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Chemical composition of Seawater and Salinity

Concentration units for aqueous solutions, gases, and solids

Molar units 1. Molarity = moles per litre of solution = M Commonly used terms include: mM = millimolar = millimoles per litre = 10-3 moles per litre M = micromolar = micromoles per litre = 10-6 moles per litre nM = nanomolar = nannomoles per litre = 10-9 moles per litre pM = picomolar = picomoles per litre = 10-12 moles per litre fM = femtomolar = femtomoles per litre = 10-15 moles per litre aM = attomolar = attomoles per litre = 10-18 moles per litre

2. Molality = moles per kilogram of solvent = m No longer in common use except in some computer programs that calculate distribution of chemical species 3. Moles per kilogram of solution The preferred usage in geochemistry, if not in marine chemistry, about 1.024 smaller than M Sometimes defined as "formality"; however, this latter term has been inconsistently defined in the past and is in disuse 4. Normality = moles of charge equivalents per litre of solution (analogous to molarity, except that it refers to charge) Comes from acidity, i.e. moles H+ per litre Can also use equivalents per kg of solution (meq/kg) 5. g-atom/litre = mole/litre (a gram-atom is a mole) 6. Mole fraction (used for mixtures of gases and for solid solutions) = n1/n1+n2+n3.


Mass concentration units 1. wt.% = weight percent (actually, mass percent) = g per 100 g Used for solids 2. = parts per thousand = g/kg for liquids and solids = mL/L for gas mixtures 3. Per mil = parts per thousand Term is analogous to "per cent Is used extensively for isotopic analyses specifies the deviation from an isotopic standard reference material (SRM)

4. ppm = parts per million = g/g or mg/kg for liquids and solids = L/L for mixtures of gases = ppmv "ppm" is commonly used for solids, whereas "mg/kg" is generally preferred for liquids 5. ppb = parts per billion = ng/g or g/kg 6. mg/L = milligrams per litre commonly used for solutions


Salinity Salinity is the amount of dissolved solids in seawater Used for determining the density of seawater Affects the freezing point of seawater Affects the temperature of maximum density of seawater Changes in salinity drive thermohaline circulation Temperature and salinity characteristics fingerprint origin of water masses Accuracy of determination needed is a function of the problem being addressed, e.g. estuaries vs deep ocean

Salinitas : jumlah garam-garam terlarut yang dinyatakan dalam gram yang terdapat dalam 1 kg air laut (o/oo) , dimana diasumsikan Bromida dan Iodida dinyatakan dalan Chlorida dan bahan organic teroksidasi secara sempurna. Apabila salinitas S = 35 o/oo, berarti dalam 1 kg air laut mengandung 35 gram garam-garam terlarut atau mengandung 3,5 % garam terlarut dan air tawar sebesar 96,5 %.


Salinity Measurement The Past Standard Mean

Salinity is roughly the number of grams of dissolved matter per kilogram of seawaer Salinity is difficult to measure gravimetrically because many of the salts are hydrophilic, and some decompose on heating to dryness From about 1900 to the 1960s, salinity was calculated from chlorinity Cl, as determined by titration with silver ion: Salinity = 1.80655 Cl Kenapa Ion Cl (chlor) ??

l ion Chloride Cl Sodium Na Sulfate SO4 Magnesium Mg Calcium Ca Potassium K Bicarbonate HCO3 Bromide Br Borate BO3 Strontium Sr Fluoride F

valence -1 +1 -2 +2 +2 +1 -1 -1 -3 +2 -1

concentration ppm, mg/kg 19345 10752 2701 1295 416 390 145 66 27 13 1

part of salinit y% 55.03 30.59 7.68 3.68 1.18 1.11 0.41 0.19 0.08 0.04 0.003

molecular weight 35.453 22.990 96.062 24.305 40.078 39.098 61.016 79.904 58.808 87.620 18.998

mmol/ kg 546 468 28.1 53.3 10.4 9.97 2.34 0.83 0.46 0.091 0.068


Ion Chlor merupakan salah satu elementyang terdapat dalam jumlah besar (major element), o/k ion chlor konsentrasinya dipakai standar untuk menentukan salinitas.

Metode tertua untuk penentuan salinitas adalah metode NOHR dimana ion chlor ditentukan dengan titrasi perak nitrat (AgNO3) dan sebagai indikator dipakai kaliumchromat.

Lalu diperbaharui oleh KNUDSEN dengan memperkenalkan teori konsep air normal (normal water)

Chlorinitas : Jumlah semua chlor (garam) yang terdapat dalam 1 kg air laut dengan anggapan bahwa semua brom dan Iod telah digantikan dengan chlor. S = 0,030 1,8050 Cl As of 1978, it became standard to calculate practical salinity S from measured conductivity (PSS-78) Note: practical salinity is unit-less, and is not a SI quantity! Salinity Measurement The Past Standard Mean Ocean Water (SMOW): S 35, Cl 19


Salinity Measurement The Future? A salinity measure (g-salt/kg) is needed that is more accurate than conductivity-based Practical Salinity Spatial variations in the composition of seawater upsets the relationship between Practical Salinity S (which is a function of conductivity, temperature and pressure) and Absolute Salinity SA (defined as the mass of dissolved material per mass of seawater solution)

CTD dan Rosette


Sensor CTD

Absolute Salinity would: end the ongoing debate in the oceanographic literature about the use of psu or pss make research papers more readable to the outside scientific community be consistent with SI A Reference Composition consisting of the major components of Atlantic surface seawater is being determined using existing analytical measurements A new Reference-Composition Salinity SR is defined to provide the best available estimate of the Absolute Salinity The value of SR can be related to Practical Salinity S by SR = (35.165 04 / 35) g kg1 S An algorithm will account for the variation of seawater composition from the standard composition using either measured parameters (e.g., total alkalinity, silicate and nitrate) or simply the spatial location (longitude, latitude and pressure)


Salinity Variability Variations in salinity depend almost entirely on: Keseimbangan evaporation dan precipitation Percampuran antara massa air permukaan dan perairan dalam Kadar Salinitas Permukaan air High (up to 37.5) in mid-latitudes due to net evaporation Low at high latitudes (to ~33 above 40N and S) and at the equator (~35) due to net precipitation (banyaknya curah hujan)

Density The density of fresh water is 1.00 (gram/ml or kg/litre) but added salts can increase this. The saltier the water, the higher its density.

The relationship between temperature, salinity and density is shown by the blue isopycnal (of same density) curves in this diagram


T-S DIAGRAM In the ocean water masses obtain their t,s properties at the surface and tend to retain these properties for centuries as they are subducted into the oceans interior and away from any sources or sinks of heat. Later we will discuss the formations and transport these various water masses that are apparent on a T-S diagram (Figure 6)-- but for now we want to move onto the momentum equation and a discussion of pressure.


1. Jika nilai konsentrasi salinitas yang terukur adalah 3,45 persen, maka hitunglah dalam satuan : - parts per thousand - Parts per million - gram per kilogram

2. Berapakah nilai salinitas air laut bila nilai Chloronity adalah 19,10 ?

3. Jelaskan tentang variasi nilai salinitas dari perairan tropis (equator) sampai ke wilayah kutub pada samudera Pasifik ?



Depth (m) 100 200 400 500 600 850 950

5. Buatlah T-S diagramnya.

Suhu (C) 16 13 11 9 8 13 12,5 11 4,8 3,5 2,0 0,0

Salinity () 36,1 35,8 35,5 35,3 35 37,3 37,1 36,7 34,8 35 34,9 34,8

1200 1500 2000 2200 2500

Salinitas ()

T e m p er at ur C


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