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THE WAY OF THE WARRIOR Clickview: Japanese History, Japan - Memoirs of a Secret Empire The Way of the Warrior

sound is soft You Tube: Who were the first Westerners to reach Japan? P________________ merchants arrived in Japan in _______________. They were summoned by the local Daimyo (or War ______________). The Daimyo purchased two ___________________. Who was Tokugawa Ieyasu? Born in 1543. His dynasty lasted over ________ years. Member of the _______________________ class Samuri ruled by birth right and the _______________________ As a boy, Togugawa Ieyasu was sent to the ruling Daimyo as a _______________ because ____________________________

What was Japan like at this time? Fuedal society The whole of Japan was involved in _______________________War. Who were the Jesuits? Christian Priests who accompanied the Portugese traders They put up with the hardships of the ________ year voyage to reach Japan because ____________________________________________ The missionaries thought the Japanese were a remarkable race because ___________________________________________________________ This was the first time Europeans had dealt with Asians on _____________________________________ Who was Joao Rodrigues? Cabin boy who later became a Jesuit missionary to Japan for 30 years

Documented life in Japan. Observed that no Japanese person would go outside without a _____ which they used to __________________________________________ What did Rodrigues say the Japanese thought of the Europeans? The Japanese called them The Southern Barbarians because __________________________________________________and __________________________________________________ What influence did the Christian missionaries have? In a little over ____ years, the missionaries, primarily in the southern Japan, established over _______Catholic churches and converted up to a ____________________ of a million Japanese. When a Daimyo changed his religion, there would be pressure for _____________________________________________________ What education did Tokugawa Ieyasu receive? He was educated in the way of the __________________ (Kendo) It taught him ______________________ and forbearance At the age of __________ Ieyasu entered manhood and earned the right to carry the ______ swords of the Samurai (Warriors). Who were the Samurai? The Samurai formed less than __________ percent of the population but seemed _________________________________________________ Even Samurai _____________ were trained to protect the familys honour and pride. Samurai defended their ______________against enemies on the battlefield. Samurai wore protective armour made of tightly woven _________ plates hidden beneath a refined exterior Inside himself, the Samurai was prepared to meet life and death with ________________________________________________________ For a Samurai it was important to know how and when to _________ What was Tokugawa Ieyasus most powerful weapon? ________________ How did Tokugawa Ieyasu begin to build power? He became free of his Daimyo when his master was _________________ He went back to his fathers land and claim the title of ______________

His intention was to help the people and bring ____________ to the land His crucial move was to align himself with the man who had killed ______________________________________________ Who was Odo Nobunaga? He killed Tokugawa Ieyasus master He was the most ___________________ War Lord in Japan He attempted to unify Japan He subdued about ______________ of Japan He changed the way wars were fought in Japan by using _____________

How did Nobunaga loose power? One of his ____________________ turned traitor Who was Toyotomi Hideyoshi? Acted quickly and killed the man who had killed Nonunaga Who were The Unifers? ___________________, _____________________ and ____________________. What was the relationship between Hideyoshi and Ieyasu? Became allies Hideyoshi rewarded Ieyasu with a grant of ___________________ Hideyoshi ordered Ieyasu to make his headquarters 300 miles to the east at ________________, later known as Tokyo, where Ieyasu had his troops build a ________________________ What was important about Hideyoshis castle at Osaka? It was impregnable and _____________________ It was in a _____________________ location, near to the _______________s palace at ________________________ What was the Emporers role? He ruled in _____________ only But, he appointed the Shogun, the most powerful War Lord in Japan The Emperor would not grant the title of Shogun to Hideyoshi because he was ________________________________________________

How did Ieyasu continue to build his own power? He arranged for the ______________of his granddaughter to the Emperors son He set up his sons as independent War Lords so that ________________ What did Hideyoshi do about his succession? For a long time, he had no sons. He adopted his __________________ Finally, he had a son, Hideyori, when he was 60. He ordered his nephew to commit ________________. His nephews family was put to death. On his deathbed, Hideyoshi asked Ieyasu to promise to _________________________________________________________ How did Ieyasu become the dominant military leader in Japan? He defeated rebellious warlords at Ogaki Castle and persued them The fog lifted and leyasu had to go into battle despite inferior numbers. He won because ___________________________________________ The Battle of Sekigahara was the end of the _________________ states The Emperor gave the title of ________________ to _______________ What did Ieyasu do next? Expelled ______________________ Halted _______________________ Decided he could no longer keep his promise to __________________ What happened at Osaka Castle in 1614? In 1614, Ieyasu surrounded Hideyoris troops at Osaka Castle. Ieyasu had a devious plan. He sent a _____________ Samurai to negotiate with Hideyoris mother. When the fighting stopped, Ieyasus troops _____________________________________________ Hideyori refused to ____________________ Ieyasu wanted to establish a __________________________. He regretted ______________________________________________.

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