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THL470 - Religious and Values Education In Context

Session Week Week Commencing Topic/Module Assessments/Other Information

Early Residential School Period: 17-28 February 2014 1 2 3 4 5 3 March 10 March 17 March 24 March 31 March RaVE in Australia The Values that Surround Us The Purposes of RaVE Approaches to RaVE: Introduction The Phenomenological Approach

Mid-session Residential School Period: Monday 7 April - Thursday 17 April 2014 (Friday 18 April - Good Friday) (Monday 21 April & Friday 25 April public holidays University closed) Assignment 2: Research proposal due 28 April 2014

21 April

Experiential Approaches

28 April

Andrew Wright - Critical Religious Education

8 9 10 11

5 May 12 May 19 May 26 May

A Personal Search Approach Issues in RaVE - Religious Diversity Issues in RaVE - Science and Religion Sharing Resources Assignment 3: Research paper due 2 June 2014


2 June

Review and Evaluation

Last day for receipt of assignment material: Friday 6 June 2014

Assessment Items
Item number Title 1 Online Forum 2 Research Proposal 3 Research Paper * due date is the last date for assessment items to be received at the University
** applies only to assessment items submitted by the due date

Type Assignment Assignment Assignment

Value 30% 20% 50%

Due date* Variable 28-Apr-2014 02-Jun-2014

R V 1 2

Assessment item 1 Online Forum Value: 30% Due date: Variable Return date: Length: 2000 words Submission method options Alternative submission method Task Active engagement in the Online Forum for the Subject: reading the articles and chapters prescribed for each week and responding to the discussion questions. Rationale This task will engage students in discussion of pedagogical issues in RaVE and develop their thinking in response to the readings and discussion questions. There will be opportunities to share ideas and resources. Marking criteria The criteria for marking will be demonstrated engagement with the readings and study materials and the ability to discuss pedagogical issues in RaVE, evaluating the views of scholars. Assessment item 2 Research Proposal Value: 20% Due date: 28-Apr-2014 Return date: 19-May-2014 Length: 3000 words Submission method options EASTS (online) Post (option applies to DE only) Task Students are required to select a research topic relating to RaVE in Context. The proposal will include: o An introduction to the topic, explaining the context and significance; o A preliminary research bibliography; o A draft outline of the research paper.

Rationale This item provides the opportunity for individual research in this foundation subject, allowing students to develop their interests and ideas This is essentially a formative assessment, supporting students in their research and providing opportunities for feed-back and discussion. Marking criteria o o o o Identifying a topic of significance to RaVE The objectives of the project are given in detail It is clear how these objectives will be achieved Evidence of research / preparation of preliminary research bibliography

Organisation, structure and relevance

Assessment item 3 Research Paper Value: 50% Due date: 02-Jun-2014 Return date: 23-Jun-2014 Length: 5000 words Submission method options EASTS (online) Post (option applies to DE only) Task Students complete a research paper on their chosen topic. Rationale This item provides the opportunity for individual research in this foundation subject, allowing students to develop their interests and ideas. Marking criteria o o o o o o The organization and structure of the argument The relevance of the discussion Evidence of research / use of references The quality of the argument The style grammar, fluency, referencing, bibliography Presentation

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