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Wordskills Worksheet- Prefixes

Join the prefix on the right column of the table below with its stem word and write it in the "Formed
word" column next to its meaning. After you are done, use the appropriate word in the blank in each
citation below the table.

Prefix Stem Word Meaning of Formed Word


Bene- -tensive negate

Circum- -laborate comparability

Col- -spective Having abnormally

high blood pressure

Contra- -colonial related to the past

Hyper- -fit Heedful of potential


Mal- -ice Occurring within a


Post- -dict Spite, malevolence

Retro- -group Gain

Pre- -sequent After colonial era

Sub- -dicted cooperate

Equi- -valence anticipated

Intra- -spect Following in time or

1- "The authors _______________ with school systems to conduct polls that are used to make decisions
on ways to improve instruction and learning." Adolescence

2- "These disappointing findings led the author to be_____________ in her conclusions regarding
Lucrezia's individual role, and even her part in instances of joint commissions with her husband, as a
patron of objects." Art Bulletin
3- "The students may stand to _____________ in stress reduction by being provided artificial
opportunities to disclose their stressful life experiences." Florida Chronicles

4- "Sometimes you get studies that almost seem to________________ each other. One is that there was
a recent study about online racial discrimination and linking it to depression, anxiety - specifically in
teens - just the ways that we interact online." NPR_NewsNotes

5- "Attention has been placed on meeting grade level___________, a focus that targets low achievers."
6- "Like the diabetic or _____________patient, the drug abuser needs to be seen regularly to determine
the status of the patient's functioning and to assess the extent to which precautions are being taken to
forestall relapse." Journal of Drug Issues

7- "The fall of the central government in 1997 and___________ neglect caused further decay."
8- "With recognition of the ____________ differences that exist and the difficulties inherent in treating
any racial group as a single entity, the increasing racial diversification of our schools and the ever-
present achievement gap among racial groups make it necessary to examine the relationship between
school engagement and achievement through a multicultural lens." Professional School Counseling

9- "Let your conversation be without___________ or envy, for' t is a sign of tractable and commendable
nature." USAToday

10- "One ____________ approach would include addressing and changing the stereotypes that negatively
affect Native Americans in the ways in which they view themselves, how others view them, and how
they are able to construct identities within the larger cultural context." Social Work
11- "With rising rates of diabetes, hypertension, and obesity, experts ____________ a 60 percent increase
in the number of kidney failure patients by 2020." Saturday Evening Post

12- "In an unpublished ______________ study of 357 students who took college algebra during the spring
2000 semester at an east central Florida public community college, Gallo and Odu used a multiple
regression strategy to examine students' final examination scores relative to four schedules"
Community College Review

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