me, but I'm stubborn enough to be convinced that healing without surgery is possible, although all those capacities are telling something different. Something similar happened to me now: When I went to the hospital with my broken leg, the med. doctors said that this needs surgery, putting two metal plates with screw to support the bones and they reacted pretty strange when I refused surgery after I saw the x- ray and listened to their unclear arguments. To make the story short: They finally put my leg in plaster and let me go, again reacting strange when I refused the medication they wanted me to take against the pain, the swelling, to prevent thrombosis, etc. I admit, it was quite painful the first three weeks, but I'm glad not to have enriched my system with those chemicals... So lets see... (By the way: Later on I had a good, spontaneous and human contact with another med. doctor and there might come something else out of it. He was interested to know about my healing from Fibromyalgia and that is the first time that a doctor was interested and reacted positive!) Now I'm pretty sure that my Hernia is healed. I was laying in bed with a broken leg for four weeks. (I had continued with my exercises almost the whole time). I went twice to the hospital in this time and I didn't wear any protection for the hernia and I had forgotten totally about it as no problem was showing up. The last few days I walked around with crutches and I

didn't think about my hernia. But now I'm almost sure that my hernia is healed. When walking around with crutches it makes quite some pressure on the belly, but the hernia still doesn't come out and also when I sneeze strongly or cough. I have nearly forgotten about the hernia. I still haven't done weight lifting, with this I will wait a few days more... No, I didn't want to wait more so I went out and lifted a big stone, but this stone seemed not to be big enough so I took a big pallet and standing on one leg I lifted this pallet several times. No hernia symptoms, no pain. So I can resume:

My hernia is healed!!! Epilog: Not just my hernia is healed. During this healing process I went through a transformation which included my whole system. I had to develop strength and patience to be able to continue. Often I felt totally alone, but having still some trust left that the right thing would appear in the right moment, so then it could happen and it happened! I always felt that I had to go on, listening to my intuition. Now I can see that this was right and knowing that out there are millions of people with hernia and hundred thousands not having the possibility to be repaired by surgery, but not knowing that they might be able to heal themselves, so then they are hopeless and just suffering. It is possible to state now that one can heal oneself from inguinal hernia without surgery. It is not easy and one will need a lot of patience and inner strength to do so, but better to intent than to suffer without hope. If somebody with hernia read all what I wrote, that shows that this person has patience and so as well might take the initiative and self responsibility to do something about ones situation and condition. The established and untouchable statement: "Only surgery can repair an Inguinal hernia" is not solid anymore. If I could do it, then others also can do it and if you are younger than sixty than it will be probably much easier. Now you must not feel as a victim anymore. The hernia is a challenge, if you go through the healing process the benefit is greater than you can imagine now...

...Walking on, I'm reflecting: How is it possible that millions of humans are suffering from an inguinal hernia and the only solution offered by the medical system is surgery? There are hundred thousands of untreated hernias because there are people who can't afford surgery, they are just suffering and feeling as hopeless victims. Isn't there any doctor who might be motivated to investigate and then offer clear information about an alternative way to heal the hernia? If this information would exist, then one doesn't need to go through all this investigations oneself like I did and then the healing could happen much faster, not

having all the doubts. Well, one thing now is absolutely clear: The healing of an inguinal hernia without surgery is possible! And the good thing is, that not only the symptoms disappear. During the healing process is shows and becomes clear that the healing is also a growing, because the whole being is included with all its different layers. Indeed, this makes it much more difficult, but it is worth the effort! BeiYin The following articles might be important in ones healing process... What do we sweep under the Rug? Why any change is so difficult? If you want to heal your inguinal hernia, you need to be a pioneer! Signals of Stress - What does they tell? How to avoid? StressReleaseExercise Pulling myself out of the mud Defence - a natural inbuilt survival mechanism Real Healing & Growth is One! History of treating Disease You can make a comment with the form under each article! or go to BeiYin's profile on to see all his articles Some months later: I have no pain or any other symptom and I'm working full time. I am doing my exercises every morning for about twenty minutes and once or twice a week a sauna. In all this time there have been three responses from people who also rejected surgery and were looking for an alternative way and so they came to my Web page... Half a year later: I'm still symptom free and work hard full time, even lifting heavy things and there is no problem. Still I'm doing my exercises every morning to keep my body fit. A few weeks ago I met the med. doctor who had diagnosed my hernia three years ago and I told him that I haven't done surgery but that I'm healed. So he checked me carefully by pressing and pulling and then said that my hernia is still there, even though nothing pops out, - for about two weeks I had pain and felt bad... Does this now means that I'm not healed? What can I do with this 'professional' information? In a way I don't care, but does it mean that I'm still influenced by the authority of a medical doctor? Now I'm feeling good again and will continue to feel healed and work on the healing of the whole. (If possible, I will avoid to meet any doctor... My doc is a good person and for sure he is doing his best, but he is stuck in his limited professional view! Like all the established health system of our society!) There are many people who are writing to me and all want to avoid surgery, so I thought that a mailing list would be good to give us a platform to connect and support each other. So I have created a group: Hernia support Google Group. You can find a digest of my comments of posts in this group at my page 'digest'. Update three years later: I have no symptoms of an hernia and can work like I did before. I still do the exercises every day for about twenty minutes, early in the morning when laying in bed. If I wouldn't have created this 'hernia support group' and so necessarily reading posts, I would have forgotten about the subject hernia. .

In this hernia group I am observing that people with an inguinal hernia are extremely occupied and worrying about their hernia, every thing turns around this disturbing condition and themselves and they don't want to look at themselves and the game they are involved in. They are suffering but at the same time they seem to be content. Might it be that their hernia fills a void in their life? When I suggest again and again that it is important and essential for their healing that they do the 'StressReleaseExercise' so that they are able to look behind their personality games, because there might lay the reason for their disease, - then this is ignored. There are maybe 2% of the present members who are doing the exercise... Another thought: If people are so occupied with their hernia, going into details about their healing permanently, then this fills their life - and out of this they get the feeling of 'existence' of their personality. If this is the case, then unconsciously they don't want to heal, they cling on their disease, the same as they cling on their personality. Absurd but it shows how much people are stuck in their condition. Update five years later: 3.9.2010 I'm still free of any symptoms of an hernia. I want to mention, that even though I have no symptoms, I am doing the exercises as I have shown at my video, every morning. That feels good for my whole condition. Since a few weeks I am also doing the 'Ankle Pump Practice' and that might be also helpful in healing ones hernia. I will report about it later... From the hernia support Google group Charles wrote: "There have been a few recent developments on the medical front, all pointing toward the advantage of 'watchful waiting' and by connection, non surgical and alternative approaches to hernia treatment." (To read the complete post click here.) BeiYin's comment: Do you really believe that the so well and firm established medical system will change? That would mean that there happens a shift from the money based attitude towards a world view that goes beyond all that? Hernia surgery is a billion $ business, the same as the big business with chemical medication. Do you seriously think that a few ants nibbling on the feet of the pharma elephant will make this giant move into another direction? It is not possible that there happens a change in the medical health system as being part of the social system, if the change is not caused from within in its essential structure of the whole system and that would be a rising of the level of consciousness. The medical system has during centuries built up the position of an untouchable authority, making people dependent and putting them in bondage. Not necessarily by manipulation like advertisements, but just because it is serving the infantile need of people to stay in dependency of authorities, not having the need to think by themselves and maybe questioning their condition. There is no one to blame. The EHS is a manifestation, the same as other forms, as a step of evolution presenting the still very limited consciousness. Also the doctors can't be blamed, they do as good as they can and with their best intention in their limited personal condition, coming from being educated within the established system. I have seen recently a few med. doctors who are in crisis, because their personal growing process brought them into doubts about their professional doing and they are questioning the established system and with this they are getting into a very unstable situation. Some even thinking about giving up their profession, because within the established health system their is no space or the possibility to go beyond, not even in alternative or natural healing. Alternative treatments don't change the attitude of the patients or getting them out of their dependency. There is no alternative information given about what disease really is and seldom there is a question about the root cause. Mainly the symptoms are treated and not seen in connection with other levels of the individual human system.

There is little hope that this will change during the next generations. So any discussion of sick people about the development of the medical system is pretty useless and wasting ones energy, that better should be used to directly taking care of oneself. Like talking about the various methods of surgery, - - - if one really want to avoid surgery, knowing that from there no other way is offered. That now from a few doctors 'watchful waiting' is suggested is not a real change as long there is no suggestion given about all possibilities to help ones healing and that of course should include all levels of ones being and not just the physical body. The first step in ones healing would be to take self responsibility and that would mean to step out of dependency. That of course can't be supported by the one who makes his living from the dependency of sick people to him. So it is a pretty hopeless situation and only a very few people will be able to do a real self healing for their whole being. I repeat: "Alternative approaches to hernia treatment" offered from the EHS will stay on the limited level of treating symptoms and not include the 'whole being' even though it might be called 'holistic'. If in our healing process we don't question our existence in all parts, then this 'healing' will not be real and not be part of our 'growing process'. There should be come up the question what disease really is and probably this must be answered out of ones own realization and not from an authority, the same as other essential questions... The more practical question, how one can come to the possible position to question oneself and finding answers not depending on professionals, for sure will be answered, but also this question first must be ask, - what shows that this person is ready... At our 'Hernia Support' Google group there are some interesting posts. The following answers & questions might be important for some body who wants to heal oneself: Questions and Answers at the Hernia Support Google Group John: I am starting the BeiYin programs and I have several questions. BeiYin: I am not a health professional, so you better don't take what I write as an advice. The good thing is that all what I know comes from my personal experience and had served to heal myself, but must not necessarily have a value for somebody else. John: 1.) Is it ok to stopped all physical activity going with the assumption that if I do daily exercises and eliminate any physical activities like mowing the lawn, running the dog will help create a faster healing process of strengthening the muscles? Or am I creating a further weakening of the body and the abdominal wall? BeiYin: When I found myself with an inguinal hernia I could not work like before because I had a lot of pain when moving and so I kept quiet as much I could. Even sitting at the computer was painful, but then when I investigated and found out that the weak abdominal muscles are one of the reasons of the hernia, then I started exercises to strengthen these muscles. But always laying down and taking care that there was no bulge coming out. I did also yoga and one day when I was standing on my head, I didn't notice that my hernia was coming out and suddenly I had a terrible pain and this for a couple of days... So I was very aware and alert. When wearing the truss, I did the work that was necessary to do, but carefully not to overdo. Running the dog would have been too much and I didn't cut the grass and left things that were not that important. I believe that those exercises that are specially done to strengthen the muscles are important and then moderated daily physical activities. I will not forget to stress the fact that strengthening the muscles is just one part of ones healing... without all the other levels waiting, the hernia will not heal!

John: 2.) I notice if I eat a super big meal there will be a swelling the next day, sometimes immediately if I am walking around. This swelling will not go away unless I lay flat. If I eat small meals the swelling sometime will not appear for 36 to 48 hours. The food in our system causes the swelling to protrude out? Why sometime immediately and sometimes a delay? Does it depend on how fast our bodies digest food? BeiYin: We need a certain quantity of food to survive and we need a certain quality of food to stay healthy or to heal. In our society people eat far too much, in a extremely bad quality and in combinations that makes it difficult for the digestive system. So this is another important step in ones healing process: To become conscious about ones eating habits. One need to become critical to what is offered and check ones used habits. Yes, small meals are better then filling ones stomach up to the limit. Even with small meals one should not mix things that are difficult to digest when wrong combined. (Search for 'Budwig Trennkost') Wrong combinations of food makes digestion difficult if not impossible and so there is no digestion but fermentation and this is producing a lot of gas, that increases the pressure in the intestines and so if there is a hole, then it tries to release the pressure by coming out there. John: 3.) I notice if I eat sweets and pies really causes a problem. I was trying to eat pies to gain weight, which was a big mistake. Is there any truth to eating the wrong food? BeiYin: That I have answered above. For example peas, beans and lentils in itself have a combination that is difficult to digest. If you want to built up muscles then what I did was an intake of proteins with something made from Soya. You can get it at your health food store, that is what body builder take. In any case you should avoid sweets. John: 4.) I found on another site that coffee and alcohol is not good for hernia? BeiYin: It is not only good for the hernia it is not good for anything if you really want to take care of yourself and stay healthy. It is good to numb yourself or speed you up so that you stay busy but not being aware of yourself. John: 5.) I notice if I get upset at my condition the swelling gets harder and bigger. Is there a direct correlation between the mind and the healing process? BeiYin: By now it should be pretty clear that there is correlation between all the levels of your system! There is NO real healing process if not all the levels are included! If one just is treating the body level, then this is not so much different as what the medical health system is doing, suppressing the symptoms, that's what they call 'healing', it doesn't really matter if they use alternative means... John: 6.) I lost 7 pounds since this relapsed 3 weeks ago. It is impossible to gain this weight back since my intake of food up and beyond the normal level causes a larger swelling. Does it make sense to just eat healthy with small amount during the day? In time as the muscle in the abdominal wall becomes stronger my food intake will increase gradually? BeiYin: I believe eating healthy and that amount your body needs, that will be enough. Let the body take care of itself, don't worry about it. Become stronger in your trust and intuition. Your body has an inbuilt healing force, you only need to give space to it... (Still it is the question what 'healthy food' really means!) John: 7.) I do the treadmill, slow walk 15 minutes on an empty stomach 4 times a week in the morning before breakfast. There is no swelling while doing this. Is the treadmill routine ok? BeiYin: Whatever a 'treat mill' is (I guess it is this carpet that moves under your feet) it should be ok if you feel good with it. If there is no bulge coming out when doing this, then it seems that your hernia is not that bad. Just be sensitive about what your body tells you, so listen carefully! John: 8.) Let say you are shopping at a store and you have a swelling are we suppose to stop and go straight home and lay flat or just ignore the swelling if there is no pain? BeiYin: 'Ignoring' is not a good thing to do, it might be dangerous and have a slash back!

I was wearing a truss and I was careful that never there was coming out a bulge, so I was wearing the truss from the morning until I lay down in the evening. When I took a shower, then I protected my hernia with one hand. John: 9.) One time last week it took 5 minutes instead of 10 seconds for the swelling to go down while laying flat. Is this normal? BeiYin: Probably there is nothing 'normal', it depends all on the different condition of a person. My hernia was getting better and gave me less problems, just by doing the exercise and then relaxing enough, then of course taking care of my food intake and also taking various supplements. My final healing happens when I had a broken leg and food and was forced to lay totally quiet for three weeks, after this my hernia never came out again. I continued with my exercises and being careful with food, - until now I never again had any pain or disturbance. - - - That's now two years ago. John: 10.) Does everyone here continue a normal life with the swelling as long as there is no pain? BeiYin: Nobody can continue with a 'normal life' if one want to heal oneself. You will need to change not only your habits but also your attitudes, especially towards 'life'. That means how you relate to what comes to you and how you respond to this. This is a transformational process. Without this there is no real healing! The cause will not have been discovered and not been healed. So again: Your whole being needs to be included in your healing process, with all levels: Body, mind and emotions, then there will be an opening to the real healing energy that comes from beyond ones personality. To connect with it one needs to do it consciously by doing meditation or the StressReleaseExercise'. Get out of the trap being occupied healing yourself by turning exclusively around your body and being sucked into your suffering, pain and depression. Accept the fact that the symptom of disease is the manifestation of an imbalance of your whole system and that might be at other levels and as a root cause is coming from not being connected with your 'source'. What that means you must discover yourself... Or at least starting with some questions... From a post in the 'hernia support group': "Hello i wish i knew how many of them [from a 'study' of 364 persons in 'watchful waiting'] wore a truss?" BeiYin's response: Truss or no Truss - is that the question? Climbing down into the darkness of unknown fields hopeless out of desperation fighting forces of evil! Alone carrying the weight of millions unanswered questions. Where is the ideal truss that can fulfill my longing? Does fulfillment exist or is it just a wishful dream? There arises Venus from the depth of a sparkling ocean offering a truss made out of light, suitable for all who suffer blown up bellies - vulnerable feelings protected with fat. Trampled ones own existence out of pain, desperation and fear now giving space for spaces beyond odd bellies, hopes and beliefs. Freedom beckons! Let go being the center of your belly being your truss reaches out for new horizons! Trust your truss! Who needs protection? From what? To cover ones nothingness? Falling back into black holes created by turning around oneself? Light energy rises our focus of attention: Upwards and inwards.

Trust or no trust - that is the question!

BeiYin 10.1.09 Remark: This kind of 'nonsense poem' was my response after many posts from members of this group about their detailed worries, that are also important to be cleared up, but shouldn't cause to forget the most essential... I am expressing myself like this not to accumulate tension in myself, that then might come out as anger...

Questions & Answers from the Hernia Support Google Group BeiYin: 'Support' in my opinion does not mean to find confirmation for one's old established view and not for the view of this world how it seems to be, because we have been told what and how it is. Q u o t e : What kind of truss did you use when you finally got healed of this 'thing'? What was your program? BeiYin: YOU are the HERNIA - YOU need to heal - You need to heal YOURSELF. As long you see your hernia as a 'thing' that must be eliminated, there can't be real healing happening. * You better drop "programs", especially those that are precious for you as part of your personality. You need first to be aware of these programs, then finding out their origin, then deciding to keep or to drop them. It is part of your transformation. Without this there is no real healing. * Healing is a process that includes your whole being. * There is healing needed for parts of yourself you don't know yet that these exist, these show up during the process of your healing transformation. * It needs your engagement. You are NOT a victim. You are responsible for yourself. You ARE your disease. You need to respond to your disease as a manifestation of imbalance of yet unknown parts and levels of yourself. Give space to yourself, dare to go into unknown spaces. Become aware and pronounce questions that show up from those spaces. Use SRE or other available help to gain the base to go on in a creative way, getting out of being stuck in worn out behavior pattern of this society. * Why your intestines are coming out? Why your tissue and muscles became too week, not being able to hold the pressure from inside? Might it be that you put stuff into your body your digestive system can't deal with? It's an impossible job you ask to be done, filling yourself up with junk, that goes into

putrefaction instead of digestion. Check your input of food! Give a rest to your digestive system! Eating might confirm you in your existence, but be aware that this is a substitute. That's part of the program delivered by this society and so part of the common disease, causing more disease... * Isn't there something else more important? Do you chew what you take in? Do you decide what to take in? On all levels of your existence? Not only with food. Look at it what you take in on all other levels: emotionally and mentally. How much junk you take in! You are not even chewing it and for sure most of it you are not digesting! There are a lot more things to deal with before one can get near to the subject 'healing oneself'... * Do you really want to go into this yet unknown terrain? How serious you are about it? Then you might have stepped already out of the common dependency from the established health system. You might know that the 'easy way' of taking pills and repair with surgery has very little to do with healing. But are you really willing to confront the unknown that will show up from outside and from yourself? It is a challenge very few are capable to deal with... * So as the first step it is necessary that you clear up your position. Are you aware of your conditioning? Are you aware that you are programmed? That you have a self image that contains all the concepts delivered from this society? Are you aware that you are identified with all this and so defending it when ever this is touched by influences that are not confirming your established concepts? Do you have questions about all this or do you prefer not to look at it? Finding enough good reasons... * Observe how people are worrying about their little problems that keep them busy with all those endless discussions. If you are finished with this, then you might come up with some more essential questions... BeiYin PS: My writing might offend one or the other reader. This is not my intention. Probably what I'm expressing is not what you want to hear. It is not the form - or have you a better way to say it? If you feel provoked, then this can be good if you respond to it and become aware of your reaction... Stress Release John: One thing about stress release: It can't be done frantically. BeiYin: Longman dictionary of contemporary English says: "Frantic" = 1.) in an uncontrolled state of feeling: wildly anxious, afraid, happy, etc. 2.) marked by hurried and disordered activity. Talking about "Stress release": this indeed is difficult in a frantic state, but it can be done with the help of the 'StressReleaseExercise' even in a frantic state. John: It's take time to learn to relax so don't be disappointed when it doesn't happen right away. BeiYin: One can learn to relax one's body using various kinds of manipulation like massage or auto suggestion. This can have a result and can also have a relaxing influence for ones state of mind. But I believe it does not necessarily changes the cause of ones frantic feelings. To change this, what would be part of ones 'healing process', one will need to go to the root of it and this for sure is not just a matter of relaxation. How one can find out about the root cause of ones disturbance? Probably this has to do with ones personal evolution. That means if one

is ready to get out of one's personality games, then one will be motivated to direct ones energy to find out about it and not any more just turn around oneself. Then one will ask questions and one will find the right answer. One answer can be that one starts the 'StressReleaseExercise'... John: Just slow down, ... BeiYin: Tell a rabbit that is hunted by a fox to slow down! The 'personality' is constantly in the state of being hunted, (or chasing after one of the many goals offered by this society) so there is hardly any relaxed state possible. John: ...don't force it and it will come. BeiYin: That's right: many things one can't force, they have to grow by itself, with the help of the growing force we all and every thing that exist have as an essential part within. Also fighting against something often is useless as it gives energy to that what one is fighting. But some times it is necessary to make a decision and that needs a certain strength and so forcing oneself, otherwise one will do nothing even knowing that it would be necessary and good and so nothing will come... To be able to make a decision one needs at least a certain self knowledge, being aware of ones natural laziness and numbness. One has to be aware of the games ones personality is playing to hold oneself together, not wanting to do anything that might effect ones established state of being. Being aware of ones defense one will need to force oneself enough to take action: Starting with the 'StressReleaseExercie' for example: PS: I might think that it is useless to write in this group if not at leasta few of all the members here will start with the SRE. Oh boy! Humans are tough cookies, they do all kind of things destroying themselves but have great resistance against every thing that might bring them out of their misery!... *** The enemy is us! From the Radio Show "The People Whisperer" BeiYin: I want to share the following thought, that is not only interesting, but can guide us to a very essential point where we can capture something that can enlighten us about 'Real Healing'!

From: Quote: Roger, an "angry American," "patriot" and "fighter," wrote to say he is in touch with many other men who want to do something but don't know what. Do I have any ideas? Henry Makow's comment: Roger is like the man who asked how much does the yacht cost and was told, "If you have to ask, you can't afford it." Individuals take the initiative. That's what the enemy is most afraid of. People only do what they "own" i.e. conceive themselves (unless of course they are paid or propagandized by paid agents.) In any conflict, it is necessary to understand who the enemy is. As Pogo said, "the enemy is us."

BeiYin: Henry Makow is talking about a global situation, but I think the same thought (as above, so below) is valid on a personal level. Applying it to one's hernia we can observe exactly the same attitude and behavior we have: We fight against an enemy that is invisible, sitting somewhere in the background, causing symptoms with pain, giving us problems we don't like to deal with, keeping us busy - turning around ourselves and the best or better said the worst: "the enemy is us!" Not enough, it comes even worse: We don't want to know about it! We don't ask and so we can't get any answer, not needing to look at it and so we can stay in our innocent, ignorant zombie state. If we ask then we are like the person who ask for the price of a yacht: we can't afford it, that means we will not understand the answer, we will reject it and for sure finding a good reason for it! That's the situation in this "Hernia Support Group". Indeed mostly the members are supporting each other in their innocent blind state. Blinds guiding blinds. I would have left this group if I wouldn't be the "owner" of this group, but I don't join the common game, not outside the group and not being in the group. Again and again I will point out what needs to be said. This might disturb you, but in this case I have an advantage: You can't kick me out of this group. This has happened several times when I had joined other health groups... But of course I'm free to leave... So if my input really is not wanted, that would be just normal, then there wouldn't be any reason for me to continue with my intention to make it clear that: " T h e enemy is us!" "Individuals take the initiative!" Exactly, that's what is necessary and that's what we are supposed to do in this group... .. Comment: So you have opened a war on people's personality. BeiYin: I have not opened any war. I have responded to people in a group who all are there with the intention to heal themselves. To be in a war it needs two sides: One who attack and one who defends. I haven't attacked even though people might feel offended. Not to go into a war it needs to be clear about one's position. My position is sovereign enough that I don't need to defend myself. Also I am in a strong position because I am the owner of this forum and nobody can kick me out, but I'm not going to use my power on people because they attack me or express themselves in a way I don't like or that doesn't fit into my established concept. I have made clear the position of people who are in need and there for searching for a solution. That here no quick and easy cure is offered and that to heal oneself is difficult and needs one's full engagement, was made clear and tells about the vulnerable position of people. In this connection it was also said that the position and established personality will defend oneself and that one must be aware of it to be able to continue. So people's position is not balanced and because of this weak and the only way left, is to confront ones condition and work on it - - or to defend oneself by leaving the group. But at the same time people know or feel that then they are alone with their health problem and be at the mercy of the established health system. So they have a good reason to listen even though they don't like what they receive as information about themselves and ways to get out of their difficult situation. ... Comment: As from your point of view you are absolutely right, but for many it is very hard to understand you because this is all what they have to defend themselves while living in this society. The only way to survive for them is to be part of this society and to be part of the game by tuning their role playing and have a personality that match other's expectations. BeiYin: Yes, that's all what they have or better said: that's all what they have because they limit themselves to it and they are close and stuck in their rigid and limited personality, even though there are included a lot of beautiful concepts... Living in a dream split reality is the main reason why people become sick and with their disease they have the chance to work on

their condition and get out of the straight jacket of their personality and the suffering from their disease. Or they can continue their old used way and destroy themselves and also their surrounding and the base of their life. They don't know it better as this society doesn't offer an alternative solution. When they receive information, if they like it or not, then they have the choice and it is their decision to defend themselves and not to look nearer to what is offered or take the opportunity and go forward with the risk to loose their position, that anyway is out of balance. Entering into spaces that are unknown but with the possibility to heal themselves. When people are here in this group, then this is no coincidence, they are here for a good reason and I feel responsible to give them something real and not just 'emotional support'. ... Comment: Look for what is best rewarded in today's society: The leaders, not the people who can do more and better, but the one who can influence the others, is the one who can talk and persuade more and better, not the ones with great ideas, but the ones whose ideas can sell more. BeiYin: We know all more or less that this is the game of the society. The sheep follow their pastor. Then they don't need to think where they are going and all responsibility is given to the leaders. They have the power because people are giving it to them and they use it to manipulate all for their own purposes. That indeed is a dirty game. Hardly anybody even knowing about it, wants to get out and do something by themselves. So they are running sooner or later into problems: Not functioning family life, extreme behavior of their children, divorce, financial difficulties, disappointing work situations, disappointment in reaching one's goals, breaking down of dreams, accidents, disease, depressions and all what is showing up in daily life reality... ... Comment: How you can expect that a person conditioned all of his life to live this way and who is afraid that if he changes he might loose his position in the society and will be discarded from it soon or later. BeiYin: I don't expect anything and that's the reason why I'm capable to continue with my various projects, even though there are very little possibilities that a normal person living in an established frame within this society, are capable to receive information that goes beyond their needs. I do not talk or write anymore if I'm not ask. But I have opened a space to that people come because they are in need and somehow they want to get out of their suffering, not knowing how. So then they find information. What they do with it is their thing. They can reject it or they can relate to it out of their own responsibility and then respond and integrate it into their life. By doing their own search or asking questions. That's totally up to them. For sure I will not force anything on them. People tend to be more open when they have suffered to such a degree and the medical system couldn't help them, that they come to the point when they have nothing left to loose, so then they might become open enough and do a step out of their dependency, using their remaining will power in a creative way, - - - to pull themselves out of the mud... ... Comment: So to have success in persuading people, in my personal opinion is not to attack their personality, but rather to provide ways to confront their fears, or something else what they see as a problem. Then they will be much more willing to change and understand you. You have to address something what they see as a problem. BeiYin: Yes, you are right and that is exactly what I'm doing: I provide ways that they can heal themselves, not just their disease and their personal problems, - but their whole being. I only can reach people who are ready because of their life history, - having suffered enough. Then out of their situation they will search with even the last bit of motivation they might have left and then they will find the information how to get out of their situation in a creative

way, being able to deal with the many obstacles: In one word: Waking up! - Nothing more or less! ... Comment: Also think of how many M.D. will support your opinion on healing, and they have very big influence. BeiYin: You call it 'opinion', for me it is the result of a life long search & struggle and the realization of a state of being awake in a world of sleeping and half sleeping humans. I say what I need to say and I don't depend on anybody. Mds. are not different than others in their stuck personalities. You are right: In more than ten years of my Internet activities I haven't had any comment from a MD. I really would have liked any kind of comment. To have the view point of some one professional and that would have given me the opportunity to prove my position, but for sure I don't depend on this, otherwise I wouldn't have been able to continue all the years. Medical doctors have only the power to influence people because they have the position of authorities people give them and like to join, because they are not grown up yet. I was several times highly astonished about the reactions of doctors when I rejected their treatments even though they tried to convince me with all their authority (and then I did my own investigation and healed myself...) ... Comment: To persuade you need not more enemies, but rather something what can touch the feelings most. BeiYin: I will not use any tricks or manipulation touching their emotions to reach them. That's the way the big power people are manipulating the whole world and as one can see: They are extremely successful with it: It doesn't need so much more, then every body will be sick and the base of all life on this planet will be destroyed. I am doing my best not to join the common games and I'm open to find out what might be better. For sure it is more favorable for one's intention to make friends than enemies, but I will not do anything to gain friends and also I will not do anything to avoid making enemies by not saying what needs to be said. ... Comment: Of course this is just my personal opinion. BeiYin: Yes it is. Even though I thank you that you have expressed yourself, so it gave me the opportunity to respond to it, as your opinion is the one of many people, with the difference that most people don't express themselves, they just reject and that's all. - So thank you anyway! Links to BeiYin's newest articles about healing The enemy is us! From the Radio Show "The People Whisperer" BeiYin: We are talking about the statement that the enemy is within ourselves. That means we are projecting what we are to the outside and then fighting against it and in so far being involved into a game that keeps us busy, but without a final end because we are turning around ourselves, - without being aware about our automatic behavior and an attitude that doesn't allow to observe oneself. John L: The thing is, we've all (at least most of us) been taught that the physical realm is all there is (that's where Western science and medicine focus their attention). BeiYin: I don't think that this is the case. From early history of mankind people were taught that there is another dimension and where humans come from and where they will go when they leave their body. During more than two thousand years these teachings were established in all cultures without exception. These teachings were given as concepts in one had to believe and the only experience (with some rare exceptions) has been the security coming out

of a strong believe. The survival need of daily life had forced people into a materialistic world view and they could manage to live in this dilemma by making a split. Living their daily materialistic approach and keeping their religious or spiritual concepts as an additional security. John L: Some Eastern traditions have taken a "scientific" approach to exploring consciousness itself -- and have mapped out the full spectrum from the source to the manifestation of spirit in the physical body. BeiYin: Also in western scientific approaches consciousness has been explored and human nature has been explained in depth. Adler, Freud, C.G.Jung and others... Although it hasn't entered much into the knowledge pool of the mass. John L: Someone in this group, I believe, has pointed out that the physical body is just the surface of the invisible world. BeiYin: Of course, it is like the iceberg, most of it is invisible under the surface and one has to dive to explore it. John L: No one can be blamed for being limited in their thinking about matters of reality if they have been "brainwashed" into a particular doctrine. BeiYin: Nobody will blame a baby for using a dummy (or american: 'pacifier') although with it there is done the first manipulation to keep the baby quiet. So this goes on later with other things... as the usual manipulations within our society... John L: Remember that the first persons to notice that the world is round, not flat, were persecuted. Learned paradigms are not given up easily as you keep pointing out. BeiYin: Indeed, the concepts we have adapted and so giving us a frame of knowledge in a world of uncertainty are difficult to overcome. First we need to be aware that we are living out of concepts. Humans are not capable to relate to reality, they are only relating through the filter of their concepts and if something shows up that doesn't fit into their established concepts, then they reject this unknown influence. John L: I'm impressed by members of this group who are willing to even consider alternatives to the "medical doctrine" that drives our culture. Just the fact that guys are considering the possibilities of alternatives to "the old way" is greatly encouraging. BeiYin: This 'openness' is the reaction coming out of the failure of the established medical system. If somebody is suffering enough after having gone through various treatments that hasn't healed but have increased the suffering, then looking for 'alternatives' seems to be a way to get out of it. But then not considering that this needs engagement and self responsibility. Randy: I think that people focus on the physical because it is something that you can be precise about with words. On the other hand that which are about mental and spiritual can not be taught with words. BeiYin: People focus on the physical because that's what they experience with their senses. They are identified with their body and their senses. That gives them the feeling of existence and they strive for excitement wherever they can get it, up to the extreme that they use pain and suffering to feel their existence, - as more intensive the better. John L: Randy, you are right about the fact that words can be used to describe the physical, but are limited when it comes to describing or explaining other dimensions. BeiYin: Yes, words are limited because they are bound to concepts. Each word represents a concept and if a concept is not established as an expression of an experience or just as a common accepted concept, then indeed it is difficult to integrate it into the existing concepts, making it to a part of one's personality. This depends on the needs of the individual. Lately the most sophisticated concepts found their place, fulfilling needs of searching people and giving sense and identification in a nearly untouchable way... John L: I've thought frequently about this challenge for BeiYin because he's been able to

describe exercises, etc., but not really the other stuff that is involved in healing. All one can do is use words as "pointers." Experiencing other dimensions is the only way to "know" them. You can't know the taste of an orange until you've tasted one. BeiYin: Oh boy! I'm not able to describe the 'other stuff'? What you are saying here? I think you are provoking me as you seem to be the only one in this group who understands what I'm talking about. OK, yes, this is a challenge for me, but now I'm tired and as I'm human, I need to relax... Tomorrow more... So I have relaxed and just read all this page again. I came to the conclusion, that I don't want to say anything more, - unless somebody asks me. I am convinced that if somebody in need to heal oneself reads this page, then will receive enough information to start ones healing process. Then reading this page again and with this finding the answer of arising questions. We know that it is not easy. Mainly because you are clinging on words. I suggest that you use the sense all dogs have: They sense the energy behind the words and then they respond to it! Just do the same! Or do you pretend that you are not capable to do what a dog can do? If not, then down here is the feedback form that can be used... Go ahead! The enemy is us! From BeiYin's Radio Show "The people Whisperer" John: I have learned so much from the hernia and from everyone here. I am looking forward to my continued growth of the Whole Body, Mind and Personality with everyone here. Old Joe: The posts are finally turning to the more important questions. Great job! BeiYin: So what are the important questions? Old Joe: You were talking about awareness. That is one benefit of the Stress Release Exercise: deepening one's awareness. Also, the use of attitude and thought in the mode of healing. If you want to change a situation, change the way you think about. BeiYin: Was it that the hernia has given you a reason to question yourself? You want to change your attitude? To check and clear up yourself? Or what is it you both have learned? The "Whole" is NOT the result when one puts body, mind and personality together! Do you have a question about yourself? Is there something you are not sure about? On what depends your existence? What disturbs you about yourself? Is it you or just dust on your glasses or dirt on the mirror in front of you? Who are you? The one you see in the mirror? Or the one who sees himself in the mirror? Or the one who receives an image and is aware that this is a reflection of himself and he is aware that he thinks about this moment of existence and is aware that he feels lost and confused because nothing makes sense. Being aware of one's existence, not because one receives something through the senses, but because one is aware that one is aware beyond any images or pictures or impressions of senses; this might answer many questions... Comes your personal security out of your properties? Physically, mentally and emotionally? So then your insecurity shows up when there is something not clear with your properties? You are busy to organize everything you own and put things at the places where these belong. But this is a constant struggle and uses a lot of energy and is causing stress... There are so many influences from everywhere! John: Obviously there is a lot of confusion in this world and indeed not so much growth when we see that humanity is destroying everything they touch. - Then what is growing? BeiYin: Real growing is a continuing transformational process in which all parts of ones system are included and that is: body, mind and emotions. These parts are 'contaminated' or better said programmed by education and all influences of our society and need to be cleaned up. This entity that you are feels as "Personality" and has taken over by identifying itself with

ones properties and the reactions coming from all parts of the system. -This entity needs to overcome its blown up rigid state and find the essence of ones existence. This can't be found here or some where else 'with others'. One can be provoked by others to question oneself and that one can observe within oneself and also on the outside. Finding one's confirmation when being with others might give the feeling of growth, but it just gives satisfaction to the established personality and then there is no need to question anything; so there is no real growing. Growth is when we can give space to the growing force that is present and inbuilt in each of us, all the time and where ever we go. Growth can happen when we can understand that daily circumstances showing up are the best conditions for our growing. It depends only on our attitude and in how far we are capable to relate to what we encounter and then respond out of our responsibility, - knowing that we (being our personalities) are in a constant need to be confirmed and using all kind of tricks to get what we want... Learning is when we are able to observe ourselves finding out what is real and what comes from our old established patterns, - identification with concepts that we have learned through education and all the manipulation from society... and of course we need to learn that our personalities are the manifestation of human nature. About this there is information available, although we will not be able to receive these if we are not ready for it. Then our defense system will start to react and even simple facts will not be understood and there for rejected. Personality consist in ones self image, this is very vulnerable and constantly needs confirmation and because of this also is constantly defending itself. Real learning would mean that one finds out about 'human nature' and observes this in oneself, then developing an entity that does not depend totally on conditions... Not outside and not inside conditions. John L: All one can do is use words as 'pointers'. Experiencing other dimensions is the only way to 'know' them. You can't know the taste of an orange until you've tasted one. Old Joe: Yep. There's a Buddhist saying of some sort: "You can point toward enlightenment as you might point at the moon, but another must 'see' and experience it for himself." BeiYin: Who wants to point to what? Who is experiencing other dimensions? Isn't it pretty clear that all dimensions a 'personality' is capable to experience are limited to the connditions of this personality? The human capability to produce images has no limit and also the art to make concepts about every fantasy and idea that is triggered by combinations of concepts under the influence of (real?) persosnal experiences. Words are representing concepts, coming out of experiences, maybe or maybe not. If a concept is confirmed often enough by ones experience then it becomes like something real and is firm and established in one's personal knowledge base. 'Knowledge' is a combination of established concepts owned by a 'personality' and not necessarily is based on experience, unless it is an experience that is the result of such a strong belief that it becomes reality within the self image of a personality. To make this 'reality' even stronger this person will become a 'missionary' trying to convince others of their beautiful concept that connects with a supreme security... It is still fake reality, the same as most or better said all what a personality is experiencing. (Tough to swollow this! Right?) Indeed one can know the taste of an orange even though one never has tasted one. One who has tasted one and has enough words to describe the taste and the used words are known from the person who never tasted an orange, then this person will know the taste. A person who is a specialist in wine will be able to describe one special wine with such a certainty that another specialists in wine will know exactly how the taste is even though never tried it. That's all easy as long it has to do with what belongs to the five senses as ability of a personality. But it becomes difficult or impossible when it goes beyond senses and what can be experienced when still being bound and limited to ones personality. The person who points towards enlightenment lives in a fake world or wants to impress other

people who are even more foolish than the one who points. The one who is enlightened will not point somewhere outside wanting to say something with it that nobody can't understand, mainly because being stuck in one's personality that doesn't allow to see or wanting to see what does not belong to ones own already established property... The StressReleaseExercise will not 'deepen' awareness, it will expand one's awareness to such an extent that it will go beyond the limitation of one's personality. That is the reason why there are people who avoid to practice it, because they want to cling on that what they believe they are, even though they are suffering extremely. This is also part of human nature and there seems no way to reach people that they might open up even they are not ready... Yes, there is a way: 'Love', but this is another subject... Maybe for the next radio show... BeiYin: Let's wait, there's another call... Bill: I will still try to heal this hernia with exercises and diet... BeiYin: Whose hernia is it? (Connection cut) Who ever it is, it will need more than 'trying'. - - The hernia is a symptom that tells that the person with this symptom is out of balance with his/her whole system. That includes all levels of one's existence: Body, mind and emotions. To bring this back into balance the whole being needs to be involved. Exercises and diet for sure is not enough! There are a lot of questions not answered, first because they are not ask... You need to get out of your used way of survival that worked until now for you, by not looking, not asking, not thinking, not being responsible, not relating, not responding... Then you will do the first real step to heal yourself - and this is not just 'trying'! Bill: Also, I'm 30. Exercise and diet on their own MIGHT heal my hernia. Heck, I'm already noticing a difference. To each their own! Everybody's BODY works/heals differently. BeiYin: Yes, your hernia might heal just by exercises and diet, I think that's possible with your age. But what will happen if your hernia is caused by an emotional imbalance and that is not healed? Then your hernia might be healed and some time after another hernia will show up, maybe on the other side of your belly. - What do you think about the following situation: The owner of a boat notice that his boat has a leak and water comes in. So he takes the boat out of the water, docks it up and finds the leak. Will he just repair the hole and do nothing else? Probably not. Once the boat is out of the water, he will use the opportunity and examine the whole body of his boat. He might find other spots that are near to become leaks, so he can repair these as well, without big effort. He might examine more profound and find out that the inner structure of his boat is damaged and with not too much work he will reform the structure. Not just having repaired the leak but being cautious and going further might save his life when in the next storm his boat will be forced to the extreme... You got it? Your hernia is the leak. You might be able to heal this easily, but you should use the occasion to go further. You might go through extreme storms during the next fifty years... You are right: Every body heals differently, but mainly because the one who owns this body is in a different state of personal evolution and so is acting and reacting more or less favorable to one's healing. The most important: The need to connect with one's inner essential core is in every body the same, it is only differently suppressed by the trapped personality. John L: The affirmations are very important! BeiYin: Affirmations are a way to manipulate ones condition the way one wants it. But it is possible that then one is covering a problem that has shows up and this of course is not real healing. As a momentary help in an emergency situation it might serve... One should be aware that what one wants might not be the right thing for one's healing, as one's wanting is

conditioned by the unconscious accumulated background and that's part of the stuck and limited personality and that's what we want to clear up. Right? John L: Control of the mind is very hard, but it's necessary if you don't want to be controlled by it. BeiYin: Any kind of control is delicate because there is always a power behind that is manipulating for a certain purpose. First one needs to find out what the motivation of this one is who wants to control and for what purpose. Who is the one who controls the one who controls? Or is it a game one is playing with oneself? You are your mind and as long you are identified with it and using it for your self confirmation, finding your existence confirmed by it, as long you are stuck in a game with yourself. John L: It's tricky, you need to use the mind to go beyond the mind. As a friend of mine said, it's like using a thorn to remove a thorn. BeiYin: Yes indeed, it is tricky. It is not that you use a thorn to remove a thorn. It is as if you want to use the thorn that needs to be removed to remove itself. You can try and keep yourself busy all life long. Very tricky! Credentials? Geo: You seem to have a lot of strong opinions. BeiYin: From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: Opinion = "An opinion is a person's ideas and thoughts towards something which it is either impossible to verify the truth of, or the truth of which is thought unimportant to the person. It is an assertion about something especially if that something lies in the future and its truth or falsity cannot be directly established e.g. induction. An opinion is not a fact, because opinions are either not falsifiable, or the opinion has not been proven or verified. If it later becomes proven or verified, it is no longer an opinion, but a fact." "A lot of strong opinions?" The way you pronounce it makes it sounding like that you presume that I'm a liar, a pretender, a manipulator, a trickster and possible more of these human attitudes a clever survivor is using to make himself feel good and important. You might be right, I'm living long enough here between humans so I might have adopted some of their 'way of life', I will have a look at it later... Geo: Do you have any credentials to back them up? BeiYin: From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: Credentials = "A credential is an attestation of qualification, competence, or authority issued to an individual by a third party with a relevant de jure or de facto authority or assumed competence to do so. Examples of credentials include academic diplomas, academic degrees, certifications, security clearances, identification documents, badges, powers of attorney, and so on. Sometimes publications, such as scientific papers or books, may be viewed as similar to credentials by some people, especially if the publication was peer reviewed or made in a well-known journal or reputable publisher." That's easy for me to answer: No, I have absolutely nothing of all this. Nothing. Not even a health insurance. But I can prove my existence with my passport, but this for sure is not enough for you and I can understand that you will not continue to read what I'm writing. That's ok with me, that's just the normal behavior of humans... Like: It's nothing worth if it is not expensive... Geo: Not trying to be rude here. Just curious. BeiYin: After my first comment I had made about something you wrote, you had called me 'rude' when I had expressed myself without being asked for. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: Rude (also called impudence or effrontery) = "The disrespect and failure to behave within the context of a society or a group of people's social

laws or etiquette. These laws have already unspokenly been established as the essential boundaries of normally accepted behaviour. To be unable or unwilling to align one's behaviour with these laws known to the general population of what is socially acceptable is to be rude. Similar terms include: impoliteness, making a faux pas, inconsiderateness, offensiveness, obscenity, profanity, violating taboos. In some cases, criminal behavior can also be an act of rudeness." I don't think that you are rude by asking me for my 'credentials', not even when you suspect that I'm I liar, etc. It is strange, but never I felt that somebody was rude to me. I never felt insulted even by the most rude accusation. Once walking in the night through the streets of a city a man approached me and shouted: "You complete idiot, what are you doing here?" I looked into his eyes and said: "You are totally right: I'm an idiot, but how could you recognize me so fast, - others need much longer...?" Obviously he was looking for someone to beat him up to get release for his accumulated frustration. He had already raised his fist, but when I said this then he was like paralyzed and didn't say anything more. He turned around and left. Good that he hadn't asked me for my credentials... From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: Curious = "Curiosity is an emotion that causes natural inquisitive behaviour such as exploration, investigation, and learning, evident by observation in human and many animal species. The term can also be used to denote the behavior itself being caused by the emotion of curiosity. As this emotion represents a drive to know new things, curiosity is the fuel of science and all other disciplines of human study." I feel honored that you are curious about me, although the word 'inquisition' doesn't feel so good. You are observing the human and animal species. I am doing the same, knowing that one can learn a lot from it... Geo: I was a chemistry major and have studied a great deal of biochemistry and have spent several years now studying mineral deficiencies and disease correlations. And I am a 4th degree black belt and have studied 7 different martial arts. So I have a bit of knowledge in the exercise field as well. BeiYin: I also have studied many things but I'm not a major in anything, not even a minor. I understand that a belt is similar to a credential, so I was never interested in it. But yes, about sixty years ago I did boxing, but after my nose was broken the second time I gave up. Later I did Jiu Jitsu and also Judo, I had a belt but only to keep my jacket close... Geo: And as I deal with my own situation here I am finding that I am winning the battle with it one day at a time. But there is a definate learning curve on this thing. I am just learning as I go and there is a great deal I don't now. BeiYin: Obviously you are a fighter and you have some success with this well established way. My way is different, if you ask me I will tell you about it... Geo: Again, not trying to be rude. But I was curious about your background. Thanks for filling in the blanks. BeiYin: Sorry, I haven't said anything about my background. That would be a long story. I will think about if I can make a short story out of it, telling only about the last several thousand years... Then later more... PS: Even though I had fun writing this, I hope you don't feel that I have made fun out of you... PPS: Just a little ;-) You know, I'm a serious person. PPPS: Not too much. *********************************************************************** Christopher: You said that your way is differently than that of a fighter, I am interested to know more about it. BeiYin: soon...

Healing Hernia without Surgery Extreme Hernia Surgery Recovery Hernia usually involves penetration of the internal organs through the protective muscle walls that enclose them. One of the most common symptoms caused by hernia is irregular swelling especially in the stomach area. In initial stages, the swelling or bulge is only appeared as a small lump that does not cause pain when it is touched. As the disorder progresses the swelling or herniated area becomes painful and continues swallowing. The lump is more obvious when you cough or sneeze and usually it can be pushed back with your hand, but it will bulge again in a short time. Be aware if you can't push back the herniation, you might be suffering from a strangulated hernia, an extreme form of hernia and requiring extreme hernia surgery. In the early phases, healing hernia without surgery is possible. The following steps may be useful to treat a mild form of hernia: 1. Use of hernia belt to prevent the protrusion and reduce pain. Special type of hernia belts is available for each type of hernia. 2. Treat constipation, recurrent cough, urinary obstruction, etc. whenever they occur. 3. Lose some weight will increase the strength of abdominal wall. 4. Accommodate a healthy diet o Eat food rich in fiber in the form of fruits, vegetables and grains for easy bowel movements. Leafy vegetables such as cabbage, dandelion, sweet potatoes, artichoke, etc. are some of good choice. Have grains like barley and millet. o Eat six small meals instead of 3 big meals o Eat Cayenne pepper o Drink warm tea in hot room and sweat it out o Keep away from foods which are hard to digest 5. Healing hernia without surgery through a healthy lifestyle changes o Do abdominal exercises regularly to increase the muscle tone. o Avoid bending or lying after eating o Stop smoking o Avoid weight lifting that put pressure into the intra-abdominal leading to severe risk of hernia o Keep off from alcohol o Dont get depressed o Dont wear tight clothes o Keep a cloth soaked in rupturewort tea to the affected area for some relief 6. Try other systems like homeopathic treatment, herbal medicine, etc. When the above healing hernia without surgery steps do not provide any relief or when youre suffering from an extreme hernia, you should consult a doctor for further medical or surgical treatment as soon as possible. The following surgical treatments are performed depending on the type and nature of hernia. 1. Herniotomy: In this surgery, the contents of hernial sac are thrust into the abdomen and neck of the sac is bandaged with transfixion ligature and the sac is cut off. 2. Herniorrhaphy: Here along with herniotomy procedure the posterior wall is repaired. 3. Hernioplasty: This surgery is performed when herniotomy is impossible because of wide neck of the sac. Here the hernia is repaired with the help of non absorbable materials such as tantalum gauze, polypropylene mesh or stainless steel mesh.

Child hernia surgery restrictions & advises Child hernia surgery is done when healing hernia without surgery is not possible. The operation lasts for about one hour and the child can return home the same day the surgery was performed. No visible scars will remain on the child's skin because all the work is done under the skin. Also there are no stitches that need removing but there is going to be a covering tape over the incision, but it will fall or it can be removed after a few days from the surgery. Recovery after hernia surgery: most of the children do not suffer from great pain after the surgery and almost everything returns to normal in a few days, but if any pain occurs he should take pain relievers prescribed by the doctor who performs the surgery. Open surgery in the treatment for hernia when healing hernia without surgery can not be done This type of extreme hernia surgery involves wide abdominal incisions, exposing the patients to a high risk of developing complications (internal bleeding, post-operative infections). From an esthetical point of view, traditional surgery leaves patients with pronounced, slow-healing abdominal scars. Recovery from extreme hernia surgery: patients who suffer traditional surgery recover slowly and require up to a few weeks of hospitalization. Minimal-repair technique in the treatment for hernia when healing hernia without surgery is impossible Initially intended for correcting inguinal hernia, the Minimal-Repair Technique can nowadays be performed in the treatment of various other forms of hernia. This technique is faster, more reliable and very safe. The procedure leaves no visible scars and it considerably speeds up the patients post-operative recovery. Recovery after hernia surgery: most patients can leave the hospital a few hours after the operation recover completely within 14 days after the surgery. HERNIA-HOW TO HELP HEAL IT WITHOUT DRUGS, SURGERY, TRUSSES NOR TREATMENTS


The most common location for a hernia, is in the abdomen. It is incorrectly called a "rupture". A hernia is not a break or tear of tissue. An abdominal hernia is the escape, bulge or protrusion of a part of the abdominal or pelvic viscera, generally intestine or omentum, through or between the muscular wall of the abdomen, that normally contains it.


Weak, flabby abdominal muscles, muscular relaxation from ill-health or following pregnancy, and wounds or scars following operations or abscesses may predispose to hernia. Muscular atrophy may follow illness. It accompanies the accumulation of fat on the abdomen and results from sedentary habits and begins to tell on those approaching middle life. Unless intense, progressive resistance exercises, are continued throughout life, the muscles and motor nerves undergo a form of fatty degeneration. When, due to lack of use of the abdominal muscles, the muscles, tendons, aponeurosIs and connective tissues generally suffer deterioration and become unresisting and incapable of fulfilling their local functions, hernia may result.


If you suppress your acute abdominal muscle symptoms, you will develop a chronic hernia or die. To get well from your chronic hernia, you must develop your acute abdominal muscle symptoms again. To recover from your chronic hernia, you must do whatever you did, when you were acutely ill with abdominal muscle symptoms, to get well. To recover from your chronic hernia, you must re-experience your same abdominal muscle symptoms you had, when you had your corresponding acute abdominal muscle problem. This is called "retracing". Eventually your suppressed acute abdominal muscle problem developed into your chronic hernia.


A hernia consists of a sac and its contents. The sac is composed of peritoneum and lining membrane of the abdominal cavity. Part of the bladder, a kidney and part of the liver, have been found in hernias of large size.


The abdominal wall is made up of flat sheets of muscle that encase the abdominal organs: the stomach, intestines, liver, kidneys and reproductive organs. When your abdominal muscles are well-toned and firm, they press on various organs and tissues within your body, helping to keep them in their correct abdominal position. However, when these muscles are allowed to become weak and lose their tone, they are no longer able to perform their function efficiently and any undue strain or pressure inside your abdomen, can force your muscles to part at that point. Then, it progressively, pushes out from the inner body, often to a point, just below the

surface of the skin. When it reaches this point, a hernia is usually visible as a soft swelling or "tumor". At first, it is about the size and shape of a marble, and grows larger as more and more intestine escapes. The abdominal wall, is a sheet of tough muscle and tendon, that runs down from the ribs to the legs at the groin. It acts as "Nature's Corset". Its primary function, is to hold in the abdominal contents, especially the intestines.


Some common types of abdominal hernias are inguinal hernia, hiatus hernia, umbilical hernia, femoral hernia and incisional hernia. They can be corrected completely and permanently, without drugs, surgery and trusses. The most common type of hernia is the inguinal hernia, which is in the groin or the base of the abdomen. This occurs more frequently in men than women, at a ratio of 4:1. This accounts for 60% of all hernias. This is a hernia into the inguinal canal. It occurs most often on the right side. An inguinal hernia containing portions of the intestine, is called enterocele. One containing omentum, is called epiplocele. This type of hernia is also known as an external or oblique hernia. This inguinal hernia is a passage of the abdominal contents through the inguinal opening or canal in the groin. In its course, it follows the path of the spermatic cord in males and the round ligament in females. As this inguinal hernia gets worse, it can descend into the scrotum. A scrotal hernia can distend progressively into an enormous size. In females, the protrusion may find its way into the labia, in which case it is called labial hernia. A hiatus or diaphragmatic hernia, is one in which part of the stomach or a loop of the intestine, herniates upwards through an opening in the diaphragm, into the chest cavity. An umbilical hernia is a hernia at the navel. This is one in which the bowel or the membranous apron overlying it, known as the omentum, protrudes through the abdominal wall under the skin, at the navel. This umbilical hernia occurs frequently in infants and young children and in excessively fat, elderly women. A femoral hernia is almost wholly confined to females. This accounts for 4% of all hernias. The femoral hernia is a protrusion of some of the abdominal contents through a small opening in front of the abdominal wall. A sac composed of a weak portion of the inner abdominal tissue, and a small segment of the intestine, pushes into the canal, causing a visible and painful bulge on the upper inside front side of the thigh. An incisional hernia is the result of abdominal surgery. The cut abdominal wall muscles and fibrous layers sometimes do not heal properly, and the intestines bulge through this weak point.


You can help heal all of these types of hernias, completely and permanently, without drugs, surgery, trusses and treatments. If you resort to drugs, surgery, trusses and treatments, for these types of hernias, you will further aggravate and weaken the condition of your abdomen and in the future, end up with worse hernias than you presently have. Why? Unless, you remove the cause of your hernia, you are just temporarily suppressing and interfering with your hernia problem, via drugs, surgery, trusses and treatments. Anything that does not repair

defects and restore normal function, is not a remedy. If it does not correct producing and sustaining causes, it must fail.


Surgery accomplishes nothing insofar as removal of causes are concerned. Surgery not only does not remove the causes of the hernia, it has the effect of further weakening the abdominal wall. After surgery for hernias, there is a high rate of recurrence of the hernias. Very often, surgery for hernias on one side of the body is followed shortly thereafter with hernias appearing on the other side. The death-rate in hernia surgery, increases as the age of the patient advances.


The injection of some drug at the site of the hernia, to induce the closing of the hernial opening by means of the formation of scar tissue and adhesions, is unsatisfactory and recurrence is common.


The truss pad is a sort of patch or plug for the hernial opening, and imitates the resistance to descent of the abdominal organs normally supplied by Nature. The truss does not rectify the descent of the loop of the intestine. The truss acts as a crutch, temporarily palliating the hernia discomfort but permits the hernia to become progressively worse. The truss restricts the action of the muscles over which it extends and weakens these. The pressure of the truss pad, weakens the hernial tissues bordering the hernial opening and increases its size. The truss, once properly fitted, is to be worn indefinitely. The truss perpetuates the hernia indefinitely.


Never fear developing a strangulated hernia, also known as incarcerated or trapped hernia, i.e., a hernia which is tightly constricted or as is falsely contended, likely to become gangrenous. This is just lying, marketing propaganda, to build paranoid fear into you, to

persuade you to undergo drugs, surgery and trusses, to repair your hernia, allegedly to save your life.


Even if your inguinal hernia exacerbates and develops into a scrotal hernia, you can still correct it without drugs, surgery and trusses.


The cause of your hernia in your abdomen, is your abdominal muscles which are weak and you are lacking adequate muscular tone in your abdomen.


I discovered and teach that every hernia pathology and physiological dysfunction produces a concomitant hernia symptomatology in all human beings, as an inherent self-healing mechanism, to homeostatically help us successfully cope and survive. This means, that our inherent intelligence, our God within, is always talking to us. If we listen to it and obey it, we will always have good health. So whenever we are ill, our inherent intelligence produces symptoms upon which we should concentrate, meditate on, pay attention to and feel, until we are asymptomatic, i.e., until our symptoms completely and permanently disappear. If and when we will do this, our illness will always help heal immediately, completely and permanently.


Meditation is listening to the God within, the inherent intelligence. The God within is always talking to you, not with words, but with communicating with you via "feelings" throughout your body. Prayer is becoming silent, going within, aligning with and acknowledging God as All-in-All. Meditation and prayer are 2 steps with the same ultimate goal, communion with the God within. You are an expression of the image and likeness of the God within. You are

whole and perfect. As you are already perfect, all you need do is to commune with the God within, become aware of that perfection and become healed.


My body is constantly telling me, what my body needs. All disease, pain and suffering are caused by negative thought patterns. The beliefs that I was taught, that may have convinced me that I am separate from God, are false ideas that have no power. The only power these beliefs have is the power I may give to them. I must identify the negative thought patterns, that are blocking my connection to the presence of God, truth, health and perfection. I must release all these false beliefs. I must know and understand that I am perfect and healthy. I must pray, give thanks and know that my healing has already taken place. These false beliefs can be dissolved instantly understanding that I am truly perfect and healthy. My hernia is healed. This is true prayer.


Why do we involuntarily go into sleep, comas, faint, become unconscious, develop pains, tremors, seizures, strokes, paralyses, convulsions, fevers, symptoms, loss of hunger, physiological dysfunctions, delusions, hallucinations, pathologies and diseases? Our bodies are overwhelmed with excessive stress, excessive enervation and excessive toxemia, with which our God within, our inherent intelligence is unable presently to cope and to adapt. Therefore our God within, our inherent intelligence forces us to physiologically rest, i.e., to water fast, so as to homeostatically survive, despite our self-destructive incorrect physicality, mentality, emotionality and spirituality. Our bodies are always self-healing and always do the right thing when we have diseases. We are passengers on the train of life, not the conductors. Since life began on earth, our inherent intelligence within each cell of our bodies, has learned to make the optimum adaptation and resolution, to any problem to which our bodies are subjected. Whatever stresses our bodies presently have, every cell of our bodies has successfully learned how to cope with such, previously. It is already built into our genes, our chromosomes and our DNA. Our inherent intelligence, if it chooses to cause us to physiologically rest, i.e., to water fast, it does so to protect us. This physiological rest, i.e., this water fast, helps us survive, despite our self-destructive lifestyle, thinking, emotionality and spirituality. Our physiological rest, i.e., our water fast, is for our protective benefit. Our need to physiologically rest, i.e., to water fast, will spontaneously disappear, and genuine hunger will return, when the cause and need for our inherent intelligence to cause us to physiologically rest, i.e., to water fast, no longer exists.


The Bible says, "Not by prayer alone but by fasting too." Water fasting (physiological rest) with "feeling meditation", immediately helps you heal your hernia while mental calm produced by your prayer, is a great aid to restoration of your poise.

"Fasting is better than prayer." St. Clement: Second Epistle to the Corinthians, in The Bible.

"The best of all medicines are resting and fasting." Benjamin Franklin, Founding Father of USA.


The most rapid way to help heal your hernia, is by physiologically resting your abdomen via a water fast. To properly water fast, abstain from all food and juices. Drink only as much water as your thirst demands. Lie down in bed, close your eyes and keep them closed."Feelingly meditate" on your hernia until your hernia completely disappears. Then you can break your water fast. If you become genuinely hungry, i.e., you salivate for food, you should break your water fast at this time. Your hernia will completely and permanently disappear. Water fasting (physiological rest) with "feeling meditation", is the surest and most rapid means of helping to heal your hernia. Water fasting, with feeling meditation, usually leads to cessation and healing of your hernia pathology and hernia symptomatology, immediately and permanently. You should always do a water fast lying down, with your eyes constantly closed, no talking, and only sleeping and/or concentrating, meditating on, paying attention to and feeling your hernia symptoms until you are hernia asymptomatic, i.e., until you no longer have any hernia symptoms.


Lie down on the floor on your back. Slowly raise your back up to the sitting position. Sit up to the position where your upper body is perpendicular, i.e., 90^ angle to the floor. Let your upper body go backwards down, as slowly as possible, to your original position on the floor, lying on your back. Concentrate and "feelingly meditate" on this herniated area while exercising. While standing, concentrate and "feelingly meditate" on this herniated area This

will help you overcome gravitational stress to that area. Your hernia will help heal, completely and permanently. Progressively anaerobically exercise your hernia area, to help heal your hernia. Anaerobic exercises are exercises not using oxygen, i.e., without oxygen. Anaerobic exercise is exercise of such intensity, that you can only do it but for a few seconds. Do this anaerobic exercise as often as possible. Anaerobic exercises are intense exercises that can be tolerated for only a few moments. They are short bursts of all out activities. They are activities using muscle groups at high intensities that exceed the body's capacity to use oxygen to supply energy. They create an oxygen debt by using energy produced without oxygen. They are activities in which oxygen demands of muscles are so high that they rely upon an internal metabolic process for oxygen. Anaerobic exercises are: Isotonic, isokinetic, isometric and negative or eccentric exercises.


The Bible says that laying on of hands on sick animals and on sick people to help heal them, was a common successful practice, in early times. Jesus often laid hands on people before healing them (Mark 6:5; Luke 4:40; 13:13). Paul laid hands on a sick person and he was healed (Acts 28:8). Jesus said concerning His followers, "they will place their hands on sick people, and they will get well" (Mark 16:18).


The influence of "laying on of hands", i.e., healing hernias by touching with your hands, has been used since ancient times, and is being used right down to the present time. In our time, there are many evangelists and "healers" who help "heal" hernias, in themselves and in other people, via transmitting God "healing" energy, through their hands, to those with hernias, they help heal by touching with their hands. With the "laying on of hands", there are many evangelists, Protestant ministers, Catholic priests, Jewish rabbis, Islamic imams, clergy of many religions and "healers", who help heal hernias in themselves and in other human beings.


I can teach you, how to help heal hernias by touching with your hands, yourself and any other human being, and help heal yourself and all of them of hernias immediately. I have helped heal hernias by touching with my hands, many human beings, and they always immediately, begin to heal, feel better, look better and get better, permanently. Everybody can learn, how to help heal hernias, via transmitting God "healing" energy, through their hands, to those with hernias, they help heal by touching with their hands, themselves and any other human being, and help heal themselves and all of them, of hernias.


Our inherent intelligence, our God within, is always talking to us. If we "feelingly meditate" and pay attention to our inherent intelligence, we will always know homeostatically, the best foods to eat, when and how much to eat. If we depend on our "civilized" ideas of how to eat, we will become sick. We should eat as constructive and beneficial a diet as is possible. We should eat only natural foods, that we would eat in the wild. We should eat only fresh, natural, unprocessed, raw foods that are palatable to us and that agree with us, with all the essential minerals and essential nutrients. Every bit of agricultural exploitative commercialization and soil depletion, bioengineering, experimental breeding, processing, cooking, hybridizing, mutation and pollution, destroys vitamins, enzymes, minerals, nucleic acids, chlorophyl, damages fats and makes the fatty matter a local irritant. This agricultural exploitative commercialization and soil depletion, bioengineering, experimental breeding, processing, cooking, hybridizing, mutation and pollution, excessively stresses every cell of our bodies, results in our impaired nutrition and results in our impaired health.

WHAT IS HERNIA NUTRITION? What is nutrition? Nutrition means all the processes and functions that are necessary for the assimilation of our foods we eat. Nutrition is the physiological process our inherent intelligence conducts, as our inherent intelligence transforms foods we eat, into material for our bodies own growth and maintenance. Nutrition means that every part of the human body, renews and repairs itself, by its own intrinsic power to absorb nutritive material from the surrounding medium and assimilate, organize, and transform it into material identical with its own, and endow it with vital properties, if it is supplied with appropriate food. Nutritional deficiencies create imbalances in our bodies chemistry.


Detoxification is the final expulsion of waste materials through the various excretory organs. Detoxification takes place in the human body continually from birth throughout life. Detoxification stops at time of death of the human body.


When your eyes are closed, you rest your brain, mind and body. An electric rhythm starts as soon as your eyes are closed and ceases immediately when your eyes are opened. Activity of your eyes, prevents recuperation from occurring.


Once one is restored to good health, one should be taught how to keep oneself permanently symptom free, by a program that stresses eating natural, raw, unprocessed foods, that one likes and that agree with one, pure air, good water, intense, progressive resistance exercise, airbathing, sungazing and sunbathing, as nude as possible, adequate sleep, "feeling meditation", conservation of sexual energy and appropriate observation of the other needs of life. One should never do anything that does not improve one's physicality, mentality, emotionality and spirituality. One should never do anything from which one must recover.



"Jennings, Graham, Trall, Tilden, Carrington, Shelton, Fry, all the wise ones, wrote about Natural Hygiene. Since the demise of Shelton, the only person who has truly done any significant "updating" of Natural Hygiene, is Dr. Bernarr. Dr. Bernarr is probably the only teacher/practitioner today, who thoroughly understands Natural Hygiene, the immutable principles discovered by the true Natural Hygienists of the past. Dr.Bernarr has not tried to rewrite Natural Hygiene to suit himself, but instead has stayed completely true to it, and has gently added a few more invaluable pieces of the puzzle, to add to the actual body of knowledge. Dr. Bernarr is the absolute authority on fasting, there is no one who knows fasting like he does, and the result is the recovery of real health."

Written by Miss Zsuzsa Blakely, Natural Hygiene writer, teacher and lecturer, vegan activist, animal activist E-Mail:, 10/19/05, Los Angeles, California USA



We have helped many people who live all over the world, heal their many different hernias of all types, completely and permanently, without drugs, surgery, trusses nor treatments, via the Internet. Contact us NOW and we will help you heal your hernia completely and permanently, via the Internet.


We teach you how to have this oneness with your inherent intelligence, your God within. We are the only practitioners in the world, via telephone and Internet, 24/7/365, to teach and supervise people and animals, world-wide, how to pray, fast, eat, exercise, meditate, gain and/or lose weight, help heal yourself, people, animals, hand touch to help heal people and animals, sungaze, sunbathe, airbathe, have sex correctly, break bad habits, help heal any problem mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually, nobody is impossible to help heal, have oneness with your God within. Telephone, write and E-mail us for help to heal. We have helped thousands of people and animals, with all kinds of health problems, physical, mental, emotional and spiritual, help heal themselves, world-wide. Contact us NOW and we will help you, your loved ones and your animals, help heal yourselves.


We do this as a public service. If you like what we write, please tell others. Please help us NOW to help everyone, world-wide. All, world-wide, need to learn how to help heal

themselves, their animals and their environment. Our expenses are heavy to do research, writing, printing, telephone, postage, rent, gas, electricity, lecturing, transportation and advertising, to reach them and educate them. We can successfully do this only by your donations. We are a nonprofit charitable organization, God Healing, Inc. We are USA Internal Revenue Service tax exempt. Please send us NOW a fully income tax deductible donation. Thank you.


If you want any of our already printed articles and any of our general information, they are FREE. Many of our already printed articles and our general information are on our Internet web site and they are FREE. Unfortunately, we have not had the opportunity to update and modify some of the articles presently appearing on our Internet web site. We have hundreds of other different subjects in already printed articles, that are not on our Internet web site. Please request the subject of your interest re: our already printed articles and we will send such to you, FREE. If we do not have an already printed article on the subject of your interest, and if there is enough interest from other inquiries on that same subject, we will consider researching, writing and printing the subject of your interest, FREE. Many thousands of people, world-wide, contact us to help heal them, their loved ones and their animals , worldwide. There is not enough time, money and resources, to personally help heal everyone.


We have helped many people, of all ages, heal themselves, completely and permanently, all over the world, via the Internet. Contact us NOW and we will help you immediately, heal yourself, via the Internet. Web Site: E-mail:

For Personalized Care by telephone, call 1-310-396-2914 (USA). We request a

$3 dollar (USA) a minute donation to our nonprofit charity for this personalized care. Please send this tax-deductible charitable donation to:

Dr. Bernarr, D.C., D.D.

God Healing, Inc.

Natural Hygiene Society, Inc.

P.O. Box 1523 Santa Monica California 90406 USA

A single conversation with a wise man is better than ten years of study. - Chinese Proverb.

Have Faith in God and Dr. Bernarr. You are beautiful. We love you! STOMA ('Parastomal') HERNIAS

A Hernia is a weakness or split in the muscle wall of the abdomen which allows the abdominal contents (usually some part of the intestine) to bulge out. The bulge is particularly noticeable upon tensing the abdominal wall muscles - such as occurs when coughing, sneezing, straining or simply standing. (For a full description of all other (non-stoma) hernias and their treatments, click here)

Stomas pose an additional problem. When a stoma is brought out to the surface of the abdomen it must pass through the muscles of the abdominal wall, thus a potential site of weakness is immediately created. In the ideal situation the abdominal wall muscles form a snug fit around the stoma opening. However, sometimes the muscles come away from the edges of the stoma thus creating a hernia - in this case, an area of the abdominal wall adjacent to the stoma where there is no

They may make it difficult to attach a bag properly and sometimes their sheer size is an embarrassment as they can be seen beneath clothes. Although a rare complication, the intestine can sometimes become trapped or kinked within the hernia and become obstructed. Even more seriously the intestine may then lose its blood supply, know as strangulation. This is very painful and requires emergency surgery to untwist the intestine and prevent the strangulated part of the bowel from being irreversibly damaged. Regardless of inconvenience or pain, hernias are defects in the abdominal wall

muscle. Factors that can contribute to causing a stoma hernia to occur include coughing, being overweight or having developed an infection in the wound at the time the stoma was made. The development of a stoma hernia is often a gradual phenomenon, with the area next to the stoma stretching and becoming weaker with the passage of time. This weakness, or gap, means that every time one strains, coughs, sneezes or stands up, the area of the abdomen next to the stoma bulges, or the whole stoma itself protrudes as it is pushed forwards by the rest of the abdominal contents behind it. As with all hernias the size will increase as time goes by. Stoma hernias are rarely painful, but are usually uncomfortable and can become extremely inconvenient.

and should not be ignored simply because they might not hurt. There are surgeons who advocate that small stoma hernias that are not causing any symptoms do not need any treatment. Furthermore, if they do need treatment it should not be by operation in the first instance but by wearing a wide, firm colostomy/ileostomy belt. This is probably true with small hernias, in people who are very elderly and infirm or people for whom an anaesthetic would be dangerous (serious heart or breathing problems, for example). We feel that nowadays operative repair of the stoma hernia should be given more serious consideration to improve the quality of life, prevent progressive enlargement of the hernia with time and make it easier to manage the stoma.

REPAIR OF STOMA HERNIAS - The Usual Approach If symptoms are severe enough, the hernia is repaired. The repair of a stoma hernia requires that the abdominal wall tissue is made to fit back snugly around the stoma, leaving no weakness. Over the years many different surgical approaches to this problem have been tried. There are two options. One can move the stoma to a new site on the abdomen, i.e., create a new opening elsewhere and repair the hernia at the old site as one would any other hernia, or one can try to repair the hernia around the stoma, leaving the stoma where it is. Repair of the hernia without moving the stoma involves opening Although this may appear to be the most straight-forward way of doing it, this is not always a successful method. If the original stoma site is unsatisfactory for other reasons, or if the hernia is very large it may be necessary to re-site the stoma, making a new stoma through fresh, healthy tissue. The area of the hernia, together with the site of the original stoma is then repaired, usually by stitches. This can be a more successful procedure regarding repair of the hernia, but is a more major operation because of the many technical, surgical difficulties in dismantling the existing stoma and transferring it from one side of the abdomen to the other.

the abdominal wall over the hernia adjacent to the stoma and resuturing muscle and supporting tissues in the area.

A Modern Approach Whether one chooses to leave the stoma at its original site or to move it, we feel that the hernia itself should be repaired with mesh over and beyond the weakened area to reinforce the whole weakened muscle structure. This is an improvement over the original stitching method and our technique usually enables us to avoid the more major procedure of re-siting the stoma. Once inserted, the mesh rapidly becomes incorporated within the muscle and surrounding tissue and forms the core of a much stronger area within the abdominal wall. This is very similar to the way builders put a steel mesh inside reinforced concrete. Although the mesh we use is waferthin, lightweight (yet extremely strong), the principle is the same, in that the mechanical load becomes spread over the whole area rather than pulling on any individual stitches through the muscles. This use of mesh, rather than stitches, serves to avoid future recurrences, which happen when the stitches used with other methods are pulled away from the tissue. Once the bowel is seen to function normally, our kind of mesh repair generally requires 1 or 2 days in hospital following which a rapid recovery with a more reliable repair can be expected. Because the reinforcing effect of the mesh gives strength to the repair without the tissue distortion and tension of other methods, most patients are able to be completely mobile and engage in normal levels of exercise within a very few days. Whilst there can be no guarantee of the permanence of any stoma hernia repair, it is felt that this technique offers the least risk of recurrence. As this is a highly specialised area of surgery, one should take care to seek surgeons with the appropriate level of experience with hernias, and specifically stoma hernias and this technique of repair.

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