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Inclusion North Bulletin

Issue Number 62
25th March 2014 In this bulletin you will hear about some of the work Inclusion North is doing and information about what is happening across the country.

Find Inclusion North on Facebook and Twitter You can find out more about all the work we are doing by following us on Facebook and twitter at: Facebook: Twitter: @InclusionNorth

Report on Mental Capacity Act

The House of Lords set up a committee to look at the Mental Capacity Act 2005. The Committees main finding is that the Act is not widely implemented. It also found that the Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards are not fit for purpose. The full text of the report can be viewed here: cap/139/139.pdf

An Easy Read summary of the report can be viewed here:

Yorkshire, Humber and North East Meeting with People First England
People First England has been set up because there are umbrella self-advocacy organisations in many other countries around the world including Scotland and Wales. There is not an umbrella self-advocacy group in England. They believe People First England is needed to make the advocacy and leadership in the Self-Advocacy Movement strong so it can make the changes needed for people with learning disabilities to lead equal lives to everyone else. You can read about their ideas at

Inclusion North is hosting this special meeting on 14th May but it is not their meeting. It is a meeting for Self Advocacy groups, and SelfAdvocacy leaders to meet together and talk about: People First England Any worries or questions you have Your ideas for the future The meeting will be from 11 am 3pm in York. If you would like to come to the meeting or to find out more please contact Marie on:

0113 262 6409

Supreme Court Ruling on Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards

A new ruling makes clear the test for Deprivation of Liberty for adults who lack capacity about whether to be accommodated in the following places: Hospitals Hospices Residential Care Homes Post 18 Residential College Provision Nursing Care Homes; and also Some types of supported living and, Shared Lives schemes Here is a link to more information about the case

and the ruling itself

Easy Read Budget

United Response has published an easyread version of the 2014 budget. This includes details about the new welfare cap. You can read it here:

2014 Zero Project Report

The Zero Project has been researching the rights of disabled people. Their theme for 2014 is Accessibility. They have found that the rights of disabled people in the UK have gone backwards over the last year. You can read the report here:

A Place I Call Home

The Winterbourne View Joint Improvement Programme now has a bulletin to keep you up to date with what it is doing. To find out more, visit

You can subscribe to this bulletin by emailing

Disability and Austerity The Challenges of Health, Social and Welfare Reform Conference
Welfare reforms have impacted on almost everybody, but disabled people are amongst those who have been the hardest hit. This conference will look at how the current climate has impacted on disabled people and what can be done to positively address these issues. It is at Newcastle Racecourse on 1st July 2014 To find out more and book your place please follow this link: Disability and Austerity.

NHS England Data

NHS England has shared the numbers of people with Learning Disabilities who were living in hospitals on 31st December 2013. This data was sent by commissioners in Clinical Commissioning Groups. You can see the full information and numbers at

Bringing Us Together
Bringing us together is an online community for families, carers, young people or anyone interested in disability or special educational needs to share information and connect. You can find out more here:

Film about Person Centred Reviews

The young people at Barndale School in Northumberland have made a film. It is about person centred reviews. You can watch it here.

Person centred thinking Training

Connect in the North is running person centred thinking workshops in Leeds. They introduce different tools which you can use to support people with learning difficulties to live the lives they want. The workshops are free to people working in Leeds. Organisations can book up to 3 people on each workshop. You can book a place using this form: pproachesSpring2014Availability

or contact Sarah:

0113 270 3233

Free Arts Taster Days

Purple Patch Arts are launching two weekly arts programmes for adults with learning disabilities. There will be two taster sessions in Doncaster on 9th April 12th May You can find out more information in this flyer:

If you would like to come contact Fran on 07715906391 or email

Our time at Tomorrows leaders by Jodie & Sharon

Since June last year Inclusion North has been running a course for people who are already leaders in their area but want to become better at this. Here is what two of the people who completed the course have to say about it. Jodie: We started our course last June in Leeds. We learnt a lot about being a leader. I am now a health champion and Co-chair of the Northeast Partnership Board and would not have thought about going for these things if I had not been part of Tomorrows leaders course. Its given me so much confidence and I hope I can help people with a disability to have a voice and get a better life in the future Sharon: It was so much fun being part of Tomorrows Leaders. I met lots of new people, shared ideas with other groups and told people about how we are leaders. I thought the speakers were really excellent and we especially liked the PA drama. We graduated in March which made us feel really proud of ourselves and it was a good day all round. My family is really proud of me and have ordered lots of photos of me in my cap and gown.

What is coming up next at Inclusion North

North East Talking Travel 28th March Yorkshire & Humber Safe Places and Talking Travel 1st May People First England Meeting 14th May Yorkshire & Humber Family Carers 29th May North East Family Carers 6th June Yorkshire & Humber Lead Officers 13th June North East Learning Disability Partnership 27th June

If you would like to know more about any of these events contact Claire or Marie on 0113 262 6409

If you would like any information on any of our meetings, training or projects you can contact the office on: Tel: 0113 262 6409 E-mail:

Or you can write to us at: Inclusion North 191 Belle Vue Road Leeds LS3 1HG

You can visit our website at:

Or you can contact any member of the Inclusion North team: Samantha Clark Tel: 07823 536 603 Email:

Scott Cunningham Tel: 07767 776 125 Email:

Kellie Woodley Tel: 07876 145 390 Email:

Lucy Virgo Tel: Email:

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