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People receive input data by seeing or hearing them.

These data are then stored in the files, which also act as a control and logic unit. The outputs obtained from this type of information processing are oral or written reports and in some cases, even a variety of physical operations the human mind, acting as control and logic unit can perform many operation data: adding, subtracting, multiplying, dividing, sorting values repeating the operations different set of data; comparing two items, outputting result in a pre-arranged manner, revising the processing operation as result of change instruction. In spite of wide activity performed by a human, the human remains an unreliable processor. Human mind is slow in performing arithmetical calculation and is rather erratic in applying unit of logics fatigue and boredom are among human frailties that cause 1% to 10% of an error in computation and clerical task where judgment is require human mind is expansible to make decisions in data processing systems because of the difficulty of planning and handle all eventualities. In summary, human being alone are inefficient data processors but they become a vital component of all data processing system because of the need for decision and judgments.


Being a manual system, the probability of error is high. Many of the tasks are repetitive and hence tedious. Data retrieval may be time consuming and may not easily convey information. Searching of records based on certain criteria is almost impossible. There is always a possibility of losing records. Lesser flexibility. Fewer users friendly. More working hours than as demanded by computerized system.


Provides more flexibility. It takes comparatively lesser time to access the information. Provides user-friendly environment. Requires less working labor. It removes any redundancy that may occur in physical solutions to the problem as various checks can be incorporated to check the redundancy.


Feasibility study is a test of the system proposal according to its workability, impact on organization, ability to meet user needs, and effective use of resources. The feasibility study depends upon the result on initial investigation, and the survey is expanded to a more detailed feasibility study. It focuses on major three questions: What resources are available for the given candidate systems? Is the problem worth solving? What are the users demonstratable needs and how does a candidate system meet them? What are the likely impacts of the candidate system on the organization? Is there a new and better way to do the job that will benefit the user? What are the costs and sav

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