FC Derm (SA) Part II Past Papers - 2013 2nd Semester 26-3-2014

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FC Derm(SA) Part II


Incorporated Association not for gain Reg No 1955/000003/08

Final Examination for the Fellowship of the College of Dermatologists of South Africa 22 August 2013 Principles and Practice of Dermatology Paper 1 (3 hours)

All questions to be answered. Each question to be answered in a separate book (or books if more than one is required for the one answer)


b) c)

A 25-year-old PhD student diagnosed with eczema is referred to you by her general practitioner for tests to help manage her eczema. Discuss the different tests that can be used and their relevance to this patient. (10) A patient presents with a generalised superficial fungal infection of the skin. Write notes on your choice of systemic antifungal and factors that will influence this. (8) A 41-year-old is referred to you with diagnosis of polyarteritis nodosa. Write brief notes on how you would manage this patient. (7) [25] Discuss the clinical features and management of neonatal herpes simplex virus infection. (10) Outline your approach to the management of a patient with alopecia mucinosa. (10) Write notes on the use of potassium iodide in dermatology. (5) [25] Discuss the clinical applications of excimer laser therapy in dermatology. Write notes on dermatological conditions associated with depression. Discuss the poor prognostic indicators for malignant melanomas. (8) (7) (10) [25]

a) b) c)

a) b) c) a) b)

List the diagnostic criterion and common dermatological manifestations of the HIV associated immune reconstitution inflammatory syndrome. (10) Describe the histopathological similarities and differences of acute, subacute and chronic cutaneous lupus erythematosus. (15) [25]

FC Derm(SA) Part II


Incorporated Association not for gain Reg No 1955/000003/08

Final Examination for the Fellowship of the College of Dermatologists of South Africa 23 August 2013 Principles and Practice of Dermatology Paper 2 (3 hours)

All questions to be answered. Each question to be answered in a separate book (or books if more than one is required for the one answer)


b) 2 a) b) c) 3 a) b) c) 4 a) b)

A patient is referred to you with a chronic venous stasis ulcer for initiation of compression stockings. Write notes on the type of wound dressings you would use relative to the status of the ulcer. (15) Write notes on urticaria as a manifestation of systemic disease. (10) [25] Outline your approach to the management of a 26-year-old HIV infected male, with a 6 week history of annular papulosquamous perioral and peri-nasal lesions. (15) Write notes on the nail changes in psoriasis. (5) Write notes on pseudoporphyria. (5) [25] Discuss the controversy relating to Vitamin D and sunscreens. (5) With respect to sunscreens, discuss the newer sunscreen additives and their role. (10) Discuss the clinical applications of trichoscopy in dermatology. (10) [25] Define the tuberculids and compare and contrast their histopathological features.(12) Discuss how you would use immunofluorescence to differentiate the autoimmune subepidermal blistering disorders. (13) [25]

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